Casualty someplace in the united states. Its really quite distressing so what is the plan to update these units . One thing i would say is these units, theyre not used all the time. Theyre still in good shape. Commissioner covington im sorry . Theyre what . Still in good shape . Yeah, theyre still in good shape. Trucks for Certain Companies are our highest demand. We have to always put priority for the engine trucks so we have use for every day and as the budget functions and the money allows from city hall, we see items here on the list that we can update, so were working with the chief here and mark corso, we have some updates that we can identify, and were going to put in the request. Commissioner covington okay. What you have outlined is a logical plan, okay . And i agree with the plan. So when the plan is put on paper in january, i suppose we have a plan to come for that. We have a plan in the budget that were going to ask for. For the fleet update, we have a plan for the one thats going to expire in june. Commissioner covington okay. So it expires in june, and were going to have one in place in april, may . So the push for new money, thats going to begin fairly soon, though. Mmhmm. Yes. Commissioner covington okay. Well thank you for that response. Then, i had another question regarding the drone. Excuse me . Commissioner covington the drone. So chief cochran. Good morning again. Good morning. Good morning thank you for your progress on this. Its amazing to me that things take years. You know, the most needs in order for them to be met, it takes years. So on the up side, for the second drone, things will go much more quickly. Thats the plan, commissioner, commissioner, yes, maam. Commissioner covington okay. Well, im hoping for a second drone because its been a steep learning curve to get that first drone in the air. I think we will all feel much better and all feel a sense of accomplishment when it takes its maiden voyage. Absolutely. Commissioner covington okay. Well, thank you. Thank you. President nakajo chief cochran, you want to stay up there for a sec . Yes, sir. President nakajo okay. Commissioners, if theres no other questions or comments, ill ask my question. Okay. Chief cochran, you were talking about 14 candidates that were designated for training. Is that number sufficient in terms of what youre trying to establish . Well, wed always like more service. Its starting out as a program, hoping people catch on, but for us, its like a tens medic or k9 handler. They get on the chiefs list, but we have to start somewhere, and i think thats a good number right now. President nakajo okay. Just in terms of some good information, i imagine that is it a position that would be titled as a drone specialist or how would they operate . Would that member be on duty during the course of time, depending on circumstance . Could you explain some process if you have a process . Id have to refer to deputy for that, sir. President nakajo okay. Yeah. Im curious as to how were going to get there, since were getting close, and were getting close to operation. Chief, did you want to respond . Yeah. We have some designated drone operator every day on duty that the chiefs can refer to and special call for the operation. Were still having discussions on where to locate that drone. Were thinking somewhere on the western side of the city for the cliff rescues that we have out there. But having 14, it will allow us to have somebody on call every single day that can respond to a specific incident and then use the drone for that specific incident. President nakajo where would that come out of . Would that be department chief of operations . Okay. So that would be department for us in terms of coordination. Okay. Yeah. President nakajo i think thats enough information that we can feel good to move forward to the next step. I think weve got it in operational phase, and as soon as we can have that in some kind of working order. Yeah. President nakajo chief velo, in terms of your specific report, there were a couple of things that came out. One of the things that came out is what i call a newer picture of the e. M. S. Station. I guess we identified it as what is the label . Is it 49 still . 49. Station 49. President nakajo okay. In terms of station 49, that brief picture, where are we at in terms of implementation of that program, utilization . So its scheduled to open fall of next year, 2020, and were still on schedule. Theres things to every project, but were still on track for that project. President nakajo and then the reference in terms of what the Vice President asked, rigs in terms of trucks or parking, you mentioned the availability of old station 49. Just a point of clarification. Is the old station 49 within our Fire Department jurisdiction still . Yes. So the plans for that facility is to become the new b. O. A. , and then, we can upgrade that and have some access to that, too. President nakajo as we talk about not total replacement, but parts replacement, which would need to me if anyone in the department visits where the Current Bureau of equipments are, its small and old. So in terms of that transition to the old station 49, that helps me visualize larger room, more capacity. It doesnt change the personnel numbers there, but it changes the atmosphere in terms of and we still plan to keep all b. O. E. Of 25 street, but now were adding that capacity of the new b. O. E. Facility at old 49 for apparatus. We have a lot of plans. Our s. B. A. Can still be there. A lot of plans for that facility that can help us. And space is the key. Were going to have much more space to have apparatus plugged in there properly, so were in good shape. President nakajo okay. And thats your reference to old station 49 which will be the future bureau of equipment. Just to keep going, what happens to the old bureau of equipment thats just off the freeway . Thats the place where tools are fixed, Little Things happen there. Were still planning to use that building. Eventually, that building has to be retrofitted to use, but until we have bonds for that, were still use the space. President nakajo all right. Thank you very much for that. I also wanted to remark that the picture that you showed about the nurturing, the picture with the mothers and the children. Yep. President nakajo that makes total sense to me. If we really want indeed Community Participation and if mothers are going to come, the whole object is what are you going to do with your kids . And if the Fire Department and i love that picture. It seemed of a welcoming nature just beyond their, you know education trickles down to the kids, as well, but i know our department our Mission Statement is in terms of suppression, prevention, medical, but i know in terms of e. M. S. 6, were encompassing ourselves into needs of families of sfrichk. A San Francisco. And to see that picture, i know the mothers there, theyre concentrating. I dont know if you throw a snack in there somewhere or a toy for the kids . So i would say the concept includes the family brings a meal, and the firefighters bring a meal, too, so the community is helping each other, because its normally at dinner time when they come. So they bring meals and we all share the meals and the breaks that we have. President nakajo i like that. Thats what we Call Community relationship. Lo thank you very much for your comprehensive report, chief. Madam secretary . Clerk item 5, amend Fire Commission meeting calendar 2020. Discussion and possible action to amend the 2020 calendar to reflect a change of date and room number from november 11, 2020, which is veterans holiday to tuesday, november 10, 2020, in room 408 at city hall and adopt the 2020 Fire Commission regular meeting calendar. President nakajo all right. Thank you, madam secretary. At some point, there was a calendar in your docket i dont know if many of you have it or not, but this issue on the veterans day conflict came about. Im going to call for Public Comment, and then, well have some questions or comment. Anybody wishes to speak on Public Comment on item 5 on the calendar . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. What is your desire . Commissioner cleaveland move to approve. President nakajo ive got a motion from commissioner cleaveland. I need a second. Call for the vote. Any approvals . Madam secretary. Clerk item 6, comment on information on things that have happened since last meeting . President nakajo is there any Public Comment on item 6, Commission Reports . Seeing no one that wishes to give Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners . Commissioner alioto veronese . Commissioner veronese i understand were going to be using paramedic larry to retirement, which is a bummer. Hes a great guy and hes done a Great Service for this city. I just want to thank you, chief, for coming up with that program under your administration, certainly. Its a Great Program that we now have paramedics on bikes in the airport. It made me feel more secure in that airport because its kind of siloed out there in its own little world. Great job on that. Larrys a great guy. Really made me feel and my family feel good about having those paramedics in there. President nakajo thank you very much. Commission Vice President covington . Commissioner covington thank you, mr. President. I just want to say that last week, we had a very reference and acknowledge our commission secretary, marie comfrey who really worked very, very hard on that retirement to make it as nice as it was. It is a great thing to see members come in and actually smile when they go out, as well, and look just great, and there is life after the Fire Department, and we all know that. But its just great to be able to see that kind of relationship. The other thing i wanted to remark, just as a point of information, no negative remarks in terms of intention. I attended a recent Commission Meeting, another Commission Meeting, and i was there five minutes before the start time, and then, it got to five minutes after, and then, it got to ten minutes after, and then it got to 15 minutes after, and then they started. And im just so proud that this commission, with our colleagues on the commission, when we say the train leaves at 9 00, the train leaves at 9 00. Im proud that we start our mission and our meetings on time to our responsibility to the charter but also to the public, and i just want to thank all of you commissioners for that cooperation. Ever since ive been on the commission, weve been starting the meetings on time, so thank you, commissioners, and to the command staff, as well. Madam secretary im sorry. Commissioner hardeman . Commissioner hardeman thank you, president nakajo. I just wanted to have i have nothing to report except a comment on a couple of retirees. So at the last 49er game, i saw retired chiefs c. D. 2 and c. D. 3, Ramona Williams and mark gonzales. They were there together. Chief williams sits near me, so she came by and reported that she was going to be the grandmother of a little girl, so shes very excited because she has the fouryearold grandson who she just worshipped and spends a lot of time with. I look any closer, and i swear she looks ten years ago younger. And then, mark gonzales, in the short time, id say about two years younger, and i told him about it. So its one thing about those jobs, everybody in the Fire Department seeks to move up. I mean, a lot of people do, and they take tests and earn it. But theres also a lot of reference about the big shot, big job, they get paid a lot. But once you retire from that type of job, then you realize how you never arent working, youre always thinking c. D. 2 and c. D. 3. And i think i commented a couple times about mark gonzales, i would be down two weeks in a row, one on saturday, one on sunday. Hes at 11 00, noon, going into work on a saturday or sunday, which youre supposed to be off, and thats what happens with those types of jobs is youre either thinking about it or youre putting in the extra time somehow, so i just wanted to comment on how the proof of it is and how good they look now, so theyre getting their glow back of not working and enjoying their retirement. Thank you. President nakajo thank you very much, commissioner hardeman. Madam secretary . Clerk item 7, agenda for next and future Fire Commission meetings . President nakajo all right. The only thing i see on our calendar which today is the last meeting of this year is that in january, we traditionally have our commission elections. There are only two meetings scheduled in january. The first, i believe, is january 8, 2020, and the second Commission Meeting is january 22. Seeing that january 8 we would come back after the break, im not quite sure if we could schedule and the next one, i know we could if we wanted to, but at this point, i thought perhaps we would look at perhaps the second meeting of january, which is january 22. The only point of information and ill share my information is that hopefully in january, im assuming well have a full quorum. Point of information, myself as Fire Commissioner, on january the 15, by the charter, my term is complete. I believe, commissioner hardeman, you are in the same situation. So commissioner hardeman and myself, our terms are complete on january 15, and from that point moving forward, it would be up to the perrogative of the mayor for us to continue, and im sure that commissioner hardeman has that intention, as do i, but it is up to the mayor, that decision. Having said, th that, i assume well still be here in january. Well still be here the first meeting in january, i believe. But having said that, commissioners, my recommendation is to schedule and calendar the elections on january 22, which would be the second meeting of january. Is there any comment or comment on that . Commissioner cleaveland very good logic. President nakajo thank you very much, commissioner cleaveland. And Vice President covington . Commissioner covington thank you very much, mr. President. I think traditionally, the elections were held on the first meeting in january, and so i think this year, we did it on the second meeting. But before that, it was the first meeting, so. Clerk so for the last five years, three have been on the first wednesday and two have been on the second. So in 2015, it was on january 22. In 2018, it was january 24, and then, on the 19, it was on the 9th. The 17, it was on the 11th, and on the 16th, it was on the 13th. President nakajo okay. Commissioners, what is your pleasure . Commission Vice President covington . Commissioner covington okay. I think that just following the timeline that you have given, and knowing the great responsibility that this commission has, that it would be prudent to have the election on the first week excuse me, the first meeting. President nakajo okay. Commissioner covington that way, were not hampered by a lack of a quorum. President nakajo okay. So Vice President covington, you are suggesting we have election on january the 8, the first meeting of the commission. Commissioner covington yes. President nakajo okay. Commissioner hardeman . Commissioner hardeman yes. I agree with you, president nakajo. If im not reappointed, it doesnt make sense to vote on who the next commissioner is going to be. If theres a new commissioner, they should vote on who the new president and Vice President should be. Thats just my opinion. President nakajo okay. So commissioner hardeman, just so im clear, youre suggesting the second meeting in january. Is that what youre saying . Commissioner covington either way, its going to be january. President nakajo okay. So commissioners, this is not up for a vote because its an item of discussion. Commissioner cleaveland, commissioner veronese, is there any flavor in terms of your feeling about this subject matter . And we dont have to schedule it today. Im just saying that were having a discussion. But point of information, we wont meet again until the first meeting in january, so it would be prudent for us to at least come to an idea of when we want to do this election. All right. If i dont get any input, then ill take the prerogative. Commissioner covington like i said, its january. Commissioner hardeman can i get the mic again . President nakajo please. Commissioner hardeman actually, its the prerogative of the chair to schedule a meeting, but youre like me when i was president. You wanted the opinion of everyone else. But it is your prerogative, and you choose to get the opinion of the rest of us, so its fine. President nakajo i appreciate that, and i appreciate that very much. I do understand it is the prerogative of the chair, and im going to suggest january 22 for the elections. Clerk and we do have sf vice coming in for a presentation. President nakajo okay. Commissioners, you know what the lineup is in january, what it looks like, as well. Madam secretary . Clerk you need to call for Public Comment on that. President nakajo all right. Im calling for Public Comment on item 7. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed on item 7. Item 9 . Clerk Public Comment on item 9, whether to hold item 9b, closed session. President nakajo at this particular time, if any member of the public wishes to approach i do not see any. Public comment is closed. [gavel]. President nakajo madam secretary . Clerk vote on whether to conduct item 9b in closed president nakajo okay. Were back in open. Madam secretary, item 11. Clerk item 11, vote to disclose any or all discussions held in closed session. President nakajo all right, commissioners, im going to need a motion and a second, please. Commissioner cleaveland motion to not disclose, mr. President. President nakajo thank you very much, commissioner cleaveland. Commissioner covington second. President nakajo thank you very much, commissioner covington. Call the question. All shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of San Francisco. By supporting local Services Within our neighborhoods, we help San Francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . My name is ray behr. I am the owner of chief plus. Its a destination Specialty Foods store, and its also a Corner Grocery store, as well. We call it cheese plus because theres a lot of additions in addition to cheese here. From fresh flowers, to wine, past a, chocolate, our dining area and espresso bar. You can have a casual meeting if you want to. Its a Real Community gathering place. What makes little polk unique, i think, first of all, its a great pedestrian street. Theres people out and about all day, meeting this neighbor and coming out and supporting the businesses. The businesses here are almost all exclusively independent owned Small Businesses. It harkens back to supporting local. Polk street doesnt look like anywhere u. S. A. It has its own businesses and personality. We have Clothing Stores to gallerys, to personal service stores, where you can get your hsus repaired, luggage repaired. Theres a music studio across the street. Its raily a diverse and unique offering on this really great street. I think san franciscans should shop local as much as they can because they can discover things that they may not be familiar with. Again, the marketplace is changing, and, you know, you look at a screen, and you click a mouse, and you order something, and it shows up, but to have a tangible experience, to be able to come in to taste things, to see things, to smell things, all those things, its very important that you do so. Good morning, everyone. The meeting will come to order. Welcome to the december 16th, 2019, meeting of the rules committee. I am supervisor hilary ronen, chair of the committee. Seated to my right as vice chair Shamann Walton and to my left is gordon marr. Our clerk is victor young and i would like to thank my canoe michael and jim at San Francisco government tv for staffing this meeting. Are there any announcements . Silence also phones and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and copies of any documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk i didnt his acted upon today will appear on the january 7th , board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise noted. Thank you. Please call item number one. One is a hearing to consider appointing one member indefinite term to the close Juvenile Hall working group. Thank you. Did you have any comments before we hear from the applicant . I do. Thank you so much. As we know this is our final appointment to our 15 Member Working Group for the closed year of Juvenile Hall. We are excited to be at this point where we can point and other young person who will be serving. I am looking forward to the committee having the first meeting this wednesday and to finalize all the members of the working group. That is great news. So we have three applicants. I will call them all forward. Charles peacock, Danielle Russ wurm and julia thompson. We dont have any of the applicants. Do you have any thoughts about who you would like to see appointed, supervisor walton . I do. Thank you so much. The first thing i want to say is i appreciate everyone who applied to serve on the working group, especially our young people who are committed to the success of the other young people. I would like to nominate for vacant seat three Charles Peacock who is young africanamerican male who lives in bayview who was formerly incarcerated as a juvenile who is now working in community and is also in college at this time. I just know that he would be instrumental in helping come up with a plan that will lead our young folks to success versus continuance continuous defeat in the prison pipeline. Fantastic. Is that a motion . That is a motion to appoint Charles Peacock twoseat number three. We can take that without objection. That motion passes. Thank you. Did you want to take Public Comment . Oh, my goodness. That motion do i have to make a motion to can you undo the motion . I will rescind my motion. Without objection, that motion is rescinded. Is there anyone who would like to make Public Comment on this item . Seeing non, Public Comment is closed. I would like to move the previous motion. Without objection, that motion passes. Thank you. Sorry about that. I need to wake up. Can you please read item number two. Two is the hearing to consider appointing four members with terms ending october 19th , 2021 to the eastern Neighborhood Community advisory committee. There are several members have contacted me youre unable to attend today due to scheduling conflicts. Thank you. Are any of the applicants for the eastern Neighborhood Community Advisory Board here . Please come up. Good morning. Good morning. I am very excited to stand before you today as a candidate for one of the positions on this Community Advisory group. I have served as president of the association for six years and have been involved in numerous activities in the potrero and dogpatch areas related to the increased open space and provision for better and more equitable transit and the increase in Community Serving facilities in our area. I know that theres change in the group with the removal of the south of market neighborhood so i look forward to having the opportunity to serve to ensure the impact fees for the development in our neighborhoods get the most bang for their buck and serving our existing and incoming populations. Thank you very much for considering my candidacy. Thank you so much. Is there any questions . We will open this up for Public Comment. Does any member of the public wish to speak . Seeing then, Public Comment is closed. There are four seats and four applicants. I think all applicants are qualified. Does anyone want to make a motion . Supervisor walton . Definitely want to make the motion in support of the nomination of all four candidates but i want to thank jr for coming in today and being willing to serve. This is a very Important Committee and as we continue to deal with Affordable Housing and make sure that we are responsible as we have growth in communities and voices on the intake are very important. I want to think everybody who is willing to serve ditto. Thank you so much and thank you for being here today. You made a motion to move jr a blur for seat one, irma lewis for a seat two, jolene you for c3 and Keith Goldstein for seat four. Without objection, that passes. Please read item number three. Three is a hearing to appoint one member term ending january 6 , 2024, to the Small Business commission. I see commissioner i see the commissioner here. Would you like to come up and address the board . Good morning, supervisors. Thank you for the opportunity and your consideration. I was born and raised in San Francisco in the mission district. I have a passion. Im a Small Business owner myself and just knowing the intricacies of real Small Businesses, especially businesses of color, minorities, we have a moral we have a challenge especially if english is not your language of birth. We do not get the same opportunities. Having an advocate the looks like the people we serve is very important, especially as it comes to the permitting process in San Francisco. During my 10 year, i was part of digitizing the San Francisco Business Registration process, which should be something in San Francisco we should be leading the way, but it wasnt. Through my 10 year, i have done that. I have spee5 spares personally started an initiative which will get set in 2020 where we go paperless. No more stacks of paper when we or get all the pamphlets. Im implementing tablets. Those are the Little Things, but my countless work, you know, i know every single business in the bayview, in the mission, i dont know maybe as much as you, supervisor mar, but they know me when people have problems, they call my cell phone at whatever time. It takes years for commissioner to build up the relationship and understand the intricacies of how to open a business in San Francisco. It has taken a very long time to get to this point where we are able to help the community navigate crazy business processes. Little things like that matter in a city that they always say Small Business is our backbone, but people worked here because moved to because of the flavour of our city and our Small Businesses. I represent that. I am honoured for your consideration for another term as the office of Small Business commissioner. Thank you. Thank you so much. I wanted to thank you for all your work as the one who recruited you to move into this rollback in my legislative age days. It has been such a pleasure to watch you shine on this commission. You truly are a commissioner of the people and are so available, not only to supervisors when we have questions, but to Business Owners and helping them navigate what has become a byzantine process. We have a lot of work to do to write i think what i think we have done wrong in terms of making it virtually impossible to open a Small Business. As you said, many Business Owners go broke before they ever open. That is upsurge. We are happy to change that. It is certainly something that i am looking into and that i know many of you on the Small Business commission, together with been blame and who is an entertainment commissioner, but also a Small Business owner, are looking to all the Small Business owners to help Small Businesses and that is a phenomenal idea. I think it is way overdue and i wanted to express my gratitude to you for all of your hard work thank you. It means a lot. Of course. Any other comments . Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you, supervisors. Is there any member of the public to speak who wishes to speak, now is your time. Public comment is closed. I would be happy to do the honours of making a motion to reappoint william to seat three of the Small Business commission seeing no objection, that motion passes you nonthem as they that motion passes unanimously. Item four is a resolution reparenting appointing harlan kelly junior for a four year term ending june 30th, 2023, as the director of San Francisco bay area Regional Water system financing authority. Would anyone like to speak . Public comment is closed. Supervisor mar . I would move that we recommend reappointment of harlan kelly as a director of the San Francisco bay area Regional Water system financing authority. Without objection, that motion passes. Is there any other items . That concludes the agenda for today. Fastest rules Committee Meeting of the year. The meeting is adjourned. Shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local Services Within neighborhood. We help San Francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. Where will you shop and dine in the 49 . San francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. Each corridor has its own personality. Our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. You are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping Small Businesses grow. It is more environmentally friendly. Shopping local is very important. I have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. By shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. It is really good for everybody. Shopping locally is crucial. Without that support, Small Business cant survive, and if we lose Small Business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. It is important to dine and shop locally. It allows us to maintain traditions. It makes the neighborhood. I think San Francisco should shop local as much as they can. The retail marketplace is changes. We are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. The fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. There are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. At the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. Shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the Business Owners to thrive in the community. We see more Small Businesses going away. We need to shop locally to keep the Small Business alive in San Francisco. Shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. You can see the banners in the streets around town. It is great. Anything that can showcase and legitimize Small Businesses is a wonderful thing. What a great store. Thank you so much for inviting us into your home, your business. We know that this store is named after your great grandmother, and we really appreciate the work that you are doing here with the castro street merchants and all the incredible merchants that are here. Hey, richard. Good to see you. All the incredible merchants, im london breed, im the mayor of San Francisco, joined by the supervisor of district 8, supervisor mandelman to talk about the shopping and dining and 49ing, that didnt work. But the 49ers are winning. We are here today because we know that we are kicking off the Holiday Season. And there is nothing like nothing like shopping and hanging out at some of our great restaurants and other places in so many of our neighborhoods that really does put you into the holiday spirit. And so we want to encourage people to shop in places like stag and main, which is an incredible store as you can see, ornaments, furniture, bowls, plates, cups, you can come here and decorate your whole house for thanksgiving tomorrow. So this is one of the most incredible Small Businesses we have in the city. And i know its a favorite of the supervisor, along with so many unique neighborhoods. You can go to almost any neighborhood in San Francisco and discover something that you probably never saw before. Noe valley, the haight ashbury, the western addition, union street, so many great places that you can shop, you can buy gifts that will be unique gifts for our family members and friends, because they are unique Small Businesses in San Francisco. A lot of love and care goes into these places. And we want to make sure that when you are out shopping this Holiday Season, that you really look at your neighborhoods and different neighborhoods throughout San Francisco and support our Small Business community. Let me tell you. I still use a lot of the same places ive been using since i was a kid. Believe it or not, they are still here. I still go to the same dry cleaner. The lady who is been doing my nails for over 20 years is still doing my nails even though i didnt get them done today. The places i had the same dentist, a Small Business owner, since ive had teeth. Its so incredible to have these incredible relationships that you have because its a personal touch with the people who run these businesses. Because most often when you walk into any of these places, nine times out of ten, the owner of the store will be there and that is why he is here today because hes not only the owner, hes an employee. He works here every single day. So you see him on the news, come down here and see him in person. But part of shopping in San Francisco and so many incredible neighborhoods also involve making sure that we are being smart about parking. You know, theres no secret that we have a lot of challenges with car breakins, unfortunately, but i am proud of the work the San Francisco Police Department has done in reducing the number of car breakins significantly. And i know chief scott is here with us today to talk a little bit about how we park. I think that helps tremendously in helping to avoid becoming a victim, especially during this Holiday Season when we know people are paying close attention to what people are doing. We want people to have a great experience. We want them to come here to this store and hang out. Then we want them to head over to hot cookie and have a hot cookie. We want them to enjoy the amazing restaurants, castro, the Castro Community is our featured neighborhood this time around, shop and dine in the 49. And so we really wanted to highlight this unique place in our city and the supervisor will talk more about this amazing community. But if you can get out there and support our Small Businesses all over San Francisco, i know it will make a real difference. And youll have a good time. Because overall, we want your experience to be great from start to finish. We want the time that you leave your house to the time that you come to the castro, to the two, three, four, five, hours you spend walking up and down Market Street and castro street and all the bags that you are going to be carrying, you go and you get some food and hang out and then you go home and feel good and relax. Thats what i want people to experience during this Holiday Season in San Francisco. So it is so great to have all of you here. Thank you to the Castro Merchants Association for coordinating and thank you, i know commissioner adams is here to talk on behalf of the merchants association. But shop and dine in the 49. San francisco is an incredible, unique place where there is something for everyone. And with that, your supervisor to talk about this community and all the great places that you can visit during this campaign, it will be supervisor. Come on up. Thank you, mayor breed. Small businesses in San Francisco today. [applause] it is gray and rainy. And i was in puert o vallarta yesterday. Its been a little bit of a gray time in this neighborhood for the last few weeks. There was an awful fire on castro street. And i know we have a number of businesses represented here who have been impacted by that fire. And i want to thank the mayor and the office of economic and workforce development, joaquin and your team for stepping up for those businesses. And i know you are going to be doing a little bit on that later. But the response from the city, the Fire Department that was fighting the fire to the folks who came in later to help out the residents and the Business Owners have been great. And i want to, on behalf of the castro, thank you for that. Thats an applause line, yeah. [applause] but i think we also know the castro has had some problems for a while now and some of it is reflective around challenges for retail across the city and the country and some of it is unique to the challenges we have up here, some of the street behavior issues and the real challenges of operating businesses here in the castro. But this is a, as you all know, this is a wonderful neighborhood. It is a neighborhood that is embedded in the history of this city and the history of this country. Worldchanging things have happened in this neighborhood, done by, starting with a castro Small Businessman, harvey milk and his camera shop downcast row street. Today is the anniversary of the assassination. Some of us will be at a candlelit vigil later. But this neighborhood is part of the heart of San Francisco. So even till today, building on that tradition of harvey milk, there are so many great local leaders, from the merchants, thank you for the work you do and andrea, and all the merchants and staff who courageously stepped in to open this business just about a year ago, steve adams made sure i was here. Thank you, commissioner. And youve brought this wonderful establishment to this block, other brave, courageous folks stepped forward every year to try to share their dream with this community and other communities around San Francisco. And it is so easy to go online and buy that thing. But i ask, i hope that san franciscans, if you love your neighborhoods, if you love your neighborhood Small Businesses, you know, today, take a break on the online purchase, go out and actually support the neighborhood Small Business and the folks who are working so hard like staff both to share their dream with you and to make these neighborhoods work. We need our Small Businesses so desperately. They are critical to the vitality of our neighborhoods and they are great. And so im just pleased, madame mayor and joaquin, that you chose to have shop and dine start here with this event. I want to thank miriam, wherever she is, the most extraordinary Public Servant who made this happen. Mary ahn gets a little bit of applause. And tom and my office are working to make this happen. And i want to thank chief scott and the Police Department for your Partnership Around some of the issues i alluded to earlier. It is challenging up here, but we are getting tremendous help, i know, and im enjoying working with you and looking forward to continuing to work to make this place where people are safe, have fun, and where we have a healthy, thriving community. So with that, chief scott. [applause] thank you, supervisor. And thank you mayor breed. First of all, happy thanksgiving, everybody. We have so much to be grateful and thankful for. And i want to start by thanking the mayor for her great leadership in this great city and the supervisor, the office of economic and workforce development, Castro Merchants Association. We have a great city and a great community. And so its my job and all of our sa San Francisco Police Department officers that you see here, to give you some reminders to stay safe during the Holiday Season. As the mayor mentioned, weve made a lot of progress in our park smart campaign, because one thing that we want to do is not make it easy to be a victim. We want everybody to step back and have a good time and do your shopping and enjoy your families, but dont make yourself an easy target. So theres a couple simple reminders. First and foremost, if you are going to shop, you probably are going to have packages and bags and all this great merchandise. Make sure you dont leave it in your cars when you go and dine afterwards in the 49, make sure you dont leave it in the car to make it easy for somebody to take it to you. One of the simple things in Crime Prevention is dont make yourself an easy target. So lock your cars, dont leave anything visible in your cars. If you have merchandise, if you cant carry it with you, put it in your trunk. Its always a good idea, oftentimes if you are going to be dining and you are going to go to the restaurants and take advantage of the great food in this area, have a plan in terms of how you are going to shop and do your merchandise. A lot of times the stores will hold things for you or you hold it and come back and purchase it after you eat. So theres just some basic common sense things that we can do to make ourselves not be easy targets. Heres the other thing. If you see something, report it. Say something, call us. We will have officers around this city thanks to the support of the supervisor, mayor breed and the budget we got this year. We have officers on the beat. We have foot beat officers out here in the castro as around the entire city. Call us. We are there for you. We want to be a part of your experience, and we want that experience to be a good one. So call us if you see something thats amiss. If you see somebody staring into cars and you think thats suspicious, we dont mind coming out. Thats a call you should make to us. Lastly before i wrap it up and turn it over to commissioner adams, Pay Attention to your surroundings. You know, we are so distracted in todays world. Everybody has phones. I think i have two me right now and im always looking at them, making sure i answer the mayors messages. [laughter] but when we do that, it distracts us from paying attention to whats around us. I cant tell you how many people have had their phones snatched out of their hands because they werent paying attention to whats around them. We cant prevent everything but we can prevent a lot of things. So Pay Attention. We know people have to make calls and you have to answer your calls, but Pay Attention as you do that because it just makes for a more vigilant and resilient San Francisco when you do that. So have a wonderful thanksgiving. Remember to shop and dine in the 49. Youll see many of us out there shopping as well. My daughter is here in town and i promised here i was going to take her shopping. [laughter] so thank you. With that ill turn it over to commissioner adams. [applause] thank you. Im going to be very brief. First i want to thank mayor breed, supervisor, joaquin, mary, jorge, for bringing this event to the castro this year. I want to acknowledge the president of the castro merchants who asked me to come in today. And i love this event. We also have several castro Board Members here, brian springfield, j. B. , and isaiah with body. Some of the some of these guys have had a rough time with the fires. So if theres anything we can do to come in and support their business. Body is back open so you can come shop, eat, drink in the castro. I also want to acknowledge rodney with the chamber of commerce and the s. P. A. Is also here today. Weve got everybody here. Castro, we need some loving here. I especially want to thank the mayor and supervisor for changing up some of the zoning laws in upper market here where we are now able to fill in second story businesses and ground floor businesses like this one to get them open, to get them open quick and for people to enjoy it. So thank you for that. So with that, happy holidays, everybody. We have our Tree Lighting on monday at 6 00 at castro and 18th street. So come shop, eat, drink and stay in the castro. Thank you. [applause] and andrea, come on up. Hi, everybody. Good morning. Yes, im andrea with the Castro Community benefit district. We are responsible for keeping the castro clean and safe. So have no fear, we will be keeping these streets clean for all the people to come and shop in the castro. I want to thank mayor breed for having us here this afternoon. And i also want to thank seth for

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