Francisco bay community, we respect all the people who have been here for generations, we respect you, we respect the community. We honored the work that you have done. Its hard work to allow people to recognize whats right and wrong and do the hard work. Its the hardest work that we have to do today, whether youre holding a public office, being a minute center or bei minister or community activist, its hard job, but it serves our community and our children, and we must try to do better. This has been an important home to gobs of community meetings, employment workshops, to incubators for employment opportunities, and its also been a place where sadly, weve also had to send people away, who died in violence or met an early death. All of those aspects of life that are challenging the city, its happening in a microcosm there at 3rd baptist in a collusive and collaborative way. So im just sharing thisome things, but ill also share with you some strong feelings with people that ive got to hire in the community, doing entertainment work, doing community work, doing leadership work, trying to save more people, trying to get them out of condemnation and into salvation. Were all trying to do it, and in a large part, a lot of what i have to do is save more lives and make sure people live more robust lives in the city, the city sometimes where people say there are a lot of inequities. 3rd baptist is about equity. Its n its about finding love and support. Thats why it deserves to be recognized in our hall of landmarks, so i say to the rest of our country, you ought to be embracing the right principles when youre endorsing landmarks. You ought not to be endorsing symbols of racism and oppregnano oppression. This role that our community has played, this building will be known for when we place the final signature of landmark status. This is our history. This is your history. Youve shared it with us. Its our history, its the nations history, right here in the middle of San Francisco, we celebrate 3rd Baptist Church and everybody associated with it. Thank you for being here, thank you for being witnesses to this wonderful important occasion for all of our citizens. Thank you. Thank you mr. Mayor, and i just want to again thank the cosponsors of this amazing legislation. Supervisor malia cohen, supervisor aaron peskin, and supervisor mark farrell, and with that, id like to bring up our leader to give us a history, abbreviated, reverend brown, we aint in church. We trying to sign this today. Amen . Amen. Amen congregation. Reverend brown, our leader, come on up. Good afternoon. Madam president of our board of supervisors, supervisors peskin, cohen, to our city administrator, our friend, miss naomi kelley, i see other Department Heads here, but time would not permit me to name them all, and indeed to our fine mayor, my friend and servant of the people, mayor edwin lee, give him a big round of applause. And to all the members and our officers of 3rd Baptist Church, we have with us the chair person of our deacons ministry, deacon alfonso campbell, chair person of our trustee ministry, trustee preston turner. This is a tender and touching moment for me, for i am privileged to stand to celebrate a fateful day, a day in which our honored mayor will sign this legislation that w l defines a Faith Community as a landmark, a mark, a memorial of what all faith communities should mirror. 3rd baptist was not founded in 1852 to just equip people with knowledge of spiritual things. Thi3rd baptist was born out of struggle. She was founded on the anniversary of the abolition of slavery in the british west indies, and that struggle has continued cross the weighted span of these now 165 years. I want to acknowledge here that william duboyce celebrated his 90th third day at 3rd baptist on april the third, 1958, when paul roberson, after he had been maliciously ma lined and wrongly accused of being a communist, first came back to the united states, it was 3rd Baptist Church that opened its doors to a man who needed befriending. Dr. Martin luther king, when he had inaugurated the Montgomery Movement had his first appearance in the hallowed walls of 3rd Baptist Church in 1957. I said again that this is tender and touching for me, for i was introduced into this struggle at the age of 15 years old, when i organized the first Youth Conference of the National Organization of the advancement of colored people in the wake of that malicious brutal murderering of em emma teal, and it was one year later that megawale evers asked my mother if i could come to San Francisco to attend the National Convention of the naacp, and on that sunday morning of the convention, where did i worship . At 3rd Baptist Church, and i was as a young lad from mississippi, so impressed overseeing Frederick Douglas haynes, sr. , standing before that sacred desk who had the presence and the elequence that was greater maybe than that of Prince Albert as a gentleman, as a scholar, as a pretty muche mucher preacher, and a social activist, so that impacted my life further, and to think were here today with mayor lee, members of Department Heads, and citizens with the city of San Francisco to honor this struggle with this designation, and because of this designation, there will forever be known that 3rd baptist was here, was reckoned with and made a difference in the lives of people for the better. Thank you, mayor lee, thank you all of you who gathered today for we have set the bar high. Im a woman, but im wise. Im an immigrant, but im industrious, im gay, but im godly, im saint, but i am sensible. That is the feeling of 3rd baptist, and thank you mayor lee for signing this document, so that in all common generations, it will be known that we knew more than how to walk the walk skb talk the talk as members of the human family. God bless you all and thank you all for honoring us this day. Thank you, reverend brown. We had church a little bit up in here. He going to give it to you good on sunday. You all aint ready for the chapter one, chapter two, and Chapter Three on sunday. He got some making up to do after today. Thank you, reverend brown for always being there for our community and just really protecting our history and reminding us how important it is to remember what happened in the past so that we can celebrate that and continue to push and advocate towards the future, and so with that, i want to welcome up deacon campbell to just say a few words, and then, were going to get to the ceremony. Deacon campbell, come on up. Good afternoon. To mayor lee, supervisor breed and president of the board, to my Fisk University alum, supervisor malia cohen, supervisor peskin, and all others who are here, it is a pleasure and to reverend brown. Dont let me forget to say that. It is a pleasure and an honor for me to have an opportunity to say a word or two on this historic celebration. This morning, i woke up thinking about what would i say because of the origin of 3rd Baptist Church out of racism and say it, and the development in the home of two members has led to this. I just know that god is good. I just know that this was meant to be, and with all of the preparation and the organization and all the things that have been done, this is the payoff. I can remember Martin Luther king, in one of his many speeches, made the statement that the arch of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice. This is justice; and we try to do that at 3rd baptist. We do it. We show as mayor lee said, respect to everybody, and we make every effort to show justice to love mercy, and to walk humbly with god. With that, i will just end by saying thank you and the fact that as long as there is a San Francisco, there will be a 3rd Baptist Church. Thank you. Okay. I just wanted to acknowledge supervisor jane kim and thank you for joining us today, and with that, lets get down to business. Reverend brown, its time. Its time. Come on over here. [ inaudible ] to mayor lee, and all the other folks around here, i just want to say thank you for all you have done for 3rd Baptist Church. You know, when i came here, i joined 3rd baptist right off, cause ive always been impressed with the church, but the biggest thing this church has done for me, it has so much carin caring, careing, or caring, i dont know which one. But any way, theyre so caring. We have back on track to help young folks, because if young folks cant make it, its no excuse, cause 3rd baptist has got it. We have a beautiful senior extension group, and oh, boy, i cant wait to get to that because we play bingo and all kinds of exercise and things for the seniors. But we also have a Music Department thats out of this world. You have to come to some of the concerts because you cant beat it. But the thing that has helped me is that caring way. Let me give you an example. This morning, one of the members called me and said, mama smith, make sure you dress warmly cause its raining outside. Wasnt that beautiful . Give her a hand. And not only that, this is what has happened to me in 4. 5 months, ill be 100, and i have to give 3rd baptist part of that because god works through a good church, so im just thankful to be here, and im so thankful for you all who have done so much for this church. Keep on, because we are for what is right. We are going to be there forever, and we thank god for it. Amen. [ singing amen ] [ applause ] bayview. A lot discussion how residents in San Francisco are displaced how businesses are displaced and theres not as much discussion how many nonprofits are displaced i think a general concern in the Arts Community is the testimony loss of performance spaces and venues no renderings for establishes when our lease is up you have to deal with what the market bears in terms of of rent. Nonprofits cant afford to operate here. My name is bill henry the executive director of aids passage l lp provides services for people with hispanics and aids and 9 advertising that fight for the clients in Housing Insurance and migration in the last two years we negotiated a lease that saw 0 rent more than doubled. My name is ross the executive directors of current pulls for the last 10 years at 9 and mission we were known for the projection of sfwrath with taking art and moving both a experiment art our lease expired our rent went from 5 thousand dollars to 10,000 a most. And chad of the arts project pursue. The evolution of the orientation the focus on Art Education between children and Patrol Officer artist we offer a full range of rhythms and dance and theatre music theatre about in the last few years it is more and more difficult to find space for the program that we run. Im the nonprofit manager for the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development one of the reasons why the mayor has invested in nonprofit displacement is because of the challenge and because nonprofits often commute Technical Assistance to understand the negotiate for a commercial lease. Snooechlz is rob the executive director and cofounder of at the crossroads we want to reach the disconnected young people not streets of San Francisco for young adults are kicked out of the services our building was sold no 2015 they let us know theyll not renew our lease the last years the city with the nonprofit displacement Litigation Program held over 75 nonprofits financial sanction and Technical Assistance. Fortunate the city hesitate set aside funds for businesses facing increased rent we believable to get some relief in the form of a grant that helped us to cover the increase in rent our rent had been around 40,000 a year now 87,000 taylors dollars a year we got a grant that covered 22 thousands of that but and came to the minnesota Street Project in two people that development in the better streets plan project they saved us space for a Nonprofit OrganizationNational Anthem and turned out the Northern California fund they accepted us into the Real Estate Program to see if we could withstand the stress and after the program was in full swinging skinning they brought up the Litigation Fund and the grants were made we applied for that we received a one thousand dollars granted and that grant allowed us to move in to the space to finish the space as we needed it to furniture is for classes the building opened on schedule on march 18, 2016 and by july we were teaching classed here. Which we found out we were going to have to leave it was overwhelm didnt know anything about commercial real estate we suggested to a bunch of people to look at the nonprofits Displacement Mitigation Program you have access to commercial real estate either city owned or city leased and a city lease space become available there is a 946,000 grant that is provided through the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development and thats going to go towards boulder the space covers a little bit less than half the cost it is critical. The purpose of the Organization Trust to stabilize the arts in San Francisco working with local agency i go like the Northern California platoon fund that helped to establish documents of our long track record of stvent and working to find the right partner with the organization of our size and budget the opportunity with the purchase of property were sitting in the former disposal house theatre that expired 5 to 10 years ago we get to operate under the old lease and not receive a rent increase for the next 5 to 7 years well renting 10,000 square feet for the next 5 to seven years we pay off the balance of the purpose of this and the cost of the renovation. The loophole will that is unfortunate fortunate we have buy out a reserve our organization not reduce the services found a way to send some of the reserves to be able to continue the serves we know our clients need them we were able to get relief when was needed the most as we were fortunate to arrive that he location at the time, we did in that regard the city has been weve had tremendous support from the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development and apg and helped to roommate the facade of the building and complete the renovation inside of the building without the sport support. Our lease is for 5 years with a 5 year onyx by the city has an 86 year lease that made that clear as long as were doing the work weve been we should be able to stay there for decades and decades. The single most important thing we know that is that meaningful. It has been here 5 months and even better than that we could image. With the Economic Development have announced an initiative if ours is a nonprofit or know of a nonprofit looking for more resources they can go to the office of Economic Workforce Development oewd. Com slashing nonprofit and found out about the mayors nonprofit Mitigation Program and the Sustainability Initiative and find their information through Technical Assistance as much as how to get started with more fundraising or the real estate assistance and they can find my contact and reach out to me through the circles of the city through the good afternoon and welcome to the land use and Transportation Committee meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. I am the actinging chair k aaron peskin, joined on my left supervisor katie tang and siting in for todays meeting, supervisor jeff sheehy, our clerk is ms. Alyssa samara. Do you have any announcements . Yes. Please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices, completed speaker cards and copies of any documents to be included as part of a file should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the december 5 supervisors board of agenda, otherwise stated. Thank you, madame clerk. Call items one, two, and three together. Yes. Items number one, two, and three are ordinances amending the general code and zoning map to add the 1629 Market Street special use district and approving a Development Agreement with stratta brady l. L. C. With various Public Benefits including open spaces in support of Affordable Housing and making appropriate findings. Thank you. This project has been a long time in coming and we are delighted that it has got ton the board of supervisors. I want to thank the mayor and his staff, of course, the Plumbers Union local 38 and the cosponsors of this legislation, supervisors kim and sheehy. I want to thank the folks from stratta for the briefing that they gave me together with city staff a few weeks ago. And thank mr. Sullivan for all of his work on this project. That is going to bring Affordable Housing and Community Benefitss to this area of mid market. And with that, should we start with somebody from the Planning Department or ms. Topier who wants to start . Richard . Good afternoon, supervisors. Department staff. The item before you is for the project approvals for 1629 Market Street. On october 19, the Planning Commission considered a series of actions in support of the project at 1629. Included in their actions were recommendations for approval of a general plan amendment to the market activity plan, to amend the plan in support of the project that is before you. A series of planning code text amendments and zoning map amendment to basically realign the zoning map toward new parcels that will be created as part of the project. As well as to increase the height limit for one of the parcels in support of the Affordable Housing parcel for the associated project and to establish the 1629 Market Street s. U. D. In addition, the Planning Commission considered a recommendation of approval for the Development Agreement as well as the conditional use authorization and planned unit, all of which were affirmed by the Planning Commission. Id like to introduce Michael Cohen, the project sponsor, to provide information on the project. Mr. Cullen, good afternoon. Good afternoon, supervise sorts. For the record, Michael Cohen, im a principal developer of this project. Well throw up a very quick presentation for you. Yep. Thank you. So, our site is a 2. 25acre site which is on the eastern edge of the market octavia plan area near van ness. The property is owned by a local 38 plumber and Pipefitters Union and their Pension Trust fund in stratta has a 99year lease of the property. Current uses on the site, moving sort of east to west, Market Street include the Civic Center Hotel, which is an aged s. R. O. , local 38 hall, a small retail frontage along Market Street and then what is one of the largest assemblages of surface parking lots in downtown San Francisco. The site was zoned under the market octavia plan primarily for 85foot residential buildings with ground floor retail along market and 12th street. And a large central open space. And our Development Plans respect and meet these requirements with 584 residential units in five different buildings with none higher than 85 feet. 13,000 square feet of retail, mainly along market and 12th street. 23,000 square feet of Public Open Space and gardens, plus a 30,000 square foot new stateoftheart union hall and the renovation of the Civic Center Hotel. In addition to meeting the requirements of the market octavia plan, our project exceeds the plan requirements in three important ways. [sirens] first, upon completion, approximately 27 of all the residential units will be affordable and lower than usual but average area meeting income levels. And because we knew from the beginning that our plans needed to include a thoughtful approach to the Civic Center Hotel and its residents, we have committed to construct a 100 Supportive Housing project on site with our Partners Community housing partnership. And the project will be phased such that the c. H. P. Supportive housing building must be complete and ready for occupancy before we can even begin renovating the Civic Center Hotel and this will ensure that the existing residents can move into the new building without being even temporarily displaced from the site. To our knowledge, this is the First Time Ever if San Francisco that supportive Homeless Housing has been included as part of a private project and perhaps even more uniquely no city money from the Mayors Office of housing or otherwise has been used to construct the c. H. P. Building. We are donating the land and paying for the gap financing. Second, well preserve the project center hotel and excellent retail frontage along Market Street near brady. Indeed, were planning to seek millsac treatment for the Civic Center Hotel and thus will be adding the building to the National Register and look forward to coming back to the board of supervisors early in the new year. Third, the project privately funds and delivers what was one of the most important open space aspirations of the market octavia plan which was a center piece publicly accessible open space that would serve the entire area. The extensive input from nearby residents, weve designed and will build an immersive garden that will be activated on all sides that also includes a decorative art piece that will screen the existing structure. Interestingly, in meeting the challenges of the e3 Public Policy issues Affordable Housing, open space and historic preservation, we were pushed and ultimately embraced a pretty wonderful, diverse, and finegrained urban design while unlike more monolithic glass towers that you might see further down Market Street, this project is comprised of six different buildings and they have different heights and massing and materiality and here are a few other vantage points. You can see this is looking up Market Street and this is across the street from the cafe. Were very proud of this project. But were even more so of our partners and i do want to acknowledge just a few, first and foremost, local 38 and the Pension Trust fund. When it comes to supporting supportive Homeless Housing, local 38 is really walking the walk here. Because we are building them a new home that theyre going to occupy forever right next to the new c. H. P. Supportive housing building and i think they deserve a tremendous amount of credit for giving us the freedom to try to make that happen. I also want to acknowledge the community, especially the brady street neighbors. We had a really wonderful dialogue with them throughout this process. And, of course, there are some issues that people have legitimate concerns about like construction impacts and what does it mean for traffic and the like. But not once in three years of meetings did we have anyone in that Community Say we dont want supportive Homeless Housing in our backyard. And that is not something that you often see and i think they deserve a tremendous amount of credit. And frankly a big reason that both local 38 and the brady neighbors were comfortable supporting a Supportive Housing project here was because of c. H. P. They have an impeccable track record, both building and operating Supportive Housing. So with that, ill turn it over to anne topier and then well be here to answer any questions that you have. Ms. Topier. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, supervisors. Anne topier, project manager in the office of economic and Workforce Development. I just plan to take a couple of minutes provide an overview of the primary elements that make up the Community Benefits package in the Development Agreement. Unlike d. A. S for projects that require significant up zoning, the city is entering into this agreement with strada brady l. L. C. Whose project is largely code compliant to secure all the Community Benefits, fees and requirements identified by the market octavia plan as well as a significantly enhance the Affordable Housing program in large privately owned publicly accessible open space, all of which will be located within the boundaries of the privately owned proposed project site. If exchange for a 15year vested development right, the city receives legal assurance that these additional benefits will be delivered in a timely manner in accordance of the time with the d. A. For this project, the d. A. Primarily focuses on the delivery of the colt canon street 1 un hundred affordable Supportive Housing parcel. It will provide 100 units of deeply Affordable Housing for formerly homeless tenants. The first tenants in the building will be the longterm residents of the Civic Center Hotel who, upon completion of the building, will provide relocation to the brandnew units on colton street. The d. A. Incentivizes the developer to deliver the colton Street Building early in the term by restricting access to construction permits into a market rate residential building until after colton street is completed and ready for occupancy. Strada has entered into a joint venture to construct a new building and the developer is funding 100 of the gap. Relieving the city of any financial commitment to the development of the building. In addition to this new onsite 100unit Supportive Housing, the project will deliver inclusionary workforce units throughout much of the four market rate buildings on site. In total, the project will contain up to 584 units with 27 affordable at an average of approximately 50 of the median income. This essentially doubles the inclusionary requirement for the site under the market octavia plan. The 57workforce units will be delivered at units not exceed 100 of a. M. I. As you know, when originally approved the market octavia plan recommended Public Open Space at this site but did not provide a mechanism for delivering a park on privately owned land. The second key benefit provides a new network of public accessible open spaces throughout the project site, including a 13700squarefoot privately owned publiclyaccessible groundlevel park to be known as the joseph p. Mazzola gardens. It uncolludes childrens play equipment, seating and recreation areas all built, operated and maintained at no cost for the city. And approximately 7800 square foot portion of the gardens will constitutas inkind contribution to the Community Infrastructure impact fee. Providing a critical public space in further to the market octavia plans market space goals and policies. In total, the project features 23400 square feet of publicly accessible open space. Prior to obtaining certificates of occupancy for the a and b market rate residential blls, the developer is obligated to provide mid block open spaces. And finally the develop her enter into a agreement with o. E. D. And establish a hiring goal by the contract monitoring division. This concludes my summary of the Development Agreement and im available for my questions if you have them. Thank you. Any questions from members of this panel . Seeing none. Are there any additional comments from staff from planning or the office of economic and Workforce Development . Ok. This is an extremely controversial project. [laughter] [inaudible]. And supervisor kim may have some comments after Public Comment. Mr. Mazzolla, i think i saw you. Lets start Public Comment with you. Thank you to you and local 38 for participating in this. And i have a number of speakers ive also neglected to acknowledge, Community Housing partnership in ms. Gilman and mr. Tracy for their work at the Civic Center Hotel. This has been kicking around since my first term in office. Im delighted that 1629 market is finally here. The floor is yours. Thank you very much. Thank you for allowing me to speak today on behalf of this great project. Were very excited to be at this stage. It has been a long time coming, as you said. Supervisor peskin, local 38s had its headquarters at 1629 Market Street for over 50 years and were proud neighbor in the community and Work Together with strada. We interviewed a bunch of Different Developers over the years and strada came out by far and above the best. Theyre well qualified and have a great team design with c. H. P. And with the david baker and associates. Its a great team. And theyve been reaching out to the Community Like you said. Theyve had countless meetings and they have been doing everything on the up and up and have gone over and above where they need to be. We couldnt have picked a better partner. This goes without saying that the project will be 100 union. With good paying jobs. Good benefits. And its going to create a lot of great working conditions for the people that work on that job. With this project, local 38 and its members remain a key part of transforming Market Street neighborhood for a longterm and we think this is a great job. Like i said with great benefits for the community. Were very excited. We hope that you feel the same way. Thank you . For your time. Thank you for your time. Thank you, and thank you to the members of local 38. I have a couple of speaker cards. Mr. James tracy and dwayne sears. And if there is anybody else, please come on up. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is james tracy, im standing in for gail gilman, our c. E. O. Of Community Housing partnership whos out of town for the next week or so. When gail first contacted me by text and said, hey, i need you to come to a meeting. Were going talk about tearing the civic center down and building it up, i said oh, my god. Have we got ourselves into . Quite bluntly. But once we met with strada and realized their commitment to making sure that the Civic Center Hotel was rebuilt just around the corner and stayed in the neighborhood, they werent trying to pull any type of shenanigans that are quites common in other proceedings. And they really became trustworthy partners. Its been a been an honor to talk with the community members. Again especially the brady street neighbors who have always asked the real questions. The questions of keeping people out of their community or pushing people out and never became part of the dialogue which is very appreciated on our part. Were excited to see this new building. Were hoping that it becomes step up housing for people in some of our other buildings that no longer need intense services that are ready to move on and we look forward to partnership with the city and all the other stakeholders as that dialogue progresses. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Tracy. Mr. Sears. Im with the Community Housing partnership. Excuse me can. This building has been there for quite some time. I lived in this building 20 years ago. And i think it changes like [inaudible] and ill support it. And im i think it should be approved. Ok. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who would like to testify . Please come forward. Hello, committee members. My name is lisa dunmaier. Ive lived at 67 brady street for over 17 years and im speaking in support of the 1629 market Street Project today, representing three other neighbors who were not able to attend in person. There are other 100 of us in the neighborhood that have been eagerly working in support of this project. We first met Michael Cohen and will goodman in 2015. April of 2015 at supervisor kims neighborhood meeting at the red cross building. And since then, they have, as mentioned, met with us over 10 times as a group and that is not counting all the individual meetings that theyve had both with renters like myself as well as business owners. Its really been a pleasure and i wrote a lot more than that, but i just wanted to stand up and, for the record, thank everyone involved and we really look forward to seeing the project move forward. Thank you. Thank you. Seeing no other members of the public for Public Comment, well close Public Comment. One piece of housekeeping s. There a motion to excuse supervisor farrell . So moved. Made by supervisor tang. Can we take that without action . Supervisor kim. This spronl in your district and you hefped steward it along t. Floor is yours. Thank you, chair. I wanted to thank members of our community for coming out in the middle of the afternoon to speak on this project. Both mr. Assesser and ms. Dunmaier and it is great to hear that the project sponsor did its Due Diligence to make sure that it got its feedback and input from our neighbors support this project. Overall, when strada and Community Housing partnership had reached out the me early on with the Plumbers Union, i was very excited to see something happen on that corner. I used to live down the block from the Civic Center Hotel and i often said that, you know, people say a lot of things about the district i represent. But this was the one block i really did feel unsafe on. And so im really glad to see that we are moving forward with rehabilitating this area and well do something really great with the Civic Center Hotel site. Really it is one of the worst Single Room Occupancy Hotels ive ever visited and that we are moving forward and that also we have this Navigation Center there right now that actually showcased how beautiful that building was. I really did not realize how beautiful the building was until we opened up all of those windows. I think it has really made a difference. But thank you for moving forward with a very balanced project with Affordable Housing. Stepup housing is sorely needed as mr. Sears had mentioned. In our neighborhood, we have a lot of residents that have lived in Single Room Occupancy Hotels for a long time and have demonstrated that they can move to different types of housing and free up units for those currently on our streets and need the additional supportive services. Im very excited to see this project move forward. It will be great for this neighborhood and thank you for everyone who is involved in this process. Thank you, supervisor. With that, is there a motion to send the general plan amendment, the planning code, zoning map, changes and the d. A. To the full board with recommendation made by cosponsor of these items, supervisor sheehy . Colleagues, can we take that without objection . The motion is approved. Congratulations and good luck getting this done on time and on budget. All right. With that, thank you supervisor sheehy. Madame clerk, could you please call items four, five and six together . Item number four is a hearing on housing costs and information tracking. Item numbers five and six are hearing resolution improvinging the biannual housing balance report. Supervisor kim . Thank you so much. And i believe that i have someone else joining me for items four, five and six as we have combined our hearing. Today we [inaudible]. Today we are hearing our annual housing balance report from the Planning Department. As many of you know, in 2014, voters sent us a cle