Snick 8 we we get the extent of inquiry. I wonder if it was the early retirees . The majority of that, we can show you on the table. Anyway, to point out, as we most of the plan came from blue shell access plan. When we look at the average age, the average age from our access plan we had as of the 2017 planning year, that is now actually dropped down. More folks moved the trio. It was higher than the average age. Skip ahead and call out some points that, you know, 95 of our membership and our lives live in california. 93 of us. We are very california centric. Page 10, i want to call out, we have the employer down there. This is always a good point to note. 95 come from the Unified School District and the College District and another 1 with superior court. Page 12, i will call out that as i mentioned before, we tend to be pretty consistent in a number of areas. 56 of our employee retired members are in member only, 27 member under the plus one, and 17 in member plus two. We started to take a look at the domestic partners. We do have an increase by 55. The percentage of domestic partners is 75 . The domestic partners, people who get the benefits. That is not given out. When we look at our relationships, 97 of those relationships are different sex. 95 of the members are here moving on to, high level points i would like to make. If we move over to page 60, just to confirm some numbers that mitchell was trying to break down. We have a break down of the employee retired members for domestic partners and the employees with domestic partners are 112 individuals. And our retirees have domestic partners of 216. All these tables give you a 5year term line. We talk about the people that potentially would be in the steva audit. 21,905. 14,100 are employees and the rest retired and the spouses. Consistency, the proportion of the employees, the employee member and the ratio is the same. 49 of employees and 51 of that total membership relies on the depend ants. The average age has for the fourth year has dropped slightly. You can see the numbers there. And you have 47 in member only, 26 member plus 1. 67 member plus two. That is the employee calculations. We begin our retiree look on page 24. Again, proportion of retirees and the depend ants. 75 to 25 split. You see a huge difference here. When you look at the employee population. The employees have nor dependents, some of the conversation that was a 4951 split. When you look at retirees, it is 75 of that population. On this page, it is a different slice. We get questions about this population. The table on the slide is where are the population. We will give it to you by state. And the role in medical. And as we split, we start to do a break down by the employers. And so if you go to page 34, just to call out here on the bottom of the table and we repeat this. If we gave the enrollment by the plan. You can take a look and see how many people are enrolled. Peruse all the data points in your spare time. You know how to reach me if you have specific questions outside of today. If you have questions here today, i am prepared to take them. Are there questions around the report from the commissioners . On behalf of myself and i think i speak for the rest of the board members, i am absolutely overwhelmed that you guys are able to track and trend and look at all of this stuff. You should be commended. Thank you. Is there any Public Comment . 3,000, the extra 3,000. Where did it come from . Retirees . Oh, retirees. It wasnt the majority of the number was from the active population. Are there Public Comments on the demographic report . Thank you. Okay. We are now ready to move on to item 15. Thank you, secretary. The item reported network. Network and health plan issues. Yes . Good afternoon. I have no network or health plan issues, i would like to informally introduce myself to the board. I am your new National Account manager with delta. In the city and county of San Francisco. I am excited to work with you. I have been consulting for three years and i managed and consulted 30 Community Colleges in southern california. All the benefit programs. And prior to that, i worked 11 and a half years, in the county of alameda. On the retirement side. Managing their benefit programs for those retirees. Again, just thank you for letting me introduce myself to you. And i look forward to work with you and with the future presentation. Thank you for introducing yourself. We look forward to working with you as well. Any other planned representatives, comments, all is well with the plan, that is what you are telling me. My goodness. The pay for physiotherapy and why the physio therapist copay is 25 opposed to acupuncture at 15. Whereas physiotherapy is covered by medicare, and the other two are not. I cannot figure out why the copay is higher . Physiotherapy is preventive care. I know that. I dont know if that is something the director wants to look at or not. The the people in health care are responding to the changes. United health care plan. The urgent care is 35 which is higher than their share of 25 and i wondered why that would be, especially since that is the people that may need it the most, it seems like i wonder why that was placed there. 10. Urgent care. That needs to be addressed too. All right. We will make note of the questions through the minutes. This meeting and the director and by proxy and the executive director will take the matters up and get back with an answer. All right. Any other is there any Public Comment on this item . We will move to the next item. The discussion item. All right. Retired firefighters, once again i find myself apologizing to the board after all these years, i should be able to read the agenda. I would like to have my entire remarks in discussion item number 16 from action number 4. And again my apology. No problem. Thank you very much. Are there other Public Comments . I would like to comment on the members. We should look into this and why i mean, i would personal look into it too. It is the most important things. One of the most important things. I would wonder why there is no tight proceed. I need to look into this myself. I have not checked on this. Cataracts are common. If you live long enough, you will have it. It is very important to get the right procedure. I talked to people who have had problems. I am not sure why. You know, that is going to make further complications if the right thing is not done to begin with. I think we need to really look at this benefit and wonder why. Another benefit i found out was the hearing aid. I was curious why costco would not be included in one of our vendors. And for us, i would think, because costco is much cheaper and i know a lot of people that go to costco for hearing aids and they claim they have thorough testing and can get updates. I am not sure why that isnt they are not included as one of the vendors, the hearing aids. It would seem it should be that way. The other then i would like to talk about is nutrition counselling. I brought this up last year, some of the results that came back that is not appropriate. Many doctors do not know a lot about nutrition. I am finding that out. I am talking about a dietitian like a doctor and get a prescription, you would go to a dietitian and they tell you how to eat properly. This would be an appropriate for all age levels. It is a prenatal issue. There is prenatal care around this. If the parent knew what they were feeding their children, what they did to them, i dont think they wouldnt do it. I think a lot of parents do not know today. This would have to be encouraged by the primary doctor to send people to a nutritionist. It is not done enough as i can see. Each age group has different needs. Young children and parents have certain needs. And seniors have different diets they need for osteoporosis, et cetera. The Group Classes are great. The individual classes are really individual nutritionists i made more than one visit to a nutritionist. We are putting the cart before the horse because we are covering for diabetes you get all coverage. Prediabetic it is difficult to find programs. Does that make sense to anybody here . And i noticed that now, i think, this must have come down from medicare. The medicare Diabetes Prevention program. I dont know if all plans are including that now. But i believe that this must have come down from medicare. I wonder if you could tell me what the Diabetes PreventionProgram Includes at the next meeting. I think that would include a visit to a dietitian. Thank you, commissioner. We will make the appropriate notes and ask for the appropriate follow up on the items through the director and the team. Working with the health plan partners. We are now down to 17. These are the team discussion. Wait for the right item. I want to thank the commissioner, it is important to our membership, these are the things that actually that are brought before us. Also, i would like to join the list of the board and president in thanking the staff that are incredible. Incredible. But i want to say the reports and everything done is phenomenal. We always put out a remarkable amount of work fwith a small staff. That is something we have been fighting for, for recognition from the city for a long time. And they have not recognized that. Maybe next year, for the new awards, i will look at some other city staff to be recognized for what they do and how they serve the members. It is phenomenal. We cant thank them enough. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I know included in the thank you would be recognition of the board secretary. Thank you very much. Is there any other item that we have, that we have forgotten in the universe today. The meeting stands adjourned. 5, 4, 3, 2 , 1. Cut. We are here to celebrate the opening of this community garden. A place that used to look a lot darker and today is sun is shining and its beautiful and its been completely redone and been a Gathering Place for this community. I have been waiting for this garden for 3 decades. That is not a joke. I live in an Apartment Building three floors up and i have potted plants and have dreamt the whole time i have lived there to have some ability to build this dirt. Let me tell you handout you how to build a community garden. You start with a really good idea and add Community Support from echo media and levis and take management and water and sun and this is what we have. This is great. Its about environment and stewardship. Its also for the we implemented several practices in our successes of the site. That is made up of the pockets like wool but they are made of recycled plastic bottles. I dont know how they do it. There is acres and acres of parkland throughout golden gate park, but not necessarily through Golden Community garden. We have it right in garden. We have it right in the middle of working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and worldclass style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. Our 28,000 city and county employees play an Important Role in making San Francisco what it is today. We provide residents and visitors with a wide array of services, such as improving city streets and parks, keeping communities safe, and driving buses and cable cars. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. Neighborhood in San Francisco are also diverse and fascist as the people that inhabitable them were in north beach about supervisor peskin will give us a tour and introduce is to what think of i i his favorite district 5 e 3 is in the northwest surrounded by the San Francisco bay the district is the boosting chinatown oar embarcadero financial district Fishermans Wharf exhibit no. North beach Telegraph Hill and part of union square. All of San Francisco districts are remarkable im honored and delighted to represent really whereas with an the most intact district got chinatown, north beach Fishermans Wharf russian hill and knob hill and the northwest waterfront some of the most wealthier and inning e impoverished people in San Francisco obgyn siding it is ethically exists a bunch of tightknit neighborhoods people know he each other by name a wonderful placed physically and socially to be all of the neighborhoods north beach and chinatown the i try to be out in the community as much as and i think, being a the cafe eating at the neighborhood lunch place people come up and talk to you, you never have time alone but really it is fun hi, im one the owners and is ceo of cafe trespassing in north beach many people refer to cafe trees as a the living room of north beach most of the clients are local and living up the hill come and meet with each other just the way the United States been since 1956 opposed by the grandfather a big people person people had people coming since the day we opened. It is of is first place on the west that that exposito 6 years ago but anyone was doing that starbucks exists and it created a really welcoming pot. It is truly a legacy business but more importantly it really at the take care of their community my father from it was formally italy a fisherman and that town very rich in culture and music was a big part of it guitars and sank and combart in the evening that tradition they brought this to the cafe so many characters around here everything has incredible stories by famous folks last week the cafe that paul carr tennessee take care from the Jefferson Starship hung out the cafe are the famous poet Lawrence William getty and jack herb man go hung out. They work worked at a play with the god fathers and photos he had his typewriter i wish i were here back there it theres a lot of moving parts the meeting spot rich in culture and artists and musicians epic people would talk with you and youd get about two years ago now i had my first child. And i thought when i come back, you know, im going to get back in the swing of things and ill find a spot. And it wasnt really that way when i got back to work. Thats what really got me to think about the challenges that new mothers face when they come back to work. When it comes to innovative ideas and policies, San Francisco is known to pave the way, fighting for social justice or advocating for the environment, our city serves as the example and leader many times over. And this year, it leads the nation again, but for a new reason. Being the most supportive city of nursing mothers in the work place. I was inspired to work on legislation to help moms return to work, one of my legislative aids had a baby while working in the office and when she returned we had luckily just converted a bathroom at city hall into a lactation room. She was pumping a couple times a day and had it not been for the room around the hallway, i dont know if she could have continued to provide breast milk for her baby. Not all returning mothers have the same access, even though theres existing state laws on the issues. These moms usually work in low paying jobs and returning to work sooner and they dont feel wellsupported at work. We started out by having legislation to mandate that all city offices and departments have accommodations for mothers to return to work and lactate. But this year we passed legislation for private companies to have lactation policies for all new moms returning to work. With the newcome accommodations, moms should have those to return back to work. What are legislation . We wanted to make it applicable to all, we created a set of standards that can be achievable by everyone. Do you have a few minutes today to give us a quick tour. I would love to. Lets go. This is such an inviting space. What makes this a lactation room . As legislation requires it has the minimum standards, a seat, a surface to place your breast on, a clean space that doesnt have toxic chemicals or storage or anything like that. And we have electricity, we have plenty of outlets for pumps, for fridge. The things that make it a little extra, the fridge is in the room. And the sink is in the room. Our legislation does require a fridge and sink nearby but its all right in here. You can wash your pump and put your milk away and you dont have to put it in a fridge that you share with coworkers. The new standards will be applied to all businesses and places of employment in San Francisco. But are they achievable for the smaller employers in the city . I think Small Businesses rightfully have some concerns about providing lactation accommodations for employees, however we left a lot of leeway in the legislation to account for Small Businesses that may have small footprints. For example, we dont mandate that you have a lactation room, but rather lactation space. In city hall we have a lactation pod here open to the public. So the more we can change, especially in government offices, the more we can support women. I think for the work place to really offer support and encouragement for pumping and Breast Feeding mothers is necessary. What is most important about the legislation is that number one, we require that an employer have a lactation policy in place and then have a conversation with a new hire as well as an employee who requests parental leave. Otherwise a lot of times moms dont feel comfortable asking their boss for lactation accommodations. Really its hard to go back to the office after you have become a mom, youre leaving your heart outside of your body. When you can provide your child food from your body and know youre connecting with them in that way, i know it means a lot to a mommy motionlely and physically to be able to do that. And businesses and employers can just provide a space. If they dont have a room, they can provide a small space that is private and free from intrusion to help moms pump and that will attract moms to working in San Francisco. If you want more information visit sfdph. Org breastfeedingatwork