Whistleblower complaints alleging fraud, waste, and abuse. Then the Whistleblower Program developed a Risk Assessment policy that was designed to triage the complaints and sort them out into low, medium, or high risk complaints. For example, the medium risk cases involved potential losses of 10,000 to 50,000 or they implicate a mid level manager. The medium and high risk cases are not represented in the whistleblower reports. Instead, we get a preponder remembers of cases of low level employees who use Work Computers for personal business, who leave work early, or show up late, who gamble or sleep on the job, or who smoke in city cars and park them inappropriately. Preventing these abuses is worthwhile, but wheres the beef . We dont hear about the big money violations or mid to high level official misconduct. Why not . If the Whistleblower Program does not receive such complaints, they should know why. If the Whistleblower Program refers such complaints elsewhere, they should know how many involve violations of criminal or ethics law. Since the Whistleblower Program already categorizes complaints according to their low, medium, or high risk, they should ask why they are not reported as such. Thank you. Thank you dr. Kerr. Any other Public Comment . Good. Can you call the next item. Item number 6, opportunity for Committee Members to comment or take action on any matters within the committees jurisdiction. 20192020cgoboc work initiates. Good morning, just to remind everybody the format of this agenda item is to have a list of administrative and Committee Functions that you are working on during the year and we can report progress on any of them as need be. I will just run down the list and stop me at any point with your questions or comments. Standardized template. This was a desire of the committee during last fiscal year to look at the variations that you get from different programs and try to move towards a format you find most useful in terms of having them be common, use the same terminology, standard views for schedules and expense reporting, and so we didnt do work on that last year just given your capacity and ours. We are prepared to do work on it during the current fiscal year. I think that chair chu has designated herself, volunteered to be the liaison on this subject, and i think probably what will happen between now and your january meeting is ill have some of my staff refresh and build on a matrix that we worked on before that shows the bond programs, the type of schedule theyre providing, what their reporting period is, so we can see the variability that exists and we can explore how useful the committee has found the reports and where we may look for improvements. So you have a period now, november and december where you dont have an inperson meeting, so i think we should be able to find time to have a liaison meeting on that subject if that sounds appropriate. One other thing. Can you ask them to go back and look at our previous meetings to you know, understand how we use it. Brian was referring back to some specific information in some of the reports, so i think we can use that as facts on how were using them, how that information is actively being used in a meeting. I know brenda also had interacted with the reports in an indepth way. Okay. The expenditure audit, this is where we have reviews of expenditures and bond programs. You will see issuances. Mark, will you update us on your schedule, any changes that may have happened . Sure. Just a quick update. So we completed expenditure audits of eight various projects. We have one ongoing, the 2016 Public Health and safety program. We will be issuing that in either december or early january, right in time for your next cgobos meeting in january. Then we have plans to touch the programs we havent touched before, including the Affordable Housing program and the sea wall safety. Those will be deferred to next fiscal year. We want to make sure theres enough expenditures to audit and that will be the case for the 2018 sea wall safety, so well put that on our work plan for next fiscal year, and definitely the 2016 Affordable Housing, we should have enough transactions to audit by the beginning of next fiscal year or end of this fiscal year. Were also planning on touchi touching or doing reaudits of the bonds we audited before. Looking at those projects within those bond programs that we did not audit in the past, just to make sure we have a full extent in coverage of the various projects within each bond program and we can attest to the fact that we audited all of the various projects within all of the bond programs. Do you have any concerns about the timing of the projects for the 2016 Affordable Housing . It sounds like i mean they dont start until next summer, a year from now or so. I have some, but i mean there werent a lot of expenditures in that one the last time i looked. I understand that theres not much to look at. I believe it only gotten started on 3 of the 30 items that are in there when i was looking at it in our report. So obviously, i love to see them as soon as possibility, but we cant audit what hasnt been spent. I understand that we have to keep an eye on that. Okay. So the port for me, its very much about black box over there, and we probably would have learned more if they come today with some information. So, it feels to me that, thats one that may creep up on us, maybe not the whole thing. Its not the whole parks bond. Right. Those have not been issued. Im talking about the 2012 parks bond. Its that. Right. A more detailed report would be key. Got it. And with the content they get from here, ill reach out and meet up and see if we can get to the bottom of it and get a report. And well talk about it in our next meeting. That will end up having some concerns, particularly as we go into the sea wall where we will have a lot more money. We certainly can do as part of our work planning for next fiscal year is to revisit the bonds we have audited and figure out which portions or projects are attributed to the port and we can use that as our way to narrow down the scope of our o g. O. Bond projects. Okay. Great, thank you. Okay, next item 1c is the schedule of upcoming bond issuances. You have a memo in your packet and our director of public fitness finance is here to answer any questions or comment. The sea wall, will that go to the board in april . It went to the board last april. It has been healthed held up a little bit, but we should have an update at the next meeting or the meeting after. Great. And im sorry if i asked this last time, but the transportation and road improvement, 258, that seems like a large number for issuance. I looked at the encumbered and unencumbered. We have 50 million thats unencumbered. Prior to determining the final bond amount, we will make sure there are projects they have planned for expenditure within the next 3 years per i. R. S. Guidelines. One note that was mentioned earlier, we are pleased to report that we did sell the last series bond for Affordable Housing last week, about 93 million and then we also sold the final series for the parks bond, which will be a port project, so thats in the amount of 3. 1 million for that final port project. Right now, were just starting to do our work on vetting projects for both the Public Health and transportation bond to determine what size we will be bringing forward for issuance in the spring and were evaluating some refinancing opportunities, given the low Interest Rate environments for our g. O. Bonds. Is the market looking favorably op our bonds . Most definitely. We still have 2 of our 3 Credit Ratings are aaa and the next is aaplus. Thats a good thing. Congratulations. Thank you. Can i ask something. Sure, please. On the 22b road improvement bond, do we have a scope for that yet, a description . I know rochelle is here in the audience. Hes shaking his head. Its something that were just now selling the bonds last week for the Affordable Housing and parks. This is our next area of focus and well be determining that soon. Yeah. Were just getting started. We havent put a Financing Team together yet. Ive been in contact with project managers for both of those bond programs and theyre confident that there is a need for another to be issued. Theyre still in the process of scoping out and putting together an expenditure schedule. Once theyre ready, hopefully in the next few weeks, the plan is to meet with them and get their plans and the projects, and matrix make sure their expectations are reasonable before we move forward with any bond sales. The last conversation i had, they were hoping to have an issuance for the full balance of the program bond. I put that in there as a headsup to you that it could potentially be as large as that but well validate what theyre asking for when we go over the projects. Our next meeting is january. Yeah, by then we should have that. All right, moving on to 1d. Were going to spend a couple minut minutes on this. Again as a reminder, last year on your behalf, we had a Public Perception survey that was conducted by one of the providers in our prequalified pool, where we have a pool of providers that do Public Opinion testing, focus groups, and work of that type. We use them for a lot of different purposes in the city. They did intercept surveys and tested two sites in the bond program that you oversee. We were testing Public Knowledge about the site before and after visitor use, their perception of the use of bond funds, some of the demographics of the people using those sites and we got some interesting findings and feedback on how people perceive the bonds and the kind of improvements that rise up highest in public favor. I think you were strongly interested in that type of content, wanted to do another bond. Were interested in focusing on Affordable Housing. So, i did a little bit of work reaching out to the Affordable Housing Program Managers and staff in the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development in the Mayors Office to discuss it and had talked about bringing back to you a lets of potential sites that we could make the subject of a Public Perception survey. So, i have those sites, but let me add a couple of qualifiers before we look at the list. You know, as you observed in the discussion with member natoli and the expenditures audit, there isnt a lot of money out the door yet in the Affordable Housing bond. There arent any completed projects yet that were completed with these bond. Thats something to keemenp in mind. You can do a Perception Survey focused on this bond. You can wait 18 to 24 months and choose another bond program to work on and by which time there would be more expenditures and hopefully completed projects in the Affordable Housing bond. Those are two options. At the same time, part of my discussion with bond Program Managers here is the public isnt all that cognisant of the difference in Funding Sources. So what youre interested in is getting more public understanding of the feeling around Affordable Housing, how the city funds those things, how the building processes goes, and the number of subjects we talked about that you can test here, you can go ahead and test some of those Public Opinion things, whether or not the Funding Source was g. O. Bonds. Thats an option. Just to again remind everybody, we talked about there are a lot of things you may want to test in Affordable Housing. Its not the same as streetscapes where youre testing users and whether there are g. O. Bonds or not and if they remember voting for it. These things are different. Do you want to test the perception of understanding of stakeholders communities, the residents of the projects, the neighbors, the businesses in the neighborhood, the housing providers, the housing managers, builders, or are you trying to actually test citizen voter understanding of how the city funds Affordable Housing and how it manages its work in that area. Any one of those things is project interesting in legitimate possibilities. Im putting those out there. Lastly, the projects themselves, there are five projects they gave me, which is a mix of funding by the city zone Housing Trust fund, federal home funds, Development Impact fees, theres a good range of geographic spread, and different target populations, which were funded with these projects. I can detail any of them if youre interested in taking that approach. Thats where i gotten to so far. Id appreciate your thoughts and feedback on how you would like to proceed. Yeah. I still think there is a lot to be learned, even if were not talking about completed projects. I think its still interesting, especially because as we look at another Affordable Housing bond going on the ballot, a lot of things i hear from people when they ask me is, i dont see anything happening with this. I dont know about it. Especially given the kind of oversight were doing, i care a lot about providers, i care about construction, all these things matter. I think from our viewpoint, what were really interested in is we require twothirds of the voters to approve this, so i think their perception is an important component in this. Their understanding of who is being served and what exactly we are accomplishing with that money because a lot of people say nothing. They dont feel like anything is happening. So, i guess to that one part of timing, i think there is still some valuable things to be gained from this. As to some of the other points, happy to follow up more. I definitely have some thoughts, but i want to think on it a little bit more about some of the other aspects you brought up, for sure. I have a different point of view. I think we should stay within our jurisdiction, which is to ensure bond funded projects are carried out to the expectations as much as possible by the voters who approve them. It is not our job to start digging into what people think of Affordable Housing in the city. I would rather postpone pegs suggestion when there are projects to pull on and look at Something Else the next couple of years. Really, im interested in everything that you listed of course, and that peg listed, but thats not our job. Our job is to evaluate bond funded projects and while it is important of course to make sure theyre bond funded projects that the city needs, its again, we are reactive. That is this committees role, to look at projects after the bonds have been approved by voters, not to start getting into issues of parks or Affordable Housing or transit. Its not our jobs. I would actually prefer to wait on a perception study for Affordable Housing and perhaps look at one of our jurisdictional areas. I think lauren makes a valid point. There is a lot of Affordable Housing going on and i dont know where the funding is. Its so complex and meshed in a lot of different things. For example, one of the ones off the top of my head was ping young, one of the things funned by a bond. Clementine towers, there is a lot of confusion there. I think thats a valid point. Its after the fact for us. If we were to poll or to get a perspective, you know, accommodation of the residents in the project, the surrounding area, and yeah, the shops and owners in the area, does it bring business . Does it bring economics and keep it here . The and gave me some edits and the clean copy with all those edits that was included in your packet today. If you have further comments or edits or suggestions, we can make them now and then you can approve it on that basis. The only thing i left blank on purpose was the date on the front, which we usually put the publication date when we push things out on the Controllers Office website. Just to remind you, an attachment to this report is my offices g. O. Bond report. So you dont need to worry that your report needs to include detailed content on scope, schedule, and budget because all of that is here in that format. So just to remind you, that is how it will look. It will get posted. Great. I think were going to have to vote on this one. Does anyone have any addition changes you like to see in the document . I had a question. There were edits that you made to my report and i read this. I dont see that there were any changes. It was just small things like tense or punctuation. Oh, i probably needed that. [laughter] nothing material. We tried to preserve the original voice of each speaker. Great to know. Is there a proposal to vote on this . Move. Second. I guess i move to approve this. Just for the record, there is no member of the public present. Great. Great, thank you for your work on this. We will get it posted on the website and congratulations. Thank you. Item 2b, your work plan. The only change that i am noting is that you ask the port park Program Manager to be present at your january meeting. The slides they provided in the current packet didnt have details that you want to see, so you would like a bond Program Style report from them. Am i understanding that correctly . I believe so. Part is bart will meet with them so he can give direct feedback on what were looking for. A bond style report would be great. They werent here. Were they here the last time . I dont remember if they were. I dont remember myself. We will reach out to them and add them to your agenda for january. Thank you. Thats the only change to the work plan im aware of. Great. Yeah, the only flag i would say is that there seems to be quite a bit in january. Thats life. What do we have in january . Im also interested in hearing from the port since i dont think i seen them since ive been on this committee. Technically theyre done with most of their stuff, so it should be a short report. That is our hope. So january 27th meeting would have bond program report, Affordable Housing bond report, liaison report for the Public Health and safety, and the liaison report for my program, and we hope to finish our fiscal year 1819 summary report and present on that, and then the autd dit report for the public report for the expenditure that mark mentioned and you will be adding the port. Do with want to do a paper report and not have them . No, i like charles to attend. I like the staff to attend. They only come once a year. I think its important that they come. Okay. Okay, well try to manage the schedule and well tell everybody to be tight and well look at the timing. That will be great. Thanks. Any other business . Yeah, i had a couple of items. When i made the liaison report in our last meeting, i brought up seven questions that i asked of m. T. A. Staff and i got an email answer to all of them, both peg and mary were copied on that email. If youre interested in seeing it, im sure mary can forward it to you. I think what i like to do is when we next hear from them, or when we have our next liaison meeting is to sit down and discuss them with the staff in more detail. They answered the questions that would be a follow up question. It bares further discussion. On the 2008sfgh rebuild bond, i think my last report on that since we closed out any event, there was an outstanding claim passed through from one of the subcontractors from webcore to the city. The last i reported is that they looked like they were going to settle. I checked with the City Attorneys Office and they said in fact they had. There is a subsequent lawsuit by the city against the designer, claiming there is an omission. There is an omission insurance coverage, so there is a source of money to get that paid. In other words, they are not going to bankrupt an architect. The architect had to get this insurance in order to get the contract from the city. The city always pays for it through the price they pay the designer. That isnt scheduled for trial until next year and even at that, its an early date, no doubt the architect and its attorneys, which consist of the bond company will ask for a postponement. Im going to predict right now its going to settle short of going to court. But we dont know that yet. Further, i dont know what effect that has on the bond, and how they reconcile the bond because its money that was spent to settle the claim with the general contractor came from the bond as they recover any of that money from the Insurance Company for the designer, i dont know what happens. Does that come back . Does that reconcile in completing the bond process reconciliation . I dont know. Now you know all that i know. Thank you for following up on those things. Anything else . I think were adjourned. Thank you. Shop and dine the 49 challenges residents to do theyre shopping with the 49ers of San Francisco by supporting the Services Within the feigned we help San Francisco remain unique and successful and rib rant where will you shop the shop and dine the 49 im e jonl i provide sweets square feet potpie and peach cobbler and i started my business this is my baby i started out of high home and he would back for friends and coworkers theyll tell you hoa you need to open up a shop at the time he move forward book to the bayview and i thinks the t line was up i need have a shop on third street i live in bayview and i wanted to have my shop here in bayview a quality dessert shot shop in my neighborhood in any business is different everybody is in small banishes there are homemade recess pesz and ingredients from scratch we shop local because we have someone that is here in your city or your neighborhood that is provide you with is service with Quality Ingredients and quality products and need to be know that person the person behind the products it is not like okay. Who welcome, everyone. Thank you for being here and coming out to the outer terra veil for this really exciting and important announcement about Affordable Housing in the sunset district. I am supervisor gordon mar and these six units here are a very small addition to the city s overall Affordable Housing stock for the sunset. Today it represents a significant turning point. In the last 10 years, before i was elected supervisor, there has not been a single acquisition or rehab, and only 21 units of Affordable Housing have been built here in the sunset. By far the lowest of any district. And during that same time, we have lost 479 rentcontrolled units in our neighborhood. Behind these statistics are the stories of hundreds of longtime sunset resident seniors and families who have been forced out of their homes, forced out of their neighborhoods and many cases forced out of our city. They are facing the very real threat that they would become the next victims of the housing crisis and the next statistics. So in my First Six Months in office, my staff and i have really scoured for Affordable Housing opportunities in a built out neighborhood where new Development Opportunities are very rare, it families are rapidly getting priced out and displaced. When i saw taraval on the market , a six unit Apartment Building housing mostly immigrant seniors, i knew the city needed to step in. There were many challenges and we met incredible resistance. The west side lacks Development Capacity and resources are often focused on newer and shinier projects in other neighborhoods, but over the past six months, my office has worked closely with the mayor and her staff and the Mayors Office of housing. We have engaged the nonprofit Housing Organization specifically met, the Mission Economic Development Agency who has the most experience through the small sites acquisition strategy, and also the Housing Accelerator Fund to put this deal together. We are so excited that they were able to close and take ownership of this Apartment Building through the small sights program a few weeks ago. I really want to thank all of the partners that we Work Together with to make this happen. Even though the sunset is known for singlefamily homeowners this neighborhood here in the outer taraval has historically been a frontier of affordability , a real working class workingclass enclave with small Apartment Buildings. It has since been undergoing dramatic changes with fewer affordable and neighborhood serving businesses, and more luxury condos being built, like the ones right here which were just sold last year for 1. 3 million each. The tenants here have been for decades have been here for decades in our neighborhood and they have witnessed the spiraling change. For the small sights program, we have secured a formal housing for their families so they need no longer worry about their future in the sunset in our cit. The work must continue and im committed to future small acquisitions here in the sunset district, as well as 100 Affordable Housing Development Like the educator Housing Project going up into outer judah, and really just pursuing every creative solution we can find to address the Housing Affordability crisis impacting so many moderate and lowincome residents, seniors, families, and everyone here in our neighborhood and in our city. I really wanted to thank mayor breed for her partnership and her support on making this project happen and for her strong leadership on addressing the Housing Affordability crisis city wide. I wanted to invite mayor breed to speak while spas. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor mar. Thank you for doing the hard work of identifying the location and seeing that this could potentially have ended differently then what we are experiencing today. This is the kind of leadership we need to make sure that we are coming together, working together to preserve Affordable Housing in San Francisco. And sometimes it feels easy to focus on new development, but we also have to remember where San Francisco was such a special place in the first place. It is because of people who make up the fabric of these incredible neighborhoods. People like these people who have raised their families here. Folks who have raised their children and grandchildren and generations of people who make up what we know is one of the best cities in the world. And part of the challenges that we are experiencing now around affordability has a lot to do with not producing enough housing, but also neglect of our existing residents who are struggling. And this is part of our plan. Preservation of existing Affordable Housing has to be just as important as building new Affordable Housing in our city. The Small Sites Acquisition Program is just an incredible, Incredible Opportunity to do just that. Yes, it may seem like six units is small, but just think about what six units means to the families who live here. Who had this bill had this building been purchased, they may not have been able to continue to live here. This is an opportunity to not only protect the existing community that is here, but to maintain affordability on this building permanently. That is what our Small Sites Acquisition Program has done to date. We have been able to preserve 278 units in 34 buildings, with 110 more units in the pipeline and another 12 buildings and that has been absolutely incredible. Supervisor mar has been a champion for this program and identifying properties all over our district. I want to give a shout out for supervisor sandy fewer who is also really helping to push and highlight this program, which has led to us adding an additional 75 million to help with small sites acquisition in the entire city, and we will continue to make the kinds of investments that are going to make this program even better. I also have to say that we have a 600 milliondollar Affordable Housing bond on the ballot. Without raising property taxes, and it provides opportunity for low and middle income residents. The opportunity to actually do more small sites acquisition purchases, so just be on the lookout for that because that will be critical to the success of Housing Production in San Francisco. We so appreciate the fact that this was really about a partnership. With supervisor mar and his leadership, working with meta, working with the Housing Accelerator Fund because the city moves so slow, that we need partners who can instantly put up the cash, but we dont have to miss out on an Incredible Opportunity like that. I really want to thank all of you here today because it really did take a village to make this incredible project possible, and i am just happy to have played a small role in the success of what we know are going to be even more projects in this community that will allow for families to remain in their homes and to continue to afford to live in an expensive place like San Francisco. More work to do, but today is a great start. [applause] thank you so much again, mayor breed. Now i wanted to introduce two of the tenants who live here at 3534 taraval. Mr. And mrs. Lee. My wife, cecelia and i first met them when we came out to the building and talked to tenants about their situation and the possibility of turning the building into permanently Affordable Housing through this program six months ago. I really appreciate mr. And mrsd commitment to working with us and actually working with the other tenants here to make this happen. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [applause] voice of translator we have lived in this apartment at 3534 taraval street for over 25 years and we have lived in San Francisco for over 30 years. We are grateful for supervisor mar and london breed for choosing this building for the program. We have been worried about losing our housing and couldnt sleep at night since the building was for sale in the market last year. We are happy to know that San Francisco has a small sights program. We are grateful for organizations like meta and selfhelp for the oral elderly for taking care of us and we enjoyed living in the sunset where the state we can stay and shop chinese businesses , and there are places to walk. Its important that San Francisco supports seniors and people on fixed incomes. Thank you so much. [applause] thank you for sharing our story. We are also very happy and excited that you and mr. Lee and all the other tenants here are going to be able to continue to live in our community and in our neighborhood and in our city through this small sites acquisition. Now i want to introduce Johnny Oliver from meta. They have been the leading organization working with the Mayors Office on developing the small sites strategy and the small sights program and they have been such a great partner and we are excited that they are now going to be owning and managing this property. [applause] my name is Johnny Oliver, adMission Economic develop and agency. This is our 24th small sites acquisition that we have been part of in San Francisco and the target approach that we have used to keep residents in their longtime homes is not unique to this property this is a case at 3534 taraval where six households, all of which have seniors as residents can now age in place with dignity i want to think mayor breed for their support of Affordable Housing in San Francisco. The Mayors Office of housing and Community Development for their ongoing support of the program, and the San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund. Once again for providing the needed bridge funding to make this possible. I want to thank the Housing Rights Committee who has played a part in organizing residents and helping them understand what small sights programs are, and if not, and i want to give thanks to supervisor mar. He has been a staunch advocate for his constituents. Our conversations with supervisor mar made it clear that he was concerned about gentrification and displacements in district four. He looked forward to not just making this an Affordable Housing development, but also a quality one. We will be starting the reability asian of this project within the next auto months and providing seismic reinforcement, updating electrical and fire code safety, and again, meta is very honored to be part of this project. This will be our first small sights in the sunset. The first on the west side, and hopefully part of many future ones here in San Francisco. Thank you. I know how complicated and challenging it is to move forward on opportunities like this that we identify. So now i want to introduce rebecca foster, who is the c. E. O. Of the San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund. She played such a key role in helping to finance projects like this. And make the program happen. Rebecca . Thank you so much. We are so excited to have been part of funding the acquisition for the first small sights project in the sunset. An echo that we hope that this is the first of many more to come. I think that what we see here is just another proof point the preservation really works and it is proven as an effective strategy for preventing displacements and building the citys permanently affording 40 will Housing Stock dock. This also is a big milestone for the Housing Accelerator Fund. This loan got us over 100 million in kabul till deployed over last two years. It is really exciting. We also were able to bring in a new philanthropic philanthropic partner, that ferguson foundation, with a through many dollar commitment to low income Senior Housing in San Francisco and we used the first million of that funding for this project. That is what we need more of a . Want to continue to scale, with that 100 million, we have been able to permanently preserve units, give homes for 443 residents in San Francisco, and we need to keep scaling this work. So i look forward to being part of this partnership and the Long Term Solutions that make preservation citywide and every neighborhood to continue to provide solutions for people like the residents in taraval. Thank you. [applause] thank you everyone for being out here on this really momentous occasion for Affordable Housing and for preserving and protecting seniors and longtime Longtime Community members in the sunset. We are just getting started. We will aggressively pursue all creative opportunities to expand Affordable Housing in the neighborhood and city. Thanks again for being here. I wanted to acknowledge some of our leaders here. Alberta chow. Hardware upon taraval, and rabbi frydman who is with the congo nation congregation right across the street. Thank you for coming out here. I know mr. And mrs. Lee have kindly agreed to allow reporters or press that might want to view their unit, unit number five right here. And then we are also available for any further interviews or questions you might have. Thanks again for being out here, everyone. Welcome. We are glad youre here. This is the regular meeting of the board of education in the San Francisco unified school district. This is september 24, 2019. Roll call please. [roll call] i would like to open this meeting and honorable hooks who said, what we do is more important than what we say, or what we say we believe. Section a, general information

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