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Good morning. Welcome to the Transportation Authority Board Meeting for today, tuesday, november 19. Our clerk could you please call the role . [roll call] i will go to the chairs report. To my colleagues and members of this past weekend was the fifth annual world day of remembrance for traffic victims in San Francisco. While i was not able to attend i want to think president yee, supervisor mandelman for honoring the victims and families of those killed and injured by these avoidable crashes and for shining a light on the need to reduce speeding. So far, this year, in 201926 people have died in traffic collisions in contrast to the 23 fatalities in all of 2018. Of this years total, 15 People Killed were pedestrians and one was a cyclist. Almost 600 people have been injured in 2019. Our work to deliver vision zero quick work projects more expensively and quickly throughout the city continues and thankfully we will be aided by our collective efforts to get crop d passed earlier this month. The very first surcharge in the state of health when he will bring in an estimated 32 35 million annually to fund Critical Infrastructure investments like mars scramble signals, crosswalks and protected bicycle facilities. It will also help to hire more parking control officers to enforce our city safety laws and start cracking down on bad driving behavior as well as hiring more drivers to staff Public Transit and get people out of their cars and onto our bus and road network. I really want to thank our sacramento delegation for carrying the authorizing legislation for the fee, as well as mayor breed, all of you, our incredible vision zero advocates as well as the t and c companies themselves for supporting this throughout the legislative and electoral approval process. I want to thank my chief of staff for her tireless work on this effort, including the original initiatives which, as you may recall, was a tax that ultimately morphed into this tax as well as our staff at the Transportation Authority. I am looking forward to get these funds out the door as quickly as possible and indeed we just passed trailing implementation legislation to begin that process at the board of supervisors last week. Prop d is a perfect example of what the city and county of San Francisco can do when we were together collectively for the greater good. We took the time to do it right, and now we will be the first in the state to reap the benefits. The promise of these funds, the sfmta is already stepping up to the plate to expand a vision zero quick build a list. I want to thank sfmta for committing to add the embarcadero to that list in the wake of the success. While we work to find these operational improvements. We must continue to push on every possible means of enforcement. At the last ta meeting we heard some of the enforcement numbers and know that we can do a lot better. Focus on the five must be a priority for everyone including the sf ed and Partner Agencies like the port and the mta to save lives. I have been meeting with president yee, and david chew on a path forward on an automated Speed Enforcement here in San Francisco. Cautiously optimistic that we might get some legislation in sacramento in San Francisco. I want to say to the sfmtas incoming director of transportation, jeffrey tomlin, who i have known for some 20 years. Congratulations to the mayor, and the mta board for your recruitment of what i hope will be a strong leader for our citys Transportation Agency. I hope in addition to prioritizing meetings with all of you colleagues, that mr. Tomlin will begin the task of getting to know the neighborhood and grassroots organizations that help fuel the city transit equity and Street Safety adequate advocacy. I know he has hit the ground running visiting maintenance facilities and hopefully meeting with writers and communities of concern directly will be his next step. Jeff will also soon have the benefit of the Muni Reliability Working Group that commissioner mandelman and i have been serving on. I wish you well, and welcome you to our diverse communities. With that, i conclude my remarks. Is there any Public Comment on the chairs remarks . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. The next item. Executive directors report, this is an information item. Thank you so much. I really do want to also thank you for your leadership, tremendous leadership, on the top d passage. This body was very keen from the beginning to get a handle on the situation in San Francisco. We appreciated your leadership and your request for data, to be data driven on this policy issue. We are really excited to get going on that with our partners at the sfmta. We look forward to bringing back some thoughts and we appreciate your guidance on how we might administer these funds right away. I want to begin also about a report back on our annual selfhelp counties conference. I just returned from san diego where we met with the other that have voted to task ourselves to Fund Transportation improvements. There have been 30 years now of promises made and promises kept. We have been celebrating that anniversary with them together because they were one of the inaugural counties in 1989 that has sent sales taxes for transportation. Seeing our first dollar flow the following year, our agency was really set up in 1990. We will be salivating more and telling you more about the work we have been doing collectively next january. I look forward to sharing all of that good experience with the public and continuing to gather input on what it is folks want to see what we should be planning on through our collective Long Range Planning program. And what funds we can generate locally as well as regionally to fund the tremendous needs that we have. Speaking of that. The plaster Bay Area Coalition has convened a Technical Advisory Group comprised of county transportation agencies and Regional Transit operators. We are actively participating in this group and coordinating with sfmta and our sister agencies, Regional Transit operators as well as with the Mayors Office. The proponents are working on legislative language to be introduced in january under senate bill 278. Do you hear from watson about that. We anticipate bringing an update to you and the potential action to our board later in later in december or early next year. Some good news on the funding side. The priority Conservation Area Grant Application that the direct Park Department submitted wasnt funded 194,000 to develop a neighborhood connections plan to envision a safer and clearer pathway system for walkers, bikers and other park users to navigate to and through mclaren park. We are really pleased to share the good news. We actually submitted letters of interest with our partners, the Planning Department for seven of these priority Conservation Areas. This would include areas such as ocean beach, the northern waterfront, Treasure Island, Golden Gate Park and some other areas of the city. Turning to Treasure Island we were happy to join the director bob back and commissioner Linda Richardson to remember a new to honor a new member. He was recently appointed by Governor Newsom to lead caltrans. We are honored to be his first stop in the bay area last week. Talk a little bit more about that in the Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency board overview. As far as our connectsf we had a great kickoff workshop and the southeast neighborhoods. Three dozen neighborhood do organizations merchants, and folks came out to the Southeast Community facility last week. We had a workshop about what their current needs are and their priorities reflecting on some of the work that has recently been done through our studies. Trying to ensure that we are not missing anything. We are Holding Similar workshops again focused on youth on november 21 from 48 00 p. M. At mission high school. And then in early 2020 we will hold two more of these citywide workshops for everyone else throughout the general public. We will definitely keep you all posted on that work. This is all really important because these ideas are going to go into our countywide Transportation Plan and become the input to the regional plan bay area as well as potential future funding measures. Turning to project delivery, the San Francisco lifeline, it is like one project that bart runs and it has been expanded. It is great to hear that the bart Elevator Program has expanded to the embarcadero stations. We had been one of the early funders. Our board had programmed 2. 6 million of the lifeline funds back in april for these attendants to provide a clean and functioning elevators. It has been very popular. Were happy to see that program expanding. And then finally turning to the admin divisions work we just want to recognize phong and her team for receiving another certificate of achievement for Financial Reporting. This is an award that is awarded to those who have gone over and above and beyond in terms of comprehensive annual Financial Reporting and transparency. The highest form of recognition in the high area of governmental accounting. Congratulations and thank you for your hard work. Business outreach, when less thing. We did participate in some really great events. There was a Business Outreach committee that we are part of. It is local and regional. It is an event called meet the prime. Larger firms to meet with the smaller ones on november 5. It was held in oakland at the metro center. That was very well attended. As well as we have been partnering with the San Francisco africanamerican chamber of commerce and that was another great event cohosted by caltrans with the San Francisco africanamerican chamber and associate patient with the oakland africanamerican chamber of commerce in silicon valley. The event was held in bayview brought together many public agencies with Companies Seeking certification along with companies that are seeking serve certification as disadvantaged, small, local or veteran Business Enterprises to learn about upcoming contracting opportunities. Thank you very much. Thank you. Are there any questions. Any members of the public that would like to testify on this item . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Could you please read the Consent Agenda. Prior to doing that can we have a motion to excuse commissioners haney and brown made by commissioner mandelman seconded by commissioner stefani. Consent agenda please . Items 47 Consent Agenda, now being considered for final approval. The meeting items are considered routine. If a member objects, any of the items can be removed and considered separately. Is there a motion on the Consent Agenda made by commissioner walton, seconded by commissioner yee. Is there any Public Comment on the minutes of november 5 . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. On the motion a roll call please. [roll call] we have final approval. Item eight,. Oh to two members to the citizens advisory committee. This is an action item. Ms. Smith. Good morning. April smith, Transportation Authority. We have 11 member Citizen Advisory Committee with each member serving a twoyear term. The board appoints individuals to fill any open seats and neither staff nor the. Itself make staff at by advisories. Applicants must be San Francisco residents must appear before the board at least once to speak to the interest and qualifications. In the packet there is a list of applicants and the enclosure has detailed information on each applicant. The vacancies under consideration today are the results of the resignations. With that i can take any questions. Are there any questions for ms. Smith . Okay. Are there any applicants that would like to testify . Mr. Ortiz. Please come forward. Hello supervisors. My name is kevin ortiz. As a child of San Francisco, some of my earliest memories on the 14 of 22 fillmore. I have seen firsthand how transit is vital to a healthy and vibrant society. Having never owned a car in my lifetime, not because i didnt want to but rather because there is no need to. For communities that are disenfranchised, transit is a critical component, not only for success but also for survival. Ive had the honor to live in various parts of San Francisco. Whether it was waiting for the 44 in the dark over in mission, are not knowing if the 108, now the 25 would even show up at all i have lived many different transit experiences. Transit equity is at the core of these experiences and drives me. Overall, these extremes have shown me consistencies in our transit particularly in communities of color. There is no reason we should have transit deserts. Especially in one of the wealthiest cities in the nation. Ive been fortunate to have become active in the Mission Community with the San Francisco latino democratic and united save the mission coalition. Mitigating the effects of gentrification. I believe my on the ground work as a Community Advocate mixed in with my experience of growing up on transit give me a unique perspective to build partnerships for transit equity to come up with bold and Creative Solutions to the opportunities our transit faces. Including supporting free muni for all. Thank you for your time. Any other applicants that would like to testify . Please come on up. I am sarah rogers, a resident of district nine. Given that supervisor haney,. [inaudible] i have become very interested in transit during my time in San Francisco. It is essential to achieving equity and mitigating the effects of Climate Change. In terms of my own background i have served on the Ingleside Police Advisory Board for seven years and worked with many of your offices on gun buybacks and other projects during that time. Im also the cofounder of district nine neighbors for housing which seeks to make this a city that is livable for all of the populations here. Thank you. I will see you again someday, i hope. Thank you so much. Next speaker, please. Commissioner brown, we are in the middle of yee for appointment. I am philip, i think i have a few somewhat interesting perspectives that would be a strong addition to the committee. First i dont drive, i dont own a car, and i dont use uber or lift earn after learning about their disastrous impacts. When it comes to my daytoday experience im using what everyone else in the district uses. Im a cole valley resident but ive also lived in different parts of the district. I really have a good perspective on riding every single line. I am also pretty young, despite the beard, and only 20. Ive had a lot of good experiences. Ive been a d5 intern. Ive been a walk San Francisco intern at a sfmta intern. Also i am a low income person right now. I really have a good perspective on the sfmta programs when it comes to bike share and scooter share. If i was on the committee, i would, of course, be driven by our transfers to policy and vision zero. Every fund that is disbursed would be used to the very best of its abilities. I also want to have a really good outreach within the district be a true representative of the district and make myself very available to residents to meats, may be set up some kind of outreach like farmers markets and that kind of thing. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you sir. Next speaker, please. My name is stephanie lou, im hoping you will consider me for the vacant position for d5. Im currently serving on the Climate Change steering group. Where i share the subcommittee. Ive and analyzing state transportation bills for the past year. Have a personal background in ive spent many years at google leading programs for developer communities. The last four years working on early stage change projects for google x. I left last summer because i want to make a more in Immediate Impact to Community Organizing and policy work. Transportation is important and interesting to me because i am sure as Everybody Knows it is the largest source of of emissions in california a whopping 41 . Its also so integral to our daily lives, safety. I mean, working Climate Change for the last five years has been depressing and a lot of eggs. The thing to remember is that many of our best Solutions Make life better and healthy for everybody. That drives me. That is really important to me. Ive had a variety of different daily commutes including taking muni every day, taking google bus every day, biking every day all while being a healthy ablebodied woman, a parent with a small child i was recently something with a chronic illness that precludes me from being able to bike around the city. I hope i can thoughtfully advocate for reducing emissions and making life easier and better. Thank you. Any other applicants who would like to testify . Any members of the public who would like to testify . Seeing none. A Public Comment is closed. The matter is in the hands of the commission. Commissioner ronen . Thank you so much. I want to thank you to all of the applicants for being interested in being willing to serve in this capacity in our city. Its so important. I today am going to be making a motion to appoint kevin ortiz to the district nine c. Kevin is a San Francisco native as he explained who currently works as the Teams Program manager Jamestown Community center. Providing services and leadership develop to use in the mission. He has been a fierce advocate in the fight of displacement. Particularly the latin next community in district nine. My district faces complex transportation issues addressing freeway interchanges that divide the district ensuring improved efficiency of bus service while protecting small businesses, balancing tensions between Community Needs and those of commuters passing through our two Regional Transit hubs. Managing private and regulated right hail delivery bike and scooter delivery services. Implementing every Business Strategy we can, as quickly as we can to put an end to death and injury in our streets. It is a lot. I am excited to move kevin onto the c. A. C. As our d9 representative. As an activist in the area, he brings a strong commitment to Meaningful Community engagement and has been a voice for transit justice and equitable transit policies. We have learned the absolute necessity of bringing the community and allowing their voices to guide us in understanding potential impacts of proposed Transportation Initiative and working together towards submissions that truly serve the community. Thank you kevin for taking this on and i look forward to working with you. I will take that as a motion. It is a motion. Seconded by commissioner walton. Commissioner brown . Yes, thank you. I also want to thank all of the amazing candidates they came forward. Whether you move forward today as that person, please stay engaged. We need your voice and we need you to be engaged and help us move forward. Today i would like to make a motion to nominate stephanie to the c. A. C. I should think she brings a fresh eye to this organization. As you heard from stephanie she has years of experience working on Climate Change policy in both the private sector and which will serve the. Well. I also feel her perspective as a mother and a woman of color will guide her as she approaches policy with a focus on equity. The. Debates and votes on very complicated and complex issues. Sometimes when looking at these dense financing schemes and massive Infrastructure Projects and equity lands is actually what we need and sometimes it is an afterthought. I strongly believe stephanie will hold that lands in the forefront as she debates with her colleagues on important issues before them, and us, as a city. With strong experience women step up to serve we must give them a platform for which they do the peoples work. I feel stephanie has experience in a perspective that aligns with somebodys value. It is for these reasons that i make a motion to proudly nominate stephanie today. Motion made by commissioner brown. Is there a second for that motion . Seconded by commissioner ronen. We have a different house, before we call the role, would one of you be so kind as to make a motion to excuse commissioner safai . We will take that without objection. On the first motion made to appoint mr. Ortiz to the district nine seat for the c. A. C. , roll call please. [roll call] we have first approval. On the motion to appoint ms. Lou to the district five seat we will take that, same house, same call. That motion is approved. Congratulation we look forward to your sage counsel and advice in these chambers, once a month. With that, could you please call the next item . Item nine, 2019 state and federal legislation summary. This is a lot information item. Mr. Watt . Good morning, chair and commissioners. Im pleased to be here this morning. The agenda item that is before you related to the Transportation Program for the last year has several attachments that do a nice job of summarizing that you took actions on. I do want to highlight that we are active, the last day that the governor had the ability to react to them. And then i want to give a little forecast of issues that we will be addressing early in 2020. As the legislation. One was senator weiners sb 127 which would have required caltrans for non freeway highway segments, to complete streets whenever they had a shot program. A great idea, a lot of policy support. The problem that we ran into with the governor that resulted in the veto is that the cost estimate was tremendous. Because the bill was built around mandates rather than option, or authorization. Caltrans in the department of finance cosseted out about a half billion dollars a year that would come directly out of the shot program that was just bolstered by sp1. Nevertheless, i would point out i recently met with the caltrans director on several topics. One of which was looking forward to complete streets legislation coming forward next year. The director recently appointed, and has a strong background completing streets, hes already developed a Task Force Working group within caltrans to address the same issues that senator weiners bill would have addressed. Rest assured, complete streets are going to take a very strong level of attention within caltrans particularly on the conventional highway system. The other measure i wanted to highlight was difficult situation that a lot of the transportation world, in San Francisco found troubling. It was a battle of wills between the Transportation Commission and the legislature over the appropriate level of formula versus Competitive Programming for local partnership programs. Going back to 1989, 1990 and each major Transportation Program increase has contained a similar program. That Program Provides on one hand every word it entices others to come forward and be able to participate in the program. The issue broke down over the relative percentage of how much would go out disturb he did on a formula basis. I think many of sf county prefers area they can then count on an x amount of money coming in nature from that program so then they can have the funding gaps on projects. The commission however favored a more robust Competitive Program where they can award folks whether they were selfhelp counties or they had local taxes. The governor ended up vetoing the bill, that allows the commission through their guideline process to move forward with the perspective that they had shown the last time around. Looking forward, there were several items that i believe will be seeing early on in the year. First, the legislature has the first of several hearings, at least two hearings on new mobility and the facing the state. Last year legislation that was moving through, particularly the bill that we had concerns to try to work with her. I think this hearing was eyeopening for the members of the Assembly Transportation committee as well as the senate and local government committee. That was a joint hearing basis. Because they started looking at the need for data and why you need the data. There was a very robust conversation particularly with input from sfmta, a representative there, as well as la county. Why they need the data to develop the responses from the challenges that arise. I believe at the next hearing they will focus on data requirements or so. I think this first hearing is more of a curtain raiser. I think you will see legislation emerged out of that conversation. The governor issued an executive order in late september it was somewhat controversial because of the way it was structured. The executive order called on the Transportation Agency under the new secretary to align transportation funding with state climate and environmental goals and the way they draft of the executive order, the reference to 5 billion, you know, it drew a lot of attention and i think there is a lot of fear or concern that they were saying take sp1 which generates about 5 million a year and dedicate that to Climate Change. It was more generically intended. I think we will see the secretary as he gets his arms around this challenge or this executive order requirement. We will see him perform a Stakeholder Group. I met with secretary kim on this last friday to cover a couple of issues. One of the issues we talked about is the fact that he intends to move forward with a broadbased Stakeholder Group to help him guide the state in its effort to meet the challenge of that executive order. Finally, i just want to highlight i believe staff discussed this item with you last month. This is the issue of a regional San Francisco bay area, funding authorization. Senator bell has been carrying sb 278, it is technically a two bill and we need to move out of the senate by the end of january they are working diligently in sacramento right now trying to blend in the sponsors idea of what needs to go on that bill versus what legislative experts in the senate, senator bells staff thinks. There will be a lot of discussion between now and the end of january when that bill needs to meet his deadline. If it looks like it needs more work there are other alternatives appropriate ways to move forward with a new bill for example. We will have to see how that transpires. Without a drama presentation to a close. Thank you mr. Watts. Are there any questions from members . Good morning. I was just going to build on his presentation. At the federal level. There has basically been to topics that have been covered at the federal level this year. The first is the discussions about reauthorization of the federal transportation bill which expires in september 2020. The Senate Environment and the public Works Community did release a draft proposal for the highway portion of the bill. The house i believe started up conversations but nothing came out before the year ended. Given the election cycle, i dont think we are likely to see actual legislation before november 2020 and we will likely see a series of continuing resolutions. As conversations continue we will be sure to engage and ensure that San Franciscos needs are addressed in the bill. The second topic is more of a bipartisan effort that may stand a chance of moving forward before the election which is regulation over autonomous vehicles. Basically what is appropriate role for the federal government in making sure that there are standards at the federal level. We have been engaging closely with the metropolitan and Transportation Commission as well as the Mayors Office and i ts america to provide input and bring San Franciscos perspective to the scene basically to try to ensure that we can maintain or look forward to safe regulations, maintained the authority to regulate vehicles at the local level. Just a quick look forward. Early next year we are going to bring the 2020 state legislative program two. We anticipate focusing on and you heard a little bit from mark about what we expect around new mobility, making sure that we can protect our bill to regulate and collect the data that we need. Vision zero, the last year really focused on the zero Fatality Task force which is wrapping up its work at the statewide level to look at ways to address safety on the roadways. As they are wrapping up we understand sfmta did have a seat on that task force and has indicated a lot of the conversations were around speed limits. We anticipate that may come out as a focus. We will keep an eye on that as well as any other bills that may help us meet our vision zero goals. With climate policy, mr. Watts talked about the governors mandates. We will continue to follow that with respect to congestion management. We are going to be looking out for legislation authorizing pricing and we will likely move forward with advocacy based on consistence consistency with our downtown pricing study that we just kicked off earlier this year. Finally, as disappointed as we were about the veto of Assembly Bill 1605. The Reservation Program on lombard street. We are meeting with the Governors Office and commissioner stephanie to see if there is a way around his concerns and potentially move forward with modified version of that bill if we feel like it can move forward. We anticipate the main focus of the next session will be housing. We dont typically recommend positions on housing bills to this committee. We will, as we did last year, continue to bring reports on bills of particular limits. So that you guys stay informed. At the regional level i think executive director, and chair peskin referenced a regional transportation measure that is moving forward. We will continue to stay engaged and bring reports to you. And then finally with the approval of Assembly Bill 1487 this year, that created the bay area Housing Finance and gave it the authorization to face several different remedy measures on the ballot for housing. Well also be reporting, i know discussions are underway about what that could look like. We will keep you informed as that effort moves forward targeting november 2020 ballot. With that. Im happy to answer any questions as is mr. Mark watts. Thank you that for that preview of the coming session. Are there any questions from members . Seeing none. Is there any Public Comments on this item . Okay. We look forward to another robust session in sacramento. Next item please. Item ten, introduction of new items. Perhaps we can use this as an opportunity for commissioners walton and haney to report out. Commissioner walton . Thank you so much, chair peskin. Colleagues i had an opportunity along with supervisor haney to attend a congestion tour trip in london and stockholm october 38. Just to give a little background , the tour was a Broad Partnership effort to bloomberg American Cities climate challenge and National Initiatives supported by bloomberg philanthropy and led by the Natural Resources Defense Council and Delivery Associates hosted delegations from San Francisco, and other Climate Change cities that include climate challenged cities that included seattle, portland, washington, d. C. , honolulu and philadelphia. The Summit Foundation was supporting the center for transportation and further strategies who did organize the tour. A brief background on the American Cities climate challenge. It is an unprecedented opportunity for 25 ambitious cities to significantly deepen and accelerate their efforts to tackle Climate Change and promote a Sustainable Future for the residence. The American Cities climate challenge as part of the American Cities initiative. A suite of investments that empowers cities to generate innovation and advanced policy that moves the nation forward. This was a very intense trip. We literally spent basically every day up until about 7 00 p. M. Learning about congestion price in both england and stockholm. Just to give some of my takeaways. If you look at london which is a city of 8. 8 million people. The purpose of instituting the congestion pricing was really about congestion and Environmental Impacts. They had a robust rail system and they really were supported by Business Community as they decided to embark on congestion pricing. They have been instituting this price since 2,003. I would say from their perspective, it was considered successful in reducing congestion in the early years and now they are working on making some changes as people have gotten used to the pricing. The congestion is increasing again in london. They are looking at evaluating their Current System trying to see what they could do different. Stockholm which is a city around the same size in terms of population of San Francisco. They instituted there in 2,007 and it needed to go through parliament which is their National Body because another municipality cannot tax another. Folks coming into stockholm there were only able to be able to do this was to get permission from the National Body. I will say that it has been successful in stockholm and it really has made a compliment or a blend of people using bikes, scooters, cars, walking, and its really encouraging the alternative sources of transportation when you walk the streets of stockholm you can see the balance. I would just say that the one thing to note whether we are talking stockholm or london. It is a process that you have to achieve from all stakeholders politically. I would just tell you the ten Lessons Learned that we compiled from all cities working together. Number one, invest in Public Transit and bike and Pedestrian Network as you plan congestion pricing. I think the two things about the cities that allowed for the pricing is the robust transportation system. Especially in london. They have an amazing rail system second to none in a lot of ways. With a number of people that they move through the city consistently in order to institute the pricing they had to have a robust transportation system. Stockholm does not have the same robust rail system. They did increase their bus system and transportation i made a large investment before instituting the pricing. Bringing everyone to the table is important. Number three, determining your data needs and start collecting your data immediately. Number four, use pilots to allow the results to speak for themselves. They did do a pilot in stockholm in 2,006 from january until july. Number five, design your own system with the number one goal to advance equity. This is something we decided, as a group, because i think a lot of us in those cities felt that there was no true equity loans with a congestion pricing in both cities. We know we are going to need to consider that as a priority here in San Francisco. Number six, fearless Political Leadership is key. Prepare for political moment with grassroots support. Number seven, build a big tent for discussion of business, environmental, political and other communities. Number eight, congestion pricing is a powerful, dexterous tool. Build your objectives into your design. Number nine, dont focus on revenue as the objective for congestive pricing policy and number ten, it works. I would just say the most important thing as we have the conversations about congestion pricing here in San Francisco. We really need to know what we want to solve for and why we want to have the pricing. Is it about congestion . Is it about Environmental Impact is it about equity . Is it about making sure there is an alternative Revenue Source . We have to be clear about that. It could be all of the above that we as we continue to have the conversation. If this is something we want to institute here. With that said, i will pass it onto my partner. You could have left me five of the points. [laughter] that was. Ellipsis that was very copper headset. It was informative trip. Not just being able to spend time in the cities and have a schemes of congestive pricing. Also as commissioner walton said , with the seven cities, and hearing about some of the unique challenges that they face. We had seattle, portland, d. C. , honolulu, boston, very diverse set of cities. Some of which have similar things that we are facing at some of which had very different realities. To be able to process this with them. He also left out run a farm was on the trip, as well, from the chamber of commerce. There was one thing i could add. The difference between the two schemes were also very interesting. In london, there is an 11pound per day charge to drive within the zone, its a onetime charge. And then they are putting an additional fee which is about that much if you have certain types of vehicles that are not low emissions. London is very explicitly focused on trying to reduce emissions and also focus on pollution. London has a long history of challenges around pollution and has an awareness around how that impacts peoples health, wellbeing, and, you know, rates of different diseases. It was a much more focused particularly with their new mayor became much more popular over time. All of the polls show they are generally popular now but in stockholm they even had an advisory referendum that failed that did get the majority support. At the time, they did it anyway. They included the surrounding areas they filled miserably in the surrounding areas. As supervisor walton said, both cities have very strong public they also have fully integrated networks for bike lanes, and pedestrians. It feels very safe to walk and bike around both of the cities. The sense that there are effective alternatives are very clear to people. Traffic also moves slowly. They really didnt have the same concept we brought this up numerous times of people with more low income driving. That was something that they didnt usually consider. Their concept is that most people that drive are either doing it for Business Purpose or are more wealthy. That wasnt taken into consideration to the way that we would obviously, business was largely supportive. Businesses and people within the zone have a certain types of discounts and things which is something i asked a lot about. As we think about congestion pricing here. A lot of it will be within district six we would assume in terms of people within the zone. A couple of things, we dont have many to the degree of writers that we have. Uber and left her there, but they are not huge issues. We were asking a lot of questions because our assumption is that a significant amount of congestion that we face in San Francisco may be connected especially more recently to the right shares. With that as you all know, our Transportation Authority is starting our study of congestion management and pricing. It actually is going to be kicking off this thursday. We are also part of an ongoing conversation with the other cities about how we can all Work Together and learn from each other. This may be a surprise to you all. They view San Francisco is the furthest ahead of the seven cities. The obvious they have a long way to go to figure out what we want to do and what the goals are and collect a lot of data and set a plan and a timeline for what we might do. Certainly this is something that is being discussed not just across the world, but now among many cities in the united states. Looking at a leader that will provide a lot of data and information and guidelines to other cities as the consider this as well. It was great to spend time with commissioner walton as well. It was pretty busy. We appreciate you all letting us know. Commissioner walton and then we have a Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency Board Meeting. That is the last thing i wanted to say. I want to thank them for supporting supervisor haney and i as individuals that had the opportunity to attend. Thank you to our colleagues as well. Our pleasure. Any members of the public that would like to speak about the introduction of new items or make general Public Comment . Seeing then. Oh, come on up. Dont worry about that. The floor is yours. This is general Public Comment . Yes, maam. My name is shirley johnson. I would like to speak about caltrain. I am past chair of the caltrain bicycle advisory committee. I have been in passenger on an advocate for over a decade. I would like to for his vision and his courage basically to go forward with asking that caltrain governments be reconsidered that they be separated from caltrain. There are many reasons that i say this. I will give you just one. That is electrification. Caltrain electrification is a program that has been misrepresented. They have misrepresented electric train capacity. Electric trains have less bike capacity and fewer seats than todays diesel trains. That is one example of why i support commissioner waltons efforts to improve it is disappointing to me that i have seen in the media fellow jvp director has spoken out against commissioner waltons efforts. That is sad, because i believe commissioner walton is absolutely on the right track. I am sure i speak for many passengers when i express my support for what commissioner walton is doing. So, commissioner walton, i encourage you to move forward. Any other members of the public for, Public Comment. Seeing then. We will close Public Comment. As a closing comment i do want to report to you, we will call this as introduction of new items that commissioner walton and i have the opportunity to meet with the gentleman that the public speaker referred to as well as jp b member and sammartino county supervisor together with the mayors chief of staff last night and i am cautiously optimistic that we are all going to Work Together to have a real and meaningful conversation about government reform at caltrain, and with that we are adjourned. Dont go away. We are going to reconvene as Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency board

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