Theyre being driven out. There is a way of having public working class housing. Very mysterous ways. Guess whats you make the billionaires pay for it. San francisco has more billionaires than any other city. The mayor of San Francisco and the politicians are not interested in going after the billionaires. Now there is a city that solved the problem, vienna. If people want to google how vienna solved its housing crisis they had a housing crisis worse than San Francisco in 1919 and they did build working class housing. They built 200,000 units in vienna by taxing the wealth i. But that seems to be off the table. 20 is more gentrification. Thats what that is. Only 20 and those affordable units, im sure, that poor working class students at city college and other places are not going to be able to have get into those affordable units. Affordability by your standards excludes poor, working class people. There are a lot of signs up in San Francisco for workers. Workers are needed. But theyre not able to get them. Why is that . They cant afford to live here. Were not talking about highpaid workers, were talking about regular, working people. Service workers, hotel workers, they cant afford to live here so theyre forced to commute. You are forcing people to commute to live in San Francisco because they cant afford to live here. This had been rejected. We should demand 100 affordability and say the billions should pay for it and it should be Public Housing and not developed on the developers who want to make a large profit in San Francisco. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Calvin. Steering committee of affordable divisadero. Im very concerned about the process or the lack of process that the Planning Department went through in evaluating this project. In evaluating the initial rezoning that more than doubled the allowable density with no recommendation for increased affordability. All of the pressure for increased affordability came from the community. Now were being told enough is enough. 20 is fine. Shut up. Step aside. No, its not fine. We cant imagine Something Better and we should get something berrien and it should start with your staff. How can you possibly consider giving not one, not two, not throw but five continual use permits which are predicated upon the notion that they are necessary and beneficial to a community when your staff has not addressed or analyzed a legitimate Community Plan that lays out a comprehensive development. No one is talking about not developing this site. No one is talking about not building housing on this site. Thats horse cookie. Were all about housing. Were all about creating communities that work. Were all about dealing with Climate Change. Building more market rate housing to add to the 70,000 units we have approved but not been built because most people cant afford them is not a solution. Its a slogan. Its a narrative. Were about solutions. You should have addressed a legitimate concern on the part of 500 residents of this part of the world who want housing able to be accessed by them. Next speaker, please. Thank you, good afternoon, commissioners. My name is cheryl brinkman. I serve on the sfmta board of directors but im here as a private citizen and neighbor to speak in approval. The live in a fantastic neighborhood. I agree with the gentleman who owns the bar de barbershop its friendly. Were transit rich. Wore walkable, bike able. Theres so many neighborhoods serving businesses. I am quite confident that the new neighbors that will welcome in arent going to be driving a lot because you can really accomplish so much of your life without getting into a car in our neighborhood. So i just want to say im totally in support of this project and i look forward to the gas station which is a big cara tractor going away and to welcoming new neighbors to our neighborhood and thank you so much for your service because i know serving on a commission is a labor of love and it takes a lot of time and it is frequently very thank less so thank you all for doing this and we look forward to more neighbors in our neighborhood. Thank you. Im lawrence lee i serve on the board of the merchants and neighborhood association. We work towards inclusive and a great place to live and enjoy which she just mentioned. We also support diversity in our neighborhoods as well as affordability. So the current experience at the project site is extremely bad. Its hazardous to pedestrians and people who bicycle. Its just frankly unpleasant. It really does hurt our merchants corridor. We find that this project is a valuable solution to these problems. In 2015, the ncp zoning for this area, we support that increase of density and especially commercial corridors like this that are well served by transit and we do support the 186 units that will be going in as well as going the height limits so maximizing new residents that can move into our neighborhoods and we support and in 2018, Valerie Brown extended the prolonged Community Process and required 20 on site Affordable Housing units with the community and we support this percentage as well as as well as the parking ratios acceptable so i want to note that the developer has been an active participant in our Community Since 2015 and we believe that the current design emigrates as well and we feel the Community Process up to this point has been extensive and exhaustive and solid and we ask for no more delay on approving this project. Thank you, next speaker, please. Thank you for take up this opportunity today. Im in support of the proposal in front of you and david met with me a couple of years ago and he had become aware of museum of future sports and what we were doing with kids and drone education and introducing me to Charles Davis at the Human Rights Commission who has become a Founding Partner of the museum of futures and it showed her appreciation for how kids in Stem Education can make a difference in equity. David support us with multiple c. B. O. S including the hamilton Families Community center and collective impact and players Filipino Center and some others and i just wanted to say that they have done a job of putting the Community First and showing their support for an inclusive environment that can really make a difference here in San Francisco. I absolutely support this project and while theres differences of opinion about how many below market rates make sense more than zero is what were all over here and moving this project forward is imperative. Thank you so much. Good afternoon, president and commissioners. My name is julia and i am a mother of two children and my husband and i have lived on oak street for 25 years. And we are thrilled about this project because we walk daily to get our kids and if you are not walking were bikeing and were taking the 24 or scooting from mckinley so my first grader now and takes them to my preschooler. Both schools are on the divisadero corridor and we are daily walking by this gas station and the development. Were really excited to see it change something good for climate and the neighborhood. And im also president of the lower hate merchants and neighborhood association. We are in support of this project and weve been asking tough questions and trying to work with the developer and the community to get it to the next step. Were really excited about how this is going to present a wonderful image of replacing a gas station thats part of Climate Change with housing and the affordability of the housing is great. Its a good first step as a lot of colleagues have mentioned earlier. We can do more but theres a lot of benefit to this project. It will do a lot for the city and the community, looking forward to walking by it and taking my kids to the community and continuing to be part of the merchants and the art and the activities and the group. Thank you very much. I want to support this project and all the work thats been done behind it. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners. Todd david on behalf of the San Francisco Housing Action coalition. So i just want to point out that the b. M. R. Rate was set through a really rebust Community Process led by supervisor brown and it was passed by the board of supervisors unanimously. So the rate was a pretty good process and ive been sitting in the audience and listening to Public Comment and this pitting of Affordable Housing versus market rate housing. Ok, well, somehow market rate housing means unAffordable Housing. You know what, if you were a teacher, if you were a construction worker, if you were a firefighters, or if you were a first responder, and you live in San Francisco, you live in market rate housing. You earn too much money to support subsidized Affordable Housing. To qualify for subsidized Affordable Housing. When we say we have market rate housing, plenty, what were saying, what that really is saying is you know what, we dont need anymore teachers to live here. We dont need firefighters to live here. We dont need construction workers to live here or anymore first responders. Market rate housing is any housing above subsidized affordable. When we as an organization say we need housing at all levels of affordable, thats what were talking about. We have not built enough housing at any level over the last 30 years in San Francisco. And the groups that have squeezed out are the middle income workers. The firefighters, the teachers, the first responders. Thank you. Thank you. Any other Public Comment on this item . With that, Public Comment is now closed. Commissioner hillis. Excuse me. Thank you all for coming. To give my district 5 credentials i have lived in district 5 for 25 plus years and ive lived four blocks from this site for the last 12 years. Its a great neighborhood. It isnt affordable. Unfortunately, its one of those neighborhoods that is being gentrified rapidly. Not by development. We havent seen any development to tell you the truth along divisadero or in this neighborhood. Affordable or otherwise. So its good to see, i think, all neighbors agree that this site, as well as hopefully the two gas stations that are to the north of this and some under utilized sites on divisadero, should and could be used for housing. I would certainly support this project. 50 affordable and 100 affordable and unfortunately we dont see those projects that have that level of affordability unless this city is involved. If the city owns the property or the city is providing some benefits to the project. This project much like market in octavia went threw a rezoning where density controls were lifted the same that happened along market street. In many places along market octavia. We got up to 15 affordable level so here were doing better and its great. We do need housing. We need housing at all levels. I would certainly support Affordable Housing here but thats not what were looking at. Were looking a the a project thats significant in the amount of housing its going to produce. Were at the highest levels we see in market rate projects. If we want to get to 50 i would support developing other sites like the gas stations or mcdonalds in the hate that would give us the ability to do that and we need to have a serious conversation about how we finance things like prop 13 to give us more revenue to build more Affordable Housing. I agree with the speakers who talked about additional taxation to suppose sort Affordable Housing. I appreciate all the debate. Im glad most people believe this is a good site for housing. I certainly believe it is at the levels and the density is being proposed. Its great that the neighborhood groups, the divisadero merchants in lower hate agree and endorse this project. Its not often we have a project along this corridor. We had a yoga studio that got a lot of debate and disagreement amongst those groups all grow this is a good project. I cant endorse it more and im very supportive. Commissioner fung. Im accepting of the 20 in terms of the affordable units. Im also accept tive of many of the exceptions that have been proposed. I disagree with the exception for both limits. I also disagree to a lesser extent with the exception for the bay window expansion. The bay expansion. Can you elaborate more on those two items . The more important one of course is driving the density of this project. The explanation that were used within the materials provided addresses the only very little in terms of if you didnt give them the boat exception then along divisadero they need to have two buildings with a separation. In my opinion, that is not necessarily bad depending on how they really want to design it instead of a cartoon they used to demonstrate that particular item. The problem with the bulk exception here is you create something that is extreme will he large and the context is not reflective of that. So im hesitant to support a Housing Project which i think everybody wants and i am concurrent with. But yet creating a visual issue which down the line is something im not supportive of. Commissioner richards. Commissioner moore. Commissioner moore. I am sensitive to the question as to whether or not the planning process itself created the basic appropriate to the large size when we have a change from land use from gas station to housing, we have the opportunity to take a very deep look at how we zone and what we geget in return for zoning. Im not sure we have crossed all is and the ts. Theres the issue of quantity and quality. Looking through the plans, im concerned about what i see to be the two bedroom category which in this particular case is a very sensitive spot for me because they are bedrooms using interior core doers for access to light. I wanted to ask ms. Wood as to whether or not the department reviewed it and came across this particular issue . I know there have been over the years d. B. I. Not catching this. Would you mind answering my question with respect to that . Thank you, commissioner moore. Yes, we came across this issue at the very, very early stage of the design and we brought it up to the project sponsor and i mean, the department, we are concerned about quality of living spaces. We have conveyed the departments comments to the sponsor and the architects. While Building Departments they regulate the rooms and how they should function and they should be designed. Accordingly, the sponsor and the architect have met with Billing Department and have tried to have all the rooms comply with the Building Department standards. At this cant have the architect explain a little bit more of how the rooms are laid out. Perhaps that would be a good idea. Again, quantity and quality and equity is extremely important. If any of us would have lived in a building of this size with second bedroom facing an interior hallway and the light in that hallway was on all night shining into your bedroom i wonder how you feel about that. Perhaps the architect could explain that to us. Can you get into the detail of that if you dont mind . Thank you for the question. We have found over the last 15 years starting around 20082009 that a lot of projects in the city the units are getting smaller and with the requirement of a two bed rooms, a number of buildings have been built and theyve been received very well on the market and they rent well and theyre very livable and popular. However, we do understand the California Building code requirement for Natural Light. So 50 of the wall that separates the bedroom from the living area needs to be open to the passing of Natural Light so glass walls and doors and you can see many of those units on the market. Certainly the site permit has not been submitted and all the details of the plans are not complete. In review of the plans theres ample space to reconfigure things to improve those areas. Not all the details of the construction documents can be completed at this early time. Were very confident that on other projects in the city with similar lay outs they have Natural Light and air however we do acknowledge that not all twobedroom units face an ex ter year wall and have windows that is part of the reality of most if not all of the projects that are coming before the commissioner and growth approved. I just like to respond that this commission has been bringing the subject up frequently and if the department has brought it to your attention i would have hoped that you perhaps would have addressed that today or have an answer other than that you may be able to revise those plans. Theres one architect in the city that has done rooms successfully. Thats david baker whose units we have approved. In this case, i am wondering, because you are exposing them to a double interior bedrooms that it has not ban achieved. As you know, its a matter of preportion width to depth and this case i see windows being narrow to the street sides and deeper to the core of the building. Which goes in the direction of what mr. Fung said about one building was two buildings but i am concerned about that and i wanted the commission to be aware of it. I am concerned, as we always are, that the over all percentage of affordability is low and since this is a thank you so much. I didnt acknowledge you. And since its a representatival building, i am more concerned were in deed after a year of approval, of on site b. M. R. Rental, this commission took a stand to basically accept a fee waiver just a year later based on the idea that the low market rate rentals werent possible to be renting to the people who are intended anyway. So im sitting here a little bit tongue tied to support this project and we may be hearing from you a year from today when you are asking us to fee out. Between the low percentage and the possibility of later fee out, i am sitting a little bit on the fence. [ please stand by ] commissioner johnson . Thank you. I want to name my general support for this project. The divisadero corridor is a special corridor to me. It is my sister neighbourhood. I have spent time on it over the last ten years that i have been in San Francisco. I have friends who live there who dont live in the city anymore. I think through that time, i have really respected the Community Processes that have happened, and really wanting to make sure that the community that is built continues to reflect those values. I remember the beginning of the process of envisioning what this gas station might be, and have heard from friends that i have that are merchants who live on the corner door, and how they have been able to engage on this project. I think the first thing i looked at when i heard that this project was coming to us was looking at the affordability and really thinking about what we know of a what affordability looks like on projects, market rate projects, projects that are subsidized by the city. We had one 50 affordable project that was a gift to the city from a developer, but every other one, we are usually fighting tooth and nail to get anywhere near 20 . We have 20 on this project. I hear the concern that has been brought up around seeing out. As a commission, we debated that item last week quite a bit, and given some of the evidence that was before us, we made we talked about the right decision. On this, if, for whatever reason , the project does come back, we still would have to debate that and make a decision on it, and i think, you know, i dont think the circumstances here are the same as the ones last week. I feel comfortable supporting this project. Thank you. I am supportive of this project. I did have some questions from the developer. It pertains to the relocation of the tenant and the unit that is slated to be demolished. I understand the units are being replaced, but i did not hear from you about what the plan was for the tenants where they are right now in the interim. Yes, madam president. I have been meeting with the tenants personally, and their families, quite a bit since the beginning of the year to get to know them as people and what their living situation is, and we were aware that what is in the citys records and what is actually there on site are quite different, so we have tried to look at it very holistically. For instance, we have one person that, technically, they are in 475 square feet, it is very small, and they carved out multiple bedrooms, that my architect had a heart attack over. We said we cant just put them in 475 feet. We will put them in one of our three bedroom units that is in 10601062 oak which is slid over we have another family that has created a kind of mezzanine, and theres a lot of people in there we decided they should also probably have a threebedroom. We are not the ones making the decisions. We are working with their attorney at t. H. C. , and then the other ones, you have a couple people in two bedrooms. So those three units, we thought , they probably go into the new building, and so we have allocated that, but we have made sure that it is their decision. We have worked with the Supervisors Office and the Mayors Office so people can see our internal working papers off of the page. We said that during the interim of construction, which probably starts in about a year if we it were approved today, we will take care of money for them, along with a letter to get them into interim housing in the meantime. I have had good meetings with city real estate, which is on divisadero. We have mutual colleagues. Their head of operations has worked with immigrant families in the juvenile system. He has an extensive Property Management and leasing background, and they can help find things within the neighbourhood. Ive also engaged with the fillmore centre. If we just needed to find something, because we run out of time, but i dont think that will be necessary because we have a full year to work with them, so i understand it is stressful to find something for everybody, particularly if you were living over there and, you know, they call me on micelle when they want to talk, and we go through things. Im sorry, i just wanted a specific answer from you. So is the difference between what they are paying now and what they can get on the market between now and the replacement units, are you committing that you will subsidize that difference . Yes. They would pay what they are paying now plus the allowable escalator that the Mayors Office of housing has for cost, they would pay that. We would pay delta. Okay. Sorry for the longwinded response. Thank you. I appreciate the answer. Commissioner more . I am just looking back on my notes from may 23rd. There was also an issue of the union labour i think, at that moment, was not answered. Have we received an answer to that question . Can you articulate the question again, commissioner more . When we continued this issue last time, there was an issue that this project had not committed to union nate union labour. I think somebody in the audience , in Public Comment mentioned that as well. My question is, are we as we are supporting this, has that been answered, yes or no . Could the project sponsor answer that so we have it for the record . Thank you, commissioner more. All the projects that i have done in the past with the 900 units, they have had union labour. We are in active talks with the carpenters, and we plan to work with labour as we move into the site permit phase so i know what it is we can design. Thank you. One of the things i want to say before we conclude this debate, divisadero was significantly out of zoned. It was greater than 20 . That is what started the whole process that took a long time to resolve. One that happened when that happened, members of the community said, you have given away all this Additional Development potential. You need to go back in and understand what you have given away and recapture a portion of that, which started the Feasibility Study on fillmore, divisadero turning them into n. C. T. From n. C. D. I wanted to make sure the public is not out there thinking, this take so long, four years, this is one of the most continued projects i have seen in the five years i have been on this commission. It doesnt seem like there was a month that doesnt go by that this item was up for continuance i want people to be aware of that. One last question, the divisadero and the Feasibility Study that came out for the up zoning on affordable, what was it in divisadero for rental . Thank you, commissioner richards. Feasibility studies that were done showed a range for rental on divisadero from 20 to 23 in that depended on whether rents were going to escalate at Different Levels over the coming years. This study showed that the projects had not begun prior to the up zoning, prior to that have a higher rate, so much of a home s. F. Project. This is one of the projects that have been in before 2018 so they are at the 20 that you all approved several months ago. Great, things. Commissioner hillis . I think commissioner richards raises a good point about that legislation. I think we debated it and we had it here a couple of times. I think this commission unanimously passed it at that rate. The board subsequently approved unanimously. It is one of the highest rates that we have that was not a increase. This was primarily a bulk increase, similar to what we have done in other neighbourhoods like eastern neighbourhoods and market. I think this does everything we are asking it to do. It replaces our carwash with muchneeded housing in the neighbourhood, in a neighbourhood where we have not seen all ten of cars. I am fully supportive and would move to approve. Commissioner johnson . Really quickly, i want to address the gentleman who is a neighbour of the project to felt like hasnt gotten a chance to speak with a project sponsor. I would like the project sponsor to make adequate time to sit down and speak with him going forward. Project sponsor . Do you need his name . I have it right here. I know mr. Johnson. I offered to meet mr. Johnson on january 28th at wholesome bakery, which two of his neighbours, leslie and mary who are here, and he was unable to come. I also invited him to come february 4th to meet with the architects. He didnt come. I think he had a surgery. I offered my best wishes. He called me right before we were continued from may 23rd, and there was so much going on. I said, you know, lets figure out a time to get together, and then we wound up getting continued, so we finally met this monday. We met for an hour at planning. I continued after with him for a good 40 minutes, and i could share the Different Things we discussed, but i would want his permission because i imagine a lot of that is private. I think it would be nice to have another coffee within. Thank you. There is a motion, but i did not hear a second. Nobody seconded it. Second. If theres nothing further, commissioner his, there is a motion that has been seconded to approve this matter with conditions. On that motion. [roll call] so moved, that motion passes 52. Okay. Very good, commissioners. That will place us on item which item are we on . Item six, excuse me, we are calling item nine out of order. 610 through 698 brennan street, informational presentation. Jonas, is there is a desire to take a really small break. Five minutes. Folks, we will start the meeting again. Excuse me, can we have your attention, please . The chair is a requesting your attention. Please take your seats. If you cant find a seat, you cant remain in the room. Thank you. Okay. Good afternoon and welcome back to the San Francisco Planning Commission regular hearing for june 13th, 2019. I will remind members of the public the commission does not tolerate disruption or alberts of any kind. Please silencer mobile devices that may sound off during the proceedings. When speaking before the commission, do state your name for the record. Commissioners, we left off under your regular calendar on item nine that we are taking out of order. This is an informational presentation. Good afternoon, members of the commission. I am with Planning Department staff. Im here to introduce informational item 4610698 brennan, more commonly known as the San Francisco flower marked. It is scheduled for your review at a Commission Hearing on july 18th. Before we go any further, i would like to invite someone up who will give a bit of context for where this site is in central soma. Good afternoon. Planning department staff. The project before you today completes a set of key sights in the south area south area of the central soma plan. Just to refresh you on the open space and public realm network, here are the existing and proposed sites, together with streetscape improvements that continue to the use and overall experience of the neighbourhood, a lot of these are complementary with one another, and there are some that are recreational, some that are open space, some that are popo, which are privately owned Public Open Space. All neighbourhoods need a mix of spaces, of types and uses within open space for recreation, activity, and social space to serve a variety of people in daily needs. This is the last of the four, and the one we will see today, the flower marked is in blue. Just to zoom in a little farther , we had 598 brennan, what you talked about last week. The creamery, and the tennis club that were here for informational his and we will be returning, and then the flower marked in blue presents open space that is, includes a market , plaza, and retail alley. These are all connected through the walk that i described over a month ago from south park through the block, around the subway, through to the new central soma park, as part of 598 brannan, and across the mid block alley. This works together as a network of bicycle lanes, proposals, streetscape improvements, as well as the individual popo and park. This is the fourth of the set in the project. I will hand it back over to ella thank you. The project request a large project authorization and Office Allocation for the demolition of the existing flower marked or the buildings, and surface parking lots. The construction of three new buildings. These are commonly known as the market hall building, the block building and the Gateway Building. In total, the project would provide 2 million 2 million square feet of boxes office. 1,000 113,000 square feet of production distribution repair, which will be the new replacement wholesale flower market. 83,459 square feet of retail, 769 offstreet Parking Spaces and below grade garages, 30 loading spaces, 496 bicycle Parking Spaces, and it also includes 35,450 square feet of privately owned Public Open Space, popo for short. It would provide another 5,193 square feet of offsite open space. The project also requires and entails a Development Agreement and associated planning code amendments. The project site is located within the zoning districts, as well as 130 c. F. And the 270 c. F. Height and bulk district. At the behest of the wholesale flower market vendors and management, the project sponsor in the city have included in the Development Agreement, an option for the wholesale flower market to permanently relocate to a new site within San Francisco, in lieu of the project sponsor building a new wholesale flower market on site. Should the flower market vendors and management exercise this option, the project a variance would contain 2 million square feet of office space, 90,000 of retail, 22,000 square feet of childcare facility, 950 square feet of community facility, and then an increased 38,450 square feet of popo. To begin the sponsors presentation, i would like to introduce and from the Mayors Office of economic and Workforce Development to a walk you through the Development Agreement. After her, mike kerr so from kilroy rlty will present the project. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners i will provide a brief overview of the agreement for the development and outline how the city proposes addressing the potential scenarios. The need for scenarios became necessary late last year. One potential plan was finalized , the flower vendors recognize that the increased residential and office density, along with the Infrastructure Improvement designed for safety and safely accommodate increases in bike and Pedestrian Access that would result in challenges for the vehicle of intensive reality of operating a major wholesale flower distribution business. It is made up of over 50 independent Small Business owners who accommodate 4,000 small and Large Businesses across all of Northern California on a weekly basis. Most of the florists, grocers, tailors, designers, and wedding planners arrive in small or large trucks, delivery vans or other vehicles in which they need to load pallets of flowers and supplies. They rely on easy circulation and adjacent access to the market warehouse. In order to ensure that set that cisco is able to retain and support the continued success of the flower marked, weve developed a structure that will allow the vendors to make an election at their sole discretion to either return to brannan street or elect an alternative permit location in scenario b. I want to be clear that in either scenario, the project sponsor will be responsible for constructing a temporary facility at the p. U. C. On site located at 2,000 moran. As soon as the first phase of the primary project is approved, the developer will begin the site improvement and construction of the interim site as soon as a temper site is ready, the sponsors will move the vendors to the interim location and cover all the relocation costs. The developer will enter into a mini and four year lease with the p. U. C. , which commences upon move in of the flower vendors. Scenario a is straightforward. The vendors elect to return, and the developer moves in from the tempera site into the new building upon completion. In this scenario, the developers providing the benefits and outline the hundred 15,000 square feet of on site affordable p. D. R. Space, 100,000 square feet of neighbourhood serving retail, 15,000 squarefoot offsite land dedication to the Mayors Office of housing for development of 100 of 40 will housing, 36,000 square feet of privately owned open space, 5,000 square feet of offsite Public Open Space and enhanced Workforce Program that includes office and p. D. R. Job training, 500 bike Parking Spaces, a formula public arts contribution, and nearly 170 million in impact fees, including 58 million in job housing linkage fees. The city will use 20 million of these fees to help stabilize housing for existing residents by securing small sites for acquisition rehab. Scenario b. Is triggered if the flower market elects not to return to brannan street. Wants a primary project is approved at the board of supervisors this fall, the flower vendors will have up to 120 days to make an election to stay or move to an alternative Permanent Location within the city and county of San Francisco if they choose not to return, scenario b. Sets up the following structure. Within 30 days of the election, kilroy will make a 1 million payment to cover the cost of Due Diligence and predevelopment work for the alternative permanent flower market site. Once those dollars are exhausted , the developer will continue to pay these costs as they accumulate once the vendors have completed predevelopment and are ready to begin construction, kilroy will pay the total amount required to build the new wholesale flower market by dividing a rental subsidy and an equity contribution to cover the project Development Funding including construction, taxes, insurance, maintenance, Management Fee and capital and maintenance reserve accounts. We are still working through the specific details and will provide a full account may come back to this commission in july with the details. Also in scenario b. , the developer provides all the Community Developments with the addition of the 23,000 square for childhood centre, in 1,000 squarefoot Centre Community room, and programming for neighbourhood organizations that include flower shows, job fairs, farmers markets and art markets. Finally, that is it. Finally. In light of the large allocation required for this projects first phase, i would like to take a minute to make sure we provided you with the facts about the project timeline , the projected timeline of the proposed allocations for all large projects currently in the pipeline. A few weeks back, staff provided a detailed update about the upcoming large project pipeline, the amount of prop m. Available, and the strategy of phasing projects and distributing projects. We created this spreadsheet to clarify the amount of allocations currently available, how much will be allocated that the first phase of the project in the centrosome a pipeline, the dates when the projects will draw down on their already approved allocations, and finally, how the annual replenishment allows for the majority of a nonford project to receive at least their first phase by the end of 2021, and all of the noncore projects will receive their projected allocations by the end of 2025. To summarize, employing the phasing and running the strategy recommended by planning staff, the commission will be able to satisfy 62 of the total centrosome a allocations by the end of this year and 100 by the end of 2025. That concludes my presentation and i will be available for questions. Thank you. Do we have a presentation by the project sponsor or is that it . Okay. Good afternoon, commissioners im here representing the project. Thank you. Our Senior Vice President and is also here with me today and will be available for questions. It has been a long time coming. I know you heard some intros and i wanted to give an intro from our side as well on the project before we go into the design presentation. We have been working with the flower vendors in the city for the last five years to design a unique mixeduse project that fits the fabric of centrosome and provides a muchneeded new home for the wholesale flower market. Since the beginning, our plan has always been to build a new stateoftheart wholesale flower market as part of the project. Throughout the years, we have been working with vendors and architects to define the design of the wholesale market. At the end of last year, after working on and solving additional concerns from the vendors, they let us know they appreciated all the work we had done to design a market that works for them, what they are concerned about the changes in the neighbourhood and the options to move somewhere else permanently. While we were stunned and saddened by the sentiment, we remain committed to preserving this 100yearold institution in San Francisco, whether it be on or off site. To that end, with spent the last several months working with vendors and with the city on a variance plan which you will see in the informational design presentation today and will have the opportunity to consider on july 18th. The plan gives the vendors the power to decide without influence from kilroy or the city which route is best for them. If the vendors choose to stay, we will build a new market to cite onsite. If they choose to move, will be responsible for providing 100 of the equity to develop that sight. Either way, we will ensure the wholesale flower market as a new permanent home in San Francisco at the same guaranteed affordable rent. I want to emphasize no alternate site has been selected, no final decision has been made. Timing is key for both variance, is important that the approval happens this year in order to give the vendors the opportunity to choose the best option for their future. In either scenario, they will need to move to an interim location, which is available now , but only for a few years. The move will not affect the construction schedule. While the city is reviewing the permit, will be permitting and building out the interim site and will be ready to Start Construction about one year after the Effective Date of our approval. Additionally, to develop many agreement includes, as youve heard, and immediate payment by kilroy upon project approval to give vendors funding to complete Feasibility Study and make a decision within a set timeframe. Again, kilroy wants to assure theres a new wholesale flower market for the vendors in San Francisco with guaranteed affordable rent, and firstclass new development of centrosome of that provides retail open space in the neighbourhood and jobs and revenue for the city. With that, out pass i pass it on to bob to give you an overview of the design. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners. I will try and take you through this very large project very quickly. I think we handed out that may be easier for you to see. This is a view of the project looking at the corner of fifth and brannan at eye level. You can see the market whole building in the front here, opening up onto the street and being set back from fifth street a little bit. This is not working . Okay. All right. Okay. This is a aerial view from that same position overlooking the whole project. You see the project is broken up into three different buildings, the market hall in front, the lower building, the block building behind, it is broken into two masses on its own, and then the gateway tower on the western end of the project. This is not going to work. This is the Gateway Building here. It is key to the project, and it has got all of the amenities for the community in the ground floor. It has retail and food and beverage uses, and it is groundfloor all the way through the other building to the north is broken up and takes the mass of the Building Back away from brannan and into the centre of the site. The Gateway Building, at the western end, is really the marker of the project as you come off the freeway and it really greets everyone coming into the city from that direction. Key to the project is lifting at the market hall and really making it a permeable groundfloor that connects brannan back into the market alley and the retail back there as well as to the flower market itself. You can see the footprint of the flower market is really significant. It is over 115,000 square feet. In order to make that fit in to the neighbourhood, we have pushed it to the centre of the site, and really taken the active uses of retail and the entrances to the offices above, and bring the building with us. You can see, there is retail entrances throughout this site, off the market alley, as well as off brannan and the plaza. The flower markets Public Entrance from groundfloor is off the market alley in the middle of the project, as was referred to earlier, most of the uses users of the market hall will be coming up from the basement below, they will be driving in with vans and various kinds of checks. And then the office is up above are entered on the two and his of market hall on the far marked buildings, and as well as the centre of the site, and on the western end, at the Gateway Building. There are three, actually, four main pieces of public privately owned Public Open Space. These are three clauses. The first one is off brannan. It is about 1200 square feet 12,000 square feet. Is a large plaza that connects the through block pedestrian ways and it allows for programming of all sorts. We can have various kinds of events there, farmers markets, performances, et cetera. In the middle of the block you have the oculus breezeway that has an open to this guy atrium space through the building, opening up into the ground floor , bringing light into the middle of the project, as well as opening down into the parking structure, so people coming for retail and other visitors would come up into this space. On the eastern end of the building, at fifth and brannan we have another plaza that is pulled back. The building is pulled back from the street by about 50 feet, and creates this open plaza that the market hall spills out onto. You can kind of see in this, the whole project is raised up 3 feet to deal with the issue of Climate Change and ocean rise. Site is connected through the block by what we call the market alley. It is next it connects from fifth street back to the brannan plaza and then on to sixth street. The alleyway, that pedestrian alley is lined with shops and food and beverage, as well as having places for people to have respite and connect out to the street. You can see in the

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