So, taraval street is getting a long overdue renovation for the first time in 40 years. Since were completely rehabilitating the street, we want to put it back together in a way that addresses key issues for Pedestrian Safety and for our transit reliability. Were really excited about this really a once in a Generation Opportunity to make taraval street safer for people walk and more attractive for people taking transit as well. At most stops on taraval street, riders have to step off the train into a lane of traffic with no boarding island. That is the current condition at many of the stops. As a result, 22 people have been hit in five years while getting on or off our trains. This has happened, as you can see on the map here, every orange is for every stop in the fiveyear period someones been he. This type of collision we know is entirely preventable since it does not happen at stops with safe boarding islands. Weve been working on solutions to improve safety and transit reliability for the past two years in this corridor. During that time, weve been working exenstively with Community Members to share these proposals and help refine and improve them and weve engaged thousands of residents and merchans through open house meetings, small group meetings, thousands of surveys, hundreds of emails, doortodoor outreach, popup open houses at stops and a range of other Outreach Strategies to stay connected. After over a year of thorough community outreach, we brought a proposal to the board last year that delivers big safety and transit reliability improvements to taraval street. The key features that the board approved are boarding islands and pedestrian bulbs to make taraval a safer place for riding and transit. We have train prioritis to help all taraval riders to get where theyre going faster. Twice as many key stops. So, Wheelchair Accessible stops on the route as there were before to make it more accessible for people using ago a wheelchair. As well as Parking Management improvement throughout the corridor to help customers find parking on a growing commercial street. We wanted to get the safety improvements on the ground as quickly as possible so many riders dont get hit. Starting in january of this year, we installed temporary clear zones at most stops to give people a safe place to step off the train until boarding islands can be installed and that is in the top left photograph there. This has had an Immediate Impact. During this per, we had zero collisions at these stops since the clear zones were installed. Without the clear zones, based on previous years data, we would have expected two or three people to be hit at stops during that timeframe. So, pretty Immediate Impact from having clear zones installed. Some of the early improvements include transitonly lanes that allow left turns at most locations. For automobiles, consolidation of closelybased stops and Parking Management improvements to help offset the parking removal that we undertook. And the final piece of this is the sixmonth passenger loading zone pilot, which we installed at five stops where we did not remove parking. I wanted to talk about the pilot. During outreach, we heard a lot of creative members for ways to make it safer and board the train without removing parking. We took these suggestions and developed them into a package of improvements at these five pilot stops. This was a huge effort over the past year. We upgraded every single train in our light rail fleet. Every single braida with new l. E. D. Lights on the back and safety decals which are pictured here. We partnered with merchants to launch an extensive Education Campaign to get safety posters to many of the stores on taraval, youll see them out there. And the Taraval Police station commited to focusing its enforcement resource on this issue as much as possible given then costraints and prioritis that they have. This effort meant hundreds of staff hours and the l. R. V. Upgrades alone were 500,000 to install. Our hope with the pilot was to get to 90 of drivers stopping behind the trains so this would be a safe and effective alternative to boarding islands at the lower lower, you know, lower volume stops. I want to thank really everybody who was involved in this pilot, especially the mer commands. Merchants. It was a huge effort over the last year to get something on the ground that was different than weve ever done and had a lot of different elements to it. To our surprise, i think to some degree given all the things that we put out there, we didnt see as much improvement as we needed to ensure safety at these stops. Compliance increased from before the pilot 72 to 74 of all of these improve. S were in place six months later. Weed aed an additional feature when midpoint data didnt show the improvement that we needed to see. These were large, digital variable Message Signs like you see on streets with construction. So, they are big signs and the message was dont pass train when doors open. We put that at the start of the block. It is kind of hard to miss. But despite that, compliance stayed pretty stubbornly of three quarters of drivers stopping behind train doors. The sfmta board previously approved installing boarding islands at these stops pending the outcome of this pie lo. This will remove an additional 36 Parking Spaces at these stops so were looking at parking changes and Management Options to make sure that customers can still find parking on taraval. The inbound stop was one of the five pilot stops. Unlike the other four, were not able to install a full boarding island at this location because of the crossover. Were recommending removing the stop to ensure a safer boarding facility. The nearest stop is 485 feet away at sunset boulevard. Alt 44th avenue, we installed safety clear zones earlier this year as part of implementation. This removed 12 Parking Spaces and merchants and some residents in this area have asked us to evaluate removing the stop to restore this parking and look again at the stop spacing in this area. These stops at 44th avenue are less than 600 feet from the nearest stops in either direction at 42nd or 46th avenue. Were recommending removing them to restore the 12 Parking Spaces and improving transit travel time. The third proposed change is on 17th avenue, which is shown in the next slide. The inbound 17th avenue stop was originally proposed for removal. But we took a closer look at it, look at this stop in particular because of the proximity to the Safeway Grocery store. We wanted to ensure that if the stop does remain, it has a safe boarding platform, like other stops on taraval. A train rider was hit here in the past five years that the stop and it is likely to be repeated at some point if we dont take action one way or the other. Weve take and very thorough look at this since the last Board Meeting in september reviewing the stop spacing in this area, watching video footage of customers coming out of safeway. Surveying where a boarding island could go if we were to keep this stop, which is shown on the diagram here. If a boarding island was installed, take a look. It would remove 11 Parking Spaces. The nearest stop if the stop is removed would be 600 feet away down a slight grade at 19th avenue. And one quick update i want to point out is that we had organize fally proposed to relocate the 15th and taravals stop from 15th avenue so it makes a turn and stops on. Well move it back to the near side of that intersection before the turn at 15th and taraval. We recently learn because of engineering challenges because of the train as it makes a turn would not be feasible to make a nearside stop there. The 15th avenue stop would remain far side in that case. The upshot of that is that basically there would still be the 15th avenue stop would still be the 470 feet from 17th avenue. A little bit further but still quite close and the 19th avenue stop is still about 580 feet from 17th avenue. The question is how many people are coming from safeway, with heavy grocery loads and is there a special circumstance there. In our review of the the footage, different days of the week throughout the last year, dozens if not hundreds of site visits to this location, we did observe some people coming from safeway and going inbound. We saw some folks carrying bags from safeway but theyre generally making smaller trips and carrying lighter grocery loads which is common for people making grocery trips on transit. Theyre not making the weekly trips. That is the typical pat attendanter we observed. Taking all of these factors into account, we recommend removing the inbound 17th avenue stop which ensures that there will be safe boarding that remain in stops and faster travel time and less parking removal than the alternatives. Boarding islands are coming together taraval for safety improvements as i mentioned and that is a great safety benefit. At the same time, we ear focused on ensuring that customers in this corridor are able to find parking. Merchants have requested additional time limits in some areas so we developed a proposal to fill in the gaps in Parking Management on taraval. There are some areas that are totally unregulated that do have businesses. In response, were proposing twohour time limits from 33rd avenue to 36th avenue. That is a stretch thats almost entirely commercial or institutional. In the section of taraval street from 34rd avenue to 47th avenue, it is a little less consistently commercial. Its but at the same time, several businesss have opened up recently and more are on the way and we heard that time limits are needed to help their customers find parking in the segment of taraval. Based on input from based on input from merchants, residents and the synagogue that is located at 46 and taraval, time limits in this section will be four hours two hours to give people a little more time to do what they need to do or attend services or, you know, get a coffee and go to the beach or whatever theyre doing in this section of taraval. Some residents have expressed concerns about not being able to leave vehicles during the work day. If you live on taraval and accustomed to parking ton street there, time limits would make that not a possibility. We also heard from the synagogue of some services a few days a year extend beyond four hours and that would be a challenge for folks. But we do want to note that if you stand at 46 and taraval within about a fiveminute walk or quarter mile of that intersection, there are over 1,000 Parking Spaces and just 65 of them under this proposal would have any sort of time limit. So, in summary, the following items are in front of you today. Removing three additional. Tos, making a final decision on removing the 17th avenue stop and parking limit to help customers find parking on taraval street. If they are approved wi would implement them early next year to get the Parking Management benefits. Well also be continuing with ongoing outreach to merchants about parking needs, exclusions such as loading zones where were installing these safety islands and were really excited on the whole i have to say about the whole project. It is really and truly a once if a Generation Opportunity to up dpraids the infrastructure from the tracks to the overhead so thank you very much directors and thank you to all the Community Members who engaged throughout the project. As i said, i do want to go directly to Public Comment and doctor directors to hold their questions and comments. But thank you for you and your staff. The written report on this was fantastic. It was very well laid out. It gave all the answers to any questions that i had as i was reading it. Thank you very much for the work on that. To all of our Public Commenters, we have a lot of you. So, were going to impose a twominute time limit. The first chime on the podium means you have 30 seconds remaining. The second louder chime is when i will thank you and politely but firmly cut you off. The first speaker. Madame chair, you have two members of board two representatives from the board of supervisors here to address you. Would you like to hear them first . Yes. I would like to have them come up first. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Thank you for your time. We want to thank you for your consideration as the sfmta recommendations and the public input you have regarding this project. Over the past threeplus year, our office has been listening to comments from Community Members, residents, businesses and muni riders. Weve conducted many public meets, attend and presented at Community Meetings and held focus groups. We have heard feedback from all sides and perspectives throughout the mros. Process. We understand as the board you also have the difficult task of weighing all the comments and concerns that are brought before you. Sfmta staff and Community Members have devoted a great deal of time and attention to the benefits and potential impacts this project has for our community. While our office has heard many opinions on the various aspects of the project design, overall the supervisor believe this is project has the Great Potential to improve transit reliability and Pedestrian Safety for our community, both of which are priorities for our office. Safety is of the highest priority. We have stated previously that we support boarding islands because we know they will guarantee the safety of muni rider and we understand that the merchants feel the loss of parking and loading areas as a result. However, for many years, our residents have asked what were dogging for the safety of our passengers and we believe this is the best solution. We would like to commend the taraval street merchants and many residents a they worked diligently alongside us to come up with creative ways to address safety and find a compromise to increase safety and increases parking. We know you have the difficult task of making a decision regarding stop removele as. Again, as we said at the beginning of mros, our goal is to ensure that all muni stops are evenly spaced. We recognize the challenges that seniors and people with physical challenges have when a stop is remove. Were not here to say that you should or shouldnt remove particular stops. Our office recognizes this is a difficult choice to make. But we want to make sure that any decisions on stops are based on even spacing between stops. Wed also like to take this opportunity to remind staff to analyze the traffic challenges around 19th avenue. Given the proposed transitonly lane t removal of the left turn option and the noright turn on red, many cars are backed up through 20th avenue and 18th avenue. We want to ensure that the project, if implemented, will reduce traffic hazards. Thank you for your consideration of all the thoughtful comments youll hear today and thank you to everyone whos come out here to speak on this item. We look forward to continue to with the members as we begin construction and realize all the benefits that this project has to offer. Please thank the supervisors for us as well. Supervisor for or representative from supervisor yees office here . All right. No . Seeing none, we did get a letter from the supervisors. Lets move on to Public Comment. Ok. Madame chair, i will read three names out because we have an overflow room downstairs and want to make sure that any person downstairs has adequate time to come upstairs in other words to make their comment. If they are asked by the sheriff at the door about it, just let the sheriff know that their name has been called to give Public Comment and a sheriff will let the person in. Herbert weiner. Im speaking as a social worker two has worked with seniors and the disabled. Seniors and disabled muni passengers have been targeted by the removal of bus stops from the old taraval line. Major changes for Public Transportation, seniors and disabled have been the most disadvantaged. The old taraval line is no exception. Why are seniors and disabled targeted . Due to frailties with age and disease, they are disadvantaged, unlike other powerful political lobbies. And resisting changes that inversely adversely impact them. Doesnt this constitute bullying, which is cruel and wicked . There will be blowback, however. Seniors and disabled due to limited access will take other means of transportation, excluding paratransit, which does not serve the riders adequately through no fault of their own. Ridership from seniors and disabled will decrease, resulting in less revenue for m. T. A. A comeuppanc e. On the part of m. T. A. En mraeers. A come uppane on the part of m. T. A. Planners. Its the derelict of the mandate and trust is the result. I have a question for legal counsel. How does the removal of bus stops and long walking distances, how does that relate to the americans with disables act. Is this legal . This is a question i have to ask which i dont believe has been addressed by this board. And you do have to address this. Because you might be due for a walloping lawsuit which will overturn everything. Thank you very much, mr. Weiner. Next speaker, please. Christina mcgee, tulio brand, michael mcgee. Ms. Mcgee. My name is christina mcgee. Im a Merry Christmas of taraval for everyone, which is an organization formed to oppose time restrictions on parking on taraval between 33rd and 36th avenue between 33rd and 47th avenues. I want to be clear. Placing time restrictions on parking taraval is not a safety issue. That has been addressed removing Parking Spaces for the boarding islands. This is relating to the remaining Parking Spaces. These restrictions represent a land grab for businesses for parking at the expense of others in the community. What ive seen that is missing is part of this proposal is treatment of residents with dignity and respect, to be seen and listened to by the sfmta as businesses are. We havent seen accurate communication regarding this plan and we havent seen equal consideration of residents compared to businesses. The project team has only said most businesses support increased parking. But at the october 6 engineering hearing, more residents spoke against the proposal than the ones that supported it. The sfmta has not held any Community Meetings regarding this issue although your project team said there would be. Well weve not seen any analysis that supports it. I live on taraval between 33rd and 34th and what i see is that a quarter of the blocks in question which are around me have a clear majority of residential units over businesses. Heres my block. Its 43rd 43rd to 44th. It has 15 residential units and no businesses. On the north side, you have 22 residential units and one business. This business is a liquor store. It does its business at night. Going down the block between 43rd and 45th are 13 residential units and two businesses right here. They have a twohour time zone on 44th that is not fully utilized. And then on 44th and 45th in the north side there are 10 residential units and one business that is carling and company, which is a salon located on the underground floor of the residential building. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Mcgee. Next eke spaoer. Tulio brand, michael mc gee. Good afternoon. Im a homeowner from the 2200 block of 44th avenue. Two blocks away from the 44th avenue stop. I took time to come here today because i know many others with my same concerns would be unable. Our block is representative of the single neighborhood, most filled with families of Young Children or retirees. My home has both. My wife and i have two childrens ages 4 and 1 and we live with my mother who is 67. In fact, there are so many Young Children and seniors on our block that the last time that i appeared before this board was to advocate for speed humps now installed to protect these vulnerable residents. It is ironic that i am back here today to advocate for these same residents who whose safety will be hurt with the removal of our taraval stop. An extra block may be perhaps a mere inconvenience for some, poses an increased safety risk for less mobile seniors, adults pushing strollers and those with small children in tow. While i can appreciate the various stakeholders you have to take into account and can sympathize with their concerns, it seems to me your Top Priorities would be promoting the use of Public Transportation and rider safety, neither of which is served by removing this stop. I urge you to vote against removing our taraval stop and 44th avenue. Thank you. Next eke spaoer, please. Michael mcgee. Ive been collecting data in order to analyze potential impacts of converting this area to parking. Something any good engineer should do when designing a proposal and something that appears not to have been done in this case. Without data, youre just a person with an opinion. First, lets look at the additional need for [inaudible] for businesses. For three weekdays, i filmed the area and discovered that during 85 of the time there is at least one Space Available during the restriction period. Clearly any assertions from businesses saying that they are in dire need of additional parking are hyperbolic at best. Sometimes nearby parking must not be available. But how much do they really need . This is lakeshore plaza shopping center. It is a 178,000 square foot Shopping Mall with 447 spaces. That is 2 1 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet. This proposal, with 70 spaces, would provide 2. 7 spaces per 1,000 square feet of commercial space and this does include all pending retail spaces and all commercial space in the area. It is clearly not right to provide more parking for businesss in a residential area than you would for a fullfledgeded Shopping Mall. All this when simply removing the stop at 44th will restore the parking to pre2016 levels. It should be reassessed with data if and when the stop is removed. Since no surveys were done to determine how people use the space, last week surveys were dribbled to cars parked on taraval and the affected area. The data has been sent to the m. T. A. And there is much more that can be discussed here. Perhaps most importantly only four of the 38 respondents drive there to take transit and all come from the nearby areas. So, the conjecture that people are coming from far and wide to take our precious spaces is false. Many take transit to work and need to leave their vehicles. These are neighbors and transit riders that you are passengering to take these spaces from. We now need to circle thank you. Have. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Elyse serronte. Hi. Im here in support of keeping the muni stops at 34th, 35th and 17th avenue. I keep hearing from proponents that the removal. These stops that, well two blocks isnt that far. But if you walk with a cane or a crutch, if you have arthritis in your hip or bad knees foryou wear orthopedic shoes, two blocks can seem like two miles. And ive heard people actually say those people dont belong on muni. They should take paratransit. The problem with that is that it requires 24hour notice and there is a threehour window on the day of pickup. This takes away choice of where to go when they want. And its been suggested that those people were the second car of mun toi, shave off half a block of their walking. [shouting] shout however, they must sorry. [talking behind] however, many of them choose to board the first car as a matter of safety because when they get on the first car, then the driver can see went theyre fully boarded and fully seated before they close the door and start moving. They can also see when these people have exited clearly without closing the doors on them which has happened to most of us on the second car. Sorry. Anyway, so making them sit in the second car is a form of segregation and should not be tolerated either. As far as the stop on 44th, that is absolutely essential when the Medical Clinic opens. We have been told by clinic personnel several times that the mostly Elderly Population that they will serve will be takinging muni. Furthermore, the clinic will also serve those who are sick or injured. So walking an extra two blocks will present a challenge as well as serious danger to the elderly and those with mobility issues as it greatly increases their chance of falling and incurring a serious injury. Furthermore it will likely worsen the illnesses or injuries of the others. [please stand by] and now this is moved in 44 and walking, walking, every people is necessary to go to the train. I dont understand for move it. Im paying for islas and the cars is very terrible for the people. And the people, no elevators. You understand . And this is the problem. Thank you. This is, in this moment, i dont understand moving the, for the different parts. Gracias, gracias senior. Next speaker, please . Terry fowler. Mari eliza and then nancy. Im terri fowler, i live on 34th avenue. And i had to walk to 35th of course to come here today. If i couldnt board it at 35th, i might not have been able to board at all at sunset boulevard, because as the speaker previously said, it takes twice as long. Maybe impossible for a handicap person to aboard, to get to the stop to begin to board. And one thing, i know there are statistics on the not fatalities but, you know, the accidents on boarding. But i would like to know what the accidents for the 35th avenue are because it seems really safe to me coming and going inbound and out bound at 35th, so maybe somebody could tell me that . Thank you very much, ms. Fowler. Next speaker, please. Mary eliza, followed by nancy [inaudible] and uha shom. Good afternoon, mary eliza here, im reading somebody elses statement, regarding the inbound stop at 35th avenue there were a number of misrepresentations in the staffs report. I dont understand why they told them that a boarding island could be built and now it cannot. Im wondering if this is about saving money for. For the m. T. A. The train crossover has been there for the entire time. Why the staff states proposed from the beginning this stop could remain if the pilot fails while all the documents clearly state the opposite. I urge you to vote not to remove the 35th avenue stop and instead instruct the staff to do the following with the Community Input and report back to you january 2018. Analyze how much of a partial boarding island could be built at this stop. Something the staff told paula it would not done. Conduct open houses and seek other input from the 35th avenue community, especially at sfmta mislead them for 18 months by promising the stop would be kept with the Boring Island if the pilot failed. See if it could be moved when the street is repaved and the tract rebuilt in 20182020 so full boarding island could be built and consult with vision zero and save streets and hundreds of riders having to cross busy sixlane sunset boulevard and 19th avenue at taravel respectively. Both of which are in the 2017 Vision Zero High Injury Network [inaudible] its foreseeable [bell] thank you. Nancy [inaudible] uha and david minard. Good afternoon, im nancy warfel. I have sent you threepages of reasons why the analysis staff used to justify not keeping the stop is inadequate and why the public needs this stop, so i wont repeat these details. Also i, i hope you have read the letter from the safeway manager who supports keeping the stop and the reasons why. Today i will provide you with a new suggestion that will allow you to keep the stop at the same location with a full boarding island and with mitigation to the merchants. Between 17th and 18th avenues there are nine meters on taravel street that will have to be removed to accommodate the boarding island. These places could be replaced by installing nine new meters adjacent to taravel street. I have a map to show you if you care to look at it. Then a boarding zone could be created at the Southwest Corner at 17th at taravel for the benefit of the merchants. There are four meters now, two could be moved down the block to create a loading zone at the corner. So everyone wins, we keep the stop, you gain the boarding island, the merchants get loading zone and metered parking for shopping on taravel, the safeway manager asked how m. T. A. Will handle the impact. Here. Ask staff to evaluate my suggestion and work openly with me and other stop supporters to craft a positive solution. Let us have a goal of discussing this in january. Thank you very much for considering my comments and i have the diagram right here of how this will all work at your disposal. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Warfel, next speaker, please [applause] sorry, please hold your applause, we have a lot of public speakers. We need to be respectful of time. Thank you. Uha shom. My grandmother, i will speak for her. Im dave minard, i will go afterwards as well. She has never driven a car in her life, she owned her house before muni at sunset, so she had to walk that far. Her only source of groceries is that safeway, right now we are debating taking away food for elderly and asking them to walk another two minutes when muni proved two walks would be to groceries and they would have to do it maybe again the same day or the next day. And im a software engineer, i would like to remove to the emotions and keep to the metrics. People dont understand we have Autonomous Vehicles coming so removal of parking doesnt matter. We need access to the community. By removing any stops you are pretty much making yourselves ob sew obsolete, muni is three blocks away. I dont understand there. Because of my food and medicine i have to stop by safeway at 17th avenue and 44. We are in favor of keeping the stops, putting the island i cant walk that far. I just dont think its fortunate, we should look at the core metrics, access to the community, access to food and three minutes of any time shouldnt be given to the riders for more efficient stops they should be given to the community. I think thats all. Thank you. Thank you both very much. Im sorry, again, please hold your applause, we have a lot of commenters. Mr. Min nard, minard, you are done . Uh do you want to add anything that was your mothers time . Grandmother. Okay, thank you. [inaudible] john gregstone. Irene gregson. Hi my name is unoy wong. I am for not to remove the taravel stop sign on 17th. I dont belong to an organization. I decided to check it out. I stand there this morning at 8 25 and i made a statement, i support to keep the 17th avenue stop at taravel by safeway. You have no business carrying heavy groceries to begin with, you have to think of walking, traveling. So they make multiple stops. Im a senior too. Im not to the point that would cause a great deal of problem for me. So i collected less than an hour, i collected 48 signatures. 48 on the train, not everybody signed, i couldnt catch everybody. So i have 28 signatures out of 48. They were multicultural all ethnic backgrounds, all ages. So i hope that the board will consider keeping, because three years from now i may become, have a greater need. So i am thinking about the one day in greater need. But they didnt see heavy grocery carrying back to the bus, i dont think thats justified, to save a few minutes that sounds good but consider one hour you have 48 people and they have all different ages. Children and professionals. So some of them signed it, i will be happy to leave it here. Thank you for your time. Thank you, they will be distributed to the board. John gregson, irene gregson, wyland chu. Good afternoon. I was born in San Francisco in 1959, i started riding the taraval as soon as i could walk, first with my parents, then my youth and then my adult life. Some people here might remember the sign on the back of the old streetcars which read adults keep foot on step until all children have e lighted. From our grandchildren, to our grandparents from before we could walk until we were too old to easily walk, our 44th avenue stop has always been there for us. Our centuryold streetcar stop has always been there. But now we are told we are out of compliance. Out of compliance with what . With the stop spacing guidelines. But two years ago we were told we were in compliance with those guidelines. What are the guidelines . It seems there are rules that allow the managers to do pretty much whatever they want and what they seem to want is to presume a plan they are determined to follow. So 34 merchants or residents complain about parking. That fits into the plan. 300400 daily riders want to keep their stop but that doesnt fit into their plan. Honorable Board Members that is almost a 100to1 ratio. The people affected by this proposal have participated in the ridership survey, by the submission of emails, letters and comments. To the muni planners and to this board. Its often said that we live in a democracy and im glad to think we do still live in a democracy. As representatives of the people, therefore, your vote matters a great deal to us. There are better ways to deal with the situation than removing our muchneeded streetcar stops at 34th, 45th and 17th. And i ask you to not approve those removals. Thank you. Thank you very much, mr. Gregson. Next speaker, please. Irene gregson, wyland chu, marshal newman. Good afternoon, Board Members my name is irene gregson. Im a resident of 44th avenue near santiago and ive come to ask the board not to rescind the stops at 44th avenue. As you can see how many have come here to express their opinions on the access to the stops, if one reads the report to see a figure of 400 feet on a piece of paper, thats a number. But to these people those are actual steps they have to take to the next stop. I dont see how eliminating stops and causing senior members, people with toddlers and children, and even people who may be temporarily disabled due to an injury or illness, to have them walk the extra spaces, may cause more of a pedestrian problem at 44th avenue and he is especially at 19th avenue and for those at sunset boulevard who arent going to use the 35th avenue stop. I would ask the board to please consider the Actual Stories of the people who have to walk those steps. It might be a number but to somebody thats something they have to do, thank you. Thank you very much, ms. Gregson. Next speaker, please. Wyland chu, marshal newman, eileen bokan. My name is wyland chu, im the facilities manager at northeast medical services. We are opening a Community Health center on taraval between 44th and 45th so our public will come by Public Transportation, but we also have patients with physical challenge. So our recommendation and our position is to keep some of the parking in front of our clinic because we need patients with physical challenge will be able to be dropped off and picked up in front of our clinic. And from time to time we actually need an ambulance to stop in our clinic, able to transport some of our patients with emergency. So with our opening of the clinic, we are actually going to need parking in the front loading or unloading for our operation. We do have labs we need to pick up on a daily basis and we have lots of large medical equipment we need to park in the front and drop off and bring it in and out of our clinic. So our position is to hopefully we can reinstate at least some of the parking in front of taraval, otherwise its difficult for us to operate without car able to park in front of our clinic. So thats our position. Thanks. Thank you very much, mr. Chu, next speaker, please. Marshal newman, eileen bokan, morgan sue. Im marshal newman. My wife asked me to bring her comments they are please do not remove the l. Taraval stop at 17th, walking an extra two or three blocks is more difficult than you might think for the elderly, disabled and care givers with children or babies. These people may have already walked several blocks, the extra four blocks may mean not being able to do food shopping at all. My own comment is to paraphrase an old saying, anyone who thinks that a person is too old or too slow lacks foresight. God willing, you will all eventually be in the age of these older passengers and when you are, you will want the people considering a matter such as this to make your needs uppermost in those considerations. Thank you. Thank you very much, mr. Newman. Next speaker, please. Eileen bokan, followed by morgan sue and then natasha ill be using the overhead. Eileen bokan. Is the Pilot Project itself a failure, or is the m. T. A. s implementation of the Pilot Project a failure . The m. T. A. Failed to notify s. F. P. D. About the Traffic Enforcement provision. The overhead, education literature distributed by m. T. A. Contains a number of misstatements. M. T. A. Provided electronic signage only briefly and one sign not even operational. Upon the m. T. A. s recommendation, the Traffic Control Devices Committee adopted inferior stop signage, using wording rather than streetcar stencils. This creates visual clutter with the transit only lanes signage. The Pilot Project does not reflect the 60 drop off on taraval found in the 2017 version of the High Injury Network map compared to the 2015 map. The m. T. A. Has not provided sufficient documentation on the methodology used to review video footage, for compliance with the Pilot Project goals. To address these failures i would urge the m. T. A. To do the following. Conduct a phase ii Pilot Project, conduct a performance audit of the entire taraval project. Thank you, next speaker, please. Morgan sue, followed by in a natasha and howard hi, my name is is morgan, im a resident between 33nd and 34th on taraval and changed january 2017, the Pilot Program is removed our parkings on our block. And it is very difficult for us to find the parking in the evening or going home time. Especially i have two kids that go into the Elementary School and i cant find the parking and i cant double park, its not going to be safe, right now its a Pilot Program is just marking and i can still double park, which is illegal. But eventually when they pour, i wont be able to park and i will have a hard time to do that and secondly, the fourhour time limit, again, some of the neighborhood, my neighbor, she planned out our block doesnt have any businesses forever. And the 4hour parking limit isnt going to be helping us, you know, that whoever live in that residence. So, i really supportive of the elderly that need 44 stop as muni as well. But for my concern is more on the parking and we lost about five parking on that block. So i cant speak for any other blocks on the taraval and im only considered for my block, so thank you. Thank you very much mr. Sue, next speaker, please. Natasha, howard, i think reed martin. Thank you. I will just hold it. Good afternoon, directors, my name is natasha, im a Community Director on behalf of walk San Francisco. Im here to express full support, its vital for people of San Francisco to have a safeway to access transit. Getting on and off a train into a lane of moving traffic where drivers have been shown to disobey yielding laws is not an acceptable way to treat transit users. Taraval is a high transit corridor, keeping pedestrians safe should be our number one priority and the boards number one priority, what use is a Transit System if its not safe. Today we ask you to followthrough on the commitment you made when the pilot was proposed by directing staff to move forward with full boarding islands at all stops. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please . Howard strasner followed by reed martin and nancy reuben. Good afternoon, directors. Howard strassner, first i have to say my stop was quietly removed at 15th and sometimes instead of 800 feet we have to walk 1500 feet, thank you. Which is fine. I generally support the wellwritten study of removing the stops and replacing them with the raised boarding islands. Sometimes the raised boarding islands dont really work. We have heard of stories that kids leaving after us were getting hit by cars. You may have to put the bumps for people to slow down, to force them to slow down because they have proven they dont follow signs out there. The first thing for people who really cant walk the full distance all the way, i say again, you should provide a bench. Leave a little early from your house, take a rest at the bench and walk the extra block to get to your stop so muni can provide a Better Service for all. That should work for everybody. If you really dont like what they are doing about safeway, what they are recommending for safeway stop i always thought having a near side and far side stop inbound and out bound would work fine to service safeway especially with the long twocar trains. Im looking forward to this thing, the islands even if its the near side inbound because i often use that stop, its a very scary place to stand there waiting for an l. You see it coming and cars are whizing by. You need the boarding island and it will work well. I hope you are allowing the extra time for people parking will help, but if it doesnt help you always have meters. And we know those are easy to enforce and they make it work. Thanks a lot. Thank you, mr. Strassner, next speaker, please. Reed martin, nancy reuben, tariq mahmoud. Is there martin here . Lets move onto the next one. Nancy reuben. Tariq mahmoud, rachael hiden. I think at this point if anyone is in the overflow room who wishes to address the board if they could come upstairs. My understanding is there were two people down there only who wish to address the board. Good afternoon, directors. Im nancy reuben and ive lived and worked at 16th and taraval for almost 16 years now, i know the neighborhood very well, and even though i dont use the 17th avenue stop very often i could tell you without a doubt continuing to plan to eliminate that stop on the corner of 17th and taraval in front of safeway would be a very bad thing to do. Right now people with children and groceries hanging off of them only have to cross taraval street and get to the corner of 17th and they can take this streetcar. If you really remove this stop they cant do that. They will have to choose between crossing taraval at 17th and trudging up two blocks and its pretty straight up hill with kids and packages in toe to get to the streetcar at 16th. Or if they cant walk up hill because they are disabled or elderly they have no choice but to make a right turn, walk down to 18th, cross down 18th, walk down to 19th, then cross 19th avenue to the other side and then cross taraval to get the streetcar out. This is a horrible idea. For those who dont live near it, i can tell you, we are constantly reminded the fact its not a street as much as a highway. Its a sixlane highway, a few miles to the north, its 101. A few miles to the south. Basically its very dangerous to cross, even without kids and groceries. So expecting the people leaving safeway to trudge up two blocks for safeway and kids or go down to cross a highway to get on the l taraval is wrong. And i really hope you rescind your vote because it will make it really dangerous for people to come to safeway. Thank you very much. Thank you, ms. Reuben. Next speaker, please. Tariq mahmoud, followed by rachael hiden and then gin chi lee yonge, i cant quite read the last name. Is mr. Mahmoud here . No. Is Rachael Heiden here . Gin chi, Mary Anderson and then lance harriman. Good afternoon, im rachael hiden, executive director of the San Francisco transit riders. We are a rider based advocate for world class travel in San Francisco. Im here today as an organization, we are here today to support the sfmta staff recommended improvements. This is really a once in a Generation Opportunity to over haul a major muni corridor in support of vision zero and our transitfirst policy. There is really no room for compromise, we really must get this right. I recognize and as an organization we recognize that stop removal is controversial, no one wants to take away a stop from a senior or a person with disability, but we recognize that muni cant stop at every corner and difficult decisions need to be made to get riders where they need to go and make transit competitive. San francisco transit riders believe the additional l taraval stop removal before you today balance the stops well. If you do not approve these removals we urgently insist full boarding islands are installed at every stop. Its my understanding at the last Board Meeting regarding l taraval if the pilot failed, islands would be installed. Every stop that remains has a full boarding island. I want to commend supervisor katy tang. And i want to thank the board and staff for making this a reality. Im confident this will serve well the 10,000 riders who ride everyday, thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Gin chi. No . Moving on, lance harriman. Hi, good afternoon. Im here representing ocean beach physical therapy and we are on taraval street. We are a communitybased physical therapy clinic that serves residents of the sunset. And we wanted to come here in support of fair mitigation of the issues brought about by the taraval muni. Changes that take into account the residents, the muni riders and the merchants. We are just one of Many Community businesses that are affected by the changes happening as a result of the muni island implementation project. There are many variables to consider. One of them is there are parking needs in the lower taraval zone that have not been completely seen at this point. There are four new businesses that have not opened yet. And many that are just recently opened. All of these will require parking and will benefit from the many muni riders that come to the area. One of the businesses is also quite large who spoke earlier, the northeast medical services. Also, the entire block of parking along taraval between 45th and 46th will soon be removed. Thats in addition to whats already been removed. Any parking studies at this point are not a true representation of what is to come. The parking will be much more congested in the future. And although its seemingly in the best interest of our physical therapy clinic to keep the muni stop in front of 44th avenue, however, many of our

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