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Thank you for your analysis. Before we go to Public Comment, do you have any supervisor peskin . I just had a question. I may run for election in the year 2020, and i have actually taken out the appropriate papers to do so, and have a question as to whether or not i have any conflict in voting on this matter as it could potentially impact my campaign financing. You do not. You and probably many other members of the board and the mayor could benefit, or your campaign could benefit from this ordinance in the future or it could be hindered by this ordinance in the future depending on the content, but under the conflict of interest laws that apply to city officials, voting on an ordinance that may Impact Campaign laws like this does not create a conflict for you. Thank you. Thank you for clarifying that any other questions . We can move to Public Comment if there any members of the public wish to testify on this item you have two minutes. Good morning, embers of the committee. My name is [indiscernible] and im here in support of the match proposal. We submitted a letter of support and i like to highlight a few points. We believe this is an important tool in the empowerment of politically underrepresented community members, second, this update to the program is critical in ensuring participation and competitiveness of communitybased candidates who may not otherwise have access to a donor. Third, this proposal provides the right incentives an opportunity for candidates to spend time reaching out to the various people they hope to represent, rather than a select few who will be donors. Finally, the time for this update is now. The 2020 election season is a reelection which will engage and reenergize many more voters. We ask that you please vote in favour of this proposal. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, everyone. We were supporting Public Financing campaigns. We were instrumental in helping the system be initiated when it was in its inception. We are here again to continue to support Public Financing of the campaigns. We support all these amendments and reforms and we have seen nationally that the influence of money in politics and the impact it has on our democracy is a serious crisis and we applaud San Francisco and do hope you vote in these changes because we need to set an example and see a city this amazing and large as San Francisco that can run a system like this and create better democracy and more access for small donors and people that would otherwise not run. So we do hope you vote against these reforms. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. My name is peter. I have been involved in City Government in San Francisco for about 40 or 50 years on various levels. I was a chief assistant public defender, im a former member of the Police Commission and former chair of the Ethics Commission, i commend you for having this before you. It is an example of getting away from the whole idea of paying for pay to play. Someone who has the most money can go ahead and pick a candidate and then have the candidates take their cause. There is the matching funds aspect and also in particular, there are small amounts benefiting new candidates that are coming in. It is something that is the height of democracy, and at a time where in terms of the federal government we see in abdication of democracy, in terms of cities like San Francisco and other cities, running with the ball and putting forth measures that are indeed at the heart of democracy it is quite commendable. I ask you to support this and im quite grateful that you have it before you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. My name is john. I am an adjunct professor of election law at golden gate university. I have been involved in these campaigns are a couple decades. I have an advocate for government reform. I have a couple points to make. I was involved in some of the Public Interest meetings of the Commission Held starting last summer and really appreciate the inclusive process. This is not a super simple issue and there are a lot of moving parts. I think the balance between raising the match and lowering the contribution amount for matchable contributions really does empower small donors and that is incredibly important in this day of big money and the perception, if not the reality of big dark money in giant corporations dominating our political process. I also just want to empathize with the budget analyst that the San Francisco system, when it was passed by voters in 2,000, was one of the strongest, ending the two decades since, it has been one of the weakest, as was mentioned, several cities have gone up to 61, 91, new york city is up by 80 . It will take effect in a couple of years. That has changed. That is why it is valuable to modernize our system. In addition, Citizens United and the supreme courts restrictions on most attempts to balance the system and empower clean money. They have been afforded. The one area they have allowed it to proceed is Public Financing. The system is well within the bounds of the court. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public that wish to speak on this item . C. And none, comment is closed. Colleagues, do you have any questions or comments . I have one point of clarification. So the threshold lowering, if someone donates 200, you just get credit for the 150 . Yes. It is matched up to 150. I wanted to say i appreciate you taking the lead on this is someone who has gone through multiple campaigns and been a beneficiary of Public Financing. I can tell you firsthand that the ability to have money matched and the ability to have access to public funds freeze up your time is a candidate to do the things that voters really want you to do, which is come talk to them. Whether it is at the street corner, at your house, at a Community Event or forum, rather than having to spend your time endlessly raising money, and that consumes a significant amount of time for candidates. So the ability to have access to public funds is a wonderful, wonderful way to free up the opportunity for all candidates, regardless of if it is the first time running or they are incumbent, and as was pointed out, candidates that might not necessarily have access to networks to access those funds. I commend you for taking leadership on this in the community for doing the hard work and pushing this forward and bringing San Francisco up to what other cities have already been doing. Thank you to the Ethics Commission for their hard work and the b. L. A. That was a wonderful presentation. Very clear, very easy to understand. Thank you. Thank you. Before we vote, i just wanted to thank a few people for their work, feedback, and support on this important measure. The ethics policy director, the deputy city attorney, campaignfinance report advocates. The Campaign Legal centre and the aclu. In conclusion, i wanted to thank everyone who worked on this and your support. We can strengthen our democracy, we can lift up working people and we can do this here and now. With your support, we will. Thank you again. Can we move this sorry, can you add me as a cosponsor. Thank you. Can we move this forward with a positive recommendation positive recommendation . Without objection . Thank you. Great. We will go back to item number one. Please call that item. Agenda item number one is an ordinance amending the ministry of code to amend heart trouble and pneumonia presumptions for firefighter and Police Officer industrial disability and death result of duty and Retirement Benefits. Thank you. Today we are continuing an ordinance to amend the ministry of code that affects our First Responders ability to seek disability and Retirement Benefits when they suffer from heart trouble or pneumonia. Due to the in parent nature of their job, the conditions they were kind and exposure work under and the exposure to harsh chemicals, are more susceptible to developing Heart Disease and suffering traumatic heart attacks than the general public. These amendments will bring our administrative code into alignment with the state labor code, codes of other municipalities in the bay bay area, and our own admin code governing disability benefits for Deputy Sheriff his. Currently, San Francisco firefighters and Police Officers must prove that any heart trouble or pneumonia they have suffered is from the result of being on the job. Under the state labor code, those disabilities are presumed to be a result of the conditions First Responders work under. The change we are considering today will have a minimal physical impact fiscal impact , mirrors the state labor code, prevents the cause of disability to any prior existing disease if no evidence of a heart trouble or pneumonia was identified and the physical examination of the member conducted as part of their initial higher. Initially, with this change, if a firefighter or Police Officer suffers from heart trouble or pneumonia, and then applies for disability benefits, the worker Conversation Division is to presume those ailments are results of the job, even if there is no evidence of those conditions existing at the time of hire. Every day we ask our firefighters and our Police Officers to risk their lives and step into dangerous situations. Today we have an opportunity to step up and do the right thing for them. The b. L. A. Is here to speak about the fiscal impacts and also peggy from d. H. R. Is here to answer any questions. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you supervisor brown. I just want to thank our leadership of the firefighters as well as Police Officers for bringing this to our attention. I think this was an oversight on behalf of the city. Especially because it is codified in our state labor code as a supervisor brown has said, and to think that this type of job, in terms of the amount of life expectancy, in terms of the amount of exposure to dangerous materials, in terms of the amount of stress that comes with the job, we made a very simple change here to get a physical, see where you are at, we measure , look for existing conditions, sorry to use that phrase, with see if theres something in the persons history that has to do with their heart or trouble with pneumonia, once they are clear, then it is very straightforward. On the job stress or onthejob exposures that might affect their heart or exposures to pneumonia should be covered. We have had a report from the b. L. A. , and i know we have our executive director here today. The physical the fiscal impact is negligible, but the overall impact to the membership of the police board and firefighters is an important benefit that we want to confer. Im he happy to be a lead cosponsor was supervisor brown and thank you to our firefighters and Police Officers for bringing this to our attention and advocating on behalf of your membership. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor brown and safai for all of your work on this. I would like to be added as a cosponsor. We have a brief presentation from the b. L. A. s office on the fiscal impact. The proposed legislation before you would amend the city s administrative code to comply with state requirements for four Police Officer or a firefighter, if they have Heart Disease and pneumonia. This is an industrial industry. The actual cost is based on the actuaries and the retirement system. Increasing the citys retirement contribution. Retirement contributions are on the table and are estimated to be less than a tenth of a increase in the percentage contribution to payroll. We consider the recommendation to be positive and recommend it recommended to the board of supervisors. Thank you. When we move to Public Comments, are there any members of the public who wish to testify on this item . Actually, i have one speaker card. Mr. Chairman, board members, supervisors, thank you for the opportunity to present and thank you for your support of this. In 19309, 80 years ago, a Charter Amendment came in which was 16. 85 creating something for Police Officers. In that same year, the legislator in the state of california created a heart presumption that applies throughout the state. Over the years, these last 80 years, the presumption containing in the labor code has changed numerous times. The presumption contained in our own administrative code has changed not once. We are asking simply that the administrative code parallel the code that applies for all public Police Officers and firefighters in the state of california so they are similar. Here is an example as to what the change would amount to. Supposing a San Francisco firefighter or Police Officer with 25 years of service was out on the job and in pursue of their own employment, they suffered a heart attack. This firefighter or Police Officer, because of the severity of the attack, may not be able to return to sir her employment. Under the current system, evidence could be introduced to show that firefighter or Police Officer was under medical care for hypertension which and may have been taking cholesterol pills, and other things of that sort to attempt to defeat that application. Under this legislation, that no longer will be allowed. It is not allowed in the cases and it is not allowed in the 1937 counties act. 95 of Police Officers and firefighters are under those sections. We are all going to be treated the same. Thank you for your support. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. Im a San Francisco firefighter. I stand here to think our sponsor and cosponsors for bringing this legislation up. This would be a great opportunity for us to be able to work more with the families of our firefighters and Police Officers who suffer. There are many times most of the families are struggling to get healthy and be able to move forward. And then have the extra stress of trying to go and fight has put much strain on them. Thank you for your work. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning, supervisors. I also want to thank all of you for sponsoring this legislation. Over time, we noticed there were certain holes or loopholes in our presented legislation and it started out with finding out the firefighters are having to fight to get their paycheque while they were battling cancer, and later on we discovered there was also a similar loophole in the legislation for heart presumption where Police Officers and firefighters had to be fighting for their paycheque while fighting for their life. This closes that loophole and gives assurance to those who give their heart and soul to the city that they will be taking care of. We thank you and appreciate their work on this. Appreciate your work on this. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who wish to testify . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Mr. Chairman, by email to the clerk, im also a cosponsor. Thank you. Can we recommend this to the full board without objection . Thank you. Mr. Clerk, please call item number three. Agenda number three is a real illusion resolution approving the annual reports for the Community Valley district. It is required by the Improvement District law of 1994 in the district management agreement. Thank you. I would like to recognize helen mar from the office of economic and Workforce Development. You have three minutes to present on this item. Good morning supervisors. My name is helen and im the project manager with the office of economic and Workforce Development and working on the team that provides oversight to the program. Were we are here today for the Community Benefit district fiscal year 17, 18 annual report review. As you may know, the boards are governed by total pieces of legislation. Our review process is oewd ensures that all c. B. D. S and b. Ids are meeting their Management Plan. We conduct an annual review of reports and they review. We provide the board of supervisors with a memo. Here is a parcel map for the c. B. D. Encompasses 218 parcels. It is a propertybased district with an initial assessment budget of 230,000. It was established in 2005 and is set to expire on june 30th, 2020. The executive director is also here. Their Service Areas are public rightsofway and sidewalk operation, district identity and street improvements, as well as administration and corporate operations. Oewd staff reviewed the following budget related benchmarks for the c. B. D. Benchmark one was a variance between the budget amounts for each Service Category with the intent within ten percentage points. Benchmark two was a 5 of the valley actuals that came from sources other than adjusted revenue. Leslie, whether the c. B. D. Is indicating the amount of funds carried over and designating projects to be spent in the upcoming fiscal year. For benchmark one, the c. B. D. Did not meet this benchmark. This was due to an additional requirement by the city for their financial statements. They did meet their benchmark two and raised over 207. 3 in nonassessment revenue. They met benchmark three for their budget versus actual, and benchmark four, they carried over their spending to the upcoming fiscal year. In conclusion, they will sunset into 2020 and begun the Renewal Campaign. They did not meet benchmark one due to its structural weakness in the Management Plan. The c. B. D. Needs to decrease the budgeted amount for administrative and corporate operations by 3. 5 and increase the budget. Are there any questions for staff . Thank you so much. Hello, im the executive director. We clean, green, and improve public space. She showed you the mac. What we have done is a longterm street plan which is enables us to provide benches and open gardens and we are very active with the community. We put on lots of events throughout the year. We had grants from oewd, which used to be a gas station, and we continue to do things like egg hunts. Daytoday, we move a lot of trash, we move greek we remove graffiti, we have ten annual power washings of sidewalks. People of flour best six, et cetera. 204th street looks pretty good our biggest challenge is renewing next year. It has been 15 years and we are up for renewal. We are shrinking the district and focusing mostly on the commercial area. We are petitioning to get some funding for a bathroom at the town square. And some projects and visions include murals on blank walls and countdown signals which are part of the longterm plan for the street. Our biggest project that we are working on with the merchants is to redo the codes for 204th street. Theres too many conditional uses attached to any building or any business that wants to move into the district. That is it. Thanks a lot. [please stand by] and was established in 2006. Theyre set to expire on june 30th, 2020. Executive director ran doll scott is here to present today, for the fiscal year 1718, they had executive director troy campbell, who left and took up a new position with the Calistoga Chamber of commerce. Direct identity, street operations, beautification order, administration and corporate expenses. The same for all c. B. D. Automaker, bench mark two, the variance for their nonassessment requirement is 5 for the landslide. The c. B. D. Met all benchmarks, Management Plan versus annual budget for both sides. Their assessment revenue, they were also able to raise over 31 , which greatly exceeded their benefit requirements. They met benchmark three, budget versus actuals for both land shied and port side. And they indicated their carryover in the annual reports. Our recommendations and findings was they were successful in exceeding their general benefit requirement. They have hosted Successful Events and have partnered with the Broader Community to make the area a destination for locals. Theyll sunset on june 30th, 2020. And have begun their Renewal Campaign midway through fiscal 1718. They have fourth of July Fleetwood war fest and maintained a super active Community Board of director. Are there any questions . I would like to present Randall Scott to present on his portion. Good morning, chairman mar, supervisor brown, supervisor peskin. As mentioned, im the current executive director, 1718 troy campbell, my predecessor. So these are actually his slides. He prepared it, as the nice guy he is, before he left. Ill quickly take you through it. 1718 removed 25,000 pounds of trash. Very active in cleaning graffiti, removing a lot of unwanted items from the sidewalk. We do track 1718 public disturbances, our ambassadors did a really good job of taking care of the safety on the street. Of course, hospitality is the underlying thing at the wharf. So 20,000 incidents our fof ambassadors talking to people. Street operations, beautification, the retail strategy. S. F. Rec and park. You know, maintain tree lights, you know, we do they do a very good job. We do a very good job of making sure everything is beautiful and in order. Marketing. We have a robust marketing budget, its like 30 of our budget. Treasure hunt was created, its been very successful. For our media tours, sponsor the usual events, fort of doctor fourth of july, wharf fest, tell of tell high, the crab feed, National Night out. And a lot of big partnerships with the merchants association. Other items, district newsletter, travel industry newsletter, consumer newsletter. The brochures, the marketing plan. And website, something for eauto. We rank number two just behind the merchants association, thats primarily because they have the name fishermans wharf. Org. We are visitfishermans wharf. Org. And our market annual marketing plan strategy, we produce this every year. And through partnerships with our both the Property Owners and the businesses to execute throughout the year. Fiscals. I have already gone over from the oewd. We maintain our budget and exceed our fundraising efforts. And thats 1718 there. Are there any questions . Okay. Thank you so much. Thank you. Are there any members of the public that wish to testify on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Mr. Chairman, i would move that we send this to the full board with a positive recommendation. Great. Done. Thank you. [gavel] mr. Clerk, please call item number 5. Resolution receive around approving the annual report for the ocean avenue Community Benefit district for the fiscal year 20172018. Welcome back up, ms. Mar. Thank you. So ocean avenue is an initial assessment budget of 239,578. First established in 2010 and set to expire on june 30th, 2025. Their staff is executive director daniel weaver, the Service Areas are safety and community ambassadors, cleaning program, administration and corporate operations. We reviewed the same benchmarks for ocean avenue c. B. D. , variouses in benchmark 2, theyre required to raise 1 of the nonassessment revenue from i mean, the total budget from nonassessment sources. For all of the four benchmarks, they were able to meet them. Management plan versus annual budget, they met this requirement. They met their assessment revenue versus other income requirements. Their budget versus actuals and they indicated their carryover in their annual reports and designated a spenddown plan. In inclusion, they have conformed well in implementing the service plan in the district. They implemented all recommendations recommendations from fiscal year 20172018. They partnered with o. 34678i. Culture project, a high school to begin ocean avenue arts bazaar and a monthly event series in unity plaza. They worked with Small Business Facade Program to make over two storefronts. They maintain several subcommittees and a board of directors. And id like to invite up mr. Dan weaver. Good morning, supervisors. This is an area map of the c. B. D. Basically were along ocean avenue we also provide services to the City College Campus there at the eastern end of the district. We have two very active committees, street life committee, focusing on activation of the Retail District and the business committee, concerned with Small Business growth or attraction, growth and retention. This is a list of our Partner Organizations and nonprofit sector. And our government Partner Organizations. In fiscal year 1718, o. A. A. Secured nonassessment grant funding, which brought our this augments our assessment revenue to bring our total revenue to 429,511, enables us to conduct projects connected to our goals of marketing, beautification, maintenance, and cleaning. Focusing on our largest budget item, maintenance, cleaning and safety, weve employed clean scapes, which provides street Maintenance Service six days a week. Sidewalk and gutter, trash pickup, Pressure Washing and cleaning and graffiti removal, when needed. An arborist now which maintains our urban forest. O. A. A. Maintains sidewalk gardens, an increasing amount i must say. Its a very popular thing in the neighborhood. Sidewalk gardens on ocean avenue and on perpendicular side streets. O. A. A. s project utilize neighborhood volunteers for planting and garden maintenance. And o. A. A. Maintains the ocean, geneva green space and a number of other spaces, which o. A. A. Established through grants in 2017. Thats the wrong direction. Yes. This is our best example of activating a public space. This is the new unity plaza. And this is youth art exchange, Lake Meridian high school and other neighborhood nonprofits celebrating an event, annual spring event in the plaza for the first time. Challenges we have in our district include everincreasing high rents, designchallenged business spaces lead to longterm vacancies. Property owners and Business Owners underinvest in their storefronts, giving some facades a beatup, shopworn experience. And Perspective Development projects threaten to take away sidewalklevel storefronts. And replace them. Opportunities. Theres a high interest in the neighborhood for public art events and entertainment, as well as Tree Planting and landscaping, as i said. O. A. A. Is working to program free Public Events and install new public artworks on the corridor. New businesses establishing an ocean avenue, to bring the potential for Business Owners to participate and advocating for the ocean avenue community. Development projects on ocean have the potential to provide new retail spaces in a variety of sizes. Looking back from 1718, when this report was prepared, or focused on, our project and visions include continuing to develop activities around unity plaza, pursuing Maintenance Agreement for balboa park, bart station area, which is a big challenge for us. And other transit yards to make them attractive places and places that are well maintained and safe. Successfully raise funds for a new sculpttural gateway, this will connect the ocean avenue sidewalk and be a pedestrian and planned to be a pedestrian and bicycle route from the new balboa reservoir to the ocean avenue sidewalk and transit. Develop and promote projects in the o. A. A. s 15year plan for the c. B. D. Corridor, that focuses on transit station area, including the balboa park, bart station and the sfmta streetcar maintenance facilities. Thank you. I just want to point out in this final picture the cross on the elray theatre tower. Its ideally going to become a focus on the western side of our Retail District. Although for many years its been not available for people. And it has become very run down. We are trying to work with the owners and developers and move this project forward as fast as we can. This was happening back in 1718. And its still happening. Thats it. Do you have any questions . Thank you, mr. Weaver in any questions . Any members of the public that wish to testify on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues can we send this to the full board with positive recommendation, without objection . Great. [gavel] mr. Clerk, please call item number six. A resolution receiving and approving an annual report for the top of broadway Community Benefit district for 20172018. Ms. Mar . Lastly, with we have the annual report report for top of broadway. Top of broadway c. B. D. Is the smallest cracked we have in our portfolio. An initial assessment budget of 106,567. Established in 2013, and is set to expire on june 30th, 2021. The staff is the executive director marco epantry and dominick lepantry. District identity, street operations, beautification and order. And administration, organization, and corporate operations. We reviewed the same benchmarks for top of broadway c. B. D. The only variance was they were required to raise 1 of the total budget from nonassessment forces. This the top of broadway c. B. D. Met all following four benchmarks. Their Management Plan versus annual budgets, assessment revenue and other income, they were able to raise 37. 5 in nonassessment revenue. The budget versus actuals and they had indicated their 1718 kariover in the annual reports and designated a spenddowntime line. Our recommendations and findings. The top of broadway c. B. D. Met all four benchmarks. There was a significant decrease in the amount of contributions given to the c. B. D. The number would have been lower, not for a grant that the c. B. D. Had received and utilized in fiscal year 1718. Continued decrease would be hazardous to the c. B. D. s longterm health and to the implementation of its Management Plan. The c. B. D. Was able to maintain an active board of directors and Committee Members as well. Are there any questions for staff . So id like to invite up mr. Dominick lemandry to present on his statements. Good morning. I believe im the last presentation on c. B. D. S today. So thank you. Ill make this brief. As helen mentioned, my name is dominick lemandry. Im the district manager for c. B. D. Our mission top of broadway c. B. D. Is quite simple. Were here to essentially increase the quality of life and entrepreneurial vitality. So just in general, Background Information on the district. It was formed in 2013. It started services in 2014. 39 parcels, over 100 businesses and operating budget of around 177,000 a year. And we provide sevendayaweek sidewalk betweening between 8 0. A budget breakdown. As you can see, the majority of our income comes from our assessments, but weve been very successful in bringing in nonassessment revenue, sponsorships, donations and weve been able to leverage that to continue services, even though we have quite small assessment amount. And you can see our breakdown of our budget right there. The district identity, operations and admin. So our Strategic Vision and plan for broadway is essentially can be bulleted down to a few point. Create a safe environment for the neighborhood, increase the walkability of the neighborhood and different street scape enhancements, further integrate the community in the surrounding north beach community, jon square, get them rolling in the same direction, all, you know, have the same vision of what broadway can be. And we facilitate this mission and this vision through three separate committees, that we, you know, meet regularly to decide and collaborate. So the First Committee is federal cooperations. You know, just like every other c. B. D. Thats presented today, we sweep sidewalks, we pressure wash, we remove graffiti, remove needles. And we move illegal dumped materials. Heres some highlights of our staff. Were able to provide neartotal coverage last year of sidewalks on broadway, with is great, although were small, we produce a lot of trash on our streets. Having the district look presentable day in and day out, definitely a shining achievement of ours. We are able to remove 9,000 bags of trash, over 1200 instances of graffiti. Illegal dumping incidents did decrease, because i attribute that to increased effectiveness of d. P. W. Of removing that off the street before our porters are able to report it and remove. We pressure washed the district 14 times. District identity. Its Smaller Committee versus federal cooperations. But we had big achievements last year. We put in ten Historical Markers in and around broadway. We put up lighting installation, l. E. D. Lighting installation that wind ised over the steps to help illuminate the corridor. We can change it based on the season. So its very exciting. Were able to collaborate to install cams in and around broadway, that are then serviced by north beach citizens. Its a very collaborative effort and were very proud of that. Some community probables. The installation, weve got good press from hood line. Im talking about the probably that were doing and the north Beach Association did at the bottom of grant avenue. The Historical Marker project, putting ten blocks in and around broadway, the surf rider districtwide installations. We put ten cams around broad bray and the can placement, at the corner of kearny and broadway, based off our advocacy. District challenges. A lot of the similar challenges you see all around the city, homelessness continues to be a paramount concern. I can say that definitely has improved over the last two to three years. Illegal dumping of commercial waste, as well as, you know, just residential belongings continue to pop up on our sidewalks. We do our best to get them off the sidewalks as soon as possible. And we have a couple of longterm vacancies on broadway unfortunately. Those are continued sites of, you know, encampments and what not. The bottom photos are the trees fallen over on broadway. Thats all one tree. This is one of the biggest problems we had on broadway this past fiscal year. Where weve had 40 to 50 of the trees on broadway put in after the broadway street scape improvement project. Theyve paved over or replanted. This tree in particular was reported for three weeks on about the dangerous leaning, until it finally fell over and laid on the sidewalk for 72 hours before it was removed. This is broadway. So this is not a side street. This is a very active thoroughfare. Ness something that we continue to work with b. U. F. And d. P. W. On to make sure it doesnt happen again. Part of our organizations, i mentioned a few of them throughout my mention. We couldnt do without help from helen and chris. They run this program very efficiently and very effectively so kudos to them. D. P. W. , and we work very closely with Central Station and the captain there. We have strong ties with the Broadway Community and the broadway cultural society. We work with the north beach citizens, north beach neighbor, north beach business association, t. H. C. And Jackson Square and, of course, supervisor peskin. Thank you. Do you have any questions . Yeah. Thank you so much. Are there any members of the public that wish to testify on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] and i would send this make a motion to send this to the full board with a positive recommendation. All right. [gavel] mr. Clerk, please call item numberhearing to receive the office of the chief medical examiners annual report on staffing and accreditation updates, as required by admin code section 2a 30. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, chair mar. Colleagues, i called for this hearing back in may, after it came to my attention. Actually a perennial issue now for a long time. This dates back to the beginning of this century, with a civil grand jury report in 19992000, that spoke to deficiencies in the medical Examiners Office. I received complaints from individuals who have waited, what i think is far too long and beyond the industry practices, to get death certificates and final autopsy reports. There has been an ongoing chronic staff shortage, a lot of staff turnovers. As a matter of fact, right now we dont we have an acting medical examiner. Our last medical examiner upped and left the medical Examiners Office. It has lost its accreditation. There have been chronic problems with having their annual reports posted online. There is evidence that annual reports have been changed after the fact. And so i want to delve into every aspect of this, with an eye not to be critical, but see if we can all collaborate together with the city administrator to fix it and make it a shining example of what a medical Examiners Office can and should be. To that end, i would actually like to continue this to our first meeting on october, on october 3rd, to give my office a chance to sit down with staff at the medical Examiners Office. So we can start a constructive dialogue in advance of this hearing. So subject to Public Comment, i would like to make a motion to continue this item to the 3rd day of october. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Lets do Public Comment first. And are from any are there any members of the public that want to testify to this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Do we have a motion to continue this to 3rd october, 2019. October 3rd. G. A. O. Committee meeting. Seconded motion made by supervisor peskin, seconded by supervisor brown. Can we take that without objection . Great. [gavel] and any further business . There is no further business. We are adjourned. Thank you. [gavel] [ ] i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world, you shouldnt just be something in museums, and i love that the people can just go there and it is there for everyone. [ ] i would say i am a multidimensional artist. I came out of painting, but have also really enjoyed tactile properties of artwork and tile work. I always have an interest in public art. I really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world. You shouldnt just be something in museums. I love that people can just go there, and it is there for everyone. Public art is art with a job to do. It is a place where the architecture meets the public. Where the artist takes the meaning of the site, and gives a voice to its. We commission culture, murals, mosaics, black pieces, cut to mental, different types of material. It is not just downtown, or the big sculptures you see, we are in the neighborhood. Those are some of the most beloved kinds of projects that really give our libraries and Recreation Centers a sense of uniqueness, and being specific to that neighborhood. Colette test on a number of those projects for its. One of my favorites is the oceanview library, as well as several parks, and the steps. Mosaics are created with tile that is either broken or cut in some way, and rearranged to make a pattern. You need to use a tool, nippers, as they are called, to actually shape the tiles of it so you can get them to fit incorrectly. I glued them to mash, and then they are taken, now usually installed by someone who is not to me, and they put cement on the wall, and they pick up the mash with the tiles attached to it, and they stick it to the wall, and then they groped it afterwards. [ ] we had never really seen artwork done on a stairway of the kinds that we were thinking of because our idea was very just barely pictorial, and to have a picture broken up like that, we were not sure if it would visually work. So we just took paper that size and drew what our idea was, and cut it into strips, and took it down there and taped it to the steps, and stepped back and looked around, and walked up and down and figured out how it would really work visually. [ ] my theme was chinese heights because i find them very beautiful. And also because mosaic is such a heavy, dens, static medium, and i always like to try and incorporate movement into its, and i work with the theme of water a lot, with wind, with clouds, just because i like movements and lightness, so i liked the contrast of making kites out of very heavy, hard material. So one side is a dragon kite, and then there are several different kites in the sky with the clouds, and a little girl below flying it. [ ] there are pieces that are particularly meaningful to me. During the time that we were working on it, my son was a disaffected, unhappy high school student. There was a day where i was on the way to take them to school, and he was looking glum, as usual, and so halfway to school, i turned around and said, how about if i tell the school you are sick and you come make tiles with us, so there is a tile that he made to. It is a little bird. The relationship with a work of art is something that develops over time, and if you have memories connected with a place from when you are a child, and you come back and you see it again with the eyes of an adult, it is a different thing, and is just part of what makes the city an exciting place. Good afternoon, welcome to the september 10th, 2019 regular meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Madam clerk, will you please call roll. [ roll call ]

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