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Hello, everyone. Good morning. The meeting will come to order. This is been may first, 2020 meeting. I am joined by Committee Members shaman walton and matt haney. Our clerk is ms. Linda wong. I would like to thank matthew from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. Could we have a motion to excuse supervisor mandelman. So moved. Thank you so much. Roll call vote. [roll call] three ayes. Thank you, very much. Madam clerk, do you have any announcements. Due to the covid19 Health Emergency and the public the board legislative chamber and Committee Rooms are closed but members will participate remotely. So the comments will be available for each item on this agenda channel 26 and sfgovtv. Org are streaming the number across the scene. Each speaker will be allowed to speak. Comments or opportunities to speak during the Public Comments period are available via phone call by calling 888 2045984 access code 3501008 and press pound and press pound again. When you are connected, dial 1 and 0 to be added to the cue to speak. You will be lined up in the system in the order you dialed 1 and 0. While you are waiting, the system will be silent. The system will notify you when you are in line and waiting and all callers will remain on the line until its open. Everyone must account the delay and speaking discrepancy between live coverage and screening. Call for a quiet location and you can email me. That is linda. Wong sov. Org. You can submit Public Comment. It will be included in the legislative file as part of the matter. Written comments may be century a u. S. Postal service through city hall, room 244 San Francisco 94102. Finally the item after is expected to be sent to the full board as Committee Reports for consideration on may 5th, 2020. Thank you, maam add clerk. Call item number 1. Clerk y. He is madam chair. Item number 1, emergency ordinance to limit the spread of covid19 by requiring the city through Service Agreements with third parties to provide that equipped with handwashing facilities as a purpose and shelter people within three weeks of the Effective Date of this ordinance. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call the 888 2045984 access code 3501008 and press one and then 0 to lineup. Thank you, very much. Our speakers today are supervisor matt haney and inaudible . Im sorry, if i butchered your last name. Also public works ca caro short, bruce robinson. Supervisor haney, do you have opening words . I do. First of all, thank you so much supervisor fewer for having this emergency meeting. I really appreciate it and i know that this is an issue that youve been very vocal on and very committed to as well. I really appreciate your leadership and really facilitating this emergency meeting and thank you also to supervisor walton who has been very supportive, i believe is a cosponsor of this legislation. Weve got folks from public works here. I just want to say, at the outset, its been really refreshing to have your leadership, and your department has been very responsive on this and the ceta action and partnership has really been impressive. I want to thank you for your support and your leadership in working to get this right. The need for this is probably pretty obvious and clear. One of the most important things that we can do during this pandemic is make sure that people have access to basic hygiene and this was an issue before this pandemic but during this crisis, its so critical that people who dont otherwise have access to basic hygiene have it. Its available very close to where they are and its immediate. Its accessible and at longer hours and the danger, if we dont do that, is that this pandemic spreads and the crisis goes on much longer. Of course, we are concerned about a number of populations in particular. One is obviously are many people on the streets who continue to be unsheltered who are living without houses, who dont have a bathroom of their own and their ability to access bathrooms when they need it is critical. And that includes handwashing stations as well. There are also a lot of other populations. Folks who are out on the streets all the time in district 6 and district 10, nine other parts of the city, who should have access to handwashing station and bathrooms who are not homeless as well. There are also people who are out working like delivery workers and taxi drivers and need and deserve access to these handwashing stations and if you are out there and come across someone or had to touch someone or something and something happens, you need to modally beo wash your hands to stay safe. We have introduced this ordinance, which would significantly increase both bathroom and handwashing station access to meet the International Crisis guideline of one bathroom per 50 unhoused individuals during the state of state of emergency. This will help people keep safe and prevent the spread of the covid19 for all of our residents. The un also states in an emergency, ultimately, one bathroom per 20 people is the post emergency standard and the American Red Cross and fema have cited the more robust one bathroom per 20 people guideline during a crisis. We think its important to set this standard. I do want to say theres been movement on this towards this goal from the department of public works. We introduced a resolution and unanimously passed a resolution in march around this same issue and since then the department has added 15 new pitstops which is really appreciated. It has now responded since this ordinance has been introduced, by adding additional toilets. So they will be able to update us on that progress. I still dont believe that we need to go further and we need to make sure these bathrooms are where people are. If they are ive heard and were going to discuss bathrooms being open in parks, which is really fantastic and a way to increase access. I want to make sure that the bathrooms are where people need them and where people are living on the streets and congregation of people and were committed to and need to work much quicker to get people in hotel and inside and make sure everyone has a room their own and a bathroom of their own during this time and we know tonight there are people, thousands of people who are still living on the streets. Many thousands more who lack access to bathrooms. The cafes are generally closed and the restaurants are generally closed and the people and places people used to go to the bathroom, like the Public Library and other places are all closed. So we have to step up and do more. And i know we have, i believe a presentation at least some comments from the folks from public works and again, i just want to thank them for their responsiveness and their partnership on this as well as in my office, honey mahagney. We have amendments but it would be great to first hear from the department. Thank you, very much, supervisor haney. I believe we have a presentation from the department of public works. Let me see if i can share my screen with you all. Sure. So, good morning supervisor fewer and supervisor haney and supervisor walton. Im a acting and director of the public works department. You know, i just want to say first and foremost, and supervisor haney, you are right, this is something that in public works you take seriously and the Pit Stop Program is something that we see as a vital need here in the city and its something that we take as a great amount of pride in doing. This Program Provides the city and the residents with clean and safe public toilets. It also acts as a place where needles can be disposed of and and we tried to focus these in the Pit Stop Program and the location of them in the citys most impacted neighborhoods. This is something the public works in the city could not do with our partners in the community. They are staffed with a paid attendance through non profits and these intended insure that the bathrooms are clean and safe and theyre being used for their and the Pit Stop Program at public works began in 2014 and it began in the tenderloin and grown to a total of 24 sites as across the city and totaling 42 neighborhoods im sorry, totaling 42 toilets in 13 neighborhoods. And we have the location for the pit stops, based on and the street cleaning data. If we see that wir were gettina lot of requests about human waste or animal weight in certain neighborhoods and were going to those neighborhoods very often to do and the steam cleaning and things like that, thats where we start to consider the placement a as a ay put stop. We work within our partners within the city family, hsa and hsh if we see as encampments. We consider it in those areas as well. I also wanted to mention that we collaborated with the recreation and Parks Department and they have developed, as a park stop program, which is a model after the Pit Stop Program and it provides 57 staff toilets across the city at seven locations the book that pit stops are only staffed as during the day, over the past year or so, and if theyre looking to expand the student provide 124 hour service in the beginning in progress of last year and we actually did, as a pilot program, provided three locations with 24 hour service. Those are currently in, as a tenderloin, castro and the south of market. Weve seen that the usage of the pit stops and for those in locations as increased by 76 over that period. This is obviously a good thing for us. Theres also something that we wanted to start really thinking about when we had a covid19 crisis that came up as well. I go into that later. But again, i do want us to mention with responsible to talk about it is that theres a cost as associated with this. For example, if the city were to expand in the Pit Stop Program for all of its non 24 hour sites and make those 24 hours just in the last couple months of the year, that would have a cost of about 1. 2 million. So, the cost of doing so on an annual basis would be an additional 6 million. This is something that public works is open to doing but again, there is a cost to doing so and we would be willing to have those conversations though. So, just to give you an idea of the over all uses, were looking at 300,000 uses a year which as equates to one plus every couple minutes. Weve also seen that we collect about 80,700 needles every year so the needles that are being found in playgrounds, parks and sidewalks, weve also seen the placement of the pit stops, we have a reduction at the steam and cleaning request by as about a third. This has been a very inaudible program in the city and its modeled by other major cities across the country whether its miami, denver, and los angeles and again, i cant emphasize enough the value that we get from our as attendants and they do a great job and keeping the pit stops clean and its not just the pit stop and the surrounding areas of the pit stops as well we have seen they saved lives when they they can otherwise provide help and again, they really have acted more as partners to us here at public works and i cant say enough about them. Now, as you know fortunately fast forward and covid19 and and they pinpointed out the thing we saw when we went into to shelter in place, that was the right thing to do but did have a negative impact on large areas in the community because theres no longer access to toilets in the libraries, in the rec centers and things like that because those were now all closed. So public works partnered with hsa and we were able to, as identified, for several locations across the city, based on they began popping up we began analysis with reps from a hsh and based on that we did checks to evaluate the slope of the area, and considerations if it was available face on the street. We worked with our partner to block certain parking spots if we needed to so this was, as a team effort, as across the city. At the end of the day, it resulted in us being able to secure what is now a total of 37 different toilet at 43 different locations across the city. It was rolled in april of this year. I also want to emphasize that all the of the toilets that are part of the covid19 response and are open 24 hours a day and seven days a week. And so, based on the analysis from the United Nations have provided at the one inaudible for 50 unsheltered residents, and the city has this amended target because we currently have, as 136 toilets, across 63 locations. That is made up of the 42 of the pit stops and toilets and the 37 additional that were put in place for covid19. I would want to emphasize were not done yet but theres work we can do regarding outreach and things like that to make sure that if individuals know and where they are and thats something and the public works is doing right now and working with our partners on the hot team and things like that to provide additional outreach inaudible . At the same time, were also going to be continuing our efforts to monitor and the usage of the toilets in place and trying to revise the locations of those toilets as the needs change. Like, for example, the thing were also looking at right now and working with the e. O. C. And setting up state sites across the city for our unhoused residents and if thats the case we will also be providing toilets and those locations as well at handwashing stations and this last slide gets a look at cost that are associated with the Pit Stop Program with the covid19 toilet. As you can see, this is not necessarily as a low Dollar Program and its the right thing to do and again we did want to share these costs with you and this cost you see are only the cost that are related to and renting in the toilets and us paying as the monitors in the attendants if you will. Is this does not include the cost of the people here at public works so it does not cover the cost for our people that work on a Contract Team and as a fantastic job and managing these grants and the finance team of helping us to manage these costs they come in and the Government Affairs and Communications Team that works on the flyers and the other outreach materials so again, this is only the cost we play as our outside vendors if we were going to expand the Program Beyond the current Pit Stop Program and we would likely need to start adding staff they are stretched thin and the size of the program has grown and quickly which is say good thing but again, were at a point where we have probably needed to reconsider in the staffing that would be needed to add expanded programs and beyond this. So that concludes my presentation and i will be happy to answer any questions. Thank you for the presentation. President yee. Supervisor yee thank you, director. Is wave 2 already implemented . Is wave 2 representing what you need to get to the ratios that this legislation is asking for . Thats a good question. President yee, wave 2 has already been put in place. I believe it wouldnt be in place in the third or first week of april. So the numbers that are in the presentation, are the numbers that are all in place now. So, my question is, how many more can we need to put up if we were to reach that goal that is asked in this legislation and how much more would they cost . Were inaudible . The goal with the work. So, the legislation calls for 102 toilets and were currently at 136. Were over what is called for in the legislation but we may need to still respond to, for example, if we dont have enough toilets in the tenderloin or the mission or in the bayview just because there could be, as a hotspot that we see a group of encampments opens up and well need to reevaluate the need as based on that. Ok, thank you. Thank you for the information. Thats helpful. Supervisor walton. Thank you, chair, fewer and again thank you director alrich. I dont want to mess up your last name so i apologize for not calling you by your last name. I appreciate the presentation and i want to reiterate how important our pit stop restrooms are and the fact that theyre more than just toilets because of the practitioner and because of the cleanliness around our pit stop sites and the way that they work with the surrounding community. Its very important. Theyre trained in c. P. R. As you talked about directors, they are savely saving lives and ive witnessed on video pit stop practitioner administers narcan to individuals and providing c. P. R. They do more than monitor toilets. They are part of the community that theyre participating in. We have seen a major increase in encampments and where theyre con agree gating so its very important that we do have pit stops and handwashing stations increasing the spread throughout. I was on the phone yesterday with some constituents about everie encampments that have grn and so i want to say of course im fully in support of this legislation and fully in support of the pit stops program and what the providers actually benefit to the community. So thank you. Supervisor haney. Thank you. Thank you for those comments and the presentation. I have a few questions and comments and amendments that i have that are intended to address some of the things im going to bring up. I appreciate that the pit stops have been added. And the commitment to bathroom access. I want to underscore related to president yees comments. Nearly half of the bathrooms that you have right now that are being counted are in parks. I think 57 of the 136 that you mention there. And in addition, weve added a number of bathrooms recently, less than a quarter of our bathrooms are open past 8 00 p. M. And so i want to ask about access. The purpose is for bathrooms to be near where people need them during this crisis. I believe 20 of the toilets that are being counted as meeting our bathroom access needs are in Golden Gate Park, for example, when i believe especially in the evening and nights that people are supposed to be camping there. Obviously, in many cases, parks are were not allowingen camments there, et cetera. Can you speak a bit about the bathrooms in the parks and whether you believe that those are accessible and what the bathroom counts look like right now in the parks. Im having a hard time seeing that as something that we should count as part of this when those toilets are really generally for times in which the parks are heavily used for exercise and i mean we have, for example, we have one in days park in south of market. That park, as i understand it, has been closed so can you clarify a bit the role of the bathrooms in the parks and how we count those of meeting the goal and intense of this ordinance . Yeah, i mean, i would have to speak to my colleagues at a recreation and Parks Department to truly understand the accessibility of all the parks in the restrooms and i can tell you that i am aware there are some toilets and in the parks that they have been open in response to Health Crisis and specifically i know the park in the bayview at mlk were opened up and they are staffed. I want to say 8 00 to 5 00 in the evening in response to a small encampment that is there. I can go back and speak to my colleagues at recreation and Parks Department to better understand if they have opened up all of their facilities. I can tell you for sure theyre opening them up at a case by case basis. Thank you. I appreciate that because. The intention is to have m are in parks that are open sometimes but not now and because of the changes in rec and parks and also these bathrooms are accessible. You know, i understand that maybe not every bathroom needs to be 24 hours. We didnt put in this legislation that every one of these needs to be 24 hours. I appreciate those have been added are 24 hours. At the same time, they should be close to encampments where people need them and they should have a range of hours that support that accessibility. Theres something i want today ask about which is bathrooms that are currently out of commission. There are bathrooms that are closed down. Theres one that is on south ns and chavez and have there been efforts to open up the bathrooms that have been closed . Yes, we are, we actually just did a walk through in the tenderloin on Tuesday Morning and we noticed there were a few of the co toilets closed. We reached out to the provider that was doing the servicing of the toilets and they told us, theres one that i guess there was some mechanical problems with that one and we are we are in the process of trying to get those fixed and to get those back online. Because those are honestl honesf our best options because theyre there fixed in place and we wouldnt have to try and rent as a toilet from a vendor and things like that so we are actively trying to get those back online and im hopeful well do so within the Nueces County few weeks. Thats great. I appreciate that. Couple a couple of last things and maybe you have comments and give amendments. On the funding its my understanding that last year, there was an announcement from public works and we passed a budget those seven pit stops were never deployed and some of the funding that is being used to expand the pit stops during this emergency was pulling from the funding allocated by the mayor and board for those seven pit stops that were never actually put out. Is that correct . I believe they are using some of the funding to expand in the current programs. I think that we were able to procure in the process of trying to procure additional pit stops that the city would own and were any time middle of that fitting cross were using that same funding tand were using th fema, is that correct . Is some of the funding for this expansion reimbursable for us . As my understanding that the funding or the funding for these will hopefully be reimbursable but im not sure if theyll be reimbursed because its going to be as availability of funds. Its my understanding speaking to the controllers office, that the bulk of the its reimbursable. Last question i had, its my understand taking responsibility for handwashing stations and i know the bathrooms have handwashing stations but i think theres a valuable for these stand alone handwashing stations and theyre i will be honest here, theyre inadequate and often broken in district 6 at least. And they should be much more present and the toilets themselves dont necessarily serve as standards for these handwashing stations and sometimes they have lines and other things and you can just easily come up and wash your hands and i think its something that we want to encourage people to do and especially in our can you talk about how many more were planning to put out . And the approach for the stand alone handwashing stations . I can tell you, i dont believe theres a map for those but you are right about the hsh. It would seem that public works would be better suited to manage those and so were doing that and recently put those under as a contract. And to cover those. Sorry. I had a technical problem there. Actually, i believe that there is a map of the handwashing stations. We can do more with regard to outreach in the education as it relates to the handwashing stations. One thing we recently discovered is that the firm that were using to monitor the handwashing stations was only contacted the vendor to have the vendor come in and do the su servicing so we asked them to contact the vendor and public works so we can be as more responsive to the needs because ill be honest with you, and supervisor, and the usage surprises us as far as the volume. And so what weve happened, there was handwashing stations that was cleaned and it was jush soap or water. So what were going to now in public works, making it passes to add these handwashing stations. To your point, it doesnt help to have it there if its not going to be operable. And again, ill take responsibility for that that we just cant see it in the volume that we thought would be happening. Were seeing people and wash your dishes and bathe themselves which is all fine so its more usage. It means that we, as a Department Needs to take our water trucks there and fill them up more often. Yeah, it would be great to have a sort of a set of a goal from your Office Around how many you are going to put out in a clear map and a strategy around it. Its a really important thing. Maybe even as important as the bathrooms right now in some ways. The issue of people bathing themselves is also something to flag which is were all taking on more than different response abilities now but theyre also a huge need for people to be able to shower and do other types of hygiene. I think many of them are not able to access right now. The handwashing stations i think is say really important part of this and i hope that with this ordinance, it can be more clearly set with the goals and the tracking and the map and the additional sites. Ill pass it over and i have some amendments. Id like to make a comment. I just want to say, i really appreciate the work that public works has been doing in such a short timeline. I realize that this inaudible people on the streets and also People Living in tents. I just wanted to say that i cant agree with you more about the staffing of the pit stops and i feel like and my neighbors also really appreciate this staffing. They are so professional and i drive by and check in on them. Theyre always in a good mood. I feel better theyre there also and they do a great job. I also cant say enough about the staffing there. Supervisor haney i want to push back on the bathrooms in the park. 70 of the Golden Gate Park is my district. Were not allowing camping, were not removing tents from the parks. As people are going out and using our parks more and more to get recreation, as you mentioned in your earlier comments, it should be for regular people also who are housed not regular, but people who are housed that actually should be washing their hands and using the bathrooms. Quite frankly, in San Francisco, and as you traveled around the world you will know that we dont have a lot of public bathrooms for people to use and quite frankly, the facility, those are flushing toilets, we dont have to buy the pit stops for them and i dont think its a question of and or or, i think it is a question of how many more do we need for specific purposes. I actually think more rec and park bathrooms should be open to the public. With the recreation is closed, think that in my neighborhood, i had zero Service Force unhoused people yet growing, growing tent encampments and i think if were talking about accessibility for encampments its different than saying, these bathrooms in the parks shouldnt be included in how many bathrooms that are accessible. We should look at how many rec and park facilities that we have are accessible and should be we be opening more because those are actually in our Recreation Centers interested in the heart of our neighborhoods also. More accessibility for everyone to use bathrooms and to be able to wash their hands is important. Theres a shortage of porty pot tees and getting the physical things, the toilets themselves and so we have these facilities and we should be able to use even more bathrooms and make them accessible to were not incurring the costs, quite frankly, of renting a portapotty. I understanden camments are growing and popping up everywhere and the parks are owned by our managed by rec and park are stationary but actually these are institutions already in our neighborhoods that people already always have relied on through the decades and for them to be closed now, also has another burden in our neighborhoods. I dont have a lot of public bathrooms in my neighborhood and quite frankly, the pit stop are the only public bathrooms that i have open in my neighborhood. And so, i dont think its a question of should we, you know, but you are seeing that there are these one to the parks and should they be counted. They should all be counted as access but i understand for specific purposes. I just want to say that we also have public showers that we even as a city and county in San Francisco and when you say people need showers, i absolutely agree. We do have public showers in the city of San Francisco that taxpayers have paid for, were just not able to access them. Thats another when we look at public works and what theyre doing we should look at the available resources that we do have that we have through the city and county of San Francisco. We had a 1989 earthquake we were able to put showers into the hall of justice quite frankly and build them quickly and so, these are the conversations thae are saying that we need more because were having more encampments and i am experience tents in any neighborhood with zero services for unhoused people except the pit stops. I understand my district isnt a district that 60 of the homeless folks. I understand its a whole different ball game in your district. I also just want to say that every assess able bathroom that we have that we can open, i think we should open them. And then theres another conversation about having the pit stops. Within our own communities, we have bathrooms we could be opening up. Then i will now can i clarify one thing. I want to say, i could not agree with you more. I think what i really want to know is just making sure those bathrooms are in the parks that people are still relying on or still open and accessible. I had some examples in my district where, if were counting the park bathrooms but theyre not open, that doesnt make sense. Lets take advantage of the bathrooms that are there like you said, and lets make sure that theyre accessible and lets look at the use ratesser and. If theyre accessible and people are using them they should be count. Im not saying they should only be in district 6, its really important theyre everywhere throughout the city and looking at that map, theres a lot of gaps where we have parts of the city who dont have bathrooms and if the parks are open because we have bathrooms there lets do that. Lets count those and lets make sure as you say, theyre really open and accessible to people because they should be. Absolutely. What im looking at maps, i know within that map where there arent pit stops and there are public toilets and bathrooms there theyre just not open. I think that in a city as rich as San Francisco, quite frankly, even during this budget deficit time or recession, is that human lives come first and should take precedent. When we are looking at the inability to actually rent some more portapot tees we would look where we also currently have that. Toilets and sinks that are actually working and not covid19 era we had time that we actually had them open for the public and they were accessible to the public. So thank you. I guess were not in argument but were just saying i agree with you. We should make sure theyre open and if there are any that are closed, look at how we can open them. Make sure people know theyre open. Supervisor walton, thank you. Thank you, chair fewer. Actually, supervisor haneys earlier statements were going to mirror some of the things i was going to say but i 100 agree in terms of making sure that what we have available is accessible. If you look at a district like district 10, where we have increased number of folks living in vehicles and areas where theyre actually there parks and theyre not created equal in terms of parks and restrooms and public bathrooms and we have seen a increase of folks living in vehicles and living in areas that are aware. We dont have the number of parks and restrooms that the company of the parks in certain parts of the community and i want to commend d. P. W. For the increased number of pit stops weve seen in the district. We still have certain areas where parks are not in close proximity regardless of our rec and park director will tell us that we have a park close to every human being in the city but thats not the case in some areas and so, pit stops are very important for that aspect and just the last thing i will touch on. We actually have a safe sleeping space where folks have been at Martin Luther king playground and theres a rest room there. It does close at 5 00 and rec and park have been great in terms of trying to staff it and clean it up in the mornings. The reality of it is, a pit stop with a practitioner in terms of cleanliness and safety and in terms of the additional supports that come with an area that is highly concentrated with people and i just unhouse people and to your point in terms of everybody has accessibility to a rest room, these practitioners that come along its unmatched in terms of the service, the level of service that they provide. Thank you, supervisor. Supervisor haney. So, we have two amendments and one of them i think kind of hits on this point here which is, to make sure that the bathrooms are open. We mean the bathrooms need to be open and so theres a couple ways to do this and i wanted to get, we talked about that i little bit and supervisor mar asked for an amendment saying that the bathroom shall be open 24 hours a day and that would mean a pretty large increase because we only have, just the new ones plus the other three are open 24 hours now and this many bathrooms that are open at least 12 hours a day, because i know some of them are open 8 00 to 8 00 can you speak on the issue of hours because its to make sure that there are this many bathrooms and theyre open and not just that theyre in existence. See, i would like to clarify too. The ones i was speaking b. Those are all open. There are some others within the rec and park inventory that arent but of the 57 toilets that i included in our total to get to the 136, all of those are open and the both of them are open 8 00 in the morning until 8 00 at night and there are two that are open but the bulk is within the rec and park facilities that ive been counting are open 8 00 to 8 00. At the same time, we can certainly do i think your question is really getting to are we are the toilets that welcome back open 24 7, those need to be in the hotspot areas. As a placement standpoint, we tried to focus those on as the covid19 toilets theyre all 24 7 access and those have been in large part placed based on need. What is the most as immediate need in response to covid19. So we tried to address that as a replacement to it because again, its an issue of trying to find the toilets because theyre having a hard time trying to find them and the other issue is the staffing. For example, at night they try and add an extra staff person from the attendance side just to make it safe and again thats on top of all of the work that the Operations Team does within public works to support those and again, i also want to emphasize the operations yard here at public works does an amazing job of keeping this program going. Supervisor haney, do you have an aspirational goal or is your amendment something im asking because i dont think i have a fiscal analysis on this amendment if you are adding saying that this is an ordinance that you want done immediately and were doing this or is this a goal well set this goal because i would need at Budget Committee the number of, fiscal number of the impact it would have. I would like to see this amendment so i didnt know what was in the amendment. If you dont mind, may i inaudible . So could we have a report, please. Good morning, chairs. Fewer, members of the committee and just to speak what we had in our report, we presented a lot of the information and because they add new pit stops in the month of april there are now 136 toilets, our estimate was to meet the unsheltered population the minimum would be 104 so right now it does exceed the minimum that is required under the ordinance and we do this in detail. All of the locations and hours including the park pit stops and many of them are not 24 hours. We did calculate what the cost would be to add to 24 hours. To just increase the 24 hours for the existing 21 public works pit stops in our 24 hours, we estimate it to be about 100,000 a week or a Million Dollars over 10 weeks. And then to add the parks stops, to increase it aroundtheclock coverage that would be 25,000 a week over 10 weeks and the basis was there would be a one to 50 ratio during the nighttime hours as well as the daytime hours and as this is a supervisor if we consider approval to be a policy matter and im available for any questions. Thank you, very much. Supervisor haney, would it be ok if i called Public Comment now . Yeah. Thank you, very much, supervisor. Madam clerk, can you please see if anyone would like to comment on item number 1 . Operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the cue. Please let us know if there are any callers that are ready. If you have not already done so, please press one and then 0 to be added to the cue. For those already on hold, please continue to wait until you are prompted to begin and speak. Thank you, very much, madam clerk. There are no callers wishing to speak. There are no callers in the chair. I thought someone else was on the line. Thank you very much. Public comment is now closed. Supervisor haney. So, to be clear and i think if there was an analysis of this and it would be my goal that the pit stops would be open 24 hours a day so it would be the additional 21 it sounds like pit stops for those to be open 24 hours a day. Do we have a fiscal analysis of that what that expansion might be . Supervisor fewer, our report we estimated 100,000 a week or a Million Dollars over 10 week period. And that is for the pit stops. The First Amendment is to section 4a page 5 line 24. All pit stops shall be open 24 hours a day. Ok. And then the Second Amendment would be right after that. And it would say bathrooms shall be accessible in areas with the highest need and restrooms and hair room stations shall be provided within a thousand feet of an encampment. That Second Amendment is one that i believe they said its something that they would be able to do but for the second one its also kind of a policy thing but i wonder if the Department Department works can comment on 29th one around a thousand feet of an encampment. I believe its their policy already. Yes, we certainly do try to place the pit stops where theyre most needed and certainly if theresen camment in the area we will place emphasis up there. Thank you, very much. Does that conclude your amendment. To clarify, you are asking for the existing pit stops to be in fact 24 hours a day at a cost of a Million Dollars over 10 weeks, is that correct . Is that correct ms. Campbell . Yes, thats correct. Thank you. And that you would like to pit stops to be 1,000 feet from any encampment, is that correct . That is an amendment to your existing legislation . Yes. Ok. Is there any other amendment . Id like to now call on our City Attorney harrison to see whether or not these are substantive. Thank you. City attorney . Good morning chair fewer members of the committee. No, as related to those amendments are not substantive, theyre slightly different from the ones that were prepared by my office so i wanted to just ask some clarifying questions in the same way that you did, madam chair, and i wanted to just confirm so that we can accurately capture them should they be approved that the intent is only to require that existing pit stops be open 24 7 and with respect to the location requirement i wanted to ask for confirmation whether that applies only to the existing pit stops or to all new bathrooms. Does it apply to all new bathrooms . Supervisor haney, did you send us a copy of those a amendment this is. Im not sure. I dont think i have seen them. Im looking for it. They were distributed earlier this morning. I see it right here. So supervisor haney, if you would like, what we can do is that these are not substantive, we could pass this out of committee as your legislation actually states now. You can work on them and mention when it it comes to the board on tuesday, you can actually make those amendments on the floor. After you confer with the City Attorney. And clarify which ones were talking about and i appreciate that. Supervisor haney, are you requesting that this is out of committee at the Committee Report . Yes,. Thank you very much. Madam chair yes, please. I also want to and i want clarification. We may have time. If we talk about expanding all the current pit stops to 24 hours there are some in location where that might not make the most sense just based on usage so i would hope we would have an opportunity to talk about that and i also want to clarify, i am not sure if we do that will all those costs be reimbursable from fema because the covid19 inaudible im certain those would be reimbursable. The expansion of making all of the pit stops 24 7 might not be just because of the population that are being served by some of those. So, and i appreciate that. I will work with you to make this work. A eye. To finalize your amendments and we will make a motion to pass this to the full board without the amendment with a positive recommendation as a committee record to the next Board Meeting of the board of supervisors. Is that correct, supervisor haney . Absolutely. Thank you so much chair fewer. Thank you. Roll call vote, madam chair. Roll call vote, madam chair. I went through a lot of struggles in my life, and i am blessed to be part of this. I am familiar with what people are going through to relate and empathy and compassion to their struggle so they can see i came out of the struggle, it gives them hope to come up and do something positive. I am a community ambassador. We work a lot with homeless, visitors, a lot of people in the area. What i like doing is posting up at hotspots to let people see visibility. They ask you questions, ask you directions, they might have a question about what services are available. Checking in, you guys. Wellness check. We walk by to see any individual, you know may be sitting on the sidewalk, we make sure they are okay, alive. You never know. Somebody might walk by and they are laying there for hours. You never know if they are alive. We let them know we are in the area and we are here to promote safety, and if they have somebody that is, you know, hanging around that they dont want to call the police on, they dont have to call the police. They can call us. We can direct them to the services they might need. We do the three one one to keep the city neighborhoods clean. There are people dumping, waste on the ground and needles on the ground. It is unsafe for children and adults to commute through the streets. When we see them we take a picture dispatch to 311. They give us a tracking number and they come later on to pick it up. We take pride. When we come back later in the day and we see the loose trash or debris is picked up it makes you feel good about what you are doing. It makes you feel did about escorting kids and having them feel safe walking to the play area and back. The stuff we do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep the city clean, helping the residents. You can see the community ambassadors. I used to be on the streets. I didnt think i could become a community ambassador. It was too far out there for me to grab, you know. Doing this job makes me feel good. Because i came from where a lot of them are, homeless and on the street, i feel like i can give them hope because i was once there. I am not afraid to tell them i used to be here. I used to be like this, you know. I have compassion for people that are on the streets like the homeless and people that are caught up with their addiction because now, i feel like i can give them hope. It reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now. Announcer youre watching coping with covid19. Todays special guest is dr. Steven getnick. Hi, im chris man us and youre watching coping with covid19. Today my guest is the director of the Behavior Therapy Center of San Francisco and Professor Emeritus in counseling psychology at the university of San Francisco. Doctor, welcome to the show. Thank you. Lets talk about managing anxieties during this pandemic. What types of issues are people facing at the moment . There are a number of issues and i really want to point out that this is affecting everyone and has come on very quickly. So it is normal. If you are not experiencing some anxiety, something is a touch off because this affects us all. I think some of the main ones are our health and worried about getting the virus and our developing serious complications. I think for a lot of people who are single, living alone, in isolation, has been very difficult. I think being in close quarters with people who we normally have some space from now are together 24 7. Thats produced a lot of stress and anxiety. That loss of connection with others. We already addressed. And having kids home. For a lot of people. Yes, absolutely. What are the other problems that they might have . I think without that dynamic, the good things are not a problem. It is the difficulties we have. And when were together 24 7, again its like hooking everything up to an amplifier. So, what kind of problems could be created from working home from home, perhaps for the first time in your career . A lot of people are not used to working at home and a working at home just isnt the same. For one thing, there is a lack of social interaction. Some people find that that affects them greatly. Some people are actually finding theyre getting more work done at home without distractions from work. The lack of structure is probably the most common. We see it here with work at the office. People are kind of watching. We know that our schedule is, suddenly youre at home and you are on your own. Absolutely. If those are some of the issues people are facing, what are some of the techniques people can use to overcome their anxiety . Caller i think there are many. One of the first is how managing and keeping track of your thinking, we think and talk to ourselves a lot. Thats normal. We have a dialogue with ourselves often and we need to monitor that a bit. People tend to ruminate versus problemsolve. That is they tend to worry about all the things that might go wrong. And what i suggest is, look, there are things that can go wrong, but ruminating about the worstcase scenario is not going to be very productive. Sit down, figure out what the things are that you have to deal with and try to problemsolve. I think any of the selfcontrol techniques for anxiety can be helpful. And there are dozens of them. The common ones are meditation, relaxation techniques, yoga, for example and another is diaphragmattic breathing. If you google that, you can learn diaphragmattic breathing in about 10 minutes online. Its incredibly simple and it is a really nice way to reduce anxiety in the moment. Selfcontrol procedures, exercise. Whether if youre fortunate enough to have equipment at home, thats great. If youre not, get outside and go for a walk, keep your safe distance, of course. But you need to be active. Thats helpful. I think people marry be dealing with information overload at the moment. How do you suggest people manage that . I was just going to say that. I think it is really important to kind of limit the information you get. Not in terms of accuracy. I think in terms of accuracy, you want to identify a few sites where people are coming with evidencebased information and scientific information so you can form yourself well. Once youve informed yourself, you need to not be watching all day long. Ive talked to people who are mesmerized from the tv and a it keeps that anxiety going so you need to limit your viewing for sure. This can be stress for people who have economic concerns and worried about their family and friends and loved ones who are essential workers. What would you suggest they do to help manage anxiety and stress . There is a number of things. One of major ones for depression is behavioral activation. Simply, it really means that people will tend to not be depressed as a number of reinforcing activities to engage in. Whether it is hobbies, you read, you listen to music, you crochet, you whatever. These kinds of things are very important so you want to make sure that youre engaging in activities that literally make you feel better as opposed to sitting around ruminating, worrying about the worstcase scenarios that might happen. What about trying to do some selfdevelopment . Yeah. Its a very interesting time. Ive talked to a couple of my own clients who are finding, in a very positive way, that this isolation, while at first can generate a lot of anxiety, particularly if youre just not good at living alone. For a number of people, its giving them a chance to sit back and really think about what is important in their lives, what are the priorities. I think that maybe if there is any Silver Lining in this epidemic, its really forcing all of us to kind of rethink whats really important. Indeed. You know, though, at the same time, there are people who are feeling very lonely at home. How would you encourage them to overcome that . You get online. Facetime, skype, zoom, like what were doing right now. You can stay connected. Its very possible. Most connections are important. We are social critters and we need that connection. I think for people who dont have those options, pull up photos, take a look at pictures of family. You need to stay connected. And its very important. And finally, do you have any suggestions that are specifically for families . Yeah. Well, again, i think one of the interesting things thats come about from all of this, is i talked to families on video is theyre obviously spending more time together. While its a bit awkward, particularly for parents who are in the house working a lot. Its a chance to really deepen relationships and spend more good, quality time together. I think parents really need to step back and kind of plan their day a little bit. Not micro manage it, but have some ideas. Can the family play games together . A lot of people i talked to, theyre even together as a family for the first time. So i think there are a number of things that people can do. I think it is qulaouzful for the families to take five, 10 minutes and say how did the day go . I talked to someone in the phone book before we started who said they noticed what time of day all their anxiety kind of comes together and they start sniping at each other. Now theyre taking a few minutes at tend of the day to say, ok, how are we doing . I think they need modeling good behavior, something you can do within the family, too, to try to thats right. I think thats relevant. Very relevant to how children are going to do. Most of the research from crises, particularly things we cant control showed that children do as well as their parents do. So i think it is important for parents to think about how theyre react aing and they stay calm because whatever they do is modeling, coping for their children. So, that can be very useful. It can also be problematic. When we talked earlier, you mentioned that acknowledging that your kids are afraid is important. Yes. I think that ties to your last question. I think modeling you know, its not incompatible with saying, yeah, you know, mom or dad is a little nervous, too. It means a lot of stuff is going on, but were going to be ok. Were going to stay together. We have our time together. Were going to be safe. Well fill in the blank. So you can do both. You can reassure but in a realistic way that once the kids know its normal to be anxious in these times. Thank you for coming ton show, doctor. I really appreciate the time youve given us. Youre welcome. Thank you for having me. And that is it for this episode. Well be back with more covid19 related information shortly. You have been coping with covid19. Thank you for watching. Announcer youre watching coping with covid19. Todays special guest is lindsey holmes. Hi, im chris manus and youre watching coping with covid19. Today my guest is founder and c. E. O. Of dispatch goods and former clinical profusionist at ucsf. She start add new initiative called project clean to provide alcoholbased cleaning products and Hand Sanitizers to atrisk bay area communities. Lindsey, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for having me. Its lovely to see you. Tell us a little about your background and how dispatched goods of San Franciscos restaurant community. Sure. We launched, in october, weve been working on this for a little over a year. And we partnered with restaurants to provide them with a free reusable container system that could replace singleuse products. We partnered with yelp headquarters in downtown San Francisco and 10 Restaurant Partners as of february before covid19 hit and employees at our Corporate Partners could request the reusable containers when they were getting their lunch for takeout or if they were getting it delivered to their office. We then handled the pickup and dish washing. So, obviously the virus pandemic has hit and now youve had to pivot your company and i understand you lunched a new initiative called project clean. Can you let us know what the program is all about . Sure. So we basically when this hit, we asked ok, what we do we have and how can we help . We also noticed there was a gap in the supply for Hand Sanitizers to Certain Community members and individuals and we talked to a distillery about making Hand Sanitizer and, in true form to our mission, we decided i bet we could collect enough containers from the community that we wouldnt have to supply more singleuse plastic containers and we launched project clean and with that, we collected over 200 containers. Theyre spray squeeze bottles and working on supplying the cleaning products. What has the response been from the community atlarge and how have peopled help . Were donationbased and selffunded right now. We are buying basically the products at cost and is not charging us much for that. Theyre also just trying to cover our expenses and we had a little bit of donations coming in. But if you go to our website, you can either donate containers that you have, well come do pickup. Were doing it twice a week now. Or if you yourself need any of the cleaning products, you can fill out the form and request those as well. And then there is also a place to make a donation. So, where are you handing out the Hand Sanitizer right now . Were doing it in the same route as the dropoff route. So, the Hand Sanitizer will be finished today. So, tomorrow well be doing our first round of dropoffs and weve been contacted by Health Care Professionals who after they come home have nothing on their hands there. We have been contacted by retirement communities and contacted by physicians in their offices that they dont have anything and a individuals that just werent able to get the supplies because they were sold out so quickly. Basically during our normal pickup routes now, we will be doing the dropoff as well. That is fantastic. You know, i think that is a Wonderful Service you are providing, lindsey. Thank you so much for coming on the show and keep up the good work. Thank you so much, chris i really appreciate it. And that is it for this episode. Well be back with more stories shortly. Youve been watching coping with covid19. Im chris manus, thank you for watching. And to help prevent the spread of covid19, i would like to announce to our viewers that we have sign Language Interpreters here this evening to assist any persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. Also, we recognize the traumatic impact that officerinvolved shootings have on members of our communities at large. With that said, any of our viewers or members of the community who are experiencing trauma from this incident or from the information or images presented during this town haul can contact the city of San Francisco crisis line at 4159703800 for trauma services. Next, i will explain what we hope to accomplish in this town ha hall. First and foremost, tonight is about transparency and educating the public in our officerinvolved shootings, investigations, and protocols. It is our intent to release facts and protocol in a noninvasive way. Next, there was body worn capture footage that captured the incident. But for those of you tonight that are not here with San Francisco Police Department general order 10. 11, it states in part, it is the goal and intent of the San Francisco Police Department to release Body Worn Camera footage to the extent possible unless it would a jeopardize the safety of the officer involved in the investigation, jeopardize the safety of any parties involved in the investigation. In this case, based on the assessment of the standards, we have determined that it is appropriate to release Body Worn Camera footage of this incident. Id like to remind everyone that Video Evidence is only a portion of evidence to consider when making both legal and administrative conclusions on officerinvolved shootings. While video recordings obtained provide an objective record of the recorded event, it is understood that video recordings provide a limited perspective. In fact, there are many other motives to consider, including witness statements and forensic analysis, to name a few. We are releasing video footage at this point in fact investigation for transparency and not to draw conclusions, and this level of transparency is consistent with californias recently passed transparency bill, legislation 1041. All of this information, including the video footage will be posted on the San Francisco Police Department website at sfpolice departme in this case, we have conducted a Safety Assessment and have not discovered any safety concerns. Therefore, the name of the officer will be released later in this presentation by commander Robert Osullivan. Next, i would like to explain the investigative process for officerinvolved shootings. Each agencys investigation is independent. First, immediately after an officerinvolved shooting occurs, representatives from the San Francisco Police Department Investigative Services detail, representatives from the District Attorneys Office of independent investigation, also known as i. I. D. , and representatives from the department of police accountability, also known as d. P. A. , are all notified. All notified agencies send the appropriate representatives to respond to the scene to conduct their representative independent investigations. There are potentially five investigative processes in an officerinvolved shooting investigation involving an off duty San Francisco Police Officer. The first process is that of the San Francisco District Attorneys Office, the Investigative Division or i. I. D. Based on their independent investigation and review, the District Attorney of San Francisco will make the final decision as to whether the involved officers actions comply with the laws of the state of california. The second investigative process is that of the sfpd investigative process. I. S. D. Is the Department Responsible for the underlying criminal activity. In this case, the underlying criminal activity involved Armed Robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. The last investigation is conducted by internal affairs. Internal affairs conducted an administrative investigation to determine if the involved officers met the requirements of sfpd policy. The Investigative Services detail and internal Affairs Investigation maintains a legal fire wall to comply with legal standards and requirements. The fourth investigative process is with the department of police accountability. The d. P. A. Is mandated by ballot measure d of june 2016 to investigate all San Francisco Police Department incidents in which an sfpd officer discharges a weapon which results in injury or death. Although this incident did not result in death from the off the record recover dischaurgeing from the involved officer discharging his gun, the medical examiner has the duty of collecting evidence from those incidents where an officerinvolved shooting results in the death of an individual. Id like to state that the medical examiners investigation was not required in this investigation because there was no loss of life. Now, commander Robert Osullivan will discuss the facts of this incident, including the facts you will see shortly from Video Evidence. We will then allow for time for members of the public to call in and make Public Comment in this virtual town hall. Thank you. Good evening. As mentioned, my name is Robert Osullivan. Im the officer assigned to the departments Risk Management office. Today, i will provide information on the officerinvolve shooting that take place on april 21, 2020. My report will include information on events that happened that day, as well as 911 audio, dispatch audio, and surveillance and camera video. I will now read some prepared remarks. The officer involved shooting that occurred on april 21, 2020 was preceded by an incident in which the suspect committed an aggravated assault in the Central Police district of San Francisco. The aggravated assault incident included in close proximity to the officer involved shooting both in location and time. The physical description of the suspect and weapon used in both incidents also closely matched. The information provided today regarding these events is based on a preliminary review of Body Worn Camera and statements of interviews and evidence collected to this point. The following is a summary of events as they are understood as of today, thursday, april 30, 2020. On tuesday, april 21, 2020, at 5 32 a. M. , the San Francisco department of emergency management, d. E. M. , received a 911 called regarding an aggravated assault and possible robbery about this incident. Officered responded to a priority call regarding a report of a male subject who had instruct the victim with a wooden board. At the time of the occurrence, the victim was walking his dog when he was struck multiple times by the suspect who waited in the alcove of a building. A description of the suspect was provided by the 911 caller to the dispatcher, and that description is as follows an African American gentleman with braids and about 6 feet or so, maybe 170 or 180 pounds. Hes wearing a white sweatshirt, whitetype shirt, and a lighter pair of pants. He has a board with him. Central direction officers were district officers responded located the crime scene and summoned emergency medical aid for the victim. Officers were informed that the suspect had fled on foot after the attack. The victim initially believed his phone had been taken during the incident but later located it near the scene. At 6 36 a. M. , approximately one hour after the initial aggravated assault call, d. E. M. Received a 911 call from the pier hotel, which is located at 540 jones street. The caller stated the following we need the police to come to the pier hotel quick. Theres a guy in here. Hes waving knives at people and all kinds of stuff. He wont leave the building. Hes locked himself behind the door and keeps swinging a bloody blood. I seen him. I dont know what it is, but he keeps reaching for it, but he keeps swinging the twobyfour. The caller described the subject as a light skinned slim African American male with dreads, in his late 20s or early 30s, 59, wearing a red and white shirt. The caller said, ive got to get off the phone. He looks like hes going to hit my coworker. The phone then disconnected. D. E. M. Received the call at 6 36. Tenderloin officers were dispatched at 6 39 and arrived at 6 43. While the officers were en route to this incident, the dispatcher advised them of the former incidents in the central, jones and geary that had a similar, possibly same suspect description, with the twobyfour. Officers arrived at the hotel at 6 43 am m. , and entered the lobby, where they observed a man later identified as Thomas Obannon in the Clerks Office. At this time, they began speaking to mr. Obannon in a space in the plexiglass enclosure. For the next several minutes, officers attempted to call mr. Obannon. During this time, he refused officers requests to place his hands in the break in the plexi glass for cuffing. The officer noticed that mr. Obannon continuously glanced to the less Lethal Weapon that he was holding. The officer explained that it was a bean bag gun, and it was lesser force, and it was because mr. Obannon had a weapon. Mr. Obannon made such statements at this time as i aint going back, i aint going to hurt no one, and there aint going to be no peace. A sergeant took over contact with mr. Obannon and attempted to persuade him to surrender peacefully. Mr. Yo bannon then began to alternately pace in the room and sit in the chair. Then, a paramedic began to speak with mr. Obannon. She explained that she was not a Police Officer, and she wanted to provide medical care to mr. Obannon. She wanted him to leave the room so she could provide medical care to him. Mr. Obannon would not leave the room. 7 25, sfpd officers resumed speaking with mr. Obannon. Mr. Obannon became agitated, picking up the wooden board, again holding it diagonally across his body. At 7 25 a. M. , a woman who identified herself as a case manager attempted to speak with mr. Oban an. The case manager asked him to pass the board through the plexi glass window several times and mr. Obannon refused. The case manager was later identified to be an employee of the tender line housing clinic. The case manager continued to try to speak with mr. Obannon for several minutes. Mr. Obannon alternated speaking with the case manager and striking the wall and window with the board. He then thrust the wooden board against the plexi glass opening and slammed it against the rail of the opening. Due to this, the case manager could not continue safely speaking to mr. Obannon. Officers again began to speak with mr. Obannon. At 7 52, sfpd had been on scene for 1 09. Officers formulated a plan and issued verbal commands to mr. Obannon as they attempted to take him into custody. Mr. Obannon placed the board over his head in a striking motion. Mr. Obannon then lost control of the board and failed to comply with officers directives. At this time, officers in the lobby deployed o. C. Spray. Pepper extraction is commonly referred to as pepper spray and less lethal force via a bean bag gun through the plexi glass window. Mr. Obannon later obtained an item in his hand, later identified as a screwdriver and exited the room while Still Holding the item in his lefthand. As officers exited onto the sidewalk, one of the exiting officers tripped and fell onto his stomach. The officer quickly stood and began running from mr. Obannon, who continued to pursue quickly behind him. Mr. Obannon then attempted to overtake him. From the body worn cam, it appears that the officer discharged his firearm three times. Mr. Obannon fled south on jones street then east on ellis street, and officers pursued on foot. Mr. Obannon ran into glide Memorial Church. Mr. Oban non stopped in the lobby while he brandished the screwdriver. He ignored officers repeated requests to get on the ground. Mr. Obannon turned and ran through an open stairwell, running to the basement. The door closed and locked behind him, preventing the officers from pursuing down the stairway. Officers attempted to descend a separate stairway a short time later. At this time, mr. Obannon opened a fire extinguisher, locked himself in the basement with two kitchen knives. Officers established a a perimeter around glide Memorial Church. The Hostage Negotiation Team arrived on scene and continued to negotiate the hostage surrender of mr. Obannon for 11 hours. Officers planned and executed the rescue of an employee who was sheltered in a basement room adjacent to where mr. Obannon was located. Officers made contact with the family of mr. Obannon who responded to the scene and provided assistance during this incident. Near the end of the incident, mr. Obannon ceased negotiations and communications with hostage negotiation testimony members. Officers then located mr. Obannon in the basement, where they used less lethal force to take him into custody. It was determined that mr. Obannon was not struck by gun fire. Mr. Obannon was treated for nonlife threatening injuries at zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital where he was hospitaled for preexisting medical conditions unrelated to this incident. Evidence. Evidence was located at the incident scene of the officerinvolved shooting at well as glide Memorial Church. Evidence included a wooden blood with what appeared to be blood on it, two fire extinguishers, and several large kitchen knives. Video. Video was recovered from multiple sources, including approximately 180 Body Worn Camera videos, ten private surveillance videos, and an additional video is being sought by our investigators. Witnesses. Witnesses to the officerinvolved shooting have been interviewed, and independent witnesses to the preliminary crimes have been located and also interviewed. Additional witnesses are being sought by investigators. The suspect. The San Francisco District Attorneys Office has filed charges against mr. Obannon on april 23, 2020. The charges consist of the following. One count of 245a1 of the california penal code, assault with a deadly weapon. One count of 245a4 of the california penal code, assault likely to result in graeat bodily injuried. Theyve also filed two enforcements of the california penal code. The officer involved in this incident is jordan townsend, officer 2457. He is a veteran of the Police Department. In according to officer policy, all members involved in a shooting are immediately placed on paid administrative leave. As the chief mentioned previously, there are additional investigations. They are as follows. The independent Investigations Bureau of the San Francisco District Attorneys Office and the San Francisco Police Department Investigative Services detail are conducting an investigation into this incident. The sfpd internal Affairs Division is also conducting an investigation administrative in nature. Investigators are in the process of determining if any other related incidents occurred in this area prior to the officerinvolved shooting. And finally, mr. Obannon is currently under investigation for four vandalism and burglary incidents that occurred in the morning of tuesday, april 21 prior to the incident on jones street. At this time, we are going to transition to the playing of 911 calls, dispatch tape, and the playing of both Body Worn Camera and surveillance video. Prior to doing so, i am going to read a statement. You are about to see relevant video footage and other evidence related to this case so you can have a better underi understanding of what occurred right now. We are still in the early stages of an investigation that can take months to complete, and we understand that conditions may change as evidence is collected and reviewed. We do not draw any conclusions as to whether the officers acted in compliance and in policy with the law until the investigation is complete. A word of caution. The images and words hear may be disturbing. When the Police Officer tries to prevent an attack, there may be Strong Language used. Viewer discretion is advised, especially for Young Children and sensitive viewers. We encourage those who need help to contact the city of San Francisco public Health Crisis line at 4159783800. We will now play a 911 call. This audio was provided to the San Francisco Police Department from the San Francisco department of management. The audio is the 911 call from the aggravated assault incident reported on april 21, 2020. This incident occurred on the 600 block of post street. Please note, the victims voice has been changed to protect his safety. San francisco 911. What is your emergency. Yes. [bleep]. Im calling from my cell phone number, and i was walking down first street towards downtown, and i was i told you the block. Any ways, i was attacked by an African American gentleman with braids, and hes about 6 feet or so, maybe 170, 180 pounds. He had a [inaudible] no. Okay. Where are you, sir . Im [inaudible] okay. Whats your address . My address is [bleep]. And what room or apartment are you in . [bleep]. Im headed out with my dad at the time. Okay. Well, what do you want to do . Do you want to speak with the officers . Yes, i would. And ill have to file a complaint. I know. What do you want to do . Right now, im going down to okay. Well, we dont make appointments, so do you want to go get your dog and call me back . All right. All right. Is that what you want to do . Yes. Do you need an ambulance . I dont know i dont need an ambulance. Ive just got a bloody nose. Okay. So youre [bleep] now . No, im walking towards downtown, and i am looking for the dfor i am on post, and im looking for the dog. Youre on post where . Walking towards [inaudible] i think it was the next block. Okay. When you see the officers, flag them down, okay . I will. Okay. Do you remember what this guy had on . What he was wearing . No yes, i do. Hes wearing white in front of [inaudible] he was clean. Sir, what was he wearing . He was wearing a white what . He was wearing a whitetype shirt, and hes standing right down the street. The next building down is the u. S. Hotel. The u. S. Hotel . 737. Okay. And where are you now . Were by farm table, kind of across the street and down from him. Hes standing there with a board. All right. When you see the officers, [bleep], flag them down. All right. Thank you. We will now play a second 911 call, which was also provided by the San Francisco department of emergency management. The call is from the pierre hotel, where the subject was reported to be waving a wooden board. The call was received at 6 36 a. M. San francisco 911. Whats the exact location of the emergency . 940 jones street no, 540 jones street. We need you to come to the pierre hotel quick. Theres a guy in here. Hes waving a knife and all kind of stuff at people, and you wont leave the building. Okay. Whats your name . [bleep]. He locked hisself behind the door, and he keeps swinging a weapon and a twobyfour. Wait, wait, wait. Is it a knife or a twobyfour . I dont know, but he keeps swinging something and a twobyfour. He wont leave, and hes locked hisself on here. Okay. [inaudible] what does he look like . White . Black . Asian. Hes light skinned, with dreads. Okay. Is he black . Yeah, hes light skinned with dreads. How old is he . Maybe late 30s, early 40s. How tall is he . 59. How heavy . Hes not leaving, so i need somebody here immediately. Yeah, ive got them on their way, but is he thin, medium, heavy . Thin. What is he wearing . Red shirt. Do you know what color pants he has on . Hold on. Its a light shirt with blue jeans. White shirt . Yeah. White shirt with blue jeans . Yeah. Did you actually see the knife or not . I didnt see the knife. Did you see him reaching for something . Yeah, the residents told me they seen it. Okay. Hold on. And you also saw him reaching for something thats not the twobyfour . Yeah. And you said the twobyfour is bloody . Yeah. Like, theres a lot of blood on it . Yes. Okay. Whats your phone number . [bleep] okay. And hold on one second. What is he doing right now . Hes not leaving. Hes locked in there, going through stuff. Let me ask you a protocol question. Have you or anyone in that location been suspected or confirmed of having coronavirus . No. Okay. Do you or someone else at this location have flulike symptoms . No. And you wouldnt be able to speak for that person waving the twobyfour around them . Uh, no. Yeah, ive got to get off the phone because he looks like hes going to hit my coworkers. Okay. Is he in the same room . No, hes trying to open the door. Which door is he trying to open . The following audio is a recording of a d. E. M. Dispatcher broadcasting information to officers who are en route to 540 jones street. Be advised earlier there was a 594 and a 211 in the central jones and geary, possibility of a suspect description of a gentleman with a twobyfour. [inaudible] ill advise them. The next six videos are from one of the first officers to arrive on scene on jones street. One of six. In the video, officers are seen making contact with mr. Obannon, who is inside of the enclosed Clerks Office. [inaudible] sir, what are you doing . Are you going to cooperate . Can we all get away from the lobby . Sir, can we talk peacefully without whats on your waist . [inaudible] okay, well, heres the deal. We dont want to do anything we have to do today if youve got weapons. Do you have weapons on you, bro . Are we going to do this peacefully, like adults . What i want to do is can you put your hands outside peacefully so i can handcuff you and walk you out. Whats on your hands . [inaudible] blood . [inaudible] whose blood . Okay. Im going to glove up. [inaudible] dont do anything silly, all right . Were not here hey, bud, do you have a knife on you . No. You dont have a knife . No. Can you lift up your tshirt for me . Yeah, lift up your tshirt so i can see. All right. All right. Where are you bleeding from . Okay. Turnaround, put your hands behind your back so i can handcuff you. Well get you an ambulance so you can get all checked out. How does that sound . Good, man. Good. Whats your name . Sir, talk to me. Whats your name . Body worn camera two of six. In the video, officers are overheard speaking with mr. Obannon and attempting to safely handcuff him through the document opening in the Clerks Office. An officer requests that additional officers respond to 540 jones street as well as an ambulance. Come on. Come out here where i can handcuff them and well come out here safely. Put your hands up. Youre not in trouble. We dont know whats going on. All we know is theres a guy bleeding with a piece of wood. Let us help you. [inaudible] dont force me to do things i dont want to do. Let me put you in handcuffs. [inaudible] the handcuffs are for our safety and your safety. Youre not under arrest. [inaudible] were trying to make this a peaceful resolution, so are you going to help us out . Sorry. If you come out, youre going to leave your hands where we can see them and on top of your head. [inaudible] so youre not going to come out . Suspect is not being very cooperative. Hes locked in the front desk. [inaudible] hes also covered in blood. [inaudible] yeah, you should glove up. Sir Body Worn Camera three of six. In the video, the officers speak with mr. Obannon, who is seen throughout the video holding the wooden board. Officers ask him to put the board down and observe that his hand is bleeding. Yeah, you should glove up. Sir, i think ive been very reasonable. Please put the board down. [inaudible] why . Why are you so angry . Why are you so angry . [inaudible] can you not . [inaudible] well, ive asked you for a peaceful resolution, and you do not want to cooperate with had h he with me. You did not want to come out. Hes still refusing to coopera cooperate. [inaudible] going back where . Im just trying to get you to go to the hospital. Whats wrong, man . You havent even told me whats wrong. Were just trying to help you, man. Body worn camera four of 6. In the segment, an sfpd sergeant is seen attempting to speak with mr. Obannon and offering him help and medical assistance. [inaudible] how can we help you today . Is there anything that we can do to help you . [inaudible] sir, can you speak up a little bit . Can you speak up a little bit . [inaudible] okay. We want you to make this thing easy on us, okay . Wed really appreciate that. Could you could you come out so we can get you checked out by an ambulance . Body worn camera five of six. In the clip, a San Francisco Fire Department paramedic speaks with mr. Obannon. [inaudible] how are you . Whats your name . Whats your name. Can you please tell me your name . [inaudible] you want to come out . Do you see my gurney right here . Body worn camera six of six. In this segment, a woman at the scene who identified herself as a case manager in the building spoke with mr. Obannon. [inaudible] is there anything i can do for you now . Do you need anything . The next segment is from video cameras inside the Clerks Office at 540 jones street. In the segment, officers open the back door of the office and attempt to take mr. Obannon into custody. We will now play a slow version of the previous video. This video has been slowed to highlight the wooden board, mr. Obannons possession of a screwdriver, and the officers use of pepper spray. The next video is a segment from the video in the back office of 540 jones street. In the video, you will see officers quickly open a back door into the building. Mr. Obannon quickly follows the officers. Following video was retrieved from surveillance cameras on the exterior of 540 jones street. The video shows the officers exiting the building, mr. Obannon following them, and the subsequent officerinvolved shooting. We will now play a slower video of the following video twice, each time, showi. The next video is from the bodyworn camera of the officer who discharged his firearm. The video is from the point where sfpd officers are preparing to enter the offices where mr. Obannon is located and ends following the officerinvolved shooting. [inaudible] get someone in front of there. Somebody in front of there. Lets go. Come this way. [inaudible] the following video still shows mr. Obannons hand in proximity to the firearm of the involved officer. Final video is from the Body Worn Camera of a separate officer near the officer who discharged his firearm. It provides a different perspective of the officer involved shooting. The video is from where the officers are preparing to enter the office where mr. Obannon is located and ends following the officerinvolved shootin d [inaudible] the last image is a video still of mr. Obannon with the screwdriver. We will now show you a map of the area involved in these incidents. I mentioned there are three incidents. One that occurred on the 600 block of post street in the 5 30 hour of tuesday, april 21. Thats where the aggravated assault occurred. Second, 540 jones street, where the officerinvolved shooting occurred, and third, the image of glide Memorial Church on the map at 333 ellis. The photograph is of the board held by mr. Obannon with what appears to be blood. The board measures 47 and was recovered at 540 jones street. That will conclude my presentation. Thank you, commander. My name is karl fabry, and im the commander at the tenderloin station. Over the years, ive grown to trust the relationships between the Tenderloin Community and the officers at our station. We understand the trust built between us and the community has to be built and maintained over years and not when suddenly thrust into crisis. Id like to acknowledge the staff at glide. On a day when they were expected to provide meals and services for hundreds, if not thousands, of people, they suddenly found themselves in the middle of a critical incident. Because of our established trust between our department and glide, we were able to quickly meet with key Staff Members who provided us with invaluable information regarding the layout and access to the building. Id like to thank the staff at mercy housing, which is directly across the street from glide. They allowed us to use their Community Room so officers could rest, get water, and take short breaks as this incident unfolded over many hours. I would like to thank the sfpd Tactical Unit and crisis negotiators whose training and expertise was truly put to the test on the day of this incident. Finally, i would like to thank officer jordan townsend. Officer townsend and his partners fulltime assignment at the tenderloin station is working with those on the street, steering them toward resources, offering advice, showing compassion, and providing support in any way they can. I look forward to building on the relationship and trust our officers and Community Value so much in the tenderloin. Chief scott . First, id like to thank all of our viewers for joining us tonight. We now as time for Public Comment. As you see the callin number on the screen, and at the conclusion of tonights town hall, all information will be available on the San Francisco Police Department website. Thank you. Operator you have two questions remaining. Caller you have two minutes starting now. Caller hi. Im jennie faye, and im the director of the league of women voters for San Francisco. Having the Police Commission absent during an officerinvolved shooting is not acceptable. We urge that the city allow the Police Commission to hold Public Meetings as it is the body dedicated to oversight and discipline to ensure equitable public safety. The league believes a democratic government requires that governmental bodies protect citizens right to now by giving adequate notice of proposed action, holding Public Meetings, and making public records accessible. Thank you. Caller thank you. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Caller to get into the queue for Public Comment, please dial onezero. Operator you have one question remaining. So to the administration and chief scott, ive been listening to all of this meeting. And all you all know that you havent met for a long time. Now suddenly, when we see this video, we are very disturbed. Why are we disturbed . For the last seven weeks [inaudible] in our homes while im getting reports and the chief knows me pretty well im getting reports of assaults, and a lot of people traumatized. I took the muni twice, and both times i encountered people who are assaulting others. I had to get down from the muni bus. So i think we must stop ensuring that Something Like this this is not a movie, this is not a documentary. It doesnt prove anything. I have known Police Officers for over 45 years, i know what i speak about caller 30 seconds left. Doing this in the middle of a pandemic is not the right thing to do. So chief scott, please look at this and stop showing these types of videos. You just irritate distant san franciscans. Thank you very much. Caller thank you. Operator you have zero questions remaining. Thank you. We will now conclude our virtual town hall. There are no other callers in the queue, and id like to thank our viewers for tuning in tonight. Again, our mission with our town halls are to be transparent, to educate the public on our investigative processes, and to make sure that san franciscans have access to the Police Department to voice their concerns and comments. Thank you, and please have a good evening, and stay safe. Mayor im San Francisco mayor london breed. I want to thank you all for joining us here today. Im really excited about this Small Business forum that is so desperately needed for so many businesses in our city. This pandemic has had not only a tremendous impact on our overall city and our Public Health, but it has also had a tremendous impact on our financial health, and especially many of our businesses in the city. The people who own these businesses, the work force of these businesses, it all will be very difficult as the few as the months to come, when we begin to look at ways in which we can open and provide new guidelines around opening businesses. We know that financially so many of our businesses are hurting now. They need support now, and also will need support in the future. Some of the programs that we put forth here in the city, immediately, almost, was to defer the payment of business taxes until next year. We actually extended the deadline for fees, as well. We provided resources for paid sick leave so businesses can extend paid sick leave payments to their employees. We provided grants and loan opportunities with no interest and flexible repayment schedules. We have also provided arts grants for so many of our artists who rely on performances and other events in order to take care of themselves. As someone who not only loves San Francisco, but as someone who uses so many of our Small Businesses, whether it is the drycleaner that i have been going to since i could afford a drycleaner, or the person who does my hair or my nails or the musicians that play at the lounges and restaurants that i love to go to all over the city all of these very unique businesses are what matters to the people of this city. They are part of the fabric of our city. And i want to make sure that as we propose more funding and more support on the local level, that we are connecting to the people who need these resources the most. And we are also making sure that federal and state resources are reaching all of you. So today we are here with the director of the department of the office of economic and Work Force Development. Joaquin torres, and if you want to look up some of the services we have, visit oewd. Org. Joaquin runs that department. And even before this pandemic, i have been really laserfocused on trying to eliminate fees that make it difficult for Small Businesses, in particular, to be in business in San Francisco in the first place. So even though this pandemic is challenging, i am so hopeful it will be an opportunity to provide some muchneeded longterm relief for our businesses in San Francisco. Joaquin will be leading those efforts. We also have the president of the Small Business commission, cynthia huey, who will be moderating this discussion, and we have the director of the chamber of commerce here as well, native san franciscan rodney fong, who has been a business person pretty much his whole life. The wax museum i dont know about you, but i went to gallileo high school,and we used to sneak into the wax museum when i was a kid. So i owe you some ticket money, rodney. So between the wax museum, the restaurants and the hair and nail salons, the barber shops, the masseuse locations, all of these great things are really what make San Francisco so special. And we know that the sad reality is that because of the pandemic and because of the requirement around social distancing, it is not as simple as those institutions and those businesses can actually go back to work, number one. And, number two, when you go back to work, the likelihood that youre going to be able to make sufficient revenue to cover the expenses you havent been able to cover for months is going to be challenging. So this is our opportunity to hear from businesses, to make sure that not only are we putting forth good options to support you, but they are affectively working to serve your businesses, and that we are doing everything we can to come up with the kinds of things that are going to help you in the long run. So with that, i want to turn it over to our director of the office of economic and Work Force Development for a few words. And then rodney fong will say a few words, and then well get to cynthia, and shell moderate this discussion. Thank you all for joining us here today. Thank you so much, mayor breed, and thank you, again, for your leadership and the pressure you place on our office to make sure were reaching the needs of our Small Business communities across the city and in our neighborhoods. And thank you for the idea of bringing us all together through this townhall so we can have an opportunity to hear from each other, and our answers about some of the most pressing questions facing Small Businesses, and the relief you have been driving us to deliver for our Small Business communities. Whether we talked about grants or loan products or deferral of fees, it is all grounded in wanting to see our Small Businesses be successful here, not only with what the city can provide, but complementing the wraparound efforts of the state and federal resources that both essential to our relief and Recovery Efforts. A few things before we jump in, we know generally, based on some conversations that weve had, weve seen a 70 decrease citywide. And certain areas and industries are hit even harder in terms of the sales that are out there. We know that were already seeing 14,000 businesses being affected, 166,000 employees at this moment in time. Were expecting larger hits as time goes on. In addition to over 70,000 people that have already applied for unemployment in San Francisco alone. We know that we are dealing with unprecedented challenges here in San Francisco, but we, through our office of economic and Work Force Development, and mayor breed, were standing ready to support the Small Business community at this time, and especially with the partners we have joining us today and in our communities. Both in the past and also in the present, and were very much looking forward to the future. So looking forward to answering some questions here today. Now, ill pass it over to the president of the chamber of commerce rodney fong. Thank you, joaquin first of all, i want to say hello to everyone. Were in this together. Were all feeling the same things, were all feeling the same frustration, the level of fear going on, but hopefully well get through this together and support our way through a great recovery. I want to thank mayor breed and all that her office has been doing, and joaquin has been working like a work horse over the last four, five weeks it seems like months, im sure but he and his staff are doing a great job. They have been working extremely hard. Just a little bit of recap over the last few weeks, the city and the mayor have deferred some of the Business Registration fees. And they deferred them until september. That adds up to about 49 million in cash flow to the city of San Francisco. Several fees that apply to storefront businesses have also been deferred until september, helping to preserve another 14 million in cash flow. I want to be very clear that the mayor is clear about this, we are going to be looking at a significant deficit in the city of San Francisco, the bay area, the state of california, and so were talking about a Million Dollars out from the city that we wont have in revenue. We will have to all pitch in. Well all have to figure out how we save and go back to San Francisco in an even better way. If we want to Start Talking about recovery tomorrow, weve got to start planning it today. Im happy and delighted to tell you that the Recovery Task force kicked off last friday. It is about an 80person Task Force Led by myself, carmen chu, Jose Gonzales and rudy representing labor. 80 seems like a lot of people, but when you look at all of the different sectors and industries and nonprofits, it is a good representation of a lot of people who have shared interests. Again, were going to have to all Work Together. It is not just one industry here in San Francisco that is better than another. I want to also mention that were going to have to rely on our Public Health department to lay out new guidelines. We are essentially reinventing ourselves in a great way, bringing in technology that might be able to help us in a better way and create a better San Francisco. I want to touch on three points, though, if i can, pretty briefly. This is one where probably from a commerce perspective it doesnt emerlogicalseem logical. The Public School system and private School System implementing guidelines to get kids and teachers safely back into the school affects the whole area. Not until moms and dads feel safe, do we get a full workforce. It is important because a busy downtown San Francisco supports so many businesses as you know. All of the sandwiches get bought and kids get picked up at lunch, and it is important that somewhere e that wehave a busy. The second main point i want to make is Small Businesses will need to pivot. Well have to reinvent ourselves, get creative, and were going to have to be entrepreneurial problemsolvers that we naturally are. There is no greater test than this one to figure out how it will be different. Restaurants may have to change their seating arrangements, going town to not a full house. Here in San Francisco and los angeles, it is very difficult to make money without a fullseated restaurant. And were going to have to figure that out. That means takeout and maybe retail inside of a restaurant. Maybe other clothing produced by someone related to the restaurant, creating a lifestyle. All of the pivots are going to require us, the city, government, and private sector to be flexible with our permitting process. To look at permit streamlining, to allow change of use permits to occur. Maybe temporarily, just as we get back up, and then we can tighten them back up, but we need to be in this all together and be flexible. The third thing i want to mention is Public Health. The mayor has disown such done agreat job in listenig to Public Health. And well rely on them to tell us what is best practices. I hope the departments listen to Small Business, and Small Business actually steps up and says, you know what . No one knows how to run this nightclub better than we do, and here are some suggestions we think we can voluntarily put down, something we can live with financially, operationally. We look at the changes and the way theyre going to occur, theyre very much operational. There is one piece that has been floated around, and that is an idea of a certifcate of healthy places, voluntary standization, much like standization standardization, much as a food place has to have a safe handling permit. I, again, wanted to stress that creativity and ingenuity will get us largely out of this. And what will set one business apart from another is how safe and clean it is. If we can do that independently and collectively, San Francisco can be a better city. So ill stop there. Mayor all righ all right. Thank you, rodney. Commissioner huey, if you want to get some remarks, and then we can go right into the question and answer. Sure. Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody, for logging in today. My name is cynthia huey, and im a Small Business owner in the city. And most recently, as a commissioner on the Small Business commission. I just really want to express how grateful i am to be a san franciscan right now. I was just outside on saturday, singing with my neighbors, and it was an amazing feeling. So im incredibly appreciative of show everyone in our communities have come together to fight for and support the health of all san franciscans. You know, just a quick story i wanted to share. I was recently in a west portal merg merchants meeting, with mayor breed as well you probably had no idea i was there. I was watching you during a meeting, and i could see you in your little zoom box, typing away. And i was just floored that this is our mayor. This is our mayor. You were in the chat to try to answer everybodys questions and connecting people. And i was so proud of the fact that i live in a city where our mayor just digs in and is doing the work. And so i just wanted to say from the very bottom of my heart, thank you so much for trying to help us all through this. It is an incredibly challenging situation, time. I cant even imagine, but i know were going to all get through this. And i believe in your leadership, and i really thank you. Mayor thank you, commissioner. So, i think, also, all of us have all of the programs and things memorized right now, all of the wonderful grants we can apply for and all of the loans and all of the Different Things that i think have been mentioned already, but i also wanted to highlight the work of the office of Small Businesses. Theyve been fielding hundreds and hundreds of phone calls and emails every week, trying to get Business Owners connected with resources, and really doing a lot of oneonone counselling. So i wanted to thank them. And thanking everybody on the panel. Rodney, your expertise today, and also leading us into the recovery. And joaquin, i dont know how you do this. Youre in every single meeting, and somehow youre in 20 places at once, but thank you very much. So at this point, lets i just want to move into the questions, if thats okay with everyone here . Yes. Great. Just to give everyone some context about the questions, the vast majority of people who are c. P. For todays talk are also c. P. d with a question. And these are questions that have been asked over and over again. Starting with joaquin, what is the status of the citys grants and funding programs for Small Businesses impacted by covid . Yes, thank you very much for the question. As the mayor said, for up to date realtime information, please go to oewd. Org, and click on covid covid19, and it will list all of the Resources Available, and what is implemen complementary from the state and local levels, ready to reach out with you online, connect with you on the phone to guide you through the process and help you navigate this very difficult time. In addition to that, also private Resources Available, newlyannounced grants that are accessible to you. Please do frequently visit that site. Its where we try to put everything we have available. We started out with a Million Dollars before we had the shelter in place, to support Small Businesses with grants, up to 10,000. Since that time we have doubled that grant pool so we could serve over 200 businesses through that effort, with grants up to 10,000. We also heard that some of the resources were not reaching some of the soul proprietors. And well be publicizing that on our website. We have a little over 127 grants from that first allocation. And secondly, the mayor introduced the gift to s. F. Fund here in San Francisco, so we could coordinate, and, mayor, thank you so much for the leadership there. So we will have private Resources Available to support us with a loan program, a zero percent interest program. We have a partner surntlcurrently that accepted applications. We received over 4,000 businesses who submitted that application. We want to reinforce that the resources we have able right now, from a citys perspective, are greatly exceeded by the demand. Which is why it is so important that today, if folks have not been aware im sure everybody is in the Small Business community thae federal sba program those applications opened up this morning at 7 30 a. M again, go to our website for more information there. Where you can learn about additional partners, Financial Institutions, who can also help you in getting those applications filled out. Why is that important . Because many banks are only working with their clients, and prioritizing them on a first come, first serve basis. There are billions of dollars being held for other smaller lenders, other Smaller Banks and cdcdfis, and making sure thethat the public knows they are there. Please do take the initiative right now, reach out to our hotline, as you mentioned, cynthia, and get realtime information from us, with any questions you may have, you will get a response and talk to a person when you reach out to us. So i think ill leave it with that. As a final piece, the mayor also introduced a Neighborhood Mini Grant Program on friday afternoon. It is also meant as another fill the gap in some of the most underserved neighborhoods. Given the fact we do have a financial crisis, we wanted to make sure were finding those resources as we have them available, and delivering them where they are needed, again, focusing on those who may not be able to access other resources in other ways. And also ensuring that women entrepreneurs, from a citywide perspective, had access to those grants as well. Thank you so much. Thank you. So many of the fees and fines that Small Businesses have been experiencing have been deferred now, i think, until september, is what you mentioned . Are there longterm plans for Small Businesses to be able to navigate those fees beyond that . Since many of us were already struggling to pay those before this. Mayor definitely. Thank you, cynthia, for the question. That is one of the areas that im laserfocused on. Because the fact is some of the businesses that are being required to close under our ordinance are not generating any revenue. And the fact that we would expect businesses to pay these fees during times that theyre not even open and able to generate revenue is not right. So we are working to figure out how we can deal with the fees overall, and what it would mean to reduce, or to eliminate, certain fees for a time period, or what have you. We are definitely looking into that because as what was said by rodney, what weve seen, were talking about somewhere around 49 million. The city is facing a significant budget deficit, but we also cant balance our budget on the backs of businesses that wont be able to reopen if we continue to burden them with even more city fees. So that is something that were definitely focused on. It is something that i care about. I care about dealing with that, to try to remove that barrier. But i also want to be clear i think, first of all, we have so many businesses that are going to be struggling even after we begin to reopen. There are businesses that are having challenges now. Theyre going to have challenges after this. But then there might be businesses that are okay. And we want to make sure that those businesses that are okay, that they continue to pay what they owe, if they can afford to do so. Because there are going to be a lot of businesses that cant. We want to be fair because this impacts all of us. When the city is not able to generate sufficient revenue, it makes it more difficult for us to provide more resources to those businesses that are struggling the most. In fact, we mentioned gifts to s. F. , where im actually raising private dollars to support Small Businesses. There are only three categories in our give to s. F. Program, and one is food insecurity, one is for housing and to help with people that might be facing eviction, and the most important category here is Small Businesses, and making sure that we have more resources. We need to maximize the amount of resources were able to provide in order to help carry businesses that need it the most through this pandemic. So it is definitely something that im committed to addressing. And this is where im going to count on the Business Community as i try to propose legislative changes through the process. Were going to need people to be supportive of that. Because it is really going to be its going to hit our budget hard, but i think the benefits of supporting our Small Businesses outweigh the need for us to collect these fees from our already suffering businesses. Thank you very much. This question, i think rodney would be the person to direct this to. Along with the fines and fees, i think one of the things top of mind for Small Businesses is also commercial rent. So what programs are there, or what types of resources do you have to help some of our Small Business owners with, to negotiate rent changes, rent relief, with their commercial landlords . Thats a good question and it is a tough one because at the moment, there is not necessarily any relief for landlords. In San Francisco, a very old city, many of our landlords are Small Businesses, too. They have mortgages, insurance, and their own obligations. So i think the battle is they want to not have vacancies. I dont know any land owner who wants to have a vacancy. If youre a tenant with a Small Business, you should begin a dialogue with your landlord, if possible, to see if there is any kind of deferment. I stress to you they are also under the same pressures, with mortgages and such. But there are private arrangements, and those kinds of conversations would be very helpful. Okay. Thank you. Mayor breed, many Small Business owners have not even heard back from the sba jet o yet on their loans. Do have you an update on the federal Assistance Program . I know this morning there was new funding added to that, but do you know anything beyond, or how the city can help advocate some of the Small Business owners who havent even had a chance to mayor yeah. And joaquin can provide some insight into that. His office is working on trying to get access to that. Absolutely. That is one of the biggest questions for us, in terms of where is accessibility happening. Almost immediately we were on the phone with Financial Institutions when we were getting questions across the city about what does this Program Look Like . Everything was rolling out so quickly, everyone was scrambling to understand even their own lenders, who they had a relationship with, would provide them guidance or even a response. What were monitoring very closely now, both treasury sisnaros and the recorder, cameron chu, reached out to the Financial Institutions to ask, how are you communicating with your clients . What is the process by which you will be processing applications . What is important to know right now, is based on those conversations, the mayor asked us to make sure we were submitting those concerns from the general politics to the speakers office, part of our federal advocacy. Thats why we saw this funding that was reserved specifically for smaller lenders, so folks had many outlets to access though federal relief funds at the same time. So as we see that program roll out today, well be monitoring it in realtime to find out what the responses are like. The Silver Lining for us that were seeing right now, but well still be watching closely, is the fact that there are those dollars that are held for smaller institutions, and we can see what relief is provided to the Small Business owners that take that path, as they begin to work with their financial clients, the large banks and the sba around their own applications. I do encourage every Small Business owner that has an application to reach out to their lender with some followup questions, in terms what have will their process be . Well also be feeding that back on our website at well. Well have that additional information, too. But were looking forward to monitoring this and seeing how this new version of p. P. P. Is going to be administered, and what well need to provide. And just a followup question about the p. P. P. How will Small Businesses reach the levels so that were eligible to receive those loans from the federal government . Mayor and i will say that one of the reasons why i created the economic Recovery Task force is so that when were able to provide a window of opportunity for a particular industry to open, we want to make sure that before that happens they know what the requirements are going to be. And so that they can get ready. So on day one, they know what to expect. We have been talking to the speaker about that particular requirement because when you think about it, with restaurants, if were going to be looking at reopening restaurants and changing their capacity, then there is no way that theyre going to not only be able to afford to bring back all of their employees, but the likelihood that they will even be able to afford their rent and other expenses is going to be really, really challenging. And so i think that part of our goal with the economic Recovery Task force is to look at ways, working with the department of Public Health, to provide guidance for these industries, to help people to get ready, so on day one they know what theyre going to be able to do. But the speaker has been absolutely incredible, and is aware that this could potentially be a challenge in light of the need to impose new restrictions on businesses that may make it difficult for them to be able to bring back their employees. The other thing that the economic Recovery Task force will do is also look at ways to ensure that our workforce adapts to what our new normal is. We have folks from the academic world who many of our institutions were asking them to look at their classes and what they have available, in order to retrain people for maybe a new opportunity that they may not have thought was possible. Because theyre not able to return to their job. And so were looking at other industries. Were looking at how many contact tracers were going to need, because until a vaccine is found, there is a need to identify when someone has a virus, who have they been in contact with . Not just in their immediate family at home, but others in other parts of the community, along with more testing. This is going to be necessary for us to open and to remain open so that we dont see a significant surge in the number of cases. So its going to take a major effort to start thinking differently about things wont necessarily go back to the same. But i think that there is an adjustment that we can make, if were prepared to make it, and our economic Recovery Task force is going to play an Important Role in helping us do that. And im going to continue to advocate not just the speaker, but our senators as well, we have a great relationship with Kamala Harris and other. We have con tact contact with te mayors about what adjustments need to be made because well all be in the same boat. Im going to kind of backtrack a little bit into a question that was asked many times. Many Small Business owners are reporting seeing an increase intents and street, unsheltered homelessness in commercial corridors and other in other words. In otheother neighborhoods. Whao help the homeless, who are at a greater risk of contracting coronavirus . Mayor if you own a business, you know the challenges of homelessness dont go away because there is a pandemic. In fact, theyve been worse for us. Although weve been able to get close to a thousand people into hotel rooms, the ability to address homeless in the age of social distancing has been so difficult. And so what youre seeing is we are ramping up our hotels, but we also have to have staff and meals and cleaning and services and management of these hotels to ensure that staff and the folks who work there are safe, but also the people who are located in those hotel rooms are safe as well. It is a massive undertaking, requiring a significant increase in our capacity. And it is really taxing on our workforce. And when i say our workforce, is no it is not just people in the city and nonprofits, all of the employees that are disaster workers weve had to retrain librarians and rec and park staff and other people who have not hired to do these jobs, to work with this population in these capacities. We are not going to be able to place our entire Homeless Population into hotel rooms. But what were trying to do is get creative around how were able to provide them help and to find safe locations where we can divert the tents off of the sidewalks, off of the streets into larger areas and larger parking lots. Specifically were looking at Everett Middle School as an option, and were working with supervisor mandelman on that. And were looking at other locations in the bay view. We have trailers that we received from the state and that we also purchased, that we plan to place at pier 92, to move people out of tents and into the shelters, people who are residents of the bay view. Were trying to get creative to try to get as many people off the streets as we possibly can. It is challenging and will continue to be challenging. But were going to continue to do the very best that we can. And i cannot, you know, commit to seeing this major change around the removal of tents if we dont have places for people to go. We have to make sure that we have restrooms, wash stations, and other things when we take responsibility for any of the folks that are housed intents at this time. Were going to continue to get creative and provide informal locations and work with the department of Public Health and the department of homelessness to do just that. And i will say, as much as weve been able to do, not only providing meals to our shelters, meals to these hotels, and meals to people who are in tents, and cleaning services and other support, it continues to be a challenge to ramp up to the number of staffing that we need in order to meet what we see a significant population of Homeless People in our city. Just to kind of Start Talking a little bit more to talk a little bit more about recovery and reopening, what do you think will the new standards look for operating a business in this city . We have different types of needs for different highcontact industries, such as restaurants, hair and nail salons, like you had mentioned, dental offices, things like that. What are your thoughts on that . Mayor so im glad you asked that question, because, again, part of our goal with our economic Recovery Task force with a lot of the different industries, we want to Work Together to provide those guidelines. So, for example, most of what we see happening with the department of Public Health and the decisions that are being made are centered around what we need to do to protect Public Health. So it focuses on trying to keep people apart from one another in order to avoid getting the virus. And what were experiencing with our economy, and what were seeing with the numbers, they have real concerns about opening up too fast because we still see the number of hospitalizations have gone up. We still see, every day, an increase number in the number of people who are positive for covid19, and weve had 23 deaths, over 1400 cases, and about 85 people who are hospitalized. So they are not comfortable we are out of the woods because those numbers continue to rise you say flattening the curve, but it is pretty flat, relative to most other major cities, but it has not dropped. And what weve done today, for example, in extending the stayathome order for an additional month, during that time or goal is to not sit around and wait until direction is given from the department of Public Health. We are going to provide the guidance for how we can get back to opening up some of our businesses. So, for example, just think about it, the restaurants have delivery and pickup services. We have nonessential businesses that possibly, with the right kinds of guidelines, could potentially be open for the same pickup and Delivery Services as well. The place where i buy my candles, you know, where they have, you know, all these knickknacks and things that i like to buy. Why not make sure that those Small Businesses that serve our communities have the pickup and dropoff service. And what we have to do, and what im hoping or economic Recovery Task force will do with these various industries, are what are some new guidelines for various industries . Because im not going to wait around for the department of Public Health to say, okay, yes, it is okay to open our hair salons and our barber shops. What i want to do is get ready for that and provide for them the suggested guidelines, get them to agree and to allow some of these places to start to reopen. Because thats where we are now. We have to start working on this now. So, for example, if we set up guidelines today, that three weeks from now, or four weeks from now, this is what a beauty salon needs to be doing in order to get open, then they can get prepared for that. And they can start booking appointments and working with their costumers. If they can only have one person in the shop at a time what does that mean . Im not suggesting that that is going to happen, because part of it is contingent upon what happens with our numbers. What happens with the number of people who are infected. And so we are open to suggestions from our Business Community. If you have a unique business and you dont necessarily interact with the public, but you have items that you sell and your not online, but there is a way you could provide pickup and delivery, what does that look like . I think we have to start having those discussions now, so that we can get people ready. If theyre going to need to wear gloves and masks when theyre doing certain services, we need to get people ready so they have the supplies that they need. That is a continued conversation im hoping we will focus this additional month of may on those kinds of solutions because when we reopen, it will not be business as usual. Things are going to be a lot different, especially in light of not having a vaccine. There are going to be some challenges with largescale events. There are going to be challenges with nightclubs, with hair and nail salons, but it doesnt mean that we should not look at ways we can reopen and make sure that were practicing certain techniques or requirements that will help limit the number of people that would be infected. This is our last question, maybe for rodney. How can Small Businesses and Small Business owners be leaders in the Recovery Efforts . Yeah. I think the mayor spoke well about creativity and ingenuity. We want everyone to figure out what they want to do next and how their business is going to shift. I will share that there is one website, where there is a Public Survey put out by the Recovery Task force. 1San Francisco. Org francisco. Org covid19 recovery. We want to have more students foopportunities for pee to give structure. Hopefully well have a playbook. There will not be an exact plan, but a whole list of plays that we can put into play, that she can pull from that will have a matrix of. As this changes, it is very different in fact, maybe an earthquake recovery would be somewhat easier than this recovery because it may have some start and stops. Well try to have as much information with regard to making opportunities from the public. Thank you. I wanted to thank everybody for being on this panel today and sharing advice, encouragement, all of these things, for all of us because we need it right now. Mayor breed, would you like to close this off today . Mayor yeah. First of all, thank you, commissioner huey, for your work with this. You mentioned in the beginning that you had a number of people who registered and provided questions. So i want to ask you to make sure that joaquin gets that list with the questions, and he and his team will respond to those questions to try to do what we can to make sure that we are answering them. You can also email joaquin or email me at mayorlondonbreed mayorlondonbreed sfgof. O rg. It is better if you reach out to me by email, not on social media because im not allowed to get on official media because my staff, they are trying to they wont let me do stuff. [laughter] if you respond to me, well get back to you as quickly as we can with your questions. Joaquin and his team have been great with providing resources for Small Businesses. Im on the phone regularly, not only trying to raise private dollars to support our Small Businesses, but also trying to redirect funds and figuring out creative ways to support our Small Business community. I also just want to repeat one of the things ive said. As we start to propose policies that can help our Small Business community, were going to really need the Small Business community to rally around those policies because we know that its a matter of whether or not you will be able to even reopen as we start to open our doors here in the city again. So it is important that we hear from you, that you, of course, are paying attention to what is happening around the policy discussions, that youre contacting your board of supervisors and making clear to them what is important to you. Again, i know it is a real struggle. It is a real struggle. And what we want to do is make sure that we are helping to meet the needs of people who need help now. And we want to get to people, and we want to be as supportive as we possibly canment and we can. And we know that we are all going through it, whether it is our business or in our personal lives, as all of us are required to stay at home. I just really want to express my appreciation to so many people in this city who have just followed the orders and have put us in a situation where our numbers, in comparison to other major cities, are absolutely remarkable. Were not out of the woods yet. We cant let up just yet, but what we can do is start to look at creative ways to get back on our feet again, to get back to opening businesses or industries with certain guidelines that are approved by the Public Health department. Thats really where i want to get to. So send us your suggestions. Send us your comments. Send us your love. No complaints, please, because laughing you can send complaints, im just kidding. Send us emails with what you suggest that we do to help make things better for you because we really are in this together. And it is going to take a lot of hard work and a lot of patience to get through it. We appreciate you all being with us today. And hang in there. And, you know, make sure that you do everything you can to bring our businesses back to our city. And im going to do everything i can from the Mayors Office to support you in doing that. Thank you. Thank you, mayor breed. Good afternoon and thank you for your patience. Im mayor london breed and im joined by the department of human sources, trent roher and department of housing, the police chief, bill scott and youll be hearing from some of them in just a moment. As of today, we have 1,490 cased of those reported in San Francisco with chinatow covid1d sadly, we have lost 23 residents in our city. You can find out more information at datasf. Org covid19. Our tracker with

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