Conversation. I want to thank the department odepartmentof building inspectir staff. They are amazing. This is not easy. Our office works very closely, particularly with tom. I want to reiterate we have the Disability Access fund, which we are working with small businesses, and we do work with small Property Owners who are financially challenged in achieving access. That is from in helping the Property Owners comply for those that have limited income and working with the businesses as well. I think it is, you know, we are still dealing with many Property Owners who have had properties for a long time, particularly in the commercial corridors that are still adjusting that they have a responsibility to comply, and i feel this ordinance as challenging as it has been, we need to remember that obligation is currently there both for the Property Owner and the accidents that occupies the space so we get the compliance done so legal liability is removed. Just wanted to say that. In terms of i want to caution on that this requirement could be something that helps keep a property vacant. If a Property Owner is not going to be leasing right away or keeping it off, this is the perfect time to make the remediation. I would encourage that message be given. It obviously makes their property a little more attractive. Just in terms of that messaging. I am happy to answer any questions that you may have. Thank you very much for coming out. No other Public Comment. We need to have a motion on this item. Is there a vote on the item . No, i dont believe so. It was informational. I believe the ordinance has been introduced. You can remember or not you can recommend. It is a mixed decision if they want to memorialize that. It has been heard and considered to move forward. We didnt get any information other than being updated by bill. We are not here to prove or disapprove the extension. I think it is really your choice. We wanted to bring it to your attention so that you could take action on it if you want to support the idea be hired the additional time or you can wait until in january when we will be going through the regular hearing process on this, and then we will bring it back at that time. Thank you. Based on the fact it tells them, you know, out there right now i support the bill to extend the timeframe. If you want a motion that we do support an extension. I would support it. There is a lot of buzz. The department should keep Going Forward and do the outreach and encourage the Property Owners and shopkeepers to submit the checklist so we know what is going on. If somebody would make a motion. I will make a motion and i will support it. Second . Second. I will do a roll call vote. roll call . Thank you. That motion carries manley. Eye carries unanimously. Item 9. Directors report. Update on d. B. I. s finances. Good afternoon department at the director. Before you is the october 2019 financial report. It includes revenues for july through october. On venues we are about equal to same time last year. 24 million, 23. 5 million. Last year was 23. 8. Our revenues are flat or at the same level in the prior year. Expenditures. The trend remains this year at 20 million. Last year at this time 17 million. That is a reflection of the increases in the budget primarily the services by the departments. We have over 30 million to other departments. That increase is due to the billings for those departments. For the projections for the budget. We are projecting to spend the budget and collect the revenues. We usely wait for six months. I am happy to answer any questions. Thank you. 9 00 p. M. Update on proposed or recently enacted state or local legislation. I think we have covered all of the key legislative points. I wil will add the board did pas the try triannual code that will go in effect in december. On january one it is a new three year code cycle. I think that covers it. Thank you, mr. Strong. Can i ask one question. Absolutely, sir. Ab69 introduced by assemblyman king. It proposed small Home Building standards for different knowledge standards for small homes, especially a. D. U. S. Do we know if he is trying to make it more stringent or less. I understand that he is expanding the a. D. U. Base to be less stringent. I dont know if our own board of supervisors is fully on board about that. I did hear some questions raised and they were talking to assembly man king about it. I dont know where that is now. In our city we are dense and homes are packed next to each other, not like the suburbs. I understand it could raise immediate questions. Lets keep an eye on that one. Item 9c. Update on major projects. Good afternoon. Department of building inspection. As you can see, the Construction Costs go down 5 . Any questions . Thank you. 9d. Update on code enforcement. Good afternoon, ed sweeney, Deputy Director inspection services. October 2019 update. You will see spikes in the complaints and novs. That is the soft story tear 3xspireing. We were given a lot more. Building inspections 6647. Complaints 863. Complaints within 74 to 72 hours 853. First notice of violation 334. Abated 353. Updated with notice of violation 41. Second notice of violations 16. Housing inspections performed 9361. Complaints received 330. Complaint response within 24 to 72 hours 330. Violation issued 120. Number of cases sent to directors hearing 49. Routine inspections 89. Code enforcement 157 to directors hearing. Abatements 31. Cases under advisement 21. Cases abated 179. Code enforcement reform 290. We didnt have Litigation Committee last month and we referred two occasions to city attorney. Outreach Program Total people reached out to 16634. Counseling cases 1060. Program cases reinvolved 313. That is it. Thank you. Is there any Public Comment on directors report items 9 a through d . Item 10 eview and approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of october 16, 2019. Move to approve. Second. Any Public Comment on the minutes . All in favor. A. Any opposed. The minutes are approved. Adjournment. A motion to adjourn . Move to adjourn. Second. All commissioners in favor. A. We are adjourned. It is 12 30 p. M. [ ] i just wanted to say a few words. One is to the parents and to all of the kids. Thank you for supporting this program and for trusting us to create a Soccer Program in the bayview. Soccer is the worlds game, and everybody plays, but in the united states, this is a sport that struggles with access for certain communities. I coached basketball in a coached football for years, it is the same thing. It is about motivating kids and keeping them together, and giving them new opportunities. When the kids came out, they had no idea really what the game was. Only one or two of them had played soccer before. We gave the kids very simple lessons every day and made sure that they had fun while they were doing it, and you really could see them evolve into a team over the course of the season. I think this is a great opportunity to be part of the community and be part of programs like this. I get to run around with my other teammates and pass the ball. This is new to me. Ive always played basketball or football. I am adjusting to be a soccer mom. The bayview is like my favorite team. Even though we lose it is still fine. Right on. I have lots of favorite memories, but i think one of them is just watching the kids enjoy themselves. My favorite memory was just having fun and playing. Bayview united will be in soccer camp all summer long. They are going to be at civic centre for two different weeklong sessions with america scores, then they will will have their own soccer camp later in the summer right here, and then they will be back on the pitch next fall. Now we know a little bit more about soccer, we are learning more, and the kids are really enjoying the program. We want to be united in the bayview. That is why this was appropriate this guy is the limit. The kids are already athletic, you know, they just need to learn the game. We have some potential collegebound kids, definitely. Today was the last practice of the season, and the sweetest moment was coming out here while , you know, we were setting up the barbecue and folding their uniforms, and looking out onto the field, and seven or eight of the kids were playing. This year we have first and second grade. We are going to expand to third, forth, and fifth grade next year bring them out and if you have middle school kids, we are starting a team for middle school. You know why . Why . Because we are . Bayview united. Thats right. This is the recreation and Park Commission meeting, november 21, 2019. We welcome everyone. Please turn off Electronic Devices and take your secondary conversations outside. If you would like to speak on any item today, we request but do not require you to complete a blue card. Unless otherwise announced each person will have three minutes on each item. Please address the comments to the commission. To allow equal time neither the commission nor staff will respond. The commission may ask questions for staff after comment is closed. If there is an item under the subject matter of the jurisdiction you may speak under general Public Comment. If the fire alarms activate, leave the building. Elevators will not be available for use. If you need assistance go to closest area of refuge, the mens stream. Me men mens restroom. Briefly, i want be to congratulate staff and the secretary to the commission on the William Hammond hall awards, and also commissioner harrison and mazzola for work in anticipation of that. Wwe honor 12 employees and expanded not only gardeners but trades as well. It was truly inspiring to see the people who make us look good up here who do the daytoday workout there in the parks and making the improvements. Thank you. As my want there are two emails i am aware of i will read a portion of. I have decided not to identify those who send us compliments for fear they may change their mind. My comments on the balboa park renovations. The landscapes is a jewel. Then to mr. Ginsburg i am writing as an homeowner the house bordering john mic chairren park. In support of the gardner. She talks about the observations about kaetlyn. She said i am greatly impressed with her work and dedication from the park i regularly see her out and about taking care of our vast park here. With that, that concludes the president s report. Any Public Comment . Public comment is closed. Item 3. General managers report. Good morning, commissioners. On behalf of the department i want to express how thankful we are to all of you for your continued leadership and support over the past year. Whether it is increasing park access or approving permits for improved park am menties and community events, your vision and commitment are a blessing to our department and staff. In the spirit of the Holiday Season we want to say thank you. I want to take a moment to acknowledge a couple recent incidents involving the front line staff. An incident on november 9th involving a gardiner and public trainee and one of the park rangers left two of the three with minor injuries they are recuperating from. It is a reminder that the parks are not immune from the larger problems the city faces. I want to thank our employees, all of them, particularly those on the front line, for their courage and desire to protect the community. In both instances the staff did. Turning to more holiday matters, last years winterthemed park and ice skating rink is returning to civic center plaza. The kickoff event is tomorrow. November 22 at 11 00 a. M. The kickoff event will feature performances on ice, light refreshments. There is an ice rink and 400foot skating track to leave ice skating through the lighted tree park. It is the Property Management staff that i am proved the quality and joe joy we are experiencing. On tuesday, december 3rd, from 4 00 i said tuesday because it is tuesday rather than thursday for the first time in i dont know 90 years. On tuesday december 3 from 4 00 to 6 00 we will celebrate our 90th annual holiday Tree Lighting. Isnt that usually on thursday . You know it is a different day this year. It is tuesday. laughter . We open the doors and welcome thousands of people to kickoff the holidays and join us for free family fun including sledding, snow play area, carnival rides, cookie factory, and, of course, a visit with a very jolly fellow and his partner in a red suit. I believe his name is santa. The lighting of the tree is a tradition started by john mic e 150th anniversary, i encourage you to Come Celebrate our citys history and park systems incredible history. We all tip a cap to mr. Mcclaren. Moving around town, this year we will be again doing a holiday Tree Lighting in bo bodecker pa. This was a transformative project with the land and community and neighborhood. We have all kinds of partners, including the ymca and boys and girls club. We will all get together to celebrate on the fifth and Tree Lighting on december 17th. More details are forthcoming. Check out our website. Then on wednesday, december 4th, at 4 00 p. M. We invite everyone to join us in Washington Square to celebrate the reopening of the park and the completion of f an incredible Water Conservation project to reduce the existing Irrigation Water use and will conserve nearly 2 milliongallons of water per year by replacing irrigation, changing the soil profile and ability of the soil to absorb water throughout the park. It follows the renovation of the park playground last year. The event cohosted by district three supervisor peskin features ribboncutting and brief remarks followed by reception with refreshments and music at 1630 stockton street. We invite everybody to join us. I want to thank my Capital Project team for an outstanding job and Public Affairs team for keeping everyone calm during the renovation. It is winter. Our winter registration for winter programs begins december 16 at 10 00 a. M. , both online and at 14 different locations throughout the city. Get the entire time for families out. We have a Basketball Team for kids. The roster continues to drop lie flies. Boot camp classes for adults. Amazing programs this winter. Please check us out. If we werent done talking about winter, it is time to talk about spring. Sfybl youth baseball registration is just around the corner. Registration for San Franciscos Youth Baseball League opens on december 2nd. Sfybl welcomes thousands of players, girls and boys. The program is fully embedded and they are a force to be reckoned with. Girls and boys ages 4 to 14 will get to play on all of the baseball fields this spring. Registration can be found at sfrec park blog. Iit is one last look back at harvest time at rec and park on the eve of thanksgiving. So with that, we will see you at the 90th holiday Tree Lighting december 3rd, which is tuesday. That concludes the general managers report. I have one blue card for this item. Albert. This the general managers report. I am an advocate for the mark. That is why i am here. We have issues over there. I have been following the money, looking at the Capital Improvement project so i am looking to see where the money is going to the tennis courts. Mcclaren park. It is fat bu it is flat. I am here for the people who mead in advocates. We need access to the park. If god is willing it is going to happen. Until the day i die, i will be here asking you guys. You spent a lot of money on the world cup. That was a flop. I think we need to realize these parks. I read your Mission Statement this morning, i read the general managers Mission Statement. It really accessibility for all. I am going to be following the money. I will hear the capital report. I have been reading it. Numbers dont lie. Mcclaren park needs more money. Make sure the wheelchairs can use it. Reading about the federal government. In there they talk about maintenance. If you put the paths in the trails and change the asphalt because of petroleum spirits, take into consideration these paths have been there for 40 years. Now they are deteriorating. They need more maintenance. This is from the federal government. I have been doing a lot of research. I wish i didnt have to, but i got all my neighbors together, about five mothers and went out there with lauren. She has only been here three months. You need people willing to do the work like alexis. She is worth her weight in gold. I plan on working with folks and, hopefully, we can get something done and get accessibility for the disabled. Public comment is closed. We are on item 4. General Public Comment up to 15 minutes. This will be continued to item 10. Members of the public may address the commission on items not on the agenda. With respect to agenda items, you will have time to address the council at the end of the meeting. Richard, ms. Clause, then sunshine. Good morning commissioners. Richard roth man. I represent district 1 on park and open space Advisory Committee. I want to talk about bicycles. The city wants to put in or is putting in bike stands across the city. They want to put in one on the cabrilla playground. The parking in front of the playground is needed for kids to go and their parents to drop them off in front of the playground, also they have archery classes. We have proposed other locations on the edge in Golden Gate Park on 36th and 30th and found out that they cannot be used because rec and park has a contract with the bicycle rental company that covers the whole park, and yet they only have bicycles rental stations in the eastern half, one on stanyan street and one by the concourse. I dont see why they should expand to the western area or else limit the contract, and also change the contract so that m. T. A. Could put in two bike e stations or bike stations right inside the park on 36th and 30th. These would not compete with the bicycle rental companies. These bikes would mostly be used for commuters and having them in this location will alleviate having to eliminate parking. Parking is a very big hot issue out in the richmond district. A lot of people double up, and we get people parked there who commute downtown so i hope rec and park can be flexible and work with the Supervisors Office in the community, change the contract. I dont think it is very hard to amend a contract and let these two bike stations on park property. Thank you very much. Thank you. Ms. Clause, sunshine and then albert. Happy holidays. Good to see all of you, commissioners. Happy hom happy holidays. We are looking forward to be down at union square on the diamonds performing and bringing quite cheery fun to everyone. It is good to know that the date is changed. Everybody comes for friday. I hope to see you all down there. Please let the officers know that we are coming down, too. Thank you. If than thank you. Sunshine and then albert and then matthew. Commissioners, ladies and gentlemen of parks and rec, once again it is time for our annual visit. We bring the best of what we due to the city of San Francisco just like you. Once again this year we will be in union square bringing cheer and joy to everybody that comes our way. Please let everybody know we will be there, you see, and happy merry holiday to everybody. Thank you very much. Same to you. Albert. I am albert. I am here regarding accessibility, nonobstructed right of passage or the federal government calls it path. I got this printed off the website. See the shadows . That is a hazard. There are big old holes. People with wheelchairs cant navigate. There are poles. They have to go into see the wood chips. This is pretty common with the park. They put permanent poles, like a telephone pole about four feet high right in the dead center. It is hard for the 600 found or 500pound or 300pound wheelchairs. People cant see the holes and they fall. Here is another picture. These are from your website. See that they dont show the path. It is pretty good because the shadow is there. You dont see the reality what we deal with. I brought five mothers there on saturday and lauren made a report. I want to read something to you. This is from enforcement ada part two. Equal access to parks and recreation. It is real short. Then i will get out of here for your business. C. Gateways to Job Opportunities for people with disabilities. Employment. One. This is Justice Anthony kennedy. Prejudice. We are be beginning to understand rises not from malice or hostile alone. It may result as well from insensitivity caused by simple want of careful rationale reflection or from some mechanism from people who are different in some respects from ourselves. Quite apart from historical documentation knowledge of our own human instincts teaches people that find it difficult to perform routine functions by some mental or physical impairment might seem unsettling to us unless we are guided by the better angels of our nature. Thank you very much. Thank you. Matthew. Good morning, commissioners. I am here to give a quick update on trails and mountain bikes. Surprise. I want to talk about two things which happened this past weekend. You may be aware we are talking about mountain bikes in parks for a century or more. In this case we have been working in Golden Gate Park. There is a pilot and a pilot trail sign. We just did a volunteer day. We hope this is a success. We have heard positive things so far. We hope it expands. It is not meeting all of the needs for users. At mclaren park, lauren is restarting the trails project. We hope that goes through. A comment on the park last month you approved the project which is expensive. That project was very supported in the community. They were told 1 million for this project. The trails project was controversial. I hope the new staff can resolve this controversy and see things move forward. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment be is closed. We are now on item 5. Consent calendar. Any item you would like to remove from the consent calendar . No. Any Public Comment. I do have a blue card for this one. Richard. Good morning, commissioners. I want to talk about india basin. Not the financing. I was thinking Environmental Justice issue. When i looked at the structure when there was michael lee who was the project coordinator in the parks and the building when it was going in there. What has happened there is going to be coming in the 1200 units going up there of affordable housing. That particular water is going to be treated and mostly used for irrigation or whatever else they have. There is a point that i talked with michael lee, coordinator, there is also the option of connecting the water to the main sewer outside, the line that goes along embarcadero. If it is not strong enough. It is going to flood all over or cover all over all of the landscaping, all of that in the park. It is water from human use and gray water. This water contamination and the gray water is usually pretty good. There is going to be a lot of it. I would have spoken of this before and i want to get some action on Environmental Justice. That particular over run is going to go into the water area where there is going to be kayaking and canoeing and people playing around the water there. It would be a contaminant for future use. If the Planning Department would take a look at it from the rpd Planning Department, i would like them to look at the option of connecting a big building there, connecting it to the main sewer line. Presently it isnt in the planning. Thank you. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. I need a motion. So moved. Second. All those in favor. Aye. So moved. Item 6, the San Francisco zoo. Good morning. Cfo at the zoo. Powerpoint. One of our newest additions is our twomonthold. We had a naming contest. The winning name is bow bow. Please stop by on your next visit to the zoo. We have two new calves at the zoo. One month old male is thriving and a new female calf was born in late october. This is carmelas first ca calf. The november campaign of 90 years of reflection. We reflect not only on the history as one of the citys most treasured institutions but in the past year with the opening of the passage, introduction of new chimpanzees and much more. On november 1st, marked the start of the winter pricing with 1 off all admission levels through march 31st. We are open on thanksgiving day, as we are 365 days per year. It is one of the most well attended days of the year. It is a great opportunity to get the kids out of the house while thanksgiving dinner is prepared. Reindeer are back saturday november 23 through january 1st. On november 23rd you can add dont an animal package on our website. All packages sold through january 1st have holidaythemed packages. To guarantee delivery please place the orders by december 15th. That is our short and sweet report. Thank you. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We are on item 7. Golden gate park pen nissenter operating agreement. Golden gate park. Tennis center operating agreement. Good morning, commissioners, dana ketcham. I do have a document to put up. Thank you. I am here to present a discussion and possible action to authorize the department to enter into an operating agreement with lifetime for the public purpose of operating the Golden Gate ParkTennis Center and offering tennis programs for a period up to eight years. With terms substantially the term sheet dated october 22, 2019. Just a reminder. We are excited the construction on the new Tennis Center began with a groundbreaking ceremony in april. It is expected to be complete understand the fall of 2020. The new Tennis Center is 17 tennis court, one pickleball court, court lighting, a sunken court and beautiful new clubhouse including both an area for public use and for tennis learning center, which will continue at the courts serving kids from a variety of areas in the city with tennis and learning. There is also a beautiful garden area and outdoor viewing areas. Back in february of 2019, you all authorized the department to accept a grant from the Parks Alliance for the construction of the course. You also authorized us to enter into an m. O. U. Which i will go over in a minute regarding the future operation of the Tennis Center, and you authorized an r. F. P. To select an independent operator for the Tennis Center. The m. O. U. With the Parks Alliance outlined the requirements for the r. F. P. The department would enter into an agreement with an operator to oversee daytoday operations. We would conduct an r. F. P. For an operator based on experience, Operations Plan and financials. We would have an independent Selection Panel to review and make a recommendation for you to approve the selection and agreement. The existing m. O. U. Ensured continued Public Comments and review of how this operation would work into the future. That a Tennis CenterAdvisory Committee would be created called the tcac. It would form and maintain it. It would be members from a variety of different parts of the city. One must be over 60 and one under 18. There needs to be someone from the School District or local childrens organization and all members must live in San Francisco and share an interest in the sports to be played at the Tennis Center. Talking about the r. F. P. And the goals when we started. Through the operation agreement, the department envisioned an operator in charge of the daily management and annual Operations Planning for the center, ensure tennis is accessible and affordable and create a welcoming atmosphere with well organized and maintained facilities and programs. We started the r. F. P. In the spring and summer of 2018, and we informed the Tennis Community about the opportunity. We issued the rh r the we reo proposals and one that didnt meet the minimum. We posted executive summaries in march so the publico see them. We created a Selection Panel and interviewed respondents. The panel felt that just looking at the responses wasnt enough. They made two separate unannounced site visits to both respondents. They were very close, the two responses. After visiting the sites and reviewing proposals in may of 2019 the Selection Panel unanimously chose lifetime. Since that time we have been negotiating the term sheet with lifetime. A little bit about the Selection Panel. They worked really hard. They spent a lot of time. They were very impressive. One was from the Controllers Office and member of the gay and lesbian Tennis Organization and one with experience in r. F. P. Our lead operator has experience what it is like to be operator of rec and park facility. The head of the ymca of San Francisco. Someone who has financial expertise. They dug into the details, finances, looked at proposals how people would best be serving all aspects of the community. They all took time of the day to go to sites run by the other operators. What was the evaluation criteria . Importance on experience and qualification. They had to submit an Operations Plan showing they met the objective. There is a balance between people for informal versus tournaments versus lessons. Their Business Plan and financial projections. Does it make sense . Are there costs to be covered with what they are doing. Their financial capability. Do they have the money to be invested to make this work and the proposed financial terms back to the department. In the end we chose lifetime tennis. It has a lot of experience. The founder is here along with a number of the team. As you can see, their team has been in place a long time. They have a great deal of experience. They are currently working in five other cities. They have been working hard to balance the needs of tennis and sift user groups since 1993. They really are impressive as you sit down to talk to them about the challenges and needs. They understand different groups have different desires. The philosophy is to build a community to helping others improve lives through positive recreational experiences. It is impressive. People just hanging out because it is fun to be of all ages and demographics. They operate throughout the bay area. They have been renewed at their sights multiple times. You should have in your pack kept recommendations from each of the sites where they currently operate supporting the good job they have done and how they have grown carefully and thoughtfully. We did receive Public Comments on the executive summaries in march. Five were for lifetime and three were for others. The summary was presented and clear, they have won many awards. I vote for them. Lifetime has experience, breadth and depth. They have a diverse staff with programming and purposenament experience and i have a person designated as the Golden Gate Park manager. They were very positive. Moving on to that selection we moved to negotiating the proposed operating agreement. Basically all terms matched except a few modifications. Most significant one was fiveyear term with three year option to renew. In looking at startup costs to get this up and going and knowing it would take a while, we were able to negotiate a higher rent than they originally proposed was to make it eight years instead of five. That has gotten us a guaranteed payment of 275,000 over five years and 500,000 over eight years. Why is this important . Under the terms of the m. O. U. , all of the money is put into an account to keep the 10 nissenter nice, to keep the wind screens from looking at that time perked. Plus a portion of the money is going to help pay for transportation for tlc kids to the new center. Knowing we had the funding was posh. It could be a disaster. What if it is not run properly . There is an annual operating plan to be approved by the department to lay out the activities they are going to do, and i think the breadth of experience they had and positive reactions shows they know how to do it. The court fees were set a year ago. The fees for camps, clinics and that will be set in the Operations Plan. The court fees, a reminder. The week day rate for seniors is 4 for an hour. For residents 8 an hour. Nonresidents are a little higher. Usta matches. These were all approved a year ago. Pickleball fields would be assessed as the court fee which is same as above, but they play with a lot of people at a time. If seniors are 4, pickleball would be 1 per hour per person. The others are certainly alley. They would have meetings with the community and feedback. It would include facilities improvements and send benchmarks for use and activities and with reporting back on a monthly basis, there will be the regular meetings and we will have it set at least two months before open. They will reach out to meet with more members of the community. They are required to meet monthly at the beginning of the lease. As i mentioned, the rent payments, 90 go to Maintenance Fund and 10 to the tlc. Once the Maintenance Fund is at 25,000 it is 25 maintenance and 25 tlc and remainder to the department. This can be adjusted in the future based on needs. I think i have covered this. We spent a lot of time analyzing how much money needed to be in it to cover expenses in the future. The Parks Alliance can approve this with our approval. The tlc Transportation Fund goes into an account and will assist with Transportation Needs for the keyeds in the tlc program. I want to mention the operations includingen should being that our tennis camp will tip at Golden Gate Park. We ironed out those details so that our tennis camp will continue for five weeks in Golden Gate Park then we move to probably the southeast part of the city to offer the Wonderful Program there as well. We have clearly arranged for the space for the tlc and the use of courts. I want to talk about the Golden Gate Park tennis transition period we had since the closure. When the Tennis Center closed, we had people very, very anxious. They use this Tennis Center as part of the community, especially the seniors. We had multiple meetings with each of the three senior groups that used it. One of the big pieces of anxiety this was the only court where we had to make a reservation. Otherwise you would have no idea when to meet. We had groups that regularly met. In anticipation of this displacement, we implemented a free online reservation system for tennis and pickleball courts. In april it was launched at 11 tennis complexes for a total of 21 courts and six pic