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It is important to check in around wellness and continuing to do everything we can to continue instruction in the instances that we can. We have been really clear about that in Distance Learning guide which is we will do what we can and we want students to do what they can when they can. There is the understanding they are going to be their situations where people get to a place where they need to pull back or separate for a while or take some time off and that is what we have been really clear about. It is doing the best we can to understand what the pandemic is and what it has done to so many of our families and individuals and to our students. It is doing everything we can. The best way to have that understanding is to have as much contact as we possibly can when people want that contact. I know other Staff Members wanted to add on to the piece around our engagement attempts during Distance Learning. I want to ask for comments on the three contacts per week. I do know some teachers doing fewer than that at the moment. I wanted to see what you think the percentage is of teachers being able to do that . We have been collected data this week and trying to get an accurate response to that very question. We know many teamers are attempting to contact students and families, some have been successful and others are struggling. I dont have that data point now. It is forthcoming. We did request that all teachers interact with students at least two to three times an week from the beginning of Distance Learning. They started in phase one and continue to do so through phase three and still to the end of the school year. We know what i should chair clarify this includes individual contact. If the teacher did a zoom call with the class and was able to interact that way. In terms of data at this point we are not saying you have to talk oneonone with the student every week but you need two to three contacts. As it says in the resolution that contact should be around checking on wellness and supporting learning. To the Commissioners Point it is an opportunity for feedback on the work and checking for understanding and support learning. We are running the numbers now and hope to have more accurate data in terms of the percent of folks that are being contacted. Do you want to add anything, Vice President lopez . No, i think maybe you wanted to share. Thank you everyone for the comments and thank you, staff for putting together this resolution. I am looking forward to commissioner collins amendments. I just had a quick question around the partnerships with communitybased organizations. I know on the Mental Health resolution we passed recently that there was an intentional partnership with our communitybased organizations and city agencies. In terms of this resolution, how would that look like . I am not sure i understand the question. Are we currently partnering with the city and then what does that Partnership Look like in regards to supporting our kids around the academic supports . For example th the check in. There was a comment made earlier with regards to the partnerships with ceos specifically. Do we have a current plan or process in place to include partners . What does that look like right now . We actually had a Partnership Engagement two days ago. I am not sure of the number. Is she a panel list or no . There was 265 people in the forum. We just had a forum. That discussion was how we are partnering. We definitely are partnering with them. They are assisting in all areas, assisting with family checks, wellness checks, with meal deployment and we have been partnering not only around the Services Provided but ideas for how we can make sure we are meeting the needs of our constituents and families, students. And a big part of the c. E. O. We partnered with around that getting that information. Over the weekend i was in a town hall and they talked about how to partner with schools, site leaders, educators to do alignments and supports in a traditional out of school time. For example at the richmond beacon center, for example, they are igniting the tutoring Services Offered to students. Those are up and going as well. Those are led by cb os. Theines are the those are the things that are entrenched in the school site during this Remote Learning that we are going to learn more about what is happening on the ground. Do you want to add to it . Good afternoon or evening. Thank you for the opportunity. So we have been doing a lot of work on the ground as commissioner lam mentioned in terms of supporting school sites around the areas, wellness checks. What we started on monday which as commissioner collins said 265 participants wa was a joint form planned with our multiple partners. It is first one and we have committed to planning three more in collaboration and conjunction with Community Partners. We spent monday getting to know one another, learning about each other, and identifying the different bucketses going forward. Then the next step is that there is a work group of Community Partners for each of the different forums working through the information we received from monday and the previous wednesday before monday we had a planning meeting with about 35 or 40 cb os a planning meeting to plan the meeting. Then we had a Smaller Group to plan the monday meeting. We have been able to engage intentionally and very deep lewith our partners. It has been really great. The partners are looking toward the district to take leadership to provide guidance on how to support around wellness and maybe academics that we have going on. I want us to continue to take lead and what i heard also was folks just wanted a lot of communications around what the current process was. Again, i want to thank everyone for their efforts. I look forward to moving this forward. Thank you. Commissioner collins, can we screen share the amendment . Yes. We will look at these and discuss them. There are typos. It is like we are here tomorrow. That is the best i can do. There it is. Thanks. Do you want me to read it . Yes, please. I wanted to add whereas to incorporate the input from the Public Comment. Whereas there is no data showing the validity of using grades as accurate measure of Student Learning during the covid19, whereas the federal government required schools to provide support to students receiving special Education Support for students interrupted by Distance Learning and the covid19 pandemic. I want to add the note. The board approved agreement between united educators to uphold the value of holding students harmless and encourages educators to ensure students dont receive a lester grade than lesser grade. Further resolved credit refer ry will be provided. How to grade students during the pandemic. The district will work with cb o partner to establish safeguards and safety nets through hardship due to the covid19 pandemic. Can i second the amendment . You can drop the screen share. That was moved buyer commissioner collins, correct . Yes. Thank you. Commissioner norton you seconded the motion, correct . Correct. Did the board want to accept the amendment without a vote or do you want a vote . Or do you want to accept the amendment to the superintendents proposal . I would say general consent. Is that okay . I have a bad connection. Me, too. He may have a bad connection. Also, i see the student delegates have their hands up. I want to make sure that he was able to hear. Thank you. I would like to request the amendment or resolution to change therefore be resolved to our hybrid policy we requested. A to f option. Where specifically did you want . Which one . When you take comments like the amendment . I would like to speak to that one. Me, too. If we want to comment on this amendment how do we do that. We have to vote on this. We can comment and discuss but we cant make an amendment on an amendment. I want to clarify. This is like a separate amendment i want to request. We accepted the other amendment by general consent. Thank you. This is not an amendment on commissioner collins amendment. This is a request to implement the recommendation to change the grading policy. You are making a motion. Somebody would have to second the motion for us to discuss it, mr. Sanduval. Second. Thank you. Okay. Can we discuss superintendent matthews and commissioner collins . One part of the reason that the uc and csu gave the flexibility was because of the realization how difficult it would be at this time when students are adequately trying to assess an a through f grade. Not only difficult for students but definitely difficult for teachers who also we could go about this pandemic happened to students and teachers. It is quite difficult for a teacher to even if the board went the a through f, but then up add on top of that a teacher now trying to assess part of the class on pass and no pass and part on a through f. Personally a big part why this isnt in the resolution is because we knew that would present we talked about hardships and difficulty. This is what some students wanted in the survey. We felt this would provide such a difficulty for teachers to figure out a and f. It makes it really difficult for teachers to manage it to move forward and to put that forward, to operate in that manner. I would say that amendment makes it quite difficult to move our grading system forward. I would just add, that it creates difficulty for any university to interpret what the grades mean. If some students in the same course got a pass while others got a letter grade, that would be nearly impossible for them to decipher what that means. I suspect we would hear a lot of feedback from them. Commissioner collins i want to recognize president solomon. Thank you. I just want to make sure that things are accurate. I am speaking where it says teachers are encouraged not to give students lesser grades than they had. This is about contract language exact about what it says. It is not that teachers are encouraged to do so, it says that students will not receive a lesser grade than the grade after march 13th as a result of engaging in Distance Learning. Contract language will not mean this will not happen. Teachers saying it is not going to happen. This is from the m. O. U. Agreed to buy the district and the union. I want to be clear. I appreciate you clarifying. I want to make sure that i dont want to i am trying to i guess based on legal advice i wanted to make sure we werent getting into trouble so i made it encouraged based on the m. O. U. And quoted it. I would love to incorporate your language exactly. I wanted to know from legal if that is a problem for us to do. May i comment one more time before . At this moment i am not even entering the debate what teachers should do. If it is going to site the m. O. U. , it has to be exact. Anybody who reads this resolution will know that it is accurately reflecting what the m. O. U. Says. And the m. O. U. Doesnt say encourage. That is my point. Is that okay to include that exact language . What i would recommend is that you simply say consistent with the m. O. U. Instead of trying to characterize what it says. That is where you are hearing president solomon having concerns. Consistent with the m. O. U. And there is no debate. We can make those changes in the edit. Getting back to the original question where student delegate sandoval. I did work with postsecondary access. The problem is colleges look at grades and know what schools inflate grades, which schools they know all of that stuff. In this situation what i am hearing this semester is called asterisk. Grades are all over the place. Grades need to measure something. If you have sent centimeters and inches. I think it creates more challenges for students than opportunities. Ultimately, i agree with superintendent matthews. When you are a high schoolteacher grading 160 kids, having multiple scales of grading, it is challenging. Teachers keep moving have all acknowledged they are not eaching the same amount. That is something to acknowledge. With an a it is not the same amount of work as if you were in school. That is not your fault. It is challenging for teachers am i grading an a in will gee bra this year in algebra last year or remotely. It is confusing. That is why the staff made the recommendation to come up with a new scaling. It is clear this is a different scaling. Also, i do want to recognize students that have received grades to the nine weeks maybe there is a way to get recognition or letter wont appear on transcripts but a letter stating what grades would have been to recognize what they have earned on so far. As we have stated a great up to the nine week grading period doesnt recognize student achievement. That is valid up to that point. Any other comments . Thank you, student delegates for continuing our discussion. I just want to make sure we are clear about the new whereas and the language. Are we going to vote on the entire thing . You have two motions on the floor, two proposed amendments. Be clear which amendment you are voting on commissioner collens or student delegates . Well then lets vote on the student delegate amendment. I thought we accepted mine. By general consent. There is only one amendment on the floor. Then we have to vote on the main motion. We vote on the whole resolution. Speaking to the student delegates amendment. Commissioner norton. I want to say i am not in favor of the amendment, with regret. I thank the student delegates foreigfor their engagement and representation of students. I think for the reasons that the superintendent so eloquently explained, we have to consider more than just the concerns of students at this point, and i think there could be a real backlash to students from, again, the two big Public University systems csu and uc. We dont want problems for other students and additional confusion and issues for teachers trying to figure out how to grade during this pandemic. I am going to vote no on the amendment, with regret. Any other comments . Yes, can i have that read to me because my internet went out for a while. The amendment. The amendment was to take into account Student Input and change the grading policy to what we recommended at the beginning. Which was in. Which was pass or the optional a through f. Not a pass or no pass, just a pass and a through f . Option grades. I feel like we should be allowing for that as the fall back if you see csu change their thinking. At this point since they havent, i think it would be unwise to do it. I think if we change it we should divert to that policy. I think people want that, and i think people want a voice in it. If uc and c su change their policy then we should revert to your amendment language. President sanchez, i feel that sounds like another amendment. You are amending the amendment. The amendment would be should the csu and uc system allow for the policy to be a through f and pass policy that we will engage that knowing that that probably isnt going to happen. At least it would give us some wiggle room if it did happen. Is there a timeline . And do we have a second . I think it was already seconded. We are on to what mark is sharing. This is misrepresenting what president sanchez is saying. If the policy saying within the uc system we can bring it back for another vote, not to change the vote now . I could live with that. I would prefer. Otherwise it is very, very unclear what does that mean . I would be open if they changed their policy i would be open to bring it back. Then we dont need the amendment. Go ahead. Commissioner cook. I appreciate the leadership of the student delegates for pressing the voice of all of the students. I want to make sure because i am not going to support the amendment. I do want to bring back the level of participation that you had on the discussion. Do you know offhand. Can you recall how many people were in the survey . Yes, i can check. Last time 5400. Now it is 5816 currently. You came up with these proposals which you are asking us to vote on . Yes. Cool. The 5800 students that weighed in on this discussion, for the sake of clarity for this semester i am going to support the amendment we have on the table and if you are upset about that you can blame me. I appreciate all of you weighing in. Again, thank you for your leadership in engaging all of your peers in this discussion. If there are no more comments we can vote on the amendment. The student delegate amendment. Thank you. Student delegate amendment. Ms. Collins. No. Mr. Cook. No. Ms. Lam. No. Ms. Lopez. No. Mr. Moliga. No. Ms. Norton. No. Mr. Sanchez. No. Ms. Sandaval. Yes. That was a failed vote. Thank you for your leadership. That is an amazing turnout. I would love if you could share it with us the survey language, that would be helpful. Did we vote on commissioner collins amendment . Okay. Now we are going to vote on the resolution. Roll call. The resolution was amended and accepted by general consent. This is just the resolution as amended. Ms. Collens. Yes. Mr. Cook. Yes. Ms. Lam. Yes. Ms. Lopez. Yes. Mr. Moliga. Yes. Nor to be. Yes. Sanchez. Yes. That is a unanimous vote of the board. Thank you. Thank you. Now, we are moving to another resolution that we are going to vote to suspend the rules for. We need a motion and second for suspension of the rules for resolution 20428a1 in support of utilizing School District property in conjunction with citywide plan to establish safe sleeping sites for unsheltered people offered by me civil and commissioner lopez. Moved. Second. This is roll call on the suspension of the rules. Thank you. Ms. Collins suspension of the rules. She stepped away. Mr. Cook. Yes. Ms. Lam. Yes. Lopez. Yes. Sanchez. Yes. Thank you. Give me one second. We need the motion and second. I need a motion and second for the formal. Moved. Second. Thank you. Now i am going to read the resolution into the record. I will read this in si support f the safe sleeping for unsheltered people. The supervisors are considering the following policy urging the city to establish safe sleeping sites for unsheltered people to encourage social distancing and slow the spread of covid19. Whereas the supervisors resolution note that more than 8,000 people are without shelter in San Francisco the majority are sleeping on the streets whereas the citys healthy street Operation Center refocused on keeping areas clean and sidewalks clear and asking people to stay one person per tent and tents 6 feet apart. Encampments have grown including on the perimeter of School Campuses without physical distancing and sanitation and hygiene posing a challenge to covid19 mitigation efforts. Los angeles and phoenix are creating Outdoor Camping sites to slow the spread of covid19. Be it resolved the School District shall partner with city and council to identify one district property to be utilized to protect those experiencing homelessness from the spread of covid19. Further be it resolved property identified for such uttivelyization shall include outdoor areas and indoor facilities including restrooms and showers and shall conform with safety and sanitary standards consistent with the San Francisco department of Public Health best practices surrounding covid19. Further that consistent with the proposal any district site determined to be used have a safety plan and be staffed 24 7 and include janitorial and such other servicesness and feasible to maintain health and safety of those at the site and surrounding neighborhood consistent with Public Health guidance and best practices. Any and all District Properties utilized shall be staffed resourced and maintained by city and county funding. Shall return to district usage prior to the opening of school. That is the resolution. We are going to open up to Public Comment. Supervisor mandelman is with us. Hello, commissioners. For the record i am supervisor mandelman district 80 the board of supervisors. I want to thank you for your work you continue to do for our schools and students. In particular, tonight i want be to thank president sanchez and Vice President lopez for offering this resolution in support of using School District property in conjunction with the citywide plan for safe sleeping sites for unsheltered people and i thank the administration for willingness to engage with the city and i thank the neighbors who called to share support for this meeting and earlier today the board unanimously approved the resolution to establish safe sleeping sites. Both bodies are working together on this critical issue . Response to covid19. Addressing the crisis will take action of every Public Agency with initiative the San Francisco unified School District is a leader. In the castro and other neighborhoods encampments are growing without access to hygiene or sanitation. Creating a Public Health hazard. In these times i think we need to be open to new strategies for safe alternatives to unsheltered people with no bed available. We shall expect and demand such safe sleeping sites follow best practicing maintaining distancing and access to sanitation to food and water. I am eager to open the safe sleeping site meeting these criteria to serve the upper market and castro. This would add urgency to work underway to achieve that goal as part of the broader site and i thank you. Thank you, supervisor mandelman for all you are doing. Susan, would you like to speak on this item . I am a big advocate of the Public School system. You are doing a great job. I need your help now. I hope you will support this. We live in the castro. I am 75 and scared to go out of the house. Please help us. Thank you. Thank you. We are very concerned. I want to support this resolution. It makes a bad situation worse. It is horrible situation. It could make it better. These are temporary times. I think the School District and Public Institutions should support the city. And to support the Homeless People to find a safe environment for themselves and the neighborhoods they live in. Every night we have disputes in the homeless camps and it is worry some to go outside. You dont know what will occur. I am concerned about the safety of the Homeless People and also about the safety of my family. Thank you very much. Thank you. Supervisor matthews. I dont know if you have staff to make comments public to the Public Comment . No. If the board has any questions . Thank you. Caroline, are you there . I am. I am caroline thomas, San Francisco voter living near the high school. I want to acknowledge the Historic Partnership between the schools and the San Francisco neighborhood. Athere are beautiful magnolias. Safe sleeping sites are better for tents than the sidewalks. Besides sidewalks as places for safe passage and humanitarian. These redoe reduce risks. It is a struggle. Existing utilities are not enough. They are difficult to monitor. Providing sanitation facilities and meals is an incentive and easier to maintain. Whether or not School Toilets are used. It reduces the need to travel to distribution sites. Tents are now across the sidewalks. It puts San Francisco at risk of not reopening in a timely manner. Reopening depends on a lower infection rate and ability for Contract Tracing. If there is an outbreak Contract Tracing is easier for who is in contact with human contain the spread of the infected individual. Having approved the locations like the schoolyard or parking lot the homeless maintain appropriate distances with access to hygiene and less time traveling to obtain meals or services and reducing the risk of outbreak. We really want to return to life before covid19 for the sake of all San Francisco. Please approve the tempor tempoe of school sites. Hello, virginia. Thank you. I am a long time educator in San Francisco and the alliance of the black school educators. We are very concerned. We feel no one should be homeless especially with africanamerican communities. However, as an educator and i am concerned about our homeless colleagues being on school grounds. I want to hear from staff how they plan to ensure that our students are not exposed to needles and other things that will jeopardize their safety. I wonder why it is not an option to put them in a hotel. It is empty School Property absolutely . If it is a School Property where students will come back to school, i think the commission should really look at that option and tell us pointbypoint what will be done to ensure that when students and staff arrive to school the next day their health is not jeopardized. Thank you. We will move to Public Comment. What item . What is the question . You are on the meeting now. We are doing the resolution regarding the unhoused population on district property. Stewart are you there . You have two minutes. I guess about two months ago in the morning outside my door there was an encampment in front of my building. I am in a two unit condo in the castro. Three feet out of my door was the encampment as if they were entitled to stay there. It took a full day just by chance calling 311. Neighbors calling 3 eleven no results. By chance a Police Officer came by and got them to move. But they moved a block away. My feeling this is not good for them or me. I think they should get into an encampment in the school yard. That is sensible. It is good thing. A piece of land is created where they can put the encampment. I am totally supportive. It has to be done. I am sure you will find a way to clean the school yard so the students can come back. That is all i have to say. I am over having to pay high taxes in the city and have to deal with the homelessness literally in front of my house. Thank you all. I appreciate it. Stay safe. Thank you. Caller, are you there . Yes, hello. I am william jake. I have lived in San Francisco district 8 for 26 years. I do support the resolution to utilize the School Properties to protect the Homeless Individuals and others who live here not homeless from the spread of covid19. We need action now and this is the best plan at this time. It is a good plan. We have to do it. Thank you. Fred, are you there . I am a resident of castro over 20 years and fully support this proposal that the supervisor has made. I understand that the school board should be considered should consider the benefit they can provide to the community at the same time that the City Services are put in place to ensure that when the children go back to school that the environment there is clean and suitable for the students. I will note, however, over the last three months before the epidemic around 16th street, around sanchez, there were a number of encampments with the burden of the covid in front of the students before they were restricted from attending school. This is one of the best solutions to the problem. In reference to the hotel rooms there are daytoday more and more people added to the hotel rooms. The people we are talking about in tents encampments are on the lowest part of that height list. Priority list. That gives the city another tool to deal with making a proper decision to let the people who are unfortunately in tents at least have a safe environment with City Services to help them. Thank you. Thank you. Julia. I live between 16th. It is one of the places where the encampment was taking place. I am in support of this resolution and i want to thank you for finding a solution to find a safe place for people to stay and have Senior Citizens to feel safe again and feel we are able to go and walk on our sidewalk. Thank you for this solution and thank you for finding this solution. Thank you. That concludes Public Comment. Thank you very much. Before commissioners have comments i want to clarify something. One, the resolution does address the cleaning issue. We would not open up any school site that we open up for this purpose to be in a state that wasnt safe for students. I think don might be able to talk to that. I want to congratulate the board of supervisors for supporting this. I will say right now except i do want to mention and it hurts my heart to say it. Over the weekend a woman experiencing homelessness passed away on the steps of everett middle school. Nobody knows had we had some space open in our city like this proposal with staffing because the city will staff whether she would have survived or not, but the tragedy underscores what we are talking about here. 200 to 300 homeless folks die in the city every year and it doesnt make the news. I think we should help them out. If there are any commissioners to comment . I have a question. Do you have any idea which schools are most likely going to be used . Supervisor mandelman has identified a school he would like to use because it is in his district and central to where a lot of the homelessness is taking place, which is everett middle school. In this process we will engage with the city if this passes and we will decide which site or site goes to use. It wont be mandated by the city which site to use. I want to say that in the past we have one of the callers referenced the partnership was the city. In the past Mission High School offered weekend showers for homeless folks. Due to neighbors complaints we suspended that program instead of expanding to other high schools. We have an opportunity to be part of the solution. Other sites mentioned are caesar stayed d stadium. Old transbay terminal. There are sites they are looking at and they would like one school to be part of the citywide effort. Thank you. I want to thank both you and Vice President lopez for this resolution. I think students would definitely support this resolution. It not only supports our community but also flattens the curve. I would like to ask if we could be added as coauthors to this resolution. Absolutely. Commissioner lam. Thank you for putting this together and working with supervisor mandelman. I think absolutely i am in support of this resolution. I think, you know, it is an opportunity for us to be one San Francisco. The lines just dont keep us separate because we are a School District versus the city and county. Clearly there is so much need how to support the unhoused communities. I am in support of this resolution. I am also a district 8 longtime resident. I also have been seeing the growing demand of tents and again Homeless People in the district. We know that is exacerbated knowing people losing their jobs. Thank you for leading this effort. I look forward for the district to continue deepening the partnership with the city. Vice president lopez. I am in support of this. I think we have stepped up in a number of ways during this pandemic. This is no different. We also have great example of how we are using the sites to support the very real issue in San Francisco and i just want to speak quickly to arguments made as far as our role at schools and help with homelessness. It really is clear to me that as a city we all have to engage and participate in a way that helps diminish that and better the lives however we can of the residents in San Francisco. It is incumbent on us to come up with ways to help with this issue. If we have the opportunity now to do it and to grow and develop and learn from it, get the resources for it, then i am all for that. Commissioner cook. I want to thank everyone that spoke. Thank you, Vice President lopez. I think they were groundbreaking finding ways to engage people. This is a problem. I think it is important to highlight the social workers and educators at the site that responded to the need. Also, this is a crisis. This is appropriate for the time. This is not uncommon with the crisis for anyone with concerns for the neighborhood during katrina which was also an emergency. People opened up schools so people can get out of the water. Whatever resources we have available to save lives we should explore. I am sensitive to the safety of our students. I do have one question about implementation. Maybe we are not there yet. I will be back to this item after it is worked through. Do we have a sense at this time. The hours of operation or anything specific to that . We will depend on the city for providing the services. We are providing the in kind space in the facility. Assuming this passes there needs to be changes on our side who is a point of contact for us. I dont know if don wants to chime in on usage of the site t ensure that it is properly . I dont know if don is still on the call. A joint use agreement we are able to go the with organizers and derm all of the things that need to be put in place per department of Public Health guidelines. Similar to the way we work with the Similar Program with the horse map and testing sites. In the mission we do the dew the diligence to go to the board for approval. There is built into the system for checks and balances and follow the same process which we followed the last two joint use agreements. We also are starting right now organizing a site walk through with department of public works and other folks who are involved in sponsoring the encampment and identifying our utilities and the ways that those utilities might need accessed. Talking through security of the site. Most of those conversations are best addressed through an on site eyes on the facility shared visit. We are working on scheduling that asap. My understanding right now is again and we will work with my former colleagues at department of public works and folks i worked within the past. Our understanding there is in impact to the School Building nor is there to be any obligations placed on our custodial services. Again, like the program and partnership. The right people will be involved. If anything comes up it will be addressed. It is 24 hours at the site. It is now. We modified the m. O. U. Last month

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