Clerk mr. President , you have a quorum. President yee okay. Thank you. Please place your right hand over your heart. Would you please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] president yee on behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgtv who record each of the meetings and the transcripts are available online. Madam clerk, are there any announcements . Clerk yes. During the covid19 pandemic, members of the board of supervisors will participate in the meeting to the extent they are present in their public legislative chamber. The board understands the need for Public Access is more acute during this covid19 pandemic, and the board believes its essential to have the public participate in this meeting. I will just reiterate some of the opportunities that members of the public have. We are able to receive your written correspondence and make it part of our file. Our address is San Francisco board of supervisors city hall, room 244, San Francisco, california, 94102. If you are sending via email, you can send it to board. Of. Supervisors sf. Gov. If youre using a television, you can go to channel 26. The meeting is cable cast. It does have a bit of a delay, so if you are if you are watching, and youre utilizing your telephone to listen to the meeting, please make sure you mute your television. If you have access or connection issues, please contact my office at 4155545184. We have someone standing by specifically to assist you with getting access to this meeting. We are also posting Virtual Office hours or workshops to help you or a group to use this system, walkthrough, and answer any questions that you might have. If youre utilizing your touch phone, you will be able to listen to the proceedings and participate in Public Comment. Heres the telephone number. Should be streaming across the television. Its 14084189388. That is 4084189388, and when prompted, enter the meeting i. D. , which is 1467445071. Press pound twice, and youll be able to listen to the meeting as it is happening. Lets see here. Two last points. We have two interpreters with three interpreters standing by to assist anyone wanting to provide their Public Comment in language. Im going to ask each interpreter to introduce themselves in their language and then let the Community Know that youre here for them. Well just start with faye. [speaking foreign language] interpreter thank you, madam clerk. Clerk mr. Lisenzo, please. [speaking spanish language] interpreter thank you, madam clerk. Clerk thank you. And miss li, please. [speaking chinese language] interpreter thank you. Clerk thank you. Thank you, all. Two last points, mr. President. We did receive a communication from supervisor walton, indicating that he would be late to todays meeting and is requesting that his comments could excuse him until his arrival. And finally, we do have, pursuant to title 2 of the americans with disabilities act which provides persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in the programs and Services Offered through the city, through a prior arrangement, we have an individual who has requested to make his Public Comment by telephone, and we would like to be able to provide the accommodation as requested. President yee okay. Thank you, madam clerk. So why dont we take the first issue first. Can i have a motion to excuse supervisor walton until he gets to the meeting . Pi supervisor peskin so moved. Supervisor preston seconded. President yee so moved by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor preston. Can i have a roll call vote, please. Clerk on the motion to excuse supervisor walton [roll call] supervisor walton madam clerk, yi am here. Supervisor peskin i would like to make a motion to rescind my motion. Second. Clerk okay. So the record will reflect that supervisor walton has arrived. Nice to see you. Supervisor walton thank you so much. Sorry for being late today. Clerk okay. President yee before we get started, just a friendly reminder for all the supervisors to mute your microphones when you are not speaking to avoid audio feedback, and madam clerk, i understand, as you mentioned, that there is a request for accommodation for a member of the public who wishes to do Public Comment. Madam clerk, is there a speaker who wishes to make Public Comment . Clerk were checking right now. Is the caller available right now, mr. Kao . Operator madam clerk, he is. Let me unmute the line now. Clerk thank you. Ill set the timer for two minutes when he begins speaking. Hi. My name is zach, and im a disability advocate and Community Organizer and district 9 voters. I want to thank Angela Calvillo for her efforts towards improving accessibility to these meetings. Im here expressing a concern that San Francisco has one of the smallest urban canopy in the country. Theyre cutting down more trees during covid19, even though scientific studies has sloane that air pollution has been limpged to has shown that air pollution has been linked to more covid19 infections, and the board goes alo of apl goes along with all of these tree killings because the Vice President , darryl honda, is friends with chris buck. I urge the board of supervisors to investigate and take action on this egregious conflict of interest. By the way, this happened on july 1. Just last week, darryl honda was bragging with his relationship, his personal relationship with chris buck. I posted this on youtube. The board of appeals is one of our most important departments and cannot function properly or be remotely in line with all of this personal bias. Please suspend all the tree killings in 2019, especially those ordered by mohamed nuru before his arrest by the f. B. I. Id like to point out that the head of this department that ordered many of these tree killings was arrested by the f. B. I. Clerk thank you for your comments. [inaudible]. Clerk thank you for your comments. Mr. Clerk, that concludes the Public Comments at this time. President yee thank you, madam clerk, and thank you for arranging this accommodation. Madam clerk, lets continue with the communications, and id like to invite supervisor peskin, who has been advising the board on the Economic Recovery Task force, to provide us a brief update if you can since we know that the center has been working very hard to address these issues. And supervisor mandelman can add some comments after you. Supervisor preston . Supervisor preston president yee, thank you. I just want to thank everyone who is serving on the Economic Task force. It really is an norms amount of work going into those efforts, and in particular, carmen chu, our assessor, whos cochair and has really taken the lead in keeping myself, both as a member of the task force and a supervisor, up to date on the latest. Also, jose cisneros, our treasurer. Rodney fong, president of the San Francisco chamber of commerce and cochair, and rudy gonzales, director of the San Francisco Labor Council and cochair, and also to recognize the work of melissa lighthouse who has been playing a key role in facilitating all of these discussions. And lastly, supervisors mandelman and peskin have been engaged, as well on the task force as well as many of you on the various committees and working groups who have been meeting throughout the month. So the last Task Force Meeting was june 11. The policy Committee Meetings have been working regularly and working groups. Thats been ongoing. Ill give sense a folks of whats coming up. As you all know, the plans to expand the reopening that were set for june 29, the additional businesses were put on hold as a result of increase in the number of covid cases in San Francisco and statewide and the the gradual reopening of local businesses has really been put on pause right now and will resume when recommended based on key health indicators. The city is evaluating the other businesses that have been proposed to reopen. Originally were set for july 13 then moved back to june 29 and now on hold. That includes hair salons, barber shops, indoor museums, outdoor pools, gyms, and zoos as part of the phase two city reopening. So just so the public understands, the things that were previously allowed to people and were not part of the expanded opening continue to operate at this time. You know, i think a lot of the activities of the task force has really been in these weekly meetings and working groups. This arts, culture, and Hospitality Group that has meetings coming up on july 13 and july 22, jobs and business support, which will reconvene on july 16, Economic Development is is scheduled to meet tomorrow, july 8, and the committee dealing with vulnerable populations has the next meeting set on july 17. And i mention these specific dates just to encourage folks and ill give the Contact Information for folks who want to reach out for more information or to hear directly from speak directly to these groups to know exactly whats coming up. The committee has tried to engage the task force to include collection from neighborhood groups, merchant associations, and also directly from workers and their representatives. In terms of outreach, the task force has now received close to 1200 emails and survey responses, convened 40 or more at this point, meetings concerning various policy groups and task forces, and so its pretty a really robust effort. And the next full meeting of the task force will be in august, and well provide that date. So in the meantime, i just wanted to encourage everyone, both colleagues and the public who have questions or comments, you can email the generalrecoverysf sf. Org or the onesanfrancisco. Org. Click the icon in the middle of the page, and theres a lot more recent updates from the Economic Recovery Task force. So i dont know, with that, if supervisor mandelman, has things to add, but thats my update. Thank you. President yee okay. Thank you. Supervisor mandelman, would you like to update . Supervisor mandelman no, sounds good. President yee okay. Thank you, both of you, for continuing to represent the board of supervisors on the Economic Task force. I know that many of the individual supervisors, my colleagues, are participating on a variety of things to get us back into the recovery mode, and i appreciate every one of you, so, madam clerk, lets go to our approval of our Meeting Minutes. Clerk approval of the june 22, 2020, Meeting Minutes, and the july 3 special Meeting Minutes which constituted a quorum of the board of supervisors. President yee okay. At this time, were considering the june 22, 2020 meeting and the july 3 special meeting which constituted a quorum of the board of supervisors. Any comments . Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin no, it was my motion to excuse supervisor walton to 2 09. President yee okay. Can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Supervisor peskin so moved. President yee okay. Moved by supervisor peskin, seconded by supervisor safai supervisor safai . President yee okay. The motion has been made and seconded. Madam clerk, will you please call the roll. Clerk on the minutes as presented [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the minutes will be approved after Public Comment as presented. So, members, lets go to our Consent Agenda. Lets call items 1 through 3. Clerk items 1 through 3 are on consent. These items are considered routine. If a member objects, an item may be removed and considered separately. President yee okay. Colleagues, would anyone like to separate any of these items from the Consent Agenda . Okay. Seeing no names on the roster, madam clerk, please call the roll on items 1 through 3. Clerk on items 1 through 3 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. The items are passed unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 4, i guess. Clerk yes. Item 4 is an emergency ordinance to establish cleaning and disease prevention standards in Tourist Hotels and Large Commercial Office buildings to help contain covid19. This emergency ordinance requires a majority vote, two thirds of the board of supervisors or eight votes for final passage with one appearance pursuant to charter 2. 107. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee, and thank you to the cosponsors of this legislation, supervisors walton, preston, and mandelman. We are here in a town that relies or used to rely, in large part, on the tourist industry. This is part of a revitalization and recovery package to send a message to our country and the world that San Francisco is at the forefront of having the safest, cleanest, covid19free hotel rooms in the United States of america. Weve seen some hotel brands, and theres been some newspaper reporting, that some Major Hotel Brands that have not even been changing the sheets in between visitors outside of the city of San Francisco. So this is going to establish San Francisco as the city to come back to and help stimulate our tourist economy. I do have a very minor amendment on page 7, where in i would like to, at the urging of the department of Public Health, delete the double score section from lines 19 to 23 that says use of shares beverage and shared beverage and food equipment, notwithstanding the foregoing refrigerators may be used for the purpose of storing milk. All of that from lines 19 to 23 on page 7, i would like to make a motion to delete. I also want to say that later today, ill be introducing a piece of permanent legislation that will make this ordinance of San Francisco permanently in our codes, and i hope that my colleagues on the board of supervisors will sponsor that, as well. So mr. President , i move to strike the afore mentioned lined on page 7, from lines 19 through 23. President yee okay. Can i have a second . Supervisor safai second. Supervisor safai. President yee okay. So supervisor safai . Supervisor safai thank you, mr. President. Just i know we talked about this extensively in committee, but just to shed light for the other board members, this legislation is an attempt to put at the forefront, as my lead cosponsor said, the workers, and thinking about the protection of the workforce. And i think when we elevate our hotel cleaners, our janitors, and those that are in these spaces and ensure their safety, that then permeates throughout the entire industry. It ensures that the guests, it ensures that the tourists, it ensures that the Office Workers are in the space and theyre conducting their vacation or business in a space thats safe and clean, and that the workers and what were hearing more from the World Health Organization that a lot of this is an airborne disease, that if people are wearing the appropriate coverings of their face and their hands, that we can ensure that environments are safe and clean. So one of the things that was fundamental to this legislation was ensuring, at least in the hotel industry, that a practice that is currently a practice that allows tourists or guests to say if they so choose they should not have their sheets clean, but to mandate, to mandate that hotel rooms would not be cleaned is a complete overreach on the part of, as supervisor peskin said, you know, not having sheets or other things cleaned, is an overreach on behalf of the industry. So what were doing is mobilizing janitors and housekeepers and staff in this industry to enable people to feel safe in this environment because when people feel safe in this environment, theyre going to come back. [inaudible] supervisor safai so this is this will just to ensure for those that were part of those conversations, this was to allow others, whether theyre lactating mothers, to have somewhere to go in these hotels. President yee okay. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney thank you. I just wanted to clarify one thing and just have this on the record, and i think my office has been in touch with your staff about this, and i think we just wanted to clarify this for the record. We had some questions about how this would apply to buildings that i know you have in your district, as well, that are mixed residential and tourist buildings [inaudible] supervisor haney for those and just how this ordinance, applies to those mixed residential and tourist. So, mr. President , if its possible for supervisor peskin to answer that just so we have that on the record. President yee okay. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, mr. President , through to supervisor haney. I think supervisor haney just asked and answered the question, which is that very early on in the pandemic, both through an order that came from the mayor of the city and county of San Francisco subsequent website of action, the cleaning standards for s. R. O. S was actually the model for the legislation that is before us today that relates to both Office Buildings and 100 commercial hotels, so that was actually based on the s. R. O. Model. So that legislation is in place, it is unchanged. This is an expansion of that legislation into the private commercial sector beyond residential hotels, so yeah, you asked the question, you answered the question correctly. President yee okay. Supervisor fewer. Supervisor fewer thank you, president yee. As a former local 2 hotel worker in supervisor, i respectfully ask my name be added. Thank you. President yee supervisor mar . Supervisor mar yes. I would like to thank my colleagues and stakeholders and would like to be added as a sponsor, as well. President yee supervisor ronen . Chair ronen yes. Echo and ditto supervisor mar and ask to be added as a cosponsor. President yee yes, and i echo and ditto supervisor mars comments and ask to be added, as well. Supervisor peskin, did you have anything else to add . Supervisor peski supervis supervisor peskin i wanted to thank everyone on both sides who weighed in, and note to that end there have been a significant number of amendments to this legislation, amendments on behalf of the environment relative to singleuse plastic bags, amendments that were made today at the behest of the department of Public Health, and i particularly want to thank my former colleagues, some of my former colleagues. Katy tang, who has done a remarkable job of bringing the department of Public Health and this board of supervisors together over what i think is actually one of the most important pieces of legislation that this city is on the moment of adopting that hopefully will be adopted by cities around the United States of america to lead to healthy economic productive recovery as we get out of covid19, so thank you, former supervisor katy tang for your work. President yee okay. So theres a motion to amend and seconded. Madam clerk, can we have a roll call on that motion to amend. Clerk yes, and we will add all requesting supervisors and cosponsors in the order they were requested. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. So the motion to amend passes unanimously. Madam clerk, could we have a roll call on the item itself as amended. Clerk on item 4 as amended [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without objection, the ordinance as presented is finally passed unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to committee reports, and please call the next item. Clerk item 5 was considered by the land use and Transportation Committee at a regular meeting on monday, july 6, at 1 30 p. M. Its a reenactment of emergency ordinance number 6820 to temporarily prohibit rent increases that would otherwise be permitted under the administrative code due to the covid19 pandemic. This matter requires the majority or two thirds or eight votes of the board of supervisors to be presented once. President yee okay. Madam clerk, will you please call the roll. Clerk on item 5 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the item is passes unanimously. Okay. Madam clerk, lets go to item 9. Clerk mr. President , would you like to call a special in memo memoriam for Jane Morrison . President yee yes. Jane morrison passed away last thursday. I dont know if anybody has seen this, but this is how i like to remember her from last year when i was at her house, in which many of you are familiar with her home. So Jane Morrison was considered, really, the godmother of San Francisco. She was always about grass roots. Progressive politics, she really knew how to command a room and was always a classy person, and she always knew the best time that she should leave a party. And she was born in in 1920 in oklahoma. She already had a career as a journalist and editor with the Associated Press before she even moved to Northern California with her husband, jack morrison. Although her husband was in the public eye, jean was a real work horse behind the scenes. She continued to work in Public Affairs for knpr radio, and in that role, promoted the hiring, promotion, and equal pay for women in radio and news journalism. Jane single handedly made the Media Industry understand that the effeminate media belongs in the Mainstream Media and deserves a seat at the table. Like you, i attended many of the fundraisers she hosted at woodland avenue for these causes. She was an advocate for womens rights and representation. Not only in her world in radio, where she jump started the careers of so many female journalists, but through supporting female candidates and promoting them to positions of leadership throughout the Democratic Party. She was a steward, environmentalist, long time board member and the past present of the San Francisco tomorrow. She supported public power and protections for our waterfront before it was popular. She was a longtime supporter of immigrant rights. She was on the board of the chinese newcomer services, and most of us have been told to attend her parties, which was her way to invite us to these functions. Either come or donate to her annual chinese fundraiser for chinese newcomers. And as she said herself more than once, she wasnt bossy, she just told people what to do. So i i mean, i could go on and on about this fabulous woman, but i know theres going to be a lot of comments from my colleagues, and i dont want to keep repeating myself, so ill just leave it at that, and may she rest in peace. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee. Ill stick to janes fundamental rule, which was every time you would go to her house at 44 woodland and introduce the greats like nancy pelosi or Dianne Feinstein or john burton, she would say you have exactly 60 seconds, and she would hold you to that, so ill keep this below 60 seconds. Let me start by thanking Jennifer Clary for taking care of jean. I went to jeans 80th and 90th birthday parties, and kimmy and jennifer have been there both as personal care takers and as policy caretakers for jane, for which we all should be profoundly grateful. Jane broke the Glass Ceiling before we knew there was a Glass Ceiling. She did that for journalism and womens issues. She was born right around the suffragette movement. She was for high speed rail before anybody knew what high speed rail was. And while everybody thought she was sweet and loving, she was aggressive and fierce in ways that many of us do not understand, but fundamentally, jane was an organizer. Jane brought people into the movement. Yimbys, eat your heart out. That is my 60 seconds, jane, rest in piece. President yee supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman president yee and supervisor peskin have captured the being of jane. Her enemies or her not enemies, but her opponent, people with whom she would tangle over the years knew, and i saw on the democratic central committee, as did others who served with her, that there were plenty [inaudible] and for those of us who were her friends and fans, sorry, jane, you were bossy. She bossed all of us around. She bossed everyone around, including, as supervisor peskin said, the titans of the Democratic Party who are coming to seek money from her vast database. At some point, i remember looking at her binders that she had begun to collect early in her fundraiser career, and she fund raised for so many things. Chinese newcomer school, and so many democratic local and national candidates. And she had these exquisitely curated binders that she could draw on for years. Her death is an end of an era. Jane is the last of her trio, and we will miss her incredibly. It was a big deal for her to get to 100. I talked with her about that in the last couple of years. She really wanted to do it, and she was tough, and she did, and it was a long life well lived, and we are all the better for it, so thank you, Jane Morrison, for being in our lives. President yee thank you. Supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer thank you so much, president yee. I also want to add my condolences for jane and all her friends. I served with her on the San Francisco Democratic Party, and many, many times gave her a ride home where she would delight me with her stories about growing up in oklahoma. Actually, i didnt find her bossy, a term sometimes used with women who speak their mind. I just wanted to say that i thought also, she was completely generous, and i think we would all agree, really generous of heart, opening her home, offering her opinions, and also promoting younger candidates in politics, encouraging them along the way. So yes, Jane Morrison was completely delightful. She was a great campaigner. She would stand outside of safeway, passing out her literature, and she loved to do that. I think San Francisco is a sadder place without jane, and i hope that there are people who will step up and learn by her example. May she rest in peace. President yee thank you. Supervisor preston . Supervisor preston thank you, president yee. I want to echo all of the sentiments that you all have stated so well. Jane was a district 5 resident, and i remember when i was running for office for the first time and talked with it was tom ammiano who said youve got to go meet with jane. And i had met her in passing. I dont think wed ever talked for more than more than a minute at these various events, and ive got to say, i remember being she was such a giant in this movement in politics in San Francisco. I remember, i had so many meetings. This was the one meeting that i was just nervous, and i remember, me and my campaign manager, we went over to janes house, and we sat there for so long. I have no idea how long it was. I just know that i learned so much about her, about the history of San Francisco, about so many of the struggles that supervisor peskin and president yee, you both just referenced, and i was i realized that, you know, i was just one of so many people who had had that experience of learning so much from her in her home, and i just want to say that she is an inspiration to so many people. And what i discovered in meeting with her, through not only learning about her, was her incredible kindness and generosity. And she will be missed, and she had an absolutely incredible life, and may she rest in peace. President yee okay. Thank you, supervisor peskin. So so this is going to be our tribute to her for now, and we probably should go back into the our usual roll call activities. So madam clerk oh, and i will assume that this memoriam is for the entire board. Madam clerk, can you go ahead and begin the introductions for roll call with supervisor ronen . Clerk yes. Supervisor ronen, youre first up to introduce new business. Chair ronen thank you. Submit. Clerk okay. Thank you. Supervisor safai . Supervis supervisor safai clerk okay. Supervisor safai, well circle back to you. Supervisor safai sorry. My mute was stuck. Clerk okay. Supervisor stefani, well circle back to you. Supervisor safai . Supervisor safai i just want to say that there was no one quite like jane. I want to echo my colleagues comments. There was no one quite like her in San Francisco, and she will be missed. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Sorry, supervisor stefani. Supervisor stefani thank you. Colleagues, i was sickened to read that a young boy, jace young, was killed watching fireworks in San Francisco over the weekend, and when an 18yearold man, jerome mallory, was gunned down last night. Just one second, please. But it is still taking place in San Francisco, and that is not something we can accept. Jaces life mattered, jeromes life mattered, and courtneys life mattered. As the mother of two children, i cannot imagine these families grief. I cannot imagine if these were my children. I will not just send my thoughts and prayers to the families and friends of the victims. I send a promise to continue fighting for common sense gun safety measures, including expanding the use of gun violence restraining orders in San Francisco, a promise to work with our state legislators on these policies, and a promise to press our legislators to finally end the nationwide gun violence epidemic. Especially should be free to live freely without the fear of gun violence, yet in far too many instances, we know that this isnt the case. There is no single way to win the fight against the gun violence epidemic in our country, but we have no chance nl unless we continue to Work Together at every level of government to advocate for common sense policies that will save lives. In just the last few years, we have passed the free speech protection acts to ban guns at gatherings in San Francisco, implemented violence real estate straining orders to violence restraining orders, and declaring the n. R. A. As a terrorist organization. Over 100 children are lost per day due to gun violence, so today, i am introducing a b. L. A. Report for gun violence arrests in San Francisco, including gun violence arrests, charges, bookings, and convictions. We must continue to gather information on how widespread the problem is. I want to know why gun homicides are up this year so that we can better address the problem. The task ahead of us may seem daunting, and we may have days when we feel its hard to keep going, but we dont give up when it gets hard. We come together to honor, and i mean together, and we remember those who have lost to this senseless epidemic of gun violence, and we keep fighting against what we know is something that is so pervasive that we cant do nothing. I am committed to working with you, our agencies and Law Enforcement partners to make sure that no other family has to endure what these families have endured, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor stefani. Supervisor walton . Supervisor walton thank you so much, madam clerk. Colleagues, today, ill be introducing two pieces of legislation and unfortunately two in memoriams. The first piece of legislation is called the caution against racially exploitive and nonemergency act, also known as the caring act, and a motion in support of Assembly Member rob faus motion. T faas motion. Let it be known that this has always happened, but with smart phones and social media, we are seeing it recorded and subsequently broadcasted on the news. Last year, there were many incidents of individuals calling the police on black people and people of color from barbecue becky to permit patty to a group of Young Leaders from project level right here in San Francisco getting profiled at forever 21, and thats just here in the bay area. In the last 1. 5 months, the bay area alone, an individual called the police on a black men who was dancing and exercising man who was dancing and exercising on the street in alameda, and on a filipino man stencilling black lives matter in chalk in front of his home in pacific heights. Lastly, a lady called the police on a black man in central park, accusing him of harassing her. And we all know of george floyd, who was killed in minneapolis after someone called the police on him, accusing him of using counterfeit money at a store where he purchased cigarettes. These are examples of the stories that have been published recently, but there are countless others that do not get News Coverage or do not get reported. The existing California Law makes false Police Reports a misdemeanor or a felony offense, punishable by up to six months in jail, but there are no consequences for people who make fraudulent emergency calls based on race. Black Indigenous People of color often suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder as a result of Law Enforcement violating their rights based on every day fraudulent 911 calls by a individuals racism. The caring act will make it illegal for people to contact Law Enforcement solely to discriminate on the basis of a persons race, ethnicity, religious alfiation, gender, sexual affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, and allow others from harm based on fraudulent calls based on those same criteria to pursue civil remedies through civil court and hold the person making the call accountable for their behavior. 911 calls and emergency reports are not Customer Service lines for racist behavior, and using these for fraudulent reports based on the perceived threats of someones race takes away emergency resources from actual emergencies. This isnt to discourage people from using emergency lines to report actual emergencies in good faith, but rather protect communities of color who are often targeted and victims of fraudulent emergency calls. Under the caring act, individuals who make fraudulent 911 calls can be used by those who were harmed for damages for up to 1,000. Fraudulent emergency calls against people of color are a form of racial violence and should not be tolerated. The next resolution is closely related to the caring act. It is a motion in support of ab 1550, which would create a civil liability and criminal offense for people making false 911 calls based on race, religious, outward appearance or inclusion in a protected class. Both the caring act and ab 1550 are part of a larger nationwide movement to address racial bias skpimp willment consequences for weaponizing emergency resources with racist intentions. Id like to thank Assembly Member bata for laying out the framework for our caring act as well as the input from the Human Rights Commission and the office of Racial Equity and want to thank my colleagues supervisors ronen, stefani, and preston. My first memoriam is for ron miguel. Ron miguel passed away last saturday at the age of 88. Rons service to the city spanned six decades, beginning with the campaign for b. A. R. T. In the 1950s and running through his chairmanship for the rally to bring caltrain downtown. Along the way, he served the city in almost every capacity. Although he never ran for elected office, his impact easily ranks among the best of those who did and won. His legacy continues in the pot rpot potrero community, where he lived until 2017. After leaving the commission in 2012, he regularly gave Public Comment on neighborhood projects, always called upon by the commission to speak first. He served on the boosters development committee, drafting interim design controls that helped spur the urban Design Guidelines that now shape mixed use development citywide, and he served on the green benefits district formation committee, establishing the g. V. D. S initial structure. After moving to assisted living with his wife, ruth, he continued to be active with the boosters, dogpatch neighborhood association, and grand benefits district. In march, he attended the g. V. D. Stakeholder party just before the shelter in place order and conducted a Ground Training by zoom a couple of weeks later. Rob was dedicated to his neighborhood and neighbors until the end. We will miss ron greatly and will keep you updated regarding plans for rons remembrance. The next memoriam is something as a father, a grandfather, a black man, a parent, a tragedy that i hope no one ever has to experience. This memoriam is in remembrance of jace young. Over the fourth of july weekend, our community suffered a tragic loss. Jace young, a sixyearold boy, was killed. Jaces family, the bayviewhunters point community, myself, and my district 10 team, are completely devastated. And i am a supervisor, a father, a grandfather. My heartaches for jaces parents, jason and lakesha, and his siblings. This disregard for human life cut his life too short, and therefore no worded for this tragedy. Jace is described as an innovative and loving child. He was sweet, loved to read, loved computers, and just had a complete love for learning. He was highly intelligent and empathetic beyond his years, even at the young age of sixyearold old. He always chose milk over soda, and refused to eat meat because of the harm it did to animals. Jace was a young man destined for greatness. He was the youngest of four, and his dream was to change the world with technology. Jace could brighten up the room with a smile. You could always count on jace to be loving, smart, and caring. This sixyearold child had his whole future ahead of him, and this type of tragedy is unacceptable. No family should have to go through this. We as a community are demanding justice for jace and an end to senseless violence. Today, with jaces family and the mayor, we call for a cease fire and want all of our community to come together and denounce all violence, particularly gun violence. We must put down the guns and turn our fights to change the institutions that have failed us as a black community together. At a time when we are fighting to make sure that people understand our black lives matter, we also have to make sure we understand that the only way to make the changes we need for positive outcomes in our community is to come together and to stop all forms of violence, particularly gun violence. We must take a stand as a community to make sure this sort of tragedy never happens again. We cannot fail jace, and in the words of jaces father today, justice for jace is our focus. The family appreciates your prayers and wants everyone to know that they do not want them to use jaces name in vain, for your own advancement, for your own politics. They want justice for jace, they want our community to come together, but they do not want his name used for personal gain, for likes on facebook, or for political agendas. His black life matters, and we need to continue to say his name. Jace young, please keepase and his family in your prayers. The rest i submit. Clerk we will. Thank you, supervisor walton. Mr. President . President yee okay. Thank you, supervisor walton, for those words for jace. Colleagues, today, im going to be introducing a resolution calling on congress to invest in child care facilities and support in their upcoming infrastructure bills. Early infrastructure has been severely underfunded, but with covid19 and working parents forced to stay at home, this sector is acute and becoming better understand by the public. 60 of child cares closed during the pandemic, and how many will be able to return sort of removes to be seen. In San Francisco, 81 centers serving children, only 81 a18 owned. When child care facilities arent owned, theyre at a disadvantage because it makes the entire sector vulnerable. Early childhood care centers are often omitted in the discussions for volunteer. Currently, there are no existing federal Funding Sources of capital to help Early Childhood providers to achieve appropriate, well designed facilities that adhere to the health and safety standards. This is why, today, i am introducing legislation supporting House Resolution 7201, the child care infrastructure act. The language in this resolution has already been incorporated into the moving forward act and the child care for economic recovery act, both of which make comprehensive investments to stablize the child care sector in the wake of covid19. Discussions of the future must not be solely about highways, roads, and bridges. It is crucial that investment in c. A. R. E. S. And development of childhood care facilities are important in the broader infrastructure bills. If we are to do what is best for our children, our families and our economy, all covid and noncovid related infrastructure proposals must invest in child care facilities. Id like to thank my cosponsors, supervisor peskin, and i believe supervisor safai is also going to be a cosponsor. The rest i submit. Clerk sorry, mr. President. I was muted. Supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer thank you, madam clerk. President yee, may i please be added to your legislation in support of early child care providers . Thank you. Colleagues, today, i am introducing a motion to hold a committee of the whole on the status of the implementation of the 272 department of justice recommendations for the San Francisco Police Department. We asked for an update on this issue in october 2019, and after our last committee of the whole and prior to that, it was in september of 2017, so we were way so we are way overdue in our oversight in the progress of these reforms. But we must keep the focus on this critical effort to create change within our Police Department. In the d. O. J. S most recent report released in early march of this year, they noted that they found the Police Department to be compliant with only 40 of its 272 recommendations. It explicitly said, and i quote, california d. O. J. S concern that sfpds progress is too slow. This is delaying sfpds fulfillment of its promise to the community to get this work done. The report also pointed to concerns relating to reports of antiblack bias within the department and with a consistent, disproportionate use of force against black and latino individuals. We still have a long way to go to realize the change we want in the Police Department. I realize that through the budget process, starting tomorrow with a hearing on the Police Departments budget, well be engaging in tough conversations about what Public Safety should or should not look like in San Francisco, and the role of the police and what we consider to be Public Safety. Colleagues, i hope to have your support in calling for a committee of the whole after the budget process so we dont lose sight of the changes our Police Department undergoes. Cle colleagues, i would like to ask that we adjourn todays meeting in the memory of ron miguel, a resident of my district in the city. Ron is survived by his wife, ruth, his three children as well as seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. In his fiveyear stint on the planning commission, he brought in valuable experience and perspective to the table. [inaudible] ron reframed and expanded the conversation about the evolution of space in our city. As foreman of the grand civil jury, he raised awareness of issues in city hall, and he pushed for investments in San Franciscos infrastructure. R ron was committed to the city because its the only place he ever called home. Its where he ran the house of flowers at 25 and geary for a half century, where he fell in love, started a family, and raised his children. Though i could go on for hours about his professional accomplishments, its important to point out that rons legacy extended beyond his policy work. He had a Lasting Impact on everyone he worked with. He never passed up an opportunity to bring people together, no matter what they disagreed about. As president of the Planning Association for the richmond, he demonstrated an ability to play indica placate opposing views. As recently as two years ago, he chaired a volunteer committee trying to get train tracks to the salesforce transbay terminal, connecting memt berz to the right people and delivering the final words when they needed to convince a supervisor or high Level Planning official. So as ron put it, nothing stays the same. Everything will change and be different. Though San Francisco wont be the same without ron miguel, his legacy continues to define the ways in which our city will change for generations to come. May he rest in peace. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor fewer. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney submit. Clerk okay. Thank you. Supervisor mandelman. Supervisor mandelman submit. Clerk thank you. Supervisor mar . Supervisor mar thank you, madam clerk. I actually just wanted to start by adding my deep ko condolenc to janes family and friends. She was an incredible mentor and supporter of my brother and myself over the last 20plus years as we stepped into the treasure russ waters of local politics and democratic the Democratic Party and city government, so yeah, jane will be very much and deeply missed. Colleagues, today, im introducing one item, and its a second reenactment of Public Health emergency leave to keep this crucial benefit in place for over 200,000 San Francisco woo workers for an additional 60 days. The original order was signed by mayor breed on april 12, and we reenacted it on june 12. The second reenactment will ensure that the Public Health benefits remain in place as the pandemic continues and we gradually reopen the economy. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor mar. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, madam clerk. First of all, id like to thank supervisor mar for the government audit and Oversight Committee for the hearing we had last week with regard to the Corruption Scandal that was precipitated by the former director of public works, mohamed nuru. One of the most tragic aspects of that was the fact that the board of supervisors was asked to waive our oversight commitments and checks and balances as it relates to the building of homeless housing. Today, im introducing an ordinance to rescind the action that this board took last year relative to section 6. 76 and 21b of the administrative code. And thank you to supervisor haney for your cosponsorship of that matter. It is really tragic that mr. Nuru drove a truck through that, that his department did not question that. I would also like to be added as a cosponsor to supervisor waltons caren measure, which i was supposed to save, but neglected. And to supervisor walton, for giving you and our citys co e condolences to jaces family and his mother. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you. Seeing no names on the roster, mr. President , that concludes the introduction of new business. President yee supervisor preston, did you get a chance . Supervisor preston no, not yet. Clerk oh, supervisor preston, my apologies. Supervisor preston madam clerk, no worries. Today, im dprusi im introduc legislation [inaudible] duri. Supervisor preston during the covid19 pandemic. The homelessness crisis in our city obviously began long before the pandemic, but during the state of emergency, this Public Health crisis has deepened the already existing inequities along racial and socioeconomic lines. Its been 16 weeks since shelter in place began, and thousands of san franciscans continue to sleep outside with no ability to adequately shelter at home. And to this day, despite our advocacy, despite our unanimous legislation, despite our pleas to the administration to address homelessness comprehensively, thousands of people remain on the streets, and the city remarkably still lacks a citywide plan to address homelessness during the pandemic. According to the last point in time count, 35 of those experiencing homelessness in San Francisco are over the page of 51. In one of the richest cities in the world, 275 unhoused people died last year, and the c. D. C. , which had initially primarily warned of covid19 risk and vulnerable for those over 65 now warn that among adults, risk increases steadily as you age, and its not just those over the age of 65 who are at increased risk of severe illness. Despite our emergency ordinance requiring the city to house all persons who are homeless in hotels, the administration has limited i limit limited its efforts to move people into hotels who meet the eligibility requirement of being vulnerable. The citys definition of vulnerable, as articulated by the department of Public Health, are those that are 60 or older or have Underlying Health conditions. That means that a 53yearold living on the streets who lacks certain specified medical conditions would not be considered a Vulnerable Person and would not be eligible for a shelter in place or, as its called, s. I. P. Hotel room. However, research on geriatric individuals show that homeless geriatric individuals exhibit traits of those that are 20 years older. Our resolution urges the city, including the department of Public Health, the department of housing and Human Services to expand the definition of Vulnerable Person to include those 45 years or older for those who are unhoused for the purpose of hotel eligibility and any other covid19 related services that are currently related to vulnerable populations. I want to thank supervisors ronen and walton for their early cosponsorship and also thank avery yu and jen snyder in my office. Thank you. Clerk supervisor preston, i apologize. Mr. President , seeing no further names on the roster, this concludes introduction of new business. President yee okay. Lets go to Public Comment. Clerk okay. At this time, the board of supervisors will host Public Comment remotely. The board believes that it is fully essential for the public to participate in this meeting, and if you need any assistance at all, please contact my office. Theres someone standing by. 4155545584. The phone number is crawling on the screen, and its on channel 26. 4084189388, and enter the meeting i. D. 1467440571. Press pound, and pound again to be added to the proceedings. If you want to provide Public Comment, dial star and then three, and the system will indicate when it is your turn. You have to call from a quiet place. Each speaker will have up to two minutes to provide Public Comment. Theres no electioneering at Public Comment. We have three interpreters standing by to assist you in your language. Id like our three interpreters to introduce themselves. [speaking tagalog language] interpreter thank you so much, madam clerk. [speaking spanish language] interpreter thank you, madam clerk. Clerk and miss li, please. [speaking chinese language] interpreter thank you. Clerk thank you. Such beautiful voices. There are currently 27 individuals listening and 13 in the queue. I will just state that before too long, i will repeat the numbers listening, but for now, if you want to raise your hand, please press starthree, and mr. President , when youre ready, well have operations send the first speaker. President yee okay. Lets get started. Clerk okay, operations. Welcome, caller. You have two minutes. Hello. Can you hear . Clerk yes, we can. Welcome. Thank you. Hi. My name is artavia berry. Thank you to the entire board for the resolution noted as item 11 on todays agenda. It is an honor to continue celebrating the resilience of black lives matter. Multiplying good in our community has celebrated the transformative work in our community being accomplished by San Francisco leaders, including diane gray, amber childress, jennie chung, pamela harrington, carolyn whitesinger, and most recently, our latina task force. These are just a few examples of ladies in San Francisco who are on the frontlines every day, working hard to improve access to education, food, support our elderly and those without shelter, and for the Economic Development they created in the tech field. In addition to celebrating and providing platforms to these leaders, we are proud of our youth leaders who serve our community through our speedy connection programs. Members of high school have been making masks, peacefully protesting, donating blood, and providing food to the homeless. We are proud to partner with San Francisco supervisors for our new one in a million award, recognizing individuals and organizations that give back greatness. [please stand by] ringing doorbells and basically spreading whatever might be touched. Where does one find out about enforcement . And where does one get clarity on what the rules are . With respect to the City Services and functions, there seems to be an assumption that everybody has multiple accesses to computers and the internet and that simply is not true. Ththey studied the digital equiy strategy. Calling this number from a land line to participate in your meeting today, according to at t on my la lan line land line, the 59cents a minute. Secondsecond warning. Thank you. And with less expensive alternatives, if theyre available, it would be still considerable amounts of money. Theres to referral, typically, when it will b there will be a e available. The library, unfortunately, and they have not sent letters that do not have access to the computer and they leave out a great deal of areas that are important to the users. Thank you very much. Thank you. Just a point of information. The 408 area code is only lasting up until this week and i understand next week, the department of telecommunications will be implementing a 415 area code. So i think that concern will go away. Operations, next caller, please. Welcome, caller. Question hi. My name is fran hagler. Im a resident of district 5. Im an open swimmer an and im calling to urge the board of supervisors to enthusiastically adopt item 10, restoring aquatic park and pei pier. I sit there every morning and take in the bridge, alcatraz and the pier. They indicate this are four million visit es to th visitorsk each year. Aquatic park has been rediscovered by city residents. Every morning, the place is alive, swimmers, dog walkers, runners, fishermen and all people safely enjoyin enjoying e outdoors. The park is in jeopardy because the park that protects it is in dire straits and falling down and already partially shut down. Doing nothing is no longer and option. The resolution authored in item 10 will affirm the city commitment to the important place and advocate for the federal government to invest in repairs so that future generations of people in San Francisco can enjoy the aquatic park. Please the vote in favor for item 10. Thank you. We have 28 listening and 16 in the queue. Welcome, caller. Question hi. So im calling specifically in regards to item 4 and, well maam, im just going to pause your time really quick. Item 4 is not available for Public Comment today. You can speak on generally items or items 813. Just the reason why is because that item has been ok, i would still like to say this board is incredibly hypocritical because there are Hotel Workers that have had extremely ecology has a requirement that trash is sorted and so this is large buildings of all sorts, commercial buildings and there are people who literally go through the trash and sort out by cans. There are syringes and i know a lot of these people are kiss did people who have no other jobs. And the city funds a lot of these programs that funnel people into these jobs. Question you need to take an only that youll speak the truth because many of you are not speaking the truth. Thank you very much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Question i would like to inquire from the board how it plans to react to the blue leagues hack of our 38 giga bytes from the Police Department. On 7 1, bot1, the public informn officer of the Police Department denied any loss of data. Im tempted to read supervisor prestons Social Security number. It includes embarrassing medical information, personal information, Social Security numbers, drivers license numbers and immigration status information. This was the same day the police chief announced they wouldnt release mugshots and that seems to be hypocritical. The way this leak happened was through the Northern California Fusion Center and it went to a Company Called netsential. This is the National Security agency and according to a blogger, they met to hide Law Enforcement data from legislative bodies and oversight inclusive of legal discovery. In other words, the function of the Fusion Center has been to take San Francisco police data and hand it over to the nsa for mass surveillance and this is very disturbing and im wondering, are Fusion Centers necessarily. They pulled out of the task force wisely and net center handles data for ice. So immigration status data from the Police Department is being funneled out of the Fusion Center and handed over to ice so sanctuary city policies are nullified and i did want to point that out, but there seems to be absolutely no action from the Police Department on that massive data leak. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Question linda chapman. I have to mention today when i tried to call in, i ran into a problem but at this time, there was someone in the Clerks Office to help. So regarding the public advocate which is just critical, i think, if you understood the way that the equal opportunity staff in federal agencies felt, they did not have their hands tied in the way that the language of this public does. You coordinate with an agency. Similarly grievance mechanism and our contract, you know, the benefits of the union thank you for your comments. Pair operato indiscernible . Welcome caller. indiscernible . Operations, did we lose that caller . Question still here. Please continue, sir. You still have the floor. You have a minute and nine seconds left. Did you get the gist of anything i said . We are listening and ill restart your time. Question im just calling to echo mr. Haglers comments and in support of item 10, the resolution to support the aquatic park. indiscernible . Next caller, please. Question hello. Im happy to be able to address you today, compliments of the director of operations and your board secretary. I am one of those people who only have a land line. Many people just have a land line. They dont even have access to sf gov tv. I happen to put that into my budget to have, access to be connected with the city government. So i am happy that the 408 area code will be changed back to 415. It happened last meeting and this meeting, and also, land use last week. Thank you for reading my letters and taking action swiftly. And so, i would like to say today that i listened to sandra fewers idea to hold another meeting of the Police Commission. Its long overdue. I was in the chambers for the last one. My god, such an eyeopener with mothers bringing pictures their children, coming up and talking about the violence of police and what i recommend from that is that the agency that you are giving city dollars to give assistance to the Police Commission to reform to work on the reform. I think you should get rid of them. They are not doing a good job at all. And i mean, look at the progress theyve made, so very little. And so, consider your budget and what needs to be done as far as the police goes and put in that reform. Let the police do the work to improve and get rid of those things that need to be those items that need to be done, that are on that list. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Question hello. Im Brenda Austin and i live in district one. Im an open water swimmer and rower and a former board member of the southend rowing club. I urge the board of supervisors to support item 10 regarding the restoration of the aquatic park peer. Pier. Thank you all in advance for your consideration. Question i hope you choose this support and resolution of aquatic park. Thank you for your time. Next speaker, please. Question were urging support for district 10. Im going to pause you. You each get two minutes. If you speak first. Question sure. Ill set the timer now for two minutes. Question thank you. Thanks to sou supervisor stephae for this. This has been central throughout the pandemic and it is well supported that fresh air and vitamin d are integral for remaining health in the face of covid19. We swim several times a week and it is evident that the park and pier is vital in this diverse community. It is clear that the structural remediation that enables beachgoers to enjoy San Francisco. Without funding, we risk losing the park and pier and the access for the communities and resources for our wellbeing. Funding for our parks is supporting Public Health. Thank you. Thank you. Question this fridays a unique opportunity to go way out over the bay and in one of the most scenic waters in the bay area and enjoy the views, proximity to wildlife and exercise gathering and fishing and the pier and underwater create a smallscale safe beach and cove that is within walking and bus distance to San Francisco communities and its such a unique and wonderful resource. Theres no other sweet little beach like this in the city. And its really popular with local people, as well as visitors to our city. And so, thank you so much, supervisors, stephanie and peskin, for your leadership and understanding of the importance of this project and i just urge support of the entire board of supervisors for this item. Thank you very much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. We have 18 in the queue and six individuals listening. Question i am up . Yes, its your turn. Hello. Question thank you. Hi, this is kathy varner, a ricket oresident of district 2, supporting the aquatic park and thank you supervisor stephanie and peskin, for all of your enthusiasm and support in sponsoring this resolution. Ive always loved this place and i swim there on a regular basis and lately, it is wonderful to see how many people are enjoying the site. This is really important, important loyal, and also to be used as the National Park service, the department of interioinwashington. So thank you. Next caller. Question i support the park and pier and thank you to supervisor stephanie and peskin for their efforts. I go to the aquatic park two times a week. We need to rebuild the pier to keep having just one safe protected space and more sf residents are swimming here than ever. I would suggest that the pier could be rebuilt into a modern pier into something sf is really proud of. It would be a landing spot and panorama views of the bay. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Question i believe i might be dialing in late for item number 5, but i would like the opportunity to comment on it. Im sam shaw. Sam, hang on. Item 5 is not available for Public Comment today. That item actually had its Public Comment in committee. That being said, this is general Public Comment. You are able to talk about things generally in the city and items 813 on the agenda. With that, i can start your time. Please go right ahead. Question thank you. Well, i guess my comment generally would be that, you know, small landlords like myself are struggling quite a bit in the city and some of the legislation thats passed, i understand the motivation and i appreciate it, it seems very onesided and i would just consider as small landlords, we have increasing costs, such as insurance costs are going through the roof and Maintenance Repair costs keep going up because the Service Providers are charging a lot more. And, of course, the property taxes which go up every year, which are controlled by the city and so, the rent increases, as nominal as they are, are just ways to help absorb the Cost Increases and i would just ask the board of supervisors to consider legislation that is more balanced and not just onesided towards tenants, which i am empathetic, but consider those landlords that are small landlords trying to survive themselves. One way to do that in this time, instead of all of the legislation being onesided towards just protecting the tenants, one say is to freeze property tax increases for maybe this year to help us offset some of the other costs were having and lack of ability to increase the rent. So i appreciate the time to voice my opinion on this and, again, i understand the motivation and am empathetic, but i would ask the board of supervisors be empathetic towards shawl landlords, as we well. Thank you for your comments. Operations, lets see here, i believe there are four individuals in the queue. And there are 19 listening. Of the 19, if you want to get in the queue, please press star 3, operations. Welcome caller. Hello . Perhaps go back to operations and check back with that caller. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Question i would like to comment on the please give us your comments. Question i thought pardon . Please go right ahead and give us your comments. Yes. Yes, i thought making false91l and i dont quite understand what the point of this legislation is because lets say someone were to call 911 for a situation and the police were to respond. My impression was that the police were to take care of it from that point on and if the police were to mishandle it, then the police should be liable. You know, if it was problematic, call call, then the person who made the false call could be charged for making a false call and if the police mishandled it, the police lo should be liable r mishandling it. The legislation seems to reinforce this. And i think with legislation might discourage people from calling the police in situations where theyre not sure whether or not the police or shouldnt come. So really what we need is bette thank you for your call and for your ideas. We encourage you to go to our website and look at our Committee Agendas and just see when that item is scheduled in committee and the date will be held in committee and so we welcome all public to be able to comment on these items at committee. Operations, next caller, please. Welcome, caller. Youll have up to two minutes. You might be circling back to the individual that didnt anticipation before. I believe there were of them. Please press star 3 and listen for the prompt, and that might bring you into the proceedings. Question hello. Welcome. Question thank you so much. Ive been in resident in San Francisco for 45 years and i use aquatic park frequently. One of the ones im calling to encourage the support for item number 10 and i, too i dont hah to say because all of the support has identified the key things, that protection for the cove expect cove i and the cover walking, fishing, enjoying the views and there are just a number of uses and a very diverse population that takes advantage. So i think its really important to appreciate the value of the pier and i just want to encourage support and take this opportunity, as well, to thank supervisor stephanie and peskin for their continued support of aquatic park and for this resolution. And thats all i have. Thank you so much. Thank you for your comments. This is last call. We have, i believe, two individuals in the queue and this are several that are listening. This is the last call. If you press star 3, that will get you into the line to provide comments, but i wont be providing this again because there were only two callers in line thus far. Operations, please send the caller through. Welcome, youll have up to two minutes. Question yes, hi. You can hear me, right . Yes, we can. Welcome. Question yes. I appreciate the time. Thank you very much. I am calling to ask again so for the board of supervisors to provide relief for the purchase and dye holders. Credit union could at any time decide theyre going to foreclose on the medallions and well lose some very good drivers and right now, a lot of them have chosen not to drive due to the safety and health reasons. I would appreciate it if you can try to push the mta to work with you to find some funds for some lone relief, maybe lone assistance for the premiums they owe the credit union. We cant afford to lose these longterm medallion users who are longterm drivers who are helping us. The airport business has picked up somewhat and we could probably encourage them to come back and do some driving. But at the same time, we cant jeopardize their health. So i appreciate you reach out to the mta and work with them. I want to say that the airport has bent over backwards to help us, providing face masks and sanitizing supplies for the cab drivers to sanitize their vehicles and the mta has provided some classic barriers that help protect against the virus. And so i thank you for that. So lastly, i asked you support this san quinton resolution on rastled today. Your agenda today. I live in moran, and i think its sad our hospitals are taxed over the situation and that the san quinnton needs do something to rectify the situation and prevent more infections. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your comment, sir. Im a swimmer who frequents the aquatic park on a weekly basis despite covid and im asking for your support for item 10, resolution and support of aquatic park and pier. We have reached thousands of use, bringing them to the bay, to learn about wildlife and enjoy the outdoors. We have received National Park service for our Youth Volunteer program and reduced thousands of plastic pollution and picked up thousands of cigarette butts. We are losing a valuable place for health and education for San Francisco residents and visitors. And on behalf of the union and our members, we urge you to recommend rebuilding the pier and revitalize the park. I would like to thank supervisor stephanie and peskin in posturing this resolution and enjoying the park firsthappeneds swimmers. Thank you for supporting item 10 and we invite you all to visit the cove and jump in. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. There are three members in the queue. Well, youll have up to two minutes. Puwelcome. Im a resident of the mission and im calling in support of resolution 8 to reduce prison population to reduce people in prison and staff from covid19. California leadership provide adequate coronavirus testing and personal protective equipment and i suggest that the board call specifically for testing to be provided to 100 of incars incarcerated prison staff and they must be provided with free cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment now through the end of the pandemic. Also, i urge the board to demand that cdcr expand creditearning opportunities to allow incarcerated people to participate in programming and work toward accelerating their state. Thank you for your continued compassion and i appreciate it. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Question they allows Hotel Vacancies indiscernible . Question grass roots activists will continue to work and please do continue yours. Again, thank you and just please keep it going. I yield the rest of my time. Thank you so much and thank you for visiting us. Everyone who has visited us today to give us Public Comment. Operations, are there any other callers in the queue . Operator yes, one final caller. Welcome, caller, please join us. Youll have up to two minutes. Question hello. My name is laurel mccoy and im a San Francisco resident of district 4, calling to urge the support for item 10 for resolution in support of aquatic park in pier. First of all, thank you to supervisor stephanie and peskin for supporting the park and sponsoring the resolution. I started swimming at aquatic park as a College Student almost 40 years ago. Dr. James garrett of the st. Francis Memorial Hospital suggested i swim there to support an ankle injury. This is a National Treasure that offers safe and easy access to the water. Im a Public High School teacher and for the past two years, a member of the dolphin club and i swim after school and swimming at aquatic park has been essential to maintaining my physical wellbeing. That completes the queue. That completes the speakers line. Ok, Public Comment is now closed. Madam clerk, lets go to agenda items 813. Items 813 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee. A unanimous vote is required for resolutions on First Reading today. Alternatively, any supervisor may require the resolution to go to committee. Colleagues, would anyone like to sever any items . President yee, this is supervisor stephanie and i would like to sever item number 10, please. I would like to sever item number 8. I will sever item number 11. So for the remainder of the items, 9, 12 and 13 and please call the role. role call . There are 11 ay session. Ok, then, without objection, the resolutions adopted and approved unanimously. Can you call item number 8. To urge governor gavin newsom, secretary ralph diaz and acting warden Ron Broomfield to take immediate measures including reducing prison population to protect people incarcerated and staff at san quentin prison from covid19. Since we introduced the resolution last week, the situation has become significantly more dire in san quentin. As of yesterday, there are more than 1400 inmates who have tested covid19 positive in san quentin and the number of employees at san quentin and 165 have tested positive. There have been 65 incarcerated people who have been hospitalized so far and six inmates have now died. The response has been completely inadequate and there has been some Media Attention on the very limited plan for some early release. Its only about 100 san quentin inmates slated to be released under the current plan and nothing that even approaches the need in terms of reducing overcrowding. And addressing this incredibly dangerous situation. Since last week, the Public Defenders Office reached out to approximately 60 inmates to call for their early release. Prisonershave are taking direct action with a Hunger Strike, and about 20 people in the prison badger section have been on a Hunger Strike the past few days and theyre still lock up in small cells with other people, unable to socially distance while this virus rages through the prison. An incarcerated journalist confirmed a lot of these conditions and has been getting the word out. James king at the alb baker center for human rights incarcerated in the prison until december has talked about what the prisoners are doing to raise awareness and get the word out about this, but the situation is unbearable, highly unsafe and the infection rates are rising rapidly and i appreciate the support from supervisors hainey, ronen, fewer, mandleman and walton and would urge others to join us for support. I think we need to send a strong as possible message in no Uncertain Terms to state leadership, leadership at corrections department, to the governor and to the warden at san quentin and not leave this job just to the activists who are crying out for help. Page 4 of the resolution line 12, providing coronavirus testing and ppe to simply insert after adequate, the words and free into line 12 and so i guess move to amend with that nonsubstantive. Motion to amend, second, anybody . Need a second. Second. Second. Supervisor mandlemam second and could i have role call on the amendment, please. role call . There are 11 ayes. So motion to amend passes. Can i have role call on the amended item. On item 8 role call there are 11 ayes. So this resolution is adopted as amended. Madam clerk, lets call item number 10. Resolution to declare the city support for the restoration of the aquatic park pier and urge the federal government to prioritize that National Park Service Project for funding through the Great Outdoors act 2020 or through some other means. Ok. Supervisor stephanie. Thank you, president yee. I want to start out by thanking all those who called in during Public Comment. Your support and activist here is going to really help and we cant thank you enough on behalf of supervisor peskin, as well. In a rare act of bipartisanship, the United States Senate Passed the Great American outdoors act by a vote of 7325 and it appears as though a handful of republican senators faced with dire reelection prospects decided to join their democratic rallies and do something good for the country for once. The Great American outdoors act would establish the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund to support deferred maintenance projects on a federal public lands. Most importantly, the legislation sets up a permanent funding stream for these projects. Up to 1. 9 billion per year, which will go a long way to clearing the nearly 12 billion in overdue maintenance for our National Parks. After years of dismantling regulations and subsidizing oil and Gas Industries and abandoning the paris agreement, this is a step in the right direction. Not only is the act important for our country, its vital for our city. Or very own historical park or aquatic park, as its more commonly known, as over one hundred Million Dollars in deferred minds. Maintenance. There is historical and recreational value that will be lost forever if it is not restored. The pier and park are next to black point which is the last completely undeveloped piece of coast in San Francisco and has substantial historic and cultural significance to our indigenous communities whose ancestors lived on that site prior to european colonialization. They bear the significant architecture hallmarks of that era and built during a time of economic devastation and it is my hope it can be rebuilt. In that vein, we have kicked of a communitydriven vision study process which will develop a plan for access,ive the public ground, incorporate and elevate the significant cultural importance and preserve it for future generations. But none of that can happen if the federal government doesnt step up and to their part to save the site. Were still responsible for maintaining. Prioritizing the aquatic park for funding is the best chance to see that happen. Im asking for your support, urging the passage of the Great American outdoors act and prioritizing our own aquatic park for funding. I want to thank everyone at the south rowing club and dolphin club for tremendous activist and thank you to kathy barner for the excellent project management and finally, i want to thank supervisor peskin for his cosponsorship. He is a tremendous friend to the aquatic park and a champion for the preservation across the United States. I urge your support. Thank you. Aquatic park has many uses including guys that like to sit out here and play the conga drums. I wonder who that could have been. [ laughter ] never mind. role call . Soup storsupervisor peskin, e muted. Sorry, i said aye and i saw president yee beating those drums. [ laughter ] there are 11 ayes. So this resolution is passed unanimously. please stand by . Aba. President yee to highlight not only those on the frontlines of the Health Crisis serving our community, but also those who have been leading the movement in racial justice. They are people, many argue, for making a difference in organizing and advocating for a brighter, more equitable future. These are [inaudible]. We have so much to celebrate, and it only takes one person to create a Ripple Effect to transform the world. Im calling on the city and all of you, my colleagues, to promote this campaign and to nominate as many as you can. The website is www. Onemillionawards. Com. Can i have a motion and a second . Supervisor fewer so moved. Supervisor stefani thank you. President yee thank you. Madam clerk, would you call the roll, please. Clerk certainly. On the motion [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. So the motion to amend passes. I also want to thank the cosponsors, supervisor mandelman and supervisor peskin, and i believe, supervisor peskin, your name was on the roster. Did you want to add Something Else . Supervisor peskin no. It was for item 10, which has come and again, but supervisor stefani said everything that needed to be said. President yee i apologize, supervisor peskin. Im really failing you today. Supervisor peskin mr. President , thats okay. President yee so madam clerk, could we have a roll call on item 11 as amended. Clerk on item 11 as amended [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. The resolution is amended as adopted what . The resolution as amended is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, i believe we are at the end here. Clerk yes. President yee okay. Are there any other can we read the in memoriams . Clerk yes. Todays meeting will be adjourned on behalf of the following individuals on behalf of supervisor walton, on behalf of jace young. On behalf of supervisor fewer and supervisor cawalton, on behalf of ron miguel, and on behalf of the entire board of supervisors, for the late Jane Morrison. President yee thank you. Are there any other items . Supervisor peskin mr. President , if we could adjourn the board, id like to make a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting unanimously for the young individual, jason, who died untimely. If that could come from the entire board, id appreciate that. President yee so be it i mean, i agree with you. So well close our meeting to jace young, right . Mr. Young . Clerk yes, well make note of that. Thank you. President yee okay. Then no further business . Clerk that concludes our business for today. President yee okay. Then meeting adjourned. Thank you very much, everybody

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