Would watch these buildings take hips. Im so proud that my dads fingerprints are on these buildings, and i think thats what we need to continue to do, and thats a promise of what was redevelopment and partnerships. Josh, thank you so much for joining us. I do have a couple of questions for you as it refers to the local hire piece, if you can come up. You know, when redevelopment was happening, there were many of us that were here, commissioner breed, commissioner singh, commissioner leroy king, commissioner covington, and one of the things that we pushed during redevelopment was local hire, and i know we got some push back from many people. And my whole response to that was the Redevelopment Agency, this is 100 resource. All were asking is 50 . So as long as you give San Francisco 50 of that opportunity, you can do whatever else you want with that other 50, and thats a good deal. Because remember with 100 city resource, we could ask for 75, 80, 90, but we said were going to meet people halfway. Im a little concerned about the numbers, and i notice in the presentation, we talked about good faith effort. When we worked with contractors and developers, is this 50 local hire goal, is it good faith or is it mandatory . Thank you, commissioner. Again, joshua arce, city build director. Thank you for the question, Commission Commissioner bustos, and to the question. I joined the city build program just over four months, close to five months now, and i can tell you based not only on that experience but having been to this commission several times going back ten years ago, really, and having this exact conversation about good faith versus mandatory, and different approaches to putting san franciscans to work, that the policy that we work with, this body to implement is a good faith policy. Its a good faith goal in contrast to the city goal. The ocii policy, i think is pretty eloquently laid out, and one of the reports is a local hiring goal of 50 , and that is he aa good faith effort to the parties to meet that objective. So but it seems to me that were having a difficult time at times of reaching that 50 . If we were to take good faith and make it a mandatory thing, how would that help us . Well, mandatory always gets peoples attention. Thats for sure. But i think one of the really important things that i want to stress is the positive and the important and the positivetive aspect of all of these things. I come to this field as a civil rights attorneys who had the privilege of working in the labor union, and i think when you look at whats happening with this industry, you dont have to go a whole lot further back to the report that the chief economyist gave last week, when we already have a constrained market for the labor construction, were really at ground zero here in San Francisco for that labor shortage. When you lack baook back at th numbers to date, you have out comes that a lot of city mandatory projects would be proud of. The Hunters Point shipyard is a good example, where youve got approximately 36 local residents. And then, where you have other projects, where you might have lower percentages. One of the things, i went back to this report, and i was struck by something, where you look at lets see. The previous six months, you had 1. 2 million hours of construction. You had 1. 27 million hours of construction in the previous time period. Today, you have 2 million, so whats interesting, we look at where were at today versus where we were six months ago, theres 55 more work. Now, we take that as an opportunity in city build working with ocii, our labor partners, our city build partners, such as abu, community builders, were always looking for new partners to recruit, make sure no San Francisco resident is left behind. These jobs, whether its good faith or mandatory, whatever it is, our job is to identify, recruit, train them with our labor partners and get them on the job. Our academy is kind of our flagship Training Program. Typically, at this time, wed be training 50 disadvantaged San Francisco residents for construction careers. Weve all seen numbers. We know that theres a labor short i cant imagi shortage, and theres two ways to look at it. We know that the city says theres 2. 7 unemployment. We can pat ourselves on the back and say weve done everything we can for unemployed san franciscans, but thats not true. We havent done enough for formerly incarcerated residents, for nonenglish speakers. We now have a partnership with chase, mortensen clark, to train up to another 40 workers. Weve got a partnership that was referenced in mariass presentation at glenn eagles golf course, so were trying to use this labor shortage as an opportunity to bring more san franciscans into the city. So i appreciate that, but i think as a commission, we need to look at good faith versus mandatory, just to make sure that what were asking is the adhered to. Theres a lot to that we can still do, and i think looking at formerly incarcerated individuals, giving them an opportunity, is a good thing, and again, give them pride that theyre helping build this great city. I appreciate your efforts, mr. Arce, and everyone coming here today and sharing your stories, because it is important. Thats what makes this worth it, right . Thats what makes being up here and seeing all of you worth it because were changing peoples living, and i love that. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. Like i say were here to work for everybody. Were proud of these out comes. We can always do more, and well follow any policy thats put in front of us, commissioner. Thank you. Can i just have a follow onto your question. Hi, josh. Hi. Congratulations on your position. In this last report, and ive seen it consistently through the various reports, it just strikes me that the asian category, and i dont know if these are all San Francisco residents, but given the demographics of asians in San Francisco, 2. 9 in one column, 3. 3 in the other column, 3. 7 in i mean, it just it strikes me, are we doing enough to outreach to the Asian Community . Again, given the demographics of San Francisco, that seems like a short coming on the asian contracts. Well, thats a good thing to point out, commissioner. I was looking at the same thing, as well. I believe at that your attachment, its b3, and that has the race, ethnicity dependency s demographics of the workforce. Now, it does go up when you look at others. Others are who declined to race, ethnicity. Its a large percentage of if it you look at overall. The overall for any category is 30 poi 30. 5 . If you look at projects like the Hunters Point shipyard, candlestick point, its like 38 , so when you solve proportionall proportionately, its less. The point is, i think, to agree with what you said, commissioner, we can always do better, so we are actively doing we did a recruitment down in visitation valley, where we did a recruit for city build academy, without doing a big push, within language, within cantonnese, and mandarin. We did a recruitment with the media, with cbos and language, and about 30 folks came out, a number of whom went into the academy. I think the point being we have strong support from your agencies, george, maria, were all kind of on the same floor together, so were always thinking about again, how do we use the same opportunity, the policy that you have today, tomorrow, whatever it is, we treat it as an opportunity to make sure no ones left behind when it comes to these opportunities. Theyre plentiful, the numbers doebt te dont tell all the story, and like i say, i have nothing to report as [ inaudible ]. Okay. Thank you, mr. Arce. Thank you. Thank you very much. Congratulations on your new job. Im sure were going to be looking forward to some new meetings with you. Just add some color on the employment figures. In the last report, ken nim stated that the Unemployment Rate in San Francisco was about 3. 3 , 3. 2 . I pulled the most recent figures from the Employment Development department with the state of california, and it was reported that as of december 2017, the unemployment for San Francisco, redwood city and south San Francisco is 3. 2 , and there was an increase of about 4100 construction jobs from the december 2016 to december 2017 period, so about a 10 increase in construction jobs. But as josh mentioned and youll find in your reports, during this past six months, theres been an additional increase of 55 construction work that take place, so that just adds some additional color to the disparity between whats currently happening in terms of the actual work and the number of workers. And my only follow up to that and i asked it last time, and i did receive some data in response to my questions, that it wasnt the answers werent crystallized for me, and i dont know that we have the answers, and thats about looking at unemployment by industry, by neighborhood in San Francisco. So, i mean, sitting here today, i dont know whether its 2. 2 is accurate for the Construction Industry in each neighborhood, for example. Right. I tried to pull some figure from the last time, and i provided some strattics. Its rather difficult because it doesnt get that fine in granularity, but its true. Within the Hunters Point shipyard, the rates are higher than the rest of San Francisco, so theres no doubt about that. What proportion is higher, we dont know, but thats immaterial to some extent, because we do pay a large focus, as youll hear from josh, in particular on a lot of residents, and in tisk southeast sector. I dont want to weve already spent sometime on this, thank you for the report, thank you for the testimonials and the feedback because as commissioner bustos said, were policy makers. Were not in the trenches. I just love not hearing the stories, but the individuals coming up and telling the story in their own words. I want to thank our partners. Without our partners on all of our projects, i dont think we could be as successful on a commission. I venture to say we may be more successful in some regards than our very well respected sister agencies. I think its because we have more collaboration, more flexiblity in approximate working with our partners than lets say the airport or puc might. So thank you to all. My questions are just going to be just kind of narrow. I just want us to be thinking kind of forward thinking. One question is and it came up on good faith efforts, but it came up in the context of labor, and are in the presentation that we track or we expect good faith efforts from our partners. Can you quantify for us what it means to be, like, good faith efforts, because some people think, i think, good faith efforts mean making kind of flimsy efforts, but can you give us an overview of what that means in. Sure. I want to first state than from what i can gather in the ocii and the former Redevelopment Agency program is really centered around good faith in this respect. Its really bringing in private contracting into the public realm because if you look at the 3. 5 billion that is currently under our oversight, i can say that 99. 08 of that is in development with private developers. We only have within our portfolio about 6. 8 million thats contracted with ocii. So real so contracts arent just given to the Good Old Boys Network in terms of their friends, but publicly soliciting those contracts for open competition. So for us, good faith does mean an effort and we do religiously work with developers to ensure that their contracting opportunities are made open to the public. We do that by meeting with the contractors before solicitations go out, looking at the types of work that are being planned and the schedule, that type of work; and then, looking at the submittal document, the bid specs, or in the cases of r fq, the request for qualifications so to make sure theres unundue barriers. Maybe an example is excessive insurances or excessive years of experience, that type of thing that might pose a barrier. We help the developers to solicit those documents not only through our website but certainly through the citys website, and again, ensuring that the public has adequate notice of the solicitations. Theres at least a minimum 30day advertisement period so that folks can be made aware of the contracting opportunities. Theres a presubmittal or a prebid meeting that happens in between midway between where, again, you know, in a private contracting realm, that typically wouldnt take place, but under our good faith, its a requirement. And i can say that for certainty as a requirement. Each of the developers do cooperate with us for a presubmittal meeting, a prebid meeting. Questions are entertained, answered; and then, again, afforded enough time for the public to submit bids or proposals to the developers. What we also do afterwards is meet with the developers and the contractors, the general contractors to look at bid tabulations to look to see where bids might have come in or have come in, what the price spreads are. Again, we have a a first consideration for project area businesses thats been built into our program, so we certainly want to ensure that efforts are made towards that end looking, again, at first consideration of San Francisco of project area businesses and San Francisco businesses. And we look at that with respect to the pricing of the bids. I know that theres been mention about articles in terms of kettor not meeting or not receiving an award. I can tell you that what we look at, in terms of bid spreads, are that its within reason, even within our policy we talk about the fact that San Francisco businesses should be awarded if theyre not significantly higher. I can say that what we look at is what the city is a guidance of sorts. We certainly are separate from the city in terms of the sbe program, but we do use the city as a guidance in terms of their bid preference. The city does offer bid preference up to 10 , depending on the size of the contract amount. Whats notable is if the city does grant a contract from 10 to 20 million, their bid spread is only 2 , so we use that as a guidance, as well. [ please stand by ]. About how to increase capacity on the type 1 construction, because what i dont like is to have a report that says the report is basically the same as the type 1 construction because theres so little or so few capacitor availability because its a different type of construction. You know, once or twice, that story fits well with me, but by the fourth or fifth or sixth time, it starts really bothering me, so i think id want us to be proactive in terms of what solutions, bha creati what creative thinking, and we certainly have some creator thinkers in the room. I put that out there for the thought. I do have to acknowledge and thank the commission for looking at the joint venture and association and codifying it within our sbe program, because that has been good in building Small Businesses. Id just like mr. Acre to come up and ask whats your definition of good faith builder. I think that the process that mr. Lee from ocii shared, got a lot of similarities to the local employment side for local hiring. In a lot of ways, the good faith practices starts between the contractors coming onto the project and our compliant team, of whom we have one of our hardest working Compliance Team members here. Its the communication between the contractor and our Compliance Team that says were coming onto an ocii project, and we expect this many workers. Let have a back and forth process about maximizing the opportunities for local residents to strife to achieve at least a goal of a half local workforce. Now i was really surprised when i got on the job and was in the middle of these communications, and i think one of the places just to go, for example, we have a great deal of communications between mortensen clark, warriors, stubs, because i think that is starting a little more later in the pipeline. The creativity that were seeing is even more so elevated, so for example, the challenge you might see on a project thats kind of newer in the pipeline is we get a contractor coming on saying we need this many workers. We say great, lets connect you with some local workers, we call over to our partners with the labor unions, and for the first time with anybodys memory, we started experiencing empty hiring halls in some instances. The good faith is that communication is im coming onto a job, i need this many workers. Later on, i need this many additional workers, and every time we have that conversation with the contractor or city build, thats where the employment liaison side of the city build family gets involved. They living up with the cbos and Union Hiring Halls to identify locals in which case if theyre within the guidelines of their collective bargaining agreement, or local hiring agreement, they can make requests to hire on. So in everything that i just described in that back and forth is grounded in good faith. The creative is what you can added on, stuff that im excited were going to be doing in the summer with everybody back on the arena. Another round of training, which is really exciting and even some training before we get to the summer is kind of the creativity to to do what im saying, which is to identify workers who are still out there, bringing them in, getting the training with our labor and industry partners, getting skills to go out as local hires, and then having the communication to get them on the project. Everything that ive just described is what the good faith process is. Thank you. Okay. One more . Yeah. Is it before mr. Lee, we used to have a working group, and we used to meet every three months, and i think we should start that up. Mr. Lee, can you tell everybody what we used to do . He knows. Hi. George bridges, contractors compliance specialist. For many years, in honor actually of commissioner king and miss hernandez, who was our chair person, we would meet every three months. Two commissioners sat on our working group, and we would discuss the sb at that time and bwb out comes in ways we can work closely with our Small Business community and breaking up scopes of work, and they would give us feedback, and we would then present that information to our commission who would then encourage us to all work collectively, and then the director in her discussions with the commission would talk about ways that we could enhance our Program Workforce as well as contracting, and commissioner king and commissioner singh sat on that fo prop proper for probably 15 years that i was here at least. I sat on that working group, and mr. King, who passed away, used to do that. I think it was a good part of the sb and minority board contractors. Okay. So thank you, commissioners. I just want i really just want to commend all the Small Business owners who took the time off from their jobs, from their businesses to be here and share with us your stories, your success stories, your challenges, because its very important for us, commissioners, to know what your challenges are, and of course your successes, too, on what we can do to make it better and improve and give you more contracts. It seems to me from the stories, the things thats coming up is the success from joint ventures and association, and the mentors you receive from city build, from a thank you, miss bambac from starting not just the city build, but the warriors, the chase program, the clark and the black Training Program, and ive had the privilege to attend one of the trainings and also the graduation and the happiness, and the satisfaction of the graduates and looking forward to to a job a well paying job, a job that will will actually pay for their living, living in San Francisco. So it may be that me and my felly commissioners need to look into putting more resources into joint partnerships, because this will increase the numbers that were all looking for, and not just through ocii, which we have control over, but maybe their city Partner Agencies that they could look into that. Im also looking into it has been mentioned that theres not enough people who who are looking for construction jobs, that maybe we need to put together some kind of a marketing plan to glamiorize construction jobs, that they can put together, especially for our youth. Im looking for a more in depth marketing plan, a communication plan where we can develop our workforce, have more young people look forward to making a career and a life of you know, within the Construction Industry and what does that look like . And obviously, that will need some resources, and for the Business Owners who have been around looking for contracts or the increase in the contracts that they have. And the mentorship and partners is really important. This is good faith, but id like to see maybe more of what commissioner bustos said, maybe mandatory requirement, and put resources and staffing and dollars i dont know if we have it, looking at executive director, giving a look of where are we going to get the money, but really just being smart about what were doing. Ive been on the commission for about five years now, and we keep saying, we need more, we need more, and numbers keep going up and down, but what are we really doing to ensure that we actually meet our goals, right . I know theres a list of mitigating mesh mitigating measures here, but i dont see more grass roots outreach and really sitting with our Business Owners our you know, the smaller contractors so that we can help them grow, we can help them advance. So those are i think what we should be looking at as a commission and looking to see what we can do to increase our resources, joint venture, communication and marketing plan, something that would really make a difference in our numbers, and then, we can review if its something that could be a model for other counties and cities. So thats my wish, and i hope we can concretize it, and mr. Lee, youre looking at ways to prioritize this process that weve seen success, and to put more effort, more resources. So thank you all for being here, thank you for sharing. We want to hear from you again, because we really want to i mean, thats our goal, to make sure that you all become more successful, be able to live in San Francisco. Id like you to say hey, you have a 20 million contract, and theyre all its not impossible. And also, i want to thank chase center, the Training Program that you have, the warriors, i know, are here. Thank you for being here and listening to these stories, and that i hope that we can have, you know, better or much more improved report for the next six months. So thank you again. Okay. Next item, madam secretary. The next order of business is item 6, Public Comment on nonagenda items. Madam chair . Do we have any speaker cards . We have one. Its ace washington. I think hes gone. Hed been here to hear all the African American contractors. And that was the only one for this item, maam. Okay. Next item, please. Were not done with our meeting yet. Thank you. Okay. Next item. The next order of business is item 7, report of the chair. I have no report. The next item of business is item 8, record of executive director, a, report on compliance by the master developer on Candlestick Park in phase one and phase two of the Hunters Point shipyard, Hunters Point shipyard, b, 2600 to 2700. [ inaudible ] phase one and two, [ inaudible ] hope sf multifamily development, including 114 Public Housing replacement units, and 68 Affordable Housing rental units, plus two managers units which are affordable as 50 Median Income, Hunters Point shipyard. C 588 mission bay boulevard marketing out comes report, a 198 unit multifamily affordable rental unit, plus two managers units which are afford annual, allocation and median area income, mission bay south, allocation and Median Income area. Director . Commissioners, you have in your package three memorandums each having supporting data. The first is on the compliance by the master developer. Staff provided a cover memo that kind of outlines that theyre especially in compliance. As you recall, they meet with us quarterly, they submit reports quarterly. From the last two meetings ago on this item, we had agreed that semiannually, the developer would come and present. Today, this is just a report with documents in the back. The next one is its become like an item where the point where were having repeated out comes report on marketing out comes report on the Affordable Housing program. The first one you have in front much you is 26002700 workers drive, first phase Alice Griffith park, 187 units, the delta is for Affordable Housing units, with two millioners units. As you can see from the report and our cover memo, as you know, we contract out with the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to provide a report which is also attached as an attachment to the letter. But more importantly of the 68, there were 25 households that applied. Five of those households were successful applicants and are now in this development, and one of them was actually from out of San Francisco, from vallejo. I think whats been noted that the folks that did not get it were were a no show or withdrew, and theres some that were under or over income. On the next item, is which is the 588, i think the highest number of affordable units in a decade, almost 200 units, and those were also marketed by our partner, the mayor office of Community Housing and development. Of the applicants, 17 were from households of cid holders. Of that six were successful applicants, and reside in the 588, which from a percentage amount, a stub substantial amount, and we had a few that were from out of San Francisco, vallejo, sacramento, berkeley, etcetera. Same configuration, there were three under income, four over income. Three were credit issues. One withdrew and one has requested to stay on the waiting list. We have someone from my Team Available to respond to questions if you have any questions. You do . I have one. Commissioner rosales . Yes. In the first report on the 26002700 aurelius worker drive report, i notice on page 6 is says half of the Alice Griffith right to return households who applied were not housed in phases one or two for some of the same reasons that the cop holders werent held. What does that mean about those folks . Whats their housing situation . Pam sims, cid housing specialist. This housing situation is unfortunately the way it was before. They are still marginally housed, couch surfing. They still have been encouraged to seek housing counseling and credit counseling through San FranciscoHousing Development corporation to strengthen their chances for phase three and phase four. That said, the number of households that applied under the Alice Griffith preference for phase three which were leasing up now is triple, so theyre going to keep trying. Theyre going to better themselves, and theyre going to keep applying for these housing units. And just to let you know, this is the first reset that were doing right now for phase three that we think were not going to get past cop holders, so the Alice Griffith right to return and cop holders will be living at Alice Griffith, which is exciting. Yeah. It goes back five years, one of my earliest experiences as a commissioner, which i believe this is the project we were given a report on, and we were worried that people were going to be left behind in this process. And thats where the early outreach credit repair concepts, all the stuff that we do today on the natural, thats where the idea came from. Relocating, and sustaining it, and able to stablize. Yeah. So its great. So anything we can do to make sure that everyone gets a chance, yeah, absolutely. And to feel that we have a chance, yeah. Absolutely. Any other comments . No. You also have an attachment in your binder. [ inaudible ] report. Yeah, there we go. You see this beautiful colored if you have any questions, im happy to answer them. Otherwise, i have no further reports. Thank you, madam executive director. Lets call the next item, please. We had one speaker, so ill call him out. Its ace washington. Want to make sure. Okay. Sorry so hes not here, so well close Public Comment. The next order of business is item 9, commissioners questions and matters. Madam chair . Are there any questions . Matters to be discussed . Theres none. Next item, please. The next order of business is item ten, closed session. Conference with Real Property negotiators. Pursuant to california Government Code Section 54956. 8, a closed session has been calendared to give direction to staff regarding the potential sale of the property described below. Property 200 main street portion of lot 3739, lot 008, also known as transbay block four. The ocii negotiators are sally orth, shane hart, jeff white, and hildy miles. Negotiating parties for f4 transbay partners, llc, a Delaware Limited Liability company, a joint venture of urban Pacific Development llc, an affiliate of Hines Limited Partnership and broad street investments, llc, an affiliate of goldman sachs. Under negotiate will be both price and terms of payment. Madam chair . Thank you. So i think we have this is a closed session, so skbl we only have that one speaker, and it was ace, and hes not here. Can we close . Do we follow the process for closed session . If theres nobody else here, make sure everybody else we are back on are we on . Yes. No report on closed session. Okay. The next order of business is item 11, adjournment. Yes. A motion from commissioner singh, seconded by commissioner rosales. And time. It is oh, 4 48. Thank you. Meeting adjourned. Tenderloin is unique neighborhood where geographically place in downtown San Francisco and on every Street Corner have liquor store in the corner it stores pretty much every single block has a liquor store but there are impoverishes Grocery Stores im the cocoordinated of the Healthy Corner store collaboration close to 35 hundred residents 4 thousand are children the medium is about 23,000 a year so a low Income Neighborhood many new immigrants and many people on fixed incomes residents have it travel outside of their neighborhood to assess fruits and vegetables it can be come senator for seniors and hard to travel get on a bus to get an apple or a pear or like tomatoes to fit into their meals my my name is ryan the cocoordinate for the tenderloin healthy store he coalition we work in the neighborhood trying to support Small Businesses and improving access to healthy produce in the tenderloin that is one of the most neighborhoods that didnt have access to a full Service Grocery store and we california together out of the meeting held in 2012 through the Major Development center the survey with the corners stores many stores do have access and some are bad quality and an overwhelming support from Community Members wanting to utilities the service spas we decided to work with the Small Businesses as their role within the community and bringing more Fresh Produce produce cerebrothe neighborhood their compassionate about creating a healthy environment when we get into the work they rise up to leadership. The Different Stores and assessment and trying to get them to understand the value of having Healthy Foods at a reasonable price you can offer people fruits and vegetables and healthy produce they cant afford it not going to be able to allow it so thats why i want to get involved and we just make sure that there are alternatives to people can come into a store and not just see cookies and candies and potting chips and that kind of thing hi, im cindy the director of the a preif you believe program it is so important about Healthy Retail in the low Income Community is how it brings that health and hope to the communities i worked in the tenderloin for 20 years the difference you walk out the door and there is a bright new list of fresh fruits and vegetables some place you know is safe and welcoming it makes. Huge difference to the whole environment of the community what so important about retail environments in those neighborhoods it that sense of dignity and Community Safe way. This is why it is important for the neighborhood we have families that needs healthy have a lot of families that live up here most of them fruits and vegetables so thats good as far been doing good. Now that i had this this is really great for me, i, go and get fresh fruits and vegetables it is healthy being a diabetic youre not supposed to get carbons but getting extra food a all carbons not eating a lot of vegetables was bringing up my whether or not pressure once i got on the program everybody o everything i lost weight and my Blood Pressure came down helped in so many different ways the most important piece to me when we start seeing the Business Owners engagement and their participation in the program but how proud to speak that is the most moving piece of this program yes economic and social benefits and so forth but the personal pride Business Owners talk about in the program is interesting and regarding starting to understand how theyre part of the larger fabric of the community and this is just not the corner store they have influence over their community. It is an owner of this in the department of interior i see the great impact usually that is like people having especially with a small family think liquor store sells alcohol traditional alcohol but when they see this their vision is changed it is a small Grocery Store for them so they more options not just beer and wine but Healthy Options good for the business and good for the community i wish to have more the renovation of balboa park, the oldest in the city of San Francisco, and now it is the newest part in the city of San Francisco. Through our partnership, and because of Public Investment from the two thousand eight fund, we are celebrating a renewal and an awakening of this park. We have it safer, happier, more joyous. 3, 2, 1, [laughter] [applause] it is a great resource for families, to have fun in the city, recreation. This is an amazing park. We have not revitalized it without public and private investment. The critical piece of the process of this renovation was that it was all about the community. We reached out to everyone in this community. We love this park dearly and they all had thoughts and ideas and they wanted to bring their own creativity and their personality to bear on the design. What you see is what the community wanted. These ideas all came from the residents of this community. As a result, there is a sense of ownership, pride and responsibility that goes along with what is going to be an exciting park. Neighborhood in San Francisco are also diverse and fascist as the people that inhabitable them were in north beach about supervisor peskin will give us a tour and introduce is to what think of i i his favorite district 5 e 3 is in the northwest surrounded by the San Francisco bay the district is the boosting chinatown oar embarcadero financial district Fishermans Wharf exhibit no. North beach Telegraph Hill and part of union square. All of San Francisco districts are remarkable im honored and delighted to represent really whereas with an the most intact district got chinatown, north beach Fishermans Wharf russian hill and knob hill and the northwest waterfront some of the most wealthier and inning e impoverished people in San Francisco obgyn siding it is ethically exists a bunch of tightknit neighborhoods people know he each other by name a wonderful placed physically and socially to be all of the neighborhoods north beach and chinatown the i try to be out in the community as much as and i think, being a the cafe eating at the neighborhood lunch place people come up and talk to you, you never have time alone but really it is fun hi, im one the owners and is ceo of cafe trespassing in north beach many people refer to cafe trees as a the living room of north beach most of the clients are local and living up the hill come and meet with each other just the way the United States been since 1956 opposed by the grandfather a big people person people had people coming since the day we opened. It is of is first place on the west that that exposito 6 years ago but anyone was doing that starbucks exists and it created a really welcoming pot. It is truly a legacy business but more importantly it really at the take care of their community my father from it was formally italy a fisherman and that town very rich in culture and music was a big part of it guitars and sank and combart in the evening that tradition they brought this to the cafe so many characters around here everything has incredible stories by famous folks last week the cafe that paul carr tennessee take care from the Jefferson Starship hung out the cafe are the famous poet Lawrence William getty and jack herb man go hung out. They work worked at a play with the god fathers and photos he had his typewriter i wish i were here back there it theres a lot of moving parts the meeting spot rich in culture and artists and musicians epic people would talk with you and youd get transportation ag. Director brinkman. Sportation ag. Present. Borden. Hsu. Present. Ramos. Present. Rubke. Present. Torres . Here. Torres present. Director pleasing advised director heinicke will not be with you today. Please, also note we have a new sound system here but you still do need to speak into the end of yuck microphone so you be heard, recorded for all times. Item 3 announcement of prohibition of soundproducing devices during the meeting. The ringing of a cellphone,