Good morning, commissioners. I just want to start with the Older Americans act. I usually start with the federal level and i wanted to give you a report that the Older Americans the Congress Passed a shortterm continuation of the Older Americans act. As i mentioned before, it was some set it on september 30th so they passed a shortterm resolution to keep it going until november 21st. In the meantime, we are hoping to work out the appropriation differences that they have, so we had really news on the house side that there were actually they were proposing some increases for the Older Americans act and on the senate side, it was much less impressive. So theres still a lot of advocacy to be done, and hopefully our advocates from San Francisco will be thinking about how we can reach out and make sure that the Older Americans act gets funded at hopefully better levels than it currently looks like on the senate guide. We will keep you abreast of that situation, but it might be that the department can send something on behalf of the commission. That would be helpful. The other thing that makes a difference is our leaders in congress and pushing for their advocacy. As you know, we are lucky that we have people who really care about these issues but we want to remind them that we need their support and advocacy. If anyone gets a chance to do that, that would be great. To move onto the state level, the state has gone full force and thinking about the master plan on aging. I mentioned last month that the oversight body, the task force, sorry, for the natural plan on aging has been put into effect. We had the first meeting on september 17th. There are also a lot of other opportunities to be involved. There are a number of set groups and committees that will be meeting to cover different areas of the master plan on aging and theres also, i have been assured by the state that they will be reaching out to counties like ours to find out what we think about the master plan on aging. That leads me to the events that we have onset we had on september 20th, 19th, 20 th. [laughter] at the hyatt regency. Many of you got to be there so that is really great. There was a fantastic turnout. This was an event put on by the luncheon care coordinating council. They did a good job of pulling it together. Janet got to give opening remarks and commissioner spears gave opening remarks, and then there was it was moderated and Assembly Members and commissioners were on the panel it seems like we had a very good we had a really interesting audience. It wasnt just people in this room. People who are always advocates for older people and people with disabilities, but there were people from the Health Department there, there were people from foundations, there were people from ucsf, et cetera, just hearing from a lot of different sectors, and that is really great. Part of the whole point of this is to get awareness to san franciscans, build awareness about the coming plan on and the opportunities to have input following that, marie from the Community Living campaign and i coauthored an oped over the weekend. If you havent seen that, we can bring that to the commission, but we are really trying to find opportunities to get the word out and really talk about the great work that San Francisco doesnt how we can be a model for some of the elements of the plan at the state level. Then i just wanted to i feel like we met very recently, maybe we didnt, it feels like we were just here. I also just wanted to take the opportunity to introduce kate. I mentioned her. Kate, if you could stand. Welcome. Kate is the newest member of our leadership team. I did introduce her last month, but didnt realize she wasnt in the room. I wanted to put a name to the face. She is our new director of the benefits and resource hub and we are really happy to have her it has given us the chance to put together our eligibility side with our intake information referral side and county Veterans Service office. Also, we were able to move our independent provider System Centre from one building into this building so that all of the services were centred in that building. It is really becoming more of a onestop, which is great. We are looking forward to working with kate. She has a great background and came from some of our partner agencies. She has worked with a number of other businesses, as well. I want to end on something that is very exciting and i have been talking about for a year now with you, and that is that we are about to launch an organization. The launch date is october 15 th. We have a number of things happening on that launch date. I want to think marie and kate at Community Living campaign for being such great partners and the meta fund for being a great partner as well. Even though we have consultants working with us and we have really creative people working with us, they are giving us great advice. Theres nothing like having people internally, and then our partners who really know our work to make the message correct. It has been a huge amount of effort on everyones part to pull this off. So you should hopefully, on october 14th, especially for the commissioners who like to walk around the city a lot and take stock of things, we are going to have wall scapes, we have a couple of walls gave areas purchased. One right near the meta fund near the washington battery, and then we will have bus tales , we have a caltrans sign bridge. Those are some of the outward facing physical things that you might see out in the community, but in addition to that, we will have a robust social Media Campaign going along with this. We have five people from the older adult communities in San Francisco who are represented as models in this so you will get to p. See people that maybe you will know. That is really exciting. Also we will have posters and buttons and postcards that we are going to be distributing to be part of this campaign. We are very excited. This is the first phase. The second phase is to make people aware of our services. It is about building awareness is of the aging population in San Francisco and thinking about ageism and combating ageism and then moving on to sing, hey, we have services for people that you should use. I think the other thing is that on all of the materials, there will be a u. R. L. That will lead right next to a landing page were people can learn about ageism, they can learn about the models, as i said in their stories, they can learn about they can read some articles about ageism and the intersection of ageism and some other things within San Francisco. They can take a pledge to end ageism. I am very excited about that. We will do our best to communicate as much as i can. Thank you very much. Any comments or questions . Just going back to our support for the Older Americans act, when we go about writing a letter, is that something that a staff person could help us by drafting . What i is a commission will be looking for is to something very specific around what are we trying to get the senate to vote for . That was probably in the house. It is a very specific advocacy piece. Is that something that will get drafted by staff and we can approve . We will talk about that and we will come back to you. There is a right way to go about it. In my mind, that would be the kind of letter that would be very helpful. I would like to support that. Right. Thank you. Shereen, i have a question for the separate 20th meeting [indiscernible] i believe it is on youtube and you can access it through the Dignity Fund Coalitions website and probably Community Living campaigns website, as well. I looked it up last night and i saw it on there. If you need the information, bridget can show you the website. Thank you. Thank you. Any other comments or questions thank you very much. The next item on the agenda is employee recognition. We will honor ashley rise from the San Francisco services office. [applause] come on up here. All right, everyone. This is a really exciting day. We get to honor ashley as the employee of the month for october 2019, which is fantastic. Ashley, i have not had a chance to work with you as much as i have with some people, so i will read what people wrote about you because it is really in the process. And you have only been with us since 2017 so you have really managed to distinguish yourself amongst your staff and your peers, and that is fantastic. Ashley joined Inhome Supportive Services in 2017. She always cares greatly for ihss clients. She constantly looks for opportunities to expand her knowledge regarding Resources Available to clients and herself as a professional. Often times, she makes sure she is connected with agencies in the bay area and is always on the lookout for trainings and workshops that will help her serve clients better. She shares this knowledge with the rest of the program. For many years, Inhome Supportive Services has been collaborating with laguna honda hospital to provide services to some of our most wanted will clients in the city and helping to have them come out of laguna honda and get ready to return home. Recently we saw the need to strengthen that collaboration by streamlining processes and improving communications between the two agencies. Therefore, ihss decided to dedicate one social worker who will specialize in the needs of laguna honda hospital clients and provide more focused resources. We needed someone who has great communication skills, no such interact with clients who are facing challenges, and is able to follow through with service delivery. Ashley was a perfect social worker for this job but she took on this unique opportunity without any hesitation. She was able to coordinate Services Delivery to ensure that the clients will have a safe discharge home. Ever since we have seen an improvement in services and positive feedback about the dedicated care we provide to our clients who are coming out of laguna honda. Thank you, ashley, for all your wonderful work and your dedication, and thank you so much for being part of our ihss team. Congratulations. [applause] i am just looking forward to a long career here and continuing to help serve the clients that we are serving in San Francisco. Thank you and congratulations. [applause] the next item on the agenda is the Advisory Council report. Good morning, commissioners. The Advisory Council met on wednesday, september 19th and all of our members were present, so that is a big accomplishment, and including josh who is up for confirmation this morning. We still have some vacancies, but it does mean that we our meetings tend to go a little bit longer. We had report by rose jones on the departments 2019, 2020 action plan, that was the report that was given to you earlier in the month. We focus on the key deliverables under each goal and it was very similar to the report you heard on the early part of the month. The joint Legislation Committee made a recommendation that the council send a letter urging the governor to sign the Senior Legislature sponsored bill 970, which is to provide grants for transportation, and these are primarily in rural areas where, is much as we have challenges here with transportation, we have transportation in the Rural Communities and there are none to get seniors and persons with disabilities to medical appointments, grocery stores, or if they get there, it is ours long driving and food can be limited. We had a quick report on the assistedliving report that had been done earlier in the year and that just brought the council uptodate on some other work that is being done by other groups in the city. The dignity fund an oversight committee, we had an update. There was the update on the year and budget, targets have been achieved, and things are going well, but there are some questions about the lgbtq population being underrepresented. Some transgender engagement has been conducted into public forums. That led into dr. Alemans presentation on the lgbtq update, and again, mentioning a delay in the 7595 laguna, which is in lgbtq centred Senior Housing site. And then she discussed the challenges of Data Collection in other city departments beyond daas on Data Collection from lgbt on that that is not being pushed. The dr. The doctor and supervisor mandelman are discussing ways to get that data. There was a brainstorming session in june, and work is being done with the Mayors Office on transgender issues to see if there is a way to push that data for demographic collection. There is a similar problem with the state level. Because we had such robust discussions with everybody there, we ran out of time for sight visits. And since the joint Legislation Committee and the legislation is over, the joint legislation voted not to meet in october, november, and december. We will have our sight visits report completed. That is the number one goal. When we talked, there were a number of announcements talking about the doctor gave an update on the scan Foundation Form on the master plan, together which occurred on monday the 16th, and then also on the first meeting of the master plan for aging. And then there were a number of activities through the rest of the month. On the 19th there was a cessation of Disability Advocates that met addressing the master plan with state senator weiner and Assembly Members. And then, also, one of our councilmembers in district four has a program called senior power and she reached out to the groups, to our merchants in the sunset parkside area about hiring seniors, so she will be talking at the next meeting, so we will have an update soon that came from discussions at council. Thank you. Any comments or questions from the commission . Dianne, county vacancies do you have on the advisory at this point . I think we have one from the commission and three from the supervisors. I would have to double check. And we have reached out to all the supervisors, i think maybe four from the supervisors. We will be working to get back to the supervisors. With commission appointments, and supervisorial appointments, we should really have every district coverage. We have two districts with no coverage, so the person working on membership, i was thinking about that this morning, we have one pending. Supervisor yi has someone pending. Sometimes with a supervisorial appointments, it takes the rules committee to get on the board of supervisors ofs addenda agenda, but well be reaching out. And if need be, we will go to their offices and sit down and talk with them. Any other comments or questions . The next item on the agenda is the joint legislative committee and here is dianne again. So we have had a pretty robust year. I will give you summary numbers one of the reasons the joint Legislation Committee opted not to meet again is because the legislative session is over so there will be no changes to what will go through will go through. I will give you a written report of what got past and passed and what didnt and all of that. Right now, four bills of the over 50 plus have been signed and chaptered. Those are on emergency preparedness, Residential Care facilities, Emergency Services training and elder and dependent adults abandonment. Right now there are 20 sitting on the governors desk to be signed. I havent checked if anything has occurred, but i think that is a pretty good record for the year. Six are held under suspension, and in our discussions, we think many of those are masterplanned potential issues , so they may come back next year. Some will definitely be two year bills. We will know more when we report in february. There will not be much done in january. And then there were four there were six held under submission. Four that have already been targeted for possible two year bills, and there are 13 that are just sitting there. We dont know what will happen with those. They could die. Those numbers could reappear if something with Something Else next year. We will have to wait and see. Thank you. Any comments or questions . Thank you very much. I have been busy. So we met in september 23rd, 24th in sacramento. There are new councilmembers, new commission members. I wanted to give you a brief update on the package. They were introductions of the New California commission on aging and executive director carol who has a very broad background in aging and adult services, a broad background with the department of health and has worked internationally on womens issues. So i think she will she is very lively and engaged in our conversation. Every p. S. A. Has to submit a report prior, so we submit a report but i wanted to point out a couple of things that i thought stood out. The county is doing a finger fare in october to focus on the census. We talk a lot about census 2020 and the importance for seniors, and particularly adults and persons with disabilities, making sure they are counted. One p. S. A. Also had a master plan for aging summits similar to what we did on the seventh. Los angeles has been focusing on purposeful aging and the county is in aging and disability friendly city. The San Bernardino county has been looking at disabilities as a representative always talks about impairment that be considered in Senior Housing. They have been focusing on scams and identity theft. They have also done sessions on talking with seniors on how to find sign up for cal fresh, just oneday education, and the next day they have representatives come and who can sit down at the computers, do the interviews, to everything that is necessary. San diego had a final aging conference. They have it each year. They talked about they are focusing on their alzheimers Response Team and that is training deputy sheriffs so when they try to handle when there is a call, how to handle somebody with dementia, and then some of the concerns that came up, obviously were how to make sure the census calls out people with disabilities. A lot of discussions about emergency preparedness, and then transportation. We had a lot of discussions about paratransit, and right now we have codes that were shared with all of us. We had four key presentations. I will not go into a lot of detail, but one was on the master plan for aging by the senior policy advisor. Another one on aging and food dignity by the california food and policy advocates. That provided a very robust discussion on how you get people signed up for eligible you are eligible for cal fresh, some of the misconceptions about asking for aid and taking aid, the complexity of it and how to simplify it. The Deputy Director irene, layla from the department of aging gave us an update on the budget and how it impacts the area plan. Much of it should read has shared. And then we had an update by the deputy policy deputy policy advisor of the Alzheimers Association and she talked about the fact that the alzheimers group, Maria Shriver is planning five forums throughout the state to discuss this. Their timetable, as we know, overlaps with the master plan and it will be included. It really is the first time that alzheimers has been discussed at really high levels the other the frightening thought was half the persons with alzheimers in the United States come from california. I wrote it and when i saw it again i thought, i was startled it was a very collaborative meeting. Thank you, dianne. Any comments or questions . Thank you for bringing up the issue of the census. I serve on the complete county for the 2020 census. We met last friday and there were two big gaps that were noted. That was the lgbtq community, as well as with people with disabilities. As we are moving to be a little bit more inclusive and reimagining who we are, i am hoping maybe at the next meeting, if you could issue a report on what the department is doing regarding outreach for the census. We can definitely do that. We just started having conversations with them, and one of our concerns is the huge portion of census data that will be taken by email, or taken electronically versus by mail. Of course, that is a concern for. I am the executive director of the and how Supportive Housing public authority, but im here today on behalf of the longterm coordinating council, which i am also a remnant a member. We had our last meeting in september and without repeating what has already been said, we spent a lot of time talking about the master plan on aging. It was right before this big event that happens we spent a long time talking about that. As you know, the coordinating Council Focuses on particular policy areas that all have issues that are important to people within limitations, and those are the areas of how housing attrition, social engagement, transportation, and workforce. One of the things we did talk about at the last meeting was the public charge rule, which absent of any litigation, is set to go into effect on october 15th. And what this rule does is it expands the list of benefits that people who are not residents or citizens can read. The thing that we heard was that this rule only comes into effect at certain points of the immigration process, such as applying for a green card, not applying for citizenship, and many categories of immigrants are exempt from this rule, so just the mention of this rule obviously has a Chilling Effect on a lot of people, and so the city is working really hard to get the message out in many languages with cards and encouraging people to call so that people who are not affected by this rule will not stay away. In addition to that, the Palliative Care workgroup is a subgroup of longterm care coordinating council and one of the things discussed was that reimagining is coming back to San Francisco, it was here last year. It will be here october 24th until november 2nd. The Palliative Care workgroup is working with libraries and other communities to make sure everyone is talking about and has filled out their advanced health care directive. We also talked about legislation. Unless there are any questions, thats all i have. Thank you very much. Any comments or questions . Thank you. Thank you very much. Next is the case report. Good morning, commissioners. The highlight of my report on case this past month is our first, hopefully annual, getting there together, which was sunday, september 8th. It was from all accounts, a big success. We had 40 exhibitors, we had an incredible array of senior and people with disability performing, not only entertaining, quite moving at times, and then just a rock and outdoor gymnasium with all kinds of physical activities and classes. Really, really inspirational, and of course, many attendees. We have already begun planning for next year. It was great to have supervisors gordon mar and norman he there, as well as state senator scott weiner. Nancy mcpherson, the state director of aarp california travelled up from los angeles. We were quite honoured to have all of those people speaking. This months Membership Meeting had quite a lot on it, beginning with the office on aging. And we had some updates. We had an incredible presentation on intergenerational programming with the ucsf memory of aging centre and friends of the elderly. Also turned peterson from sequoyah living. The presentation was enlightening. It was quite moving at times and very positive. Really good stuff going on there. We also have had brett from the local census efforts and we will have him back again in the early spring before the census begins, with a very important, and then finally, we also continued our process for developing our annual budget advocacy ask that started in august with brainstorming where we solicited ideas, areas of funding from members, and then begin to winnow that down. We did some discussion of the meeting and followed that with a survey to all the member agencies asking them to select their top areas and compiled that and got it down to seven areas which are listed as very general. We want to do outreach for new clients, wage equity, which was also one of our elements in this past year, Behavioral Health around staff ability to deal with needs and maybe dementia specifics and finally, a followup on the conversations that have taken place around the possibility of a collaboration between the case and Dignity Fund Coalition to assume leadership of the dignity Fund Service Provider workgroup, each of our two coalitions hold their members as to asking for approval of that, but also in terms of which was the preference. Either to host water of the annual Service Provider meetings or all four and both of our meetings, in conversation with fiona, she relayed the Dignity Fund Coalition thinking that each agency, each Coalition Holds two of those meetings. We will continue with discussions in formalizing that and aligning our thinking and hopefully make for a stronger and more effective Service Provider workgroup. What questions may i answer . Thank you very much. Any comments or questions. This is the nominating committee report. Recommending josh hallstead to be nominated to the commission Advisory Council. We met with him and he is a good fit for the Advisory Council, and he is also young, so we are bringing new ideas. We have presented it and we want a vote to the commission. Yes. Just to reiterate my remarks from last month, as we expand and trying to address issues for people with disabilities, josh is an absolute wealth of experience and knowledge and i think will be an asset to the committee. I would encourage my colleagues to advance his nomination. Thank you. Those comments are shared by everyone on the commission. Thank you, the motion carries. Any old business . Any new business . Item a. , requesting authorization to modify the Grant Agreement with the centre for provision of technology and connection at home programs during the period of january first, 2018 through june 30th , 2024 and additional amount of 45,000 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 811,000. Welcome. Thank you and good morning. As you might recall, i presented this particular item at the september commission and i would be happy to answer any additional questions at this time or present fully again, whichever you prefer. Thank you. Are there any questions or comments from the commission . Any questions or comments from the public . Hearing none, may i have a motion to approve . All in favor . Any opposed . The motion carries. Item b. , requesting to modify the existing Grant Agreement with entries for the citywide nutrition, education and Counseling Service programs during the period of september first, 2019 through june 30th , 2020 in the amount of 48,858, plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 347,186. Welcome to laura. Good morning, commissioners. My name is lauren and im a logician it nutritionist with daas. This item was presented during the september commission but im happy to answer any questions you have at this time thank you. Are there any comments or questions from the commission . Any comments or questions from the public . May i have a motion to approve . So moved. Any further comments . All in favor . Aye. Thank you. The motion carries. Item c. , review and approval of California Department of aging supplemental nutrition assistance programs, education. Approval of Community Services grant of selfhelp for the elderly to include 137,697 funding and activities. Welcome. Good morning, commissioners. I am the Program Director from the office of Community Partnerships upping in for sarah chan who could not be here today. This item before you is an approval of another contract. This is for us to access a funding that we used to support group of programs that we designed to increase visible activities and Healthy Living and Healthy Nutrition information for older adults. This contract and this funding is something that we have accepted for a number of years at this point. We have always used selfhelp for the elderly as our subcontractor to administer these programs. The programs themselves that are being administered are unique in that that they are an edited space of programs and they are on an approved list which we much must select from, which is maintained by the United States department of agriculture which are the ultimate governing body for the snap programs. A lot of bureaucracy. The current offerings that we are using this funding for, and we would hope to use it for in the next few years are tai chi for arthritis and Fall Prevention programs. It has been very popular and done very well. A couple of newer ones. And walk with ease program, and bingo, which sounds pretty exciting and i have heard good things about. We also do a series of Health Information campaigns, some of them we are still very familiar with, but it brings attention to the beverages that we drink and the calories that we consider in there. Attached to this packet at the very end is the budget that we are proposing to how we are proposing to allocate these dollars. You will see it is a mix of staff time as well as Program Materials and supplies to run these programs. With that, im happy to answer any questions at the commission might have. Any comments or questions from the commission . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, may i have a motion to approve . Thank you. Do i have a second . Second. Any further comments or discussion . All in favor . Aye. Thank you. The motion carries. Thank you very much. Item d. , requesting authorization to modify the existing Grant Agreement with Community Living campaign for the provision of Community Services Program Pilot during the period of september first, 2019, through june 30th, 2020 , in an additional amount of 406,945 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed of 1. 2 million. Welcome back to tiffany. Thank you. Similarly to the first one, i presented this one at the september commission and i would be happy to answer any additional questions or fully present again, whichever you would prefer. Okay. Are there any needs for another presentation . Any comments or questions from the commission . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, may i have a motion to approve . So moved. Thank you. Any further comment . All in favor . Aye. Thank you. The motion carries. Thank you, tiffany. Item e. , requesting authorization to modify the Grant Agreements with multiple providers to apply the concept of doing business cod be increased, during the period july 1st, 2019, through june 30th, 2020 2024, in the additional amount of 3. 2 million. Good morning, commissioners. Joan couldnt be here today, so i am presenting on his behalf. Thank you, please move the microphone a little bit closer. Is this better . I am david. Im here before you today to modify the current Grant Agreement with nonprofit Service Providers for the provision of a cost of doing business increase, also referred to as cod be. As part of the approval process , in late july at the board of supervisors, mayor breed approved a 3 cost of doing business increase for Grant Agreements for the 1920 fiscal year. Additionally, they approved the compounded to point 5 increase that they apply to fiscal year 2021 grant amounts. Due to varying terms of program grants, this amount is baseline for subsequent fiscal years and is represented in the table before you. The funds encompass salaries associated with benefits, operational costs, indirect costs and general fund and leverage state and federal funds. Generally knotting putting the passthrough funds like direct client assistance dollars and capital expenses, so not included are the programs and add bags we will send out letters to the agencies for the respective did you say these would come from the state and federal government . Negative. It is eligible funds, a blended fund of local, state, and federal. I dont see any state and federal broken out on this. There is the dignity fund as well as the county. The actual fund is coming from the dignity fund and the county fund. What is used to calculate that is a Funding Amount of the grant. Thank you. Thank you for clearing that up. I have a question. Are these the funds that are basically used to provide the rate yearoveryear to the contracts that we approve . It is not a regular presentation, it is not a regular proposal. We historically have been one year or two years every year to come up for an increase this year we have a 3 for 1920. And there have been some folks where that was not realized. The dignity fund would not fund any of this. But in the end, the city decided it was a perfect case, so hence the two thirds coming from the case. Any comments or questions from the commission . And he comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, may i have a motion to approve . Do i have a second . Thank you. Any further comment. All in favor . Aye. Thank you. Item f. , requesting authorization to enter into a new Grant Agreement for the provision of Legal Services for older adults during that period of october first, 2019, to june 30th, 2020 and the amount of 90,000 with a 10 contingency for a total grant amount not to exceed 99,000. Welcome back, michael. Hello. This item is for a new Grant Agreement for this year. This is funded through, in part by an ad back from the board of supervisors focusing services on district nine, as well as some one time only dignity funds funds that we had available this year. Briefly, older adult Legal Services, they kind of do what they say. They provide Legal Assistance to older adults in a variety of areas such as housing rights, and eviction prevention and public and private advocacy and appeals. Theyre currently contracted with us for naturalization for services as well as Legal Services for younger adults with disabilities, so adding this in will make them nicely wellrounded to serve our target population. There services are in the district at valencia and 15th their language capacity is spanish. They are doing two interesting things with outreach clinics to reach more clients. They are spending time, a couple times each month based that long rock and 30th Street Senior Centre as well as carry Senior Centre in order to reach more clients. Thank you. Any comments or questions from the commission . Only a ninemonth that is correct. Thank you. Any other comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, may i have a motion to approve . So moved. Do i have a second . Second. Any other comments or questions . Hearing none, call the question , all in favor . Aye. Thank you. The motion carries. Item g. Requesting authorization to modify the existing Grant Agreement with Catholic Charities for the provision of Case Management services during the period of july first, 2019 through june 30th 2021 in the amount of 80,000 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 775,000. Once again, michael. This item is a continuation of a previous one time only for the support. A halftime case manager with the organization. The funds here are for this year as well as next and we will keep that position in place throughout the remainder of the initial term of the Case Management contract. This additional half staffer will be able to increase capacity by at least 27 unduplicated clients per year. The language capacity with Catholic Charities, within their Case Management staff, they have some manager and capacity, but they also are able to rely on their larger staff to help out with translation. It broadens the availability to mandarin, cantonese, vietnamese , cantonese, and spanish. We are also able to leverage our access Language Line free of charge provided by daas. With that, im happy to answer any questions. Any comments or questions . Yes, just one question regarding the budget yearoveryear. Yes, that is typically how we do it. Your comment earlier about cost , that is how adjustments can be made. Okay. I just wanted to make sure i made that connection. Thank you. Any other comments or questions from commission . Yes, a quick question, the normal thing was done and they were under performing. What percentage was it . At the time of the visit, which was in the spring, they were under by, i dont know the percentage. That was due to them not having a staff person. I think they joined the city, but they just couldnt serve clients. By the time we went and checked at the end of the year that they had hired in that position , they had gone and gotten clients off the waitlist and they had reached their goal for the year. Thank you. Thank you. Any other comments or questions hearing none, any comments or questions from the public . May i have a motion to approve . So moved. I will call the question. All in favor . Aye. Thank you. The motion carries. Requesting authorization to modify the existing grant with golden gate Senior Services for the provision of aging and disability resource centres during the period of july first 2018 through june 30th, 2020 for an additional amount of 10,000 plus a 10 contingency amount not to exceed 183,000. Welcome to sarah. [please stand by] the office of Community Partnerships requests your approval for the aging and disability resource center. Thank you for your consideration. I am happy to answer any questions the commission may have. Thank you very much. In comments or questions from the commission . One comment. I am looking at the budget, and the Service Numbers are pretty outstanding for such a small budget. I am seeing like over 1,000 unduplicated older adults being served. I have one question. It says there will be 1300 Service Units of assistance. What is that . Is that the assistance with heat and the other things you mentioned . It could be a variety of things, referrals, translation services. One of the most common is help with translating mail and forms and things that folks receive in the mail. If memory served this agency has done a good job in reaching out to the community and there is a enormous amount of participation in the community. The high number of clients. People know about them. This is one area without reach has succeeded very well. Any other comments or questions from the commission . Any comments from the public . Hearing none call the question. I have a motion to approve. So moved. All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Thank you you, sarah. Item i. Requesting authorization to modify the existing Grant Agreement with institute on aging for the provision of the Community Living fund during the period of november 1, 2019 through june 30, 2021. In the amount of 700,000 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 10,564,736. Welcome, fannie. Good morning, commissioners. Program analyst for the office of community partnership. I am here to request modification to our existing contract with the institute on aging for the provision of the Community Living fund program to include a pilot for the administration of the Public Guardian housing fund. Currently, we provide the Services Using a twoprong approach of coordinated Case Management and purchases of goods and services. It serves San Francisco residents 18 and older with incomes of 300 of the federal poverty level. They must be able to live in the community with appropriate support and have demonstrated need with service or resource to prevent institutionalization. The modification we are requesting today for the provision of the monthly subsidies and moverelated costs for Public Guardian and

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