Streaming the numbers across the screen. And each speaker is allowed to two minutes to speak. And the opportunity to speak during the Public Comment period are via phone call 8882045984. And access code 3501008. And then press pound and press pound again. And then youre connected to 1, and then 0, to be added to the queue to speak. You will wait and the system will be silent. And the system will notify when youre in line and waiting. All callers remain on mute until their line is open. And the indiscernible and to speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. Or alternatively you may submit Public Comment in the following ways and email me at linda. Wong sfgov. Org. And via email its included in this legislative file and as part of the matter. And written comments may be sent via post office sense to city hall 1 doctor carleton b. , room 244, San Francisco, california, 94102. And finally items today will be forwarded to the full board for consideration on may 19th unless otherwise stated. President fewer thank you very much, mad 578 clerk. Call item number 1. Clerk the Airport Professional Services agreement, 11, for the San FranciscoInternational Airport, an and te partners to increase the services for to not exceed 38 million for services and to extend the term to july 7th, 2023, to commence following board approval. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call the 8882045984 and access code 3501008. And press 1, and then 0 to line up to speak. President fewer thank you very much. Last week we continued this item for more information from the San FranciscoInternational Airport. And i am pleased to say that we received such correspondence clarifying the budget situation. And do you have any comments to add . Chair fewer and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to share some of the airport Recovery Plans with you. I just wanted to clarify that i stated last week that there was an 18month Recovery Plan and as supervisor fewer stated, that is probably prettyop optimistic. I received clarification that was part of the correspondence with you this week that our capital plan that has been revised for 18 months, the airport finance staff does indeed have a threeyear economic Recovery Plan that will be part of our budget process, the revised process that will go through our Airport Commission and the board of supervisors in a couple of months. So i just wanted to clarify that. Thank you. President fewer thank you very much. Colleague, any comments or questions . We heard the report last week so lets open this up for Public Comment. Any members of the public to comment on item number 1 . Clerk operation is checking to see if theres any callers in the queue. And please let us know if there are callers that are ready. If you have not already done so, press 1, and then 0, to be added to the queue. For those already on hold, wait until you are prompted to begin to speak. Madam chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. President fewer thank you very much. And id like to make a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation, can i have a roll call vote. Clerk on that motion, supervisor walton . Aye. Walton, aye. And supervisor mandelman . Aye. Mandelman aye. Chair fewer . Aye. Three ayes. President fewer can you call item 2,. Resolution authorizing the San FranciscoAirport Commission to accept and expend a grant in the amount of 2. 9 million and any additional amounts up to 15 of the original grant that may be offered from the California AirResources Board for the carl moyer memorial air quality standards Attainment Program grant, to purchase and install Electrical Ground Service Equipment charging stations and supporting infrastructure for the proposed project period of june 2020 through june 2021. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 8882045984 and access code 3503501008 and then press 1 and then 0 to line up to speak. President fewer miss widener, youre on again. Thank you, chair fewer and members of the committee. The airport are seeking approval to accept and expend a California AirResources Board grant to purchase and install Electrical Ground Service Equipment, charging stations, from june 2020, through june 2021. And the airport submitted this package to the board of supervisors early in the process to prevent the need for retroactivity. At the time of the agreed grant amount up to a possible 2. 9 million. And at its meeting last week, the bay air quality awarded the grant in the amount of 2,345,297. However, the airport staff continues to be in discussions with the district on this specific line item. This amount may go up, which is why we are requesting to amend the resolution to include the up to 2,746,298 amount. And this is recommended also as part of the budget analyst report. This Grant Program is implemented as a partnership between the air district and california 35 local air districts, including the bay air quality air management district. The airports proposed project is the first phase of an airportwide ground equipment and electrification strategy to equip all gates with electrical infrastructure necessary to operate the Service Equipment to reduce the fuel use and diesel emissions. Again, the airport agrees with the budget analyst recommendation to amend the proposed resolution to collectly state that the grant amount is up to 2,746,298. A revised resolution has been provided to the Clerks Office for the file. And i would be happy to answer any questions that you might have. President fewer thank you very much. Colleagues, any comments or questions. Seeing none, can we have a daily report. Good morning, chair fewer, dan gontra. Item 2 is a proposed resolution to authorize the San FranciscoAirport Commission to, one, to accept and expend a grant in the amount of 2,746,298. And any additional amounts up to 15 of the original grant that may be offered from the California AirResources Board for the carl moyer memorial air quality standards Attainment Program grant. To purchase and to install Electrical Ground Service Equipment, charging stations and supporting infrastructure for proposed project period of june 2020, through june 2021. To commit to providing an estimated 3,650,397 in matching funds and affirm the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. The airports proposed project is the first phase of an airportwide Ground Service equipment, electrification strategy to have the infrastructure necessary to operate reduce the fuel and diesel emissions. Total budget is approximately 6,396,695. And the Carl Moyer Program grant will fund up to 2,746, 298 and the airport will fund 3,650,397 of the total project cost. Per the Carl Moyer Program. , the grant share is up to the total cost, and the total cost, which is is shown in table one on page 11 of our report includes items that are needed to complete the project but are considered ineligible for grant participation, including software and Police Staffing and construction contingencies. They are fully funded by the airport which is matching funds equaling more than 50 of the total project cost. According to the airport staff, the California AirResources Board and the bay area air Quality Management district have indicated that the covid19 Health Crisis has not impacted their Carl Moyer Program grant funding. Grant timelines or the milestones. The airport does not anticipate covid19 to have an impact on the scope of work, however, a significant delay in when contractors can return to work due to the current covid19 shelterinplace order may impact the completion timeline under the Carl Moyer Program grant guidelines. All recommendations are to amend the proposed resolution to the amount of 2,746,298, and to approve the proposed resolution as amended. I can answer any questions that the committee may have. President fewer any comments or comments . Seeing none, lets open this up for Public Comment. Any members of the public that would like to comment on item number 2 . Clerk madam chair, operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Let us know if the callers are ready. If you have not done so, press 1, and then 0 to be added to the queue. For those already on the line please continue to wait until youre prompted to begin at the beep. Madam chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. President fewer thank you. The Public Comment on item number 2 is closed and id like to make a motion to accept the amendment that is presented. Clerk on that motion, supervisor walton . Supervisor walton aye. Clerk walton, aye. Supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman aye. Clerk mandelman aye. Chair fewer . President fewer aye. I would like to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation as amended. The roll call vote, please. Clerk on the motion, supervisor walton. Supervisor walton aye. Clerk walton, aye. And supervisor mandelman. Supervisor mandelman aye. Clerk and chair fewer . Three ayes. President fewer thank you very much. Call item 3. Clerk to approve modification number 6 to airport contract number 9254, Airport Shuttle bus services with s. F. O. Hotel shuttle inc, to increase the contract amount by 27. 9 million for a new not to exceed the amount of 123 million and to exercise the final twoyear option to extend the term from july 1, 2020, for a total term of december 1, 2012, through june 30, 202 it. And the members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment should call 8882045984, and access code 3501008 and press 1, and then 0 to line up to speak. President fewer thank you very much. Miss widener, this is Kathy Widener again from the San FranciscoInternational Airport. Thank you, chair fewer, Kathy Widener with the airport. The item before you seeking your approval to modify an existing contract with s. F. O. Hotel shuttle to exercise the final twoyear option to extend the contract through june of 2022. And increase the amount to 27,900,000 and the contract is the result of the 2012 competitive request for proposals process which was approved by the board of supervisors with the initial term of three years and seven months. From december 2012, through june 2016, with three twoyear options to extend. The first two options have been exercised and this proposed modification will be the last extension of the contract. The airport contracts with s. F. O. Hotel shuttles to maintain the airport and to provide the drivers needed to support various busing operations for passengers and employees around the airport. And this includes all bus services to the longterm parking garage and various employee garages and lots. And aircraft parked remotely on the airfield and all services that are needed during an air train outage. This modification accounts for increases to driver salaries as permitted in the contract terms and the Additional Service to the oyster point Ferry Terminal which was added last year. This also includes the busing related to Construction Projects such as the airfield busing to remote aircraft parking terminals and the construction related to closures and the continued busing to the longterm parking garage until the air train station can be fully activated. This is one of the contracts that has been scaled back due to the significant decrease in passengers at the airport and the need for shuttles. Although it remains an Important Service for the employees who go to work every day and the passengers who are traveling through the airport, during normal operations s. F. O. Is a parking constrained airport, making the shuttles a critical way to access our airport terminals. Once the air train extension to the longterming parkinterm pas completed, costs can be reduced by 500,000 per month and there may be other opportunities for reducing costs. Because of these potential contract savings in the current decline in the passenger traffic, the airport agrees with the budget and legislative analyst recommendation to amend the contract, not to exceed amount by 7 million. If the air train project is significantly delayed and or passenger traffic returns to normal levels faster than projected, we may return to the committee for additional funding through the end of the contract. A copy of the revised resolution has been provided to the Committee Clerk and i would would be happy to answer any questions that you may have. President fewer thank you very much. Any comments or questions from my colleagues . Seeing none, can we please have a report. Thank you, chair fewer. Item number 3 is a proposed resolution to approve the modification number 6 between the San FranciscoInternational Airport and s. F. O. Hotel shuttle. The airport provides Free Shuttle Service to various locations including the longterm and employee parking garages and lots, remote airfield locations, and as needed emergency buses during air train outages and oyster point Ferry Terminal. In june 2012, the airport conducted a request for proposals to select a new provider. And the existing shuttle provider was deemed the highest scoring responsive and responsible proposer and was awarded a new contract. In november 2012, the board of supervisors approved a contract with s. F. O. Shuttle bus company, now known as s. F. O. Hotel shuttle, for a term of three years and seven months from december 2012, through june 2016 for an amount not to exceed 39 million. With three twoyear options to extend through june 2022 for a total not to exceed of 105 million. And the contract has since been modified five times as shown in table one on page 14 of our report. Changes in contract scope to accommodate the airport construction have resulted in cost acceleration beyond what was anticipated in the initial contract, including additional the addition of airfield buses service and the addition of air train Replacement Bus Service due to construction, and the discontinuation of the lot b shuttle service. In february 2020, they approved modification number 6 to the contract, the subject of the proposed resolution. Because the original 2012 resolution provided for the airport to exercise contract modifications up to 105 million, the prior five mod iskses were not subject to the board of supervisors approval. The proposed mod iks number 6 increases not to exceed amount of the contract by 27,900,000, over the twoyear extension period as shown in table 2 on page 16 of our report. And according to mr. Seth morgan, the Airport Service the airport Senior Transportation planner, sufficient funding is available in the airport proposed fiscal year 20202022, twoyear budget, pending the board of supervisor approval. And due to covid19, the expenditures on the contract are likely to be lower than the 27,900,000 over the twoyear extension term. According to airport expenditure data, expected expenditures are 88,270,614. And, therefore, the budget and legislative analyst recommends to amend the proposed resolution for a contract not to exceed 116,1 on 09,116, rather than the amount in the resolution 123,181,617. The controller has estimated revenue shortfalls in the fiscal year 201920, of 190 million to 220 million due to the reduced air travel. As a result of the covid19 crisis. As noted in prior and budget legislative reports, theres funds to offset the lost operating revenues due to reduced air travel with 530 million in Passenger Facility Fund balance, and 254. 8 million in the cares pact funds. Our recommendations are to amend the proposed resolution to provide for the nottoexceed amount of 111 million, and rather than the amount in the resolution, of 123,181,167 and we recommend to approve the resolution as amended. Im available for any questions. President fewer thank you very much. I see no colleagues on the queue. So lets open this up for Public Comment to any members of the public that would like to comment on item number 3, please join the queue. Clerk madam chair, operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Mr. Coop, let us know if there are callers ready. If you have not already done so, please press 1 and then 0 to be added to the queue. For those already on hold, please continue to wait until youre prompted to begin to speak. Madam chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. President fewer thank you. Colleagues, any comments or questions . Seeing none, id like to make a motion to approve amendments offered by the b. L. A. A roll call vote. Clerk supervisor walton. Walton, aye. And supervisor mandelman, mandelman, aye. Chair fewer . Your ayes are three ayes. President fewer thank you. And to move this to the board with a positive recommendation as amended. Roll call vote please. Clerk and on that motion, supervisor walton . Walton, aye. Supervisor mandelman. Mandelman, aye. And chair fewer. Fewer, aye. There are three ayes. President fewer thank you. Can you call item number 4. Clerk yes. Item number 4, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of elections to accept and expend funds allocated by the california secretary of state in an amount not to exceed 1. 9 million to fund Voting System and election Management System replacement, for the period of february 1, 2019, through june 30, 2022. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 888204 8882045984 and the access code 35 on 01008, and then press 1 and 0 to line up to speak. President fewer we have the director of the department of elections with us. Good morning, supervisors. The purpose of this proposed resolution is to amend an existing agreement with the state to allow the city to use grant funds 1. 9 million total. 1. 5 million is allocated to replace the voting related equipment and approximately 400,000 to replace or upgrade the Management Systems. The agreement, which is administered by the secretary of the state office, provides a 75 reimbursement for purchases that the city makes through june 30, 2022. The city entered a contract last year with the state to use these grant funds totaling 3 million for similar purposes. They are to reimbur reimburse t. 4. 5 million of the total cost of 8. 5 million which is more than half of the cost from the lease. Potentially the funds could also be applied for purchases of ondemand systems, votebymail drop boxes and the telecommunication technologies such as Voter Registration and by mail sorting and processing equipment. Last year the board approved a similar resolution which allowed the department to execute an agreement with the secretary of States Office to utilize the initial grant fund of 3 million. Upon the boards approval the secretary of state will amend the agreement to include the additional 1. 9 million. The amended agreement will modify the reimbursement ratio to 3 1 or 75 that i referenced earlier. And now i can take any questions that the supervisors have. President fewer thank you. Any questions or comments from colleagues . Seeing none, can we have the report. Yes, thank you, chair fewer. The proposed resolutions with amend to the existing grant and to authorize the department of elections to accept and expend funds a allocated by the secretary of state to not exceed 1,949,85859. 50 to fund the votg system and election Management System replacement for the period of february 1, 2019, through june 30, 202. It allocates funding for the secretary of state to reimburse the counties for the cost of Voting System replacement activities. Counties are required to certify by resolution the approval of applications for funding before submission to the secretary of state. Under the terms of the grant, a county can only be reimbursed for the cost of developing a new system if the system is then certified by the california secretary of state by july 1, 2023. On march 12, 2019, the board of supervisors retroactively approved a Voting System contract between the department of elections and the dominion Voting Systems incorporated for a term of four years and three months from january 2019, through march 2023. And the amount not to exceed 8,460,000 with two oneyear options to extend through march 2025, for a total to not exceed 12,660,000. Under the contract, dominion provides the lease of a new Voting System, a license to use the Voting System software, maintenance and support services. Dominion is one of three firms that offer complete Voting Systems that meet the california secretary of states Voting System requirements. In april 2019, the board of supervisors approved a resolution to retroactively to authorize the department of elections to apply for, accept, and to expend grant fund allocated by the secretary of state in an amount not to exceed 3,110,50 for the period from july 20218 through june 2021. And the grant authorized by proposed resolution provides 1. 5 million for activities to partially fund the contract between the city and dominion to lease the Voting System through march 2023. And the grant requires a 3 1 or 75 to 25 match of funds by the city. Which the city meets through its allocation of general fund money of 3 million to fully fund the contract with dominion. And the grant would reimburse a total of 53. 4 , or 4,517,260 of the 8,460,000 cost of the initial fouryear and three month term of the dominion contract. The remaining cost of 3,949,2a 0 is funded by the fund on table 1 on page 12 of our report. Including to the department director, the grant fund can only be used for the purposes specified in the grant and cannot be used to extend the mailin ballots to all San Francisco voters as required by ordinance 200400. Pending before the board of supervisors. However, according to the department director, because the total grant funds of 4. 5 million offset the citys existing costs for the dominion Voting Systems, the general fund moneys can be made available for ordinance that requires that all San Francisco registered voters to be provided with a mailin ballot. We recommend to approve the resolution and im available for any questions. President fewer thank you very much. Colleagues, any comments or questions . And lets open this up for Public Comment. Any members of the public that would like to comment on item number 4 . Clerk madam chair, operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Please let us know if there are any callers that are ready. If you have not already done so, please press 1, and then 0, to be added to the queue. For those already on hold, please continue to wait until youre prompted to speak at the beep. Madam chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. President fewer thank you very much. I have a question. Public comment is now closed on item number 4. I have a question about the mailin ballots. You mentioned the general funds could be used for this. And is there sufficient funds in your current budget to do the mailin ballots . Right now we still have to move forward for the next fiscal years budget so, no, right now we dont. But for the budget that we put forward to the Mayors Office in february, we did not contemplate sending everyone a ballot, so that number of ballots have to be included into our budget for the next fiscal year. President fewer okay. Okay. Any comments or questions from our colleagues . Seeing none, i would like to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. Could i please have a roll call vote, madam chair. Clerk yes on the motion, supervisor walton. Walton, aye. Supervisor mandelman. Mandelman, aye. And chair fewer . Fewer, aye. There are three ayes. President fewer thank you very much. Madam clerk, call item number 5. Clerk yes, item 5, resolution authorizing the city and county officials to execute and to file on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco any actions necessary for the purpose of obtaining state and federal Financial Assistance under various Grant Programs. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call the 8882045984, access code 3501008 and then press 1 and then 0, to line up to speak. President fewer thank you very much. And we have with us mary langan from the department. Chair fewer and members of the committee, marylanders from the department of Emergency Management. The less that you have before you is the annual governing body resolution for Emergency Preparedness grantses that are applied for by our department. This year there are five grants in the list. The urban Area Security initiative and the state Homeland Security program. And the Emergency Management performance grant, and the local Government Oil spill contingency plan grant, and a Hazard Mitigation grant. The California Office of Emergency Services requires that the date of the grant year and naming applicant agents appears annually and so this is our annual request for board approval. And funds are ongoing and usually submitted through the budget process and im happy to try to answer any questions that you may have. President fewer thank you very much. Any questions or comments from colleagues . Madam clerk, lets open this up to Public Comment. Clerk yes, madam chair. Operation is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. Please let us know if there are callers that are ready. If you have not already done so, please press 1 and then 0 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, please continue to wait until youre prompted to begin at the beep. Madam chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. President fewer thank you very much. Any comments or questions from our colleagues . Seeing no one in the queue and id like to make a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. Could i have a roll call vote please. Clerk yes, supervisor walton. Walton, aye. Supervisor mandelman . Mandelman, aye. Chair fewer. Fewer, aye. There arely ayes. President fewer thank you very much. And clerk, is there any more business before us today . Clerk theres no further business. President fewer thank you very much. Were adjourned. This is may 13th 2020 regular budget and appropriatations committee meeting. Im sandra lee fewer, chair of the budget and appropriatations committee. Im joined by Committee Members [inaudible]. Our clerk is linda wong. Id like to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. Any announcements . Yes, madame chair. Due to the covid19 Health Emergency and protect board members, city xwraoeps and the public, the board of supervisors, legislative chamber and Committee Room are closed. However, members will be participating in the meetings remotely in the same extend that they were physically present. Public comments will be available for each item on this agenda. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. Comments are opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period available via phone call by calling 8882045984. Access code 3501008 and then press pound and then press pound again. When youre connected, dial 1 and then 0 to be added to the queue to speak. Youll be lined up in the system in the order you dialed 1 and 0. While youre waiting the system will be silent. The system will notify you when youre in line and waiting. All callers will remain on commute until their line is open. Everyone must account for the time today and speaking discrepancies between live coverage and streaming. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio, or you may submit Public Comments in either of the following way. Email me at linda. Wong sfgov. Org. If you submit Public Comment via email, it will be included in the legislative file as part of the matter. Written comments may be sent via u. S. Postal service to city hall. To room 244, San Francisco, california, 94102. And madame chair, this concludes my announcements. Madame clerk, please call item number. Yes, related updates for fiscal years 20202021 and 20212022 and requesting the Mayors Office of Public Policy and finance and the budget and legislative analysts to report. Members of public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item