Accompanying come out and recruit now theyre coming to us. Today, we learned about the office of Economic Workforce Development and its effort to Foster Community and make the buyer Market Street corridor something that be proud of thanks to much for watching and we are live now. Good afternoon, today is friday, february 2nd, 2018, this is a special meeting of the building inspection commission. I would like to remind everyone to please turnoff your electronic devices. First is roll call. President mccarthy. Vice president walker. Commissioner gilman, commissioner constance. Commissioner lee, commissioner warshell. Commissioner clinch is excused. We have a quorum. Next is item 2. Discussion and possible action on the proposed double it of the department of knowledge inspections for fiscal years 2019 and 2020, 2018 and 2019. Good afternoon. Deputy director for the department of building inspection. Before you is the proposed fiscal year 1819, 1920 budget. We submitted a memo a week ago. I will present this as a Powerpoint Presentation so it will be easier to go through. First, similar to prior years, the budget funds positions, budget, training, it project to assist us in the Strategic Plan goals. That including performing inspections, delivering high customer service, Quality Customer service, effective administrative practices and engaging and educating the customers and other stakeholders. That is what our budget is geared towards. This year in addition to focusing on those items, we are also going to focus on Funding Priorities. This year our Funding Priorities are going to be the executive director 1702. Trying to get to streamlining the permitting and planning process for Affordable Housing to make sure we can get the 30,000 units built. Implementation of the Accessible Business Entrance Program. Mandatory soft story program. Of course, emergency preparedness. I wont say a new item but another eye tomorrow is on equity. That is ensuring to provide services equitably around the different neighborhood this is the city. So for our budget innstructions, we have the budget instructions. We are on a two year budget. This year it is 1819, 1920. The 1819 budget was approved last year. It serves as the base for this budget, for the new two year budget. The Mayors Office projects similar fund deficit similar to last year. General Fund Departments were instructed on 2. 5 general Fund Reductions for the next two years. Dbi is selfsufficient so we dont have to meet that directive. We dont worry about those reductions. The mayor instructed the departments to maintain the current ft, not increase the number of fulltime. As special Revenue Department we are required to do that. Lets just get into it now with the actual budget. First chart here are you are revenues. It shows the historical what they have been. Fiscal year 1112. As you can see, we are projecting next year for revenues to be lower than prior years, but we talked about this during the monthly meetings. Revenues are still strong. We expect it to go down a little bit. We had unprecedented growth in the past few years. A little more detail about the revenues. You will see revenues. It is a piechart that shows the distribution of revenues. It shows although we have over 40 different individual revenue sources, we have 60 made up of two revenue sources. Those are planned check revenues as well as Building Permit revenues. I will put the other ones up there. I think every one has. I will put up the major ones. We are going through quickly. The next slide will show you budget revenues. That just gives you a detail of revenues. Once again if you look at the change, look at planned checking the third or fourth revenue. You notice we are increasing to about 4. 5 million that is because two years ago when we started work on the budget our assumption was that we would be a lot lower given a decrease in activity and because of the impact of the new fees. We still see the revenues are pretty active. That is why we are bumping it up. It will belower than we projected this year. The other revenue would be Building Permits. 13. 7 million bumped up 700,000. Those are the revenues. Expenditures. Once again we are seeing that we are projecting revenues to be higher than this current year. It is leveling out. That is primarily due to a variety of things and i will go over that when we get to that point. Feel free to stop me if you have any questions while i go through the slides. The next is a piechart of expenditures. Similar to revenues to give you an idea where the focus of the expenditures are. The biggest bulk salaries then services of other departments, work orders. Since we moved to People Software that is 17 million. Those are the major expenditur expenditures. Then these are the details for the expenditures. You can see those details. You can see the salary and fringes increases in cola, retirement is going up, health is going up. That is where the increases are. You notice that services of other departments has gone down because if you recall this year we transferred about 3 million into hotel, Residential Hotel funds that were to go to mohcd. That brought that number down. Could i ask a question on the revenue side. With the degrees in 1 and 2 Family Rental unit fees. What is that about . Basically, it is based on the trends. For the past three years we have not collected more than 1. 2 million. We were budgeted at 1. 5. We brought it to where we collected it. Based on actual . Yes, based on actual. Thank you. Here are a few of the highlights o on the expenditure. We talked about salaries increasing because every timer and health. We also see that we are increasing our outreach. We are adding money for additional outreach for advertising, particularly for the Accessible Business Entrance Program. We are planning to have the earthquake safety fair. We will add extra money for outreach there. Mandatory soft storage. We will do outreach. Other programs i didnt include private schools, also private schools, too. We are focusing on getting the message out about the programs and doing all types of advertisement and different languages. We are adding more money to be sure we get the information out there. Out there in fiscal year 20 we will see a big increase because of the acella project. That will be a full year and we will on a new private cloud hosting, that means the amount has increased a lot. 1. 1 million. That is why we will see a big uptick there. Then in materials and supplies we talked about this at the last meeting, we had the electronic signature system. We did a pilot system on one side of fifth floor. Because of that success we will implement that through the building. We added materials and supplies, computers, monitors, televisions to implement that. That is a summary of the highlights. Those are purchases that we probably can transfer to the new building when we move there . Thank you for bringing that up. You wont see in this budget anything related to the new building. We are still in planning stages. What we will do is in 1920 we will see a big increase next year to take into consideration the new furnishings with the building. Everything else we purchase now we have spoken to our msi manager and he is working to make sure it fits with the new building. We are only gets things that can move over. We are scaling down. Doing what is necessary but we didnt want to wait two years. The system is working well if we want to implement it. Great. I think that is probably the highlights of it. I added in there if you were interested in knowing who were the services of other departments that we actually fund the big ones assessors office, Fire Department, controller, City Attorney. That is the budget at a high level. I would be more than happy to answer any questions. Commissioner lee. Since you brought up the new building. What is the target date of moving in the new building . I believe it is still 2020. Since we are talking about money do we know approximately how much we need to spend . We do not. There is nothing in the budget. Right now we are working with the team on looking at the internal layout, we ar we are wg with them. We havent gotten to furnishing or anything like that. At this point we are unclear. We would assume they want to do something consistent through the building. We want instructions from them. We may purchase the same types of equipment. Moving costs as well you will discuss . Moving cost and furnishings and Everything Else we will do. We will discuss that later. We werent ready to think about that in this budget. We hope once we are done with finalizing the layout of our floors and this is happening city wide, then the next phase, i think dpw is managing it, to go to actual furnishings and that those is. What is going to happen once we move out . I know the building was sold. Other than that i am not clear what will happen with that building . Have we anticipated the costs of what commissioner lee was referring to out every serves . Is there a reserve sept aside for set aside . Those arent included in the budget. I know we have a reserve and we also have a. We do have a research. I a reserve. I am not sure if we have to dip into reserves. We have reserves we will be able to use if for instance a year or two from now revenues are going down and we dont have enough revenue to support it, but for now we should be okay. Thank you. A question i had for the director with implementing the executive order 1702 i am concerned we are complying with the mayors request not to increase fte. Do we have the staffing to fully implement this directive . That is a good question. Yes, at this point we are working to fill vacancies. We have a lot of positions. In february at least five new people will be hired, about five people are retiring, too. We have vacancies that is the plan. Not only the mayors housing directive but also more on code enforce mend and Accessible Business Entrance Program to continuously try to fill vacancies. We just completed the building inspector list, and i think so far we hired three and there may be more from there. We will soon we are working on the housing list, on the electrical list and on a plumbing list. We are getting those lists ready to continuously fill the vacancies that are occurring due to retirements but also building up the staff to have enough people to meet the directives and get the job done. Just a couple of things. The acella program is, i guess, a november target. September of 2018. You know clearly the full support forgetting it implemented strongly is critical. That is not within your future budgeting. Your 1. 1 for Additional Support Going Forward is a separate issue. Are we certain that we have enough money set aside to make sure any contingencies necessary to ensure full adoption is successful . Yes, the acella project has project funds established a few years ago. That is what we are still working on. The current tract is about 4. 2 million is about 400,000 worth of contingency funds built in there. To get to the current at this point we have been told it will be 4. 2. Not the full 4. 2. That including 400,000 contingency. We should have enough funding to get there. The reason you see the additional amount in fiscal year 20 is because the hosting model has changed. Up to this point it was about 130,000. Because we are going to a private cloud that means something just for the city, it is increased by to 900,000. That is why we wont see the full cost until fiscal year 2020. We are not going live until september 18. We will use the old hosting models on the pricing of it. Your continuing gypsies look at what. They look okay right now. Let me use a caveat. Dbi is not managing acella. That is at department of technology. We ordered 4. 2 million to the department of technology in that contract for this phase to go live in september. There is about 400,000 in contingency. We heard that so far not very much has been used. I dont think any of it. There may be some used later, but not much has been used. I fully accept that you did a very wise use of history as the basis for all of the future plans and your adjustments make perfect sense. Sometimes it is a very healthy thing to look at a zero base. If i had it to do over, what would i change, what would i do . As you are most intimately familiar with all of the numbers. Are there anyplaces if you had more discretion to not have it quite so zero based so history based and more zero based, are there anyplaces in particular you personally would see investments . I am talking on the expenditure side, not revenue side, that we havent pursued in the interest of having this very clear historic reference . Well, the revenues are definitely based on historic. The expenditures not necessarily. We are in a better position than most departments that we have the revenues to do what we need to do with them. A lot of times following prior years would limit us for doing something new. For instance where we need to increase we have increased it. At the same time we have to balance with the fact we have to look at the prior spending because that is what the Mayors Office is going to look at and the board of supervisors is going to look at. If we say we want more money in training to half a million dollars. I can guarantee if we put a halfmillion dollars into training when we only spend 200,000. That would be cut even if we wanted to. Not because we dont have enough money because we do. It is because when others are reviewing the budget they look at the historical. For us we balance that with looking at other things. For instance, we probably will have to explain why we are increasing 1 million to the hosting and that will be a good professional services or current expenses. We will have to explain why we are increasing advertising. We feel we have a legitimate and reason for that we will show that. We have to balance with the funding we have to balance with looking at what we have done in the past because others will do that and we have to justify it. We increase what we need to increase. I keep getting back to this from the point of view of big organizations change is hard. If you are implementing acella you have to anticipate a lot of work, a lot of investment to make to be sure that our whole staff is fully embracing it, fully trained on ate, really comfortable with it, and enthusiastically prepared to use it to its maximum effectiveness. Same will come up when we have our whole new facility. That brings up not just buying new furniture and equipment. It is getting everybody really on board with it so that not only we make it without any glitches, which is sort of a baseline, but we really are maximizing the potential of the new facility to be part of the whole vision we have of how are we more efficient, how are we more customer friendly, how are we serving People Better . All of the thing that the new things can do so since we have been in this favorable surplus position, you know, i just am looking for ways to anticipate where some foreseeable Wise Investments for ensuring that these big change agents are most effectively done and done to really maximize the vision that we have for the department of better service, efficiency, all of the things we believe in an long with the core mission of Public Safety and, you know, effectively performing our core function. Getting ahead of things and, you know, especially when we are in surplus position so the justification is there, almost preparing people for it. It is something i would love to see us doing so that when we do make the presentation it is not that seems like too big a number, you know, lets cut it back and see if we can make it work with this smaller number because the city budget overall is tough this year. The more we do of set asides or preparing people two years, three years, four years in advance that these are critical investments that we believe are important to our longterm success and reaching our true mission and goals are things that i would love to see the call outs and preparing it. Just two things because you talked about the building and believes acella. For both big projects there is ocm associated with that. You may not see it in our budget but there is change of management and the city has a separate consultant working with all departments to make sure that happens. I am sure you are aware with acella the Department Heads change management. Lilly is out and henry have been working on that. It may not be called out in the budget. Particularly, with acella because it is going on for a long time and because we had funding in the budget and the project, annually we dont have to keep adding money because we have had a project set aside years ago. I do agree that we have to make sure people are involved and ready for the changes. We are working on that on the acella side and the city is working on that on the building side. Thank you very much. Thank you for the presentation. I dont know if you have the answer. If we go to services of other departments, city legal services, and i notice that number hasnt changed very much over the years. My question sometimes we see situations where the department is not involved with the decision that the City Attorney might make in regard to proceeding against some Building Permits or whatever. It might have gone through our litigation or niv processor whatever. The City Attorney would take it upon themselves to take action. It is a departments kind of just based on what it finds or the fines leveed to that. Does the department do we build for those times . Is that something we are involved in . Yes, we are billed. You are correct the budget for the City Attorney has not changed. Expenditures changed. Last year we moved money at the end of the year because of a huge case. The one thing in the budget a lot of times that is not necessarily driven by the department would be those work orders. I expect those to change. We have not if you look at your Powerpoint Presentation compared to what you received on january 31, you will see the numbers going up. We are just starting to get information about the work orders from other departments. You are correct, there are cases. There could be other cases city wide if it is part of the Building Permit. Then we are charged to are that, too. It talks to your bottom line, you know. If a huge case is tone upon where we are not involved in the decision making. At what point do you know the fees and what that comes to . How do you accept the bill and it is automatically put in . We accept the bill. I may not know specifically about it until i see the bill. Look at this bill. They are working with Code Enforcement and other this is the departments. What happens is that we just have to make it happen and pay for the bill. In the case of this, this case i am riverring to that we really over spent our budget by a huge amount, a case was won with that. We should be getting some of those costs back. I get that part. The open checkbook policy that i am trying to figure out. Would that be necessarily, for example, if other departments would have that same policy . Would dpd or planning have the same issue . We dont really have. Planning takes money to us. We collect fees. For planning, but there are citywide work orders that will happen on the department of technology. We will not know what the time number will be until it is placed in the budget, but we have made a request that before you go over expenditures please let us know. Dbi has money but it needs to be appropriated. We need to know about it ahead of time. Somebody with quite a few legal fees, it is hard sometimes to know. What part of that investigation is ours . What part of the investigation could belong to another department . How do you it is just dbi bill . It is basically a dbi bill. We would not know what part of the investigation if it was the madison case and it just said someone did 500 hours on that and is given to dbi. The assumption that is for dbi. Sometimes the bill can be as specific as saying providing they talked to an inspector but sometimes just about a case that is associated with dbi, that is given to the bill and that is what is paid. Okay. Commissioner walker, please. I would imagine we could get a better like a percentage break down. It is usually based on time spent on the Building Code violation versus planning code violations, and again when we settle and when we get a settlement, it does get des dispersed. It would be good to find out if it is the same as what we get billed. If the Billing Project the same percentage as the win so to speak. It is a good question. I like that we are engaged like this in Code Enforcement because ultimately this is what sets the tone for our building. I personally am ready to do that. In spirit of commissioner Walkers Point i get that they can do this enforcement when it comes to our code. I feel as a commission and Litigation Committee we do a good job making sure that we litigate these, and i wonder how come we cant be part of that even thoughts it is made outside the department. We should have some say in if you should proceed based that we will be billed and we dont understand what that billing is. We probably will get reimbursed. I am looking down. I dont know if that is the way. I think there was a recent change that allowed the City Attorney to act even if we dont on issues that affect our code. Normally we are involved with the task force or Litigation Committee or department referral directly so people know. Now even if we dont, i think what motivated this is some conditions in housing that were just let go for too long. Finally they wanted to just act on it. It would be good to know what is coming so we can make sure we are budgeted for it. To the City Attorneys office and the success liabilities is great. It is not a criticism. If we stick with the budgets and so on we have someone to stand in, but just a conversation. That is all. Well related to that, we have had many hearings recently where things have been brought up that have been brought to our attention that we have accepted some past ways of doing things have not always been as aggressive as they could be, and that as commissioner walker was saying, we are almost in a catch up phase of this has gone on for a while, and we need to take a much more aggressive stance. In anticipation of places where, you know, wise investment can be made, it is almost anticipating that this commission is definitely interested in being very proactive and using the full powers of the City Attorney wherever appropriate to rectify situations that dont always measure up to the best standards, and if we have been budgeting historically and conservatively, it feels to me as somebody only on commission a little over a year that there is a very strong desire throughout the commission to be sure we are facing all of these things head on and dealing with them very pro actively, very aggressively and using the tools, prime among them being the City Attorney to be sure we get to the root of the problem and have a very effective solution. I appreciate the comments that we have it budgeted sort of on Straight Line, and, you know, my gut feeling is that it may be wise to anticipate that we may look to using their services more aggressively in the coming years. For a point of clarification when i say budgeting on a Straight Line that is what take City Attorney has in there. The work orders are particularly for the City Attorney we wouldnt know what to budget. The request is what should we budget and it hasnt changed yet. Last year when we went over such a large amount. I did send out emails saying we are scrambling to find more money now, should i increase it for the next year. It wasnt increased. We have to come on an agreement on it. That is the number the City Attorney has there. Once again, that number may change, like all of the other numbers may change. A lot of times the work order for the last things. What may happen when i come back in june to tell you what the mayor submitted you may see something different. The Mayors Office gets to balancing work orders and looking at departments such as the City Attorney and dt that are pretty much funded through other departments of doing a balancing there. Okay. I accept that. Certainly as we go forward things will change. This is the first hearing. We have a series of them. That makes perfect sense. It is my feeling and observation that this very well could be a reasonable area to put under scrutiny for possible additional funding and i appreciate your openness to pursuing that. I can follow up with departments to make sure we are looking like we over spent last year. Are you planning . Some departments i have done that already. For real estate, for instance, the base budget is there. I did reach out saying is rent going up at the parking lot . They have said they havent gotten to that yet. They wont get to it until later. I just wanted to make two comments for clarification for the commissions and for Deputy Director madison. Two things to remember when looking at this budget in june, which is as Enterprise Department in particular not dependent on the general fund we can do budget revisions and shift around expenses if we see a trend. Second of all, at least in my time on the commission i do not think we have chosen not to be proactive because we were concerned about paying for City Attorney fees. For the record i dont think it was your intent. It could be interpreted that we havent been aggressive with Code Enforcement because we were concerned with over budget with the work order to the City Attorney. I am sure the commission has never thought of how much you pay the City Attorney is why we would not take action against someone who is aggressive. We are an Enterprise Department with a heav a rainy day fund. We have flexibility to do what needs done and i felt compelled to say that. I see no more. Deputy director thanks is it. Do we vote . No, we dont. The second meeting. There has to be two hearings but one vote. It says the next meeting is the seventh. It is on the 14th. This is wrong . Yes. Attachment c. The budget schedule says february 14th. It is on february 14th. Everyone will be sent an invitation. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Our next special meeting is going to be on february 14th at 9 00 a. M. In room 408. I will send a reminder to everyone as well. Is there any Public Comment . No. All commissioners available on the 14th . Yes. Okay. Our next item is item three adjournment motion to adjourn . Second . Are all commissioners in favor . Any opposed . We are now adjourned. It is 1 47 p. M. Let me begin by saying good afternoon to everyone. I am Mohammed Nuru, the director of public works. I want to thank everyone for joining us today to celebrate this construction milestone of station number five. It brings me great joy to honor the progress made on this tremendous project located here in the west end neighborhood. This will deliver a crucial piece of City Infrastructure to thousands of nearby businesses, residents and visitors. Our agency, public works, is proud to have designed a modern fire station that is expected to exceed National Accreditation standards and serve the essential needs of our first responders. It may not look like it yet, in less than a years time, a seismically sound fire station will be standing in this very place. It is true public works fashion, the project team has been working hard to ensure this facility will be delivered in timely and fiscally responsible manner. On time and on budget. With that said, its important that i think the entire public works staff, our project team led by our city architect, project managers and i want to thank all the staff from public works who worked on this project. But most importantly i want to thank our construction partner in this, alton construction, leading the project and getting it this far. Youll hear from a lot of speakers about the station itself. It will be the most resillent station of all the fire stations here in San Francisco because it is a very well designed facility and will meet all the standards as i said earlier. We have quite a number of speakers. Ill start by introducing the president of the board of supervisors and supervisor of the district london breed. Please welcome her. applause good afternoon everybody. Thank you all so much for being here today. You know, i have a special love for this fire station because i grew up just a couple of blocks from here. Every year, every time i look at this fire station, all i can think about when i was a kid is toys. This is where i actually came on the door that was located on turk street, thats where we went to pick up our toys during the Christmas Holiday because of the firefighters toy program. And so i know tom oconnor who is the president of local 798 is here, thank you for continuing that program and your leadership in this city. You know, theres another reason i love this place is because many of the men and women behind me, this is where they work every single day and my aunt, who was mentally disabled, she would come here all the time. Sometimes she would be in a good mood and compliment the guys especially and talk about how handsome they were, but sometimes she had difficult times and the people at station five treated her like family, they took care of her, and i know who is our deputy chief was a captain here during that time, they love michel so very much and i want to thank you for taking care of my aunt and being there for her. This is really a family, and the folks here, they save lives every single day and take care of this community and love this community. So this station is really not just a gift to our city, its to demonstrate to the men and women of this department, we want to make sure they have a great station, a station that works for them. A station that is state of the art so they can do the job theyre doing for our citizens and city and county of San Francisco. I want to say thank you to all the folks working on this, to alton for their work on the construction project, moving on time and on budget thus far. And thank you Mohammed Nuru for leading Construction Projects all over the city, i know theyre not always on time and budget but thats okay, well get to that another day. And our chief will be saying a few words later and our commissioners. This station is going to be a jewel in the city, its the station we deserve for our residents. I look forward to being here and cutting the ribbon when we open in one year. Take care. applause thank you supervisor breed. And also i have to say from the bottom of my heart, the last few weeks have been very difficult for all of us. London woke up in the middle of the night and took over the city and really did an excellent job. Lets give her a hand for that. applause now i want to introduce our partner who has worked with us from the beginning all over our city, whether its trying to work on systems, whether its remodelling fire stations or building new fire stations, leading the effort of going through the whole effort to make sure we have resillant structures and the correct tools that the Fire Department needs to do its job, welcome chief hayeswhite. Good afternoon everyone. The job is looking great. First and foremost, i want to acknowledge four of our five Fire Commissioners that are here. The Fire Commission is under the direction of president cleveland. Thank you for your support every step of the way. applause as director nuru eluded to, theres been a lot of change and difficulty in the past several weeks and i would like to also acknowledge the great vision and support always of Public Safety that mayor ed lee had, if not for mayor lee we would most likely not be standing here. I want to acknowledge mayor lee and certainly president breed, this is near and dear to her heart. This is a vital part of this neighborhood and community. We are all very excited about it. So thank you president breed for being here. And certainly it is a partnership. I have a lot of respect and admiration to my colleague, director of public works, theres a phenomenal team, all those standing here. Thank you for what you do. And i want to acknowledge tom oconnor, vigilant making sure we have healthy safe work places and the men and women standing behind me, members of this very station looking forward many drive by each day to look at the progress of the station. Hats off to alton construction. These are the men and women who will be working out of the station, led by the assistant chief here at this division house. We only have two division houses in the city, one at 19th and the other right here. Its a vital part of our operation. Assistant chief is with us and the members assigned to engine five, truck five and battalion five, who by the way are still at work, reassigned to local stations. I just wanted to say thank you, great job and we look forward to cutting the ribbon as president breed said. Appreciate it. applause we all know no project happens without the partnership of the actual contractor. So were going to ask the contractor from alton construction to come up and say a few words. I will tell you, i have made quite a number of visits to the site during constructions and some of the beams and bolts are the largest and strongest i have seen in construction. Being built, i know this is not going anywhere. Welcome. Come say a few words. applause they dont usually let us talk at these things. Rolling the dice with that one. Im the Vice President of operations for alton construction. We are the general contractor on this project obviously. For the last 20 plus years we have operated almost exclusively in the public sector, schools, police stations and obviously fire stations. When our group when i said i was going to say a few things, i thought about the common stuff, site constraints like working in a big city and it occurred to me that the aspects of this project are not particularly unique at least for me. This is what we do every day. We work in this environment. And the truth is, the materials that go into a building like this are not often the reason a project like this is successful. Its much more often due to the personalities and work ethic of the people on the ground working on this every day. So you know sorry im happy to have the opportunity to say that the group of architects, engineers and project managers i work with every day out here, sort of lower level are of the highest caliber. You know, the architects who are here, the engineers are here. Shawn obrien, the engineers, im not sure if theyre here. And captain mcfarland, the Fire Department representation at our weekly meetings. So to say that i have been impressed with this groups professionalism would be a dramatic understatement. We operate in the nine bay area counties and have hit every corner of every county and i can say without uncertainty this group is exceptional without question. Theyre workers, theyre not delegators. They get into the problem and get us what we need every day to keep going. We havent always agreed on everything. This isnt a fairy tail but the group has been fair and direct with us every single time and its not as common as you might think. I for one am excited to be part of this team and on behalf of our small team, the superintendent, project engineer without whom i would be under water on this job. Bob and shannon alton, disappointed they cant be here today and on behalf of our entire alton construction family, congratulations to all stakeholders on the milestone and a special thanks to the people i work with every day. Its been a real pleasure so far and im looking forward to a strong finish. applause thank you andrew. And all those guys you name are from public works. This project was from a scratch to getting out to contract was done inhouse and speaks to the capability of what the Public Works Department can do, it wasnt like that many years ago. Now we have healthy projects and were proud of that. The next part of the event, were going to sign a beam. We do have markers that all of the guests can sign. But before i do that, on behalf of public works i want to say thank you to all the men and women of the Fire Department who protect us and make sure our city runs smooth every day. applause thank you, thank you all of you. Supervisor breed, commissioners, we have pens over there, if you can start the signing process on the beam. We will sign the beam and allow everybody to go back to work. Yes, sign

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