Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20180225

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Presentation of the departments collection and analysis of Sexual Assault kits, evidence and reporting of sexual and reporting of results to Sexual Assault victims report percommission resolution 1628, adopted april 20, 2016, and presentation of the audit of electronic communication devices for bias, Fourth Quarter 2017; and presentation regarding Strategic Planning 1. 0. Thank you very much, sergeant willshaw, well come, chief. Thank you very much, vice preside president. I had i have several reports tonight, and id like to start on crime, and i have one of our key doj reforming issues, and id like to update where you are and where well be going with that process as part of the chiefs report, so ill start off with crime and ill just highlight the major issues with violent crimes. Our homicided are at eight for the year. We were at eight this time last year, so we were actually even with last year, which is not a good thing, but its a good thing that were not up. We did have a homicide on friday night in the panhandle, off of stannion, and basically who were shot. He did not survive, and the suspect ended up being apprehended later that night pursuant to an officer involved shooting, and we do have a town haul coming up next week on the officer involved shooting. Luckily in the exchange of gun fire, none of us were hurt, and we were able to take the person into custody without incident. He is in custody, the charges have been filed, homicide and attempt murder on Police Officers for that particular individual. In terms of our shootings for the year, we are at 20 nonfatal shootings for the year, and we were actually at 20 this time last year, so were even with last year. Our homicides with firearms, however, are down. Were at six this time last year, with firearm related homicides, were at four this year, so 33 decrease in our gun related homicides, and our total gun violence victims, were down 8 . Were 26 in 2017 and 24 year to date, so were down 8 there. The next phase of the chiefs report, id like to talk a little bit about the Strategic Planning process, and if i could ask deputy chief michael im sorry, mike tunnelly to come up. Basically, thisll be just a quick overview. Doj recommendation 39. 1 speaks specificallily to Strategic Planning and the recommendation with the department invest in Strategic Plan to provide a road map for the future, and kind of lay the foundation of where the department would like to go strategically. Late 2014, we partnered with the Mayors Office for a program called city bridges where agencies partnered up with governmental agencies pro bono and assisted in whatever the initiative that the different city agencies needed to work on. In our case, we were able to partner up with price water hou Waterhouse Cooper who partnered with us in starting this strategic process. In order to get a couple of things process. Number one it was to start on the process and number two, get our folks trained, our internal sfpd personnel trained on the internal Strategic Planning process, and i think we did accomplish both of those goals moving forward, although we have started and begun this Strategic Planning process, we have a lot more work to do. The Consulting Firm advised us that it will probably be a year to a year and a half before we are able to if we do it right and thoughtfully, to craft a robust Strategic Plan, so were now in the midst of that process. So what were going to show tonight is strategy 1. 0, which is the beginning of this process, and basically, the department chief will go through the process. And what strategy 1. 0 is basically they were able to help us craft strategic clusters by basically overlay with our departmental priorities, and present a statement that we wanted to present to the commission today before we move onto the more ro2. 0 which will be the Strategic Plan looking ahead for the next five years or more. So 1. 0 is the start of our process, and Deputy Connelly has a short presentation. Good evening, commissioners and acting chief scott. Very briefly, first, like, ten months ago well, when chief came on and was hired on, part of his philosophy was to create this Strategic Planning process. With the help of the Mayors Office in innovation, we were able to partner with price Waterhouse Cooper. Over the last couple of months, we engaged in focus groups. We had a Steering Committee which activi consisted of senior command. We had sfpd members from all stations in representative groups, including civilians. We had internal and external focus groups, which included citizens, sompz and communi citizens, officers and members. And price Waterhouse Cooper initially engaged them. The senior external advisors were hand chosen by the chief to represent community, industry practices, clergy, and it was a very comprehensive senior group that weighed in very heavily on this process. Some of the key documents that we reviewed were obviously the doj cri report, and in the cri report it mandated that we come up with a Strategic Plan. Additionally, as a process summary report of where we were in relation to the port and where we are now, that was an evaluation of the ongoing progress, and we have an i. T. Gap analysis which has been out there for the last five years. So that was some of the documents they reviewed. They also engaged outside departments, open departments, san jose, a number of outside departments to look at how their Strategic Planning process was formed. So with the input of information from those focus groups, they came up with this statement, and ill read it San Francisco sfpd stands for safety with respect for all. We will engage in just, transparent, unbiased and responsive policing, do so in the spirit of dignity and in collaboration with the community, and may i approach tain and build trust and respect as guardian of constitutional and human rights. This statement is key because every word was word smithed, and every word was taken from the actual artistic bids in the focus groups, so i cant over emphasize how this becomes a central part of our Strategic Planning, how everything we do in the future is going to point back to this strategic statement. As you can see in your handouts, it points to different parts of that statement, and there will be a much more comprehensive report coming out in the coming months, along with an Implementation Plan and a timeline associated with how were going to roll this out and how its going to build into version 2. 0. I will tell you at this point, the commissioners will be involved in 2. 0. 2. 0 is going to be a much more expansive program. Itll be another couple of years, and that will possibly be a five to ten year plan. These are five Strategic Initiative clusters that we arrived at at the conclusion of these ten months. Obviously i dont need to read this to you because its in your packet, but whats significant about these pillars it addresses a number of issues in emergency room its of the doj report, the chiefs priorities or goals in terms of fighting crime, addressing homelessness, and a number of engaging the community, so the chiefs goals, which he laid out when you first came to the department will file under these clusters, and then, we will be assigning these clusters to personnel to ensure that they are built outlet and adhered to while building to 2. 0, and that is at tight as i can get this. Thank you, that ts perfect. The strategy statements really well done, and it does have a lot of words that weve heard throughout our collaborative Reform Efforts with our Many Community groups, and with many diverse members of the Police Department both civilian and sworn. This is great, great job. I really appreciate it. Commissioners, any questions or comments . Commissioner dejesus . So i brought this up in some of the meetings. This is a good start, but one of the things is we have all these separate groups, you know . We have recruiting, we have use of force, we have all these different ones, and what i want to know is how, in terms of the overall Strategic Plan, how is each group going to meet its goals . How is recruitment and promotion going to meet its goals for more women and minorities . And part of this Strategic Plan, too, is how are we going to change the culture within the department . I dont know if were working towards that, you know, but its nice to have a statement in what were going to do, but really how were going to affect change in each one of these departments. How are they going to incorporate into the Strategic Plan in terms of doing their part to do whats necessary as well as checking off the boxes, yeah, weve changed a couple of dgos, were alternated that. Those are hard, cold facts, but how are we going to move this department in a way thats going to change. Multipronged answer. I can answer that. Three of the groups have a multiplan that theyre going to develop that will go under this umbrella. In their strategy, they have to develop the answers that youre asking to the questions that youre asking. So while the Strategic Plans in those groups may not have the hard numbers associated with it. It should have the spirit and the influence to actually create it. Do those groups have goals and timelines of when wethey going to meet this eir objecti . This is going to be an ongoing kind of thing. Were not going to say we have five new promotional groups, and then it drops. Yes, commissioner in. In answer to your question . One of the first phase of this, thats one of the things that the consultants helped us greatly was laying out a timeline with deliverables. It was a very tight timeline. We had to get things working on time. As we go forward in working with the commission, that same process will be incorporated, and these strategic clusters, everything that you said will fit in one of these strategic clusters, so theyre pretty broad, but all the things that you mentioned, recruitment, hiring, changing consuulture w fit in one of these, and the collaborative process, those will be headed by the appropriate Department People or collaborative work groups, including commission, community, leaders in different fields that will add to building this Strategic Plan under these clusters. And then, the last thing, are we going to continue to work with the consultant through all these different phases of this of meeting the dgo changes im sorry, meeting the doj changes. We have to go through a process, commissioner, so we do want to work with a consultant. We cant say itll be this one, because we have to go through an rfp process, but i think we learned a lot about this process. And what deputy chief connelly didnt mention, we looked at many other Police Departments, too, the consultants, and we reached out to many other Police Departments that had Strategic Plans that we thought were good ones, and reached out to these departments and picked their brains on some of the things to get their plans on board, as well. To answer your question, we plan to use a consultant. We have to go through the prosper city rules. Thank you. Thank you very much deputy chief connelly. Next presentation, please. Our next presentation, we have presentation of the limited English Proficiency report. This evening, im going to provide a brief report, which is our annual report on limited English Proficiency. Before i do, i would just like to call out and thank the Language Access working group that meets on a monthly basis. Its led by commissioner melara, and its been in existence since 2012, and its a great way to get the collaborators at the table to move fashd Language Access. Tonight tonight, we have some of those collaborators present. La casa has a huge staff. They volunteer their time, they teach at the police academy. If youd like to standup, thank all of you for all your work you do all year for the department, and for the city [applause]. Thank you very much, very much. So theyre here this evening, and they contribute their time to make our Department Better and our city a better place to live and work. So tonight, im just going to briefly go through some statistics with you. These are statics you hear on an annual basis regarding limited English Proficiency. Starting with the first one, this is the number of calls for service, contacts, investigations that an lep person that thwe work with lep person. In january 2017, there are 3,308 incident reports, and if we look at fiscal year 20172018, there were 4,402 incident reports, and there was thousands of interaction and providing the community with information, but this is specifically actual incident reports that are prepared. Turning the page, department general order 2. 0, you have something thats straightforward. If you have a person thats limited English Proficiency, you call a by lingual officer to the scene, followed by a person interpreter followed by a telephone interpreter or Language Line. In emergency situations, we can use anybody thats available to assist us, but once that emergency is resolved we need that bilingual interpreter to come. R assi r come assist us. Lingu last january , we had a how to be an effective interpreter class that began. We are finally working to update over 300 officers who are bilingual speakers and giving them an undate, so we had an expert flown out to San Francisco and put on the class. Were going to have another class on march 7th with 25 officers and move forward from there. And finally after ten years or seven years were having updating training that is taking place. Second, when citizens come and the Community Comes to file a report, there is information on several languages, and it provides information to them while theyre waiting to prepare a report. Were going to experiment with that as mission station. Again, were working on lep, not only training for all our certified officers, but also a refresher for our Field Training officers. We are working with dispatch right now because currently how it works, is if an officer needs a bilingual officer, the dispatch dispatch will ask theyll put it out on an all or theyll put it out for all the officers to volunteer. Were going to change the system and have dispatch call units directly because they now have a list of officers that are certified to respond. The last thing id like to mention, instructions for obtaining reports are now in five languages, so if you go to our records division, you can get you can find out in five different languages or if you go to our website. This is a service that we are now providing to the public, and thats my report for limited English Proficiency. Thank you, commander lozar. This is a project that was championed by former commissioner chan and commissioner dejesus. Theres a recognition in some situations like Domestic Violence cases, they werent sure who was the victim and who was the assailant because of language issue, and weve come a long way on this. What helps is the discipline part of it, that the officer becomes familiar with it. This has been going on many, many years, and i want to thank commissioner dejesus and former commissioner angela chan, because their where we are today, in order to have the ability to do this. Two weeks ago, i saw this in action where there was an elderly woman who was lost, appeared to speak russian. When the officer arrived from northern station, the officers sat and talked with her, they called the access line, she was taking the bus, she got lost, and she had some dementia issues, and we got her back to where she needed to go. It works, and i want to thank you for it, and i want to thank commissioner dejesus. Commissioner hing . Thank you, Vice President. I want to pick up on a on something you just alluded to, mr. Vice president , and thats the a real challenge with respect to Domestic Violence victims and the importance of doing your best to identify the victim. There for a few years now, when the when the secure Communities Program was in existence under ice, which has been reinstituted under president trump. It ended it flourished for a while under president obamas ice. It stopped, but it has been reopened. There are reports of individuals who actually were victims where the officers not in San Francisco, where officers were not sure who the victim was in some cases because of language problems, and so the victim actually got fingerprinted, and those fingerprints got shot off to the fbi and were shared with ice under the secure community programs, and these victims got deported, and so thats one thing that we want to be on guard for here in San Francisco. Lets make sure if were going to fingerprint someone, that its actually the alleged perpetrator. The question that i have of you, commander, is whats the Response Time in terms of when theres a need for an interpreter . Can you give us a sense . I know it probably varies. Yeah, it actually does vary. It all depends on the station, the assignment, whos working, whos available, whos around. So generally, how it works is an officer will say i need a certified bilingual officer to respond to the scene. The dispatch will attempt to locate an officer within the district or close by, but the officers are very sensitive if theres going to be an extreme delay, to go to plan b, that certified interpreter, and if not, we need to go to that Language Line and have that translation take place so that were not delayed in providing service to the public, but again, it just varies, and sometimes it happens right away, and sometimes it takes a while, depending on the language and whos available. To that point thats why we need to continue to train our bilingual officer, and really build in a pool out so we can reduce that Response Time and make folks available. Mr. Vice president , just one more point. Its not a question. I just want to commend commander lozar for his approach for the various working groups. Ive worked with him a little bit on the community policing, and i found your approach to be very inclusive and respectful, and i really appreciate that. Thank you very much, commissioner. Thank you, commander lozar. Commissioner melara . Thank you, commander lozar. This committee is very close to my heart, not only because i believe in delivering culturally Competent Services and also because of my commitment to Domestic Violence, but i want to say that this committee would not be what it is and producing what it does without the commitment of the many people from the community that come to those meetings, and i would say the leadership of mayor of miss marian, because youre the one who keeps it together. Youre the glue who brings it together, and so i want to thank you because your commitment really brings me to the tab the table, you know, its really commendable. Which agency is she with . You know, i forget. Shes with the Police Department. Thanks very much, commissioner melara. Thank you very much, commissioner lozar, and thank you, everyone, beverly, everyone whos been doing this throughout the years. Again, people come to talk about the things that arent right, and we started this process how many years ago . So many years ago, and look where weve come so far, so thank you. Please call the next presentation. Thank you, Vice President mazzucco. The next presentation will be drar john sanchez and acting captain john pera, to present the analysis of Sexual Assault kid and evidence. There was another project that was championed by a former commissioner, john hammer, and that was when we found out there was a backlog in testing of rain kits, so the former prosecutors on this commission know how important that is. Again weve made a lot of progress when we found out that there was a lot of untested kits, and the rational given was because they were known silents. We as a commission made a commitment to have every kit tested, just for other cases, for additional evidence, and weve come to a pretty good point, so i hope the numbers are good tonight, and im sure they are. I want to thank you for your report on that. This Police Department is updating something that others havent. Go ahead. Thank you, mr. Vice president , commissioners, director and chief. Thanks for allowing me time to speak. My name is john sanchez, and im the civilian director of Forensic Services for the department. Im here to provide you with that brief status update are for the processing of the kits from december 31st to joule 31st, 2017. In that time, we had 110 kits collected and submitted to the laboratory. All were concluded within the 120 day limit established by the commission, and most, the average time is under 30days for those kits. Having said that, 15 of those kits did exceed the fiveday window of commission to the treatment centers, but that did not affect the ability to turn those kits around within the time frame. None of the kits was outsourced. All of that work was completed within the laboratory here in San Francisco. Of those kits, 93 kits provided foreign dna profiles. 8 of those were determined to meet codis eligibility and suitablity requirements. They were subsequently updated within the 120 day period, and of those 88 uploads, 26 results in codis hits or associations. 103 kits had no foreign dna profiles available when processed. As for notification and out comes, of those kits, the number of victim survivor notifications made by svu through the victim bill of rights was 114, as well as the number of declined or refused notices by victim survivors was 55. And the number of outside agencies kits we processed were six. Of the total sae case collects, Sexual Assault kits collects, the disposition are as follows 111 are inactive. 26 of those were cleared, and 47 remain open. Total sent to the District Attorneys Office for charging was 27, and the number charged was 13. And the number discharged was 14, with no convictions to date. And thats the report for the commission. Thank you. Again, thank you very much for your work on this, and the last time we had the presentation, dr. Mar or captain mar from the Police Department explained that its a lengthy process. Its timeconsuming, but weve increased the number of people that can test for dna in the lab. Weve increased the number of people that were involved in the process. That started with chief sur and his request for more budget, so i want to commend you of doing that. Of 27 presented for prosecution, only 13 charged, but at least we gave some closure to some of the victims. That really, im sure well talk about that in Public Comment, but its really important we do that for people. Thank you, commissioners, for your hard work. Thank you so much. These numbers are great. Anything further . My only comment is this has come a long way. I remember when this was brought up, so great job in moving things along. Thats impressive. Thank you. Thank you. Very impressive. Thank you very much. Please call the next presentation. Thank you very much, commissioner. Next presentation will be pete walsh, presentation of the audit of Electronic Devices for bias for the Fourth Quarter of 2017. And as commander walsh makes his way to the podium, this was one of the doj recommendations that weve already implemented where to eliminate bias, we do random audits and checks of Electronic Devices that are used by our officers to see if theres any sort of trigger words that would show bias. Its an intense process using words, and for those of you that are very computer literate, theres a lot of algorithms that they use, so we get a quarterly reports. Sometimes theres hits, so in case a ci, a confidential informant sends something to a Police Officer, sometimes speaks in language that a Police Officer doesnt speak in, and that will trigger a hit. But without further adieu, command you are walsh . This is going to be the final report for 2017. The three platforms that we do monitor are all department owned. We get a lot of questions, why dont we do personal cell phones, and wed need a court order, a subpoena or some kind of search warrant. So level two is clets, and tsf and Text Messages on the departments cell phones. We have a secret list of words. I know that we generate these through sources such as urban dictionary or whatever the latest information may be. We get a lot of false positive hits that are generated. Iad reviews all of these hits thoroughly, so even when we get the same word over and over, they go through it. Where were seeing a lot of our hits are in innocuous words that in every day mean nothing, but we put them in because they can be used in context. When you see a spike, thatll be run of the reasons for quarter four. Next item, please. So again, this is just to give you context on the Third Quarter that you can see. This is just clets. If we go to the next one, this is how we break them down. Next slide is level two, email for the Third Quarter. No confirmed hits, and then, you will see our email of the Fourth Quarter, no hits, but this is where the spike comes in, it was an innocuous word. We go through all these, because it was the second time with this particular word to take it out. Again, i offer if you ever need to come down here and see, if you want to see the list and how we do it so we dont give away our trade secrets, were happy to demonstrate that for you. You can see in quarter three, we did have one hit. That case has been fully investigated and has been sent through the disciplinary process and is awaiting a decision on where it will go through the chief. Quarter four, for Text Messages, nothing, again. So overall, i think were doing a pretty good job. Heres the Third Quarters, as you can see the hits between each individual device. Theres not really a rhyme or reason other than newsletters is where we get a lot of our hits. Our biggest one, i dont know if anyone on the commission recalls, we did have a hit of a word that was graphic. It was a hate crime email, so the public was emailing into a captain in the station. Captain sends it we need to take care of this case, and sent it to sit and out. We do get hits like that, where theyre coming in from the community for police action. I think weve done a really good job on department owned devices and systems. The one case that we did have, we automatically investigate that and bring that forward, and that is going to be brought forward very quickly. Any questions . Thank you, commander walsh. Any questions for commander walsh . Commissioner dejesus. Her buttons not working. Its right here. Ive gotcha. So this is good. I want to go back to the word, but that word got 2,671 hits. Out of 2,671 hits, that word got 2,029 hits. That might account for some of it. I used this example before. It could be a lot of different innocuous words or words that end, so we have a couple street names that have words that people might find derogatory or believe are derogatory. So in clets, and if 18 was bad, if i had 18th street or 18, it would read it in that context. All those are not of one word. Theyre multiple, but when you see generally the big rise from month to month or quarter to quarter, its usually a word or something we have in context, and the investigators have to make sure this is what were reading versus this is a word we need to move forward through the discipline process. And is this a word that we work with discipline consultants with and i dont want im not going to tell you, but it is an every day word, and everybody in this room has used it in a complete innocent innocuous way and it is not derogatory. If you put the word into a sentence, you could use it in a derogatory way if thats a better explanation. [ inaudible ]. Yes, because it just keeps coming up. You know, we can always revisit it, and again, historically, we get to all this stuff has a shelf life of years, so if we needed to go back, we could always go back if we did find something in a proceeding or future quarter or month. Youre probably going to have six commissioners call you tomorrow and find out what the word is. Youve piqued their curiosity. And the director. And the director. Probably should tell the director offline. Anything anything further . Thank you again, commander walsh, and again, thank you. This is the implementation, and now youre actually seeing it in action, one of the doj recommendations. Thanks. All right. Please call the next line item, 3b. Commissioner, i do have one other item. You do . Okay. Its just an overview on Assembly Bill 953. This is going to be pretty important to our department in terms of our data collection, so ill just go through the highlights. In 2015, the board of supervisors proposed an amendment to the San Francisco administrative code, chapter 6a requiring the police and sheriffs departments to gather and report data regarding detentions and traffic stops beginning january 1, 2016. The department has complied with that requirement, and under chapter 96. 83, required data is to be collected during encounters, as well as incidents involving use of force arrests and public complaints. Also in 2015, California State Assembly passed bill 953, the racial profile identity act, ripa which takes effect july 1st, 2018. Although 96a and 953 are similar, there are key differences which will require additional collection of information as well as different data sets, and thats kind of where it gets a little dicey for our department because weve invested so much in 96a. So as such, the department is currently working with the board of supervisors to amend sections of 96. A 3, to ensure that it will comply with state and local law. They will present the data to the state attorney general, and we will continue to report all information required by 96a, including the use of force and complaints against officers, and we will provide an undate to the commission as the Program Moves forward, but the bottom line is really as we transition from what we require for 96 a and to 953, its going to be a huge efficiency issue for us. If the officers have to collect two types of data, its going to be a tremendous amount of time to do that. Well update you how that goes. We want to be as efficient as we can, but still comply the with law, local and state law, so there will be a transition period, and once the state database gets going, that will be the only data we have to collect, because then we can compare our department to all the others in the state. 96a, its like comparing apples to oranges. Thank you, chief. Thats important we can be compared to other departments in similar cities. Were seeing where the rubber hits the road for data driven policing and accountablity and transparency. Well put that together and see if we can do that as efficient as possible. I understand and i agree that we dont want our officers sitting there, inputting things all day long, but they have to input who they stopped and why. Just dont do it twice. What bill number was that, Senate Bill Number . 953. Senate bill 953. Any questions, further questions regarding this . Okay. Please call the next line item. Item 3 b, dpa directors report. Presentati report on announcements, and first announcement of general or the 8. 10, presentation of the dpas annual 2016 annual report, presentation of statistical report, mediation of complaints, adjudication of sustained complaints for November December december 2017 and january 2018 and comparison reports. Good evening, director henderson, how are you . Im well. Thank you. I got the memo. I will be brief and summarize. Theres a lot on here, so let me just staff ort off with. I just have a couple of new updates. My new staff has started finally. Its taken us that long, literally from that day to get them here, and theyve started on monday, so im very excited about these new five bodies to help with the department. Ive also just completed i did a 90 day review that you all reviewed earlier. The mayor had asked me to do another 90 day review, a six month review, which i just finished, may i cant remember mark farrell, so ive just completed that, and ill get those to you, as well. I just finished it, and we submitted our budget just today, and there are a number of changes this our budget, a number of issues needing to be addressed in terms of we all know the work that ive been trying to do in terms of our Technology Just to catch it back up from the past ten years to be on board with the rest of the city departments, so and our budget, theres a number of things in there, including our training, which needed to be expanded, and the new positions that are in there. B but its filed, and youll hear about fdefending it and whats in it. Moving onto the next presentation or report from me is the 2017 First Amendment compliance of San Francisco Police Department records. There are no records of any investigations. A report should be in all of your records already that were 134 submitted. There were copies on the table. There were no record of investigations in 2017. Im not sure whether the p Patriot Prayer event should be included in that, but thats one of the events that dba participated in with the Police Department 67 department. The next item is the presentation of the annual 2017 report. When i came in in july, i made sure that report was done and finished, and so those records are in there, and you should have a copy of that, as well, in your records. Im sure to answer any questions if you have any questions about them. In terms of where we are now, in my final report, we currently have open now 238 pending cases, so that is compared to 413 cases at this same time last year. Its a 42 reduction in the cases, so im really trying to focus on prioritizing our serious cases, and ive eliminated a lot of the cases that were beyond the statute of limitation that were still on our records. I will point out finally that six of my Staff Members are here, including my chief of staff, in the audience, including investigators that are available in case anyone has any questions, and im available if anyone has any questions about any of the reports that have been submitted or any of the comments that ive just made thus far. I will point out that as of today and right now, this brings me current in all of the outstanding and old reports that had been languishing and building in the department, so dpa is now current and up to date on any and all of our reports. Pending is the 2017 report, which im working on right now, and you should have in the next few months. Well, thank you, director henderson. This is we had our concerns about the back log of cases, and we had our concerns about cases where the statute was blown, and thats very important for this commission. You know part of the strength of our Police Department is the fact strength of the dpa, formerly the occ. Its unacceptable to have any case not meet the statute, for the attorneys on this panel, they know that its malpractice, and so im glad youre cleaning up that mess, and its very important that thats you know, that that takes place. I even heard from a member of the San Francisco Police Department that the time had passed, and they wanted to act on something, and they couldnt. So keep up the great work. Thank you. I will continue. Anything further for director henderson. Hearing none thank you. Dr. Marshall. This is beyond the scope of the report. Thats fine. But how is the communication going between the dpa and the department . Thats something you cant comment on now, certainly in the future, but your thoughts on that. Well, theyre right there. No one has ever said that. Exactly, exactly. No, i think the communications are have gone well. I certainly dont feel any restriction in terms of reaching out across the board, both in terms of the Police Department and with the chief. He and i migeet regularly. I dont know if those meetings were taking place as regularly with the previous director, but i know that we are constantly and troubleshooting issues before they become a problem all the time. So when things rise to the level through either my staff or the executives in my office, i just bring them directly to the chief to address them. That doesnt mean that we agree on everything or that aall gets resolved in my favor. Before we heard about the transfer of information. Its been heightened, the communication, while were processing the dgo, but i think the dgo reforms and the dgo updates are defining what these communications and making sure we institutionalize some of these processes. Its certainly not acceptable that any time theres a problem, it has to work itself up either to my level or the chiefs level, but thats the purpose of doing the reforms with the dgo, but because of the dgo reforms that were working on, i dont think a week goes by that were not addressing some of those issues that are going to move things forward into the future. And each time you get dgo to review what weve agreed on or dont agree on, that weve presented to you, its a huge step forward, not just the work that dpa is dotion, but on behalf of how the community perceives accountablity, and how the community is able to criticize, complain or file an instance with the department. So i dont know if that answers your question. Thank you, director hicks. Please call the i mean, director henderson, im sorry. Item 3c, commission reports, Commission President s reports, commission reports. Commission president turman is out of town on business. I do want to say, you know, with reference to some of the incidents the chiefs been talking about, some of the incidents that have been widely publicized involving assaults on our Police Officers, you know, we are learning that theres people that are doing this that probably should not be out of custody, and you know, im concerned. You know, we had one officer run over who is recovering. We had another officer run over during an auto burglary, and the suspects in that car all had lengthy criminal histories, including one suspect whose father i convicted of murder and sent to prison, and he was arrested for murder and pled to an accessory and now hes out and helping to run over our officers. Im concerned about a lot of activity that people involved in shoot outs and homicides with our officers. A lot of the things we talk about going on with the Police Department, its the criminal justice system. Its not just the Police Officers. Officer are being put at risk. This all auto burglary thing, my neighborhood in saturday, there was a ring of people that were burglarizing cars in the richmond, and had they showed n our neighborhood, and they crashed. They hit three cars. There were small children on the street, so its getting a little out of control of whats happening. Its a lack of respect its a two way street. Theres a lack of respect for the officers, and theyre put in great danger. We have to thank them. They put up with a lot in a ten hour shift. I give credit to tenderloin captain karl fabre. Hes putting out there every arrest, and theyre out, stay away orders, selling drugs, continuing to poison our community and continuing to carrie and sell firearms. Part of this reform we look into what our officers need to do to change the culture, but the culture involves the community and the criminal justice system, so i just want to reach out to our officers and say, i know youre going through a hard time, but thank you. Commissioners, anything further . Call the next line item, please. Item 4d, commission announcements and scheduling of items for consideration at future meetings, action. Secretary kilshaw. The council will be dark next week, february 28th, and then we will reconvene at city hall, the same room, 400, on march 7th. Now its the time for Public Comment oh, commissioner dejesus. So i want to report that i met with consultants for the Police Department, and theyre going to change the website for the Police Department to make it more navigable and user friendly. And then, i was informed theres no money for the commission, and the budget just came in front of us, and we didnt know, and we didnt know to ask that the consultant work on the commission side so it can be much more accessible to the public. I think we need to put on the agenda to make it more clear, talk to the consultant to get an idea of how much we need, but we need to make sure we ask for the commission to make sure its in the budget, to have our website upgraded and have it more accessible to the public. I give my ideas, and its nice, but i was told we dont have money for the items. I think we should put it on the agenda. That was one of the recommendations by the 2k doj,t we cant hado it unless somebo has a son or daughter thats very technologically inclined and they can do it for us. Commissioner dejesus, its included in this main roll out. Its the districts main website, the district captain. I was told were no part of it. You work it out. It would be nice if we were included, but i was told were not. Chief just volunteered to pay. Ill follow up cause it was a part of the original plan. Okay. Great. Thank you. But ill follow up. Thank you. Any further comments . I guess now its time for sergeant kilshaw, Public Comments. Public comments on items 3a through 3d. Good evening, ace. I like your hat. Well, thank you very much. Its for the effect so i dont get rejected. No, and it was intended for someone thats not here for black history month. And i heard that he had a memo from him to keep it short, but your presentation was outstanding, sir. Thank you. And mild. And i heard you made your comments with the Police Officers on the other part of the ledger. Let me just start, i go back in history. Longer than you, way back. As a black man, i was the first one who elected to work with frank jordan. Was a wonderful, approximate and had the blocks come over to the police to help them out, but he was out selected by slick willie. Please dont stop me, because this is history, because it shows where we came from and where were going. Im not going to stop you. Okay but it looks like youre going to stop me. I dont mean to take okay. So im just trying to tell chief scott, what you all have not, cause we have to sit down cause we have not. In all this history, it took me all this history you talking about, all this, you didnt even tell chief scott, 20 years ago, 15 years ago. Were all black African American negroes, were shot down by your men in blue. Killed. This is the history back when new some was the mayor. Please, please, just let me go on. Youre straying its not straining. Straying. Youre complaining. Im not straining. Im trying to tell you history. Its no mystery. You need to listen to me. My name is ace, im on the case. And its not just this department, it is hold up. Our black people are ripped from this city because of the policeman that 20 years ago hold on because im not swolled up. I have time. Just check your history. Just check your history, whoo. Ive been working on some cases wi involved with a lot of conspiracy, and some of your people dont like me, but im here in city hall, you all. Thank you, ace. Next speaker, please. Good evening, mr. Brown. Ace, let miss brown speak, please. Hello again. This is real. I just had a birthday february 14th, and it wasnt good it was good, no, it was good. I met diana ross. I got on the stage with her, and i had a good time. The best birthday ive had in the last 11 years, since my son was murdered, so i have no kwaums abo qualms about that, but were talking about putting things on the agenda. I ask that you put our childrens cases on the agenda so that well have a venue for our childrens cases so the perpetrators can see the victims. No ones hearing the victims voices. I am a victim. I am a survivor. But i still grieve for my son who was murdered 11 years ago. Aubrey aborcasa, jr. , a 17yearold boy murdered on the streets of San Francisco, and i have to wait to get justice for my son when everyone knows who killed my son. The police know, the d. A. Know. They have addresses. They put it in the newspaper, but no ones doing anything. Can you put our childrens cases on the agenda so that we can get some closure for the mothers and for the like myself and for my family so that we can heal. The perpetrators are walking the street, still, today, to murder again when they feel like it, to pickup a gun, just like the recent homicides in the school that just recently happened. What are we going to do about that . Its happening everywhere. Thank you. Thank you, miss brown. As you know, miss brown comes to us each week to talk about the death of her son, and unfortunately, theres no witnesses that will come forward. If anyones willing to come forward, the anonymous tip number is area code 4155754444, and miss brown pours her heart out to us each week. Her son aubrey was a great young man. He went so st. Dominicks, and she took his diploma when he graduated. When he talk about the suspects, im sure the officers that are out on the streets are watching them closely. Thank you, miss brown. Next public speaker. Hi. My name is diana tejada, and im an advocate at San Francisco women against rain, and i attend other meetings that advocate for the group that i work with. As you know, Sexual Assault, rain is grossly unreported crime. There are numerous reasons why women are discouraged from reporting the story to the police. A client of mine reached out to me because she fears the police because of what happened to her. Her fear is real. She had called the police to her ex parte ner who was beating on her and sexually assaulting her. She had told him she would call in order for him to stop him from hurting her. He said go ahead. Kwul call the police. Youre undocumented, and dont speak english. As soon as enthuse get he th get here, theyre going to talk to me, not you. As soon as the officers arrived, the officers took the word of what he said, and my client was arrested. If the officers had taken

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