Increasing rates of opioid overdoses and we would like to express our advocacy for this bill, particularly maam, you are totally welcome to do this, but this is not the San Francisco board of supervisors. This is the San Francisco county Transportation Authority and at 2 00 p. M. , we will be the San Francisco board of supervisors and ab362 is totally in that policy bodys world. But here, we deal with transportation issues. You are welcomed to continue talks, but i want to let you know, youre in the wrong venue. So we would like to express our advocacy in light of the issues that San Francisco faces with exposed needles and unsafe drug use often happening in public sites like muni and bart stations. We hope that the ta will work with other legislators to continue improving Public Safety should this be passed and for those who use public transportation. Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you. Any other members who would like to speak . I would like to make a comment, as well. This is regarding embarcadaro station specifically. My concern is regarding item 6, i should have spoken earlier, but i do want to make a comment about that. Regarding the congestion in embarcadro, with operator changes in that station, delays can occur with, like, two to five minutes, making like a backup of four to five trains occasionally. So i was wondering there was another way change the information on how operators change regarding muni so they can change elsewhere, such as church in dubois where its service trains or farther out, for example, the end line, they could have change at ocean beach, instead. I was wondering if the community could take a look at that, perhaps propose a change in that regard so that congestion coulding fixed, at least in the shortterm. Thank you. Thank you for those comments and we will make sure that they are looked at by the appropriate body, which is the sfmta and seeing no other members for Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. And the ta is adjourned. Dont forget to vote. Shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local Services Within neighborhood. We help San Francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. Where will you shop and dine in the 49 . San francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. Each corridor has its own personality. Our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. You are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping Small Businesses grow. It is more environmentally friendly. Shopping local is very important. I have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. By shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. It is really good for everybody. Shopping locally is crucial. Without that support, Small Business cant survive, and if we lose Small Business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. It is important to dine and shop locally. It allows us to maintain traditions. It makes the neighborhood. I think San Francisco should shop local as much as they can. The retail marketplace is changes. We are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. The fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. There are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. At the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. Shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the Business Owners to thrive in the community. We see more Small Businesses going away. We need to shop locally to keep the Small Business alive in San Francisco. Shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. You can see the banners in the streets around town. It is great. Anything that can showcase and legitimize Small Businesses is a wonderful thing. This is the october 15, 20199 item number one call to order. roll call . We have a quorum. Good morning, everyone. I would like to welcome everyone, especially those that are up this morning and watching remotely. Good morning. Thank you again for being with us, and also to my colleagues in the audience. Welcome. Next thing on the agenda, please. Number 2. General Public Comment. Are there any Public Comment . I see none. Next, please. Three Consent Agenda approving the minutes of the june 18, 2019 meeting. I move approval. So moved. Second. All in favor. Item 4. Ybi ramps project update. Hopefully you can hear me. Eric cordoba with the San Francisco Transportation Authority. I will give you an update where we stand with improvements. I have a slide show and then we will get into questions. First a little context. The Transportation Authority led the ybi westbound ramps project. We opened in october 2016. That was approximately 100 million in total primarily funded with highway Bridge Program seismic retrofit funds as well as proposition 1b seismic funds. Something we are proud of in that regard. What we are starting to move towards is the south gate road realignment which i will get into more details as well as the west side bridges project. Very happy to, frankly, announce we have requested the Construction Funding phase for the south gate road realignment project. If you recall, it is a 51 million project in its entirety. It is primarily funded with highway bridge and state funds and bata funds. We are anticipating issuing Construction Contracts for advertisement in the missouri option november timeframe and starting construction next year. The eastbound offramp is closed for 15 years now. This reestablishes the eastbound ramp in the configuration on the screen. If you are coming from San Francisco to oakland, you will exit right and go underneath and have a grade separation with south gate road coming from the left side of your screen. Then you will go under the actual ramp and tie in underneath the bay bridge to the north gate road intersection. It is tight right there. Stay tuned for more updates in that regard. The other thing important to recognize is traffic coming from Treasure Island and ybi. Basically, it will exit the island via this system. You will come uphill crest to south gate road to ybi or to get to the newest bound onramp. Also, the existing onramp is still in operation there. We will also have a bicycle pedestrian path that will take a 180degree turn and go under the ramp structures and tie in with the bike path. A lot going on there in terms of movement. We feel very good where we stand in terms of ready for construction. The other project that we are currently moving forward with, as you have heard before, the west side bridges project. It is approximately 83 million project in total cost. Funded primarily with federal highway Bridge Program and state proposition 1b with local match from tida. We went through the alternative deathivery delivery method approved by the state. We have chosen a contractor already. They are working with us in the final design. We are 60 complete. That contractor is golden state bridge. They built the westbound on and offramps we opened in 2016. Stay tuned for more information. We have to sequence the projects. There is only limited access to and from the San Francisco oakland bay bridge. The sequence is to complete south gate then latter or early spring 2021 start west side bridges project, which will take a significant amount of time. It is a major project. We are realigning the roadway building major retaining wall structures and reconstructing new bridge structures along that entire western side of the island. Now, i want to talk about something we are excited about. We went ahead with some proposition k funds, approximately 250,000 of prop k funds. We started the bicycle and pedestrian path study to look at the connection among the island which a vision of a friendly project to allow bicycles from the east bay to the island and to the future Ferry Terminal that is under construction right now by the developer for the island. We are looking at key pinch points along the island to make sure we look at what the developer is building what cal tran build and pier e2. We are excited what we are doing and anticipate coming back with Concept Development later this year if not early next year. I know that bob has briefed you before, what they called pier e2. I want to show you the renderings. That is set to open late october and i think everyone is excited how we can create in essence a Friendly Area for bicycles and pedestrians. What i want to note is the historic torepedo building as part of the south gate road the Environmental Mitigation is to start rehabilitation of that building, to put on new roof and windows. We are excited to be able to assist the authority here in that regard because we know that is a building you are going to use in the future. Just also want to show the artist rendering you have seen before. We are continuing discussions with the Toll Authority and caltrans, in particular as related to the bicycle pedestrian efforts. I couldnt leave without talking about, i know what is forefront on everybodys mind where do we stand for the Pricing Program . We are right now preparing to finalizing our financial demand analysis. We are also going ahead now and looking at engaging the public, frankly, as early as tomorrow, particularly from a Business Outreach side. We will want to work with you, your board and our board in terms of developing the recommendations we want to move forth with later this year and early to 2020. As i indicated, we have engaged the Business Community as part of what we did before, we really understand the concerns related to the potential financial impacts to residents. We are talking to businesses. We want a complete comprehensive package in terms of affordabilities. We are developing cocreation workshops. We have a meeting tomorrow in the daytime and on thursday, the 24th, in the evening. Everything is pointing towards a launch day of congestion pricing and enhanced trans i transit se. That is with completion of the south gate road project. With the infrastructure we need and to get everything lined up in terms of transit service, that is what we are targeting. That completes my presentation. I am available for questions. Thank you for this presentation. I know the commissioners have a lot of questions for you. Next time please lets have a breakdown of some of the Funding Sources. I know you identify the state, the actual amount would be great, you know, for future analysis to see how we are getting out. That would be great. Then for the San Franciscobound pedestrian, you mentioned you are engaging with the m. T. C. So for this particular project, the m. T. C. Will be there will be other Funding Sources or just california . It is one of the entities to obtain funding not only from the improvements for south gate but for the bicycle pedestrian path is a great project to compete and we have positive support for the Bicycle Coalition as well as working with us with the treasurTreasure Island pricing. That is one of the Funding Sources. We are going to come back with a more comprehensive list of potential Funding Sources as we move forward later this year. There is always so much information. You know it so well, i feel like you are sharing a lot that i dont know but i appreciate the status of everything. I think my questions are i just want to better understand where you are with everything. Maybe let me start with the ybi west side bridge. I think i heard you say you selected a contractor, meaning you are in the design and ready to Start Construction . We are at 60 design completion. This is a new delivery method the city has utilized on different projects. The benefit we see is to bring the contractor in during the final design stage so that we can properly cost out the various elements of the program as well as the risk. There are risks associated with working on the hillside above the bay there. We selected a contractor. We had six proposals. We went be with the best value and chose golden state bridge. I assume this means when the seismic work is done the road has to be closed . Yes, very astute. Frankly the plan is to go ahead to have mccalla road open to two way traffic and south gate interchange open so that that becomes the full interchange to go to oakland or San Francisco. Then we would close off the western side to construct the newest side bridges there. That is the plan right now in terms of how we handle traffic control. We can come back with more details as we move forward next year in terms of giving you more detail and making sure everyone is aware of the Traffic Management plan. I think the question i am most interested in asking on behalf of the future occupants of ydi because if i remember correctly they are moving in 2021. Mid 2021. Obviously there would be residents there. I think what they would most want to know is how they are going to get on and off from their side of the island. It sounds like you thought this through. Please make that clear. Hearing you talk about it, i am not completely clear on it but it sounds like you have a plan. Yes, we do. This might be a question for director beck, but the historic torepedo building h he torepo building . It is part of the historic officers quarters district. There is a master option over that building as well as the buildings a little bit to the east of that. It is not clear at this point what the best Retail Program for the historic officers quarters is, there have been a number of things discussed over the years. For the torpedo building itself, though, we are thinking more kevin could potentially speak to this within tida we have had a number of parties expressing interesting in a restaurant type of venue there coupled with the new pier it seems like a natural combination of indoor and outdoor space. I might have missed this. Is that already master leased to ticd . They have a master lease option over the historic officers quarters. The means the terms of the lease are not negotiated and we can potentially still guide the usage of that building . Yes. What is the timeline of us considering the option for that, do you think . They have a 10 year option on that district. We are in all likelihood talking first interest interim activation or use. That would be great if we are opening that pier, basically, soon, right . Is that what it is saying late october 2019, is that correct . Yes, access will continue to be difficult through the roadway work on the island. Also, caltrans is opening the pier, but there is an area immediately adjacent that caltrans will have to come back to do further environmental remediation, particularly with lead in the soil because it was beneath the foot present of the old bay bridge. Even the pier is complete there will be construction in the area, particularly the area where the environmental work needs completed. We would develop some parking in the future. Interesting. Thank you. Then my favorite topic the bike potential bike connection to the mainland. Can you talk a little more about the status of that conversation if we have done any costing exercise, the more real numbers. What we are doing is developing concepts and looking for missing links. There are different conditions this board as part of the approval the developer is constructing on the island. We are looking at the areas that are no mans land. What can we do to better improve bicycle and Pedestrian Access . We just started costing in that regard, and, frankly, we are prepared to come back to this board to have more discussion in terms of concepts so we are preparing for that later this year. Depending on the holiday season, no later than early 2020. Okay. That is wonderful to hear that they havent be given up on this idea. There is a lot of positive energy that we can work with partners. This is a lime at friendly project. The fact the development is building a new Ferry Terminal, there is a lot to be had. How can we come up with a funding package to help complete the system here in that regard. I think many of us on the board have voiced this in the past. I personally feel strongly in providing a bike connection from the island to the mainland. I think citywide and even nationally there has been a big uptake in bicycle usage and changing to the bicycle mode because the roadways are constrained and we are trying to discourage single occupancy vehicle uses. Having that option to have a physical selfdirected connection, the freedom to come and go on the island is very important for future residents to feel like this is a community they can buy into. Again, we would encourage anything that your body can do to continue pushing this idea forward. Just wondering if tima will join us on the november onisland hearing. There is a lot of material here that probably the residents would want to hear. We havent finalized the ybi agenda. One of the topics, depending on the progress of their outreach and their presentations to the tima commission, one of the topics is congestion management progress. So the start of the toll on and off of the island currently is earmarked for launch in 2021. Latter 2021, early 22. It is when we complete the south gate improv improvements. Moving along. I will acknowledge commissioner tsen. I would agree with director lai on the importance of the pedestrian bicycle pathways. It seems like you have really given thoughts on how bicyclists and pedestrians are able to connect, especially to the ferry. That is wonderful. I also agree that the western span is a tremendous idea. We hope that we will see soon some of the concepts for that, how bicycles can connect from Treasure Island to San Francisco that is the missing link right now. The other thing is that i am glad to see that there is the opening of the pier e2 that Public Open Space on that side of the island. I think this is going to be a great addition. I am just wondering who is managing pier e2 once its opens . We brought to the tida board a couple months ago a pair of m. O. U. S caltrans would like tida to operate and maintain the infrastructure there. We entered a Lease Agreement with caltrans, and we are on the verge of finalizing a Reimbursement Agreement with b bata m. T. C. We will maintain on behalf of caltrans and bata will reimburse us. Is it caltrans own property . Yes we will turn it to a lease. Then it would be tida responsible or tivd . Tida. Rehabilitation of the historic tor torpedo building wt funding are we talking about for that building . Have they been identified . Yes, they are part of the 51 million, combination of federal, state and bata funds. Wonderful to include that. Yes part of the Environmental Mitigation we have for the south gate road project. We look forward to hearing more about that. That is related to a new roof, windows, to seal up the building to put in what ever security. Noggin side . Noggin nothing inside . Yes. A lot of discussion and concern over the tolling policy. I know that you are going out for outreach, but we dont know the details of what did the current recommendations are or the process being changed up. Right now w we have run the w travel and financial demands analysis. We are seeking input from the Business Community for potential impact of the businesses on the island. It is input we are requesting from the Business Community. We are not portraying at the Public Meetings any staff recommendations. We are seeking additional input and prepared to go ahead and make staff recommendations, not only for residents as well as businesses later in the year. That is how we are moving forward. You come back to the tida board before you make any recommendations . You make recommendations but certainly the tida board will have a chance to look those over . Most definitely. Thank you. Commissioner giusti. The take aways from the discussions and thank you again that you are paying great attention to the bicycle and the ferry, the overall transportation plan. One of the things we tend to do differently on this commission is at some point once you have the pieces we tend to take this matter to convene islandwide to really look at what we have been doing for the last few years in terms of the transportation so we can sell that to the public. A lot of questions are being asked on the mainlands. Every now and then someone writes in the media a tiny piece. You say that is not accurate because we are still in the process of getting these things going. We need to take the leadership because we are the one that make it policy so we intend to do that. Secondly, on the activation of the peer e2 we would like to get that started. I think this is a matter for director to come up with that plan so we can work on that as soon as possible. Anyway, are there any other questions from the audience . I think they are all in agreement. Okay. Thank you, sir, we hope to see you again. The next item, please. Item 5, early retail update. Good morning, tida board members. I hope you can hear me okay. Good morning. We were asked a little while ago to give an update on retail planning for Treasure Island, i want to engage in en gabling in the beginning of a longer con engage in a longer conversation. This is part of a long discussion. We have a big challenge in front of us, frankly. The retail world changed dramatically since 2011. We see it in north beach in San Francisco which have all of the advantages of population density and millions of businesses and are still struggling to keep retail spaces occupied. When we think to a new community on an island separated from the city, it gives us more trepidation how to approach this. We look to have an ongoing dialogue with the board, and, frankly, get your input and advice how to tackle this problem as we go forward. Final point the plan to govern what we are doing that we will talk about in a second. Address the end point when the island is built out. What we are focusing on is how we bring retail activation to the island in the earliest stages. Lets dive in first to get grounded and familiar with what the documents say. Here is the Land Use Plan for the island, and again, most of the island is zoned so we can have commercial space in the ground floor of the buildings. There is a mixed use zone in the southern part of the island for the commercial energy where the highest density housing is and transportation hub is. Zooming in we want to focus retail activity in the southern access between Historic Buildings starting with building one to hanger 3 along clipper cove. The main feature is the retail block, one long city block on each side with shops divided to smaller areas. The intention when we get to the leasing discussion is diverse mix of Small Businesses with spaces appropriate to the right mix of businesses. We want to make sure the businesses coming here are appropriate for the income mix on the island. We have 30 affordable housing. We want to make sure the price points in the shops and restaurants are right for everybody living in proximity here. We do include the restoration of hangers,antic building two, the old hangser will be at least the approach would be a food centric use to house the main Grocery Store for the island, and also include we are thinking a Food Manufacturing hall. A place like the Ferry Building here with food options and a retail bent where you can see how bread or cheese is made and see the manufacturing process as an attractive element to that. This is in the second phase. Most of it is in the subapplication approved this year. We want to make sure there is population builtup on the island in order to make this area a success. That leads to a schedule question. When is this coming online . Most of that is in the third subphase that was approved. We are in permitting. We will Start Construction next year. When you map this out because of the length of the geotech any cal program we are not until 2025 at earliest. We have time until we talk to potential tenants. Now is the time for that conversation to see if any adjustments in the plan are warranted. We have a retail plan for the whole island. We are maybe a quarter built out, then transitioning. We want to think about in earnest what is going to be there day one. We have a check ken and egg problem chicken and egg problem. This will be well before traditional retail is viable. We are working on strategies along those lines. Our solution to this challenge, this is phase zero, what will be there day one when the first residents move to the west side of the island . It revolves around adaptable spaces that can prefigure what is going to come in the we think that is important, an important element of the activation strategy. A little bit about the corelments of the plan. I think we want to make sure we are engaging with the businesses on the island right now. We want to make sure those businesses like the winner res can survive construction. There are open trenches and a lot of activity around, especially the Southern Area when we get to the next phase of infrastructure. We want these guys to have a place to have the public facing use during the construction phase. We have an interest to retain the culture on the island right now to make sure it survives to the ultimate build out as the build out progresses. We worked with Marketing Consultant to come up with highest priority uses for day one when people move in the buildings. We came up with a list. We want urgent care, medical care as an important one to try to solve initially as well, restaurants rose to the top of the list. Secondarily we have another list of desirables nice to have that are listed here. We could all sit down and brainstorm this list but this gives an idea of priorities of who might be here on day one to help activate the island. Now into the strategies for phase zero. I think first and foremost we are Building Four New Buildings that are going to come on line in a couple of years, the buildings presented last year. There are a couple retail spaces on the ground floor. We want to prioritize the leasing to the highest priority needs on the previous list. Next, and i think an important element to tie this altogether is some sort of a curated flexible social space that can meet retail needs but also give some Community Identity to the new neighborhood. A couple of the pictures here are a great example in mission bay called sparks social, and it has a pretty nice story to it. This is located on what was to be part of a park system. Again, before the retail street of mission bay was developed on Fourth Street and it was meant to serve this function. It became so popular when fourth was built out and retail started populating it was time to replays with a park. Residents said timeout we really like this central space we have grown to love. They delayed a stretch of public park to keep this use because it was popular and successful. This provides a good inspiration to how to bring this activation early on to Treasure Island. Here are a few more images. I think this is important in creating an early identity to get neighbors to become a community functioning in a way as temporary version of main street coming later down the road. A few more minor themes that we are thinking about as we approach this. We are definitely going to see an uptick in visitation to the island. There is a ton of interest. With Ferry Service and new parks we will get folks coming to check it out. Not just to look at a condo or rental unit but just to visit the island. We want to leverage that. The key is renovation of the building. This will probably be the first of the existing buildings that we tackle. We think it is a beautiful little spot. There is a new stair to the beach on the cove, and really a great first opportunity to bring an Old Buildings back to life and activate it with probably restaurant use with a great Little Meadow overlooking the water. Furthering this, i think we want to expand on the visitation potential by having targeted events and bringing events more to the picture when we have the parks completed and it is appropriate for it. Probably i would imagine this is the subject of another discussion down the road how we approach that. Finally, and this is further down the road when the retail block is coming closer to completion, i think we want to look more at office. We have office space allowed in the plan. We have heard interest about office use, and we think the images here depict use within the hanger building inside or outside. Adjacent to that center is a great place to activate with office use to help that retail block survive if we can get daytime presence during the weekdays. That is kind of a description where we are now. This is our thinking at the moment and we do want feedback and advice to guide us as we go forward. This is a recurring topic and we will be going back to speak in the formal venue and happy to engage otherwise as well with the board. Thank you for the presentation. I am going to recognize commissioner chen to ask questions. We need to bring you back because your plan is great, but we also have some suggestions, ideas and input to put there. For the various uses for me, and i am sure for most of the commissioners here. We like to look at the architecture. That is going to be very, very important. The locations of all of these things proposed and the capacity. The capacity is going to be something that we look at because all over San Francisco now in the center a lot of development of plans, and i am looking at retail and some of them we have to make sure that we can watch big events and those kind of things are part of this plan, also. Lastly, your office. You need to bring that back. There are all kinds of things in the city right now. We would like to look at your plans to grandfather our office plan before this other initiatives convey what we are doing here. Believe me you will hear about that. Commissioner chen. Thank you for this report. This is the first time that i think tida has heard about your vision and the plan that you have for retail. He really appreciate it. I am encouraged that you have been thinking about it and giving it great thought. Thank you for that. Let me i have comments and questions. The first is that i understand that you are concentrating the retail along the southern part of the island, which you have outlined in red. My question is about the ground floor uses in the residential area of the island. We had a presentation at the board a couple weeks ago where we saw the residential buildings. It was not clear how the ground floor spaces will be used. Are they lobbies and private pre space or a mix of uses along that area . You said that there is a mixed use zoning for the southern end, but, in fact, is there the ability to do ground floor uses, retail, commercial, flexible use, but something other than residential. Thanks for the question. The first four buildings that were presented last week, two have traditional ground floor commercial spaces. One has the livework design with level entries off the shared public way to serve as expansion of retail zone or also house micro businesses. Those first two buildings that face to the cultural park have about 3500 square feet, i believe of traditional commercial space. The other two currently do not. They have public coffee bar bike room activities adjacent to lobbies but not traditional retail. It is only the first four buildings presented in detail. There are four or five others. When you add up all of the ground floor commercial in all buildings i think it totals a little over 12,000 square feet. How many residents will be in the residential buildings that first floor blocks that you are developing once it is all built . I believe the first four total about 800 units. I might be a little bit off on that. You know, 1500 to 2000 residents. So i would just encourage you to look at those types of uses that could go into those ground floor years certainly for 1200 residents at least, more than one cafe probably is needed. You know, the liveworkspace is great space where it can be flexible and can become in future years. We dont know how retail the future of retail is going to be, it changes. To have that flexible space that could be used for small entrepreneurs for the public, i think that is something to be encouraged. I am glad you are looking at this possibility. I think you should look at other places for gathering, such as cafes or small restaurants instead of just concentrating on the retail corridor, which i see as being more open to a lot of visitors who are coming on a daily basis. For residents themselves having more active street level uses would be helpful. It would also help the vibrancy of that area so that it is not just a dead zone for residential but a whole mix of uses. We would like to see that. Actually we would like for you to come back and give us more of the character of the interface between the residential buildings and the street. I am glad to see that you are thinking about the existing businesses that are on the island, and you are right, there is an island vibe and culture there that has grown up over many years. How will you preserve that vibe and culture . So often when a new Development Comes in with the new architecture, and also the rents that have to be charged for buildingna new architecture, new space, some of that older more flexible a little more bohemian uses is part of the character and charm of the island. How would you preserve that vibe and curl turand expand on it . I dont have a complete answer. The Historic Buildings give us an opportunity to bring space at lower cost than new construction space. Some of those things would be viable in that configuration. That is why we are looking at the flexible structures to also allow a lower cost of bringing it available for people. We want to be careful and make sure that, you know, when we engage with brokers or people like that that they have a sensitivity to this, not just talking to chain folks, national retailers, but have ability to go facetoface and doortodoor. There is an element of duration. I am glad you recognize that. Duration is important and having those policies and thinking ahead of time. Otherwise, i think the natural thing to do, especially if you are a developer is to get the wall street for the at thenant. Then you get wall greens and cvss. Right across from each other. You destroy that sense of neighborhood. Part of that is the type of spaces you create for retail. I would encourage you to look at where it is appropriate for smaller spaces where smaller entrepreneurs can come, rather than the large retail spaces that are often on the ground floor of residential buildings. I definitely agree with that. We are not to the point with architecture yet. We will make sure that it is divided into small spaces appropriate. That is the tend. Smaller and smaller footprints to make sure they work in the small area and are usable with access and loading. That becomes more consult with a Smaller Division of space. The Neighborhood Retail Services which you listed, that seems to me the child care, drycleans, those are the sorts of things that could be in the residential zone, i think, serving the residents as well. That is something to look at. The flexible phase is such a great idea to have that social space and start programming events on Treasure Island. It is going to be so long before everything is built out and so to have that ability. We look forward to seeing those ideas developed as to where those interim spaces can happen for impromptu events. Then for your opportunity for businessdriven businesses. Bicycle rental and store rage is going to be a big item for the island. If you seesa you see like saw s. We are buildings so many wonderful bike paths. The storage of those rentals is a big thing as to where you store it, how accessible it is to the ferry and people getting off the ferry. I didnt mention it. That is in the plan there will be bicycle rental at the hub in front of building one adjacent to the ferry. That is part of the plan. I agree that you are selling the office uses to increase the week day activity. I think that if you can have, again, offices that are available to smaller like the creative industries, architects, graphic designers, that would certainly increase the type of culture vibe that would be on the island. I am glad you are looking at that. Thank you for this report and we look forward to hearing more about the retail plan. Commissioner lai. You said a lot of keywords. That adds to the texture to the community and this is something that is really important to many of us on the board. I am curious about your process how you establish your current Retail Program. You are working with marketing folks. Have you also worked with Retail Consultant . How are you gathering information on what would be the future balance mix of retail . That list was generated from a marketing, condo marketing perspective. What are people going to ask the sales agent about the community when they come up to buy a unit. We are also engaging with a couple of different interesting Retail Consultants. We havent selected one yet. We hope to have one on board soon and be able to take that forward before the next conversation. We are approaching it, also, from that retail consulting, not traditional broker to bridge that. To work at the right level around these issues. That is good. That does, thank you. It gives me an idea where you are in the retail planning. Maybe just as remainder to also make sure you do touch base

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