Golden gate park. The water should be gently washed and not at all harshly treated with chemicals. So with that in mind, thats about all i wanted to try to convey to you people on the commission as well as the general manager. Thank you. President buell thank you. Clerk any other Public Comment . Seeing none oh. Come forward. Good morning. My name is francis and i have lived across from the douglass playground for 20 years. Im here to request that there is additional signage on that playground. There is a sign on the outside of the gate saying dogs must be held on a leash. Also next to it is a sign stating that again dogs have to be held on leash, owners have to pick up after that. There is no signs inside the park. And of course i have been there and i have of course seen people off leash with their dogs. So im just requesting that theres a little bit more signage inside the park, maybe on the clubhouse next to the picnic area. That park is so popular. There is jumpy houses. According to parks and rec they have to have at least six months to reserve. Every weekend there is a jumpy house or birthday party. Douglass playground also has an off leash sorry, im not remembering my facts here as well as i would like to. An alvarado, there is a rec and park program at the park where a lot of kids are there. Im just requesting there is more signage so its safer. There is a sign outside the sandy area saying no dogs should be in that sandy area. There is no fence around that sandy area. Theres not like douglass courts or walter hoss playground. There is nothing to keep the dogs out except being on leash. Please put some signs up there. President buell thank you. Clerk is there any other Public Comment . Come up on. Thanks. Hi. Good morning. I have been a resident of Diamond Heights for the last 20 years, and i go to upper douglass dog park a lot. What im here about is to get a usable restroom because there is no facility right there now and there is a Historical Building that if possibly we could get that renovated, if not, just something usable. Because we have a highusage dog park there and we have the clientele that Young Children from 5 to 92. So we have the whole spectrum and we want a usable restroom and if we could restore that building, that would be great. Can i give you this . President buell thank you. Clerk is there any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We are now on item 13, closed session, to inquiry with Legal Counsel on existing litigation. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners, we need a motion and a second to go into closed session. I move that we go into closed session. Seconded. Okay, commissioners, first we will need a vote whether to report on the action taken in closed session. Ill move to not disclose. Second. President buell moved and seconded. All in favour . Aye. President buell so moved. Clerk now whether to disclose all or any of the discussions held in closed session. Move to not disclose. Second. President buell moved and seconded. All in favour . Aye. Clerk we are now on item 14, commissioners matter. This is allowed for commissioners to raise issue. There will be no discussion of these at this time. President buell seeing none. Clerk is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We are now on item 15, new business agenda setting. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, this item is closed. We are on item 16. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, this item is closed. We are no on item 17, adjournment. Moved. Seconded. President buell thank you to our incoming and outgoing secretaries for a very, very good job. Good job. [ ] [ ] i just wanted to say a few words. One is to the parents and to all of the kids. Thank you for supporting this program and for trusting us to create a Soccer Program in the bayview. Soccer is the worlds game, and everybody plays, but in the United States, this is a sport that struggles with access for certain communities. I coached basketball in a coached football for years, it is the same thing. It is about motivating kids and keeping them together, and giving them new opportunities. When the kids came out, they had no idea really what the game was. Only one or two of them had played soccer before. We gave the kids very simple lessons every day and made sure that they had fun while they were doing it, and you really could see them evolve into a team over the course of the season. I think this is a great opportunity to be part of the community and be part of programs like this. I get to run around with my other teammates and pass the ball. This is new to me. Ive always played basketball or football. I am adjusting to be a soccer mom. The bayview is like my favorite team. Even though we lose it is still fine. Right on. I have lots of favorite memories, but i think one of them is just watching the kids enjoy themselves. My favorite memory was just having fun and playing. Bayview united will be in soccer camp all summer long. They are going to be at civic centre for two different weeklong sessions with america scores, then they will will have their own soccer camp later in the summer right here, and then they will be back on the pitch next fall. Now we know a little bit more about soccer, we are learning more, and the kids are really enjoying the program. We want to be united in the bayview. That is why this was appropriate this guy is the limit. The kids are already athletic, you know, they just need to learn the game. We have some potential collegebound kids, definitely. Today was the last practice of the season, and the sweetest moment was coming out here while , you know, we were setting up the barbecue and folding their uniforms, and looking out onto the field, and seven or eight of the kids were playing. This year we have first and second grade. We are going to expand to third, forth, and fifth grade next year bring them out and if you have middle school kids, we are starting a team for middle school. You know why . Why . Because we are . Bayview united. Claim at change is real and we need to Climate Change is real. Environ stewardship plays to change the fuel source from carbon based to re. Anothery newable power. The city is responsible for developing and procuring electricity that is delivered by Pacific Gas Electric to end users. I go to the market to try to find appropriate Energy Product to buy and usually that is renewable so we can ensure that is in the grid and supplied to consumers. The contracting workerrin ant they provide keep the lights on in San Francisco. I started on the team almost four years ago and transitioned in 2017. We are a new team working together with across functional role. Every contract her team is involved in executing helps San Francisco reduce its Climate Impact by reducing Greenhouse Gases remitted. What i am most proud of is the longterm Energy Contracts to get new renewables in california. Before she was doing this, we probably executed a cunpel contracts a year. It is a huge expansion in our operations and aaron is in the middle. She is centrally involved in entering more than 650 million worth of power contracts, much of that is renewable energy. The Lasting Impact of her contributions is helping us develop a modern utility power purchasing division. That is why i nominated her for this award. This award was surprising. I feeling grateful to be recognized. A lot of people do good work and it is nice to have my accomplishments valued and recognized in the Environmental Stewardship realm. A Lasting Legacy is creating a modern process to help new employees that come here understand how we do business. We couldnt have done it without her. I am a utility specialist on the Power Supply Team and the power enterprise. The office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek well take roll. roll call . I would like to welcome commissioner latiff ray ang commissioner ambrose is under the weather and not able join us. Public comment on matters appearing or not appearing on the agenda . Well, thank you, commissioner. I am a public social worker for more than ten years in the city and i am a storer for the Government Employees and the director of public regulations, the San Francisco chapter. I have been a resident for San Francisco for more than 33 years. I love my city. I have been coming to you as the commissioners many times with other Government Employees in in room in different dates in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The last time i was here was june 28th, 2019. I came before you demanding you as ethic commissioners to investigate government corruption within the Public Officials. Fails policy makers fail to protect Public Employees, tourists and residents. Prior to june of 2019, i have been reporting to you within the Public Officials through Election Fraud. No other Political Parties such as green party, libertarian, nonpartisan or constitution. Democrats only pay to play through funds for 45 years. For example, in 2018, San Francisco taxpayer pay 4. 16 million for matching funds to only one party, democratic parties only. The matching fund and super pact, its a scam. Its a scam to enable debt policy makers. June of 2018, issue wa i was one candidates for San Francisco mayor but not allowed to join more than 20 Public Forums that took place in public, libraries, city hall and many public areas. And those forums and debate supported by super pact and democrats only. I was discriminated because i am not a democrat. I am still not a democrat. Im a proud republican chinese american. Today with the failing policy maker dominating city hall, we have 21,000 Homeless People dying on the street and 25,000 drug abusers and dealers and car breakins everyday and crimes that target minority people like me, chinese american and Asian Americans in San Francisco. We have 50,000 empty apartments and we have so many people and no housing. You are a Public Employee representing the government and you sign up to represent the government as ethic commissions. I am here today to remind you that you personally sign up to do and you are personally reliable sworn in and reliable for what you do for San Francisco. The United States constitution, article 6, constitution right, the supreme court, which states the supreme law of the land is the highest law in the United States. San francisco has been violating so many laws, us, you and me at risk. So im here today to ask you to evaluate the officers in its process, Election Fraud and their policy makers dominating city hall that created a city with crimes and nobody is able to feel good or safe in San Francisco. Thank you. And this is my public record. Thank you. Thank you. Other Public Comment for agenda item number two and moving on to the consent items in item number three, draft items for june 28, 2019 regular meeting. Number 4, proposed stipulation and order in the matter of richard matthews, San Francisco ethics complaint 09150331, agenda 5, proposed stipulation decision and orbed i in the matn peskin, 151611, item number 6, proposed stipulation decision and order in the matter of living wage for educators, San Francisco commission 118 118 11c and 1818026 and item number 8, supposed stipulation, decision and order in the matter of the San Francisco Community College board 2018, San Francisco Ethics Commission complaints number 1818050. Call for a Public Comment on any items. Yes. The items that you have read, its only supported by democrats. Theres no peoples voice, no other political voice in San Francisco. It can be said that San Francisco, its a government controlled by no rule of law. Thank you. Thank you. Other Public Comment on any of the agenda items . Otherwise, i will move to approve agenda items number 38. And a second from commissioner lee. All in favour aye and motion is carried unanimously. So on the nonconsent items, i would like to take some items out of order after item number 9. I would like to call number 12, the discussion of the monthly staff enforcement report and then agenda item number 10, discussion on enforcement process review so well take those two items together and then well call the policy item. So agenda item number 9, information of presentation and discussion regarding anticorruption and accountability ordinance, the implementation overview. Thank you, chair. Commissioners, good afternoon. Im rachel gauge, the Principal Programme manager with the compliance division. Just a quick recap. At the last Monthly Commission meeting on june 28th, the executive director announced that the anticorruption and accountability ordinance, acao, specifically, the forums associated with the acao were launched and made available on the commissions website. Scentsly chair chu requested a presentation on the acao at a future Commission Meeting and todays commissioner is responsive to the request. Thank you. Thing title of todays presentation is the anticorruption and accountability ordinance, legislative implementation overview. Just a bit of background, at the april 18, 2017, special meeting, they approved the ordinance, acao, a comprehensive imagics ordinance is partnership with communitstakeholders. They approved the acao on may 22 and may 30th, respectively. They amended two requirements which became privilege january 1, 2019. This slide offers is summary of all of the newly implemented forums, both new and amended. Those forums that are amended have been flagged with asteris asterisks. The following Requirements Applicable to committees. Im sorry, miss gauge. To clarify, all forms are Available Online at the Ethics Commission website so any members of the public would be able to navigate to any of the forums that they would immediate to fill out and do it all online . Absolutely. All forums were made available june 22nd. I mean all of the electronic forms. The forms were made available prior to them in paper format and some of the forms were launched earlier than june 24th, but june 24th is when all forms were made available. Ok, thank you. The requires for applicable committees. Form sfc114. 5, contributions receive bid certain committees. This is for ballot committees and committees making independent expenditures, the triggers to file this form are the Committee Received contributions totaling 5,000 or more in a single calendar year at the behest of a city officer. Should the Committee File this form, they must disclose certain information about the officer who made the behest, as well as information about the contributions at the behest at the direction of that officer and this will be the Campaign Statement that must report the contribution that makes the cumulative total of the behested contributions 5,000 or more. Once its filed online, would that be searchable by elected official or at t, for example, different vendors to put in a search term to find out how much someone has contributed . As soon as its filed, its available in realtime, not the filing itself but extracted from the doub document. I do want to make sure that hes implemented some additional dashboards and is extracting information to now add to the Campaign Finance dashboards and theyre available as well. So in theory, come election time, we could do a search to see how much any given candidate is requesting payments to certain organizations and total it . Absolutely. The dashboards are very comprehensive, searchable and multiple ways to filter out information per candidate, per committee, per election cycle and per race. There are various ways an Interested Party could review that information. Fantastic, thank you. The form 124, contributions made by business entities. This form is applicable to any committee required to file Campaign Statements with the Ethics Commission. The conditions that would trigger this filing requirement, the Committee Received contributions totaling 10,000 or more from a single business entity and a single election cycle. Should this occur, the committee must file form sec 14, disclosing information about that business entity and disclosing the name of one of the business entities principal officers. In addition to contributions received by that business entity. And this must be filed no later than the deadline to file the semiCampaign Statement to report the contribution to make the cumulative total of contributions entity of 10,000 or more. A committee receive receives contributions 5,000 or more by a single individual. Should this occur, should a committee receive contributions that total 5,000 or more, the committee must file format 125, disclosing information about the contributions bundled by that individual and the filing is due no later than the deadline for the preelection Campaign Statements that must report the contribution that makes the cumulative total bundled by that individual 5,000 or more. This next section includes the forms that are applicable to city officers and city departments. And im going to do something a bit different here. The form 126 f2, i want to show theres a relationship between this filing and the one that follows this and so im going to build a scenario that helps to establish that and i think that will help to understand the relationship to the two Filing Requirements. This form is applicable to city departments. The condition receive ag proposal for a contract with a value of 100 or more in a 100l year and a city officer. And so a scenario would they put out a request fo for evaluation valued at 1 million over a fiveyear term. Or 200,000 per fiscal year. The Contracting Department receives proposals from several contractors and responds to the rfp. Due to the value of the contract, it will require the approval of the mayor. Because the amount of the contract exceeds 100,000 in the fiscal year and the contract requires the approval of the mayor, the Department Must file form 126s2 within 30 days of receipt of the proposals, disclosing information about the sub contractors as administrate of the submitted proposals and the filing is due within 30 days of receipt of the qualifying proposal. Form 126 f4, borrowing from that same ski scent scenario, that cs been awarded and all negotiations have ceased and that is at the mayors desk and requires the mayors approval. Using that same pattern because the contract is valued at 1 million and requires the approval of an elected official, the elective officer now has the filing requirement, as well. The elected official within five days of approving the contract, the elected official must file form 126 s4 disclosing information about the contract, the contractor and listing any members of the contractors board of directors, principal officer and any subcontractors listed in the bidder contract. And this filing is due within five days of approving the qualifying contract. So miss gauge, i have a question about this, because with imagine thereiwould imagie volume of contracts that flows through the city at any given time. What communication have we done with stakeholders and montreal,e contracts because theyre quite tight in some cases and i want to make sure they have the Filing Requirements and that theyre aware of them so that they would comply in a timely way in. Sure. I do want to emphasize that 126 f4 is not a if you filing requirement and its been in place for quite some time. Aco only extended the thresholds. And although we still target the outreach for that form, letting the departments know it was available and just reminding departments of the filing requirement, that is not news, so the amount of interest that has generated is not what i its not what has benefited the other forms. Not they have two, however, 126 f2 is new and essentially extends that prohibition that has a relationship with the contributions, prohibition and it is now extended that on to essentially prior to acao if it was only applied to those contracts after they were approved. Its now applied to a contractor once they submit a proposal so at that point in time, theyre negotiating with the city. They may not be selected but if theyre in the pool. Correct. The question i have for the form 116 f2, since its new, implemented since january, so have you received any information between january to now to see how that has worked out . Absolutely. I actually will say that that form has received the most interest and generated the most calls for engagement and compliance. Specifically, theyve been general in nature, more about the politicia application and gg clarification of the specifics, and i nothing thats been challenging for us to answer and assist with. We did a very comprehensive memo that went out to the departments and city officials. , announcing that the form was Available Online now to file electronically and all of the supporting resources. The regulations that were adopted, i think july 30th, those also helped to implement 126 f2. Out. Does that answer your question. Yes, thank you. I have a question. Yes, commissioner gray. What is the difference between this version of 126 f4 and the previous version . So aco extended the threshold, so prior to that, the Contract Value was 50,000 and its now 100,000. Prior to aceo, the time frame at which the prohibition was applied to the contractors was six months and now its 12 months. The form is due within 15 dates of the recusal occurred. Im going to demo this forum after the conclusion of the power point of this presentation, just to give you an idea of the filing experience. There are several steps that are required in order to recuse for a member of a board or member to recuse themselves and that is not a new law associated with aco, just the filing requirement is new. As of yesterday, there were 19 filed this year. Is there a repeat frequent flier . I have noticed a repeat in some case, yes. Thank you. Sure. Form 3610b, paymen payments byy officers. So im going offer a similar scenario like i did with the 126 forms. With this form and the form that follow this, there are two forms that follow this in the same series are distant relatives, so im going to start with the General Information about the form and give a bit of a scenario and build. This is applicable to members of a booke board or commission with interest. They are solicit payment totaling 1,000 or more from an Interested Party that is made to a thirdparty for legislative, governmental or charitable. So a scenario for this form, which would require a commissioner or elected officer to file this form would be a commissioner who serves on the Planning Commission, asking the developer to make a donation to the red cross and the developer makes a donation in the amount of 1,000 to the red cross at the behest of the commission every and two months later they apply for a Building Permit and it must be approved by the board that commissioner serves. Because the amount was 1,000 and occurred within 12 months excuse me. And occurred within 12 months prior to the commencement of the proceeding, the commissioner must file 36 10b that the officer knew or should have known they became an Interested Party and just to back up, once that developer had a proceeding in front of the Planning Commission, that developer became an Interested Party. And so building on that scenario, form 3620, changing a few of the facts, that developer who is the donor in this situation, who made the behetsed payment, instead of 1,000, payment was 10,000, which triggers a requirement for the developer who is the donor. The donor is required to file form 3620 with the Ethics Commission within 30 days of the payment that makes the total 10,000 or more in a calendar year and must disclose on that filing information about the officer who made the behest and certain ask about the payments made. If theyre a party that behested, they must report any contacts that the donor had with the city officer who behested the payment. So miss gauge, let me ask you a question, if i said on the Ethics Commission and do some fundraising for my sons school and asked them to contribute to the school fund for, you know, art and music and one the other families in the community made a contribution, under what circumstances would i need to file if they became an Interested Party and came before the Ethics Commission or any body of the city . In front of the Ethics Commission. Right. Any proceeding that youre involved in, the behesting officer would be qualifying in this situation. Thank you. Sure. Any other questions . I have one. Commissioner gray. Would that trigger a recusal on the part of the officer . Only if the officer had a financial conflict of interest or potential financial conflict of interest with the developer and or the in this case, it would be the third party, the red cross, the recipient of the donation. This is the final form in this series, 2630, major behested payments oh, yes, commissioner lee. So if the Planning Commissioner also sits on the red cross board, thats a financial interest, right, conflict of interest . The Planning Commission as a body in the red cross . If the Planning Commissioner also sits on the red cross board and the donation was made in the behalf to go to the red cross, so that ok, i understand. That would be a recusal in. The commissione commission sn both, would it trigger a recusal . A conflict of interest. Or a conflict of interest. I dont know if that would constitute a financial interest but im not sure. Ill jump in. I think it would be relevant as to whether or not that person was paid by the red cross. They were serving and unpaid capacity, likely no financial interest. Form 3630, this is, again, the final form in that series and that is applicable to the recipients of behested payments. The difference here in addition to the filer being the recipient in this case, is that the qualifying threshold is 100,000 or more in a calendar year. So in this scen scenario, instef one donor, the developer, lets say that officer behested payments from multiple donors, multiple developers and the cumulative total was 100,000, that would trigger a filing requirement excuse me, that was made to the red cross. All of the payments made to the red cross. So you have one officer, multiple donors, one recipient. That would trigger a filing requirement for the recipient of those donations. They would be required to the business would be required to file form 3630, disclosing information about the behested officer and the contributions officer and within the fire filing woulthe first filingwoulf 100,000 or more. Theres a second file for the recipient, 12 or 13 months, they have to file that same form disclosing how the funds were spent. In addition, if that recipient became an Interested Party within the 12 months, within that 12month time frame, they have to doe disclose information about the proceeding. How would the recipients of the behested payment know they have in. Theres a notification requirement at the time the payments are received, they notify the recipients that the payments were made and named the officer who made the payment. And have we seen any forms filed at all . No, the 3620 and 3630, no filings yet and these were launched in february and march. We prioritized the launching of the forms and made sure we had the forms available to have the more immediate filing requirement, made those available early on. The last, the forms that are relevant, the political committees, those were the last that we complete and we knew that the earliest would be 7 7 31 2019 of this year. This is a summary of the rollout, just with key milestones. Again, as of june 27th, all acorelated electronic forms and resources were deployed and made available on the Ethics Commission website. A notice was disseminated to all candidates for political committees, announcing the Filing Requirements relative to campaigns. We included 12 126 f2 and f4 because they were related to Campaign Activities and we wanted to make sure we mention those. On july 19, a notice disseminated to all board commissioners and Department Heads with the requirements for departments participating in activity. Contracting activity was sent out. July 30th, allegations implementing aco became operative and notice was sent to the Interested Partys list on that same day. Miss gauge, are there any plan or have we reach ou reacheo the public or press, for example . I know that last year in the busy election season, mr. Ford did tutorials with members of the press to walk them through the dashboards so that they could look at the different filings and how many candidates were receiving Public Financing because i think that was set around recusal and it could be of great interest to the public, as well as reporters following different races. Any plans . I think thats a great idea. Subsequent to the rollout, the june 27th, rollout, we have not targeted the public in any situation, at least not in the engagement and compliance. Im not sure of any plans to do so but we could have a conversation about that, perhaps, after today. That would be great because i think that making it widely known that the tools are available to the pull and press, i think would be a good thing. Thank you. This slide, the implementation cycle, this is just really an overview of the processes as an organization that we had in place in order to implement acao. As youre aware, it was a major project and so we wanted to i think we had to be more strategic in our planning and coordination in order to implement all of these form and Filing Requirements quickly, as quickly as possible and so, interestingly enough, in the beginning, we didnt have a form process for implementing new forms. I think this evolved organically and i would say midway through it was relatively seamless and this gives an illustration of what that process looked like and i can quickly go over the different phases if youre interested in this. Sure. So the initial phase is analysis and discussion and so what we would do is assemble a tax force just for lack of a better term to describe the number of divisions within Ethics Commission that were involved in this roundtable discussion. We had representatives from policy, engagement and compliance and disclosure and this was a comprehensive discussion where we discussed the law, its intent, the Disclosure Requirements and planned a project timeline to get through or conduct each phase of this cycle. From that meeting, we produced a fact sheet. Typically this would be a document that engagement and compliance would contain all of the information, highlight key aspects of the legislation, Filing Requirements, triggers, deadlines, identify storied st stakeholders. We look to that for guidance. We developed a paper form to circulate to the team for improve put until it was finalized. Docusign conversion and testing. This was the paper form, now in the hands of the edit team and there was conversion from paper to electronic format and design and user interfaces and configure the system. After that, there was testing conducted by members or representatives from different divisions with an ethics division. I have a question about the form development. Over time, as of forms become more widely used and deployed and as we are learnings from the layout and the fields, is it possible to update or tweak these forms to be able to more efficiently capture the information required . Absolutely. Or are we locked in . Absolutely. We rely heavily on filers filing the forms to see if there are changes we need to make and we identify the changes and usually engagement and compliance and the edit team will make the adjustments as needed. Is there anywhere on the website that seeks feedback from the filers i in terms of what their experiencing or what feedback they may have . Theyre not shy. They call an email us and i can attest to that. So we do get feedback and things, but i think, for the most part, with the exception of needing clarification of whats required in a specific field, the efiling process is relatively userfriendly. And we have also and commissioner ambrose is not here today. But i wanted to make sure that she knew that the may 29th, meeting, the Commission Meeting, she had mentioned it would be helpful to have a pdfreadonly version on the website and we have done that and that will be our practice moving forward, as well. Commissioner ambrose is watching on tv at home. Great. The next phase in the cycle is to automate the data publishing and this is where the programming takes place. Again, its in the hands of our edit team to programme the aud makes oingautomation and its e available in realtime and that is every filing that we have thats in place. The next phase, compose web content. The website and ill demonstrate later in the presentation, just how the web pages that were established too support thtosupport the forms iy and ill show the commission that in a few minutes just to give you an idea of what that looks like. And so, this is where we compose the web content that will support the form and include instructions, summarize the law itself, how to file, when to file and who its applicable to and all of the information that the filer will need at the time they are filing. And last but definitely not least is the rollout, where we public the form, the web content and all of the resources on to the website. The public dashboards, the guides and resources as necessary, execute the outreach plan that we devised at that initial analysis and discussion meeting and provide ongoing filer support and oversight. And were in that phase right now. Congratulations. Thank you. So that concludes the power point portion of my presentation. I did want to quickly before i actually get so the filing, i wanted to show you the website and ill navigate to a couple of the forms and how a filer would actually initiate a filing. Great. If its possible, at the end, could you pull up and is it possible to see from an administrator view, a list of the filings, for example, the recusals so we could see that . Im not sure if i could log on from this computer, since this is not my computer. Were on a different server. Im happy to demonstrate at the next Commission Meeting. Ok. I had planned to do that. I can show you the data, after its parsed out, you can see the pdf version, as well. Thank you. This is the page thats constructed for the form 114. 5, the contributions received by certain committees. Again, we usually have a brief summary of the law when it was enacted and so forth. We offer key definitions that apply to the form itself, what is the behested payment, what is the committee making expenditure and so these subheadings in blue are definitions. Filings by committees is where we include the information about how to file, when to file and whos required to file. Tand the filing deadlines and so forth. If im new to this as a committee member, how would i know i need to file the behested payment because its 144. 5, but i may not know thats the form because its a contribution. So obviously the outreach is a huge component here and we notify active committees of the filing requireme

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