[pledge of allegiance] clerk commissioners, id like to take roll. President hirsch okay. Thank you. [roll call] clerk commissioner, you have a quorum. Also present are chief scott of the sfpd and Paul Henderson from the department of police accountability. President hirsch okay. Thank you. Good evening, everybody. This is the june 12, 2019 meeting of the San FranciscoPolice Commission. We have a moderate calendar, so ill allow three minutes for Public Comments, and we are ready for the first item. Clerk line item 1, discussion. Police chiefs report. Provide an overview of the report of the incidents happening in San Francisco. Commission discussion will be limited to determine whether to calendar any of the incidents the chief describes for a future commission meeting. Major events. Provide a summary of planned activities and events occurring since the previous meeting. This will include a brief overview of any events occurring in San Francisco having an impact on public safety. Commission discussion on unplanned events and activities. The chief will decide whether to calendar for future commission meetings. President hirsch thank you. Good evening, chief. Good evening, president hirsch, director henderson, commissioners. Ill start off with the weekly update. We are start down on total crime from last year. Our total crime, were down 15 , and more detailed breakdown, that represents a 15 decrease in homicides with three below where we were last year. Were at 17, compared to 20 last year. There were no homicides last week. In terms of gun violence, we have 52 this year. After reported incidents in all categories. Except for Motor Vehicle thefts, which is 22 higher this time than last year. Our auto burglaries are down 30 and 20 down yeartodate 2017. A couple of events. We had a number of shootings over the last week. There were six San Francisco shooting cases that are being investigated. Of the six, four occurred in bayview. The captain of bayview actually held a Community Meeting yesterday with our commander of the actually Golden Gate Division whos covering the metro division, as well, this week. But what came out of the meeting is we dont believe these shootings are related. Even saying that, though, they are concerning. Six shootings and four in one district are concerning, so we are making some patrol adjustments and personnel adjustments so we can figure out what to do. Were going into the summer months, so things get a little bit busier in terms of violent crime. Each captain and the commanders have constructive summer Violence Reduction plans, and those will be put into full effect now moving forward through the summer. So theres no particular connections with these shootings, but four is a lot for one area, and that is concerning, so well keep an eye on that. In terms of general crime, there is one significant which actually was an aggravated assault and hit and run. It was somewhat of a road rage incident where one individual was attacked by three other males and was injured as a result. The officers responded, and we have not made any arrests yet, but the parties were identified. As far as collisions, we had one major collision in the ingleside district. It involved a cab traveling downhill, and the cab struck an unoccupied vehicle. It was actually a medical emergency, so the driver who was unresponsive on arrival of the officers was revived and in stable condition, so definitely pleased to report that. Major events, the giants are playing this week against the milwaukee brewers. We also have the warriors playing tomorrow and hopefully sunday, so well be prepared and deployed for that. If it goes to a game 7, that will be a clinch game, and we will be deployed to address any issues or celebratory issues should the warriors win, which were hoping for that. Department command staff in the Northern District will participate this year as we we also have training in the Northern District, and we will participate as we have in years past. I know theres some Community Events this week, but we will be this in numbers, and we will have our officers there, as well, and we will deploy for that. We also have the northeast festival for june 14 to 16. Tomorrow, on june 13, we have our annual Crisis Intervention Team awards ceremony, and i hope some of you are able to make it. Its a really good event that highlights the great work being done by members of the Police Department as it relates to crisis intervention. Its a really good event, and i hope some of you can make it tomorrow to help us celebrate the work of the officers. Let me go back to saturdays events. We also have fathers day at oracle park. This is a partnership between Community Members, San Francisco giants, and the Police Department will provide 50 fathers, daughters, and sons access to the giants game on saturday. Officers along with the Community Members will take the kids. Theres going to be a kickoff at the atwater tavern prior to the game, and each district station provided the names of fathers and children who awere selected to participate. This is a great event. This is headed by derek brown in our Community Engagement division. Were looking forward to that. The on only problem is it happened at the same time as juneteenth, so we wont have as many people. Our pal cadets kicked off this week. We had 23 cadets ranging in age from 14 to 20. It started at the academy, and the purpose of the academy is to focus on Skills Including leadership, confidence, c. P. R. , first aid, crisis incideterven, and they also participate in cleanup. Following graduation, the pal cadets continue training on thursday nights throughout the year and they participate in Community Events along with members of the Police Department and drive provide support at district station. It was nice to speak to the cadets this week, and we did a questionandanswer session this week, and we were very pleased that we got 23 young people to participate in this program. The last thing is the chiefs Community Advisory forum. I wanted to provide an update on reestablishing several Community Advisory forums and to reach out to the many Diverse Communities within our city, and ill just run through the list of the forums that we have reinstituted or instituted. We have the hispanic latino forum, which we had our first meeting this week at mission station. Our interfaith forum, those meetings are quarterly. We meet with the jewish community, the lgbtq community, the limited English Proficiency those meetings are monthly, merchants and Small Business forums, the muslim forums, the native American Public housing, and the womens forum. So thats a lot of work that needs to be done, and the engagement has been good. I know in the past, commissioner dejesus has asked if we will be making efforts to reach out to groups that dont always see eye to eye, and we will be doing that, as well. We had a very productive meeting with the mario woods group this week, and it was really focused on reform. I felt it was a very positive and productive meeting, and were going to continue those quarterly meetings, as well, so well continue those meeting, as well. So this concludes this portion of my chiefs report. Do you have any questions . President hirsch any questions . Okay. Were ready for the next item. Yes, we have crisis intervention yearend report, and detective molina is here to present that. [inaudibl [inaudible] and my partners from the department of public health. So if i can have officers stand. [names read] so these are the people responding with the Police Department when we have a situation in crisis. President hirsch thank you. Thank you all for coming. Let me start with powerpoint here. Tonight were going to offer you an overview of the program, what we do as a cry i intervention team, the number of calls responded to in 2018, the use of force, and overview of the programs that we have implemented and that well continue to carry out during 2019. So to start, were going to talk about what does the c. I. T. Do . So what is it that we do . Were a group of Police Office officers, clinicians from the department of public health. We have the Mayors Office of disability, we have d. P. H. , we have the city attorney, we have the d. A. S office, the public, advocates and consumers of public health. We meet every month, the third wednesday of every month. Commissioner elias has come to some of the meetings. Thank you for doing that. And we continue to update the commission as we go along. So what do we do . We do the right thing. Its twofold. So we do Crisis Response, and we do training. So tonight, youre going to have an overview of both sides. So what is it that the public is supposed to do when they need somebody whos trained in Crisis Response . So we partnership with nami, which is the National Alliance on mental illness. And they talk about how the people can contact the Police Department when they need somebody to respond. So the caller initially will go and call 911, and they can ask for a crisis intervention trained officer excuse me. So basically, we teach the public to get in contact with us. When a persons in crisis, its very important that the person whos making the phone call will describe the crisis, describe what the symptomology is, what the behavior is, so we can send the appropriate resources. So when theyre saying hey, my son, my daughter, my loved one is having a behavioral crisis, the 911 dispatcher will know who to call and what unit or what district will respond to that call. So another item that we look at is whether the person has a weapon or is a danger to themselves and others. So all those are the criteria that we follow. What is the goal . Well, our goal is to train the entire department. Theres 2300 of us. As of right now, we are about 1,186 trained in the 40 hours of training. We continue do that, and well show you some of the numbers that we have so far. The main goal is to deescalate crisis situations. We respect human life, and preserving life is our major priority. We respond to people in crisis. We teach our office how to do that. We put them through the 40 hours training, and we also have an additional 20 hours of training, ten hours of use of force and an additional ten hours in crisis intervention tactics. So these are some of the numbers we had in 2018. Theyre astronomical. Officers in the city responded to 18,225 calls in 2018. 801s, person attempted suicide, 4,121. 804s is juvenile beyond parental control, we responded to 390 calls. Mental health crisis, usually 5150, theyre dealing with a specific subject, and they use the code 5150 to describe the call, and the radio call comes out at a 5150, so we have 750 of those. Back in 2011 when the commission passed resolution 1118 i think it was november 2011 when you commissioners passed the resolution asking the department to implement a Crisis Response team, we created a Crisis Response. As explained on the previous page, thats when the dispatchers will receive the call, categorize it and dispatch it, asking for a c. R. E. Officer to respond. Check on their wellbeing, by definition, thats not a Mental Health call, but usually, most of the officers who work the streets, so we responded to 26,987 calls in 2018. With a grand total of 50,612. So you can see this is the map, the city and county of San Francisco. Most of the concentrations for the 5150, so the crisis calls come out of the downtown area, market street, mission. Some of the other calls come from residential areas, like taraval district, richmond district, and ingleside district. But as you can see, the majority of the calls would come from the downtown area. The use of force, so out of all those calls, 50,612 calls, 113 resulted in the use of force out of 50,612 calls, only 113 were where officers used force. We had 61 uses of force in the Mental Health detention. We had 39 mental disturbed person and 14 suicidal persons, added to 113 persons. There were 55 physical control, meaning the officers had to put their hands on the subject to calm him down or handcuff him, and the person later on complained of pain when the use of physical officers detention. 13 impact weapons, baton, 7, o. C. Spray, five, less lethal, and one was other. There was a total of 131 uses of force on 113 subjects. So the injury regarding the use of force. We had 58 subjects that were injured, 19 officers that were injured. Subjects not injured were 55, officers not injured were 162 with a total of 113 subjects and 181 officers involved. With the force involved, we had one blunt object, one using a blade weapon, and one using a firearm weapons. When it comes to c. H. D. Status, out of 181 officers that use force in 2018 on Mental Health calls, 95 were not trained in c. I. P. And 86 were, so the fact that you had the training obviously doesnt mean that youre not going to use force the rest of your career, right . So force sometimes is a necessary item, and sometimes force needs to be used when youre restraining a subject. So the San FranciscoPolice Department responded to 790,299 calls during 2018. Out of those, 50,612 calls as i said before, were Mental Health related. There were 113 Mental Health calls that involved use of force, so thats 0. 01 of all the calls for service that we responded to. And 0. 22 Mental Health calls for office, so as you can see, its less than 1 of the total calls for service. 181 officers were involved and 113 people received use of force by officers. When it comes to breakdowns, we have 55 caucasians, 11 hispanic, 22 black. We had 92 caucasian officers, 19 black, and 30 pacific islanders. As april 2, 2019, this is the demographics of the Police Department. When you come back and look at the officers use of force and look at the demographics, its more than likely its going to be a caucasian officer responding to the calls because thats the breakdown. In 2011, the commission passed a resolution of 1118 that asked the department to pass a response. Ever since then, weve been training our officers. At the end of this year at the end of 2018, we had 990 officers trained in Crisis Response. As you can see on the divided table here with all the percentages, we have at least 50 , if not close to 50 of all the units, all the districts in San Francisco that have officers trained. We have one deputy chief, one commander [inaudible] with a total of 972 sworn officers, and we have 12 civilians, p. S. A. , and we have nonsworn, 18. As of right now, i can give you the breakdown of where were at in regards to the training. As june 12, 2019, we had trained 1,040 officers. And in field tactics, we trained 2,186, 2,186. Were about 100 short of training the entire department. Thats great. These are the classes that we had in 2018. We had seven classes, and right below is the classes that we are having in 2019. We are adding an additional class. We are actually aggressively training officers from the airport. We have to respond to crisis at the airports. And thats my presentation. If you have questions or concerns, im happy to answer. President hirsch whats your best estimate as to the number who will be trained for the rest of this year, and then, how long will it take to train the remaining department members, over 1,000 people . So we average about 30 officers per class. Thats the maximum that california per certification allows us to have, 30 officers. So if we do the math, so far, weve done may, so we have one, two, three, four, five classes. So we had 150 officers lineup for training the rest of the year, so that will put us at 1200. We have 2300 officers, approximately. We average about, i want to say, 300 per year. The reason i say that is we have instructors, the cream of the crop. Having the clinicians and doctors and members of d. P. H. Come to the training and have our officers understand Crisis Response is essential. So looking at that map, its about four years probably. President hirsch itll take a while. Itll take a while. President hirsch this is a Great Program that the city is initiating. Thank you. Commissioner elias . Thank you. I w [please stand b. Commissioner elias on page 3 of your report, the 50,000 calls, do we know if thats increased over the years . Im assuming that its yearly youre doing the tallies or do we see an increase, decrease from last year or last quarter . Thank you for asking that. I already had those answers for you. We see a decrease, as a matter of fact. Commissioner elias okay. In 2017, we had 14,366 Mental Health detentions. Thats 4,366 Mental Health detentions. That thats similar. In 2016, we had similar numbers. In 2018, we had 300 less cases, and that was the first time that we went below 4,000. I know the average is 7,000 Mental Health detentions from everyone. This number is just from the Police Department, but you just have to remember its s. F. Police, university police, college police, so when it comes to these numbers, its only the San FranciscoPolice Department. Were also seeing a reduction in the use of force. We have at least 25 reduction in the use of force in 2018, and i want to take all the credit, but actually, theres other work thats being done by the Police Department across the board, and that has contributed to the use of force. Commissioner elias thank you. That was my question, because i do think thats a large part of what you and your team are doing in sort of getting the officers into the 40houraweek course. Yeah. Unfortunately, i dont have my other sergeants that are the ones doing most of the trainings. We have been doing this nonstop through the years. We just recently did the command staff training for the ten hours, and it was refreshing to hear our supervisors and command staff hear how its changed in crisis intervention. Now, the officers are embracing it, theyre practicing. I read most of the reports that come to my desk for 5150s, and i see how the officers are doing a great job up there. Theyre building a rapport with people in crisis, theyre not rushing, and i think thats what we want at this point. Were motivated to continue doing our work. I know sometimes you dont hear the good jobs that officers are doing, but im telling you, i hear every day on the radio officers responding to crisis and following protocol. Commissioner elias i know some of the things that cross my desk are training exercises given to cadets so they know how to deal with training. Yeah. The training events are taken from reality. This is the time to fail or get better or improve. We can always improve, so this is the time we take to teach our officers, and i am telling you, its a little bit of different generation since i came in in the 90s, so we have to kind of adapt to how theyre learning, so its been good to see the new faces and the new officers like a sponge. They assimilate to what were doing. President hirsch thanks. Vice president taylor . Vice president taylor thank you. I want to commend you. I feel like on this commission, we hear so much of the negative, right . We hear about all of the bad things thats happening within the department, and its good and refreshing to celebrate good news, and just like we all need positive feedback, the members of this department need positive feedback, and what youre doing is tremendous, and i want to commend you for that. Youre not alone. There are lots of people in areas that are doing a good job, so i want to make sure that that gets recognized. Thank you. And then, i had one question that kind of dovetails with commissioner elias questions. The call for Mental Health crisis, have they increased or decreased . You know, its not an increase. They have decreased by much, but mostly, theyve stayed the same. Were working with hsoc and working with d. P. H. In trying to prevent those calls. We meet with them every wednesday. We had meetings with my staff with the department of public health. Theres a little thing called hipaa that we have to respect. So we get waivers, we have other items that we discuss. The goal is to prevent a crisis. I cant tell you how many people were, 7 or 8 times a year that were responding to the same person, and those are the people that we focus on. Thats the prevention part of the program that we focus on. Our focus is to concentrate on the top tier, and we look at whats going on with this person. Why is this person being 5150 so many times . So we look at solutions, table whatever needs to be tabled, and well priority the high use consumers or clients. In 2016, a gentleman was 5150 49 times. This year, in 2019, hes only been 5150 one time. We had all hands on deck meeting in 2017 to see what was going on with this person. We got him housing with our partners from the housing development. We got him clinicians, and i just got a message, hes graduating from the program this month. Thats refreshing to hear that you go from 49 times to one time in 2019. Thats our goal. Thats where we have to be, but this doesnt happen without the leadership of the person sitting to your guys left. Hes very supportive of the program. Chief mannix, shes my chief from f. O. B. , and commander fong. Theyre the ones that say yes to whatever i ask for, so thats great that you have the support of the command staff, so i just want to recognize them for that. Vice president taylor thank you. President hirsch thank you. Commissioner dejesus. Commissioner dejesus so i want to go back to that 26,187. I see it in the Mission District where people are passed out or officers have people that are fallen and have bloodied and stuff. So i guess you had it broken out to the 801 and the 5150. Out of those 26,187, are there any way to know if there are Mental Health or crisis intervention programs, not just wellbeing, passed out or sleeping in a dangerous way or bleeding . I dont want to skew the numbers. Is there any way we can determine out of those numbers how many was in the cry sit intervention criteria . Sure. Let me see. I have some notes here. Commissioner dejesus it would be nice, going forward, once youve calibrated that, to put an asterisk and say these are the ones that belong in the c. I. P. Or the ones that were just a wellness check. I can definitely provide those to the commission, those numbers. President hirsch commissioner brookter . Commissioner brookter i just want to thank you for your work and echo some of the comments that my colleagues have made. Im actually familiar with nami. Great organization. I just had a question, it was something that you brought up when you talk about the Younger Generation of cadets that were bringing in, and the number of young people were seeing out in the city and on the streets. So what does that look like in terms of how our curriculum was able to evolve, knowing a group of individuals in positions for 20, 30 years, and we get a group of fresh individuals coming in out of college. So how do we balance that with the great work that youre doing . So thats a great question. At the average age in the academy, the average age is 20. We do the training at the academy, so the recruits get to see the veteran officers doing the training at the same time, and its a whole different generation. The millennials are different. Sometimes youve got to talk to them, explain it to them, sometimes youve got to text it to them. Were trying our best with them. They embrace it because they dont know any other ways. Back in the 90s, we were trained differently. We were trained to rush into situations and not to weigh grade, time, and distance. Im totally trained a different way than the way the academy trains now, so across the united states, you see the same problems. Its just different names, but were all facing the same situation in Law Enforcement, and thats Mental Health calls for officer involved shooting in Mental Health calls. So were adjusting our training, not only the c. I. D. , but the officer training. They dont know anything like the veterans do. Like, were used to doing things differently, and now, youve got to change. Change is good, right . Changing all the tricks. But the recruits, this is it. This is what were learning, and this is what the Police Department policies and procedures are teaching them how to do things, so thats how it is. Its just a team effort. Its everybody, not just us in the unit. President hirsch commissioner mazzucco . Commissioner mazzucco thank you, president. I just want to thank lieutenant molina and all the staff involved. Commissioner dejesus and i were on this commission when this concept came up, and it was a foreign concept. It took a collaboration between ourselves and commissioner angela chan we started looking outside the box, and we started looking at this. I have to tell you because it was the Police Departments willingness to do this, going to the training. This is its remarkable. You commissioners dont understand what a change this has been. You heard from lieutenant molina where they were trained to go hands on right away. Now its just common sense, time and distance, lets talk. And i think youre seeing fewer incidents of use of force, fewer people being arrested. Weve come a really long way. I talked to commissioner chan, and i think when she puts her head down on the pillow at night, she has a lot to be thankful for because she pushed this through. I have to tell you, you hear all the bad things, but this is a good thing. Lieutenant molina was a juvenile probation officer, an adult probation officer, and he came in a little later than most folks. These are people that care about helping people transition out of the justice system. The partners werent even a partner in the beginning, and now, theyre a major part of it. Thank you, commissioner. Its also amazing to have cl clinicians to stand next to us, when we have somebody thats barricaded in the house and i make the call at 2 00 in the morning. Im sorry to wake you up, and having the doctor on the end of the line saying im on my way. When you have a person whos barricaded, common sense doesnt apply, so im able to get all of that information, medication, diagnosis. So we get that information, feed that into our crisis negotiators, hostage negotiators, and its a whole different approach. Nobodys moving on until were certain whats going on, creating time and distance, creating rapport with the subject, using whatever we need to without the use of force. President hirsch chief scott . I just wanted to say lieutenant molina and his team, led my chief mannix will have an opportunity to present all the good work thats been done by the men and women of the San Francisco at the National Conference of police chiefs. Its actually an honor to get selected. A lot of people apply to make these presentations, and the sfpd got chosen, and thats thanks to the good work of these people sitting in front of me, so i just wanted to mention that. Thank you, chief, and there are 4,676 applications. Thats what i do. I do numbers every day. We also travelled to l. A. To see how l. A. Is doing. They have an 110 officers on the crisis unit, and 54 commissioners that s clinicians that set next to the Police Department. They are with the department of public health, and the officers sitting on one side of the desk, and the clinician is sitting across. So thats our dream, and chief scott is making it happen, so hopefully next year, you will hear about that, and how were going out as corresponding partners, and coordinating together. I think its way overdue for the city, so thank you for your support, and anything else that you can help us with, wed appreciate it. President hirsch thank you. Thank you to your staff and to the program generally. Thank you, commissioners. President hirsch next item, please. Clerk line item 1b, d. P. A. Directors report. Report on d. P. A. S activities and announcements. Commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting. President hirsch director henderson, good evening. Good evening. We are at 317 cases right now, so a spike up from this time last year, when we were at 267. Weve been closing cases a little more efficiently than we were last year. Were now at 275 cases that weve closed out so far. We were at 208 cases this time last year. In terms of open and pending cases, we have 390 cases versus 291 where we were last year. 34 cases have been sustained so far this year. This time last year, in 2018, we had sustained 39 cases. For any case thats past 180 days, we are at 38 cases still. I report the cases once they reach a ninemonth period to investigate the source of the delays. Our mediation has changed, and we just did another training. Those cases are up now. Weve done 18 mediations this year versus seven this time last year. Weve been spending a lot of time since our last meeting drilling down on the Case Management system, and the program is entering its final stage with us. Its a project that is essentially on steroids. We will begin testing with our staff with implementation next week. This is typically a process that would take up to two years, and were doing it in about five months, so we had some real strong needs intentionally to get a lot of this stuff done. Itll help us a lot with the transparency and the second phase of getting a new website, thatll be the external part. But the internal part will include a lot of our data that will be easier to chair among the Desk Department and different staff of the d. P. A. Were continuing to work on our strategic plan, and now were working on measures those goals so we dont just have them, and we continue to work with slalom on that as theyre building our c. F. S. System. I have been personally spending a lot of time i would say a lot of my time the last week has been preparing the budget. We are working with the board of supervisors preparing the budget and the presentation that will be made in the next 48 hours over the next of this week. Many of the questions, memos, and meetings are on the release of records and the release of body worn records that will be made available to the public. In terms of outreach this week, the d. P. A. Participated in the outreach at golden gate park. We have a case tonight in closed session, be here for that. I just want to point out in the audience, theres a Significant Group with us tonight. My chief of staff, sarah hawkins, senior investigator, susan gray, attorney yetta thompson. President hirsch welcome. So this is yuriko, amy, alyssia thank you mark. You recognize mark because he was here last year, too, and he didnt get enough and now hes for here more. Spencer, katey, and alexandria. So you guys will be hearing from them sometime in the summer when they come to present the work that theyve done over the summer. Many of them are participating in the hearing for all. Folks are working with them, and were looking forward to working with them throughout the rest of the summer. President hirsch thank you. Any questions for director henderson . Next item. [agenda item read]. President hirsch i just want to encourage any commissioner who can make the presentation, the c. I. T. Presentation, to make it. I cant because i have a different meeting at headquarters at that time, but i regret it, and hope that someone else can go. [inaudible] there was Great Community input with respect to adding the sort of nuances with the sort of gender, harassment and the Workplace Discrimination that goes on . So im really excited about the progress thats been made, and its my understanding we will have another meeting to wrap up some of the issues that were raised and get that off and to concurrent so we can get that one checked off our list. President hirsch thank you. Commissioner brookter . Commissioner brookter thank you, president hirsch. So i will be in attendance at the awards. But i just wanted to highlight the conversation that i got to have this afternoon actually with the interns. I think that sometimes when folks are interning, you dont understand what you are having during conversations youre having with individuals, the impact youre having, so i appreciated having a conversation about the work that i do on a daily basis, and the work that we do on the commission, as well. Im happy to say that our future looks bright. I will say it looked like an episode of law and order. These young people had their hands on everything. Really eager to learn, and i just want to say thank you to them and allowing me to come in and have a meeting with them before the meeting with director henderson as we move forward and have discussion about sb 1421 as commissioner hirsch has asked me to be the liaison with d. P. A. To ensure that were focusing on sb 1421. President hirsch thank you. Commissioner taylor . Vice president taylor yes. I participated in the working group yesterday, and it was led which commander walsh is it still inspector macone . I appreciated that level of kind of granularity and detail. President hirsch thank you. Commissioner dejesus . Commissioner dejesus so yesterday, i attended the Language Access working group, and it was very crowded, huge turnout. You should know that the many departments in the city use the Language Line interpreting services, so we had representatives there, and we had the 911 callers there. Everybody was there. What we had was representatives from Language Line representatives come because theres been some problems in the interpreting services for all the city departments. What i learned was really important. The hospitals are being sued for not having interpreters in emergency rooms, so theyre really setup for medical emergency services, and they do banking interpreting services. They do work with 911, but its very new to work directly with the Police Departments. Were on the forefront with portland and other cities who are providing instant Interpretation Services out in the field, so theres been some issues and some problems. They came, and they got an earful. Theyve got a plan going forward, but we really talked about phone interpreters to have training specific for Law Enforcement calls, including the vocabulary for interviewing Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault victims, so they recognize their deficiencies, we recognize their needs, so were working with them about putting up some type of training. But portland has a training coming up, and the person whos really been really significant in the forefront for your department, officer core. Shes fluent in nine languages. She has an opportunity to attend the bilingual officer training in portland at the end of the month. I dont know who youre going to send, but i think its important for you to send her as shes coordinating all this activity and she has a real handle on what the problems are, so its a good training. Id like to be a fly on the wall there, but i think shes someone that really should go, and its really important that we have lit a fire under Language Line representative to see if they can work with us and see if we can fix these problems. President hirsch okay. Next item, please. Clerk line item 1d, commissioner items and scheduling of items for future commission meeting. Action. President hirsch okay. I dont see any. Commissioner dejesus oh, i have some. President hirsch commissioner dejesus . Commissioner dejesus i talked about having a student representative sitting with us on the Police Commission. I think ive got it scheduled sometime in july. If we could work it in the second or third week of july. President hirsch we only have two meetings in july, and i think july 10 is already full. I dont know. Well check the second meeting. Commissioner dejesus that would be great. Okay. President hirsch next item, please. Clerk next week, the Police Commission will hold a meeting at a special meeting on june 19 at 6 00 p. M. Concerning Public Protection issues in the park district. The public is now invited to comment on items 1a through 1d. President hirsch Public Comment on items that have been addressed so far. [please stand by]