Of consumer one who receives Substance Use services, and to permit a consumer who is an employee in the health or public or private agency, and who does not have any influence or authority over any financial or contractual matter. Concern the employee or the employer to be appointed to the commission. Chairwoman thank you. And we have andy mullen here from supervisor stephanies office to present. Good morning. Thank you for holding this hearing today. Im andy mullen. Im here on behalf of supervisor stefani, who holds the board of supervisors seat on the Mental Health board, and she unfortunately couldnt be here today. And many of the members are here for Public Comment. The legislation before you today is fairly simple. It makes three proposed changes. Im going to sort of discuss them just in order of importance. The Mental Health board is a fairly unique body in that it has been around since 1956. And it puts a majority of its seats for consumers of Mental Health services or family members of consumers of Mental Health services. Which means it puts people directly in this system in the drivers seat. Because the Mental Health board has been around for so long, some of the language, i think and we would probably all agree is a little antiquated, its conception of what Mental Health is and the services is. The first thing it does is expand the definition of consumer, which are a majority of the members, either directing or through their family members, to in clues include substances abuse treatment services. It also esplanade expands the eligibility of consumers to hold seats. Previously there was pro bingprohibition of ployment. Employment. The consumers are now waived. They could just have to excuse themselves if they had a financial conflict before them. Thirdly, it proposes renaming the Mental Health board to the Behavioral Health commission. That comes because the word Behavioral Health as you all know is an umbrella term that includes Mental Health and Substance Abuse issues. Our conception of this has changed a lot since 1956, before all of us were born. This is now meant to be more inclusive of the work that they do, which is interface with the department of behavioral Health Services under d. P. H. , and report out and advice those departments and those employees on these matters. With that, these changes come to you directly from the members themselves. And many of them are here to speak about the personal importance of these changes to this organization. And im happy to answer any questions. Chairwoman i had a question about and this is for you or any of the members of the Mental Health board, where the term consumer comes from. It brings up the idea of someone who is buying something. And im just wondering why patient or individual isnt used as opposed to consumer. That is such a good question. I have no idea what the answer is. Chairwoman i was figuring some members of the Mental Health board might be able to answer that. Do you want to answer that . Thank you. Hi, im helena brooks, staff to the Mental Health board. Im trying to remember when consumer came in. It probably has been eight or nine years. It came from clients requesting that. What could say it is consuming Mental Health services and Substance Abuse services, but it was clients not wanting to be referred to as clients or patients, was my memory. Chairwoman i appreciate that. I just always it just never made sense to me, so i was curious about that. Thank you so much. Are there any questions . No. Well open up this item for Public Comment. Any member of the public who would like to speak . And thank you so much to the members of the Mental Health board for being here today and for serving on this body and for all of the advocacy you do on behalf of this community. It is so appreciated. Good morning. Good morning. Thank you. Im john sanders. I cochair the board, and i hold a consumer seat. And just to give, i gues guess i guess to underline one of the reasons were requesting the change is historically there has been a divide between Mental Health and Substance Abuse disorder services, leaving consumers basically leaving consumers no choice but to choose between cooccurring disorders. If they go for treatment for one, theyre often excluded from one or more programs based on having Substance Abuse for one or Mental Health issues for the other. Again, with Behavioral Health being more inclusive in addressing both, Mental Health and Substance Abuse disorders, the name change would align us not only with other california counties that have transitioned in this manner, but it also helps us when were with programs that are seeking funding. Oftentimes there is that same divide between Mental Health and Substance Use. And when we have these integratitintegrative services,t pushes them to gain funding for those sources. [buzzer] chairwoman thank you so much. Good morning, chairwoman ron nan and members of the committees. My name is terry bora, and i have been on theMental Health board for fouryear. The change has been gradual, i would say, over the last three years. There are now 11 commissions that are called Behavioral Health, and there are 32 boards that have used the name Mental Health Substance Abuse. I think that this gives the public more reason to contact our board if there are certain situations that they would like us to look into. It also expands the facilities that we can monitor. Which i think is a good thing. The public needs to know that our board, our new commission, is there to serve them. So i think this is a good thing. I know in the scheme of everything that youre looking at, it is not addressing homelessness, it is not addressing tenants. But even shakespeare said, whats in a name . So this is an important change for us. Thank you. Good morning. My name is richelle slota, and i serve on the Mental Health board. Sandra fewer appointed me. I am in favor of this change because it improves clarity and consistency for our message. And thats the heat of it. Heart of it. It is not a huge thing. It is a little thing, but it is an important thing. Thank you very much. Chair ronan, supervisors, my name is greg betor, and im, too, a member of the health board. As ive been on the board, i have noticed a fine line between Mental Health and Mental Health Behavioral Health and then Substance Abuse. Theyve all been put under the same umbrella, and i feel that as we move on and progress, the term behavior would probably encompass, one, similar things that were working with, and i think my colleague just said, we dont do much housing or the things you guys are dealing with, but i feel that the change in name would give us a little more flexibility in the things that we do. Thank you for your consideration. Chairwoman thank you so much. The next speaker. Thank you, and good afternoon. My name is iddelle wilson, and im a native of San Francisco. I love our resourceful city, it is the most city in this world. We have the best services you can possibly get. You cannot get anywhere else. Renaming our board from a board to a can commission is very important because somehow when it is a commission, it seems a little more important. Im not saying that boards arent important. Please, dont nobody go back and say i said boards arent important. But when youre a commission, people are oh, youre a commissioner, oh, how are you . No, im just kidding. It would be very important. Im in support of everything my colleagues had to say. Im not going to repeat it. Im in support and behind all of them. Thank you so much. Chairwoman is there any other member of the public that would like to speak . Would you like to speak again, soon to be commissioner . Alana . Do you want to say anything else. That didnt take up your time, sorry. Im not a commissioner. Im just staff to the board. Chairwoman oh, okay. I want to make clarity on two of the items, the one about consumers who are employed by the department being on the board. That is actually a state regulation that was not in the original administrative code because it came bou about about two years ago. And the third item about our role with the Mental Health services act was also added by the state. So, any other questions . Chairwoman thats all. Thank you so much. Is there any other member of the public that would like to speak . I was just wondering if any of the consumer groups might qualify, kind of, as lobbyists if theyre selling any kind of material, like needles or what have you to any of the programs, and then theyre sitting on the i dont know, in effect, who is on the commission, but i mean speaking in generalities. Using one example that i can or one item that comes to mind. I was just wondering, lobbyists sitting on the board as consumers. Chairwoman thank you. Seeing no other members of the public who would like to speak, Public Comments is closed. I just wanted to really give a shoutout and a thank you to the members of the Mental Health board, soon to be the Behavioral Health commission, it would appear. As many of you know, ive been working very closely on these issues and on a proposal with supervisor matt haney. We were going to come and speak to you about it at your last meeting, which was unexpectantly cancelled, so ill really looking forward to the opportunity to speak with you all. I will say that Mental Health assess also recognizes the integration of a Substance Abuse illness and Mental Health illnesses as being very similar and oftentimes people have two dual diagnosis. Most providers say it is a rare day when they see someone with just a Substance Abuse illness or just a mental illness, and not a coincurring diagnosis. So this makes a lot of sense to be changing that name. I also have to say that im very excited that you will now have an official role in oversight of our Substance Use programs in San Francisco. You know, most of those are run through health 360, which i think is an incredible organization, but i do believe they need some oversight in terms of both the switch to drug, medical, in terms of Funding Sources for their services, and the number of vacant beds there are in the facility every night. We know there certainly is not a lack of need for those beds in our city. But somehow, whether it is procedures within the organization to get into those beds, or the type of programs that are being offered, there is a mismatch in terms of what is going on there. Because the fact that there has been as many as 70 beds vacant in a night is up to the level of an outrage given what we all see, the suffering we see in the streets every day in San Francisco. So the fact that this board will be soon to be commissioned, and will be overseeing and forgetting out what is going wrong there, and how can the city intervene to make sure that is not the case is a relief to me. I wanted to thank you all for your extraordinary work. I cant wait to meet with you all and talk about Mental Health assess, and how were really going to be hopefully very shortly a model for the nation on how to achieve genuine Mental Health parity in the city. Perhaps we can finally do that in San Francisco and then sprayed it to the state and the rest of the country. There is a lot of work and advancement happening in this field. I certainly hope that San Francisco will be on the forefront of moving that forward and i very much look forward to working with all of you. Thank you for bringing this forward, supervisors stefani and mandelman, and thank you to the commissioners for doing all of your extraordinary work. I look forward to getting to know you much better shortly. With that, is there a motion . Supervisor mar . I just wanted to echo your deep thanks and appreciation for the Board Members and soon to be commissioners on such an important body here in the city. And thank you for all of your work and leadership on these critically important issues that connect to so many other important and challenging sessions that we are dealing with as a city. I would like to make a motion that we move this forward to the board. Chairwoman without objection, i move it. Mr. Clerk, are there any other items . That concludes the meeting today. Chairwoman thank you so much. The meeting is adjourned. [meeting adjourned at 1 11 in this San Francisco office, there are about 1400 employees. And theyre working in roughly 400,000 square feet. We were especially pleased that cleanpowersf offers the super green 100 clean energy, not only for commercial entities like ours, but also for residents of the city of San Francisco. We were pleased with the package of services they offered and were now encouraging our employees who have residence in San Francisco to sign on as well. We didnt have any interruption of service or any problems with the switch over to cleanpowersf. This clean power opportunity reflects that. I would encourage any Large Business in San Francisco to seriously consider converting and upgrading to the cleanpowersf service. Its good for the environment, its good for business and its it had been rain for several days. At 12 30 there was a notice of large amount of input into the reservoir. We opened up the incident command and started working the incident to make sure employees and the public were kept were safe there is what we call Diversion Dam upstream of moccasin. The water floods the Drinking Water reservoir. We couldnt leave work. If the dam fails what is going to happen. We had three objectives. Evacuate and keep the community and employees safe. Second was to monitor the dam. Third objective was to activate Emergency Action plan and call the agencies that needed contacted. The time was implement failure of the dam. We needed to set up for an extended incident. We got people evacuated downstream. They came back to say it is clear downstream, start issuing problems and create work orders as problems come in. Powerhouse was flooded. Water was so high it came through the basement floor plate, mud and debris were there. It was a survey where are we . What are we going to do to get the Drinking Water back in. We have had several emergencies. With each incident we all ways operate withins dent command open. Process works without headache. When we do it right it makes it easier for the next one. We may experience working as a team in the different format. Always the team comes together. They work together. Our staff i feel does take a lot of pride of ownership of the projects that they work on for the city. We are a Small Organization that helps to service the water for 2. 7 million people. The diversity of the group makes us successful. The best description we are a big family. It is an honor to have my team recognized. I consider my team as a small part of what we do here, but it makes you proud to see people come together in a disaster. Safety is number one through the whole city of San Francisco. We want people to go home at the end of the day to see their loved ones. We dont want them hurt. We want them back the next day to do their work. There is a lot of responsibility the team members take on. They word very they work hard. They are proud of what they do. I am proud they are recognized. Look at that beautiful jellyfish. The way to speak to students and motivate them to take action, to save the planet, they do, they care and my job is to speak to them in a way that they can understand that touches their heart and makes them feel powerful with simple actions to take every day. I was born and raised in the desert of palm springs, california. My dad was the rabbi in the community there. What i got from watching my father on stage talking to the community was learning how to be in the public. And learning how to do public speaking and i remember the first time i got up to give my first school assembly, i felt my dad over my shoulder saying pause for drama, deliver your words. When i was a kid, i wanted to be a teacher. And then when i got into high school, i decided i wanted to get into advertising and do graphic art and taglines and stuff like that. By the time i was in college, i decided i wanted to be a decorator. But as i did more work, i realized working my way up meant a lot of physical labor. I only had so much energy to work with for the rest of my life and i could use that energy towards making a lot of money, helping someone else make a lot of money or doing something meaningful. I found the nonprofit working to save the rainforest was looking for volunteers. I went, volunteered and my life changed. Suddenly everything i was doing had meaning. Stuffing envelopes had meaning, faxing out requests had meaning. I eventually moved up to San Francisco to work out of the office here, given a lot of assembly through Los Angeles County and then came up here and doing assemblies to kids about rainforest. One of my jobs was to teach about recycle, teaching students to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost, im teaching them they have the power, and that motivates them. It was satisfying for me to work with for the department of environment to create a message that gets to the heart of the issue. The San Francisco department of environment is the only agency that has a full time educational team, we go into the schools to help teach children how to protect nature and the environment. We realized we needed animal mascot to spark excitement with the students. The city during the gold rush days, the phoenix became part of the city feel and i love the symbolism of the phoenix, about transformation and the message that the theme of the phoenix provides, we all have the power to transform our world for the better. We have to provide teachers with curriculum online, our curriculum is in two different languages and whether its lesson plans or student fact sheets, teachers can use them and weve had great feedback. We have helped public and private schools in San Francisco increase their waste use and students are working hard to sort waste at the end of the lunch and understand the power of reusing, reducing, recycling and composting. Great job. Ive been with the department for 15 years and an environmental educator for more than 23 years and im grateful for the work that i get to do, especially on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco. I try to use my voice as intentionally as possible to suppo support, i think of my grandmother who had a positive attitude and looked at things positively. Try to do that as well in my work and with my words to be an uplifting force for myself and others. Think of entering the job force as a treasure hunt. You can only go to your next clue and more will be revealed. Follow your instincts, listen to your gut, follow your heart, do what makes you happy and pragmatic and see where it takes you and get to the next place. Trust if you want to do good in this world, thattttttttttttttttt good afternoon, welcome to the jampacked calendar of the land use and Transportation Committee for today, monday, september 23, 2019. The im chair, aaron peskin, joined by safai and haney. Ms. Major, any announcements . Yes, please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk. Actions acted upon today will go on the november 1, agenda. Supervisor peskin could you read the first item . Ordinance accepting acacia street for city maintainness and liability, establishing official sidewalk width, accepting two public works orders and authorizing official acts and adopting appropriate findings. Supervisor peskin mr. Rivera, on behalf of the department of public works relative to the dedication of this rightofway along the san matteo border, 60 feet in width and short in length, for the benefit of daily city. The floor is yours. Good afternoon, supervisors. Yes, this is acacia street was undeveloped portion of dedicated street, so its a paper street. And what happened is that a developer created some housing south of the county line. And this in order to make a through street they developed the portion in San Francisco as well. Thats a total of 2400 square feet. And this legislation is indeed to accept the maintenance and liability of this area. The street improvements were inspected during construction and determined to be in compliance with city codes and regulations. The director of public works recommends that we accept these streets. Supervisor peskin thank you. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Mr. Spitz, seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues . Supervisor safai . Supervisor safai yes. How often does this happen . I saw the plot map. This line cuts through a lot of different homes. Its a very unusual rather than making the boundary even, i mean, obviously, at some point it was drawn at an angle. So sometimes the boundary between daily city and San Francisco cuts through some of the homes, so half the home is in daily city, half the home in San Francisco. How often have you dealt in this area with the infrastructure requests in terms of sewer, in terms of the street, in terms of the maintenance of the rightofway. And how is that impacting development over there . For dedications, its not very frequent. It is very common for the county line to go through private property. And were actually in the process of surveying it to bring it in tighter, to know where it is. But as far as cases like this, its not happening too frequently as far as dedicated. In this situation, the i do have an overhead i could show you. Supervisor safai the majority of the homes reside in daley city . All of them, all of the new homes are in daley city. Even the red line that cuts the addresses in daley city . Yes, correct. The part that belongs to us is just north of this area. That belongs to the city and county of San Francisco. These houses were existing houses and received their services through have a lasco street. So there isnt any new infrastructure. Supervisor safai the infrastructure was done, when they built the homes, it was connected to the sewer mains . Correct. All of these houses down here are new. And theyre outside of our jurisdiction and outside of our city and county of San Francisco. Supervisor peskin seeing no other questions, without objection. Madame clerk, could you read the final item . Item 2, imposing interim zoning controls for 18 months to require a conditional use authorization and specified findings for a Residential Care facility and affirm the findings. Supervisor peskin supervisor mandelman, welcome and thank you for bringing this resolution forward. Supervisor mandelman thank you, mr. Chair, and members of the committee for indulging me this afternoon on this item. We wanted to get it to the full board as quickly as possible. Thank you for being here for this. The resolution is currently cosponsored by president yee and supervisor safai and would welcome additional sponsors. It establishes interim zoning control to respond to the loss of San Franciscos Residential Care facilities. It will require a conditional use authorization prior to change of use from the Residential Care facility to different use. The intent is to discourage closure of Residential Care facilities. This is an urgently needed stop measure to improve the Housing Stock for the vulnerable, aging and disabled residents. According to a report by the longterm care coordinating council, assistedliving working group, San Francisco has 21 fewer Residential Care facilities than in 2012. A 26 decline resulted in a loss of 112 critically needed beds. And were at risk of losing even more facilities. Department of Public Health has learned of the closure of three additional facilities and it seems more are on the way. The resolution which i think is before you with amendments, requires the Planning Commission to take into account the following factors in evaluating proposed change of use. One, any findings by the department of Public Health, aging and Adult Services and the longterm coordinating care council regarding the capacity of the exiting residential existing residential use. The impact of the change of use on the neighborhood and community. Whether the Residential Care facility used to be converted will be relocated or replaced with another Residential Care facility use. Based on information provided to my office, since introducing the resolution, i have two amendments for you today. The first, which is shown on page 1, line 15, clarifies the controls apply to Residential Care facilities that were established with or without the benefit of any permits required under the law. That ensures that any Residential Care facility in operation, regardless whether or not they received the proper permits under the planning code in the first place, would be subject to these controls. The second is on page 4. Line 10. Correcting a drafting error. In the second whereas clause of the resolution is defined correctly by planning codes section 102 and 89. 50e. Both code sections should have been referenced in the first resolved clause and this amendment does that. I understand that these amendments are considered nonsubstantive and can be introduced and voted on today and i would ask you to do that, to accept the amendments and forward to the full board. In closing, i want to thank the Mayors Office and department of Public Health for their help in crafting this resolution. I also want to thank kyle for working on this. And i think ms. Lindsay is here to give Public Comment. Supervisor peskin well open it up to Public Comment and then over to supervisor safai. Im a Senior Health planner with the department of Public Health office of planning. Im here representing the department and our support of the resolution imposing zoning controls for Residential Care facilities. So through our departments work on the master plan and we echo the findings of the longterm coordinating council assistedliving work group report. Residential care facilities are a critical resource in our community for our vulnerable populations and as the population continues to grow and age, the need for longterm care, especially affordable longterm care will continue to increase. And in recent years, San Francisco has experienced a loss of these important facilities. So dph is supportive of the legislation to preserve the current stock and control the conversion of Residential Care facilities. Were also supportive of efforts to develop legislation and more strategies that encourage the growth of these facilities in San Francisco in order to meet the Health Care Needs of our most vulnerable populations now and in the future. Thanks. Supervisor safai thank you. I just wanted to say a couple of comments. I want to thank supervisor mandelman and president yee for bringing the legislation forward. I know the context of the conversations weve been having over the course of the last couple of months, with residential longterm care beds, the conversation not to be lost. There actually are privately managed and privately operated and in the community of these facilities. Have quite a few of these in my district. Saw them firsthand as i go around doortodoor talking to individuals. And with the pressure of the current market, people to convert properties from longterm Residential Care back to singlefamily homes, this is an important piece of legislation to allow for a pause and allow for the operators then to come in. I saw there was a commitment for reimbursements for the actual those receiving care from the city. I think the city needs to step up. The department of Public Health, and ensure that reimbursement is high enough so that it makes sense. I think we got that commitment to ensure there are additional dollars assigned for these operators to continue to make them financially feasible. Often times, these are momandpop run businesses. These are people that have sometimes multiple care facilities. One of the operators im thinking about has one in my area, one in the excelsior and bayview Hunters Point. Theyre often singlefamily homes that have been converted into usable Residential Care facilities. So really appreciate this legislation. I think during the 18 months that it would be behoove us and im sure supervisor mandelman and yee will engage with the department of Public Health to be sure the reimbursements are correct, where theyre actually allocated and located, it would be good to know the total number of these in San Francisco. I know you have percentages in terms of how many have been lost over the course of time. Says there 101 assistedliving facilities and since 2002, 43 facilities weve lost 43. So i guess that would put the number close to the mid 60s, 70s remaining. So what can we do during that time to preserve those . And also what can we do during that time to increase those back up to where we were just not long ago, in 2012 . I know there is a push and i know the announcement was made to use some of the small site acquisition money. I support that. I think thats a good use of the dollars. Using the small site acquisition money to preserve this Housing Stock. Had a constituent email me today. He was someone who was a hoarder living in a singlefamily home. They wanted to know what could we do to preserve the property so it could be used more effectively for the community . Those are examples of, maybe the city could come in using the small site acquisition money, and or, we have to identify who the operators are, right . Theyre mom and pops, do they know who is going to go through the process of purchasing the building . I know there are a lot of things need to be worked out. Im hoping we can do that. Thank you, supervisor mandelman and yee, for leading the charge on this. And please involve me in the conversation. Were happy to help as we present probably one of the largest opportunities to either preserve and or expand these Residential Care facilities. I would imagine, district 11 and district 10, bayview Hunters Point lead the way. Supervisor peskin supervisor haney . Supervisor haney thank you. I second a lot of what supervisor safai said. This is going to take a broad, multipronged approach to be able to both save and protect and expand a lot of the facilities. Similar to supervisor safai, ive heard about some planned for closure or under threat of closure in my district, so i think how ever we can come together when there are these situations, whether were going to acquire them as a city. Whether there are certain things to support them so they can stay open. I think it seems like there is sort of a pattern of a lot of these folks who are getting to the point where they want to go out of business here. Obviously, the pressure that affects all of the other types of important uses in the city, whether thats restaurants or entertainment or things that, when there is money to be made in other things, its hard to keep people doing what we need them to do. This is an essential use we require as a city. So i appreciate the leadership and this is a very important part of that larger strategy. So id love to be added as a coauthor. You said youre looking for coauthors, i would love to be added and i appreciate your leadership on this. Supervisor peskin thank you, supervisor haney. I, too, accept that invitation and add my name as a cosponsor. I think i failed to close Public Comment. Seeing no other members of the public, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman thanks all of you. I want to thank supervisor safai also for noting this is part of a larger effort that the department of Public Health and the mayor are working on. Yes, this year there is going to be a fairly significant increase in the patch that is paid to that the city pays to the nonprofits, which is to the operators of these private boarding care facilities. In addition to that, yes, i think we need to look for sources of funding to acquire buildings and probably get them into nonprofit ownership. Increasingly, theyre not making it or struggling as private operations and it probably makes sense to for the city to be going in a larger way around creating more longterm options for disabled and elderly folks. So, thanks, everyone. Supervisor peskin thank you. Without objection, we will adopt the aforementioned amendments and move via supervisor safai. Well take those without objection. And then well forward to the item to the full board as amended with additional cosponsors without objection. And that brings us to the conclusion of this jampacked agenda. We are adjourned. clapping. the airport it where i know to mind visions of traffic romance and excitement and gourmet can you limousine were at San Francisco inspirational airport to discover the awardwinning concession that conspiracies us around the world. Sfo serves are more 40 million travelers a year and a lot of the them are hungry theres many restaurant and nearly all are restaurant and cafe thats right even the airport is a diane designation. So tell me a little bit the food program at sfo and what makes this so special well, we have a we have food and Beverage Program at sfo we trivia important the sustainable organic produce and our objective to be a nonterminal and bring in the best food of San Francisco for our passengers. I like this its is inaudible i thank my parents for bringing me here. This the definitely better than the la airport one thousand times better than. I have a double knees burger with bacon. I realize im on a diet but im hoping this will be good. It total is San Francisco experience because theres so many people and nationalities in this town to come to the airport especially everyone what have what they wanted. Are repioneering or is this a model. Were definitely pioneers and in airport commemoration at least nationally if not intvrl we have many folks asking our our process and how we select our great operators. The food option in San Francisco airport are phenomenal thats if it a lot of the airports yeah. You dont have the choice. Some airports are all about food this is not many and this particular airport are amazing especially at the tirnl indicating and corey is my favorite i come one or two hours before my flight this is the life. We definitely try to use as many local grirnts as we can we use the goat cheese and we also use local vendors we use greenly produce they summarize the local soured products and the last one had 97 percent open that. Wow. Have you taken up anything unique or odd here. Ive picked up a few things in napa valley i love checking chocolates theres a lot of types of chocolate and caramel corn. Now this is a given right there. Im curious about the customer externals and how people are richmond to this collection of cities youve put together not only of San Francisco food in San Francisco but food across the bay area. This type of market with the local savors the highend products is great. I know people cant believe theyre in an airport i really joy people picking up things for their friends and family and wait i dont have to be shopping now we want people take the opportunity at our location. How long has this been operating in San Francisco and the late 18 hours it is one of the best places to get it coffee. We have intrrnl consumers that know of this original outlet here and come here for the coffee. So lets talk sandwiches. Uhhuh. Can you tell me how you came about naming our sandwiches from the katrero hills or 27 years i thought okay neighborhood and how do you keep it fresh you can answer that mia anyway you want. Our broadened is were going not irving preserves or packaged goods we take the time to incubate our jogger art if scratch people appreciate our work here. So you feel like out of captured the airport atmosphere. This is its own the city the Airline Crews and the bag handlers and the frequent travels travelers and weve established relationships it feels good. When i get lunch or come to eat the food i feel like im not city. I was kind of under the assumption you want to be done with our gifts you are down one time not true we have a lot of regulars we didnt think wed find that here at the airport. People come in at least one a week for that the food and service and the atmosphere. The food is great in San Francisco its a coffee and i took an e calorie home every couple of weeks. Im impressed i might come here on my own without a trip, you know, we have kids we could get a babysitter and have diner at the airport. This is a little bit of things for everybody theres plenty of restaurant to grab something and go otherwise in you want to sit you can enjoy the experience of local food. Tell me about the future food. Were hoping to bring newer concepts out in San Francisco and what our passengers want. I look forward to see what your cooking up laughter today weve shown you the only restaurant in San Francisco from the comfortableing old stand but you dont have to be hungry sfo has changed what it is like to eat another an airport check out our oblige at tumbler dating. Com shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses, and challenges residents to do their shopping within the 49 square miles of San Francisco. By supporting local services in our neighborhood, we help San Francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . I am the owner of this restaurant. We have been here in north beach over 100 years. [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [ ] good morning. Welcome to the San Francisco chamber of commerce breakfast here at the chase center

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