It is one data point. The estimate is more than 6 billion of value will be in california through this transition to zero emission buildings in construction as well as elimination of emission the transportation sector. Third point, the resilience of buildings is improved, the occupancy is improved through use of electricity. That boils down to more than 70 chance of a major seismic event in 30 years. They could restore gas Service Within approximately six months after the seismic event in the order of the 1906 earthquake and fire. Electricity could be restored in approximately one week. It is in that context that we have today if you apply for a permit today existing requirements if you build a residential building there are numerous screen building requirements no additional efficiency requirements if you build an all Electric Building with gas that needs to be 10 more efficient. This body has previously voted to Carry Forward those requirements in the form every choiring Green Building rating systems. That is already the case also in the upcoming code for new residential construction. There are two ordinances current leap pending before the board of supervisors. One is not before you today but companion to this legislation to convince the city to not install gas systems in new buildings. This ordinance before you is the modification of the efficiency requirements for buildings including gas for residential and also expending the requirement to apply also to commercial new construction as well. The practical effect is extending the requirement to commercial reconstruction. There are a diverse array of all Electric Buildings across the community including small residential infill, affordable housing, schools, Office Buildings and dormitories at sfsu. Separate from this ordinance is the question that president mccarthy, you are predicting in our discuss to us meeting which is one of the broader questions around new construction in general and existing buildings and those are not directly addressed by this ordinance but definitely a priority for outreach and engagement in the community and it is our understanding mayor breed is in the process of issuing invitations for participation in a building de carbonization tax force including invitation to president mccarthy or delegate, if you would prefer, in order to begin the robust discussion. The broadker questions of complete approach and implications and how we can get there in a practical manner as well as addressing how can we make practical progress while ensuring racial and Society Equity in the existing building stock . There is a lot of work to do and discussion to have and that is beginning in the next few weeks. Thank you for your time. Any questions . Is Battery Storage part of this whole package . The ordinance does not require Battery Storage. Title 24 Energy Standards do provide credit. In order to build a building with natural gas you could use Battery Storage to meet the 10 compliance margin for new construction. Is it possible for the single family, family less than three floors and multifamilies greater than four floors to neat those efficiency requirements . Yes, it is. In the interest of time i abbreviated this presentation. I am not talking about all electric but mixed. Costeffectiveness studies that i pointed at in more detail at the previous meeting included construction strategies and expected costs. In a state wade context for statewide context for low wise and nonresidential buildings. Those mixed use buildings will be better than all Electric Buildings . No the preferred approach on average would be to build all electric. However, i took your question. No, no, no i dont mean construction cost, Energy Efficiency. Isnt that the idea . Sure. You are saying the mixed buildings may be better than all electric. They would be Higher Energy efficiency standard. All Electric Buildings are the most Energy Efficient. To reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. You are talking about emissions. All electric should have no emissions. Thats right. The mixed gas and Electric Buildings have to be more efficient than electrical ones. Is that possible . That is what im asking. To be more efficient in emissions . The mixed fuel buildings. Requiring it to be 10 more, 11 more and 28 more efficient. Is that possible . Is that achievable . It was detailed at length in the costeffectiveness study we discussed at the october meeting, yes, it is possible. I want to clarify. I think you were talking about different metrics. You were describing whether a property could have few error less intense Carbon Emissions than all electric property. I believe he was describing the overall Energy Efficiency. There are two different metrics. One is Energy Efficiency. I believe we are talking about the actual usage of electricity or energy regardless of sours. Yes you could use more energy in all Electric Building than mixed fuel building. The emissions would depend upon the source of that electricity. An all Electric Building receiving all Renewable Energy would have no emissions. 10 more emission based building would have more based on gas usage. This is only about new buildings. It does not apply to major renovations . Thats correct. Any plan to extend the experiences here to substantive renovation . The outreach to discuss how to address existing buildings on policy and financing and incentive front, public communication, all of that is about to begin. It is consistent with the goals laid down by may or breed and the goals in our Greenhouse Gas emission goals to address renovations, to address this comprehensively. This is focusing on new construction. The issues are quite more straightforward and we are going to take time to work through major alterations as well as ultimately minor alterations. Thank you. I just want to go on the record. We have lost three commissioners. They had appointments. We are down to four. Commissioner walker, commissioner moss. Thank you for announcing that. Thank you, mr. Hooper. I appreciate that we met on this and started the dialogue in discussing this. There is a lot of work to be done. Last night i was at a meeting with 70 small builders which we introduced this. It was a robust conversation. A lot of what ifs. I understand you are aware of what the concerns are, particularly because of the city and county, and particularly San Francisco. It is down to the practical progress that we make, to use your terminology and the outreach to the different stakeholders. Going forward, i think smaller buildings will be impacted. We are trying to figure out and mr. Hooper will help us. We will try to get good data how that will affect buildings between four to 12, and they are pretty much important to us here. The actual cost, we are not remotely close to agreeing on the actual cost. Is the Electric Building more expensive than gas . I agree i went from the journey where i now understand there is a lot of all electric water heaters. This is all very doable. The big one, of course, is the upgrading of power, and particularly my without ages today. That was discussed the infrastructure is not here for us to go all electric. A lot of people would make that argument last night and i it is an easy one to make. Pg and e brought a letter saying we are all for this, but is the infrastructure there to do it . That is a huge concern. One particular case on the record the infrastructure wasnt in place on a particular building. We dirt get the address so i dont know how factually this is. They had to upgrade the power on the street and transformers and it ran into huge amounts because the infrastructure wasnt there. We have these issues. As you said, you know, the practical progress we make to identify how we can insentify this across the board from large and big projects. The bigger projects can achieve these goals. It is the smaller projects and the projects in the city here. With that, i am supportive of what you have in front of us today and as you take this journey and i am excited to hear you are putting together the Mayors Task Force on this. I would love to i it is on sit d maybe a couple other people that would like to sit on it. Every time you deal with these legislations we are with everything discussed upfront. I know you are on a fast track with this. What is frustrating here in the commission we dont get a chance to really havent these ideas. They have to go straight up from the different committees up to the board of supervisors. You are right to get this done in january. Good luck and thank you for your time. I appreciate your helping us get an understanding and practical progress for the future along with the Mayors Committee to help us with future legislation coming down the pipeline. Thank you. With that if there is Public Comment . Is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none. Is there a motion to approve . I move to approve. Second. We have a motion and second. I will do the roll call vote. roll call . The motion carries 41. 31. Okay. Commission near lee. That still carries with four, right . Does it need four . It needs a quorum. Was this on the agenda last month. I missed a lot of this. I apologize. Let me ask. Is the intent to lower emissions essentially right . We are trying to reduce carbon in the atmosphere, lower emissions. Going all electric will cut the emissions to zero for a building. Are we saying that we are allowing mixed fuel buildings only if they are more Energy Efficient than an all Electric Building . You are saying that you are allowing people to have gas in their home only if they can prove their building is more efficient than if it were all electric . Yes. This is what i am getting at. My question is it is possible to be more Energy Efficient than all Electric Building with a mixed fuel building . It is possible. You can comply. That the only thing i am concerned about. I am concerned that we are putting this legislation out there and saying it is not possible to meet this and you are forcing everybody to go electric. It is like lip service. We will allow you to do this if you can, but it is impractical. It is possible. I mean i have to, you know, i am not trying to drink the koolaid. This is where it is going, commissioner lee. How we manage the knockon effects. It is a journey we have to take here. To your point i have concerns as well that i hope the task force will address. This is the first step. We have a ways to go. 10 here. It is not a bad way to do this. We can put our toe in the water, as it were. Mr. Hooper and the department promised that they would work through the issues as we aroused them. In fair mess when we sit down and we get where we need to get, will we be 100 happy with this . I dont know but i do understand. By the terms of the ordinance it is not that the mixed fuel has to be 10 bet they are than all electric. The elect building would need to meet the california standards. They may need to take Energy Efficiency steps. Mixed fuel has to be 10 better than the building. Then i will change my vote. Do we have to. I would like us to recall the vote. I would recall the vote. roll call . Motion carries unanimously. Next item is number 8. Discussion and possible action regarding the proposed ordinance amending Building Code to extend for additional 6 months the time for existing buildings to have primary entries and paths of travel to the building accessible to persons with disabilities or receive a city determination or reasonable hardship and to extend the period for granting extensions for those deadlines. I brought this up a few fews months ago because of the high rate of noncompliance in the accessible business entry program. It is still where we have nearly 8,000 noncompliant. We have 3,000 that are compliant. Due to a recent notification that went out, it is about the fourth or fifth notification we have sent to owners, we are now getting about 140 or 150 responses in each week. Owners are a little more focused and they are more responsesive. We still believe that trying to give people another six months for compliance makes sense. We have been talking about that internally with the abe coordinating committee and a couple conversations with supervisor yee who has expressed an interest inputting forward an ordinance in january that would add six more months time. I will say we have had some expression of concern from at least one member of the Disability Access community who is not enthusiastic about giving more time. I am not sure if that person iss aware how much burden this sometimes puts on Small Businesses with leases where the owners make the responsibility for making the entrance compliant on them. It does become a little more complicated than i think the supervisor who originally introduced this had intended. The department, obviously, wants as much compliance as possible. We want more customers who are disabled to be able to get into these buildings, but we appreciate the fact that in some circumstances this is not a simple thing to do. In smaller numbers it is possible to do. We would like to go after those to make those higher priority so the ones with financial im feasibility are not airstriking point that is a bureaucratic nightmare for the Small Businesses or Property Owners. It is probably not going to be until january that this ordinance will move forward, but i want to let you know we are moving in that direction. Point of clarification. Is it december when the deadline is, what date . December 1st was the deadline for the compliance. There is a table with slightly different compliance deadlines depending on which category you fall into. This reality is this proposed ordinance will give everybody six more months to comply. Realistically meaning next july or august. I am going through it myself. I have three buildings which are compliant that i have to prove that they are compliant. It is not easy. It is my fourth time now dealing with one particular address. It was all done under a different permit finalized. It is not easy. So i definitely would be for. I am sure there is a lot of what you are talking about here people trying to get compliant and cant get there. I would be interested to know if there is a way to identify that. I have two buildings right now and i am rushing to get it done before december 1st here. We appreciate those who are responsive. Since the most resent notification we are getting more response. That is good news. The size of this universe is a total of 11,000. You know, right now there are still will 8,000. Last week it was 7994 that are still in the noncompliant category. For example what is the complaint there . What is the penalties if you are not compliant . Would you know them off the top of your head . Well, i think we would have to have a directors hearing and have to ascertain what kinds of monitoring fees to actually get someone into compliance once the deadline date is passed. We have been trying to give people as much time as possible. It is not always easy to get the certified person to do the survey that you may need in order to get there. We have some simple cases where they introduce an Automatic Door opener. There are a lot of sidewalk issues that come up that public works. That is my point. Two of the applications are actually in d. B. I. And signed off but are sitting in dpw. They will not be out by the first. What happens there . We keep appealing to public works to see if they can come up with a little more efficient system to move this along. I will say that kevin jenson, the public works staffs does come to these meetings trying to work with agencies to make this happen. We may need to revisit some of the slopelike issues. We know as director pointed out when this first passed is the city has some neighborhoods with a lot of slopes that are greater than 4 , and many of those with probably qualify for technical infeasibility or financial infeasibility. We are trying to work with public works to shrink the total size of the universe so we dont have those properties dragging down the compliance ratio. Your legislation is not parallel to the timeframe when you go into violation. What happens after the first . You are in violation, right . Yes, technically that is true. If we are able to introduce this in january, then we can hopefully give people the additional time until next july or so. Do you want to weigh in on that . If you are in violation, you are in violation. How do you undo that . First of all, i cannot issue 7,000 and then also we should tell the pilot association, they dont need to hire someone. We have at least 30 or 40 of them coming in already. We have a new construction. You are coming in and trying to eliminate as much as possible. We have problem to find a professional to do those work. Most engineers and architect dont want to do the liability. That is what we need to educate people to do it. The architect wont sign off on it. They didnt design it. You did it two years ago and you are asked to prove it is correct. You show the permit was done on this design, you are asking for an architect to sign off. A few years ago you can fill out the application by the owner. Some of them would come in yesterday and get three of those done. I know it is difficult, you know. It is good to help the Small Business, now it is hurting them more. I am if you are going to extend it out, i am worried about the down time. Commissioner. I think we are all sympathetic. The community has every right to have access to all facilities, and yet we are also looking at a world where the Small Business community and vacant storefront issues and other things are equally compelling issues that are constantly coming up both here and at the board of supervisors, so when you have these dramatically competing two rights, you know, it is creating a very challenging situation clearly. Have we been able to really put the data together to say that of the nearly 8,000 cases here are how many of them are small units, Small Businesses that have these problems versus medium to larger ones that hopefully would have more capability to address the issues better . Just as we have addressed the whole seismic thing from different tiers, are we trying to be as sensitive to all parties and all conditions, and, you know, that is one question. Second question is related to the idea of we would like our compliance rates to be higher. I dont particularly care what the ratio is. I care about are we meeting the objectives. And where we have situations where they are listed as noncompliant because they havent filed anything. But if they were to file, they may very well have conditions where they could never meet it. You know, just as as assistance to the community to really have great outreach so that people understand when that appeal of infeasibility is ledge i mat, not an execution. We would recognize an excuse but ledge itty mat. Taking this fear, this threat off rather than worrying about it from the point of view of compliance numbers. Second question. Do we have the capacity to pro actively approach, you know, what we suspect are buildings that may really have severe compliance issues . Well, i will say taking your second question first that the ordinance includes the Access Appeals Commission which will be the body to hear those cases where somebody specifically thinks that technically they would have to reconstruct their building to comply with the entrance requirements for disability purposes. If they cant manage equivalent facilitation such as providing the service in a different way, then they would probably be very good candidates. We dont yet have the data points to your earlier question that really tells us exactly what those percentages are. I will say Staff Resources are Still Limited relative to drilling down that far. We suspect that out of the nearly 8,000 noncompliant possibly close to half of those are in compliant buildings, especially downtown but havent filed the screening form waiver that we keep asking them to file. That 11,000 may be actually closer to 5 or 6,000 of concerned. Then what percentage of that fall into the technical infeasibility . That would depend on the neighborhood relative to the slope issue as i mentioned. If it is 4 or more, we are pretty likely not to be able to see the terms of compliance being met. I dont know really yet what that number is. I am actually asking the Public Works Department to provide mapping so that we could overlap those two data sets and see how many of the 8,000 really fall into that particular category. All in all, i can say the department is trying to be very sensitive to all parties here. We certainly want more access to storefronts. We certainly want these Small Businesses to have access to the customers who make up the disabled community. We are not doing anything here to try to minimize that, but i do think that reality also says to us that we are not there yet and we are at the deadline for december 1. It seems reasonable to extend that for at least another six months period to see if we are in a lot better position. I understand the constraints of staff time, but being able to drill down on the numbers and try to get firmer sensibilities of, you know, here are the ones that would never qualify potentially. Here are the ones that are in compliance and havent filed paperwork, and here are the remaining pool of cases and of them by size, you know, here are the very challenging small units that, you know, maybe what we are really trying to do is create some opportunities for extensions for the ones with the most challenging situations, and not have any give on ones that are just too lazy to submit the paperwork. They are different problems. For us to deal with these tandem issues of need, you know, i really would encourage the department to really try to devote some new resources into drilling down on the data so that, you know, we are really providing the legislators as much information as we can so that the recommendations and new legislation that they put forward is that balance of these very, very challenging and difficult situations. I would encourage you to try to find some more resources for that. Thank you. I will definitely do that. Commissioner lee, please. Bill, so we have of the 11,000 that submitted the checklist to us, we dont have an idea right now how many are in the category one or two, three, four . That is in the weekly report but the numbers are quite small because it adds up to 3,000. What percentage is category one . I am curious. I dont know the breakdown on the percentage. I am guessing many accident business businesses are in category one. Maybe to manage this program, maybe we should start getting people to say submit your checklist. If you are in category one submit the checklist and you are done. We have had multiple communications and we have been helped out by boma whose members are in that particular category re. It is still a fairly tepid response. There are more out there. I have been asked about this abe program, and walking down commercial street in my neighborhood, i can tell that the businesses have heard about it. They are installing the Automatic Door openers because they have to comply. There is more buzz out there. I am thinking many of the businesses are in compliance or one step away. We need to encourage people to submit. We will double up our effort to reach out to that already compliant category. That will definitely shrink the universe. When we get a better understand how many are infeasible, then we will know what is the compliant sweet spot to get to, so to speak. There also may be an element of the vacant storefront issue in this as well. There definitely is. Trying to understand how m. R. I. Own this building somebody is going to do major renovation when i went it to them, therefore i am not changing it right now. Or reluck tans of the tenant to sign the lease. Exactly. Highlighting those for the benefit of the legislators so they can either give incentives for owners who have vacant storefronts to make the property compliance ready or new tent. We really have the knowledge of where these things are and how big an impact we can have by chiseling out each element of it. I think we are going to be more successful an. Thank you. Public comment on this item . Thank you director of the office of Small Business. I was just observing the conversation. I want to thank the department odepartmentof building inspectir staff. They are amazing. This is not easy. Our office works very closely, particularly with tom. I want to reiterate we have the Disability Access fund, which we are working with Small Businesses, and we do work with small Property Owners who are financially challenged in achieving access. That is from in helping the Property Owners comply for those that have limited income and working with the businesses as well. I think it is, you know, we are still dealing with many Property Owners who have had properties for a long time, particularly in the commercial corridors that are still adjusting that they have a responsibility to comply, and i feel this ordinance as challenging as it has been, we need to remember that obligation is currently there both for the Property Owner and the accidents that occupies the space so we get the compliance done so legal liability is removed. Just wanted to say that. In terms of i want to caution on that this requirement could be something that helps keep a property vacant. If a Property Owner is not going to be leasing right away or keeping it off, this is the perfect time to make the remediation. I would encourage that message be given. It obviously makes their property a little more attractive. Just in terms of that messaging. I am happy to answer any questions that you may have. Thank you very much for coming out. No other Public Comment. We need to have a motion on this item. Is there a vote on the item . No, i dont believe so. It was informational. I believe the ordinance has been introduced. You can remember or not you can recommend. It is a mixed decision if they want to memorialize that. It has been heard and considered to move forward. We didnt get any information other than being updated by bill. We are not here to prove or disapprove the extension. I think it is really your choice. We wanted to bring it to your attention so that you could take action on it if you want to support the idea be hired the additional time or you can wait until in january when we will be going through the regular hearing process on this, and then we will bring it back at that time. Thank you. Based on the fact it tells them, you know, out there right now i support the bill to extend the timeframe. If you want a motion that we do support an extension. I would support it. There is a lot of buzz. The department should keep Going Forward and do the outreach and encourage the Property Owners and shopkeepers to submit the checklist so we know what is going on. If somebody would make a motion. I will make a motion and i will support it. Second . Second. I will do a roll call vote. roll call . Thank you. That motion carries manley. Eye carries unanimously. Item 9. Directors report. Update on d. B. I. s finances. Good afternoon department at the director. Before you is the october 2019 financial report. It includes revenues for july through october. On venues we are about equal to same time last year. 24 million, 23. 5 million. Last year was 23. 8. Our revenues are flat or at the same level in the prior year. Expenditures. The trend remains this year at 20 million. Last year at this time 17 million. That is a reflection of the increases in the budget primarily the services by the departments. We have over 30 million to other departments. That increase is due to the billings for those departments. For the projections for the budget. We are projecting to spend the budget and collect the revenues. We usely wait for six months. I am happy to answer any questions. Thank you. 9 00 p. M. Update on proposed or recently enacted state or local legislation. I think we have covered all of the key legislative points. I wil will add the board did pas the try triannual code that will go in effect in december. On january one it is a new three year code cycle. I think that covers it. Thank you, mr. Strong. Can i ask one question. Absolutely, sir. Ab69 introduced by assemblyman king. It proposed small Home Building standards for different knowledge standards for small homes, especially a. D. U. S. Do we know if he is trying to make it more stringent or less. I understand that he is expanding the a. D. U. Base to be less stringent. I dont know if our own board of supervisors is fully on board about that. I did hear some questions raised and they were talking to assembly man king about it. I dont know where that is now. In our city we are dense and homes are packed next to each other, not like the suburbs. I understand it could raise immediate questions. Lets keep an eye on that one. Item 9c. Update on major projects. Good afternoon. Department of building inspection. As you can see, the Construction Costs go down 5 . Any questions . Thank you. 9d. Update on code enforcement. Good afternoon, ed sweeney, Deputy Director inspection services. October 2019 update. You will see spikes in the complaints and novs. That is the soft story tear 3xspireing. We were given a lot more. Building inspections 6647. Complaints 863. Complaints within 74 to 72 hours 853. First notice of violation 334. Abated 353. Updated with notice of violation 41. Second notice of violations 16. Housing inspections performed 9361. Complaints received 330. Complaint response within 24 to 72 hours 330. Violation issued 120. Number of cases sent to directors hearing 49. Routine inspections 89. Code enforcement 157 to directors hearing. Abatements 31. Cases under advisement 21. Cases abated 179. Code enforcement reform 290. We didnt have Litigation Committee last month and we referred two occasions to city attorney. Outreach Program Total people reached out to 16634. Counseling cases 1060. Program cases reinvolved 313. That is it. Thank you. Is there any Public Comment on directors report items 9 a through d . Item 10 eview and approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of october 16, 2019. Move to approve. Second. Any Public Comment on the minutes . All in favor. A. Any opposed. The minutes are approved. Adjournment. A motion to adjourn . Move to adjourn. Second. All commissioners in favor. A. We are adjourned. It is 12 30 p. M. I view San Francisco almost as a sibling or a parent or something. I just love the city. I love everything about it. When im away from it, i miss it like a person. I grew up in San Francisco kind of all over the city. We had pretty much the run of the city cause we lived pretty close to polk street, and so we would in the summer, wed all all the way down to aquatic park, and wed walk down to the library, to the kids center. In those days, the city was safe and nobody worried about us running around. I went to high school in spring valley. It was over the hill from chinatown. It was kind of fun to experience being in a minority, which most white people dont get to experience that often. Everything was just really within walking distance, so it make it really fun. When i was a teenager, we didnt have a lot of money. We could go to sam wongs and get super soup for 1. My parents came here and were drawn to the beatnik culture. They wanted to meet all of the writers who were so famous at the time, but my mother had some serious Mental Illness issues, and i dont think my father were really aware of that, and those didnt really become evident until i was about five, i guess, and my marriage blew up, and my mother took me all over the world. Most of those ad ventures ended up bad because they would end up hospitalized. When i was about six i guess, my mother took me to japan, and that was a very interesting trip where we went over with a boyfriend of hers, and he was working there. I remember the open sewers and gigantic frogs that lived in the sewers and things like that. Mostly i remember the smells very intensely, but i loved japan. It was wonderful. Toward the end. My mother had a breakdown, and that was the cycle. We would go somewhere, stay for a certain amount of months, a year, period of time, and she would inevitably have a breakdown. We always came back to San Francisco which i guess came me some sense of continuity and that was what kept me sort of stable. My mother hated to fly, so she would always make us take ships places, so on this particular occasion when i was, i think, 12, we were on this ship getting ready to go through the panama canal, and she had a breakdown on the ship. So she was put in the brig, and i was left to wander the ship until we got to fluorfluora few days later, where we had a distant florida a few days later, where we had a distant cousin who came and got us. I think i always knew i was a writer on some level, but i kind of stopped when i became a cop. I used to write short stories, and i thought someday im going to write a book about all these ad ventures that my mother took me on. When i became a cop, i found i turned off parts of my brain. I found i had to learn to conform, which was not anything id really been taught but felt very safe to me. I think i was drawn to police work because after coming from such chaos, it seemed like a very organized, but stable environment. And even though things happening, it felt like putting order on chaos and that felt very safe to me. My girlfriend and i were sitting in ve 150d uvios bar, and i looked out the window and i saw a police car, and there was a woman who looked like me driving the car. For a moment, i thought i was me. And i turned to my friend and i said, i think im supposed to do this. I saw myself driving in this car. As a child, we never thought of police work as a possibility for women because there werent any until the mid70s, so i had only even begun to notice there were women doing this job. When i saw here, it seemed like this is what i was meant to do. One of my bosses as ben johnsons had been a cop, and he i said, i have this weird idea that i should do this. He said, i think youd be good. The department was forced to hire us, and because of all of the posters, and the big recruitment drive, we were under the impression that they were glad to have us, but in reality, most of the men did not want the women there. So the big challenge was constantly feeling like you had to prove yourself and feeling like if you did not do a good job, you were letting down your entire gender. Finally took an inspectors test and passed that and then went down to the hall of justice and worked different investigations for the rest of my career, which was fun. I just felt sort of buried alive in all of these cases, these unsolved mysteries that there were just so many of them, and some of them, i didnt know if wed ever be able to solve, so my boss was able to get me out of the unit. He transferred me out, and a couple of weeks later, i found out i had breast cancer. My intuition that the job was killing me. I ended up leaving, and by then, i had 28 years or the years in, i think. The writing thing really became intense when i was going through treatment for cancer because i felt like there were so many parts that my kids didnt know. They didnt know my story, they didnt know why i had a relationship with my mother, why we had no family to speak of. It just poured out of me. I gave it to a friend who is an editor, and she said i think this would be publishable and i think people would be interested in this. I am so lucky to live here. I am so grateful to my parents who decided to move to the city. I am so grateful they did. That it never

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