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The perpetrator also shot a current or former intimate partner or family member. Over 54 . And almost 100 of those perpetrators of Mass Violence have histories of violence or verbalized violence and hatred against women. We cant say that they are unconnected anymore. We cant say Domestic Violence is private and personal anymore, that it is only personal and not connected to Public Health and public safety. What i want people to know this month, and i want people to still know it, know it even better in november, and even better in december, and be able to tell all the people you know about it, but not so much that they dont invite you to their parties anymore, that violence violent armed perpetrators are a deadly force in america and also here in our city and San Francisco. And ending Domestic Violence is central to saving lives, to saving childhood, to saving our Public Health and our Workplace Safety and our school safety, and ultimately our future. So to all the partners here, whether you are in government, whether you are a nonprofit, if you work at night, if you answer the crisis line, if you are an advocate with infants or an advocate with adults or seniors, thank you so much for your creativity and your stamina and you are not alone. None of us is alone. To the survivors out there, i want to tell you that when you feel at your most alone, somehow , a tiny place in your mind and heart, belief that you are not. We are out there. We are scattered all across the city and we are scattered all across the bay area. We speak your language. We grew up in a family like yours, we grew up in a neighborhood like yours and we cannot wait to support you to find all of your strengths and decide what you want to do to have a better life. You can call us. You dont have to know what you want to do. Most of us have no idea what we want to do with our life. You dont have to know, either. But you can call and we can talk about it. We wont judge you, and we wont gossip about you, and we care. It is our whole life. This is what we care about the most. To the kids out there, to the kids that are being woken up several nights a week in fear, to the kids that wake up and spend their night time comforting their younger siblings so that they wont make anything worse, to the kids that then have to get up and go to school and they cant focus and their grades arent good, and theyre making disruptions and having marks of negative attached to them, i want to tell those kids, i want you to know, we cant wait to work with you. We want to help you with your homework, we want to help you rebuild your relationship with your nonviolent parents, we want you to have a safe place at night and to sleep with stuffy his and have hope for your future because we have hope for your future and we are going nowhere until this issue is gone thank you. [cheers and applause] another round of applause for orchid. There are a few more City Department heads that have joined me, in addition to fire chief janine nicholson. Linda, department of department apartment of technology, we could not have done the app without her and her staff. Please recognize linda. Also, walking torres has joined us, director of the office of economic and workforce development. Our next speaker is kathy black, executive director of the [speaking spanish] the first domestic shelter in california. Please give her a warm welcome. Thank you. Orchid, you are awesome. I just want to say that. In keeping with todays theme, building pathways to safety, i want you to know, i will take it a little bit more local and i want you to know that we respond to calls for help from victims of Domestic Violence of all ages , 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We give survivors the tools to transform their lives. We seek to prevent future violence by educating the community and redefining Public Perceptions about Domestic Violence. We attempt to accomplish this by engaging nearly 20,000 women, teens, men, older adults and children each year through a continuum of expert intervention and prevention services. We also envision a community where Domestic Violence is not tolerated in equal access to asset asset building opportunities that is freely available to all. I want to talk about a local stat from our shelter. That is of the 7,000 hotline calls we take every year, or this last year, 500 of those were from the San Francisco Police Department Law Enforcement and from the medical community. We are working really hard to engage Community Partners who are out, First Responders, and to make a difference in that way i feel like that ties to the mayor mayors press release today because we believe these early interventions are really key to future safety. That by connecting victims and survivors with Community Resources like the ones represented here, and all out there, i see my crew out there. That helps reduce the incidence of future violence. And some other highlights from this past year, just so you get an idea about the scope of the work that some of our programs provide, we provided 10,991 nights of shelter to 368 women and their children. Eightyseven of the mothers who stayed in our shelter participate in Family Counseling and support groups. People are eager to learn and eager to get resources. We often operate at or over capacity. Last year, it was 22 of the year that we operated either at our full capacity or over. What that means is that in the middle of the night when the Police Department calls, we bring out, and we are full, which we are a lot, we havent rollaway beds, we have couches, we figure things out and we will shelter victims and survivors overnight while they are figuring out what their next move might be with the expert help of the staff and our Community Partners. Also, i think i want you to know that, again, whether it is 10 0a First Responder is going through the legality assessment lethality assessment tool, that when they connect that victim with an advocate at our shelter, and they decide to do an intake, that victim is going to meet the same advocate at the door of our shelter so that it is not theres compassion, theres consistency, and i think that makes a big difference for people. It is a real personal connection over 92 of clients, of our clients report, and im sure this is true of my partner programs, as well, over 92 of clients report positive outcomes across our five key metrics, which is, i have to look and see what it is, knowledge, safety, his stability, agency, and isolation. With that, i want to really say that we are one agency as part of a larger safety net, and i see my friends here, and my allies, and we couldnt do the work without city partnerships, political allies, people like joaquin who has been a friend for years. Thank you for everything you do for us. And the Community Partners we work with. Thank you very much. [applause] our third and final representative of our Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter community is sherry, executive director of the riley center, Saint Vincent de paul society. Please give her a warm welcome. [applause] good evening. If we are to address and prevent Domestic Violence holistically, we must provide comprehensive Supportive Services centred on the survivors trauma and need while highlighting their individual family and Community Systems, strength and protective factors. And if we focus our efforts in providing client centred, trauma informed and culturally sensitive Supportive Services, we will support the longterm healing of intergenerational cycle of violence experienced by survivors and their children. This will lead to a stronger, safer, and healthier family and Community System free of violence. This is what we work on at our center. We have four major programs in which we do this. We have our transitional housing program, we have rosalie house which is our Emergency Shelter and our crisis line, we have our Community Office where survivors can get the services they need, education, workshops, support groups, and then we also work with the Family Services department, and so if there is an incident of Domestic Violence , we have a specialist that helps that family moved to a healthier life. We have been in this city of San Francisco for 35 years and we are very proud of the work that we do. I want to take this time to thank our consortium, beverly, our domestic our department on the status of women, and the staff and all our Community Partners that do the work we do. This is how we survived the Domestic Violence system in the city. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much. As president zawart stated, prevention is a critical part of our work to stop the cycle of violence. For over 20 years, asianPacific Islander legal outreach has engaged youth through its Youth Advisory Council to address genderbased and dating violence in asian and Pacific Islander communities. Please join me in welcoming the Youth Advisory Council at the youth coordinator. Give him a warm welcome. [applause] good evening, everyone. We are the Youth Advisory Council from the legal outreach. We strive for and accepting an equitable future in which everyone is helpfully loved. As youth in our communities, it is important we engage in work against a mystic violence to educate our peers and prevent its occurrence in our everyday lives. Through this work, we believe in setting pathways to safety. The Youth Advisory Council meets to share a safe space where we are able to become activists and create positive change in our communities. In honor of Domestic Violence awareness month, every year the Youth Advisory Council sets up press sets of presentations about teen dating violence to youth organizations, schools, and Community Spaces oh, oh, all over the bay area. We inform our peers and give them a better understanding of healthy and unhealthy relationships and we also empower other youth and equip them with the skills and knowledge to make change in their communities. As youth ourselves, were able to directly connect with other youth and encourage them to be active and involved in their community. We believe in encouraging our young, male identifying peers to break the culture of silence regarding violence within our communities. We also seek to empower youth from the lgbt plus community, people of color, and women. They are patriarchal and systematic effects that are prevalent in our underserved communities, specifically low income people of color. There are societal norms that places men in positions of power over women. In my experience as a young woman of color, i have seen the cultural and societal expectations of gender roles placed upon women of color that make it difficult for women of color to tell the truth. These marginalized women are survivors and deserve justice, with this Justice System abuses their power to oppress this community. [applause]. We believe that in order to be helpful he loved, education is crucial. It is important to be able to identify an unhealthy relationship. For starters, and any relationship, it is important that both partners know what consent really is. Consent is a strong and continuous yes. It is also a decision that cannot be influenced by power imbalances. Another vital factor in safety and determining unhealthy relationships is the cycle of violence. A cycle of which the abuser or abusers traps a survivor in an unhealthy relationship. Through the Youth Advisory Councils presentation, we also shuck the importance of a pragmatic and optimistic mindset everyone should feel safe opening up to others, but we should still take the necessary precautions to ensure our safety and wellbeing. It is also crucial to be wellinformed of the reality of Domestic Violence, including some societal factors that perpetuate this issue. This mindset combines both positivity and it helps to avoid violence and or aggression. [applause] it is important among San Francisco teens because we present students with Accurate Information about Domestic Violence and the resources they can use to confront these situations. Often, teens take to social media to speak about issues, but only to the extent of republishing a post. They dont necessarily check their sources, and this leads to people being misinformed and quickly disinterested. We are helpful in this way because it gives straightforward and reliable information on Domestic Abuse and dating violence, as well as resources for people in these situations. This is especially needed in metropolitan areas such as San Francisco where there isnt a strong sense of community or people to watch out for one another. [applause] too often, youth are unaware of the resources that they have at hand if they find themselves in an unhealthy relationship. These resources include hotlines , restraining orders, and measures of selfdefence. Through our presentation, we work to bring attention to these issues, which are often not touched upon in schools. Our work as youth is equally, if not more important as the work of previous generations. Our actions will lead to pathways to safety for our youth , not only now, but as they grow into adult hood in the future. We urge you to listen to the youth around you. Encourage them to become involved in our communities, provide them the support that they need to make profound changes in our society. But most importantly, give them the resources to protect themselves and find pathways to safety and their environments. [cheers and applause] another round of applause for our Youth Advisory Council. So our final speaker tonight, before our concluding performance and group photo, please be sure to stay for the group photo, our final speaker is april mcgill, a california native and director of Community Partnerships and projects for the California Consortium of urban Indian Health. April will share about the incredibly important project called red women rising, which advocates for culturally Responsive Services for urban, indian survivors. Please give a warm welcome to april. [cheers and applause] [speaking indigenous language] my name is april mcgill. I am in the enrolled member of rep round valley indian tribe california native, San Francisco resident, and i want to recognize our ancestors whose land we reside on today. I just want to remind everybody that we stand on stolen land. This land was stolen by violence so we have a history of violence and all of our lives, in every single one of you. You have experienced experience that energy and that violence from this land. Our what red women rising project brings attention to the to Domestic Violence and missing and murdered Indigenous Women here in california. We work with all the urban Indian Health and tribal consortiums to bring more attention to violence against native women. As california indian women, we have experienced this violence since the gold rush. We know this violence. This has been happening throughout indian countries, that many nations, but our work is to make change with our rising project by bringing attention to policy and legislative initiative that can change and impact issues around Domestic Violence and missing and murdered Indigenous Women and in california. We work with many legislators to make change. We work with sovereign bodies institutes, we work with strong native women coalition, and we partner with all of our other grassroots organizations here in San Francisco that are also standing behind me. I wanted to share with you some statistics from sovereign bodys institute about california. Statewide, there are 135 missing and murdered Indigenous Women and girls cases across california that have been identified. California is number five for total number of missing and Indigenous Women and girls cases , alongside washington, new mexico, arizona, and montana. Seventyfive of all cases in california occurred in northern california. Nearly one third, 28 of all cases in the state, a humble of the humble county are involved with victims involved in tribes. Of the 135 cases, only seven have information on alleged perpetrators available to the public and only one of those alleged perpetrators has actually been charged. Over half the cases documented in california occurred in the last three years. From 2013 through 2015, the rate of these cases per year statewide increased by approximately 20 each year. In 2016, the right out the rate of cases increased, and in 2018, the rate increased, as well. San francisco is one of the highest in the state, which is really embarrassing considering that we have such a progressive state. One of the things that i can say is we are making change with the port with support from the mayor. Thank you, london breed for all your support for the American Indian community. Thank you supervisor ronen, and supervisor brown because we were able to pass a legislation a resolution in may recognizing may 5th as the national day of awareness ongoing missing murdered Indigenous Women. [cheers and applause] i would like to read the resolution. Were as Indigenous People have inhabited the north American Continent including the state of california for many centuries, and from the First Contact with settlers from other countries, native americans share their knowledge of the land and its resources and have continued to play a vital role in the development of local communities , the state of california, and the nation. Whereas, the missing murdered Indigenous Women and girls report from the urban Indian Health institute released in 20 2009 provides data from 71 urban cities across the United States on missing and murdered Indigenous Women and girls. Recognizing that a number of factors, including or Data Collection by Law Enforcement, and limited health resources, that there is an undercount of these women in urban areas such as San Francisco, and we are ranked tenth among cities with the highest number of these cases. Whereas the 2009 apology to native American People of the u. S. Recognizes special legal and political relationships Indian Tribes have with the United States, and the land we share. Recognize that there has been years of official policies and the breaking of laws by federal Government Regarding Indian Tribes. Apologize on behalf of the people of the United States to all native people for the many instances of violence, maltreatment, and neglect inflicted on native people by citizens of the United States, and commend that the state governments that have begun reconciliation efforts with native american tribes, located in the boundaries, encourage all state governments to work towards rock and say it reconciling relationships with Indian Tribes within their boundaries, were as the city and county of San Francisco has a responsibility to address the disapproved and an victimization of Indigenous Women from domestic and sexual violence, including missing and murdered Indigenous Women, and whereas, our sister, Jessica Nicole alva, lassie died on april 6th, 2019 at the age of 35 after being in a coma for four days as a result of an abusive domestic relationship. Jessica grew up in reading and lived in San Francisco for five years. She is survived by her mother cindy and her six children and four siblings with a stepbrother and stepsister. And whereas, in 2005, grassroots movements for the safety of Indigenous Women led to the struggle to include safety for indian women under the violence against women act. Whereas, of the last decade, awareness of the National Issue has increased, but more must be done at all levels to stop the disappearance and save lives of our women. Whereas, may 5th, 2017 was designated as the First National day of awareness for honoring missing and murdered Indigenous Women through the efforts of survival families, native american tribes, national, indigenous organizations and law and policy makers. Now resolve, this city and county of San Francisco permanently designates may 5th as honoring missing and murdered Indigenous Womens day in the city and county of San Francisco , and furthermore, will begin discussions with urban indian organizations, neighboring native american tribes, local tribal organizations to develop recommendations for local and indigenous victim advocacy services. Local and tribal justice responses including coordination and identifying the implemented solutions to strengthen the safety and health and wellbeing of our Indigenous Women. Thank you, San Francisco Mayors Office for this resolution. [applause] [cheers and applause] and i would like to ask my sister aurora to come up and introduce our red lightning women singers. Good evening, relatives. We are from the red lightning woman power group. We came about the name through our sister betty over here in regards to missing and murdered Indigenous Women. We started about a year and a half or two years ago through a red ribbon dress workshop where we had some workshops on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault awareness. We created, 21 we created and so 21 ribbon skirts. Red represents are missing and murdered women and Domestic Violence. We are from the native American Health centre here in San Francisco, the wellness department, located on mission and seventh. We believe that women are sacred and when we wear our skirts, we are sacred, and also native women, is april mentioned, have the highest rate of Domestic Violence. We believe in saying her name for our sisters that are no longer here due to Domestic Violence, and we come from Matriarchal Society originally, before colonizers came. I just want to say, remake treat we will sing a missing and murdered Indigenous Women and girls song this evening. Thank you. [applause] [singing] [singing] [singing] [singing] [singing] [singing] [singing] [applause] lets give another hand to the lightning singers, the red women lightning singers. There are three people i want to think as we close. First, nicole, the Senior Adviser to the mayor for helping us put together today. Give us a wave. Secondly, and finally i want to thank elise of the the department of the status of women. Please waive. She held she helped put all of todays logistics together. I want to thank all of my staff at the department. Please join us for a very Large Group Photo which we want to do really quickly. Good morning this. Is the october 16, 2019 budget committee. I am supervisor fewer. I am joined by supervisor mandelman. I would like to thank sfgovtv. Do you have any announcements . Please silence cell phones and Electronic Devices and complete speaker cards as part of the file submit to the court. Items today will appear on the october 22nd board of supervisors agenda. Please read item one. Resolution authorizing resolution and acceptance to a lease for the Real Property located at 350 rhode island street north for a rent credit at 2. 6 million in consideration for a waiver of certain real estate expense passed through protections for the city under the lease. Today we have the department of real estate. Good morning, chair fewer. Director of real estate. Today we are seeking your positive recommendation for a resolution to authorize a first a mend to the lease with lexington lion San Francisco for the property at 350 road a island. Rhode island. The board of supervisors approved this with the city as tenant to relocate the district of attorney from the hall of justice and 732 brannon. In most commercial leases the landlord is entitle to pass through a share of the property taxes to the tenants. When possible to protect the city we include provision we call a prop 13 protection. Section 4. 76 the current lease contains a provision to protect the city from passthrough tax increases based upon recessments if the property is sold prior to july 2021 in this particular case. The owner is planning to sell the property. This lease amendment seeks to remove the prop 13 protection in exchange for rent credit of 2. 85 million. In other words, the landlord is seeking to buyout the citys prop 13 protection. 2. 85 million is a negotiated figure based upon the estimated sales price of 134 million. At that price, it is anticipated that the recessment will result in a passthrough to the city of approximately 55,302 per month. 2. 85 million credit will be provided to the city during the next two fiscal years. Alternatively if city doesnt agree the land lord will wait to sell the property until after july 24, 2021 where the city would have no protections from the tax increase. In your packet there is an amendment to the resolution due to additional resolutions we were able to increase the represent credit from 2. 6 million to 2. 85 million. That red line reflects that increase in the credit. I would like to thank supervisor peskin for his efforts in negotiation. I would like to thank the bla for hard work and we accept their recommendation. This concludes my presentation. John updike is here and he and i are available to answer any questions. Nick mennards from budget analyst office. This would approval the amendment for 350 rohode island. Under the current lease if the building is sold prior to july 2021, lexington must pay the city the increased property tax passed through by the new owner. Under the proposed amendment to the lease if the building is sold lexington would pay the city 2. 85 million now that the legislation is revised. Regardless of what the property tax increase actually is. We looked at the original amount from 2. 6 million. On page 3 in table one, it is equivalent to 47 months of protection. We calculated net present value of the potential tax increases at sales prices and considered 2. 6 million sufficient to compensate the city for the increase in property taxes. We continue to remember approval of the resolution given the increased amount. Thank you very much. Any comments or questions . Seeing none, Public Comment. Any Public Comment on item 1. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I would like to thank supervisor pegs kin for his peskin for his work on this. I would like to move this to the board with a positiontive recommendation. I believe there is an amendment. I make a motion to accept the amendment without objection. I would like to move this to the board with a positive recommendation as amended. Thank you, madam clerk. Can you please call item 2. Resolution authorizing the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to execute the restated Loan Agreement with block 6 housing agreement for 18. 6 million to finance the construction of is a 167 unit multi Family Rental Housing Development for low income households sunnydale hope sf block 6. Thank you very much. We have sarah from mo hcd. I went to comment last week at the budget and finance committee i continued this item. It seems as though i was working off numbers that were not quite accurate. Today we are getting a clarification. Thank you very much. Thank you. The bla report last week raised concerns regarding Construction Costs on a preliminary number for parcel q and the final cost. We see appreciate the opportunity to clarify the Development Cost and block 6 today for sunnydale. This project is part of the hope sf initiative, which is a transformation of the communities that have seen decades of disinvestment. We are not only rebuilding the e Public Housing to include the communities without displacement of other residents. To date we have committed and rehoused 353 families at allis griffith. Because of the scale and the time it takes to develop the project, the board will see the projects at different phases. The report for the parcel q cost is at the end of 2016. Parcel q numbers were based on cost per square foot. Parcel q received full entitlements in march 2017 and construction in february 2018. The numbers here updated the project over two years ago. Thanks for your consideration. We are here to answer questions as well as the director of Public Housing initiatives. Thank you for the clarification. Any comments or questions by collies . See colleagues. Did we have a report on this last week . We did. I have nothing more to add except we revised the recommendation to clarify what we are recommending. We recommend the committee a the resolution to request a report by december 9th. Public comment is now closed. I make a motion to accept the amendment from the bla without objection. Thank you very much. A motion to move this with a positive recommendation as amended. Thank you very much. Please call item 3. Ordinance to seek approval from the board of supervisors and mayor to execute memorandum with the city with a term up to 20 years providing the issuance of Mountain View of to revokable license for the land for public Recreational Purposes in exchange for Mountain Views grant for the easement and agreement to perform other services. Thank you very much. Good morning, supervisors. We seek your approval of the memorandum of agreement with the city of Mountain View for use of land owned by the city and county of San Francisco under the p. U. C. s jurisdiction and Mountain View. The moa has several components. This results from over three years of negotiation between the staff and Mountain View staff. If approved it will provide a model for future collaboration with other agencies. The p. U. C. Has jurisdiction over parcels of Real Property in the city of Mountain View. They are 80 feet line over which the transmission lines run. Where is the picture . You can see the 80foot rightofway. Mountain view uses a lot of our parcels for Recreational Uses such as parks, trails and a senior garden, and we allow these uses pursuant to seven outdated rent free revocable permits. They dire to construct a they desire to construct a new park. In order to make this happen, we desire to enter into the moa before you with these components. The p. U. C. Will issue seven new rent free modern licenses to replace the outdated licenses. These are for Recreational Uses on the p. U. C. Parcels. The p. U. C. Will issue a new n w license. These will have a potential term of 20 years. Each will have an initial 10 year term and two five year extension terms to take effect unless the parties decide to terminate one of the licenses or Mountain View is in default under the terms of license. As consideration for the eight new licenses Mountain View will provide the following nonmonetary consideration to the p. U. C. Under the moa. First, Mountain View will grant the puv permanent sub surface easement rights at no cost. In street crossings where the p. U. C. Maintains pipeline and does not have doc you mentation of street documentation. They are at san mateo road and Mountain View. By obtaining these easements the p. U. C. Will avoid the risk and huge cost of being forced to relocate its pipelines within these street crossings. This has occurred in the east bay in the past. This is a situation we desire to avoid at all costs. Second, as consideration for the eight licenses Mountain View will maintain a vacant p. U. C. Parcel unless licensed to another party. This will save the cost of maintaining the property with trash removal and occasional weed removal. Third, Mountain View will remove 29 problem trees that prevent pipeline hazards on the p. U. C. Parcels. Mountain view will assist with Community Outreach to remove these trees and future encroachments pursuant to did encroachment policy. Fourth, Mountain View will reimburse for the property taxes the p. U. C. Pays for the parcels that Mountain View uses. Currently the p. U. C. Pays property taxes on all property in Mountain View to the county of san mateo under our modern practice. The revocable licensees are to reimburse us for property taxes. The taxes are so old there is no reimbursement. By entering new licenses we will recoup the property taxes for these parcels. Fifth, the p. U. C. Will pay for the cost of mitigation and removal of the Mountain View improvements on the land if we need to disrupt improvements for. Pipelines. Moa will stay in effect so long as the licenses are in effect up to 20 years. Based upon the substantial nonmonetary consideration the p. U. C. Will receive from Mountain View and property tax reimbursement. We recommend the board of supervisors wave approval requirements in 23. 3 and 23. 30 for this transaction. Mountain views Recreational Use is consistent with the p. U. C. s Community Benefits to promote Community Health in the jurisdictions in which it has pipeline. The city of Mountain View approved this in february of 2016 and Commission Approved it on may 28, 2019. Thank you for your consideration. I am available for any questions. This opens to Public Comment. Any members of the public want to comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We are looking at this map that shows us the sites. These are all Outdoor Recreational sites is that correct. Yes. Is that area in Green Property of p. U. C. Or just the areas with the recreation areas . The area in green is the entire pipeline rightofway we own. All but one parcel is licensed. We have a lot of agreements with private landowners for use of the rightofway for uses like parking, landscaping, the rent comes back to the p. U. C. To defray the cost of operations. The parcels that are marked, i believe it is in yellow, are existing permits to the city of Mountain View. You will see these are be loved Recreational Uses. So what i am looking at. There is a green line on our map. That green line is the pipeline. The property through which two pipelines run. Our property we own . Yes, the city and county of San Francisco owns it under the p. U. C. Jurisdiction. All of this property here . Yes. We have been given them this property rent free for how long . Some licenses go back to 1970 when this was agricultural land. And then we are going into an agreement with them that says that they are able to use these areas for a park and that inturn we have been paying taxes on this property that we own to Mountain View, is that correct . No, we pay property taxes to the county of santa clara. Mountain view for years reimbursed for some of the property taxes we pay. Two or three of the existing licenses are so old there is no property tax reimbursement requirement in the licenses. For threepieces of property there is no tax reimbursement . I believe so, yes. Do you know how much we have paid in taxes for those threepieces of property . I dont know. The city of San Francisco acquired this property many years ago. Our Property Tax Base is low. We could come back with that information if you require it. I am trying to understand the agreement that we own this property but we dont own some of the rightofway, and that is what they are giving to us. Is that correct . So we think we own some of the property in the street for this agreement. May i answer . Yes, so sorry. Mountain view is waiting for this. The p. U. C. Has a long Standing Commission policy that we allow free parks on our land in the communities in which we have our infrastructure. The free parks are with long standing policy. It is a plus and Mountain View is giving us this additional consideration of the permanent easements taking down very problematic trees that would cost thousands of dollars for the p. U. C. To remove and obtaining modern licenses that include complete property tax reimbursement. So my question. Is there a timeline on this . Mountain view would like this yesterday. Supervisor stefani. With regard to the free parks in Mountain View, are we paying, also, to maintain those parks . No, under the p. U. C. Licenses, the p. U. C. Alleviates the maintenance by having whoever occupies the park maintain the park. I was thinking of Sterling Park in my district. Thank you. There is no bla report on this. Any questions . My hesitancy is, i am not convincedded it is fair convinced it is fair value, quite frankly. I dont see any real numbers that show that this is sort of a fair sort of transaction and we are getting our fair share of what i think this is an agreement of convenience. I dont think it is an agreement that is actually monetarily to our benefit. I am going to be frank. Therefore, i think that we have had this long standing relationship in Mountain View and they want it yesterday. It doesnt seem to raise alarm from my colleagues. I just want on the record i think this is an agreement of convenience and not to this is the budget and finance committee and not really an agreement that benefits us monetarily. Having said that, yes. Can i make a suggestion . I agree with your line of thinking and not having further information does feel a little bit taken advantage of, i dont know. If we can request maybe followup information, approve it. More indepth reports on whether or not to meet your concerns. I would just say that i just dont see this is the budget and finance committee so i normally like to see some numbers on this. The value of the land that we are giving to them for free and also the cost. I get we have these pipes and that it would be ridiculous for us to redo them, but i dont really see sort of this cost balance and how we are benefiting monetarily. I can have a further discussion after this about maybe some numbers that i would like to see, however, i am willing to pass this out of committee today. I would like to make a recommendation to move this out of committee to the full board with a positive recommendation on the agreement that i believe ms. Russell will come back and give us our offices or even through email some mormon terry or he monetary or physician calling analysis of this agreement. Thank you very much. I would like to make a motion to move to the board with positive recommendation. Thank you very much, supervisor stefani for your assistance. Can you please read item 4. Resolution authorizing the department of Public Health to submit a oneyear application for 2020 to receive funding for h. I. V. And prevention programs and requesting 7 million in funding from january 1, 2020 to january 31, 2020. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you, madam chair. I am going to invite johnny mill car to tell us about that. I am the healthcare coordinator in the Community Health equity and promotion branch. We are responsible for the allocation of h. I. V. Prevention funds in the city. What is before you is an application or resolution to authorize our application for continued cdc funding a little over 7 million for the year 2020. That funding is actually allocated in three different pots. There is a primary pot for just about 4. 2 million for the core h. I. V. Prevention services. A little bit over 800,000 for epidemiology and surveillance efforts. 2 million for optin or special demonstration project for low thresholds services for those experiencing homelessness. I am here to answer any program answers you may have. There is no report. Letsopen up for comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervise other mandelman. I move for a positive recommendation. Without objection. Can you please call item 5. Resolution authorizing the department of Public Health to Submit Application to receive funding for the emergency Relief Grants Program for the administration and requesting 16. 1 million in h. I. V. Emergency funding for the eligible area for march 1, 2020 through 2021. Do you want to tell us about this one . Good morning. I am the assistant director of h. I. V. Services. We service the grantee and administrator of federal and state grant dollars to provide services to low income san franciscans with h. I. V. I am here to request support for our annual application of grant dollars of 16. 1 million and change. You have the amount in front of you. This reflects this years current award plus 5 increase, which is the

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