Wasnt according to plans . Yes. Why are these things happening . Im flabbergasted that this person can keep stamping plans and falsifying documents. I think that would be you can add that the staff can certainly add that to the information we get. Commissioner johnson . Commissioner johnson i would like to support not a sixmonth continuance. It needs to be shorter. We need answers from the Building Department and hear this project and decide. I would say last week in february, february 28. 2 1 2 months from now. Commissioner richards lets stick with three months. Commissioner moore . Commissioner moore we can continue and the architect can tell us if or the staff. So theres an amended motion. Seconder is okay with march 15 . On the motion then to continue the matter to march 15 with direction from the commission. Commissioner fong aye. Commissioner johnson aye. Commissioner moore aye. Commissioner koppel aye. Commissioner melger aye. Commissioner richards aye. President hillis aye. That passes unanimously. Item 15 at 1233 polk was continued. Item 16, 2017007658cua at 4522 3rd street. Please note that after hearing it was continued to now. Commissioners johnson and koppel. You were absent. Have you reviewed the materials . Yes. And it was continued to december 14, 2017. I believe there is an agreement in place, but well hear from the project sponsor. This is a second hearing. So well go 4 minute project sponsor and 2 minute Public Comment . Very good. Ok. Good afternoon, commissioners. Linda ajellohoagland. The Planning Commission continued the case, directing the sponsor to work with urban ed academy and members of the community to develop mutually agreeable conditions. The project was continued to november 16 at which time it was continued to december 14. Over the last several weeks, the project sponsor and Community Members and representatives from urban ed academy have been meeting to work on conditions of approval to mitigate concerns of the Future School and community as it relates to the sale of alcohol at save more market. Earlier this week, supplemental conditions of approval were sent out, developed and agreed upon by both parties. Per conversation with the City Attorney, staff recommends a change to one of the conditions, noted as 12a. The first condition is security. 11a, shall install and maintain Exterior Lighting to illuminate the entry and sidewalk area extending to the curb for the length of the building frontage. B, shall install and maintain security cameras on the exterior of the property sufficient for monitoring and recording activities on the sidewalk for the length of the building street frontage. 12a, interior floorplan. Project sponsor shall not display alcohol within 15 feet of the store entry so the alcohol products are not visible from the street. Pursuant to the guide lines of Healthy Retail sf programs, not more than 15 of floor sales dedicated to alcohol sales. C, not more than 95 shall be dedicated to the display of healthy products. A revised draft motion has been prepared. It does not include the latest condition modification to 12a, but will be after this hearing, if so approved. This concludes staff presentation and im available to answer any questions. The project sponsor is available to answer any questions. Thank you. Thank you. Project sponsor . Thank you, president hillis and, linda. I appreciate staff support. Its taken a lot of time and effort on their part. And i appreciate their followthrough. I would like to ask mr mr. Sarigucchi from urban ed academy to join me if he could. And i am i was asked by reverend walker, who couldnt stay today, to pass on his support for our agreement and these conditions and his best wishes for the success of both enterprises of the Joseph Family market and urban ed academy. Unless you have questions, i dont want to take much of the commissions time except for mr. Saragucci to add his comments. Thank you. We did take some time, took a long time, but we had the time to talk about what we could do together to make this a Harmonious Union on the 4500 block there of 3rd street. We also had a chance on december 6 to hear from other Community Members in front of the cacc and they shared their recommendation for approval upon passage or adoption of the supplemental conditions we agreed upon. I think were in a good place. I think there were some things that were not ameanable to both sides, but i dont think you will always have a Perfect Union on those things and this is as close as weve gotten. So we appreciate your time and patience and letting us get to an agreement. Thank you. And i would like to add that we put out word to our Community Supporters and, as you know, there are many. They all attended the cac meeting last wednesday night. When let them know that we were asking for there not to be Public Comment today. We didnt want to flood the hearing. I know there are some members of the community that have come that may want to make a brief comment and i just ask them to keep their comments brief. We appreciate your attention to this matter, commissioners, and we hope you will support the motion as its now drafted. Thank you. So well open it up to Public Comment. I have a couple of speaker cards. Vanessa banks, doris vincent, and rhonda pitts. You can speak in any order. Come on up. Good evening, Planning Commission. Im speaking on behalf of the store. Im vanessa banks. I have been living in bayview for 47 years. And i should be there another 47 years. But i dont like that San Francisco does to us is they help who they want to help. If we sanctuary help everybody this store has been in our community for so long, its devastating to learn theyre going through all this. Were going to talk about alcohol and licensing, thats like stereotyping. Every corner in bayview has an alcohol store. Its like, be realistic. They have a family theyre trying to feed and they also support and help the community. This is my first time getting involved with this. I will stick with this, but i hope as a Planning Commission yall understand their store is about the safest store in the community. They have 24hour from the time they open, theres security, until they close, theres security there. They dont let people hang out in front of their stores and its not fair to call it on alcohol. Im sure everybody drinks wine and beer. Its not fair. Do the right thing. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im doris stinson. Ive been a resident of bayview for 51 years. Im on edot, Economic Development for third street. I will not repeat what the young lady says because everything she said is true. Its more than a store. Its like a mission. Whatever a person needs if they cant get it from the bank or family members, theyre treated like family. I hope that you will make sure that what you have before you today is approved. I want to say that i support both. I also support the urban academy, but not at 45 third street because were trying to Development Economic for third street, having more Service Organizations now than commercial. The vacant buildings and what is there now, we need to keep as commercial. I support both. Theyre both needed. Thank you, ms. Vincent. Next speaker, please. Hello. Im ronde stevens. I have some attachments for you guys that ive prepared. I originally got involved because im very Close Friends with the Joseph Family and i just wanted to point out some of the egregious lies and im happy that they have come to an agreement, but the problem is, originally it wasnt sent to you guys clear and there were several questions that you guys asked of the urban academy that were simply not true. First of all, their business will not be on third street. It will be on la salle. So they wont even be there, okay . Their business has always been lit and always had security cameras, for the last 10 years. So its not really something they have negotiated with. And a bigger thing is the egregious fallout from this manufactured opposition that has caused two veteran Police Officers with more than 50 years of experience between them and a Longtime Love and respected of the community to be placed under administrative review because of this investigation because someone in the opposition called the Police Department and said they were unhappy with the Police Actually fading what they felt was the truth. I honestly believe that the sfpd and those that are socalled trying to support the community would be more comfortable with building relationships versus separating them. All in all, i wanted to say my attachment states that mr. Fong asked him a specific question if he intended to erase a liquor store. Theres a blog entry in there where his words were, their mission was it erase a liquor store and replace it for educational purposes. You have to be honest when you are presenting you dont have to put somebody down to build yourself up. Thank you, maam. I want to be in good communication within the community. Thank you. Thank you. Is there any additional public testimony on this item . Good evening. First, my condolences to the mayor lee family. I support save more and the Joseph Family. Weve known them for over 40 years and theyve been nothing but great to the community. As far as alcohol theyre talking about, theyre not the only store in that area that sells alcohol. Theres a store across the street that has alcohol. Theres a store up the street. They were speaking earlier. That store has always been secure. They never let no one hang out around their store, side of their store, front of their store. Ive been shopping there for over 40 years. So im speaking and support the Joseph Family and the save more mart. Thank you. Any add usual Public Comment . It would be helpful if folks can line up on the screen side of the room, so we can move through it. Line up on the screen side over here. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Im the father of the of my son that owns the store. Ive been in the community for 50 years. I lived in the community for 12 years. I lived on kirkman. I came here when i was 17 years old. I would like to stay in the community, part of the community. And do what i can do to head the community and i have raised three kids. We got used and abused by the landlord that we had the property deals from for 20 years. And we have shown how we got abused from him. We were given the highest rent in the whole area over 20 years. I want you to look very carefully. I have kids and i dont want that to be taken out of my grandchildrens. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Commissioners. Im chris fleming. There is a problem in the bayview and the reason that wear gathered here today and you are having this hearing is because this is a restricted alcohol district, and its restricted alcohol district because in the general plan it was determined that the concentration of liquor stores, as everybody has said, and i dont disagree with that, as there is one on every corner, its unhealthy for the bayview. Its unhealthy. Thats what your general plan says. So in making a determination today on your restricted district here on the future of the save more market, you have to take into account that this is an unhealthy business because theyve been defined as much by your general plan. How do you address that . You have two alternatives. One, you can reduce alcohol sales saying there will be no alcohol sales at the location and it seems that some progress has been made. But this is an opportunity for you and perhaps part of your legacy, to monitor and to look at hue how you can reduce the alcohol sales in the bayview, because thats part of your plan. In closing, i commend the team for putting a proposal together that both sides can agree on i thank the bayview cic to bringing the parties together. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im alexis mathis. Im speaking on behalf of save more. Ive been in the community all my life and im at a loss for words here not understanding why theyre going through this with an alcohol license when im in the Community Daily and alcohol is not the problem for youth or kids on the street. Theyre worried about prescription drugs, not alcohol. I dont understand this. All theyre guilty of as a store is being too generous, too good. Thats what happens when you are too nice, you get ran over. Thats all i have to say. I dont want to talk about i can get on the owner of the building and things i see about the building. Its not even fit for kids or anybody to go in there right now. So thats a whole another issue. The only thing that the store is guilty of is being too generous. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Hello. Im gary constantine, retired San Francisco p. D. Ive known the Joseph Family since the late 80s. They used to have a store at haight and pierce. And even back then, i dont remember their business being a problem in any way in terms of police issues. And then they moved to 3rd and la salle and i worked out in the bayview Hunters Point area for about 10 years. Same thing. Theyre honest, hardworking, straightup people. If theres going to be a Police Problem out there or problem that police had to take care of, i would know about it. And weve been friends for a long time. And i just know them as straightup people. Whatever theyre going to tell you, if i believe it, im hoping that you guys will believe it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im the owner of save more i apologize. Your opportunity to speak was under the project sponsors time. Oh. But the commissioners may have questions for you later. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, again. I met with you guys before. Since the stores been closed, ive been living in the community all my life, but that corner has been dark since theyve been closed and have to move and im well known in my neighborhood, but i dont even feel safe on my own street going home from work because its so dark right there and so much stuff going on. And then i hear something about health codes or something about it being unhealthy, but the store has been open for 20 years and nothing has been stopped or said until now so i dont understand what is going on about the health and why it was allowed to run for so long if it was unhealthy for so long. Thank you. Thank you. Maam, we cannot take additional testimony. I want to make a statement, if i can. You already spoke, though, right . Yeah. Can i . Unfortunately, that was your time during that period. But you can submit additional information. You should have letters from me. We do. Any additional public testimony . Seeing none, well close Public Comment. I dont think well have good conditions of approval to ensure that it will be a healthy market that will not just be a liquor store selling potato chips. Looking at conditions 11 and 12 for security and interior floorplan. Im satisfied this will be a net addition of the neighborhood and i move to approve. Second. Commissioner johnson . Commissioner johnson i was the commissioner standing on a soapbox at the last hearing and thats because the restricted alcohol district was intended to reduce the number of Stores Selling primarily alcohol sales and didnt want to close any doubt preemptively. So the idea was if any closed or needed to move, there would be a hearing to determine if that was a good idea with the idea that overall it, you want to reduce that number. Theres a Clear Strategy for how they would transition to not primarily selling liquor. That was my main concern. It wasnt with the family or proprietors or neighborhood or anyone that showed up to support the store. Presentation of the plans showed that it would primarily be selling liquor. And the update to the format were all verbal promises. That seemed very vague with no specifics and no dates. And i wasnt comfortable with that and i felt that approving the project would be antithesis to the restricted alcohol use district. So i do feel that im glad that the people were able to come together and come to some resolution. It appears theres more specificity in terms of location and how they transition their floorplan to not primarily selling liquor, which was my only concern, not the family, not anything else. So i believe that in the motion, item 12, that showed the agreement itself was not in the written packet. Can the staff repeat that real quick. Certainly, amended motion given to you this evening does have the supplemental, but doesnt reflect the changes that save made per the City Attorneys consultation. Please stand by regulatory processes that apply to cigarettes and will apply to cannabis, so we thought that it would be better to keep that condition simple; that these other regulatory processes would take care of marijuana and cannabis if this was ever an issue. Thank you. All right. Do i have a motion and a second and just to clarify, the motion is reflected further revised. Further revised. Very good, commissioners. Then there is a motion that has been seconded to approve this matter with conditions as reflected in the amended motion and amended by the larnguage read into the motion by staff. [ roll call. ] clerk so moved commissioners. That motion passes unanimously. Thank you, thank you. The commission will take the Planning Commission regular hearing for thursday, december 14, 2017. I will remind members of the public that the commission does not tolerate any outbursts of any kind, so please silence any cell phones during these proceedings. We left off item 17, 793 south vanness street. This is a conditional use authorization. Good afternoon, commissioners. Kimber at 793 south vanness avenue within the nc3 neighborhood commercial moderate scale Zoning District and a 55x heightened bulk district. The project includes demolition of a vacant gas station and new construction of a seven story residential mixed use building with 75 dwelling units, 77 class 1 bicycle parking spaces, eight class two bicycle parking spaces, 38 off street vehicle parking with one car share, and 4,570 square feet of retail at the ground floor. The project also includes common open space provided by an inner courtyard and a roof deck with the majority of the open space requirements being met through private balconies and terraces for approximately 60 dwelling units. Pursuant to the california Government Code Section 65915 through 65918, the project sponsor has elected to utilize the state density bonus law. The Planning Department has determined that the proposed application is exempt from further Environmental Review under section 15183 of the ceqa sidelines and California Public resource code section 2183. 3. Planning Department Staff has not received any correspondence in opposition to the project but has received one letter of support, only stating some concern that not more car share spaces are provided and that electric vehicle charging stations should also be considered as part of the project. The project is utilizing state density bonus law by allows a project sponsor concessions and waivers from Development Standards that would physically preclude construction of the project at the proposed density bonus amount. The project is seeking concession and waivers which will allow the construction of two additional floors and 20 additional dwelling units. Perthe Government Code Section 65915 through 65918, the project sponsor has elected to utilize the maximum 35 density bonus amount by providing at least 20 of the base project units as affordable to low income households. A base project includes the amount of Residential Development that could occur on the project site as of right without modification to code requirement, such as open space, dwelling unit exposure, rear yard, etcetera. For this project, at 793 south vanness avenue, there is no density limit. The base project included 55 dwelling units of approximately 55,138 gross square feet of residential use. Therefore, the bonus project is permitted a maximum residential gross Square Footage of 74,436 square feet. This project proposed consists of 75 dwelling units and approximately 73,683 square feet of residential use. In order to provide the permitted 35 density bonus amount, the project proposes the following concessions for Development Standards to rear yard where planning code section 134 required off street parking, section 151, and a waiver in height of planning code section 250 and 252. The project provides a dwelling unit mix of 45 onebedroom and 30 twobedroom units. They will meet their incollusionary housing affordablity requirement by designating their onsite as affordable. The project would require 14. 5 be designated as the base project, which for the base project of 55 dwelling units, would have been eight units. However since the project sponsor has elected to designate 20 of the base project, 11 units are going to be part of the onsite incollusionary housing program, and this allowed them to qualify for the maximum density bonus of 35 . Since the project included rental housing, the project sponsor has entered into an agreement with the city and county of San Francisco, and the project sponsor is continuing to work with the City Attorney on this agreement. This agreement is not yet finalized, but is required to be executed at the time of the First Construction document. The site is located within the Mission Interim zoning control area, and as required, the motion relevant topics for the Commission Consideration as it relates to the project are the potential demographic changes, indirect residential displacement, and the new construction of market rate housing. The project sponsor has evaluated how the project would affect existing businesses and residents in the area and their submittal. The project is not currently displacing any resident as the site is existing or tenants as the site is an abandoned gas station. The project sponsors analysis concludes that the project is supplying housing which is in heidi manned across the city, and that the project will not exact demographic changes occurring in the mission, nor will it cause direct or indirect displacement. Although the project sponsor concurs that no residents are being displaced because of the project, demographic changes in the city have been occurring of independent whether development is occurring or not, and it is unclear if the construction is tracting new upper household projects that would occur without the project. This is described in the section general plan compliance of the attached draft conditional use authorization motion. Conversely, the project is in potential conflict with the Mission Area Plan, pdr retention and Development Objective due to the loss of the gas station and potential lot of repair, pdr use. Dwelling unit mix and Community Service objectives and the Housing Production objective as the project does not provide any studio or threebedroom units. The project would provide substantial amount of new housing including new onsite Affordable Housing which is a goal for the city and county of San Francisco. Overall, it is on balance consistent with the Mission Area Plan objectives. The basis for our recommendation is that the department believes the project is approvable for the following reasons pursuant to the california government code, the project sponsor has elected to utilize state density bonus law. Other than the concessions, incentives and waivers sought through state law, the project does comply with applicable requirements of the planning code. It is on balance consistent with the objectives and policies of the general fund. It is located in Zoning District where residential mixed use is principlely permitted. It is an appropriate Infill Development which replaced an abandoned gas station, will comply with first source hiring program, add 75 new dwelling units to the housing stock, add onsite Affordable Housing units, and is designating 20 of those units as or 11 units as part of the inclusionary Affordable Housing program. There will be improvements, such as curb cuts and street trees. The Department Recommends approval with conditions. That concludes my presentation. Im available for questions. Okay. Thank you very much. Project sponsor . Welcome. You have ten minutes. President hillis and commissioners, thank you for your service. My name is joe taboni, im the project sponsor, owner of the taboni group, small family owned construction company. My father grew up in San Francisco. Went to high school in the mission schools, and operated a business for 40 years on 22nd and south vanness. I was raised by a single mom, scholarship through grammar school, high school and college, so i understand low income and helping children throughout their educational process. Were very heavily involved in the mission charities for a number of Years Mission delores academy, holy family day home, seven teepees, all helping the youth and the mission. In 19 8 1988, i built 4770 mission street. That was at the time the first 100 private Affordable Housing project in San Francisco. We still operate that today. Its 40 units of 5,000 feet of retail space, mainly filled with elderly and disabled. Throughout the process i met with neighborhood groups and tried to work out the extra benefits with them, and at the same time, i canvassed the area and met many neighbors. All the adjacent neighbors have signed support letters. Many of them wanted to be here today. The corner buildings across the street from my project on 19th and south vanness have signed letters, and in total, theres about 300 letters that ill submit right now, all in support of the project, and id like to turn it over to steven vetel right now. Thank you, commissioners. Steven vetel. Youll recall that the commission unanimously approved joes Family Housing site in may of 2015. That project was recently completed and is now home to 27 households. This blighted site is only two blocks blocks away. Its occupied by a vacant Shell Service station that has been vacant for 15 years. It is now ripe for development to help address the city cause housing crisis. As kimberly mentions, theres no direct or indirect d displacement with this policies. The project proposed to construct a 75 foot Tall Building containing 75 dwelling units, 40 of which are two bedroom, plus retail space. Overall 14. 5 will be Affordable Housing. Consistent with the guidancy provided in the permission controls, theyre increasing the total number of permitted units from 55 in the base project to 75 as proposed. Unlike some other density projects, taboni Group Elected to set aside 20 . This increases the number from eight to 11 in the density bonus project, and increases it from the minimum 11 in the state density bonus to 14. 5 . There are two concessions. A 20 yard at the interior of the lot, and a reduction in the offsite parking from 50 to 37. In all other aspects, the project is consistent with the under lying zonings, the taboni group is a general contractor and will build the project itself with its own workforce, just as it did at 600 vanness avenue. As joe mentioned, theyve met several times with the neighbors on vanness avenue and 19th street, as well as united to save the mission. Joe submitted over 300 letters of support. Turning to the state density bonus and the conditional use, address you were advised several weeks ago, projects utilizing the state density bonus law are entitled to local agency approval, waiver of Development Standards and concessions. Unless this approval is the only way to avoid a significant adverse impact on health or safety. Here there is no evidence on the record that the project would have an adverse impact on health or safety. In fact, the cpe provided by the Planning Department establishes otherwise. Additionally, i would propose this is entitled to the conditional use approval, waiver of the 55 height limit, and the two requested concessions. Even without these concessions, the state project would warrant your approval. It meets the policies of the mission plan, the general plan, the priority policies of the plans code, as well as the policies instigated by the project and the mission controls. The taboni group is ready and able to move forward with construction in the near future. Let me now introduce ian burchell to present the project plans. Its taking too long. Good afternoon, president hillis, commissioners, director. Just the overhead, please. So this is the site at the corner of south vanness avenue and 19th street. Shows the adjacent buildings and the top side shows the full extent of the site. The ground floor and site plan configured here the gray area is garage parking, the [ inaudible ] and this is the main retail which as yet is undesignated to any particular tenant. Typical plan starting at the p2 level. This dark orange, two bedroom units are light orange are one bedroom units, and the purple is a common space for use by the tenants. The green area is courtyard and landscaping retention flow through for the stormwater. Very quickly, a typical upper floor, showing the distribution of the two bedrooms and the one bedrooms, and this is where the sixth and seventh floors start to step back from the perimeters, providing usable outdoor space, and the common area is a usable space at the sixth floor. Excuse me the seventh floor pretty much mirrors the sixth floor. Building section just to indicate the fact that we have no basement, which mitigates the excavation and disposal of the soils. Ceiling heights are 86 himp6l floors. Ill show you some of the renderings for the project, starting with a view of both of the street elevations. Weve worked hard to respond to the Planning Departments requirements and their notices, and also some concerns expressed by neighbors, so weve mitigated the extent of the window area, reduced that, provided more solid wall areas, recessed some windows to provide some depth, and we pushed back the top two floors, making them a different color, so we basically create a five story look to the street scale. Image on the right is looking down 19th street towards south vanness, and image on the left is looking south along south vanness towards 19th street. Some of the moves we made here was to remove the staircase penthouse, excuse me ill finish quickly. So we have simple elevation, just for a straighton view, and ill end up with this is the courtyard views, the interior elevations facing the courtyard. Thank you. Ill be ready to answer any questions you have. Thank you. So well open this up for Public Comment. Ive got a couple speaker cards. Sharon stauer, marry mendoza, v huan, michael robles, michael antonini, and you can lineup on the screen side of the room, and if others would like to speak, youre welcome to, also. Thank you. Im sharon stauer. My art studios used to be around the corner from this location, and theyre all wiped out. Illegal expansion into the tdr use this. And i appreciate it. It looks like the Building Owner or the site owner wants to do what they can to create affordable units, but were in a crisis. I mean when youre on your Holiday Party lists, and when youre at parties, start asking you how many of you feel like youre going to have to leave the city. What im finding is that everybody every Single Person i meet who says they live in the city and who doesnt own a business or a home is talking about when they have to leave the city. My husbands a professor at San Francisco state, and the professors are talking about when they have to leave. They cant hire new people because they cant afford to live here. The students cant afford to live here. This is going to be a city without police and students and artists or were already mostly gone, and therell be nobody to clean the toilets of these luxury units. And if you do a search, youll find thousands of vacant luxury units right now, so the premise that we have to build more luxury because we need more units, we have vacant luxury units now. So if somebodys born and raised here and lived in the mission, i want them to rethink what it means to be gentrifying this blue collar area. Retail in this blue collar area is not healthy. We need pdr and nonprofit blue collar spaces. We need Planning Commission to say okay, the states tieing our hands, but lets try to see what we can do. His proposal, i didnt hear any of the mention of the proposal that i saw which said that he was agreeing to work very hard to build completely affordable units to offset this. I didnt hear mention of that, and i dont know what worked very hard to do it means. What happens if that doesnt happen. And i understand he wants to start a nonprofit to continue the Affordable Housing. Thats fabulous, but it should be for all time blue collar and pdr quality space. This should be an industrial and workingclass neighborhood, and building more luxury units for Vacation Rentals and transient workers continues to displace the residents here. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good evening, commissioners. First of all, thank you for your service. My name is joey taboni. I dont any stake in this project, but i was a native San Francisco resident, and a lot of people that are close to me have been profoundly affected by this housing crisis. So what i do have a stake in, what i do have equity in is in San Francisco, and one of the things that has disheartened me and disturbed me just as much as the Affordable Housing crisis itself is the corrosive feeling around this crisis. All groups view the government and its institution and its leaders as not being able to come with a viable solution to this problem. As a son of the man who sits behind me as the project sponsor, who grew up in a single parent household with very little money, with that background and that backdrop, i want to change this discourse. He wants to change this discourse. We want to change this discourse. He and i are starting a nonprofit. This nonprofit is going to have a sole focus of building 100 Affordable Housing in San Francisco. It will be funded this group will be funded through 100 through the sale of every and all bmr that we construct in San Francisco. In conclusion, it costs about 400,000 to build a bmr in San Francisco. Instead of selling these keeping these units, we are going to sell these units to deserving San Francisco families, and 100 of the money will go to helping this city. I think the point is theres a lot of different people with a lot of different viewpoints, with a lot of different stances, but nobody aways diagnose to solve this problem alone in the room. I invite everybody in this room to accept your olive branch and put more Affordable Housing on the streets, and lets solve this problem. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please, if you can hold off on applause, itll help us get through this hearing, but thank you. Good afternoon. My name is marry mendoza, and im a member of the latino cultural district, and ill be speaking, reading on behalf. The Mission Community has heard repeatedly that building more market rate will bring and build more affordable. So now, were facing market rate which is luxury in our community that reduces affordable units for height. In a neighborhood that has suffered intensely from displacement, we did not afford to build at the expense of the community with vague Community Benefits that truly does not benefit us. We appreciate that there is an attempt to work with the community, but things are not clear. The commercial space to truly benefit the Community Needs to be divided into smaller spaces to be used for pdr uses that are community serving. We know that many developments have empty spaces that are too large and too expensive to lease. We need to delay this project to create a Clear Community benefit that will truly benefit the mission district. Thank you. Thank you, miss mendoza. Next speaker, please. My name is vi huin, and i havent quite taken a position whether to oppose or approve the project, so im here just to ask for a continuance, a delay. I like the olive branch that mr. Taboni is reaching out to us with united to save the mission, but its not clear for me how to go about reading it because for one thing, there is no nonprofit setup to create 100 Affordable Housing. I like the intent, but i think this project needs time because theres already too many luxury and at market rate units in the mission already. I work really hard on proposition i, which was asking for just a three month delay on luxury building in the mission, and i know the voters didnt pass it, but i really think that we need to take care of our most vulnerable. Every day, i eat with these people. I see them at the fastfood places, and the supoup kitchen. Ive taken in people that were stabbed. Its not fun being homeless, and i think you should take care of people that really need housing the most now, not later. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Commissioner commissioner antonini, welcome back. Its great to be back, because i may be able to leave after this item if i so choose. Any way, before i say anything, i would like to extend my condolences to the family of mayor ed lee. We lost a very devoted leader, last week, and we will miss him. Im speaking in favor of the project at 743 south vanness, only as you know because its over a 10,000 square foot lot, and it is under the state density housing bonus and the laws are quite strict about what sort of things would allow you to not approve a project, as youre well aware, because youve had two or three of these already. And in its own right, even notwithstanding the density bonus, its a very good project, and the project sponsor has elected voluntarily to base the affordable on the bonus rather than only basing the affordable percentage on the base project, which under the state law, is all he needs to do. So in that regard, he has made some great strides, and as you know, this is a vacant space, so were not displacing anyone. The gas station hasnt been operable for 15 years. And i think we are providing housing that will meet the vast demand that is occurring in San Francisco for housing, and thats not going away. As youre probably aware, the Federal Reserve has moved to raise slightly raise the prime rate in anticipation of the continued economy next year being very strong, and it will continue to be very strong in San Francisco. So the people are coming to the mission with the means to rent and to buy units, and they will either use this their wherewithal to bid on existing housing or some of them will be satisfied by new housing. And to the charge that the new housing is not occupied, mr. Taboni has already said that his recently completed project at 600 south vanness is already completely filled, and most of the housing in the mission is already being quickly filled. And so i think by building this housing, we do a Great Service to those coming in and also those in the mission already. Thank you very much for your time. Great to see you all again. Great. Thank you, commissioner. Next speaker, please. Yeah. My names kevin shepherd. Im a small Painting Contractor here in the

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