Shutting down and opening again between 2 30 and 4 00, but i would like you to consider opening from 9 a. M. To 8 p. M. You dont have to answer me right now, you can talk amongst your group after the Public Comment for the supporters come up. I would like to ask that again. The other thing is in the application and i just want to verify with you, it appears that with you will be offering smoking on the premises . No oncytokine assumption whatsoever. The application says you are, so i mean, i actually personally, even though i think people may or may not agree, i would prefer that you allow that so we dont have people walking up and down the street smoking. So on the application it says youre offering it. Can we get clarity. The only thing we proactively wanted to put in an air scrubber, so if there was a concern that smell may be coming out on the street, but not from smoked marijuana. Our planning application has no on consumption allowed. It says will you allow them to smoke or vapize on the premises, it says yes . We felt this was something that, i mean we didnt want to do it in this neighborhood, so were not planning on doing onsite consumption tall. Youre saying no lounge rather, but youre going to be monitoring if people are smoking within the 500 foot radius. Yes. Supervisor kim i wanted to ask your plans, this is close to golden gate park. We have a growing transient popping on irving street. Population on irving street. I have talked to merchants to have gotten into physical altercations with Homeless Individuals sleeping in the store front and so forth. Im wondering, i mean, lets be real, i know that a lot of people get access already to cannabis, but i wanted to know how you as a store would handle the situation, especially if youre able to succeed in getting the adult use expansion in the future, you know, people coming from the park. Its very close. And so again, we are seeing a growing population, issues, people becoming more aggressive than before. How will you handle that in light of adult use . Currently we have an extensive set of rules that people have to sign to get inside the store. If they violate, theyre not allowed to get back in. Were going to do the same thing out there. Even if it gets to adult use, there are a set of rules, if they break it, theyre not allowed. Supervisor tang how does that relate to the transient population . The 500foot no consumption within the neighborhood, that does extend to the park. Well be monitoring the entire radius of 500 feet. The homeless issue, thats citywide issue, were not allowing people to loiter in front of our store. If neighbors need anything, well help out. The last thing we want to do is be a negative influence. I know there is a will the of opposition to that lot of opposition, but i dont take it personal. I want to help the neighborhood as much as i can moving forward. Supervisor tang i dont know if thats something that would be written into the conditions, the monitoring within 500 feet or needs to be or could be or not. Hes shrugging his shoulders, but thats something that i want, especially in this public setting, i want to hold you to do that. Although there is a will the of opposition, i lot of opposition, i want to thank you. I know youre both from the neighborhood. I asked these questions because i think its something that these are questions that our community would want to know the answers to. So with that, im open to hearing Public Comment from supporters. Thank you, supervisor tang. Seeing no other names on the roster for numbers of the public who would like to speak in opposition to the appeal, this is your time to speak. Please line up. To your right. For speaker. First speaker. I am the lone resident outlier of the sunset district. I share a fence with the school. If you want to save education play mozart, not lady gaga on the playground. I have validated the Water Filtration system for the city of San Francisco, rant lab fort a ran the lab for the approval. I have designed products for the software, science, dod and all sorts. I came to San Francisco to start my small business. I am a mother, a single mother of three children. My daughter amy in the middle went to june Jordan School of equity and has scholarship at nyu. My son matthew went to lowell, graduated two years ago, came back from peru, helping kids learn sports and my daughter goes to lowell. I would ask as the voice, we allow Barbary Coast to put this business, they operate from 8 a. M. To 10 p. M. To bridge the gap between the different groups of people. And i appreciate being heard by our system. And our elected officials, but i state as a molecular biologist, mother, sister, i am San Francisco, i am the single mother that supported myself, no child support, no anything. I am low middle class. My children are educated at a molecular level. I have approved pharmaceutical to go on the market for bayer. Barbary coast should be allowed to go in. We need to trust in the urban Planning Department and need to allow to happen. Thank you for listening. Next speaker, please. My name is james, im a veteran. I say definitely open the dispensary, otherwise youre going to have illegal going on and i think theyre being prejudice against us by not allowing us into the neighborhood. Its a free country. We have the right to open up a club. Were following the rules and regulation. As a veteran who served the country, i say open the dispensary today. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im ronald, vietnam veteran, combat decorated. I fought for these peoples right to oppose this, but i stand here and tell you that the stories we heard are ridiculous. I cant believe all these parents are asking the board of supervisors to raise their children, instead of just supervisoring their own children. I cant believe an Italian American would stand up here in opposition, unless there is some tie to organized crime, because thats the only way it benefits us by not having these dispensaries. Ive been a patron of the Barbary Coast for a long time. Ive never seen any crime. We dont go outside and smoke. You go home and drink your wine, you have your cigarettes, your booze. We use marijuana medicinally. I got off cancer with it, i got off opioids, i use medical marijuana. My v. A. Psychiatrist supports it. Thank you very much, next speaker, please. Good evening, susan. We grew up on the edge of chinatown and one of our proudest moments was when my sister and i could vote. Voting matters. The precinct surrounding excuse me, the sunset District Voted 63 in favor of legalization. The precinct surrounding voted 70 . The figures are borne out in the San Francisco registrar document provided to the clerk. The ceqa document shows that cannabis dispensaries have less than significant impact. That document has been provided to the clerk. My colleague and i have over a decade of experience working with physicians and researchers. At cpmc. Treating patients with ratio specific organic cannabis based formularies through regulated dispensaries thank you, maam, thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening, im a San Francisco native and Business Owner. I grew up in the city, walking down that street, going to big rec to play baseball. In that time, growing up i smelled cannabis aroma my entire life. I watched people shoot heroin on corners all over the city. I watched Liquor Stores infect the community and somehow or another we all came out ok. The voters have voted for this. I know these men and women as fellow natives and Business People and as people who are committed to their community and the greater San Francisco community. They are the kind of operators that any neighborhood would be fortunate to have. And i urge the board to let them have their business on irving street. It will be a benefit to the community as whole. Next speaker. My name is ashley. Ive been a member of Barbary Coast for five years. I currently live in the inner sunset and in full support. Thank you, next speaker. Hi, my name is samantha. Im here representing my community. I hear the concern about dispensary being a threat to wellbeing of children, but i have no doubt that barbary will act in compliance with strict law, ensuring the safety of everyone in the community. The gentleman that spoke to me before, said there is no benefits from adult use, but there are thousands of patients with ptsd, anxiety that beg to differ. What do the six bars on irving street bring to the community . Good evening, supervisors, im also a San Francisco native, born here, grew up here. I spent most of my childhood in the sunset. I went to Herbert Hoover middle and school and the high school for the arts. Im now a student at San Francisco state university. I love San Francisco. I was one of those kids on irving street. I totally get it, but i also have lived most of my life without getting into obsessive compulsive disorder and medical cannabis has been the single best thing that improved my quality of life and allowed me to continue being a productive member of my society. So Barbary Coast has my full support with the new location and im just one of almost a thousand patients who would benefit from a new location a little closer to home. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, my name is kit. Im here leapting all the patients in the sunset, the veterans, the Cancer Patients that constantly make the trek all the way downtown, every day, to get their medicine. I think that the irving street location will benefit the community. There is lots of talk in Restaurant Owners that think that its going to disrupt their business, but i think if anything, the mcd will improve the business, especially on the restaurant end. Thank you so much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. Hi, im diana, sunset resident and editor of flush, the Youtube Video you may have seen about the apath cary bebalkle tang pushes the narrative shes speaking for constituents. Permit me to shine a light on the truth. There was 80 turnout, 35,000 people voted, of that 35,000, more than 20,000 voted yes for prop 64. That is 61 of the 80 who voted, voted for Recreational Cannabis. Thats an overwhelming majority in favor of Recreational Cannabis in the sunset district. The voting majority shouldnt have to scream over the undereducated or take a backseat to the bigoted minority. You, katy tang, should constituents, but thats ok, because youre talking. Please direct your comments to the board as a whole. Thank you. Supervisors, allow know speak. One, i just want to say i acknowledge the fact that people have opposition. I respect their values, but i do want to speak in retrospect about safety, about community, and about kids. Im sure thats what everybody wants. Everybody here. And so i know Barbary Coast in our community has been so supportive in helping out the community, period. Thousands of kids that weve been working with, theyve been supporting and helping out. I they when you talk about think when you talk about the marijuana in the 21st century, this is the best time we start educating people on this. Adults to kids, they need to start learning about medical marijuana because they aint its everywhere now, you cant hide it. You think they aint hearing about it, dont know about it . Its right there in front of them. Its important to be educated on this. I think Barbary Coast has a straight line. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Good evening, my name is ron, im from Sunset Youth Services where we serve high risk youth. I raised by son in the sunset district so im painfully aware of the problem of children, adolescence and marijuana. Im also aware of the fear of the unknown and the scenarios that can be imagined. As i had to do my own research to decide where i stood, i came to the conclusion that this dispensary poses zero threat to the youth of the sunset district that is not already there. In fact, i believe strongly that it will help alleviate the problem, not exacerbate the problem. Through the organization, and the responsibility, and the education, and the support of the community, and it will be a positive influence to the neighborhood. Im excited to have them out there working on the causes with us. Thank you. Next speaker please. Hi, im kathy from the sunset resident. I understand that people are concerned about the welfare of their children, we all are. But i have a question for the board, what about the missions children . Theyve somehow survived . Why is the that other neighborhoods have to provide access to people who need their medicine . And why is it that people have to travel, people often lowincome, who cant afford to have marijuana delivered to them, that need access to medicine, why do they have to trek across town for the supposed threat to their children in the sunset, but there is no evidence this would impact children negatively. It hasnt hurt the mission children. I support people not having to go out of the way to get the medicine they need. If youre already having disability and already in pain, having to trek across town is not something you should have to do for a threat that doesnt exist. Thanks. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. Good evening, my name is albert. As a life long resident of San Francisco, im in support of the project. I would like to have it approved. Having a dispensary on the west side of San Francisco is necessary. There are those with no ability to travel across the city for their medicine. Thank you for your time. Good evening, supervisors, i live in the sunset district, im a homeowner and i support this project. Im also a patient at the Barbary Coast, but i agree, its too far to travel to get medication and those who said its only 1020 minutes away to another one, thats if they have a car. But if youre walking or taking muni, its more than 20 minutes. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening. Im a life long resident of the San Francisco, i grew up in the sunset. I have friends and employees in the sunset. I know the sunset well. Ive worked in the medical kbz industry for 14 years. I know the medical Marijuana Industry well. It will not abburden. Ive heard the arguments and arguments are unfounded. Crime is reduced because of the surveillance and security. Minors have no access. I wish the opposition had researched or visited dispensaries before reaching negative conclusions. Dispensaries have proven to be great benefit to the neighborhood. Next speaker. Good evening, my name is david. Ive lived in San Francisco for 44 years. Ive been a homeowner in San Francisco for 39 years. Im a medical Cannabis Patient who uses cannabis to prevent glaucoma for making me blind. I thank cannabis for that. Medical cannabis dispensaries are run by and for patients and there is no evidence presented that in Police Crime Statistics or from the Health Department that patients do bad things. Stop vilifying patients. I do not do bad things. I dont sell to children. I dont smell in the street. Im respectful. If i were to go to the sunset i would be doing other things like visiting a restaurant or a store. It would increase my patronage of the neighborhood. Please dont let prejudice, false accusations and lies about medical Cannabis Patients and how they behave. Next speaker. My name is michael cohen. A couple of facts, the Barbary Coast is one of the most respected cannabis dispensaries in San Francisco. That is a fact. Fact number two, 58 of the people in district 4 voted for adult personal use in San Francisco. A lot of candidates running for office wish she had won by that percentage. Number 3, im a veteran, i have served my country, im a 71yearold man with h. I. V. And cannabis has saved my life. I want to be able to go to the sunset and to be able to buy my medicine there without having fearing that i wont be able to access it. Its just not right to have such a large part of the city off limits to cannabis, medical cannabis users. Thank you so much. Thank you, next speaker. Lets see, my name is ben. I think that the people should have access to medical marijuana and definitely being in the sun set, living in the sunset, traveling all the way downtown, along the bus, takes a lot longer than and is really inconvenient. It would be better if there was one in every neighborhood like there should be. Thank you. Next speaker please. Hi, good evening, my name is patricia, im resident of the sunset for 15 years. I have two daughters that go Catholic School in, 10 and 12. Im a medical marijuana patient and its time we had a dispensary in the sunset so we dont have so shah lepp all the way downtown which is inconvenient. I think me and lots of other patients will benefit. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, good evening, im the proud more of jessie henry. Jessie has lived worked, attended middle settle, college, high school in San Francisco. Hes been married 18 years to a local girl. Theyve chosen to stay in the hometown and send girls to Public Schools. Being educated in diverse schools, he understands and is able to work with everyone. He is kind, honest, committed to doing what is right and supportive member of his community. He loves San Francisco. Im moved by his commitment and dedication to his work, provide ago safe and caring environment for not just barbary patients, but employees. Im 77 years old. My fellow retired teachers and friends tell me what respect, kindness and patience they receive at barbary. They are impressed, honored and importantly they feel safe due to the security provided inside thank you for your comments. Thank you, board of supervisors, president breed. My name is greg. Born and raised in the outer sunset. My wife and i both attended Public Schools out there. My kids go to sunset elementary school. Amazing school. Galileo high school graduate, city champs. Go lions. Lets see what else. 10 months old, im a city kid. And im here in favor of the dispensary. As a parent, homeowner, and i think its a great project and im excited to see it happening. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, i was born and raised in northern california. In 2009 my father was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. For the next three years he waged battle with cancer getting heavy doses of cancer treatment. He was given opoid based painkillers which he became addicted to. Had a dispensary like Barbary Coast been available, it would have given him a choice to opoid based painkillers and i think it will be beneficial to the residents. Thank you for your comments. Going evening. My name is tanya, ive been a San Francisco resident for many years. Im here today to support the project. I believe it will only a positive impact on the streets and surrounding community. This will not bring crime to the area for the children. The patients of this store are harmless. Thank you. Good evening, i am born and raised here in San Francisco. I have raised my daughter in San Francisco. I have educated my daughter about medical marijuana and have no fear of her or any of her friends being negatively influenced by a medical cannabis dispensary. I honestly feel that a lot of medical Cannabis Patients are disabled. So of the most marginalized, low income, not a lot of access 0 transportation and i feel they have the right to safe access to medical cannabis in their neighborhood. Hi. I am a patient. And i think access to dispensaries is important for those who need it, like me, who suffer from chronic pain. Its the only thing that gives me any relief. Ive seen many dispensaries become part of the neighborhoods, support neighborhood efforts and become great neighbors and partners for activities. So im in support ever the Barbary Coast, please deny the appeal. Thank you for the comments. Thank you for the opportunity to speak, my name is chris. Im here to ask you oppose the appeal. In opposing the appeal, youll be supporting geographic equity within the city, the sunset needs access to medicine. I believe the circumstances surrounding this project are significantly different than the prior project you heard several months ago. I believe the proprietors and sponsors of the project have been upfront. Theyve done Significant Community outreach. Been clear about the intentions. Been clear with the community and will continue to work with the community. I can attest to their commitment to the community and i look forward to them opening in the sunset, look forward to your support. Thank you so much. Next speaker. My name is i am sunset president and h. I. V. Researchers and most importantly i am father of two. 4 and 7 years old. My stake in this, i do not smoke, im not a patient. Is that the opponents have been using our kids name to justify their ignorance and their bigotry. My daughter actually goes to a couple of blocks away from the dispensary will be and the tactics of the ive been to say i am the Vice President of the nonprofit that runs the preschool and i can tell you even if we didnt take opinion on that, we have not been contacted about this and we do not want to with the way of the decision. Next speaker. Good evening. My name is ive been a resident of the sunset district for over four years and i strongly support the project. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening. Jennifer, local 648. Im speaking as advocate for cannabis workers. Local 648 believes its essential this operates under labor friendly standards so the health and welfare of patients, consumers and workers rcmp are protected. Recently 6 49 signed an agreement. I brought copies for the board. The barry coast has been a part of the community for years. The Barbary Coast has indicated their desire to move forward discussions with local 648, join their commitment in providing quality jobs for the current and future workers. We look forward to working with the Barbary Coast. Thank you. Good evening. I would like to take the opportunity to speak to you today. I would like to implore you to pass the proposition this evening. I work construction six days a week and on top of earlier injury from younger, i suffer from back pain. I would imply implore you to pain in pill. I am San Francisco resident and have been for 18 years. I would like this thank the board for allowing me to voice my opinion. Im here to show support for mcd. I feel all San Francisco neighborhoods should be allowed to have access to cannabis. I found in my experience that the mcds are beneficial to neighborhood for the opposition to suggest that the mcd brings vandalism, is utterly without foundation and is a form of scare mongering. They said this would have a negative effect on children in the area. And to close to limit their exposure. If is the case, would it not make sense to close all stores that sell tobacco, alcohol and pornography . Good evening, im an apartment house manager. I used to work across the street from where the Barbary Coast is. It was grungy. It was filthy. There were a lot of people lying in the street. It wasnt it was an uncomfortable block to watch. Since Barbary Coast became established there, the block has improved dramatically. I think at the time there was opposition from some people that were going develop a hotel right next door and they thought it would be detrimental to have a hotel next to a dispensary. Its not happened. Its been nothing but positive and i urge you to deny this appeal. Thank you. Yes, good evening. My name is michael. And i lived in the city for 45 years, im 73 years old. And the thing that impresses me about this hearing tonight is, several of the speakers have pointed out that only a year ago, prop 64 was passed overwhelmingly in this district. This dispensary has great support in the district. And how ever many people supporting the appeal spoke, theyre still a minority in the district. And theyre a vocal minority and a pesky minority, but they can be worked with and educated. Ive always [gavel] ive prided myself since you were interrupted, well add 30 seconds. Two more sentences. We are the most progressive and liberal city in the united states. This is our city. Its more than 20 years since we approved medical marijuana. This vocal minority has no right to come in, hijack the sunset and prevent us from having a dispensary. Thank you. I just want to remind members of the public, there is no allowed vocal expression in the chamber. We may not agree with what members of the public have to say, but i would ask that you please respect our process and allow members of the public to speak uninterrupted. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Good evening. Im San Francisco resident. I just want to say that i support this project. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. This is the st. Nicholas day, if you give me an extra minute, ill tell you how much blood that holiday is overcome. Ill spare you the talk about the scapegoating people when youre trying to oppose swift boating and scapegoating. Ill spare you the lecture of how democracy is supposed to be rule of the law. Ill just mention one thing and just putting it out there in passing, i believe im seeing something good happening here. But ill just put it out there, that 100 years ago this board of supervisors was a district elected board and it was because this is not general Public Comment. Im talking about cannabis right now. The members of the board deferred to the district member and the decision making. If youre going that way, that has to sail. Every member has to decide independently. Thank you for the comments. Next speaker. Hi, good evening. Im reading a letter from the executive director of Sunset Youth Services. Couldnt make it. Im writing to offer support of Barbary Coast dispensary, we have known the owners of the establishment and seen their other site. They are both family men and san franciscans working to create a safe place for people to purchase marijuana. They have met with me previously. We found it classy and professional. It is a misrepresentation of their business and their character to imply theyll sell weed to minors or degrade the community. Being fathers themselves theyre committed to Building Communities for our youth to grow up in. We are deeply invested in the city and our neighborhood. Thank you. Thank you for the comments. Next speaker. Good evening, my name is calvin. Long time sunset resident. Lincoln. Small Business Owner currently. I myself is not a cannabis user, however my father was. He passed away with pancreatic cancer and i saw how medical cannabis helped him out during his last years while in hospice care. I feel that there should be equal access. Thats number one. Number two, speaking from a businessman standpoint, i feel that having a different type of business in the neighborhood will essentially bring in more customers and help the other businesses in the sunset district. Thats my point of view. Good evening, im burt, 20year resident of the city. I live across the park. I used medical cannabis for years with sleep apnea. I do not have primary care physician. I would rather walk across the park to barbary, instead of harvest. Choice matters. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Im a fourth generation san franciscan with ties to the sunset. The concerns of those who spoke in opposition to the mcd were pure conjecture. Consider the following counter points. First, safety. Their heightened security Safety Standards are imposed and i hope they will note the crime has decreased on mission street. Irving street residents should welcome the added Safety Measures coming to the area. Secondhand smoke and odor, this is not going to be onsite smoking so this is not an issue. Parking. This is a hub of stops, so this is a nonissue. Fourth, the Urgent Health care facility, it will only enhance the block. They cannot give access to residents on the same block. What could be more beneficial to the wellness options in the community . I do agree its a great neighborhood next speaker. I lived in the city for the last six years. To start with location, so i have attended harvest, tried to go there for cbd use and they were out for multiple days in a row and the bus had to go downtown. So just having a location out there doesnt prove youll have all the medicinal use cases handled. 20 minutes there, means 40 minutes out of your day. Its there and back. In terms of odor, its saying you can have cigarettes ordered to your house, you cannot buy them in a shop. People still smoke in their homes. The odor does not go away. Its a nonissue like the previous person said. Thats all i have to say. Next speaker. Madame president , supervisors, i want to say thank you for all the time and effort. I know its a trying issue. Me being my family coming in 1940s, being exfire commissioner and having 11yearold and 10yearold, i wasnt sure. And you know, i never had a problem. It comes down, have access in every neighborhood. They have talked about access in detail to medicine in every neighborhood, in the marina, sunset, it will happen, including district 2. Im here, im here to support everyone here. The police officers, the firemen, supervisors, take time to say yes. Sooner or later it will come. These are great operators, top of their game. Thats why they have awards and supervisors look to them to show the guidance and direction how to run a medical marijuana club. Thank you. Next speaker. Im henry, and ive been a resident of San Francisco for 38 years. Ive heard a lot of emotional arguments here today, both in favor and in opposition, but i would encourage you to vote on the facts and the evidence. The empirical facts show that in every neighborhood where a cannabis dispensary has been opened, crime has gone down. Colorado had a drop in the consumption of alcohol. There was a reduction in the number of duis. Youve heard how Barbary Coast has cleaned up the neighborhood where they are currently operating and theyll bring the same benefit to the sunset. Its in the best interest of the residents of the sunset to have a dispensary that is close, accessible and where they are known as patients by the people that work and serve them. Thank you. Before the next speaker, are there any other members of the public who would like to speak on behalf of the project sponsor. Line up to your right. Next speaker. Take a moment to tell you guys, i think this is amazing what you guys are doing. Watching this process move so fast over the last few months, it given me im proud to be san franciscan and have you guys as our supervisors and i think you voted once for these guys. And this dispensary. And to give the sunset access to the medicine, safe medicine. I think these guys have a proven record. And i just i implore you to vote for these guys. I am getting confused if im against the appeal, so vote for the guys by voting against the apeople. They want to do something nobody else has done, bring medicine to the sunset and make it easier. Keep the money in the sunset. It a great idea. Thank you very much. Have a lovely evening. Thank you. Supervisor breed are there any other members of the public who would like this speak in opposition of the appeal . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. This hearing has been held and is now closed. This matter is we forgot that. There will be a rebuttal opportunity for the appellant for both appellants. Youll have two and a half minutes each. So if the appellants could come forward with the rebuttals. Thank you. What ive been hearing is the people who supported have a need for the medical marijuana. And as i said earlier, medical marijuana, there is a need for it. But the problem is putting a dispensary in this that particular neighborhood on irving street. Which is one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in the sun set, congestion wise. And everything that goes along with having a wonderful neighborhood like we have. Medical marijuana has a need. But the place is not on irving street. That is our biggest concern. Thank you. Supervisor breed thank you. Next appellant. Hello. One second, we need to restart your time. Apologize. Hello, im longtime homeowner, 22nd and irving. As our elected representatives you have obligation to consider the will of the people. No means no. We have to stop putting profit and political advantages to work against the very people that vote you, our representatives, into office. Again its a well established Family Community we beg you to disapprove and say no to the mcd opening its profitable doors at the cost of our children and community. Our Community Pleads with you, to keep our Community Families safe and know mcd on irving. This is not the right location. Thank you for your time and consideration. Supervisor breed thank you. Is the second appellant still here for the rebuttal . If not, were going to close the hearing. Ok, going once, twice, this hearing is now closed. This matter is in the hands of the board of supervisors. Supervisor tang. Supervisor tang thank you all so much for everyone who came out, whether you spoke up in support or against the proposed mcd. I think there were points that i took away from all of you, from all sides that i agree with and disagree with. Just to set the stage, especially since the board just recently passed citywide legislation around cannabis and the legalization for adult use, i do think that the sunset will not be moving forward in the future without a dispensary. There will be a dispensary that will come. My colleagues will not allow me to go forward without a dispensary being approved here, so i just want to set that reality here. As much as i have heard from a lot of people who again both support and oppose dispensaries coming in. So, for me, i think that if were going to have a Tropical Storm dispensary in the dispensary in the sunset district, we want to good operators. That is the case here. They have been respectful and tried to do outreach. Of course, there can always be more. I want to put it out there, especially to the people who opposed mcd, that i highly encourage us to have project sponsorses that know what theyre doing and have a good track record. I know supervisor safai has had issues with district 11 and operators and that can be issue, but i dont think we have a project sponsor issue here today. So i think ive also heard from a lot of constituents, irving street is not the right place. I dont think it will ever be the right place for a huge group of residents in the sunset, whether its irving, sunset. I did try to expand the green zone, because based on some of the zoning and some of the demographics i feel like there are areas where there will be less resistance to dispensaries. So that has occurred per the passing of the legislation at the board of supervisors. For me, this is really a difficult decision because i personally dont feel that these particular project sponsors will present issues for the neighborhood. I was glad to hear youll be joining the outer Sunset Merchants Association and i hope one of you will attend meetings on a regular basis. I liked hearing that there will be street cleaning and sweeping. We already plant trees, but the street cleaning will be great. I also hear from and someone did request submitted a sunshine request for me on the issue and i think that they will see that i really am trying to base my decision on the number of residents that have contacted me. The people who live in close proximity to the particular project. Im not just kind of pulling stuff out of my hat here. Im really trying to base it on the people who have taken the time to contact me in all the different ways, whether emails, phone calls, petitions, letters, here at the hearing today. So unfortunately, there has been a huge kind of lopsided in terms of the sheer volume of people who have spoken out against this particular mcd. Makes this decision very hard for me, because personally, although i think this is a fine operation, i am elected by these people who have all contacted me and some of you here are supportive, some are not, but based on the volume of the people who have contacted me against it, its more difficult to put aside personal feelings and cast a vote not the way that i would personally want. So with that said, although i may be cast ago vote against this, its not because i dont particularly support the project. I want to make that clear. I dont buy into the arguments that students will go inside, because i know there will be security. And if students do, underaged students do go inside, it will be shut down. So also per state and the health code as well as the state retail code, there are already restrictions on store front display so its not enticing the children. So i know that some of the appellants spoke to that and thats part of the law. But where i will push back a little bit is the operational hours. I would like for us to at least given that this is the first potential desk dispensary for the sunset, i would like hours from 9 a. M. To 8 p. M. And we can evaluate from there after a year to see whether the hours should be extended or not. I would also like to have the project sponsors offer smoking on site, because i dont want people Walking Around i think thats what a lot of the issues were pointed out, we dont want kids exposed to this, whether theyre Walking Around from jefferson, High School Students coming. I think the Planning Commission had put a restriction against onsite smoking, but i would prefer that, so those are two things i would change in terms of the conditions here. I mean, overall i would say that again, i think these are good project sponsors. This is a really difficult decision for me. I think given the close proximity to the park as well it presents other challenges that may not be there for other parts of the district. I certainly hope depending on how the decision goes, based on votes from other colleagues, i really hope there is further outreach especially with the new laws passed around cannabis use for adult use. That this issue is not going to go away for communities and were all going to have so to accept that the sunset will a dispensary. Those are my points. This is not an easy decision and with that, i will defer to the rest of my colleagues. Supervisor breed thank you, before we continue our discussion, supervisor cohen had to leave, can i entertain a motion to excuse supervisor cohen. Colleagues, can we take that without objection. Without objection, supervisor cohen is excused. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin thank you, i appreciate the words of the colleague from district 4. As supervisor tang knows, i frequent 22nd irving, buy produce on that, going to the restaurant, go the citibank, eat at sunrise deli, i know the corridor quite well. To mr. Al oto, you are right, it is vibrant and diverse corridor and its really a gem. Through the president to supervisor tang, i think you may have just made a suggestion to your colleagues. Im not clear and i appreciate the larger dynamics of what is going on pursuant to prop 64. The vote that we took earlier today on second reading relative to the future of the adult retail use. But what i heard you say it sounded extremely reasonable to miyazato me and i i could support, subjecting it to two additional conditions, which would be the hours that you discussed from 9 a. M. To 8 p. M. And actually requiring oncons on cytokine assumption. Supervisor tang i also forgot to mention something that i feel is pomimportant. I know that some of the Public Comments have said, the opponents are just, theyre insane, not educated about the topic, but i do want to point to the department of Public HealthImpact Assessment that came out in the fall of 2017 regarding cannabis legalization. In it, the staff had talked to youth, focus groups and so forth. It says that according to youth organizations key informant, it says theyre open early in the morning, the exposure to kids makes it normal. So that is coming from youth. Actually in the own dph report. The other thing i wanted to point out from the report, and again i feel like we talk about it with the huge rosy picture, but the reality also is that young adults. This is for San Francisco, young adults between ages of 1820 had the highest e. R. Rates among all groups. It said that between 2006 and 2010, and 2011 and 15, cannabis related hospital visitations increased substantially. It even talks about patients ages zero through 4 that has cannabis related poisoning accounted for the most e. R. Visits. Again, although i dont think this is a problem, in particular, this dispensary. I want to point to our own department of Public Health report that they just came out with this year. I know that again, the opponents to the mcd, they have