On the front table or come to the microphone. We do ask everyone turnoff cell phones or put them on silence. We want to thank sfgovtv and Media Services for sharing this meeting with the public. We will start with the roll call. roll call . We have the first order of business Public Comment. This is for any Public Comment for items not listed on the agenda. Seeing none, general Public Comment is closed. Next is 2. Approval of minutes for august 20, 2019. I will ask for a motion for approval of the minutes. Motion. Second. Any Public Comment. Seeing number none, it is closed. roll call . The minutes are approved. The agenda item report from executive director. Thank you and good evening, commissioners on my topics to discuss with you this evening, i wanted to first apologize as i mississaugmiss reported somethiu at the last meeting regarding streamlining. I think i said it had passed when in reality at that point it passed through first reading. My apologies. I will give you an update. It has passed now. That is great. On wednesday, september 11th mayor breed signed the legislation and it will go into effect on october 11 to enable Retail Businesses to diversify offerings to attract new Business Models to vacant storefronts and increase opportunities for retail and nightlife businesses to sell vacant storefronts. It will support live music by limiting doilycative inspections and will reduce the Food Service Requirements for new and existing entertainment venues. It will clarify planning codes provisions around Liquor License types in order to bring consistency to the process. Update on implementation. As we approach this Effective Date in october, the office of economic and Work Force Development will meet with all departments impacted by the legislation including us and we will discuss implementation and outreach included in the package. Our role in this, too, not only are we going to be educating ourselves as defendant staff on how Department Staff on how we will handle the permits differently. We will do an Education Campaign to definitely incorporate educating constituents in a newsletter as well as at the summit this year. Moving right along, i want to give you all an update on the special Events Steering Committee born out of the mayors executive directive supporting special events. A copy is in your binders. You can follow along if you want. You have seen it a couple times. This calls upon city departments to review the current permitting process and identify solutions to make the process more friendly, streamlined and efficient for event organizers as well as City Employees and residents. The mayor convened the committee to handle the review and make recommendations to the mayor. She designated two cochairs the city administrator as well as director torrez. All role in this. I am serving as a member of the committee. We are also assisting the cochair in the Mayors Office to provide research and support for the meetings. We kicked off the first meeting at the end of august. This is going to run through the end of november. From her directive the mayor is asking departments to look at a few different buckets. We are looking at digital permitting, fees and ways to reduce fees, as well as organizational structure. I dont want to get too in the weeds with those because they are ongoing topics with in the committee. As we have drafts i want to share those with you so you are informed throughout the process. The group is engaging event organizers in the process which we did prior to this committee which was the impetus behind creating it in the first place. By way of focus groups and small interviews to continue to understand the pain points around the process as well as ideas from their end on potential reforms. I will keep you informed. If you have questions along the way, i am available at any point. Finally, we have an update for you. I think i mentioned this. I might not have mentioned this at the last hearing. It might not have happened at that point. We issued an administrative citation relative to a sound truck permit that was appealed. In that process the appeal goes to the controllers office, and they assign a hearing officer there. It is much different than appeals to the Entertainment Commission or by way of Entertainment Commission decision to the board of appeals. It is handled administratively. You will see the prehearing statement we developed to support our citation and issuance of it as well as response to the appellant. We had the hearing last week. We are waiting on a decision from the controller. It is over a minor infraction of 100, but, you know, we will keep you appraised where that appeal process goes and whether or not we win. Do you have any questions . Okay. One comment on the previous item and just pointing out that in the executive directive from the mayor the actions are taken by the Entertainment Commission and staff. I just wanted to take some i want the Entertainment Commission taking credit for moving forward and laying the groundwork for the special events work being done. I am glad you are representing us in that process, and i hope it makes things easier for all of our applicants and people looking for permits. I am glad you are involved. As we all know, our department as well as commission are a little bit biased. We support our constituents who are organizers. By nature of that we want to find where the holes are and where there are potential improvements so dillons work is vital in all of that and it is great that we should always say thanks. We are looking at that work as part of the Steering Committee on how to improve it and how we can utilize that in potential future reforms. I just want to sort of second that. I want to commend the mayor for assembling the Steering Committee. It is way overdue. It can do a lot of good to make small cultural event in the city more frequent. I also think it is fantastic we have a meaningful seat at the table that is a wonderful thing. I am happy that you are doing all of this extra work on it. Thanks. I want to give a shout out to oawd forgetting the streamlined legislation passed. There is a long road. I know that ben is watching this and i am excited for him and everybody and i commend the mayor for signing this. The hard work paid off. Is there any Public Comment on our directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 4 is report from the Deputy Director. Thank you and abou good even. I will take you through the report on the highlighted sections. Page 1 with club 26, you have seen this on your report for a few weeks now, and i want to let you know that we are responding to complaints that come in on the weekends. I have spoken with the head of security and it is about the outside dispersal at 2 00 a. M. They are in compliance with the security conditions on their permit. However, during the week that is when we receive the complaints. We dont have inspectors in the field on sunday through thursday at 2 00 a. M. I have asked the station to help us. We are still working that out. I will say of the times we have responded on the weekend, they are in compliance so that is where that stands. If we go on page 3, looking at royal oak, just letting you know we have received 8 complaints since the last hearing about this location. They are not having live entertainment, it is streamed music they are playing with doors and windows open, and we have been receiving neighbor complaints. The inspector has responded and determined it is not live entertainment. I have spoken with the owners and let them know we are receiving these complaints. They are not eligible for appeal due to the Zoning District unless they do conditional use authorization. They are willing to go for llp. The bulk of people come after 10 00 p. M. We will see where that gets us. I looped in northern station and asked for support on this as well. On page 7, just bringing to your attention there is a flea market on saturdays and sundays. We are receiving complaints about them, quite a few complaints. Again daytime events unless we schedule an inspector for the daytime we are in the field at night. It is hard to respond to. Now we received complaints two weekends in a row we will coordinate an inspector to determine if they need a permit for this and what has happened. Inspector roberts is in contact with the complaints, and we are doing our best to respond when we have people in the field. Moving on page 12. Virgin hotel. The inspector went to conduct a routine site inspection and this is a complaint i will let you know this came in on sunday after he responded excuse me. This came in on sunday after he conducted the routine site inspection on saturday night. We have been receiving complaints about this location specific to the rooftop bar. On saturday night when the inspector went to do the site inspection he did find the dj after 10 00 p. M. It was close to midnight. It only allows entertainment on the roof until 10 00 p. M. They were issued a notice of violation for this. Financi want to bring to your attention there was an outdoor event that happened with quite a few complaints about it. We did contact the event producersers. We will set a sound limit for Outdoor Entertainment events prior to the next event that they host. We were informed no more Outdoor Entertainment with music events happening until next summer. The rest of the year we will have and into the beginning of next year we are keeping that on the radar. That is all that i have highlighted for you. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I am curious if they dont have a poe and they are playing their music just cranking it up, what do you tell them . They have no permit and no dj, not in our purview. They are disturbing the peace. What is the next recourse . Royal oak . That is one example. Anybody for my own information. What generally happens the inspector collects Contact Information and then i reach out to the Contact Information, hopefully, the owner to follow up to say this is not permitted. You must have an entertainment license for this. Sometimes that works. Some people comply because they didnt know. In the event it is an out vitthat they are not wanting to get a permit, then we have to bring in pd. Correct me if i am wrong. Are you referring to places that dont host entertainment at all . If they cant get one and just play streaming music way up there without disregards we cant do anything about it, what is the next recourse. A venue that doesnt host entertainment we would take investigation in pursuing that. They don dont want to pursue e would engage the Police Department to enforce. We are looking at code relative to this today. It is not that common where we are dealing with a place that has no oversight from the Police Department to regulate. Within police code, you have to be in compliance with the eight decibels. Are we allowed to give them a ticket . That is where it is very odd. When we look at actual staff within the city that use sound meters and understand sound code, it really is us relative to entertainment or music. We could set a limit. It is not attached to an entertainment permit. We are trying to sort that out. We dont want to use staff hours on things we cant cost recover on through the permit application or license process. We want the neighbors to be able to enjoy. We dont want them to say, well i dont think that is the issue. We reglate sound when somebody has a permit and the police regulate if there is no permit. In this case the applicant may be applying for limited live. In that case we will have the opportunity to talk. So say if they get an llp and do entertainment until 10 00. After 10 00 they stream music, if they want to go louder after 10 00 thanks is not acceptable. They have to be in compliance with the sound limit at all times. They can be regulated by us. If the place has sound complaints currently pd enforces that and says turn it down when they have the availability to do so. They are working on heavier things. The neighbors have a number evera numberof number of the. You know you have local pd, local politicians, neighborhood groups. All of these things get together, trust me. I know. I have never been on that side of it. We have never had a problem. His all have permits. My personal feeling that is not we have laws around what it is we can and cannot do. We keep responding to the calls and we are not getting recovery from it. When we respond, we look to investigate on the entertainment front. I am not going to have my staff go out multiple times if we are not finding entertainment. At that point we have to send it to the Police Department. We have a sound monitoring fee so we could cost recover on that if the Police Department wanted to utilize our services in setting limits and enforcing them in some way, shape or form. I think commissioner lee is bringing up an interesting conversation. I want to go back to where we started at the meeting with both executive directors comments. I am looking at the flea market right now. I certainly dont want to understate the frustration of the neighbors. I also think this could be exactly what we are talking about when we talk about small cultural events. Maybe we could get in front of these things and see if we can get this to be an approved event because i think we are just so darn bureaucratic, it is a complex process. Part of our charge is to promote entertainment. This flea market could be a good fit. I know there are a lot of things to overcome. As we have said in the past. This flea market would be easier managed if they were actually permitted. What i am putting forth to you and your staff is seeing if we can license them at least in some capacity and actually turn this into a positive and make this to what president blieman was saying earlier, a real cultural event. I have no idea what the flea market is. It could be a asset and attract people. I think that is what we are all shooting for. Instead of looking at these straight up violations, which it is, but if there is an opportunity to make good out of it and meet the mission that is put upon us to promote entertainment and bring about these little events, this could be an easy one, and, hopefully, satisfy the concern of the neighbors. Thank you very much for the report. Any Public Comment on the report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Moving along. We are on number five. Police department comments and questions. I dont see any officers present. We are moving to number 6. The next item is hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the Entertainment Commission. Deputy director please introduce the items on the consent agenda. The two permits on the agenda are accessory permits. They both received an outpouring of support. The Police Department had no added conditions and i am happy to answer any questions you have about these. Motion to approve. Second. So there is a motion to approve the consent agenda. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. roll call . All right. Congratulations. Your permits are approved. Please follow up with the Deputy Director at your earliest convenience. The final agenda item number is number 7, commissioners comments and questions. I just would like to propose we close tonights meeting in the memory of a dear friend who passed away presently. He and his band mates were my introduction of the San Francisco live music. I would like to dedicate the session tonight to the base player of native elements jamie durand, jimbo, may you rock on forever. Anybody else have anything . I have a few things. First to congratulate commissioner coulcommissioner cg reappointed. I want to point out the three cultural institutions near the ballpark that closed this week. Padros and petes tavern shuttered out of the blue. Nobody saw it coming. It is an indication of the state of Small Business in the city right now. The costs and everything that is going on that is making it regard to do Small Business. I am just want to continue to think about ways, for example the streamlining legislation and Steering Commission to make Small Business easier to flourish. I want to say the 4 00 a. M. Bill which became the 3 00 a. M. Bill died in the assembly, never came out of the assembly. It is not on this calendar this year for legislation which is very sad and i think it will show us the rest of the state still views nightlife as a nuisance. In San Francisco we see it as a economic and cultural driving force. It makes me proud to live here. Knowing senator wiener, it will be back. He is the energizer bunny. Maybe the 12th time is the charm. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We will close tonight in honor of jamie jimbo durant, and the meeting is over at 6 01 p. M. Thank you. We came to seven straight about 10 years ago. 7th street about 10 years ago. The environment is huge. It is stronger than willpower. Surrounding yourself with artists, being in a culture where artists are driving, and where a huge amount of them is a healthy environment. You are making it safer. Push, push. That is better. When i start thinking, i see it actually sometimes, i do not see it, but when i do, it is usually from the inside out. It is like watching something being spawned. You go in, and you begin to work, excavate, play with the dancers, and then things began to emerge. You may have a plan that this is what i want to create. Here are the ideas i want to play with, but then, you go into the room, and there maybe some fertile ideas that are becoming manifest that are more interesting than the idea you had initially set out to plan. So there has to be this openness for spontaneity. Also, a sense that regardless of the deadline, that you have tons of time so the you can keep your creativity alive and not cut it off and just go into old habits. It is a lot like listening. Really listening to watch what is going to emerge. I like this thing where you put your foot on his back. Lets keep it. Were your mind is is how you build your life. If you put it in steel or in failure, it works. That works. It is a commitment. For most artists, it is a vacation and a life that they have committed themselves to. There is this notion that artists continue to do their work because of some kind of the external financial support. If that was taken away, artists would still do their art. It is not like there is a prerequisite for these things to happen or i will not do it. How could that be . It is the relationship that you have committed to. It is the vocation. No matter how difficult it gets, you are going to need to produce your art. Whether it is a large scale or very small scale. The need to create is going to happen, and you are going to have to fulfill it because that is your life. The commission on aging and Adult Services september meeting , we have a standing room audience and i feel like make jogger and the rolling stones. Will the secretary please call the role . [roll call] please note executive director mcfadden is present. At this time we ask you silence all cell phones and sound producing devices. Before asking for a motion to approve the agenda, there will be several changes in the agenda we did not post the agenda with its 72 hours requirement. As a result, we will have presentation on the action items , but there will be no voting. All the other presentation schedule will take place. Those were not action items. The voting on the action items will be voted on next month. We will not have a closed session and we will not have a presentation for item c. We will have a busy october meeting, but september should be a little bit different from what we had anticipated. With those changes, may i have a motion to approve the agenda . There is no motion to approve the agenda. Thats right. We will just go ahead without it we cant approve the minutes so we are moving right along at record speed. Executive directors report. Good morning, commissioners. I wanted to start by talking about some of the things that are happening at the national level. Along with a number of Human Services staff, was able to attend the National Association of area agencies on aging conference. At the very end of july and at the end of august. It was a really good conference. I mentioned before we went that we were recipients of a of an award again, but to remind you, it was a Community Choir program that won the award and that was really exciting for us and for our community partners, the commute it a Community Music centre that oversees the program along with a lot of senior centres. We learned a lot of good things. One of the things that is happening, we talked a little bit about it is that the Older Americans act is going through the reauthorization process. A technically sends us at the end of september, so there was a lot of push to get legislatures to come together and reauthorize the act. Unfortunately, congress has gotten held up on the funding formula for the Older Americans act and that and how it gets portioned out across states. It hasnt gotten passed yet and it will probably drag onto the fall and maybe into winter before it is past. There is bipartisan support for it and so i am sure it will get past at some point, but probably not before it sunsets. That said, the process is separate so the money will continue to flow for these programs, it is just that there is a chance to get some new dollars into it and theres a lot of advocacy happening. I will keep you posted and what happens with that. At the state level, im sure most of you read this. The governor called for a task force on the master plan on aging and asked the secretary of public Human Services to put together a task force. That task force has been announced. The members have been announced. They are going to start their work immediately because the master plan process needs to be done by 2020. So theres a lot of meetings that have to happen with this group. There will also be a lot of committees and there will be various ways that counties can be involved, so i know that you will hear from a longterm care coordinating council about an event on september 20th, but that is one way that we, as a city, can be involved in getting the word up to the state about what we would like to see in a master plan on aging. Please think about attending that event. Hopefully we will have lots of people there and commissioner spears is actually going to be giving the keynote. The introduction. [laughter]. Okay. [laughter] sorry. Anyway, it will be exciting. We have a number of great panels the council will announce that today for the Dignity Fund Coalition. At the local level, i wanted to talk about changes in operational structure that we have going on in the department. On our Community Services side, we are combining some functions and so one of them is our dos benefits and resource hub, we had an eligibility unit that is there but was under inhome supportive services. It is now going to come over and be under intake, under the resource hub along with the intake unit, which may not make sense to you right now, but basically what it means is we are putting all the functions for eligibility and intake under one roof. We are doing that because we just hired a new program director. She most recently comes from she was at home bridge before that. She has a lot of background in working with older adults, serving people with disabilities , transitional aged youth and mental health, so we are excited she is here and that she is going to take over that function. We will get to meet her at some point. And then what we used to call office on the aging and longterm care operations is now going to be under a new name called the office of Community Partnerships. We have wanted, for a long time, to get away from office on the aging because obviously we serve people with disabilities as well as people with older as well as people who are older adults. Cindy coffman, our Deputy Director, has some really Brilliant Ideas about how to restructure, so we now have the office of Community Partnerships run by michaels dog, and Melissa Mcgee is one of the managers who will be still continuing to work with dignity fund, that will ultimately be the under be under the office of Community Partnerships. We will be hiring another Program Manager to oversee another piece of that work. That will be very exciting for us. I think it will make a lot more sense structurally for our department. The Department Name change is on the ballot as you all know, so if that passes, them that will actually align well with our new name of the office of Community Partnerships. And then i want to Just Announced that the Adult Protective Services program one a very prestigious award, which is the national National Association on Adult Protective Services association, and they won the june auto distinguished service award. They won it because seven cisco has been an integrative force in the field in the implementation of new standardized tools to assess outcomes for all types of abuse cases. It is really breaking ground. I want to give credit to some people. Jill really brought this perspective to our Adult Protective Services program and change the way we do business. And of course, we should use data driven approaches when we can and she has really pushed to do that here and pushed for thinking about a National Database and statewide database for Adult Protective Services programs and i want to thank her , but achilles has really carried that as well, and he shows great leadership. It was just really a fantastic thing to hear that the Adult Protective Services program in San Francisco had won this award i think jill told me that it is really rare goes to the whole program. It often goes to a person. It is really kudos to the Adult Protective Services team and the work that they do and the excellence that they bring to this department. Thank you. [applause] im going to go ahead and answer any questions if you have any for me. That is the end of my report. Thank you. On the Governors Commission for aging in california, what are the objectives, and will they also identify Funding Sources . The objectives are really to think about what the elements are, what people need to age in california. It is also thinking about data systems and how we collect information and making that a little bit more streamlined because right now it is not in any way, shape, or form. It is also thinking about how to bring together programs that should go together, rather than the silent system that we currently have for everything is under a slightly different department, what would be the framework for a really good longterm care system, and how would you move the pieces around to make it happen in a coordinated way, and i think also, yeah, it is what funding will be needed and how do you project that into the future given we have a growing population of older adults in california. You know, it is very exciting to people in aging services because across the nation because california, as far as we know, is the first state to say, hey, lets have a plan. There are states doing some things around aging, but not in the same way that the governor had said that he wants to do. Even though theyre calling it a master plan on aging, one of the first things that they really need to think about is the name because the intent is to also really think about the needs of people with disabilities, so it is kind of too bad it took on that name. Hopefully that will get changed quickly. There is action that could be taken right away. Todays chronicle has a story about living care facilities in San Francisco that are closing. One specifically takes care of seniors and adults with disabilities. And recent sighting for the closure is low reimbursement rates from the state and an inability to attract and retain staff. Those could be addressed very quickly. I dont know how weissberg widespread that is but it is part of a longterm trend in San Francisco. Right and we are hoping from some help for some help from the state in the form of the assisted living waiver, but also there are some other legislative ideas that are coming up right now that hopefully will not make their way through. It is becoming a real issue. We are seeing this weekly. We are seeing a lot of closures. That is really cant concerning. Thank you. Any other questions . You said that some changes in operation, will you be sending us a new chart . We will definitely do that. Thank you for asking. Also, once you get everything straightened out with the new framework for ihss, maybe we could have a presentation on ihss because we have many new commissioners who are probably not as familiar with how it works as they would like to be. That is a great idea. Perhaps what we could do is think about if you wanted to hear about different programs, we could probably schedule something throughout the year so we get a little bit more indepth view of programs and actually get to hear from the Program Directors themselves. Would that be helpful . Yes. We will work on scheduling that with bridget. Thank you. Anything else . Thank you. Employee recognition. The commission and executive director will honor adithi vellore, rosa ortiz, dan kelly, kelly bryant, alexis cobbins, laura duenas, cassandra james, rhonda johnson, van luong, dr. Roxanne manning, brenda mcgregor, phyllis pettus, priscilla prado, paulo salta and armando zapote from the Human Services agency Racial Equity work group. [applause] you all get to come up. This is a really [laughter] im really excited today to honor everyone here and we know the commission is, as well. One of the things that weve struggled with for a long time at h. S. A. , given we are such a large agency is how do we think about things like Racial Equity, and how do we handle such a big topic and really make sure that we are giving it Due Diligence and really thinking about the fact that Racial Equity issues follow people through life. They follow people through generations. There are things that are really hard to think about and we often say, we are not going to do this , or we are going to do it in little bits and bytes. I think that, i know that Human Services agency has a real commitment to thinking about equity and really making sure that we are an equitable place to work. One of the things that i can say that we have been fortunate to do at the department of aging and Adult Services is think about what equity looks like in a community. Are we serving people equitably . Do the people we are serving match the populations, and all that stuff. We have had a chance to do that, looking externally and how are we serving the populations of San Francisco equitably. One of the things that is exciting about the work that all of you are doing along with all of us is that we are now really thinking internally about how do our staff measure up to the people we are serving in terms of, you know, the diversity, how are we thinking about ensuring that we have opportunities for all to advance, and that takes a lot of work and it takes a lot of introspection. I am pleased that Human Services agency are very committed to making sure we are committed to working this out. With out all the work that you have done. I want to specifically want to call out d. C. And rosie. [applause] they have regular jobs that they do. They were both super committed to the process of the Government Alliance and really thinking about being representatives on that body and being the leaders for us and pulling together this work. It was hours and hours and hours of work and revision i just know how much you put into that. I probably dont know, but im super impressed that you did your work and you also did this. One of the things that they did and needed to do was to pull together a group of people across the agency who were committed to thinking about Racial Equity and he really wanted to see h. S. A. Do better than we currently do all of you have really done that work. I know it is hard work. I know you feel like it was not supported in the way it should be and i think that you have all struggled through that because you know that this is such an important process and we know it is an important process. Were just at the beginning. We now have all of the work that you have put together, serving staff. Looking at a classification as an example of a, you know, where we see, you know, whether we are matching the population that we are serving, and also looking at the fact that, at the leadership level, we are not as diverse as we should be. Were not reflecting the community the way we should be. We had really good information. Our next steps are really to think about the a limitation of this, putting it into a way that we can make sure that were keeping ourselves in check and really moving forward in a way that we need to be. We could absolutely not have done that without the work of each of you, as well as the people who couldnt be here today. One of the reasons i wanted to make sure that we were honouring you with the aging Adult Services commission, even though theres also Human Services commission, is because this is really serious work for our agency and it is also serious work for our commissioners to think about ensuring that our department is always thinking about equity. Thank you so much. I really appreciate everything that youve done and i know that you will continue to do it with us. Thank you. [applause] im just going to hand these because theres so many people to handle these two. [calling names] [applause] [calling names] [applause] [calling names] [applause] thank you all again. Would be great if we could get a quick picture it would be great if we could get a quick picture. Thank you to everyone who turned out to support your colleagues. This is really fantastic. [applause] [applause] next up is the Advisory Council. Dianne lawrence . Good morning, commissioners. The Advisory Council met on the 201st of august and i wanted to point out that we had all of our members, with the exception of two excused. That was one of the largest turnouts all year. We wanted to point that out. We still have some gaps in membership, which we are working on. The director gave a report, much of which i think she has talked about both in her august report to all of you and in todays report. We had a presentation by michaels dog and rose johns on the area plan on aging in 2021, 2024 process because it is time for them to rewrite a whole new plan, so we asked them to come and give us a heads up so we were aware, especially since we have some new councilmembers, they were new to the process and could get our questions answered so we could hopefully streamline things when it comes crunch time to get it read and approved. She outlined the plan for us, its requirements, his limitations, and where the council maybe able to provide input on the goals and objectives section. As a result, we had a much better understanding of where this fits into the departments work. This company, the Older Americans act, which director mcfadden just noted, is all up for reauthorization. It is reporting on that funding. We will get it updated at the november council meeting. We will get a draft to review in february with the goal being that in march, we approve it so when it comes to the commission for final approval, it is already signed by me and ready to go so we meet the deadline. Our goal is to make sure we meet the may deadline. But one thing i wanted to point out is that the team making the presentation has listen to the councilmembers concerns over the past few years when we get to this point about having more time to read the report, and having a better insight into where we move. Dr. Marcy eight oh, men gave an lgbtq update and pointed out there may be some delays in opening laguna with the lgbt senior housing. Dr. A doman has also been appointed to the Governments Task force on alzheimers and dementia. She pointed out that the task force will meet in september and october and that its recommendations will be incorporated into the master plan that with the director. They will not be working across surfaces, because that is one of the goals. They were two site visits that we are pushing hard for. One is for the Richmond Senior centre with food supply by open hannah. We had a lively discussion about that. And then the o. M. I. Senior centre, which we dont know if we had visited in a while. We still have some reports outstanding so we probably have a few more. Two announcements were given, one was on the event sunday, getting together at civic centre for seniors and adults with disability, and then also a flyer on the aging your way celebration flyer for the 206 th. We have talked a little bit about the september 20th event on the master plan. That is what we did. Great. Any comments or questions from the commission . From the public . Dianne, you can stay. Okay, we had a few bills that changed. Were at a point in the session were on the 13th, everything has to be finalized, so the session recesses, so because this is the first year of a two year, some of these bills will come back, some of them we may never see again. Some may come back with that number under a new name and identity. So the majority has moved into the appropriation suspends file, and thats because they have a price tag. They call for a new Commissioner Task force. We know that some of these will become two year bills. We dont quite know which ones yet. Will have a much better idea at the turn of the year. Often times, one of our representatives pointed out that a bill calling for a study or pilot often isnt approved or passed on the first time out, so we may see some of these things come back. And appropriation hearing was heard for the 201st so we will have a better idea. I can report on it next month. Basically we have nine, of which nothing was done on and we kind of pulled them off the list. We have 19 that have no update, and i were group of 50 that is where we are stalled out. One additional one on Residential Care facilities for the elderly, would licensing regulations, has passed and it is getting ready to be enrolled, so it is probably getting close to the governors signature. We will continue monitoring this as soon as a session ends, we are talking about whether we meet in october or november since there may be nothing to report on but we will keep you posted. Thank you. Any comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public . Thank you very much. There is no ltc report. Do we have a case report . Good morning, commissioners. Im the cochair of case. Our august Membership Meeting began, if you will our advocacy efforts for this next years budget. We had our annual brainstorming session with over 30 agencies participating in a brainstorming session where we want to request funding in next years budget. It was a very engaged group with great suggestions. I think we ended up with 17 areas that usually we will need to call down, but we will continue that work at our september meeting, narrowing down and then also forming some ad hoc committees that will do the research and compile data towards developing a formal platform and we will keep you apprised of that through the fall. Last month, sue horst and i, were pleased to make with the Dignity Fund Coalition shares, with oversight and Advisory Committee chairs, withvi

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