Presenting to the board of supervisors. We have limited switchbacks. One of the things that we were very concerned about was that we didnt impact the rest of the system. So weve tried to be very transparent about that during this overall process we have seen an overall decline in switchbacks. We have had a slight increase in deadheading, which is another technique we use if we three or four trains stacked up at the terminal, we will send one or two to kind of express past customers, knowing that there is a train behind it. But we also continue to use that technique sparingly. While we have reached our goal in terms of major subway delays, as you know, this is an incremental goal because ultimately we do not want to have long delays in the subway. I wanted to talk through some of the instances that weve experienced over the last six weeks. The first one was breda with a door malfunction. It was almost a 40minute delay, but what im excited to report is that it wasnt that visible to customers because one of the achievements of this 90day plan is we now have the embarcadero crossover fully functional. We have removed the very old legacy wiring which was creating problems with our a. T. C. S. System. So while we did have a train broken down at that platform, we were able to work around it so that customers experienced slower service, but no major stopping. On july 18, we lost the embarcadero station for most of the day due to flooding. We were performing a routine inspection and ended up with a broken water pipe. This system is over 50 years old and we do need to learn more about what is needed to get it into a state of good repair and we will be focusing on that and including that in our upcoming capital planning. On july 24, we had a bredaa. T. C. S. Failure. We had trouble reaching the operator which made it an extended delay. And on july 26 we had a delay due to the master controller, which is how the operator gives power to the vehicle. Here is an area where we are making an investment in the bredas. One of the areas of vulnerability is these master controllers. So were in the process of a Capital Campaign right now to replace the master controllers, which will shore us up from this type of issue in the future. Were not going a massive investment in the breda, but we do have about 10 million of Strategic Investments that were making. This is an example of one that is badly needed. The next thing i want to talk about is not in the subway, but i do want to talk about the fact that we had a pretty significant delay on the sunday of outside lands. My goal for any special event besides delivering fabulous Customer Service and introducing new people to the system is to stay out of the paper. For the most part weve been able to do this. Weve had incredibly Successful Special events over the last three years, but that was not the case on sunday. Where we had a kind of a unique problem. We had an operator who was driving a vehicle and he pulled up to an accessible stop. The unlike the lrv4s, where we can raise the steps up to the door, the bredas raise all or nothing. The steps raised and we couldnt get them back down. Our intent and the operators instincts which were good was to get to the next accessible stop and let customers off, because he was very concerned, as were the staff in the field, about having customers step down that big 3foot gap. Because it was a packed train, because customers didnt have good information about what was happening, they kept pulling the emergency alarm so we were not able to get the vehicle to a place that we could safely offload it. That was coupled with very Poor Communications on our part, which is something were working to shore up. One of which is looking at expanded hours of operations for our customer information officers. As you know, we have one of the most robust social media and customer Information Systems in the country integrated into our control center, but as we prepare for the warriors and as we prepare for more focus on latenight activities, there is a need for increased hiring. So that is something we are currently investigating. And then looking at yesterday, we also had a pretty significant twohour delay in the subway. It was related to another incident that we had on the night of august 15. We are still investigating it, but it was in the same area where we had the major overhead wire down at the end of april. It does kind of initially appear that there is some relationship in how those repairs were made. So we went in last night. Weve made adjustments. We believe that the area is now stable, but its something that we will be watching very closely and i will report back when i have more information. I apologize that were currently in the middle of that investigation. That being said, in contrast to the incident we had at the end of april where we were bringing customers only to castro and church station because we had made a big investment in getting the venice crossover and the embarcadero crossover going, we were able to provide continuous service. We singletracked trains between those stations. Were still learning as we go on this, but i think getting people to venice and providing some surface to the subway in addition to surface buses, we give people more choices and we take what was a very bad incident and made it hopefully just a bad incident. While none of that is good news, im thrilled to report that we are making amazing progress with this current early shut down. As you know, weve been shutting down the subway at 9 30 every night since august 12 and allowing our maintenance away folks to go in and do that longdeferred maintenance that really needs more like a six to eighthour window that we dont typically have. Some of the things they have done is replace eight switch points, replace corroded track, clear a whole backlog of c. P. U. C. Findings on our track side. Theyve also done a lot of accumulation, removal of sand and mud, and really cleaning out switches, which is going to allow for easier inspections moving forward and better visibility in the subway. Our signal Maintenance Crew is in the process of theyve replaced 800 of 1300 backup batteries, which will also make us more less vulnerable. And have done a deep inspection of the entire cable from west portal to castro. Our overhead lines crew has replaced 1200 feet of wire in two locations and they have removed eight splices in the system. As you may recall a defective splice was the cause of the large subway shut down we had. In addition, our mechanical group is doing some of these deeper inspections of our fans and our firesuppression system. And our buildings and grounds folks have been giving the stations a really big clean. So im very optimistic that this idea of twice a year doing a relative relatively quiet clean doing these repairs is going to buttress us up and protect us from major incidents throughout the year. I know im running short on time, so i will say the subway travel times have been relatively stable. We are experimenting with a new metric to share with you today. This is called slow subway trips. We looked at our scheduled subway time and we added the fourminute buffer for being late. Then we looked at what percent of our trips are exceeding that. Thats an attempt to try to measure how variable the subway is. So can i pause you here on this slide . Yeah. The most significant drop in slow subway trips seems to be k. L. M. Outbound p. And peak. Is that due to our management of the west portal section . I believe that is. Both a combination of the traffic changes, moving the 48 stop, the parking control officers. So anecdotally i have been out there and watched it several times and it seems to be working well. Well get to the embarcadero one when it comes up. Pass along that this appears to be good news and theres no real explanation for it, especially as we enter the school year. Thank you for that feedback. The next metric i wanted to call your attention to that we have not been talking about previously is lrv vehicle availability. We havent talking about it just in the context of the lrv4s. We have a 90day goal of increasing availability to 35 vehicles a day. Our interim goal for august was 30 vehicles a day, which were very close to hitting and have been hitting over the last couple weeks. We increased the schedule very significantly over the last 18 months. We added two car tline trains, we made running time adjustments on all of our lines. So everything got more cars. In some ways our schedule outpaced our vehicle availability. Part of that is because we only implement a new schedule three or four times a year and we dont always know exactly where our vehicle availability is going to be at. So what that has meant is more onecar trains than i would like to see in the system. Were doing our best to space those out. As the vehicle availability improves, that will also improve. But i did want to flag that while youre seeing onecar trains, we still have more overall trains in the system than we ever have on the past. On the typical day were getting between 140 and 150 trains. We would like to see that number increase to closer to 160, but big Progress Given 18 months ago we were closer to 115, 120. I have a question. Do we have flexibility to fix those schedules . Because i understand that we have a kind of fixed schedule and it changes routinely. But on the lines where we might be understaffing for the consumers all they know is the bus is coming eight minutes apart, ten minutes apart, the schedule is immaterial to them. Are we able to make adjustments to take into consideration the amount of minutes those buses are apart, instead of relying on the underlying schedule . We are able to do that and we do especially when were handling misservice. Instead of having one bus in ten minutes and one in 30, well spread it out to 20 minutes. The kind of small changes youre talking about is pretty hard to do without a schedule. Im not saying i have any big answers, but if theres anything to figure out, a trend on certain lines, maybe we have a modified a and b or Something Like that that we could work with. Thank you. On the lrv availability, it is frustrating for customers to see a onecar train in the rush hour when the system is backed up already. Its inefficient to have a onecar train. I assume now that the coupling issue is fixed, there will be a priority placed on twocar trains in the morning commute; is that fair . Yes. Our vehicle availability constraints are worse in the afternoon than the morning because the same idea, peak times, but the difference is a little bit that the jam appears to be inbound. So when you have a onecar train as opposed to a twocar train jamming it up. As long as i just want to be clear that there is a priority to return to twocar service in peak time as we can. Absolutely. We always put out as many vehicles as are available. Im routinely coaching my maintenance folks and theyre aware of the fact that theyre only sending out trains theyre really confident arent going to break. Just artificially increasing this number and having problems down the line creates bigger inconvenience for our customers. I have another question about the communications. I know we upgraded our Communications System and made systemwide announcements, but the episode on the 15th that i texted you about because someone was upset to be on a train for 45 minutes without any information. In that instance, do we know what went wrong with the information on the system. Was there too many people on the train that they didnt hear it . I believe in that instance it was due to the lack of management at the Transportation Management center at the time. As i was talking about looking at the hours of latenight service, that adjustment needs to be made. Thank you. For the lrv4s, i remain optimistic that we are going to achieve our reliability goals. The issues that weve been having on the vehicles are isolated to very specific subsystems. We have been putting in technical fixes. That being said, we are not meeting our current trajectory of the reliability program. We should been seeing almost 7,000 miles between breakdowns in july and we were closer to 4,300. A third of those breakdowns were related to the breaking system. Theres a hydraulic pumping unit that is locking up. It took a very long time to diagnose the problem because it was being impacted by an electrical surge that was only visible when the vehicle was operating. So they werent able to replicate it in the factory setting or at a work bench. They have identified the problem. Its actually a threepart problem and we have a commitment to seimens to have this repaired by the end of october on all of the vehicles. This is an item thats under warranty. These kind of fixes happen at seimens expense. But right now its impacting our service significantly. So we are working very closely with them to try to expedite these kinds of repairs and get back onto the reliability program. The goal is to get to 25,000 miles between breakdowns, which would essentially mean a breakdown fewer than three breakdowns a year. And then in conclusion, i do want to highlight all of the amazing staff work that has gone into preparing for the chase center. Our strong focus is on safety and transit reliability, making sure that we are maintaining strong access to the hospital, as well as to our customers along 3rd street. We finished the platform this month, which was a milestone and provi provides flexibility, not just during events but at all times of the day because of the crossovers in front and behind the platform. So work is underway. Were going to be starting some dry runs over the next couple of weeks. We do anticipate that the first few events are going to be hard. Were going to learn as we go, but weve had a tremendous amount of coordination. Things like the ticket being your ride home is i think a great example of kind of the upfront partnership for this work. Okay. So packaged with my update, we also wanted to invite the public to provide comments on the Transit Working Group thats underway. Vice chair borden, along with Ed Harrington are chairing this work, which is sponsored by the mayor as well as supervisor peskin and supervisor mendelman. Its an opportunity to review operations and look for opportunities to review our work. To learn from other properties. It has a deep bench of Industry Experts which have been already been a huge resource to me personally as a sounding board as we work through some of our toughest problems. The first session was very interesting, both in kind of the ideas that they shared, but also in some of the areas where they endorsed steps that were already taking, including the significant investment weve made in maintenance over the last several budgets under your leadership. The item today is an opportunity for the public to share any thoughts or feedback they have, which we will then share with the working group. So i welcome that discussion. Okay. And thank you, julie. I wanted to add as the vice chair and talk a little bit this group is mostly technical experts focus on transit operations. Theyve worked around the country, and theyre helping us drill deep down. We set up a series of subcommittees within the working group to really look at issues. One is technical and operations group, which i know has been working really closely with julie and they are looking at the lrv issues, fleet, scheduling and management and all those types of issues. That group is meeting. There is organizational design and governance group, looking at how we are structured in our Financial Authority in relation to the city and all those kinds of issues. We have also a group focused on context in the region and looking at how we all piece together across the mobility spectrum, as well as things like growth and equity, land use planning. Then the final area is work force and hiring group. So really talking about training and hiring and maintenance and culture and all those things that matter to the agency. So well have our next meeting in september. The meetings are open to the public, but its a passive meeting. So there arent opportunities for Public Comments, which is one of the reasons were having this opportunity today for you to offer comments on this working group. I believe the board of supervisors, either acting as a Transportation Authority or at the board transportation land use may also conduct a similar meeting. Okay. Thank you yes. One quick comment. I just want to say i appreciate your thoughtful approach to tracking metrics and data. And just since operator availability is so key to our ability to hit Service Delivery goals, i wonder if we could also track operator availability and how were going towards hitting that full employment goal. Thank you. Okay. Chair heinicke my comments are three. Number one thank you for the progress on west portal. It does seem to be working, both anecdotally and according to your data. As i said before, please communicate to the team to keep up the good effort. Number two, i appreciate the updates on the significant delays or disruptions. You know what im going to say, but the outside lands things for us to fail on a communication effort like that is not acceptable. We have a system so that we can communicate to all trains. Even if its difficult to have a Communications Operator going 24 7 at all times, we know in advance when the big events are going to be. We know in advance when the significant disruptions can be. And to have that many people on a train in the heat without some message from the m. T. A. Is a failure. Please in the future when were planning to these events, even if we dont go to 24 7 communications, which is a good idea, make sure communications is staffed for those events so people can hear what is going on in live time. There was some fortune to come out, no panic, no physical injury, no stampeding, none of the stuff that can happen in a bad situation like that. Im happy that the people behaved so well. Thats something we need to recognize. Even if we dont go to 24 7. For special events where were going to have largescale transportation events in off hours, we need to have a communications presence set up. Third, nothing in this presentation about the embarcadero turnaround. Im not going to ask you about it today. We have a lot of people who want to ask about another aspect of our transit system. We have addressed west portal very well. From my reading of the data and my own anecdotal experience every morning, the embarcadero turnaround remains a choke point. Ive given you my ideas how to address it. I know youre addressing those. In the next report or the one after, i would like to hear a more robust presentation about how were going to solve that choke point, please. Directors anything else . Is there any Public Comment on item 14 . Mr. Chair, yes. Herbert reiner, bob finebom and dave fill dow. Herbert weiner, its the composition of this board that bothers me. There should be critics as well as supporters of m. T. A. On this board. Youre going to have a biased report. Secondly, at the meetings there are obviously going to be working groups, critics should be included in those working groups, and not lined up against the wall like the peanut gallery that i experienced previously. You really have to have a critical report. And also the bottom line is we need more buses. We need more drivers. We need less takeaways at the bus stops. We need to have a better Transportation System that really serves everybody. Right now you have the elterva line which is a disaster. You have the vanes project which is a disaster and the brt will be a disaster too. So thats the bottom line. Thank you. Chair heinicke thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Thank you. On behalf of the same community, we submitted a twopage letter to every member of this board as well as to the working group. This, i hope, has been put in your packets so youve had a chance to look at it. Just one specific comment id like to make. It may not have been clear in the letter. We referred to inline coupling. By that we mean Something Different than perhaps julie has been talking about. Shes talking often about coupling at the yard of trains to go out in service. We are talking about Something Different. We are talking about coupling trains for example, at west portal, the k and the l. Were talking about twocar k, twocar l coupled at west portal to make a fourcar train that goes downtown. Thats the only way were going to get a significant improvement in passengercarrying capability. Chair heinicke that was clear from your letter and thank you for the suggestion. Im jerry costen. David let me come in ahead of him. Im the president of the Bay Area Transportation working group. Ive looked at this for a long time, this subway, and i just want to maybe you already know this. A long time the first ia was a tencar subway to State College with coupling at west portal and debose. That is the way the subway was conceived. When the designer came in to put in the part f identity, he was confronted with an unexpected problem, hes got five lines feeding into one. As a result that they were having trouble with the coupling. They abandoned the coupling and went to one and twocar trains. When they did that, they cut the carrying capacity by 60 . Unless and until that comes back where you can run four and fivecar trains, instead of one and twos, they will never be able to put in the full capacity of that subway which today would cost 15 billion to build. Chair heinicke thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for taking this item before the next item. I hope youve all gotten the save muni letter and had a chance to read it. We spent a lot of time trying to put some complicated thoughts on paper. I just wanted to emphasize the points about operator availability, street supervision, and route coupling, which was just discussed at least during the peak periods. And i also wanted to support the efforts that derrick kim talked about earlier. I didnt come back after he spoke, but i think thats all to our point about employee training and development. We, on behalf of save muni, we are certainly willing to meet with any of you and staff to discuss some of the Details Behind this. We have done analyzes of transit supervisor staffing, operator availability, some of the Organization Chart issues. Were really looking both to Current Events but also to the long term and happy to discuss further. Chair heinicke thank you very much. Thank you very much. Chair heinicke any further Public Comment . Is there any further Public Comment beyond this speaker . Okay. Seeing none Public Comment on this item will be closed after you speak. Thank you. Thank you, chair heinicke. We have to work on this subway and it will affect time. We have to get our people in there to do this work and to be proactive, not reactive. This work to keep this subway running demands precision and exacting diligence. Its like a dance. Everybodys got to get the steps right. To me this is between failures. 6,000 is what new york city was at the low in 1980 with the graffiti and the broken lights and all kinds of problems. Now theyre over 100,000. Why cant we have 100,000 miles between failures, just like new york assisted them with over 6,000 vehicles. Consider Grand Central can move 60 trains per hour through the park tunnel in one direction. I think we must practice and increase. Thank you. Chair heinicke thank you very much. Okay. That was just an informational item. Public comment is now closed. This takes us on to item number 15. Clerk 15, mr. Chair, naming the central subway station chinatown as rose pak station. Chair heinicke unless there is any direction from directors, we will go straight to Public Comment. Mr. Chairman, just for the record, we do have a significant number of people in the north light court where they can hear their name being called. So i will call five peoples names in advance so that people have the time to hear their name and come up to this room. The sheriffs, if they are told that the person is here to speak, will let them into the room. Chair heinicke very good. Okay. Let me lay down a few ground rules. First of all, i apologize that were starting a little bit late. We had a longer proceeding on another matter that we didnt anticipate. So i appreciate everyones patience. Number two, another apology, this is nothing to do with me, the air conditioning is broken. It is hot in here. There is nothing wrong with you or us. Its just the air conditioning is broken. We have a fan back here. Sheryl has her own fan. Im sure shed sell it to you for a lot of money. If you have our own fans or papers, feel free to use them. There will be one minute of public speaking. You know the rules. We will be polite, but we will not respond well to impoliteness. When your minute is up, your time is up, sit down and let the next persons speak. No ones voice is more important than anyone elses here. Everyone gets their minute and that minute is done. If you would like to point out folks who are here to support your position so one person uses their minute and there are ten people who raise their hands to align themselves with that, that is fine, it is more efficient, we respond to that. You can do that. We would ask that everything in the discussion be focused on this decision, which is what to name the station. We ask that you be respectful of other speakers, as always, as you were last time we had this issue frankly. We will give you our word that we will base this consideration on Public Policy and the information that we have before us. So with that information and those instructions, we will open this up to Public Comment. I note we have senator copp here. In elected official deference, we will start with the senator. If you would like to go first, you have one minute, and im sure from our days in the capital you will be a model of compliance and following the rules. You can count on it. Chair heinicke one minute, senator. Dont waste your time teasing art. You get one minute. Thank you, mr. Chairman. First would be an unfortunate expression of contempt for honesty and integrity and lack of corruption and noncorruption in Public Affairs to name this station after rose pak. You have a sound policy of using geographical identifications, not after a woman who in the 1970s is a Chronicle Reporter attacked an interviewee because of answers she didnt like, resulting in the police being called and her later being fired, not a person who called upon the assassination in a chinese language newspaper of a world war ii veteran my friend sinclair louis. Chair heinicke thank you, senator. It would be a stain on all of you who vote to name this station or rename it after it has already been rejected. Chair heinicke thank you, senator. Clerk walter wong, jane kim, allen lowe, david lee, zhou wong zeng. If you hear your name called, if you could please line up along the wall. I will read a few more names because those people may be downstairs. Walter wong, jane kim, allen lowe, david lee, zhou longzheng, harlem wong, cindy woo, eric mar. Chair heinicke lets stop right there. Are any of those people in the room . Clerk ill read the next ten. Chair heinicke please do so. Clerk santiago reese. If youre in the room raise your hand. Sam moss, eddy onn. Wing ho leung, paizong zhang pai zhee woo, sarah won. Dean eato taylor. Linda clayton, dale gillman while we have a moment and youre reading off the names, ive never had an opportunity to thank my former colleague senator quinnton cobb for his record and what an honorable record it was to serve with you. Clerk lucy lynn. Cora we have some people. Chair heinicke what is your name . Eddy on. Chair heinicke is there anybody else who has been called . Can you call ten more names . Clerk hold on. I forgot where i was. Chair heinicke do our deputies know if someone is called and they come up they will let them line up. Thank you very much. Clerk steven lee, kent lynn, julie lizar, wei min chow, betty louis, norman fung chair heinicke please line up if your name was called. Clerk kristina olouis. Chair heinicke if you hear your name, please line up on the side to my right, your left. Sir, ive forgotten your name and i apologize. What is your name . Eddy chair heinicke thank you so much. I am of environmental defense. We supported the creation of green zones which were about clean buses in lowincome communities. Weve also sfored sfta around the antenna buses that existed. Of course we supported enviro organizations on the car role. So this is a personal endeavor because its more about the justice aspect in environmental justice. Its about that blend of socioeconomic race and cultural factors, where we care about a Community Organizer and leader made this project to begin with. Ultimately the standard for this shouldnt be twisted as something that is universally beloved, that is too high a standard. The standard should be about respect, respect for the community, respect for the blood, sweat and tears that exist. Thank you to director torres in support of naming it the chinatown rose pak station. Chair heinicke thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Whoever is in line, please come forward. Thank you. I am eva lee from the chinatown merchants association. Nice to see you. If you dont mind, i want to have something lighter because its been so controversial right now. I hope you can hear it and i hope my thing comes out because i hope its taking my minute here. Please come up. Okay. Its not coming. It used to be chinatown, my chinatown, if you remember that song. I know your goal is to improve the quality of life and economic health. So we want a name thats easy for tourists to see. You know you resolved this problem with the International Airport by having the name in one wing. So i hope you can resolve this for our community and not divide us and have it be a winwin situation. Thank you very much. Chair heinicke thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, betty louis from the chinatown merchants association. Its been almost 30 years since the earthquake and chinatown has not recovered. For the last eight years i have worked to reinvitalize grant avenue. I have added murals and restaurants and retail shops. Ive given the Younger Generation a chance for their careers. Ive accomplished all of this with Community Input and support. I didnt have to threaten, bully, intimidate or extort people. Our Foundation Supports many of the community and nonprofit. Our community has dedicated volunteers tireless in their work. City hall did not help at all. In fact, we were ignored and pushed aside. For all the important work that has been accomplished, we want people to be able to find chinatown. We want a clear, simple, designated geographical location. Chinatown is an international location. It is our brand. We have over 16,000 signatures chair heinicke please, we set the rules. Everyones voice is important. Next speaker, please. Thank you for being so polite. Thank you. Good afternoon, directors. My name is cindy woo. When i first started working in chinatown 12 years ago, my first project was the central subway. I was honoured to work with rose. I helped rose as we organized a series of hearings. The central subway was a subway to nowhere, these were words written dismissing the Chinatown Community and saying the community was invisible. Rose wouldnt stand for that. Rose saw a vision for a subway to connect visitors to chinatown neighborhoods and to connect chinatown workers to the jobs in the city and the region. In those days i learned about rosas work alongside other leaders like mrs. Chan. These were the folks that made sure that the central subway became real for us. Naming the station chinatown rose pak station would be an honor. Its an honor to show the fight that we need to make sure that our communities are seen. Its not just a geography, but its a community of people symbolized by rose. Thank you. I strongly urge the directors to support the name chinatown rose pak station. Chair heinicke thank you. Next speaker, please. Im reverend norman song. My family has been part of chinatown for more than 100 years. I promised my mom that i would love chinatown in my life, so ive been there too. I think roads loved chinatown and San Francisco youre under pressure right now because there are others that have maybe motivations to discredit her. I go and see the parade with her and know the rough side, the thorns of her, and she would be yelling at the mayor or supervisor, but she did it nastily sometimes. But it was her heart for chinatown. So theres a couple different types of leaders in my religious community. Some are real sweet and nice and spiritual, and theres the pathetic side that shouts and speaks truth to power. I hope that San Francisco will honor a bold, fierce leadership like her and may you be bold too. Thank you. Chair heinicke next speaker, please. Welcome. Mr. Wong, would you please raise the microphone so we can hear you. Thank you. [ indiscernible ] there should be a station in chinatown. Thats why i wanted to say this honored name rose pak chinatown station. Thank you very much. Chair heinicke thank you very much, mr. Wong, for your eloquence and brevity. Clerk im going to read a few more names. Chair heinicke sir, well wait on your minute. Clerk david lee, shou long sheng, harlen wong, eric mar, santiago ruiz, pai zheng, ron usitu. Chair heinicke very good. Ive forgotten the list, so if you could remind us your name, please. Im al mar. Chair heinicke well, that was a helpful clarification. You now have a minute. Thank you. Rose pak ive known since i was a young lawyer and now im an aging lawyer. She could be your best friend and she could be your worst friend. But as imperfect of a person as rose was, she did have a vision for more Perfect Community and a more perfect city. One of her visions was the central subway. They say that success has many parents and failure is an orphan. If there was a tiger mom for the central subway, it was rose pak. He would kick, he should claw, he would make this project happen. Central subway was always her vision to unite people, communities, and to bring the city as a more perfect place. I think it would be a great honor to roses legacy and her work on central subway to name the chinatown station, the chinatown rose pak station. Thank you. Chair heinicke thank you very much. Next speaker, please. My name is david lei. I know most of the people in the audience, both sides, and you hope we stay friends. Afterwards we still have to work together. Most of the people in the audience know me, but you dont. I used to run the parade from 1977 until about 12 years ago, until i had a disagreement with rose. Despite that, i would like the station to be named chinatown rose pak station because of her impact to the community. I think she would be very happy to see so many people here at city hall. Before rose i think we might have a dozen here. So regardless of all of that, i think our presence here is because of the impact rose had in our community. So i hope you will name the station with her name on it. Chair heinicke thank you. And thank you for your work on the parade. Next speaker, please. So that as far as outbursts go was the most minor outburst, but so that we dont have the major outbursts, the hands, the thumbs up, thumbs down, thats all fine. Thank you for the respect you showed mr. Lei. Please no outbursts or verbal comments. This is everyones city hall. Everyone gets to say their piece. Sir, you have your minute. Thank you. I am the current Chinese New Year parade festival director, and i am one of San Francisco Chinese Chamber of commerce board directors. And i have been a San Francisco resident for over 50 years. Before one can take a bite of a delicious apple, before one can enjoy the fragrance of an orange, and before one can benefit from the rich nutrients of a banana, someone has to provide nutrients for its growth, someone has to care for the tree before the fruit blooms. Rose pak was instrumental in the realization of the convenience and the economic success for the station is going to bring to chinatown. So i really would like chair heinicke thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Clerk jane kim, zhou long zheng, eric mar, santiago ruis. Gordon chin. Chair heinicke sir, welcome. Good afternoon, my name is santiago ruis. I am here this afternoon to convey to you my wholehearted support for the naming of the station after rose pak. I have resided in San Francisco until i moved out, but i continue to work as the neighborhood administration centers. In practising my role as an organizer and advocate, i had the opportunity to work and develop a longstanding relationship with ms. Rose pak. We both devoted time and effort on a number of social justice issues that transcended beyond our chinatown boundaries. Community leader rose pak shared with me her utmost respect and value to ensure people of color were represented in government, corporate sectors, and other sectors that affect the life of marginalized. Chair heinicke thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Thank you very much. Clerk gordon kim, jin you yu. Wing ho leung. The former commissioner of parks and recs, i can appreciate the difficult decisions you have before you. Please dont take the policies too literally or absolutely. As a native san franciscan, i have been disappointed of the naming of monuments. These are important symbols for our community and we need to recognize the contributions and the longevity of the Chinese Community because we are san franciscans and i can think of no san franciscan more worthy of this recognition than rose pak. Thank you. Chair heinicke thank you very much. So folks know so youre not caught off guard. When you come up there is a timer on the podium, so we will be cutting off the mics after a minute and dont be surprised so folks know im not arbitrarily doing this. When you come up to speak and you see the timer, youll know full well what is going on. Sir. Hello, im sam mar. I am the Mission Director of housing corporation, though today i am speaking personally. I live in north beach about a few blocks away from where the station will be. I lived there for 11 years. I take the 30 almost every single day. Thank you for the 30. Too often you are voting you are listening to people trying to stop something, especially at this board. And rose, i only knew her briefly, from Affordable Housing and working with Chinatown Community development center. She was really about creating things, about creating a power base and supporting as many people as she could with that. The reason i bring that up is the central subway itself, the station that were talking about, you know, statistically speaking, she if it was like a lot of other neighborhoods would have been fighting it hand and foot. What she did was the opposite of that. I think the only thing she fought for was how much it could enrich chinatown and that embodied all that was rose pak and i urge you to support this. Chair heinicke thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Please, sir, come forward. [speaking foreign language] chair heinicke thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Im here speaking in support of naming of the chinatown rose pak station. I am a San Francisco resident for the last 30plus years. Si have been a strong supporter of many nonprofits in the chinatown area. I am supporting this naming because i feel its the most befitting commemoration of somebody who really poured her heart and soul into a project that benefits chinatown, especially chinatown. I think its a very good compromise. There are plenty of ideas, out there, but this is a chinatown rose pak station is a good compromise, almost the best compromise there is. Phil chan with the Chinatown Community development center. I want to urge that you name the station the chinatown rose pak station because rose has done more than anyone else to make this station a reality. On top of that, shes done more for the city and county of San Francisco than just about any other private citizen. So i urge that you do that, support chinatown rose pak station. Thank you. Chair heinicke thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners. I am gail gilmon, a 20plus resident of San Francisco. I appreciate you for having this hearing today and taking the time. Im urging you that you name the station after rose pak, the chinatown rose pak station. Rose worked for all of san franciscans. She worked across the city to make it better. Her years of advocacy were centred around two things i really want to mention equity and inclusion. In a time of driving those values, the values of st. Francis, back into San Francisco by naming the station, youll be honoring her and her legacy. I also have letters of support id like to submit for the record from steven kay and victor makus. Chair heinicke please, snake sounds, thats for 8 year olds. Thank you for being here. Next speaker, please. My name is [ indiscernible ] chair heinicke welcome. [ indiscernible ] chair heinicke thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioner, my name is sara wong. Im a director of the Community Youth center. We have a member of over 50 organizations and serve many populations in San Francisco. Im here to support the naming of this station. Rose has served the underserved communities especially in chinatown. Rose has been a great advocate. Because of her were able to save chinese hospital. Shes really a role model. By naming this station the rose pak station, we will empower the next generation to fight for whats right in chinatown. Plans [ please stand by ] we support the compromise of adding her name to the chinatown rose pak station. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Go ahead. Good afternoon. My name is kara, i am the executive director of the Chinese Culture centre located in the hilton hotel. We begin we bring visual literacy to chinatown. We are in support of naming the subway station after rose pak. She is a leader, she is someone who changed chinatown by virtue of her dedication to

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