Wore putting this forward and im putting this forward with my colleague, supervisor ronen, thank you, and supervisor mar, thank you, along with the support of jennifer and those from local 1021. And more importantly, the front loin nurses in particular at sf general that have been keeping us informed and letting us know about the situation. I think weve did not a good job of being prepared as we can. This would allow San Francisco and other areas to be even that much more prepared if and when theres a spike. So, that is all i have. The last thing i do want to say, supervisor peskin and i have been working over the weekend to try and get many of the private sectors janitors back to the table with some of the companies that are out there that are laying janitors off and their companies in this city that are treating their janitors as and many of their employees as they are their frontline employees and paying them. There are some that are deciding theyre going to use this opportunity at this moment to lay janitors off, were very hopeful this week will bear some fruit and there will be some further conversations. I think well hear from some janitors today during our Public Comment. I just wanted to highlight that. Thank you supervisor peskin for his leadership and work on this issue with me along with local 87 and were really hopeful well be able to keep people there. As all of you know, janitors are essential frontline workers and play a big role in ensuring that our buildings public spaces and private spaces are clean and free of coronavirus. Everything else, the rest i submit. Thank you. Clerk thank you, supervisor. Supervisor stefani. Submit. Clerk thank you. Supervisor walton. Thank you, madam clerk and first of all, i just want to thank my colleagues for working to be very proactive as we are in this crisis and understanding that there are times where we need to put lives before focusing on money and it is very important that we continue to push to eliminate settings for our unhoused and vulnerable populations that are living on the streets and s. R. O. S and shelters and Navigation Centers and so, im excited about the legislation that was introduced at this meeting. I would also like to be a cosponsor to supervisor mars emergency ordinance that he introduced at roll call today and last, i just want to thank everyone for working to hear direct low from people who are on our streets and having conversations, aside from just having a video to present, it really did provide in sight as we got out and talked to some of our folks who are living outside and who are unhoused just hearing their stories approximate hearing how they are effected by this crisis as a whole and i want to thank all of my colleagues and city leadership for continuing to work to address the issues and concerns that come up minute by minute and hour by hour and day by day basis as we are dealing with this crisis and i have nothing to submit. Thank you, supervisor walton. Supervisor yee. Thank you, madam clerk. I apologize to supervisor ronen for interrupting her. What i saw was the video part of the presentation and realized wasnt seeing anything for a variety of reasons. That was my main reason why i thought it would be good to stop it. But the voices were there. So, i just wanted to remind everybody about our census. I want to remind everyone to fill out their census and remind their constituents to do the same. Theres still time to do the 2020 census. Either those census day has passed, the census is still live and will still have a lot of work to do to make sure the city, residents are common. The Response Rate is below the national. Below the state and below the regional averages. Census responses are co confidential and representation in congress. These results also determine how federal funding is distributed to schools, how schools, roads, social services and more. Everyone should do the census online at mine2020census. Gov. Or just call 8443302020 as soon as they can. Vis et the website for support in 14 other languages. It wont take long. I know when i filled mine out, it took less than five minutes. I want to say we all know how much our Small Businesses are struggling while the federal government, Small Business administration wrote out their 349 billiondollar Payroll Protection Program last friday to provide emergency loans to americans Small Businesses devastated by coronavirus. It has been nothing short of chaotic. We are hearing from Small Businesses, Business Owners being rejected by lenders who are refusing to participate in their program. We are hearing from people frustrated by the application process itself. As a city, i commend us for stepping up to provide local grants and loans but this federal program has been necessary and i really hope we can find a swift resolution so were not leaving our Small Businesses hanging. I will urge Small Business administration and our congressional delegation to lift restrictions and to provide additional assistance so that applications can move forward and to provide better provisions to for loans it more businesses. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, mr. President. Next is supervisor fewer. We refer, bless. Thank you. Clerk supervisor haney. Thank you, madam clerk. Today im introducing emergency ordinance for increased employee protections for grocery store, drugstore, restaurant and on demand delivery employees. There are so many people who are still required to show up to work to make sure that the rest of us can still put food on our tables and have medications to survive. A cashiers, bakers, deli clerks, pharmacy clerks and on demand Food Delivery Service workers put their lives at risk of getting covid19 so that we can safely shelter in place. They help provide fresh meals to our families, replenish gross resident to shelves and deliver food and grow grocery to senior. The emergency legislation and co sponsors mar, walton, ronen, president ton, fewer, peskin, safai and yee addresses the needs of this Critical Group of workers who are not getting the level of employee protection they need to safely do their jobs during this pandemic. This is scary and challenging for all of us and especially our frontline workers making sure we have access to food, medicine and essential goods. Requiring workers to have access to these protections and also not face retaliation for it is essential for all of us to remain safe and healthy during this pandemic. This legislation strengthens Worker Protections that are covered by the Health Officers orders during covid19. It gives workers a level of protection, mechanism to foil a complaint with the office of labor standards of enforcements. The legislation requires one that employers provide workers with personal protective equipment such as gloves, masks, sanitizers, soap and water and it includes on demand Delivery Service employees who would have to be reimbursed for purchasing these items. On demand Delivery Service employees must be paid for time spent cleaning vehicles or driving to handwashing facilities during the shift. Third, on demand delivery platforms have to offer drivers and shoppers the option of executing a no Contact Delivery during the state of emergency and a work schedule for any reason under the citys paid sick leave ordinance and a fifth on demand Delivery Service employers must keep their employees uptodate with the latest social distancing protocols and how to com ploy and lastly and very importantly, no retaliation. Employers cannot just charge or threaten to charge suspend any person in retaliation for supervising their rights under this ordinance. I want to thank my staff, my chiefofstaff, abigale for reminding mesa and City Attorney, jim from uscw local 648 and uscw local 35. Rudy gonzalez and the many advocates with the jobs justice, human rights committee, uesc, Chinese Progress Association and all of their work pulling this together and moving it forward. Secondly, and many of you have spoken about this, about our emergency legislation to require hotel rooms for unhoused neighbors and im just proud of the work that weve all been doing together. I want to thank my colleagues preston ronen, walton and peskin and also supervisor mar of signing on as a cosponsor and to the entire board for supporting unanimously the resolution last week which really this legislation builds on what weve already put forward in the resolution and really strengthens what were asking for and the accountability around it. Weve had support and i want to and all of our staff who have been working so hard on this according for her work. And leadership and at a basic level, we want to underscore we cannot wait until people get sick to move them into private rooms. Just like were doing for everyone else, we have to prevent people from getting sick in the first place by giving them the ability to stay physically and socially distant from others and protect themselves. Our emergency legislation puts forward a preventative and commonsense strategy that wires the city to procure 8,250 hotel rooms which 730 workers of this crisis and 500 for medical quarantine per the advice of the d. P. H. Director and 7,000 for homeless. We know we cannot be reactive. We have a ticking time bomb on our streets and we have a responsibility to protect everyone, including people who are on our streets, shelters and Navigation Centers, we are not doing that right now and this legislation will provide the solution which is giving people a place where they can stay isolated, shelter at home, be safe and healthy, and as you saw from the video, there are so many people right now who dont have that and who are beg put at risk because of it and i very much look forward to continuing to work with all of you. Our Community Partners with the mayor and her administration to implement this legislation. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor haney. Supervisor mandelman. Submit. Clerk thank you. Supervisor mar. Thank you, madam clerk. First off, i would like to ask to be added as a care sponsor of the state shelter sponsor to acquire of hotel rooms to not sure people experiencing homelessness have a safe place to shelter in during shelter in place and thank you so much to supervisors ronen, haney, walton and peskin to interes introduces today. Colleagues, today im announcing that i asked the City Attorney to draft legislation to ensure that laid off workers are the first ones offered their jobs back when businesses reopen and return to regular service. In the midst of the growing health pandemic, this urge in layoffs and unemployment in our country, state and cities has been nothing short of staggering. Businesses are hurting and so are the people who work or worked for them and we will get through this together. When businesses are again able to expand service, its imperative that we move as quickly as we can to bring back jobs for those current lo curred off for the health of our economy, businesses and workers. Our right to return to work ordinance will mean a quicker hiring process for the workers and businesses and for many, your healthcare is tied to your job and more certainty in rehiring means more certainty in health coverage. As i have said before, Economic Policy is and it will lead to better publichealth outcomes. I look forward to hearing more as we prepare this ordinance and the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor mar. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam clerk and inaudible . Im sorry, im having a hard time hearing you, supervisor peskin. You sound very limited. Hold on, let me put in head phones. One moment please. Its best if we all use head phones. It reduces the echo. How is that . Much better, thank you. I started by asking not so much better. Just for a moment it was better. Supervisor peskin. When you move like three inches closer to the screen, we can hear you better. How is that . How is that . That sounds better. We do get to see you. I first asked to be added am i going through ok . Supervisor, peskin, you may want to turn off your video. Lets give that a try. The bandwidth may be weak. How is that . Give it a try. No. We can barely hear you. Supervisor yee supervisor fewer, are you ready . Yes. I was going to actually do introductions after supervisor peskin but im happy to give him a little bit of time to adjust his volume. Supervisor yee lets do that and supervisor peskin, can can someone go off line and see what we can do. We will work with him, mr. President. Supervisor yee thank you, mr. President. Sorry mr. Peskin. Thank you. How is that, guys . Im sorry. Supervisors. Is that better . That is better. Would you like to troy now, supervisor peskin. I am happy to defer to you supervisor fewer as you were first in roll call or happy to proceed. Either way. Supervisor yee you are really clear right now so go ahead. Why dont we take advantage of it. So, first of all, id like to be added to supervisor mars items that we voted on earlier and it was a cosponsor item number 16. And then colleagues, as supervisor fewer alluded to last week, today, together with supervisor preston, all three of us are introducing an emergency ordinance that would freeze all rent increases during this emergency period and this ordinance would freeze what would otherwise be permissable rent increases under chapter 37 the rent stabilization ordinance which would include bank rent increases, normal annual rent increases as well as any past increases and would be effective as of introduction today april 7th, and it would be heard in committee on the 20th if the president is willing to wave the 30day rule and could be heard at the full board of supervisors on april 21st. And i want t to note that supervisor fewer has been really a leader around legislation to curtail certain times of pass throughs to tenants and i was proud to lead the effort last year to create a hardship exemption for tenants unable to afford bond pass throughs which in turn, i think incres support for last novembers 600 milliondollar Affordable Housing bond. And i know that everybody is under a lot of pressure, businesses, some small landlords, but tenants have rarely been under the kind of intense pressure that theyre seeing now and i want to applaud the efforts of the board mayor to provide relief during this precarious time. Secondly, i prepared an ordinance that i was working with supervisor safai which in fact we are not going to introduce today but we will still work on because were both very pleased to learn our mayor will put forward a supplemental declaration of emergency as early as tomorrow and i understand that the fourth coming supplemental order would put a hard cap of 10 on total fees that third party Food Service Providers like grub hub, door dash, uber eats and others can charge to restaurants during the emergency. And as my colleagues mandelman safai are well aware this issue pro dates the emergency and weve seen some of these providers charging as much as 30 in fees for taunts that have been operating in margins and under the current emergency these businesses are of course doing quite well and im talking about the apps, not the restaurants and i wants to thank mayor breed for appreciate north in policy and i want to acknowledge supervisor safai and mandelman for their work on this issue as well. And with regard to the urgency ordinance a number of my colleagues have spoken to earlier, i want to thank them and community for the work over the last several days on this collective ordinance to ensure our homeless are brought indoors to safely comply with the shelter in place mandate. The reality on our streets, shared about the reality on our street, its time for us to really debunk the excuse for why Homeless Individuals are incapable of selfcare. The vast majority of our Homeless Population living on our streets that we encounter all the time, are over the age of 60 and or have multiple Underlying Health conditions. There are currently not being admitted no shelters which we know and while we have made incremental progress moving some individuals who have tested positive out of shelters and into quarantine, we are leaving thousands of individuals exposed to viral transmission. Today, a group of doctors released a report entitled a medically plan to stop the spread of covid19 among unhoused people which a firms the widespread publichealth opinion that created more mass shelters does not provide suffice laying fo for sro and qe opposite is true. It endangerers everyones health and well being and threatens to overwhelm our Hospital Systems that we are working to decongest. As the chief Health Officer told us last month i quote, from a disease transmission perspective, having your own room is the best. In addition to mandating sufficient rooms for homeless and shelter residents, our urgency ordinance would require accurate data reporting and tracking of s. R. O. S and homeless and shelter populations. The lack of transparency is concerning given that this information is not confidence shall and its data the public has a right to know and it should be public data and its critical as policymakers to understand. And finally with respect to cost, we know that much of this cost will be reimbursed by federal and state Emergency Response efforts. All of us have been asked to help fundraise private donations into the give to sf fund and we should also all know how much money has been raised and what we spent today and what weve spent it on. This information also should be reported to the board and the public on a regular basis. We all want the same things. We all want to flatten the curve and stop the spread of covid19 so that we can move on and focus on a recovery efforts. But in a crisis where every hour counts, we are really he, and this is been said before, not moving fast enough. So i hope that this ordinance will help us move quick low towards the same goal in time for the surge. And colleagues, i would like to adjourn todays Board Meeting in the memory of jerry adams, a reporter at the San Francisco examiner and later on at the chronicle from the 1970s through his retirement in 2005, mr. Adams covered San Franciscos urban Planning Issues and the implications and had an impact on the city for decades. His work as an Award Winning journalist on the beats of land use, environment, Real Estate Development and architecture was essential essential and help catalyze poll sew changes that shape the city as we know it today. Born in 1928, he was raised in marine and graduated from uc berkeley and served in the army before moving to california. He landed at examiner in the 1950s. With incredible detail and analysis, jerry covered the transformation of downtown after the freeway was torn down he wrote about the radical transformation and he walked and reported on the redevelopment of the rail yards into a bio tech hub and most importantly for me, he was remarkably helpful in covering the neighborhood efforts here to save the building number one columbus avenue from demolition. He loved sailing on the bay with his wife and she survives him along with a sister, susan in new york and two brothers and on behalf of the board of supervisors, i wish them all our condolences and the rest i will submit. Thank you, madam clerk. Clerk thank you, supervisor peskin. Supervisor fewer, you asked to be rereferred. Thank you, madam clerk. Access to informed has been a challenge for many residents in San Francisco but it is increasingly urgent with an uptick in residents that are home bound or sheltering in place and those who are economically vulnerable and cannot afford food. Because this need is increasingly urgent, we need immediate action in ensuring no Receipt Department goes hungry. Sfusd has been providing meals for children and families since the week after schools were closed to paint a picture the number of meals increased from 9,000 to 24,000 over the course of one week. Nearly tripling the numbers provided. Still, unable to meet the full need. San francisco is also fortunate to have the San Francisco industry to thank and a network of Community Organizations who run food pantries as well as home delivered gres reece and meals, not to mention meal programs for a no pivoting to deliver those meals to homes with seniors and people with disabilities, we have restaurants who have stepped up the city to provide meals for residents in public housing, sros and more. I and my office are working closely with the Food Access Team at the Emergency Operations center to build a program that leverages our exiting assets, access growing needs, work with restaurants and each of our districts, leverage Public Sector workers and volunteers to build capacity and ultimately get through quickly to people who need it. The Food Access Team is also developing a food locater 311 coming on online soon. So that everyone everywhere and anywhere in the city can be connected to resources that they have to subsidize they need. I am happy to work with anyone who has resources to bring to the table and will share more updates as this program is built up. I am proud to introduce an emergency ordinance with supervisor peskin to freeze rent increases during this covid19 emergency. As supervisor peskin mentioned this emergency ordinance would a ploy to any rent increase that would otherwise be allowed under San Francisco rent stabilization ordinance including anything increases or pass throughs. This policy is compliment tree to the mayors moratorium on evictions and other efforts by my colleagues to keep people inn their homes. We also call shelter in place while we all follow the shelter in place order. I want to thank the mayor and my colleagues on this berdyc boardr stability for renters during this trying time and recognize that on going efforts of tenant and Affordable Housing applicants will push our state and federal governments to do more. While we continue to push for these bigger policy changes, around rent and mortgage payments we must also do everything we can at a local level to prevent renters from being burdened with rent increases at a time when so many are losing their jobs and their income. Thank you supervisor press kin for your leadership and your yor partnership. Im proud of moving this forward today and i look forward to working with you and the rest of my colleagues to do more to protect the most vulnerable. Clerk im looking at the roster and i believe that concludes the introduction of new business. Supervisor yee thank you, colleagues and now i think its passed 3 00 so lets go to our 3 00 special item there. Special order. Ok. Clerk the First Special order is item 8. On february 25th, the board of supervisors approved a motion m20024 to convene a committee of the whole for a public hearing for the board of supervisors to sit as a committee of the whole for a public hearing to receive an educational training for their legal obligations under the federal Securities Laws with respect to any official statement approvals. It was scheduled prior to the health and emergency the San Francisco debt requires the board have training on their legal obligations under federal Securities Law when approving city disclosure information and connection worth the authorization of bonds. We will continue this item to a later date with the understanding that this will be continued when we now understand that were going to continue and well now take a Public Comments on the continuance. Are there any members of the public who wish to speak on this continuance for item 8. Mr. Coup, are there any members of the public in the cue who would like to speak . Who have pressed the code and addition to 1 and 0 . Hello madam clerk, please allow me a minute to check. Clerk thank you. Clerk ill just provide the telephone number in case there are members that want to speak on this item, its 8882045984. The access code is 3501008. Press pound and pound again and then dial 1 and 0. And mr. President , wore going to be slowing down all of these Public Comment opportunities to give the public an opportunity to get to the phone and to enter in this information. This same information is also on or website. Madam clerk, there are no callers waiting to speak. Clerk ok. Well give it a few seconds more, mr. President , and well move on to we understand that the controller is on the line if there were any need to speak with the controller. Supervisor yee i dont see anybody on the rosterment. Clerk ok. Thank you, mr. Coup. Supervisor yee ok. Seems like theres no one that can be speaking on this item. We will have Public Comment is now closed. Colleagues, can we have a motion to continue this item indefinitely . So moved. Seconded by supervisor haney is it . Yes. Ok. Without objection then, can we take this motion and continue this item indefinitely and without objection. Item 8 is continued. Madam clerk, lets go to our next three p. M. Special order items 915. Clerk ok. On february 25th, 2020 the board approved resolution number 8420 to convene a committee of the whole. To hold public hearings to consider legislation to form a special tax district number 20201 known as the mission rock facilities and services. Item 10 is the resolution to propose the formation of the special tax district and a future annexation area. Item 11 is a resolution to determine necessity to incur bonded indebtedness and other debt not to exceed 3. 8 billion and item 12 resolution, to call a special election for the special tax district number 20201. Item 13 is the resolution to declare the results of that special election and item 14 is the resolution to authorize and ratify the issuance of bonded indebtedness and other debt in an principle amount not to exceed 3. 7 billion and item 15 is the ordinance to levee special taxes for the special tax district number 20201. Supervisor yee ok. The items related to the mission rock special tax district will node to be continued to next weeks meeting on tuesday april the 14th, 2020. With the understanding that item number 915 will be continued and we will now take Public Comments. Clerk mr. Coup, are there any callers on the line . Interested in making Public Comment on items 915 . Madam clerk, bless please ae to check the cue. Clerk thank you. There are no callers wishing to speak. Clerk thank you. Mr. President. Supervisor yee ok. Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. Can we have a motion to continue this item 915 to next tuesday april 14th, 2020 . I move accordingly. Supervisor yee motion made by stefani and seconded by supervisor preston. That is the date of april 14th. Supervisor yee correct. Without objection, items 915 are continued to next tuesday april 14th, 2020. Lets go to our Public Comment right now. Clerk at this time, the public may contribute live comments for up to two minutes by dialing the following telephone number 8882045984 and when you are prompted, enter the access code of 3501008, pound and then press pound again to join the meeting. When you are connected, you will be able to hear the meeting as a participant and when you hear Public Comment, you will be able to when you are ready to provide your Public Comment, you will dial 1 and 0 to be added into the speaker line. And mr. President , i want to just apologize to one speaker last week. He tried to dial in and we ended Public Comment a little too quickly and wanted to apologize to him and we are learning every week what the bugs are in this system. So, i just want to provide the public the telephone number now. Its on our website but its 8882045984 with access code 3501008, press pound and press pound again and when you are connected, dial 1 and 0 to be added into the cue. The system will notify you when you are in line and waiting and all callers will remain on mute until their line has been opened please call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television. Mr. President. Supervisor yee ok, well wait a couple of seconds here. You have one question remaining. Clerk hello caller. You have two minutes. Caller if you go online and check wikipedia for my great grandfather his name is fed. He has the distinction of going down as the most corrupt mayor in the history of chicago. With that in mind id like to state something. All right, we got that. We pay to play here. Were the best at this game. Better even than new york. We do it a bit differently than the new yorkers, we do it more sophisticated and we do it without the mafia. So what went down with nick bovis was not sophisticated. What goes down with Ben Rosenfeld is sophisticated. If you are going to look for pay to play, you look at Ben Rosenfeld. I got some thoughts on mohammad because i gotten into the e. R. General and theres nothing going on. Anybody who is, would go healthcare who has seen a bad here nowfluseason knows what. I live across the street and nothing is going on. Theres no health crisis. Weve got a task with 87 falls positive rate and the hand of intelligence in the become ground. What i think is going on was a shot across the co. You are all entrapped to play nice is what is being pulled off. Something else i noticed, tell guard. Shipped off to guam. Its not a mistake. How are you going to enforce stay at home order without the National Guard in the state of california . They shipped the new york National Guard to poland. That doesnt make sense. This whole thing seems to be covered for something else. And you are all playing along well it going along with lies from the public deserves better answers for the complete destruction of their livelihood. I got tipped off about this before this happened. It happened security clearens and go and figure . Do know were getting lied to and its unfair and its unproductive. To be constructive, how do we get out of it. The business one problem. Clerk thank you, sir. You have one question remaining. Clerk hello, caller. Caller this is linda chapman. Do you hear me . Clerk we can hear you, yes. Caller because for the last throw meetingthree meetings i td couldnt be recognized. First i want to say, im very grateful for the recognition of jerry adams because he did so much for all the knob hill battles we fought for for a decade or mor. My concern ive been trying to bring in is getting people off the streets and housed. The myth that trent put forward i thank god i worked in federal service in better times. It was against the law for people to live in the street if they were receiving federal benefits. It couldnt happen. And then the laws changed. Now one thing the laws can be changed back and afbc grants required the state to pay for the housing they didnt hand money to the women and expect them to go out and find housing no matter what it costs. You know. That was what the National Welfare Rights Organization that i organized for fought. That was one thing. When i worked for Social Security, if people received federal benefits from v. A. Or Social Security and this is still, it is still the law, that we have to see that they get representative if theyre not capable of handling the money themselves and those people will find them housing. Not that money goes to non profits to give them 3 a day to stay in the street or whatever. Another thing was the law said that they could not receive federal benefits after the first check unless they came and brought their rent receipt. They lived in s. R. O. S or rented in another persons flat. There was a Court Decision about that that said they could stay out but that was on the assumption that they couldnt find anywhere to live and we saved all these Residential Hotels and now theyre being converted by people like rudy and so fourth and you know, that is where people used to live who are now living in the streets and of course they lived on their own. With representative pay in some case and those people of course need to be in support of housing but most people didnt need subpoena or the tive housing they needed a room they could afford. Clerk thank you for your comments. You have zero questions remaining. So while we wait just a bit mr. President , to determine if there are other callers who are going to call in, i will apologize to mrs. Chapman if she tried to get out and get through to the system. So, to ms. Chapman, were happy to email the information directly or anyone if they need to know ex lo exactly how to gef the website is not readily available for them. Of a few other callers waiting in the cue. Clerk great. Please send them through. To callers on the line, please press 1 and then 0 t 0 to get o the cue. You have four questions remaining. Clerk hello, caller. Caller yes. Clerk bless provide your Public Comment. Clerk hello caller, wore ready for your Public Comment. Perhaps that caller hung up. If there are other callers on the line, please, press 1 and then 0 to get into the cue. You have five questions remaining. Clerk hello, caller. Caller thank you. Thank you. Im a resident in the tender loyal neighborhood and chair of the peoples congress. I just want to say the situation in the tenderloin is a disasterment folks on the street are not able to shelter in place. Its simply going to be a Health Disaster in addition to being a humanitarian disaster. Honestly, inaudible its so slow on this its frustrating and ago va rat rate aggravatingy thank you to supervisor ronen, preston and walton for moving forward and peskin for moving forward for this legislation to compel the city to get these folks in hotel rooms and off the streets. It should have been done weeks ago. The fact that the city has had no plan for how to handle this situation for this long is baffling to me. And i hope that we can move this legislation forward. I hope we can get these people housed asap. So all of our lives are not hanging in the balance. If one person out here is not safe, then none of us are. [please stand by] from the stimulus bill. The second item an appeal to all joggers in San Francisco to jog in the streets. We need to get the sweating, breathing joggers off the sidewalks when there are any people. Since there is less traffic, joggers run in the streets. The third item i have is and my husband and i are doing this. Tip generously to every delivery person and to all of the places where we are getting takeout food. These essential workers are risking their lives to provide Delivery Services and food. Please tip them very well. My fourth item is my husband and i are boycotting thence take cart and whole foods until they meet the demand of the workers. Items five. I want to thank all of my fellow citizens for helping to flatten the curve of covid19. We citizens are doing a terrific job and we will continue to flatten the curve. Finally, item 6, i want you supervisors to practice two minutes of roll call. You go on and on. We wait as you ramble on without time limits. I would like for Public Comment for one week to come before your roll call introductions. Thank you very much. Thank you. There is another caller. Welcome, caller. Is there a caller on the line . Hello. Please provide your Public Comment. I am jonathan. I work a deli that cleans the headquarters. We boycotted yesterday that we need wages or work. We are essential to the company and the building. This coronavirus has been a big epidemic that we had nothing to do with. We are leaving all of the disgusting and filthiness in the building still. They are leaving it there for weeks. I feel like we are essential to our company and we are essential to their company, also, and i just feel that we should get wages or get back to work to clean it out. Thank you. Thank you for your comment, sir. Welcome, caller. Yes. I am richard emerson. I would like to address the board of supervisors regarding a request to suspend nonessential discretionary Planning Department permit hearings until the meetings can occur in person, especially the discretionary ones for several reasons. Ineffective notice. We cant see signs on the street because we are shelterinplace. We cannot have neighborhood meetings. Conducting the business through sfgovtv is ineffective. Secondly, our meetings will be ineffective. Videos and dialing are no effective. Nobody to show exhibits or to access information that the Planning Department cant deliver the information to us in time. We cant get together with neighbors and with skype with the premeetings. Third, it is going to be a legal issue. Under both the i have a jd from stanford. I lectured on corporate ethics. I am a former executive committee member. I understand the technology. I went through the brown act and the sunshine act. Under the brown act 54953b3, you cant have these meetings teleconference unless they are accessible to the public, the location itself. That is not enabled. The server rushes to judgment here. In each case we have to ask ourselves the balance to comment versus appeal. I am particularly addressing it because there is a mills of National Landmark 31 here. Your time is up. Your two minutes are concluded. Good afternoon. I am brandon burke. I am calling in regards to the fact that 75 of the muni bus lines have been eliminated. I live in twin peaks. Supervisor mandelmans district. We have been effectively shut in place. The 33, 48, 52 are no longer running so effective tomorrow, we know longer have bus service to get to the hospital or a super market or pharmacy. Our bus line, which is a priority line, the 3 37 is eliminated tomorrow as well. This line needs to be put back in to handle the people who are coming from twin peaks to have now no bus access. Thank you. Thank yo thank you for your , sir. Welcome, caller. You have two questions rema remaining. Welcome, caller. Hello. My name is miranda. I am with local 87. I want to thank you for continuing to take care of not just your district but i want to thank you for ensuring all of the families are taken care of in San Francisco. This is the most important time for all of you to come together to be united as a city and lead it. Yesterday our janitors are working for Service Medallion that clean lift headquarters are considered essential workers. We have been working. Unfortunately lift, who is a billion Dollar Company is refusing to pay janitors, whereas competitors uber are paying and taking care of families. Lyft decided not to pay. We are asking the board of supervisors for your support in demanding that ly ft do the right thing by working families and pay what they are owed. I hope we can have your help. They dont think this is an opportunity to exploit covid19 and thinking this is an opportunity to layoff workers, which is what we are seeing. All we ask right now that is multibillion Dollar Companies should not get away with these actions in the city. The values we have are important. They should all understand working families if we are essential, dont exploit us. Thank you, supervisors. You have one question remaining. Is there a caller on the line . Hello. Your comments are welcome, sir. Amendez. A i work for lyft. Yesterday we boycotted lyft. We are asking them to pay us. They are a billion Dollar Company. We are essential. We have families to take care of and rent to pay. We count on your support. Thank you, sir, for your comments. Welcome, caller. I am francisco. All over the city we need to have testing. Without getting the data we cannot address the situation at hand. Again, all over the city we need to get testing. Once we get the data we can follow the trend and address this virus, covid19 virus. Thank you, mr. De kos costa. There are no other speakers. Hearing no other speakers, Public Comment is now closed. Madam clerk, lets call for agenda items 19 through 29. Items 19 through 29 were introduced without reference to committees. Unanimous vote is required for resolutions today. Alternatively any supervisor may require a resolution to go to committee. Colleagues would anyone like to sever any items . Supervisosupervisor mandelman. Thank you, mr. President. I would like to sever item 22. Supervisor fewer. I would like to sever items 20, 21, 24 and 26. Supervisor peskin. I would like to sever 23 and 29. I could not hear you. 23 and 29, i believe. Correct. Mr. President na leaves 19, 25, 27, and 28. We still have more. Supervisor mar. I was going to request no. 13. Supervisor peskin already did that. Supervisor safai. Item 25. Okay. Madam, clerk, please call the roll on the remaining items. 19, 27, 28. Items 19, 27 and 28. Supervisor preston. Aye. Rose nan. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Stefani aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee psy. Fewer. Aye. Haney psy. Mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are 11 eyes. Without objection the resolutions are adopted and motion is approved unanimously. Madam clerk call item number 20. Item 20. Resolution to urge public works and department of Public Health to increase access to Public Restrooms to meet min standards as set forth by the United Nations high commissioner on refugee and red cross and federal Management Agency to include sanitation for the unhoused and slow the spread of coronavirus. Supervisosupervisor fewer. Please add me as cosponsor. Please call the roll on 20. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are 11 ayes. This is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk call item 21. Item 21 a resolution to urge the United States food and Drug Administration to end the federal ban on blood donations by gay eye bisexual men. I want to ensure i was a cosponsor. Thank you. Supervisorvo nan. Can i be added as a cosponsor, please. Thank you. Supervisor safai. Yes, please add me as cosponsor as well. Thank you. Supervisor wall t walton. Please add me as cosponsor, also. Okay. Madam clerk, can you call the roll. Item 21. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Okay. This resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call item 22. Item 22 a resolution urging the state legislature to immediately spas bill 82 will as proposed 828 as proposed and 939 to prohibit foreclosures and eviction of residential and commercial tenants during the state of emergency related to the covid19 pandemic. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you. I want to thank colleagues who reached out to my office about this item. I am hopeful that we will be able to unanimously support or pass a resolution to support the legislation that itences. Ence that it references. To give us more time to work with those office i am going to move to continue this for one week. Second. Who was that . Do you want to speak on this supervisor peskin . Yes, sir. A motion to continue this item second by supervisor peskin. Can we take this motion without objection . Without objection it passes to continue this item. Madam clerk please call item 23. Item 23 resolution to support the covid19 orders by Civil Authority interrupting and prohibiting access to businesses as necessary due to physical property loss or damage and urging the california insurance commissioner to consider it a material misrepresentation to deny in any public filing that the coronavirus does not have the proposthethe propensity to y loss. I want to thank supervisor marfor this resolution. Okay. Roll call on this item, madam clerk. President yee, i would like to make some brief remarks. Yes, i am sorry. Go ahead. Thank you. I want to make brief remarks because we all have received quite a few communications about this resolution. First of all, i would like to acknowledge all of the business stakeholders working with my office including leadership from the San Francisco chamber of commerce and Restaurant Association and district merchants. As well as dozens of Small Businesses in sunset and throughout the city. I would especially like to recognize above fee mcgrier for bringing this troubling issue to my attention at our initial convening of district four in response to the covid19 pandemic. At that time i was appalled to hear that Insurance Companies were denying claims from Small Businesses who had purchase Business Interruption insurance. Many of these mom and pop storefront businesses and restaurants have been paying to the pockets of Insurance Companies for decades. Accident interruption insurance was meant for times like these. When the businesses are suffering great losses, the Insurance Company hit them with a denial letter. We are demanding accountability from the Insurance Companies. They sold the policies promising to cover damages and losses when the government seems it necessary to interrupt businesses to protect the public interest. They absolutely should payout for covid19 impacts. As regulation of the Insurance Industry is the center of the State Government i am following up with state representatives and insurance commissioner to push for the treatment and payment of Valid Insurance claims. Thank you for your support in adopting this resolution today. Item 23. Supervisor prison. Preston. Aye. Ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney psy. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Okay. This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item number 24. Item 24. Resolution that continued operation of ice detention facilities during the covid19 emergency is inhumane and urge california Governor Newsom to take immediate action to suspend ice detentions in california. Supervisor fewer you asked for this. I want to ensure i am a sponsor. I said i would be a sponsor but i didnt see my name on there. I want to make sure. Okay. Please call the roll on this item, madam clerk. Item 24, supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer yes. Supervisor haney. Aye. Mandelman aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are 1 11 11 ayes. This is adopted unanimously. Please call item 25. Item 24 a resolution 25 to encourage the Municipal Transportation Agency to work with the muni operators for additional policies and protections during the covid19 crisis. Supervisor safai. Thank you, president yee. We spoke about this last week. Actually there has been some significant progress. We talked about ensuring and working with the Transit Worker Union local 250a and the leadership of the s. F. M. T. A. , jeff tumlin. We were able to work with them to ensure there would be front door boarding only if someone was disabled or needed the ramp, that there was appropriate spacing on the muni buses themselves and that ensuring that there was a limit to the number of people. All of this being done to first and foremost protect the operators in ensuring their safety. There is a few operators that have contracted covid19 and ensuring the safety of the passengers as well. They have increased the amount of cleaning through out the day which is a positive outcome. Then giving the drivers a bit more discretion in terms of when and how they are operating certain aspects of the bus in terms of insuring safety. The other thing we did last week through executive order, we worked with the mayor to ensure we expanded the amount of sick time to all City Employees on top of federal government sick leave and administrative leave for those that might have coved systems or had contracted code. All of those added up to ensure the safety of all city workers. In particular in this situation the safety of muni operators and transit workers. I want to appreciate the work that has been done to prioritize that safety, the final thing there was the delivering of ppe equipment, not necessarily hospital grade but ensuring gloves and masks were there and operators were safe and felt safe on the job. I appreciate supervisor preston and marand i hope we can all vote on this unanimously today it has the support of transit workers 258 and support of the Labor Council as well. Madam clerk. Can you please call the roll on this item. Item 25. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Interview safai. Aye. Supervisor stephanie. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are 1 11 11 ayes. This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk item 26. Item 26 is a resolution to urge county Health Officials from the six bay area counties alameda, San Francisco, san mateo and santa clara to evaluate the Public Health threat of panic buying weapons and warn americans of the danger of panic buying weapons. Thank you. I want to be added as cosponsor and thank supervisor stefani in helping us to fight the gun lobbyists. Thank you. I would like to be added as a cosponsor. Please call the roll on this item. Item 26. Supervisor prison. Preston. Aye. Roneaye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Okay. This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item 29. Item 29 a motion to concur in actions taken by the mayor on march 27, 2020 and march 31, 2020 to meet the ongoing local emergency related to the covid1covid19covid19 pandemin february 25, 2020. Supervisor peskin. Thank you. I just want to say in this period looking at all of these very carefully is paramount importance in the role that the board plays as check and balance. I reviewed with my staff the 6 and 7 deck declarations. I had a issue with the clause in the seventh specifically item 9. In discussion with representatives of the Mayors Office they will amend that tomorrow. I have no objections but i want us all to keep our eyes on each and every one of these. I want to thank the mayor and the mayors administration for using these incollaboration with the board. They have incorporated things big and small to address the emergency, and i want to express my thanks to the administration. That concludes my remarks, mr. President. Item 29, mr. President. Thank you. Clarification from either our deputy City Attorney. If that is the case where the mayor is planning to amend tomorrow, do we take no action on action number nine . I think if you choose to concur in action number nine it will be replaced as soon as tomorrow by a new order. Alternately if you wish to make a motion to amend this motion to remove that, you can do that as well. Mr. President. This is supervisor peskin. I am not making that. Merely i wanted it made abundantly clear item nine could be amended by ordinance of the board of supervisors and that language will be included tomorrow. I am not making a motion to strike clause number nine. Okay. Madam clerk, please call the roll. Item 29. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai e. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. There are 11 ayes. This motion is approved unanimously. Thank you, colleagues. Letmadam clerk, please read thm memorials. Todays meeting is adjourned in following of the following individual on behalf of supervisor peskin for the late mr. Jerry adams. Okay. Colleagues that brings us to the end of our agenda. Madam clerk, is there any other further business before us today . That concludes business for today. Thank you. We are adjourned. Welcome to the april 6, 2020 meeting of the rules committee. Im supervisor hillary ronen, chair of the committee. Im joined on this Video Conference with rules Committee Vice chair supervisor katherine stefani. Our clerk today is victor young and id like to thank sfgovtv for staffing this meeting. Do you have any announcements . Yes. Due to the covid19 healthy emergency and to protect board members, City Employees and the public, the board of supervisors litingive chamber and Committee Room are closed. However, members will be participating in the meeting remotedly as in the same extent as if they were physically comment. Physically present. We are streaming numbers across the screen. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. Commentses or opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone, by calling 8882045984. Access code 3501008 and then press pound and dial one again. Press 0 and 1 to be added to the queue. You will be lined up in the system in order you dial 1 and 0 while you are waiting t system will be silent. The system will notify you when you are in line and waiting. All callers will remain on mute until the line is open. Everyone must account for the time delay and speaking discrepancies between live coverage and streaming. Al term actively, you may submit Public Comment, email me at victor. Young sfgov. Org. If you submit via email, it will be included in the file as part of the matter. Comments may be sent to city hall, 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place, San Francisco, california. That completes my comments. Thank you so much, mr. Clerk. Can you please read item number one . Item number one is an emergency ordinance to temporarily require private employers with 500 or more employees to provide public Health Emergency leave during the public Health Emergency related to covid19. Thank you so much. This is supervisor mars item. Would you like to introduce the item, supervisor mar . Yes. Thank you so much, chair ronen, for allowing us to hear this item today. An emergency ordinance before us is in response to a true emergency. The lack of sufficient paid leave for workers to follow our Public Health order to weather this crisis. While there is no Silver Bullet to our health and humanitarian emergency, this measure will give an additional twoweek paid leave to hundreds of thousands of san franciscans and make a meaningful difference to countless people trying to take care of themselves and their family and make ends meet. Congress took action to expand paid leave for workers but they left out more than 50 of our workforce by excepting the largest employer. This is inexcusable. So, where our federal government is falling short, im taking immediate Emergency Action to close the gap here in San Francisco. With this emergency measure, employees of private companies will be able to immediately access additional weeks of paid leave, closing the major loophole in the federal legislation in making sure that in health emergencies, workers are able to take time off take the time off that they need for themselves and their families. When sick people have to choose between their livelihoods or incomes, we are all worse off. When parents have to choose between a paycheck or staying home with their kids whose school is closed, were all worse off. San francisco led the nation when we adopted our paid sick leave ordinance in 2006. In this time of crisis, San Francisco must lead again in supporting our workers. Over the last two week, my office has worked with labor leaders and business stakeholders to strengthen this proposal. Around today ill be proposing a series of amendments for clarity and to ensure this measure is as inclusive and impactful as possible. I wanded to briefly go over what the ordinance is right now and summarize the key provision. First, what the ordinance does. It wont immediately give an additional two weeks of paid leave to any San Francisco employee of a private company with 500 or more employees. Who it covers every single s. F. Employee of a private company with 500plus employees. Even if youre furloughed and even if you are the employee in San Francisco, even if you started working a month before shelter in place, even if you are a temp worker, even if you dont live in San Francisco, but you work here. Employers and Health Care Providers are allowed to opt out. However, were amending it to especially sure Health Care Providers are given additional paid leave if they get sick or have to get quarantined. And all workers are presumed to be employees and covered until and unless then their employer demonstrates they are an independent contractor. Now who this emergency ordinance does not cover people who are unemployed, Public Employees and theyre covered bier our executive action, private employees of companies with fewer than 500 employees and theyre covered by the federal law, people who do not work in San Francisco and independent contractors. And when employees can use their immediate leave. If you cant work because theres shelter in place, if you have to stay home to take care of a family member, if its replaced with work and a you cant work remotely, if you are a member of a vulnerable population, if youre showing symptoms and if your doctor recommends you not work. So, again, i presented or today im presenting some set of amendments and there are seven different amendments and theyre probably i believe you received a copy of the amended emergency ordinance and im going to summarize this up in amendments right now. Number one, provide public Health Emergency leave to Health Care Providers when theyre subject to quarantine or sick or otherwise do not meet c. D. C. Returntowork guidelines. In number two, ex. Expand uses of the leave for vulnerable populations including 60 or older. Number three that benefits Like Health Care cant be taken away while employees are on leave. Number four, require employer notice in english, spanish, chinese and any other language spoken by 5 or more of the workforce. Number five, as information on local, state and federal resources to the notice language that theyll draft. Number six, matches the Health Care Provider definition to provider regulation. And number seven, additional paid leave voluntarily provided during the emergency toward this new requirement if the composition offered meets the standard. You know, i would like to request that deputy City Attorney anne pearson provide her assessment of these amendments and whether any of these are substantive and would require continuance before the Committee Takes action. Good morning. Can you all hear me . Yes. Thanks. So ive had a chance to review all of the amendments that supervisor mar just described and the first one on his list is one that is substantive and that is the amendment that would require Health Care Employers of Health Care Providers to provide them with leave under some limited circumstances. The other ones are not substantive and would not require a continuance today. Thank you. Supervisor mar, do you want to split the file and move forward the portion thats not substantive and we can continue the other just to get this moving as quickly as possible or just move them all at the same time . Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, deputy City Attorney pearson and chair ronen. Yes, i in answer to your question, chair, i would like to i will be making a motion to duplicate the file so we can move the nonsubstantive amendments forward as the Committee Records to the full board hopefully for vote and adoption tomorrow and then we can move the substantive amendment forward or continue it as we will need to but then move that forward hopefully a week later. I would say we want to ensure that our Health Care Providers working on the frontlines have paid leave. So, thats important. But we dont want to hold that the overall important provisions of the ordinance while we have to continue that amendment. That makes perfect sense. I just wanted to thank you so much for bringing this forward, supervisor mar. Its pretty outrageous that the Congress Left out of the law the employers that most can afford to provide this benefit. They are the biggest employers making the most money in this society and perhaps their donors to the Congress Members who left them out and that is why they got a break when the smaller employers didnt. We are all in this together. We are all sacrificing. We have to all sacrifice to make sure that everyone [inaudible] and im so grateful for you bringing this forward and if i could be added as a sponsor, i would appreciate that. Supervisor stefani, do you have any comments . Yes, thank you, supervisor ronen and i want to associate myself with your comments. I do agree on the importance and i want to thank supervisor mar for bringing this legislation forward to address the members of our workforce struggling during these difficult times. It is so important that we do everything that we can to protect the working people who faced this crisis. And just, you know, when we think about what happened over a month ago, mayor breed directed our residents to shelter in place earlier than almost any other municipality in the United States. Im grateful to her and our neighboring bay area counties for taking Decisive Action to save lives. And in doing so, when that order went into place, a number of businesses stepped up to provide extra paid time off and income security to their employees. Really recognizing that there were challenging times ahead and i want to thank them and system of them are employers that had more than 500 employees so as this situation involves and this legislation has come to us quickly, which again were reacting quickly and i thank you again for that, supervisor mar, i want to make sure were not being punitive to those companies that have gone above and beyond to support their workers and my hope is that, as we implement this law, wi dont punish those and i know that is not your intention, supervisor mar, i just want to call out the fact that there are precise steps in this ordinance and the legislation has specific requirements to add sick leave that may add up with some of the things that employers with 500 or more have done. For example, when an employer created a fund to pay employees who arent working. I just want to make sure that we dont punish those who have stood up for their employees and even if the actions they have taken dont exactly fit the legislation today. I do plan to be supportive, of course, of this legislation. But just wanted to call that out. And make sure as we move forward, we dont punish those good actors because thankfully there are some because it does restore our faith in humanity when we see Companies Taking care of their employees, as they should. Thank you again and i do plan to support this today. Supervisor . We will now open up this item to Public Comment. Members of public online, please press 1 and then 0 to be added to the queue to speak. You have four questions remaining. Hello, im an organizer with sviu, united Service Workers west. We are an organization of almost 10,000 essential workers in San Francisco. Our members help to carry essential operations, including drugstores and banks and the San Francisco international airport. Workers should not be forced to come to work sick, ever. Especially at this time. We support the Emergency Paid Sick leave for workers and we also encourage the board to use its authority to ensure that they pass this immediately and introduce language to cover s. F. O. Airport workers next. Work ers should not have to choose between taking care of themselves, getting a paycheck and protecting their families. Thank you. You have four questions remaining. Thank you. Next speaker. Caller yes. Im a member of the California Faculty Association at San Francisco state and im very appreciative of this legislation. I want to say that im inundated we mails from students who are really, really desperate so this is essential to students. Thank you. Thank you so much. Next speaker . You have two questions remaining. Caller ok. [inaudible]. Sorry. Are you still there on the phone . Now youre able to speak. Caller right now . Yes. Caller i can speak now . Yes. Caller they can hear me now . Yes. Caller ok. I work for a retail store and i would like the see if you can help us out with the bill so we can afford it to stay as [inaudible] and we can get paid when were not working. Because we have a lot of needs, medical and that is why we really should not be working outside. And people who are sick, too. I am 63 years old and have diabetes and im high risk to be working. Because i work in the retail. And i work with the public. With the customer. [inaudible]. I feel like we dont have to [inaudible] help us out. Thank you. My number is 415800[inaudible] 0008. Thank you. Thank you so much. Next speaker, please. You have two questions remaining. Caller hi, this is collan, im the executive director at the [inaudible] of justice and this is really one of the defining workers rights issues of our time which is that we see, you know, our Workers Health is impacting all of us and, you know, weve had the leadership of being the first city in the country to pass paid sick leave and it is our time to lead again bypassing this Health Emergency leave and really rising to this moment. So much of you as supervisors really helped us, you know, take incredible action to stop this pandemic and being the first county to be in shelter in place. Its so important. And now we have another chance, i think that is key to preserve the Public Health by having a public Health Emergency leave. Some of these difficult moments that people are testing, too. But one thing that i do take away as a bit of hope is that folks are realising how much of our health is linked with others around us. Were only as healthy as our neighbor, as our neighbors neighbor. Afternoon some of the people have come together to take care of each other in this moment. And this public Health Emergency were taking care of some of the most vulnerable workers who are actually serving the public every day. It is an important step. I hope you take that tomorrow. Thanks. Thank you so much. Any other speakers . You have two questions remaining. Next speaker, please. Caller this is emily abraham. From the San Francisco chamber of commerce. On behalf of the San Francisco chamber of commerce, i would like to note that we are proudly supportive of this resolution. We sincerely thank supervisor mar to work with his efforts to work with the San Francisco chamber of commerce and offering clarifications on specifics of the ordinance and we thank supervisor stefani for her support and we appreciate the clarity around the hours and voluntary paid leave credit [inaudible] mandate. And also clarification that [inaudible] will not occur and compensation for companies that however unlimited leave qualify. Thank you for your support and efforts during this Public Health crisis. Thank you. Next speaker, please. You have one question remaining. Hello, my name is chris wright. Im the executive director of the committee on jobs and association that represent the citys largest private sector employers. Much of [inaudible] has been focused on our citys Small Businesses who are struggling. That said, every employer is suffering in this global catastrophe and each face serious threats of [inaudible]. Since the mayors stay in place order, many of our members have been closed to outright stop operations many of our own members are covered by government mandate and subsidy [inaudible]. The city clearly recognized that additional Employee Benefits are credited to their obligations under this new measure. Prohibiting businesses from offsetting existing benefits would effectively penalizing employers with general policis in place. Additionally the requirement for changing pay stubbs [inaudible] in light of the leave of this ordinance. And prior to the alleged [inaudible] of reasonable, timely and likely more effective notice, including electronic notice to their eligible employees. I want to echo the other concerns raised by the chamber of commerce letter come friday afternoon. The main issues are complex and they deal with multilayers. As such, we respectfully act for an additional week to review the language and to improve the [inaudible] clarity. Were commited to the goals of the legislation to working with the sponsors to achieve that, which is why wed like to make sure that it is done right. Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you very much. Any other speaker . You have one question remaining. Caller hi. Good morning. My name is angelica. Im with [inaudible] south of Community Action network. We want to thank supervisor mar for moving forward with this legislation and really hope that the committee will move this forward. Its a very important legislation. As we take care of all the workers in San Francisco this legislation this cover 200,000 workers in San Francisco and we really think this legislation is much needed. Thank you. Thank you. Again, other speakers . You have zero questions remaining. Thank you for all the public speakers and if there are no other speakers in line, we will close Public Comment. Im making sure there are no other speakers. Ok. Thank you. Mr. Clerk, can you please have a role roll call vote. Supervisor mar made a motion to look at the file. I believe theres no objection to that motion. Is that true . Actually, im sorry, chair ronen. I actually had it is a little complicated what im proposing to do here. Theres actually five motions that i want to make. Got it. Sorry. Go ahead. Ok. Actually, before i do that t i did want to acknowledge the comment by supervisor stefani and also that were reinforced by chris wright from the committee on [inaudible]. Acknowledging the fact that Many Employers in San Francisco have already stepped up and voluntarily provided additional paid leave to their employees in this time of crisis. So that certainly has happened. And we definitely dome want to penalize employers that have already stepped up so that is why one of the amendments that is included today is making sure that those employers get credit for the additional paid leave that theyve already voluntarily provided towards the 80 hours that is required under the ordinance, as long as the paid leave that has been provided is comparable to whats specified in the ordinance and i wanted to acknowledge the different folks weve worked on in this important legislation. Starting with deputy City Attorney matt pearson and Matt Goldberg as well as our early cosponsor, supervisor haney, jobs of justice San Francisco, the San Francisco Labor Council, sieu, united Service Workers west and Legal Aid Network and San Francisco chamber of commerce. Again, i have a series of motions that id like to make that will allow us to move the nonsubstantive amendments to ward as soon as possible and then also come deal with the would be substantive amendment regarding allowing Health Care Providers to ask that public Health Emergency leave, when theyre quarantined or sick. So, the first motion is id like to move that to adopt the amendment before us, except for references to 5b included therein. Can you please take a roll call vote on that motion . On the motion to amend . Supervisor stefani. Aye. Stefani, aye. Supervisor mar . Aye. Mar, aye. Chair ronen. Aye. Motion passs to amend the ordinance. And i move to duplicate the file as amended. I need to send the original file as amended as a Committee Report to the april 7 meeting of the board. Roll call . On the motion to refer to the board of Committee Report . Supervisor stefani. Aye. Stefani, aye. Supervisor mar. Chair ronen. Aye. The motion passes. And next, i would like to move to amend the duplicated file with the remaining amendments that references to 5c. We need a role call for that. Yes. That motion to amend. Supervisor stefani. [roll call] the motion to amend has passed. And then finally i move to continue the duplicated file as further amended to the monday, april 13 meeting of the rules committee. Roll call. On that motion, supervisor stefani. Aye. [roll call] those are the five motions you wanted to make, correct . Correct. Thank you so much. So mr. Cook, are there any other items on todays agenda . Before i state, id like to summarize that the original motion has been amended and refered to the board as a Committee Report. The duplicated file has been continued to the april 13 meeting and that completes the agenda for today. Thank you so much. Then the meeting is adjourned. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Take care. Thanks

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