She was saying there was approximately 40,000 new individuals for cal fresh, and so is this effort supposed to help with that . Is that part of this contract . Correct, this is seen as just one part of a larger effort. The county department of social services sent some money over to the department of aging saying, how about you help with targeting folks 60 and over. And do an allocation base throughout the state and come up with 66,000 which comes down to us, which is to be used to target older adults, 60 and over , solely recognizing that six a 6,000, and the grand scheme, is not the largest amount of money, but we hope to at least cover some staff time to support the much larger coordinated effort. One other question, what would you see as being successful at the end of the day if we were able to in role tenth out able to unroll 10,000 . They are asking us to meet a couple of targets with these funds, and their two categories. There is an outreach category, how many people do we send this information to . That is usually calculated as an estimate. The numbers are asking us to meet on that level within the thousands. Theres also someone asking us to actually track the amount of applications which are submitted , that is actually not approved, but submission and there is a mechanism to do that. I do not have this exact numbers to me, i will send them through budget to you. Those are probably good targets for us to reach. Any other comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, may i have a motion to approve . So moved. Do i have a second . Thank you. Any further comments for discussion . All in favor . Aye. Any opposed . Thank you. Motion carries. Item b. , requesting authorization to motto modify the contract with Central Communications inc. For provision of hotline Answering Services for Adult Protective Services and family and Childrens Services for the time period of september first, 2019 to august 31st, 2021 in the additional amount of 50,000 plus a 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 110,000. Welcome, carrie wong. Do i have a motion to discuss . Thank you. Carry . Good morning, commissioners. I am pleased to present to you the Central Communications contract for your approval. We are requesting for the contract lot to extend two years of 50,000. I do want to note a typo that was kindly pointed out this morning that the annual amount is for fiscal year 1920, not 18 19 for 25,000, and fiscal year 1920 is actually 2021, so it is a total 50,000 modification moving forward. So per state regulation, both Adult Protective Services and family and Childrens Services are mandated to accept and respond to reports of abuse and neglect on children, older adults and adults with disabilities. This is on a 24hour basis and we have been providing the services for a number of years. We are adding to the scope of services for the next two years to extend to hotlines for the Public Guardian and public conservatorship. This will also be for evenings and weekends, issues range from medical decisions to psychiatric issues that may arise after hours. Sometimes individuals are sick or require cold code org palliative or Palliative Care decisions, or if they passed away. This will allow the Public Guardian and public conservator to be more responsive to the care needs of providers such as hospitals, Skilled Nursing homes , and boarding cares. We will also provide care only 24hour basis for individuals who are under conservatorship. There will be a pilot phase this first fiscal year for three months in the fall, during the pilot phase, there will be no direct impact on the contract. Workers will contact the Public Guardian or public conservator staff directly based on internal costs. The contractor will be contacted after the after Hours Program is ready to launch and we will arrange for the numbers and have a market and strategy and be able to do presentations to Community Hardware his. The call volumes are 2504 abs and family and Childrens Services respectively. Abs tends to average more of these calls. We are not adding new dollars because the contract itself, there tends to be contract savings and we understand a little bit. And then whatever we develop in terms of the points, we will establish the trends and reset the amount for future needs if needed. Thank you very much. Are there any comments or questions . I want to add that carrie graciously moved over from her previous role of longtermcare director to the public administrative public righthand role. She has currently is currently the manager. I wanted to point that out because we have seen her in a different role before. Congratulations. That is a significant challenge, but im sure you are up for it. Any other comments or questions . I have a question. This program was established in 2017. How do you measure that it is working . This contract is for the after hours contract itself, and so family and Children Services have had this contract continuously since 2009, and then four abs, it is one and then for a. P. S. , they reached all the targets every year. We havent received any complaints or issues from the public regarding any dropped calls or any problems with the hotline. Thank you. Thank you. You mentioned the number of calls, i thank you said 250 i thank you said 250. The particular contract, the extra hours. What are the usual number of calls that you get. We get monthly reports and then every time there is a call, we also get actual daily reports of the calls. So we average about 250 per program, per month. Family and Children Services of his about 250. A. P. S. Tends to have more of them. And this contract will include more you are seeing it expands into the conservatory of the Public Guardian. So during the pilot phase, it will probably be around september to december, so about three months for us to work out the processes internally, and the training staff, and that sort of thing, so theres no direct we are not launching any marketing campaign. The public doesnt know, so there is nothing there will not be an influx of calls. We will just go through the normal cause of calling because of calling Adult Protective Services. We just deal with it internally. Really, there is no direct impact on the contract, at earliest, springs. That expands a lot. They give very much. Thank you. Any other comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, i have a motion to approve. So moved. Do i have a second . Any other comment . All in favor . Aye. Any opposed . Thank you. Motion carries. Item c. , requesting authorization to enter into a new contract with Thomson Reuters for the provision of firm central Case Management and westlaw Online Legal Research tools during the period of july first september 1st, 2019 through june 30th, 2022 in the amount of 100,495 plus a 10 contingency for a total grant amount not to exceed 110,544. Welcome to janet for the discussion. Do i have a motion to discuss . So moved. Second. Thank you. Janet . Good morning, commissioners. I am the head attorney for the public administrator and the Public Guardian, which are two offices housed in dawes housed in daas. The office is currently using both products, however, it is my understanding that in the prior year, we are able to enter into this arrangement through our i. T. Department and procurement. Due to a change in process, even that there is a ppi and a baa, it needs to be an interest gated contract, and that requires commission approval. That is why i am here. Im happy to answer any questions about the contract if you have them, but i think it is somewhat selfexplanatory. Thank you, very much. My question is, i looked at the budget every year and there is a 5 increase. I am just asking this question. That is my understanding if you approve it, it will be allowed. Any other comments or questions from the commission . Also, when i look at the last page, someone should read out the number because the number is a little bit off. It is still not the correct number. Okay. Thank you, commissioner. Any other comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public . May i have a motion to approve . So moved. Second. Any further comments or questions . All in favor . Aye. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Thank you very much. Item d. , requesting authorization to enter into a new contract agreement with net Smart Technologies inc. For access to home Health Electronic record system during the period of september first, 2019 through june 30th, 2022 in the amount of 45,000 plus a 10 contingency for total amount not to exceed 49,500. May i have a motion to discuss . So moved. Second . Second. Thank you. Good morning, commission. My name is rhea and i am the nurse manager for the clinical Quality Assurance unit here at daas. We started leading nurses into the function of Adult Protective Services and Inhome Supportive Services while our social workers are doing their hard work investigating abuse or allegations of abuse. Our Community Based nurses and Public Health nurses are focusing on the clinical needs of the clients. Client. Clients with complex functional needs and clinical needs. We partner with a. P. S. Chi , i hs with addressing the needs of the clients. To document or chart the medical records, our assessments, medication records, we use net smart and that is the software that we use to not only document our clinical findings, but also we want to report so you better know or understand our client population and also address the risk involved with the population we are serving. The commission is requesting we continue to use the software that allows us to document client records and allows us to prioritize what we need to see when we are partnering with our programs. Thank you very much. Any comments or questions on the commission . Just one. Are we confident and comfortable with the confidentiality . I am. Thank you. Thank you. Any other questions from the commission . Any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, i have a motion to approve. So moved. Second. Second. Thank you. All in favor . Aye. Any opposed . Thank you. Motion carries. Thank you. Now the item on the agenda is general public comment. Hello, jessica. Good morning, commissioners and welcome to the new commissioners. I am with senior and disability action. I wanted to comment on the conversation earlier about Pedestrian Safety. Thank you so much for your interest and attention to this topic. One thing, commissioner asked us about the electric vehicles on the street. That has been a great concern to a lot of us with electric scooters and delivery robots. Folks most likely know it, but we let scooters run wild in the streets and then fortunately, we really clamped down and put a lot of limits on it. It has been a lot better. We are concerned that once the pilot concludes that, it may change. We will need to be on top of making sure there are serious limits because even with things being better than they were, they are still not perfect, and we still should not have any scooters on the street. We know it is dangerous for everyone, especially seniors with disabilities. Similarly, we do need to advocate for the m. T. A. To have clear guidelines about delivery robots, and it is also part of the bigger question of what is happening to public spaces, that are public sidewalks being shrunk and taken over by private companies that are using them to make money . Instead of really being spaces at the public can get around freely. It was mentioned about bus shelters and that has been a concern as well that a lot of but shelters have been removed, which makes it difficult for seniors and people with disabilities to wait for the bus , whether it is about not having a place to sit, and not being able to be protected. It looks like the Transit System is very closely linked to people being able to leave their house and get around the neighborhood and community. As far as the m. T. A. , it has been an interesting challenge that we have worked for a lot of engineers, but there are different engineers working on all these different projects. It is a matter of educating all of them to be thinking about accessibility concerns, and we have seen with the parking protected bike lanes, they have been pushed for good reason to make it safer for bicyclists, and it is not Good Solutions that we dont restate restrict accessibility for seniors and people with disabilities. We have been trying to work on coming up with solutions. And educating m. T. A. Engineers about how they can think about it and coming up with some new ideas. So, i would invite any of you are interested to come up and participate in senior and disability actions transit Justice Group at least once a month. Is a Community Group putting together seniors and people with disabilities to work on these issues. And tyra is the head of that. There is also a vision zero senior and disability Pedestrian Safety group that is coordinated by walk s. F. And we also meet once a month and meet representatives of different coalitions. I spoke i also want to ask people to save the date at the annual celebration on thursday, october 3rd, and we will have invitations at the next meeting. I hope some of you can attend. Thank you. Thank you. Any other comments . Thank you. May i have a motion to adjourn . So moved. Second . Second. By rising vote, we are adjourned. Thank you. My name is alan schumer. I am a fourth generation san franciscan. In december, this building will be 103 years of age. It is an incredibly rich, rich history. [ ] my core responsibility as city hall historian is to keep the history of this building alive. I am also the tour program manager, and i chair the city advisory commission. I have two ways of looking at my life. I want it to be i wanted to be a Fashion Designer for the movies, and the other one, a political figure because i had some force from family members, so it was a constant battle between both. I ended up, for many years, doing the fashion, not for the movies, but for for san franciscan his and then in turn, big changes, and now i am here. The work that i do at city hall makes my life a broader, a richer, more fulfilling than if i was doing something in the Garment Industry. I had the opportunity to develop relationships with my docents. It is almost like an extended family. I have formed incredible relationships with them, and also some of the people that come to take a tour. She was a dressmaker of the first order. I would go visit her, and it was a special treat. I was a tiny little girl. I would go with my wool coat on and my special little dress because at that period in time, girls did not wear pants. The Garment Industry had the at the time that i was in it and i was a retailer, as well as the designer, was not particularly favourable to women. You will see the predominant designers, owners of huge complexes are huge stores were all male. Women were sort of relegated to a lesser position, so that, you reached a point where it was a difficult to survive and survive financially. There was a woman by the name of diana. She was editor of the bazaar, and evoke, and went on and she was a miraculous individual, but she had something that was a very unique. She classified it as a third i. Will lewis brown junior, who was mayor of San Francisco, and was the champion of reopening this building on january 5th of 1999. I believe he has not a third eye , but some kind of antenna attached to his head because he had the ability to go through this building almost on a daily basis during the restoration and corrects everything so that it would appear as it was when it opened in december of 1915. The board of supervisors approved that, i signed it into law. Jeffrey heller, the city and county of San Francisco oh, and and your band of architects a great thing, just a great thing. To impart to the history of this building is remarkable. To see a person who comes in with a gloomy look on their face , and all of a sudden you Start Talking about this building, the gloomy look disappears and a smile registers across their face. With children, and i do mainly all of the childrens tours, that is a totally different feeling because you are imparting knowledge that they have no idea where it came from, how it was developed, and you can Start Talking about how things were before we had computer screens, cell phones, lake in 1915, the mayor of San Francisco used to answer the telephone and he would say, good morning, this is the mayor. At times, my clothes make me feel powerful. Powerful in a different sense. I am not the biggest person in the world, so therefore, i have to have something that would draw your eye to me. Usually i do that through color, or just the simplicity of the look, or sometimes the complication of the look. I have had people say, do those shoes really match that outfit . Retirement to me is a very strange words. I dont really ever want to retire because i would like to be able to impart the knowledge that i have, the knowledge that i have learned and the ongoing honor of working in the peoples palace. You want a longterm career, and you truly want to give something to do whatever you do, so long as you know that you are giving to someone or something youre then yourself. Follow your passion and learn how to enrich the feelings along the way. Hi, everyone. Im the executive director of the Richmond Neighborhood Center , and i want to welcome you all today. Thank you for coming. [cheers and applause] we are so excited to be hosting this budget signing today. I want to tell you a little bit about the Richmond Neighborhood Center for those of you who might not know. Then Neighborhood Center offers a number of programs for families, children, seniors, and adults in the richmond. We strive to be a hub of resources, providing services directly and working with our partner nonprofits at this location. Whether through our afterschool program, our food pantries, or our community festivals, like our upcoming autumn the moon, we are a center for Building Community and a sense of belonging for everyone. These are the values that our mayor is committed to and has prioritized in her budget, which she will be signing here today. We are excited to continue partnering and working with the city to create opportunities and strengthen our support for all of our Diverse Communities all over San Francisco. Thank you all for being here today. [applause] thank you, michelle, and thank you for letting us use this amazing facility which serves so many young people and families across the Richmond District. Welcome to the richmond, but i know supervisor fewer is also anxious to welcome you here. This is an Incredible Community and i think that sometimes, when we are doing a lot of work in city hall, we forget about so many neighborhoods because we are right there in the middle and we are downtown, and of course, we are in d5 and other areas, and d6, but we dont make it to the west side of the city sometimes. We dont make it to the southeast sector of the city, so michael as mayor is to make sure that we not only spend more time and provide more resources to various parts of our communities in San Francisco that sometimes have been neglected, that we make that right kinds of investments in those communities , and so thats why were here in the richmond today yes, we work with supervisor fewer as the budget chair. This year was absolutely amazing and yes, she fought for this district, but she also fought to prioritize equity and the things that are important to all san franciscans. It was truly a pleasure to work with her and to get this budget done. [applause] when i think back to why i got involved in politics in the first place, i think back to the first time that i advocated for resources for the Western Addition to the board of supervisors. That advocacy, carol was actually on the board at that time, many, many years ago, and a big supporter of the communities and equity, and really fighting for resources both here and in sacramento. We would show up, we would advocate, we would talk about the importance of our issues, and members of the board would answer the call to make the right investment. Yes, we still have a number of challenges in this city, a number of important investments that we know we need to make, in this board of supervisors spend countless hours listening to the public, listening to me, sometimes, but ultimately, putting together what i believe is a very comprehensive budget that is fair, that is equitable, that makes new investments, and that is really focused on accountability, as well. And it was under the leadership of president of the board who had the vision to appoint sandy fewer as the budget chair because he knew that she would not take any mess from her colleagues and they all put forth their ideas, but ultimately, she wanted to make sure that this was a consensus budget, and everyone had something to be proud of. Thank you to both supervisor fewer and president yee for your leadership. Thank you to Rafael Mandel and who is here today. Incredible advocates and supporters for the communities and incredible advocates and supporters for residents of the city. I also would like to thank our budget team and Kelly Kirkpatrick who is the director of the budget. [applause] kelly, stand up, we cant see you. [cheers and applause]. Her countless hours and worker work to get this budget done. Harvey rose and his team from the budget and legislative analyst. Usually the mayor doesnt think them, but as someone who served on the board of supervisors and has a lot of love for the work that they do to really analyse the budget within a short time period, i just want to thank them for their hard work to get this job done was pause [applause]. Thank you to brendan rosenfield for crunching the numbers, him and his team. All the Department Heads, the ones that were grilled hardcore and were able to fight for their resources and get what we needed for the public. I mean, the budget was a battle, but it was a good battle. It was one of the best budget processes ive seen in a really long time, and im not just saying that because this is my first budget as mayor, i am saying it because everyone had an opportunity to make a request and have their voices heard. And so im just proud of how comprehensive this budget is. Yes, it is the highest budget in our citys history, 12. 3 billion, and i dont want people to think we have control over the spending of all these dollars, because we do have enterprise departments like the airport, the port of San Francisco, the Public Utilities commission, but ultimately, we made some new investments because not only did i spend time having a number of budget town Hall Meetings all over San Francisco, i know the supervisors spent time with their various constituents, and we took that feedback to incorporate it into our budget, and i just wanted to highlight a few of the things that i know are some of the most pressing issues that we face in San Francisco. Since ive taken office, about a year ago, we have been able to make over a billion dollars of investments in Affordable Housing throughout the city and county of San Francisco. [applause] we have been able to do that because our unexpected windfall of the funding, because of our investments in our current budget, and because you all are going to pass the 600 billiondollar Affordable Housing bond this fall without raising property taxes. [applause] part of that budget includes not only building new Affordable Housing and providing support for low and middle income families, it also provides preservation of existing Affordable Housing, and so i know that preservation around a small sight acquisition was really important to supervisor fewer because of so many seniors in the Richmond District living in some of these buildings that are up for sale and have the ability to purchase those buildings and protect them for those low income seniors and it is so critical to the longterm stability of Affordable Housing in San Francisco. I am excited about funding for rent subsidies and trying to keep people housed, our rights to civil council, and making sure that people who are facing eviction are not doing it alone. So many amazing investments in housing, and now weve just got to get rid of some of the bureaucracy that gets in the way of housing. Homelessness, which we know as a number 1 issue that we face in tenth in San Francisco. We have Additional Support for more navigation centers, for more shelter beds, because we know we need them and we need them yesterday. Providing 100 Affordable Housing with Wraparound Services for formerly Homeless Individuals is something that is critical to addressing the number 1 crisis in our city, and we made those investments. 53 million to expand our Behavioral Health program and other Health Services in San Francisco. [applause] thank you supervisor mandelman for your support and leadership around Mental Health reform in our city. We have already opened 100 new Mental Health stabilization beds on top of what we already have, and with this additional funding , we will be able to open another 100 new beds by the end of this year. We also have a need for people to use the bathroom, so we are adding more pitstops, we are adding more big belly trash cans , we are adding more targeted street cleaning, and we are using our 311 data to really make those investments strategically in the right places. Were deploying another 250 officers, hopefully, as we get them across the finish line of the academy, so that they can walk the beat in various neighborhoods, talk to merchants , get to know the communities, and help with preventing crime from happening in the first place. We know that our commercial corridor and so many neighborhoods need so much help and support, so we have made investments to support for sought improvement, tenant improvements, pay various fines and fees, and other things that we know Small Business communities face, including seven businesses right here in the Richmond District you will benefit from some of the new Small Business investment our city proposes to make. It is the beginning. Theres more that we need to do to protect and support are Small Businesses, and i have been fighting with my director of Small Business because i want us to cut even more fees for Small Businesses in San Francisco so that its not a burden to them staying open in the city. [applause] through hard work, the minimum compensation ordinance was done. It was brutal, but we got through it, and so many very low income wage earners in San Francisco are going to get a welldeserved raise and have already, in some cases. We have expanded our Cal Fresh Program and our county assistance program, and we know that equity was at the forefront of this budget. And thanks to the leadership of supervisor vallie brown and supervisor fewer, they helped create an office of equity where we are making investments to really try and shine a light on what we know are real challenges around access, education, affordability, and the things that continue to show really Racial Disparity that needs to that we need to take a look at, provide the data, and really make the right investments to turn it around. Opportunities for all, as you will know, is a program that is near and dear to my heart. Making sure that every High School Student in San Francisco has access to a paid internship, and i want to thank all of the city departments for stepping up and providing internships, and now it is time to halt holds the private sector accountable, to not only contribute, because a deafening contributed to opportunities for all, but they need to have more placement for our young people, and that is what im committed to moving forward. Thank you to supervisor mar who is not here with us today. We worked together to fully fund Free City College for San Francisco. [applause] so i just want to say, to all of our senior folks who are here today, you dont have to be a young person to go to city college, you dont have to be a kid living at home with your parents to go to city college. City college is for all san franciscans. So lets take advantage of the amazing classes that they have. In one of the things i want to mention before i turn this over to supervisor fewer, as i know that, as mayor, i dont necessarily have complete control over our board of education, but i went to Public Schools here, and we know that supervisor yee and supervisor fewer also went to Public Schools here in San Francisco, and the challenges that sometimes exist as certain schools versus other schools is something we need to address when we talk about equity. So for the first time ever, this city is making significant investment in addressing what we know are the Biggest Challenges at those schools. And includes Teacher Retention at certain schools in the southeast sector and other parts of the city, we are making a 10 milliondollar investment to provide additional bonuses to teachers in those particular schools to make sure that we try and hold onto them to work with so many kids that have, what we know sometimes are real challenges, but we are also making investments and Wellness Centers in our Public Schools. To make sure that kids have the support that they need when going through what we know can be a very challenging time in their lives. So many great things. Again, 12. 3 million. I could be here all day talking about all of the things that we are doing to make the right kinds of investments, but i just wanted to highlight those few to let you know that in addition to these investments, as i have said from the very beginning, it is important that we understand the value of a dollar. The value of how this city makes investments, and what it means to peoples lives. It can be the difference between a young person ending up dead or in prison or in some terrible situation, and someone ending up mayor of San Francisco. And thats how i see our investments, as an opportunity to make sure that good things happen for people here in San Francisco, and we create a Better Future with these incredible investments. So make sure, all the departments, you spend this money wisely. You dont take pen and paper home that you dont need. [laughter] and you do your very best to show folks in this city that we are the greatest city in the world because we put our money where our mouth is, and because of that, we are able to create a more thriving, equitable, safe, and secure city for all san franciscans. Thank you all so much for being here. [cheers and applause] with that, i would like to turn it over to our budget chair, supervisor sandy fewer. [applause] thank you, madame mayor. Good morning, everyone. Wow. On behalf of my 80,000 residents in the Richmond District, i would like to welcome you to this part of town where our summers look like this every day off mac. But where we are doing good work to strengthen and grow communities. The Richmond DistrictNeighborhood Center is leading that effort with the work on the one richmond initiative, the home delivered grocery program, and is the main provider of active School Programming in the richmond. I would like to thank the executive director and her staff for hosting us today. Thank you all for coming out. I am glad that the budget is being officially finalized today as together to witness the signing of the budget by the mayor, im also appreciative that i was given the opportunity to serve the city in the capacity as budget chair this year. This, is most of you know, is a process that involves the expertise, commitment, and hard work of many, so i would like to take a moment now to recognize and thank them. Chelsea, i know she is here somewhere. My legislative aide who worked tirelessly meeting with Community Groups, playing and planning and designing the entire budget process and was the go to person with all things budget related. Our interns for the summer helped us tremendously on the budget, working behind the scenes. So many things to jack, melissa, and janine. I must also acknowledge my other legislative aide, angelina, and ian, kept the Office Running at the knees of my district addressed while we were deeply busy with the city budget. I would like to thank the members of the Budget Committee, president yee, supervisors mandelman, stefani, and ronen. After many long hours, shared anxiety, and a lot of learning. It is with a sigh of relief and pride that we are at this point in the process. Many thanks and recognition to the wonderful budget legislative analyst. With whom we work closely with and depended on heavily for guidance and recommendations. I want to thank our controller and his office for all the support, advice, and expertise, and many thanks to the mayors Budget Office and to mayor breed for working so closely with us to ensure a smooth and collaborative process. My deepest appreciation for the Clerks Office and linda wong for keeping me on track. Thank you to john for keeping this legit. Of course, this process would not be complete without the voices behind the 400 milliondollar in community asks. So thank you to Community Advocates who took the time to educate us on how this budget can help supply the need and support for safety net for the most formable in the city. And lastly, i would like to thank the city workers. The backbone of our city that makes the whole machine work to serve our residents. I want to especially thank our Department Heads who fight not only for their budget, but for their ability to serve the people of San Francisco well. Honorable work beyond measure, and most of the time, without recognition or appreciation. Being devoted, dedicated, public servants. [applause] this budget prioritizes the issues of Affordable Housing development, the expansion of beds for homeless residents, and rental subsidies for some of our most vulnerable tenants. It focuses on services and support marginalized communities , including children, seniors, and people with disabilities, immigrants, communities of color, lgbtq communities, low income workers. With an ever growing wealth gap, and inequitable opportunities by race, language, gender, sexuality and more, it is critical we invest in assurance that every san franciscan can thrive. I think this is a budget that reflects those values. This is a budget that says, to those of you who are struggling to stay here, for those of you who are struggling to provide here, we see you. Thank you again to mayor breed, and to president norman you for entrusting me with this responsibility. And now that it is all over, i am not sure, actually, that my colleagues or my staff would agree, but i think im willing to do this for another five years. [laughter]. [applause] i want to thank all of my colleagues at the board, especially board, especially our Budget Committee members for your confidence and collaboration. Thank you to the people of San Francisco who entrust us with the money earned off the hardbacks of hardworking san franciscans. And now lets lets get this thing signed. I like to present the president of the board, norman e. Norman g. President norman yee. [applause] [laughter] im sorry, i cant hide the fact that im freezing. [laughter] welcome, everybody. This district is the most important district in the northwest sector of San Francisco. [laughter] i really want to think them air, your staff, and i know i will be repeating what has been said, but it is worth repeating when people work so hard to put the most important document together for san franciscans. So once again, mayor, your director over there, kelly, thank you very much. Thank you very much to Ben Rosenfield and your team. And the budget legislative analyst. Thank you for putting this budget together. But more importantly, when i became president in january, one of the first things i said was that im going to make this board of supervisors, this set of 11 people, the best that we can ever have in San Francisco. To serve our community, to serve our residents, to serve the most vulnerable, and the most Important Committee to help serve these people is the Budget Committee. And i knew i had to make the strongest Budget Committee that i could think of, so as mentioned, it was really an honor for me to ask supervisor fewer to be chair of the Budget Committee, and i was so happy. She just kept on saying, oh, no, no, i dont know, i dont know. For christ sake, sandy you were chair in the Budget Committee on the board of education, yes, you know how to do a budget. You are as good as anybody on the board of supervisors. So thank you for accepting it. You did a marvellous job. Give her a hand. [applause] but like all of us, one person cant do it all. She needed a team. She needed four other supervisors to help her. That includes supervisor mandelman right here, thank you. [applause] and supervisor ronen and supervisor stefani who were also part of that team. And to really make it special, to make it the best team, i put myself on it. [laughter] in all seriousness, im really glad that this budget was put together the way it was, and it was as transparent as ive seen it over the last 70 seven years. People were engaged, people had a voice. Everybody felt like they had a voice, and that was because of the openness of everybody, not only the Budget Committee, but also the mayors office. Advocates came, we went out into the community, and we put a budget together that has, to me, one of the best budgets ive seen because we are beginning to look at the issues and see what we need to do to solve it. We needed to do things. We needed to be creative and putting the money where it could be effective, and i think people really looked at it carefully with that lens. You know, how do we get equity on this . How do we serve the people . How do we make sure people can be successful whether they are regular people working, whether they are people on the streets that cant work right now, whether its the children that we are talking about that could be great adults, and also, our seniors. I cant say enough that we are the Fastest Growing population in San Francisco is seniors. We need to make investments because, as many of you know, right now over 50 of the people entering homelessness for the first time our seniors. We need to make investments. I think this budget reflects that need. Thank you very much for that. The other thing that i want to say that hasnt been mentioned in this budget is, you know, when families are struggling already, you can barely pay the rent, and all of a sudden they are strapped with childcare, maybe for one child, 25,000 a year, or two children, of the 50,000 a year. A teacher couldnt afford that. Nobody could afford that. So once again, this budget reflects that need. We are really trying to support the low to middle income families so they can raise her children in San Francisco. This is what this budget does. On top of all that, we didnt forget about our infrastructure. We did not forget about our parks, our fire department, our police department, and our department of public works to have more staff to clean up the streets and so forth, so this is what this budget does. It supports the infrastructure, and it also is created to find solutions where we need to find solutions. Lets get it on and signed this budget. Thank you very much [applause] all right, folks. It is time. Lets do this. Supervisors, please join me. [indiscernible] [laughter] thank you. All right, were done. [cheers and applause] the renovation of balboa park, the oldest in the city of San Francisco, and now it is the newest part in the city of San Francisco. Through our partnership, and because of Public Investment from the two thousand eight fund, we are celebrating a renewal and an awakening of this park. We have it safer, happier, more joyous. 3, 2, 1, [laughter] [applause] it is a great resource for families, to have fun in the city, recreation. This is an amazing park. We have not revitalized it without public and private investment. The critical piece of the process of this renovation was that it was all about the community. We reached out to everyone in this community. We love this park dearly and they all had thoughts and ideas and they wanted to bring their own creativity and their personality to bear on the design. What you see is what the community wanted. These ideas all came from the residents of this community. As a result, there is a sense of ownership, pride and responsibility that goes along with what is going to be an exciting park. Good evening, and welcome to the august 7th, 2019 meeting at the San Francisco board of appeals