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That is one of implications. In terms of producinging Affordable Housing because it will affect the tax programme. There is a number of analyses that have been done. But it is tens of thousands of units worth of Affordable Housing that will not be available to us in the next five to 10 years. What happened, the money we just won sacramento, the new permanent source of 250 million a year and the sb3 bond that is going to be on the november 18 ballot, assuming we win it, the 3 billion bond. That will fill the hole that the federal government just took away for the next years to come. We end up even once again. This has been the world of Affordable Housing. We seem to be running in place while simultaneously the private Real Estate Market with all the thirst for living in San Francisco is on fire and sort of further creating the disruption and displacement that commissioner richards talks about. How do we get ahead of the curve when the feds and state keep pulling the rug out from underneath us is the challenge can. We keep going back to the well for San Francisco voters. They are incredibly jealous. The solution is local investment. But it is hard when they have been slaped with this tax production hit. I want to take my chance to say commissioner johnson, i wish you well. Im sorry i didnt say goodbye to you earlier. It has been nice to have you on the commission. Thank you. The only thing that i may add is the real question that still stands if the room and it is not part of this discussion is what is the number of vacant units in the on the affordable market side. And what is the fub of units unused for deck ates almost sitting there underutilized. Those numbers are scary because they are in the numerical accounting of the reality of what is going on. I encourage all of us, all of us, to continue this discussion beyond with what we hear today. Today is the annual report of this issue. It is far, far deeper and i hope that we can continue being really actively involved in asking ongoing questions. Commissioner johnson. Thank you. When i said at the beginning that the commission needs more time to focus on the big issues, this is what i meant so im really happy that were having this discussion today. And there will be things that well have an opportunity to talk about or you guys, rather. I wont be here. To have an opportunity to talk about in 2018. Peter cohen made a bunch of great points that i want to touch on as commissioner richard and commissioner moore. So, ill just high light a few things. First in terms of report. Obviously thank you to the staff again. Always great to have the great graphics. Ive been to s. F. Data, the site. But there is nothing like actually having it analyzed and in front of you to be able to see those trends. Again, great twork to the staff. Ill point out a few things. There are a couple of chars to talk about. Units aproved versus actually constructed and demolished and i want everyone to highlight that we definitely still have and well get to my thought on this, more units authorized that have not been built. We had years where thousands of units were authorized and maybe a few hundred actually built. And so in recent times we had a boom seeing cranes and the number of units authorized to units actually built are much more similar now, right . So maybe 4,000 approved but 4,000 also bill. We had a good threeyear stretch where 3,000 or 4,000 approve and maybe 8900, if that, built. I think that is really important. Getting to commissioner Richards Point and he pointed out a ucla study saying that there is going to be you know, you need to have this huge number of Housing Units to be built to make a dent if housing prices. We have the ability to start. I have been a proponent of getting those units on the market and the way to do that is to say your entitlements will go away if you do not build those units. Im v. For revocation hearings. I think that timeline should be two years. Get it together. Put a shovel in the ground. Three years what the professionals say you need, then fine. Those hearings need to be scheduled. Even when im not here, ill continue to shake my fists to get those units on the market. I want to challenge if you dont build those units and this is what im talking about market rate housing at the moment, that we wont be able to make a dent. Weve seen the data from zillow and other providers or purveyors of information that rents are beginning to soften. Is it softening enough to make it inexpensive or much more affordable . No. But its softening in the sense that it is not going up and in some places it is going down. And you have developers of new condos having to redo their performance because of the supply coming on the market and saying what can we get, particularly in the rental market. I want to challenge the fact that unless you build tens and tens of thousands of units immediately, there is nothing that you can do. Every step, every unit counts tom that point, i think that there is a couple of things i want to focus on and ill get to the Affordable Housing and what i think about how to finance that particularly in light of tax reform that has recently passed. Commissioner richards also pointed out that the report said that the current zoning has an unused capacity of around 140,000 units. I think there is something we can do about that. The Planning Department and the commission can sponsor legislation to say that you are required to maximize the zoning on your lot if you are doing x of work on your property. We should not have anymore Single Family homes in rh2 and rh3. Im not talking about changing zoning or anything like that. We should be able to maximize the number of units we are getting in the current zoning that we have. We have a fight over heights and all of that. But we can build so much. If we added one floor to every building in San Francisco, that is tens of thousands of new units. Right . That is 20 of 400,000 right there. I really think we should think boldly about sponsoring legislation ourselves and working with the boater of supervisors to find somebody to bring it up to the board level. That is something we should be looking at. The next thing i would say is maintaining affordability is about creating new Housing Stock and more importantly about protecting existing Housing Stock and making sure that people are actually living in it. For existing Housing Stock, i have been a proponent of it. Sometimes i get shot down because it is a countercyclical programme to be the most effective. But i think the small sized acquisition programme, if we were to do version 2. 0 of that with some tweaks, could actually be a very strong tool to both maintain existing Housing Stock and promote Community Ownership and wealth creation. That is how you keep people in their homes by keeping them in their homes, not by building a new one that they can have when they are displaced. The key to displacement is to keep people in their homes. That is how you do it. So, an accusation programme, you need money for that. So, how do you do it . There have been proposals most recently for a public bank. That is a great opportunity to take advantage of the economic engine of San Francisco and put it back to the Housing Stock for our city. Rather than work on commissioner or mr. Cohen mentioned, you know, it is tough to get some of Corporate Investors to the banks that have more of an International Investment portfolio to want to invest in those sort of things. You know, a public bank of San Francisco definitely could. Im a huge proponent of that. Then we get down to, all right, what else can we do . Vacancy tax. Its hard to get data on how many vacant units are there. But weve all had the anecdotetal evidence of a building thats empty or half empty, whether it is market rate, not a rent controlled or maybe it is an s. R. O. Or something. So, you know, that is something that we should be looking at and also add to the pot of funds to protect existing Housing Stock which will and the people in there, right, which will decrease displacement which will decrease this fear that if you build new housing, that will push people out. That is a false equivalency that ive seen. Those are things that i would say. I think i see a lot of the data in this report that backs us up. Getting back to the actual charts that are in here, really look at that mismatch between number of units that are authorized and number of units that were actually producing. And, you know, start thinking about whether or not we need to recycle some of those entitlements and what they should be today. It might be time to rethink, you know, are those projects still relevant today. Other than that, great work to the staff and hope the commission keeps talking about this stuff. Thank you. Commissioner . Thank you. Thank you to the staff for a fantastic presentation. I really appreciate your work and the presentation. Welcome. So i have a few observations and a couple of questions about the presentation. So as an observation, i would be really interestinging to see the spatial distribution of where these units have been built. And particularly the increase throughout the city because i suspect it is not evenly distributed toward the city and that, you know, is a point of discussion and ity that to commissioner johnsons point, there are vast parts of the city that are underbilled. But maximizing the zoning in those parcels not the same. In the mission, in the bayview as it is in st. Francis woods. The impact they have on the surrounding neighbourhood and the neighbourhood demographics very different. So i would be really interested if seeing what that really has looked like on the ground. What i fear when we talk about, ma might asing the zoninging and Housing Development is the impact on stock of rent control housing. And as we have not defined the tant demolition. But less affordable units that dont have the same people livinging in those neighbourhoods. By would be interested in seeing the spatial distribution. I would be interested if seeing that juxtaposed with the racial demographic in neighbourhoods. Where theres been the last couple of changes in the distribution demographic distribution in those neighbourhoods. And to mr. Cohens presentation thank you that was also added so much to the discussion. I really i wonder about issues of longevity and ten your in these numbers. We get and were observing the real life. What happens is people get to their 30s and they partner with someone else and they have a couple of kids and if theyre in a b. M. R. Unit with a onebedroom, its really hard to, like, you know go on to the next step of your life because you cant have two kids. You cant have more income. Im wondering how our current production is kind of skewing the demographic changes in terms of families and all of that. That is another thing that was not in the presentation but i know you have it because i know [inaudible]. What the distribution is by five. How many of them are family units. That is interesting and we had tracked it in previous years and i know that it colored the conversation that we had when we had a supervisor yee who came to present about his Family Housing initiative so that would be really interesting to see as well. Yeah. So, the question that i had for you was about the change the only decrease that i saw in the presentation was a new condo construction, condo conversions. So i was wondering what your theories were on that. And what the trends were. That you were seeing. Is it an issue of return for the investment . The condo conversion numbers are kind of startling to me. So yeah. Thank you, commissioner. Just going back to your first comment on the spatial distribution. We do have two tables in the report, table 24 and table 25, that list Housing Stock by planning districts and we also have Housing Units completed and demolished by Zoning District as well. We dont look at size of bedrooms spatialically. We really dont have that information this this report. Beyond in the appendix and table a1, we lists the top major market rate housing projects and in those two lists, we do list bedroom size, but not any other section that i know of. But we do, for your question on condo [inaudible], we dont analyze the data to actually core late, you know, or try to figure out what the reasoning is behind it. But we are thinking it could be related to the number of rentals versus [inaudible] for sale. If it is a rental, it is not listed as a condo so that could be why maybe the number is decreation over time. Decreasing over time. Ok. Thank you. Commissioner richards . So, i guess when we see excellence all the time, we kind of expect it. And i guess to your team, i should be saying thank you. You always give us excellence and i take it for granted so i wanted to acknowledge i. Its excellent. I need to tell the director that we need to bury you deep inside the department so they dont lose you to another asset. [laughter] i think what i heard from all the other commissioner was this report has a lot in it. But you cant take the report by itself. Theres so many other reports that can feed in to give you a more accurate picture of what is happening on the ground, whether it is racial disparity, income by neighbourhood, all these different things. The capacity. So, it is really tying all these things together that we can actually think of a path forward or solution. A couple of other points besides that is, theres also commissioner johnson raised the issue of capacity when it comes to building up to the zoning potential. A Single Family home in rh2 is not desirable. This brings me to a statement, size does matter. The average size of a home in San Francisco is 1200 square feet provided by the department 12 months ago. However, we get these applications, not only are we underbuilding, but building a Single Family house in rh2, but everything that is 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 square feet is called public housing. If an average house is 1200 square feet, if you need 3,000 square feet to survive, youre probably smoking something because we can probably fit three units in that same space. Lets not look at units but the size of the units. We can get more units in if we make them more reasonable and we should be looking at that when were definitely trying to maximize the density. Lastly, two commissioner johnsons point, i completely agree. A lot of Property Developers are looking at their proformas. The risk is the rents are justifying the risk involved given the cost to construct. If they start falling, i hope we dont have a disincentive to not build. So, it is becoming a vicious circle. A vicious cycle. Thank you. On that question, the 4,000 units that were built over the past year, do you have a sense of when they were entiets ld . Entitled . Like it would be interesting to see kind of. Because we have faced this issue a little bit. There is the one side that says we need to bill. But it would be interesting to see when those were actually entitled. I dont know if you have any sense of that. Thank you, commissioner. We do have information as to what quarter theyre built in and the date of the entitlement as well. So, we can definitely get back to you in terms of how many are by quarter or by month. If theyre entitled, they were mostly entitled in 2012 or 2008. To me this report shows a couple of things. One, if you do look at that neighbourhood page where housing is being bill, over half is built south of market. That includes goes down to dog patch pretty much. So, not what we would necessarily think of as south of market and quickly drops to number two, which is the western edition which i sense is octavia boulevard and protons there and along market street. Going up octavia market and south bay shore which is close to the shipyard projects that are being done. It shows the planning weve done in the past is paying off. That is precome fanlly where the units are being built. Which i know were having growing pains with all of these plans. That is where we planned for it and i think that is where its appropriate that it goes so it is paying off. I think the commissioners question about the gap in affordable, that is real. The units as well as existing units are way out of price range for most folks trying to buy these and two work in the city. And you have to figure out what subsidies you can do for a. M. I. And state programmes that arent necessarily geared to subsidies associated with that. But its a real issue. How we build more Affordable Housing both at the lower income levels and in increasing that to about 150 of a. M. I. I think that is the biggest question that comes out of this. The jobs issue you brought up, i think the gap in your analysis is regional. And i think weve go to look at that regionally because, you know, it is gooed to see actually i was a little surprised to see there are other counties. Even though were out in front of most building housing. And its where you would expect. It is in alameda and santa clara so its around the san jose and oakland kind of central quarters and it is a where we should see it. San mateo, where there is a lot of jobs is woefully behind and gets o its to these bigger regional issues. We should be building the majority of housing along with alameda in santa clara because that is how transit information is built. Or at least we should be having the majority of jobs and housinging should be built everywhere. And that is certainly san mateo, there is tonnes of opportunity sites to build and housing in marin, also. It definitely gets out that regional question of how we can get more housing being built throughout the region. So thank you. I think this does lead to a kind of policy questions that i think notably the regional issues and Affordable Housing. [please stand by] [please stand by] [please stand by] finally moving forward with their big first phases, right . The shipyard, parkmerced, so we should effectively see several thousand units in those projects move forward in the next couple of years, and im crossing my fingers on that because i think its far beyond time, to be froank, that they move forward with some big phases on those projects. The second thing that i wanted to mention is the job balance report had information about how people cross commute between counties. We have it between counties, and theres pretty vast numbers of people who commute between counties. But whats, i think interesting about that is its constantly changing because people move their residences more frequently than they change residences. That whole thing is in a state of flux, because people are changing jobs so frequently, and in the my lennial generation, their preference is milennial generation, their preference is to live close to where they work. Theres this constant maneuvering and job changing in our environment that was quite different than what it was maybe 15 or 20 years ago. Thats also causing housing numbers to change as we think about this housing and jobs issue. I do think that the regional issues are really important, and i was struck also by commissioner hilliss comment that essentially two thirds of the housing in the region are being built in three places, essentially, and sort of by design by also where the housing is being accepted. Commissioner johnson . Commissioner johnson hi, yes. So i just want to put a couple other data points behind this. I did a study on this job housing just a few months ago, and so looked at some census data, and looked at new jobs in the nine bay area counties actually exceeded new net migration. It just so happens that those jobs tend to be centered in just a few centers, both San Francisco now and also in the south bay, and its also the case that those people would trade smaller units with a with a shorter commute over a longer commute, so they are doing their best to move closer to where those jobs are. So i dont know that that should we should still have those policy discussions, but just in the context, its not people coming from mars to the bay area, its people in the bay area getting those jobs and wanting to live closer to work. And the other thing is San Francisco by far it has the most net in migration for commuters, so more commuters come from the nine boundary areas than any other bay area for jobs. You put on top of that i think its 159,000 people every day net come to San Francisco to work versus going out somewhere else. I guarantee you some good percentage of those 160odd thousand people would wish they didnt have to do that and would want to live there. So even though it is a regional issue, we should still continue to think about how we can continue the housing in San Francisco even as we put pressure on our other sis center cities. You look at mountain view, google has expanded their complex, so we need to continue to put that public pressure and be the leaders, but we still have a lot of net migration into San Francisco every day, but ill bet a lot of those people wish they didnt have to drive a car or cross a bridge or tunnel and just bike to work. Thank you staff. That will place us on item 10, the excelsior and Outer Mission neighborhood strategy, informational presentation. Commissioners, we have another new staffer to introduce you to. Rachel tanner started with the department in july of 2016, and as im sure you will be able to tell, rachel was born and raised in michigan, where she also attended the university of michigan, so shes wup of our rock stars. She directed a Community Based organization in her hometown for several years before she attended m. I. T. Where she got her masters in urban planning, and she comes to us by way of long beach. She started in religion and worked her way to Northern California so welcome, rachel. Im very happy to be here commissioners and share a project that im very passionate, my career since ive been in San Francisco. Im going to ask some sue sand saul from supervisor safais office can come forward and share a little bit about the presentation. Good afternoon. Supervisor safai sends his apologies for his absences. I do want to extend my gratitude for all of you. I want to thank Rachel Tanner and jose leivas from oawd for th their work. We look forward to continuing the conversation and happy holidays to the rest of you. Ill be sitting over there and hand it back to our dynamic duo. I also want to recognize jorge rivas whos here from the office of workforce development, as well as planning staff, james pappas and others, whos been helping us overseeing this project. Weve been really fortunate to have collaborative works from the office of economics and workforce development. If i can have the screen, please. So what were going to do today is really just Start Talking a little bit about the excelsior outer neighborhood, talk about the neighborhood strategy process that weve undergone to date, and next steps what you can expect to see from us next time that we come before the commission. So this is a map of the project area here in yellow. It is bounded by the 280 friday on the north and on the western boundary. It goes all the way down to the daly city boundary on the south, and on the right is mclaren park, and sunnydale housing projects immediately to the east. This area is almost entirely within d11. There is a little bit that is a part of district 8, but its south of the freeway, but we wanted to include it because geographically it makes sense as part of that area. In this map, you can see the orange line that represents where the compel yes, sir and Outer Mission commercial district is. It is one of the longest districts thats named in the city its about two miles long. It is mainly on Mission Street but also has branchs on geneva avenue, which is an eastwest route. In this next map on slide five, you can see the neighborhoods that surround that commercial corridor. The neighborhood boundaries can be a little bit fungible, i suppose, but weve worked with the neighborhood residents to come up with these Mission Terrace Outer Mission terrace a terra terrace and then cuyaga terrace. This is going to give you a little more texture to this landscape that weve just gone over in the project area. These neighborhoods have a really dynamic history. You can see in the upper lefthand photo kind of a photo from foote and allemany in 1986. You can see there was a lot of open neighborhood waiting to be developed. You can think early 1800s, turn of the last century, and then after the earthquake, developments started to pick up. We saw immigrants coming from all over the world to this part of the town. We saw a lot of italians moving to this area of town, and then, also subsequently immigrants from south america and immigrants from asian countries, so youll see theres quite a diverse array of folks that live in the neighborhood. The diversity is something that the neighborhood really embraces and is proud of and really wants to maintain, but it hasnt always been that way, so thats a little shot of a street sign, the excelsior district. The eastwest streets are named for countries, and the northsouth streets are named for capitals. Just to say that even though this neighborhood is very diverse, it hasnt been without its controversy and its challenges, but its still a very is vibrant neighborhood. You can see theres a plaque on Mission Street to jerry garcia. Youll find the house of former mayor rolle, and even the house when patty hearst was found all those years ago, so a very diverse neighborhood with a lot of San Francisco history. When you look at demographics, again, picking up on the theme of the diversity, youll see that 52 of the neighborhood is foreign born, versus 35 citywide, again, a lot of people coming to live in the compeller and Outer Mission neighborhood. Out of the 17,000 households in the neighborhood, 76 the families are family households, and you see a higher than average 64 of households own their home versus 36 that rent, which is a complete opposite of the city of terrific, so really pret San Francisco, so pretty awesome aspect in that regard. Makeup of the neighborhood, 20 households that are two or more races. Youll see 31 is latina and latino over that, and then, a lot of folks that are linguistically isolated. But do have to think about what does that outreach mean for planning, but what does that mean for their job prospects in the city if theyre not able to speak english. Age direction in the neighborhood, you know, a good number of people in their middle age and also seniors, as well. Moving onto the slide about income, you can see that the household and Median Income trail the city average, and then, going all the way over to the right, youll see the education, so 46 percent of the neighborhood residences have High School Education or less, compared with 26 citywide, and youll see on the other end of the education spectrum, youll see that 27 have a college and education degree, versus 21 citywide. There are a number of bus routes that crisscross the neighborhood, and you can see in the neighborhood of general he have a, there are many routes that intersect, so again, very busy, transit rich neighborhood, but within that, we still see a lot of challenges. You can also see in yellow the high injury network, so that talks about where people are having vehicle and pedestrians and bicycle collisions, and you can see the dots where there have been fatalities. We think about public institutions, also very wealthy neighborhood. You can see in blue the schools. There are about 12 private, public and Charter Schools around the neighborhood. An array of parks and recreational facilities, a library, lots of parks and open spaces, about 15 churches and other religious organizations, that can provide some continuity as well as Child Care Centers right on the corridor. When it comes to housing, we can see theres a little bit of a boom of Housing Development in a neighborhood that hasnt seen a lot for a while. The yellow are developing Housing Units, and the 2 blue dots are 100 Affordable Housing development. We have about 900 units in the pipeline. About 500 of those are market rate, and almost 400 are affordable. When we look at the rest of the Housing Stock, we see about 18,000 residents about 90 is singlefamily homes. On the next slide, we see a little bit about the cost of housing, and so as you can imagine, the cost of housing here is also high, so even though its a high homeowner neighborhood, a lot of kind of stability in that regard, we still see very high median rent and land values. Rent of about 3800 a month, and you can see how thats affecting people. If we look at the charts, theyre about cost burden for homeowners, and cost burden for renters. So looking at these, we can understand how things begin to change or continue to change in the real estate network, with you can see that people are affected and will continue to be affected. Even though its an outer neighborhood, it still faces the same housing pressures that neighborhoods in San Francisco face. If you look at the table, it shows the affordable rental and sales rates for a family of four, so even at the low, the moderate and affordable rates, those rates are still lower than what the median rate is in the neighborhood so people will still be struggling to pay their rent. The neighborhood commercial district is a very vibrant and active place. If you havent been there, i encourage you to spend some time there. Youll find really a lot of foundational assets of a 20 minute neighborhood. Youll find cuisine from every part of the world. It also has essential things, like post office, laundry, dry cleaner, urgent care, things that let people do the things they need to do within their neighborhoods. Theres a lot of salons, a lot of car repair, and for some reason, a lot of dental and optometry businesses tend to be out there. It has some vacant spaces that weve loved to see filled. When we did our study, we asked people do they do most of their shopping on the commercial district, and about 35 of the residents said yes, so can we have a better mix of retail that fills in those gaps so we can have more people answer yes to that question. So a neighborhood strategy there we go really is thinking about what is the vision for the future of the neighborhood. How do we have goals that allow us to realize that vision, how do we Design Strategies that we can implement on the ground that will lead us to those goals, and the most important thing, implementation. We have lots of things we want to see, but what can we move forward to actually implement. This takes ideas from the Mission Action plan 2020. So a timeline of activities that were undergoing this year, its really starting with relationship building, meeting oneonone with community leaders, attending community meetings, so using those as a spring board to start the process. Not starting from scratch, but there are a number of plans, ideas, processes that organizations have led and weve built from their work. In may, we had a kickoff meeting with 150 folks there and city agencies, talking about all the great things that are happening in the neighborhood. We took that workshop on the road and in total we were able to talk to about 250 people through our workshop, and then also led a survey where we had about 970 responses to the survey from the community. In august and through the summer, we had an intern who worked on existing conditions report, some of the data you heard today. She gathered that and that will be part of our published strategy. Finally, in the early 2018, we hope to have some focus groups as well as publish the first phase of the neighborhood strategy. So the working group, working group is a new kind of technique that we used for Community Engagement with this strategy, and really, the idea was that wed have a group of folks who were working on establishing a future goal for the neighbored, prioritizing the goals that can help to align on strategy. The reasons to establish this group were to make sure we had some consistency. Often times in community meetings, different people kind of show up every time and that were starting from scratch, so we can have a body of people who are committed, we can create some consistency, and talking to really talking to their neighbors, and realize its not about negotiating or compromising with the city, but thinking of compromises that will work for their neighbors and work for the entire community. About 31 people were selected in the summer to be part of this group. Weve had over 20 meetings tours and walks since july, so weve been very busy, and its really helped to have open dialogue. Its open to everyone, so its not exclusive, but again, to try to have a core group of people working with us. A few people are here. Theres jason, who is an avid bik biker. Hes a father of two, and his wife is a native, and theyve been in the Outer Mission since 2013. Hes excited to learn about this process of planning and what this neighborhood process can do. Theres katey. I love her story. Shes there with the pink flowers in the middle, and those are her parents. Her dad is 101. They still live in the neighborhood on her own, and then she and her husband had two kids, and they still live in the family home. So again, another retiree from the epa, actually, and she just wanted to give a positive contribution to her neighborhood through this process. We have ulysses. Hes 25. He and his mother live together. Hes fortunate enough to own his own home at a very young age. Hes right now in the sfpd academy, and hes passionate about having a plan for the neighborhood with all the changes happening in the city, and thinking about how he can correct old residents and new residents together. And then, we have susan. She and her husband live in the Outer Mission area, and their daughter who was just born earlier this year. Shes interested in how she can have a neighborhood where her daughter is excited to grow up. This is a list of the full working working members and other city staff, so if youre certainly interested to learn more about them, thats something we can make map. So what has all of this led up to . Lots of meetings, talking, surveys. Its led up to a little bit about thinking of assets and challenges, and how do we leverage the assets to rise to the challenges. So this is what rose to the top when we talked to people about what they love about the neighborhood. They do have a wide variety. Again, maybe we could do better, but there are things thats there. The culture and the Community Came through, and also community groups, so people really love the people that live in this neighborhood. That came through very loud and clear. We also asked people what could best improve their opinion of mission and jenngeneva. Clean came to mind. People want to have a clean green experience when theyre w walking down the street. More housing, people thought they needed more housing for every group. Safety and security, again, and also being able to get around, so you can see how all those things go hand in hand to creating an active, healthy vibrant commercial corridor. As our neighborhood changes, we support, sustain and enhance what makes our neighborhood special. I think this aspiration drive that fine line between embracing change and also trying to weather change and making sure we dont lose whats great as we change. So we had foursub groups from that large group, and what theyre doing right now is really coming up with what are the goals that we want and what are the strategies we want and what are the priorities to implement. You can see a snapshot of some of the topics that have come up. Under land use and housing, you can imagine affordable is huge, as well as housing design. How do we ensure the design of the buildings coming forward really matches the neighborhood and really fits in. Under public realm, again, cleaning, greening and creating some spaces along the corridor for people to gather and spend their time. Pedestrians safety as well as pedestrian connections to and from the corridor. For business support, its a lot about filling vacant storefronts to make sure that those missing gaps are filled in. Thinking about how Small Businesses survive, do they need support or loans or lending programs, and then also how do we have more Job Opportunities on the corridor for residents, but then do have more opportunities throughout the city. So what well be doing in the coming months is prioritizing our strategies, and have target groups to focus on groups that we havent heard from as month, publish the final strategy and then begin phase one, and then, of course, theres phase two which looks at the larger neighborhood surrounding the co corridor. So that is the end of my presentation and were happy to take any questions. We may have some but were going to open it up for Public Comment. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Hello, commissioners. My name is gilbert williams. Im a resident of district 11. Went to high school and Junior High School there, so i know the neighborhood pretty well. Im also chairman of ace action, and you know, sitting here and listening to everything, its really hard for me not to think about whats happened to our city. Weve lost 8,000 latinos from the Mission District, which is our neighbors to the north. Our African American population, when i was going to high school, was 17 . Its now down to under 3 . As a Planning Commission, you cant feel good about that. As someone whos grownup in this city, i feel very its actualli actually enraging, you know, to me, to see this happen. Im hearing all the arguments to affordablity. To me, im not a housing expert, but i do deal with a lot of my neighbors that are going through evictions and crises around housing. Unfortunately, theres been thousands and thousands of evictions throughout the city. Im sure you guys are very well known about all of that stuff. But im very concerned about a couple of things. The you know, one of the things that this this group has has or the Planning Department and this working group has brought forward is upzoning the Mission Street corridor to build more dance and higher buildings. Okay. All i have to do is look towards the Mission District and see what has happened to that community. Given that weve lost so many people, i really think its time that we as a city and you guys as a commission, really think about where weve failed. We have failed, you know, thousands of people. My concern is that when you upzone stuff like that, its going to feel more speculation and add to more displacement. There are hundreds of seniors that live on this corridor, and you know, im really concerned that the issues of displacement should be first. Weve lost way too many people to put that to the side. I think that has to be front and center as you, a commission, and you know responsible for the planning of this city. I think weve lost way too many people, and i really think that the whole this whole conversation needs to shift and and end right there. How do we keep the people in their homes that are struggling, and how do we not cause gentrification or miss placement in our neighborhoods . Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is sai. Im a member of the working group, but im also the coordinator of Communities United for health and justice, cuhj, which is an alliance thats based in the excelsior, and we are five organizations. Not going to name all of them, but im going to name filipino neighborhood center. I came here in september to speak before you because we wrote a letter when this neighborhood trot gstrategy be we were concerned about the type of seeds that came forward, and the actual makeup of the group not having enough immigrant families and youth and students in that working group. And here we are now. I heard that theres going to be a second phase to it that will have a focus group that will have more of those integrated in the strategy. But for me, if were going to have a plan to propose to the focus group, it would have been nice to have that beforehand and have really integrated the young people that currently lives and go to school there and use it and stuff. Weve been trying to really work hard to come up with solutions. Cuhjs been around for almost ten years now, and a lot of our work is around immigrant communities, youth empowerment, and now recent equitiable development, and we have been doing the community mapping, doing the better neighborhoods map. Weve even been doing a tour that we hold, the Community Members actually holds, which im inviting every commissioner to come and do with us. But i wanted to share this document called the better neighborhoods same neighborhoods proposition that we actually shared at the [ inaudible ]. We actually shared this as one of o at one of our meetings, and its really bold. One Affordable Housing to one market rate housing that comes into the neighborhood. Super wild dream, but for us who is facing a lot of gentrification, this is not a lot for us. Its bold so we can guarantee our survival in the city. So i want to ask everyone to look at this, and we are going to work hard to integrate this in the neighborhood strategy, and even beyond, but again, i want to call the Planning Commissioners in to really take the lead of the most vulnerable communities, when it comes to planning about communities like the excelsior that has historically full of immigrants and families, and its home to a lot of older and younger folks. Im going to end here because thats my time, but some other folks from the alliance will also be speaking. Thanks. Next speaker. My name is robin navarro, and a past resident of the excelsior district. Working with children, youth and families, some concerns are the plans for the excelsior. With few youth and Family Voices in planning and accessiblity to meetings like these for working class families, i would like to highlight Mental Health concerns around displacement and trauma that it entails. Youth are being pushed out and many of them are commuting out of San Francisco. Even our own sf foster youth are being gentrified, where adoption and foster families are out of sf and unable to stay in the city that they love. I urge the Planning Commission to listen to the community who shaped the 11. 100 Affordable Housing is a must. To support the youth and family in the area. A question that is asked in the community to the youth is, do you see yourself raising a family and having grandchildren here . Many of them say no, and many of them are triggered by this question. Due to the lack of opportunities and the rising wealth of San Francisco, their neighbors are changing, and all that they be or become with changing. We ask you to invite the young people in sf and learn from them on the ground. The development of the Excelsior Outer Mission districts will be a true testament of the San Francisco Planning Commission serving poor and working class families who already have numerous barriers to succeed in this city. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is sunshine rokei. I am a teacher an lincoln high school, and i have grownup and still living in the excelsior neighborhood, and i am here to share my fears about the process and planning and development thats happening in our neighborhood. My first fear that when we talk about the excelsior, you dont really know our neighborhood. We are working class immigrants, multifamily households, right . I love in a household of 15 people, and thats one out of the three households in my block alone, so i saw a slide that said we are singlefamily homes and thats where that fear sprung from. My next fear is when we talk about demand for housing, were not talking about the families and friends that i grew up with. I fear when we talk about demand for housing, we are talking about inviting outsiders with money into our neighborhoods, and i know we need money, but that money that were talking about is fleeting. What is not fleeting is the families that have proven time and time again that despite mechanisms that work against them, that they will live and stay here. Their roots in the excelsior that i think in the process of development that we are not looking at, and these are deep rooted with mothers that pick up their sons and daughters at one of the 13 high schools 13 schools in our neighborhood, right . So next thing i want to point out is that ive come to a few of the meetings and what i also see that a lot of these people

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