Please call the phone line and make sure youre in a quiet location and that you mute any tvs, or radios. Item number one, call to order. role call . And we do have a quorum. Thank you. Well welcome to those who are watching this remotely. I hope you are all well at home. It imany are coping with lost js and keeping your family and children safe. Before we gip begin, i would lio thank the staff under the direction of bob beck who has kept the facility running and we appreciate your dedication and i know that several of you have had to be on site at the island on a regular basis. So bob, thank you in particular for your diligence. And also thank you one Treasure Island who has been coordinating with the San Francisco food bank for the delivery of free groceries for people who need it. Thank you to the staff and thank you to the San Francisco food bank and also, thank you to the School District for continuing to deliver meals to School Children on Treasure Island so they can eat three meals a day, five days a week and they are serving about 180 children. So there are many whom we have to thank and certainly fort mel workers who are on the frontline, those who are leaving their homes everyday to work so we can have food deliveries and caregiving and lets not forget to be thankful for simple acts of kindness by our neighbors to each other. And this is the first Public Meeting since the city asked we shelter at home. Because of this, please be patient with us and with the technology as we have to work out the glitches and get accustomed to having meetings online. And if you have Public Comments, there will be a way for you to do so, but please note that we cannot answer directly to your questions online but they will be noted and staff and Board Members will respond later. And please note that item number 9 on the budget will be continued to the june meeting. Are there any Board Members who would like to make comments at this time . If not, lets go to the next item. Item number 2, general Public Comment. This item is to allow members to address the Treasure Island Development Authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction via the Authority Board and do not appear on todays agenda. In addition to general Public Comment, pull comment will be held during each item on the agenda. Members the public may address the board once per agenda item for up to two minutes. Members the public who wish to address the board on matters that do not appear on todays agenda, please call 888 2733658 and then 3107452. When you are connected, dial 10 to be added to the cue to speak. And so moderator, are there any callers on the line . Operator your question is in question and answer mode. Press 10 to summon each question. Any callers on the line . Operator you have two questions remaining. Caller, your two minutes will begin when you start talking. Caller with the phone numbing ending in 9843. Caller with the phone number in 9843, are you on mute . Ok, well we have no response and well move to the next speaker and if you were unable to address the board and you still wish to, speaker, please dial 10 to rejoin the cue. Operator you have one question remaining. Hello, caller, your two minutes will begin when you start talking. Caller with the number ending in 7453. Caller with the phone number ending 7453, and if youre on mute, please unmute. Ok, it looks like we have no response and well have to move to the next speaker. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Speaker, we were unable to hear you, dial 10 and you can rejoin the cue for the next Public Comment. So hearing no callers, Public Comment is now close. Please call the next item. Item number 3, report by Treasure Island director. Please open the phone line for Public Comment after mr. Beck has given his speech. Directors, as i communicated to you this morning, we had a power outage around 11 15 and power was restored. Following restorations, there was lingering brownout conditions in the residential area but the puc was able to address that and service was restored and stable on the island at this time. We previously had an outage last friday that resulted from a short across two overheadlines. The outage the cause of todays outage is still under todays investigation bu invest. Sfpuc crews are on the island at the time replacing a damaged pole on avenue m but the damage was unrelated to that work. Puc will be on the island doing additional crossarm repairs and cutout repairs tomorrow. The puc also has a contractor in place now to begin installation of the additional reclosers on the island beginning in midjune and additional fault indicaters beginning later if the summer. The electrical switch gear area near the new waste water truant plant is now under surcharge, and the site has been completed and the sfpuc is ordering new equipment. The goal remains to have the new switch gear online by the first of the year. And the inherent vulnerability of the existing electrical system is in its fault tolerance and that is the ability of the system to maintain service through incidents which cause a short or surge in current. The reclosures are a means of attempting to provide some tolerance for to isolate an outage to a portion of the island, but the most significant improvement will come with the replacement of the switch gear early next year. As with the rest of the city, the life of residents and commercial tenants on the island has been greatly impacted by the covid19 Public Health emergency. Treasure island staff and one Treasure Island staff have worked to provide residents with the most current information on services both on the island and throughout the city. One Treasure Island has continued to operate the food pantry and island resident, hope williams, has worked to bring the sfusd Distribution Program to the island. The Affordable Housing providers, catholic cherrys Community Housing partnership, health right 360 and the sourcetoplow shares work to identify and address Additional Needs their residents. One Treasure Island and tida have been having weekly calls with all of the housing reuters providers to make sure we identify issues that arise. One Treasure Island on monday distributed a Needs Assessment survey to all residents and looking for feedback fro feedbas plan Additional Services Going Forward and i wanted to recognise the work of opton nosser and the island cove market who has managed to keep our relatively small markets stocked with a number of critical items throughout this emergency and also to recognise island residents for not creating a run on supplies. Inventories have remained stable on food essentials at the store throughout the emergency. According to the department of Public Healths Data Tracking website, the 94130 zip code which represents Treasure Island has experienced fewer than ten cases and they dont publish data for zip codes with fewer than ten cases but indicate there are less than ten. The other zip codes in the city that have experienced fewer than ten cases include the presidio and three zip codes between the initial district and union square. Housing providers are following the mayors Eviction Moratorium guidance in cases where residents have been unable to pay rent and tida is coordinate be with other city agencies to develop a uniform guidelines for commercial lease. I wanted to recognised Jack Nathanson who was assigned to work frankly april 9th through may 5th on Food Distribution logistics. On the Affordable Housing front, i mentioned in a previous email update that Construction Financing closed for the first 100 affordable building on april 28th, which is a huge milestone for Treasure Island and our Affordable Housing programs. The sponsors for that project are Chinatown Community Development Center and the future operator will be sorts to plow shares. The building will be names after a vietnam veteran and former director of housing for sourcetoplow shares and the founding president of the one Treasure Island board. Now this is a Modular Construction project and so, it will be an interesting measure of the possible efficiencies of that form of construction and it will break ground in august and be ready for occupancy in 2022. On todays agenda, we haves a resolution authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreement with the Save Department of housing and Community Development for Affordable Housing and sustainable communitys grant which will help finance our second building that will be developed with mercy housing and Catholic Charities. At our february meeting, which was our last meeting, the board authorized the staff to prepare and file and infill infrastructure Grant Application with the state and that was filed in february and again, the department of housing Community Development has posted preliminary scoring which is subject to appeal, but our score was consistent with our preliminary selfscoring evaluation and gives us reason to believe that our application has a good possibility of being successful. We continue working with the office of Public Finance to prepare for the First Issuance of debt under the community facilitys district and well be preparing a measure to go to the board of supervisors, authorizing the issuance of that debt. Since our last meeting, one Treasure Island graduated a class from its Construction Training Program and they are planning on how to conduct the next course with a reliance on remote training where possible and with appropriate social distancing when inperson training is required. On construction on the island, work on the bristol, the First Residential Development on the island has been continuing. The San Francisco county Transportation Authority is preparing to mobilize their contractor to construct the new south gaisouthgate interchange t providing an eastbound ramp for traffic coming to the city. And the reconstruction of the west side of the causeway is complete and traffic will switch to a new roadway service on the west side in late june with a new shortline access road on Treasure Island to open in early july. Elsewhere on Treasure Island, the vibral compaction continues and should be completed in a few more weeks to the pleasure of director donelop, who dunlop wl this from his residence. On the first subphase area on the western waterfront, the installation of utilities in the new rightsofway continues and the goal of having those roadways and utilities in place to serve the maseomade building when it is ready for occupancy. And the developer also has begun work on an interim sewer force main, connecting the new areas of construction along the southern and eastern shorelines to the existing waste water trivet plant. That force main goes through the Treasure Island Sailing Center area and weve been coordinating with them to relocate vessels and complete that work while their programs are on hiatus. Also, work with ticd is advancing to plan for subphase 3, which includes the southern waterfront in the areas south of the job core center. That work will begin with the abatement and demolition of a number of outbuildings around hangars two and three and planning for the eventual vacation of those structures in late 2021. Ii wanted to provide an update n the lawsuit that was filed january 2 23rd naming the department of Public Health, several former navy employees, the department of toxic substance control and one Treasure Island and others as defendants. The department of justice, one Treasure Island and tida have all filed separate motions to dismiss and those motions are scheduled to be heard in june. Finally, i wanted to mention that prior to the covid19 emergency, we had begun working with one Treasure Island through the civic Bridge Program with ginsler associate architects to plan for the Space Planning of the future health right 360 building and weve been working with them virtually and that program is expected to wrap up july 1st with a final presentation of the works from both ginsler, as well as other the civic programs. Tida staff has been working with two city hall fellows assigned to the department of environment to look at the Stewardship Program on the island and our Nursery Program and to compare them with other regional programs to develop recommendations on how our programs might be improved. We are planning to do a webcast that we would advertise to the public to present their conclusions before the end of their term with the department of development. That concludes my report. Are you on mute . Im sorry. Before we start our Public Comment, i see supervisor matt hainey has joined us. Supervisor, would you like to make any comments. No, thank you. Everyone, good to see you. Ok. Then we can go to Public Comments. I believe sharon would like to speak. Yes, sharon. Go ahead. Thank you, can you hear me ok . Yes, we can hear you. We cant see you, but we can hear you. Great. So bob, i see in your agendaized directoarcyour update,you provid im wondering if you know off the top of your head how many predda households were waiting to reach. As i think we have sort of collectively agreed to reach 100 of the predda households and im wondering in future logs or, perhaps, in your next report that if you can provide the running count for us and then also any kind of timeline on the post dda outreach would be helpful. Thank you. Thank you, director lye. I dont have the precise number off the top of my head. I do know that we were down to fewer than five households, but i can find that and provide an update to Board Members. And i also should have included in my comments that arws has developed an online portal that can be accessed through the web or through an app that would allow individual households to view their specific information for their households. They would have a login number and be able to access the current status of their benefits. And were getting ready to do a beta test and looking forward to meet and do more inperson items. I seitems. Miss richardson, you can speak. Thank you, i just want to echo what the president mentioned earlier executiv and o thank you and your staff, because we know the people are working around the clock to try to support the residents and, also, our Community Development partners. And so i want to thank you for that. I do have a question and this is regarding the outages on the island. I know that this commission, everyone of us, are highly, highly interested to make sure that we need to provide positions and again, we can talk about that. The frequency of the outages and get with the medical crisis that we are in, technical we can all conclude that these are having some consequences on the residents of the island, especially, when people have to have storage of items and things like that. I would like at some point, maybe in the next meeting, to invite the sfpuc in and so we can even have some dialogue. But i know that the city is doing everything it can to try to resolve this and also, its important for us to let the public know that this is just in the interim. The infrastructure for the island right now, we are working on that and, however, the frequency of all of these outages now do create some concerns tha that maybe we can k of something to alleviate all of these to fix the problem permanently. Thats my comments. Thank you. Any other Board Members who would like to speak on the directors report . Yes, i have a question, if i can go. Yes. Two things. One is just from the chat that im seeing, it seems like people are having issues making comments and so i dont know if it seems like courtney from supervisor haineys staff is able to field some of this. Is there anything we can do quickly now for the purpose of this meeting to have a comment and you couldnt get through, like to email so and so, maybe kate, so that we know theyre coming through. Because i would hate for folks not to be able to get through right now. The public can absolutely email me, kate sf. Org and you can email me your Public Comment and ill make sure theyre received by the director. We hope that the Public Comment line is fixed now so we will be taking Public Comment again for this item and hopefully that will work. Awesome, thank you. And then, following up on commissioner richardsons comments on the outage. I dont know, i just printed all of the documents and im not sure if it was the second agenda item, but wondering i saw the custom power solar, inc presentation and that seemed like it could be an alternative solution in the short term to help with some outages and it looks like it was euro dollars because of subsidies given that it is in a qualified district tor some government dollars. So im not sure if that is going to be a part of this or the next item to talk through, because it seems like there was something there and then kind of related this that was wondering there was an update on one of the original not original, but one of the other Power Outages that resulted from the developer digging and hitting a line. We had talked before about that they were going to figure out if it was the fault of the develop odeveloper or if it was marked correctly. So i was wondering if there was a followup in resulting in some potential dollars to help residents on the island with temporary generators or anything like that. Just the question regarding the prior outage. This was the november 2019 outage and to be clear, that was a line in the east bay that was hit by a contractor working at the Oakland Army Base site where our lines have been undergrounded. And i dont have an update for you from the City Attorneys Office on their endeavors to identify and the responsible party for that. I will have to follow up with them on that for you. And the regarding the item thise communications, that was something that was afforded by a resident and the puc and tida staff will be meeting with that resident and contractor to explore that option. Ok, thank you. I see that supervisor hainey, you have some questions for bob related to this report . Yes, please and thank you. Bob, you mentioned that were following the process for the eviction protections. Do you know how many households have requested a rent referral due to covidrelated next loss . I dont know how many have requested a deferral yet, by for the villages, just under 20 of their residents did not make their april payment on time and it appears that the i dont have a final update from them on the may payments, but it appears it is a similar number. Do we have a plan for how were going to deal with that if this goes on for some number of months and people are not able to that many people are not able to pay their rent . Some of them may end up having large amounts of backrent due. Have you started or anyone started to think through what solutions would be available to people in that situation . The villages has engaged the residents that failed to make the april payment, again, in line with the guidance, requesting documentation which could be as syria simple as an l and potential payment plan structures Going Forward. Has there been a change in demand at the food bank that youre aware of that are provided either by one Treasure Island or others . It seems to have been relatively steady and the food bank has been distributing about 150 bags a week to households on the island and the School District Meals Program has been distributing roughly 180 meals for roughly 180 young people each week. Great. And i also had questions about the power outage, but i appreciate the others brought that up. Thank you. Thank you. I think we can open it now to Public Comment. So members of the public, if you have not already, please press 10 to be added to the cue and for those on hold, please continue to wait until it is your turn to speak. Moderator, are there any callers on the line . Operator you have two questions remaining. You can go ahead and speak. Phone numbers ending in 4983. Is your phone on . Can you guys hear me now . Yes, great. Please state your name. Can you guys hear me. We can hear you. Im not sure if you guys can hear me or not or if this is working. We can hear you. Its working. So im wondering why we have decided that this community doesnt deserve reliable power like the rest of San Francisco . It is not on mute. Ill just continue to talk because of the delay in this. Essentially, im wondering why testimony irtida has decided tht want to start working with us oronTreasure Island. Ive been working with the vendors from custom solar inc and technologies about this solution providing battery and backup solution to the island. Ok, well move on to the next caller if your comment is finished. Next caller, please. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Hearing no callers, Public Comment is now closed. Please call the next item. Item number 4, communications from and received by tida. Are there any Board Members who wish to comment on the communications that have been received . Hearing none, we can open the phone lines for Public Comment. Moderator anmoderate, are thy callers on the line . Operator you have one question remaining . You can go ahead. Hello, caller, you can begin with your comment. My understanding is theres a delay so i may take them a few seconds to realize theyre on the line. Sorry about the delay. I did not realize im the last Public Comment. Im basically calling to figure out why Treasure Island residents do not deserve reliable power and Treasure Islandsfpoweroutages. Com has been the solution. Ive been working with contractors technologies and solar inc. I think that we heard this message earlier. Are there any other callers on the line . Operator you have zero questions remaining. Hearing no callers, Public Comment is now closed. Please call the next item. Item number 5, ongoing business by board of directors. Directors, is there any ongoing business that you would like to bring up . Hearing none, we can call the next item, please. Item number 6, Consent Agenda. All matters listed here under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Authority Board and acted upon by a single vote of the Authority Board. There will be no separate discussion of the items unless the member of the Authority Board so requests in which event the matter which will be removed and considered as a separate item. 6a, approving the minutes of the february 12, 2020 meeting and 6b, resolution authorizing the directors to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the San Francisco department of technology for fiber system installation and maintenance on Treasure Island and buena island, authorizing the director to enter into amendment number two, to the agreement with the San Francisco county Transportation Authority for south gate road rightofway. Authorizing the director to enter into amendment number two, to the memorandum of the agreement with the San Francisco county Transportation Authority for south gate road improvements construction phase. 6e, resolution approving an application of a First Amendment to the professional Services Agreement between the pressure islands authority and Rubicon Enterprises to increase the annual scope of services and not to exceed contract amounts, specifically 20192020. So moved. Directors, any items on the Consent Agenda that you would like to remove for separate discussion . Sharon, did you want to have further clarification of 6b . Hearing none, we do have a motion and is there a second . Hello . Second. And so i been moved and seconded. Before we vote, we will open the phone line for Public Comment on the Consent Agenda. Operator you have zero questions remaining. There are no Public Comments on this item and so, Public Comment is now closed. And can we have the role call, please. role call . There are four ayes. Thank you. And next item, please. Item number 7, resolution authorizing the execution of the sustainable grants document and any amendments of modifications thereto and authorizing the director of the Treasure Island Development Authority to execute such documents. Anany members of the public who wish to direct the board, call 888 2733658, access code 3107452 is finally 10 to be added to the cue. Thank you. And who is presenting on this matter . Bob . Yes, ill be presenting, thank you. Im going to share my screen and pull up my presentation. Can everybody see my screen now . Yes. Thank you. Now aas described by kate, thiso accept is expend a Grant Agreement with the California Department of housing and Community Development for our grant award under the Affordable Housing and sustainable communitys grant program. The aasc is a carbon tax funded program that focuses on the development of transportation housing and infrastructure that achieve Greenhouse Gas reductions and benefit disadvantaged communities. On november 1, 2018, the department of house and Community Development issued a notice of Funding Availability for the program and on november 14th, the tida board authorized staff to prepare a joint application with mercy housing. Similarly, on january 29th, 2019, the board of supervisors approved a similar resolution. And we filed our application in february of 2019. We received our issue of notice of award from hcd, june of last year and this resolution would authorize us to execute the standard Grant Agreement and related documents. I should note that the board of supervisorred similarly authorized the execution of this standard Grant Agreement yesterday. A little background on our lord, roughlaward, 13. 75 million is to the catholic charitys building being planned for parcel c 3. 1, a 138unit building that will relocate both existing Catholic Charities residents, as well as a good number of current residents of the villages at Treasure Island. Because its largely replacing existing housing, it does skew larger than many Affordable Housing developments. One will include 61 twobedroom and 43 bedroom and 14bedroom units. The predevelopment loan was approved by the Mayors Office of community and Housing Development in february of 2019 and the target construction is the First Quarter of next year. Here are some updated renderings of the building facade and the center courtyard. That would be above the podium level and its location, again, in the first subphase area on Treasure Island. The transportation elements of the program include bike ped improvements that will be a part of the hillcrest project i mentioned previously and will connect the bay bridge offramp underneath the bridge and over to the new mccaulla road improvements constructed by tidc. It also includes 2. 6 million to fund the purchase of electric buses for the future Ac Transit Service between Treasure Island and downtown oakland and a Million Dollars towards the ferry improvements and, as well as funds for the mercy residents during the first three years of Building Occupancy and an Educational Program with the bicycle coalition. And that concludes my presentation. I would be happy to take questions directors may have. Bob, thi this is to hard to d Affordable Housing and it takes so many sources of financing and right now, theres no help from the federal government for the help of Affordable Housing and we have to rely on the state and our own city for the subsidies. So this is an Important Program that the state has put together and kudos to the tida staff is to mercy housing for getting this grant. I think its great. Directors, any others who want to make a comment at this time . So we will then open it up to Public Comment and i understand that theres a little bit of a delay for us to hear the calls that are coming in, so be patient. Any members of the public, if you have not already please press 10 to be added to the cue. Moderator, any callers on the line . Operator you have one question remaining. Hello, caller. I was making a comment in regards to the housing grant and sustainable grants and im wondering if any of this can be used to fund battery and backup solution now for the current residents. Its been a longtime coming that weve waited for this development to be done, waited about 20 years and there happens to be no real solution that is going to have a material effect on the current residents. So im looking forward to you guys working with me and custom power solar and coming up with the evacuation solutio solutionr outages. We can no longer wait for the solution. Ok, thank you for your comment. Are there any other comments . Operator you have zero questions remaining. Hearing no callers, Public Comment is now closed. And please call the next this is an action item, i understand. So could we have a motion to accept and authorize the execution of thi accepting the grant. I move. And a second please. Motion to accept. Second. And we will have the role call, kate. Pai role call . There are four ayes. Item 8, approving the execution of a First Amendment to the professional Services Agreement between the Treasure Island Development Authority and one Treasure Island to increase the annual scope of services and not to exceed contract amounts for 20192020. Our staff will present on this item and Sherry Williams, one Treasure Island is also here to speak to it. Thank you. Good afternoon, madam chair and members of the board of directors, im with the Treasure Island Development Authority. On june 12, 2019, the t irida bd approved training and Employment Opportunities for those economically disadvantaged. Project staff and one Treasure Island have negotiated a First Amendment to the professional Services Agreement commencing on may 15th, 2020, to expand the scope of services resulting in an increase of the budget from 1. 795 million to 2,473,103. Some of the highlights of the increased Services Include additional funding for the Affordable Housing and analysis plan from 75,000 to 107,000 and an additional funding for the preapprentice Construction Training Program based on deconstruction of properties on Treasure Island. Tida proposes to increase funding from one million to 1. 646 million to expand the program to remediate 11 buildingings locatebuildingbuils three. Excuse me, there is somebody online typing. Could you mute your microphone . Thank you. Rick, go ahead. Thank you. Is as yocauseten of the 11 buile between hangars two and three on the screen thats shown. Once these buildings are remediated, Treasure Island development will move forward with demolishing the structures and preparing the area for redevelopment. Funding for these expanded services will come th from the Treasure Island maintenance account. With that, i would like to ask Sherry Williams, the executive director of one Treasure Island to come online and say a few words about the program and some of the accomplishments of the program weve had over the last couple of years. Welcome, sherry. Yes, thank you. So you can hear me . We can hear you. Sherry, you can go ahead. Can you hear me . It was frozen. Uhoh, frozen again. Rick, youre sharing a screen and, perhaps, you can turn that share screen off and maybe that will help. Lets try it. There we go. There are 887 people who have barriers such as incarceration and job training and so forth and Substance Abuse to graduate and get unionwage jobs through the remediation of these buildings and all of them are San Francisco residents. 25 are island residents and, in fact, we have a client to be hired by desilva gates and this program has had a tremendous amount of impact and the amount you see before you will actually, as i said, will create eight jobs hired by echo bay from our graduates. Patrick, are you on the line . Patrick ryan . Theyve been training and employment partners. Thats it on the construction training part. I dont know if you would like any more information about what one Treasure Island is doing now through covid or anything like that and if you would, i would be happy to give any kind of updates or Program Details for you all. So sherry, thank you very much on that report, on the construction training. Its so important to what were trying to do. As to the activities during covid, its not an agenda item right now, but certainly we would like to have a report. There was an earlier report by bob and myself thanking you and one Treasure Island for all that youre doing and so, we thank you for that. And rick, are there any other items . Actually, i think patrick ryan may be on the line. I know hes trying to reach in. I got a text from patrick. Patrick, are you there . With that said, project staff recommends approval of the First Amendment and im here to address any questions that you guys may have of the program, as well as Sherry Williams can also address some questions, as well. Ok, so i open it up to the board. Are there any questions for sherry or rick from the board . Linda. Thank you, commissioner sharon. I would love to speak on these items and i just want to start by congratulating one Treasure Island and the outstanding construction. I have attended for the last few years every graduation and, in fact, at the last graduation i suggested that since this program is the best in the city is county of San Francisco, in the bay area, that we really need to make sure that we are having multiple training throughout the year. We are talking about students that are coming out from atrisk and a lot of them are from the bayview, from the western edition and this program is in line with what mayor breed and supervisor hainey and the rest of the great people in San Francisco would like to see. Were trying to prevent homelessness. People are getting trained and theyre going off to very permanent jobs and theyre joining labor unions and what can i say about that . And this is one of the goodwill things that we do here at Treasure Island and as i always tell people in and out of San Francisco, the commissioners here have the skills to develop. However, at the end of the day, this kind of training is really what puts everybody above because while were participating first class for many to develop in the world, were cognizant that were pulling everybody all along, residents of Treasure Island, poor residents of the mainland and as much as we can all of the money that we can have, all of the resources that we can allocate to these programs are absolutely worth all of this. So i support this and i know that the rest of the commissioners are on board. Thank you. Susie, i believe you have a comment, as well. Yeah. Thank you for this update. I just want to get clarity on a couple of things and so the amendment is for 678,000, right . And that is just to cover the remediation of the building that you listed, correct. Yes, and also a component of that, i believe, 33,000 in that amount is for the Affordable Housing and analysis plan. Got it and by analysis plan, what are we talking about feasibility, layouts. More a study plan. Maybe sherry can speak to that program. I can speak, rich. That is twofold. One, i mentioned the work that were doing with g irinsler associates, as well as the assistance that one Treasure Island gave us in preparing our infill infrastructure Grant Application. Got it. So its like architectural application, that makes sense. And given its for this fiscal year up in june, sherry, of the 1. 79 million that you guys have, is there any left over in that budget . Whats the spendtodate for that . Almost all of that is spendtodate because we already did a major remediation job already. So almost all of that is a spendtodate at this point. Great, thank you. And just one other thing to clarify and yeah, i would love to have i though, sherry, youve presented to us before and apologies, but i think it would cool to do another kind of reup on covid and the work you guys are doing. When you say economically disadvantaged, can you remind me how youre defining that . Yes, economically disadvantaged and i believe this is in the jaop but its median income, and i will say that most of our folks are way below. And im going to give it back to you, rick. Perhaps, patrick is on the line now. I think were still having problem. Operator you have one question remaining. That must be patrick. So we will listen to the phone comments. Thiif this is patrick, youre free to speak. Again, because of the lag, we may need to give him a few seconds. Hi, everybody, can you hear me . Hello, patrick. Im on the line, can you hear me. Yes, we can hear you. Hello . Can anybody hear me . Im here to answer any questions you might have and were thrilled to continue to be a part of this Great Program and we love to in these times, especially tough times, we lo love to get some of these folks going. Thats the end of his comments and are there any other Public Comments . Operator you have zero questions remaining. Hearing there are no other comments on the phone line, have we got a motion is a second . So moved, linda. And a second, please. Second, sharon. And role call. role call . There are four ayes. The ayes have it. Next item. Thank you, guys. Item number 10, discussion of future agenda items by directors. Directors, does anybody have future items they want to bring up at this point . Yeah, i think just the thing that i said before, it would be good to understand one Treasure Island scope and also in a post covid word, if it is expanded right, to help all of the families on the island right now or if its not, you know, how are those gaps being filled . And, also, another agenda item, which i dont know who we would have to ro particulape on this,e federal stimulus money coming in, it would be good to understand how that is getting doled out to the city and get any thoughts from the city on how im sure some of that money will be predicated on some kind of formulas, but other will come in as block grant. So i think it would be good to get educated if there are things that Treasure Island should and could have access to, to help with our project. Thank you for the suggestions. It would be good at the june meeting to have one Treasure Island and Housing Providers give us what theyve been doing in response to the covid19 and its a great idea to look into the federal Stimulus Program and how to help us on Treasure Island. To note for Board Members and members of the public, during the Current Crisis in this format, weve been asked to restrict our agenda to action items. But if were able to meet in person in june, we will definitely include one Treasure Island update. Thats understandable. Next item, please. The meeting is adjourned. I just want to take this opportunity to thank you, directors. Its a difficult situation with this online infrastructure, a little bit slow, but we will do the best we can and for those who are out there, listening to us today, take care and keep healthy and keep safe. Director, i failed to mention in my report, but, perhaps, in closing, we could close in memory of zodell lantis, who was the kind of mistress of ceremonies for the Golden Gate International exhibition who passed away this last month at 104. I hadnt heard that news so thank you for bringing that up to us. She was feisty until the end and im sorry to hear shes passed at 104 years old. Thats quite amazing. So yes, lets close in her memory and we hope that everybody else will be well. Thank you. Thank you. Goodbye. We can adjourn now. Thank you all. Hi. My name is carmen chiu, San Franciscos elected assessor. When i meet with seniors in the community, theyre thinking about the future. Some want to down size or move to a new neighborhood thats closer to family, but they also worry that making such a change will increase their property taxes. Thats why i want to share with you a property tax saving program called proposition 60. So how does this work . Prop 60 was passed in 1986 to allow seniors who are 55 years and older to keep their prop 13 value, even when they move into a new home. Under prop 13 law, property growth is limited to 2 growth a year. But when ownership changes the law requires that we reassess the value to new market value. Compared to your existing home, which was benefited from the which has benefited from the prop 13 growth limit on taxable value, the new limit on the replacement home would likely be higher. Thats where prop 60 comes in. Prop 60 recognizes that seniors on fixed income may not be able to afford higher taxes so it allows them to carryover their existing prop 13 value to their new home which means seniors can continue to pay their prop 13 tax values as if they had never moved. Remember, the prop 60 is a one time tax benefit, and the Property Value must be equal to or below around your replacement home. If you plan to purchase your new home before selling your existing home, please make sure that your new home is at the same price or cheaper than your existing home. This means that if your existing home is worth 1 million in market value, your new home must be 1 million or below. If youre looking to purchase and sell within a year, were you nur home must not be at a value that is worth more than 105 of your exist egging home. Which means if you sell your old home for 1 million, and you buy a home within one year, your new home should not be worth more than 1. 15 million. If you sell your existing home at 1 million and buy a replacement between year one and two, it should be no more than 1. 1 million. Know that your ability to participate in this Program Expires after two years. You will not be able to receive prop 60 tax benefits if you cannot make the purchase within two years. So benefit from this tax savings program, you have to apply. Just download the prop 60 form from our website and submit it to our office. For more, visit our website, all of these amazing organizations

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