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We worked for over two years to minimize the impacts, proposing turn lanes and signal changes and other small changes to accommodate the use along the streets. A thoughtful design that prioritizes to address critical safety needs, also taking into account unique character and needs of 5th street and the community. Lastly, i would like to end by touching on the next steps for the corridor. Following todays meeting if approve, preconstruction outreach prior to starting restriping in the fall and work with the shops to be cognizant. Concrete work will then take place in the winter of 2020. We are collecting preproject data now and post project Data Collection in the fall of 2020, and publish the findings soon after. And looking towards making the quick build design more permanent. We see that in the fall of 2021. Thanks very much for your i am too. Happy to answer questions. Kevin stall, and a rider of the bus line. And a major advocate for Pedestrian Safety and a lot of the changes here will help improve the corridor a lot. One of the major thoroughfares south of market with a lot of people walk, ride their bikes, drive, and take muni down this street. And with the number of people who are going to be moving into the neighborhood with the new projects, the potential of having a lot of families with children and possibly seniors and maybe people who are disabled who frequent this corridor a lot, the changes will most definitely help the people feel safe, and unfortunately we have 22 people in our city killed, pedestrian fatalities and the number is growing. So, any and all improvements to make sure people feel safe is much needed, and i fully support the project in its entirety. Thank you very much. Thank you. Paul, cat, simone. My name is courtney, here on behalf of supervisor matt haney, district 6. I think its a rare evening when the board of supervisors is done before you all. Im just here mainly to express our strong support for this project. Im sure as many of you and the folks in the room are really tired of the streets being treated as freeways and for soma having some of the most dangerous streets in our city, and we are appreciative of the work you are doing to advance important projects and making sure, and very transformative for the project, and eager to see in particular the gaps in our protected bike lane network be closed in soma as well. Thank you for moving this forward. Look forward to seeing the quick builds in the ground in the fall, and i also wanted to thank the staff and all the advocates who have been integral to building out the proposal as well. You have our full support. Thank you so much. Thank you. Charles, cat. Thank you, commissioners. Charles lafarge with the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Every time, just about every single time i dare to ride 5th street i see something that gives me a chill and its inexperienced riders, often tourists riding, sandwiches between trucks, busses and parked vehicles, often with their children and with, you know, scraps of paint encouraging them to be bold and take the lane. They are on fifth because its on the Bicycle Network, the apps. The city is encouraging people to take this really broken street from market to caltrain. Its really only a matter of time before somebody gets hit and killed, we know that at this point, lets not wait until that happens to move here and thankfully we are moving pretty quickly. So, today we have the opportunity to reverse this embarrassing, unacceptable part of the Bicycle Network and continuous protect the bike lanes can create new space for people riding. Not only the north south connector between 2nd and 7th. So, not only will the project save lives but will open up the network, its important we get it right on 5th street. The unit from market to mission, one of the busiest blocks of the corridor. You have the active valet, hotels north of market, so protection for people riding on this block is a, is a crucial component to the overall project. A break in con at this continuity, and priority over automobile access, yes, and slight transit impacts as well. Im excited to see the Lessons Learned from previous quick build projects and get things in the ground this year, timeline, and thank you to staff. We look forward to this going in the ground. Thank you. Cat carter, simone, marcell. Cat carter, San Francisco transit riders. We are excited to see 5th street improved with protected bike lanes and the bus bulbouts and the safety features that will make it a more livable street, and make it more welcoming for everybody. However, we are disapointed to see busses forced to share a single lane with cars. The northbound 27 bryant will be sitting in 5th street congestion downtown Traffic Congestion for three blocks and this will add at least a few minutes travel time. And make the 27 bryant even more unreliable than it is now. As you probably know, the 27 bryant is part of the equity strategy, low income, senior riders, and the north side of Market Street and sfmta did so well on that one. Gains made on the 27 north of market will be wiped out by this project south of market. We have suggested a possible solution, namely a combined busbike lane pilot project. Again, we like pilots. It has been done in other major cities. Busses only every 15 minutes and the shared bike lane would be three blocks long. We really ask and urge sfmta to consider this pilot. We cannot have another project that considers transit as an afterthought and impacts be ok. So, i ask you to consider, if any other recent street Improvement Project has actually made muni worse by design, and i urge you to alter that part of the project. Thank you. Simone, marcell. Im a concerned citizen of San Francisco and dedicated biker. I strongly support the 5th street Improvement Project. Its a sorely, sorely needed project that improves bike infrastructure. Finally finally a protected bike lane for the entire corridor. Music to my ears when i hear that. I biked 5th street a few days ago, and dangerous for even an experienced biker. And as director brinkman said we needed them 5 or 10 years ago. If we put them 5 or 10 years ago we would not have the vision 0 problems we are having today. Its not enough. Protected bike lanes often still have dangerous mixing zones and other items im sure will be continued in this project today. The excelsior project today only had four blocks of unbroken bike lanes, only four blocks. And then 2 to 3 more years to get transit improvements. The sixth and Taylor Project has been going on for years, and no bike lanes in the final design. I went to one of the outreach meetings and sfmta staffers had no data to keep bike lanes out, even if it was in the original design. And mentioned before, stockton street was entirely returned to the cars after, you know, all of that central subway construction. Based on evidence, i dont think the sfmta takes vision 0 very seriously. We need more carfree streets for the tenderloin, more protected bike lanes, protected intersections, transit only lanes. Articles in newspapers often only asked merchants and dont ask transit riders. With reliable transit and bike lanes, people will ride them. As director borden said, people dont bike because it is dangerous. All of these things need to happen on every project. Thank you. By default. Thank you very much. Time is up. Marcell, harold, michael. Thank you. My name is marcell, im a resident of San Francisco, and ph. D. Student in city planning at u. C. Berkeley, and a proud member of the San Francisco bike coalition. Tremendous momentum today in terms of improving Sustainable Transportation options in large part due to decisions made by the board in regard to our streets. Today represents another opportunity to move the city forward encouraging and protecting bicycling. Research shows that unless bike lanes are separated and protected, only a small section of our population will use them, namely young white men. Protecting bike lanes is the best way to diversify, women, older adults, and children, and people of color. In addition, study after study indicates that building protected bike lanes improves sfoot traffic and success of businesses along such corridors, as opposed to maintaining private car storage. In particular, 5th street represents Market Street, union square, and beyond. Two traffic lanes in each direction and private car storage on each side. We can flip the scale of the street towards bicycling and transit. Thank you. Thank you. Harold findlay, michael borden, kevin carol. Harold findlay, ive ridden my bike all over the city. The main thing i notice, besides the city streets me as a second class citizen, the main thing i notice is that im so exposed to danger, especially the vehicle im just moments away, just a momentary lapse, a judgment by a driver, or attention by a driver, or maybe a momentary burst of aggression by a driver and im down. People are putting up the bike, im not here talking. It just its frightening, and then when i get past that, i just think how ridiculous it is. We are a fifth of the way through the 21st century, we should be done with having cardominated streets but we are not. Its everywhere. And also, you know, projects, create places of danger, we need to protect people from the danger. Thats part of completing the projects. That should be natural. You know, crucial to create the danger, then protect people from it. Dont make them come to meetings and protect you from protection, be satisfied with bulbouts and stuff like that, protect them. You insist on having it. I know you all know this, but our streets dont reflect that at all. And i guess ill say one last thing. Director heminger, i am mad at you, and you know, you are right, people just are not coming up and telling you and i and director borden, i understand completely the analysis you gave but you have an ethical problem allowing people to die while you wait for Community Sensibility to reach the right place. Michael borden. Good afternoon, michael borden, im 68 years old, and i get around the city when i can and i feel safe. My first choice is by bike. Everyone else has already just said when i feel about the conditions of the 5th street, probably more eloquently than i can. So, just thinking of something new to say. Bear with me a moment, you may think im having another senior moment. But just rereading the novel, ian foresters novel, howards end, and a wonderful quote, those of you who saw the wonderful movie, Emma Thompson says to anthony hopkins, and that is connect, live in fragments no longer. Now you can take this in a very literal way, commissioner hemingers statement of our need for bike Transportation Networks that connect or what charles pointed out, the need for connections between the 5th and townsend and howard and Market Street bike lanes. A literal way. But i would like to talk a different way. I dont really think of myself as a senior, i think of myself as a 68yearold man, lucky enough to be still hobbling around. But i do feel seniors through ageism are unaware, and sometimes put in a box of, the city talks about improvements to, to transportation, for seniors, i always see muni and walking, which are poriimportan me and with some with a disability like myself, and some seniors bike and i am included, and how i connect to the city is keeping my involvement up with my friends, with my volunteer work and my social networks and getting there. Thank you. By bike is the way i do that. So, please help connections, please approve the bike lane, thank you. Bye. Thank you. Kevin carol, jodie, jake shumano. Kevin carol, president and c. E. O. Of the Hotel Council of San Francisco. I live in San Francisco, a heavy user of Public Transit and public transportation. For me, im here today to speak in support of the 5th street project. I have one question, one concern that we have been expressing throughout the process. I want to thank the m. T. A. , and especially talia lange for the multiple meetings she mentioned and meeting with our group specifically, and i know others as well. But i also want to thank the walk s. F. And the Bicycle Coalition who have come out and met with us and our teams as well. I think its important that we understand what each of each other are looking at with it. As far as the overall project, we obviously support vision 0, and protected bike lanes. I think as charles mentioned, our visitors bike all over the city, our employees bike as well. And then obviously we are pedestrians and our guests are pedestrians as well. The one concern we have brought up along is the constriction of two lanes to one lane on northbound 5th street and that case, i know some adjustments that are made, especially coming off the freeway and crossing market and we do appreciate those adjustments. We still have a concern on, and ask the very thorough evaluation plan thats developed looks at what the impacts are. I think its important for all of us to realize our supplies arrive in, through traffic lanes, and many of our visitors arrive through busses and other modes of transportation, its not just all single drivers in cars that are using the lanes. And we do feel that there will be a constriction there as part of it. So, we do ask that as you do the evaluation thats taken seriously with what the impacts are going to be, and thank you again for your time and especially to the team at the m. T. A. For the work they have done. Thank you. Jodie madiros, jake shumano, mike sizemore. Good afternoon, executive director, walk San Francisco. This safety Improvement Project cant happen soon enough. As the sfmta presented and pointed out, this corridor has been a Pedestrian Safety nightmare. Lives have been at risk, especially those of seniors and seniors with disabilities. This neighborhood has one of the highest senior populations in the city and streets must be designed with this in mind. And as we know, pedestrian numbers on 5th street corridors are going to increase as the new developments are put on. Walk San Francisco has been working on this project for many, many years with the neighbors and sfmta. We have gone and done street side outreach and talked to literally hundreds of people on or near 5th street at outreach events and our surveys shows 94 expressed the desire for safe intersections, the biggest number one ask. The plans will go a long way toward safer intersections, and huge improvements to intersections like brandon around the flower mart. Incredibly pleased a no right turn policy will be on 5th street for the improvements and we strongly support a no right on red to prevent all collisions in the city and see it as a widespread policy. Finally, we support the separated bike lanes, to calm the street and improve safety. And a group has been working with the sfmta on how to design protected bike lanes to ensure accessibility and hope the 5th street design including the quick build is going to incorporate the work groups nine Design Principles for this implementation. Thank you very much. Look forward to hearing you on this project. Jake shumano, brian vice chair and commission members, Development Manager with real tech, inc. On behalf of investors, and proposed mixed use multifamily development at 300 5th street at the corner of 5th and folsom streets. I would like to acknowledge and thank you the sfmta and talia lange for mentioning the development coming to the area. I think its an important aspect of the future of the street improvements and who will be using the streets. Specifically, our firm has been proposing a development in this location since 2016. Currently proposing plans for 130 apartments, small ground floor commercial street with 0 off street parking. Our project received preliminary street design comments prepared as part of the project review. Comments included a statement indicating that no on street loading would be available on either of the project street frontages. It includes some correspondence with talia and her team and i would like to make it known to the public records sorry, but basically she and her team have shown through this design that you can accommodate an on street loading zone on 5th street, the tune of 112 feet long. Given our ability to add the onstreet loading in this location, the sponsor is very supportive of the plans and feel it will go a long way to bolster pedestrian and cyclists safety. Our time is excuse me, our team is grateful for the design considerations and hard work of miss lange and her team. Thank you for your service. Next speaker. Mike sizemore, followed by brian clofuss and jeremy. Mike sizemore, 5th street resident and daily 5th street rider. Again, i am one of those young white guys that can survive 5th street. I just want to give you a glimpse of what riding on 5th street is. Typically every day i experience one of the following. People accelerating close to me, trying to pass me, people have thrown Water Bottles at me, frustrated im on the street. Ive had somebody pass very, very close to me and clip me with their rearview mirror, and then turn around and blame it on me, and get out of the car and try and fight me. Ive had somebody merge into me and i tap on their car as they are merging into me, which proceeds them to roll down the window and tell me they are going to [bleep] end me. You know, this is the reality on 5th street. I want my community to be accepting of people. I hate that my neighborhood is an on ramp for highway 80. Lets create this community. I dont want to grow up in this community, you know, i plan on having children, i plan on putting them on bikes, i plan on having them walk around the city. This is not going to happen if they are being tailgated by people with people laying on their horns, if the street continues to be this hellscale for anybody that is not in a car. Again, im also up here because i am a constant rider and nothing is more powerful than, you know, if i do end up dying on the street, to have a recording of me making the warning, so i do wear my helmet, i do practice safety biking, safe biking on that street, but at the end of the day if this could be used as an action to get faster bike lanes or more safe streets in our neighborhood, i will be happy for that. So thank you, and please push this forward as quick as possible. We hope its not a record for that sort of thing. I hope so, too. Brian, jeremy. Hi, brian clofuss, here in support of the 5th street Improvement Project. I bike and walk every day and bike down 5th street once or twice per week. This project is great, the entire length will have protected bike lanes, it will make me feel safer. I think it should go further, red light cameras and speed cameras mid block. Thanks. Jeremy, the last person. Hi, jeremy frisch, i have come before you before to advocate for protected lanes townsend, and folsom and howard, but today talking about 5th street where we have another opportunity to save human lives by building protected lanes along the road. This is not abstracts every day bikers like me have to mix with highway and bus traffic, and pray they are not injured or killed by drivers. Leaving any gap in the protected network for cyclists lead to unnecessary deaths, like Tess Rothstein who died in an unprotected bike lane a block from where it began on howard. The mixing zones i saw in the designs there the open house were a far cry from a fully protected bike lane. So, maybe im hoping thats changed or yeah, i still, they still put cyclists at risk at key points along the route. As the previous speaker said, we are not going to get more diverse folks riding instead of driving without a fully protected bike network with none of these dangerous gaps. Members of the board, i urge you to support the near and longterm projects on fifth and direct sfmta to implement shortterm fixes in weeks, not months or years with no dangerous gaps. As the presenter said, we are seeing one person per week get injured on this street. So, every week counts. We know it can be done and peoples lives again on it. Thanks. Thank you. Thanks for giving me a chance to speak out and i just closed my your name, please. Bob walsh, i work for scoot, one of the four micromobility Companies Operating in San Francisco. Im also a city native and my wife, as are my wife jana, three children and two grandchildren. Protected bike lane shouldnt take more than ten years to build. When we first started kicking this idea around, lyft and uber did not even exist. In fact, since this simple project was first proposed, we built the citys tallest skyscraper and the world class arena. And yet here we are, trying to get a bike lane built. Im kind of like a kid in the candy store, i cant wait to get this thing built. At this point in time to commit today in this room that the long delayed 5th street protected bike lane will be complete before the end of the year, you know, the quick build. Can we prioritize the safety of our pedestrians and cyclists over fancy new buildings, yeah. Can we put our money where our mouth is and truly advance the vision 0 goals, i believe we must. We all know very well that implementation of safe street designs, despite approving lifesaving benefits and Clear Community support continue to be politicized. Swiftly moving forward with this project you will make the next project less fraught and send a clear message. Designs that save lives by protecting vulnerable road users will be explained, but they will not be delayed. More and more residents are demonstrating a willingness to embrace alternatives to driving, such as public transportation, bicycles, e bikes, scooters, make your efforts to make 5th street and all of San Francisco streets safe for everyone. Thank you. Next speaker. Im one of the people that director heminger referred to using a bike as a primary mode of transportation, and i think less about my age but more with my nationality. I dont go down 5th street anymore, a friend of mine started doing it, and he then asked on twitter for tips how he could avoid 5th street, because it was so bad, and he wrote after his first time riding from the sunset to caltrain, he wrote 5th street is hell, youre biking on a six lane highway, no dedicated bike lanes, and cars zooming inches from you. Google maps sending bicyclists down 5th street, a disaster. Disclaimer, i have been riding down fifth, but rarely felt as safe as riding down fifth this morning. I think this project would help a lot with that. It has a few mixing zones, its not perfect, but its really, really good, and so i hate to disappoint mr. Heminger and not be i will do something i dont do very often, which is disavow something the transit riders said. Im a member of their organization, i support them but mixing bikes and busses is very, very bad idea, and we should not ever do it. Theres not enough space on the street for a bus, take it from the cars. Dont take it from the bikes. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Any more speakers on the topic . Seeing non, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues. Ms. Lange, a few questions. A couple of the speakers brought up what my first of all, great work on the project and good presentation. Obviously theres a lot of support for this one. Can we talk about the mixing zones . I see the project will be upgraded in 2021, which will include signal lights upgrades sounds like. Until then, mixing zones at the enter essentials . At some intersections we will. At some we will have four out of eight intersections well have either protected turns through sort of temporary portions of your protected intersection, or separated bike signals at folsom and bryant. Well have four intersections that basically be phased in as quickly as we can in terms of the longterm project and then we have some Development Projects also bringing online some changes, including the flower mart. Good, thats great. I understand the need for the mixing zones, but im not a big fan of them. A relief on 8th street when they are upgraded with dedicated turn signals. Second question, it looks like the west side wont be parking protected all the way. And do we have some idea of how we are going to keep cars out of that bike lane because as we know, unless there is a concrete curb or a line of parked cars, cars are going to try to go in there to get to the curb and park. Great point. In the quick build design, we will have vertical posts and buffers, and and upgraded in a phased way as quickly as possible, and the longterm, and become concrete buffers. Good, i can see that the next question that well get from director rubke will be access across those bike lanes for people with disabilities. Preempt her and ask that question. Quick build project, does incorporate curb ramps at all the passenger loading areas that are sort of floating between its the passenger loading zone, and then its bike lane, then the sidewalk. You need a way to access the sidewalk, so curb ramps and also be accessible. Im so supportive of this project, its going to be great and a fantastic connection. It is a good way to get from the train station pretty much in the part of the neighborhoods, going to the maria, cal hallow, i do wish we had a slightly better connection taking us across Market Street, but i guess as Market Street gets improved, cyclists will be able to go left on market, and out turk and to use that intersection of market to intersect. Its going to be a big help for people and as more and more people buy electric assist bicycles and bike shares have more available, well have more people doing that commute across the city. Might be nice to add additional signage as we get the bike lane going, to let people know how to get across Market Street and turk street and thats a great idea. Thank you. Thank you, great work on this, and look forward to riding 5th street on my bike. Approved. Second. Question . Ok. I wanted to ask about the new configuration two in one, right, for the motorists, and the one is northbound. Yes. So, that primarily has an impact in the morning peak. Actually has a lot of impact in the morning peak and there is some did you consider a reversible lane as a way of managing that . We did in the consider reversible lane but this works with 5th street, exact in verse of what the 6th street configuration is, and also say the northbound one lane is from harrison north, and flip flops from bryant south, because of the highway on ramp and off ramp. Maybe you could just ask the director of transportation. Do we have a policy on reversible lanes, is it sort of a standard tool in the tool kit that can he consider . Cities are skiddish, the lawyers are skiddish, but a state law when you make improvements to the state highway system you must consider a reversible approach. Yeah, of course most of the state highways we have are are wider im just saying, you know, caltrans is doing something and were not, a reason to pay attention, i think. Simple answer, its not a tool that we have that we have applied to my knowledge in the city. Definitely, its something that the cities that have heavy vehicle, heavy directional flow to their traffic patterns use on surface streets. We have bidirectional, both directions south of market and the traffic flows will get more and and the freeway access, it does not conform to the sort of natural north in the morning and south in the evening. A lot of complicated factors. Something we can certainly look into. Its not currently in our toolbox. Yeah, i just think, we are missing opportunity if we just dont consider a strategy at all by default because i think there are going to be probably places where its going to make some sense. You obviously, as you said, have a strong directional flow. But my own experience has been this is more skittishness than unknown, its not a good idea in every case. Any other comments . I think i would agree, like Rock Creek Park changed directions, we should look at that, a great way to not have to expand roadway capacity but accommodate better for shifting traffic. And as mentioned, evaluation plan and look at how things are working, and as director maguire stated, its really about even in terms of the number of cars at the moment. A motion and a second, all in favor, no opposition, that is item is now wrapped and we are going to go into closed session. Madam chair. Motion to go into closed session. You do not. Great. It will take me a the board is out of closed session. Board of directors met to discuss the appointment of hiring the director of transportation, but did not take action. Motion to not disclose. That concludes the business before you this evening. All done. Good morning and welcome to the street scape project and muni project. I certainly as the public works director for the city and county here and i want to thank you for all coming out to celebrate this very exciting project that will improve the lives of the many people who use this inner sunset corridor. The project which spans all the way from aguelo to 19th avenue will improve the quality of life and Transit Services of this diverse neighborhood, which serves families, students, merchants and tourists alike president the street scape improvement is a collaborative project with the ms works and the utilitys commission. For the past two years, theyve been working together to make crucial improvements to the inner sunset street scape and nearby Transit Services that not only make the area more vibrant and more accessible, safe and reliable. When you look around the surrounding streets, you see the vibrant landscapes that add to the neighborhoods charm, improve seating, as you can see, visitor striving, new street trees. All of this creates a healthy environment and a great carbon footprint. What many do not see are the upgraded traffic signals, the repaved roads and all of the help to improve thed safety and transit service. Theres many components to this project that has not been seen. We have improvements to the underground sewer line and improvements to our water lines, our firefightings were upgraded or replaced, all to increase capacity and to minimize any destructions that will provide more Reliable Service to the community. Also, as a part of this project, theres more than 3,000 feet of pipe that was installed for the department of technology for future fiber optic cables and this is a great partnership. As we do many projects on patrero were installing pipe and well have the pipes electric in and, of course, less destruction to the neighbor while the projects happen. With all of that said, it brings me great joy to see the work that all of these agencies are doing together and how we come together to improve the quality of life of this diverse neighborhood in San Francisco. San francisco. I want to thank john thomas and our project manager, johnny farm, harlin kelly and his team from the puc and mr. Maguire and, of course, our contractor, who was out here everyday making sure that we got this job done. And now, the person who helps to make all of these projects happen, the person who makes our neighborhoods better for everyone, the person looking out for the future of San Francisco, without future delay, let me introduce our mayor, london breed. [cheers and applause] its so good to be back. I remember when we first set on the path to do this project for this neighborhood, andrea, i just noticed you were over there and its great to see you and martha and so many folks from the community. You all did the work because you wanted Something Better for this community. We have kids everywhere and these kids from stepping stone preschool are joining us today. And youll get your snacks in just a minute, so dont worry. [cheers and applause] we have kids, we have families, seniors, people who, basically, love this community and so many amazing restaurants, so many amazing places to shop. This is like really a jewel in San Francisco and, in fact, when improve was supervisor, i came to this community a lot to hideout and relax. And it was great. What was so important was to make it a lot offer annua and dl with safety and Public Infrastructure improvements. One of the things that i spent time with some of the neighbors doing is standing on the corner of ninth and irving and many of you know the familiar sound of some of the onl old muni trains which still come through this way, how loud and heavy they are. Remember i said the new trains will be much quieter. Did you just hear how much quieter the new trains are . A loa lot of the promises to ths community are finally happening and it was because of your patience. We know that it was very challenging to come in and the construction and the loss of parking and tearing up the streets and digging in and you all, through this whole challenge, you were very patient and we really appreciate that, because now we are here realizing just really a dream for community, an improvement to the sidewalks, an improvement to the infrastructure and an improvement to our water pressure system so that when there is a fire or emergency, the pressure i know this is not probably that interesting, but it makes all the difference when dealing with any emergency that water suppression and our equipment and the systems actually work when we need it the most. The fiber optic cables, improvements to the sidewalks, all of the Amazing Things that will make this community not just safer but more boost and sobeautiful. I want to thank thet park neighbors, at the time of the leadership of andrea yaguin, that you pushed us to give some attention to this community and shine a light on the challenges that exist here is why were here, as well as the inner sunset merchants association. The merchants here who serve the community, this is really not just a place where so many neighbors enjoy and eat and go to the Hardware Stores and pick up glasses. People from ucfs spend a lot of time here during lunch and people from the park spend a lot of time here and this community has come together as a force to make amazing projects like this happen. So im really excited. Looking forward to doing even more, because i have not forgotten about the wires over on ninth and irving and what we need to do to underground those wires. I know thats important and were talking about right down the street, the gateway on gaten lincoln and ninth and to really transform this community because its a jewel in our community. Thank you to the department of public works, to mta, all of the contractors, all of incredible workers who basically not only worked in this community but spent money at the restaurants and this was definitely a great effort and took time and here we are, a celebration of just really an amazing project that is going to change the quality of life for the residents who live here. So enjoy it and next up, i want to take the opportunity to introduce your supervisor, valley brown, who as you remember was out here on a regular basis working with you all to move this project forward. She drove me a little crazy because she was running out of patience with the city bureaucracy and trying to get it done. And now she gets to enjoy the fruits of her labor. Ladies and gentlemen, your supervisor, valley brown [cheers and applause] you know what they say what doesnt kill us makes us stronger and thats how i feel about this project. I want to say im sorry to everyone. It was her fault. She started it and then i had to come in and finish it, right . [ laughter ] yeah, im not going go over everything weve done because i know mohamed nurue gave you all of the sexy details. But what i see is this neighborhood coming together and saying, ok, this is painful and especially the merchants, but we know once its finished, it will be amazing and 21 million later, yeah, it looks pretty amazing, id say. I want to thank people and i have to read this because i always forget one person and then i get in trouble after wars. Afterwards. So thank you, mayor, breed for starting it, city administrator, naomi kelly and mohamed nurue from public works. I mean, this is something i have to say was he really jumped in and said, lets make this happen and lets make it as less painful as we can. Acting director for sfmta, tom mcguire and San Franciscos puc. I would call everyone on this list and said if there was a pile of dirt and they couldnt park their car at 7 00 at night. So the responsiveness of their teams were amazing. I want to thank all of their teams because every week we had an issue, whether it was the veterinarian or people getting dirt in their driveway and couldnt park their car. Park driveway, this is all things that they really stepped up. I put 75k into budget so we could do a Pilot Programme called curb management. And this something i would think about because barbara, i dont know where barbara is from the neighborhood, she would tell me everyday when i walked by her house how we had people parking in her driveway or doubleparking to run in and get the ubers and stuff to get the food from the merchants. We said, how can we solve these issues . They said, parking is so horrible here. I heard that, no [ laughter ] with these parking, so really having to look at creatively looking at curb management, so were in the process of right now of actually having a Community Engagement of this curb management and how do we make it easier for people to park and easier for businesses to have people be able to come in and get what they need and get out so theyre not parked there for hours. How do we, you know, get the uber eats and all of the other deliveries, where they have a place to park and can get in and out so theyre not parking in barbaras driveway . So this is actually happening now and once again, the inner sunset park neighbor and merchants are at the tables saying well work with you and this is the only way i like to work because i came as a neighbor activist and i didnt like it when people did things in my naked an neighborhood andt when i walked out the door that it was done. So thank you to everyone for being here today. Im really excited for all of the work thats done. Its amazing. And should i bring up naomi . Naomi so now i would like to introduce naomi kelly, a city administrator. This was her baby to manage, all of the different people to make sure it was done right. And so naomi. Thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you, supervisor brown and mayor breed and director of public works. This project has more meaning to me because i live in the neighborhood. I spend so much time here on these corners, going to amazing fantasy with my kids, burn sf, jamba juice, you name it, so i live through the construction and understand the merchants and the pain you went through. But boy, did this turn out beautiful ive been to many scape improvements in different commercial corridor and i have to say these seats and planters are some of the best ive seen in all of San Francisco. So you all did a great job on that. [cheers and applause] again, i want to thank mohamed nurue and john thomas is completing this project because it was done on time. Public works delivers many Key Construction projects throughout the city and having it done on time so were not disrupting the merchants for longer than we should is very important. You heard this specific project was 21. 3 million and its connect the to residents and were more resilient. As chair of the tenyear capital plan committee, we have done a lot to make sure that we have coordinating our projects. It was putting in our new sewer lines and water line and thats important for someone who lives in this neighborhood because i can tell you where every sinkhole was. I was drawing diagrams and handing it to the sf puc saying these are the most important parts to touch in the sunset. Underground, weve put in more than 4,000 the mayor is right. That was the large effort budget item at 7. 3 million. , along for the water and sewer line to appreciate upgraded protection for this community in case of a potential earthquake. Also groun underground, we put n municipal fiber providing secure signals to this community. At the street level, pedestrian and muni riders will see improvements as you can see with the curb ramps and that was approximately 5. 7 million. But not just here in the inner sunset aisles, but public works have resurfaced 644 blocks across the city this year and we Work Together as one city, connected, and im pleased to introduce tom maguire, the interim director of transportation. [cheers and applause] its great to be here and celebrate the puc, public works, city administrator and the elected officials who helped get the funds together and get the wills together to make this happen and the street scape is basically but when i look at it, i dont just see beautiful planters and trees but safety. I see muni riders getting on and off trains going by and we see them getting off on a nice, safe sidewalk. Theyre not getting off into traffic like they do elsewhere in the city and this is the experience we want. We know this is the lifeline of the sunset, one of the busiest corridors and the streets in this area are some of the streets that are high injury vision zero and we want to make sure transit riders are safe, not just on their journey on the trains but when we get on and off on beautiful street scape. So thank you to the community for your patience as we have been working with our fell lets agenciefellowagencies to get thd thank you to everyone who fought for the funding and fought for the design to get this project done. Thank you. Now after listening to all of us, after im sure youre bored, i want to bring up andrea jabli to give her viewpoints of this project as a neighbor, thank you. To the people who live here and work here and the merchants who come here, we didnt just do this as a photoop. We did it because there are two important reason for people in this neighborhood to have this happening and one is the muni, the end juda will be faster. Youll get to work faster and home faster and anyone who does that everyday understands how important that is. Its also going to be safer for you. Now youre not going to be hit by cars trying to squeeze in between the boarding ramps. Most importantly, ninth avenue and irving is an intersection that is painful for people who walk around this neighborhood on a frequent basis. Youre sometimes stopped at a light for up to two and a half minutes while waiting for trains to come and go and bikes, muni, all that stuff. Now that the stops have been reconfigured so that the buses get through the light before they have to stop, that intersection will be so much more pleasant for all of us to experience. So thats why were here and why we did it and everyone who has put up with the noise and all of that, give yourself a round of applause. [cheers and applause] thank you, lets give the project is big hand. This is a great improvement. Our mayor is challenging us to continue do more projects like this and public works and the partnership with all of the agencies will continue to deliver for you. So with that said, we will cut the ribbon and so, where is the ribboncutting team here . We have behind us. And would the folks like martha, barbara and other Community Members feel free to come up and cut this rib bin. Ribbon. This is for your community and we want to make sure youre a part of it. Are we ready . Yes we sure . 543 youre not even counting. Are we

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