Id like to have a moment of silence for mayor lee. I was shocked to hear that he passed away. I personally loved mayor lee, his wife, anita, and his two daughters. The last time i talked to mayor lee, it was not a very nice conversation. But id like to have a moment of silence for mayor lee, and for that little 8yearold boy, gabriel, who has murdered by his father because he thought he was gay. So, moment of silence, please. Thank you. Miss canada, and i have a picture, if you can show it on the overboard, please, 100yearold woman lived right across the street from ms. Breed. In my opinion, was taken with a noose from her house and she died. But after she died, she was left in a cold freezer for one month because the family couldnt afford to get her out of storage to bury her. Thats the legacy of lee and breed. No way. Clerk thank you for your Public Comment. Madam president . Next speaker, please. Um, i guess my condolences to the family for ed lees passing. I guess were talking about homelessness again and i have to go back to, who is monitoring in the city and county of San Francisco the standards of care . I i would like some type of answer from city officials. Right now, im under the impression its nobody. They dont monitor standards of care. My other problem is, theres been declared a state of emergency regarding homelessness. When you have a state of emergency, its more intense. I would like to believe that we can get reports as to what jeff kazinski is doing. Is he providing more housing or is he living off the coat tails of what was done . I would appreciate if you would start asking some questions. Im wondering about i guess im just very, very traumatized because im a victim of how the shelters abuse people and get a free pass. The committee doesnt have the tools to properly monitor the shelters. I mean, if a crime happens in a shelter and the shelter monitoring gets it, all they can do is issue a report. They dont have they cant interview staff. They cant get video. I mean, theyre under the whim of clerk thank you, sir, for your questions. Madam president . Councillor breed any other members of the public that would like to provide Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Madam clerk, lets go to the closed session, please. Clerk item 38, approved on october 21, 2017, continued from december 5, 2017. Authorizing the board of supervisors to convene in closed session today, december 12, at 3 00 p. M. With the department of Human Resources regarding the labor negotiate augustses of the open labor contracts. Councillor peskin in light of the mayors passing, i would like to continue this item to our meeting of january 9. Councillor breed supervisor peskin has made a motion. Seconded. Can we take the continuance without objection . It passes unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to those items for adoption without reference to committee. Clerk items 63 to 66 considered for adoption. Roll call vote on items. If a supervisor does not agree, an item can be severed, considered separately. Councillor breed roll call vote. Councillor farrell aye. Councillor kim aye. Councillor peskin aye. Councillor ronen aye. Councillor safai aye. Councillor sheehy aye. Councillor yee aye. Councillor breed aye. Councillor cohen aye. Clerk nine ayes. Councillor breed those items adopted unanimously. Clerk on behalf of supervisor tang, for the late mr. Michael r. Barton, david a. Wong, dana denise faulkner, mr. J. B. Rumbug, and mr. James semiera. On behalf of supervisor yee and in addition to supervisor tang and mr. Della cruz, and for donna lindh murphy and motion made on behalf of the entire board of supervisors for the 43rd mayor of San Francisco, honorable mayor edwin lee. Councillor breed thank you, colleagues this brings us to the end of our agenda. Madam clerk, any further business before us today . Clerk that concludes our business. Councillor breed colleagues, were adjourned. Happy holidays. And well see you next year. Good afternoon, welcome to the land use and transportation committee. The last one for the calendar year of 2017. For today [applause] monday, december 11, i am the acting chair of the committee, aaron peskin, joined by Committee Member supervisor katie tang, our clerk is mr. Victor young. Mr. Young, do you have any announcements . Yes. Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Complete your speaker cards and any documents to be included as par of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the january 9, 2018 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Mr. Chair, would you like to take any action regarding the absence we will indeed, make a motion to excuse chair farrell. Moved. Moved by supervisor tang and take that without objection. I would like to thank the folks at sfgov tv for all of their work in 2017, Live Streaming the land use and other committees of the board w. That, mr. Young, could you please read the first item . Item number one is the resolution renaming the 600 block of stevenson street to oddfellows way to recognize the historic significance of the architectural and cultural contributions of the oddfellows have made to the city and county of San Francisco. Ms. Lopez, on behalf of the sponsor, supervisor jane kim, the floor is yours. Great. Thank you, supervisors. Im here today before you on behalf of supervisor kim, supervising a resolution to rename the 600 block of stevenson street to oddfellows way in recognition of the oddfellows order which are on that street and doing a lot of giveback. The first high light is the stewardship of the street itself, caring and taking care of the alleyway in an area which is often difficult to care for as well as their arts giveback. As you know, that particular building is not only a Historical Resource center, the Market Street theater and lost district, it would [inaudible] on the interiors of that building. There is a lot of art and history happening right now. Richard perry, one of gentlemen championing the renaming for quite a while, is one of artists in that building along with alonzo lei intersections, king ballet. Theyre very much an art cultural hub in the district and something we want to continue to preserve. This has been an educational moment for me. I have learned a lot about the oddfellows, in particular the terminology itself came from a time where there is a lot of sort of rigid thinking around class structure during the air of industrialization and i learned that oddfellows itself comes from the mixing of social classes and from the mixing of people and so its an organization that is inclusive and open to many and is focused on giveback and charity work. One of the things that they also do is they have our Community Courts there in that building. So, we do appreciate that. That building has also been a partner in our city to deal with conflict in the neighborhood. So we got a lot of letters of support that should be part of your general packet. Some of the letters include some of our former supervisors, including matt gonzalez. And before i take up anymore time at the podium, i know we have quite a few individuals ready to give public testimony so id rather hear from the community rather than myself in terms of renaming of the street. Thank you. And one more thing. In the record, we also have our letters from public works and Fire Department and the Police Department in regards to the renaming. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Lopez. And thank you for that. And while this street and building are in district six, i want to say that richard, a. K. A. Lucky, perry is actually a district three resident and, as you said, ms. Lopez has long championed this on behalf of the iooaf, a storied organization that exists in San Francisco since the days of the gold rush and, as you said, has been really a profoundly important civic organization. Including as set forth in the resolution and the encouragement of literacy. So, with that, we will open it up to Public Comment and ask our first speaker to be richard a. K. A. Lucky perry who is a renowned artist in his own rite and has his art studio in said building. Mr. Perry, please come on up. And congratulations for your dogged determination in convincing the District Six Office and my colleague supervisor kim to for this to the board of supervisors. Thank you for the kind comments. As you said, my name is richard perry. But i just have to make one correction. Its spelled perri, not y. That is something ive been dealing with my whole life so far. So, anyway. Ive been aware of that for many decades. Ok. But i noticed on the thing it says oh, on the screen. Sorry. Got it. Ok. So, with regards to the street naming change and the reasons why, its primarily because of the presence and the contributions that the oddfellows have made to the architecture and to the benefit of the community, and San Francisco as a whole. You know . The cultural and Community Benefits that we provided. Just to give you a brief history, as you mentioned, the odd fellows have been established here in San Francisco for on september 9, 1849. And in 1885 is when we built the building in that section. As a result, though, of earthquake we had to raze that building and sacrificed the building for a fireline. But the contributions that the odd fellows have made just generally is that they had a cemetery here. The column bering was initiated by the odd fellows, a crematorium, library, Literary Club as well as a bank and we have aided the community in many times of distress in many ways. Some of our members are noticeable to the city. Sam brennan, charles deyoung, maynard stanford, geary and samuel hail parker and also wyatt earp was also a member of the organization. Today the membership is wide and inclusive and includes all races, colors, creeds, gender and any Sexual Orientation is invited. Today the building still holds a prominent position in the neighborhoods. We have it is a totally arts related building on the area between 6th and 9th street and i am there, ive been there for over 20 years. There are other artists there. There are writers. Peter seller two is a famous historian and novelist whos written a book about the history of oddfellows in San Francisco. And were actively involved in the community and weve improved the appearance of the neighborhood. I can go on and on. But ill leave the rest of these comments up to the other people that are up to talk. But i thank you for your time and attention and appreciate it. And, yes, i am district three and happy to be there. Thank you, richard. One other thing. We are in the south pole, too. We have there was a man who went down to the south pole. His name is robert swann. And he wore a patch of the odd fellows so now well even down in the south pole as well. I love i. Any other members of the public who would like to testify on item number one . Please come forward. My name is brian schlesinger. Ive been a member of odd fellows for 25 years. As a resident of the organization, i wish to give my whole hearted support for the street change. Since 1885, the order has been a longstanding occupant of the corner of Market Street and stevenson street. Since the time the organization has created greatly to city of San Francisco providing relief to sick, distressed, widows and indin now. Indigenous. An example of this is a gathering for the homeless, mothers, things of that nature. We support that. We support the mission to feed the homeless and we do this annually in churches and during holiday season. We purchase supplies and assemble tube socks and toiletries for the homeless. We have a did versusty of membership of odd fellows. Were artistic and Cultural Building that provides the city of San Francisco a totally artsrelated building. We have a rich history in San Francisco. You can see that by visiting our museum. We also do things for the s. F. Food bank of San Francisco. A large venture which we participate at least twice per year. We also help the children Psychological Center provide assistance to the children directly traumatized by natural disasters. We also donate to red cross, project open hand, salvation army, Harbor Lights program, Homeless Children and network. We plan to be here for a long, long time. Thank you very much. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is Peter Sellers, the building manager of the Odd Fellows Building. Been there 19 years. And have sought through the transformation of that building when it was on its way out. And what i believe and what were not mentioning here is we have 1300 members of the organization here in the city where eight lodges are doing those things that brian schlessinger just mentioned and were doing so much more. We have given to the pets unlimited, the spca, you name it. Aids foundation. You name it, we support those entities. My lodge, number 15, is housed in that building and were committed. We only give contributions and donations in our efforts to communitybased organizations. So we dont take that outside the city of San Francisco. And i ream want to em size the diversity of our organization. Were not the odd fellows of 50 yearsing a, were the San Francisco group that have come together in the name of odd fellows. So, we are we have every representation in our organization. Every representation and im very proud of that. Im very proud of the work we do. To the pasht of taking on what is now stevenson street to ado. Ing that street to kind of keep the hundred or so syringes we pick up each day off of that street. That is one of the biggest nuisances we have. I heard that were all an all arts buildingment were not quite there. We do rent to c. V. S. Pharmacy. We are 80 arts, fraternal organization, nonprofits. 80 and that is if keeping with something i worked out years ago when i was on the Steering Community for the Community Benefits district. That we brought in. So, we are quite active. Thank you. Thank you for your testimony and for your work. Next eke spaoer, please. Hello, my name is pam hag an. We have been in attendance at the Odd Fellows Building since 2002. 15 years now. Our ability to move our studios from the old building we used to be out at 50 oak was we thought it was impossible to do until we met Peter Sellers and were introduced to his building and it became possible to have the full group of people that were part of our organization, move to this new location. Odd fellows are not only doing things in the past, but they are so actively doing things moving forward and the support of arts in the very civic center, the center of the city, a difficult area now and it is beginning to prosper. A lot of arts groups may be finding themselves priced out of the place all together. That is not the case as tenants of odd fellows. Theyre very supportive. We have not only the Performance Company thats actually on tour right now in france, but we also have b. F. A. Program with the Dominican University of california. We have a Training Program for students who dont want to go through a college experience. We have open classes available to both cities. We have Community Programs that we take out to schools both in San Francisco and the surrounding bay area. We have lots of students that come in from our summer program. That we audition from all over the country and people come. Some come from Foreign Countries even to be part of it. So we feel like a strong part of the community. I think they deserve all the recognition they can get. Thank you. Thank you. Next eke spaoer, please. Hello, supervisors. My name is jane. And im here to voice my support for the name change at the 600 block of stevenson to odd fellows way. I am the president of the Homeowners Association of a 250unit mixed use building. Our front entrance is on mission between 7th and 8th. But our back entrance is on the 600 block of stevenson. We walk that way to get to Market Street. Right now this block is a shooting gallery with open, intravenous drug use all day long and it is dirty and frightening. Imagine walking along with your child, a 9yearold, and explain what that man is doing putting a needle into his neck. Around the corner at 7th and market in front of c. V. S. Is an open market for stolen goods and drugs. Were working with the police, the pay your and the odd fellows but that area is worse than ever right now and we need your help to make cleaning it up a priority. They have commited to leading the way on recapturing this block, which we really appreciate with monitors and cameras and cleanup every day. Their Historic Building is beautiful and they have completed a major rehab to enhance it. They keep their Building Full of active tenants to keep foot traffic active and keep the bad things at bay. We like the idea of honoring the long history of odd fellows and think they are deserving that name one block to recognize them and their Historic Building. And besides, now when we call the police, at least well distinct address to call them to. On note, ill be talking to you about the Central Market plan and specifically the goal five of that park and rec. I have the honor of recommending district six to an aed vie sorry committee and we have specific ideas where we want the Public Benefits allocated mid market in the tenderloin. Theyre the densest, poorest parts of the city and have the least square foot of open space. The gorgeous open space in our city circles the center, but leaves a hole in the middle which includes the odd fellows way. So thank you for your attention and congratulationss to the odd fellows. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is henry rosenthal. Im a nearly 40year resident of the 700 block excuse me, the 500 block of stevenson, the one adjacent to the proposed odd fellows way. And i would like to voice my support for this historic name change. And it is fitting in the in conjunction with the renovation of the extensive renovation done to the building and the restoration of our historic neon sign. So, this worthy organization of which i am also a member and have served at the local, district and statewide level is most deserving of this honor. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Next speaker. If there are any other speaker, line up to your right, my left. Good afternoon. Ive been around that block of Market Street since 1977, native san franciscan. I had the fortunate opportunity of meeting richard lucky perri while he was serve his art. It is in our office now. But i think the fact that the odd fellows has been around so long and since its probably been around before, i wish i knew the history behind mr. Stevens or stevenson, but i think it is only appropriate that it should go there. And i think it will create a lot of interest about the odd fellows organization. San franciscos a very culturally rich city and the more people that know about this cool, for lack of a better word, club, the better in my opinion. So, thank you very much. Happy holidays. Thank you, mr. San giacomo. Seeing no other speakers, well close Public Comment. I think everything that needs to have been said has been said. And is there a motion . Supervisor tang. Oh. I didnt realize im sorry. Supervisor kim, i did not see that you were there. I was so focused on Public Comment. Supervisor kim, welcome and thank you for bringinging this before the committee. Thank you, chair peskin, but unfortunately i bring sickness into the chamber but luckily she is also sick. My lucky day. I wanted to recognize the members of the community who worked for year advocating for the renaming of the odd fellows alleyway in particular to richard for ri. Who came and approached me at an event and has worked patiently with Barbara Lopez in my offices to move this forward. Garnering support from all of the neighboring members and stakeholders ensuring 100 for this renaming, which is rare. Congratulations to you all and also for your work to really build community in this area and really lead on Community Stewardship in terms of both ensuring that were supporting our nonprofits and our Arts Organization and making this area cleaner and safer for our residents and neighbors. Thank you very much. And colleagues, i look forward to seeinging this passed with positive recommendation. Supervisor tang, is there a motion . All right. Ill make a motion to send this motion to the full board with positive recommendation. Without objection, well send item one to the full board with a positive recommendation. And as a coughing] sorry. Not as a committee. No. It will be heard at the first Board Meeting which i believe is january 8 of 2018. That will be the order. Mr. Clerk. Next item, please. Just to clarify, that is january 9. Im sorry. January 9. Next on the agenda is item number two. The resolution posing for 18 months interim zoning controls limit off Street Parking for new development and remove the possibly for conditional use authorization to increase such parking in the area known as the hub or the Market Street hub and making appropriate findings. Supervisor kim, today is the supervisor kim agenda. The floor is yours. Thank you. Although this is actually technically supervisor breeds. But youve been wrestling with this last issue that we discussed at our last meeting. Yes. And you believe this is just a continuation of the item from last monday and originally introduced by councilor breed and chair peskin and it is really to ensure in a neighborhood where were building more density and has access to both a great number of bike, pedestrian and Public Transit routes that we limit the number of parking and cars in this neighborhood. And so this is just a set of interim controls that would prohibit any kind of conditional use authorization to increase the parking to unit ratio. Unless there is a minimal commitment by the project sponsor to build 25 of its union on units on site as Affordable Housing. I believe that amendment was made last monday and today well hopefully be passing this out of committee. Thank you, supervisor kim. Is there any Public Comment on item number two . Mr. Leavitt, mr. Thornly, on lunch again, mr. Henderson. Ill just step ahead. Good afternoon, Committee Members. Im andy thornly, speaking as a neighbor, citizen. Thank you, president breed, for bringing this forward. Thank you supervisors kim and peskin for cosponsoring. Im supportive but very skeptical or worse of the notion of the loophole for onsite inclusionary. While we watch london t mayor of london has proposed to forbid any new parking in dense transitrich areas of that great city on the notion that it will slow down transsit and make the streets less safe where we have high density. The same principle applies here. We really, really do want to add as much housing as we can in this part of town, especially for folks who have challenges affording market rate. That is just about everybody. So, yes, lets please have more below market rate. Yes, lets have it on site. But please lets dont compromise safety of the seats. Lets dont compromise the performance and the attractiveness of transit as we make the neighborhood more dense. Again, ill remind you that last year the board of supervisors adopted home sf, wonderful. Were going to Incentivize Developers to provide more below market rate housing in their projects. We incentivize them by offering bonuses of interest. The parking incentive is for the developer to provide less parking. If this city has a finding for the relationship between b. M. R. And parking, it is that we provide less, and not more. I urge you to send this forward but please leave the loophole out. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Thornly. Mr. Leavitt. Good afternoon, supervisors. Robin he visit. Ive lived three blocks from market and van ness for the past over the past 25 years. For all the reasons that mr. Thornly mentioned, while i support interim controls on parking in the hub, i dont support the legislation in its current form and i want to refer you to an email that i sent you in november as well as a letter i send you in november outlining all the reasons for that. Simply put, less parking means less traffic and congestion. More pork parking leads to more traffic and congestion. Allowing additional parking in the hub is irresponsible. It is irresponsibles to delay the thousands of muni riders who pass through the hub every day. It is irresponsible to compromise the health and safety of thousands of bicyclists, pedestrians and residents who with live, work and pass through the hub every day. Its irresponsible to tie up and delay Emergency Service responders in traffic. We also all pay for the congestion by the increased costs of goods and services that we all need in the city. It is irresponsible to ignore the traffic and all of its impacts and not to take steps to rein it in here. This legislation may leverage a handful of affordable units but at what cost . It potentially will unleash hundreds of more cars on to our streets creating more congestion, delays and injuries. That is irresponsible. As we saw with 1 oak, developers can always apply and his tourkically have been granted, conditional uses for excess parking. Neighbors like myself, andily, jayson henderson, do not have the time and resources to fight every c. U. For additional parking. Personally, ive attended countless meetings on this issue and i dont want to do it anymore. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Leavitt. Mr. Henderson. Thank you, supervisors. I have somebody proctoring the final exam, in case anybodys wondering. Thank you, supervisor breed. Thank you, supervisor kim. Thank you, supervisor peskin for shuttling during this long appeal process. Thank you sa maen that for all of your help on this. Many people have come speak in support of both the appeal that i filed against 1 oak back in july and also in favor of interim controls on the parking. Gail baw and others cannot be present this afternoon. But are in support of the interim controls as youve heard multiple times. As you heard from mr. Thornly and leavitt, more cars in the hub is going to be unworkable. It is going to be a major problem. From my perspective, ive been long advocating for zero parking in places like the hub. That is preferred but it is also good public policy. However, we have to realize that there are give and take process. Here we are. We need to do these interim controls so it is my understanding that this is the best we can get done to get through with this. So it i reluctantly support this approach that supervisor kim has put forward. I do want to point out that in hayes valley, we have lots of both inplay and proposed Affordable Housing projects that have zero parking and it is the zero parking that makes it work. The zero parking made s. F. Jazz work, the nonprofit performing arts center. It is making Family Housing at what was called parcel o on fell and laguna work. So, it is a little bit confusing, but it is what it is. I also hope that out of this process we dont forget about the regulation of t. N. C. , the wind impacks on biasles and the ecommerce problems that are mucking up the traffic in that part of the city. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Henderson. Any other members of the public who would like to speak on item number two . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We did actually ask last week for planning to make some comments. That was one of things the committee i see mr. Worth im here, but i suspect youre here on item number three. Is there anybody from planning who want to make any comments that we discussed last week raring in ub two. No, not at this time, sir. But were happy to get back to you if there is further questions posed. I apologize on our behalf. All right. Supervisor kim. Thank you. I want to thank you for all of your work on the appeal of 1 oak and make sure that the transitrich neighborhood does not disparately impact the traffic and congestion that were already seeing here in the city and also for really moving forward with pushing both the Planning Department and sfmta to study the impact that t. N. C. Are having to the traffic mobility in this arena as well. And that is i dont want to say a few ne no, maam non, but a relatively new phenomenon that the city has not begun to address. But i do appreciate the reluctant support from some members of community to move this forward. It is incredibly important for us to incentivize our developers to build onsite Affordable Housing. I do agree that when you do 100 Affordable Housing it doesnt pencil to do parking and many of our Affordable Housing households dont need a car or use a car. So, with our 100 Affordable Housing we frequently do not include parking or a lot of parking in those units currently but it can be an incentive to encourage our developers to meet a higher threshold of doing Affordable Housing at 25 , which we thought was fair. I dont imagine many projects would be able to meet this. For 1 oak, they didnt provide any onsite Affordable Housing in. That case, i would have liked them to meet the actual ratio that was requested in this area plan. But i know that we were able to move forward with some sort of compromise on that. Anyway, colleagues i ask for your support on this item, along with president breed and look forward to working with many of you here today on ensuring that we are reducing cool and vehicle usage in our district particularly in the south market and tenderloin area. Thank you very much. Thank you, supervisor kim. Id be happy to entertain a motion to send this item to the full board as a Committee Report but would love mr. Worthime if you can tell the appropriate colleague here last week to report in at least to this supervisor or send an email to the entire board before 2 00 tomorrow with any comments that the department has as we were promised last week. With that, supervisor tang. All right. So, now i will make a motion on item two to send freethrower to the full board with positive recommendation as a Committee Report. Thank you. We will take that item reluctantly without objection. Next item, please. Next on the agenda, item number three is a hearing on the proposed central plan including general overview, housing overview, infrastructure and public realm and Community Building and neighborhood stabilization. All right. Mr. Worthime, the floor is yours. Ill come get those. Oh. Did he say the floor is mine . Ok. [laughter] supervisor kim, the floor is yours. Thank you, chair peskin. Good afternoon good afternoon, colleagues, again. We are now hosting our second informational hearing which will be before the Planning Commission in early 2018 and very shortly after the full board of supervisor, mr. Worthime. This is one of largest area plans that this board will be concerning over the last couple of years. And its important for us to dedicate a number of informational hearing items both for the sake of members of the public and also an opportunity for members of this board provide their input before this plan moves forward to the Planning Commission. We held a hearing on the projected plan for Affordable Housing. Units proposed and also how were working with the Mayors Office of housing and the need to identify sites so we can achieve our goal of building 33 of affording housing as part of the central soma plan. And todays hearing is focused on the plans proposal for Community Benefits and infrastructure. One of the benefits of moving forward with a large area plan is that we can have birds eye view of how we can puting to Large Development projects to bring forward benefits that we want to ensure that a neighborhood has as it cons to grow. These include fees that will ensure that our streets are safer pedestrians and cyclists. They ensure that as we build up and build more densely that were setting aside land but also money to build Recreational Centers and open space so that workers and residents can enjoy these in their complete neighborhoods. We also wanted to ensure that the developments combined will ensure that we have enough dollars to afford diverse and middle Income Housing and a diverse neighborhood and we have ongoing fees that will evening sure longterm maintenance of this neighborhood, whether it is in cleanup, security, Park Maintenance and others. According our estimate, this proposal would raise over 2 billion in benefits. Compared to only 500 million if the central soma plan does not move forward. Of these of the 2 billion closes to 1 billion are going towards accretion of middle and lowIncome Housing and todays hearing is to delve deeper into understanding the fees, benefits and also to have a discussion of the governance structure that would oversee these benefits in the longterm and how we as a city want to move forward with that. I want to begin with the presentation from planning. I also want to acknowledge that Sarah Dennis Phillips is here along with dan adams and amy chan of mirs office and Community Housing or ive been told that they are all herement. We have the department of environment, rich chin, as we consider movinging this forward as a sustainability district. As well as carly payne, jamie parks from m. T. A. And tim chan from bart and i see tim frye from planning Historic Preservation is here. Finally understand that we have Sarah Minnick from sfpc and lisa fisher overseeing the echo district. I see a lot of members of our south Market Community here today. Thank you so much for attending. I know that the community has been hosting several meetings in terms of its vision for how we like to see the future of our neighborhood move forward as we welcome more office and residential development. So, mr. Worthime. Thank you, supervisors. Steve worthime, Planning Department staff. The first informational hearing was on october 23rd where we talked about the overview of the plan and the job housing benefits. As the supervisor mentioned, ill be doing the presentation today, but will be joined various members of my colleagues at the Planning Department and other members of regional agencies. Just a reminder for those who didnt see the october 23rd hearing, the plans vision is to create a sustainable neighborhood and sustainably economically, socially and environmentally. Our philosophy is to keep whats great and to fix whats not and our strategy is threefold to accommodate demand by increasing development capacity. By liveeneding raing over 2 million in Public Benefits and to make sure that the change must respect and enhance the neighborhood character by keeping whats great even while were fixing whats not. Before going into supervises of Public Benefit, id like to talk about the outreach process that lead to its creation. This occurred over thousands of conversations over the last seven years. We asked people what was working in the neighborhood, what went working. We had meetings and uk whating tours and surveys. We had so many oneonone conversations. Both the community and with the city and regional agencies to understand their needs and priorities. Simultaneously we are figuring out how to pay for these needs. We determined this through a Financial Model development. From this model, we set the requirements of that sweet spot where projects are xhukically feasible and we can maximize the benefits of community. Of course if you set the fee and requirements too high, you get no development and then none of the revenue you seek. You set the fee too low, then you get the development and not the benefits to serve the growing population. Fortunately in central soma, theres so much demand and so much room to grow that when we set the requirement just right, we can still establish over 2 million in Public Benefits and be selfsufficient in meeting many of the neighborhoods in the neighborhood. Id like to know the numbers we present today are largely the same from the 2016 draft plan, but amended to recognize things that have volumed since then such as prop c, prop x and the state density program. Here are numbers that supervisor kim just mentioned if the plan doesnt pass. The plan passes, its over 2 million, which is four times mo than if the plan doesnt pass. And it is only from new development and only going back to the neighborhood. New development will create over 1 billion in Public Benefits to the citys general funds and a general sense t timeframe is about a 25year plan period. We also present less time. Im not going to go into great detail in this table and the next page today because im goinging to do all the specifics in a moment. So i wont go into this table in detail. Just to mention that of the 1 billion toward Affordable Housing, with did sub mitt to this committee a second regarding Affordable Housing. And we also submited a new memo on Public Benefits so that people who have more questions more details, want to see more details can go into that. So as youll see here, theres nearly 1 billion toward affordable housin half a billion dlard transit. 180 million toward distribution reduction repair. 170 million toward parks and recreation, 130 million toward complete streets, 707 million toward environmental sustainability. 60 34 8 actualeder school and child care. And there is 70 million yet to be allocated since the release of the draft plan in 2016. We have some ideas for how that can be allocated and will share that with you at the end of the hearing. The first topic id like to discuss is transit. Central soma is already one of the most transitrich areas in the whole region, served by bart and cal train. The new development will be benefiting from the central subway which is a great example of the city investing in transit infrastructure before development occurs. Other investment includes electrification of cal train, the opening of the transbay bus terminal and enhancement to muni lines. That being said, except for Affordable Housing, transportation is probably the Biggest Issue we have in this area. And in the region. And that is why the plan still dedicates over half a billion toward transit which can leverage half a billion of state and federal funding. We identified four sources for this half a billion dollars. The eastern neighborhoods impact and a new central soma fee. The outcomes would be approximately 340 million towards local transit and 160 million to regional transit. This is basically a twotoone ratio reflecting the new trips generated by new workers and residents. The local money is directed toward sfmta to provide service transit expansion. The regional money is controlled by the city and goes to the regional agencies. For example, weve been working in close coordination bart whos interested in upgrading standard capacity and starting the study of a second transrail crossing. The next topic wed like to discuss is transportation, distribution and repair. P. D. R. P. D. R. Is crucial and needed for the city. It has highpaying jobs and Creative Advancement for opportunities for people without a fouryear degree and facile tates Economic Diversity of the city. As we know today, there are still industrial protective zoning and we know without protection from p. R. Soma, a lot of this is likely to disappear. In this plan, it is an example of keep whats great and fix whats not, we hope to keep the p. D. R. In the area while amending the zoning and additional right. Requirements on large office projects. The funding for p. D. R. Would come from the fund from new development. And that represents the cost to subsidize. The result is that in these industrially protected areas, after the plan, wed still have about the same amount of p. D. R. As we have today. Approximately 900,000 square feet. The benefit is also that because this p. D. R. Will be built with the projects itself, there will be no lag in delivery of this Public Benefit. And developers will be able to provide this Public Benefit in one of three ways by building on site, off site somewhere else or protecting other p. D. R. Uses somewhere else that are a threat. In terms of p. D. R. Affordability, we know it is an affordable issue and we know that rent scroll illegal in the state of california. We can incentivize it in the same way that proposition x did by allowing developers to provide less Affordable Housing excuse me, provide affordable space by providing less space of p. D. R. We have several great parks and Recreation Centers including south park and jean friend recreation center. That being said, overall soma is quite poorly served in regards to the rest of city. And the central soplan is an opportunity to change that to fund, build and habilitate facilities so that every kid and grownup has access to highquality park and recreational opportunities. They funded three sources, including funding from privately owned open spaces, the eastern neighborhoods active fee and Melrose Community facilities district. In terms of what that would yield, theres a whole lot of new parks and recreational opportunities. This includes there 25 million to help rebuild and expand jean friend recreation center, 5 million for victoria and jarvis park, the largest park in this part of the plan. 35 million toward a new oneacre park on the perform u. C. Block. 10 million for new recreation center. 5 million for a new park on what is an overwide alley. 5 million for new Recreational Amenities turn freeway to leverage the new state law. And 5 million as a down payment to a new large soma park and 80 million for privately owned Public Open Space which is the equivalent of the value of thatened la. I just want to emphasize tease are not downtown popos, these are on the ground floor and f. Ly accessed and have extended hours and south of the freeway they will be open to the sky. These parks and the popos will be constructed as part of new developments and there will be no lag time when their growth, when the growth in the area and delivery of these benefits. Supervise so ever . Yes, thank you. You anticipated that i had questions on this list of items. I just wanted some clarification and also for us to do this in a public forum. One is incredibly exciting to see reconstruction expansion dollars searching through the rec center. We have limited space so one of the ways we can expand recreational areas to build up just as we have office and housing build um buildup. I had a few questions. One, well, lets start with the blocks linear park. Ive seen the street rescaping designs that ive seen behind the tennis club and a new Office Building that tn. G. Is building on brandon street. Is that correct . Sure. That a park well, if we do it right, it is a park. Right . The alley most alleys in soma are 35 feet wide. For some reason the one between 3rd and 4th is 75 feet wide. That is the intend. We were working with t. M. G. And alexandria, the developers of that tennis site to see if they would be willing to build at that park as part of their project in which case we need no allocation of funding but it is an excellent opportunity for Something Different in soma and we need as much open space in the neighborhood as possible. Absolutely. Im very open to it. I wasnt sure why this was listed because the initial designs ive seen have been additional trees on the sidewalk and to me that is not a park. So, if were calling it a park, i really want it to be a park. So i think that is just because of the initial designs i had seen. The new freeway recreation area, is this the same as the underramp park in the transdid district . No. This is a new opportunity between 2 nd and 4th, there is a lot of bus yards. And the state legislation that recently passed gave us access to 70 off the rent of this space and makes it possible for us to program new spaces. Akin to whats near our office for a few years now the skate ramp and the dog park which has transformed the experience of walking through the neighborhood and providing Recreational Amenities. Great. Finally, could you talk a little bit more about popos and planning vision for how to make these popos publicly accessible and really usable open space for the public . What weve seen and i think we regret some of the policis that we set in the c3 in downtown arena is that many of these popos are either inaccessible, even with the signage and certainly many members of the public arent away that members of the public are allowed to relax there and sit there because theyre indoors. So, could you talk a little bit about how youre going to ensure that these popos are open. We certainly internalized that critique. It is not fair to ask members of the public to go to a lobby, ask permission to go to a public space and then have to be vetted by security. That is not acceptable. Right . So that is why were proposing a totally different model where all the spaces are at the ground floor. Right . Theyre all independently accessed from the street. They all have extended hours. So that theyre available on the eveningings and the weekends when people want to recreate. They all have to be open to the sky, but we red cross these in some circumstances that, for example, for buildings along the freeway, there is no great advantage of them being open to the sky and weve seen recently built some great examle s of popos in downtown that meet all of our other criteria and are very successful within buildings. So, we want to make sure on the largest projects south of the freeway they are open to the sky. But that will be acceptable having developed inside buildings where appropriate and iting in a third option for folks who dont want to do it inside their building or not appropriate to fee out to the city. Otherwise we have other money to enhance the roller recreational parks in the neighborhood. Thank you. Shall i . Ok. Next topic is complete street. So, as we know, soma has some of the worst streets in the city. Super long blocks. They are designed for cars and trucks to move through as fast as possible but are inconvenient and unsafe for people walking, peoplic booing. The might have been ok 50 years ago but time is overdue to overhaul the streets to serve people who are walking, bicycling, taking transit. And our commitment to vision zero and Transportation Demand management. The soma plan says improving the area is one of our core imperatives. To be able to fund this, theres the eastern neighborhood impact fees, the pel rose Community Facilities district and Transportation Sustainability fubldses. What that gets us is fearly five miles of street improvements. This is for people walking, including vision zero type safety improvements at februarisingers, wider

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