Questions after this meeting can be directed to dem press at sf dot org. Thank you for your time and that concludes todays press conference. thank this is a remoteo conferencing. Due to the governors order and the sixteenth proclamation declaring the existence of a local emergency. The covid 19 emergency the Fire Commissions meeting at city hall is closed and will convene remotely. You can kawch a watch at sffd d. You can call and enter access code 146 7836196. Item one, roll call. roll call commissioner Tony Rodriguez has been excused. Item two general Public Comment. The general public can address any matter for up to two minutes that does not show up on the agenda. Commissioners are not to answer or enter debate into any speaker. The lack of response is not necessarily in agreement with or opposition of any Public Comment. is there any Public Comment at this time . there is no Public Comment. okay. Thank you. Public comment is hold on one moment. Did you want to make Public Comment . Caller three . No Public Comment. There is no Public Comment. okay. Is the caller waiting for another item . they are not talking. okay. Public comments is closed. Next item, please. item two,item three approval of the minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve the Meeting Minutes of june 23, 2020. i have some minor changes thats mostly misspellings and that stuff but nothing of substance. I will address that with the commissions secretary tomorrow morning. i move to approve madam president. thank you, commissioner cleveland. Is there a second . second. thank you Vice President. All in favor please respond when the secretary calls your name. kro roll call . the minutes are approved unanimously. great. Thank you. Next item, please. approval of the minutes from the special meetingactually that was the special meeting on june 23 that we just approved. Now these are the regular Meeting Minutes on july eighth, 2020. it was the regular meeting that i was referring to. But i will entertain a motion for the special meeting. madam president , a couple comments and perhaps these are the same that you are going to reference. On page two it talks about th thethat needs to be completed at the end of 2020. I imagine 2024 and not 2020. This is the middle of the page where it says direction should begin in early 2020. I would dare say that would be rapid fast. I imagine it would be 2024. Would staff like to throw out the date. chief, do you have that figure in your head . im sorry. I didnt hear the question. the rebuild of station 13 was to be completedstarted when and completed when . the rebuild of station 13 has not yet begun, i havent heard anything about the build since recently. Everything with covid 19 has it on hold. theres not real date yet. Its not been scheduled yet. okay. Well just scratch that out of the minutes. okay. the second part on the minutes dealing with the retirement of mr. Green. Someone was to take that position. I believe the chief is intending to bring together a group of people to replace his position. Ill just make that minor change. Chief do you have verbiage youd like to put in there . youre go to go have moreie than one . we have a committee thats been put together that is doing a search and some sort of investigations and research for us. Yes, the plan is to have more than one person of one faith because we are a Diverse Department and frankly nobody can replace mr. Green any way. We drove that poor man into the ground. We put a lot on his shoulders. For a couple of reasons we want to change that up. It is in process. Covid 19 put a little hitch in our giddy up as well. We do have a committee on it. okay. Excuse me, commissioner cleveland, may i interject a question. of course. thank you. Chief, i thought you said its not just different religions but different denominations as well. yes. okay. add that to the minutes. yes, please. very good. Those were the only two comments i had on that. okay. Thank you, commissioner cleveland. You have already moved the item. i will do so with those changes. okay. Thank you. We have a motion on the floor s there a seconisthere a second p. second. roll call motion passes. Item four, chief of department support. Report of chief of department on current activities in the Department Since the Fire Commission meeting on july 8th 2020 including Budget Academy and special events. Other Government Agencies and the public and reports and administration. Status and updates. Finance, support services and training within the department. good evening, president and commissioners. This is my report. For wednesday july 22 for the last two weeks. We had our 16th emt graduation. Our Vice President was there out on treasure island. We did it socially distant and thank you for your remarks Vice President. Several of us at station 49 went to a Virtual Training gender 101 and inclusion policy. Were getting our folks trained on that. I went and visited one of our members who was sick this week with cancer. She is not working right now but i went and visited him at his home from a safe distance, of course. For the covid 19 update. The Community Spread is increasing in numbers. Thats what were seeing sort of folks getting it from family and friends. And bringing it to work. We had a little bit of a uptick in our numbers. We have 14 overall people have tested positive within the department. Many of them are back to work. Seven of them were symptomatic. There was no hospitalization within our department. I believe we have six people off right now. We are doing everything we can, reiterating pte and everything that weve been doing thats been working thus far. We just see this going up in the state and the country. Its not surprising we have a little bit of an uptick. The Physicians Office has been really wonderful. In terms of, you know, updating stuff daily. Changes coming to our procedures from the cd c, from the d ph on a regular basis. This stuff is changing almost daily. We have seen three of our ems six members all come down with covid 19. They were all working around a particular site. An isolation and quarantine site. None of them are super sick like i said. The ppe works for us for the most part in the field. A lot of people have covid 19 fatigue. I think its common and our members are no different. Were making sure that our members are aware of the services that we have available to them. Not just the stress unit but this app we came out with recently. The Doctors Office has really been very helpful working with our employees in any way they can. Its not just covid 19 fatigue, its stress around their families not wanting to bring covid 19 home or what have you. It is an on going challenge for us. Just so you know the command staff and i spent a significant amount of time participating in meetings like this evening. Each day discussing various issues that arise on a daily basis. With this virus surgethat includes internal departmentcan somebody mute because theres a lot of noise in the background. Okay. Some of those meetings are we have internal Department Meetings once a week, every wednesday. My command staff and i sit down and let each other know whats going on and whats new. We have city Wide Department policy meetings that include the mayor, chief worth will be taking that one for me tonight. Its at 6 00 oclock. Thank you chief for that. We have daily discussions with the local emsa. As things change with the virus, we have changes in regulations and directives and the like. Theres a Transportation Work Group that were onto discuss transit operational challenges. Theres all sorts of things going on there. Transit lanes only et cetera. Theres also a tender loin work group that we participate in discussing challenges in the po. There is a constant dance with the sfmpa because there are a lot of Different Things coming our way, slow streets, shared spaces, and transit only lanes. These are all things were being asked to move forward with and as expediently as we can. But it takes some work on our end to make sure that we are still able to respond. That we still have good access to folks in these neighborhoods when they want to shut down or slow down a street. That is of ultimate importance to us. We have to balance that with the needs of the city and wanting to open up businesses and people needing to get out and stretch their legs. But we have to be very mindful from our point of view in terms of making that happen to ensure that we do have good access. And the other thing about that is this is alsothat is under chief operations. But its also under our fire marshall. These things areweve been asked to do all these things. As you know fire prevention, it usually makes money for us and were not making any money on this stuff. Were not charging any fees for any of this. I think everyone at this time has been asked to step up and do more with less. You know, were working as part of the city family as best we can. Those are some of the challenges that have come out of covid 19. I also do a Public Safety departmental meeting every two weeks. We are heavily involved in h stock to help the Operations Center. One of our paramedic captains is running it. I want to say, im not just saying this to say it but these are just some of the things that have come out of covid 19 while were also trying to run our department. Whether its purchasing, training, whatever it happens to be. These are just additional things that have been added on us while were working in this covid 19 timeframe. The budget is also big right now. Its a very sort of strange time, we have not finalized our budget negotiations with the mayors Budget Office yet. But we are working as hard as we possibly can. I do want this budget to have any impact on our operations in any way, shape, or form. I have said that to them over and over again. Its unacceptable. I know that the city is also working with different unions right now. Negotiating with unions to see if theyll hold off on some of their pay raises. Thats going to play a part in our budget as well. I dont have a report for you in terms of what is what but the schedule for the submission is august first. Its coming down to crunch time. Im hoping that theyve got the stuff with labor figured out pretty soon. What else . We had a hearing on emergency Fire Fighting water system on july 16th. We reported on the civil grand jury required updates. Chief may have that in his report. Suppression has been super busy. Weve had a ton of fires in the last two weeks. Im really proud of how our members have done. Ive gone out to a couple of them and our folks are working hard. As we know ems has been busy and definitely picking up. Ems six is really to its own detriment that they are doing so good that they are asking to do more right now. Fire prevention is busy as well with those additional asks that we have. I just want to thank the commission for all the work you do for us and thampg th thank td stuff for all you are doing. That includes mark and our civilians as well. Its a team effort and everybodys working their tails off. Everybody that i see here right now is working really hard. I appreciate all of them. That kn colludes m concludes my. thank you chief. Is there any pu Public Comment n the chiefs report . let me check. We do have public comept. Comment. Caller seven. Hello . No. Caller three. Caller three do you have Public Comment . no. no pub pli Public Comment. okay. Thank you. I will go to my fellow commissioners. i dont have any questions for the chief, i really appreciate and have a true sense of how hard everybodys been working. My comment is really more of a thank you. We get these little alerts regarding Motor Vehicle accidents, brush fires, bigger fires, medical occurrences. It just seem it me stabbings, and gunshot woundstheres a tension that you can sense. I know i dont get all that you get but just from what i receive, i can sense that. I really want to thank you because you guys have a lot of courage and just dedication to do it day after day after day under really what are becoming very warying and trying circumstances. My comment is more of a thanks than anything else. thank you, madam, Vice President. Commissioner. madam president. Thank you chief for your reportyour reports are always straight forward with information. This evening your report was full of a lot of information and still very informative and straight forward. I appreciate the detail on the report on the membership in terms of covid 19. The information in regards to how many members in our department have it. How some of them are systematic and some of them are recovered. Let me double check my numbers again but did you say, chief, that we had about 14 cases in the department . yes. Over the past couple months weve had 14. Not 14 at once, but 14 total. Right now i believe six people are out with it. okay. Chief just to run it down a little bit. What is protocol if a member tests positive or has symptoms of covid 19 and gets tested. Does that member automatically get sent home. Can you give a Little Information in terms of protocol. yeah. Ive have chief fellow take this. Hes been really involved in this and has better details than doi. thank you. In regards to your question, we have this very thorough process of notifications for the members. First of all it depends if the member is working or not working. If not working the member calls the officer and then the Doctors Office. That member is put off. It depends how long he is off and has any symptoms. Its a workers comp. Issue if he becomes sick. The county is already treating covid 19 for the time being. The member is automatically sent home after notifying the supervisor. We also do Contact Tracing of the members. If the member tests positive today, they were tested yesterday. The protocol is calling all the members that worked with that member the last two or three days. If that member happened to work several days in a row, well notify all those folks and the company officer. We notify them and the Doctors Office is given the right information to do. If its a symptomatic after ten days we do a negative test to come back. Were working on a new pro procs on how to do that. The members know how and what to do. The officers know what to do. We really fine tuned the process for the members what to do and we Work Together to do that. Its been working well so far commissioner. thank you so much. Just a couple of followups. In that process where the member feels ill, testing is there somewhere along that line. Do we have a particular place for our member it go and is that accessible . yes. The city tests at the site 3132 its accessible for city workers. Everyone that work with that individual is recommended they go testing. And if they register as a dsw worker, they have priority going to pier 31, 32 side. Thats one of the most accurate tests we can do. Less than forty eight hours we have is the results. That helps with Contact Tracing. when a member is better or well is there protocol on when he returns back to work. Is he immediately back at the station or whats the process . the current protocolweve been asking for a negative test. We usually give ten days after the original test. Weve been changing and modifying the guidelines. Well record a negative test, we still require a negative test until we decide to change it accord to go the guidelines. A minimum of ten day fz yos if e a symptomatic and twenty days if you are symptomatic. i appreciate the report and the comments. I appreciate the word covid 19 fatigue. How long this is taking with apparently no end in sight. I appreciate you giving a frank description of not only how this effects our membership but also how it effects their family members. My only other comment is if you recall at the last Commission Meeting i asked for some clarity on who works for the department for the safe streets and the inherittive responsibility. I was wondering how much time that takes. It was evident that the fire marsh anmarshall and operationss involved. Is that an inherent responsibility. We dont charge for those services. I think its significant all of these requests for the city and trying to be a Strong Player takes time and energy from our department and i look at that as a relationship in terms of budget. If theres any justification to me in terms of budget of this department, its all the extra responsibility and work that were doing presently thats covid 19 related. Thats all ive been hearing in terms of economics, effects, Mental Health, physical, jobs related. Whats the cost and effect of covid 19 in terms of operation and administration. Again, i hear what were doing and i hear the increase. I also appreciate the membership in terms of cooperating but to me its a clear justification for dollars on the budget for our department in terms of what we do and what we do best. Thank you for your report, chief. thank you commissioner. okay. Thank you. Commissioner cleveland. thank you, madam president. And thank you commissioner for your comments because i was going to also jump in on the safe streets and slow Streets Program that i knowits been given a lot of press recently. Particularly the tender loin. They seem to be crying about how we dont haveevery other part of the city has been given slow streets. I thought the chief could elaborate or one of your staff could elaborate on what seems to be the problem and is there a solution, like perhaps using smaller response vehicles. Im not sure what the problem is exactly. I thought a little elaboration would be good here. sure, you bet, commissioner. In the tender loin. Jones street has been approved. It should be in process moving forward right now with the mta. That was a many weeks collaboration with the mta. Part of what has happened that put this in the media isand sort of what happened as well is either some of the supervisors or offices or mta have put out, oh, were going to do slow streets here or there. Without working with us yet and so then the ball gets dropped in our court. Why isnt the Fire Department doing anything. Thats been some of the communication problem that we have definitely worked on with the mta and with our sawp viso supervisors aids. First of all, it is our most densely packed neighborhood in the city, number one. Number two, it is the busiest corridor for fire and ems in the nation. It is not something that we take lightly to shut down lanes of a street. If were talking in terms of equity, you know, it has been brought to my attention by many many people, ive gotten a lot of emails over the past couple weeks, this is about equity and why cant we open the streets up. I absolutely want to be able to work with folks. We have to do our Due Diligence and make surewere going to go back and look at this in a week or month. Make sure our Response Times are not impacted. Jones street is a thorough fare that our rigs use a lot. It was a really challenging street for us to figure out. We also need to not only get our rigs through but place our aerial ladders, gin, get our ambulances through. Its our highest call volume in the city as well. We want to make sure that we can respond to em everyone there. We do have a process in place. We are working more closely with the mta. Its, you know, its challenging. Its not that we didnt want to do something in the tender loin or we didnt want to help. Public safety is always our number one. We really have to do our Due Diligence around. Frankly there were a lot of people that were aware of this. Thats why were going to some of our members. Thats why were going to followup and look at it in another two weeks or month. To make sure its not having an impact on the people who live there in a negative way that we cant get to them or another place through that street. what was the solution on jones street . sovictor. hello commissioners. Deputy chief of operations. The problem is jones street, the solution was they wanted to extend the sidewalk from 12 feet to 19 feet. We did that. We gave them what would be the parking lane and put some k rails along the inside of the parking lane so it wouldnt effect us being able to get the aerials to the top of a seven story building. It took some give and take. We worked it out. I would have liked to have chosen a different street. Jones street is a major artery for getting into the tender loin. The streets going into that direction up and down thats where station one and three all come from. The k rails and took another half of a lane. They feel where the cars are they are putting k rails with six feet in between. We have to run our hoses in and gurneys through. They didnt want to put a lane right next to those k rails. They were afraid pedestrians would walk without looking. Basically thats what we gave up and on the far lane theres also parking on that lane. Were down to twolanes what normally we would have three minimum. youre going to do a two week trial, so to speak. A test trial. Youll report back in two weeks on this particular issue just to see if its suck h successful ot adjustments need to be made in order for it to be successful. exactly. Were going to do two weeks, a month, six months a year. Our Response Times will be evaluated. We will hopefully, they are calling this temporary. We can change it if need be if its effecting us negatively. thank you. Thats all my questions. thank you, commissioner. madam president , may i direct a question thats kind of related. Chief, help me here. Whats a k rail . k rails are the cement barriers that you usually see that separate lanes. Theres different kinds of separators or barricade thats we can use. Theres the removable bare yids barricades. Those are the iron ones. They have the runs that are orange and fill them up with water. They have the cement ones. Theres three different ones that were used to using. are they moveable if you need to get assistance be it a truck in the right position for a fire or an ambulance . So that it can get to a person in medical distress . these particular ones will not be moveable. They will be the water filled ones or the cement filled ones. They are placed exactly where a parked car would be. In essence its the same as a parked car. As long as we have six feet to bring our hose lines in or gurneys in. The iron ones that you see a lot that the Police Department use, they are not used much anymore because they can be turned into weapons or throne into windows. Were okay if they are in exactly where the car would be parked and we could get in between them. i understand. one other thing because its such a hot topic. Its in a hole different area. This is something new that we never dealt with before. Its a whole other category. This took somei have to give kudos it the fire marshallthere was a lot of thought that went into this to prevent a problem. im sure. Thank you and thank you for the explanation. Chief, now youre on the hot seat. Question, when you talked about Contact Tracing when a member has a positive test or symptoms. Does that Contact Tracing extend to external sources. I know in the general communityits community acquired. The backyard bbq that maybe shouldnt be or the social event that perhaps is too large. Im just wondering given members schedules whethertheyre not in it the fire house the whole time if they are contracting this or coming in contact with someone who is positive, are we getting that far in terms of determining where theyre particular virus Contact Tracing came from . the answer to that is no sm we go as far as Contact Tracing our members. Basically if a member walks in the station two days in a row, we notify everyone that worked with that member. Let them know the member tested positive and they should follow wup thfollowup with a test. Youve seen recently the mask policy that we instituted according to guidelines. Weve been doing that all along. We continue to reinforce that. We recently also stopped Multi Company drills to avoid members handling tools and equipment and sharing them in the right way. We try to eliminatewere dialing back on what we can do. Were trying to prevent our members. As far as tracing, we go as far as the members. We let them know to followup with their families. thank you. I hope they do. yeah. thank you. okay. Thank you, Vice President. First of all i want to say that i really wish good health to every member of the department especially those who tested positive. There are some people that just dont get it. They dont get how serious a pandemic is. our people are at risk. I wish that people would really understand that. I dont know. Theresi wish that within the department there would be some discussion about how we as a department can get the word out about how important it is that people follow the guidelines. That people follow the science. Fire fighters, emts, paramedics are very respected members of the community. It would be wonderful to be able to use that cache to speak from the point of view from the people doing the heavy lifting on this. We can talk more about that in another setting. I really think it behooves us as a department to add all voices how sear jus thing serious thin. Maybe working with sfgovtv that highlight these processions. We really have to change this. Flatten the curve, the curve is flattening up. Its unbelievable. People are still so cavalier about it. It makes me sad and it makes me mad. Any way. president , im going to be quiet shortly. I pro promise. may i complete my comments, ill come back to you. im sorry. thank you. All right. We have an increasinglingly heay portfolio that are things that are not traditional for the Fire Department without additional resources. This is an untenable position for the Fire Department that all these responsibilities are being added to already a very very heavy load. My fellow commissioners were going to have to raise our voices in support of the department and in support ofas little impact on our budget as possible. Im depending upon you to did that. Were ai all mayoral appointeesd we have a voice. We should use our voice. I wanted to ask abouti know they were still in negotiations today. I doan know whe dont know wheno conclude. They are actively working on it. It has to happen soon because august first is right around the corner as we know. This year is very unusual in terms of the budget because of covid 19 and its more fluid than it has been in the past but, yeah, i knowtheyve gone back and forth at least once with proposals. okay. And i also had a question for mr. Co rso has been very quiet over there. Hello. Can you tell us if there has been any update or any direction concerning the budget . I know the initial ask was 2 and that was raised to 10 . Is it still at 10 reduction request . good evening, madam president. Commissioners, chief. Yes. Finance planning department. Yes, i think it was mentioned with on going labor negotiations. Any further reductions are basing on whether they can come to agreement with unions. Theres a lot up in the air and uncertainty and a lot to be worked out between now and the first as chief mentioned. The focus is on a city wide perspective with those negotiations with the layer unions. okay. If there is an additional request for reduction, can you please make sure that the commissioners have that information right away. absolutely. Im haddie at the nex happy at o give an update and an environmental impact. back to the chief of the department. Why do you think there have been so many fires over the last two weeks . We know the fourth of july was very hot in terms of all the runs that had to take place in order to keep the city safe. But the last two weeks, what is your take on that . im going to be as scientific as this, president. Sometimes things just come in runs. Things just come in numbers. Were seeing that right now. I dont know that there is any rhyme or reason so it. Obviously weve seen an increase in encampment fires and brush fires, grass fires and the like. Different reasons whether its an increase in tents of unhoused people. The grass et cetera. This islike last night it was a home that was under construction. Thats a fairly common cause of a fire for us. But, you know, sometimes it just comes in numbers. I dont have a real scientific answer for you. okay. Thank you. Well, hopefully its run its course and things will slow down quite a bit. what else did i want toi wanted to thank chief for going over in detail the information about people who test positive. It sounds like a very very good protocol. Thank you for that. I want to know if our safety director would have anything to add to the conversation . That would be natasha parks. ill unmute myself. i didnt want to get your name so i didnt give you one. thank you, madam president , commissioners. Im chief of health, safety, and wellness. Chief billion o bellow explained everything really well. I dont really have anything to add. Were getting a q and a out to the members. Just reiterating ppe and proper mask protection. all right. I did seeim sure all the commissioners saw there was an update on how to done and dos the protective equipment. That would be very good to repeat over and over and over again. Theres a lot of transmission that can take place during those two actions. Thank you. uhhuh. Battal i donchief parks. Lets see. Oh, the jones street. What should i call it . Its not an incidentits just quite somebody. Its a challenge. Thats what well call it. its a slow street. it is a slow street. Its really a challenge. All right. I doapt want to take up too much time. I will hold any other questions i have and i will go back to Vice President fin. ill pass. Thank you. madam secretary. Next. know that you called for Public Comment. I see a hand raised here now do you want me to go in. all right. We already passed that point but we can boom rang and go back. okay. Caller did you want to make Public Comment on the chiefs report. yes. I did want to make Public Comment on the chiefs report. In my opinion, probably increases the ability for the fire truck to get through. We see the same thing in the tenderline. I ask Fire Commission to think outside the box when it comes to slow streets. What we can create in the tenderline not just family and children, its not just a play yar for folks who are sequestered at home, but also when theres an Emergency Vehicle that needs to use that street, there wont be any traffic to compete against. There wont be any cars, any trucks to compete against. Which will actually increase the ability for them to do their job well and quickly and decrease Response Time which keeps everyone else safe. I ask the commission to really look at international examples, look at examples here in San Francisco. I wantei want to talk about a cy thats not known for bad Response Time or rampant times. That city is barcelona. They have a city called super block. They block off huge parts of streets to cars and let private vehicles only use the perimeter a super block. What that does is, it allows for Emergency Vehicles to have unimpeded access to those streets in previously congested unables. Look at barcelona and look at San Francisco and other parts of San Francisco as an example for what flow streets can look like in the tenderloin. Its not a competition. Its a collaboration and that collaboration needs to happen now. At the end of the day, when we open up those streets in tenderloin, thats a race and equity issue. Thank you. Any other members of the public that like to speak at this time . I dont see any hands. Let me check. Would you like to make Public Comment on the chiefs report . Would you like to make Public Comment on the chief report . Yes, i would like to. You have three minutes. Thank you commissioners. I know this is [indiscernible] im a resident of district two. I like to echo the caller to say i really hope that i realize that this is not the commission job. I dont know how many of you there is a lot of frustration from advocates in the tenderlo tenderloin. I really respect and understand the Fire Departments concerns about Response Times. That is the Fire Departments job. I hope that theres some way to balance or to make the streets work well. We have this need for the Fire Department, we also have the 99 of the time when people are in the streets for everyday lives. Thank you very much. That completes my comment. Thank you for your comment. Is there anyone else . Would you like to make Public Comment . Theres no more Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Please call the next item. Its a report from administration. Deputy chief jose velo. Good afternoon president and Vice President and commissioners. Im deputy chief for the administration and this my report for the month. Can you see that . Yes. Perfect. This is my report for the month of june. Quickly go over some of the highlights of the report you have in your hand. Our division has been busy working with the chief and work groups trying to revise all our manuals and operating guidelines. We have a goal of december for the first draft and february for the final draft to have the full revision of our manuals. Most manuals was revised in 2008 and some in 2012 and some later. We want to make sure that were up to date and operational issues. There are multiple operations. We resume e. M. S. Captain training in june. We almost completed probation testing. One member of the class because of injury has provision extended. We currently do drivein testing. Which will complete their assessment the next few weeks. They will be coming to d. O. T. And p. I. To do their test. After that, what happens to them they rotate. Also, due to covid19, our annual training all the things we do have been done mostly virtually. We have a group of 75 folks volunteer on deployments. New members never been trained before cannot take training this year. Everyone else is moving forward with that. Also on the e. M. S. Training side, they adopted a new protocol for a new device to do c. P. R. It allows the crews to perform high quality c. P. R. Without being so close to the patient. E. M. S. Captains are going to carry this device and their training our folks at the stations how to use this device. It was mentioned already that we graduated 16th class level one at t. I. These are the five folks that came to our department. Very happy to have that and being able to work with them in the field. Were part of those props that we walk around inside the building. Now were expanding that. We do it for more containers there to navigate that. Right hand side you see a make up log. Our team has been busy with covid and the report youll see number of participation on help and covid. Were pleased with that and the amount of work. Tremendous amount of work and always leadership of the captain that leads to the team be so efficient. Our chief is modest. Hes been doing a ton of work for us. We talk about last Commission Meeting we with the Antibody Testing. If you read the latest from the Doctors Office, we only had less than 1 of our members showed antibodies for covid19. Which is not good and dont produce herd immunity for our members. They doing a further study and why its such a low number. Three members were tested show traces of antibodies for covid19. Working a lot on our stress unit. We asked the member to be part of the pier support team. 39 members applied for that. Their committee with the stress unit was with chief parks, selected 36 of those 39 to be part of the pier support team. Its an on call team that any time can reach out and refer members. From those, we are having yesterday and today two classes of Critical Incident and Response Team at d. O. T. This is a team that will be on call and stand by in case of a Major Incident that requires more than what the stress unit and two members can handle. Theyll be on call on different shifts. They will be paged if they need to go an effect. Theyll be assisting the cirt unit on this event. Our Doctor Office has doing well. What i said earlier about the Contact Tracing, theyre a huge component of that. Theyre making phone calls pretty much all day for that. Theyre following up with d. P. H. And getting reports from patients that were contacted by our members and follow up with the members. We have a text that we sent out to the members. Make sure they follow up with that. They are doing all of that. The focus is going to be the influence vaccination. We already purchased that. Our high goal is 70 of our members to be vaccinated. I think this year member will adhere to that. All members selected for random testing all tested negative. We lost lieutenant mckuen to cover his position. Theyre been busy with vacancies coming up. There was lot of retirees this career. That was great influx of people that need to be help to change the schedule and so forth. Then i will show you how many actually retired. Update on the fleet theyve been working hard on this. We havwewe test through our citf you pass the test, then we have four more that completed. Two more in the process now with a total of seven aerial trucks coming in the near future. Its greatly needed. We have five more engines over the last part of the contract. We have delivered vehicles for battalions and two more to be outfitted to battalions that need it. Were now looking at december to finalizing this project. Builder is pushing this. We trying to make sure [indiscernible]. Also we push back on that make sure we dont delay more. We have floors finished up this week. We finalized solar panels to this building too. This is some of the pictures that we have. Its very close to finalizing. This is the solar panels on the roof that was installed this week. Very efficient green building. This is the interior on the left hand side. The next phase is the connection to pg e. Human resources quite busy with retirement. We have 27 in the month of june and total of 65 for the fiscal year 1920. They were quite busy processing those retirements. I want to say brother green, well miss him and i wanted to say it again, were going to miss him dearly. Cant be replaced. With that, i will leave you for questions. President covington any Public Comment . Caller would you like to make Public Comment . Caller seven, would you like to make Public Comment on chief velos report . I have a question regarding the Antibody Testing. What exactly is the facility of Antibody Testing . Theres no evidence that having you cant get reinfected with covid19. I dont understand why department is spending time on this . President covington Public Comment is for you to comment on anything thats near and dear to your heart. Answering a direct question to one member of staff is really not the proper protocol for this venue. Do you have a comment . I had a question. President covington can you reiterate the guidelines . Public comment, commissioners and Department Personnel are not to enter debate or discussion with the speaker. Lack of response from commissioners or Department Personnel does not constitute agreement with or support of statements made during Public Comment. President covington , i hope thats helpful. Maam, are you still there . Yes. Im still here. President covington is there an additional comment that you like to make at this time . I dont understand questions not allowed . President covington there are various laws and statutes state of california that prevent a discussion direct discussion with members of the public. If we were in city hall, i would be able to say to you, perhaps you talk to chief velo after the meeting. Unfortunately, we dont have that option. I want to know why is Antibody Testing being done what is the relationship with ucsf . Is the Fire Department paying ucsf . Thats what i want to know. President covington we cannot entertain a question. Are there any other members of the public that have comments madam secretary . Caller three, would you like make Public Comment on chief velos report . No more Public Comment. Coverin president covington Public Comment is closed. I will go to my fellow commissioners in the order we are listed on the first page of the agenda. That means youre up Vice President feinstein. Vice president feinstein i dont have any questions or comments. I want to say, you get through an amazing massive material. Licketysplit. Im doing my best to keep up with you. I appreciate all the efforts that you and your team put into the report. President covington thank you. Commissioner nakajo. President nakajo thank you i want to make couple of comments. When you reported about the work that you doing which you said all the terms of the training manual and updating them, im really happy to hear that. Anything that had to do with training and membership and its a long and tedious process. I do remember from the experience of doing the interviews for the chief of the department that many times, comments of being updated within the department, whether its training manuals or other aspects that were going to be pertinent in terms of getting the department operational. I want to comment on that. I really appreciate the work that youre doing with that. I wanted to make a comment that i appreciate the work thats being done with the pier group and the membership recruitment of that. What was that number again that joined that pier group . It was a large number. 39 applied and 36 were selected. Commissioner nakajo that whole group of individuals are part of the integration of the program through the accessible to the membership depending upon situation . Correct. When theyre working, they will be able to be access to the system and members can access work in that debuted on their station and reach out to them. Thats the goal. Commissioner nakajo did you see captain kristen is retired in terms of that Job Description or that job load . Captain sean christy was hired last year to assist with developing of the stress unit. Future covid, we needed one more him to help us continue developing of training and this pier support team and critical Response Team. I was able to bridge the gap between what he was doing and the stress unit and now with the enhancement of the pier support and support team. Were meeting regularly for the time that he can put for us. Commissioner nakajo is there a maximum to the relationship are we working with a plan. Is the number of the pier group, sounds like a large number compared to how many members used to be involved in the past. Sound like a good number. Yes, their goal succession planning is one for the administration. Definitely we want to make sure we transition that stress unit. They have the right things to move forward. Yes, 36 is a very good number. People will be on vacation and people will be off. We have to have the robust bench to different shifts and make sure we have enough people working on a regular shift. Members are working on 49, we have quite few from 49 that can access 49. They understand issues better. Commissioner nakajo again, the pier group identification, stress group, thats the Mental Health component that we can offer our membership. Is there a relationship . I will tell you that, Doctor Office has been involved in meetings regularly with the stress unit. They are getting to Work Together on the issues that our members may have. Absolutely, theres a relationship between the stress unit, the Doctors Office and the pier support team. Commissioner nakajo thank you very much, chief parks . Thank you commissioner. We really been dealing with the Doctors Office and supportive of the stress unit. She has been assisting us with getting people into the peer support program. I think shes really into our Critical Incident Response Team and getting our Team Together so that we can eventually get them out and help our members. Commissioner nakajo i appreciate that. It make sense to me. I ask that question with relationship to the Physician Office because of health and the relationship of that. Stress support and Mental Health, to me they are connected. The more support that we can get our membership within that connection and earlier in this meeting, chief used the term covid fatigue. Everybody got little fatigue going on. More access we can give to our membership in the Mental Health capacity, i think its good. I appreciate it. I got two more questions chief velo. Second to last question i believe maybe chief dewitt might be able to answer. On your list was e. M. S. 6. How much vehicles were talking about for e. M. S. 6 . Are they smaller vehicles . Thank you commissioner. So far we only have two e. M. S. Vehicles ordered. Commissioner nakajo chief dewitt, the whole fleet or the whole in terms of e. M. S. Six, two vehicle, two vehicles only . Right now we have two. Commissioner nakajo thank you very much. Last question, you talked about the retirement number being 62. As of this date, talking about august of this year . As of july 1st. Commissioner nakajo do you anticipate more members . Is there a significance of this number associated with the fiscal year or how does that work . I dont anticipate it. We do get a report every two weeks from the hr department. I dont anticipate each numbers coming up. Several factors that affected the high numbers. One Wellness Program ended on june 30th. Two, the uncertainty of the budget and whats going to happen coming up with the contract and so forth might have affected some members. Some are getting close in time in age to do that. They made the decision. All those factors put together created higher number in the last few years. Commissioner nakajo that number of retirement gets off balance by the number of academy oriented recruits. Were pretty much still within the department to hit our operational mark . As of now, were not projecting hiring class this year due to the Budget Constraints. Now were in decent shape staffing model wise. Commissioner nakajo thank you very much. President covington commissi oner cleveland. Cleaver commissioner cleaveland , whats the status . The city have to balance the books as of june 30th. Based on that and agreement with the city, two were allocated for us were removed from the budget. We have three more. Well see where that goes. Theyre still in negotiation with the budget. Were still going with that. The process now, theyre out to bid and we have received the bid. We have the committee look at the final bids. Thats where we are. Fund wise, hoping we can get at least three. I know theres lot of pressure from city hall to get them. We understand that. Were trying to get them. In the meantime, i will say though, thank you to the staff at b. O. E. Wwe were able to fit an older vehicle. Thats good news for us. Were hoping to get in ones coming up. Commissioner cleaveland how much do we have now . We have four. We have five on the budget and two for this fiscal year. So we have three left that are out to bid. Hopefully if the numbers were in the budget, we can have three coming. Commissioner cleaveland if we put those out to bid. Will we get them next year . It takes a year to get a vehicle. This vehicle very unique. Its not the regular truck. Its. Has high capacity pump. Commissioner cleaveland what was the grand jury report recommendation. Was that a dozen . I think they recommended 20. Commissioner cleaveland wer e a long ways from reaching that recommendation. Obviously Budget Constraint dictate how many we can incur. I noticed on the recruitment on your report, they are doing a zoom with potential candidates which will be for the e2 process. I wondered if commissioners can be a part of that that zoom presentation . Im curious to know what we put out as recruitment. What kind of information we put out to recruit new people into the department . I will say this has been put out by the womens group as well. Its just informational to see where they are and what the process is. Given background how its been in the past few years. We did some interviews for possible candidates for 127th class that now been put on hold because of that. I want to give an update. Obviously that was precovid and things changed little bit since then. Ill connect the firefighter with maureen to get that information so you can attend. Commissioner cleaveland one final question, what can social media do in order to recruit people to the Fire Department . Im looking at the report now. Date is july 16th for that meeting. That was last week. Commissioner cleaveland that already happened. My bad. In regards to social media, we do have a group. Prior to covid, some of the events we were attending whether its job fair or High School Mission program, were working on improving that. Covid has put some obstacles in this. Were not able to do facetoface recruitment. We have a connection between the firefighter and your p. I. O. Who control our social media accounts. We do have different instagram, twitter, facebook and so forth. We do have outreach on that too. Commissioner cleaveland its important that we combine message of safety with message of recruitment. If we put those two together, good opportunities on the social media efforts. Thank you for that. Thats all my questions. President covington thank you commissioner. Thank you for your comprehensive report chief velo. I want to send a shotout to all of the volunteers for really stepping in and doing so much great work. Those of you out there who have not got your nert certification, it is never too late. Please consider joining nert i have and the Commission Secretary also volunteered. I want to ask about the 62 retirees just to make a comment. For a period of time, our academies were quite large and that was at my insistence i thought we had this wave that will turn into a tsunami. I didnt want the department to be in position having mandatory overtime once again. I know it was uncomfortable for people to have such large classes. It was necessary because we had couple of classes where number of people more than usual. Im glad we were able to get a class in this year because its going to be quite an arm wrestle for us to continue with the classes and we need them. This is very good information, 60 retirees is quite our number. Usually we dont have that many people retiring. That is another thing that we have to emphasize when were at city hall. Thank you for that. Chief velo, when youre talking about is the arizona vortex, do you have any video of that and how it operates that you can share with the commissioners . I would like to see it in action. I dont have any context. I can share right now. [indiscernible] president covington thank you very much. Next item please. Touch five, overview of Airport Division, assistant deputy chief mark johnson to provide overview of the Airport Division. Good evening president covington and Vice President feinstein. I prepared a powerpoint presentation. Im new to webex. Bare with me for a second. You have the picture in front of the airport. Great. I start off by saying thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about the Airport Division. I feel very fortunate to work with the great team of professionals with any chance i get. My grandfather said brag on them. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the Senior Management team of the airport along wall the commission employees. They are incredible, absolute pleasure to work with, especially our secretary here at the Airport Division. I regularly speak with chief from other airports around the country. Believe me, they are very fortunate work in environment here at sfgov. I thought i start off by telling little bit about myself. Part twoly talk about the overview of the airport operations. That will lead me into the third and final part where i will discuss the challenges were facing. I am a san franciscan native. I grew up in the district we call lakeview. Most people call it engleside. I went to st. Paul lutheran. My senior year in high school, i joined the army. Thats the decision i made. I was 17 years old. I was off to basic training. While in the army, i learned how to fly airplanes. When i got out the army, i used my g. I. Bill to learn to fly helicopters. I got my commercial license at 21 and became flight instructor. During that time as a flight instructor, i flew for the Geological Survey up until i got hired for the Fire Department in 1991. I have a bachelors management from st. Mary. I was already a captain in the Fire Department by the time i went back to school. I wanted to let my kids know there was never an excuse not to go to college and finish your education. The best way to do it while i was already working and go out and getting it done. Ive been stationed at the Airport Division since 2015. Ironically it was the crash of asiana214 that brought me back to work in the airport. Its my claim to fame. As a flight instructor, i crafted a helicopter and i think im probably only fire chief in the country thats actually both in aircraft crash and responded to a crash as a fire chief. I will Start Talking about the airport here now. Actually this picture of the airport was taken back in 1959, the year i was born. It changed a lot since then. The airport itself the airport opened in 1917. Based on passenger traffic, handling over half million passengers each week about a thousand Flight Operations a day. Covid has drastically scaled back the operation at sfo. The airport was running about 5 . We start to see a steady increase. I think they are projected probably year to two years, we should be back up to full speed. The airport is approximately 13 miles south of the city of San Francisco. It cover about five square miles. Which is basically a very small footprint for airport. If you were to compare that to Dallas Fort Worth which is size of San Francisco, s. F. O. Is a small airport. Within the boundaries of the airport, we have three domestic terminals and international terminal. International terminal at s. F. O. Is the largest terminal in north america. We house six parking garages and bart station and the United States post office. I dont think you can really have a proper discussion with s. F. O. Without mentioning what contributes to the city. S. F. O. Generates a significant economic benefits not only to San Francisco but to the entire bay area. Back in 2013, s. F. O. Commissioned the Economic Development Research Group to perform Economic Impact study and evaluate the airports Economic Contribution to the region. This is a brief summary of that report. You can see the airport generates over 10 billion in revenues and 46,000 jobs just on the our port campus Airport Campus itself. Visitor spending results about 12. 5 billion, 113,000 jobs. The indirect spinoff of activities of goods and services, spending additional worker income about 72 billion. Another 300,000 jobs. It has a great impact on our community. It goes without saying, the mission of the Airport Division is the same as the Mission Department as a whole. Thats to protect lives of the property, people from San Francisco fires, Natural Disaster and Hazardous Materials, save lives by providing Emergency Medical Service through prevention, Education Program and provide working environment that values, health, wellness, diverse thats free from harassment and discrimination. The Airport Division has exact same mission but additional focus. Thats perform specialized type of Fire Fighting that involves emergency response, mitigation, evacuation and rescuing passengers and flight crew. While appreciation and suppression gets the most attention at the airport, Airports Division administrative staff. Its a small hard working group of people that wear lot of hats everyday to keep the lights on here. They all work out of station 3 and they do a great job everyday. I wanted to be able to recognize them. Start talking about our staff. First fire prevention. Fire prevention is a small but very solid team that work fast paced heavily regulated environment. As you see in the city, the airport prevention personnel oversee several functions that are require to keep airport certification. Without them, we wouldnt get through the annual s. A. A. Inspection. This picture was taken last friday. Its a superbay. This building is just massive. It can hold 747s inside. The test they made is new fire system. They fill this building with foam. It was a massive undertaking there. The test was successful there couple of little drawbacks. They had do it again on friday. Staffing for the suppression. We run with 27 people everyday out of three stations. We have four we have two engines a truck, rescue captain, two medic units, battalion chief and two bike medics. Thats just 27 people that always have to be prepared to respond to a large range of hazards that you find here at the airport. I want to talk about some of the challenges. Some you might recognize this, this is the crash of asiana2014. This is what i saw the day we walked up to it. The airport is essentially a small town with all the duties and responsibilities, problems and hazards of a big city. But at the same time, it is a business, heavily regulated business that contributes billions of dollars to the local economy. Airport division is essentially the Fire Department for that small town. Without a properly equipped and staff and trained Fire Department, the airport cannot function an airport that we are. F. A. A. Wont allow it. We play a critical role. When most people think about the airport they naturally just think about airplanes that are taking off and landing. Which is pretty much our bread and butter of the business. There is a lot more involved than just that. Start off with [indiscernible] there are numerous parts of the airport that present their consideration. The terminal are very large open areas with tons of hidden areas. You have the jets in the gateways as well as what they call the below wing service area. Theres maze of hallways and tunnels that house all the people that keep the airplanes moving. Also, part of the below surface area is the baggage, luggage moving system. Which is a number of tunnels on a different levels. These are number of tunnels that flow through the entirety of the airport that can move baggage from the ticket counters out to the airplanes. As a matter of fact, about a year ago, we had a fire in one of these tunnels. Very hard to find. At the same time, it starts to send smoke out through the entire airport. Its a different than if you have a smoke in a regular building. Thats something we have to jump on quickly. If you evacuate the entire building, everybody has to come out of security which lends whole another host of problems. What you do, you can find yourself on the National News which is not always a good thing. Below the terminals this, another layer down, its a series of tunnels and where the airport generates its own power, also with steam and hot water. It has a tunnel system that actually runs for many miles underneath the airport. They pop up and all the different terminal buildings and cargo buildings all around the airport. Its a system where they have people down there working everyday. Another very important hazard and not only these tunnels themselves but they have High Pressure steam running through ten and high voltage also. Other traditional type of things you might see, we have a tower which high possibility for high angle rescue. We have a highrise. We have several large office buildings. Just to the west of the airport, those fields that you see in the picture on the left, its all airport property also. Occasionally we get very large grass fires that were responsible for putting out. Grass fires can threaten those houses that are on the side. Freeway system, we respond to the freeway system as well. That picture only the right, its kind of a cool picture. You dont normally see a airplane over the freeway. Moving back, we have bart that services the airport also airtrain system. The bart system, we have one station that terminates inside the senatorial terminal. We have nine airtrain stations, several that terminate building that are elevated stations as well as well as an elevated maintenance bay for the airtrain system. The construction, another challenge for us. The airport is constantly under construction. Which also presented other hazards. You see the one on the far left. Possible trench rescue. They built these vaults that go underneath the arts activities port. Airport. This was where they dump all the debris after the 1906 earthquake. We have a large building on the terminal. About a year ago, we had to rescue somebody off one of the cranes. Fuel storage. We have two fuel farms one that we are responsible for on airport property. It has seven million gallon of jet fuel. Under normal times, they go through that in about day and a half. They pump additional amount from across the bay. There is another fuel storage system just north of this airport right by the costco that is technically off airport property but if it go to fire, well be responding there also. Also we have numerous above ground and underground fuel system that fuel the airplanes themselves. We constantly have leaks that we respond to quite often. We have our own Sewage Treatment plant here that we do get occasional responses to also. It does give us more hazards there. United airlines has a major maintenance thinkable thi i s one of the largest ones. They have several of these hangars where you can see you have a triple seven able to pull inside and work on. Theres also a large plating plant. It supposed to be the largest one i believe in the country. Its one of those buildings that well never be able to build again. It has many Hazardous Materials to maintain the planes. These people do an excellent job here. It is one of our hazards. Theres some small general aviation mainly private jet to helicopters. They fly in and out of the airport. Cargo is a big part of the airport that is big part of the traffic that goes in and out of the airport here everyday. They generally fly mainly at night. We have d. H. L. , United Parcel and several companies that most people never heard of. They fly in and they bring lot of cargo in in the morning and they take out at night time. From there, i want to talk about some of the responses we do have. One the most famous one is asiana214. [please stand by] our reality is that if we do have something major like a crash, 27 people is just not enough t. We do have available to us the call for resources from the city and also mutual aid resources from the pen is la. Which actually brings us to an additional challenge. One of my major jobs here is to make sure we are able to respond to these. Make sure they are actually prepared and see these different types of hazards they might not see in their regular city. Theres a couple of ways we do that. First is by constantly training our own people and all the different disciplines. Its also working, putting on drill. I should back up, the ssa requires us to put on three major drills per year. These drills involve four hundred people. Minimum of one hundred victims. We have agencies from all over the bay area and federal agency thats come and respond with us were required to do this every three years. The director has asked us to do this every year. These are heavy lifts. They take seven to eight months to plan. Were always really happy when its over. I see this as opportunities. Opportunities to see our procedures and work on our response areas. I put a picture of some of the recent ones weve done. The coast guard who weve built a relationship over the last years. We try to train with them once every other month. Put the rescue swimmers in and pick people up off the boat. When we do these we try to make them look as realistic as possible. The one on the right is a water drill we did the year before last. We put one hundred people in the water and saved them. We didnt even lose one which is a really good thing. My job was on the line. Part of that drill too though, we were practicing some of the response protocols from the bay area, from the bay itself. They can be really shallow in some parts. Where the idea is if you have something major and you cant go into the water, you cant bring the big boats and get them into the water. We have to bring the small boats in. They have a long trip to go back and forth to drop people off. We have things worked out with the ferry system here. We had a hard time getting the really big ferries. But genentek let us use their ferries to practice. It showed us a lot of things. It was always a theoretical plan, we learned a lot of things. The boats arent the same height. We learned so much from this drill, it was really well worth it. Also some kudo it the team here. Our system of command and control, the coast guard calls it an on scene coordinator. We worked on work sheets to do this drill. They were so impressed with it that they try to get it across the country now. Thats something in San Francisco were really proud of. The Operations Center is many one that we have in city. We have people come from all over and work on that. The one on the right is that same drill. This is a drill we actually did last year where this wasthe scenario of this drill was Hazardous Material on an air plane. We made it, it was an act of terror, what it came down to. We did a full scale drill, we had people down, victims down. We had a police team that made entry into this. We got everybody off and deconned them and asked if it was real. This one made a really good impression with the army. The Civil Support Team contacted us last week and asked us to recreate this drill in october for them. We actually had too small of a part for them last time. They got such a good experience from this drill. These things are heavy heavy planning so were actually bringing a team out from the east coast to do the heavy lifting for us this time. They want us to be the ones to set the i c s structure and run it like a real event. Thats kind of the end of the drills. I wanted to talk a little about what were doing to look toward the futures. When i first took over from chief ali. Chief nickel son asked me to submit a priority list to her. This is part of that priority list. I first went into the chief, i got her priorities. Things that she wanted to do, also the same with deputy chief worth and fellow. I brought this back to our staff here and got other peoples wish list and put them all together. This is not necessarily in a rank order but it gave us a road map of what we should start doing. From there, what weve done is weve actually placed this onto a project board. I have a background in Computer Programming and ive taken that from this. We identified our task an the things we wanted to do. We placed them into their lanes whether it was project waiting or completed. We take these things and we started working through the process. Everybody is involved in this, we have to form work groups. Its more than just a committee we set up a sars who is in charge of one of their cars. Thats how weve gone by to take ourselves into the future. I always tell our guys here, this is not so much for us but the generation that follows us. Thats really important to us. Thats the theme song here. Everybody has taken that up and gone with it. This on my wall here. Ive never been good at decorating. Id like to close by saying that i wanted to extend an open invitation for you to come down and look at our operations and see what we do and give me another chance to brag on my people. Thats the end of my presentation. If you have any questions for me id be happy to answer them. thanks very much. Its always good to brag on your people. Appreciate that. The airport is just a wonderful place. Let me see if we have any Public Comment about your presentation. i will check. thank you. caller seven, do you have a Public Comment . Caller seven, do you have Public Comment on the airport presentation . Hello . Hello . Caller three, do you have Public Comment . There is no Public Comment. okay. Thank you. So Public Comment is closed. And i just wanted to say before i call on Vice President fine stiefeinstein. i just wanted to say presentation was excellent. Im in line with what was just said. Quite amazed by the many things that go on. I always wondered. They only let you go certain places in the airport and you dont know the rest of them. I anticipate one of those people that calls you to say that i want a tour. Show me. It was a very very comprehensive presentation the way you just moved around. Got you back. It was very very interesting. And thank you and welcome. thank you. i look forward to more of these interactions. absolutely. Thank you. thank you, Vice President feinstein. Lets see that would mean youre up next commissioner na c atio. thank you. I definitely wanted to thank you for your comprehensive presentation on the photos, the scenarios, the different kinds of aspects, the total comprehensive information. Again, your remarked in terms of your supportive team. Youve shown me some stuff that i havent seen before. When that happen to the old timers, thats a good thing. I want to thank you again. thank you commissioner. Commissioner cleveland. thank you madam president. Chief johnson your report was really impressive and very comprehensive and educational. I appreciate it very much. Just a couple questions. You mentioned you have two medic units that are staffed at all times, i guess twenty fou four seven; is that correct . yes. what kind of calls do you get i guess precovid 19. What kinds of calls do you get . each of thewe each receive ten to fifteen. I should have mentioned we have two bike medics that are generally there too also. Our calls rangeyou name it. Everything that people have gotten pinned underneath something. Peoples anxiety, afraid of flying. The survival rate is very high here at the airport. If youre going to have a heart attack come to the airport and let it happen. The initial c pr is really fast here. They have defibrillators here at the airport. A number of different types of injuries. Our medic units do not transport. Amr comes and takes the people from the airport. weve been told that the airports budget is pretty much paid for by the airport and airline. thats true. when you sit down and put a budget together, who are the people that you are dealing with that will approve your budget because its not the city that approves it, i guess. The airline has to approve any kind of expenditures. Is that correct . it depends. When were buying new rigs, theres a contribution they have to make. Theres a panel of the airlines here. The generally process is myself or chief ali before me will go before committee. We say what we want to buy and justify why we think we need it. Theres a series of things of passenger care, experience, safety. Its scored from there. Its a pretty tough process. They are very knowledgeable and take you through it. You have to be able to say why you want it and what it is. I have to say too, they are extremely generous here. There is the mantra the airport is shooting for number one sm the airport wants to be the best airport in the world. Weve embraced that mantra also. They treully mean it an truly m. Well make it happen. Were in a good position with them. The airport cannot be opened without the Fire Department. When you look at the Business Continuity plan were high up there as a critical agency. They require a certain amount of response level which we are meeting. We have planes with greater than a two hundred foot wingspan landing here. If the airport vision was to fail or not able to respond, the airport has to shut down. Therefore were always striving to do our best. We absolutely cannot let that happen. You dont want to anne up on tv for the wrong reasons. We make sure that were operational at all times. do any of your expenditure requests have to be approved by the Airport Commission sm. thats a d a good question. Im going to have to do some research on that. I made a request to get an extraction system for the fire house to accommodate our new rf rig. I do have to make a request through the system here and it goes up through the director, up through chain. My immediate report from the airport and they have to go through that. It falls within their plan, if it does follow what they are a trying to accomplish. I dont know if it has to if go to commission specifically. Ill research that. i saw on your wish list you had marines on it sm are you going to take that forward an make a request for it. The station that houses the boatswe have quite a few vessels here. It wasnt really built in a way that is conducive to rescuing people off the bay, lets put it that way. We found that out in the drill. As we were bringing injured people backwe were using mannequins, we didnt want to drop anyone in the water. When bringing them back we found out in order to bring them onto shore, we come to the dock. Our Fire Fighters had to lift these people essentially over their heads to get them onto shore. The ramp is too narrow. Theres a number of improvements we want to make. We need to widen that ramp. Do something with the lighting there. Some of our boats is getting kind of old. Thats one of our priorities. It showed us through that drill. Like i said, drills are opportunities for us. hopefully your budget not be subject in the reduction, correct . we had a small impact. We did. They were very kind to us. A couple thipgs we had to put off. Well revisit them in a couple of months and see how things are rolling sm the airport is very support he sm. thank you very much. Very dp error. thank you sm. thats all. thank you commissioner cleveland. Thank you for your presentation, it was very very good. I want to welcome you again to your new position. Congratulations on that. thank you. i didnt have many questions. I just wanted to make sure that the other commissioners know that we have three full stations at the airport. Thats a lot of people, its a lot of things. And station three is fairly new. Is it three years old now . yes, maam. Three years old. three years old. I think all of the commissioners whocommissioner cleveland and commissioner natasio and i were at the airport and it is quite impressive. thank you. when you take a tour of the pair port please go to station three and fine out about the air Filtration Systems and everything they have there. if i could add wup thing, were getting three brand new rf rigs. State of the art. We should have our first one delivered next month. Eye like you to take a look at them also. thank you sm i just want to refe. I just want to refer to commissionersorry. She forded information to us today and there was their report. There was mention to training of officers going to dallas for a koorcoordinated life learn recertification training. Is that also supported by the airport . Do they pay for that. weve had a recent change. I should have sent an email about that. Because of the large out break of covid 19 in texas, we are actually switching that to San Bernardino to a different site. Were staying inside california. I should have sent that to you. no problem at all. It was one of the things i noticed since you were going to be presenting an overview. The airport is paying for that, yes . yes. We have a budget for that. Were required to send people for life buyer training every 12 months. This is what this is. yes. I know they pay for so many things. I just wanted to give you a chance to give them a shout out. yes, they do pay for all of that and anything we it do request they work with us also. wonderful. Thats so good to hear. We need it. We need all the help we can get. any laug other comments . i have one quick question. Because i go firsti need the benefit of my colleagues comments so thank you. duly noted. obviously travel is down. I would assume the airport has always been a generator of revenue. It is such a decrease in airport revenue and im presumingi dont know that to be the case, harming your operations at the airport at all or limiting them . I understand the need i to move things around for health and safety reasons. Im just asking in general whether your experiencing any budget pressure because of this decrease in travel . not really because the airport still does have to maintain its index. We still have to be fully operational at all times. One thing we had to push off was a new aerial truck this year. Were pushing that off to the next cycling. A look from has mat equipment also. That was one of the things we were supposed to have and had to have. That got pushed back to a better time. The airport has been impacted as a whole. Like i say, theyve been good to us saying that they realize that we have to keep going forward. When the airport does recover, we have to be still up at full speed. We cant really afford to slack off. thank you. Thank you. anyone else . Any additional questions . Okay next item police. class meeting on july eighth 2020. okay. Great. Commissioner ni c asio, i think you have something. i dont have anything at this time. Vice President feinstein. you already covered it for me. I was glieted to atten delightee graduation. I look forward to it being fully operational and getting a chance to see the training that goes into it. It was quite dear and it was a pleasure to be there. great. Thank you for attending that. Commissioner cleveland. just a comment. I also made the graduation. oh, good. I want to commend our Vice President for her comments. They were really really excellent. I think it touched everyone that was in attendance. Good job, madam Vice President. thank you, commissioner cleveland. Thank you. oh, great. I have just one thing and that is that on wednesday july 15th. There was a zoom get together regarding the very first African American fire fighter with the San Francisco Fire Department. Mr. Gauge junior. Supervisor prefton who is supervisor for district five has been work withing the black five fighters and other entities to rename a section of Willow Street between buchanan and laguna in honor of him. Chief chimed in, former chief of the department. Everyone had nothing but praise for the effort of the street named after earl gauge. I just wanted to mention that. Okay. Next item, please. we need to call Public Comment. oh, mus Public Comment. Sorry. Public comment on the airport report . not for the airportthe commission report. caller seven, do you have Public Comment . Caller ten, do you have Public Comment on the commission report. Auto. future meetings, future subjects. I know commissioner cleveland mentioned the affinity groups. the employee. yes, the employee groups. well get one of those on the next meetings for sure. Anything else . yes, madam president , at what point should we have a budget update in terms of what the budget is and what its impact is going to be on the department . Im not suggesting that the next meeting is the appropriate time but it does seem thats going to be something were going to end up needing to discuss and chief nickel son. wheel start with chief nicholson. i think he stated well start at the next meeting. next meeting, the first meeting of next month well have our allocation of the budget. Ill be happy to give an overview of that. The hearings will occur at that first meeting. By the second meeting we should be final with the budget. As far as implications of it well have some information at that time. Ill be happy to give an update next meeting. thank you. For the budget for the next two meetings will be a separate item. Okay. Oh, yes, commissioner cleveland. nothing. i thought you were raising your hand. Okay. I think were Public Comment. okay. Public comment. there is no Public Comment at this time. oh, thank you. Public comment is closed. Item eight. Public Comment on item nine. Public comment on all matters pertaining to item 9b. Whether to hold item 9b in closed session. There is no Public Comment. Public Comment is closed. I will entertain a motion. Im sorry. Collisioner cleveland. Please repeat. motion approved. thank you. I need a second. second. i need to do a roll call vote real quick. roll call okay. Its unanimous. Were going into closed disclose any or all discussion that was in closed session. do we need a roll call vote . we have motion moved by commissioner cleveland and second by . commissioner feinstein as

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