Press star three. Its a little different than other meetings. This time you press star three. Ill remind you when we get to Public Comment each time. Im supervisor hillary ronen, chair of the committee. With me on the Video Conference is supervisor catherine. Supervisor stefani and were joined this morning by supervisor Shamann Walton perform our clerk today is victor young and i would like to thank sfgov tv for staffing this meeting. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. Before we get started, id like to ask that anybody thats not a member of the committee to temporarily turn off your camera, so your picture is not displayed while were speaking on other items. Todays announcements. Due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect board members, City Employees and the public, the board of Supervisors Committee room and legislate i have to turn my camera on. My apologies. [laughter] the board of Supervisors Committee room are closed. However, members will be participating in the meeting remotely. This precaution is taking pursuant to statewide stayathome order and all local, state and federal orders, declaration and directives. Committee members will attend the meeting through Video Conference, and participate in the meeting through the same extent as if they were physically present. Public comment will be available on each item on this agenda, both channel 26 and sfgovtv. Org are streaming the number across the screen. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. Comments are opportunities to speak during Public Comment period, they are available via phone calling 415 6550001. Again thats 415 6550001. Access code is 145 7006200. Again that access code is 45 45700 6200 and press and again. You will be muted and in listening mode only. When the item of interest comes up, please press star three to be added to the speaker line. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. Alternatively, you may submit Public Comment in either of the following ways. Email to myself, the rules Committee Clerk at victor. Young sfjgov. Org. If you submit via email, it will be forwarded to the supervisors and will be included as part of the file. Finally, items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda june stated. Thank you so much. Mr. Clerk, can please read item number one. Clerk yes. Item number 1. Is a Charter Amendment to amend chart to require that members of the board, commissions and advisory bodies be residents of the city and of legal voting age, replacing the requirement that members of boards, commissions and advisory antibodies be United States citizens and registered voters, at an election to be held on november 3rd, 2020. I would like to note that we have made arrangements for Interpretation Services, if they would like to make a quick comment. It would be appreciated at this time. Hi. Good morning. Im sarah sousa. And ill be providing spanish translation. Thank you. Can you say that in spanish, sarah . [speaking spanish] supervisor ronen thank you so much. I am so excited about this item. And i want to turn over the first comments to the lead sponsor supervisor Shamann Walton. Thank you very much, chair ronen. Thank you very much to m colleagues on the rules committee. Im excited that were hearing this overdue Charter Amendment for making sure that our undocumented immigrants have opportunities to serve on special committees and on commissions. And i am also even more proud to announce that we have unanimous cosponsorship from the entire board of supervisors. I want to start off by thanking all of my colleagues, president norman yee, gordon mar, sandra fewer, hillary ronen, aaron peskin, matt haney, rafael mandelman, dean preston and catherine stefani. This is imperative that we announce that we are all unanimously in support of this, because this is something that is going to push San Francisco to be more equitable, which has always been a part of our core values in the city. Currently advisory bodies, that were created by the charter, can carve out exceptions to age, residency and citizenship requirements. This Charter Amendment will remove the citizen requirement, allowing qualified individuals to apply and serve on committees and commissions. In San Francisco, we often worked hard to ensure that no community is left behind. And this is why this ordinary is so historical is should have been in place a long time. All voices should be allowed at the table. And this is just one step forward towards achieving that equitable voice. And im very confident that san franciscans will vote this Charter Amendment into law. I want to thank all of those who have worked to make this ordinance a reality, particularly supervisor president norman yee who worked closely with our efforts on this. One of his aides in his office, as well as tracy garza in our office. Their collective work, working closely with sarah sousa and members of the immigrant community, has led to this point where we actually have a Charter Amendment in writing and going to the ballot in november. Thank you all so much for your continued, tireless support of our immigrant community. And just the last thing, i want to say as we look at all of the unrest, all of the inequitablable thats been happening in our country for years, particularly at this time where were continuing to see Law Enforcement killed, unarmed it black people, unarmed people of color, it is very imperative that our equity fight continues to spread across all areas and populations of people who have been unjustly and inequitably isolated. So this Charter Amendment is in the spirit of that. And in line with that. I just want to thank everyone for being supportive of allowing this equitable immigrant voice at the table, for communities who continue to pay taxes, contribute to our economy, work closely with our families. It is very important that they have a voice on policy bodies, on bodies that govern the celebration and laws that we pass here in San Francisco. And with that said, i just want to the appreciate everyone. Thank you so much, chair ronen, for the time. Lets get this Charter Amendment approved through the rules committee today, so that we can get it approved at the full board and get the voters onboard. Thank you. Supervisor ronen thank you so much. Do any of my other colleagues have any comments before we turn it over to presenters . Chair ronen, yeah. I just want well, thank you, chair ronen. I just wanted to thank supervisor walton for bringing this item forward. And also thanks to sarah sousa, gabriel and the many from the Community Leaders who proposed and have advocated for it. Along with all of my colleagues. Very proud to cosponsor this crucial and long overdue. It is not only needless and cruel, it actually harms the entire city. Some of our most qualified, potential Commission Nominees are not United States citizens. And the entire city is harmed by this arbitrary barrier to their Public Service. I know that firsthand i tried to nominate a person who was highly qualified to serve as our district 4 sfmta citizens advisory representative, but unable to move the nomination forward, simply because of the restriction to appointment of u. S. Citizens, which cant be waived, no matter how qualified the individual is. This is an affront to our values, our immigrant communities and its pastime we affirm the right of all san franciscans to lead. They already are in so many ways. Thank you. Ronen thank you. Supervisor stefani, did you want to say anything . I want to echo supervisor mars comments and thank supervisor walton for bringing this forward and bringing this forward today. Thank you to community advocates, too, who also worked so hard on this, especially sarah sousa, who reached out to our office. So impressed with this and be happy to be of support. I really want to add my voice to this measure, for obviously reasons, for the reasons that supervisor walton stated in the reasons supervisor mar stated as well. I think its a voice thats missing. A voice that needs to be heard. And im happy that all of us could be in unanimous support for this. I look forward to working together to make sure this passes at the ballot. Thank you again, supervisor walton, for your leadership on this. Im happy to be a part of it. Supervisor ronen thank you so much. And i dont want to be super repetitive. I couldnt agree more with my colleagues. Thank you, supervisor walton, gabriel, sarah sousa for bringing this way overdue item to the voters, so that we can make this essential change. Supervisor walton, did you want to run the hearing on this . Im assuming you have several presenters . Thank you so much, supervisor ronen. What i will do, id like to just kind of run the hearing for this point of time. Theres a time im going to have to split off to a district 10 conference. Then come back. While also taking with my car with a flat tire to wheel works. Thats a story we dont need it hear about. First off, id like to introduce someone who has really just been a true fighter. Shes reflective and representative of why this Charter Amendment is so important and really demonstrating and proving that one person can really fight for change and get everyone motivated to make the right decision and right changes. I do at this time want to introduce sarah sousa, who has been a main leader, making sure that we do everything we can to provide this opportunity for our immigrant community. Thank you. Sarah. Thank you, supervisor Shamann Walton. Im beyond honored to have this opportunity to share, you know, my story and the story of so many immigrant families and san franciscans. Im a proud san franciscan myself. Went to mission high school. And im so excited to be here. First, i want to thank the chair. Chair hillary ronen, for your kindness and support. And again honor to be here with all of you. Thank you, supervisor stefani. You have been so supportive and it has been an honor to work with you, along with also supervisor gordon mar. I think together were going to win in november. And i just cant wait to have the Biggest Party in town. [laughter] so gabriel and i will be presenting a power point. So gabriel, can you share your screen . I can. Gabriel medina is the campaign cochair. Gabriel, do you want to share a few words . Sure. Well, just logistics. Thank you all, of course. Thank you chair ronen and sponsor walton and unanimous supervisors for this measure. Were going to start this off. Im going to jump in the middle. And then sarah sousa is going to finish it. With that, sarah, would you like to start off . Yes. Are you sharing the screen . Im sharing. Can you see . Yes. Im sorry. Real quick before you start, sarah, i do also want to take the time to acknowledge Gabriel Medina for his hard work on this initiative and Charter Amendment as well. Hes been a leader for a long time in our community. I just believe and take the time to acknowledge him as well. And make sure that everyone knows that during this Charter Amendment. Thank you. Thank you. Im happy to speak second all the time for sarah. [laughter] can everyone see the power point . Not yet. No. So i am sharing. Let me see. If i share okay. Here it is. Here we go. All right. All right. Now were on . Yes. All right. Sarah, take it away. All right. So today im her here to presene Charter Amendment. The goal of this presentation is to inform you on the specifics of the Charter Amendment and its impact and how were moving forward for justice and liberation of our community in San Francisco. So as we know, were all san franciscans. And we all deserve a seat at the table. Currently so next slide, gabriel. So currently the existing law prohibits aspiring citizens from serving on appointed boards and commissions. This is an equity issue. When you have immigrant Rights Commission and you dont allow immigrants to serve on those commissions, youre not able to formulate equitable policy outcomes. This is one component of the bill of the charter, which again is allowing all san franciscans to serve on commissioners, advisory bodies and boards, regardless of immigration status. And the second component of the Charter Amendment, which im really excited about, is actually expanding the language on metrics to on diversity of commissions. Basically gender, Sexual Orientation and other demographic components, variables to ensure that we have a more inclusive evaluation. This report is conducted by the status of women, a commission of status of women. And so this is a great second component that we would like to highlight. And so, next, can you go to the next slide, gabriel. Im on yes. Can you take on this next slide, gabriel. Yes. I sure can, sarah. Thank you so much. So, you know, big benefit of this is how many additional folks can enter Public Service and contribute. You know, we see the data on the screen. 7 of the population, but 3 of appointees. Latin men are 7 of the population, but 5 of appointos. Asian women did we lose gabriel . I cant hear him. Supervisor ronen it looks like we might have lost him. Let me ask. Clerk it looks like his computer may have stopped responding. Supervisor ronen yes. While we figure this out, do we want to open this item up for Public Comment and well continue the presentation after Public Comment . I can continue the presentation. Supervisor ronen okay. Sorry. Im not going to be able to share my screen at the moment. Clerk supervisor ronen, would you like the clerk to share the slide on his end . Victor, you can take over and share your slide, please. Thank you so much. I apologize for the technical issues. Supervisor ronen no problem. Weve been having them all morning. Okay. So we were on slide number 3, right, is that correct . Slide 4. Supervisor ronen oh, slide 4. Okay. If the clerk could put up slide 4. What gabriel was alluding to, is the representation component and who is left out. As people of color are underrepresented, and there is definitely a disparity issue among immigrants, meaning aspiring citizens, documented and undocumented. And then so this is about not only a place to hear immigrant voices. Next slide. Not only uplifting the voices, but also engaging young people. San francisco residents that are 660 16 and 17 years old would also be eligible to serve on boards and commissions, if we pass 16 in november. So this is a dual action to ensure that, you know, f16 passes, young people are, regardless of immigration status, are able to serve on commissions. And we also had a huge history in 2016 when we passed proposition n and f. So allowing parents to serve on school board im, to actually vote on school board elections, which was a big victory for us. And then second, you know, this is a widespread empowerment. Were saying that, you know, as we take cue, belong that immigrants belong, that all communities belong. When we remove systemic barriers that prohibits them from serving, from having a seat at the table. Next slide, please. Is gabriel back . Okay. So moving backward not forward, right. When we think about the percentage of appointees, we look at the demographic and we cdbg a disparity we see a disparity. People of color are less likely to have seats on commissions that make key decisions. With the shorter amendment, were sending a message that we prioritize the voices of women, immigrants, people of color, people that have been left out of the seats for a long time. Both women of color and immigrants are underrepresented. And so again this Charter Amendment will ensure that we are amending that inequity in the system. So were moving to slide 8. So in order to improve service delivery, we must ensure that we have people that represents the community, to fight and advocate for resources for covid19. As we know, the Latinx Community and people of color have been disproportionately impacted by covid19, due to systemic barriers. So its crucial for them to have a seat at the table, to ensure that they share their perspective on what resources should be allocated to the community, what are the needs, and whats the most impactful what are the most Impactful Solutions that will help the crisis in their community, along with addressing the violence, with the death of, you know, george floyd and amill car and luis. We saw the lack of accountability. We need members of the community representing those commissions, to ensure that we hold accountable. That we are addressing this issue of violence to people of color. It goes back to representation, and the importance of s. F. Commissions for all. And moving to slide 9, a person, regardless of immigration stat status, should be eligible to hold civil office. And we are the largest and most diverse. We come from different countries. We are beautiful and bring our cultural and lives and traditions. And also resources to the communities. So again its important that San Francisco leads by example. Next year the governor is sig signing into law sb225 with allows citizens shall actually serve on state commissions. So now its time for San Francisco to follow the governors action on uplifting all californians and ensuring that they have a seat at the table. Were also fighting for sb288, which would amend the election code, to allow actually noncitizens to run for local seats. So this is not only part of the Charter Amendment, this is for liberation and justice. So i want to move to the slide 10. I just want to say for all of the endorsements, thank you supervisor hillary ronen, to your staff, supervisor Shamann Walton, president norman yee, assembly phip king and i want to thank harvey, San Francisco latino democratic club. Educators of San Francisco. The Community Resource center, african advocacy network, violent connect. And other organizations that have supported, as well as chinese for informative action, who also have shown leadership. And along with all of the Domestic Workers that have fought for a long time for immigrant justice and for all of the Community Members that are supporting, thank you. Thank you. Were not able to do this without you. So i would like to close by saying thank you. Gracias. I will say in other languages. S. F. Commission for all. Its crucial. Im so grateful and honored. And thanks again to the rules Committee Chair supervisor and chair and supervisor hillary ronen, supervisor stefani and supervisor gordon mar. And again i apologize for any technical issues. And thank you for your time. And im honored to work with you and make history in San Francisco. Thank you so much no your liquor, sarah and thank you so much thank you so much for your leadership, sarah and thank you so much, gabriel. Well make sure this Charter Amendment is heard at this committee. Supervisor ronen, if you dont mind, id like to pass this back to you. I believe were moving forward to Public Comment at this time . Supervisor ronen sure. Sounds great. Sarah, thank you so much. What a beautiful presentation. So professional and compelling that you had me tearing up, because this is historically important in our city. This is well past the time that we right this wrong. This is great to be together with supervisor walton. This historic ballot measure. So thank you so much. And unless my colleagues have any questions, i will go ahead and open this up to Public Comment. And if you would like to be added to the queue to speak on this item, please press star 3 now. Clerk all right. A quick announcement. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item, should call 415 6550001. Access code 145 700 6200. Then press pound and pound again. If you havent already done so, please press star 3 for line up to speak. A system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand. Please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. Just as another reminder, we do have Interpretation Services for Public Comment in spanish on this item. Thank you. Supervisor ronen thank you. [speaking spanish] if we can hear from the first speaker. Mr. Clerk. Clerk yes. We are working on bringing that forward at the moment. Caller, go ahead. Hi. My name is kate fry. I teach citizenship at city college of San Francisco. I also teach english as a second language. I work with immigrants every day. And i see all of the people in San Francisco. We have over a third of our population comes from other countries. I see an amazing diversity of knowledge, of life experience. I see a lot of passion among my students and desire to get involved. And i know that everyone should have a voice, especially in decisions that are going to impact them. And i dont know how many of you participated in the marches or actions in this past week, but i was at the one from mission high school, as many other. It was led by youth of color. This is the future. This is the leadership that we need. And as a citizenship teacher, i know that the citizenship test is challenging. A lot of people who were born in this country could not pass that test. So it should not be a barrier from people participate. I think we know that now more than ever. Everyone needs to have a voice, especially in things that impact them. Thank you so much. Next speaker, please. Caller good morning, madam chair, and everyone. I represent affirmative action. I wanted to thank the elected leaders and also the cochairs of the campaign for your work and your leadership in sponsoring pushing forward the Charter Amendment. We continue to endorse and support this Charter Amendment, because it allows for our political systems to open the door to marginalized voices. And so that communities that have been excluded from the political process, can have an equal stake in the physic process. It will facilitate fair representation in our governmental processes, that reflect the needs of our diverse constituency. And Civil Rights Organization that is, you know, committed to multiracial democracy. We stand in solidarity with the black community. Responsive spoils to divest incarceration and detention, we have to make sure our political processes are able to create and reflect the needs from our communities and that our government is for the people, by the people. Now is the time for San Francisco to lead boldly and we believe that this Charter Amendment is one step in the right direction. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Caller hi. Can you hear me . Yes, we can. Please proceed. Caller okay. Okay. My name is maria. Im the organizer of voices in San Francisco. And in 1998 i was appointed to the advisory committee. Then later as cochair of the committee. I became a San Francisco Health Authority commissioner, representing health plan consumers. I was reappointed and still currently an active San Francisco authority commissioner. My service to the commission was much needed, even before i became a citizen. And i know many parents are very well qualified to serve on this commission, regardless of their immigration status or age. The factors should not be barriers. The city has a Health Care Safety net that covers everyone regardless of their immigration status. It is important to hear the voices of everyone, so that their Health Care Access and needs are better met. I also serve on the childcare planning advisory council, a body that creates a childcare needs assessments and priorities for the city and the state. I started sit on that committee when supervisor yee was chairing it. And before i became a citizen. I was considered undocumented at the time, because i was my political asylum was still pending. We need parents on the planning council. They struggle with childcare needs, they need to have a seat at the table also. They need to qualify for childcare, and may have parents who are not citizens. And concerning the childcare in california is under the department of education, the Supreme Court has declared that all children have the right to public education, regardless of their status. But often their voices are not heard. So their parents must be allowed to represent them. And even the children themselves, when theyre 18, i mean, 16. We are proud of our diversity in San Francisco, of being progressive and being a sanctuary city and being a trailblazer in the country. We have to put our money where our mouth is. Thank you. Supervisor ronen thank you. Thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Caller hi. Im an immigrant Rights Commissioner here in the city and county of San Francisco. I have worked with sarah to drop the resolution in support of the aspiring citizens Charter Amendment, that the commission will vote on today at 5 30. And heres my personal statement. A fundamental tenet of our democracy is representation in government. Today in San Francisco we have neighbors, friends, Community Leaders who call the city home. But who do not have a voice on our San Francisco commissions, boards and advisory committees. These government bodies have tremendous influence on our lives, whether its police, accountability on the police commission, building Affordable Housing or advocating for immigrant and human rights on the immigrant rights and human Rights Commissions, among the many others. The Charter Amendment to allow San Francisco residents to serve on San Francisco commissions, boards and advisory committees regardless of immigration status, is long overdue. And critically important during a time of pandemic, economic volatility, and violence that disproportionately affects our Brown Brothers and sisters. Thank you for supporting this. And i will do everything in my power to get this across the finish line in november. Thank you. Thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Caller hi. My name is ezra. I am i had the to get to work and know sarah sousa. I work at u. C. F. And a volunteer at a clinic, sole purpose to help the undocumented community provide free fair to the uninsured. As you know, covid19 has disproportionately affected among our communities. It is imperative and long overdue for Political Representation to be on the table. So i implore and everyone to vote on this Charter Amendment. And communities that have long been oppressed and silenced need to be heard. And also to stand in solidarity with our Black Brothers and sisters. Thank you. Thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please. Hi, everyone. My name is the the Vice President of sound connect. I want to thank you for your leadership on this issue and excited to continue to work with her and push this Charter Amendment forward. This is a personal issue to me. As a gay immigrant, who immigranted from malaysia, a country that threatens gay men, i came to San Francisco in search of safety and community. San francisco has been a safe sanctuary that embraces immigrants of different backgrounds and identities. We pay taxes like everyone else, many of us as essential workers but do not enjoy the same level of access to basic resources, that would help our immigrant families who are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, put food understand table and keep our families safe. We have been under attack by the administration, yet we do not have a platform to advocate for our needs, or have the power of policy changes that directly impact our everyday lives. Representation matters. And this is why im supporting the Charter Amendment as an immigrant, who wants to publicly help my did city. I look forward to seeing the day when all immigrants have a seat at the table. Thank you. Thank you. Just a reminder, members of the public who are already on the phone lines, and wish to speak, should now dial star 3 if you have not already done so to be added to the speaker line. Thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hi. Good afternoon. Good morning. My name is maria. I am an advocate in the community. And i work closely with a lot of immigrants, im an immigrant myself. And i am here because i think its important that we immigrants be part of the issues that are being on the table. Because i really consider that we need to change the narrative about immigrants. And we need to value so we can bring what we bring to the economy and how we can be also help to be making decisions that affect us. I also would like to address that me as an immigrant, i notice how much representation is lacking. So i would like to all of you supervisors to consider this proposal. And also continue fighting for the city and for all of us to continue changing that narrative about immigrants. And what we do in the economy. Thank you so much. Thank you. Can we have next speaker, please. Hello. Hi. Please proceed with your comment. Oh, hi. My name is and im with the african advocacy network. So im joining you here speaking about thanking all of the leaders, local leaders and all city leaders. And also, you know, our comrades and friends from the community on this initiative. And ive been thinking to myself, what a missed opportunity for so long. Its been quite a while immigrants are in the city. And even those would be qualified to serve on commissions, they did not do so. Maybe sometimes because of lack of education, because of lack of maybe maybe because of lack of information or just because of language weakness. And now, you know, today were talking about the amendment. And what im saying everybody, ill not just talking about undocumented immigrants. Even those who are documented. But also feel out of knowledge. They sit on the side. And everybody is invited to join in. And again, you know, its a time to remind all in the community that were not alone. We have Election Officials who are there and thinking about us and caring for us. So its time for us to take the opportunity and at the same time im asking everybody this is an opportunity for education. How to exercise democracy and getting the kids to learn and be a voice for the communities that they represent. Thank you. Thank you for this effort. And then the African Network is looking forward to working with everybody for the success of this. Thank you. Thank you. Can he we have the next speaker, please. Hello. Can you hear me . Yes. We can. Please proceed. Good morning, madam chair and supervisors. My name is rachel. I am the arts and culture administrator. And im calling in today to show our support for the aspiring citizens Charter Amendment. We commend the board of supervisors on the unanimous support for this item. And the individuals and organizations involved in pushing this forward. The diversity of our city is whats made San Francisco a unique place to home and visitors to experience an array of cultures. This Charter Amendment will be a step forwards equitablable Decision Making for the city breaking the cycle of allowing those with privilege to represent communities they may not have direct ties to. Furthermore, the added language, including more diversity on appointed seats, including gender, Sexual Orientation and youth, for example, will further ensure that those who are at the table will reflect the demographics of the population, that will be impacted by this by the decisions that are made. In these challenging times, where systemic racism is no longer an option, having the voices of individuals that can put these systems in check will be a pathway towards abolishing racist practices. We stand in solidarity with the black community and indigenous and people of color communities that are heavily impacted by the Current Public Health crisis and the continued police brutality, that has gone unchecked by the federal government. Thank you for your support in making sure undocumented voices and diverse is represented on San Francisco boards, commissions and advisory bodies. Thank you. Can we have next speaker, please. Hello. Yes. My name is okay. Thank you. My name is lou. Im a mother of two children. Im bilingual, multicultural teacher. Im trying to raise the students to understand all of the multiethnicity of our city. So im very happy that youre opening this space for young people to participate. This is so important for them to feel empowered and also experience leadership. Now is the time to open that door. And give them the opportunity to exercise their rights. So we are living through these turbulent times. I really want to thank you, because this space is going to empower children so much and i see that gap. Im also volunteering in spaces to connect families that speak other languages or have other cultural backgrounds. Translating from the spanish to english, also empowering youth to participate in board rooms for the latino community, we can see a lot of connection. An the systemic barriers we have to beg through the system. They have an opportunity to connect. Thank you very much again. You have our 100 support in this issue. And im also part of the voices. So we are so backing up this issue to give a space to the youth and empower them. Thank you again. Thank you. Can we have the next caller, please. [speaking spanish] im cochair, secretary of progressive democrats of america. An officer in San Franciscos democrats, a member of the rose park democratic club. And the democratic socialists of america. I live in district 8. I want to thank sarah sosa, Gabriel Medina for organizing and leading this important issue for immigrant communities. As a former undocumented korean, economic refugee from a postwar country, where 5 million koreans died, i support the aspiring citizens Charter Amendment. Indigenous, black, brown, and Pacific Islanders has consistently been denied civil rights, safety, justice and equality. This is never been more apparent than now in the shadow of the george floyd killing. The aspiring citizens Charter Amendment will allow people regardless of citizenship status to be able to participate in local governance. This is the time when people like george floyd are dying by the hands of police, and in i. C. E. Detention facilities. Please remember the name of jung moon, a 74yearold soldieren i. C. E. Detainees, who took his life in despair. Thank you. Thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hello. Good morning. My name is elia fernandez. Im with voices in San Francisco. And im a mother of three daughters and a grandmother of six grandkids, which are bilingual. Thats a great thing that they have. And their parents are undocumented. And i believe they should participate in the Community Charter program, because theyre hardworking and they do stuff other people dont do. Especially right now the people are not working, they helped during the pandemic time and theyre helping others. And theyre very essential workers. And they do great stuff for the community. So they should be included and participate in all of the programs that you guys offer. And thats it for today for me. Thank you. Thank you. Just to make one more announcement. Members of the public who are already on the line and wish to speak, should now press star 3 if you have not done so already to be added to the queue to speak. We have one more caller on the line. Next speaker, please. Hi. Good morning, everyone. My name is lily marquez. Im a member of parent voices in San Francisco. Im a fulltime mom. And im extremely grateful for this participation and opportunity to speak. My dad and my mom were immigrants. And they crossed the border illegally to provide us for a better future. Once they got here, they worked endlessly, despite their language and citizenship barriers that they encountered while they were here. My mom thankfully was able to obtain her citizenship. And my dad unfortunately passed away before he could do that. But they always reminded me of working hard and trying to be a good no matter what. San francisco is sanctuary city and immigrants come to the United States always for a better life, to contribute to the economy and to get involved. So they deserve the opportunity to participate in any kind of civic engagement, if they are willing to participate in one and want to do so. California has always been the largest and most diverse state in the nation, representing different countries. And since times now are changing, we need to change, too. We need to be diverse, equal, just, inclusive, transparent and endorse accountability, regardless of peoples income, race, age, ethnicity, immigration status or religion. Which is why i support the inspiring Citizens Commission and Charter Amendment. I thank you for your time. And for your opportunity. Thank you. Clerk that completes the queue. Supervisor ronen thank you. That completes the queue. Supervisor ronen okay. Thank you so much. Unless there is any closing comments from the offer or my colleagues, i am do we need a motion on this or just holding the hearing and closing the file . Sorry. Clerk we do need a motion to recommend this to the full board. Supervisor ronen got it. I am happy to make a motion to recommend this item to the full board, with positive recommendation. Can we take a roll call. Clerk yes. On that motion, supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani aye. Clerk supervisor mar . Supervisor mar aye. Clerk chair ronen . Supervisor ronen aye. Clerk the matter is recommended to the full board. Supervisor ronen yay, congratulations. Thanks again, sarah for your incredible presentation and gabriel. Thank you so much. Supervisor ronen take care. Mr. Clerk, can you please read item number 2. Clerk yes. Item number 2 is a hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending february 1st, 2023 to the eighth commission id like to state members of the public, who wish to provide Public Comment on this item, should call 415 6550001. Access code is 145 700 6200. Then press and again. If you have not done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak, a system prompt will indicate you have raised your happened. Please wait until the systems a unmuted you. Mr. Bush, i see that youre on the line. Please unmute your line. Im unmuted. Clerk thank you. Supervisor ronen good morning, mr. Bush. How are you doing . Hello, chair ronen. Supervisor ronen absolutely. Do you have any opening comments before we ask you questions . I just wanted to know that the synchronousty of the topic we just had on charter allowing noncitizens to participate. Its very much in line with the same issue of expanding inclusivity in our government and public participation. This particular seat on ethics is designed to public outrage and public participation. Other seats are designed for audits and law and so forth. And so im very pleased that this seat that im being considered for. Thank you. Supervisor ronen thank you so much. And i know that you have tremendous history and experience with the Ethics Commission, as well as City Government in general. And although january feels like a lifetime ago, its been a little more than four months since the initial bust by the fbi, whats been revealed to them an extensive web of corruption, bribery and in City Government. Im thankful the illegal maneuvers are being uncovered. Obviously we should not rely on the fbi to keep San Francisco clean and honest. And so, you know, just an overall question for you, how will you approach getting in place the changes we need, so badly in the city and concentrate on sort of a larger issues of corruption in San Francisco, as opposed to sometimes what the commission focuses on these little technical violations that are obviously unintentional. If you could talk a little bit that, mr. Bush. Surely. A large part of the commissions record has been on the regulated community. Rewriting the rules for lobbyists, rewriting the rules on Campaign Finance and rewriting disclosures. Its not been very much open to what its doing for the public. So, for example, on the question of mr. Larue and the money that was going, some of that was going through the detainments. They would ask someone to give money to a nonprofit group. And our system, the way it is right now, is that that information is filed, but as a p. D. F. So its not searchable. So you couldnt go through and say, i want to search contributions that are coming from city contractors. Well people who have permit requests or something of that nature. And i think that thats a fairly easy fix to be done right away. The second thing is if you have a whistleblower complaint that comes in or any other kind of complaint, its suppose to go to the board to the City Attorney and to the district attorney. But when that does when they are sent over there, theres no record that they were sent there. And theres no record that they came back. So its really a question of if you want to do something thats going to happen within a month, those are dots that could be connected to make people feel like theyre being listened to and empowered. Larger than that, i mean, there are other issues about how the commission is established. I was involved in the to begin with. There are issues in how its funded. [audio cutting out] the mayor approves and board approves. But when that budget is presented to you, it doesnt tell you whats not being done. It will say, well be able to hire so many people on the do so much. Well not tell you that we cannot do the annual report of what the Ethics Commission has been doing, which they havent done for five years. They will not tell you that we cannot do the audit thats required, with at least one lobbyist every year. And havent done that in five years. So i would suggest that when they present a budget, this coming year, they tell you whats not going to be done that was part of their mandate, so that you have a decision whether or not thats what you think the priorities ought to be. Supervisor ronen thats a great idea. Thats an absolutely great idea. Sorry, i didnt mean to interrupt you. I just really liked that idea. Were you finished . I am. I could run on all day. Supervisor ronen okay. Okay. Supervisor mar, did you have any questions . Supervisor mar chair ronen, not really questions. I just wanted to thank mr. Bush for his willingness to step in to this really, really Important Role right now. On the Ethics Commission so much attention has been focused on the need to really address and root out casual corruption in our City Government. And then, you know, mr. Bush, thank you also for your decades of just civic leadership here in San Francisco and so many issues. But especially relating to the Ethics Commission. I know you played a key role in the creation, advocating for and the creation of the Ethics Commission years ago. And also a leader in terms of ethics, one of the most important of them is civic organizations, thats been focused on these issues. So i think youre immensely qualified and i just thank you for your willingness to step in to the Ethics Commission at this really important moment in our city. Thank you. Supervisor ronen thank you so much, supervisor mar. Supervisor stefani. Supervisor stefani i dont have any questions. Thank you for your willingness to serve, mr. Bush. Thank you. Supervisor ronen thank you. Well, with that then ill turn it over to Public Comment. If any member of the public wishes to speak, youll have two minutes each. Mr. Clerk. Clerk chair, there are no speakers no callers wishing to speak. Supervisor ronen okay. Thank you. Then Public Comment is closed. And i just wanted to echo my colleagues, mr. Bush, so grateful for your willingness to step forward and serve during this time. I do want to remark that you had put an application last time around to fulfill this role and when mr. Gray stepped forward, you decided to step aside to allow people that had not had as much experience in this realm, a chance to have the leadership opportunity. And i was just so impressed by that. And your willingness to bring new people with different experiences from your own into this realm and get involved in ethics. Of course, now hes stepped down to take a position with the district attorneys office. So i am so glad that youre now stepping forward again. But i just have to remark, its so rare that people step aside for others to gain leadership and your willingness to do that last time around, just really, really impressed me, as you always have in my career. Thats very nice of you to say. Supervisor ronen yeah. I gist had to for those who didnt know. Let them know that, yes, there are peopling to step aside for others. I just wanted to express my gratitude. And with that, any of my colleagues like to do the honors of making a motion . Supervisor mar id be happy to. So id like to move that we recommend appointment of larry bush to seat 1 on the Ethics Commission, to the full board, with recommendation. Supervisor ronen thank you so much. Can we have a roll call vote. Clerk yes. On that motion. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani aye. Clerk supervisor mar . Supervisor mar aye. Clerk chair ronen . Supervisor ronen aye. Clerk the motion passes. Supervisor ronen congratulations, mr. Bush. And again thank you for your willingness to serve. Thank you very much. I look forward to working with you all. Supervisor ronen likewise. Take care. Mr. Clerk, can you please read item number 3. Clerk yes. Item number 3 is an emergency ordinary to temporarily require private employers with 500 or more employees to provide public Health Emergency leave during the public Health Emergency related to covid19. Supervisor ronen thank you very much. And supervisor mar, this is your item. Would you like to make any comments . Supervisor mar thank you so much, chair ronen. Thank you for us to hear this item today. Thank you to the clerk of the board angela for helping us to move this through the administrative process. This is an emergency ordinary to reenact emergency public leave. The crucial new benefit allows an estimated 200,000 san franciscans, employed by large companies, to access two additional weeks of a new type of paid leave, in response to the public Health Emergency. Workers can use it if theyre sick, taking care of a loved one, if they cant work due to shelterinplace, or if theyre a member of a vulnerable population. And Health Care Workers can use it to help limit their risk of spreading covid19, if they show symptoms. Public Health Emergency leave only applies to large employers with 500 or more employees, who have the ability to provide this crucial Additional Support to their employees. And it closes a loophole in the federal Families First relief act, that requires small to midsized employers to provide expanded sick and family leave to their employees. Public Health Emergency leave was unanimously passed by the board on april 14th. And signed by mayor breed on april 17. So this item before us today makes no changes to the policy, but simply reenacts it for an additional 60 days. To avoid gaps in coverage for the leave, the reenactment needs to move out of the committee today and pass the full board tomorrow. So i urge area support. Thank you. Supervisor ronen thank you so much. And any comments from supervisor stefani . Okay, great. Can we please open up this item for Public Comment. Clerk oh, yes. I just wanted to make a statement before we move forward. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item, should call 415 6550001. Access code is 145 700 6200. Then press and again. If you havent done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. A system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and may begin your comment. Any members of the public online . There are no callers wishing to speak. Clerk yes. We do have six listeners. I just want to give them an opportunity to press star 3. If they wish to speak at this time. Madam chair, there are no callers in the queue. Supervisor ronen thank you so much. Then Public Comment is closed. And again thank you, supervisor mar, for bringing this forward. Did you want to make the motion . Supervisor mar sure. So id like to move that we send this item to the full board, with positive recommendation, as a committee report. Supervisor ronen can you take a roll call vote. Clerk yes. On that motion, supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani aye. Clerk supervisor mar . Supervisor mar aye. Clerk chair ronen . Supervisor ronen aye. Clerk the motion passes. Supervisor ronen thank you so much. Mr. Clerk, are there any other items today . Clerk that completes the agenda for today. Supervisor ronen the meeting is adjourned. Thanks so much, everyone. Have a great day. My name is Angela Wilson and im an owner of the market i worked at a butcher for about 10 years and became a butcher you i was a restaurant cook started in sxos and went to uc; isnt that so and opened a cafe we have produce from small farms without small butcher shops hard for small farms to survive we have a been a butcher shop since 1901 in the heights floor and the case are about from 1955 and it is only been a butcher shot not a lot of businesses if San Francisco that have only been one thing. Im all for vegetarians if you eat meat eat meat for quality and if we care of were in a losing battle we need to support butcher shops eat less we sell the chickens with the head and feet open somebody has to make money when you pay 25 for a chicken i guarantee if you go to save way half of the chicken goes in the enlarge but we started Affordable Housing depends on it occurred to us this is a male field people said good job even for a girl the interesting thing it is a womens field in most of world just here in United States it is that pay a mans job im an encountered woman and raise a son and teach i am who respect woman i consider all womens who work here to be impoverished and strong in San Francisco labor is high our cost of good ideas we seal the best good ideas the profit margin that low but everything that is a laboring and thats a challenge in the town so many people chasing money and not i can guarantee everybody this is their passion. Im the ive been cooking mile whole life this is a really, really strong presence of women heading up kitchens in the bay area it is really why i moved out here i think that we are really strong in the destroy and really off the pages kind of thing i feel like women befrp helps us to get back up im definitely the only female here i fell in love i love setting up and love knowing were any food comes from i do the lamb and thats how i got here today Something Special to have a female here a male dominated field so i think that it is very special to have women and especially like it is going at it you know im a tiny girl but makes me feel good for sure. The sad thing the building is sold im renegotiating my lease the neighborhood wants us to be here with that said, this is a very difficult business it is a constant struggle to maintain freshness and deal with what we have to everyday it is a very high labor of business but something im proud of if you want to get a job at Affordable Housing done nasal you need a good attitude and the jobs on the bottom you take care of all the produce and the fish and computer Ferry Terminal and work your way up employing people with a passion for this and empowering them to learn good morning. I call the San Francisco department of disability and aging Services Commission meeting of tuesday, june 9, 2020 to order. I am commissioner

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