Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 20240713

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A business that opens up how they operate, how close, how many employees, how close can they operate. What they have to wear. And yet you say nothing about lets say, tents on the street. You just leave it to the c. D. C. Guidelines about how far things need to be apart. There seems to be my impression and i will close with my impression is that you have put anything related to homelessness into a category that you have decided is a policy matter for someone else to deal with rather than a Public Health issue. And i am telling as a District Supervisor and shared by some others on this board that that is creating, that lack of guidance is creating enormous confusion in the streets. It is creating confusion among the Police Department who are not sure what they are enforcing out there in the district. It is created really complete chaos in the streets. We are all trying to deal with it, but were not the folks who have the power to issue Public Health orders tomorrow like you do. So i would just urge you, in fact, beg you, to not categorically leave all this to the political realm and to take aspects of how we are dealing with homelessness in San Francisco that aspects that are clearly Public Health issues and show the leadership and issue orders we need to let what roles are playing by. And i know my colleagues are happy to work with you to develop the orders as quickly as possible. Thank you, supervisor pressson. By the way, there is thank you, supervisor preston. There are three more supervisors that are on the roster to ask questions. But i just want to this is probably not even a question. I dont remember the specific question that we had last at the end of last weeks session briefing. And you didnt have to answer at the time. It was about plan and that you would two back and ask h. S. H. And the relevant departments and you said that you would come up and give us a sense of a plan. I am not getting any sense at all. Supervisor fewer. Supervisor thank you very much. Hello, dr. Aragon. Thank you for being here. I want to echo and my question mirrors very much what supervisor preston said because actually we were made to believe that every policy complements or in accordance with a Public Health issue, order. So when we are telling the constituents also we are saying really the department of Public Health and that Public Health orders take precedence over everything because we do agree that this is Public Health takes precedence over everything now. Over peoples right to go outside and socialize, like we are monitoring all those things. But there is a lack of policy around homelessness, and actually if i could just politely correct you, you actually work, i think, for the board of supervisors. And so i am wondering if we were to bring a health order to you that we think should be implemented and should be actually addressed, so do you think this is somebody that you would be open to that the supervisors would say that because i actually think there needs to be a health order around homelessness. I said last week that everything that we are doing is through this middle class paradigm. It is not addressing the real issues that are on the street. And actually i think as i said last week, it was a little disingenuous that we come to a meeting months ago and the first thing you say is, homelessness is the First Priority and yet we see no orders around homelessness. It is frustrating and i think actually it is causing confusion. But more than that, quite frank linn this is putting lives at risk. We are floundering here and we dont know what is the best situation for them and we are trying to give defense to them and we have a conversation planned for thursday. So i put this question out to you. When the feds stop reimbursing for hotel rooms and we can only fit 50 or 30 of the capacity of unhoused people into our congregate shelters again because it could be a Public Health issue, what is the plan . What is the plan . What are we working towards . We will still be dealing with this deadly disease for a year, year and a half and what is the plan and the health order to guide this plan around the unhoused population . President president go ahead, doctor aragon. Thank you. And of course, i am always willing to talk and meet and to discuss and to take ideas. And the way the process works for me, me as an individual really have to work with a team of experts to sort of really understand what is the best thing and what is the best action that were going to take next. And so i am willing to and absolutely willing to listen and talk about that. But i will have to work with the folks here at the department of Public Health because that is the resources that i depend on to try to make the best decisions in cooperation with all the departments here in the city as well as the board of supervisors. And to give me ideas and something to make progress on and consistent with our departmental policies, i do try to make sure we are clear about that. I was weighed down about this thing and predicted for years and i said to you, do we have enough sites. You said to me, yes, we do. I said, well, where are they . And how many do you have . And you said to me we are confident we have enough quarantine sites for everyone that would need it. You told me that yourself. Im sorry, dr. Aragon. I think its a little disingenuous. I think what we want are real answers. I look forward to our conversation on thursday. Thank you. President supervisor peskin. Supervisor thank you, president yee. I think supervisors fewer and preston touched on everything i was going to ask. I do want to clarify one thing which is the law. The law is every board of supervisors and we talked a thbt last week in the 58 counties of the state of california appoint the chief health officer. It is also true that dr. Aragon is an employee of the department of Public Health in his capacity as a doctor. So both of these things are true. Im not suggesting anything. I just want my colleagues and anybody who is watching and the good doctor to actually be very clear. The designation as this very extraordinarily powerful position is done by and serves at the pleasure of the 58 boards of supervisors in the state of california. I just want to state that on the record. Everything else has been asked and not really answered. President supervisor ronen, you are the last one on the roster and we will end with yours. Go ahead. Supervisor i would also say that supervisors preston and fewer mostly made the comments i was going to make. I wanted to clarify, though, slightly. So dr. Aragon, what happens for your position when this board of supervisors pass adieu nan mouse ordinance requiring that the city immediately open 8,250 hotels and the mayor responds that she wont do it. Dont you need to intervene from a Public Health perspective . And do something . I have not thought about that specific question. I dont have an answer for that question right now. Supervisor okay. That is often the case. I will say that we asked a lot of questions last week you didnt have the answers to and were going to come back this week and we havent gotten those answers. I guess this will be another one we add to the list. And then correct me if im wrong, but one of your earliest orders was not to prevent gatherings of over a certain amount of people on city property. That was correct. Supervisor there is an example of you making a Health Decision for something that is completely under our control, is it not . That is true. Supervisor so why wont you do that when it comes to the most important population that is most at risk in our city other than the Nursing Homes that i really appreciate the work you have done there, but for the Homeless Population that you and i have been talking about on the phone several times and in these public hearings for eight weeks now. And you just wont budge on it. I really, really dont understand it. And the answers. So let me explain how that worked out. We were doing orders for the city, and we had decided the more rigorous we actually applied to our properties, but that wasnt me in isolation telling the city what to do. It was just like we are having now, it was a collaborative process of everyone coming together and saying whats the right thing that we can do to also set an example to the rest of the city about restricting gathering. And that is also true for the big issues. And not like i can in isolation tell all the departments to do something. It has to be something that is going to be achievable and doable and that theres consensus that this is the way we need to move forward, and that is the way that one moved forward. Every time we do one of the principals we apply in Public Health is we try to do the least restrictive option because we also realize that people dont always comply and we try to sort of figure out what can people actually accomplish. So that was an example where the city came together and decided with the broader strategy and town stricter and we didnt build that common vision and making sure that happens. The challenges that i faced in the position that i have. And i think Something Like that to need all of us have to develop a consensus and is the consensus and provision and strategy that gets enacted if the order would not be required. Supervisor i would just second supervisor fewers request. We passed a unanimous ordinance requiring that hotel rooms be made available for every homeless individual who was able to selfcare. And i would ask or second supervisor fewers request that you draft a health order reflecting that unanimous legislation. President any response . Can you put that to me in writing. Again, i think that it is really hard to get that kind of request and to have an answer right on the spot. Like i said, for any of these Big Decisions i really need to consult with a lot of folks and sort of make sure that this is the right thing to do. And i will please put in writing and i will take it under consideration. Supervisor i will do that. President supervisor peskin is only going to take 30 seconds. Supervisor yes. This is really more of a comment. Dr. Aragon, i think all 11 of us and if i may say the mayor are united in not wanting to second guess or micromanage our Health Experts in a pandemic or any other medical situation, and i was a little disappointed when you said that you are rarely contacted precovid19 by members of the board or during covid19 by members of the board. I have contacted you over everything from 5g cell emissions to during the pandemic i know that supervisor ronen has personally spoken with you, i have spoke within you on many occasions. I really hope that you would say to me and my colleagues in the public that yes, you do receive calls from us precisely over the issues that we are talking about, which by way of i dont want to talk tales out of school, be u you agreed with the supervisor as a doctor over issues of reducing transmission in congregate settings, with they shelters, s. O. R. S or on the street. You agreed with this supervisor. You agree with supervisor ronen. You actually expressed to us your concerns that if you made those decisions, your job might be jeopardized. And i actually said to you, that we would protect your job because you serve as the board of supervisors appointee. And we want the best medical advice that you can give and given your powers under state law as the health officer, we want you to implement those. As i said in earlier meeting, doctor, weve got your back. Thats the end of my 30 seconds, mr. President. President thank you. Time is up. Thank you, dr. Aragon, for being here, but i am a little disappointed that we had general question about the same issues that we talked about and my colleagues just talked about, and there was some commitment by you to come back with some overall idea of how you would get to a plan if not a plan. So i will talk to you or contact you in the future to see if we need anymore briefings. But today i am going to go ahead and end todays briefing. Again, thank you, colleagues, for hanging in there. And thank you, dr. Aragon and thank you, dr. Baba for being here today with us. Good night, everybody. President yee good afternoon and welcome to the may 19, 2020 regular meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Madam clerk, would you please call the roll. Clerk thank you, mr. President. [roll call] clerk okay. Mr. President , you have a quorum. President yee thank you, madam clerk. Please place your right hand over your heart. Would you please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] president yee okay. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgov or sfgtv who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, are there any communications . Clerk yes, mr. President. The record will reflect that since the declaration of local Health Emergency as a result of the covid19 disease, the members of the board of supervisors are participating in the Board Meeting through Video Conference and to the same extent as if they were physically present in their legislative chamber. Provisions have also been made for the public with and without the internet to be able to participate remotely in the following ways. For those who do not have the access to the internet, the u. S. Postal service will deliver your written correspondence. Please address the envelope to the San Francisco board of supervisors, city hall, room 244, San Francisco, california, 94102. If you are interested in listening to the meeting, you can, on your telephone, by dialing 8882045984, and when prompted, end the access code 3501008, and press pound twice. Youll have joined and can listen to the meeting in progress. And if were staying with access by phone, if you would like to provide general Public Comment, which is item 25 on todays agenda, dial that same number thats crawling across sfgovtv and across your screen if youre having the meeting streamed live on the computer. 8882045984, and when prompted, enter the access code 3501008, press pound twice to join the meeting. Once you wish to enter the queue to speak, dial one, and then zero. Youll be moved into the speaker line, and youll be prompted when it is your turn to provide comment. You can get in line early or wait until item 25 is called. The key is to only press one and zero one timed. Otherwise, pressing it twice, youll be moved out of commenting mode and back out of the queue to speak. While people are calling in, please call from a quiet location. That means mute your television and your radio. Speak clearly and slowly. Each speaker will be allowed up to two minutes to speak on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board. Elections are always around the corner, but please, no electioneering at the Board Meeting during your general Public Comment. Address the board as a whole and not to individual members of the board. Two points. The office of Civic Engagement director has assigned three interpreters and are standing by to assist the public in their Public Comment. I would like them to know that they are here for them. Agnes lee. Miss lee . [speaking chinese language] interpreter thank you. Clerk thank you, miss lee. Thank you. And now, mr. Arturo cosenza. Interpreter hi there. [speaking spanish language] clerk thank you, mr. Cosenza. Miss lau . [speaking tagalog language] interpreter thank you, miss clerk. Thats all for me. Clerk thank you. And finally, if members of the public have statements and theyd like to submit statements to the board, board. Of. Supervisors sf. Gov. If youd like to watch it on cable, its cable channel 26. Thank you for your patience with the length of my communication. Mr. President . President yee thank you, madam clerk. Before me get started, just a friendly reminder to all the supervisors to mute your microphones when youre not speaking to avoid audio feedback, and welcome, supervisor safai. Colleagues, today, we are approving the minutes from april 7, 2020, regular Board Meeting, and the april 1, 2020 special meeting at the budget and finance committee, and april 1, 2020, special meeting at the budget and appropriations committee, which constituted quorums of the board of supervisors. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Okay. Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Supervisor peskin so moved. Peskin. President yee okay. Seconded . Supervisor ronen second, ronen. President yee okay. So its been moved and seconded. Without objection, then. Will you please call the roll . Clerk thank you, mr. President. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, they will be moved as presented. Madam clerk, will you call items 1 through 5 on the conseco Consent Agenda . Clerk these items lifted hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda and are considered to be routine by the board. President yee okay. Do any members of the board wish to sever any items . Okay. Madam clerk, lets call the roll. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. The ordinances are passed on First Reading, and finally passed unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to our new business. Please call items 6 and 7 together. Clerk items 6 and 7 are two Airport Commission items. Item 6 is a resolution to approve modification number 6 to an airport contract, Airport Shuttle bus services with sfo hotel shuttle, inc. To address the not to exceed amount of 120 million approximately its actually 116 million, and to extend exercise the final twoyear option to extend the term from july 1, 2020 pursuant to charter section 9. 1189. Item 7 is a resolution authorizing the San Francisco Airport Commission to accept and expend a grant in the amount of 2,746,298 and any additional amounts up to 15 of the original grant that may be offered from the California Air Resources Board for the carl moyer memorial air quality standards Attainment Program grant to purchase and install Electrical Ground Service Equipment charging stations and supporting infrastructure for the proposed project erred period of june 2020 twlu june 2021 and affirming the planning departments determine under ceqa. President yee okay. Madam clerk, will you please call the roll. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without any objection, the items are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to the next item. Clerk item 8, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of elections to accept and expend funds allocated by the california secret of state in an amount not to exceed approximately 2 million to fund Voting System and election Management System replacement for the period february 1, 2019 through june 30, 2022. President yee madam clerk, call the roll on item 8. Clerk on item 8 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without objection, the item is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please go to item number 9. Clerk item 9 is a resolution to authorize designated city and county officials to execute and file, on behalf of the city, actions necessary to obtain state and federal financial assistance, including the federal fisk the year 2020 urban Areas Security Initiative grant, the management performance grant, the 2020 locate will Government Oil spill contingency plan grant, and the 2020 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. President yee supervisor fewer . Supervisor fewer yes, colleagues. I am introducing a technical amendment today to this item as a request of the department of Emergency Management. On page 2, lines 19 to 20, the language should include the 2020 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program as it is also listed in the long title but was left out of the body of the resolution. President yee theres been a motion made by supervisor fewer to amend. Is there a second . Supervisor peskin second, peskin. President yee seconded by peskin. Madam clerk, please call the roll on the amendment. Clerk on the amendment [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then, without objection, the amendments are accepted. Madam clerk, please call the roll on the amended resolution. Clerk on item 9 as amended [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the amended resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 10. Clerk item 10 is a resolution approving modification number 14 to airport Contract Program Management Support Services for the airport, terminal 1, boarding area b redevelopment program, with t1 partners, a joint venture, to increase the contract amount by 6 million for a new not to exceed amount of 38 million for services and extend being the term. President yee okay. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, mr. Chair. Supervisor fewer, i was just wondering why the committee chose to continue this item from may 6 . Supervisor fewer yes. I believe we just through the chair, i believe we just wanted more information. This was more information in light of covid19 and economic downturn. We had not seen a plan that the airport actually had to how they were going to balance their budget and what kind of cost savings they were investigating. They have sent a memo to us and the Budget Committee that us at the Budget Committee that answered all of our questions. Supervisor peskin thank you, supervisor fewer, through president yee. That answered my question and im prepared to vote in the affirmative. President yee okay. I dont see any other speaker, then, madam clerk, call the roll on this item. Clerk on item 10 [roll call] voters act in 2016 which allows communities to expand mail in ballot and early voting. San francisco has not at this point opted in, and at this point, we dont have time to implement the voters choice act by november. Whatever the status of shelter in place orders by the time election day comes, we cant leave voters with the impossible choice of deciding between their health and casting a ballot. Governor newsom issued an executive order on may 8 requiring that all counties must send mail in ballots to registered voters. We do not have from the state any standard minimums or best practices for how to provide for safe and accessible inperson voting sites for voters who dont have access to mail delivery, for people with limited english, or simply with the thousands of potential voters who dont have experience with mail in ballots or who are afraid their votes wont be counted. We need an emergency plan for november and a timeline to prepare for future elections, and we need transparency so the public can participate in designing and implementing a successful election. Specifically, the legislation before you directs the San Francisco department of elections to mail a ballot to every registered voter for the november election and to notify all households of the option to register. It directs the department to implement inperson voting and early voting in ways that use space and extended duration to participate and keep election voters safe. It highlights the role of the office of Racial Equity and communitybased organizations in outreach, organization and participation in communities with historically low turnout, and it requires a submittal to the board of supervisors an election plan no later than june 30. I want to thank San Francisco Democratic Party chair david campos and aclu northern california. Thank you as well to supervisors haney, walton, preston, and mar, for cosponsoring. Colleagues, i hope you will vote today to approve the legislation, and i look forward to working with you on clean, safe, fair, and accessible elections in november. President yee thank you, supervisor ronen. Please add me as a cosponsor, if you dont mind. Supervisor ronen thank you. Thank you. President yee madam clerk, lets call the roll. Clerk on item 11 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Madam clerk, lets call items 12 through 15 together. Clerk items 12 through 15 are four resolutions that approve lease agreements with the Airport Commission and the following entities. For item 12, approves the on airport rental car operations lease between the city and Avis Budget Car Rental with a minimum mag of 11 million for the first year of the lease. Item 13 is a resolution approving the aairport rental car operations between enter price and the city and county of San Francisco, for a mag of 16 million for the first year of the lease. Item 14 is a resolution proofing the on airport rental car operations lease between the Hertz Corporation for a term of five years with two twoyear options to extend and a mag of 16 million for the first year of the lease, and item 15, resolution approving the on airport rental car operations between sixt rent a car, for a term of five years with two two year options to extend, and a mag of 3. 5 million for the first year of the lease. President yee okay. Supervisor mar . Supervisor mar thank you, president yee. I move to continue items 12 through 15 for one week to allow these items to be heard with item 3. President yee okay. Is there a second . Supervisor ronen second. President yee okay. There is a motion and a second. Madam clerk, please call the roll. Clerk on the continuance of items 12 through 15 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without objection, these resolutions will be continued to the meeting of tuesday, june 2, 2020. Madam clerk, please call items 16 and 17 together. Clerk items 16 and 17 are two resolutions that declare the intention of the board of supervisors to renew and expand property based Business Improvement districts and to levy multiyear assessments on all parcels in the district, approving the management district plan and engineers report and proposed boundaries map for the supervisors, sitting as a committee of the whole. For item 16, its a committee of the whole on july 14, 2020, at 3 00 p. M. , approving the north of public hearing and assessme assessment. And for item 17, its committing as a committee of the whole on joule 14, 2020, as 3 00 p. M. , approving the form of the notice of public hearing and assessment ballot proceeding and assessment ballot, directing environmental findings, and directing the clerk of the board of supervisors to give notice of the public hearing and balloting. President yee okay. Madam clerk, lets call the roll. Clerk on items 16 and 17 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets please call the next item. Clerk item 18 is a motion to appoint the following individuals to the Soma Community Stabilization Fund Community Advisory committee for terms ending december 21, 2023, marke bieschke and lorenzo l lorenzo listana. Sorry if i didnt say those names correctly. President yee okay. I dont see any names on the roster, so madam clerk, please call the roll. Clerk on item 18 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the item is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 19. Clerk item 19 is a motion to approve the president of the board of supervisors norman yees nomination of deland chan to the Planning Commission for a term ending july 1, 2022. President yee okay. Colleagues, i want to thank all of you for taking the time to meet with deland chan, and to chair ronen and the rules committee for their support. As i previously mentioned, nominating for this vacancy was one i took very seriously, and while we had a number of very strong candidates, deland stood out as someone who not only had experience in urban planning but a unique perspective as an educator and a participant Participatory Community planner. Our city will be facing even more challenging with the use with land use and housing issues given the compounded economic crisis that were facing today. We need to bring people together. We will need to build on the Publics Trust that government is not meant for only a few but for the masses, and we have to be creative about equitable humancentered solutions. We heard so many testimonies about how the land inspired her students to become the next generation of planners and transportation and housing, and now, she lit a fire in them to become more engaged in local politics that dictate the world around them. That is the type of passion we need on the Planning Commission. I look forward to delands added voice to the commission and hope that i can count on your support today. Madam clerk, can you supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee. I want to thank you for your careful, deliberative process as you worked through a number of very qualified candidates. I knew miss chan since early in her career when she was a planning developer at the chinese Neighborhood Community center and when she was a student at stanford. Shes always been based in the community. Her intellectual powers are remarkable. Her thoughts and worries about gentrification in vulnerable communities are we all share or at least i share, and i want to thank you for this nomination and am really delighted to add her to the San Francisco Planning Commission where she will work harder than shes ever worked, even as shes doing her doctoral dissertation and be paid virtually nothing. President yee thank you, supervisor peskin. Madam clerk, on item 18, can you please call the roll. Clerk on item 18 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the motion is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to committee reports. Please call item number 20. Clerk for the committee reports, items 20 through 23 were considered by the land use and Transportation Committee at a regular meeting on monday, may 18. Item 20 is an ordinance ordering the summary vacation of a portion of 25 street, which is generally bounded by assessors parcel block number 4241, lot number 002 to the north, seawall lost number 355, portions of assessors parcel block number 4298, lot number 002, assessors parcel, black number 4299, lot number 001, and assessors parcel, black number 4300, lot number 001, to the south, michigan street to the west, and seawall lot number 356 to the east, to enable extended operation of a temporary Navigation Center for homeless residents. President yee okay. Madam clerk, will you please call the roll. Clerk on item 20 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee all right. Without objection, the ordinance is passed on First Reading. Madam clerk, will you please call the next item. Clerk lets see here. Item 21 was tabled, so it is not before the board. Item 22 is an emergency ordinance to establish protections for occupants of Residential Hotel during the covid19 pandemic by, among other things, making it city policy to place in solitary hotel rooms s. R. O. Residents who meet the criteria for isolation or quarantine established by the county health officer. President yee supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin mr. Chair, item 22 and 23 are a package of protections for s. R. O. Residents. Could i ask you to read with it the next item . President yee sure. Madam clerk, could you also read item 23 . Clerk yes. Item 23 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to prohibit landlords of Residential Hotel units from evicting tenants for nonpayment of rent that was not paid due to the covid19 pandemic, and from imposing late fees, penalties, or other similar charges on such tenants, and to establish a covid19 s. R. O. Relief fund. President yee thank you. Supervisor peskin, did you want to speak on these items . Supervisor peskin yes. Supervisors, together with the district 6 and 9 supervisors, supervisors ronen and haney, this has been an area of policy that ive been interested in and advocated for for, really, the last 20 years. And in this particular instance, as it relates to items 22 and 23 on the calendar, i would like to thank the districts 9 and 6 supervisors who have s. R. O. S in the mission and in the tenderloin, as i do, in chinatown and north beach. So thank you, supervisors ronen and haney. I also want to thank supervisor safai, who i think was moved yesterday in committee by the outpouring of support that we saw from the s. R. O. Community and the s. R. O. Collaboratives, and so thank you, all three members of the board, for your support of protections and protocols for emergency relief. Since the pandemic, even before the march 16 Emergency Declaration by the mayor that led into the socalled lockdown, the mayor and i were already introducing orders about cleanliness standards and protocols in s. R. O. S. And as we all know, and we saw in committee, since the first day of april, s. R. O. S have seen a 1500 increase in confirmed covid19 cases, which, by any statistic, is staggering, and i know that we are all amazed that as of today, we have just slightly over 2,000 confirmed covid19 cases in San Francisco and california is leadi san o is leading the s. R. O. S. Many s. R. O. Residents, as we all know, have historically been marginally housed, and at host are at risk at most at risk due to not only being homeless, but at risk of comorbidity. The two pieces of legislation before you do the following. They mandate protocols on culturally competent contact notification, case education, community education, Contact Tracing and quarantine with realtime frames attached to them. They attach rights to them, including a right to return to units after quarantining, as well as numbers of quarantine sites in units. [inaudible] supervisor peskin as we know and have written in the media, which have unfortunately happened early on in a couple of cases, and i really want to thank my chief of staff, sunny angulo, who has been working with the three chief collaboratives in San Francisco. Look, i didnt want to turn these things into legislation, but weve been waving our arms around for a couple of months. I think everybody at d. P. H. Knows that. It took introducing this legislation to focus the attention on these highly transmissive sites, and i want to thank everyone for paying attention and for dr. Cohen to speaking to me as late as 10 00 on sunday evening. And i do have, pursuant to that conversation and colleagues, you are all in receipt of this amendment to item number 22, as page 6, start number 22, at page 6, starting at line 9, highlighted in yellow. Ill read the entire paragraph with the changes. Within 48 hours of such confirmation contact, all occupants of the Residential Hotel in which the s. R. O. Resident resides and all close contacts of the s. R. O. Resident to offer an initiative for covid19 testing for individuals on the site of the Residential Hotel, and or insert at an offsite facility determined by d. P. H. In consultation with the s. R. O. Collaboratives to be suitable, accessible, and located in the neighborhood of the s. R. O. Hotel in which the resident of the s. R. O. Hotel who has tested positive for covid19 resides. So i would like to offer that one amendment to item number 22 and thank dr. Cohen for the constructive conversation that we had the day before yesterday, so id like to make that motion, mr. President. President yee all righty. So supervisor fewer . Are you muted . Supervisor fewer sorry. I keep talking and not realizing. I just wanted to mention that i have three s. R. O. S in my neighborhood, and so i respectfully ask to be added as a cosponsor to this legislation. Supervisor peskin thank you to the president. President yee supervisor haney . Supervisor haney yeah. Thank you, president yee. I really just want to thank you, supervisor peskin, for taking the lead on this, and to your chief of staff, sunny angulo, for this extraordinary work. There are s. R. O. S in my district, as well as a number of cases. I was shocked to find out that weeks after there had been a number of positive cases, there were still people waiting to be tested in the s. R. O. So it got moved up, and then, it got moved. So its really clear of how the process is how we protect people in vulnerable environments. Theres a lot of focus in people that are homeless and people that are in shelters, but if youre in an s. R. O. , sharing kitchens, sharing bathrooms, and in very close contact, its critical that we respond proactively, particularly in cleaning and Contact Tracing, protecting people as needed. I appreciate your leadership, peskin, on behalf of all the supervisors, including supervisor fewer, who has s. R. O. In her districts. This will protect people, keep people safe and healthy, and im sure will save lives. Thank you. President yee supervisor preston . Supervisor preston thank you, supervisor peskin, and supervisor yee, for your leadership on this. I would like to be added as a cosponsor to item 22. And id just like to speak briefly on item 23 because ive had conversations with colleagues who were asking about how this interacts with the pending legislation that im sponsoring that will has identical protections for a broad range of tenants that the administrative ordinance applies to. Supervisor peskin, in working with the City Attorney, has actually addressed in his item 23 here what happens in the event thats, as a board, we pass both items and they may become law. So again, protection for s. R. O. Tenants are a crucial subset of some of the most vulnerable tenants who are covered but under the other law, as well, and there will not be a conflict between this and ours which comes to committee in june if they become law, so thank you. President yee okay. Supervisor walton . Supervisor walton thank you, president yee. I just wanted to be added as a cosponsor to both items. President yee okay. Thank you. And i would like to be added to both items, as well, also. Theres been a motion to amend, and is there a second . Supervisor walton second. President yee i think it was supervisor walton that seconded it. Supervisor walton correct. President yee okay. So madam clerk, lets call the roll on the amendments. Clerk on the amendment to item 22 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without without objection, the amendments are accepted. Madam clerk, lets call the roll on item 22 as amended and item 23 together. Clerk on item 22 as amended and item 23 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without any objection, item number 22 as amended passes unanimously, and under item number 23, it is passed on First Reading unanimously. Ab. Madam clerk, its time for basically roll call for introduction. Clerk roll call for introduction. Supervisor fewer, youre up first to introduce new business. Supervisor fewer submit. Clerk okay. Thank you. Submit . Supervisor haney. Supervisor haney can i can i rerefer . Clerk rerefer . Certainly. Okay. Supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today, im asking that we adjourn today in memory of jamal mike omar. [inaudible] supervisor mandelman mikes father, mohamed omar, founded the business, having first operated a store in palestine in the 1970s. When his father retired in 1987, mike and his family took over the business. Mike and his family lived in the apartment above the market, and he raised his children in the same neighborhood where he grew his family business. Mike and his brother could be heard speaking with customers in several languages, speaking in their native arabic, switching to spanish and english. Regulars would come for homemade cookies and delicious deli sandwiches, and theyd stay and chat with mike in the store about their family weekend plans. When asked about retiring in a 2010 article, he said, what would i do if i retire . Id have nothing to do. Mike will be greatly missed in his district, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor mandelman. Supervisor mar . Supervisor mar thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, i have three items for introduction. First, im introducing the strategic Investment Education fund as a key part of our citys economic strategy. While our covid19 response has been overall quite successful as our Public Health authority, it has caused traumatic disruption to our economy. Over the past two months, an unprecedented number of workers have been laid off, are struggling to pay for rent and food, and face the precarious future in a changing economy and job market. As you know, the city college was already facing major budgetary challenges before the Health Emergency, and the likely further reduction in state funding could lead to additional drastic class cuts at a time when enrollment in city college is expected to increase significantly. The workforce education and Recovery Fund will ensure that nearly 100,000 unemployed San Francisco can upgrade their skills and get back to work as soon as possible. City college provides the most comprehensive offering of Vocational Training and Education Programs in our city, and all tuition classes are free for our residents. They offer technical programs, including many skills that will be key to a safe recovery, such as health care, nursing, public safety, building trades, and information technology. Excuse me. More importantly, its an investment in Economic Opportunity and security for tens of thousands of workers and their families. I look forward to discussing this further with you as it moves forward legislatively. Second, im asking to introduce another Charter Amendment for the November Ballot to create the office of the public advocate. This new position will be elected by and accountable to the people of San Francisco, and the public advocate will be laser focused on investigating and eliminating public corruption, waste of taxpayer money, and abuse of the public trust. San francisco needs a public advocate. We need structural reform to address the environment of casual corruption and paytoplay politics in order to make our City Government more effective and transparent. We are reminded this by the breadth of the ongoing investigations into criminal corruption into the department of public inspection and municipal transportation. It shouldnt take a federal f. B. I. Investigation by the Trump Administration to root out local corruption, and it shouldnt take decades to address criminal and corrupt behavior by high ranking public officials. In a public advocate, we will address corruption as it should, locally, publicly, and proactively. I would like to thank supervisor ronen, and former supervisor david campos, who led this idea four years ago. This is a longterm solution for a longterm problem, and this is an idea whose time has come. In light of the covid19 Public Health and economic crisis, its more important than ever that our City Services are effective, accountable, transparent, and trustworthy. San francisco is ready for structural change. The public deserves public accountability, and i look forward to discussing this in depth with all of you as this proposal moves forward and urge your support in placing it on the ballot. And finally, colleagues, im submitting a resolution supporting state senate bill 882, authored by senator scott wiener to address the prevalence of foot insecurity and Food Insecurity and poverty in older adults by increasing participation in the Cal Fresh Program. San francisco county currently ranks in the bottom third of californias counties in terms of cal fresh participation with a rate of 56 . In the past, we have acknowledged that food is a basic human right and essential for Public Health, and we created the Food Security task force with the goal of ending hunger. We must do everything we can to end Food Insecurity and poverty. This would simplify the application for Cal Fresh Program for older adults, end burdensome reporting requirements that cause many households to lose Food Assistance and ensure all applicants and individuals can complete the application in person or by phone. I want to thank the s. F. Food bank for working with me on this resolution, and also supervisor ronen for cosponsoring, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor mar. Supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin today, im looking to address an issue that i take some responsibility for insofar as i was the sole author of proposition a, the Charter Amendment that gave the sfmta more authority back in 2007 to make programatic decisions. Most of that, i do not regret. It was a desire to give San Francisco more independence in its financial making, and i want to insert the words, in its independent judgment. As ive said to you and i want to say publicly, that effort was, in large part, an effort to make sure that the sfmta was not managed by 11 supervisors, but indeed, while the legislative branch has, in large part, gotten out of policy oversight of the sfmta, that was less true for the executive branch. A recent vote of the sfmta board really made me and many of us question whether or not the sfmta is able to make certain critical value based decisions that are aligned with its own transit First Principles that the voters adopted, principles of equity and affordability and maximum ridership, and i want to thank supervisor preston, who was the author of the legislation that we passed, urging the sfmta board not to raise fares in the face of the covid19 pandemic. But even after the board adopted that policy urging the agency not to raise fares, given the impacts on transit dependent communities at a moment of extreme crisis and i acknowledge that the sfmta is under extreme financial pressures, i think we all agree that the department should be evaluating nonessential functions of their own offices, staff reductions or other programs before placing burdens on San Francisco residents to pay for new programs. Its frankly outrageous, as far as im concerned, and its clear that the time is really now to take a look at how the city is holding departments accountable by providing appropriate oversight over budgets and anything else that will further the needs of San Francisco residents, particularly as it relates to fare increases at muni. So i really want to thank supervisor preston for his leadership, and frankly, the board has been toying with this idea in a number of ways for a number of years. President yee actually authored legislation to split appointments at the board, and this Charter Amendment is the culmination of many discussions with my colleagues. Supervisor safai made some earlier Charter Amendment proposals. I want to thank the City Attorneys office, sfmta, particularly, our new director, jeff tumlin, who actually injected some good policy ideas into the Charter Amendment ideas that im introducing today, as well as tilly chan. I want to thank the transit advocacy community, particularly on the Environmental Justice side, and no more than my sfmta citizens advisory representative, quina chin, and the members for their input and advocacy. This Charter Amendment would eliminate the sfmtas exclusive authority to fix fares by providing a separate process for the board of supervisors to accept or reject muni fare changes by a majority vote. It would also establish a policy for muni fare increases, something that i think has been long overdue. It would require that the sfmta submit a number of different Action Strategies which would create the space for real policy oversight and iterative dialogue between the board of supervisors, the elected body, the sfmta commission, relate to Key Performance indicators and goals every two years. These are action plans that we talk about, but hopefully, this would elevate them as it relates to climate change, vision zero, and street safety. It would also require that the sfmta provide benchmarks for level of services and revise the minimum standards for performances and delivery of routes. Finally, it would implement a quality review through the use of nationally recognized firms. So that is what is before you. I think those are all reasonable and fiscally responsible policy changes, and i really want to thank my cosponsors who happen to constitute the entirety of the land use and let me underscore the Transportation Committee, supervisors dean preston and ahsha safai, both of whom have a long track record of advocacy, and the rest i will submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor peskin. Supervisor preston . Supervisor preston thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, first off, i want to thank supervisor peskin for his remarks in introducing the Charter Amendment but also just for all of his work on this very thoughtful and carefully crafted Charter Amendment. I also want to thank my colleagues that supervisor peskin referenced that objected to the fare increases in april. Were not going to let fares be hiked on passengers during a pandemic, especially at a time when services are being slashed. Supervisor peskins outlined the details of our proposed Charter Amendment, and let me just say, well, the measure will reform muni in significant ways but will lead to Better Service and accountability and reliability and also make Public Transit an integral part in eliminating local emissions and addressing climate change. Now, more than ever, we need to make muni the best it can be and preliminary natieliminatino Public Transportation by increasing fares is essential at this time. Im proud to be a cosponsor of that measure, and looking forward to getting input on it and making sure that it passes in november. Im also, today, introducing legislation to extend protections to the tenants at midtown Park Apartments. I began working with the City Attorney to craft the proposal. We met on multiple occasions with the tenants at midtown Park Apartments in my district, at the corner of divisadero and geary, and we also met with leadership at mohcd and the San Francisco rent board to discuss the details of how to do this. Then, obviously, as we all know, much of our work shifted to the coronavirus response, and rightly so. But as we continue to address the urgent Public Health needs before us, i intend to make good on our commitment to bring rent control protections to midtown residents, and thats what the legislation im introducing today will accomplish. For years, tenants at midtown believed that they were covered by the citys rent control law, and they were treated as such. Then, in 2013, the city abruptly shifted gears. Many midtown tenants received huge rent increases, some as high as 300 of increase over what they were previously paying. The tenants challenged these increases, but the rent board and the superior court ruled that San Franciscos rent control law did not extend to midtown because the property is owned by the city. This legislation remedies what we believe was the unfair decision by the courts to deny the tenants the benefits of rent control, and this rolled back the clocks, that tenants who occupied their units in 2014, what were calling the retroactive tenants of midtown, theyll be set to the limit of may 1, 2014, and will be allowed the protections of chapter 37 of the administrative code. For those who paid in excess of what was allowed in rent control, they will be credited that amount in excess to future rent. I want to thank the midtown Tenants Association and every resident there for never giving up the fight, even when they felt they were being treated unfairly. You all worked tirelessly to stop the demolition of midtown, successfully stopping the city in its efforts to bulldozing the complex. For too long, our City Government has told the residents of midtown what is best for them, instead of listening to midtown residents and fighting for them, an agenda that simply includes being able to thrive in the place many have called home for generations in the fillmore. Many issues remain to be resolved at midtown, including a longterm plan regarding ownership and operation of the complex. I look forward to working with all stakeholders to arrive at a longterm plan supported by and crafted by the residents. In the meantime, extending rent control protections is an important step towards accessibility and affordability for midtown residents, and i look forward to the support of my colleagues. And finally, colleagues, i want proud to announce in my district the first protected bike lane in the protects Streets Program. The parking protected way will be on shroud between baker and shrader. Our office has heard loud and clear from district 5 constituents. The feld Street Project is a perfect way that we can create safe social distancing by using streets that currently have less car traffic and create space for people walking and biking who need to get around for essential activities, services, and exercise during this Public Health crisis. I want to thank the sfmta for their partnership and leadership in their effort, specifically, jeff tumlin and his staff, libby parks, liveable streets director. And also recommend the seeds for this step forward have been planted and watered, frankly, and nurtured for years thanks to tireless efforts of the San Francisco bike coalition, walk s. F. , vision zero, and our friends in the neighborhood at the north of panhandle neighborhood association. This latest effort follows our announcement last week of a second slow street, golden gate avenue, from masonic to broderick, which follows the successful launch of page as a slow street. I think as we find positives, not just the daily efforts to mitigate this health care pandemic, its important to celebrate these steps forward that help us all stay saferer a safer and healthier. Our office is looking forward to expand the slow Streets Program in district 5 and beyond. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor preston. Supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen submit. Clerk okay. Thank you, supervisor, for committing. Supervisor safai . Supervisor safai thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today, i wanted to start by adding onto some of the things that supervisor peskin talked about with regard to the sfmta. I want to thank him for his leadership on this Charter Amendment. He and i have been in an ongoing conversation since i joined the board over the last 3. 5 years, and part of that, he always reminds us how we are responsible for some of the imbalance of power. I say that not jokingly but seriously, and i appreciate that theres always times for reflection and revision. Part of this proposal today is really a revision about the balance of power between an agency that has directors that are appointed by the mayor, but as any of my colleagues will tell you, probably one of the agencies that we receive the most concerns, emails, calls, inquiries, questions, complaints, and a lot of the other things that i can think of that every one of my colleagues understands very well. So i think this is an important Charter Amendment. It cleans up some past language, but it also asks about accountability. It inserts into the conversation equity, it talks about vision zero, and ultimately, it gives a motion deni denied modicum of control by the board of supervisors if and when a fare increase is proposed. So im proud to put my name on that as a cosponsor. Again, i thank supervisor peskin for engaging me in this ongoing conversation over the last three years, as he noted. We had a few renditions of Charter Amendments that we proposed, and i think this one is appropriate at the right time. Interestingly, its on the same day that we heard there might be a budget windfall coming down from the federal government, so well see if its true or if its fake news coming down from the commander in chief whos responsible for a lot of fake news. But in this instead, hopefully, its not, and we can use this money to continue to have conversations during the worst economic crisis that weve seen in almost the past 100 years. So i appreciate your support, and im proud to put my name on it. Secondly, i am introducing a Charter Amendment today, along with my cosponsors, supervisor haney, supervisor peskin, supervisor walton, to talk about basically term limits for boards and commissions and committees here in the city and county of San Francisco. Its very straightforward. It would allow for individuals to serve on boards for two terms of four years, up to eight years, and after that, they would not be able to serve on that commission anymore. Its in the same vein of conversations that weve had over the last couple of months, to ensure that there isnt a concentration of power or imbalance of power in one persons hands. Some people have been on commissions for decades, and thats fine. We appreciate their expertise and experience, but we would like to open up these bodies for new commissioners and new information to obtain. I think this goes along nicely with the ordinance that supervisor walton introduced about opening up boards to different people in the city and county of San Francisco. This does not talk about charter members, such as the Health Service board, the retirement board, so it does not talk about elected commissioners or board members. Also, it allows for, if someone has been recently appointed, to allow them to finish out their term, and we think this is a good proposal. Again, someone who serves out or is riding out the remainder of their term, they would have the opportunity to serve on another board or commission, just not that board or commission. I appreciate the support of my colleagues. As i said, i think this is a simple adjustment, and i look forward to having other members of the board support this endeavor as we move this Charter Amendment forward. Thank you, madam clerk, and the rest i submit. Clerk great. Thank you, supervisor safai. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today, im introducing a resolution to support senate bill 939, authored by senator scott wiener, loalong with Assembly Members chiu and wing. We know that our Small Businesses are in crisis. In a recent survey, 47 of San Francisco Restaurant Owners laid off all their employees during the shelter in place. Among the 73 of restaurants that remain open for takeout, 60 are doing so at a financial loss. 80 of restaurants report that cannot survive financially with takeout and Delivery Service alone. 52 of restaurants surveyed reported they are making less than 50 of what they made prior to shelter in place. Also, 36 of restaurants surveyed are reporting that they are not sure that they can even come back. More than 30 of surveyed consumers report they do not feel comfortable going to restaurants for service, which is going to create even more problems. Just 28 of restaurants were offered discounted rent, while 9 received no relief from landlords. This will allow commercial tenants to renegotiate their leases, and permitting those tenants to terminate their leases early if no agreement can be reached. Id like to thank senator wiener and Assembly Members phil and ting for drafting and supporting this legislation to support our Small Businesses during this time. Also, id like to adjourn the meeting, along with supervisor peskin, in memory of our south end rolling club member, elizabeth glass. Our president of the club said it best when he said, sometimes you meet people at our club who make you extremely proud to be a south ender. Maybe its because you have a pleasant chat with them. You might share a love of one of our sports with them. You might have met them at one of our social events, or you might have met them preparing for a event. We all have friends at the south end like this. Its what makes our community special. The type of people we have, who, when viewed through normal eyes, make us want to have them at friends. Last week, we lost one of those people in elizabeth glass. Elizabeth was a resident of San Francisco almost 30 years by way of queens, new york, where she was born. She was a professional photographer, an irreplaceable assistant to the golly family and their four children. She was an enthusiastic San Francisco bay swimmer, rower, and triathlete, and a board member, volunteer, and 2016 member of the year at the venerable south end rowing club. The south end is the sister club of the world famous bondi rowing club in our sister city, sydney, australia. She was booked to fly to sydney in early may as one of the 40 south enders traveling to sydney for opening day, and was heartbroken when the trip was cancelled due to covid19. She was remembered for her welcoming, nonjudgmental nature, specifically suited to specific, for being a jack of all trades, master of many, and being a serious g. S. T. Girl. Ill let you figure out what that means. She was famous for saying, its 5 00 somewhere, and was also a true friend to so many. Simon, our president , shared the first time he met elizabeth, she volunteered to support him on his first swim to the golden gate swim and back, and she did that, rowing by him and piloted the swim. She did that for many, from red rock to sams, around angel island, yerba buena island, and many other subswims. Elizabeth has been described as the perfect south ender due to herselfless attitude to do what she could to help other people, and she was tons of fun to be around. One member, kim howard, who was very instrumental in preparing these remarks, described her as one of the warmest and most welcoming people on the planet. Another south ender says elizabeth glass was a gem. A friend you were lucky to have by your side. When i think of her, i think of her gentle spirit, her mischiefious sense of human, and her willingness to help her fellow humans. We dont have information on a Memorial Service right now, but family is asking that donations be made in memory of elizabeth glass, to bay keeper, which protects the San Francisco bay. Elizabeth will be missed by all who knew her, especially all the south enders who are touched who were touched by her spirit for life and her willingness to be there for all her friends, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor stefani. Supervisor walton . Supervisor walton thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today, along with cosponsors supervisor haney and supervisor ronen, im providing a Charter Amendment [inaudible] supervisor walton upon taking office in 2019, i received several calls from constituents who were either incarcerated or formerly incarcerated who had been victims of abuse while in San Francisco jail. We also received several articles, emails about incidences that had been reported from some of our folks in custody here in our jails here in San Francisco. There was also incidents of gladiator fighting by jail staff. Jeff adachi and chesa boudin began working together, and we formed a Neighborhood Committee to discuss what was happening in our jails and a possible strategy to address infractions. We did hear from the Sheriffs Department, under sheriff hennessy at that time, the office of police accountability, and the sheriffs and Police Department. We have been working with several justice organizations, Law Enforcement reform groups, and other county leaders to come up with appropriate ways to eliminate any mistreatment of people in custody. We also need to ensure that there are no more lawsuits that cost the city lots of money and violate the rights of residents through research which included actual visits to other counties to see how they conduct oversight, we have found that a Charter Amendment to create a sheriffs oversight body and a Sheriffs Department oversight Inspector General is the best practice and is a collaborative way to work with the sheriff on true reform and change. We have been in conversations with the Sheriffs Department about how to provide the best possible path forward and ensure safety of individuals in custody and Sheriffs Department employees and carrs. We will continue to have productive conversations with the sheriff and his team. This Charter Amendment will, one, establish a Sheriffs Department Oversight Board of Seven Members who share complete [inaudible] supervisor walton and Sheriffs Department policies and procedures. Two, this body will appoint the Inspector General and the Sheriffs Department to evaluate the work of the Sheriffs Department, compile and recommend Law Enforcement custodial, and best practices, and conduct Community Outreach to hear public input regarding the Sheriffs Department operations and jail conditions. Three, this body will receive and review any investigative complaints against Sheriffs Department employees and contractors. This body will investigate any death of any person while in the custody of the San Francisco Sheriffs Department. Four, the body will recommend to the sheriff a Sheriffs Department use of force policy and comprehensive internal review policy for all use of force and critical incidents. Five, quarterly reported will be submitted to the sheriff and to the Sheriffs Department oversight body, and these reports will include the number and types of complaints filed, trained analysis, and the outcome of complaints. This Charter Amendment is definitely put in place with the intent of working collaboratively with the sheriff dez department to eliminate all misconduct in our jails and the hefty sums that we pay yearly on some of the cases that come from our jails, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor walton. Supervisor yee . President yee thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today, im introducing a Charter Amendment a process to determine Adequate Police Staffing Levels and ensure them moving forward the citys decisions are grounded in a clear, proven methodology that is responsive to the changing needs of our diverse communities. Historically, there has been staffing a staffing requirement of 1,971 fully dutied, Sworn Police Officers in the charter, but no one knows how we arrived at this number or how it was counted. The Charter Amendment i am introducing establishes a routine process to determine to determine Staffing Levels with a comprehensive data driven methodology. The new process for studying Police Staffing levels would require each department to submit an assessment of the departments overall staffing and workload to the Police Commission every two years. The Police Commission would consider the report and recommendation on Police Staffing levels when approving the departments proposed budget. The minimum number of sworn San Francisco Police Department officers in the charter is currently 1,971 was actually added to the charter in 1994. Their methodology used to arrive at this number is unknown, but regardless, today, in San Francisco, we continue to base our Police Staffing decisions on a number set in the charter city charter more than 25 years ago. If we set a minimum Police Staffing number today, the number would be would very likely not make sense for our city 25 years from now. The need of our city and our communities change over time, and it only makes sense as a city we create a process for assessing Police Staffing that can respond to the changing needs and provide some framework for thoughtful analysis moving forward. Good policy should be grounded in policy. Remaining the abtemporary Police Staffing number from the charter and evaluate the process. Wh process and instead regular staffing needs is good policy today, and it will be good policy, and will respond to both the needs of the community and the department to meet its duties. We need to have formal, comprehensive discussions around Police Staffing levels. Discussions continue to be politically and emotionally charged. I want to emphasize this is legislation to provide a framewo framework on informed Decision Making moving forward. I have been working on this effort for over five years, when this board would have discussions on what staffing was appropriate. In order to take the politics out of the equation, i worked with the late beloved San Francisco Police Commission president Julius Turman to develop a strategy. Together, we developed the Police Strategic task force that was comprised of a Cross Section of experts, data analysts, and community stakeholders, including representatives from the u. S. Department of justice. The office of Community Oriented police services, c. O. P. S. , also San Francisco Police Departments command staff, and city controller, and also, the department of police accountability, office of citizens complaints and the Sheriffs Office and the department of Emergency Management to provide an independent analysis of what methodology of what would work, different factors, including calls for service, population, and other factors. Over the course of the past two years, the commission worked to put together this task force, hire a consultant, and develop a preliminary report. This Charter Amendment was a result of that collective process, and i look forward to working with you in this process and ensure the people of San Francisco that we need a steady, forward looking approach to public safety. Colleagues, i hope that you can support this effort. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, mr. President. I see supervisor peskin, youre on the roster. Supervisor haney is asking to be rerefered. Do you need to speak to supervisor yees item . Supervisor peskin no, thank you, madam clerk. I was just going to regale president yee with how supervisor conroy came up with the 1,971 staffing number in 1993 on a napkin in a bar, but ill leave it for another day. Clerk thank you, supervisor peskin. And supervisor haney . Supervisor haney supervisor peskin, we can always look to history for them. Madam clerk, i have several. First, im authorize [inaudible] since the declaration of the covid emergency, our citys approach to homelessness has taken a dramatic shift, and many of these decisions have been done secretly or with little to no input from the public and experts like those that serve on our local homeless coordinating board. The members of the board have asked to meet and convene and have a dialogue about all of these conversations. I understand that this morning, the Mayors Office has been authorized [inaudible]. Supervisor haney things have not changed to much extent in the tenderloin. In in fact, in many ways, they have gotten much worse and were dangerous. Many of the residents here live in congregate settings, such as s. R. O. S. The neighborhood has also seen a huge up tick in the amount of tents crowding our sidewalks, which have increased by more than 280 , which means many more people are living on our sidewalks. And in any day or night, large numbers can be seen gathering on the sidewalks in many parts of our neighborhood. Many people who have disabilities, or are seniors or have families cannot leave their home or are fearful. Conditions on the sidewalk put everyone at risk. Ive been meeting with a Diverse Group of stakeholders over the last two months to help address the growing needs of the tenderloin during this pandemic, and we actually wrote a letter to the mayor, the Public Health officer, and the e. O. C. Director, to call for a tenderloin plan. Thankfully, there was an inner survey of the tenderloin completed, and they announced a plan for the tenderloin. Since then, unfortunately, there hasnt been a lot more thats happen. Some progress has been made, including a recently announced testing site. I want to thank everyone for their work on that, but this is still a neighborhood thats increasingly at risk, and it creates more and more urgency about what is and isnt happening in the neighborhood. The more we wait to address these serious inequities in the neighborhood, the more it has a chance of impacting Public Health. I also want to say that this was a plan created fore the neighborhood but really impacts the entire city. Theres been a recognition that this city is at risk and in need of a systemic, urgent response, to a hearing on the tenderloin e. O. C. Plan will help us all finally get some answers on clarity on who is in charge of implementation, what the goals and timeline are, so well be asking d. P. H. And h. S. H. , sfmta, and the e. O. C. To be present to discuss this plan. I am also introducing two Charter Amendments. First, im introducing a ballot measure, a Charter Amendment with supervisor walton that would require neighborhood foot patrols across the city by creating a new neighborhood safety unit with a district station. The proposed measure would include both a Charter Amendment and an amendment to the administrative code. The Charter Amendment would require the Police Commission to hold a Public Meeting at least once each calendar year regarding community strategies, policing, and foot patrols. The community would adopt new policies and strategies or modify existing policies and strategies. The administrative code amendments would require the sfpd to create a neighborhood safety unit in each station. The purpose of the unit would be to ensure opportunities for patrol officers to regularly interact with individuals, business owners, and leaders in the community. It would create a Community Policing policy. The Police Commission, in consultation with the chief of police would be required to develop a foot patrol strategy to identify where foot patrol officers are most needed, and that would include an outline of all the foot beats in each sfpd station. The chief of police would be required to submit a proposed budget and staff in each unit. This is to promote foot beats in areas that have traditionally been under supported and plagued by inconsistency. Foot patrols are instrumental in fostering better relationships between the communities that they serve. We know that regular foot beats by officers working the same shifts every day will foster relationships in communities that they serve. Currently, there is no law requiring foot patrol officers, and this legislation will require and prioritize foot patrol officers in the areas that we need them the most. We drafted this legislation, and i want to thank supervisor walton for his partnership and leadership, working with Community Partners and supporters. This legislation will bridge the division that exists between Law Enforcement and our community and embrace true Community Policing in our districts throughout the entire city. Secondly, im introducing a Charter Amendment which i had announced previously on working to make sure that our streets are clean and that our departments are focused and held accountable and organized to keep our streets clean, safe, and sanitary. Earlier this year, i introduced an ordinance to create a Charter Amendment for the creation of clean streets and sidewalks. It will update our citys antiquated laws. Nowhere in the law does it require the city to clean the sidewalks, even in the most heavily populated by residents, workers, and tourists. It requires the importance of providing adequate access to bathrooms and hand washing stations. The charter will make bathroom and cleaning access the responsibility of, among other things, the department of sanitation and streets, not an arbitrary choice, and ensure that the streets of San Francisco remain clean and safe for everyone. Public works is currently too big and unable to focus on street cleaning and urban forestry adequately. Maintaining safer streets will be an important part of our economy, keeping our residents safe. The new department will have the responsibility of keeping our streets and sidewalks safe, accessible and clean, managing graffiti, dumping, abatement, managing our public toilets, and provide care of our urban canopy. Finally, it will ensure that our department have baseline standards on keeping the city clean based on baselines and city input and make sure cleaning standards are set and met. This department will have a clear metrics to deploy cleaning services citywide. Its time to give our city streets the laser focus and dedicated attention that they deserve. The residents of our city and certainly the residents of our city cannot accept more of the same. They cannot simply afford to have the same structure and same outcome which has not only kept our own streets clean by has led to allegations of mismanagement and corruption. The residents of San Francisco deserve adequate sanitation, clean streets. Ive worked closely with the staff at public works, and ive taken their recommendations in crafting this proposal, and i look forward to working with all of you, the administration, the department of public works, residents, and stakeholders to make this happen. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor haney. Mr. President , there are no names on the roster. That concludes the introduction of new business. President yee okay. Thank you. Thank you, colleagues. I see that our voters will probably have a lot to read for november. So it where are we . Okay. Lets go to Public Comment. Clerk thank you, mr. President. At this time, the board of supervisors will host Public Comment remotely via teleconference. Each speaker will have up to two minutes to provide Public Comment. At the beginning of the meeting, i provided the telephone number who those of you who just wanted to listen to the proceedings. If any of you would like to now provide general Public Comment, if you havent already done so, press one and then zero to get into the queue to provide Public Comment. Remember, the key is to only press one and zero one time. That will keep your place in line. For those of you calling in now, the number is crawling on our website. Its crawling on channel 26, and i will provide it to you now. Its 8882045984. When prompted, enter the access code 3501008. Press pound twice. Youll have joined the meeting to. To be added to the queue to speak, dial one, and then zero. While the speakers are queueing up, ill note the best practices. Make sure youre speaking slowly and clearly so we can understand your message. Your location should be quiet. Turn down your television or your radio. Each speaker will have up to two minutes to deliver nr comments. If youre utilizing an interpreter, the interpreter will let you know that you have two minutes to make your comments, and then, the interpreter will be timed for two minutes to interpret your comments. Remember to keep your comments within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board. You can speak on the minutes that were approved at the beginning of the meeting, you can speak on general items. You can also speak on the items for adoption without reference to committee calendar. Those are items 26 through 33. You may support or oppose a legislative item on the adoption without Committee Reference section, but there should be no electioneering on any matter. Please do not ask for support of oneself or any member of the public on Public Comment. If you do so, you will be moved out of the queue. Please address your comments to all members and not one individual member. There are three individuals standing by from the office of Civic Engagement. Were going to have them introduce themselves and to let the Community Know theyre here for them. Lets start with agnes lee. [speaking chinese language] interpreter im done. Clerk thank you, miss lee. Arturo cosenza. [speaking spanish language] interpreter thank you. Clerk thank you. And miss leal. [speaking tagalog language] interpreter thank you, madam clerk. Clerk thank you very much. And if you would like to submit your written comment, and you dont have internet, you may do so via u. S. Postal mail. Address the envelope to San Francisco board of supervisors, city town hall, room 244, San Francisco, california, 94102. Or you may send an email to board. Of. Supervisors sf. Gov. President yee okay. Lets start Public Comment. Clerk okay. Do we have any speakers in the queue . Operator yes, we have a number of speakers. Clerk okay. Welcome, speaker. Good afternoon. My name is juan gonzalez. [inaudible] to provide food for her children who are victims in a cycle of violence triggered by war and civil unrest. [inaudible] the pandemic hurts the communities of poor and of color the most. We cannot talk about the pandemic without talking about city College Programs that empower marginalized communities. We know that historically we recover from economic recession by promoting a Public Education institution, therefore, promoting city college, our recovery depends on it. [inaudible] city college of San Francisco is currently strengthening my colleagues aspiration to attend u. C. College berkeley. [inaudible] and endorse workforce Education Recovery Fund and ensure that San Francisco survives the trials and beyond clerk thank you, sir. Operator you have 20 questions remaining. Clerk good afternoon, everyone. My name is Charlie Garcia siegel, and i am here on behalf of my community at the city college of San Francisco. As a student worker, a peer Domestic Violence educator, i am here to stress the importance of the workforce education and Recovery Fund and urge the board of supervisors to support the implementation of the fund. During economic downturns like the one we are experiencing, resources Like City College are often the most necessary but the least prioritized. This cannot be the case during this health crisis. During my time on the rchp committee, i have seen the effects effects of this pandemic on our city. We are always proud to show up for our community, but we cant do so alone. Entire communities would benefit immensely from this fund. Now its true that we at city college need the city of San Francisco right now, but more importantly, the city of San Francisco needs us. As we recover from this crisis, the city is going to need Health Workers of all stripes. City college is the best option we have to train all of these workers. I know with the support of the board of supervisors and the workforce education and Recovery Fund, we can support the city and all who live and work here in recovering from the covid19 Public Health crisis. We will be a key parlt of tht recovery, and we deeply appreciate your support to do so. Clerk thank you for your comments. Well com welcome, caller. Hello. I am speaking in support of the workforce Education Recovery Fund. I want to start by saying our program is working four tenured members short now. Last year, one of my teachers retired, and ive been teaching my course all by myself. I have parttime instructors able to teach lecture and clinical, but theyre not able to do the job of administrative. My faculty are experts in pediatrics, but theyre new to teaching, so they need training as educators. This funds will funding will help support the effort throughout our program as its hard to fill the positions in our program. Our students come from very different backgrounds. I hope everyone had a chance to see our student, mei yang, speak during yesterdays press conference. Meis story is an example of the students we attract and the path they take. Specific to the covid19 pandemic, we have new opportunities that were brought for our students. We werent allowed to attend our usual clinical sites, but in april and may, they volunteered and received clinical hours working for the Mission Latinx studies. All 45 graduating students had an opportunity to work closely with the community and gather information on covid. If we didnt have funding for this measure, we wont have a program to serve communities like this. Clerk thank you for your comment. Operator you have 18 questions remaining. Clerk welcome caller. Yes. My name is maureen nunen, and im a faculty in the registered Nurse Department in the city college of San Francisco. Im asking you to support the workforce Education Recovery Fund. This funding is vitally needed to support the citys economic recovery and meet the Workforce Needs in health care as we work through this covid19 Public Health crisis. I believe we are going to be faced with a profound gap when we look at supply versus demand of registered nurses in San Francisco. City college of San Francisco registered Nursing Program has the ability to help meet this demand and fill the labor needs of the city. We have a Strong Program and excellent reputation. We are currently impacted and can only admit 50 students per semester with over 300 applications per cycle. We rely on stability of ccsf as we rely on supports and counseling. If we dont have an adequate number of counselors, our students may slip between the cracks, which could delay their completion. We must also meet regulatory standards for faculty, so we cannot be subject to a hiring freeze in our department. Without this funding, at worst, we risk an ability to maintain a program altogether. Hopefully, you were able to hear, as joyce had said, mei youngs story during the press briefing yesterday. She shares her story at ccsf as a new immigrant, and how the college enabled her to be a successful student in our program. She exemplifies our student population and what they can offer our city. I hope youll consider this while deliberating your work. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operator you have 17 questions remaining. So supervisors, ill state again, its imperative that we have Public Comment at the beginning. As you have heard, the many representatives from city college are speaking for a cause and need thats necessary, unlike the rambling of many of the supervisors, rambling of the supervisors. That roll call should be limited to five minutes, just like Public Comment is limited to two minutes. It used to be three minutes, and we have ten minutes of rambling going on about the people who are going to do interpretation, this, that, and the other. So again, Public Comment is important at the beginning of the board of supervisors meeting. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operator you have 17 questions remaining. Clerk welcome, caller. You have two minutes. Hello . Caller . Operator you have 16 questions remaining. Clerk okay. Hello, and welcome, caller. You have two minutes. [inaudible] there was a news blackout that the torso was the torso of kamala harris. Everyone on the Police Department knew exactly where the torso was. I rang doorbells, i spoke to neighbors. The torso was the son of an army general. His neighbor worked in alameda. She said that someone showed her a picture of the neighbors dog along with the owners torso. [inaudible] that got me thinking. Bums in the mission. Its a scene out of the 1984 feature film star trek iv. You may remember there was an Emergency Landing of a helicopter in Golden Gate Park . Its where the klingon ship lands down, and you may remember there was a story of an injured whale off of the coast where they rescued mr. Chekov. It made headlines. If you think back to it, the headless torso is a scene out of the 1979 feature film, time after time. Clerk thank you. Operator you have 18 questions remaining. Clerk hello, caller. You have up to two minutes. Hello. This is dane johnston, and theres a bunch of inhumanities and cruelties going on in San Francisco, and its happened since the since everybody got together and get somebody deciding to do something about the Homeless People. Well, all the stories in the newspaper were negative about the Homeless People, and its become a very negative thing to be a homeless person. And people have taken it upon themselves to realize that means not to help Homeless People out when theyre hungry. And so people are going days without eating. People on death row eat every day, and farm animals eat every day. Its okay to ignore people, including me, and not allow them to eat every day. Ive asked 1,000 people to give me a piece of bread, and they ignore me. Its like escape from new york. You cant escape the city unless you have money. And if people wont give you a job, and they wont give you food, and its cruel throughout. If were suffering and telling you that were hungry, its not okay to ignore us. Its not okay to ignore me when ive done so much work for the city and im a hero, and im asking for a piece of bread. Its okay. Hundreds of people do it all the time, and it also reminds me of the 1994, when nobody to this point still has taken blame for the gay sex drug users that left all the needles and the condoms, and it was blamed on the Homeless People. 50,000 gay people in every park. They were having sex every night. I am getting my name, its been trashed, because of the Homeless People operator you have 17 questions remaining. Clerk welcome, caller. Thank you, supervisors, for your leadership during this pandemic. Its inspiring to see all of you still advocating for and recognizing the achievements of your constituents. As we face unprecedented times, i believe you all will come to agree with ccsf executive counsel on the essential nature of the workforce education and Recovery Fund. As the incoming ccsf student trustee, i hope to work with all of you through a strong economic recovery by investing in ccsf. In yesterdays press conference, ccsf students shared how ccsf has positively impacted their lives. I would like to use part of my Public Comment time today to invite all of you in taking two healing deep breaths. If you would, close your eyes, and join me in a visualization exercise. Place your feet on the ground. Imagine the weight of your head is weightless, floating above your shoulders. With every outbreath, feel your body relax, and feel your body relax, and focus your attention on the physical sensation of the air entering your body and revitalizing. Now imagine the pictures of your mentors, and peers that catalyzed you into civic service. The city of San Francisco, the work that youve all done does not have to unravel because of this pandemic. While few of us have lived through recessions, our city, our state, our nation is resilient. Weve been through this before. We only need to study the actions of our predecessors to know that investing in Public Education during an economic downturn ensures job training and job creation that will restimulate our economy. Clerk thank you, caller. Operator you have 16 questions remaining. Clerk kel owhello, and we. Thank you. This is Debbie Lerman from the Human Services network, and im supporting the item that allows support of the upcoming budget process. Previous legislation was designed to enhance transparency and demonstrate trust and value for the publics voice, but that law included specific dates for each step of the process so it does not apply to this year delay process for fiscal year 20 to 22, and we are deeply concerned that the departments may be developing their revised budget proposals behind closed doors, with no input from the public. Its not even clear whether departments have to bring their proposals before their commissions, if they even have one. And some key departments, like homelessness, do not. And this is all happening in a year where were going to be facing massive budget cuts for the first time in a decade with very painful choices while we reprioritize services and programs in the face of devastating human and economic public need. So this will ensure that the mayor ensures that the public is included in the dialogue and keeps a transparent policy as the process moves forward. We want to ask all of you to support this resolution today. Clerk thank you, debbie. Operator you have 15 questions remaining. Clerk welcome, caller. Hello, supervisors. This is anastasia iovanopolous from district 8. Supervisor peskin and his offices work in putting together a comprehensive package to protect the health of s. R. O. Residents is commendable. Social distancing and selfisolation isnt possible in these congregate settings. Item 23 that prohibited landlords of s. R. O. Units from evicting tenants for nonpayment of rent clerk maam, ive just paused your time. You can speak on items 26 through 33 on the agenda. Only. Clerk or generally other issues, just not specifically items 22 or 23. Okay. Got it. Clerk i fares, either, i was taken aback that the board of supervisors passed a resolution that urged them not to but didnt offer any alternatives. I totally agree with the stated goals of the resolution. I think its great to say that were still a transitfirst city, that we want to provide transit services, that we want to maintain peoples access to muni, that we dont want to price people out of public services. But if the board of supervisors is going to ask m. T. A. Not to raise revenue in that matter, they need to ask what services or items they would like to see cut from that budget. So im just really disappointed that it came to this, and i feel like there are other ways that the board of supervisors could make their voice heard without jettisonning public service. I want to thank the one members of the board of supervisors in particular who spoke out when that resolution was passed, pointing out the things like free transit for youth that the budget did include. So i just i want to state my disappointment, but thank you all for your clerk thank you. Operator you have 12 questions remaining. Clerk welcome, caller. You have up two to minutes. Hello. Im a board member and chair for the league of women voters of San Francisco, and i speak to you in support of item 26, the resolution urging the mayor and city departments to prioritize access during covid19. Now more than ever, sits important to protect the publics right to know. Thank you, board of supervisors, for your attention on this matter. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Operator you have 11 questions remaining. Clerk hello, caller, and welcome. Hi. My name is robin, and i live in district 8. Regarding supervisor peskins introduced Charter Amendment from item 24, San Francisco voters have faced ballot props in m. T. A. And its power in 99, 07, and 16. We want robust muni service, and without a fare hike or replacement revenue stream right now, service kwo need to be cut to balance the budget. The board of supervisors has not provided alternative suggestions for this revenue, at least not publicly. I also want to refer to item 4 from last week. Im disappointed in the supervisors who removed director rubke from the board. She is a tireless advocate for disability and sustainable transportation. Removing her as part of a power war with the m. T. A. Is repa reprehensable. It will affect all san franciscans who rely on transit because the m. T. A. Is in the precarious function of putting their members at risk because their members only number four. We rely on competent Decision Making at the m. T. A. Board. The supervisors who removed director rub key have put that in jeopardy. I urge you to support San Francisco cans instead of holding san franciscans hostage for your power plays. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Operator you have ten questions remaining. Clerk hello, and welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Hello, supervisors. My name is alicia messer. I am an english teacher at city college of San Francisco, and i work with local 2121. I know you know how important city college is for our city and for our citizens on any given year, but it has never been more important as it is going to become right now. We talk about essential workers right now. Theres a lot of conversation about those essential workers, but we know that essential workers rely on city college of San Francisco to get the training that they need, to get the retraining that they need, and when they are unemployed or its time to make job changes, this is where they come. Under a crisis like this and we know that city college has seen its share of crises over the last years, and you and San Francisco have made all the difference, and thats why we still have city college right now. But under a crisis like covids impact on higher education, its going to be a National Catastrophe that were looking at. But in San Francisco, i hope, and i expect that we will ban together to ensure that all of our citys essential workers and all of San Francisco still has a city college, a Community College to rely on in order to deal with this recovery. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Operator you have nine questions remaining. Clerk hello, and welcome, caller. Hi. My name is mei, whose name was mentioned a couple of time earlier. I am a 2020 graduate nursing students at city college of San Francisco. I am one of the best examples of how ccsf can change someones life. I came to this country in 2009, and i came to this country with very little english. The only conversation that i could have with immigration officer was i cannot speak english. I started my learning journey in ccsf for level 1 e. S. L. Class to now as a graduating student. Ccsf helped me to build my english skills and education that i needed to serve our community. This city has made education k accessible to me and i believe its also true for many others. I was working at a hospital during my clinical rotation. I encountered many r. N. S, l. P. N. S, and practitioners who said they were ccsf graduates. Please continue to support city college of San Francisco so those starting new lives from the opportunity to do so. I dream of serving our community as a registered nurse. I hope that the opportunity that i got from ccsf can continue to be available to many others, and thank you for supporting supporting ccsf, and thank you for your time. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operator you have eight questions remaining. Clerk welcome, speaker. You have up to two minutes. Hello. My name is lea edwards, and im the president of the league of women voters of San Francisco. I want to thank the board of supervisors for their leadership during this unprecedented time. I also want to speak in favor in support of item 26, the resolution urging mayor and city departments to prioritize city access and transparency during covid19 emergency. We believe thats an important step towards protecting the publics right to know during the pandemic. Publishing information during meetings and public offices will help ensure that san franciscans can participate in the democratic process and that transparency and fairness are maintained during this process. Id like to thank supervisor ronen for introducing this, and for the supervisors for supporting it. Thank you for your time. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operator you have eight questions remaining. Clerk welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. My name is daina holtz, and i am a library in San Francisco. We serve an incredibly diverse student population, and as a librarian, we get to interact with students from every background. One night, a student came to me and asked me to help her use the computer. She had no one at home, had no time to see her professor during office hours, and had no idea how to research her paper topic. Over the course of a half hour, we talked about research, fact checking, and she was on her way to do research, when she stopped and said, thank you. I dont think anyones talked to me that long before. One of my favorite things about city college is how much the individual student is valued, and im proud to work as part of a network of services to support students. Librarians, counselors, tutors, were committed to helping students with the often difficult process of getting through school and not giving up. With the funding shortages were facing, we wont be able to offer students this kind of help. The help that makes it possible for students to stick with a program, graduate, and go into the workforce. Were already trimmed and doing more with less to where we can offer just the basics. We need to be able to keep students in school so we can prepare for our future. We will see an influx of students who are new to college after this pandemic. As you consider refunding the workforce training for city college, please help us help students by supporting us. Clerk thank you for doing that important work. Next speaker, please. Operator you have six questions remaining. Clerk hello, caller. You have up to two minutes. Linda chapman. When i saw supervisor waltons proposal for an i. G. For the Sheriffs Department, i thought oh, thats just what we need for City Government in general. And now, i hear supervisor mars position, and so im wondering whether the public advocate would be similar to an i. G. In the army where i worked or other federal agencies, such as h. H. S. , which has finally referred the investigation of sfpd and the jewish home to the state department to investigate. That would you know, im wondering if theres going to be a hearing on the subject because it would be very useful if, besides the citizens who now, at this point you know, we cant go to the City Attorney, for example, as you can, but also, the board of supervisors or potentially somebody in administration could refer things to the i. G. , as well. For example, at sixth army, i was on the commanders staff. I worked with the i. G. Sometimes with a staff member, really. Any soldier or any member could complain to the i. G. , but someone could complain to them or the controller. You know, there might be some things that were suitable to the i. G. The i. G. , they came upon things that were ucmg matters. They continued to investigate, but then, the criminal aspect went to somebody who did investigate criminal matters, as well. [please stand by]. I applaud the supervisors for sending a message that i am still not sure they got because theyre planning to do more slow streets and when they do something in someones district, you need to actually communicate with the supervisor who actually is elected and by the district voters and also here is more from the residents of the district and the sfmta. So you ought to look at the early part of the meeting and todays mta Board Meeting when it comes online. As a representative of taxi driver, i am still concerned that the supervisors have not taken any action requiring city departments to tryened a use tax cease and develop some type of voucher system or use the fly wheel app to call for a cab and get reimbursed. Or make the app a vendor. And also, there are food deliveries going on but they are being handled by these other services that do not take advantage of taxis. And soon some of the purchase medallion holders will have the loans due, so we need more opportunities to actually get business to be able to cover expenses, and cover these loans when the credit unionened a have other nonprofits and agencies to deliver food to use taxis as part of their program because we are available. Theres still a need for tax cease. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Hello, caller. Welcome. Hi, everyone. I am a student and aam speaking on behalf of the workforce education engineering fund. And the path for that is mentally secured as an Asian American student i can count on support services and the centers that will fund. With services through Asian Pacific American Students and be able to get assistance, but unfortunately, funding for that was cut. And etc. That students are able to foster in educational paths to lead to the workforce goals in San Francisco. For me to be working for a center and i was able to get part time position working in the city. It is not just the Current Employment right now but then also the future careers. Secondly, when it comes to us being in this covid world and having this anxiety and this funding secured means also being less anxious when the semester rolls in. The experiences so many cuts, so many lack of funding for support programs that getting work is also Mental Health awareness and release for us and is unfortunate to hear things such as esl classes or even our instructors losing the positions. It is harmful for students and even though that is not the exact path, i can recognize it because i know for my parents they benefitted from esl. I could only imagine all the students that can and how that will help them in getting jobs and know about workers rights, too. Lastly through focussing on my own career to help support my family and is helping support people that depend on me, too. It is not only me and my individual path and how thank you. Hello, caller and welcome. Hi. There is peter warfield, executive director of library user association. Over 100,000 San Francisco residents do not have access to the internet. Thats according to a Mayors Office study called city and county of San Francisco Digital Equity Strategic Plan 20192024. And those who are most seriously affected are the poorest folks, the oldest folks, and of course, minorities. Unfortunately, when the Library Closed on practically no notice on march 13, friday the 13th, they did not have any provision for services to continue for those who do not have access to the computer whether thats a choice for privacy reasons or financial reasons and all the all the other reasons people dont have access. The only Service Available to somebody with only a telephone is a very much reduced reference service, only 35 hours a week instead of 60 as was the case before monday through friday. And that is it. And that is fine who are connected to the internet, but those who do not have access are pretty much left out in the cold. We would like you to insist that with 16 0000000 some odd dollars the librarys budget contains that you insist that the library provide service to those who do not have access such as sending things by mail or curbside pickup. Other libraries do do that. And hour libraries should do that as well. Where do you get newspapers or magazines . The library. Thank you. You have two questions remaining. Hello and welcome caller. You have up to two minutes. Hello, caller. Were ready when you are. Hello . Can you hear me . Yes, we can. Hello. We welcome your comments. Thank you. I think i was muted. My name is marcos cruz and i am a city college student. I am calling in support of the workforce Education Recovery Fund. I have been going to city college for about three years now. I started at city college at the Electronics Program and hoping to get a job at either bart or muni as an electronics technician. Now i am part of the Community Health Outreach Worker Program that the College Offers and in this time of crisis of Public Health crisis, the Public Health and growth at city college will be needed more than ever. And i was sad to see that when i was joining the program, i learned that the program only had one cohort instead of two cohorts of graduates every cycle now. So even in the last few semesters we have lost so many resources and could have benefitted from during this crisis that we cant let anymore resources disappear in this difficult time for the city and for the community. That is why its so important for us to do a strategic investment in city college to make sure that the programs and classes that graduate people and that give people skills and that give people into jobs are still there once we are able to reopen our city back and even before then so that people can still continue to train nurses and Public Health workers that are going to carry us through this crisis as well as all the other essential workers that we have in the city. I thank supervisor mar for introducing the legislation and i hope that the board will support it. Thank you so much. Thank you for your comments. Operator you have one question remaining. Hello and welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller i wanted to first of all thank the m. T. A. And board of supervisors for supporting more sloped streets and protected bike lanes during the quarantine time. Were going to be facing an an precedented challenge and businesses start reopening and cars start flooding our streets. And folks feel less and less whether that is a real

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