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That that you envision. The extended range weapons comments, as he described in his earlier meeting, i know that we arent committed to have a discussion here, but those comments, they greatly improve understanding of what we saw between the chief and the commissioner. The select verbalizations sometimes exhibit the hallmarks of discussion, but they can usually be packaged and i think that helps all of. Thank you. Any other Public Comments on items three through four . Commissioners in chief, is there still going to be general Public Comment . Yes. I would like it if, i wasnt able to really follow the presentation of the departments collection and now for the Sexual Assault kit evidence. I had trouble following that so if someone could translate it into simpler english. Are we keeping up with the reporting of the results of Sexual Assault to victims reports . Are we up to date we are we way behind . If you can translate that into simple english, i had trouble following it. Thank you. Unfortunately the individuals who made the presentation arent here, but maybe we can arrange to have you speak personally to somebody who can explain. I would appreciate that. That would be what you referred to as a rape kit, right . Yes. Thank you. Any other Public Comment on the items we have discussed already . This is on items iiia through 3d we are not on general Public Comment yet. This is on item three b. Thank you. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] your time is up. Your time is up, sir,. Sir, sir,. [speaking spanish] your time is up. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Are you going to translate . Yes, i am. My name is louise who is a family man, a mayan indigenous man being murdered of the San Francisco Police Department april 7th, 2016. The names of those officers are nate steger and Michael Malone. Our family has looked fought for all legal means to demand consequences for those officers and so far we have been ignored which has deepened our trauma and despair. At the end of june, my family and i learned from a newspaper story that the department of Police Accountability found the says that subjects broke s. Fpd policies that are there to protect citizens from police abuses. Imagine our surprise and hope to learn that there will be consequences, but it means the d. P. A. Is a brief and temporary discussion for each one. We also understand the chief of police can ignore this recommendation. More importantly, my family and i believe that we can raise the bar and Police Accountability and fulfil a longstanding demand of communities of colour in San Francisco. That is why i speak before you today to employ you to take your duties seriously and defend the fulfilment of the policies that you approved to safeguard life. How is it possible that the only consequence for these two policeman for violating the law and killing my cousin is a simple suspension. Enough easy enough. Fulfil your duty and order that these irresponsible men be fired if you refuse every once and for all that you are a commission that does not take itself seriously and that you are really there to ensure the murder of incident sit ins go unpunished forever. I think this was general public. General Public Comment. I dont think this relates to something that we address. Next speaker, please. This is on items iiia through 3d a response for the d. P. A. Report that is also about louise by murdering this individual, less than 36 after they arrival at the scene, the officer Michael Malone and the sergeant showed blatant wrist does disregard of the life, date blatant bliss regard to the basic and simple rules of the use of force policies. Time and distance. Callous disregard for the suffering of the family and community. They should be held accountable for your restless acts of violence. I am asking that Michael Malone and Nathaniel Steger be fired because they are a threat to the public, especially to people of colour. As a nurse armed with only a stethoscope, i have had training in deescalation and always use those techniques with the commitment to do no harm. Michael malone and Nathaniel Steger had crisis intervention and other trainings as s. Fpd hammered home the basic principles of time, distance and establishing rapport in a crisis since 2,011. They have violated every basic principle and killed a loving and generous father, son, brother, cousin, friend, someone who was particularly vulnerable because he was homeless after an eviction. There has been known just as already for family or for any of the families for Police Violence in San Francisco. The very least that San Francisco can do is take away their weapons and fire them from their jobs. Thank you. Thank you. Next. This is regarding the d. P. A. Report. The officers murdered them in 29 seconds. They should have been indicted and in jail, short of that they should now be fired. All of this talk of 21st century policing, deescalation and creating time and distance is meaningless and b. S. If theres not the wait of accountability and punishment behind it. The ultimate bad behavior by cops will not be curtailed otherwise. And the case suspension is a slap on the wrist it is disrespectful and unjust and they must be fired to send a message. [applause]. Any other Public Comment . Good evening, commissioners. I am an episcopal priest and i have lived and worked in the mission for many years with my family. I want to speak to the d. P. A. Report as well. As a gay man, i remember how i felt when i learned that dan white, after murdering harvey milk and the mayor would spend only a few short years in prison at that moment, the lives and struggles of gay people seat team trivialized. Deemed unimportant. But our pain could somehow be placated and brushed aside by giving dan white such a lenient sentence. Many of us feel that way today as we hear about the leniency shown to Jeffrey Epstein after all the lives he has destroyed and many of us feel that way hearing that the killers of this man may only receive a few weeks of time off for what they did. If this were simply an administrative concern, a failure by these officers to meet Certain Department standards or follow certain protocols not showing up for work, lets say are failing to submit the necessary reports, then an administrative moment and measure like this might make sense. But this is more of a failure to follow xmen and ministry have expectations, not just a management issue. It requires weightier consequences. Comanche life was taken. His wife and kids will have a hole in their hearts, the trauma of those bullets that riddled his body will now be theirs to live with for the rest of their lives and the Wider Community of the mission where i live which is no stranger to excessive use of police force. These two have been traumatized. It is not just rhetoric to say all our lives are still diminished by what these officers have done. None of us will ever be quite the same again. Please do not think of this as an administrative matter. It has profound human and moral implications and these must be considered in determining consequences. Time is up. Next speaker. I have a few of my own words to say in response to the department Department Police accountability agenda item. I am a 12 year resident of the mission district. I am a provider for the School District for Good Samaritan Family Resource centre and the felt in statute. I have worked with the family in the past and there was they are respected members of the community. When i am doing my job, if i were, at any point to violate the policies of the organizations i worked for to the point to which it led to the death of one of the members of the communities i serve, i would no longer be working in any of those organizations or any organization of any Similar Organization in the city. The bay area, california, and probably anywhere. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening. I also speak on behalf of justice for luis. He will recall that at the time that s. Of p. D. Rolled up and killed luis within 29 seconds of arriving on the scene, it was after the panel had been in panel to determine the depth of racism. After the shooting of mario woods, after the u. S. Department of justice was here investigating s. Fpd, there was so much heightened activism. I will never forget the january Police Commission meeting here in the tenderloin when the p. O. A. Showed up to show their defiance. They did not care. In front of their own commission , their own oversight, they have no respect for all of the communities that are engaged in activism. Your role as their oversight. You showed up with their guns, they will lead to their way to the front of the podium, and it was just unbelievable to me. That with that many layers of oversight that they would feel that they could just roll up on this man and kill him within 29 seconds of arriving on the scene who do they think they are . It is so important that we have accountability. We can have 272 recommendations, we can have the forward meeting, we can have all these different things. If there is no accountability when people defy these things, why are they going to stop defying it . I urge you to fire these officers, send a signal, assert myself. You are their oversight. They must respect to you. Next speaker. Good evening. My name is chase, i am a candidate for San Francisco District Attorney. I want to take a moment to reflect on the fear that Police Officers may experience when responding to a 911 call about someone carrying a knife. The fear that they would understand and experience when they get out of their car and not knowing what they are confronting that they are any day on the job. They do far more in this city than the agency was designed to do, responding to a homelessness crisis, Mental Health crisis, and drug addiction crisis. It is because of those fears that would polite just provide the police with overprotection, funding, tools, man and woman power to do the job. It is because of that fear and the risk that officers face in the line of duty that we have rules to minimize the help of violence and loss of life. And those rules are essential, not just to protect people like him, but to also protect officers themselves from being hurt in the line of duty, to ensure that we have trust between the communities that officers swear to serve and protect and the Police Department. Trust that has been tremendously damaged by racism, by theft, by dishonesty and by murder that goes unpunished. It is essential for Public Safety that we have meaningful consequences for a Police Officers that failed to follow rules and regulations put in place for all of our safety. Thank you. Thank you. I just want to make one comment for the public so they understand think something. This commission does not have the authority to issue any penalty in a disciplinary matter that is greater then the penalty that is being sought for the charging agency. Were prohibited by law from issuing a greater penalty in the penalty that is sought here. I just think that is important for you to know. Next item. Line item four. Do you have Public Comments now . Correct. All right. Do you notice the disconnect between all of you and the public . Until the public started to speak, all of you were commending each other on everything that you have done and here is a family that is grieving. Here is a community that is afraid of their own Police Coming to speak to you and this idea that we cant talk about what the chief of police doesnt say or the d. P. A. Doesnt say, even though it is all over the press is absurd. That is why we can talk to it like the braking into the journalists house. That just disappeared. It was all over the media. Nobody says anything. All i hear is commendation. When are you going to call the Police Officers association on the carpet here and tell them to stop advising their officers to say they fear for their lives, to stop saying that the d. P. A. Wasnt brave like the District Attorney to not press charges . When is there going to be any accountability because when Police Officers can kill with impunity, no matter what you train them, they know they can do it and they come within 30 seconds and kill a human being who is no threat, no threat at all. I knife next to them. Many people have knives because there is no safety out there. There is no housing, there is no care. When will this change, one of the officers going to have to look in the eyes of the people, the families that are grieving, that they have killed . When there will be any Restorative Justice . We dont want the police in our community. We dont want to. We want to take care of ourselves. We dont want you to come and kill us. We are done with this. We dont want police at all. We dont want your guns, we dont want your beanbags, we dont want your tasers, none of this. Public comment is now closed. Next item. Line item four has been removed. Line item five, general Public Comment. The public his welcome to address the commission guarding items that do not appear in tonights agenda but what are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. They shall address the commission as a whole and not to individual personnel. They may provide a brief response to individual commissioners and police d. P. A. Personnel should refrain from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during Public Comments. General Public Comment although i think we have had it, but we will have more. I have general Public Comment chiefs got, my name is ruben david goodman. I am a retiree of the San Francisco Assessors Office. During my time in the Assessors Office they held him to be the elected assessor. I had the pleasure of helping him give the endorsement about various democratic clubs and voluntarily drove him around his lint lincoln continental. I like to dedicate my reports to richard. It was my pleasure to know him. He was a real gentleman, he did not last long as chief, unfortunately, but i think the assessor would have been a very secure job with a good paycheque , but he rose to take the challenge of police chief and unfortunately that did not last. I want to give regards to his exwife, elizabeth colton, and his children rj and ashley. The father was a great man. My mother was muriel schapiro, born february 26, 1920 in chicago, a nice jewish girl who sang italian opera. My father settled in india. [indiscernible] they risk their lives to form the c. I. O. My uncle, may he rest in peace, was known as the chicago kid. I have a brief poem that i dedicated to the men and women at the sfpd. And in love and memory of our fallen comrades. Ashes to ashes thank you. Your time is up. Can you submit the poem, if you would like . God bless the men and women of the sfpd. Next speaker, please. Hello, district 11. Usually i am more afraid of s. Of p. D. Today, weve got probably a poorly vetted and undertrained deputy over there who will interact with a member of the public in that fashion. I was very offended about that. There is an order that i know you take seriously. The website, lets talk about that real quick. Not surprising. We have infrastructure. It got shouted out a little early. There is the number of things. Yes, it needs some Quality Assurance work. Best thing you can do right now, it is not indexed, it is not indexed to internal or external search engines. You will do an old webpage. It will give you a 404 error. If anyone who does this that is a professional, it is the first thing you do. It is easy, it is a button. Maltres matrix staffing study , this will be a joke. They will come out and say, you need to bunch more. Because they will compare with all of the other Police Departments. Arent we better than that . Arent we betterthanaverage . Wont we figure out a way to fulfil the tasks, and get the ends that we seek as opposed to, hey, lets put more cops out there and give them every job that nobody else wants. That is not good for anybody. When they have too many of those things to do, then they are taxed then the tasks that do involve security and weaponry, then those are the things that they have less acumen at. I appreciate in the commissioner noting commissioner hammers work. I thought it was well presented. I think the commissioner was baiting these sometimes back when he has commended the commissioner. And said i was president , i let her do it with the train. Thank you. I dont thank you were being debated or any other Public Comments. Good evening. How many minutes . Two minutes. Can you start me over . Please. I would like to use the overhead. I am here concerning my son who was murdered august 14th, 2006 next month will be his anniversary, august 14th. He was shot at 3 00 p. M. In broad daylight from a semi automatic gun, 30 rounds of bullets left. I am still coming here as usual every wednesday to bring awareness to my son and other children that are dying senselessly. You just got to talking about all the other homicides that recently happened. I said last time that i was here that homicides were going to happen again because here is the summer and they are happening. Three of them, one of the boyss family members are in our circle we are expecting them on this thursday coming up, the boys that were with the young boy. So we talk about families suffering. These families are suffering and we are talking about Police Killings. I just wish that the intention that they give to the Police Killings they give that same attention to the community violence, but it is not there and i dont know how to make it happen. But there is nothing i can do about it. I know that august 14th, i just want to let you guys know that my son did have a father. He was not a single son. He had two parents at home. This is what the perpetrators left me of my son. I see i show this because they want people to see what i am going through. Here are the perpetrators and the murderers of my son. They are walking the street to kill again. What do we do . I am asking for help. Thank you. You still have a quorum. Line item 9 whether to disclose discussion on item 8. Code section 67. 12a action. Is there a motion. So moved. Second. Is all in favor. Public comment . There is no public. All in favor. Opposed. I assume the motion was not to disclose. Yes, that was my motion. Line item 10 adjournment action item. All in favor. Aye. Public comment. Thank you. I went through a lot of struggles in my life, and i am blessed to be part of this. I am familiar with what people are going through to relate and empathy and compassion to their struggle so they can see i came out of the struggle, it gives them hope to come up and do something positive. I am a community ambassador. We work a lot with homeless, visitors, a lot of people in the area. What i like doing is posting up at hotspots to let people see visibility. They ask you questions, ask you directions, they might have a question about what services are available. Checking in, you guys. Wellness check. We walk by to see any individual, you know may be sitting on the sidewalk, we make sure they are okay, alive. You never know. Somebody might walk by and they are laying there for hours. You never know if they are alive. We let them know we are in the area and we are here to promote safety, and if they have somebody that is, you know, hanging around that they dont want to call the police on, they dont have to call the police. They can call us. We can direct them to the services they might need. We do the three one one to keep the city neighborhoods clean. There are people dumping, waste on the ground and needles on the ground. It is unsafe for children and adults to commute through the streets. When we see them we take a picture dispatch to 311. They give us a tracking number and they come later on to pick it up. We take pride. When we come back later in the day and we see the loose trash or debris is picked up it makes you feel good about what you are doing. It makes you feel did about escorting kids and having them feel safe walking to the play area and back. The stuff we do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep the city clean, helping the residents. You can see the community ambassadors. I used to be on the streets. I didnt think i could become a community ambassador. It was too far out there for me to grab, you know. Doing this job makes me feel good. Because i came from where a lot of them are, homeless and on the street, i feel like i can give them hope because i was once there. I am not afraid to tell them i used to be here. I used to be like this, you know. I have compassion for people that are on the streets like the homeless and people that are caught up with their addiction because now, i feel like i can give them hope. It reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now. Everybody, i think were going to get started. Our honorable mayor is here, and i know that we have a huge crowd and some big celebrating to do, so i want to welcome you to the groundbreaking for 88 broadway and 75 david street. So im cynthia parker, and im the president and c. E. O. Of Bridge Housing, and i am the cohost today with our partner, john stewart, but what i want to do is acknowledge all of the people here in the audience who have helped us get here today. So with us, we have mayor london breed, our honorable and esteemed mayor, welcome. [applause] we have supervisor aaron peskin, whos been a big supporter, and thank you, supervisor peskin. We have Elaine Forbes whos executive director of the port of San Francisco. Thank you for coming and your help. [applause] we have many reps from bank of america. Liz, thanks for coming. [applause] we have bruce cantor whos a member of the northeast Waterfront Advisory Group. [applause] and we have bob carrier whos a member of the Barbary Coast neighborhood association. So thank you for coming. [applause] this group thats sitting here today sort of does represent a neighborhood inside of a village, the village of San Francisco. And two neighborhood associations, a Waterfront Advisory Group, and partners with the city, with the Mayors Office of housing and jayesco have really made this happen during the development period. I know that john stewart is going to comment on some of this, but i know there are 26 neighborhood meet there were 26 neighborhood meetings that made this happen, and i want to do a special shoutout to john stewart who lives in this neighborhood and wanted to make sure that these two developments reflect the values of this community, and i think they do. So thank you, john, for all of your hard work, and forever, your partnership with that. When this r. F. P. Came out from the city of San Francisco, i ran into jack gardner whos the other principle at jayesco. You know, he said, we did north beach together. Do you think its time to get the band back together and respond to this r. F. P. . I said yes, and we did it, and we were selected. Frankly, i think we were the right team to pull this project together. It has made a big difference to this neighborhood for all the reasons i just said. 26 meetings, resident developer, and a commitment to make this happen. I want to also acknowledge some special shoutouts to both the city and the mayor, to your commitment to Affordable Housing and to these kinds of developments. This project is really special because it is one of the few thats really said were going to hows both seniors and a Senior Development and families and have an income mix that represents both formerly Homeless People as well as people up to median income, up to 80 of median income, the missing middle. And that doesnt happen very often. I and believe it will completely and i believe it will completely be a success because it weve all because weve all worked so hard, and it represents this community. And i believe we will get more housing in the ground because we need nor housing in the city. [applause] so with that, im not going to steal the thunder. We have a lot of speakers here today, and with that, what i do want to do is invite our lovely mayor to come up. She has the values and tgumptin to make Affordable Housing in the city. I invite you to come up to say a few words. [applause] the hon. London breed thank you, cynthia. Its so great to be here with you because john, we know this project was a long time coming. We work hard in this city to try to repurpose this whole waterfront. Some of you were around during this 89 earthquake. I certainly was. I remember when this used to be a water way, and look at how beautiful our waterfront has become with a lot of businesses, a lot of housing, and here is an opportunity to provide 178 units of Affordable Housing for families and seniors. This is absolutely amazing. [applause] the hon. London breed and let me just also say that last year, it was brought to my attention that for the Senior Development that were being placed here at 735 davis street, there were still so many seniors who didnt meet the minimum income qualifications because we know that there are a lot of different challenges with affordability in San Francisco. People who are low, extremely low, people who are just exiting homelessness, people who just barely meet the minimum qualifications, and sometimes those who exceed it by just a little bit. Its why we have to change access to Affordable Housing in San Francisco. And we along with the Mayors Office of housing and kate hartley identified revenues in order to buydown the availability so that more residents who are in this community can actually qualify for housing in the communities in which they live. So i want to thank you, kate, for your leadership on that effort. We are going to have diverse homes of mixed incomes living in these developments. So supervisor peskin, former president of the board, but representative of this district, you know im going to need your help to make sure that as we break ground on this project, we dont want any delays, we dont want any challenges, we dont want any issues because we need this housing, and a oneday delay is a oneday delay of housing for those who need it the most. We had a press conference for 600 million Affordable Housing bond, the largest bond in the history of this city that the board of supervisors is going to be voting on unanimously to put on the ballot, and were going to do so without raising property taxes in a very responsible way, which is how we should be handling the citys and the taxpayers money in our city. But it means a lot because we know that there are challenges with affordability in our city. And we know that we have to work harder and faster to get this much needed Affordable Housing units built. People are counting on us to make good decisions and to not allow bureaucracy to get in the way of much needed Affordable Housing. Thank you to everyone whos joining us today because those 178 seniors and families, when they move into those units, when theyre looking out those new windows, when theyre cooking dinner on their new stove, can you think about how it might feel especially if you didnt have housing in the first place, if you lived in an s. R. O. And you didnt have a kitchen, can you imagine what its going to mean to people to live right here in this beautiful, amazing community, which once consisted of darkness and a friday and is now open with all of the light and incredible views, a place where everyone want to live in in San Francisco, and they will be a part of the future of this great city. No one will be left behind as a result of this great project, so thank you to john stewart and John Stewart Company. Thank you so much to Bridge Housing and cynthia, to kate, to supervisor peskin, and all the Community Members and the people who helped make this possible. This is truly San Francisco at its best, and there is more to come. Thank you all so much. [applause] the hon. London breed sorry. I want to introduce john stewart, but i want to just say that i met john stewart over 20 years ago. And i used to work at treasure island, and some of you remember when that housing was empty, and it was vacated by the navy, and we have the task of rehabilitating those units and moving formerly homeless veterans, formerly homeless families and other people of all incomes into treasure island. The partnership with John Stewart Company was not just a partnership that helped to rehabilitate those units, they also helped to make sure that those formerly homeless families and veterans had working utilities, and that they had Coffee Makers and dishes and beds and sheets and all the things that so many people may take for granted. But these were people who were starting their lives over. And the person who led that effort without being asked to do so was john stewart himself, and so ladies and gentlemen, john stewart of John Stewart Company. [applause] the mayor has been drinking early. Well talk later. Thank you so much. Ed lee was once to say, ill keep it short because i am short. That was his big oneliner. A few comments that i really wanted to speak about, i think two or three things. First, i get a lot of questions on the piles that were sinking into the ground at 90 feet and 60 feet. Theyre not impact piles as the way that have occurred at many sites. These are augering, theyre very sensitive to the neighbors because theyre not impact piles. Theres going to be 170 of them, and theyre very sensitive to the neighbors. And also, we dont want to repeat we got the memo on the millennium towers, and were going to bedrock. It seemed like a good idea. Also, people asked me about those cobblestones. When we dug down 8 feet, we found shoes, elixir bottles, and we also found a whole series of red caps which said make America Great again, and were going to be selling them later to enhance our Financial Balance Sheet on this deal. On the subject of process, i think were particularly proud of the fact that over 4plus, almost 5 years, we had a Record Number of meeting involving a myriad of local involvement, various people you can see authorities and housing entities that all had a stake in this thing, and they all came out, and they all spoke their piece, which i will in closing do a few shoutouts. There is something that i would call district 3 deja vu, and im looking at aaron now because 17 years ago, a young supervisor along with a young mayor at the time, willie brown, started working on a project called north beach place. Its out of the its off the cliff side. Its a project that has great similarity to what you see today. For those of you that are a little long in the tooth, you might remember that project. It also was affordable. It had mixed income, mixed use, and mixed age. We have, too, so there. And one of the things that strikes me about it, aaron peskin, i think really made a statement because he was boots on the ground, went to every meeting, very supportive of that project as he was then and he is now. Its my pleasure to introduce the supervisor. [applause] supervisor peskin mayor breed, ms. Parker, mr. Stewart, to your respective organization, but most importantly to the community and amongst those and first and foremost amongst those, the Barbary Coast neighbors. It is true almost 20 years ago that i attended all of those meetings at north beach place, but thankfully, i attended few if any in this particular project. But mr. Cantor did, miss taylor did, and i want to say they made it a better project. This neighborhood involvement made this a better project. Let me say a few words about what my mayor said, and it is the history of the embarcadero freeway which was, by all accounts, a terrible urban planning mistake. And then, in 1989, after the loma prieta earthquake, we had a mayor who had the courage to rip that thing down. And by the time thenstate senator quentin kopp transferred the property to the city for one american dollar, willie brown was mayor. And there was a little neighborhood fight about what we were going to do with those parcels. One was going to be a police station, one was going to be a butterfly museum, one was going to be Affordable Housing. I am pleased to say that today, they are all Affordable Housing for the city and county of San Francisco. That is remarkable. [applause] supervisor peskin now, it is true that i wanted this site, even though my friends at the Barbary Coast neighbors disagreed, i wanted this to be a temporary navigation site. But the mayor and i and supervisor haney have teamed up to find one not so far away. And i also want to agree with the mayor that Affordable Housing is actually not that affordable, and we all know the numbers that we just saw, the homeless count. And its just not San Francisco, its portland, seattle, and los angeles, continue to rise. So here are 53 units that are going to keep some of my seniors and this is the district that has the highest percentage of seniors in the city and county of San Francisco from being homeless. But you know what . Its not affordable to many of our seniors, which is precisely why miss hartley, mayor breed, president yee and i teamed up to create what we called s. O. S. , senior operating subsidies which is in this years budget for shallow subsidies for seniors so they can actually continue to live and age in place. This is a great day for the city and county of San Francisco, one and all, particularly to the workers who are building this thing. Congratulations. [applause] a. Supervisor peskin all right. This is a weird jurisdictional thing, because you think the owner is the city and county of San Francisco, but it is the port and held in trust by the city and county of San Francisco and lands owned by the public works. Now weirdly enough, the port land is inland, and the public works land is closer to the water, which ive never figured out. But instrumental to this entire project was the port of the city and county of San Francisco, their executive director, miss Elaine Forbes. Hello, everyone. Its very great to be here today. We all love a ground breaking. As you all know, the port manages 7. 5 miles of waterfront property. Our future is very brite since the loma prieta freeway came down, but nothing makes us prouder than to welcome the neighbors and residents who will come to enjoy this community. We are proud to announce what will be a solution to the Affordable Housing crisis. I want to acknowledge, and supervisor peskin knows this very well, it takes the port quite a long time to figure out what to do with its property, and 88 broadway was a very long conversation. And actually, it was the Community Residents that said they would like to use we would like to use these underused lots that youre using for parking. So tom ammiano provided us a bill to be able to use this for housing. Here is another example where we can welcome low, mod, seniors, and formerly Homeless Housing to our waterfront. For us, the northeast Waterfront Advisory Group helped us provide standards for 88 broadway. It was a very patient process, and it did improve the project. Its that kind of collaboration, that kind of problem solving that got us here today. Theres a lot of port staffers in the audience that have been working here for sometime. Thank you so much, and id like to introduce liz minnick from the bank of america. [applause] good afternoon, everyone, and what a glorious afternoon we have for this fabulous day today. Bank of america was founded in this very city in 1904 and has a long history of helping people get in homes and working towards Affordable Housing. From the work after the 1906 earthquake to the recent work with the San Francisco r. A. V. Commission and the rehabilitation of sorry. Well let the coast guard get back. 29 properties for which we financed over 2. 2 billion. For these two properties that we are discussing today, bank of america has provided over 133 million in financing. First, thank you to all of our bank of mercteams to continue their efforts on america teams to continue their efforts on helping to provide housing. And now, i will introduce brynna cantor. [applause] good afternoon. We were involved in the long process of the design of this building. Its just incredible that were going to see more family and Senior Housing here, which is really important to keep our city diverse. We certainly need more of them. It also includes a child care facility, so thats why i have my daughter here, simone, who has become a conoisseur of all the child care facilities in the city. Since this center is going to have a playground, i think shes going to want to check that out, right, simone . Mmhmm. Thanks to the Mayors Office of housing and all the great inclusive bidding that we had during this process, and of course, John Stewarts wonderful team, including us along every step of the way. Had countless meetings. Our supervisor, aaron peskin, and the previous supervisor, julie christiansen, who really got the project going for us. Again, just really impressed with the outreach from the community stages of the project. The team reacted to Community Concerns along the way and modified the project to a very mature building which you see on these

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