For Climate Change, things like that, that we have to take into account. As we deal with those things, we need to deal with those in updates what Conservation Programs do we have in place to make sure that were efficiently using the supply. Then theft lay, we have to have a water shortage timcy plan in there, which is our potential in times of a drought. Thats an obligation of all water suppliers in california to demonstrate we thought ahead to Drought Conditions and have a contingency plan for that. And so our current water urban Management Plan has one of those. And it will be updated as part of the next update, which is in 2020. Thats the basics of the urban water Management Planning act, which ubiquitous throughout california. Everyone has to do it, to demonstrate theyre thinking ahead in concert with the local Planning Agency on how to deal with Water Supplies in the future. Next, thats the guidance document that summarizes the Conservation Program that will take place over the next five years, when we do the plan. Its specific measures to be implemented. The estimated water savings costs and effects on demand. It explains factors that shapes the criteria used to evaluate measures. So, for example, in San Francisco we emphasize fixture replacement. Because thats what we found to be the most efficient thing to do to achieve water savings here, for many of our customers outside of San Francisco, they would really focus on more water efficient irrigation, because thats the single biggest use out there, that is actually been reduced a lot of our time. I think as you saw from presentation that nicole made at the last meeting, where they reduced their water demands over time substantially. And just heres a measure of the youve seen similar graphs before. Weve had a steady decline in the perperson, perday. Were now down to actually this is the blue bars are the gross level, which were down to about 80 gallons per person per day. Thats basically total system total demand in San Francisco, divided by the population of San Francisco. And then the lower, grayer bars that are shown there, those are the residential gallons per person, per day. So that you see the residential use is down right now. Its down to about 41 gallons per person per day among the lowest in the state. So weve had the steady decline, while population has increased. But we expect population to increase more and so were probably getting to diminishing returns on how low people can go, while as we increase population and jobs, overall water use is starting to tick up in our future projections. So what is the water supply assessment . This is also required by state law. And it documents retail supplies, demands and demands of the proposed project, because this is the projectbased document. And references the most recent urban water Management Plan to cover what the setting is. If determines if water supply is proposed for the project. And that is the Planning Department. So the document that we prepare is included in the record and utilized by the Planning Department. Emphasize for this commission an approval of the p. W. S. A. Is not an approval of the proposed project. Its essentially a legal requirement. We have to provide that information to the Planning Department, so that they can then make a decision on the project overall. So the project require a water supply assessment. I wont go into the details here. But basically relatively large residential developments, shopping centers, Office Buildings, hotels, motels, industrial facilities, 500 dwelling units. So its basically its a large project document. Its not looking at like a threeunit condo or Something Like that. We, of course, see many of those in San Francisco, with a lot of the redevelopment going on. Now weve had to make some changes. What we do in our water supply assessments, based on the bay delta Water Quality control plan, back in december of 2018. Thats put us into a challenging situation, where theres uncertainty about the future and weve got to deal with that. So we had to deal with that for projects in the last round. We analyzed three supply scenarios. One is the status quo, where basically its out of the same analysis as before, just using the 2015 urban water Management Plan. Second would be voluntary agreement. Qualitative analysis about that, because as we talked about, we have a voluntary agreement that would require less water to be released to the river, that has a lesser impact on the water supply. We think would have better overall benefits. But thats still under review, as i mentioned earlier, thats got an uncertain future. Then the last would be the bay delta plan amendment, which we have indicated would cause this to have to go to higher levels of rationing, up to 40 , 50 rationing in times of drought. So all of those are possible scenarios of the future. And we dont know which one actually will come to fruition. So we have also assume the same total retail demand projection, as those in the 2015 urban water Management Plan for all of those scenarios. And we reference our level of service goal, which is no more than 20 systemwide rationing during dry years, at a given demand. And then weve also identified additional water supply proms in there, as weve talked about here. Were beginning planning for additional water supply projects, because regardless of which future we face, we do need to develop additional Water Supplies. So we need to be moving forward on that. We also for the large projects require use of our nonpotable water calculator to estimate the proposed potable and nonpotable demands. Thats basically a formula on how to determine what the demands of the project are. We estimate the level of rationing to be imposed in the proposed project on the severe drought. And we reiterated that the proposed project does not cause the overall shortfall. That that is a collective thing and thats where we are now. And weve talked about this at Prior Commission meetings, where the projects were looking at now, have to reuse their wastewater in some ways. Part of the nonpotable ordinance. So their demands definitely are less, because they have that in combination with the most water efficient fixtures. These are the most low waterdemanding folks in the city. So thats the overall, the legal requirements of what we have to do. We have to provide the urban water Management Plan, individual project water supply assessments to the Planning Department for dealing with the review of major projects. Now im going to move on to how we actually plan for our water supply, because that enters into how the water supply assessment is developed. And i will start with 1991, when it was certainly deep into a drought at that point. And again our system is storagedependent. We dont have the first rights to the river. So how much water we can store is whats important to us. And our water supply is driven by Drought Conditions. Theres plenty of water in normal years and wet years. But extended droughts are where we have a big challenge. So the level of service objective, that was adopted in 2008 for attar for water supply, basically making it a through an eight and a half year planning scenario, 1997 with no more than 20 rationing at a total system demand of 265 million gallons per day. That 265 million gallons per day is the 184 million gallons per day, that we are obligated to make available for our customers, and 81 million gallons per day for San Francisco as an allocation. So this graph shows how the design drought works. In this case, the demand of 265 million gallons per day. Ill show one later thats about 223 million gallons per day. Weve done this at different demand levels. Basically whats on the left access is the total system storage, and on the bottom you see 86 through 87 fiscal year, all the way out to 92 and switches to 76, 77 and 7778. What you see here, during that time that drought exists, you see, you know, declining levels of storage, as it continues over time. And this assumes that we go to 10 rationing at the end of the second year of the drought. And to 20 rationing at the end of the fourth year of the drought. And because we dont have enough water currently to meet the 265 demand, we also would have to go to 25 rationing in the six and a half years of the drought. Now this is a planning scenario. This is not an operating scenario. So we use these numbers as guidance. This is where youd have to tick off these increasing levels of rationing. Because what happens at the very end is we get to whats called dead pool. That means theres only water left, you cant get out of the reservoir. That basically zero. I know one person who wouldnt have a job if we got our levels to zero, that would be me. You might be [laughter] youd be first. Yeah. Id be first. So what we show here is that probably about three years before the end, and really depends, were always doing some water supply planning. But we would have to start to take some Emergency Action when we get to in sight of what we get to zero. Because we cant get to zero and then just wish we had some water. You know, there needs to be something in place. Whether its a transfer or some additional storage or we hope for rain, but you cant just hope to rain. We have to plan for it. Thats why i had that notation there, that we would have to start some Emergency Action at that point in time, otherwise we run the risk of running out of water. Wait. Can i stop you there. Sure. I think im finally understanding this a little bit. So this is the eight and a half year design drought scenario. Yes. Which weve seen, according some people, once in the last 1200 years, according to the tree rings, whatever it is. Right. Thats what this was based on was that one period of drought, that was pretty scary. Yeah. That we were planning for. So i just want to be clear. Thats why we have eight and a half. Y , the 86 through 92 was the drought experienced when we decided to go this direction and this was developed actually during the last licensing process. This was a process in the 19941995 range that commissioner moran participate indeed, we were talking about how do we plan for the future water supply, given we had the very stair scary experience. I understand. We used somewhat of the outlier experience, the extreme experience. The conservative model. Right. I dont know. With Climate Change i know, i know. All of the outlier, i know. It is extreme. But that is the challenge we have is if we look back, we can say, oh, yeah it might happen once in a while. Looking forward, potentially scary future. Right. Right. I get it. The other question is on the 265. Because youre saying that we would have to go into water supply Emergency Action. But we we havent come close to our 265 yet. Oh, yes. And i know we have a responsibility, on obligation, contractual obligation to deliver. But we havent come close to that number, right. Thats correct. I dont quite understand why we would have to go into water supply Emergency Action, its not needbased. This is assuming were at a demand of 265. This is all built around the presumption that youre at that demand, starting here, and these are the levels you have to get to to be able to survive. And if you get to that point and nothing has changed, then you better get on your horse at that point. The next slide actually will show a demand of 223 million gallons per day, which is much closer to where we are right now. Right. Okay. I just wanted to kind of really understand that. Yeah. I think that i think you do understand that that way. This is a projected scenario. Its not our current scenario at all. Okay. Great. So here were looking at and i put this slide together to kind of talk through some different thoughts on this. This is rationing through the design drought, if the bay delta plan is in effect. So when nour case, what weve looked at there is we have to actually start rationing more deeply earlier. So that you end up, after the first year, have for ration at a level of 40 and after the fourth year, you have to ration at a level of 50 to be able to survive, if it extends that full eight and a half years. And, of course, you know, i did that in here. You hit the emergency button. Usually thats, you know, probably three, maybe four years before the end of a drought. But you better have something lined up, because you cant get to zero. Now i use this for comparison with what the river trust has suggested, that we should just use the 86 or 92 drought and theyve shown a chart on this. I wanted to show what theyre basically projecting, which is, you know, they say you can make through 86 through 92 with 10 and 20 rationing two, four years into the drought. The problem is their analysis ends with zero water at the end. Again if the next year is dry, you know, youre up a dry creek with no paddle and no boat, no nothing. Thats the strug we have in looking at how to plan for the future is how far to go out there and weve settled on this one design drought as something, because were so storagedriven, it is protective for us. Sorry. Quick question. What is t. R. T. Again . River trust. Thats where they have put up basically a table that shows, see, you get to the end of this and a little bit of water level. I said lets look at the next line. And see what happens there. So at the same time we know we have to develop Water Supplies for a lot of different reasons. Will there be demand increases because of the planned bay area projections. Knowing that all of these projects will take time to develop. Were really looking at a variety of projects in the Tuolumne River area, doing things in conjunction with our partners there, the irrigation district, trying to develop additional supplies. Also within the region were looking at various recycled water projects and looking at potential reservoir expansion and again at cal riveras where we can store water from really wet years, but then would go and be stored there in dry years so rely on that water in dry years. We also are looking at local water supply projects, purified water on the east side and satellite facility to serve dualplumed Office Buildings there. Again we plan for a future, were concerned about the effects of the regulation on our water supply. So regardless of what future comes along, though, weve begun the process of planning for additional Water Supplies. And thats the sum and substance of what ill be saying to the Planning Department and engaging in a dialogue with them. Happy to answer any questions. Im trying to think of my question. This presentation came about in large measure because of the rash of water supply assessments that we processed earlier this year. That being one part of our reality. It is absent something on adopting that or replacing it as scheduled to go into effect over the next few years. I guess the message and i think your presentation covers it all. As far as the key takeaway messages, that i would hope are conveyed to the commission, is that, number one, the planning scenario that we use, were accused of, is having a planning scenario which is arbitrary. That we just kind of pick a number out of there. And what we have responded to is saying not arbitrary, it is a judgment based on experience. And i think that thats you know, one message that should get through. Second is that we have water supply challenges with or without the state boards order. Thats correct. And that is going to require us to pursue a variety of water supply projects that require our funding and Planning Commission approval, so they can expect, even under the most favorable circumstances to see us come forward with proposals for water supply projects. Then the third is that the challenge presented by the state boards plan is significant. And that we havent done anything predecisional in saying this is what were going to do about it. But the discussion that this commission has clearly been, we need to prevent the 50 curtailment is not okay. And that we are acutely aware of that. And that if we are not able to get the voluntary agreements approved and in place, that we will have that those water supply needs will be far more acute and pursuing aggressively with the Planning Commissions approval as well. I guess those are the big takeways. And the thing that is hardest i think to grapple with is what 265 means and what it represents. And im glad that you included the graph that showed todays demand levels. The 223 or so i think thats important. The 265 is something that were not currently projecting to reach, within i guess even by 2045. Getting close. But i dont think we actually get there. But that that remains an obligation that we have for our wholesale customers and for our own city, as we provide for the longterm health and economic stability of the city. So that that number is real and is important. Its a little hard to talk about. Yes. So practice. [laughter] but thats a point that needs to be made. Yeah. And im not sure what Planning Department staff will be what comments theyll be making there. But i would hope that they would speak to the plan bay area, that theyre plan on basically bringing forward a new version of that to the Planning Commission sometime in the next few months. And all reports are the numbers are going to be bigger for population and jobs. And i think i mentioned previously that in the 2001 2010 urban water Management Plan, we had, i called it head room, 10 million gallons per day of head room. By the 2015 plan, that head room had gone away because of population and job projections. And the next projections are suppose to be higher. So San Franciscos demand, under the new plan, presumably will exceed 81 million gallons per day by some amount. Not only have we seen population grow and demand go down, i mean, our numbers have decreased. And so the hope is that we continue to innovate, we continue to bring supply online. We continue to keep pace, if you will. Well, that demand has come down that way because we have invested heavily our money in conservation that will ultimately take place, as a result of the plumbing code. That line is starting to flatten out as plumbing code takes control and then were talking about it. Because there wont be new things to invest in, unless something gets really creative out there. One of your charts talked about kind of the change in how we do budget by assessments these days. And one of the elements of that was trying to estimate the effect of curtailment on a specific project. Yes. What are you going to say about that . Actually i will say that, as weve looked at that, we think that those projects, as i mentioned here previously, the ones were talking about now are ones that will be the lowest water users in the city, because of the fact they have to comply with the nonpotable ordinance and we have all of the most modern plumbing fixtures, most efficient fixtures. So that they will be very close to the health and safety level that we need to maintain. And so the room for them to reduce any further is very, very small, because theyve taken their reductions up front basically. So looking for them to ration more is not going to be a successful strategy. Yeah. I think thats a valuable point. And part of how we deal with population growth, we have to build housing and that new housing has more efficient fixtures and all of that. I think the thing that we havent really we havent come up with a formula yet for how we determine and how we apply a health and safety minimum. Thats correct. I know there is one. And we have had some prior attempts to come up with that. Thats where our recent policy, that we adopted, stopped short of doing that. Yeah. And thats something that we still have on our agenda to grapple with as we go forward. And we have to deal with that within the next year, in dealing with the urban water Management Plan. Because i think thats the place where that has to be there, as part of the shortage allocation plan. Okay. Thank you. Im sorry. You might have said this. When is the urban water Management Plan update due . Well, its due, you know, theoretically due july 1st, 2020. Each cycle the department of Water Resources has been late getting out guidance. So the 2015 plan actually came out in january 2016 or somewhere around there. So it could be as late as early 2021. We havent gotten an exact date yet. But were starting to gear up for that effort now. Is that a standard template for all urban centers . Yeah. There might be a piece in there thats unique to our situation . Well, every water supplier, that has more than 3,000 connections, has to do an urban water Management Plan. Ours is actually a little unique because if you look at, you know, the bay delta Water Quality plan applied to the tributaries of the san joaquin river, nobody else has a pending requirement like that. So we have this unique situation that we have to deal with. I suppose the city of modesto would have to deal with it to some extent as well, as well as oakdale. And theyre not facing the growth issues were facing. They probably have a different take on it overall for various different reasons. The state wouldnt put specific guidelines in the template . No. Right. We have to make it up ourselves. Thank you. Commissioners, anything else . Any Public Comment on this item . Thank you very much. And good luck on thursday. Ill be eager to hear what the questions are and what the responses are. Our next item, please, madam secretary. Item 11 is new commission business. Any commissioners, new business. Im assuming no Public Comment. Item 12 is a consent calendar. Considered to be routine by the San Francisco Public Utilities commission. Only acted upon by a sing vote of the commission. No separate discussion until the public so requests, in which event the matter will be removed from the calendar as considered as a separate item. Ill move approval. Second. All those in favor . Sorry. Public comment on the consent calendar . All in favor. Aye. Opposed . Motion carries. Item 3rd, approve the specifications and award contract number. In the amount of 27,577,000 with the duration of 690 consecutive calendar days to the responsible bidder submitting the lower bid. Good afternoon, commissioners. Dan wade. Assistance general manager, allowed me the opportunity to come to speak to this item. I have accepted a position in the private sector to help provide leadership for growing Water Resources practice here in the west and throughout the United States. The opportunity to work is the sfpucand working with the commission. Ever since i came here from the private sector in may of 2007. In my new role, ill continue to work on dams and levies and other Water Resources infrastructure. But i will always remember this as being the highlight of my career to date. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be involved in an amazing program, led by amazing people. And overseen by an amazing commission. Its truly been an honor to work sidebyside with such dedicated officials. And to serve the public in that capacity. Ill miss being here. Its been hard to let go. But this is my last commission meeting. And i appreciate the opportunity to let you know and to thank you for your support over 30s last 12 1 2 years. Oh, such big news. Well, congratulations, first of all. And thank you on behalf of the commission for all of your work these past 12 1 2 years. Its really been remarkable to see you lead the program and how successful its been and just want to express our deep, deep appreciation to you and our well wishes in your next venture. So thank you. And commissioners, would you like to say anything . Yeah. Youre the second head of this program thats gone to private sector. Julie being the first. You follow in julies footsteps was a real challenge. The support you have is not given, its earned. And part of earning that is basically earning our trust. And you have done that time and time again. Youve been straight with us. Youve told us when things have gone bad. You have always tried to tell us what to do about it. Youve been very forthright and in addition to being an excellent engineer and manager. So that is well earned. Your advancement is well earned. We do wish you the best. We hate to see you go, but its a good thing, that our project creates an environment where you can succeed and do better. We can take some pride in your advancement as well. Thank you. Thank you. And i hope that youll express to commissioner kim for me my appreciation as well. I wish i could have told ler directly told. If you could pass that along. She would be sorry not to wish you well on her own. By the way, i dont see the opportunity is going to is better, just different. So i appreciate your kind words. And so with that, id like to request approval the plans and specifications and tenyear Capital Improvement Program Contract for the longterm improvements, alameda watershed center in the amount of 27,577,000 with the duration of 690 consecutive calendar days, to s. J. Amarosa. Id be happy to answer any questions about the item. I think were too shocked to say anything. [laughter] but, anyway, thank you. I havent known you that long. I could say the same thing that the other commissioners have said, because in that short potrero, youve certainly given, thats what you give off. And thats how you approach your work. So again thank you. Thank you. And move to approve. I think we already had a motion. A second . Any Public Comment on this item . Hearing none, all in favor. Aye. Opposed . Motion carries. Thank you. And congratulations again. Thank you. Next item, please. Clerk item 14, authorize the release of 391,392 Construction Funding for the Green Infrastructure grant awarded to the San Francisco unified school district, to construct features at lafayette elementary. Commissioners, is there a motion on this item . Moved. Second. Second. Any Public Comment on this item . All in favor . Aye. Opposed . Motion carries. Next item, please. Item 15, adopt a resolution approving the 2020 update to the San Francisco p. U. C. s wildfire mitigation plan. Commissioners, is there a motion . Would you like to hear an update from i move. Unless youd like to hear. We heard her presentation. So unless you have an update from that. So theres a motion on the table. Is there a second . Second. Any Public Comment . All in favor . Aye. Opposed the motion carries. Next item, please. Clerk item 16, approve the resolution modifying the onsite water reuse water rules. Is there a motion . Move to approve. Theres a motion. Is there a second. Second. Any Public Comment on this item . All in favor . Aye. Motion carries. And passes. Next item, please. Item 17. Approve a resolution theres a motion from commissioner maxwell. Is there a second . Sure. Second. Commissioner moran. The Public Comment . All in favor . Aye. Opposed . The motion carries. Next item, please. Item 18, adopt a policy on tis continuation of of Water Service for nonpayment. Theres a motion. Is there a second . Second on this item . Second. Second. All Public Comment . Would you like to speak . It looks like youre making your way. Im pleased to see this on the agenda. Weve talked about this before. Maybe you could just come up for a moment. Its an important issue. I know, sorry. You thought you could get out. Good afternoon. Im the Customer Service operations manager. Slide, please. Just one second. Take your time. Continuation of the national Water Service water paint. The policy is to comply with senate bill 998, the Water Protection act passed on september 2018. The act requires adoption of the policy, which is the purpose of this bill, of this recommended action. This slide highlights some of the requirements, that are already in compliance with. The bill requires a minimum of 60 days delinquency before shutoff. We did not discontinue Water Service before 60 days. Actually per our process, its around 70 days. Its also to set the maximum dollars reconnection fees for lowincome customers. The Commission Approved elimination of the shutoff and turnon fees for all customers on alemany 2018. May 2018. Also requires payment plans to customers and and in compliance with both requirements. The requirements are adopt a policy, which is in front of you. We need to publish it on our website. It should be available in english, spanish, chinese, vietnamese and other languages. The change to the process will be in how we notify our customers, that they are at the risk of being shut off with Water Service. Currently we post our customers by posting a door hanger at the property, the new change well be mailing a notice to customers. The notice will also be provided in the languages listed above. The other change is that we are required to report on the number of Water Service connections to the state board and to publish them on the website. Thank you. Thank you very much. So we have a motion. We have a second. Any further Public Comment on this item . All in favor . Aye. Opposed . Motion carries. Thank you for your presentation. Our next item, please. Clerk item 19. Improving and authorize the general manager to execute an agreement between the bay area water supply and Conservation Agency. And the San Francisco p. U. C. Regarding operation and allocation costs for the violet water transfer. Good afternoon, Steve Ritchie again. This is to approve and authorize and execution of the agreement between the bay area water supply and Conservation Agency and the San Francisco p. U. C. And the agreement with the city of hayward, east bay municipal district, regarding a onetime use of the hayward for the pilot water transfer. This has been something that nicole im sure will make some comments on, because this has been in the works for six years to try to figure out what it would take to actually get a water transfer, it happens in this case to be through the hayward inner tide. Taking water from east bay mud system and then passing it through the inner tide into our system, which really goes to the city of hayward. So they have been looking for a long time at, you know, what does it take to do it. And this has been long effort trying to actually put in line all of the institutional rates. Thats the big issue of water transfers, more than plumbing and more than availability of waters. Really can you get governmental agencies to Work Together in some of these difficult challenging situations. And so bawsca to be commended for sticking with it, to actually do it and learn some lessons from it, on what it takes to accomplish a water transfer. Great. Thank you. So what is this going to accomplish . Whats the overall goal . The overall goal here is to actually test out the system of executing a water transfer. The actual amount of water being moved in this transfer is actually quite small, its water thats being purchased from the Amador Water Agency in the watershed. Their goal was to actually, you know, see if they could what it takes to actually make a transfer, so hopefully in the future when we get into dry years, when you really want to get a transfer of some kind, that you know the hurdles you have to get over and have learned lessons about how best to get over those hurdles. Gotcha. Thank you. So how about we put a motion on the table, if theres anyone interested. A second and then well get Public Comment. Second. So i have one Public Comment from nicole. And then well open it up. Good afternoon, commissioner. Nicole, bawsca c. E. O. Ill keep my remarks brief. But i do appreciate steve with this pilot. It is a significant effort that the agency and my agency has taken on the past six years to really prove, in fact, the ability to move water through the system. And understand what that takes. And our expectation is that when this is done, we will prepare a report and present the findings in that report to you. Until that time, were just kind of playing it low key, because you never know. Its still not done. It wont be done until that water move. Its a fairly significant effort. Its taking five public agencies to get the water from its source to the customers. Thats not insignificant. But i also wanted to take my time most importantly today to thank general manager kelly, a. G. M. Steve ritchie, city attorneys office, the staff at the p. U. C. , the list to get this agreement and the multiple agreements with hayward done is not has been significant. And i appreciate their efforts to make that happen. So id be pleased to answer any questions, certainly ill come and give you a report when this is completed. Well, i for one would be very interested in the findings. I think theres a lot of opportunity and potential with water transfers. When do you think its going to occur in january. So when i can do is plan to give you a brief report in february, about how it went. And then the report will take several months to get out. That would be great. We would love to hear about it. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Any other Public Comment on this item . Hearing none, all in favor . Aye. Opposed . Motion carries. Thank you. Next item, please. Clerk would you like for me to read the closed session items . Yes, if you would. Item 22, 23. Exiting litigation. And item 25, city and county of San Francisco versus pacific gas and electric federal Energy Regulatory commission complaint. Thank you very much. Any Public Comment on matters to be discussed . Hearing none, ill entertain a motion to assert a privilege . Is there a second . Second. All in favor . Aye. Opposed . We will now move into closed session. A principal analyst recently appointed as acting administrator responsible for developing all of the rates and charges for the water, Power Services we provide. The main things i work on are rates. It is really trying to figure out how much money we need to fund our operations and maintenance and thinking how to collect the money in a way that is fair to customers and sincentives for Water Conservation or installing Stormwater Management on their property. I nominated erin for the many accomplishments she has provided especially for the financial sustain ability. The reality required a lot of work retooling policies, Financial Planning as well as many rating and charges. Er ron served in the projects including update to water and sewer rates, update to 10 year Financial Plan as well as setting the budget for fiscal 2019 higher 2020. I am pleased with working here. I feel like we have tons of work to do. It is important work. It has a direct impact on peoples lives. She has a unique ability to get to the root cause of the issue and help develop consensus around a solution. Not only is it troubleshooting what the questions are, but also coming up with what are the alternatives. I think a lot of the satisfaction from the job is looking back over the past few years and seeing cereal concrete change we have been real concrete change and that gives me pride. The team very much appreciates her hair color and the world of finance and accounting tends to foster conformity and boring guys like myself. I very much admire the fact that she walks her own walk and creates her own path, and i think we all can learn a little bit from her. I and a principal revenue and rates analyst in the Financial Planni is our United States constitution requires every ten years that america counts every human being in the United States, which is incredibly important for many reasons. Its important for preliminary representation because if Political Representation because if we under count california, we get less representatives in congress. Its important for San Francisco because if we dont have all of the people in our city, if we dont have all of the folks in california, california and San Francisco stand to lose billions of dollars in funding. Its really important to the city of San Francisco that the federal government gets the count right, so weve created count sf to motivate all sf count to motivate all citizens to participate in the census. For the immigrant community, a lot of people arent sure whether they should take part, whether this is something for u. S. Citizens or whether its something for anybody whos in the yUnited States, and it is something for everybody. Census counts the entire population. Weve given out 2 million to over 30 communitybased organizations to help people do the census in the communities where they live and work. Weve also partnered with the Public Libraries here in the city and also the Public Schools to make sure there are informational materials to make sure the folks do the census at those sites, as well, and weve initiated a campaign to motivate the citizens and make sure they participate in census 2020. Because of the language issues that many Chinese Community and families experience, there is a lot of mistrust in the federal government and whether their private information will be kept private and confidential. So its really important that communities like bayviewhunters point participate because in the past, theyve been under counted, so what that means is that funding that should have gone to these communities, it wasnt enough. Were going to help educate people in the tenderloin, the multicultural residents of the tenderloin. You know, any one of our given blocks, theres 35 different languages spoken, so we are the original u. N. Of San Francisco. So its our job is to educate people and be able to familiarize themselves on doing this census. You go online and do the census. Its available in 13 languages, and you dont need anything. Its based on household. You put in your address and answer nine simple questions. How many people are in your household, do you rent, and your information. Your name, your age, your race, your gender. Everybody is 2,000 in funding for our child care, housing, food stamps, and medical care. All of the residents in the city and county of San Francisco need to be counted in census 2020. If youre not counted, then your community is underrepresented and will be underserved. My son and i was living in my car. We was in and out of shelters in San Francisco for almost about 3. 5 years. I would take my son to school. We would use a public rest room just for him to brush his teeth and do a quick little wipeoff so it seemed he could take a shower every day. It was a very stressful time that i wish for no one. My name is mario, and i have lived in San Francisco for almost 42 years. Born here in hayes valley. I applied for the San Francisco Affordable Housing lottery three times. My son and i were having to have a great happened to have a great lottery number because of the neighborhood preference. I moved into my home in 2014. The neighborhood preference goal was what really allowed me to stay in San Francisco. My favorite thing is the view. On a clear day, im able to see city hall, and on a really clear day, i can see salesforce tower. We just have a wonderful neighborhood that we enjoy living in. Being back in the neighborhood that i grew up in, its a wonderful, wonderful experience. Now, we can hopefully reach our goals, not only single mothers, but single fathers, as well, who are living that. Live your dream, live your life, this is the regular meeting of the commission on Community Investment and infrastructure act Successor Agency for the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency for tuesday, december 17th, 2019. Welcome to members of the public please call the first item. The first order of business is item one, roll call. Please respond when i call your name. [roll call] the next order of business is

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