Staffing this meeting. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. Due to the covid19 Health Emergency and city charter, the chambers room in city hall is closed. Public comment will be available on each item on the agenda. Both channel 26 and sfgtv. Org are streaming the number across the screen. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. Comments or opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 4084189388. Again. Thats 4084189388. The i. D. Is 1462655364, then press pound, and pound again. When connected, you will hear the meeting discussion, but youll be muted and in listening mode only. When your item comes up, dial starthree to be added to the speaker line. Best practice is to call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly, and turn down your television or radio. Alternatively, you may contact us in the following ways. Email me at victor. Young sf. Gov. Finally, items on todays agenda will be acted upon on the board of supervisors agenda on july 14 unless otherwise stated. I believe youre muted. Chair ronen i apologize. Thank you. Can you please read item number 1. Clerk item number 1 is a Charter Amendment to amend the charter of the city and county of San Francisco to create the office of public advocate, set of Public Advocates powers and duties, authorize the public advocate to review the administration of city programs and services, including programs for transmitting information to the public and departments Customer Service plans, and to receive, investigate, and attempt to resolve complaints regarding City Services and programs, authorize the public advocate to receive and investigate specified whistleblower complaints, and to provide for the Public Advocates election, removal, and salary at an election to be held on november 3, 2020. Chair ronen thank you. Supervisor mar, did you want to make any comments . Supervisor mar i just wanted to make sure you can hear me because im getting a little feedback. Chair ronen thank you. Supervisor mar colleagues, [inaudible] i do have some final amendments that i want to make today that my office has shared with you in advance of this meeting. On page 7, line 18, weve replac replaced notified and confer with confer. [inaudible] that relate to potential disciplinary issues shall be referred to the [inaudible] [please stand by]. Chair ronen okay. Thank you. If theres no questions, we can open this item up for Public Comment or comments. Supervisor stefani, did you have any comments . No . Okay. Can we open this item up for Public Comment . Clerk oh, there goes my notes. Sorry. If youve not already done so, please press starthree to be added to the queue to speak. For those already on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Mr. Kao, do you have any members of the public online . Operator there are no callers wishing to speak on this item. Chair ronen okay. Then Public Comment is closed. Supervisor mar, i just have one question about we had talked about the date for when those elections would be held last time, and im wondering if you had thought those through anymore, and if had you it seems like youre not making any changes, but i just wanted to see what your thinking was on that. Supervisor mar yeah. Thank you, chair ronen, for raising the question. And again, you know, its my preference, and as reflected in, you know, the current version, amended version, that we have the first election for the public advocate be in november 2022, and and thats really the next available opportunity when were going to have a general election, you know, after this year. And then but then, we have the regular election for public advocate in november 2024, which would be the next general election after that, and that would be in line with the president ial election, where, you know, we would expect the highest voter turnout, and thats the most Voter Participation in this important decision. Chair ronen my one, just, thought, is the chance were going to have a special election next year i think is higher than normal, given all the uncertainties around covid19 and its impact on our economy and our country, so im just concerned cost wise about that and wondered if you just want to state clearly that the first election is in 2022, as opposed to the next general election or special. Supervisor mar yeah. Actually, im open to that, that additional clarification and amendment. [inaudible] chair ronen clerk, do you know what that noise what that was . Clerk we are looking into that right now. We will update you as we as we find information. Chair ronen okay. Okay. So i would like to propose that amendment, as well, then, and to make clear, i dont have the legislation in front of me like i should, sorry, but in the place where it says that the first election for the public advocate should be during the next general or special election, if we could just clarify that the first election for the public advocate will be during the 2022 general election. I see the City Attorney. Hi, chair ronen. Good morning. If it would be okay with you to continue this item until later in the meeting to give our deputies time to prepare that. Chair ronen sure. Id prefer to have a couple of minute to see do that because minutes to do that because we cant do Charter Amendments on the fly, so if youd agree to continue this, and we can bring this back later in the meeting. Chair ronen sure. That sounds good. Supervisor mar . Supervisor mar yes, that sounds good. Chair ronen okay. Deputy City Attorney ann pearson. Thank you. So were leaving this item as is and asking the clerk to call item number 2. Clerk item number 2 is an amendment to amend the charter of the city and county of San Francisco to create the sanitation and Streets Department to succeed to specific duties currently performed by the department of public works, to create a sanitation and streets commission to oversee the sanitation and Streets Department, to create a Public Works Commission to oversee the Department Public works, to require an annual perform ann audit and cost and waste analysis for both departments, and affirming the Planning Departments determination under the ceqa at an election to be held on november 3, 2020. Chair ronen okay. Were joined by supervisor matt haney. Supervisor haney, did you want to add comments and amendments . Supervisor haney yes. I do have some comments, and i do have some amendments, as well. Thank you very much, colleagues. Im very proud to bring this back with my cosponsors stefani, ronen, walton, and mar [inaudible] accountability, public input, policy settings, contract approval, and oversight over these two critical sets of city responsibilities. This item was heard last week, and we had a full presentation and discussion, so im not going to go over it in full again, but i want to reiterate a couple of points and then discuss some key amendments we are introducing. I said last week, and this is no secret, San Francisco has become infamous for his filthy streets, and for folks who are worried about any spending associated with this measure, they should also look to any money we have lost because of this reputation. It has serious consequence on our residents and businesses. 70 of comments to a recent chamber of commerce poll said the overall cleanliness of our city has deteriorated in recent years. This, despite the fact we have poured tens of millions of dollars into the d. P. W. Budget with little to show for it. Its clear that departmental corruption has paid a role. This isnt about one person or one leader, this is about the structure of government thats failing miserably and lacking in accountability and needs a commission. The recent controls report made that very clear, and we have provided for that in our Charter Amendment. But simply putting a commission over public works will not solve the absolutely horrendous state of our streets. San franciscans deserve clean and healthy streets, and the only way we are going to get there is by creating a department with proper accountability, public input, and transparency, with the focused resources and guiding leadership to get the job done. My district represents some of t the citys most vulnerable residents. We are committed as a city to equity, and so when fate gives us opportunity to make a huge difference in the quality of life of these residents, our priorities should be later focused on getting this done, and we shouldnt make excuses or lack the political will. The tenderloin, mission, and bayview should not have to wait to have clean sidewalks. This is unfair. It is a huge priority and quality of life for these residents, and this will help solve that problem. But i want to make it clear that this is not only about the neighborhoods that are most directly and obviously impacted. This affects every single resident in San Francisco. Wherever you live, you spend time in our downtown neighborhoods, you work there, you visit there, and youre also affected by our citys ability to shore Economic Activity and tourism thats connected to the state of our streets. As our citys legislative body, we must do our part to make sure that the city recovers from our economic downturn and taking care of our streets and sidewalks in some of our citys most visited areas. Im afraid that our city will never recover. The need for a Sanitation Department with baseline services, accountability, and transparency is essential to also address the Public Health concerns related to covid19. We know that the coronavirus can spread easy. We also know to keep our public areas clean during the pandemic or while we have the threat of one. San franciscos deserve clean streets and sidewalks now more than ever. This is a Public Health issue. Ive addressed the costs before, but just to reiterate a few things, our residents expect we get the basics right. We have a 12 billion budget, and so many of our residents, especially in district 6, ask, can you just keep the streets clean first. The cost that the controller put forth in this is something like. 0001 of our budget. Maybe we should start to ask the question if there is something fundamentally broken with the structure that were referring to. Does it make sense to continue to throw precious limited resources into a broken unaccountable system that doesnt get the job done . Thats what this amendment fixes. Again, want to reiterate that this measure does not cost a penny over the next two fiscal years when we are most concerned about our budget situation. The board has the authority to have the city administrator provide some Additional Services to the new department, which will further bring the cost down, and is one of the amendments that we are providing for today. Weve also added a clear responsibility of both commissions to do analyses for cost efficiencies and buricracy, and i have no doubt that these commissions will find more ways, inefficiencies in the small costs that have the controller has that the controller has put forward. Supervisor stefani has put forth an amendment that would delete roughly 80 of the amendment in front of us. I want to be clear, ive been working on this with residents, with employees, with stakeholders for over a year hello . Chair ronen sorry about that. Were having weird issues this morning with feedback. Continue, supervisor haney. Supervisor haney so we have been working on this over a year. It is carefully crafted. It was crafted with input from employees. I have been in hundreds of hours of meetings about this. It was carefully crafted with input from the people who are most impacted, who we represent. I have sat in on various meet and confers and worked out all of the issues presented, and the Charter Amendment reflects all of that work. This version was formally announced four months ago. It would be unthinkable to me in the 11th hour and this is not even the 11th hour, because i believe this is the last day that amendments can be taken in committee, really, at the last possible moment that this would be a proposal that there would be a proposal to gut 80 of it without consulting me or the folk thats have worked on it. I have only been here 1. 5 years as a supervisor, but frankly, i have never seen an amendment to gut a Ballot Initiative or a proposal in its entirety. I think such a proposal would be offensive, not to me but to the tens of thousands of people in our city that live in squalid conditions. And i note that there were dozens and dozens of people who called in in favor of this proposal last week who also, i believe, deserve some respect in this. If someone wants to propose solely a Public Works Commission, i recommend that you put that forward in your own proposal. That is not what this is. This is not what we will allow this to be. That is not what we have spent over a year crafting. This is a new department with new responsibilities, with new oversight and accountability. All of that goes together. You cannot cut out 80 of it and expect that the 20 that is left is going to get the job done. It will not. So i imagine im not sure if that amendment is going to be put forward, but i just want to say, respectfully, that since i have been working on this with my colleagues, with my cosponsors, with the stakeholders, with the workers for over a year, that i would appreciate if that work was not undercut and that was respected. If you are against this proposal, youre welcome to vote against it. If you believe there should be a new proposal that is just a Public Works Commission, i encourage someone to introduce that separately. That is not what this proposal is, and as the person who has worked on this extensively with many others, i would appreciate if that is respected. With this Charter Amendment, we have an opportunity to make a real tangible difference on the streets of San Francisco. We need this in every neighborhood and for every resident. What i want to do now, just lastly, is go over some of the amendments that are here in front of us that address some of the remaining issues, and i hope that these are the last set of amendments that we will take. On number first, on page 3, line 15, were removing section c under duties of the department of sanitation and streets in the prior draft. The intentional of this was to make sure that there are no yesterday empties as no impediments of referring work to the department of sanitation and streets, but the City Attorney has assured me that this would hold true without this amendment. We understand this would create new barriers when it comes to contracting out, particularly with smaller contractors, so weve eliminated this part of it completely. We just wanted to maintain the status quo as it relates to work that is being done inhouse or work that needs to be contracted out. So this particular part that had some concerns from some of the contractors, this has been taken out. So if youre listening or planned on calling in for that purpose, weve listened, and that is no longer an issue. Weve taken out. Next, weve clarified sidewalks to say that nothing shall relieve the owners of responsibilities set forth by state laws, including those laws as may be amended in the future. Page 13, under refused collection update, shall performed the duties assigned to the director of public works by the refuse collection and disposal ordinance of 1932 as may be amended from time to time. Page 3, line 13, the board of supervisors may submit an ordinance directing the director and d. P. W. To create a new department saving costs and giving the board the power to change this in the future. Again, this allows for the further possibility to reduce costs. Allowing the board of supervisors to give the department of streets and sanitation the ability to create its own Administrative Offices through ordinance. Page 4, line 2, were clarifying that the date of the commission wont start until july 2022, so everything will not start until july 2022, which means that it will have no impact on the next two fiscal year. Page 6, line 2, page 4, line 2, are also just clarifying that everything will begin on july 2022. Page 7, line 7, were removing Program Management as a qualification. And then, page 8, line 10, were changing one word there, from may to shall requiring the appropriate bodies to approve and sign off on public works projects affecting City Infrastructure and submitting this to the commission. This was something that was very important to our neighborhood allies and colleagues, and we just further worked that amendment out. And i think pretty much those are the main amendments. You have, i believe, all of the amendments in front of you. We have worked on this many, many months and very, very carefully. Its well thought out. It has the support of, right now, five supervisors. I very much hope that, ultimately, this is something that we can all get behind and that we can all support. It addresses both the need for clean streets and the concerns that have been very broadly shared around corruption. I do not want to see a change by deleting 80 of it today, and again, i appreciate the support of the cosponsors, including supervisors mar and ronen, and i hope that we can have the support of the entire board. Thank you. Chair ronen sorry. The mute button is going to be the end of all of us. Any thank you, supervisor haney. Any comments or concerns from my colleagues . Supervisor stefani yes, chair ronen. I have my name on the roster . Chair ronen oh, im sorry. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani thank you. Let me start off by saying i take my obligations on the rules committee very seriously, and what is before us is something that i investigate and review to the best of my abilities and knowledge, and that includes 13 years of budget cycles here in the city and county of San Francisco, three years as the budget aide to the chair of the committee, supervisor farrell, and serving two years on the Budget Committee as supervisor, also with the knowledge that were facing a 2 billion budget deficit and in a pandemic with unknown solutions and unknown consequences at this time. So i want to thank supervisor haney for this Charter Amendment and for the opportunity to review how to make the situation better. I do know that we have the director with us today, and public works staff, and i want to thank them for joining us this morning. And first and foremost, i would like to make very clear that i, too, condemn the actions of the former director and all of those involved. I want to see changes to public works that would insulate the departments permitting and contract approval processes from any real or perceived personal or political bias. And i know this is extremely important to everyone here, as well. So i do have several questions that id like to explore. First, while i appreciate this programs goal in the transparency and goal in public works, i do have concerns about its potential costs. As we know, and i just said, the city is staring down a nearly 2 billion budget deficit in the next two years. We will have to take a hard look at which Critical Services will survive, Critical Services. It is my understanding and i want to say, too, that about the amendment that i circulated last night to everybody. It is prompted by the fact that i just received the controllers report and the audit. This is something that we just reviewed, and that is the basis of why i put that forward. So it is my understanding that the Controllers Office has estimated the cost of this proposal before the most recent amendment at between 4 million and 10 million per year. Thats up to 100 million from the next decade. And i was wondering if there was anything from the Budget Office here, and if so, has your Office Provide any estimations . Yes. This is natasha from the budget and legislative analysts office. The report that we prepared prior to supervisor haneys amendments allowed the board of supervisors to determine the allocation of services so that some centralized services would save money . However, we have listed that as may reduce the cost in the future. Otherwise, our estimate stays the same. Supervisor stefani and that estimate is what . 4 million to 10 million annually. Supervisor stefani okay. And also, any new jobs created by this proposal, it seems to me that they would mostly be administrative positions, is that correct . That is correct, however, each commission would also have staff to support the commission as well as stipends for those commissioners. Supervisor stefani okay. So these arent jobs of people out on the streets . The costs of those 4 million to 10 million is based on additional staff that are required to split currently centralized administrative support services. Supervisor stefani okay. Thank you. And provider to becoming supervisor, as you know, i did run the county clerks office, which received human resources, i. T. , and Financial Support from the office of the city administrator. And it is concerning to me that im hearing this proposal, even as amended, could duplicate positions that the city already provides in public works current configuration by creating a second department, and im wondering how might this affect the overhead rate and any contracting out of services . This is a question for the Controllers Office . Supervisor stefani whoever can answer, either the director or the Controllers Office or whomever can answer that question. Through the chair, this is howard. May i respond . Supervisor stefani supervisor haney, if you have a direct answer, chair ronen, may i ask them to respond to the question . I would defer to the director of public works. Supervisor stefani okay. Director, do you have an answer to that question . Yes, chair ronen. As we believe and by breaking the department up, if its too small of a department, it likely would have higher you would have a higher overhead rate, because as administrative costs, youre trying to break out with at least emphasis that would add to that higher rate. This is something that, obviously, we dont know for sure right now because it hasnt happened yet, but its based on everything that weve seen, by splitting a department up, you would see a higher overhead rate which would then likely result in a higher cost that would be spread across the city. Supervisor haney can i [inaudible]. Chair ronen oh, sure. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney yeah. So, again, this is opinion shaped very much by the administration at d. P. W. Who are not in support of this. We have an amendment today which would allow for the city administrator to provide the administrative support and services to reduce the amount of any additional administrators that are required. Thats also noted in the letter, and we allow d. P. W. , if we decided as a board to keep costs down, we also amended that to shall, so they will continue to provide administrative support as a way to keep costs down. Thats not reflected in the report thats before us. We have in here that there will be a cost analysis to reduce inefficiencies done by the controller and done by the commission which also will likely reduce costs. So there are a number of things in here that would make it so we dont have to have a handful of new administrative positions in this new department. And i will say, you know, having a director who are hired to get the who is hired to get the job done and is accountable is a good thing for our city, so there is some very small cost that will be there. This isnt creating a whole new department. Its taking a part of the department that already exists and breaking it off, which means that most of the Administrative Functions that its providing would just be shifted over. So i really do think there are even with the way weve written it and within the controllers estimate, we can keep this very low. 100 million, it was odd to hear a tenyear estimate. Ive never heard that before. But over ten years, were going to spend as a city 200 billion, so again, this continues to be. 001 of our budget. Chair ronen supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani yes, id like to continue with my questions, if that is okay with the chair. Chair ronen sure, of course. Supervisor stefani okay. One of my last questions is the potential to lose [inaudible] chair ronen we cant hear you. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani is everybody on mute . Chair ronen i can hear you now. I can hear you now. Supervisor stefani okay. Im going to start over. One of my last questions the potential to lose efficiency in breaking one department into two does give me great ypause, and i know residents in my district are already unsure whom to call, for example, for bulbouts and many of the things that department the public works oversees. Can you give me feedback on supervision for the department of public works, and that question is for the director. Chair ronen director . I think the screen froze. Clerk, can you help . I think the director clerk well find out whats going on with the director, but yes, he is frozen, and he might have lost connection. Chair ronen okay. Supervisor stefani, do you have any questions while we get the director back . Supervisor stefani i do not. I guess we can wait for his answer, but id like to proceed with my remarks. Chair ronen sure. Supervisor stefani just now having received the cost projections from the Controllers Office, not the department itself, what concerned me that as a former Department Head, it is very troubling to me that this Department Head could duplicate administrative positions, and to the extent that i heard this morning that might be any different was the first ive heard about that. So i do believe that it could create further government bloat and decrease efficiency when we are in the midst of a financial crisis with no end in sight. And i agree with this proposals goals of increasing Government Transparency, and i want to thank the sponsor, supervisor haney, for his work on this issue and for raising it over and over again. But there is a way to achieve the transparency and accountability we are all looking forward without spending 40 million and 100 million over the next decade, and that is in the controllers cost projection. So today, i do have an amendment that i would like to put forward to this proposal that would create the Public Works Commission as the amendment that i circulated to everyone last night, and its as prescribed in supervisor haneys proposal. But it would preserve public works as one department. And the commission would consist of five members, two appointed by the board of supervisors, two by the mayor, and one by the controller. And it would have all the same powers and duties spelled out in the proposal before us today. My amendment, however, would delete section 4. 138, the sanitation and streets commission, and section 4. 139, the department of sanitation and streets, as well as any related changes referring to the department of sanitation and streets or the sanitation and streets commission. And i share supervisor haneys concern for supervisor cleanliness and sanitation. But the department would not provide additional street services. Rather, it would increase staffing at a cost of tens of millions of dollars while the covid19 pandemic has blown a 2 billion hole in our budget. So my amendment puts forth a way of more Government Transparency and correcting for any inefficiencies that having two separate departments would create. So that is my amendment based on the cost projections and the controllers audit report, and so i would like to make a motion to incorporate this amendment into the proposal today. Chair ronen im going to make some remarks, but supervisor haney, did you have anything else to add before supervisor haney i guess i spoke on this. You know, the costs are so small as it relates to the problem that were facing and the impact on our citys revenue from lost visitors and tourism and conventions, the impacts on quality of life. We are likely going to continue to spend tens of millions of dollars on this program, and were going to throw it into the same broken system unless we make a change. Ive never heard a budget over a tenyear cycle, and to say that this costs 40 million over ten years, when our city, if it was over ten years, would spend probably over 200 billion. Ive never heard us budget this way. I want to be clear, this will have no impact over the next two years on the fiscal situation. We are, and i am a part of multiple measures that are going to bring in hundreds of millions of dollars potentially on the ballot in november. This is a very small cost to create a structure that can actually get the job done, which will ultimately have an impact on our citys revenue and the quality of life of our residents. I respect that, and i appreciate, supervisor stefani, that you are in support of a commission. I just want to be clear, thats not what this is. This is a broader proposal that is very well thought out that ive been working on with others for a very long time, and if somebody wants to propose a Charter Amendment that just creates a commission, i welcome that they do that. Thats not what i have weve proposed here, and so i i could not express in stronger terms my opposition to this amendment that would delete at least 80 of the Charter Amendment in front of us. I also, on the costs, were very clear here that, from d. P. W. And the city administrator, they can continue to provide, they should they will continue to provide Administrative Functions to this new department. They will not be duplicating Administrative Functions here. We need a department thats actually focused, intentional, accountable, transparent to get this job done. And if not, not only are we going to keep spending money, were going to keep spending a lot of money on the current structure and not getting results. What were doing is wasting money on what we would be able to do much more effectively in this different structure. Chair ronen thank you. Supervisor stefani, i know how much you care about the city, and especially as the my fellow mother of Young Children on the board of supervisors. It doesnt surprise me that this isnt the same level of priority to you because your constituents dont write to the emails i get on a daily basis or a weekly basis, i should say. Not daily, but definitely weekly since ive become a supervisor. Ive had parents write to me and say there was a needle in the sand box in the park in the mission today. There is feces on my front door. There was a bottle filled with urine when my kid came outside. I mean, the the emails that i get not only break your heart, but theyre our constituents, the dangers on the streets that were subjecting them to. I understand thats not the situation in the west part of the city, but that is the situation were facing in the mission, in the bayview, and the portola and many other areas of the city. I, too, have been on this board of supervisors working as a leg aide and as a supervisor for ten years. We have everything in our power to improve we have to write everything in our power to improve the situations on our street. I have literally woken up with bevin duffy and gone out and clean the streets myself because i couldnt deal with what my constituents have to deal with on a daily basis. I know thats not what youre facing in your district, but thats what we are dealing with here. I can show you the records, and i get those emails weekly. Thats why weve teamed up for this ballot measure for us to create an opportunity to get the results that we have not gotten in ten years for our children, for our families that have to face the Current Situation for ten years on the east side of the city. We have to do Something Different to get results. Weve tried Everything Else we can think of, and now, we need a new structure. And i see that supervisor walton has joined us. Supervisor walton, did you want to make any comments . Supervisor walton thank you so much, chair ronen. I really did. Just want to start off by saying there was a time that i definitely thought this was a fiscally expensive endeavor, and as we look around, and i walkthrough my community, and we see piles of trash on a consistent basis in certain areas, i do want to say that the department of public works does come when we call, and they take care of some of our hot spots when they receive a phone call, and they do it pretty quickly. But the problem is piles and piles of trash. People in our Community Treat it as a dumping area, and just this cleanup is very important. Were working on Illegal Dumping legislation so we can make sure we do everything in our power from a legislative standpoint to keep our streets clean. But we need legislative standpoints to keep our streets clean, and i know that there are certain areas that are not treated equitably when it comes to keeping our streets clean. Supervis it is very important to have a dedicated team that is only committed to cleaning our streets. And this shouldnt be something thats looked at as a negative. This is actually giving the department of public works more tools, more staffing, more resources, so they can do everything they can to keep our streets clean. And obviously, we know with covid19 and the pandemic, clean streets are also going to lead to healthier communities and make sure that we are doing everything we can, even from a health perspective. And so this minor cost to increase resources and opportunities for us to clean our streets is something thats important. If we can do everything we can to keep the streets clean in the tenderloin and keep the streets clean in bayview and keep the streets clean in the mission, it is also going to support us in terms of our economic viability here in San Francisco because we do note that our clean streets obviously attract people, and they want to come into our communities and into our neighborhoods. So i just think people need to really look at this for what it is, and its actually an opportunity to provide resources, staffing, and a dedicated team that keeps streets clean, and this is something thats a winwin for all of us, and we should be concentrated on that. As we talk about the fiscal impacts and we look at the budget, i think supervisor haney made a great point when he talked about the billions of dollars that were going to spend over the next ten years. I think this is something new to get a tenyear cost projection. So i just want to say as a supervisor who has some of the dirtiest streets in this city, this is something that is important, something that our office is excited about, and something that we know that is a need here in San Francisco. Chair ronen thank you. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani thank you, chair ronen, and you posed a few questions to me, and i would like to actually clarify a few of the assumptions that were made. This is, actually, a priority for me, and it absolutely is. And so is safeguarding the city funds to which we need to spend on Critical Services. And assuming my district doesnt have these issues is just, im sorry to say, flat out wrong, and id be happy to show you the Text Messages i get, the emails i get on a weekly basis. I had one mother absolutely distraught who had to take her fouryearold daughter to cpmc after being stuck by alta plaza park. Theyre in alta plaza park, moscone, its all over. And its not just in the park. Its in my district, too. To say that it doesnt happen in district 2, its flat out wrong. Perhaps not as much as in other districts, like supervisor haney haneys, i will say that, but it is a priority for me. I do get these concerns all the time, and the streets are dirty all over San Francisco. So when i see projections from our Controllers Office that tell me that this will cost us to break up a City Department 4 million to 10 million a year, and i do the math in my head thats what we do when we look at capital planning, who looks out ten years, i say to myself why would we do that when we can achieve the same transparency and the same goals yes, you might disagree with that, but i dont. And i would rather take that money and actually spend it on street cleaning. So it is a priority to me. It does happen in my district, and the way that i look at the budget and the projections and the reports and the audits that ive reviewed to prep for this committee tells me that we can do it better with Less Government bureaucracy, so i hope that answers your questions. Chair rone chair ronen yes and no. How do you expect things to get better without a change . The Public Works Department is the only chapter 6 department that doesnt have a commission. The commission should do the work that the rec and Park Department does. That would be a change. The changes that are being recommended in the 43page audit report that we saw from the Controllers Office are changes that could be made, so there are changes that would be made. So i dont understand why a commission that oversees a department and the efficiencies that have been put in by the new director arent something that we would pursue given the fact that we are staring down a 2 billion budget deficit, and we know what the projections are based on the proposal here. So i do see changes, and i do see changes that would be made that would help the situation. Chair ronen well, i you know, i would just you know, i would implore you again, and we can disagree, with you but if you received the emails, and you saw the conditions, and i encourage you to come to the mission and walk down 15th and see denali and mission and shotwell. I encourage you to look at the conditions that my constituents live in on a daily basis. If you think that changes arent needed and a thoughtful legislative proposal that would only cost 3 million to 10 million. We spend more on a parking lot in the city than that. Its really you know this budget. You know what a 12 million budget is 12 billion budget is. And within a 12 billion budget, 3 3 to 10 million a year, if it means that our constituents no longer need to have urine, needles, feces and trash blocking their doors on a daily basis this is something that is a top priority in my district. I understand that its not as much of a priority for you because you dont deal with the issues on the streets. I agree to disagree, and i will share with you, supervisor stefani, some of the emails i guess because theyre heart i get because theyre heartbreaking, they really are. Supervisor haney . Supervisor haney thank you. I just wanted to respond to a couple quick things. You know, the situation is we are spending tens of millions of dollars more on the d. P. W. Budget every year, much more than 10 million. The issue is the structure that we have, without the accountability, without the focus, without the opportunity for public input, without a director whos hired with those expertise to get it done and accountable to get it done, were going to keep on wasting money. So we can look at it in terms of, you know, 4 million to 10 million, we should look at it also in terms of what were losing. The conventions that we lost themselves would have brought in more than 4 million to 10 million. We spend more than this in d. P. W. On this function, and its not working. So lets also think about the money thats being wasted. 4 million, the former director of d. P. W. Gave out contracts of over 10 million that they said had literally no accountability and were basically to his friends. I mean, when we talk about the money thats being wasted here, this is actually a cost saving and a Revenue Generating opportunity for us. You know, we spent over 4 million enforcing the curfew a couple of weeks ago. This city has a 12 billion budget, and every day, people are walking outside, stepping in feces, stepping in trash because we arent getting the job done, and this is a structure that will put us in a position to get the job done. Theres a history of this, too. Oewd, Mayors Office of housing, mohcd, d. B. I. , the department of homelessness. Again and again, there have been times because there wasnt an adequate level of focus and accountability, weve changed the government structure to provide for it. I dont think anybody in their right mind would recommend today to fold mohcd or fold the department of homelessness or fold d. B. I. Back into some larger department. That would be viewed as ludicrous because of how important that singular laser focus is on that those issues, and similar do we have a challenge on our streets with clean streets and sanitation. San francisco right now, if you talk about what is broken, people are saying the state of our streets and sidewalks, homelessness, and making sure that we can deliver on the basics. And 4 million to 10 million at the most, and we can bring it down below that, considering how much we waste overall and spend overall and continuing to add to this budget overall is the right thing to do to make sure that money is spent wisely and with accountability. And chair ronen, i just want to let you know that this is alex, my internet is down in my office, but i am on the phone and able to answer questions. Supervisor haney there is one more thing. We get sued for our bad streets and people tripping and falling, and that ends up costing a lot more than 4 million a year. This is this is an investment in a system that works and we stop throwing money in a reactive way that is truly wasting our precious limited resources. Chair ronen i i dont want to belabor the point, but i do want to read an email i received just a few weeks ago just to give you an idea of an email that i receive on a daily basis. It was an email that was written from my constituent to mayor breed. Dear mayor breed, i woke up today with a tightness in my chest that scared me. I realized it was anger, anger at you intentionally converting my neighborhood into a slum. At 65 years old, i am in a high risk category for dying from covid19. Studies have proven that Emotional Health is essential to a healthy immune system, and that the ones health is related to their zip code. You with the help of Jeff Kosinsky have turned the block, into just a few months, a full blown slum. Urban slums are settlements, neighborhoods, or city regions that cannot provide the basic necessities for its dwellers. You did not respond to my last email that asked a series of question, so im reasking them. The mission is so filthy that i drive to other neighborhoods to take walks. Leaving the boundaries of the mission is like driving into another country. There is not a tent in sight, no garbage clogged sidewalks, no urban blight. The failure of your homeless policies do not exist in these wealthy neighborhoods. I have to ask, why do you think its okay to concentrate your policy failures in the mission . This is not a rhetorical question, and it goes on and on and on. Those are the emails that i am answering on a weekly basis, dozens and dozens of them. And i promise you that supervisor haney and walton are answering those same emails. And i have been since the moment i became a supervisor, i was able to improve the situation for a long time, but it has gotten horrible again, and i am just pleading with you, pleading with all the supervisors who dont have to face what our constituents and we face on a daily basis, to care about the rest of the city and to make the type of institutional changes that will fundamentally change the character of the horrendous conditions that we face on the streets on a daily basis. And with that, if there are no longer any comments, im going to from my colleagues, im going to open this up for Public Comment oh, supervisor mar, im sorry. I just saw your name. Can you im so sorry. Supervisor mar . Supervisor mar no problem. Thank you, chair ronen. Yes. First of all, i just wanted to thank supervisor stefani for her remarks and expressing her support for the need for oversight of d. P. W. S work, and also even for your questions and concerns around fiscal impact and and and other concerns around the other important aspects of the Charter Amendment that would restructure the department. And but i would say thats really trying to use the Public Health crisis to argue against cleaning and sanitation measure is wrong. You know, covid19 shows the need to invest more in sanitation, not less, so, you know, im a cosponsor of this measure, and i feel and am strongly supportive of it with the amendments that supervisor haney has introduced. And as district 4 supervisor, you know, and representing neighborhoods in the west side of the city, this is extremely important reform to move forward now in such a comprehensive way. Besides constituent complaints around muni and sfmta issues, the number one constituent complaints are around d. P. W. Issues, whether its filling potholes, maintaining our street trees, moving forward with much needed Pedestrian Safety improvements on our streets, and then more specifically, maintaining sunset boulevard, which is such an important greenway in our neighborhood. So this is such an important reform measure for our city, including the west side. And i also, you know, would agree with supervisor haney that this the amendment that, supervisor stefani, that youre proposing today, are really problematic from a proper perspective, and considering all the work that has gone on on this measure by supervisor haney and his staff, to introduce such drastic amendments, you know, at the 11th hour just is very problematic. Again, im not going to be supporting your motion or your amendments today. Chair ronen okay. Im just looking on the it looks like were good. Mr. Clerk, can we open this item up for Public Comment . Clerk yes. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 4084189388. Meeting i. D. Is 1462655364, and then press pound, and pound again. If you havent already done so, please press starthree to lineup to speak. A system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted, and you may begin your Public Comment. Mr. Kao, are there any members of the public for Public Comment at this time . Clerk yes, there are currently nine callers in the queue. I will unmute the first caller. Chair ronen thank you. And every caller thank you. My name is julia chair ronen go ahead. I was just going to say, youll have two minutes to speak. Well restart your time. Hello. My name is julia summers. Im a microbusiness owner. Our Business Cycles are dependent on construction starts. Theres a twoyear lag in downturn economies for us. Right now, we see our although we see our businesses in the Service Sector dying, we see our fellow restaurant companies, catering companies, Event Companies go out of business right now. You are going to see us go out of business in two years. It happened in 2010, and it will happen again. We need you to bolster us right now because how you bolster us right now is how well survive in the next few years. We need legislation that doesnt strip Vital Services for our businesses to survive, and the proposed Charter Amendment had done just that, so thank you for striking what was a very devastating Charter Amendment. I want to ask supervisors ronen and haney i want to hold you to task. The previous amendment sent a message to Small Business owners that we could not count on previous San Francisco work to survive, and we heard it very loud and clear when we were reviewing the first draft, and im holding you to task to reach out to us Small Business owners. As a member of the l. B. E. Community and speaking to the other members, we were very much caught off guard by this amendment despite all the outreach that was performed over the past few months, so it would have been nice to have been engaged a little earlier. Dont forget to engage your Small Businesses bobecauecausee going to be in a bad position in a couple of years. Clerk thank you very much. Public comment time has elapsed. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hi. My name is garrett and im from the East Community benefit district. As someone who gets emails daily, not weekly, daily, that we expect a new department to work in a more strategic and focused fashion. We think this is a good step in addressing the street agencies of San Francisco, particularly in district 6, which is where were located. To give comments, you know, just a quick comment on supervisor haneys mention of structural issues, to my knowledge, d6 is still the only district that has no Public Information officer as part of the citys outreach and Enforcement Team whose, you know, function is to enforce city codes, walk the streets, Issue Citations for violations, and that makes our job harder. So if theres budget concerns from certain supervisors, you know, this is concern number one for everyone in the city. This is the amount of emails and calls we get daily is always about cleaning. So if theres budget concerns, its a matter of finding funding from other places and decreasing those sources to increase funding for cleaning. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we get the next speaker, please. Hello . Clerk yes, please continue. Hello. My name is dara wlilynn davis,d im a Small Business owner in San Francisco. Im lgbt, and i just ask the supervisors considering this amendment, please take into consideration Small Businesses and the impact on the local Small Business community as you move forward with this amendment. And also to keep in mind, you know, that creating additional departments will not ensure that more emphasis is placed on the issue at hand, which is keeping our streets clean. We need accountability within the within the agency. Even if you have a commission, you must ensure that there is accountability, otherwise, its more of the same. The department of homelessness, we still have a significant amount of homelessness in San Francisco. But most of all, i urge you to look at the impact that this measure will have on Small Businesses in San Francisco who do contracting within the city and county of San Francisco. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hi. My name is belinda smith. Im a Community Organizer in district 6. I really get tired of not being able to look around me as im taking my walks. I have to look at the sidewalk to make sure i dont get a mess going. Somethings got to be done. People that used to come here on vacations dont want to come here because the streets are so dirty. Tourism is one of our main resources here, and were going to lose it all if we dont do something about it. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Yes, good morning, supervisors. This is james mabry. As a small mike owe business out of the district 10 area, i was encouraged by all of you to make this a great progressive vision that you could come up with, and i feel like that if this if this Charter Amendment passes, its going to inhibit our growth as microSmall Businesses in district 10. I just want to say that. Again, and also in listening, i hear a lot of waste, and then, i hear theres an issue of cleaning within the city. I am a microSmall Business cleaning company. I am a solution for you guys. Im out of supervisor Shamann Waltons district, 10. I know i have colleagues in the western addition, as well. You guys have a resource to utilize and probably stop some of the waste and put it in the African American community. So young women and men cleaning in the community, putting us to work. Im a solution, im a resource, and all of the micro, small l. B. E. S are. I heard someone else mention to keep us in the link, keep us in the loop. That would be great, as well. I want to thank you for listening to me, and thats all i have. Thanks. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please. Yes. My name is miguel. Im with yerba buena engineering construction. Im also the chair of the l. B. E. Committee appointed by the mayor. I welcome the fact that you amended the proposed legislation to remove the onerous section regarding the subcontracting and the contracting, so i applaud the supervisors having reviewed that and considered that to be, well, bad for Small Business. Lastly, i think its important that as a resource to the supervisors, i implore you to reach out to our committee. I implore you to have staff come to our committee, see what we do, see how we are a resource to the supervisors and to the commission, and what our mission is, and what our role is. Not only to the community in hiring, but also establishing policies that makes things for Small Business, making sure that activist board meetings lets schedule you guys so we can talk about what we do for the city and for the people. And lastly, i can say that its a long time that we remove the word acting from the director of public works. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hello . Clerk yes, please continue with your comments. Yes. This is David Elliott lewis. My first 20 years in the city, i was in district 2, cow hollow and the marina. Its a different world, i agree. My last 14 years in the tenderloin, and i can in the tenderloin, i can see the failure of the current system, how our system of sanitation and street maintenance has failed. I have personally been injured by by broken sidewalks. Ive had friends with broken bones, who are bicyclists who have been injured by potholes and repairs. Its been a system of unaccountability and corruption. And its had realworld consequences in terms of hurting and injuring residents. I think the Charter Amendment proposed by haney, ronen, preston, and mar really offers promise to fix this broken system thats been broken for decades. Ive been in this city 35 years, and at least 35 years, weve had a broken department of public works. So i strongly advocate it. I reject any other amendments to try to weaken this, and i hope it will be put forward as proposed, this Charter Amendment. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please. Hello, can we have the next speaker, please. Yes. My name is amos carter, and i run a Small Business in the tenderloin district, and im calling in support for more support for d. P. W. 10 million is a drop in the bucket when were looking at communities that are predominantly black, brown, and poor white poor, many of whom have disabilities. And higher risk of infection from other diseases, just not covid19. They face these Health Hazards on a daily basis because they arent rich communities. They use wheelchairs, and those chairs go back into their homes and leave issues, that weve been facing for decades. Covid19, weve been facing for, what . The last througee months. And to not justify spending 4 million to 10 dlsh million to relieve issues in those communities is a disservice to the community and to San Francisco. I think, also, with more oversight, we would be able to have better control over input and beautification projects over the next few decades. We would address Inadequate Services and open up to businesses like the gentleman just spoke to before that are part of our community, that theyd like to bring forth some solutions to the table and give them a seat at the table and Decision Making on the health of our communities. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hello. My name is john mccormick. I am a San Francisco resident for about five years now, and i work inned tenderloin neighborhood. You know, i was really confused i was surprised to hear another proposal this morning that counters this proposal because i feel like this, you know, split up the department the d. P. W. , it just makes a lot of sense. Quine, you know, this is something that most major cities in the United States have. You know, splitting up the department is something that most major cities have, and i feel like we owe the residents of San Francisco we owe the residents of San Francisco a clean and safe place to live, and i dont understand why theres opposition to this. I just i feel like lets make this happen. H how slie how, like, whats the best way to do this . I thank all the supervisors for this legislation, and i want it to move forward, and i hope it does. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please. How you doing . My name is elgin, elgin rose. I work for cotenderloin. Ive been a resident of the tenderloin for 30 years, and ive never seen this neighborhood more worse with just filth and just the need for cleanliness, so i totally support matt haney and his office and this just do whatever we can to get this neighborhood clean because with cleanliness, itll build each other up. The residents and the neighborhood deserve a clean passage to walk. And even the people thats homeless need a chance at having a better life, so i appreciate efrk thats working on this measure. Everybody thats working on this measure. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please . Hi. This is gordon davis. Pronouns, she, her. Resident of the tenderloin. Can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can. Okay. Im kind of upset with the conversation thats happening right now and the very bizarre 11th hour amendment that promote proposed by supervisor stefani. Hard to sit through stuff like this for a long time. I live in the tenderloin. I literally have to dodge feces almost every day when i walk out of my place, and its a miracle that ive not contracted covid19 from all the stuff on the streets. And also, look at everything. I dont want, like you know, i want main solutions. I want reallife solutions, getting Homeless People off the streets and getting them into a situation where they can socially distance. We really need more public toilets, but and i know the commission wont exactly grant this, i know the commission wont exactly wont always mean, like, that all our problems are solved, but we need to make sure that we have good people on the commission, and that yeah, im just really upset at supervisor stefani. The only reason shes doing it is because shes carrying water for this corruptass mayor. Im just mad right now. Supervisor haney is vetted in his community. Hes vetted with all sorts of stakeholders. It pisses me off, and if you cant support these structural reforms, you can basically go fuck yourselves. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. How you doing . My name is roy, too. I support matt haney and his plan to cleanup the streets of San Francisco. I believe that hes doing it for the people thats living on the streets as well as the people that live in this community, so im for it. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please. Hello. My name is bruce, and i own a Small Business in district 10. My remaining concern is it feels like the value of the l. B. E. Community in general to be a Strong Partner with city leaders in local hiring is nowhere to be seen for us. Id just like to see if we can make a strong effort to righting that problem, we can go a long way towards achieving common goals and perspectives. We dont have much of a lobbying effort, but we hope that youll see by involving the mayors l. B. E. Advisory committee as a onestop shop, it may help improve that problem. Again, thank you for giving us a chance to be heard on this, and thank you for the action youve taken. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please. Hello. My name is ann, and im calling in support of the amendment. Ive lived in San Francisco for about 38 years, and ive been working in the tenderloin for ten years. I work with the s. R. O. S and with housed and unhoused citizens. I want to say that weve been in a humanitarian crisis and a Public Health crisis for many years in the tenderloin, and that the covid crisis has just worsened the situation and has served to peel back another layer of civic denial and neglect. In contrast, i drive in other neighborhoods, like dolores park, looking at the city resources that are deployed regularly in the neighborhoods of millennials that have resources to take care of their sanitation needs. This sort of resource disparity is glaring and without the resources and the transparency that this amendment is asking for, theis situation will continue, and i urge everybody to support this amendment. It is overdue and well thought out, and i thank those of you who proposed it. Thats it. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hello. [inaudible] ive been in the tenderloin for 23 years. [inaudible] this is a big house, and were all residents in it together. [inaudible] its time to change that kind of way because its corrupt, and its wrong. The money weve spent, lets make sure that the people that we put in place will be honorable to do their job correctly, and that everybody will be able to live in peace and harmony. This is our city. If it wasnt for us being here, it wouldnt be yours. So were here, were residents, we love this place, so let us continue to love it and take care of it the way it should be taken care of, and then, we can bring in the tourists. So thank you, supervisor haney, for that, and have a good day. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please . Hello. My name is miguel hernandez, and im an owner of a power wash, inc. A minority l. B. E. [inaudible] thats all i would like to say, and i support supervisor haney. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. My name is caroline ward, and im a long time resident of the tenderloin, and i also want to see the tenderloin cleaned up and the homelessness issues addressed, but i do not support this issue because i do not see that it addresses any of those causes. Its going to cost millions of dollars that could be used to support these issues. Millions of dollars that does not need to be spent by breaking up the department, d. P. W. The big issues need to be addressed, like homelessness and places to go to the bathroom, but this does not address this. I see d. P. W. Cleaning up all the time, but if you dont address the issues behind it, its not going to get fixed, and thats where our money needs to go. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next caller, please. Hello. My name is renee colorado. Im a Small Business operator. Im calling in today in support of matt haneys Charter Amendment. First of all, i want to say that d. P. W. , in recent you know, recent weeks, months, has been doing a vastly improved job. So has acting director. However, one person really cant prevent corruption or future corruption in a department this big. In talking to im also the executive director of the tenderloin merchants association. Although i realize this is a citywide amendment, the tenderloin, we face the brunt of the corruption from d. P. W. , and really, the vast majority of Small Business owners that ive talked to, were all in agreement of this. Were all in agreement of the Oversight Committee thats desperately needed. The department is too big. It needs to be brokendown, and i think if we do this, well immediately see the efficacy in the tenderloin. Because of the corruption thats already been taken out, were already seeing the improvement in the tenderloin already. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hi. Im jacques, and i think its ridiculous in one of the richest cities in the world, that we cant figure out how to deal with trash, feces, and urine. In the bayview, the mission, and the tenderloin, we have a different way of living, and its disgusting when it comes to our streets. San francisco is one of the largest cities without sanitation. I think its common sense to create a new department of sanitation and streets. Its past time. Its a sensible solution. It keeps our streets clean with data driven solutions. Right now, the Current Department is full of corruption. We need new leadership and a new department now, and for that reason, i support supervisor haneys Charter Amendment. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Im sorry. D. P. W. Has not been doing a great job, as that person has said they was because for all these years, we have seen the way we have been treated down in the tenderloin continuously. How is that good . Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please . Operator madam chair, that completes the queue. Chair ronen thank you very much. So we have two motions on the table. First chair ronen . Chair ronen yes. This is alex, the acting director of public works. I dont know if you would want me to respond to some of the comments that were made or not, just to clarify things . Chair ronen i think were ready to just vote on this. If anyone has any questions, well ask them, but lets take the amendments first. First, well take the amendments from the author, supervisor haney. Mr. Clerk, can we have a roll call on those amendments . Clerk on the motion to on the amendments proposed by supervisor haney [roll call] clerk the motion passes. Chair ronen okay. And then, well take the motion put forward by supervisor stefani. Roll call, please. Clerk on that motion [roll call] clerk the motion fails by a vote of 12. Chair ronen okay. And then, i will make a motion to continue this item to the july 9 meeting of the rules committee . Clerk i thought this was going to july 16 . Chair ronen why dont we continue that to the call of the chair, and then, well deal with that. I make a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair. Clerk the motion to continue the item to the call of the chair as amended. On that motion [roll call] clerk motion passes to continue the matter to the call of the chair as amended. Chair ronen okay. Thank you. And can we please go back to item number 1 . Clerk yes. Thank you. Chair ronen thank you. Oh, sorry. Okay. So we dont you dont have to call it. I believe, if the City Attorney is here still, ann pearson, weve got language for the amendment that i was suggesting. Yes, we do. Weve circulated it to members of the committee by email, as well. There are amendments in two different sections. The drst that im looking at, one amendment appears on pa that im looking at appears in page 6. The amendment on page 3 is just to clarify that the initial term is a twoyear term and will not count against the person for purposes of the term limits. That appears on page 3, lines 9 through 12. Chair ronen okay. And thats agreeable to you, supervisor mar . Supervisor mar yes, it is. Thank you. Chair ronen okay. So if we could then we already took Public Comment. If we could call the roll on all the amendments both that i and supervisor mar introduced today . Clerk yes. On that motion [roll call] clerk the motion passes without objection. Chair ronen okay. Thank you. And mr. Clerk, you can call item number 3. Clerk i believe you need to continue this item until july 9. Chair ronen oh, yes. Ill make a motion to continue this item to the july 9 rules committee meeting. Clerk yes. On that motion [roll call] clerk the motion passes without objection. Chair ronen thank you, mr. Clerk, for keeping us on track. Can you please read item number 3 . Clerk yes. Item number 3 is a Charter Amendment to amend the charter of the city and county of San Francisco to create the sheriffs deputy Oversight Board to advise and report findings and recommendations to the sheriff and board of supervisors regarding Sheriffs Department operations, to create the Sheriffs Department office of Inspector General under the direction of an Inspector General appointed by the Oversight Board, to investigate complaints of noncriminal misconduct by employees and contractors of the sheriffs and incustody deaths, develop policy recommendations for the Sheriffs Department, and report quarterly findings, results, and recommendations to the sheriff and the Oversight Board as an election to be held on november 3, 2020. Chair ronen thank you, yes. And supervisor our guinea pig is making its t. V. Debut. If we could continue this item to the july 9 rules committee meeting. I will be making that motion, but before we do that, if we could take Public Comment on this item. Clerk yes. At this time, members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 4084182388. Meeti meeting i. D. Is 1462655364. Press pound, and pound again, then star and three to enter the queue. Operator, are there any Public Comments . Operator the Public Commenter has dropped off. Chair ronen then i make a motion to continue this matter to the july 9 meeting of the rule committee. Clerk on that motion to continue this item to the july 9 meeting of the rules committee [roll call] clerk the motion passes without objection. Chair ronen thank you so much. Mr. Clerk, are there any other items on the agenda . Clerk that completes the agenda for today. Chair ronen thank you so much. Then the meeting is adjourned. We are definitely pioneers in airport concession world a world of nationally if not entirely or internationally everybody is cop us right now. The people that were in charge of the retail this is where that began. I didnt think we would have a location at the airport. Weve set the bar higher with the customer commerce. Telling me about the operator and how you go about finding them and they get from being in the city to being in the airport. So first, we actually find a table and once we know what we want a sitdown we go to the neighborhoods in San Francisco and other people seminary of the retail let us know about the rain water and are excited to have the local operators in the airport. We have to go going through the conceive selective process and they award a lease to the restaurant. They are planning on extending. We that you could out the china and the length evens and the travel serve and fourth your minds and its all good. How long for a vendor to move through the process. I would say it could take 80 up to a year from the time we go out to bid until they actually open a restaurant. I dont know what we signed up for but the airport is happy to have us here. And, you know, even taking out the track simple things theres a learning curve with once were here they are helpful. Its an awardwinning program. Were prude of your awards we have won 11 awards the latest for the best overall food address Beverage Program and. Like the oscars laughter . The professional world. Tell me about the future food. All the sb national leases are xooirz and were hoping to bring newer concepts out in San Francisco and what your passengers want. Well, i look forward to the future laughter air are we look forwrwrwrwrwrwrw president bleiman i am the commission president. To protect the members, the City Employees and the public, the city hall meeting rooms are closed, however, the members and employees will be participating in the meeting remotely. And the precaution is taken pursuant to the various local state and federal orders, declarations and directives, the Commission Members and employees attend through a Video Conference and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if physically present. Public comment is available on each agenda item on this agenda. Both channel 26 and sfgovtv. Org are streaming the number across the screen. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. Comments are opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are via phone. By calling 1 408 4189388. Again, 1 408 4189388. And then the ak says code is 146 069 9630. Again, 146 069 9630. You will be in listening mode only. When your time of interest comes up, dial star, 3, to be added to the speaker line. Please call from a quiet location and speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television and radio. Alternatively, wile we recommend that you use the callin number for Public Comment you may submit a written Public Comment through the chat function on the webx meeting platform when its time to make Public Comment on the agenda item. Thank you, sfgovtv and Media Services for sharing this meeting with the public. Well start with a roll call. Clerk commissioner perez. Here. Vice president caminong. Here. Commissioner thomas. Here. Commissioner lee. Here. Commissioner falzon. Here. President bleiman. Here. And welcome commissioner wayne. Thank you, here. President bleiman okay, roll call is finished and the first order of business is the general Public Comment. These are for any agenda items im sorry any items not on the agenda and we will look now to see if theres any Public Comment on this item. Im looking right now to see if we have any. Give me a little bit of time. Okay. We have no one lined up for Public Comment in the queue. President bleiman okay. Hearing no Public Comment on this item, Public Comment is closed. And now agenda indiscernible for june 30th, and the next item is item number 2, the approval of our minutes from march 3, 2020. Do we have a motion on the approval of the minutes of march 3, 2020 . So moved. Second. President bleiman all right, the motion is moved and seconded. Any Public Comment on this agenda item . Clerk im checking to see and theres nobody with their hand raised in the callin que queue. President bleiman so seeing no Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. And the minutes have been approved, virtual gavel down. The next. The agenda item sell from our executive director. Thank you, president bleiman and good evening, commissioners. Its been such a long time since i have seen you in person, however, its really nice to see all of your faces in this box tonight. I have missed you all very much. And i want to thank you all for continuing to do the good work in your own communities to support the nightlife and the Entertainment Industry during covid19. And i wanted to briefly welcome commissioner cyn wang to the commission this evening. Cyn, were happy to have you with us tonight and were all looking forward to work with you. Since midmarch the commission has been in Emergency Response mode due to the covid crisis. Our bars, nightclubs and live music venues and event organizers and musicians have been some of the hardest hit in the industry. Many of whom were already financially yo vulnerable precovid. Its a rolling target, as well as the response to it. So just like our City Departments, our offices have to stay nimble and informed as to the situation evolving. Wile recognizing that we have been keeping up, i hope during the shelterinplace, i want to spend time this evening discussing the staff work because it has been weeks since we last met. Which is pretty wild. So when covid happened, the e. C. Began to shift gears away indiscernible when when permitting for amplified sound no longer being an option, we amplified the efforts and the communications coming into other local Government Agencies around the economic recovery and reopening processes. Since the shelterinplace began, our office has been pulling together and sharing the latest resources in order to educate the industry, working on leveraging our relationships with other City Departments, and our online channels to get the word out as quickly as possible. Some of the things that we have been communicating about are the rules, obviously, so the Health Orders and the directives are ever changing and the most recent communication that came out this past friday was about outdoor bar Service Without food. And so we had to let everyone know that this had been delayed and this news came three days before bars were going to be allowed to have outdoor Service Without the bona fide meal requirement. So i know some of you on the commission may have felt the disappointment in that update more acutely than others. And some of the other things that we have been amplifying are the relief matters which i know that Ben Van Hooten will get into more on later, and resources and just touching on the fact that hes communicating the work of the shared spaces program, and any updates around the abc, when theyve been relaxing rules and the moratorium on the commercial evictions. Also just sharing resources on financial assistance. During covid, hes worked to have a centralized online hub on sf. Gov which is a big push for him and with support from Ben Van Hooten. So i encourage you to visit at sfgovtv nightliferelief. Its for the latest rules in our industry. We have also been focusing on indiscernible so both myself and the Deputy Director have presented in several educational webinars with the department of Public Health, City Attorney and others. So any opportunity that we can to help to inform our industry and Small Businesses in general about the roles that we take advantage of. And Ben Van Hooten and i are Holding Virtual office hours and consultations with the industry and so if anyone is watching right now that needs oneonone assistance we can schedule some time with you. And we did a Needs Assessment and dylan worked really hard on this too with ben. We surveyed 170 plus industry workers, including venues, bars, restaurants and other creatives, to understand the financial and social impacts of covid19. Some of the key findings ill share with you and im happy to share the larger report as well. Among the Industry Sectors and nightclubs had the highest number of respondents say they could only stay afloat for the next one to two months under the current conditions. And nearly half of respondents said they had a high amount of concern, a rating of eight to 10, but that their business will need to close permanently due to the Financial Impact of covid19. The majority of those are bars, latin music venues and night nightclubs. That is some staggering news so im going to just take a breath. We are also working on convening the industry to share challenges and goals. And so thank you all for joining us for our Virtual Summit on may 18th. We had 500 plus attendees with our first ever virtual happy hour which was very interesting one indeed. And were also working on the Economic Recovery Task force of which both ben and i are members and im also the policy lead and i have support from dylan on staff and Ben Van Houten as a colead in providing support for the entertainment policy working group within the Economic Recovery Task force. I have much more to tell you. So strap in, im sorry, a lot has happened. But weve also been working with the industry and fostered goodwill during the pandemic. So we worked on this dear s. X. Campaign and a lot of you took part in. So thank you for that. And then, finally, we have been exploring legal pathways to safely allow Outdoor Entertainment activities to start again under the health order. So i will keep you apprised of that effort. But were essentially proposing possible entertainment pathways within the shared spaces program. Essentially activating outdoor property potentially suspending certain portions of police code within this emergency to allow for an expansion of what your premises would be considered as to include outdoor. So i just want to kind of shift gears. I have one more kind of major update that i want to cover. And this is around staffing. So as a shelterinplace began, the city quickly realized a need to support and to educate businesses that were deemed essential. In order to ensure the compliance with the order while operating. So very similar work to what we do already as a staff to ensure compliance with entertainment conditions, and so in response and under direction from the city, the city formed a group with our office called community, education and Response Team or cert as we call it. So cert is responsible for responding to 311 complaints about San Francisco businesses that may not be operating in compliance with the shelterinplace order. This is really where no one in the agency is already actively investigating and educating around compliance. So we were informed and we were staffed by the whole team in various ways, and were serving the roles of management, triage coordination and investigation. Kaitlyn has taken on a huge leadership role in managing the daytoday operations of this new group. And dylan provides the most uptodate messaging and collateral. And crystal provides administrative support. Beyond that we have 14 active disaster workers working in the field, including our two indiscernible mike and tony. And we have three triage coordinators who work remotely. So it came from many City Departments including d. B. I. , s. F. O. , treasurer and tax collector, and the office of labor standards and enforcement. We even have someone from the library working in triage. I think, you know, i just want to say that i think that it is a great thing that the city recognized that our group would be well suited for this work because of our history and because of that balance that we need to strike between the businesses and neighbors. We really take that strong educational approach with this group as well. And ensuring that these businesses just know, you know, if they arent operating correctly, heres how we can bring them into compliance, as opposed to taking that heavyhanded enforcement, especially when the businesses are already struggling. So, you know, i can give you many more cert statistics on the cert program, but i wont continue to bore you with that. I want to get going with the hearing. So just let me know if you have any questions about everything that i just covered. President bleiman it looks like commissioner perez has a question. Commissioner perez hi, thank you so much for the report. Can you guys hear me . If the Virtual Summit was recorded and available for viewing . Yes, it is. And we have shared that link in the newsletter and dylan will go ahead and reshare it directly with you. Commissioner perez thank you. President bleiman any other questions, commissioners . Not seeing any. So director wylan, we just appreciate all of the work that you have done. We have been communicating fairly regularly since this went down, also with Ben Van Houten, which i have never seen him part his hair in that way. I kind of like it. I would say that you should do that more. So, yes, the amount of effort that you have put in and the team has put in is just staggering. What a crisis that were dealing with here and so i appreciate everything, i speak for all of the commissioners. I think that its a good testament to the good work that we have done here. That the city entrusted, you know, the Entertainment Commission department to to handle compliance for the new kind of the new normal for now. It is a really sticky topic. I mean, you have literally have Business Owners who are asked to shut down by the city. And then they maybe dont behave by the same rules that the city gives them and theres definitely room for tension there. I think that its really important that we handle it in a responsive way and in an emphit itic way and the empathetic way. And the fact that they entrust us with that, and kaitlyn and everybody else, it is really impressive and im kind of proud of us for all of that. So thank you for that. Is there any Public Comment on this agenda item . Clerk so im going to just read again the instructions so members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 1 408 4189388. And then access code 146 069 9630. And then dial star, 3. Again, its star, 3 to line up to speak. So that will raise your hand so i can allow you in. So lets just wait a moment. See if theres anybody. I do not see any callers in the queue. President bleiman so Public Comment is closed on this agenda item. Gavel down. The next agenda item is number 4, which is an update on nightlife Business Assistance in response to covid19. And this is from Ben Van Houten, the Business Development manager with night the nightlife and entertainment sector with the office of economic and workforce development. Thank you, president bleiman, and good morning goodand good e. Its nice to see you all virtually. I will recap what we have been doing in nightlife Business Assistance since the start of the pandemic and touching on and elaborating on a few of the pieces that director wylan identified in her report and then open to any questions on any of this. You know, really weve been doing just a high really high volume, high and steady volume of oneonone Business Assistance with nightlife businesses since the start of the pandemic. And it continues at that strong and steady pace today. I think that part of that is due to the ever evolving nature of the resources, rules and requirements that are out there. Programs are are being watched and changing over time. Theres federal, state and local activity. So theres a real there continues to be a real robust need to connect with our nightlife businesses and help direct them to resource, answer questions, and to try to support them as best as we can during this challenging time. You know, since the pandemic started, our office, the office of economic and workforce development, has deployed and supported a number of relief programs, including Financial Resources like Small Business grants and loan products. You know, im proud of the work that those resources have been able to provide, but we really do know that theres just such substantial need, especially within the nightlife sector where, you know, we have heard loud and clear that nightlife and the entertainment businesses are very concerned about being among the first to close and the last to reopen. And that is a very real challenge that we are continuing to try to address through policy work and in supporting the businesses really in every which way that we can. Our office has supported implementation of the moratorium and the food delivery camp. And also educated businesses around business tax deferrals and other emergency programs that have been launched during this period. The mayor announced the San Francisco safe reopening plan at the end of may. And, you know, throughout the reopening process director wylan and i and others have really worked to continue to better inform businesses about the reopening timeline and about the reopening guidelines with an eye towards Clear Communication about the rules and also timely information so that the businesses are not surprised at the last minute by new rule changes or new announcements. I think that the feedback from nightlife Business Owners has been really been helpful in informing the guidelines that have been put out to date. Although i think that in some of our oneonone conversations with businesses were still learning, the businesses are having challenging fitting their operations into some of the existing boxes on what is permissible and pwhat is not permissible. A lot of creative businesses do four or five Different Things at figuring out which stages different parts of their operations can be happening right now, you know, is continuing to be one of the challenges that i think were working on. Hoour office has been participating in the shared Services Program since it launched and subsequent to its launch, it was a departmental collaborative effort to really increase the access to outdoor space for businesses, including food and beverage and retail and all sorts of other business activities. Access to sidewalks, curb space, street closures and as director wylan has noted were continuing to explore the role that entertainment plays in shared spaces and im looking forward to continuing that work as well. We are involved in the Economic Recovery Task force. And as director wylan mentioned we are working as policy staff alongside Arts Commission staff in the arts culture, hospitality and entertainment policy group. The goal is really over the next few months to drill down on key themes for stakeholders in these sectors and then to identify some really concrete policy proposals to move forward in advance to the whole Economic Recovery Task force. We had a meeting of our policy Group Earlier today and the theme that were currently working on i dont think will be a surprise to anybody here in terms of access to outdoor space, access to indoor space, supporting job growth in these sectors. And embedding arts and hospitality within the city policymaking and also supporting tourism. And doing all of this in both a near term but also a look at a longterm sustainability, because we know that nightlife and entertainment is challenging to operate in, and challenging to be in before the pandemic, so we want to not just go back to prepandemic standards, but really to support the growth of these sectors moving forward. Finally, i just want to note that the mayor submitted the save our Small Business initiative on the ballot. If theres more information in the commission discussing that, i suggest inviting someone from the Planning Department to talk about that Ballot Initiative in more detail. And then, finally, just for what its worth, you know, this and director wylan continue to talk weekly even, this is a crisis that is challenging nightlife and entertainment across the country and around the world. And people are looking to San Francisco to see what Creative Ideas we can come up with, how we are supporting nightlife, to use us as models. So we have a lot of work to continue to do moving forward, but looking forward to continuing to do that partnership. Im happy to take any questions. President bleiman thank you, does anybody have any questions . Commissioner lee . Commissioner lee hey, ben, and maggie, i want to say thank you for the zoom meeting or the webx meeting. The one that you had monday recently no, i think that it was thursday or something but anyway, i was working at the same time. But it would be great and im sure that youll have another one coming up. Can you guys give us a few more days notice, because, you know, a lot of the nightclub people that im in connection with, they didnt even know. And i tried to get them on at the last minute and everybody is working. And you guys were in the 2 30 in the afternoon so it was a the le bit but its great information and i just wish more people were online. Thank you, commissioner lee. Thats a absolutely, getting people information in a timely manner so they can participate in those webinars is really important. And director wylan can speak to it as well. As i understand it, that was one of the most engaged webinars to date. And i know that weve had a lot of good feedback from the folks that were there and there were questions from some stakeholders whether theres a recording of that webinar, which i need to follow up on. But, certainly certainly, more advanced notice and more of these webinars, i think, absolutely. Theres so many complicated to the state and local rules and abc and people want to do business the right way. It can be a challenge for all of those layers to be put together so were happy to do that. Be may i just add a comment to that. And i encourage commissioner lee and all commissioners to send all of your contacts our Newsletter Signup and so theres a link in all of the staff signatures to sign up for our newsletter because its the best way to get info. And also following up on facebook or instagram is a good option for that. And oftentimes with those webinars they are planned last minute because the rules are coming out last minute. So we do the best that we can. Commissioner lee thank you. President bleiman commissioner thomas. Commissioner thomas thank you, ben, for that update. Can you obviously, one of the groups that has been deeply affected by this are also the employees of all of the nightlife businesses and venues. Can you say a little bit about what the city and oewd is doing for the individuals working in the industry . Absolutely. And i realized i ended my remarks without a shameless plug for our Web Resources which i have done at the offset and the conclusion. But just click on the covid19 banner right there. Theres a dedicated page for workers and we know that absolutely employees and independent contractors have been deeply affected by this. And, you know, there are workforce support programs to help people to identify Job Opportunities in industries that are hiring right now. Which should industries are. And also access to information about if you have questions about employment or any other assistance programs, you know, truly there are new assistance programs or assistance providers that employees and workers in this industry can access on a regular basis. So i would defer to the website. But im happy to circle back also at a future meeting with you with more detail youre entirely right, its the industry workforce that is, you know, really been verievery sevy impacted here. President bleiman commissioner perez, did you have something . Commissioner perez yes, thank you, ben, for your report as well. And i was wondering a question for you or for director wylan. Another group deeply affected by covid are the nonprofit organizations who organize outdoor events. Do you also have other resources, support, and assistance that you can report to us . Yeah, i mean, i would start with we have a dedicated page for nonprofits on our site as well. I didnt mention that our partners at the Arts Commission deployed the nonprofit arts funding at the start of the pandemic as well. But i would say that in terms of where were thinking from an arts, culture and hospitality, that many worded policy group that director wylan and i working on. Its Nonprofit Arts Organization and forprofit businesses and every facet of the social and hospitality space. So we really are deeply interested in recommendations, feedback, ideas of folks from every facet of this sector. Thank you, ben. Thank you. President bleiman all right. It looks like the commissioners are done with questions. Ben, again, i have to echo what i said with director wylan, but its been a pleasure to work with you. I know how dedicated you are. And what a crazy time it is. So thank you for everything that you have done and thank you for the update. I think that the takeaway is that San Francisco is going to try to do as much as they can to help us but we need to figure out partnerships with the city to make it work. I would also just echo they think that we should you know, i still think that our outdoor aim is really weak. I think that other cities are taking much more drastic action to improve the ability of businesses to utilize outdoor spaces. Shutting down streets and letting traffic just figure it out. And i hope that we can Work Together to kind of make that happen Going Forward and i had a conversation with manny last night and he echoed the same sentiment. But this has nothing to do with your work. Im just putting it out there that im looking forward to working with your office to try to make that happen. And to try to get across to the powers that be how desperate things are. Thank you again. And we appreciate it. Is there any Public Comment on this agenda item . Clerk im checking to see if theres anybody in the queue calling in and there is nobody waiting to speak. President bleiman all right, then well close Public Comment for this agenda item. All right. Okay. The next agenda item is number 5, hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. And i will ask them to introduce the items on the Consent Agenda. President bleiman, good evening, commissioners. So we only have one permit on tonights Consent Agenda. Its for a permit for 26 nix. This was to be on a hearing back in march but due to things they were unable to make that hearing. So here we are. They have two pool tables. Theyve had the pool tables for quite some time and theyre just coming into compliance with this permit. So they have noticed the public twice now and theres been zero opposition. It is an accessory use permit and im happy to answer any questions if there are any. President bleiman not seeing any questions. So lets move right into Public Comment. Is there any Public Comment on this Consent Agenda with this item . Clerk let me read the instructions again just president bleiman why not. Clerk okay. So the members of the public if you wish to provide Public Comment on this item please call 1 408 4189388. And then the access code, 146 069 9630. And then dial, star, 3, to be added to the queue to speak. So it will prompt you and then it will tell you when youve been unmuted. Lets give it a few seconds in case. President bleiman give it about a minute just in case. Clerk okay. President bleiman not sure that theres any members of the public who wish to chime on this indiscernible . President bleiman give it another 30 seconds. Clerk okay. President bleiman okay, im going to close Public Comment on this. So it is closed. Do we have a motion to approve the Consent Agenda . I move to approve it. Second. President bleiman you can vote. Crystal, youre on mute, just in case. You see me now . Commissioner perez. Aye. President bleiman. Aye. Commissioner falzon. Aye. Commissioner wang. Aye. Vice president caminong. Aye. Commissioner lee. Aye. Commissioner thomas. Aye. I think that is everyone. President bleiman all right, it is so moved. Congratulations 26 mix. And you can continue having indiscernible . All right. Let me move on to the next agenda item. All right, the next item in our regular agenda is under number 6, discussion and possible action to adopt written comments and or recommendations to be submitted by the executive director to the Planning Department and or department of building inspection regarding noise issues for proposed residential and or hotel motel projects per chapter 116 of the administrative code. And i will ask director wylan to introduce what we call r. D. R. Thank you, president bleiman. And just a reminder to everyone to please mute yourself unless you are talking. So the item tonight is for folsom street and it has a couple addresses, 1526 15261540d 135 kissling. This is a project within 300 feet of several of our places of entertainment. If you can envision the space, i think that you may see a photo of it from a project sponsor, but they include oasis and calle 11, and the holy cow and halycon and audio nightclub. And marked out the actual feet between the project and the spaces of entertainment for your reference. And so here to tell you more about the project and the outreach that they did around this are daniel belnath and eric toul. Thank you very much. Can i get the screen, chair control . Yes. Ill do it right now. Excellent. Hello, commissioners, eri eric. indiscernible and a. G. I. S, and i work with [broken audio] and we are a multifamily residential developer in San Francisco. And we appreciate the time made for us to talk about our project. And what we have learned and what were going to indiscernible in the entertainment division. And this is the San Francisco bay area. Its also were the most indiscernible found in the United States. We are having a hard time hearing you. Could you possibly get closer to let me try. Is that better . Still sounds really far away. Daniel, why dont you take over for now. Sure. So we just very, very briefly, we wanted to give you a kind of a snapshot as to who we are and some of the projects that we have been involved in in the city. And so these are just two of our past residential apartment developments in San Francisco that were pretty proud of. This is a 264 units in dog patch and it was named avaca and it was recently acquired by another entity that renameed it to the windsor. But this actually won design awards, and this is a project at 1880 mission, so not too far from the project that were working on today. This is a large project with 222 rental units that we did back in 2013. But our portfolio is not just, you know, residential work. So these are examples of two buildings that we did some valueadd renovations to and actually still hold and operate today. So the Office Building so we dont actually operate the theatre, but, you know, we work in close coordination with them and have a bunch of, you know, three different retail tenants operating on the ground floor, in addition to the Office Tenants in the tower as well as 1301 folsome street that is right in this neighborhood. And some of the stuff that were working on in addition to 1560folsom street. This is a new groundup project at 1270 mission that was titled back in 2017 to put 319 units. And then 950 Market Street which is right in midmarket at sixth and Market Street, is under construction. You can see that were probably going to hopefully top out in the next few days. This is just a shot from the construction camera. And this has real quick, can you hear me better now . A little bit better. Okay, all right, keep going, daniel. So now we can dive into 1560folsom street, which is why were here today. I am sure that everyone on the call is familiar with the site but just to kind of orient everybody to the extent of our project, the site that were working with is an oddshaped one that has three different frontages on folsom street and extends to 11th street and all the way up to kissling street. So this odd geometry was kind of difficult to negotiate, and resolve architecturally. But we worked with a good local architect as well as with the feed back from the Planning Department to have a stepped massing where most of the density of the building is focused on folsom street and then as you go towards kissling street which is, you know, a part of the enclave, presents to the enclave district, it sort of steps down. But we are proposing 244 units, over 265,000squarefeet. Theres going to be ground floor retail facing on to folsom street. And the primary vehicle access for the Main Building comes through bbyrnes place that is ol of those buildings on the interior of the block. And just to give you an overview of our process to date, kind of just staying high level, we have been working with the Planning Department on this since 2018 when we called the p. P. A. We had our Community Meeting towards the end in december 2018, prior to submitting our application. And our Product Description was in june of last year where they just kind of determined that the project meets code and sort of set the target for our Planning Commission hearing date. And then as of february of this year, we were referred to the Entertainment Commission from our from the Planning Department. And we work with maggie and some other staff who weve been working in close accordination with to do outreach to the nightlife establishment that are in the district. So well go into more detail on the outreach. We completed what we learned from those conversations but we actually wound up scheduling our noise environment evaluation which is where our acoustics had a noise study. That was in early march. Which just barely squeezed in before shelterinplace was issued so we got good data, luckily. Because i think a couple weeks later most of the clubs were not operating anymore. In may of this year, our Environmental Review was actually completed. So they published the Community Plan evaluation. And then today is where were talking to the Entertainment Commission. And we were targeting july 2020 for our Planning Commission hearing, though it will depend on, you know, calendar availability and things like that. So here you can see the kind of Overall Program blocks and in context with the various places of entertainment. You can see were kind of right in the thick of it which is really cool. Were very excited to be in this neighborhood. So, maggie mentioned the establishments before, but oasis is right on the corner here, just 30 feet basically just across the street from where our some of our apartments start over here. And you can see calle 11, and holy cow and halycon and audio all clustered around here, right on this corner. So we reached out to the Contact Person provided by the Entertainment Commission of all of the different nightclubs starting in february of this year. And we dont need to go into every call, but some of the kind of big picture items that we learned we were mainly trying to just sort of provide General Information about our project as well as make sure that the dates that we were scheduling the noise study was going to capture kind of a typical or a peak, you know, busy night for them to make sure that we were going to capture the sort of worstcase scenario. But in addition to that, you know, a few of the operators shared experiences, you know, of past noise complaints and how that can be quite a burden and how certain members of the community can be very sensitive. So thats something that were trying to be responsive to. And the other thing was just making sure that any future tenant of this project are aware of the district that theyre moving into. So in addition to the the disclosure forms that are provided to us that will be with the leases for these tenants that was provided by the Entertainment Commission, we also have another lease addendum that were working with the lgbtq, the cultural district, that were also going to be incorporating. So new tenants will be well aware of the, you know, the nature of this district. And as im sure that wont be a surprise, all of the all of the people that we spoke with at these nigh nightclubs basicallyd that any typical weekend, and anything friday and saturday night would capture the peak sound levels. So here you can see our typical residential floor plan. In context with the nightclubs. So the noise study was schedul scheduled i believe that they started it on noon on a thursday. All the way through the following monday so from march 5th to march ninth, they had a continuously operating sound measuring device that is supposed to measure the ambient noise as well as the peak sound levels. And i also actually walked around and i measured with microphones and did some spot measurements around the nightclubs just to just to get some extra data. And what they found was that in order for us to comply with the San Francisco noise ordinance, which basically are standard thermal windows that have a rating of 26, would comply. And the luckily the proposed rating that we have for a typical fixed window, which is actually the kind of lowest performing window that goes in the project was s. F. C. , 28, so the news that our baseline specification was already exceeding the minimum rating to comply with the noise ordinance. But after some conversations with the Entertainment Commission and going back to our acoustic consultant, we decided just in an abundance of caution to make sure that we were meeting the, you know, the combined levels with all of these clubs operating together. We increased the minimum s. F. C. Rating for these certain facade that are highlighted to magenta to s. F. C. 33. Which brings our interior noise levels to what our acoustic engineer feels that would be comfortable when all of the nightclubs are operating. So we have some more information about the design if you want to go through it but i wanted to just pause here to see if anybody has any questions on the information that we have provided so far. I want to quickly add, now that you can lawyer m hear me bi have turned the microphone up. And one of the reasons that we have added to those specific locations and talking to the Entertainment Commission and talking to a sound engineer and a noise engineer, basically its just recommended. Because even though you can meet the code and you deliver s. F. C. To the code, sometimes the noise still penetrates and results in complaints. So by going to a higher s. F. C. We can avoid that in those circumstances. Along those parameters. Project sponsors and commissioners, i just wanted to take a moment during the opening here, i probably should have included it here, however, i do want to call attention to the staff recommendation that i sent to you all in the form of a memo which is in your binder for this your virtual binder for this agenda item tonight. And so it includes the conditions relative to what the project sponsors are speaking about, about s. T. C. Levels so im happy to read those out or to discuss them but i think that president bleiman, thats up to you. President bleiman yeah, so can you guys can i cant see the commissioners because because im looking at their screen right now. So can we just stop screen sharing for a minute here. Sure. President bleiman and then let me just see if theres any questions of the commissioners. Commissioner thomas . Commissioner thomas mostly i just wanted to say thank you for already having reached out to the cultural district. That was going to be my first question. So, thank you. Obviously, its a neighborhood that has a lot of meaning both in terms of entertainment and in terms of the district and so im glad that youre reaching out to them and making sure that people moving into these apartments are interested in living in the south of market neighborhood. So, thank you. President bleiman commissioner caminong. Vicepresident caminong sorry about that. It took a second to unmute myself. I do want to also recognize that you are also located in soma, the Cultural Heritage district of filipinoamericans. Its a very large footprint and i just want to go on record to recognize some of the latinos as well. But i also know that eric toul is a big supporter of it since its inception. So i know that you guys have been doing a lot of amazing work supporting community organizations. I do have to say that since the formation of the r. D. R. , this is the first time that a sponsor has come in front of our commission and has actually spoken to all of our venues. So i really appreciate your presentation, showcasing your project timelines of communication and also recording the sound during the high or high nightlife periods. So i think this is well done. And im glad that you guys were able to get it in prior to shelterinplace. And this is really exciting during shelterinplace and we are in week 16 and it feels really good for us to be able to reopen and to do it in a very safe way. And as we are a model for the nation of how we shutdown the city, i think we will continue to be a model for the nation in how we reopen. So i appreciate the fact that you guys came in front of our commission and honored our process and worked very carefully with our staff around this process, ensuring that neighbors all get along. Thank you. Youre welcome. And we hope that theres going to be a lot of sound that well have to attenuate in the future. Well be checking in. We miss it. President bleiman commissioner wang. Commissioner wang i just wanted to echo my colleagues and to commend you all for the outreach that you have done, particularly with such sensitivity to the cultural communities of note in soma there. And in terms of out of an abundance of caution, deciding to go with s. T. C. 33 already. I had another question just about the design aspect because there is such a high density of nightlife there. Even though youre at s. T. C. 33. Are the bedrooms of those facing facing it further back from the frontage of the street . Is that how theyre designed . So the the bedrooms are pretty much theyre multioriented on the perimeter of the building. And thats mostly due i mean, due to just the kind of the limited size of the units as well as the, you know, the light and air requirements that both planning and building departments, you know, are required to comply with. So most units have a bedroom and a living space, like a living room, that is facing the perimeter of the building. However, the there are some handful of units that do have a nested bedroom. So one of the bedrooms that is towards the interior of the unit plan. And the other thing is that the walls along the Property Line that are, for example, directly facing on to oasis, thats a solid wall. So, you know, the units that are facing the street and the public ways are, you know, glazed in a way that sort of is responsible. I do have a rendering, if youd like to see, i could pull it up. Commissioner wang sure. Lets see. So so this is the view along folsom street. So these are bedrooms that are facing to street. And you can see on our typical floor plan, you know, the bedrooms are, you know, kind of in these corners and then theres the Living Spaces that are within the unit. Commissioner wang got it. Okay, thats really helpful. Thanks. No problem. President bleiman commissioner lee. Commissioner lee so to add to that, so i cant really see the layout, so the bedrooms on one side has a window, and then the living room is next to that that has a window facing folsom street, correct . Yes. You know, i have a typical plan that i could pull up, a unit plan. So that would be helpful. Its pretty Standard Building code requires the bedrooms to have a window. Commissioner lee right. See if i can find one real quick. So if you look here this is our kind of typical most common threebedroom layout, so theres two bedrooms facing along the perimeter wall that are facing on to folsom street and then theres a living space in the middle. And the bathrooms, and the kitchens are mostly in the interior of the courtyard. And heres that nested bedroom that i was talking about which has borrowed light. So this has to be, you know, has a certain percentage to be glazed. Commissioner lee and youre using s. T. D. 33 in all of the fronts . Correct. If you look back to this diagr diagram, everywhere that you see magenta we would have a minimum s. T. D. 33 at every residential unit. So if you look at the rendering, basically everything that, you know, all of these windows that face on the residential units would be a minimum of 33. Commissioner lee are all of these rental units or are they condos . Theyre all rental. All rental. Commissioner lee okay. So no matter how many people move in and out in the course of 10 years, they will be notified on what theyre moving into and what theyre expecting, right . As part of our were working with the district and we have agreed to include as a position of our indiscernible an addendum. That were in the Entertainment District as well as the cultural district. Boaboth of those things. And i believe that theres language that we would be happy to adopt into these addend mums. We require a disclosure to all of your future renters. Yep. What has happened in the past is that, you know, the first set of renters get the notification and the next set of renters dont get a noteification at all. Notification at all. Thats definitely to make all of the effort and process to get a lease signed and to not notify them ahead of time just seems and in dogpatch we were required to notify renters that they were moving in next to the hells angels. Okay. And then my last question just on the lighting. What is your lighting plan on the outside . I mean, its normally dark there right now. And youre talking about if youre talking about 400 units youre literally talking about, what, almost 800 people . Sorry commissioner, its 240 units. 240. So about 400 people in this district, correct . So 5d ad tha add that with the s when at full capacity so we are talking about heavy usage. So i see here to the entry to your garage, is that going to be all lit up behind the oasis . Or is it all i mean, is there a lighting you are talking about this the alley currently byrnes place . I see where the oasis is and then you have a bunch of units there, right, across from the oasis in the back. Is that a driveway . Correct . So here you can see our ground floor plan. So this block on the corner here is oasis. So the primary access to the garage is through byrnes place. And so theres some townhomes that face on to it, which will be, you know, heavily planted. And we will have definitely have Street Lighting there. Were basically redoing this whole portion of the street because theres grating issues and we are meeting accessibility requirements after working with the accessibility coordinator to add a fourfoot sidewalk to the north side of byrnes place. So that whole alleyway will kind of being completely redone. And well lit . Yes. And along folsom street as well . Absolutely. Okay. All right. Thats all i have. President bleiman all right. I dont think that any other commissioners have any comments. Not seeing any. Okay, lets open this up for Public Comment. Im seeing that theres a number of attendees here that are actually Business Owners in the neighborhood. One of them, dylan, how do we do this . So lily has an exclamation point next to her name. Should we start with her . How do we do this . Youre on mute, dylan. Sorry about that. So they have to call that number that we have been repeating and put in the access code and press star, 3, which means that theyll pop up as a raised hand. And then i unmute them. President bleiman got it. So is there one callin number with star, 3 there . Clerk so that is actually our commissioner falzon is doing it. President bleiman so if theres any do you see any callers with raised hands . Clerk there are none. And im happy to read it again if it helps. President bleiman lets read it out. It looks like they did quite bit of outreach. Clerk for those that want to do Public Comment please right now dial 1 408 4189388. And then enter the access code, 146 069 9630. And then press star, 3. And then wait for us to unmute you. President bleiman im going to put this, if i can, lets see. Im sure that its out there somewhere. Dylan, could you potentially type that into the chat for president bleiman copy and paste it . Clerk i will. And its also on fo sfgovtv, ad ill do it now. Its on our agenda as well. Okay. It looks like lily has asked questions in the q. And a. As well. I dont know if you want to read those. President bleiman yeah,ly thlet me find the q ask a. The very bottom right. Hello participants in chat, theres q. And a. Clerk someone else can read it or i can read it if you want. Could. First question, has there been any discussion about how the buildings management will handle any possible noise complaints with the p. O. E. . Second question, Street Parking is already challenging in the neighborhoods. Will there be an additional fee for the residents dedicated parking spaces. And any visitor parking . Well, i can answer that. There will be an additional fee. The parking in San Francisco is required to be unbundled. So anyone wanting it does not come with your unit. You have to pay an extra fee. To tell you the truth it has been a struggle to get the 83 spots. Planning has asked us to reduce the parking even more. And as far as visitor parking, how much accessory park doing we have, daniel . We 83 is the total number of spaces including car share, you know, 88 spaces. So we dont have, you know, a specific allocation of how many of those spots would be for guests versus residents. The first question im sorry, we didnt ask the first question. Something to do with howry we handle complaints, is that it . President bleiman yes. For projects that we normally hire a professional Management Company. So like a manager for the dog patch project and was managing at windsor. So i dont have a specific answer to that other than that we generally hire thirdparty institutional. Most of our investors are Pension Funds like calpers that we did our other project. So we hire institutional property managers. To try to follow whatever the rules and the regulations in place are. President bleiman dylan, do we have anybody that called in . Clerk nobody has called in. Just note that i received a message from gina molano that shes been trying and she cant get it to work. President bleiman did she see the directions in the chat . I believe so, because she said that shes trying again n now. President bleiman you can also type her questions clerk if she wants she can do it through through typing. President bleiman well give her a second. Gina, we want to hear from you. President bleiman i saw another chat question in the interval. This is from brad and he put it through the chat. Will there be anything on the rooftop of the building . Yes. I can again, i can flip back to the screen if you would like to see. But we have ill pull it up. So we have actually two roof decks. So theres one roof deck that is on the north building, the kissling building that faces on kissling street. And then theres another one that is on the lower portion of the folsom building, so its kind of tucked behind this top floor residential units. Can then theres a Community Room with amenities and then a roof deck here where they could maybe catch a glimpse of the roof deck at the oasis and they can wave to each other. Its one floor shorter, so its shielded from the folsom street. The only other outdoor amenities are theres a bunh of private patios so the units on level two have access to private outdoor space. But these are pretty well protected by the mass of the building. President bleiman got it. Gina wrote in that she does feel a line of defense with the Management Company would be helpful. So i ask if she wanted to clarify what that meant just for the record. indiscernible . And then we are getting confirmation that the phone number is operational. So i dont know what is happening. Gina wrote, sorry, every time i type it gets deleted. Shes trying to. Yeah. President bleiman the internet is trying to keep gina from speaking. I dont know. [laughter]. Its possibly too wonky but she can always call my cell and i can put her on speaker phone still. Yeah, i think that we should do that. Give me a call if you want. Ill put you on blast. It is Public Comment, versus q. And a. President bleiman give her a minute here. [phone ringing] president bleiman all right, shes calling you. Were having some connectivity issues maybe . I think that maggie is calling her and shes calling maggie. There is another item that came into the chat. Will there be any operatable windows on the folsom street side . So, yes. There are operatable windows. However, one of the things that was found in the acoustic engineers report is that the in order to meet the s. F. Noise ordinance that it has to be mechanically ventilateed so if youre annoyed with the noise that you can close the windows. So the upper windows dylan, i just heard gina. Is she in here . Yeah, so shes echoing. Can you hear us, gina . She was just somehow on here. Gina, can you hear us . Here, you guys can just look at her indiscernible . This is shawn with sfgovtv. You can upmute her in the attendees list. I did that. So i want to have daniel finish your comment. Sure. So the question was if there are operatable windows and the answer is that there are. You know, typically in, you know, in each bedroom would have a couple fixed windows and then maybe one portion of it that is a window that you can open to get some fresh air. But the the key is that all of the units are mechanically ventilated with ducted and, you know, lugerred systems. So if there is a resident that is annoyed about the noise from the nightclub because you have the windows open, they can close the windows and their space would still be adequately ventilated. So the fresh air is not contingent upon the windows being open. President bleiman so ive got a question then. In your paperwork do you make a notation that windows, you know, not to complain, but the windows are open because a lot of people do thinking that with their windows open theyre not supposed to hear the club across the street. I mean, thats something that were happy to add. I think that you should add it. Its common sense, but i agree with you that a lot of people dont have common sense sometimes. And i dont know how you want to document it, but were happy to add that as a recommendation that noise mitigation, to just close the windows and turn on the ventilated air. Maybe thats in the addendum and maybe in your disclosure notice. Im happy to include it. Or let us know and well happy to include it. I am sure that maggie knows how to say it. Yeah, so you would have to offer that as a potential addition within a motion, just f. Y. I. Its not Standard Commission nor part of our staff recommendations. I do have gina on facetime here. So here you go. Hey, guys, i know that you were desperate to hear from me. What is the timeline for actually being rented . What year are we talking about rentals being processed in the building . Thats the first question. And, secondly, you guys have been great to deal with, honestly, you have reached out and youve been very receptive to our statements. And as Business Owners in the neighborhood, this could be 500 new clubgoers, yay, or 500 complainants too. So as suggested by lily, it would be great if there was some kind of line of defense against club owners that, you know, renters were instructed to reach out to the Management Company if they were having noise, you know, issues with the neighborhood or other issues with the neighborhood the traffic or parking or who knows what else. And then the Management Company would have some sort of dialogue that was, you know, in the Entertainment District, this is all disclosed, so that these people arent immediately calling police or calling Entertainment Commission and creating a lot of, you know, something for us as venue owners to deal with. So i feel that some stops in there where you call the company and maybe its at three complaints and then its escalated just something so we dont have 244 units taking up the citys time and, therefore, like, you know, taking up our time moving into a neighborhood where we are, you know, we were here first and this is where we make our livi living. I have a response to that. As those impacted by the covid19 pandemic, so have the real estate. So were on a timeline but as far as commencing construction, our fingers are crossed and were hopeful that things get back to normal within the next 12 months. So that does happen our earliest commencement of construction would be towards the end of next year and then a twoyear construction period and then a one to threeyear lease up. So the earliest that wed see People Living in the building is probably four years from now. If, again, this means that things get back to normal in a year or so in the apartment markets and in the economy. With respect to i mean, i i wish i had an answer, you know, as we operate and manage a lot of properties and we have the same problems, you know. Theyll call us, something is broken and your neighbors are noisy and they call the property Management Company and let us try to help you its very hard to control every single tenant. But we could collaborate with you guys if maybe the Entertainment Commission could create a clearing house, a First Responder type hotline for noise, we could definitely push its called 311. [laughter]. Yes, you know, adding the fact that we have closed windows, and recommendations to mitigate noise, whatever you guys all of these things we support. We dont need we want i think that dialogue is always better than conflict. So if you guys could help us, well definitely those us into our leases and rules and regulations. President bleiman got it. Dylan, anymore Public Comment . Clerk there is none. President bleiman ill close Public Comment for this. And next id ask director wylan to have staff recommendations and could you go through what the recommendations are. Absolutely. So they are pretty technical. please stand by those are the staff recommendations. Did you want to add anything for discussion. I want to add you know the complainants should have windows closed before they make a complaint. It is like with windows open we get complaints. The rating is based on the windows being closed. It should be on the application. Whatever they need to let them know when you sign on, dont complain with the windows open. What is the jargon to use for their recommendation . Do you have any suggestions. Please repeat that one more time. Very simple. You know how we get complaints when windows are open they are too loud. The inspector goes and the windows are wide open and they are complaining. The only way for you to condition that is to legitimately require the windows on certain facades of the development are inoperable and cannot open, and we have recommended that in the past. It sounded like the project sponsor was amenable to this. You may want to ask them. I want to be clear here. The reason we are in rdr is because of the legislation that president breed passed. That legislation is pretty clear in the disclosures that the ability of our renter and owner to complain or to cause problems if a venue within 300 feet is acting with in compliant is extraordinary limited. I would be contrary within the fact that anyone has the right to complain, submit a complain to 311. It is within our staff to figure out if they signed the disclosure to use within the argument that he may be a nuisance. Maybe it would make sense we could ask in the disclosures of the project sponsor they could provide a framework for how to handle noise. If there is noise, first thing to do is close windows. The other thing i will note around us going out to test whether a place of entertainment is in complains when someone is complaining nearby. This area is very hard to test compliance with because of the sheer fact there are so many poes within one area. Maybe we say can you add your disclosures the process for noise. The first thing is to close windows and turn on central air or whatever it is. I think in the disclosure we would be amenable to conditions that every at building has rules and regulations no dogs over 30 pounds. We could recommend the rules and recommendations would include the elements, economic all al k windows, call 311. We can put that in rules and regulations versus disclosure. Maybe we say add to the rules and regulations prior to making a noise complaint to please close all windows. Yes, second call 311. I am trying to cut back on some of the, you know, extra stuff. Put that in there, that would be great. Commissioner thomas. Just i think 311 is appropriate. I think also what some of the venue owners were asking for was a more direct line of communication. Instead of going to 311 and Entertainment Commission, residents are directed to call management about sound complaints and knowledge andg management main continues the line. If none of the venues were operating that night you have a different issue and it is not a noise complaint. I am hearing in the rules and regulations prior to making noise complaint check windows and the proper way to make the noise complaint is first to contact the property manager in your rules. I would prefer that, too. Happy to do that. Did you have something . It is important to get the language right. This will be written as a condition of our approval. Help me with that. Well, you have got to say it. I think you are close. Eric, if you could give us the language around the rules and regulations that i am not superclear on. Is that something the tenant receives upon signing the lease . All attendees. All participants is fine. All panelists. Noise issues. Check all windows and openings. [ inaudible ] i will go on record and say this is the weirdest hearing we have ever had. You can play with that as you want and add in this order, this priority. Incorporate rules and regulati regulations. It is a standard preference to the document. The next course of action would be one of us to make a move to require this be incorporated into their rules and regulations . Yes, i would potentially if we were to adopt this just staff side, i would flush out these a little further. Advice the tenant check and secure all outside windows and openings. Untwo. Contact Property Management prior to other complaint outlets. At some point can i talk . Can someone let me know when there is a break . Break. Go ahead. I really think we are getting in the weeds. I think this is really problematic when we put structure how the public can make a complaint. They just need to deal with it. What we could do is provid is pe instructions to 311. Ask person are windows open. Our staff could do the same. We are getting kind of weird putting together this structure. We are way in the weeds. We have no teeth when it comes to asking that of tenants. I understand, but i think we are asking a level of detail that frankly people are not going to read this paperwork when they move in. I think if you are moving there you are moving for nightlife. I dont anticipate a problem. If it occurs, i dont think they will pullout a 30 page document and say i need to shut windows. If you want it that is fine. We are spending a lot of time on something that can be hard to articulate and getting evasive. That is my opinion. If only reason why it became an entertainment corridor because of situations like this. This is a big unit. This is 200 units in that little neighborhood, which is the biggest ever coming in. Eleventh street was built on protecting those clubs. I am not disagreeing with you. I am suggesting the solution does not solve the problem. I am questioning this language issue. I dont see it solving the problem. I think part of our industry we have learned there is abuse and complaints. This is not going to solve that. I am convinced that well educated people will move into this building for the exact intent to be in this environment. That is what makes it very attractive. Commissioner thomas. I think you are both right. I think that people probably will leave windows open and complain about the noise. We have to deal with that the same way we always have. What is more important to me is ensuring there is good communication between Building Management and the venues and that is residents have some way to raise concerns that is short of engaging 311 and the Entertainment Commission. If they do that, that is fine. I would like to have a first line of defense and some communication. I feel like that doesnt necessarily need to be part of the conditions as that needs to be something Building Management wants to do. I tend to agree. I dont think we are forcing people to do anything. We are asking the project sponsor to put specific language in their policies to ask that their residents make sure they close windows if they hear noise. They would prefer or would recommend to reach out to the building manager to sort it out. I totally agree with you. It is a slippery slope to tell people what they can and cant do. We are asking the project sponsor to offer a best case solution. I am sorry best practice. I dont think we should get too specific. I dont think we should really like lay out exactly what the project sponsor needs to do. I think in this neighborhood specifically because this is the highest concentration of nightclubs we have anywhere that we should ask them to include in their regulation language saying the preferred method is first make sure windows are closed. Second immediately contact the Building Management to help mitigate the issue. That does not tell them that it is forbidden for them to call 311 or police or anything they want to do. At least the project sponsor is in line and asking them to mitigate that. Does that help address the concerns you had commissioner falzon. Iowan to heai do want to heae language. I think we can look at the project sponsors language that he had. I am not sure where we put it. I have trouble finding it. Something like we would the motion with staff recommendation as well as and then add what the project sponsor said. Eric, i cannot see what you wrote. If somebody could that will be helpful. Applicant shall incorporate into the standard rules and regulations protocol for noise. One, advice check and secure all windows and openings, three contact Property Management and three call 311. Perfect. If that is the motion i will second it. Lets do it. I will put it out there. I will second it. We have three people. Commissioner to thomas has something to say. I will make a motion we accept the staff recommendation with the added language that the applicant shall incorporate into the standard rules and regulations a protocol for noise advice tenant check and secure outside opening, three contact project management and three call 311. Motion is out. Did you want to second that commissioner falzon. I love it. I second it. Public comment is closed we can vote on this. Thank you, commissioner thomas. Commissioner lee. Yes. Commissioner perez. Aye. Vice president ca mean no. Aye. Commissioner thomas. Aye. Commissioner falzon. Aye. Commissioner tang. Aye. President blieman. Aye. Thank you for coming in. We appreciate it. You did a fantastic job reaching out to the neighborhood. We appreciate that. We do want to say thank you to all club owners. They are accommodating and cooperative. We got it done over one weekend. Thank you so much. All right. This is now the final agenda item 7. Commissioner comments and questions. Anybody have something to say . Commissioner thomas. I couple of things. This is a very strange time but i am acutely aware of the nightlife that we have lost. I am proud to wear my San Francisco tshirt and recognizing the stud and other venues that we have lost. I know it is a hard time for everyone. Also, recognizing the folks who work in the nightlife industry. I have been so happy to see the work of the queer nightlife fundraising money for those working in nightlife. I encourage people to donate to the various go fund mes for bar and venue staff. Recognizing how hard it is out there for folks in the industry. I am really eager to be back in live music venues. I have a feeling it is going to be a long time coming. I really miss it. That is it. Commissioner perez. I wanted to officially say welcome to the commissioner tang, urban planning representative. We are looking forward to working with you. Best wishes to you. Thank you so much. I will close it out here. One thing i did not mention all the hard work that Vice President c a. M. I. Mong put in. Please accept my apologies. She is working on these things. I got flustered. This is my first web exehave done. I want to welcome commissioner tang. You asked for commissioner wang

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