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Ivy lee from supervisor kims office. I just wanted to give you an opportunity also to present on behalf of supervisor kim who couldnt be with us today but is also the lead sponsor on this initiative. Thank you so much, chair cohen. And thank you, supervisors, for your time today on this issue. You know, i just want to speak from a very personal point of view. About this measure. I have three kids of my own. And victory and i were both nonprofit attorneys. We made 90,000 between the two of us and we had three kids all in child care at the same time. It was a real struggle. And it was a part of it was part of the reason that i gave up work for about three years in other words to take care of the kids because my paycheque was going straight into child care. I know a lot of people that, you know, think that, you know, it is a hard choice when you are a mom. You feel guilty when youre at work and you feel guilty when youre at home. For me, being a fulltime mom was really hard. Because i felt like i still had something to contribute outside of the home. But i wasnt willing to put my kids in a system, if i couldnt guarantee that they were receiving highquality care. I wanted people that would love them as much as i did. And do. And i think that is the crux of this measure is that for women, especially, were the ones that carry this burden. Were the ones that will have the freedom to actually make choices in the workforce if we have access to quality care that we can actually afford. And that is the bottom line. That is the key reason that im actually at city hall and still working here because that is the last big lift that i really hope we can accomplish. While supervisor kim is still in office. So, i really thank you for your consideration of this measure. And i hope that you will support it. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that testimony. Supervisor yee, if you can and ms. Lee, if you could stick around if we have questions. So, just for you, supervisor yee, just for clarification on page 11, line nine, you talk about eligibility programmes. Subsection c, specifically. It reads supporting physical, emotional and Cognitive Development of children under the age of 6. That is a very, very broad statement. I was wondering if you could expand on what exactly that might what that might entail . So, typical of a really good Early Childhood Education Programme and part of this language is very familiar with people in the field that state what they have desire results and regulations along their programmes. And it includes this language. I was part of the development of the what we call at the time these are results of programmes. Unlike children when theyre older, you can separate easier. Theses a pexes for a younger child, you dont do well because of cognitive, meaning mainly Cognitive Development eventually helps with your academic that. Thats what it means. And being stable emotionally, i learned from our historic programmes in which i ran that without the support of the Mental Health pieces and other sort of needs for emotional piece, that youre not going to develop your cognitive skills. Let me see if i can drill down on my question. Are there specific programmes that you are looking to get funded . I understand the value. Lord knows i understand the value of physical and emotional and Cognitive Development. But are there specific programmes that are out there . Are we creating new programmes . Are there so so again, this metricks that we use in the city that has been developed over the years, its sort of looking at the state of metrics and the federal metrics and we develop our own to make sure because one of the things we can walk around and say lets have quality programming. What does that mean . So we develop these metrics to measure whether a programme meets the bare minimum to qualify as a programme that we want to support through contracts. So the beauty of this is that we started this 15 years ago with the preschool for all programme and have it developed. I cant give you an exact number. Im not that closely in terms of how many of the centre base, whether its for profit or nonprofit. And how many of the Family Child Care providers are under contract. I think next week, the office of the e. C. E. Could you give you numbers. Who . September jarret. Oefk. So, what were hoping for is expand the numbers that can be qualified as under the programme. We have to i have to say that whening we first started 15 year ago, many of the programmes that have contracts now were not qualified. Including almost all the School Districts because the quality wasnt there. Instead of walking away from them, we put in funding to help them improve the quality so many of them became qualified so that is what were planning to do to bring up other programmes to the level that we feel like where somebody in the ivy league can walk in with her kids and say, yes, this is great and for my grandkids would be walking in in about a year. That would be great. Are your grand kids walking yet . Yes. Theyre running [laughter] ok. I also want to add that one of the beauties of this, in terms of talking about immediate and large impact to the working families, within a year of this passing, we will be able to serve not only 1,000, but 5,000 working families, an increase of working families within a year. That is Immediate Impact to keep as many of our families in San Francisco as possible. All right. Thank you. Supervisor yee, theres little question that the investment in Early Childhood education pays dividends in the long run. I think no one is here to make that argument at all. Im interested in how this will affect not just San Francisco residents currently, but those who have been displaced and pushed out of the city. But continue to work in San Francisco. Have you given any thought to that . I think no. To be truthful. Part of it is trying to serve as many san franciscans as possible. To keep them here. If we want to reach beyond that, for instance, then we need to ask for more money. So it is a matter of priority where were trying to help people thats actually living here than possibly moving out. Ok. Got it. So we have precedent for legislation that accommodates displaced communities which are overwhelmingly are community of colour, lowincome residents, people with challenging immigration status and with the neighbourhood programme, i was wondering if the programme does this particular programme that you are proposing do anything for the displacement of families at all . You said no, but i was wondering if there is room for it. Theres some flexibility. Its not built into the legislation. But a few things. Im glad you brought it up. Ok. I mean, im so immersed in this sometimes i take it for granted that Everybody Knows this. But lets make sure the public knows that the workforce itself is 90 of people of colour and women and theyre the poorest paid. And many of them have to move out of the city. So we are losing not only what we consider just other working family, but losing these people and im hoping that we can keep them in the city. So, but i think i hear you. I will im pretty sure well have a discussion. We built in some flexibility for this so that i didnt want to dictate every single item on this. So that office of the e. C. E. Could actually massage it as much as they can. Ok. Thank you. I believe that exhausts my questions and i want to recognize supervisor few weather a few of her own. Thank you very much, chairman im also cosponsor of this and i will say after being on the board of education for eight years, i know what happens to preschool for all. Supervisor yee is absolutely correct that many of our Child Development centres did not meet the High Standard and we had to revamp them all to meet that High Standard and it was a heavy lift. It meant looking at curriculum, aligning curriculum with actually the kindergarten curriculum. It looked at who was actually carrying for our children and with activities and we found there are great discrepancies among geographic locations also which we felt was inequitable. So i know it is a heavy lift. I want to echo the sentments of ivy lee. I stayed home for the first 19 years of my marriage simply because the cost of child care was so expensive. I think everyone should know that this would take 2500 families off the wait list for child care subsidies and also that when you talk about does it help anyone who has been displaced out of San Francisco. I want to remind everyone that when we started the childrens fund, people said at the time this is political suicide. That will never happen. You shouldnt do it. Guess what . Weve done it and other cities nationwide have copied what weve done and now it is common place for other major cities to set aside a portion of their general fund just for children, youth and families so i would hope if San Francisco did this, that other jurisdictions and neighbouring jurisdictions where people have been displaced but are still coming in to work that actually would follow suit. Again, we lead the way here in San Francisco and also have such a high cost of living. Also i think that folks should know that 0 to 3, the infant care so expensive. While San Francisco Unified School District has many early ed programmes, it is very, very few infant care programmes because the ratio is so much different. For a child that is an infant, it is a 6to1 ratio. Where as a preschool child is a much higher ratio so the cost is less expensive. I recently just met with Early Education services and they also told me that they will have to close their doors in 10 years if there is not an interruption because they are losing their staff rapidly. Their staff, they serve mainly in my district lowincome, cantonesespeaking parents and they cannot find the workforce because everyone has been pushed out of the city. So, not only is this needed to, i think, take people off the wait list, it is also to continue the families of San Francisco. There will be people who will be those teachers that are in the centres that will be caring for their children in a high level. And lastly i want to say that seeing the statistics of the San Francisco Unified School District, we know that Early Childhood education so important. It is one of the great determiners of how successful a child would be in their k18 years. In fact, it is so profound that the San Francisco Unified School District in the red every year about 6 million, frontloading that education for children because the subsidis that we get back from the state just dont match up to the cost of highquality child care. And so as a mother but also as someone who is a fourth generation san franciscan and raised three children here, meeting so many families that continue to pay high rents but simply cannot afford the cost of child care, the need for quality child care, for every one of our San Francisco residents, whatever [inaudible] they are, but especially the youngest who cannot speak for themselves, that this is an investment in not tonight future of San Francisco, but and investment in our families and it is not enough to say that were familyfriendly is that we have to put our money actually where our mouths are. And i think that this initiative is so important to the working families of San Francisco and the overall family population in San Francisco as we have the lowest population of 0 through 18 aged children of any large urban city in the United States. So, having said that, i know that the sponsor, supervisor yee, has asked for continuance. Id like to make a motion to continue this item to the next meeting. Next budgets meeting will happen next week. Ok. Lets talk about that. So, before we take that motion, we need to take Public Comment. Ok. So, lets open up the Public Comment. I have one card here. I want to call michael wineberg. If you are still interested, please come on up. Anyone else thats interested in speaking on this item, please come. Thank you. Thank you, supervisors. Michael wineberg, sciu local 10to1. While the item is considered for consideration or moved to next week, what i had intended to say, which will probably still say next week, is that our union hasnt hadnt had the opportunity to take a formal position on this measure yet. Were calendaring that. Generally speaking, we always look at opportunities to provide more for everyone. And generally speaking this looks like one of them. Especially in the context of the largest or some of the largest tax cuts ever to be seen by the wealthiest among us. We think that there is a capacity for such a measure to provide for provide services for the least among us. And thats paraphrasing, that is the lens with which we would view this measure. Thank you. Mr. Wineberg, i have a question for you. Are you on sciu staff or a volunteer member or whats your role within the organization . Im a political organizer with the union. Im employed by the union. Ok. And does the union represent worker child care workers . That is a good question. We represent the sfusd child care workers. San francisco Unified School District. Yes. That would benefit from this measure. We do not represent the private providers. All right. I appreciate that. Thank you very much for that clarification. Thank you. Thank you, youre welcome. Next speaker. Mr. Bozeman. Yes. Hi. John bozeman again. Thank you, chair. Our organization hasnt taken any position on any gross receipt tax measure and im here to say that our organization, its not what youre funding. The way we look at it is not what youre funding but it is how youre funding it. Any tax, and our members pay a fair share, property tax, transportation tax to different departments and theyre ok with that, as long as the money goes to the general fund and you debate how you want to fund City Government and whatever you feel is important for the citizens here and the legislative arena. But when it comes to gross receipt tax and taxes by referendum, we have to say that its difficult for us to ascertain exactly the sustainability of that tax to fund whatever youd like. Again, it is not what youre funding. It is how youre funding it. You have to look at the longterm economic consequences of an annual tax of 100 millionplus a year on any one specific industry and how that might erode your tax base over time because that would be impactful to us. Again, not what youre funding, but just how youre funding i. Our industry is a resources for you if you ever have any questions about retail issues or anything regarding taxes. We have a lot of data and we want to be there for you and be at the table and we are. But even more so. So, thank you. I have a question for you. Yes, chair. You raise an interesting point, certainly a stakeholder in this. Has anyone reached out to you to talk about this particular proposal . Yes. I spoke with supervisor yee and supervisor kim. I told them same thing. Its not what youre funding, how youre funding it. The current tax base and the economy is great now. But in these to five years or less, it may not be. And good things can be funded with tax measures, no question. But just be careful what you believe the longterm sustainability of that tax is because if you cant fund it, people will be suffering and we want to make sure these taxes are sustainable, not only for our industry, but for the larger business community, too. Thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public that would like to comment on item five . Ok. Seeing none, item five is closed. Thank you. There is a request about a continuance and i just want to go over the calendar just to touch base on where we are. So, the request is to continue the item to next week to february 15. And i am not in favour of that. The agenda already is very heavy. We have 12 items already scheduled for february 15. So then i looked at the following week and that is february 22. Which we have no Board Meeting. We have no Committee Meeting scheduled. There is no Board Meeting on the 20th due to president s week. So that leaves the following thursday, which is thursday, march 1. So, to the maker of the request for the continuance, march 1 is the next time that the agenda is open im willing to schedule at that time. However, i would suspect that we will you will already have your answer. Part of the desire to have a continuances to figure out whether or not the signatures are validated because theres this particular topic, that is one topic. There are three different ways that the sponsors are trying to get this before voters by signature, by four signatures collected by the electorate and then by four signatures on the board of supervise source and then through the legislative ordinance process. So, this committee is dealing with the one that is going through the legislative process. I will have a conversation about it. But the next day that we can get this the next time this item can be heard is march 1. So i wanted to see supervisor yee, i see your name on the roster. March 1 is in order to move this forward to have a vote at the full board, theres a deadline for that. And march 1 is beyond a deadline. There is a point where it wont matter. Ok. I agree with you, which is why im trying to be transparent on what the agenda is looking like. Supervisor fewer . Yes. So if we defer this to february 15, which actually has many, many items on it, this might be resolved supervisor yee, could this be resolved before the next meeting that we have . I actually dont know whats the timeline for the department of elections. How long they take and so forth. So, may i sure. In my conversations with supervisor kim, it is expected to be resolved in the next day or so. Ok. So chair, then i would respectfully dw q that this be continued to the meezing of february 15 in hopes and we will continue to speak with the sponsors and in all likelihood since you havent spoken to the other sponsor of this initiative that it might be resolved within a couple of days and, therefore, even though we schedule it, it might not be heard. What im trying to communicate to you is im not scheduling it on february 15. Oh, you will not. Im not going to be scheduling it. So, the opportunity is either we pass it out and move it forward today or we hold it back until march 1. So, supervisor yee, i will defer to you. Or i see that also supervisor stefani, do you hold on. Catherine stefani is a member of this body so well hear from her. If we were to continue it to next week with the understanding that if it were resolved purchase saounltz to the Elections Department determining whether or not there is enough signatures, would there be a commitment on behalf of the sponsors to then not hear it and not go forward with this one . With this item . Supervisor yee, i dont know if you heard that. What she was saying is if it goes to if it goes to the if the item is continued to february 15 and you hear from the department of elections that your item has been certified, would you withdraw it . But that assumes that it is going to be calendared, supervisor stefani. I think, in all fairness, i want to support that. That we withdraw once we find out. Is that good enough . Yeah, i think that is good enough. But you have to understand that there i mean, deputy City Attorney john gibner. If the committee continues the item to next week, lit appears on next weeks agenda there is im sorry. If the committee continues it to next week, lit appear on next weeks agenda and the committee could then take or file the item. But you would have to have it on the agenda, take Public Comments and take an action on it. Mmhmm. And on supervisor yees note about the ballot deadlines, the last regularly scheduled Board Meeting where the board could act to place this merck on the ballot is february 27. The actual ballot deadline, the actual deadline to sub miss the item to the ballot is march 2. So, if you twoeer hold a Committee Meeting on march 1, you would have to forward the item as a Committee Report to a special Board Meeting on march 2 to get it done to the department of elections at the time. Ok. I dont want to speak out of turn without checking with president breed. So i dont want to make a decision based on that piece of information. It sounds like that so it sounds like there is a desire to move let me ask a question deputy City Attorney. This item is on the agenda for february 15, which i already said is a heavy agenda so im hesitant. Already there are 12 items. A very long agenda. A hearing as well. So im hesitant to even schedule this. But if pit were to be scheduled and youre saying that the item would take Public Comment and then table it . If that is the desire of the committee. It would be like any other item. It sounds like youre asking for supervisor yee to commit to not hold a lengthy hearing on the item of that day. But you will have to take Public Comment and some action, whether thats table, continue it again or forward it to the full board. So i am not supportive of the continuance and not supportive of it being heard february 15. So i will not be supporting that. Any lastminute remarks that you want to say . No. I just want to reiterate i have a commitment, once we find out, to table it on the 15th. Ok. Thank you. Supervisor stefani . Yes. Thank you, chair cohen. I am supportive of it and i understand having been the budget aid to chair ferrell for a while, for three years, i understand what what thats like to have a completely packed agenda and i do feel ok with the commitment from the sponsors that if theyre to get the other items certified that they will not go forward with a lengthy hearing and i feel comfortable on that basis continuing to next week. But i understand your concerns. Thank you. So, lets go ahead. There is a motion to continue this item. Its been made by supervisor fewer and seconded by supervisor stefani. Could we take a roll call vote. This is a motion to continue this item to the next meeting scheduled fer february 15. Yes. On the motion, supervisor fewer . Aye. Supervisor stefani . Aye. Supervisor cohen . No. Cohen, no. There are two ayes, one no and with supervisor cohen . Cohen in dissent. All right. This motion passes. Madame clerk, could you please call item seven, please . Yes. Hearing to consider the annual review and adoption of the proposed draft budget for fiscal year 20182019 and 20192020 for the board of Supervisors Office of the clerk of the board. We have angela calvillo, clerk of the board, to present. Welcome. Good morning, chair cohen. Members of the committee, i am it is my privilege to represent the hardworking staff in the office of the clerk of the board. We have created this information for you. In december, i present add snapshot of the departments budgets and asked the come provide its budget instruction and guidance in order for us to prepare the departments fiscal year 201819 and fiscal year 20192020 budgets. Today im friending them for your consideration so i may sub mitt the proposed budget to the mayor and controller for the next phase of the budget review. In june, i will return before this committee for your final approval and consideration of any changes for the departments budget. Should any change0s cur between now and then. Before proceeding, i wish for the committee to know of our gratitude for the resources prieveyously granted through this committee and board of supervisors. Those resources have enabled each division in the department of the board of supervisors and the Clerks Office to accomplish our mission of transparency, upholding the public records act and the brown act and sunshine ordinance and multituesday of other regular leighs and laws. All divisions contribute their work, which is up loaded to our website, which equals about an average of one million hits on our website so i wanted to just point that out. In addition to the approximately 5,000 telephone and walkin and public interactions. And between all the visions, the ledge division, the youth commission, ustf, we all have 100 on our meeting notices and all of our agendas and minutestoand packets to be posted at least 72 hours before the meeting. So were exceptionally proud of the work in our office. So to the slide two which provided the proposed changes. The summary we provided in december, but ill give you a quick review, regarding the lafco general fund appropriatation. This is 297,000 of new dollars which is included in this draft budget. This is the maximum amount that lafco is entitled to each year for the government code. You might recall that the lafco positions were eliminated during the last budget cycle. As lafco is currently in the process of hiring a qualified contractor through a request for qualification of the rf2 and their funding needs are still being assessed. We are employing a different approach to lafcos funding approach. We submitted an estimated amount of what lafco believes will be their request for the budgets year only. Since the lafco does not adopt its budget until june and only then on a yearly basis. So, this created a technical issue when the request would come in and on occasion it was higher in june. Based on the outcome of conversations that weve had with the mayors office, we are submitting the full statutory amount on an ongoing basis and will reduce the amount if the actual request from lafco comes in lower. Well wait and see. This approach makes budgeting balancing more seamless and allows for more accurate budget projection for the outyear. And regarding the constituent Management System. Weve included 185,000 after conducting a Needs Assessment for the constituent Management System with board member offices. Clerk of the board staff and i should give all of that credit to wilson ang. He has engaged with discussions with sales force and Industry Leader in providing Customer Relationship management, what were calling the c. R. M. , solution with whom the city has an Enterprise Agreement to evaluate the costs for configuration and implementation. The ongoing costs would be approximately 75,000 per year for Software Licensing fees, for contract management, technical support, security, a news leader, out reach and engagement component. There would be a onetime professional Services Cost for approximately 110,000 for architecture, data and setup. They would work to issue a citywide r. F. P. And procure a vendor for this xhoefm and there are no new f. T. E. S in our department in addition to no revenue changes. So, on to slide three. And i have a total of four slides. Slide three is a new item that wasnt included in our december presentation. The joint analyst joint venture has submitted a request for a cola, which is a 3 adjustment to their current 2. 2 Million Contract that cola would add approximately 67,000 to their contract, bringing the total amount for fiscal year 201819 close to 2. 3 million. So slide four shows a summary first of all shows the fiscal year 201819 budget for all the items and then the proposed changes by category. If you approve the lafco funding and the cola increase as listed in the line item entitled nonpersonnel services, the dptz fiscal year 201819 expenditure budget would increase a total of 549,000 or 3. 5 from the base budgets. This concludes my presentation. I have to thank those individuals sitting behind me and who are in the office who buoy us every day to carry out our important work. I thank you and were available for any questions. Thank you very much. I appreciate how everything is always clean and con . Ies your presentation. Id like to go to Public Comment and see if there is a member of the public that would like to comment on item seven. Any member of the public that would like to comment, please come up. Seeing none, public sxhenlt closed. Comment is closed. All right. Id like to make a motion that we have heard this item and we will file it. Ill take that without objection. Thank you. All right. We have to go back to the last temperature and i want to apologize. I overlooked a presentation. We were supposed to hear a presentation from ted egan on the commercial rent taxes. Im not doing any funny business. My apologies and i legitimately forgot. Mr. Egan, thank you for coming back. Supervisor ye, e and supervisor kim, if you could send your representives back to the chamber. Wed appreciate it. Just so that you are a part of this conversation. Id like to make a motion excuse me. For clarification procedurally. How do i open up item number six. Do i make a motion to re . Inld all right. Id like to make a motion to rescind the vote for item six. If i could take that without objection. Thank you. Motion passes. Ok. So t hearing is back open. Well be discussing Business Tax Reform, the transition and progress specifically, want to talk about commercial rent taxes for child care, Homeless Services and transportation. Mr. Egan, thank you for being flexible and coming back. We will now hear your report. My pleasure. I apologize for jumping the gun and not sticking around for the last temperature our office introduced a report on all three pending commercial rent taxes and the Economic Impact of the tax and the use of that spending on the local economy. As youre only considering at this point the one with reference to the one originated by supervisors kim and yee, also sponsored by supervisors ronan, fewer and peskin to fund Early Childhood education, ill restrict my remarks to those, although ill answer questions. If you could just stick to the presentation. This is a budget of finance committee so i wanted to talk about taxes. Ok. So, if we could stick to the entire presentation, id appreciate it. Thank you. Sure. Ok. These are the three taxes that are the substance of our report. Supervisor peskins tax to fund city transportation operations and for structure, the supervisor kimyee tax i alluded to and also those by safai, sheehy, tang and cohen. All three proposals have certain common features. Theyre all dedicated tax which is means they are going to require at least the ones that we considered here two thirds vote for approval by the voters. All three proposals will exempt landlords with less than 1 million in gross receipts from taxation. Those Property Owners are currently exempt from the gross receipts tax already, they will also necessarily exclude certain financial corporations that cannot be taxed locally and also all three allow commercial landlords to exempt gross receipts taxs from nonprofit tenants. Beyond that, tlrp significant differences along the three, the however. The safai proposal is relatively narrow in the sense that it exempts gross receipts from a broad swath from commercial tenants in the city, including all retail trade, accommodation, arts, entertainment, recreation, p. D. R. Tenants are all exempt. We estimate that leaves about 71 of all the commercial gross receipts in the city that would be subject to the tax. I apologize for the typo here that we will fix. Under this proposal, they will be taxed at a rate of 1. 7 . And then this tax is dedicated, as i mentioned, to the acquisition, rehabilitation of permanent supportive housing, single occupancy buildings, rent controlled buildings to make them permanently affordable. Rental subsidies to lowincome households and 1. 5 to 3 million general Fund Contribution and the first two fiscal years. The proposal by supervisors kim and yee with the cosponsors has the highest rate of the three, 3. 5 rate. It would exclude several uses, including government, arts, industrial and nonformula retail uses. The rate would also impose a rate of 1 on warehouse uses in the city. As you heard earlier, the uses here are for Early Childhood care in education, increasing the compensation of the tax revenue would be contributed to the general fund. It includes a provision that the mayor and board of supervise so evers can not reduce these programmes, general fund support in the future because of this tax. Supervisor peskins proposal is relatively broad and excepts nonprofits and others are taxed at 2 and the uses here are transportation operations and transportation infrastructure. This is a summary table we put together that just shows the different potential times of tenants in the city and what the tax rate that that time of tenant would face under each of the three proposals. As you can see, supervisor peskin is on the left as the broadest and supervisor safai on the right is the most narrow. We have estimated and this is a little bit of the math behind the revenue estimates that supervisor peskins is worth about 103 million and the supervisor kim et al. Proposal is worth 146 million and the safai is worth action 64 million a year. These are based on 2016 numbers which will have already changed but it is the most recent information that we have but it will change further if and when the tax pass and theyre collected in the following tax year. Just to speak briefly about the Economic Impact of the taxes, like most legislation, we analyze these proposals all have economic costs and benefits and the essential net income impact is the relative weight of those two. On the cost side, this imposes a tax on commercial real estate as we discussed earlier. Some but not very much of the tax, we believe, will be passed on to commercial tenants. Because of the pattern of exempting some type of tenant and not others, this legislation would create essentially winners and losers among tenants in the rental markets. So, for example, an owner of a retail space, if formula retail was subject to the tax and nonformula retail was not subject to the tax, might choose or offer a lower base rent to a te nanls who wasnt formula retail and would not result in a tax for them. I think that those affects are quite small and on the margin, but theyre worth mentioning. The most important benefit of the tax that were able to model here is the spending aspect of the revenue because they are dedicated taxes. We know a little more than we do with the general purpose tax and what the taxs Economic Impact will be in terms of their spending in the economy. I dont think ill go through the logic that we spoke about before with the logic of the taxthrough. This is essentially the Economic Impact assessment that we came up with. In each of the three cases, the Economic Impact the net Economic Impact is slightly negative, ranging on the average over the next 20 years, 184 jobs under the peskin proposal to 746. For the kimyee proposal, similar numbers in employed San Francisco residents. The first number is all jobs in the city, regardless of where the worker lives. Similarly, relatively modest declines for g. D. P. And per capita disposal income in the city. We find that the Economic Impacts are moderately negative in each case. More or less, the bigger the tax the more negative the effect is on a net basis. To put it in a little bit of context, these percentage of changes can of jobs in g. D. P. Range from. 04 to. 08 on the high end. Overall in San Francisco, weve seen g. D. P. Growth of 3. 2 a year over the past 10 years, total employment growing at 2. 6 over the last 10 years and these are relatively modest, negative impact impacts on the context of the citys recent growth trajectory. All right. Happy to take any questions. Thank you. I know. That was worth sticking around for. Just for the record, i correctly stated. Rescinding the item for item six. I would like to correctly state to rescind the vote for item number five. This is number five. I have a couple of questions. Can you walk us through your expected employment change numbers on page 13 of your report on the commercial rent taxes for child care. Here are my questions. What drive this is negative impact . What is the first thing that comes to my mind . If we are boosting wages and boosting female participation in the workforce, why is it having an adverse impact . Well, first of all, i have to say and i didnt go into detail on this slide that were not able to project how much increase in female participation you would get from these programmes. I would acknowledge it is a limitation of the report. To some exthaenlts thats due to a lack of detail exactly in what the spending will be for. I did look into this question. San francisco is relatively unusual to the rest of the United States in that we have high rates of Labour Force Participation. For all women, it is about 85 . For women with children, if i recall, it is in the upper 70 . So, i dont have any way to estimate what the Labour Force Participation rate increase would be. I suspect it will be relatively small since there is high labour Participation Rate by women. This is to result in savings for family with children who would have Greater Public Sector Support and less reliance on the familys resources for child care and there would be some, but probably not very much reentry of women into the labour force. We do take into account the 146 million that gets spent raising the salaries of child care workers and on expanding the child care industry. The net negative comes from the reduction to the commercial real estate sector, that comes from the fact that that sector will be carrying a brunt of the tax and also the job losses associated with tenants that have some rent pass through. As we said earlier, thats a relatively small number. That is the more detailed version of the answer. Definitely. I appreciate the details. I think it is helpful. The next question, kind of moving on. On page six, line five in the definition of commercial spaces, it appears to exclude, quote, industrial uses. In the control in the controllers presentation p. D. R. Includes industrial as being taxed. Can you give clarity as to why it was excluded. Im sorry. The proposal that is before you in item five does exclude industrial uses. It does not exclude, as i read it, other p. D. R. Uses that are not industrial. So, industrial is a subset. A pretty big subset of p. D. R. But not industrial p. D. R. Would be subject. Ok. I appreciate that. All right. I dont know if my colleagues have any other questions. No. No . Ok. We found that to be helpful. Is there neals you want to share with us . No, i think that is about all we have on this. Ok. Im sorry. I have one more report in front of me. The San Francisco Business Tax Reform oh, its the annual report. We already discussed that. All right. So, thank you. Were going to take Public Comment. If there is any member of the public that would like to, again, take comment on item five, you can do so. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I have a proposal that might help solve the dilemma of a continuance. We could pass this and move it out of committee and send it to the full board to be scheduled on february 27. February 27, which would satisfy the sponsors deadline concerns and i see a nod from supervisor kims office that this may be we could send this and entertain a motion to sthenlds with no recommendation to the full board just to get it out of committee and get it on the full board agenda to be heard on february 27. This is something that i think is a safe and amenable compromise. Ill make that motion. Ok. Thank you. Thats great. Ill restate the motion. To send it out of committee. There is no recommendation. And well be sending it to the full board for february 278 and take that without objection. Thank you. All right. Madame clerk, is there any other business before this body . There is no further business. All right. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Were adjourned. San francisco is known worldwide for its atmospheric waterfront where spectacular views are by piers and sight and sounds are xhanl changing we come to the here for exercise relax ball games entertainment, recreation market, exhilaration a wide variety of contributions easily enjoyed look up the bay the waterfront is boosting for activities boosting over 25 visitors every year the port of San Francisco manages 7 may have Million Dollars of waterfront from hyde street and Fishermans Wharf to the cargo terminals and name shoreline the architecture like pier 70 and the Ferry Building is here for the embarcadero and a National Treasure the port also supports 10 different Maritime Industries alongside with the recreational attractions making San Francisco one of the most viable working waterfronts in the world but did you think that our waterfront faces serious challenges if earthquake to damage the seawall and the embarcadero roadway rising seawalls will cause flooding at high tides and Major Repairs to a safe many of the piers the port is at a critically turnl point time to plan for the future of San Franciscos waterfront this year the port is updating its marts plan the Plan Working Group to invite a wide variety of poichdz from the city and bayview and other advisory teams to share their expertise if intense and Maritime Operations the waterfront Land Use Plan has guided the use and development of the lanes for the last 20 years major physical changes take place along the waterfront and now is the time to update the waterfront plan to continue improvements that will keep our waterfront vibrate, public and resilient the Biggest Challenges facing the waterfront are out the site an aging seawall along the embarcadero roadway and seawalls that will rise by 21 hundred to provide and productivity of tides seawall is built over weak soils and mud the next earthquake will cause it to settle several feet without the urgent repairs that will damage the promenade and other things weve been fortunate over the last hundred years less than one foot of seawall over the next hundred years Scientists Say well have 6 feet of seawall rise imagine the pier 30 32 will be floated, the embarcadero will be flooded our Transportation System is fog to be heavy impacts unfortunately, the port didnt have the Financial Resources to repair all the deteriorating piers let alone the adaptations for Sea Level Rise. It is clear that the port cant pay for the seawall reinforcement or deal with the Sea Level Rise on its own needs to raise money to take care of the properties at take care of the maintenance on the properties no way absent anti funding the issues of Sea Level Rise or the schematic conditions of seawall can be development. As studies talk about the seawall challenges the working group is look at the issues please come share our ideas about recreation, pier activities, shoreline habitat, Historic Preservation and transportation issues and viral protection. We know this planning process will not have one question and one answer we need the diversity of the opinions how people feel about San Francisco waterfront and want to hear all the opinions. The challenges call for Big Decisions now is the time to explore now and Creative Ideas to protect and preserve San Francisco waterfront. Now is the time to get involved to help to shape the future of our waterfront. We need the debate please come forward and engage in the process. This is your waterfront and this is your opportunity to get involved be part of solution help San Francisco create the waterfront we want for the future. This is really to dream big and i think about what our waterfront looked like for all san franciscans today and generations to come. Get involved with the planning process that will set the fraction for what is coming at the port. Find for in upgrading dates on the ports website. ship blowing horn in distances

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