Out a lot more people in this town, 11 00, a lot of people start going out and start lining up. Usually the guest list is over at 11 00. So theyre either there at 10 00 and then another wave at 11 30 and all leave around 1 30. Theres some food places around your area that a lot of people will drive to and park and make noise. So, you know, thats kind of important. Its not just the music itself. We get a lot of tension from apartments and things near venues that have a lot of people letting out. We understand. I determined this bar was along a stretch of mason where a lot of foot traffic was generating noise not related to the bar, so its hard to determine what is its hard to figure out where it comes from. Vice president thomas it often gets attributed to a place of entertainment. Its useful to have a measure throughout the evening, even if it doesnt seem directly commissioner lee usually the place of entertainment will draw people. So even the building might be air tight, its the people waiting in lines, outside, things that can be irritating. We like to see if there are extra Window Treatments to prevent disturbing the neighbors that night at 2 00. Thats kind of what the analysis is based off the ambient anyway. We measured along ellis and determined that to be the primary ambient situation that we make our calculations off of. The analysis is the ambient plus, and then we calculate what the place of entertainment could make if it would exceed that level and then we recommend the ratings based off that. Commissioner lee i think in the past weve had people go back and take the measurements at 2 00. We can go back and take measurements if you want. Commissioner lee i dont know in this case. I mean in the future who knows. Entertainment could be more coming in at that time but right now theres not a lot over there. I dont know. We have gone back and made measurements to other places. Commissioner lee at least at 1 30 you should have a set of measurements i would think. Okay. I have a question for inspector burke actually. Of the five Entertainment Permits within 300 feet, are any on your radar for complaints . No commissioner. Vice president thomas and theres a proposal for a bar in the building . Or did i miss hear that . No. Vice president thomas okay. Other questions . Comments . Commissioner lee not on sound. Vice president thomas would you like to talk about lighting commissioner lee . Commissioner lee can you tell me about your Exterior Lighting . Vice president thomas theres a lot of lighting from the hilton. Commissioner lee on your side of the street. Whats your lighting . Were currently designing external lighting. We have done this at a few other projects. We think its important in the evening especially when residents are coming home to have a clear path of entree and lighting to prevent loitering from happening on the street. Were extremely cognizant about that. And there will be on site staff at this project. Someone that is on site 24hours of the day. So we presumably i believe in the budget have Security Staffing for the evenings. So were extremely conscious. Commissioner lee since its a historic building, are you accenting the building at all, lighting up the building or just the front lobby area, sidewalk yeah, weve been going back and forth with Historic Preservation to figure out how to preserve the facade special bring it back to life. They have yet to provide with guidance on what were allowed to do in terms of lighting. At this stage were only focused on the entree ways but we would love to light up the building and showcase the historic nature. Commissioner lee usually thats what were looking for, is safety not just for the patrons walking by but also residents. Commissioner perez what would be your plan to inform potential residents that theyll live in an entertainment neighborhood. Absolutely. So, you know, to date in our projects, the demographic of residents that we attracted are people who are in their late 20s, early 30s and they know theyre moving into the heart of the city. Our projects are bart accessible, Public Transit oriented. We have a strong focus on encouraging bicycle usage and so, our residents are well aware when they move into the style of housing that is focused on community living, theyre going to not only be interacting with the Community Around them and the streets around them, and the places of business around them and within the buildings interacting with a lot of folks that they live with. And so, we take, you know, sound seriously, we at our current projects to date have provided additional insulation within rooms using everything from additional sound rock and insulation to acoustical ceiling tile and sound proof windows to the extent we can. Theres definitely an education process we do commissioner perez would that be listed specifically, the notice into the rental or when they buy yes. Basically yes, the renting were a little different than the traditional rental, we have on site staff that facilitates community interaction, organizes events and so we have much better report with our residents and we seek feedback from them on a daily basis and so, theres a lot of education that happens about the style of living thats just necessary because people are in such closed quarters and to date we have been on top of it. Thats something we present to them upon moving in written and digital formats. Commissioner perez thank you. Vice president thomas i think this is great that youre coming into the neighborhood. I worked in the neighborhood for the past 12 years and i hope that, you know, with the support team that will be on site for your residents that you encourage the residents to engage with the community. Absolutely. Thank you. We have been in touch with organizations such as the Tenderloin Community benefit district and other nonprofits in the neighborhood and working to solidify the partnerships now. And they have a good happy hour at new delhi. Any other comments . Recommendations . Motion . Commissioner lee i motion to approve the application as long as they can go out and be consistent and have a measurement around 1 302 30 to see the decibel level at the time and a lighting plan for safety, Public Safety and for the neighbors and residents. And i would recommend approval. Commissioner lee ill second. taking vote it passes, congratulations. Item number eight, review and possible action to change the conditions on the place of Entertainment Permit for hue located at 447 broadway. Hi everyone. So hue is back this evening and they have provided you with several documents per your request for more data around sound testing. So inspector burke can also help speak to this because i had him review all the documents. So yeah, well let hue take it away. Vice president thomas welcome back. Hello again. Hello commissioners. I hope with the documents that we have presented and work thats been done, i hope that your questions have been resolved. And i think ill just leave it for you guys to ask questions if there are gaps in what we have provided. Please let us know. There are people here i think who can answer your questions. Just i guess to help you guys go through all that paperwork. There is a little outline that goes over sound proof done before hue, i know there was i guess some questions about no sound proofing being done in my venue, theres outlines of on the years it happened before it was hue and the sound proofing that happened when it was hue. And there is an outline showing when the relations Management Department was created august of 2016. Yes, sorry. That was basically just to help assist management and security and really focus in on intoxication and overserving. And then just in there as well, i know there were questions about reach out to the neighbors with hues management. Theres emails outlining hues management correspondence with neighbors. This past weekend, myself and ben, one of our managers met with the diamonds and did some readings as far as before the nightclub, before we were open and we listened to some concerns that andrew diamond, mr. Diamond pointed out as far as hvac vent in the alley. I followed up with the Property Management company because we dont have hvac going out there. I assume its coming from the garage below us. Besides that, we have both sound consultants here as well if you guys have questions for that as well. Thank you. Commissioners . Commissioner lee lets go with the data and i guess jordan, you did the sound can you explain how you did your study, you know, kind of let the public know what you did on this report . Which by the way is what i have been looking for for a while. Sure, sure. So basically what we wanted to do was get an idea about different levels, ambient levels around hue with different scenarios. The scenarios we were able to capture, you set project parameters and sometimes environment doesnt allow you to do what you initially set out to do, the things we were able to do were good in this case. The first night we took tests, there were two venues over and it was not a busy night. It was a good showing. We developed data on that night. I came back another night by myself without the club around, where there was no activity at all. Commissioner lee what night . This was january let me check my calendar. It was the week after it was the sunday monday. The first night was friday night and saturday night and then i came back again on sunday i was gone saturday night. It was friday night, saturday morning, sunday morning and monday morning, no entertainment. Tombing a Vice President thomas are you referring to table one and two . I am giving a rough outline, im not talking about the report necessarily. Basically i set the parameters to get some good data, i sourced the meter from a Third Party Company that rents out meters, they have them calibrated and i sent documentation. I have more if the Commission Wants to see it at some point. And in my testing i made sure i observed the code. You want to be four and a half feet above the ground with the meter four feet from wall. One of the good things to do when youre taking an ambient is be at a location that is direct line of sight to all the Noise Sources in the neighborhood and so, i took testing from two locations, one was on broadway, the other was as the code mandates that you take it from the location of complaints. So we wanted to take one in the alley as well. All the testing was structured around the code and the issue that were dealing with. And i tried to get it in locations similar to where sean took his readings so we could have objectivity in all the readings and see where we stand. Commissioner lee okay. And tell me how you came up with the readings. So basically, the meter any high level sound meter that we use commissioner lee i mean you set the music obviously, you did a scenario test. Sure, the sound engineer came in commissioner lee basically whatever the level the commission sets, you sit the level at . Sure. Commissioner lee and then you did your test outside. We just started anywhere. You dont know necessarily ahead of time when the system is playing, what affect its going to necessarily have on the outside. We did that with the levels that sean came up with. And then after that, we took the test in the readings were the readings. Commissioner lee so those readings are in the book . Absolutely. I have the documentation if you want it after the hearing or at some point i can send it all to you. Commissioner lee okay. Is there any way that that level on the inside can be raised by a deejay or lockdown in a room where you cant raise it . Its in a room where it can be raised but the deejay would not necessarily know where the room is or have access to it. Management has access and the only ones i have seen adjusting it. Commissioner lee and its a limiter, correct . Absolutely. Commissioner lee i want to talk to the sound guy. He should. So the room, the limiter is in the room . Absolutely. Commissioner lee away from the deejay booth. Absolutely. The first thing we did was turn all the filters up to get maximum everything, maximum everything and we did the test that way. And yeah, so it was pretty much the maximum level you could have it at and then the settings on the limiter and the amplifier were set accordingly and we kept moving that around until we arrived at a consensus and thats the data in the report. Commissioner lee that inside level is the same inside level as whats set by the inspector . So, yes, the peek level that sean set was 110 and so in popular music, especially hip hop, you have sound levels different between songs. So, you know theres a variation between sound levels in songs. In the test on the last page, table two, the maximum level lc, and on that particular night the average sound level was 103, it would go up to 103 and for whatever reason it hit 108. 8. Were still below the level that sean set but in maximum peek. The actual level was lower than what sean set. And we rolled the base off all together, its a very flat sound. If you walk in there, you hear some base but its not booming, its not deep blowing and thats how we got around some of the issues. Commissioner lee thats what was youre going to tell them to leave it at and not get complaints . Are they going to live with that . In theory they could have it higher but it doesnt require that as far as their operation and theres other stuff they can do that i didnt recommend in the report because that wasnt the scope of the report, but there are other things they can do, along the door in the front room to bring down transmission of base to the outside. Commissioner lee see, sometimes when these things are done and discovered, what has to be corrected, like sound proofing. Lets say they cant operate with flat base and they want to operate with the base going and everything, if they want to operate that way, they sound proof it so it doesnt affect the people on the outside. If youre recommending they dont disturb the neighbor on the flat base, can they live with that opening their club . So to answer that question, we did a test with the cabinet on, the problem we were running into on the outside, they were hitting a level of 78 but sometimes cars might pass by or people and then the peeks might go to 82 or 83. While personally i dont believe it was the sound that was causing that, thats a fine line to walk in this particular case. So they can live with it on, but given the circumstances of this case, it wasnt something i wanted to do. So i recommended that we did our test with the cabinet off and they operate with it off. They dont use the front room necessarily for a lot of activity. Commissioner lee thats okay. My question is please excuse the interruption commissioner. Inspector burke, i believe these are questions you may want to address to the operator it sounds like youre asking if the operator is okay with the limits that the Entertainment Commission has set forth and maybe commissioner lee thats not what im saying. Thats not what im asking. What im asking is, in a normal situation, okay 0, the only way they would not violate the set level is they would have to roll off their base and run it flat. The only way they can guarantee enough distance between the level set and reasonable level is by rolling the base off. Then theres no question, you can always come out, no matter what the environment is and test and see their effect on the outside level is compliant. Thats the point. Even though with the base cabinet on at the lower setting, its compliant. But you dont know. There might be a song with extra deep low base because they mixed it that way. You dont know. I wanted to make sure and were aware, we consulted on it together and made sure it was at a level commissioner lee now that you took the readings, did you find recommendations to sound proofing you made to bennett to make a fool proof way to not disturb the neighbors . The approach i took in this case was to bring the levels down, so there would be no question. However, the main thing that i told me and bennett talked about was the door in the alley or front door in the alley. Bennett had a whole thing they did for that. They put weather stripping around the door. Of course theres more stuff they can do, but not to litigate or anything, theres stuff that the building on the other side could do, so you know, its a mixed bag. So what i wanted to do was provide an analysis for bennett that got him back to where he needs to be and from there, he could work with the neighbors because its gray area when you Start Talking about that type of stuff. Nevertheless, we talked about stuff he could do and hes done some of it. Absent of buying a new door and these types of things, its pretty much easier to go about it this way and more reasonable. Commissioner lee so what youre saying, you have to roll off the base or lower the volume in order to comply . He didnt have to roll off the base in order to comply. We rolled off the base so there wasnt a question about complying. He he could operate it with it on, but were talking about being a Good Neighbor and operate without the headaches and have a situation parameter set easy for sean to show up and make a quick determination, theres no gray area, everything is good. Commissioner lee thank you. Can i ask a question of inspector burke. The sound test you have done there, seeing whether or not theyre out of compliance or not, how many of the infractions have they had for being over the outdoor level . One. When was that . Like ball park not the most recent yes, the most recent one. I thought that was on the dance floor though. No, that was outside. Got it. Okay. Other questions commissioners . Vice president thomas thank you for the information its helpful to have the timeline and information here. I think its part of what we have been asking for and its really helpful. Commissioner perez i want to add one thing. I know commissioner lee one of the things that i think was on your mind in the last meeting was has everything been done that can be done. And the answer is yes. It has all been completed, 100 of it. I noticed that you commissioner lee no, my thing is always once sound proofing is established and done and verified, theres no way that anything can be turned up, you know. Somebody could go in the room and turn it up. If its locked, we have to go back to the owner and his operation and what he tells us right now in the microphone and what hes willing to do. Im just wondering if he can live with rolling off the base in the front room in order to comply. Some owners cant. You know. If they cant, they would sound proof more. If hes okay to live with that, i dont have a problem. The data shows that at a certain level hes in compliance. Okay . I just wanted to make sure that theres no adjustment, no rolling off the base, but it seems there will be some adjustment to comply. A legitimate point and question. I think he should answer himself. I think the answer is yes. He can live with what needs to be done. Commissioner lee okay. Im just this is inspector burke. Thank you commissioner lee. I would like to maybe try to clarify the question for the operator. Commissioner lee okay. It sounds like youre asking if he is okay with the level of output the base level of the system as it was tuned by his consultant to be in compliance. Is he okay with the sound system as it stands . Is that your question . Commissioner lee thats correct. Yes. Commissioner lee okay. Thats so i mean, you know, its not perfect. You know that bennett, right . Its not completely perfect. With the base cabinet on right now, were under the level and just to make sure that there is no issues and being a Good Neighbor we have turned off the base cabinet in our front room. Our operations as far as the front room is more of a lounge feel anyway. Its not a necessity to have the base cabinet on. Last time you were here, you said you were almost done with the construction. That is 100 done. The only thing were missing from last time, the exit door not on exterior. Its something to add to make it sound proof. Were waiting for that to come in because it was a special order. Any other questions from commissioners. Thank you. Other presentations San Francisco police department, do you have comments on this . Steve from central station. Going over kind of why were here today, today the commission will be reviewing the results of the imposed conditions for hue. I have to say the new conditions have greatly improved the conditions on broadway and hue specifically. The violence has decreased. You should have access to reports, i would address incidents that occurred after the may Commission Hearing when the new conditions were imposed. So we have looking at the reports, ill briefly go over the different calls for service. There was a pick pocket on july 15th and intoxicated female, she was kicked out of hue, was aggressive toward officers and tried to kick one of them and arrested for being drunk in public. There was an email from a resident i believe youll hear from tonight, the email he sent we wanted to let you know hue nightclub continues to disturb our home with the loud music. The past two saturday nights have been very loud until 2 00 a. M. As officer louie has witnessed on september 16th. He and his team have been helpful and supportive. On september 23rd another very loud night. We asked sean burke to evaluate the sound levels. We were amazed when he wrote me saying hue was operating within the sound limits established by the Entertainment Commission. We do not see how it could be accurate as hue is limited to the ambient level and we could hear the base through the apartment. I asked for further explanation but have not received response. We have not reached out to supervisor peskin for support on the issue. Next one october 1st, there wasnt more information about what the citizens request was for. Stolen property october 1st. October 6th a noise complaint, in quotes nightclub with heavy base side alley door is open and residents can hear it. The officer that went out there, he was not able to locate the noise complaints. On october 8th, there was another noise complaint, loud base coming from the club in the back room of the side street when the officer arrived at 3 15 in the morning, the call was at 12 54 but it was gone upon his arrival. There was a theft on october 28th. On december 10th there was a noise complaint regarding music at the back end of the nightclub near the alley, very loud music and then the officer responded, club has been advised will lower music and we told them well come back to check in a while. On december 17th, fight with no weapons, no further pd action at this time. What they did, after i saw that, there wasnt that much information in the cab so i contacted the officer and asked if it was related to hue. This was a large 418, a fight that started inside hue that spilled out on to the street. Several other fights around broadway as a result of the initial. Let me know if you need anything further. And then on lets see next one was january 1st of this year at 12 52 a. M. Fight no weapons. That was not that much information so i asked the officer if it was related to hue. I do believe it was related, it was across the street and by the time we ran across, the bouncers had broken it up. Then we just stood by until a party got in an uber and left. But yes, related to hue. And then another thing that its in your notes and stuff, it was an advertisement from hue for new years eve for their Premium Package and one of the concerns ive had, weve been addressing open bar or more overserving and that was one of the things that this was premium hosted open bar. You paid you looks like a flat fee and you can go up to the bar and its paid for. Thats part of the issues we have been dealing with as far as the overserving. The reports have been shown they have shown improvements since the Commission Imposed conditions but i am still concerned about the judgment in overserving. I showed you the ad for new years eve premium hosted bar, also right before hue went to the appeal board in july, the chronicle did a story and how hue conducts service. This is at a time i have advised mr. Montoya regarding Bottle Service. I would think someone under review would be extra careful. This was you couldnt see it when i brought it up in front of the Commission Last time on the screen there, but this is part of the problem. This was in july and this was the article in the chronicle on the page. But it shows what the Bottle Service is. When we talked to mr. Montoya regarding the overserving and our concerns with the Bottle Service, we were assured that security has redoubled efforts and theyre going to have a person to serve the alcohol so its more controlled. We didnt want the bottle just sitting up there. As i said, this was a newspaper article in the chronicle on july 26th. But it shows what the Bottle Service is. And clearly on the dance floor and chugging down a bottle of champagne. This leads so many different issues as far as the Bottle Service is not being controlled. We have somebody that could easily be overserved in this manner by chugging the bottle of champagne and another thing, we basically have a weapon out there. This was on the dance floor, appears on the dance floor, but just the year before we had a glass slammed in someones face at hue. These are the things over and over and over again. Thats what im concerned about. In addition to the police, there are still ongoing noise complaints. Im urging the commission to make the conditions permanent so we dont go back to the days of shootings and assaults on Police Officers and overserving. Your imposed conditions have made a grave difference and i urge you to keep the conditions in place. Thank you very much. So as excuse me. Im getting over a cold. Setting aside the noise issues which we are also talking about and setting aside overserving and abc issues, in terms of the it sounds like from the incidents that youre describing in severali of them it seems th bar security is taking an active role in breaking up fights for example in front of hue or you know, removing someone from the club who is overintoxicated which is what they should be doing, right . What is your sense of how security has been engaged or have they stepped up or sort of how are they taking action, what have you seen how much of the change is part of greater engagement by security and club staff . Since the Entertainment Commission has imposed conditions, i have seen a great improvement. I have not seen the amount of violence at the club. Its been greatly reduced. Im not going to talk about what led us here, but it was enough to have this Commission Look and impose the conditions as well as the board of appeals agreeing with the Entertainment Commission. I feel like you have given hue the tools they need or the conditions that it needs to operate in a safe manner. Right now, its not a problem club. I mean, yes, do we have a few things . Yes. Every club can improve. But with the conditions that are imposed, im not getting the going through a stack of reports with violence done on broadway as well as hue, im not having officers come up to me that are injured or off on disability. Its a completely different place. I like to think that that is because of the conditions that you all have imposed. Vice president thomas and you know, one of the conditions had to do with the midnight shutoff of entertainment, there were ones about increased staffing and security as well as sound proofing and so on. I think to what extent have those other sort of increased staffing and control of the Bottle Service had an impact on the dropin reported incidents as opposed to the 12 00 a. M. I know im trying to sort of understand which of the aspects, given that the 12 00 a. M. One is one theyre here asking us to lift, how much of an impact does the 12 00 a. M. Time have on this, opposed to sort of the club taking seriously what weve been saying around their need to engage, step up the security, staffing, etc cetera. Right. To answer your question, as far as stepped up security, you know, maybe with them redoubling their efforts it has improved, but when i can show you a poster of what their Bottle Service looked like on that particular night, that raises a concern. The 12 00 time has really changed things at hue and on broadway. Vice president thomas other questions . Commissioner lee im sure hes gotten an ear full. Lets hear the head of security, i mean hes been here and hearing all this, and tell us who you are and i know who you are but tell everybody who you are and how big your company is, but you heard what the officer has said about hue and its in the papers and obviously having a patron controlling the bottle and we know the abc rules. Tell me or the commission what is hue going to do about it. I mean i think part of the new condition is an updated security plan, is that right . No . Okay. I can provide one. Before we start, im john windsor, the ceo of Security Intelligence specialist and epic security works. Security Intelligence Specialist provides security for club hue. Im not only the ceo, i helped design the team and the account manager for the club and meet with them no less than every two weeks on saturday nights to go through. We just had one this recent saturday. I hire, recruit, vet and participate in all the training of the personnel on staff. All that gives you context that im familiar with the team. In so far all the things, youre right. I have heard and read through all the data and where security fits in these conversations is all the data feeding into security. So Bottle Service, format, sound and security. Sound, Bottle Service, format, security. So how does security feed out . The picture, while horrific was taken in july. It was a bottle of champagne and do those exceptions arise in a 7090 capacity nightclub . Yes, they do. What it doesnt show, it doesnt show the context of how quickly it was resolved. What was the behavior before the bottle and after. Im addressing the photo. My job as security is to be absolute. I dont get involved in the politics of running a nightclub because i dont run a nightclub. Thats the picture itself. Theres no real context. No before and after. The bottle could be put down, turned away, bottle picked up and woman takes a few sips, chugs it, cleans the whole bottle. We dont know. Control of Bottle Service though, the photo was taken in july. Were talking about a body of work in the past six months, that was the beginning of the marker. I will never say 100 based on skill, sometimes better to be lucky than smart. There is luck contributed to that environment, it always is with Bottle Service. We warn with predrinking. We vet them, talk to them, you tell the inside supervisor and they work with Bottle Service to control even more the distribution of liquor. From that point all the way to monitoring that table is done. Id say at least 20 is lucky. We get lucky on we dont do a test on what alcohol level is when they come into the club. We have to do it on behavior. Its in a nightclub so quite frankly to a layman, everyone looks drunk. You have to monitor that. Number two, staffing. It is an unusually high staffing count. Good for me i guess but it is a large count. Were talking on any given night, seven security on a saturday, plus five to six hosts that are actually trained in security. So thats a compliment of 1213. Then theres sis, that controls line management, fading, ids, interior control and of course in and outs. Thats large. Thats every night that they have capacity. To answer directly, i think the security has contributed to the lowering of violence but i just dont see how changing the keeping the noise or live music at midnight to 2 00 a. M. Will do any difference. The music is still on. Theres music now. That doesnt contribute if theres someone up there, yes, of course if its a higher talent or celebrity or host hired to help with the club, security is dealing with that regardless of who is in front of the booth playing. One of the issues im seeing, remove the 12 00 condition. Its harder to attract business with it. It has nothing to do with violence. The reason why theres a drop in violence simply is not security. Weve helped a great deal. Its because bennett and the new management team, multiple managers have closely looked at the format theyre bringing in, what the ball Service Bookings look like, the guest list, thats a lot of work. A lot of it has to do with the management. I think we have done a great job but management has done a better job. Commissioner lee so question is from the time its 12 00 to now, you guys have gotten together and revamped the security and all these new things have been going on and its going to be continually going on if the midnight thing is lifted . Operator or me . Commissioner lee you as security. If something happens, its security, it goes to the owner but the owner has the final say. But, you know, youre pretty competent security person. What was going on before until now. These are the changes that youre telling me that youre implementing now. Yes. Okay so commissioner lee which is different than before. I know what youre asking, but my answer has been for the last year and year and a half it hasnt been that bad. I understand why were here. I understand theres been violence. But overall, against we ran up to 54 nightclubs and bars until two years ago and now at 26. So 26 of the premier nightclubs and bars in San Francisco we currently operate. If you take out the bars and list just nightclubs, which includes lounges but just nightclubs, in the past one year, we did the metrics. Hue is two as being the second safest. What happens in the neighborhood, i cant comment on unless my security was there. But as far as incident reports, injuries to staff and patrons, litigation arising from that, it is number two. I have the metrics. Whether thats good or bad, thats our metrics. The team is twice the sizes of any other venue because the revenue we generate from hue is the same as we generate from its the same we generate from love and propaganda and they have 10 00 on thursday and 12 00 on friday and saturday. They have far more patrons than hue on a regular basis. Theyre more popular. But as a nightclub for me its simple, for my security operator, if the issue is that the address is a nightclub and i think were in the wrong place. If the issue is that hue is a bad nightclub, i dont have the data to support that. I think its above average in incidents, were way above average in resolving the incidents because weve had no injuries in the past year. No lawsuits, and i have had 39 lawsuits in the last 10 years. None from hue. Vice president thomas so in your opinion, what if any change do you think there would be in the kinds of metrics if we moved the time back from midnight to 2 00 . Im trying to understand what impact of that the midnight to 2 00 change has on patrons experience and violence within the club opposed to all the other stuff, the security, the staffing, the programming. I think thats a great question. Im not going to speak for bennett, but being in operations for so long, what i can say is, again, theres luck and the human condition. They have been they being club hue and operators have been doing this now under this pressure for six months. Behavior changes. The human condition is youre backed against the wall and innately you temper your energy. You observe the action and reaction. My hope, with my security team, everyone is lit up. Sfpd has done a fantastic job monitoring us. I tell my guys, why does it matter if were doing our job. The human condition for them, were going to be that much better constantly. Having a parent at the prom. Thats been on our backs. My hope and i dont know if ill keep the contract after saying this, i hope we stay on our toes. I just texted bennett about 10 minutes ago and i said if it happens and you get it back, keep the Staffing Levels up and ill keep the best i have there. Vice president thomas thank you. I think that is exactly our concern, that if we lift the sort of greater scrutiny, that things will go back to where they were before and making sure were able to keep a sort of, you know, higher level of accountability both in terms of the neighbors and the community, sfpd like all of the players, so that trying to find a middle ground and keeping the nightclub open and making sure that the community and neighbors are feeling safe and the patrons obviously of the club. Thank you. One last comment, going forward, if the condition is lifted, if theres anything as a Security Company we can have doing is more real time dialogue with the cpd again, theres been a gap for six months, well do that. All we can do is offer information and thank you for listening. Commissioner perez so your crew are at the doors, correct . Throughout the club, but yes, including commissioner perez are they there throughout the night . Yes. Commissioner perez theyre monitoring if the doors are open or not . Part of the patdown detail is open and close the doors. Commissioner perez do they monitor that . Thats part of their job. Commissioner lee it seems its still an issue. When the line comes out the door, some people get wedged into the door, we keep one door shut. Were vocal, in or out. In or out. I always tell my guys, if the sound of your own voice doesnt annoy you, you havent talked enough throughout the evening. We are constantly vocal but any given hour, the door is open, we have done it before about 10 minutes total. One sixth of every hour. Its the time of moving and the wedge. But to answer your question directly, we do monitor the door as aggressively as possible. Commissioner perez so since your crew are out there already at the door, theyre the eyes and ears for the management inside, when there is garbage and trash outside, do they communicate that to the management theres garbage left behind, will you guys take care of it. Is it part of the responsibility . It is part of our responsibility. We try to treat the front door like our living rooms. We start before anybody is there. We try to secure things in a better place if its a neighbors which is just across the small alley. As far as ongoing duty, we try, but theres a lot of garbage generated on broadway, we try to the immediate front door. Cups red or blue, bottles small or big, we remove them immediately, they can be used as weapons. Please understand our security dont want to get hurt. By controlling the behavior of the crowd from the getgo regardless of the consequences, a better night for bennett, thats self preservation. Vice president thomas any other questions . Commissioner lee what are the consequences for somebody who grabs a bottle and chugs it . You mean a Bottle Service . Commissioner lee yes. If someone grabs a bottle and chugs it . I cant talk to the staff but security alert it or intervene. If theyre not the first person on site and the hostes hesitates because its five guys, we support her. If theyre combative, escort out. If theyre heavily intoxicated, we need to take into account how many people are at the Bottle Service table, we intervene, vet, make a decision. Usually the intervening and vetting calms about 80 percent of situations down but we have to extract teams out of Bottle Service and we do it more often than we like across clubs entirety. We do monitor closely. Commissioner lee do you have a guard near each booth station . As far as our operations with Bottle Service, each section ranging from two to four tables, theres a host, a security guard, a vip manager at each section. So each section is two to four. As far as Vice President thomas i was going to say, you guys require that from right. That is something we were doing before you put that condition on us. As far as the Bottle Service picture, there was a phase going on before where people wanted to take pictures with their bottle which we would allow. As far as champagne when they get poured out, they all get poured out, theres a little left, if they want to take the picture. Thats what we were doing. There was social media phase with that, its no longer going on anymore. Two things, thank you. We dont want that out on social media thinking thats the thing to do. And i agree, newspapers take pictures to sell newspapers, but the big thing is if one person does it it has to be stopped. Do you have you disciplined a host for allowing it to happen . Yes. And we have actually had meetings we have meetings all the time about this, how serious it is. So i mean, yes, were always having meeting and reprimanding it when it happens but at the same time, its not supposed to happen. So if its happening, that means the person is not doing their job. Commissioner lee thank you. I have a question for you bennett. If someone asks you or i could ask you thats my job. What youre doing differently now than in july and why that would why that is going to change how things are going to be if we lift the restriction, what would your answer be . My answer would be i think theres a lot of reports well, its simply really just sticking with whats working and always improving. You cant get complacent and say okay, lets put as many security guards on or this many staff and make sure it stays the same. Its more of staying on top of it, weekly meetings and making sure everyone is staying on top of what theyre supposed to be doing. As far as, you know, if theres going to be more or less staff on, definitely not going to be less. If anything theres going to be more staff on. With everything that is going on, a lot of people just think our venue is closed, so we anticipate with marketing that more people are going to come to our venue. Its really just staying on top of it honestly. Vice president thomas any other questions . All right. Thank you. Then i know we have Public Comment. How many folks want to make Public Comment . I think youve all been here

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