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All members are present. I. I would like to acknowledge the staff of sf gtv who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, any communications . None to report, mr. President. Before we do that, i would like to ask everybody to join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Welcome back, colleagues. I hope you all had a great break because im hopeful that this year, 2020, will be as fruitful as last year, 2019. And i would like to welcome our new city Deputy Director who is over there. Shes already busy, ann pearson, welcome to chambers. And i promise that at least, my colleagues promise not to pick on you for the first week, anyway. I also like to make an announcement that in december, at the end of december, there were three positions on the department of public inspection, commission in which terms were up. And i want to announce that i have appointed three people to those positions and one of the things i really look for as much as i can and asked many of you as colleagues how to do this is how do we diversify the commission more than it has been. So im proud to say that weve been able to find people that are well qualified that will diversify this position. The three people that i am appointing are john jacoble, who will represent a member of the general public, jason cam, who will be representing the residential landlord, and elizabeth alexander, who will be representing the residential tenant. And i want to invite all of you, if you like, to their swearing in tomorrow in this chamber at 4 30 and it should be a very short and brief and wonderful ceremony. Colleagues, today we are approving the minutes from the november 19th, 2019 meeting. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Made by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor m mandleman. And so without objection, those minutes will be approved after public comment. Madam clerk, can you please call items one and two together. Referred without recommendation from the land use and transportation committee. These are two companion items pertaining to the flower mart. Item one is an ordinance to establish the 2000 street special use district, to create additional key site exceptions for the flower mart site on the southern half of the block between fifth and sixth streets and to affirm the determination under the california quality a act. Item two is for kr flower mart for a 6. 5acre site and to make appropriate findings for both items. Ok, supervisor peskin, and you have permission not to have to rise. Thank you, mr. President. If we could take these items separately, i would respectfully request that item two be delayed until later in the meeting, but would be happy to vote on item one at this time. Your request has been made and granted. So madam clerk, please call the role on item one. On item one, supervisor peskin, aye, preston aye, ronan, aye, safaye, aye, stephanie, aye, walton aye, xi, aye, fuer, aye, haineyaye and mar is aye for 11ayes. Item one has finally passed. Please call item three. An ordinance to amend the Green Building code to establish Energy Performance requirements for certain new Building Construction and to adopt the appropriate findings. Can we talk this item same house, same call . Without objection, this has passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please go to the next item and please call items four and five together. Item four is an ordinance to authorize settlement of the lawsuit filed by the city and the people of the state of california against the Stevens Institute and 23 of the affiliated Liability Companies and collectively known as the academy that owns properties in San Francisco. It alleges the academy violated the planning codes and competition law and 17200, et cetera, under the settlement, the academy agrees to bring its existing using into compliance to relocate existing uses or change uses in buildings in accordance with applicable laws and those limited instances where the Planning Department has limited that legalization is not appropriate and to compensate the people and the city for alleged past violations by paying approximately 58 million and work cooperatively with the city for future growth in a manner that account for the urban name of the academys campus. Item five is an ordinance to approve a Development Agreement between the committee and Stevens Institute doing th business as affiliated entities which provides for various benefits. Jessie smith and Kristin Jensen who hopefully is watching this on her vacation, i want to thank all of the individuals at the department of city planning who have played a remarkably Important Role in this and the members of the Planning Commission and the folks at the department of building inspection to bring this very tortured chapter to, hopefully, an end in the city and county of San Francisco where one institution behaved unlawfully in a way that impacted lowimpact tenants in districts three and six. I want to acknowledge a number of individuals who repeatedly told this city about this and dogged it for a generation. I would like to salute miss sue hester, doug ingman and other individuals associated with them for constantly holding the citys feet to the fire and i think that this is a just and appropriate settlement and while the government audit and Oversight Committee could not recommend this during the appeal period, i commend this settlement to each and every one of you and hope that it will pass unanimously today. Thank you, Dennis Herrara and to the City Attorneys Office. Colleagues, can we take these two items same house, same call . Then these two items pass unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item 6. Item 6 is an ordinance to amends the planning code to enable the use of Development Project sites during the project approval and entitlement process by authorizing the Planning Department to authorize certain interim activities at Development Project sites as temporary uses up to 36 36 monts and make the appropriate findings. Supervisor hainey . Thank you, president. This is a piece of legislation that is sponsored by the mayor and myself and it is intended to help activate properties that are being evaluated for demolition and development to build housing in the near future and therefore might not be able to attract businesses with a longterm lease. The goat is t goal is to activae proper use and have a goal. I want to thank the land use committee, particularly chair peskin and his staff for working closely with the mayor and the Mayors Office and the Planning Department on amendments. There are some further amendments that wed like to put forward that, its my understanding, are substancive is require a rereferral to committee. So rather than handling those here, we want to spend a little more time working those out. So i want to ask that this piece of legislation be referred to committee. Ok. A motion has been made and seconded by supervisor peskin. Cap we take this same house, same call . This will be referred to committee. Item number 7, please. Item 7 is an ordinance to amend ordinance number 1061, the sidewalk with regulation, to reduce the official sidewalk with the certain locations along the westerly side of pierce street between ofarrel and to adopt the determination and make the appropriate findings. Same house same call . Without objection, this is passed on first reading. Please call the next item. Item 8 to declare a Public Health crisis on drug use and drug overdoses and to urge the department of pu Public Health o present a comprehensive plan on how to address this crisis. Supervisor hainey. Thank you, president. Last month, we held a rally and a hearing on this Public Health Crisis Resolution which would kedeclare Public Health crisis n our city and this is an issue, which you are all well aware of now, because ive spoken about it many times here at the board, is the most deadly epidemic facing our city at this moment. It is absolutely the issue that i hear the most from, from my constituents. People who are Small Business owners, who are residents, people who work directly with those addicted to drugs and the feeling is that there is an overwhelming sense of crisis and urgency on our streets. And, unfortunately, for many of the people that ive heard from and i would share this sentiment, we have not seen the same level of response from our city that matches the crisis on our streets. Its my hope that by, as a board, us collectively declaring a Public Health crisis, that we will begin to see a commensurate response from the city as you al. As you all are aware, there e more people that die of overdoses in our city than pretty much any other unnatural cause of death. In 2018, there were 259 people who died of drug overdoses. This is over six times as many that died of traffic collisions or homicides. Every single death is a tragedy and should be taken seriously in terms of how we respond and prevent those deaths in the future. During the hearing, the department of Public Health was asked to present a comprehensive emergency plan. One, to improve streetlevel Crisis Response to address people using drugs or in psychosis, increase access to narcan, expand outreach is treatment, report overdose deaths, increase support to frontline Emergency Responders and Public Safety personnel, identify and establish emergency detox and dropin facilities and request Additional Support from state and federal sources. I want to appreciate the department of Public Health for the information that they provided and the plans that they put forward. In many ways, they have been in the past and currently a leader on how we respond in a smart, strategic and passionate way. But i think they recognise, and i hope we can all recognise, that there needs to be so much more done to prevent overdose deaths. We expect that the numbers in 2019 will go up even higher than in 2018 and one of the challenges that we identified in the hearing is that the numbers are not regularly shared as often as they need to be for us to understand the extent of the crisis and be able to respond urgently. Were working from 2018 numbers rather than knowing in the most uptodate way how the residents of our city is impacted by this deadly crisis. I want to thank all of the folks who work to prevent drug overdoses everyday. People from the dope project, from st. Anthonys who are saving life. I think we have a responsibility to respond much more urgently and have an Emergency Response that reflects what is happening on our streets and what is happening in our city. This deadly epidemic is getting worse and i hope by declaring that Public Health emergency, we will begin to see a response that is as big as the crisis that were facing. S. Thank you. Supervisor ronan. Thank you. I could not agree more and us to be adds as a cosponsor. Thank you. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . This resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call the next item . Item 9 a resolution to reappoint harlin, jr. , for a fouryear term. Colleagues, same item, same call . This is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call 10. A motion to appoint Charles Peacock for an indefinite term. This motion is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, please call the next item. Item 11, a motion to appoint jr eppler, er ma lewis for terms 2021. Same house, same call . This is passed unanimously. Madam clerk, please call number 12. 12 is a motion to reappoint William Ortiz to the small commission, january, 26, 2024. This is approved unanimously. Madam clerk, legitimate lete call. Supervisor peskin, youre up to introduce new business. Thank you, madam clerk. Its been a few weeks since we last convened and i have a couple of in memoria. I would like to ajourn in the memory of dina boyer, diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and passed away on christmas each. The Community Rallied to support her and funded her fight with cancer, but she passed away surrounded by a few close friends. Dina was many things ranging from a military veteran, transadvocate and Animal Rights advocate and film director in the independent media and Public Television where we saw her on our own channel 29, sanfranciscos Public Television station, where she was the facilitys coordinator and camera person for the awardwinnin awardwinn. She reported on health and labour issues for transpeople, investigating the suspicious death of doxy arundundo who was found dead in a tenderloin motel in 2006. She was concerned at lack of attention on the high rate of violence, particularly against transwomen. She grew up in baltimore where she knew from the young age of 12 she was different but didnt have the resources or information to fully understand or access her true identity. It was not until in her 30s that she was able to fully start her transition to claim her true identity and she ultimately moved here to the city and county of San Francisco to access the support for her transition and found a community of artists and activists that shared her experiences. She used her struggle with homelessness to elevate trans issues, including a file on cnn. She stowe studied film productid photo journalism at sf state. She is survived by her sister, chantel, her son, jeremy, and her granddaughter, who she was looking forward to meeting one day. I would like to ajourn, also, in the memory of michael leonard, who also recently lost his fight with cancer. Michael was a neighbor, a San Francisco artist, a writer and professor of art history at California College of the arts and diabola valley college, nicknamed Michael Angelo lenardo. He got his masters in arts history in sf state, doctorate at usf and widely published as an art critic and art historian and lived his life very genuinely and spartanly and i know that because when his downstairs neighbour passed away, i brought a chair up to his unit and was amazed by just how spartan has existence was. He was a committed volunteer mentor in the Big Brother Program and i want to extend or deepest condolences to dawn, alex, nick and gabe and the rest i submit. Supervisor pr rbgeston. Colleagues, today i am announcing plans to extend rent control protections to the tenants at midtown park apartments. This 139 unitapartment complex located in the philmore is occupied by residents, particularly longterm africanamerican and immigrant tenants and for years, the tenants at midtown believed they were cover bid th covered t control law and treated as such. In 2013, the city abruptly shifted gears. Many received increases, including some as high as 300 of what they were previously paying. The tenants challenged the rent increases but the rent board ruled that the rent control law does not extend to midtown because the property is owned by the city. There are many issues to be resolved, including working out a longer term plan regarding the ownership and operation of midtown. Thanks to organizing by the midtown Tenants Association and allies, the citys original plan to demolish midtown is off the table. I look forward to working with all stakeholders to arrive at a longterm plan supported prints. Supported by residents. But in the meantime, its unacceptable for any to pay rent increases in publicallyowned housing, higher than they would have faced if they lived across the street from their home and privately owned house. They deserve protection. I engaged the City Attorneys Office and i look forward to moving forward with this. Thank you, supervisor p rbgs preston. Supervisor ronan. Im taking us one step closer to the day we leave pg e behind and welcome a new day with clean, green and public power in San Francisco. Thithis is more than 3 millionn Revenue Bonds for the electrical distribution and Transmission System in San Francisco. If a series of preconditions are met to the satisfaction of the board. Weve been moving in this direction for months. The city delivered a letter of interest to pg e to buy assets for electrical service. By overwhelmly passing prop a in june, the voters authorized bonds to pay for the infrastructure we so desperately need. Were aware of the challenges it faces to restructure in a way that satisfies the states, the course and shareholders. The decision about the aspect of pg es future will be made in several months and we must continue to take the steps necessary to position ourselves to be able to respond quickly as alternatives are considered. Each requires a board vote, including further Financial Analysis and a plan for the initial transition with the roadmap for system repair and upgrades, protection for rate repairs, a binding agreement for pg e and a bond agreement approval by this board. The commissioners will review and vote on bond authorization. I want to be clear that as a part of our work ahead, we must also prepare a plan to keep pg is e workers secure in their benefits and pensions while welcoming them in the city family. As the chronicle reported last week, San Francisco is already benefiting from clean power sf and public power. Saving well over 100 million in the past three years and moving us forward towards our Greenhouse Gas freegoals. Im absolutely sure that when we complete this transition, San Francisco will bring even more cost savings and benefits to our communities, investing in green jobs and infrastructure, modernizing our aging electrical grid and tackling our Climate Crisis in ways that would never be possible tethered to a shareholderowned forprofit utility and i ask you to join me. Supervisor peskin, thank you for your cosponsorship. Thank you, supervisor ronan. Supervisor safaye. Can i be referred. Supervisor selfny. Stephanie. Supervisor walton. Thank you. Today, we have one memorium for a miss williemay fykes. She was born in 1911 and moved from st. Louis, missouri to meet her husband, roosevelt, who worked at the San Francisco ship yard for 46 years. They had one son who married claira edwards and she is the grandmother to two grandsons. She has three grandchildren, eight grandchildren, as well as many more stepgrandkids she raised. She lived at 231 south ridge one at Hunters Point for 25 years before moving to garlington court. She was the oldest known resident of the bayview at 108 years old. She loved living there from 1982 to december 24, 2019, for over 77 years, raising her children. , raising great grandchildren. Were proud to acknowledge her for living over a century. May god bless her family and all of us with the same good fortune. The rest i submit. Thank you. Supervisor, xi. Before we go on with role call, its 2 31 and lets go to our special order for 2 30, a recognition of accommodations. Yes, mr. President. We have one offered by supervisor walton. Can we come back to this item . I believe our honourees are taking pictures with the mayor at this point. No problem. Just let us know. Ill go ahead and submit my stuff here. And so colleagues, today i am introducing a hearing request and a motion to hold this hearing as a committee of the whole. The topic of our citys Police Staffing and an expert analysis of the San Francisco Police Departments current strategies around staffing with recommendations regarding changes for us to consider. The analysis was performed by matrix along with the Police Commission and the San Francisco Police Department and will be presented in detail at this hear

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