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Suggest that report such as these should be not only verbal, but written. There is a lot of information my mind was ticking away and trying to record what you were saying, which is very informational and very concise and i appreciate that, but i would like to be able to mull over the information youre giving us. So that im clear, we have the information in the report and the explanations are in the report, so he when he comes up, he sort of summarizing what is in the report. Are you suggesting we should do a sumization of what youre going to give . Right. If i go back and maybe its just me and my colleagues, i cant come back with all the facts in front of me. Its a good thing to think about. Things that may be of interest that may surface on the language around what the issues and challenges we face is effectively verbatim from what is in the report, but perhaps we can reformat. Right. I think the other factor weve got to keep in mind, that you live this day in and day out, so when you give your presentation, you kind of go through it at a cadence and its hard for the people to remember the projects because they may know it by another name, abbreviate it, or the official name, we call it biosolids. We need to think about how we present it, so once a quarter, they can remember, oh, thats what youre talking about. So well work on that. Constructive criticism. Welcome feedback, absolutely. Good. Lets move on. Can i ask a quick question about that . Are we saying its not hard for us to have the report despite the fact that you summarize it because its right there in your hands . Is that a Fair Assessment . I think so the whole premise if somebody wants it. All of it is Public Information so anyone can get it. Its part of the agenda item that is in there. But as part of Quarterly Report we give more of an insight of what is in there, opportunity to ask more questions about it. So i think ann wants to make sure that our presentation, we should make it available so that they can follow what were saying now versus just i would say the south the Sewer System Improvement Program with more slides talked about the project. You can follow the project. With this one, you just kind of went through a whole bunch of them quickly and it was probably hard to follow. Thats my take. President caen yes. And i personally would like the background. The information of the report. I like numbers. Yeah. Yep. If you will keep that and she will keep that document [laughter]. President caen okay. Thank you. Any Public Comment . So that is the sewer Enterprise Capital that was the wastewater. Im sorry, wastewater Quarterly Report. So Public Comment i guess. President caen i think i already called for Public Comment. The next item is an update on the mayors february 25 Emergency Declaration for covid19. I have justine to come up, our chief officer to give an update on sort of what the city is doing, which is changing rapidly, but what is the puc, what were working on as an agency to kind of roll out to our employees and give our folks advice on . Good afternoon. San francisco Public Utilities commission. And as general manager kelly mentioned, this is quickly evolving situation. We are the the puc is specifically in heavy coordination with the department of Human Resources, the City Department of Human Resources as well as the department of Emergency Management and the department of Public Health. All is coming together with a lot of guidance and cord nation that is changing coordination that is changing rapidly. The puc launched a Cross Functional Team in the end of february within our department comprised of Emergency Planning and security, health and safety, h. R. , specifically employee and labor relations, Information Technology and finance. So we started meeting regularly to basically tackle preparations, answer questions as the situation evolves. Some of the things im going to highlight today that weve been tackling, im not going over everything but these are the highlights. We launched a renewed analysis for continuity of operations plan. This is analysis that comes out of the Emergency Planning and its basically designed to analyze agencywide what our critical functions are and what our remote capabilities to perform those functions are and what are the capabilities to perform the functions if we have scenarios with lifting staffing, 25 , 50 staffing, so that way we can be better prepared after doing the analysis if we have an impact to staff or operations. So that is under way right now. Weve also drew guidance from the department of Public Health and in general the city. We have been implementing social distancing programs, which is essentially designed to limit situations where people are in tight quarters, where there is lots of people gathering, so for example, we are looking to limit inperson meetings within our own department. A lot can be done over the phone, video conferencing, alternate ways to conduct work. Weve cancelled nonessential trainings and looking to reschedule those. Similarly, were looking to if there is any nonessential travel or conferences, things like that, although a lot of the conferences themselves are kind of cancelling on their own throughout the country. So were analyzing those to see if its necessary right now or if it can be postponed and revisited later. Weve also launched a temporary emergency program, this is designed again to kind of limit the amount of people that need to be together in one confined space at one time. Not technically confined space, but a tight space. And so were specifically right now looking to have people who are in quote unquote vulnerable populations be kind of the first ones to be able to if their job permits and their job is allowing for this, to telecommute from the location. Vulnerable populations as defined by the city and specifically the department of Public Health are people over 60 and people with specific Underlying Health conditions. Weve also been coordinating through our i. T. And finance to obtain Additional Resources to increase these capacities. So things like do we have enough laptops . Do we need more laptops . Do we have enough band width to support the people at the same time accessing our servers from a remote location . These are all things that have to go into this analysis. Weve increased cleaning. Our cleaning is focused on hightouch points where people come in and go out. Were also looking to identify how and that is specifically to the 525 building where we have a lot of people, around a thousand people come to that building daily. Were also looking to identify additional cases or Additional Resources that we can employ at our other facilities. Were also doing scenario planning, although at this point its extremely in its infancy, of what if we have a positive case pop up in one of the facilities and what are the protocols going to be there . So were waiting for guidance from d. P. H. As well as the department of Human Resources. I. T. Is also engaging in increased cleaning of shared electronic equipment. Weve also increased tremendously our communication about these efforts. I will emphasize with you all the importance of personal hygiene, watching the hands washing the hands, making sure were vigilant. Even after im touching this podium, thank you, i was going to say pulpit, but thats not the right word the podium, i have my Hand Sanitizer im going to use after this, so its being vigilant about these things. We have all sorts of signage up in the rest rooms, in the work break rooms, throughout the facilities. We have launched a share point page which is within the puc internet that is going to have uptodate information that people can access. We have a news letter that is primary geared to target the field staff so theyre also getting uptodate information. Lastly, we just had a tremendous amount of coordination with the department of Human Resources and the department of Emergency Management for Disaster Service worker response. Weve had such great assistance from all corners of our organization to go in and assist with Public Outreach campaigns, with truck driving, with planning and scenario planning and analysis and tracking phone calls. I mean, there is just a tremendous amount of work that goes on with dealing with a declared emergency specific to this nature. So a big shoutout to the entire puc staff because people have really been coming together and its been a tremendous unifying experience. Any questions . Actually, two things i would add before questions. One is that the Southeast Community facility, that is one that the community uses, so weve been working with the commission to talk about maybe, you know, reducing the usage for large gatherings, so were working with that. And then the other thing which is good and bad is that since we are battletested as far as emergencies weve been having with the rim fire and other things, that mary ellen carole who used to be our Emergency Point person is now head of d. E. M. And now shes identifying folks who she feels can come right in and sit in. And a lot of those folks are our people. So were like, wait a minute, time out, we need these folks as well. So its sort of a good thing, but were opening up the doc and were going to Work Together on how we can better balance doing our services and making sure that we protect our workers as well. To that end, ill add were sending folks to training specific to refresh that Emergency Response as g. M. Kelly mentioned. The last time we went through Something Like this, it was the rim fire, so its been a little bit. We want to capture people who havent gone through that experience. That is going to be happening this week in preparation for activating our own doc. How about weve heard a lot about sick leave, how are we dealing with that . Sure. So were essentially expanding the use of sick leave as necessary and also relaxing certain procedural requirements that we normally have for this kind of situation. So if someone is experiencing flulike symptoms or triggers for the coronavirus, were not asking for them to fill out the form and do all that stuff, but we were asking for, theyre in communication with their own personal Health Care Provider and following the guidance according to that medical provider and were in constant communication with them so we can understand the situation as it evolves for them. How about School Closures . That is something were analyzing more in the continuity of operations because as those as schools close, that likely will impact a significant population of our staff. And we were informed yesterday that its possible for people to use sick leave in addition to all sorts of other accrued leave if schools start closing down. So there is basically a relaxation, if you will, to encourage these kind of social distancing things. How about for new employees that may not have may have limited sick leave and . They may have other kind of accrued leave. But the option is for them to always they cant always come into work obviously. If theyre able to telecommute that is something theyre able to do, but those situations we have to analyze on a case by case basis which were doing. Okay. I mean, case by case, we have a huge we have many employees, so casebycase doesnt sound workable. There is already a relaxing, if you will for the telecommute program that i mentioned earlier. So that will likely be something that can be used by brand new employees, but keep in mind, there are lots of jobs within our organization that may not lend itself to actually working from home. They may have to come in to perform duties. And maybe, because as we get more women in the workforce and in different kinds of jobs, and you live somewhere else and all of a sudden your Elementary School is closed, that could youre hampered. You may not be able to come in. So im wondering what are we doing about those issues because these are not the same kind of issues weve had . If we looked at country where we have more women . I think the first thing is that we are looking at alternative Work Schedules where you can come in later, or come in earlier, or you can work certain hours a day and take a day off. Then were looking at telecommuting. I understand that, but those are good for white collar jobs, but when youre in different kinds of jobs, that doesnt work and thats why im trying to find out, we need to put something in place for that. Im walking through, because we have a lot of folks and were grouping them in categories. As i go through the categories, then you will have a population who dont have a lot of accumulated leave. Therefore, that means that the city has to give something to those folks. And that is something we cant do as the puc, so were working with the Mayors Office and everyone and the mayor to, how do we treat these situations to get to your point . And that is something were definitely looking at as well. Well i appreciate that, because we have two tiered system, one for white collar and one for the other. As we get more and more women, again, into the workplace, doing nontraditional jobs, we have to think of things differently. It cannot be necessarily on a casebycase basis. They have to feel, oh, my god, ill be covered if something happens, not casebycase. And what about Something Like in our building as Hand Sanitizer. Do we have a lot more stations available to people . Do we have the packages . That is something that we have regularly weve been providing that regularly throughout our facilities. Part of Emergency Response is to understand to have people who can do purchasing quickly and understand that process. That is also being coordinated at the city level for these kinds of bulk purchases for example on sanitizer and cleaning solutions. Are we also since this coronavirus, i mean, ive never seen anything like that, even the way it spreads throughout the world, this is really something, but what are we doing for families that work for the puc . Because if they go they worked here and go somewhere else, there is no alcohol, there is no toilet paper, Hand Sanitizer, what are we doing for families that work for us . Is that something we can consider as far as since we order bulk with Hand Sanitizer, it only helps us if everybody is covered . Yeah, at this point, we havent looked at that. Were still focusing mainly on our employees as well as taking guidance from d. P. H. And d. H. R. And d. E. M. From a public perspective. But president caen thats something we can consider. I can look into that. What well do is bring it back, because its probably not only the puc, but as a city type of thing. And just received an email from the city administrator through purchasing about a list of stuff that theyre ordering and they didnt want the departments to order it as an emergency. They had a list of stuff because did you see that . I havent. This came today. But anyway, this changes. I do understand your suggestion that we should really look at how can we help folks because youre right, because i went to costco and everything was gone. Its gone. If you go home, you need to have the same things so you can get back the next day. Toilet paper. What is the thing about the toilet paper . I saw this guy with all this stuff, he said, i dont know, but i needed some. Got to be something about the toilet paper. Do you believe the toilet paper . I welcome your remarks, commissioner. We have to take a very active role in this. Im not going to get political here, but you have to be proactive. You must be you must stay on top of it. You must be we should do that. And by the way, madame secretary, if we could have Hand Sanitizer right up here at the next meeting, keep it in the locker. That would be great. I looked for some in the room and there is none in the room. We have to supply our own, perhaps. A loud voice gets results. And we have to do that. And all the trucks that our guys should have Hand Sanitizer, because we have to make it convenient for them to do the things we know are important for everybodys health. Yes, there are other things. For example, we have wastewater folks who receive the flows from sanitary flows after people who could be sick and so were very concerned about that. So were looking into a lot of touch points where it could definitely have a high risk to our staff population. President caen didnt even think about that. Its a dynamic situation. To say the least. Any other questions . Okay. Thank you. President caen thank you for the report. Any Public Comment . That concludes my report. Thank you. Next item, please. Item 7 is new commission business. President caen commissioners . New business. Okay. No, you want to go first . I dont have any. Im good. Commissioners maxwell . Commissioner maxwell im good. Ill turn to the male side of the commission. Next item, please. 8 is the consent calendar, all matters here under consent calendar are considered to be routine by the San Francisco Public Utilities commission, acted upon by a single vote of the commission. The matter will be removed from the calendar and considered as a separate item . I move that the Consent Agenda. President caen id like to remove something, okay . An item. A. Item a. Okay. So would you like to restate your motion. I thought that was the routine. But i will restate it and say, hopefully i only do it once now, but i will move the entire Consent Agenda minus discussion on measure number a. President caen good. Second. President caen any Public Comment, that anybody would like to remove items . Seeing none, im going to call for the issue with removal of item a. All those in favor . Opposed . Motion carries. So may we have a presentation on i dont need a whole presentation on item a. I just had a question about the Critical Path method scheduling. If someone could clarify what Critical Path method scheduling is. And maybe the cost control step augmentation services. President caen could you august us through this walk us through this . This item is for our program controls staff and its usually for staff augmentation. And so all the Quarterly Reports that you get and the red dots on the reports on whether projects are on schedule, off schedule, what the earned value is, that is what the Critical Path method scheduling is. So its especially important to usually we have so many different activities we need to figure out which activities we need six of them. Which activities will get us to the finish line or to complete the project in the most efficient manner. We do have inhouse staff, but its a small team. Its usually hard to find the Specialized Skill and so we generally have two contracts where we draw from consultants and they support us and they sit in our offices and do the work as well. And they work with the project managers. President caen on the cost control Staff Augmentation Services and the Critical Path method scheduling . Yes, they actually sit in the office yes, they do, they sit with our staff. Maybe another way to explain Critical Path, it is the list of activities that you have that you need to perform to get from the beginning of the project to the end of the project. And then what they do, they identify which ones you have to do before you do the other, so that you have that. And then they, through putting it in through these programs, they identify what is the most Critical Path, that if you delay that activity, it will delay the entire projects. There are some activities you can delay but wont impact the project delivery, so but the up withes that you impact but the ones that you impact, if youre a day late, it will delay the whole project. Thats the Critical Path. Thats great. We can use that in a lot of things. On how to make the blue collar and white collar equal, thats the Critical Path. I like that. Thank you. And on the augmentation services. All of our schedules are costloaded, meaning they have Staff Resources and consultant resources associated with the schedules. So we also check to make sure that staff are not charging more and were still behind schedule, so were trying to line it up so that we have the resources matching up with the schedule. Another great thing about a costloaded schedule, once you identify the schedule which has a Critical Path, each activity is cost loaded, so therefore you know how much you need to spend every month. You have a spenddown curve and it helps us because we can identify how much money we need to ask from the controller every year because we have an idea how much money were going to spend and when were going to spend it. So that really helps us i was going to say, so they know when to use commercial paper, when to sell bonds and when to use our loan dollars. President caen thank you. Great. Thank you. Okay, so now i move item a. Second. Any Public Comment on item a . All those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Next item, please. Item 9, approve the plans and specifications and award contract db129. 2 in the amount of 29 million and with the duration of 396 consecutive calendar days, bidder committing the lowest responsive bid, anvil builders. This item is the fourth of our design build contract to provide duct bank and associated facility to provide for transmission and distribution of electrical system for the power enterprise plan to build out and provide power. Commissioners . Questions . Comments . President caen to the general public, any questions, comments . Move to approve . Second. President caen all those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Next item. Item 10 i prove the selection of hdr engineering award Agreement Number pro0021, for amount not to exceed 9 million and with duration of eight years. Ill move the item. Second. President caen any comments, questions . Commissioners . To the general public, any questions, comments . All those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Thank you, i did just forward to the general manager a link to an article on why toilet paper does get a run during pandemics. President caen thank you. Would you forward that. [laughter] all my friends want to know. I mean, really, in my wildest dreams, thats the last thing i would think of. There are actually good reasons. Call my doctor, is there any kind of medicine i should stockpile in case there is a run on medicine, but toilet paper would not be my next item, too. Okay. President caen next item. Item 11, authorize the general manager forever the potrero station and monitoring and reporting program. Second. President caen any discussion, questions . To the general public . Any questions, discussions . I would like to say that this has been a long time coming, this project. So i think i was around in the days when we were trying to get that power plant shut down, right . And the committees we were putting together and the Community Engagement process, so i think its worth recognizing how far weve come. And now that the site is going to be developed for mixed use, its very exciting. President caen excellent point. I might add, mayor willie brown was very instrumental in that project so long ago. So long ago. Really proud of the work that the developers has done over the many years to reach out to the community and to make sure that the input came in as deep as it ended up being, as we get at this point. President caen good point. So, we have a motion . And a second. All those in favor . Did we call for Public Comment . I forgot to call for Public Comment. Seeing none, i would like to call the question, all those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Next item. Item 12 approve amendment number 5 to agreement cs911r, increasing the duration by nine months not to exceed 10 years and five months with no change to the agreement amount. President caen lets see. Ill move approval. President caen okay. Second . Second. President caen any questions, comments, commissioners . To the general public, any questions or comments on this item . Seeing none, all those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Next item. Item 13, adopt resolution affirming the San Francisco Public Utilities commissions support for acquiring pacific gas and Electric Company electric assets in San Francisco. President caen ms. Hale . Assistant general manager for power. Under this item, you would be identifying priorities for key priorities that need to be satisfied for the city to move forward on the proposed acquisition of pg es transmission and distribution of assets serving San Francisco. Those key priorities address financial stability, support for utility workforces, community and worker safety, Climate Change prevention and mitigation, affordability and equity, Operational Excellence and improved service to City Departments. Happy to take any questions you may have regarding the item. Its responsive to an interest i believe on behalf of the commissioners to express some Additional Guidance to staff and its also quite consistent with a public resolution heard at Land Use Committee yesterday of the board of supervisors, which addresses some of the same key priorities from the boards perspective. Happy to take any questions. President caen at that meeting, were there any comments or suggestions about changing it . Or no. The committee took up the item, discussed it among themselves primarily. The committee chair, supervisor peskin, introduced the item. And my recollection is comment was called for, but none was made. The item was referred out of committee with support. President caen okay. I have a question, also. You said in the same sentence, some of the and then you went to all of the yes, i corrected myself. Is that the content is the same. With respect to the key priorities. Id like to move the item. Second it. President caen further discussion . Any comment from our huge audience here . Seeing none, missi hale, my mem to you yesterday, so i should feel comfortable about that . Yes. If i recall correctly, you inquired how inspections were addressed . I took that to mean, be more of a general concern about president caen we condition assets. Yes, Condition Assessment is the term i was searching for. Yes. And given the emphasis on safety reliability, excellence and service, all of those key priorities go to the condition of the assets, both as we acquire them and as we plan for improving them over time. Assuming we have ownership responsibility, we care about that. The day of purchase and going forward, right . And making sure that we have considered asset condition and the investments well be required to provide safe and Reliable Service in our projections of the cost of operating the system. Which we have in the modelling weve done to date. And i think its very consistent with the concern you expressed in your note about inspections to see the key priorities listed as they are. President caen okay, so im comfortable with that. One other question. So, this is our resolution from the commission. What is is there going to be another resolution from the board of supervisors . Yes. So they considered a resolution in the Land Use Committee yesterday. And they made since ive been here, i dont know if theyve taken action on it at their Board Meeting today, they may have. President caen is it skirnt with ours . Consistent with ours . With respect to the key priorities. The preamble leading up to them is a little different there. Just because of the history that has gone into in the board item. A little more. President caen could you share that . Id be happy to provide you with a copy. President caen okay. Is it anything we should be concerned about . No just accurate recitation of the activities on this project. President caen well, they have the right to do whatever they want to do. Sure. Yes. And its just for the public, it is a publicly available document on the board of supervisors website. Sorry, did you say theyre considering the resolution . Its my understanding that the Public Meeting of the board of supervisors today had that they could act on that item yes, right now. And if not, they might act on it with us. Its available for them to act on today or any day after. President caen and its been noticed and everything. Yes, thats my understanding. Just to clarify they cant do it while were there because were in joint session, but right, joint closed session. Its not on the agenda. So there are two agendas. There is regular meeting agenda, its on that. Whether they will vote on that before our joint closed session, hard to say. It is not part of the joint closed session agenda. Thank you. I apologize if my presentment made that confused. At our joint closed session, we can talk about whatever we want. You can talk about the pending litigation that is listed on the agenda for that closed session. President caen we have counsel right here. I looked at her but then i had to defer to you, of course, madame chair. President caen okay, thank you. So, i will call for the question. All those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Well, my agenda tells me its time to adjourn this meeting. Is there any further business . I have a question. You know, i know the board of supervisors flops their schedule around quite often. Is there any flexibility i dont know if its through the secretary or to possibly since were done early to whip at all . No, because its been noticed for 4 00 p. M. , they cannot call the closed session before 4 00 p. M. And i recommend we adjourn, since we do not have any other agenda items. President caen this meeting it adjourned at 2 58. [ ] [ ] so i grew up in cambridge, massachusetts and i was very fortunate to meet my future wife, now my wife while we were both attending graduate school at m. I. T. , studying urban planning. So this is her hometown. So, we fell in love and moved to her city. [ ] [ ] i was introduced to this part of town while working on a campaign for gavin, who is running for mayor. I was one of the organizers out here and i met the people and i fell in love with them in the neighborhood. So it also was a place in the city that at the time that i could afford to buy a home and i wanted to own my own home. This is where we laid down our roots like many people in this neighborhood and we started our family and this is where we are going to be. I mean we are the part of San Francisco. Its the two neighborhoods with the most children under the age of 18. Everybody likes to talk about how San Francisco is not familyfriendly, there are not a lot of children and families. We have predominately Single Family homes. As i said, people move here to buy their first home, maybe with multiple family members or multiple families in the same home and they laid down their roots. [ ] its different because again, we have little small storefronts. We dont have Light Industrial space or space where you can build highrises or large office buildings. So the tech boom will never hit our neighborhood in that way when it comes to jobs. Turkey, cheddar, avocado, lettuce and mayo, and little bit of mustard. Thats my usual. Mike is the owner, born and bred in the neighborhood. He worked in the drugstore forever. He saved his money and opened up his own spot. Were always going to support home grown businesses and he spent generations living in this part of town, focusing on the family, and the vibe is great and people feel at home. Its like a Little Community gathering spot. This is the part of the city with a small town feel. A lot of mom and pop businesses, a lot of family run businesses. There is a conversation on whether starbucks would come in. I think there are some people that would embrace that. I think there are others that would prefer that not to be. I think we moved beyond that conversation. I think where we are now, we really want to enhance and embrace and encourage the businesses and Small Businesses that we have here. In fact, its more of a mom and pop style business. I think at the end of the day, what were really trying to do is encourage and embrace the diversity and enhance that diversity of businesses we already have. Were the only supervisor in the city that has a permanent district office. A lot of folks use cafes or use offices or different places, but i want out and was able to raise money and open up a spot that we could pay for. Im very fortunate to have that. Hi, good to see you. Just wanted to say hi, hi to the owner, see how hes doing. Everything okay . Yeah. Good. We spend the entire day in the district so we can talk to constituents and talk to Small Businesses. We put money in the budget so you guys could be out here. This is like a commercial corridor, so they focus on cleaning the streets and it made a Significant Impact as you can see. What an improvement it has made to have you guys out here. For sure. We have a significantly diverse neighborhood and population. So i think thats the richness of the mission and it always has been. Its what made me fall in love with this neighborhood and why i love it so much. Disabilities and Adult Services meeting. May i have the secretary take the roll. [ roll call ] executive director mcfadden is present. At this time, we ask you silence all sound producing devices and cell phones. May i have a motion to approve the agenda. So moved. Do we have a second . Any discuss in all in favor. Any opposed . Motion carries. May i have a motion to

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