And further includes 1 million savings from canceling the upgrades plan at the hospital. At the Human Resources department, the rebalancing plan including 1. 5 million in general fun reductions from an original of 2. 5 million to assist former Housing Authority staff and employment and the Mayors Office staff has told our office that 1. 5 million can be covered within the Housing Authority budget. And within the treasurer and Tax Collector, theres 1. 5 million in surplus monies allocated to the Tax Collector and that project was able to close with surplus funds. The rebalancing plan includes 1 million that were included for the opportunities for all program thats lead by the Human Rights Commission and this Program Provides access to Career Exploration and Workforce Development for San Francisco youth, age 13 to 24. The Program Includes eight mentorships and panelways to employment and as was noted, the Mayors Office has committed to make up that reduction in general fund support through private fundraising. The additional reductions comes from multiple departments as discussed, about 8. 8 million in additional savings. These come from closeouts to unspent purchase orders across departments and it also includes 3. 5 million assumed utility reduction from reduced use of city offices. And that would be reduced costs for water, sewer and power and it includes a 5 reduction for trading, travel, material and supplies totaling 2 million across departments. The last major bucket for the rebalancing is, of course, from the surplus adjustments and over twothirds of the eraf savings come from shifting about 40 million in Affordable Housing financing to the 2019 Affordable Housing bond and there are three projects on that, including that 40 million, that was previously discussed, the 4840 mission street, the station upper yard and 772 pacific street, which has a smaller amount of that larger 40 million. Mayors office staff has told us that none of these projects will be delayed as a result of shifting the funding from those monies to the 2019 Affordable Housing bond. But as supervisor mandelman did note, that means theres 40 million less money right now for Affordable Housing but that doesnt mean there isnt time for the city to buy new sources for projects that are farther down the line in terms of development. The rebalancing plan includes 3 million from the eraf funding out of a total of 10 million allocated for childcare facility rehab. The mayors staff reported of the 10 million in eraf money set aside, 6 million has been committed to six different childcare facilities either under construction or with construction planning to start soon. They said another 1 million, so 7 million total, was dedicated for facilities and 1 million dedicated under the purview of San Francisco. The remaining 3 million for the Childcare Capital would be used would been used for Debt Financing for projects in the childcare facility pipeline but has not been identified. And the details of the childcare facility is what is remaining on exhibit 5. The rebalancing plan includes 1. 8 million from mta out of the 2. 5 million in the 1920 revisio. These funds were mostly slated for repainting equipment. The rebalancing plan includes 1 million from 3. 5 million over multiple years for Mental Health services at several San Francisco unified campuses and the Mayors Office staff has reported to us that the reduction will be reflected in the fiscal year 2021 allocation and the staff reported to us that the program serves nine middle and high schools that receive that each receive one fulltime staff for Emotional Development and Mental Health needs of the students. As i think everyone is aware, all school and district buildings are currently closed to the public due to the covid19 pandemic. Its unclear when theyll reopen and i just want to include that. The mayors rebalance plan is 1 million from the allocations for the working familys credit. The working familys Credit Program offers up to 250 a year to families who qualify for the federal income federal earned income tax credit. The mayor rebalancing plan includes 3 million from the 1920 allocations that was slated for predevelopment of a senior Affordable Housing project on a cityowned parcel next to laguna honda hospital. The staff has told us that these predevelopment funds will now be supported by the 2019, 600 million Affordable Housing bond and there will be no Immediate Impact on this project due to shifting of those funds. The rebalancing planl plan incls transitional age for Behavioral Health treatments. Operator press star 9 to raise a hand to ask a question and star, star for the menu. The Mayors Office reported to us that theres no specific Program Identified there was no specific plan identified and that no site had been identified in the interim for these beds. The firehouse intenders enable movements of water through the city, particularly to area areat it does not extend to. The plan includes 2. 5 million from a total of about 28. 5 million and alo allocations projects. The mayors staff reported that alternative funding including the 2019 Affordable Housing bond has been identified to fund all active small sites projects. As a result, the Mayors Office does not anticipate any active small sites projects will be delayed at this time. Iexhibit 6 on page 16 of our report details the multiyear allocations to these two purposes. As youll see, the new childcare subsidy had alo allocations of 3 million a year in the next two years and the new teachers stipend had 3 million last year, 10 million in the current year, 13 million next year and 5 million in the following year in 2122. The Mayors Office staff have noted the plan anticipates using 2. 5 million from either or both of these buckets from 12. 9 million, from next years allocation of the teachers stipend and or 3 millions of the fiscal year 2122 new subsidies. And we have an option included in our report that the board to request to work with board staff on those and i will go over policy options in a moment. These are the major buckets. There are a few other smaller buckets of adjustments in the rebalancing plan and that includes 15. 1 million in debt savings in the current year and those come from two different Debt Repayments that wont happen. One is 11. 1 million in canceled repayment for a generator at the zuckerberg hospital and 4. 1 million Debt Repayment for the masconi center. While the city does not face any immediate consequences for these debt payments, of course, we are foregoing reduced borrowing costs from not paying. Finally, on the preplanning plan, includes 3. 1 million to Information Technology projects and this is from the department of emergency managements public radio replacement and reduced contingency and Radio Communications system and Public Service agencies. What came to our attention is that the board of supervisors requested the city administrator report back to the board if a Budget Appropriations Committee on further developmented related to the justice facilities improvement projects as we learned there have been some fairly significant shifts in that project. The second policy option is that they could request the budget mayors director to ensure allocations from the eraf funds for early childcare subsidies or the teachers stipends minimize the impacts communities and in line with the Boards Community im available for any questions. That was very thorough. Operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the cue and please let us know if there are callers that are ready and if you have not done so, press star 9 to be added. For those onold, continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. If there are any callers to comment on this item. Yes, i do have a number of callers and i will unmute the cindy withr. Neighborhood centers. Id like to thank you chairperson fewer and supervisors for listening to us. I realize that this is a extraordinary situation that we find ourselves in and i understand the empathy that has to be taken in dealing with the budget cuts and on that note, i want to also bring to your consideration the deep need for exposing the structural fragility of the deep inequities in the care and Education System which was already not where it needed to be before the great recession. This pandemic has pushed the Early Childhood sector to the brink of collapse and what were going to do is not allow our children theres not going to be space for our children to be able to come and be in quality care and this is because we have to have enough physical space with physical distancing to care for enough children to restart our economy. And we are asking that the Program Capacity were letting you know that that capacity has been reduced by 5 to 75 because of this social distancing. In San Francisco, osce says because of the requirements, theyll be spaced for 4,000 fewer lowincome children compared to the number who received those ece subsidies prior to the pandemic. Please, these funds are essential to make the funds that im asking in particular about are the shovelready Construction Projects that as one of the Mission Neighborhood centers is ready to go, to be able to expand and to be able to serve more of those children and subsequently, their families, to get back to work and help with the economy. So, please support the preservation of the ece funds and for infrastructure. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you, next caller. Hi, im the organizer for parent voices. Ii had to pull my child childret and sent both children to their grandparents. We finally got them back here and im glad i was able to get the childcare. This is the story of many families. Although we entered this year with very robust economy, covid1covid19 indiscernible . The memory of the last recession is still fresh in our mind and the lesson this is more important than preserving it. When it closes its doors, a childcare business dies. Childcare is the largest business in the state that allows the city to work. It is the most people organized and allows the rest of us parents to do our jobs. Childcare is essential to reaping the economy. And we need a childcare system that is stable didnt not parents cannot pay more than they already are paying. Please do not harm this fragile childcare system. Balance the budget. Thour chirp cannot wait. Thank you. Hello, thank you for these important topics your. Im asking to not allow the survivor to be overlooked during this time when their safety and survival is more at risk. Im requesting your support for our program expect workers delivering essential services. We are open for business. We have many frontline workers who engage face to face with no opportunity to work from home. These are our janitors, maintenance staff andfront clerks who keep the building clean and safe and who help residents to their housing environment. As we are talking about the balancing plan, here is a reality check, its june, the end of this fiscal year is coming to an end and we have not yet received our grant proceeds from bills that weve paid in april. We have spent april and may on salaries and expenses and have not been reimbursed and we have no funding struck instructions h the end of june. Since youre asking about looking for a savings, i wonder if the board of supervisors have considered a review of the leases with the sro buildings. Of course the private owners are vital partners in our response to homelessness but benefit from guaranteed lease payments regardless of occupancy and the city invests a large amount of Financial Resources into their buildings by funding, repairs and upgrades. So im asking the board of supervisors to not forget the survivor and to fund the essential workers who are providing frontline essential services and to ask these special forprofit providers who are partners with us to ask if they can help bear some of the burden that we are all experiencing. And again, i thank you for your time. Next caller please. As mentioned early, if were serious about equitable recovery after this pandemic and decarceration as stopping the killing of black americans in our streets, it cannot go through the proposed increase for police funding. Instead, we should redirect funds to communitybased organization, especially blacklead organizations. Thank you. Thank you. Next caller, please. Hi, good afternoon. Ii have to say that i hope thank you for the hearing, but i hope you can find better ways to rebalance the budget. The budget should not be rebalanced, you know, by defunding special programs. How about Defunding Police instead . You know, and the priorities, i dont know how they decide on stopping Affordable Housing in district 11. Theres nothing that has been built in 20 years there. So please reconsider to find ways to rebalance this budget. Thank you for your comments. Next caller, please. Hi, supervisors. Im jessie fernandez. Im the Program Manager for alliance called communities for health and justice. Thank you for this discussion. Ce funding is secure for the Affordable Housing projects in district 11 since that is the only two projects in our neighborhood in 20 years. I want to take a moment to invoke some of the neighborhood planners, who over the course of several years spent Significant Energy to secure public investment, as well as plan and design both the upper yard expect mortuary project. You know, our 2015 report, people in power planning were serving hundreds of Community Members in four languages was referencing the rfp for the upper yard and identified the valencia mor mortuary as a site. We have had to weather multiple delays for projects and all the while experiencing a surge in Market Rate Development and spike in nofault evictions and the brunt of rampant unemployment and Economic Relief pandemic as were largely a lowincome people of colour neighborhood and im delighted to hear that the city is rebalancing will not result in those delays and unwavering commitment from the city. I know this is no easy task and looking forward to that aforementioned case. Thank you for your comments. Next caller, please. Good afternoon. Im gloria and am a Childcare Provider in oceanview. I was born and raised in San Francisco and its been an honor to serve my community. Im here because i just this defunding and just cutting funds for chil childcare, im heartbr. I became a part of the els, Early Learning Scholarship Program in march right before the pandemic and i did it so that i can serve more of the children. Ivi currently have children wih these vouchers that cant even there is no funding for them and when you have more funding, i dont think they will get im charging them half tuition that they can also have Quality Childcare and its been really thank you, your time expired. Madam chair, that completes the cue. I know weve had a long meeting and i wanted to ask my colleagues one last time. Public comment is closed on item number 2 and any comment or questions, colleagues . If not, i can make a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair. Could i have a second, please . Second. Thank you very much, supervisor walton and a role wall vote, please. role call . There are five ayes. Any more business before us today . No further business. We are adjourned. Thank you very much for your patients. Hi, im chris manus is sfgov tv and youre watching coping with covid19. Today im going to the gas station. [music playing] now, these are just my stories. Im not a medical professional of any kind. Im a video guy. And the reason im getting gas so we can go to the doctors. If you want to get the most uptodate and definitive information about the coronavirus pandemic, i highly recommend the f. A. Q. That is available at sfgov. Theres great info there. Today im taking two plastic bags and a hair tie and following the new bay area guidelines and im wearing a mask. Im taking the smallest number of items with me. Just my car key, credit card, i. D. , the bags and the hair tie. I dont want too many items to wipe down later. As aleave, i put on the outside shoes ive left on the porch. Can i track the virus inside with my shoes . I honestly dont know. But my floors are cleaner now. When i get to the gas station, i get out of the car, remove the gas cap and put the big plastic bag on my right hand and secure it with a hair tie. There are three main share surfaces here im concerned about touching. The p. I. N. Pad, the pump handle and the button to select my gas. After i use my card, i put it into the smaller bag and stash it. Most gas stations have a paper towel dispenser or maybe there is a piece of paper already in your car that you can use. Once i fill my tank and replace the pump, i walk to the trash can, roll the hair tie up my arm and let the plastic bag fall into the can. On my drive home, im careful not to touch my face. I leave my outside shoes on the porch and as soon as i get through the door, i wash my hands for at least 20 seconds. Next i wipe down my credit card, i. D. And my car key and, as an extra precaution, i wipe down the front door nob and clean the sink taps. Finally, wash my hands again. Thats it for this episode, i hope you found it helpful. Thank you for watching. Now in t of essential workers and whats available. What we plan to have this summer and what people can do to either sign up or what other programs to do to prepare under the new guideline for the programs that they want to make available to people. So, lets get started. Phil, you we hit the ball running, both you and maria su got together because we knew the schools were going to close. But we also knew that there was an essential workforce out there. People who were driving muni, people who were working at hospitals. They had children. They needed child care. They were concerned about taking their children to their elderly parents. They couldnt leave them at home. Tell us a little bit about the program that you established that is available currently and will potentially be extended once programming starts for june 15 during the summer. Thank you, mayor. Yeah. You asked us as soon as the schools closed to start thinking about our kids and working families, particularly our Health Care Workers and First Responders and people who were needed to help in the citys response. And so the department of children, youth and family and Recreation Park Department are working closely together under the guidance of department of Public Health, set up an emergency child care system that is now in its 12th week. We, over time, served over 475 kids, 19,000 hours of child care offered during that time and we served over 4,000 meals at over 25 different sites. The program runs between 6 30 in the morning and 7 30 p. M. And kids have been involved in Distance Learning and a little bit of recreation and its really been, you know, wasnt what we were used to doing and we had to stand it up pretty quickly, but it has been an amazing experience and im really grateful for my partner in runing this thing, maria, and the department of youth and family who have been terrific. And i want to just add because i know that, you know, sadly, you had these kids and these pods with limited number of social distancing. These are kids coming together on a regular basis. Something similar to what were going to be doing this summer. And, unfortunately, there have been people who have made nasty comments or complained or even yelled at, you know, the kids. And so what i want to say to people is to back off and mind your own business and to leave kids alone. Because at the end of the day, these are kids whose family members are putting their lives on the line to help support this city. So, i cant reiterate enough that its important that folks really just stay in their lane, mind your own business. Were providing essential service. And we want to extend this and make this available to more kids. So, lets talk a little bit about phil, can you just talk a little bit about june 15 . Sure. Were going start programming and were going to extend the number of kids that were able to serve. Not just in our park system, but our overall Summer Program so i want you, phil,ll be avail our park system, both for our young people and our teenagers and then were going to jump into maria su to talk about programming in general. Sure. So, our child care operation its summer, and child care was intended to operate while during the school year while the School System when the School System was closed and what families and kids are used to during the summer is camp. Youre right. The truth of the matter, it will look somewhat similar in that were going to have pods of 12, but beginning june 15, rec and park between rec and park t private sector camp providers and our nonprofit providers we expect that there will be over 200 different camps available to kids can. We are going to prioritize. Kids of parents who are working in essential businesses, who are part of the citys response, who are, you know, in allowable businesses and, frankly t kids who need us the most right now. Many of our kids in the city have been without their coaches and mentors for going on 10 weeks and we want to reengage and make sure that these kids, above all else, have something to do this summer. So, starting june 15, camp providers will be allowed to operate. Theyre going to need to certify that theyre going to comply with the health order and guidance coming out of Public Health, which means kids still need to be in pods of 12 for older kids. The minimum session for camp providers will be three weeks and the boll rationale behind that is to keep kids from normally during a normal summer kids go to one week of this camp and one week of another camp and the health and our Public Health officials have asked us to keep kids together in a consistent pod. So well have three threeweek sessions beginning june 15. At rec and park, were planning over 25 different camps. We expect there to be another 40 to 50 private camp providers operating in our park system. I believe that maria is estimating nearly 100 nonprofit camp providers will operate around the city and then there are some other muscle private providers that will be operating on, you know, nonpark property in different spaces. Were going to start working with camp providers as quickly as possible, right after were done speaking with you. And for our camps, for rec and park camps, well begin priority registration on may 26 for all of the participants that are currently in our Emergency Child Care Program and our kids in our Scholarship Program who are a little bit more vulnerable and who really, really need us. Were going reach out to those populations first and then citywide, registration for rec and park camps will begin on june 6. All of this information will be laid out on the department of children, youth and familys website, dcyf cares. Org. And ill turn it over to maria to talk about the other providers and program staffing. Thank you, phil. Thank you, mayor, for this opportunity to share with our residents of the work that were doing right now. So, like the mayor shared, we are in the process of expanding the opportunities for families, particularly for summer. Were really excited about this because, as a parent myself who has two children, this is going to be great opportunity for our young our young people to go out there and engage with others and just really address the social isolation issues that we know is happening in our families right now. So dcyf is really excited to be partnering with rec and parks and the rest of our summer providers in the city to stand up all of these programs for the dcyfspecific agencies, which are the nonprofit agencies, that our department provides supports to, we are going to be working with them to open up camps and programs that they will then be made available for all of our families. We are looking at around 100 programs that will be available for families starting june 15. We are asking all of our nonprofit agencies to follow health guidelines, which still has shared, restrictive groups of young people in consistent threeweek programming at a minimum. We will also put on our website, dcyf. Org care. More information around the health order, around the drexives and the guidelines, with how private camps are also fulfill all of those requirements

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