At this point, the mayors budget request to all departments was not to add any positions so were pushing the envelope a little bit, because we think we can justify it based on the fees, but when the issues come up. I will take a little bit of exception to what ms. Hester said we just rubber stamp them, we spend a lot of time looking at them. The number of adu approved, we spent a lot of time looking at these issues when they do come in and Preservation Planners do look at them. My point is, there will be more than one person devoted to the work. Commissioner moore one additional question, the expenditure budget, i see capital and equipment, 19 fy 1920 to become zero and material and supplies increasing by 200,000, that is a time when youre moving. Does that mean that youre not adding equipment and why is the number zero, i thought you would need a boost with new space, new equipment is happening, so you would want up to date equipment. We absolutely want uptodate equipment. Given the life span of larger machines its more than standard p. C. , so we refresh our p. C. S about every three years and refresh our larger printers, copiers, those are anywhere in the 510 year range. So we will of course take another look again next year, but as of right now were not projecting that the major equipment costs will come into play in 1920. We have lets see. We have three plotters and those we all expect to be continuing in their life. The servers that we have sometimes needed to replace. Technically, equipment is anything that is 5,000 or more with a useful life span of more than three years. Because we are moving into a brand new building where there will be equipment provided, were not going to need to buy Replacement Parts for our servers, because there will be some there. That is actually one area well have a little bit of onetime savings, but, yes, the material and supplies, for example, we have to buy all new telephones. And so thats 100,000 because theyre 300 each, 250 and there you go. So it is materials and supplies, one time related to the move as you pointed out. Commissioner richards one other. I know were stuck with section 317 and the complicated way to figure out if something is demoed. The audit with the Zoning Administrator and somebody from Building Inspection Department we only picked five items, but two of them looked like demos, perhaps again, we can devote a fraction of fte to review the demo calculation when theyre on the line, so we have higher accuracy rate. We can have ms. Chutetice do other things with her thursday afternoon. Just a question regarding the new vehicle purchased. I am impressed with the citys efforts to utilize hybrids and electric vehicles and smaller vehicles as far as traffic and emissions are concerned. Is there a plan for the new vehicle to be electric . I do anticipate it will be an electric vehicle. President hillis all right. Thank you, well see you back in a couple of weeks. Sounds great, thank you very much, february 8th. Commissioners, item 10, case number 2009, 3461, this is the area plan implementation update and interdepartment Plan Implementation Committee report, informational presentation. Ipick. Of department staff. Again before you in january, to give you our ipic report. Today, im going to talk quickly about our Implementation Team and the citywide division, ipic, the committee itself, how well look at highlights of the revenue received and what were expecting to receive and speak on the highlights of the six area plans that ipic looks after. Very quickly, the Implementation Team, within the citywide division. It is charged with looking after the area plans. Six area plans that have been approved since 2005. This was a new role for the Planning Department. Usually when we did area plans prior to that we did the land use, but other aspects sat on the shelf. The team was created to make sure we look after other aspects, most specifically around Community Benefits and infrastructure. And with these area plans we had adopted impact fees since 2005 which is the main tool in helping us implement the area plans. The ipic is implementation Plan Implementation Committee. It is made up of other agencies that carry out and create the infrastructure that are called for in the area plans. Together, we prioritize and plan for these projects. The ipic ultimately will approve an expenditure plan every year for each of the six Planning Areas before they become memorialized in the city budget process. So, of the major works that ipic is charged with, one well talk about today, the ipic report, lays out and gives overview of the plan and expenditure plan for impact fee revenue spending in the next five years. The other product that is charged, we wont be covering today which is the area plan mini capital plans, theyre 5year plans for the reduced constrained geographic areas. Theyre done at the same time we do the 10year capital plan. This is off year so this is not a year we worked on this. The other side of planning these infrastructure and Community Benefit projects of course is working with the community. And we have several dimensions from which we do that, from eastern neighborhoods, we have citizen advisory committees to help us plan and look after plan implementation. We have several public realm plans we worked on the past year, dog patch, eastern neighborhoods, the hub plan, octavia and the staff has been working south of downtown, public realm plan, soda. Visitation valley we have a requirement we go after the community a couple of times a year to plan for construction. Balboa has a couple of other cac not related to impact fees, one of which is staffed by the cac and the other by us for the reservoir project. Ill move through the side. Its just to say that our process is similar to any other budget process where we look at where we were in the previous year. We make adjustments based on where we are in terms of revenue and need. We have the cac for their endorsement, the ipic, we bring it to you, which were here today to do and we offer presentation to the Land Use Committee as well. So the spinning categories fort six area plans are generally the same. We update our needs assessments and nexus every five years. The last time we did this, we finished about four years ago. Were providing funds for transit. This is on top of the sf, that is geographically based. Complete streets, bicycle, recreation, open space, childcare and we have a set aside for planning for, but we offer to it other agencies to help us plan, do cost estimate and what have you. So looking at the revenue. So looking at the revenue that we believe we will have received by this end of the this fiscal year, thats june, we believe well have 315 million through the fiscal year, thats what we received thus far through december and what we think well be receiving in the next six months. A couple of things to note. A big chunk of that is from Transit Center and that is because its a small plan area, but theyre very huge Major Projects there which we will be receiving a lot of revenue. Were generally about where we thought we would be last year, so were about the same. In the next five years, we think well have about 77 million across the six plan areas. Again a couple of things to note. Transit center and hill, the revenue goes down pretty substantially, thats because those two plan areas, theyre small with relatively few, but very large projects. Recon hill everything is entitled. Transit center is centimeterly, the real Major Projects have been entitled and we think were going to get in the initial wave most of the income through june. What has gone up, you will note is market octavia, thats because this year we started to look at hub projects and additional impact fee they pay. That weve included in our revenue projections. So ill go quickly through the six plan areas. Highlights. Balboa park, is a plan area in which there are probably the fewest opportunity sites, the least amount of revenue were expecting. We know this is a plan area that has a lot of need. It is the juncture of all of the city transit and regional transit. And so we know there is a lot of need and lot has been happening without impact fees. Of course, unity plaza was completed maybe just before we were here last year. Theyve begun street scaping on geneva, were look to advocate for additional street scaping. Eastern neighborhoods of course is the largest and most complex of the plan areas, as you know, its five plan areas adopted around the same time. Roughly seven years ago now. Ill just run through a couple of things that we can say that has been completed with impact fees. South park was completed just before last year. Our impact fees paid for half of the cost for that project. Similarly, dagget was just about to be complete. That was inkind. Our impact fees paid for half of that project. Also completed around the same time, the new park. Im sorry, im not going to pronounce it, its new park at 17th and fulsome street. This was one of the initial priority projects, completed within the last year. We had a couple of inkinds completed. The one in dog patch, the dog patch art plaza at the end of 19th street. And then the street safe project in western somma, the ringle alley improvements memorializing the gay and Lesbian Community history. So one of the things we say we were able to do with impact fees, theyre often the last dollar in that makes sure the project happens. Sometimes theyre the first dollars in helps provide to get the project going. This year, just as we were about to complete our expenditure plan, mts and dpw asked for funds for a project that was not going to be funded by the 16th street project. It was something that our staff work on and we were able to fund that for 1. 7 million. And were about to complete the dog patch Central Waterfront street scape project. Were going to set aside 10 million to make sure that projects identified can get a head start. And then were also similarly in terms of the first dollar in, putting money aside for three rehabilitation projects in eastern somma, mission rec, in the Mission District and Jackson Playground in show case square. Weve understood that the large projects are going to need a lot more funding, most likely through the bond that theyre planning for 2019. We put additional money aside for rec and park to continue to work on either of those projects and or to plan further for even a bond in later years. For market octavia, weve identified 28 projects that were going to be spending on impact fees. This last year, you approved one oak plaza in association with the one oak project as inkind and that is moving forward. And similarly the staff completed the hub, public realm plan and we started to put money aside specifically to start funding some of the individual projects that were identified in the project and were starting to work with mta and public works to better prioritize cost estimate and see how best to implement those tree skaip projects. Also, were putting a large amount of money into the hayward park rehabilitation. As i mentioned earlier, this is an area plan for which we think we have received most of the opportunity sites have been entitled or completed. We still have a to do list to finish the street scape there. Weve divided projects into priority one, mostly harrison and fremont street and we understood that the impact fees wouldnt play for all of the projects, we identified them as priority two, again public works is taking the lead. Transit center, a few large projects paying large fees. We had implement to you, approved Implementation Plan back in 2012 when you approved the plan area. Were moving forward. One of the Major Projects is the city part on top of the Transit Center, the Transit Center itself and the improvements around that. The soda street scape improvements, rincon hill, there is a funding gap and a lot of the projects are ready to move forward. Our staff is working with the community and the other agencies to prioritize projects, thinking of them holistically. Theyre suitable for impact fees spending out of Transit Center. We set aside this money to enable that to happen. The last of the playing areas, visitation valley is not a playing area. This was created by the community and the supervisor from district 10 about ten years ago to leverage value out of the large scale projects planned in Executive Park, we the revenue that weve gotten thus far has been largely spent on the visitation valley library. A lot of the projects for which were expecting revenue have not paid their fees yet. We think, although we dont have a lot of money right now, we know when the money comes in, it will come in all at once with the schlage lock project. Were working with the community. We go out twice a year to identify projects. They honed the project list a little more to better define it to get it ready for when the money does come in. We will be working for the agencies for the money weve identified in the report in the next two years, to include it in their budget asks so theyre appropriated to so they can move forward. This is a yearly cycle. Spring and summer well start this all over again. As i mentioned before, on top of doing, identifying projects for impact of the revenue spending, well be working on the 10year capital plan for each of the areas that will look broadly at the need of the Community Benefits originally promise and that have come out of community processes to get a sense of where we are in impact fees and other potential sources. Other things were look at this next year, were going to be looking at doing additional inkind process improvement to get the agencies involved earlier, so there is buyin from them and earlier vetting. We are possibly looking at a role for ipic to not only be the body that helps determine how best to spend impact fees and how to roll them out, but also the cfds that have been implemented thus far and youll be talking about as well. We have the other thing that we might be looking at is central somma coming online, we had original mou with the agencies to implement eastern neighborhoods that had a couple of mechanisms to prioritize projects. Well be taking a fresh look at that. That concludes my presentation and im happy to answer questions. President hillis all right. We may have some, but first lets open up for Public Comment. Any Public Comment on the ipic report . Over head. Sue hess, im here to talk about western somma and open space. Its part of the report. The playground i didnt mark it on this map, its not marked. Its 6th and fulsome. Its right there. Page 17, 27 of your report talks about the somma recreation center. The Planning Commission has an obligation to do shadow analysis for projects that shadow rec park facilities. This facility according to page 27, the plans are to demolish the existing structure and construct a threestory Recreational Center in its place and make addition to the outdoor portions of the site. Basically, the Planning Commission and rec park look only at the rec center as a locked facility before 9 00 in the morning. So all the open space doesnt exist for any shadow analysis. Nothing, even though its a zero additional shadow permitted, everyone disregards it because the shadows that are cast by New Buildings dont affect places that are locked because theyre not a forecast. One of the factor. One of the things that i would urge ipic to do is to force information into the shadow analysis for what the hell project plans are to open the outdoors to kids. We have no places that are open space. Theyre next to people that live in very crowded conservative in the mission and chinatown that have locked recreation facilities. This is a travesty. The locking of open space and the nonanalysis of how shadows fall on the open space, because were soon going to do a change of the programming. And additionally open the outdoors so the outdoors can be used by the families that live in the market, is something that needs Planning Commission attention. And ipic is good for that. President hillis thank you, any additional Public Comments. Seeing none, we close Public Comment. Any commissioner comments or questions . Commissioner moore. Commissioner moore i want to acknowledge this would be an extraordinary piece of work. Im so glad we have this tool and are able to track it comprehensively and at those moments i wonder what would we do without computers . The one thing i would like to ask, what are the predictions for visitation valley and things are far slower than expected . Its hard for a planner to predict after something leaves his desk and all of the projects have left our desks. I know for Executive Park you approved the first half of that a year ago, shah lag rock, they just approved the first phase. And then well take entitlement about a year. We had assumed at this point we would have had a lot of the fees in from. The reason im saying it, its complicated to start with. Supervisor maxwell is the originator of the idea to tag it, but over the ten years, a lot of work has happened, including the approval process for the large projects that have nothing to show for. And that stresses the underserveness of the area, because as you make the reports theyre still somewhat empty handed and there are alarm bells. We share that frustration, some of the big projects have not moved forward in the time frames we would have hoped. They were approved several years ago now. I know that Executive Park is trying to get through the process now and over the first month for the first phase. There is good news there. The projects are getting caught up in the drastic increase in Construction Costs so some of them are struggling to figure out how to move forward. But the big projects are longer in coming than we hoped. Its hard to know when its going to happen. Commissioner moore i wanted to flag that and be sensitive to that as we move forward. President hillis thank you for the report. Impact fees are doing what theyre supposed to do. Its good to see how theyre being implemented to improve transit and open space and the things we need as the city grows, so thank you very much. Secretary if there is nothing further, we can move on to item 11. 2014, 00122, the pier 70 mixed use project. Information, no presentation. Hi, good afternoon, michael christensen. The item before you is informational presentation on the pier 70 mixed use project. On december 15, 2017, the board of supervisors approved the legislative amendments associated with the project as part of those legislative amendments associated with the special use district. The board of supervisors included a requirement for informational hearings on the phase, to the Historic Presentation Commission and the Planning Commission. The Historic Preservation Commission Held their informational hearing last week. These hearings are required as part of the approval of the phase by the port of san francisco. Each submittal highlights the scope of work undertaken by the developer relative to the agreement which was entered into by the board of supervisors. The current phase one submittal includes the rehabilitation of buildings 2 and 12, infrastructure, extension of the street grid, construction of approximately 3. 4 acres of new park and open space and preparation of the development pads for new residential and commercial development, parcel a, 2 c about and e 2. This concludes my presentation, planning and port staff. Were available for questions and the city is here to present the phase submittal. President hillis thank you. Welcome. Good afternoon, president hillis, and staff. Happy 2018. So, out of respect for your time, i know you have a busy schedule. Ill try to go through high level overview of the first phase of the project quickly. I think the exciting thing to mention is given the conversation you were just having about the time frames for the master plan projects, were hopefully going to be under construction in the next 23 months, which i dont know, i havent gone back and looked back in the record, but its possible that it could be the fastest from project approval to beginning of construction for a project Master Plan Development project. What i want to do is walk through the principles of the phasing that in particular the first phase. Im going to focus on the first phase. If you have questions on that, im happy to go into that after i conclude. There is obviously already a transitioning neighborhood, the American Industrial center has been experiencing significant activity on the ground floor retail restaurants over the past five years. The port has done a great job of expediting early phases of pier 70 to orton brought their historic rehabilitation projects, most of the buildings will open this year and the port is already under way on the first phase of green cove park construction, so our job is to connect to that. We are bringing the street grid from dog patch 22nd and 20th street down into the site, some of those existing streets exist, theyre in pretty bad shape. Were going to build entirely new streets there. And obviously have to create the infrastructure backbone to do that, thats part of our charge to build not just the parks and Public Benefits, but to build all of the city infrastructure, the streets and all the utilities that you find under the streets. This is an image that you have probably seen before. This is merearylanmaryland. We are it was natural to start because of the adjacent of ortons buildings but because its important to us and it was a direct charge from the port to focus on the rehabilitation of the Historic Structures. We have about 300,000 square feet of Historic Structures at pier 70. Phase one has about 90 of that. There is another 15,000 foot structure that comes in. But building are the heart of the place making of the site, aside from the park. Building 12 is where we envision doing a Makers Market hall where well have the pdr component of the project in a Public Market experience for visitors, amenities for the neighborhood. So this image shows the new 22nd street that comes down from the main part of dog patch into the site. In the ports master plan they acknowledge there were some structures and sheds that would not be retained to support the overall revitalization of pier 70. Were not keeping the building itself, but we think its going to be a great moment, a way to understand the history of the site, to experience the structure underneath or above the roadway. We are in all of the phases providing a mix of uses. From commercial, retail, and residential and residential including affordable for rent and for sale. What that looks like is about 665 units, obviously were at early stage, so there is a range that could go on either side depending on the mix of the units. The majority of that is for rent. Well do 20 inclusionary in the rental buildings and there is a designated Affordable Housing site that funds from the project will pay fort gap funding. Theyll go through the typical process they do to develop that. One of the things that evolved in the phasings of the project in the last year, it became clear to us, we were certainly being pushed by the neighborhood. We have a project in d. C. Where we provided access to the waterfront early in the project and it really was not just good for the community, but ended up being good for the acceptance and excitement around the project. And while the project from a feasibility standpoint cant build all quartermile of Waterfront Park at once, we did actually add about an acre and a half of parks to the first phase. Its the part that you see labelled slipways commons that will provide access out to the water front from day one of the project, which were really excited about and are already working on the designs with the landscape architect. Another image youve seen, but this shows one of the pedestrian pathways between building 12 on the right and building 2 on the left. And this is the moment that youll walk through and be able to look out that park to the waterfront. And this is the park that will be constructed out of the waterfront in the first phase. You wont have the buildings that you see here. Those come in later phases, including the waterfront arts facility that you see. But the actual park experience will be provided in the first phase. Typical for a project like there in san francisco, the Public Benefit are being provided proportionally through the different phases, that means that the Affordable Housing, which is 30 across the project in every phase, about that amount, the pdr space, we intend to provide in the first phase and satisfy the project requirements, there will be about 14 of the 4550 million in transit fees will come in the first phase. Which is obviously great fort city and needed. Well implement our Transportation Demand Management Program and have to establish the agency that will regulate that with mta. And then the parks, and obviously there is comprehensive set of workforce training, lbe programs that were already implementing through the contracting were doing. And this is just a little reminder of the transportation and the tdm program which i will skip on going through. If you have questions, happy to answer those. With that, id be happy to answer any questions. President hillis lets first open this up to Public Comment. Any Public Comment on the pier 70 informational item . Seeing none, commissioners . Commissioner moore. Commissioner moore im really happy you were able to add the slipway common, we talked about that earlier on, because without it its basically inland development which has not really reached out to future destination, so i think this is a great addition. I think it will have a lot of meaning. And im really happy you were able to pull that together. I think the phasing is strong. Its probably one of the more remarkable phasing projects when you start with so much substance of Historic Buildings and make the newer buildings accessible too, so the architect tone, the sense of place will be established by the restoration of the Historic Buildings and uses contemplated. Its a fabulous project. I hope you will be in active dialogue with what is now under way next door and that youll be able to create a seamless kind of blending of the two projects next to each other. Commissioner koppel hats off to forest city, impressed to see what is before us today. I really like the not only the combination of different usages, but how that works into the floor plan of the lot, which is a lot that most of us have never set foot on. So im really happy this whole area of the city will be opened up and not only the adjacent community, but the public will benefit as well. Vice president melgar thank you, i love this project. I love the part of the city, spent a lot of time there. I think when we heard this a while ago we had members of the public who talked about irish hill and the preservation. Can you talk more about that . I actually dont have updated slide, but what i can share with you, what we got to, and that it was really led by the port and office of economic and Workforce Development with the Planning Department was an arrangement of the buildings on the pge property which is not part of our development, on the corner of 22nd and illinois. Which previously it had an access point to the remnant of irish hill from illinois street. What it did, it created this is the old plan it created a diagonal from the corner of 22nd and illinois. Right here. Into the park and irish hill. There was actually a plan they came up with, with an architect to their credit and it actually made it better for everybody. Vice president melgar thank you. President hillis just a question on, one, i looked it up, you set the record for entitlement approval. You just looked it up . President hillis im like trump, you set the record. I looked it up. On the new construction, i was down there. Its amazing what thornton has done in the historic building. I didnt realize they were that far along in the buildings. Its spectacular to see them. But on the new construction that is here, what is your sense of the phasing of those . And do you plan on doing the more market rate projects here . Yes. President hillis youll be the developer . Yeah. Our intention right now is that there will be probably four buildings we will be building that will be finishing sometime in the late 2020 to the end of 2020, 2021. Build 12, we have obligation to rehab that build under the dda. 2 and e2, thats are exciting name. Those will be apartments. A is the new Construction Office building. D and c 2 b are condo buildings, we dont build those, those will be built by a third party condo developer. And then obviously the Affordable Housing parcel will be built by a nonprofit. President hillis how are you going about selecting architects . Have you done that . Throughout the presentation, youve showed kind of highquality of design and architecture, i hope that carries forward. I mean at some point you lose control if you if a third party does it and not you, but have you shrekked architects for the project . Yeah, so we have an architect for building 12, long is doing that. We have a team for the first residential building, paired with a larger firm because he hasnt done a project of that scale. Were excited about that. We dont have architects for the other historic building. The new office building, its a little premature for that. What i will say, we agree, were not flipping buildings, were going to own these a long time. And its part of the reason why we were willing to get pushed where we did by your staff in the guidelines. President hillis it will be exciting to see. Thank you. Commissioner moore i actually pushed the button to acknowledge high level of Design Guidelines which will be obligating to anybody who wants to take on a project here. But i want to acknowledge support because part of the success of this particular project is indeed the incredible work support and staff did together with planning and developers. Ive hardly seen anything so layered, truly a remarkable piece. President hillis it has been great. We want to acknowledge the neighborhood, too, its a great neighborhood to work with. Joe, who passed away recently, has been working on this for decades. And others in the neighborhood have. Its impressive to see this happening and coming together. So thank you. Secretary seeing nothing further, we can move on. 12 a and b have been continued indefinitely. Placing us on 13 abc. 72 ellis street. These are performance period extension and the Zoning Administrator will consider elevator height waiver. Good afternoon, nick foster. This is performance period extension request for a project at 72 ellis street. The project site is located on the north side of ellis. It is approximately 8400 square foot lot. And is located within the downtown area plan and the conservation district. The project was originally approved on november 15, 2001, it has received extensions, 2004, 2010 and 2013 . July of 2015, the Planning Commission reviewed the final design of the project in informational hearing for the conditions of approval from the 2013 extension. The Building Permit was filed in august of 2015 and the project pursued the issuance of the permit. Late 2016, the new project sponsor has pursued the applications to grant additional period of time such that the Building Permit could be issued by the department of building inspecting. The modified project before you, would demolish parking lot and construction 130foot tall, to maximum height of 146 feet. 11 story over basement. The proposed building would contain hotel use. Providing 192 guest rooms and containing 5500 gross square feet of retail space. The characteristics of the project are illustrated in the table on page 4 in the packet. The principle difference from the project in 2001 to the one today, increase in room count. Increase in the finished roof height. Change in the ground floor fr programming. They believe they are on balance. Related to preservation review on june 7, 2017, the Historic Preservation commission reviewed a permit and adopted findings under a motion, for a permit to alter for new construction consistent with the purses of article 11. On november 15, 2017 the department issued a note to file which documents the Environmental Review and the grant of the use of the site. As part of the review, a new study was performed related to traffic improvement and construction improvement. Those measures have been added to the draft downtown project authorization before you. The department has received five additional letters of support which came in after the date. I think he distributed those to you and the department has received seven letters of support with no known opposition to the project. For the project to proceed the Commission Must grant amendment for the original authorization and commission use authorization to extend the performance period for two years. Following the decision, the Zoning Administrator will consider the request for height exemption, which limits the height exemption to 16 feet. The project sponsor has included that in the commission packet, outlining the elevate consultant confirmation that it will meet elevator safety codes. On the whole, the Department Recommends that the commission limit the term to two years. The department in support of the project for the following reasons. The project will add 192 guest rooms to the citys tourist room guest supply which with occupancy rates close to 90 , this is high demand. Its a Service Parking lot, creating undesirable void on the street. It has been designed to be compatible in scale with the nearby structures and the surrounding neighborhood character of the kearny market mason sutter district. It is compatible with the neighborhood and it meets all requirement of the planning code. That concludes my presentation, but im available for questions. Thank you. Good afternoon, dan. I never know how well things show up on the screen, so i brought printouts to look along with. Scott with the citizens and hotels was looking forward to presenting to you this afternoon, unfortunately, due to a family emergency, ill be standing in for him. Citizen m hotel is integrated Hotel Developer and operator that was founded in 2005 to offer european inspired design in a mid market price. They do this by offering oneroom type that is compact but well designed, king side bed, glass enclosure shower. In the common areas, it creates a living room experience with design forward spaces that are designed to both pull in the public and encourage guests to spend time out of the room in common areas. Citizen m opened the first hotel in the netherlands in 2008 and current has 12 operating hotel rooms in europe and asia. They opened the first u. S. Hotel in 2014 in times square and will open a second hotel in new york city, later this year. In addition to 72 ellis, it is a second site at 816 fulsome, near the mas coney centre. In the lead in to the hearing, they work closely with the neighbors, the union square bid, trades, youve received several letters of support. There is no opposition that were aware of. Before i hand things over to ginzler to present the design, i would like to assure the commission as a Hotel Developer and operator, citizen m intends to build and open a hotel at 72 ellis as quickly as possible along with 11 hotels that it has under some stage of development in the united states. Funding for the rollout, representing a billion dollar investment is backed by the dutch pension fund, apg and citizen m founder. Building permits have been file filed and they do intend to proceed with construction with your approval as soon as they can. Thank you. I want to start today by showing what was submitted in march of 2016. This is for the site ok. So this was submitted for site permit under the previous design. And we want to show you this because what well show today is substantially similar in size, bulk and mass including the increased guestroom count. So as nick had mentioned, this is located within the Union Square Area in the conservation district. And is as current, a surface parking lot adjacent as you see in the lower image across the street from the flood building. What were proposing is an 11story hotel, 130 feet, with 192 guestrooms. Over the ground floor, retail. The retail is located to the west side of the project. Approximately 40 linear feet of retail. At the right is the recessed entry fort hotel. Weve worked because its in the kmms district, weve worked closely with preservation to develop a scheme that works with the surrounding buildings. Youll see a very strong base shaft and top and those correspond specifically to the retail and public areas of the hotel. Nine stories of guestrooms and then the to the left, the neighbors, the at the right on the east side, to the city parking garage. Both of those buildings are approximately 85 feet. As weve developed the proportions with the preservation district and the massing of this, weve taken a lot of look at the adjacent buildings to come up with a bay structure that continue from what we presented to today. The only exception were looking for from the planning code is to the bulk standard. We are looking for a depth of 11 feet as opposed to 110 feet. Thats due to a duct overhang at the back of the site. We want to take a look at the loading, the ground floor, where currently we have 17 linear feet of white curb. That will be extended to 41 linear feet with the remaining given over to elo. You see the loading is at the east side of the site. Please stand by. Here youre seeing a couple of images of some of the hotels with on the exterior. At the recessed entry, there will be a substantial piece of artwork that will effectively welcome guests and be visible to the public on the street. You can see a couple of pictures on the left here. At the rooftop, thats the location of the popos. Youve got direct views to the east, south, and west with the mechanical penthouse to the north, really shading or concealing that area from the prevailing northwest winds. The landscape, which is located to the west will help give it shade in the afternoons. I think were creating a piece of architecture here that works well. Thank you. Thank you very much. We will now hear some Public Comments i have Cynthia Gomez and kevin carroll. Anyone else who wants to speak on this project, please line up on the left side. Good afternoon, commissioners. Good to see you again. So this is a project that we are happy to be able to support. We were able to work out a deal with the project sponsor that will guarantee that these jobs will be like any of the other jobs in the Hotel Industry and especially union square. The workers will have the right to join a union, which is life changing for them. We were able to work out a deal that covers the buildings trades as well. Were pleased to support this project. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Thank you, ms. Gomez. Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is kev

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