Please read the next item. Approve the minutes of the december 5, meeting. This is an action meeting. Any changing or comment on the minutes. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none. We are joined by vicechairman delman and commissioner mandelman, we are approving the commentexhibit minutes from dec5 is there a motion . Motion made by commissioner ronen. Why dont you call the rolling othe roll onthat. roll call . We have final approval. Next item, please. Item 3. Remember adoption of rail Program Manager job classification and revised Organization Chart. Good morning. We convene once a year on personnel related items. Last december i brought before you staff reorganization plan with updated Job Description and reclassification of six positions and asked for a Salary Structure increase as well for all staff except for executive director. October 2018 the board had asked staff to convene a Disciplinary Panel review to review the current and alternative oversight project delivery of the downtown rail extension. This board received the final report in november 2019. One of the directions was to help the tjpa reset the project working in drawing upon the transportation agencies in the bay area. We are seeking a new job position to oversee and coordinate the project Development Efforts on rail projects as we will discuss in the work program in the next item. After a short transition period for this position, we anticipate that we would reduce reliance on an call engineering for the rail project management oversight. In terms of the title of this position we would like to total this position as the rail Program Manager, and increase the agency from 46 pull time positions to 47 fulltime positions. In terms of fiscal impact. We anticipate recruitment in january to bring this person on around april and i would anticipate a budget increase of 68,905 in the next fiscal year. We would anticipate total increase of 275,620 for this position including salary and benefits. Are there questions or comments procolleagues . Relative to the notion of transition from on call nonstaff members to an in house position, what do you think that period of transition looks like . What period of time are we talking about where we pay for two rather than one . Thank you, chair peskin. We have had the benefit of the long time rail consultant for over 10 years. I think that we need louise to finish off the oversight of central subway. There after i think with the new rail Program Manager we would shift the new responsibilities to the new person. In any case, we will be assisted by a team of on call consultants that these people would help us manage. On the one hand, i am a big fan of independent oversight that can be brought by the ta by and through the staff or consultants. On the other hand, one of the findings of the expert paneling has to do with collaboration between a number of agencies and ultimately in the structure that the government structure they recommended hiring an independent party. I want to understand how this rail position works with that independent party and whether or not this should come out of solely out of our funds or whether or not it should also receive some of the other agencies that are interested or vested in dtx or what we have a working title called dtx . It is the dtx program of projects i should clarify. Our wholesales tax program is transit programming is twothirds is transit. The oversight functions that he performs in addition to the dtx include the municipal they lrv or capital program. This person would really need to work on ta assignments. On a particular capital projector program of projects like the dtx to include penn avenue and the Second Crossing and the second tube planning with the capital corridor. That whole set of projects including the Business Plan going south would be needed. Iit would be hard to ask other agencies to pay into that even though they benefit from that. That is part of the coordination roll for San Francisco on rail matters. I think we will ask for contributions from the other agencies to support the dtx rail program and projects. We each need to staff up as pointed out not only by the peer review but the peer review that Everyone Needs to staff up on rail. The staffs is thin. Now we see the renaissance of an interest in pursuing the agenda. We need to build capacity. Mr. Wil labr un. Good morning, supervisors. Thank you for taking care of this issue, which is long overdue. It seems to me with what is happening with the central subway and involving the project from last 10 years expanding that contract for another two years is not the smartest thing to do. With regard to costs, if you terminate these contracts instead of expanding two years, you are probably looking at a saving of 2 million. Now with regard to the proposal of the position, this is so important to the city of San Francisco that i think that the position of rail manager eventually reporting the deputy of the Capital Projects is not appropriate. What you want is a new division reporting directly to deal purely with rail. The tube, the pennsylvania expense and dtx and future of the central subway. That individual should be drawing it from all other branches and actually build up a group of five or six people who basically will continue with the existing responsibilities but really start getting on board as far as rail is concerned. That is my two cents. Thank you very much. Any other members of public to testify on item three . Public comment is closed. I hear what you are saying. I think you have to walk before you can run. Getting all of these different organizations to cooperate is our imperative. Motion to adopt the job classification and revised Organization Chart made by commissioner mandelman . If no objection same house same call. Could you please read the next item. Item one go into closed session evaluation of Public Employee performance. This is an action item. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. We will convene in closed session. We will reconvene in open session. Mr. Clerk, could you please read item 5. Item 5. Remember adoption every viced salary struck turand setting the annual compensation. We called item 4. Personnel committee met to discuss the performance evaluation and remember approval of the executive directors performance objectors. His work has been exceptionally good. The Personnel Committee recommended a Salary Structure range of 217,893,000 to 304,712, a 15 increase in the salary range. And amended the employment agreement to extend from december 31, 2019 to 2222 and increase the compensation in 2020 in the amount of a 5 increase results in a salary of 267,417. Is there a motion to recommend adoption of the revised Salary Structure amended the existing employment agreement and setting the compensation for the executive director . I should also note the Personnel Committee requested that did 15,000 of unspent professional Development Money from 2019 be rolled over to 2020. The other funds that were for relocation in the previous contract have been used and will not be renewed. So is there a motion to that effect . Made by commissioner ronen. Can we take that same house same call . Any introduction of new items . Seeing none. Any general Public Comment. Seeing none the Personnel Committee of the Transportation Committee is adjourned. Good morning and welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority for our last meeting of the 2019 calendar year. Today is tuesday, december 17th , 2019. Could you please call a rollback could you please call roll call . [roll call] we have a quorum. Thank you. I would like to begin this meeting by welcoming our newest member c. A. Q. I think the 307 th member of the sfcta that i have served with c. A. Q. Commissioner dean preston c. A. Q. To the Transportation Authority board. And we look forward to working with you and your staff not only on district five issues c. A. Q. But on citywide issues and regional transportation issues. Now that i have acknowledged commissioner preston c. A. Q. I want to have him participate in his First Official act. Is there a motion to excuse commissioner haney . Would you like to raise your hand and make that motion . I would. Is there a second for that motion . As much as this will upset our attorney c. A. Q. We will take that without objection without a roll call vote. Commissioner haney is excused. Welcome to commissioner walton and before i make the chairs comments c. A. Q. I would like to afford commissioner preston a moment to say a few words on his first day in his First Official meeting as an elected official. The floor is yours. Thank you, mr. Chair. It is an honor and a privilege to be sworn in last night and to serve on this commission and especially as a 26 year every day munimobile rider. I have a lot of thoughts and i am really looking forward to weighing in on transportation issues in my role on this commission and on the board. I look for to working with you all and i appreciate the briefing from staff that we got yesterday even before being sworn in, to be up to speed as much as possible on issues before us. Thank you. Thank you and welcome. It was a pleasure to show you where the kitchen is. Commissioner prestons inaugural meeting coincides with the arrival yesterday of the sfmtas new director of transportation, who i have known for least 20 years. He is dedicated and visionary and we are all wishing him well and look forward to supporting him in his new position. Of importance to district five constituents and all of us as the state of munimobile, that is why i was pleased to serve on the Reliability Working Group with vice chairman andelman, which concluded his work last week while i was at my preop so i was not able to go to the last meeting. That body was convened by mayor breed this past summer. The task force brought together over a dozen Industry Experts and policy advisors or around the state in the region and it was it was like going back to college. It was quite fascinating. And we reviewed many to cheat s operations and structure to advice to discussing on shortterm and midterm actions to improve performance and reliability. I would really like to thank the cochairs of that effort. Sfmta back the director, in the former controller and sfpuc director or general manager at harrington, as well as our controller, and most particularly, our executive director here who did a remarkable job of supporting that effort, as well as seven t. A. Deputy director and all of the respective staffs were keeping the group remarkably focused and productive. I think the only thing that we punted on was the issue of governance. At the top of the working Group Recommendations was to focus on hiring and retention of moneys workforce including adding 500 new bus and train operators by 2021. There is a huge deficit of operators, but not only on the operator his side, but also as it relates to trades and crafts. There have been structural vacancies in a number of places that are critical to the reliability. So we are talking about electricians, maintenance workers, supervisors, and this will take reforms to expedite training and hiring and partnerships with Community College and workforce programs to maintain it munimobile could you workforce and will require the department the department of Public Health to do Health Screenings for operators more quickly. In addition, the agency needs to replace his outdated train control system, at service to reduce crowding and close equity gaps and continue to implement on street priority treatments to address rising congestion. The final report will be issued next month and in the new year and we hope to put it on the agenda before this entire body soon thereafter. Finally, on a less optimistic note, we were to support the upcoming changes as we work to support the upcoming changes to munimobile service, i wanted to acknowledge all of you accept for commissioner preston who hadnt been involved in this. The progress and let me underscore the continued challenges with the new munimobile and siemens light rail vehicles commonly known as the l r. V. Four and i understand the doors have been solved and breakdowns are improving, the story with the pins that came out last week was quite disheartening and while i thought, and in some areas think that the situation was improving , i now have, and i hope you all share renewed concerns. I look forward to a full report from the sfmta in january. I do have to say, the story that i saw on tv about the cannibalization of existing vehicles that come out of the 68 that we procured was deeply troubling. On that happy note, colleagues, i wish you and yours and the publics a safe and relaxing holiday season. Is there any Public Comment on the chairs report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item, please. Item three executive director s reports. Information item. Good morning. Let me begin by trying chair peskin and welcoming commissioner preston and his staff. Thank you for making time for the briefing on the very first day before you were even sworn in before in preparation for today. We look forward to working with you and your whole office. Let me begin the report this month with an update on the federal safe rule. This is a new policy from the White House Administration proposing that we roll back National Fuel efficiency standards, which would invalidate californias even Higher Standards and more ambitious Clean Car Standards in electric vehicle mandate. We oppose this in the governor his also support opposing this. Were supporting that whole effort, but in the meantime, california must update our air quality conformity model to accommodate the new standards. This is a subjective coordination and negotiation between Environmental Protection agency and a variety of states, and particularly california. What this would mean for us, until the models have been updated or there has been a negotiated resolution is transportation projects statewide that are not exempt from conforming analysis and by and large these are projects that would expand either roadway or transit capacity, these projects could be unable to receive federal environmental approvals and other types of federal actions. This is essentially a restriction on access to federal funds. It is a very, very high priority for the state and all of us to support california agencies that are working on this strategy and the car and e. P. A. And the governors staff are all working hard to figure this out. Meanwhile, well be tracking this around with our colleagues in the state to make sure that we keep the projects moving and alternative in alternative ways as needed with other funds. We will keep you apprised as we learn more. Staying at the state level, the California Air Resources Board has been implementing the clean a mild standard. This was senate bill 2014 which required an establish of baseline emissions of Greenhouse Gases for vehicles associated with tea and c. Activities. This is a really important baseline that compares tea and sea missions in the fleet. Our staff have been working on helping them to implement this mandate and created the baseline emissions methodology. The estimate did come out and it shows that they are producing an average 75 more emissions per passenger mile and california private auto fleet. This is direct evidence of the higher impact of t. N. C. On air quality and Greenhouse Gas emissions than the general fleet and it is for a variety of different reasons. They did take into account the cleaner vehicle technology. That is the more modern modern vehicles that t. N. C. His are operating, but they also have more nonpassenger cruising miles. There is the extra miles that are being travelled as well as a lower occupancy. This is an impact of Greenhouse Gas emissions per personal miles travelled. It takes into account the person occupancy of the vehicles. We will have a more complete update update for you next year because we are trying to make sure we are getting our comments in on the next stage of work. Once they have established this baseline inventory, the next work is to set targets. Staff are busy supporting them and commenting on this process. We will also have a january 14 th information item on the electric vehicle roadmap that was requested a couple of meetings ago. On the potential for original funding measure, wanted to keep you updated that like other counties around the region, staff are working with city agencies and regional agencies to put together our list of projects. These are projects that have been endorsed by this body. We will put that list together and submit it to the author. We are actively participating in a Interagency Working Group and coordinating with m. T. A. On those projects. It is important to get that information to the senator early in the new year as he tries to advance to 78 for consideration by the legislature. That would enable the regional funding measure that we had presentations on back in november. This is the potential 1 cent or multi revenue potential Revenue Source that would create 100 billion for transit improvements regionwide. In addition, we have been working with caltrain staff on the potential for a one eighth sent three county sales tax measure that would support caltrain investments and the idea would be that either of these two could potentially advice, advance, but probably not both. If the regional funding did not make it on the ballot, the idea would be to advance the three county funding measure if we could get consensus on the different policy aspects of that in order to do that, it does require approval of seven entities. These are the members of the Caltrain Joint Powers Authority and this would be caltrain, san mateo and santa clara counties and the board of supervisors we need to act on this measure for the november 2020 ballot as well as actions by the transit agencies. Sfmta, and others, as well as the joint powers board itself. Order to make the November Ballot to the work would need to take place through the First Quarter of next year and consensus by march or so would enable actions to be taken in the april through july timeframe in order to get that ballot on the november before the voters in november. The one sales tax would generate an estimated 95 to 100 million per year and that would be needed to implement the statistician and the Business Plan that was approved by caltrain over the summer. We will continue to work with the other sister agencies in San Francisco and along the peninsula and keep you all apprised. Thank you to commissioner walton for serving as our representative from the board of supervisors to the caltrain organization. On the downtown extension, our staff did represent the second show the peer review findings to the tjpa. This was on the agenda in november and they got the most the presentation and then there was an incident so they had to vacate the whole building. They continue to the item until december. This is just by way of saying that work was well received and we will be moving forward with the funding allocation to resume funding of the downtown real extension work at tjpa and with ourselves in the january timeframe. The m. O. U. Discussions are taking place so we are helpful that we would see that action. Sorry to interrupt the presentation, how would you characterize the conversations and the tjpa as it relates to the m. O. U. . There is a few items that do remain outstanding and most of them has been closed up with all the other partners and we do want to make sure that we have the right structure for who is responsible for which task and who is accountable for which task and how are they going to be accountable. I think we have closed off agreement on things like the integrated project team and the executive Steering Committee which is the big proposed new way of doing businesses a team, a Collaborative Team. That body would report to the tjpa board itself and that was one of the more recent developments. I think we have reached agreement on that. I think now were just we are just trying to ensure that as we prepare to do this work in a new ways a Collaborative Team that we have the right ability to ensure the board has oversight of the work that we are doing and that the accountability makes sense from the standpoint of who is contracting with consultants and who is contracting for certain work to be done. As long as the structure that you proposed to this body, which was fundamentally a bottomup structure and not a topdown structure is honoured. Correct. Thank you. We appreciate that reminder and absolutely agree. We working to ensure all of that the next item is the eastbound 80 offramp. I want to mention this is one of the major project delivery Construction Projects we have on deck for 2020. Theyve made sure that they are able to get the project listed and advertised. We have meetings happening tomorrow to december 18th on Treasure Island at 1 00 p. M. This is as a reminder of 26 and a half Million Dollar contract or so. That is our engineers estimate. We expect opening to happen on january 14th. We do have a 16 target for this target this project. We anticipate bringing a contract to the board for approval in february of 2020. This is all to support the development on the island that tied up that tea ida is managing. On project delivery, a couple of items. The Transportation Fund or clean air, we are ministers of the air quality funds from the air district and we funded some electric vehicle fast chargers. The good news is that our partners at e. V. Have identified two locations for new chargers. We left that open and let them identify those locations so the two new fast chargers are going to are proposed to be at the lucky supermarket at the masonic and fulton masonic intersection and in district one i believe it will be the safeway at seventh and cabrillo. These are really great spots in places that do have a lack of publicly accessible e. V. Chargers. That is good news. We will continue to bring updates as they identify locations for the remaining chargers get them available and installed for public use. On geary boulevard, the pavement contract will get started here. We are excited to update the public works expects to give their contract or notice to proceed in january and start repaving 28 blocks of gary boulevard between van ness and masonic avenue. This was funded through our phase i prop kl allocation prop k. Allocation. It is funded the prop a. A. Program. The two Funding Sources are working in concert. This is to pave these 28 blocks and it will support the sidewalk construction, new carveouts, and some of the new bulb outs in the program in addition to the bus lanes. With that, im happy to take any questions. We want to wish all of you and your staff and very happy and relaxing holiday and thank them for their hard work and supporting us. We appreciate your guidance this year and going into the new year thank you. Thank you. Are there any questions from commissioners . Commissioner fewer . Thank you very much. Thank you for your presentation. Very informative. I wanted to mention there is a stretch west of masonic, just that one block that is really in need of repaving. I know that you mentioned is from van mess to masonic and it doesnt quite it is just that the five runs on that block a lot. As most of you know, i am on the back of the motorcycle about 90 of the time so i know that block very, very well. It is the westbound lane that the bus is on and it really needs repaving. I am wondering if there are any extra funds to do an extra even half block of that. We will be happy to follow up on that. Thank you very much. Are there any other questions from members of this body . Is there any Public Comment on this item . Please come forward. Good morning and happy holidays to all. My name is albert. I am a native of southeastern San Francisco. Born and raised in this compassionate city for all, including the disabled. Im here because i want to advocate for the wheelchairbound users under a. D. A. 1964 civil rights act. I could be wrong. I am requesting that munimobile take into consideration wheelchair users that are waiting for the bus. For example, on van ness or gary boulevard. Please build bus shelters with a clear sight of the munimobile approaching the disabled community. I am an advocate for people with disabilities and im dealing with recreation and park right now on university street. When you get off the bus a mclaren park, there is a playground. You are stuck. You cannot go to the recreation building. That is illegal under the federal law. It is illegal under city law. I just filed this morning with the mayors disability. Im at my wits and when it comes to my supervisor in district nine. It is very ineffective. We need somebody who can actually do the job. Thank you. Have a good day. God bless, everybody. Thank you. If you want to meet with staff offline we can make that happen are there any other members of the public would like to testify on the executive directors report . We will close Public Comment. Mr. Clerk, would you please read the Consent Agenda. Four through nine price the Consent Agenda five to nine were approved in december 10th board meeting. The remaining items are considered routine. Staff is not planning to present on these items but is prepared to present if a member so requests. Okay. Commissioner preston . Insofar as you did not vote on any of these at the last meeting , would you like to remove any items from the Consent Agenda . Mr. Taylor, our attorney, insofar as commissioner preston was not at the last meeting, can he vote on the minutes of the december 10th meeting . It is his choice. Since he wasnt present it would be appropriate for him not to vote. Okay. Commissioner preston, just so you the gentleman from sfmta will go outside and meet with you. Commissioner preston, just so you know, unlike the board of supervisors, at this body you actually have three choices. You can vote yes, you can vote know or you can abstain. I dont know if they elect explained that to you, but you are welcome pursuant to our attorneys advice to do any of those three things, although i would not vote against the board minutes, but it is your choice. Is there any Public Comment on item number four . The approval of the minutes of december tenth, 2019 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Would you like to sever that what would you like to do, mr. Preston . Turn your microphone, please. Number four i can abstain. Okay. There is a motion to sever item four made by commissioner preston and seconded by commissioner walton which we will take without objection. On item number four, please call roll call. [roll call] we have final approval for item four. On the balance is there a motion to move the balance of the Consent Agenda . Made by commissioner fewer and seconded. On that motion, a roll call, please. [roll call] we have final approval. Thank you. Please you call could you please call the next item. Item 10 is allocate proximally 3. 3 million in prop k. Sales tax funds to San Francisco public works for better Market Street design and bikeway pilot. This is an action item. Good morning. The floor is yours. Thank you. Good morning, commissioners. My name is christine with the San Francisco public works. I am the project manager for better Market Street. Im joined this morning by jonathan from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and Jayda Jackson from the office of economic and Workforce Development. Im here to talk about citys plan to support businesses during construction of better Market Street. I have a few slides on the city s program, Construction Mitigation Program, followed by a couple of slides specific to better Market Street. As you know, the city currently has an unprecedented amount of both public and private construction throughout the city important city policies such as vision zero and transit first require that we upgrade and modernize our infrastructure. It is also important to maintain a sense of structure in a state of good repair so the citys Critical Public Service operations are never compromised these joint projects include pavement renovations, water, power and sewer upgrades, as well as transportation improvements. Investments today increase our operational efficiency, they reduce maintenance costs and eliminate or significantly reduce the risk of failure. The city believes these Construction Projects stimulate longterm economic benefit for the surrounding area, yet we acknowledge these projects will impact area businesses. Those impacts include things such as reduced sidewalk access, street closures, lots of parking , excess noise, dust and disruption, difficulty navigating to businesses, possibly fewer customers, less traffic in front of businesses, possibly even fewer pedestrians in front of businesses. So in november 2017, the city developed the Construction Mitigation Program signed by the office of economic and Workforce Development and Municipal Transportation Agency, public works, as well as p. U. C. One of the things that weve learned through the Construction Mitigation Program and some of our projects is that we need to start outreach to businesses early and we need to be more proactive. The Program Provides city departments with a suite of actions to support businesses during construction based on the construction duration. You can see there is low impact, moderate impact, major impact, which is more than two years in duration. Here are a few examples of recent megaprojects and the services that were provided through the Construction Mitigation Program. I will list a few from van ness as examples. There was a Business Liaison that was hired above and beyond the city and the contractors resident engineers. There was a Business Advisory committee, there was upfront planning with merchants, as well as ambassadors deployed. A lots of the megaprojects have had similar other Services Including project offices, onsite staff during construction, enhanced street and site cleaning, and marketing campaigns. Construction of better Market Street is a joint effort by San Francisco public works, the San Francisco m. T. A. And the San Francisco p. U. C. Although the proposed project stretches from stewart to octavia, it will be broken down and constructed in smaller segments from three to four blocks each. Phase one a is Market Street between fifth and eighth street. And this time line here shows our schedule for developing the Construction Mitigation Program for better Market Street. Kicking off in january, the city departments will gather and strategize and develop a preliminary outline of our Construction Mitigation Program. Beginning in february, we will work closely with the office of economic and Workforce Development to conduct a Business Survey as well as start outreach to businesses within phase one a. At our next Quarterly Report here of the Transportation Authority board, we will present our outline for the construction mitigation plan, and then we will finalize it and have it ready in the summer, which aligns nicely with when we will be advertising construction. The whole award process can take anywhere from five to six months during that time we will advertise construction, open bids, award the contract and prepared to break ground, which will happen either at the end of 2020 or early 2021. In addition to the construction mitigation services, theres two other things were doing to help minimize impacts. First we are evaluating our construction sequencing and methods to reduce construction duration of each phase. Right now our estimate is construction of each phase will take two years. Were looking to see if theres things we can do within the construction sequencing and methods to keep that below two years. Another thing we are doing is working closely with our partner departments to minimize impacts to transit and to people walking and biking, keeping access clear to the corridor. Some of the specific services and outreach that we will be doing, the project already has a website. It is better Market Street s. F. Org. We have also assigned Public Information officers and have been conducting Ongoing Communications with businesses, residents, and people who use Market Street. In addition to that, we will be building, constructing a dedicated project office. Well be developing a Business Impact brochure, developing a directed business support services, developing a business support signage along the corridor, as well as specific marketing campaigns. Im sure youve heard of the open for business and shop local campaigns. It is something that will we will include in better Market Street. We are also developing a Transit Service plan that includes the s. Line and transit substitution or bus substitution during construction, and improvements along Mission Street should we need to detour any routes to mission. And finally, incentive for the contractor to complete the work ahead of schedule. Thank you and we look forward to presenting more information in march. Thank you. I think we all look forward to hearing that. Im sorry that commissioner haney couldnt be here. He is actually at the preview of the new safe center on the embarcadero, but i think it would benefit us all if maybe, if staff and public works staff and commissioner haney and i met with you. On the one hand, i am pleased that we are getting a running head start on this. On the other, first of all, i take exception to the word may. I like the word shall. I want a clear set of commitments that are not a may but a shallow. Website, find, whatever, been there, done that. A brochure, fine, been there, done that. Project office, been there, done that. Im talking about then ness avenue which is a corridor i share with commissioner stefani. P. I. O. , been there, done that. I love and miss mccarthy and her staff, but it has been less than satisfactory. Directed business support, lets says that out and what that means. Contractor incentives, heck, yeah, but respectfully, i hold you in the highest of the steam, this is kind of more of the same old thing, although earlier, which is good. Weve got to be a lot better than the same old thing because ive experienced it in central subway, a hot mess. Commissioner stefani and i have experienced it on a van ness avenue. Commissioner fewer lives in abject fear on it on geary street. We just weve got to do better. A lot of this respectfully is the regurgitation of a bunch of things that sound good, but are not that meaningful. Lets keep sharpening our pencils. I am personally available on sure commissioner haney will be personally available to discuss this as we get it going. No matter how many bytes you put this project in and if each is a couple of years. This is a tenyear megaproject. So lets be real about it really early and often. As i said in our last meeting, between bart and the subway, i will not let that happen again. Are there any members of this body would like to ask any questions or make any comments . Seeing no names on the roster, are there any members of the public would like to speak . Im sorry, commissioner fewer. I am wondering, are you looking for a continuation until there is an agreement or commitments on some of what was mentioned today . No. I am not. Let me be clear relative to the size of this megaproject. This is literally a drop in the bucket. Im just trying to hammer home the concept that this has got to be a lot better and much more thought out and much more resource intensive, but, know, im not trying despite all my reservations, im not trained to put the brakes on the thing, but we will have many more opportunities in this body and at the board of supervisors to hold up money if we think they are not taking this seriously. So i just want thank you. If i may, i also wanted to tell the other commissioners that my office is working on, as a supervisor capacity, on adding a Mitigation Fund onto an estimate on to every large project like this. When they are doing their budget projections on how much it will cost, they must add in a Mitigation Fund as part of the project cost. I look forward to the support of my colleagues on that legislation. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any members of the public would like to testify on item number 10 . Mr. Ramos . Im sorry. We will close Public Comment. Is there a motion for final approval on item number 10 . Made by commissioner fewer and is there a second for that motion . Seconded by commissioner yee. We have a different house. Roll call, please. [roll call] we have final approval. Next item, please. Item 11 is seeking final approval on first appearance and adopt unopposed unless amended position on senate bill 52 corporate transit. Thank you. Fellow commissioners, you may remember last week i requested the t. A. Staff to draft a resolution opposing senate bill 50 unless amended. Following a memo prepared by the t. A. On the Transportation Impact and concerns. Housing development doesnt happen in a vacuum. We must plan for increased housing density comprehensively with improvements to transportation and other infrastructure and services to go with the housing. And good planning is led by the communitys most impacted by the plan. By giving people a seat at the table and considering transit infrastructure and services along housing, we create better results. Not for developers bottom lines , buffered public good and the people we represent. Good planning uses tools like up zoning and density to control as leverage for more affordability and more Community Benefits instead of more profits for private developers. As written, it does not account for or accommodate Community Planning processes and up zones as a giveaway to developers and landowners. As written, it also does not account for the transit impacts of increased housing density. Transitoriented Development Works if Transit Service is robust, reliable, effective and accessible. Look at the terra vale, for example, try to tell the tens of thousands of daily riders that these lines are adequate and reliable today, let alone are prepared to accommodate tens of thousands of more writers. They are not, but s. P. 50 assumes they are. We must support more people writing transit to address our climate crisis, traffic fatalities and congestion and to do that, Housing Development muscle in hand with improving transit. We consulted with the t. A. , sfmta, and Planning Department to prepare the resolution before us today. This resolution reflects the t. A. s concerns that up zoning will negatively impact transit by exacerbating existing crowding, increasing wear and tear on existing highcapacity transit lines, and subject transit operators to unforeseen costs. Up zoning directly tied to Transportation Services could have a Chilling Effect on transportation enhancements in places where people do not want to development. This could decrease public demand to upgrade Transit Services to avoid s. P. 50 up zoning. True transitoriented development should account for impacts on transit. It should expand transit and not reduce it and it should improve Transit Service, not potentially make it worse. Transportation authorities should be concerned and take action on Development Bills that impact and are directly tied to our work. As a body, we need to stand firm on opposing a bill that undermines our Community Transportation plan unless and until our concerns are addressed with amendments and or companion legislation. This resolution calls for a new funding for communitybased planning to evaluate Transportation Needs resulting from will 50. New funding for local jurisdictions to deliver additional transportation infrastructure needed to support the Housing Development enabled under bill 50. And limited ceqa exemptions for Public Transportation projects so that bill 50 landuse impacts are not considered significant for these projects, mitigating the additional time and cost for these projects as a result. The t. A. Staff, including director chang and Public Policy managers analysed model transportation incentive programs that could be expanded or created to provide adequate resources for Public Transit improvements alongside Housing Development. They are available for questions about these potential opportunities. Fellow commissioners, i believe this resolution affirms our shared commitment to good planning and better transportation and i urge you to support it today. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any questions or comments from commissioners . Seeing none, there are a number of individuals who like to testify on this. I have some speaker cards. We will open it up to Public Comment. [calling names] first speaker, please. Good morning, my name is jeffrey. I am a resident in the outer sunset. I am supportive of the board of supervisors vision for bill 50 and the amendment for all the reasons that are good reasons. I know that in researching this and attending town Hall Meetings with scott weiner, i know he has an attitude of we dont need to worry about transit, transit doesnt have to be imperfect perfect to increase housing, is one of the many things we dont like about bill 50. It is kind of the cart before the horse approach and as such, i fully support this similar resolution adopting and opposing this on will 50 for these reasons. Thank you. Can i have the overhead, please . My name is jury with the San Francisco landuse coalition. I support the proposed resolution to oppose bill 50 unless there is an amendment to include transportation mitigation provisions. San francisco has 865,000 People Living in 47 square miles or 18,440 people per square mile. We have the second highest number of residents per square mile in the united states. San francisco has twice the population density of los angeles and three times the density of san jose. It is much more difficult and costly to build and maintain infrastructure in a very dense city. Bill 50 needs to be modified to address the existing disparity in population density between San Francisco, san jose, and los angeles, and allow for transportation mitigation. San franciscos current Public Transit infrastructure is unable to support the Current Population density, let alone the proposed higher densification. Sfmta has the second oldest and the highest mileage Public Transit fleet in the united states. This is a bay area problem. Oakland and fremont are also on the worst city list. The m. T. A. Has a serious staffing problem

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