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Good afternoon and welcome to the meeting of the land use and transport Committee Meeting for today, monday, march 30, 2020. And it is a special meeting. I am the chair of the committee, supervisor aaron peskin. Joined by vice chair supervisor safai and supervisor dean preston. And the clerk is miss erica major. Miss major, do you have announcements . Clerk yes, please due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect Board Members and the City Employees and the public, the board of supervisors legislative chamber and Committee Room are closed. However, members will be participating in the meeting remotely. And precaution is taken pursuant to the statewide stay at home order and all preceding and proceeding local, state and federal orders, declarations and orders. Members will be by teleconference or telephone if the video fails and participate in the meetings to the extent as if they were physically present. Public comment is available on each item of this agenda. Channel 26 and sfgovtv. Org are streaming the number at the top of the screen. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. Comments or opportunities to use to speak during the Comment Period are available via phone call by calling 888204 8882045984. Again, that number is 8882045984. The access code is 3501008. Again, the access code is 3501008. When connected, wait until the Public Comment is opened and dial to speak. And they are to call from a quiet location and speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. Alternatively, you may submit Public Comment in either of the following ways email myself, the land use and transport Committee Clerk at my email and it will be forwarded to the board of supervisors. And it will be included as part of the official file. Finally, items acted upon today will appear on the board of supervisor agenda on april 7, 2020, unless otherwise stated. Supervisor peskin thank you, miss major and i thank the clerk of the board of supervisors and her incredible staff during this period. In addition to clerk calvillo and our Committee Clerk, miss major, id like to thank john see and john carroll and prent halipa, and john carroll, i think that i said john carroll. Thank you for your incredible behinbehindthescenes effort te this and other meetings possible as our participatoriy democracy survives during the coronavirus time. And with that, madam clerk, please call the first item. Clerk item 1 is an order to submit the planning code to create the intermediate occupancy residential use characteristic with the administrative code for enforceability and to prohibit rental units for temporary occupancies and the controller to analyze the impact and appropriate findings. Supervisor peskin thank you, miss major. Colleagues this was continued from the meeting which occurred a few weeks ago right before the shelter in place order was issued by the mayor. And it is my intention to continue this item to the call of the chair. But before we do that we need to take Public Comment. So, madam clerk, please work whatever magic you need to work to allow the members of the public to comment on this item. Clerk we are checking to see if theres any callers. Operator, let us know if theres any callers ready. indiscernible . Supervisor peskin seeing no Public Comment on item number one, Public Comment is closed. And colleagues, again, we have a roll call vote on continuing this item to the call of the chair. Clerk and continue on the call of the chair. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Clerk aye. Supervisor safai. Safai aye. And supervisor peskin. Peskin aye. Supervisor peskin this item is continued to the call of the chair. Next item please. Clerk two, the Building Code to extend the time for existing buildings with a place of public accommodations to comply with the requirement to have all primary entries and paths of travel into buildings accessible for persons with disabilities. Supervisor peskin this is brought to us by president yees office to provide flexibility to Small Businesses and other places of public accommodations, seeking to come into compliance with mandatory accessibility requirements. I spoke with president yee and his chief of staff jim lowe who are actually here at the Emergency Operations center. They do not have any comments and we are joined by the department of building inspection with mr. Bill strong and Thomas Kessler as well as the office of Small Business. I thought that wed start by having a presentation on this ordinance which was introduced before the coronavirus emergency and recommended by the Building Inspection Commission. With that, mr. Strong, would you like to make a presentation to this committee and the public . Yes. Supervisors, thank you very much. Bill strong with the department of building inspection. Weve asked supervisor yee and members of the committee to consider this extension because as of todays report we have a weekly monitoring report of the accessible business entrance compliance and our compliance category is still running at about 60 . These numbers are actually getting a little better, but the reality is that i think that especially with the public Health Emergency, Property Owners are going to need a little more time to come into full compliance. So the Building Department having taken a look at this is saying that we should extend this at least until september 1 of this year and possibly consider tying it to the ending of the shelter in place order, with an additional, say, 90 or 120 days after that. But im happy to hear any specific questions that the committee has on this. And we just think that in this time this is a stress since most of these properties indiscernible it makes sense to give the owners a little bit more time to comply. Supervisor peskin thank you, mr. Strong. Mr. Kessler, anything that you would like to add . No, i think that he explained it pretty well. One of the things that were not doing right now because its these are commercial buildings, theyre not considered essential infrastructure under the mayors order. So we would not be issuing any permits if the permits were required under this ordinance. We would not be processing them at the present time because theyre not considered essential. Theyre nonessential construction. Supervisor peskin understood. So it sounds to me like well probably have to continue this or further continue this beyond september, but we will look forward to the advice of the department and your commission as we go forward. Are there any questions, colleagues, for the department of building inspection . All right. Why dont we move on to the office of Small Business. Thank you, supervisor peskin. And committee members. So in your packet you did see that the Small Business commission endorsed and is recommending approval for the extension. Our office is working very closely with the department of building inspection, working with the Small Businesses, that are being required by their Property Owner to meet this compliance. And we do have a Grant Program that is available for them. This grant money is not general funded so there will not be any issues or concerns about that funding still being there to assist businesses who need to access it to achieve compliance. And i think that the last thing that i just want to keep reiterating is that as a city that prides itself on civil rights that this is an Important Initiative that were undertaking to ensure the civil rights of individuals with disabilities are upheld. Supervisor peskin thank you. And if businesses want to get in touch with the office of Small Business about the grants that you just mentioned, how would they do that . They can do that by calling 4155546134. Or emailing sfose sfgov. Org. Supervisor peskin thank you. And maybe we should just further clarify things with d. B. I. Which is insofar as you indicated that no Building Permits for this type of activity are allowed under the emergency order issued by the mayor and concurred to by the board of supervisors during the coronavirus emergency, our permits that were previously issued, can those be acted upon if they were already issued . Or are those held in advance during this time as well . Yes, in general they would be they shouldnt be working on these because theyre they are considered nonessential or to the mayors order would extend to issue permits also. Unless, you know, of course if theyre partially in process, i think they should continue until theyre complete. But i would say if we havent issued a permit and they havent started the work, they should suspend the work until the emergency order is changed. Supervisor peskin thank you. And back to miss dickendreesy. Is the office doing any proactive outreach to businesses . I realize that is difficult now, but its still an important question. The office of Small Business is not doing proactive outreach. The way in which this is working is through the checklist that needs to be submitted. When d. B. I. Receives a checklist and its been identified that a Small Business is being required by their Property Owner to complete the Building Code requirement, d. B. I. Puts that business in touch with us. And, of course, weve been working closely with the merchants to make sure that theyre informed about the program. And just to reiterate that this is a requirement of the Property Owner and so if the Property Owner is not submitting the checklist then theres a particular form that they can state that has to be filled out and submitted with the checklist which is one of the ways in which were able to identify that a Small Business is now engaged in meeting this compliance requirement. Supervisor peskin understood. Thank you for that. Supervisor safai or preston, any questions or comments . Not at this time. Nope. Supervisor peskin why dont we open this up for Public Comment. Any members of the public that would like to comment on this item, number 2 . Clerk were checking to see if theres callers in the queue. Operator, please let us know. Mr. Chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. Supervisor peskin okay, seeing no Public Comment on this item. Public comment is closed. And colleagues, why dont we send this to the full board with recommendation, if that is acceptable to you. And i did see, madam clerk, in one of the memoranda from the president and from the clerk of the board, can this item be sent as a Committee Reporter on just be sent in the normal course of business . Clerk in the normal course. Supervisor peskin okay. So on the motion to send this item to the full board of supervisors with recommendation, can we have a roll call please. Clerk on the motion as stated, supervisor preston. Preston, aye. And supervisor safai, safai, aye. Supervisor peskin. Peskin, aye. You have three ayes. Supervisor peskin okay. The motion is approved. Next item please. Clerk an ordinance amending the planning code to correct typographical errors, update outdated crossreferences and make nonsubstantive revisions to clarify or simplify code language, amending article 4 to move the language regarding timing of fee payment and amending the code to correct outdated planning code crossreferences and affirming the planning. Supervisor peskin thank you, miss major. Colleagues this is the next up in a long series of planning code cleanups which has been the life long persui pursuit ofe aaron star at the cit departmenf planning. And we have this as the title indicates these are almost all technical corrections and typographical corrections together with a couple of policy changes or clarifications to article 4 which miss juarez can talk about. Thank you, supervisor peskin. As miss major outlined, it amends the planning code to correct typos and to update crossreferences and make nonsubstantive revisions to clarify and simplify the code. It will amend article 4 to move the language regarding timing of payments to the beginning of the article and then crossreference this with new subsection into the individual impact fee sections. Lastly, proposed ordinance will also add an additional fee waiver based on the replacement of buildings damaged or destroyed by fire or other calamities. The reason behind this is that theres thought to be no new net impact when were replacing said building or said use. The Planning Commission heard this item on december 12th, 2019, and recommended that you approve the ordinance with modifications. indiscernible . The first modification is to update planning code references and the administrative, health and police codes. And the second modification is to revise planning codes, section 155 to clarify that commercial thruway streets to find a better streets plan to also be protected. And the proposed ordinance will improve the quality of the planning code and make it easier for the objective and the goals of the code to be carried out. This concludes staff presentation and im available to answer any questions. Supervisor peskin miss flores, i assume that the additional modifications suggested by the Planning Commission are in the second version of the legislation which is the version that is before us, is that correct . Yes, that is correct. Supervisor peskin right. So no amendments are necessary and those have already been amended in between version one and version two . Correct. Supervisor peskin thank you. Colleagues, do you have any questions or comments . No. No. Supervisor peskin seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item number 3 . Clerk operator, please to check to see if theres any callers. Chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. Supervisor peskin with that Public Comment is closed and, again, i will make a motion to send this item to the full board of supervisors with recommendation. And on that motion, madam clerk, a roll call, please. Clerk supervisor preston. Preston, aye. Supervisor safai. Safai, aye. Supervisor peskin. Peskin, aye. We have three ayes. Supervisor peskin okay, the motion passes. Madam clerk, anymore business before this committee . Clerk there is no further business. Supervisor peskin seeing none, we are adjourned. Is our United States constitution requires every ten years that america counts every human being in the United States, which is incredibly important for many reasons. Its important for preliminary representation because if Political Representation because if we under count california, we get less representatives in congress. Its important for San Francisco because if we dont have all of the people in our city, if we dont have all of the folks in california, california and San Francisco stand to lose billions of dollars in funding. Its really important to the city of San Francisco that the federal government gets the count right, so weve created count sf to motivate all sf count to motivate all citizens to participate in the census. For the immigrant community, a lot of people arent sure whether they should take part, whether this is something for u. S. Citizens or whether its something for anybody whos in the yUnited States, and it is something for everybody. Census counts the entire population. Weve given out 2 million to over 30 communitybased organizations to help people do the census in the communities where they live and work. Weve also partnered with the Public Libraries here in the city and also the Public Schools to make sure there are informational materials to make sure the folks do the census at those sites, as well, and weve initiated a campaign to motivate the citizens and make sure they participate in census 2020. Because of the language issues that many Chinese Community and families experience, there is a lot of mistrust in the federal government and whether their private information will be kept private and confidential. So its really important that communities like bayviewhunters point participate because in the past, theyve been under counted, so what that means is that funding that should have gone to these communities, it wasnt enough. Were going to help educate people in the tenderloin, the multicultural residents of the tenderloin. You know, any one of our given blocks, theres 35 different languages spoken, so we are the original u. N. Of San Francisco. So its our job is to educate people and be able to familiarize themselves on doing this census. You go online and do the census. Its available in 13 languages, and you dont need anything. Its based on household. You put in your address and answer nine simple questions. How many people are in your household, do you rent, and your information. Your name, your age, your race, your gender. Everybody is 2,000 in funding for our child care, housing, food stamps, and medical care. All of the residents in the city and county of San Francisco need to be counted in census 2020. If youre not counted, then your community is underrepresented and will be underserved. Sfgovtv. Were ready to begin. President mccarthy today is wednesday, march 18, 2020. This is the regular meeting of the building inspection committee. I remind everyone to turn off Electronic Devices and the first item on the agenda is roll call. President mccarthy . President mccarthy here. Clerk commissioner moss . Commissioner clinch. Commissioner jacobo. Commissioner tam. Commissioner alexandertut. We have a quorum and our item is item 2. President s announcements. President mccarthy good morning, everybody. Just moving everything is moving parts here. I just wanted to have a few words to read into the comments and to my president s announcements. Im confident and dedicated i am confident that the dedicated and hardworking staff throughout the department of building inspection are aware of the response to the people of San Francisco and will continue to do their duty and uphold the public trust which theyve been doing in the last week. As you know were dealing with, you know, a public Health Emergency in our city. And our state and country, that we have never, never had to encounter before. On behalf of the commission, i urge all d. B. I. Staff and customers to follow the instructions under Public Health officials and to do their part to prevent the spread of covid19. I applaud the department for taking steps to limit the virus spread such as increase social distancing between the customers and d. B. I. Staff, and the more frequent cleaning of commonly shared public services. Continue to Pay Attention to all of the Public Health instructions and take all of the possible precautions for your own health and your loved ones. Be proactive and help to keep each other safe. And that concludes, madam secretary, my comments. Clerk is there any Public Comment on the president s announcement . Seeing none, our next item, item 3, general Public Comment. Matters within the commission that are not part of this agen agenda. Good morning, my name is jerry grantler. The resignation of tom huey in the march 12th stories about the citys expanding probe of former president and instructial engineer rodrigo santaz are clear indicators that an outside investigation of the department is long overdue. My interest in d. B. I. Began in 2012 when i served on the civil grand jury that wrote a very unfavorable report on the department. I have attended b. I. C. Meetings for the last seven years. Its difficult to monitor projects like the rodrigo santaz prctses mentioned in the citys lawsuit. This lack of transparency is by design. An outside investigation needs to focus on the departments lack of internal controls and weak Building Code enforcement process. Current Code Enforcement penalties are not a deterrent. 98 of the penalties issued are below 1,000. 1,000 is the cost of doing business. D. B. I. s weak internal controls are present by design, not by accident or lack of funding. D. B. I. Has sabotaged the installation of new Computer Systems that would have made the departments practice of favoring a few individuals more difficult and visible. D. B. I. Failed to implement a system that would have eliminated the current process where contractors, expeditors and instructional engineers get to select the d. B. I. Engineer to review and issue their Building Permit. If you had the choice, would you pick your buddy . Humadic is similar to the process by the california d. M. V. To randomly assign customers to counter employees. D. B. I. Also sabotaged the implementation of asela. When you drill down into mr. Santos projects you find that it was the same small group of d. B. I. Employees who should not have approved his Building Permit ove overthecounter and field inspectors who should not have approved the final inspections. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you. So president mccarthy, i believe that there needs to be president mccarthy so because of the nature of this meeting today, were going to remove some items from the calendar, if thats acceptable to all commissioners, please speak up if you have any concerns. Do we do just a point of order do we still have to do the commissioners issues and matters, do we still do that, or just items on the calendar. Looking for clarification . You asked whether its required that we do. President mccarthy that we remove that. You can move to remove it for todays meeting. President mccarthy commissioners, do you want that to remain on the calendar to weigh in indiscernible okay. Number five, i have a request to leave number five on and i wondered what you might have thought about that as a quick discussion and move that forward because of the calendar thats on. And then we can if im correct we could do Public Comment on this again if we needed to though we have moved it out of our commission, is that correct . City attorney rob capla. If you feel that you have enough time to move it forward, the board of supervisors, where there would be more process, you could do that. And you can also schedule a time to take Public Comment on it in the future but you wouldnt be able to rescind the recommendation to move the item forward. President mccarthy okay. So, obviously, 6 well take off the calendar and move to the next available hearing. And then, obviously, we would keep the closed session which we would do last. And then pretty much remove all of the business off the calendar, if the commissioners today have any comments . Clerk do we have a second . Second . So theres a motion and a second to remove all of the items or president mccarthy except for 5, we will leave 5 in which we discussed now and number where am i 5 and 9. Thank you, commissioner. Clerk so theres a motion and a second to remove except for items 5 and 9. Do a roll call vote. President mccarthy. Vice president moss. Commissioner alexandertut. Commissioner clinch. Commissioner jacobo. Commissioner tam. That motion carries unanimously. Im going to read item 5 just for the record. I initially thought that the item would be continued. But all of you have received all of the correspondence and there was additional Public Comment that you have received as well. Okay, so item 5, discussion and possible action regarding a proposed ordinance, repealing ordinance numbers 3817 and 10219, and reenacting certain provisions by amending the administrative code to update the Hotel Conversion ordinance including adding a redefining of definitions of lowincome household and procedures to convert units and harmonizing the fees in addition to other requirements. This is continued from the meeting. President mccarthy do we need to discuss. I want to thank the commission for tabling it until today or continuing it to today. I talked to the Community Group whose appreciated having time to review this and theyre all in agreement with moving forward. Thank you. President mccarthy if i see no more comment on it, City Attorney rob capla. Theres a request to be read into the record. President mccarthy is that the letter from mr. Zach friedman . Yeah, okay. This letter is from Zach Friedman and patterson, a Public Comment, dear president mccarthy and honorable members of the Building Inspection Commission, our office represents the s. R. O. Hotel coalition, hotels, and other individual owners of s. R. O. S who will be affected by this proposed ordinance. In light of yesterdays shelter in place order and the serious Public Health risk of covid19 we reject to this hearing taking place without Public Participation as required by the ralph m. Brown act. Neither my clients nor attorneys or other concerned members of the public can violate the order and risk their health to attend this hearing. This hearing must be pro postponed. And including reacting the record in realtime and the statements by city staff and other members of the public. This is not an imminent matter. And this could be accomplished without the proposed new amendments contained within this ordinance. These amendments are not urgent and do not affect any government function as defined by the order. We respectfully request that this hearing be postponed until the shelter in place order is lifted and we reserve the right to have additional arguments and materials in advance of the final hearing on this matter. Thank you, for your krrs, very truly yours. So that was the Public Comment. And is there any additional Public Comment here . Seeing none. Is there a motion on this item . President mccarthy we do need to make a motion to approve. I move to approve. Clerk a second . Second. Clerk there is a motion and a second. Ill do a roll call vote. President mccarthy. Yes. Vice president moss. Yes. Commissioner alexandertut. Yes. Commissioner clinch. Yes. Commissioner jacobo. Yes. Commissioner tam. Yes. The motion carries unanimously. Our next item is item 9, Public Employee appointment. Director of building inspection. Discussion and possible action to appoint director of building inspection. 9a, Public Comment on all matters pertaining to the closed session. Good morning, my name is dray grantler. If the commissioner is looking for an interim d. B. I. Director my suggestion is the former Deputy Director rosemary vosk who is an attorney. And who is thoughtful and has good leadership skills and knows the department. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you. There was also additional Public Comments submitted via email by last name of mr. White, mrs. White and i have submitted that to all of the commissioners. So they have all received it as well. Our next item is item b, possible action to convene a closed session. Is there a motion to convene closed session . Id like to make a motion to convene closed session. Second. Clerk are all commissioners in favor . Any opposed . We are now in closed session. It is 10 24 we should be back. Hello, this is Building Inspection Commission meeting resuming. We are on item 9 d , reconvened in open session to vote on whether to disclose any or all discussions held in closed sessi sessi session. There is a motion to reconvene. I move to reconvene. Second. There is a motion and a second to reconvene in open session. We are now in open session. All in favour . Aye. Our next item, is there anything to disclose . Absolutely. Thanks for everybodys patience here. We had a really good discussion here and a lot of commissioners thoughts for the future were brought up and whats going to be needed, particularly for this department, which i concur for everything. Obviously, mr. Weir, we unanimously approved you to step in as acting director through this difficult period. As a commission, we thank you for stepping up and doing that. To be clear, weve acted to appoint mr. Riddin interim director. We had a debate about interim and acting. Interim director. So if you are acceptable, you can come to the mic. Officially you could accept the position for us and that would satisfy us, correct. Thank you. Good morning again, commissioners. Thank you for appointing me as interim director. While i am deeply grateful for your expressed confidence in my leadership of d. B. I. During what can only be called extraordinary times, i want to assure you that ours will continue to be a team effort and will continue to involve indeed depend upon the supportive dedication, commitment of building safety and professionalism we are proud to have in our d. B. I. Employees. We have terrific staff who work enthusiastically every day to ensure building and safety codes are observed in the letter of the laws behind them. Thanks to our engineer reviewers and all the Code Enforcement inspectors. We know that structures are built to constantly improving standards. And thus as these construction methods can deliver for everyone who lives, works, and recreates inside these buildings. I take this responsibility youre giving me and i will do everything i can to fulfill your expectations and to provide the department with the leadership needed during these times of Public Health challenges. We will continue to do everything we can as a department to meet the mayor and board of supervisors ongoing leadership efforts to build more housing that is safely constructed for all, especially for our citys most vulnerable populations. Thank you again for the honor to serve as departments interim director. I will certainly do my best to work with the commission, all City Departments, the mayor and board of supervisors and City Employees and continue to provide energy, leadership, and professionalism in all areas of building safety in the city of San Francisco. Thank you. Good luck. [ laughter ]. Commissioner, please. Just a quick thing here. I just want to thank our c. F. O. For stepping up to the plate in our time of need at that time as acting director. Big second on that. I move to adjourn. Second. Go home, everyone. All in favour. Aye. Were now adjourned. Its 11 46 a. M. role call mr. President , all members are present. Thank you. I guess this is unusual, but ill say it. Please place your right hand over your heart and would you please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge that sfgtv record each meeting and make the transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, any communications . Yes, mr. President , issue have one. Due to the covid19 and to protect City Employees, Board Members and members of the public, the board legislative chamber is closed for the march 24th, 2020 Board Meeting upon action made bit board of supervisors to conduct their meetings Via Video Conference call remotely. This precaution is taken on the authority conferred b by the governors order. The members will attend meetings through the Video Conference or by telephone if the video fails. We have an alternative and to participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were presenproceeding. We have arranged the remote involvement from either watching the meeting on channel 26, seeing it livestreamed and by phone remotely. By channel 26 and sfgovtv will be streaming this across the top of the television. To be dialed in, ill give you the number now. Its 888 2045984 and thats 888 2045984 with and access code of 3501008 and that information is also posted on the boards website. When youre prompted by at t, that stock language will indicate to join the question and answer period. Its not exactly a question and answer period. It just puts you into the queue where you will dial one and zero to be added to the queue and we will repeat this information during general Public Comment. And finally, we ask the public to bear with us. All City Employees are striving to provide the public the best access to City Services under the confines of the new Health Emergency. So we expect to use and gain confidence in this system, in this Video Conferencing system once the capacity and we can understand we can grow it over time and we understand there will be more meetings that should be scheduled and well begin to ask the president when hes ready to begin to schedule those meetings. So stay tuned to our website, please. Its sfbos. Org. Thank you, mr. President. Thank you, madam clerk. I want to express on behalf of the entire board, i want to express our sincere appreciation to the hard work of the boards itt is the clerk staff and sfgov tv for making this remote meeting possible and i ask the public to be patient with us as we are adapting to this new system. We thank you all for shelter in place and taking the Health Orders seriously. I also want to thank all of the Health Workers out there doing the best they can during this emergency and the members of the City Departments, Staff Members supporting the Emergency Operation centre, especially the board of supervisors staff who are voluntarying to keep communication flowing between everybody and i want to point out the three board Staff Members that have been down there since last wednesday. I want to think andy mullen from district 11. And just a friendly reminder to all supervisors to mute your microphones. Items one and two areroutine and a member objects this can be considered separately. Colleagues, would anyone like to sever any items for the Consent Agenda . Seeing none on the roster, member please call the role on item one and two. role call . There are 11ayes and these items are passed unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to the regular agenda. Item 3 is a motion to concur any actions taken by the mayor on mar 11 of 20 and march 13, 2020 to meet the ongoing local emergency related to the nobel coronavirus covid19 pandemic declared on february 25th, 2020. Madam clerk, please call the role. role call . There are 11 ayes. This motion is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 4 is an ordinance to repeal ordinance numbers 3817 and 219 and reenact certain provisions by the administrative code to update the Hotel Conversion ordinance in the sequa determination. Madam clerk, please call the role. On item 4 role call . There are 11 ayes. This item passes unanimously. Madam clerk, please call items 5 and 6 together. 5 and 6 are two resolutions to approve agreements retroactive to this past january. Item 5 is the department of Public Health with Mckessen Corporation with an agreement for pharmaceuticals, a total amount not to exceed 500 million through 2024 and item 6 with the plasma and bio logics for the purchase of pharmaceutical products for 300 million through january 31st, 2024. Madam clerk, please call the role. On ims 5 and 6 role call . There are 11 ay session. Without objection, these items are approved. Call item 7. A resolution in accordance with the revenue code section 147, subsection f and the execution by the California Municipal Finance Authority in the amount not to exceed 23 million. The procedures of which authority to be loaned to a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation and organization. Other things original refinanced construction improvement, eequipping and facilities at 755 ashbury street and 1201 ortega street. Madam clerk, please call the role. role call . There are 11 ay session. Without objection, this is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 8 is a resolution to determine that the transfer of a type 48 on sale general prep premises Liquor License will certainly the convenience of the city. Madam clerk, please call the role. role call . There are 11 ay session. Yes. Lets do a role call. Up next is supervisor mar. Im introducing a resolution along with supervisors hany and walton excuse me, supervisor mar, youre not on live video. And i dont know if that was your intention or not. Ill turn it on. Thank you. So first im introducing a resolution along with hany, ronan and walton to establish rapid enforcement to address midclassification of the San Francisco employees and ensure local compliance with bill 5 and to proactively communicate there are obligations under local laws to provide benefits such as paid sick leave to employees. This resolution call calls on te city of attorney, California Attorney general and state labor secretary to help workers access benefits theyre entitled to, such as paid sick live, Unemployment Insurance and more. Additionally, the resolution urges the department of Public Health to pay minimum health and safety guidelines for transportation is food delivery drivers who continue to operate this pandemic which includes demanding the companies provide sanitary supplies and workers rights under Workers Compensation should they come in contact with a worker infectedded. I woulinfected. I would like to o havparticipated and other groups supported in this. Unemployment insurance and family medical leave arent just nice to have. Theyre the difference between workers being able to feed their families or not and during this pandemic, theyre essential for Public Health. They denied workers their rights and this is immoral, irresponsible and we will not stand for it. Now more than ever, uber, lyft is doordash must do the right thing and more importantly follow the law and classify their drivers and other workers as employees rather than independent contractors instepped of spendinincityof sp. Im introducing an emergency ordinance to create a new category of paid leave in San Francisco, public Health Emergency leave. Congress took action to expand paid leave for workers but left out a huge chunkful our workforce by exempting youve corporations. Ti and taking action to ensure were working for the people in sanfrancisco. Employees will be able to access additional weeks of paid leave, closing the major loophole in the federal legislation and making sure that in health emergencies, workers are able to take time off if they need for themselves and their families. When sick people have to choose between their livelihoods, we are all worse off and when parents have to choose between paycheck or staying home with their kids when schools are closed, we are all worse off. This is a gap we need to close is we will close. But this is only one step of many that must be taken to ensure that people are not only healthy focuscally but economically and im proud of all of the work this body is doing right now to address this. I want to thank supervisor matt hany for sponsoring this measure and for the coalition that came together to make this happen at an unprecedented pace, the San Francisco Labor Council and jobs adjusted. We drafted this emergency measure ourselves to have it ready for today because as our Health Officer said, hours matter and when thousands of those in San Francisco are wondering if they can put food on the table, we cant afford to wait to act. Thank you. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor mar. Supervisor safaye, we see your note for a cosponsor. Supervisor peskin . I have nothing for role call. Other than to wish this man a happy birthday. Thank you, supervisor. Supervisosubmit. Supervisor ronin. Today with my colleagues supervisor hany and dean preston, i am introducing a resolution urging the governor, our federal legislators and the Trump Administration to impose an immediate moratorium on rent and mortgage payments. For mortgages this means the principal debt must remain unpaid and mortgage payments would resume after the emergency is lifted. For rents, it would mean the rents would be forgiven and for both, there would be no negative impact on credit scores. I know that everyone of my colleagues, the mayor, every City Department head and every employee is working a peak ungency to save lives and to minimize the demonstrating impact of the emergency. We are examining every logistical and programmatic route to bolster our healthcare capacity and keep people safe and housed. Right now as businesses are shuddered to follow state and local home orders, workers throughout San Francisco workers are reeling from loss of income. 80 or more of workers will lose their job, along with travel, entertainment and sales workers. Some will be eligible for Unemployment Insurance but only at a fraction of what they would otherwise earn, with a maximum of 450 per week. And many workers are not eligible for any Unemployment Benefits at all. Youve probably seen the reports well before coronavirus hit. That 40 of americans did not have cash on hand to cover an unexpected expense of 400 and 78 of American Workers said that they are living paycheck to paycheck. These are many of the constituents and they are isolated in their apartments right now, running out of money for food and prescriptions and knowing that on april 1st, they wont be able to pay rent. The moratorium was an essential step. It took no time at all for the Federal Reserve to find 1. 5 trillion to save banks and the stock market, but were not seeing anything substantial from homeowners and renters. Fha and fannie mac are putting a hold on many and most remain to banks to decide how and if to implement. We cannot wait for this to happen. What we are calling for is a simultaneous halt now on both mortgages and rents. If the banks are required to suspend mortgage payments, landlords will be able to weather a moratorium on rent exposrentsand renters will see t at the end of the tunnel. They are all facing potential, crushing debt. We cannot abandon. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor ronin. Supervisor sayaye. Thank you. I have two things to discuss and the first is just to highlight to everyone weve been in conversation with the minioperators as it pe pertaino working conditions and i spoke with their leader there, the union roger moranco and theres a lot of concern about collection and how people are boarding and exiting the train and weve been in conversations with the head of the sfmts and i think those conversations are going well. People are putting together good ideas on how to protect our operators. While at the same time practise social distancing an ensuring we not hurting themuni. Operations. Theres been a conversation of how to limit the number of people on the buses and to protect the passengers at the same time and so the union and muni are continuing the conversations and feel close in coming up with a solution if all parties can abide by that. The second thing is the City Attorney today and ive been in conversations with them to draft a language and legislation that talks about a presumptive injury as it relates to covid19. We worked on a presumptive injury clause as it pertained to our first responder, police and fire last year as it pertained to Heart Disease and we believe under these emergency situations that presumptive injury should be expanded for frontline front responders and were asking that language to be drawn and were expanding that conversation and the most important thing is that this would then no longer be a burden on the employee to prove that they contracted covid19 in the workplace while on the front lines, but it would be presumptive injury that happened in the workplace to protect those workers. The City Attorney will work with us and Human Resources to protect our frontline workers and they shouldnt have to fill out forms and ensure that theyre proving that theyre contracting this virus in a time of need. And the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor safaye. Supervisor stephanie. Thank you, madam clerk, submit. Thank you for submitting and supervisor walton. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, i do have one item for today and im requesting the City Attorney to draft legislation to create a Family Income relief fund for San Francisco residents with children and dependents under 8 who dont qualify for stimulus. This will provide a monthly income relief relief 500 for cn or dependents at the schools during the covid19 pandemic. Residents will include residency card holders undocumented immigrants and independent contract workers, including Online Platform workers, contract firm workers, oncall workers and temporary workers. These are all populations that are not covered under federal and other stimulus plans and do not receive other benefits. Covid19 has created a threat to the economic stability of San Francisco residents and San Francisco families, especially those in our immigrant population requiring immediate Economic Relief to survive the short and longtime effects of the outbreak. The city has an obligation to create a safety net providing direct Economic Relief for families who experience a loss of income during this time of crisis of the covid19 pandemic. Direct Economic Relief will provide immediate assistance for food, rent, childcare and any emergency expenses accrued during this tough time. The legislation sets up a process to develop rules, regulations, guideline guidanced procedures for the income relief fund. I am in communities with the City Controllers Office on identifying resources and funds for this legislation. We will continue to work hard responding in the midst of a crisis to protect all populations in San Francisco and we should not forget to protect our immigrant families and families who are independent contract workers. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor walton. Supervisor yee. I just wore a masks, but in this society, weve seen this for medica medical professions , unfortunately, the general population, mainly in the u. S. Have not taken to those precautions. So colleagues, i introduce a resolution along with supervisors fewer and mar to condemn the racist language weve been hearing from the white house regarding the covid19 and attacks against our Asian Community members. I believe all of you today are signed on as cosponsor and i thank you. We must stand united against what we are witnessing unfolding before us. As our nation grapples with the public Health Emergency, we have a president and an administration that is scapegoals and citing violence against Asian Community members. We are calling on the city to take a stance to condemn the usage of racist terms like chinese flu, wuhan virus is we are calling to condemn the physical attacks across the nation. I want to condemn Community Activists and leaders who have been elevating this issue, particularly chinese for affirmative action and the legal team at peskin co inc. And the organizations who have sent letters of support over the past 48 hours and the allied organizations that we have also taken a bold stand to support the Asian American community they teamed up with Asian Pacific policy and Planning Council to start a stop stop ai hate. We received 23 cases from San Francisco and a third of the incidents involve physical attacks. Its happening right here in our own city and cannot be tolerated. As of yesterday, we have received over 450 reports of zeno phobic attacks. In 1877, the Health Officer in San Francisco blamed the chinese in San Francisco that was the disease of an outbreak. I realize were in fearful times, but there is no ethnic or cultural biased for the disease. The centre for Disease Control and World Health Organization recommends against naming any disease based on location because it is not proper way it is not a proper way to identify and to stigmatize an ethnicity and locality. As such, we condemn any xenophobia. We must continue to uphold San Franciscos values and be inclusive and safe for everyone if you believe you have experienced a hate crime, please call 911. Now more than ever, we must be vigilant and protect our community when they need us most. And supervisor walton, i would like to sign on to your legislation. I am calling for a special planning next week at 2 00 p. M. However, given that we have many items that are in motion, i want to conduct our regular business as much as we can. As such, this motion will be on next weeks agenda for a vote. It is important for this board to take action within a reasonable time frame so that the emergency orders are able to be ratified and worked out, if necessary. The rest i submit. Thank you,. , mr. President. Supervisor fire. Fewer. I would like to join my colleagues in recognising and thanking the city workers on the frontlines, the dm crew, Public Health workers, shelter works, deputy sheriffs office, firefighters, nurses, doctors, medical staff, the mayor and her staff is so many, many more. I want to thank the unsung heros, bus drivers, grocery people and so many folks comingg together to help us through this crisis. I want to thank the people of San Francisco who have been abiding by the shelter in place mandate, keeping others and herself safe. These are extraordinary times and we are blessed to have an Extraordinary Community here in San Francisco. Today im announcing legislation that will require the city to close jail number four within six months and a deadline for reduction of the jail population within five months in order to say they close a jail while preventing transfers out of county to facilities like santa rita jail. Formans, ive been in discussions with stakeholders to understand the complexities of the jail system and push forward on plans to close county jail number four as soon as possible. City leaders are all in agreement this Facility Needs to be closed with expedience. For both incarcerated people, as well as the staff who work at the jail at 850 bryant. But the health and safety concerns that have long existed at jail number four are more compoundd with thcompounded wit9 pandemic and social distancing is, basically, impossible. Just today, a director of jail health, lisa pratt, advocated for any and all steps that can be taken to reduce the jail population in the face of this Health Crisis to ensure safety for all parties. In 2018, the city of San Francisco received a grant from the mcarthur initiative to commit to a reduction of a jail population in a working Group Includes the district attorneys office, the adult probation department. They set a goal of reducing the jail population to more than 1,044, 90 of the capacity of the jail system without county jail number four. Our legislation echos this goal. San franciscos jail population has consistently been declining for months, reaching the low of 1,065 as of friday, march 13t 13th, prior to the citys jail term place order that was released three days later. Since the sheltinplace order which released the covid19 crisis, the jail population has further and dramatically declined a. As this morning, the jail count is 925. It is clear that under these current conditions, releases are being expedited for those who are eligible and this is absolutely the right thing. I also support the measures put into place so that there are Housing Options for those released so that people are not back on the streets and to prioritize Public Health. The urgency for this legislation now is to ensure that the measures being put into place at this moment can be tracked, evaluated and institutionalized as we move closer to reduce the population across the system and move closer to a deadline for the closure of county jail number four. I cannot accept the idea that San Francisco would rather have people out of county facilities like santa rita that not only present challenges but are a risk to the health and safety to those detained. I cannot accept that when we have people sitting in jail because of bureauic delays or because beds are not available, that we can absolutely accomplish this goal with all of the justice partners at the table, investing in strategies collaboratively. I am working with the City Attorneys office to finalize this legislation and will continue to be in discussions with our justice partiener parte coming days. I want to thank supervisors hany, walton and ronin. I urge the president to use the full powers of the defense production act to compel private manufacturers to produce covid19 tests, face masks, ventventilators and provide ventilators and to provide free healthcare. They fail to recognise the seriousness of this situation. We are now all suffering the consequences of this refusal when he turned down checks offered by the World Health Organization a month ago. Even now that the economy is headed into a recession and numbed confirmed cases, the government is saying there is no need to use this act. As a number a confirmed cases continues to climb, we are in the shadow of italy where almost 7,000 people have died as of today. With frontline medical staff forced to reuse masks and other personnel projecting equipment, doctors coming down with coronavirus and state officials directing policies, it is abundantly clear that our Public Health infrastructure is not built to support and operate of this fail. As unemployment rises, so will the number of People Living in the United States and that means tens of millions of people without access to healthcare during this public Health Emergency. With the stroke of a pen, the president could compel all private Insurance Companies and Healthcare Providers to provide free healthcare for the duration of the national emergency. Every hour and everyday counts. We cannot afford to give people medical care. It is an acute medical failure that the wealthiest nation is allowing tens of millions of people to go without healthcare during a onceina Century Global pandemic to prohibitive costs. While i do not have faith in the president s willingness or capacity to respond to the situation, let alone this resolution, it is still our role as at a city to continue to push the federal government to provide Critical Resources and terrifying as it will sound, the person with the most power to minimize life is donald trump. I am proud add as a fourth generatiofourthgeneration hee the leadership our countries needs now. These attacks on the Asian Community must stop now. Thank you and the rest i submit. inaudible . Thank you for all of the work you are doing at this time. I have a few resolutions to submit, some of which i have spoken about so ill be brief on those. Im introducing a resolution, im urging the mayor to require employers in large Retail Grocery stores and Food Delivery Services to offer an expanded workers right package that includes hazard pay, extended sick leave and access to personal protective equipment based on the impacts of covid19 and the Public Health officers shelterinplace order. This industry has been overlooked in many cases as frontline workers and people who are still required to show up to work, to make sure the rest of us can still put food on our tables and have our medication to survive. These Unsung Heroes are the cashiers, deli clerks, pharmacy clerks and food delivery workers who put their lives at risk of potentially getting sick themselves so we dont have to. They help to provide fresh meals to families, replenish grocery shelves with supplies and deliver food and growserie groco our seniors. Many are getting paid minimum wage or slightly above that and it is time to require the employers to compensate them fairly during this crisis. This resolution is calling for the mayor to exercise her authority under the city charter Emergency Powers clause, to develop an emergency order requiring large Retail Grocery and drugstores and Food Industry to provide their workers with additional hazard pay and encouraging them to maintain employment, as well as other protective equipment so that they can ensure that when they are at work, that theyre safe and many of them, ive heard from, including relatives that people who work in my own office, that theyre afraid to go to work and theyre note getting gloves and things that protect their health at this time. We can take action to make sure that the large Retail Grocery drugstore and Food Delivery Services are providing and also that they support their workers. This is something thats been done in minnesota and vermont where the governors of the state have announced just last week that these workers should be identified as emergency frontline personnel and have access to childcare and other benefits. I want to thank the leadership of us leadership w5 and local 648 for the advocacy and partnership on this issue, as well as the San Francisco labour council. I also am joining a resolution with supervisor mar on urging enforcement action in injunctive relief for the misclassification of workers who are being forced to go into work without access to the benefits and paid sick leave, disability, family leave and Unemployment Insurance and many of them just like with the grocery workers are doing work that right now is essential. Theyre delivering food and theyre taking people in the absence of other transit options. But they are not being treated under the law as they should. We are calling on the state to take action as well as our own office of labor standards enforcement to enforce ab5 and for the companies themselves to do better by their workers and provide the benefits and support that they need right now, including making sure theyre able to keep their vehicles clean, that they themselves are able to have the protection so theyre not exposed to the virus. We are introducing a resolution related to homelessness which supervisor ronin spoke about and its clear that it cannot be a solution to leave the people on the streets. Many i see on streets of district 6, its unsafe for them and unhealthy for them and they should have access to the same Health Protections as all of us do who are housed. Its also unsafe to simply put people into congregate shelters who we know are not able to have the same level of social distancing and protection that all of us deserve and people who are unhoused deserve just like anyone else. Were introducing again with supervisor ronin a resolution demanding state and federal government demand a moratorium on residential rents and this is one of the issues i hear about, as im sure you all do as much as anything, where people are terrified of the virus and terrified what will happen on the first of the month when their bills become due, their mortgages come due. There is a statewide coalition with organizations with more signing on that submitted a letter to the government with a demand to the suspension of rent and mortgage payments and these are unprecedented times and these are also a time when we have to step up and let all of our residents know that we have our backs. Lastly, im putting forward a resolution today in partnership with supervisor peskin for bar to remain operational. There are significant stimulus packages that are under consideration and debate at the federal and state level and its critical that our state and federal leaders know that we need to include funding for this so they can continue to provide essential Public Transit service and even restore Transit Service for those essential workers with much access and jobs providing Public Safety and health and social services for the people of San Francisco and the region. I want to thank sfmta and bart for working with us, as well as supervisor peskin and his staff. Thank you, supervisor hany. Supervisor mandelman. Submit. Thank you, supervisor, for submitting. If i dont see names on the roster, mr. President , i believe that concludes the introduction of new business. Ok, thank you. Madam clerk, lets go to general Public Comment right now. At this time, the public may address the entire board for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board and including items on the adoption without calendar items. Comments or opportunities to speak during the public Comment Period are available via phone by calling and ill give you the number, 888 2045984. Thats 888 2045984. The access code is 350158008. The at t stock language will prompt you to get into the question and answer period, but there is just your opportunity to get into the cu cue and dial0 to be added to the queue. This is how youll virtually line up. The system as youre dialing in will put you in the order that you put yourself into the queue. A couple of best practises, you call in from a quiet location is speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. Alternatively, if you wanted to submit Public Comment in writing, were happy take that and make sure the 11 members of the board receive it, as well as to place it into the agenda file for today. You can either submit something in writing to board. Gov. Supervisors sfgov. Org. I also have staff standing by if you need assistance with any of these modes of communicating with the board call 415 5545183. Thank you, mr. President. So madam clerk, is there anybody thats called in . Yes, mr. President. I believe we have callers on the line and so, i will ask my staff to send the first caller over, please. Your conference is now in question and answer mode. To summon each question, press 1 and then 0. Is there a caller on the line . You have six questions remaining. My name is michael petrilis and ill hit the timer on my phone for two minutes. Hi, im a public advocate. I would like to thank the clerk of the board and all supervisors for establishing remote published comments and for committing to soon making Public Comment available via video teleconferencing. You must decide on a fixed time for Public Comment. I recommend you take Public Comment at the beginning of every meeting and give us, the taxpayers, time, when you will take Public Comment. It must be note ed thi noted thc has been asked around for hours in your Public Meetings and that has to change. The other thing is i am calling on the four members of the board who are still on th the dccc to immediately resign. There is no information that the four supervisors who are moonlighting as dccc members have resigned. You have one job, supervisors. That is serving on the board to protect us as this pandemic rages on. I am also calling for the board of supervisors to implement a twominute time limit on your role call introductions. You guys ramble on for as long you like and keep us waiting. You guys need to also practise speaking in only twominute increments when you make your role call introductions. Thank you very much. You have six questions remaining. Thank you, another speaker, please. Yes. Hello, this is matt sutter and im message 775 him. 775 hill. It is time to issue a bo bond wn it is readily available to bail us out. You have the capability of doing that. Out of 330 purchased medallions and 280 of those have gone nonoperative. We currently are getting about 2500 calls a day comparing to 12,000 calls. So our numbers have rapidly decreased. What weve been asking for all along is that you guys step in and take control of the situation here. And now, weve got to a point where we cant even pay medallion loans. These companies are still asking us to pay the color schemes that are unreasonable and we ask for you guys to talk to the bank about giving us a threemonth, nopay period. I dont know what it will take for you guys to finally do something for the cab drivers. Ive also requested and i sent emails to all of you guys about getting us masks. If you think that we want to pick up these people out of these hospitals and catch the virus, we are in the public eye. Were dealing with handicap, ederly and then we go and pick up other passengers and we will be spreading this even more rapidly. You cant tell me that you cant give us masks and gloves and provide us with safety. This has gone on too long and it is time to get a bond and issue it and just get us out of this situation. Thank you. Thank you. Is there another speaker, please. You have seven questions remaining. Next caller, please. Hello, can you hear me . Yes. Hi, this is david pilpell calling. First of all, i wanted to thank you for making this Service Available given this difficult time for everyone and second, i wanted to appreciate the members of the board for their perseverance and efforts at this time and particularly the clerk of the board and her staff for working nearly 24 7 to make things happen at the board of supervisors. Thank you to all. I wanted to just make a brief comment about the city website. In particular, the page sfgov information cityservices which is open during this outbreak on the main page. Its a list of what services and functions are being provided and to some extent whats not being provided by the various departments. However, it is incomplete and i dont know who at the doc or the jic can fix that, but i would ask that you arrange for each City Department to post on that particular page so that the public has a consolidated location where they can find what each department is doing that theyve deemed essential, what theyre not doing that they have deemed nonessential and what changes theyre making to the services they are providing so that people can know how to intersect with the Government Services that do exist right now. In addition, each department or agency should post on the front page of its website. That summary of what theyre doing and the link to this main page so that theres consistent and comprehensive information about what exists now. please stand by . There is so much frustration and depression. We cannot sustain ourselves and we are lifting on. So, my request is please do it as soon as possible. Do not delay. Do something and pay our medallion loans, bail us out give us our money back. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Is there another speaker on the line . Yes. You have five questions remaining. Hello, speaker. Hello. Hello. Go ahead. Ok. My name is patrick conners. My husband and i have been living in the city for over 20 years now, 25 years. Were both over 50yearsold. I am on a fixed income as a disabled person. He is the same age as i am. Were both unemployed rit now. I had a job working in the castro in retail and the cas cat row has been struggling and its about to be a dead zone after this. What are we going to do . What are you going to do . I can probably come up with rent for april. Were not going to get money from the feds or from the state until the middle of the month. How am i going to pay may . People are concerned about april. This isnt going to end. I can either pay my rent for april or not pay it. And save that money in case i need it. Now, of course, i live in a rentcontrolled unit. The mayors moratorium on eviction wont cover me if i am taken from this apartment. Which could happen if i to dont pay my rent. How could she do that . How can you allow her to do that . Is that how eviction is that how well be protected from being evicted. I have to decide between rent control unit or living in the street. This is untenable. Help us. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. You have four questions remaining. Another caller on the line, please. Next caller, please. Hi, my name is Brent Johnson, can you hear me . Yes, go ahead. Thank you, my name is Brent Johnson and i am the medallion holder and operator of the medallion 1557 in San Francisco. Ive been driving cab for 26 years in the city. Of course, i, like others, have never seen anything lick this before. Its completely unprecedented what were seeing right now. Ive had one fare in my cab in the last 30 hours of driving. I went to the airport the other day and talked to the guy who was first in line to go up pick up a passenger and he was there for 10 hours. I understand that the airport has been working on a virtual cue to avoid people sitting in the airport for 10 hours or for one hour. So they can be notified through their phone, the technology is already there for this, and be able to come to the airport from where they are nearby instead of waiting in a lot for 10 hours smelling jet fuel and doing nothing. Maybe some of them can play cards but most of them are just fretting and becoming very depressed. I left, of course, i it not wait 10 hours myself my point is theres not any fares on the street or go to the airport wait for rides. Something needs to be done for the taxis on the streets. Theres only a few out driving around trying to service the public and those are savvy guys. Im seeing the guys that ive seen for 25 years that ive always believed in and i want to tip my hat to those out there. Thank you to everybody who is listening right now. Thank you to everybody who is there in the cue and for the comments that have been made by people. I appreciate the format. Also i wanted to recognize that im still seeing lyft and uber drivers coming when i ask them, yesterday and the day before from madera and san diego, so people are coming from all from the state to our city to take rides from what used to be the taxi drivers of our city. Thank you for listening. You have three questions remaining. Next caller. Hi there, brad edwards district 11. I know coronavirus has taken all the oxygen out of the room but i wanted to note as to be back on workers who need to be valued today and and i want to thank the mayor and second, i wanted to check in and reiterate, over the last year or so, that these are still jobs that should be union and perhaps that they might find themselves in a different situation today. I thank you for the time and listening it my mends my commen. You have two questions remaining. My name is aj can you hear me . Yes, about go ahead. I am a taxi driver for almost 29 years and a medallion holder and we have been struggling for more than five years and almost three years keep coming back and fourth to the city hall and for help and begging and requesting please buy back these medallions and theres no other solution. Sfmta is a fully corrupt and theyre favoring gap companies and you name it. Theyre being given incentives with so many different ways. Not taking care of the medallion and the coronavirus virus started coming into the fact. We are desperately needing how are we going to pay to the bank. How are we going to pay these grab companies . Do we have to go back to or native countries that we are born. We are american citizens so we have to go back to our native countries and bring the money and pay these Cab Companies to the bank. Everybody up there taxicab have been healthy and chicago they have been helped and san diego they have been helped. Why not in San Francisco . San francisco used to be a role model. Why not now when we are in need . Remember, these are sitting today. These chairs are not going to remain under you forever. It was also a mayor of San Francisco and its time. One day its going to pull on it. You have one question remaining. Hello, this is thomas. I am a student of history and whats going on in the world today remines me of a book. It talks about the twilight of the soviets when everyone looked around knowing something but not saying something. In that context, im noticing a lot of strange parallelisms in the news that probably are not to be discussed. The one thing that can be discussed is the on going racketerring involving the s. R. O. Held by the pa tells in the city. I observed in van documents theres a burner company in an inverse daisy chain. Complex financial frauds can go on for years undetected because they have learned how to evade the normal oversight processes and this is being orchestrated between the patels and ben rosenfeld. I saw the documents. I saw the master spread sheet. I saw how the kickback works. It solves supervisors in this meeting. And it is disgusting. Anticompetitive pricing is using cash funds to jack up and price fix the market rate of s. R. O. Rentals in San Francisco above the amount of general assistance grants. Thats the reason why. The city is paying for thousands of rooms every single night to remain vacant to price fix and inflate the market rate rentals. I saw the documents. I reported it. Two days after i reported it, i got a red flag notice on me and a restraining objected are order. Thatorder. Its called retaliat. Im a forensic accountant and thats disgusting. There are no further callers. You have zero questions remaining. Seeing no other speakers, Public Comment is now closed. Maam am clerk, can we go to our 2 30 accommodations . Madam clerk, your sound is not on. Thank you. Until further notice the 2 30 accommodations celebrations have been suspended upon request by the president of the board. Supervisor yee lets go to our special order. 3 00 p. M. Item 9. Item 9 is a hearing of the board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole today march 24th at 3 00 p. M. For the members to hear and receive a report entitled cannabis in San Francisco a review following adult use legalization on specific findings and recommendations regarding cannabis and requesting the Controllers Office to report. Supervisor yee understanding this item will be continued, well now take Public Comment on this item. To my operations team, are there any callers on the line . Regarding item number 9. Supervisor yee hearing none, Public Comment is now closed on this item. Colleagues, do we have a motion. So moved. Second. Supervisor yee moved by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor fewer. Theres a motion to continue these matters to the future date to be determined. After the Health Emergency has ended, made by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor fewer, without objection. Item 9 is continued. Madam clerk, lets call the next 3 00 p. M. Special order items 1013. Items 1013, item 10 is the hearing of persons interested in the certification of conditional use authorization for proposed project at 95nordoff street and items 1113 are the motions associated with that appeal. This hearing has been continued through february 11th and march 10 the 2020 and due to the local Health Emergency, the president will entertain a motion to continue this hearing and the motions to the near term until the emergency is concluded. Future scheduling will have proper notice to all parties associated with this. Supervisor yee ok, with the understanding that items 1013 will be continued, we will now take Public Comment. Are there any members of the public who wish to speak on this continuance . All speakers will be allowed two minutes each. Hearing none. Public comment is now closed. Colleagues, questions or a motion . So moved. Supervisor yee motion made by supervisor peskin. Is there a second . Second. Supervisor yee seconded by supervisor preston and then without objection, items 1013 are continued. Madam clerk, lets go to our next 3 00 p. M. Special order. Items 1417. Items 14 is the public hearing of persons interested in the determination of exemption from Environmental Review under the California Environmental quality act issued as a categorical exemption for the proposed project at 743 vermont street and items 1517 are associated with that appeal and its our understanding that if these items are continued to a future date we will make sure that there will be proper noticing made to all parties. We cant hear the supervisor. Supervisor yee thank you. With the understanding that items 1417 will be conditioned. We will now take Public Comment. Are there any members of the public who wish to speak on the continuance. All speakers will be allowed two minutes each. Mr. President , i will ask my operations staff to see if there are any public speakers son the line. Operations staff, is there anyone waiting . Yes. Your conference is in question and answer maud. To summit each question press one and then zero. Is there a speaker on the line. Public comment is now closed. One second. There was a haller whatever you said is not clear. I believe he is indicating there may be a speaker. Yes, i have one speaker. Supervisor yee let me reopen Public Comment for this item. Go ahead, speaker. You have one question remaining. I believe able to give a Public Comment earlier but i am an organizer and an artist and also a millennials and people in my generation and working class, people are living paycheck to paycheck. I didnt hear enough people comment on the resolution to what was that . Its general Public Comment. Ill tell you what i just wanted to really emphasize that you will carefully if you do not vote in favor of this resolution for a rent freeze on the rent and mortgage payment you will have communicated to the community what side you are not, not of the people but corp races and banks, thank you. Thank you. Are there any other comments . No comments. Ok. Hearing none, Public Comment is closed for this item. We will continue items 1417 to a future date. So moved. Say your name, please. Supervisor peskin made a motion to continue. Seconded by supervisor walton. Thank you, very much. Without objection items 1417 are continued. Madam clerk, lets call the next 3 00 p. M. Special order. Item 183721. Item 18 is a hearing of persons interested in the have the indication of conditional use authorization for proposed project at 1420 carabell street and items 1921 are the motions associated with that appeal. We understand a motion may be made to continue these items and will just for the public we will make sure that whether that hearing is scheduled theres proper notice made to all of the parties. Are there any members of the public who wish to speak on this continuance . All speakers will be allowed two minutes each. Madam clerk, your speaker is off. Thank you, mr. President. To my operations team, are there any callers on the line. No, no callers on the line. No callers yet, mr. President. Ok. Ok. Then, no speakers then and Public Comment is now closed. I move we continue these items. Supervisor yee is there is a second. Seconded by supervisor preston. This is a motion and a second to continue their item with no objection then the motion passes. Madam clerk, i believe were going to items 2430. Without committee reference. Items 2430 were introduced for adoption without leverage to committee a unanimous vote is required for resolutions on first street, alternatively any member of the board may request an items to be severed and considered separately. Would any of my colleagues look to discover any items. Yes, from the item 28. Ok. Madam, any others . Madam clerk, please call the roll on the balance of the items. Ok. On items 2430 minus item 28. Supervisor mar. Aye. Mar aye. Peskin. Aye. Peskin aye. Preston. Aye. Preston aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Safai. Aye. Safai aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Walton. Aye. Walton aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Aye, fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Haney aye. Supervise oer mandelman. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Without object sex these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Lets go to item 28. Clerk a resolution to urge the governor for a moratorium on evictions including evictions urging the jude i believe council of the San Francisco superior court to stay eviction cases and to urge the San Francisco mayor london breed to ban no faulty convictions during the state of emergency related to the covid19 19 coronavirus. Supervisor. Thank you president yee and madam clerk. I had some developments since this item was introduced that i would like to go over as well as make amendments here since the rental issuance introduced the court, the San Francisco superior court specifically has moved forward pursuant to our demand and has stayed for 90 days. Any evictions cases other than those necessary for health and safety. Secondly, yesterday, last evening, mayor london breed issued her fifth supplemental with orders regarding evictions and specifically regarding nofaulty convictions. We work closely with the Mayors Office and were very pleased we were able to come to an agreement and get that taken care of. At this point, with the exception of no faulty convictions are effectively bannedded in San Francisco. So he with want to amend the resolution accordingly and specifically the following amendments and had he hit a circulate of these to all supervisors and i will run through them quickly now. Page 1 line 1. Page 1 lines 46 removing the title urging action at the superior court and my the mayor. Imagine 91 adding whereas clause noting the mayors fifth supplemental. Page 3 lines 310 related to the spirit of court and page 3 lines 21 to 24 removed claws resoutherly serving the action and lines 4 reinvolved claws urging mayoral action and page 4 lines 56 removing mayor, superior court and California Judicial Council from the transmittal lift. What remains are all of the things urging action from the governor on more to be yum for eviction as well as outside evictions. With the amendments i listed eye like to make a motion to amend the resolution as described. Supervisor preston has made a move to amend the resolution. Do we have a second. Second. Seconded by supervisor mar. The amendments are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, call the role of the resolution. On the amended resolution for item 28, supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Aye. Walton. Heir. Walton aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Ok, this resolution is adopted. As amended unanimously. Madam clerk, theres been a request to reopen Public Comment, general Public Comment if theres no objection. I will reopen the Public Comment. Thank you, supervisor. So, let me contacts my operations team. They should be checking the lines to make sure that the individual who is calling in will be able to get through. It may take but a moment. Yes, give me a second to get this cued up, please. Thank you, mr. Coop. Are there any callers . No. There are no speakers waiting to speak. How many . There are no speakers. No speakers, correct. Supervisor yee ok, if theres no speakers than Public Comment is closed. Madam clerk, i think we covered everything, right. So weve covered the items on the agenda, mr. President. Please read the memoriams. I have none to report today. Supervisor yee colleagues, that brings us to the end of our agenda. I want to thank everybody for being part of this system. I know its a little strange but this is the best we can do right now in terms of making sure that theres public asset access to our readings. So, colleagues, madam clerk, is there any other further business before us today . That concludes our business for today. Ok, thank you, everyone and please continue to check our website. Www. Sfbos. Org for details. Until then, is this meeting adjourned. Good morning, everyone and thank you all for being here today. My name is london breed, the mayor of San Francisco and im joined by the president of board of supervisors, norman yee, as well as the department of Public Health, dr. Grant colfax and we are joined by police chief bill scott, the director of emergency management, mary ellen c

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