As well. Trent reimbursed that coworker for the cost of the d. R. With a check that contained the wording reimburse for d. R. In the memo line the coworker brought that check to the deposition and the city is in possession of a copy of it. That coworker testified she didnt know what discretionary review means as well. Another tenant stated in his deposition that he was contacted by a representative of the defendants on three occasions that provided him with a list of talking points and asked that they use those talking points to form the basis of the Public Comments to you all at Previous Commission hearings regarding this application. In short, they imposed their own application to legalize their properties and attempted to cover it up. When you consider they filled in october, 2016, and its now november, 2017, theyve been successful delaying this for 13 months. The only plausible reason to do this is to delay enforcement, collect rent, and to conceal their identity. It would be more sympathetic if a tenant was an applicant rather than the project sponsor himself. Another motive for delaying this legalization process is there is a legal strategy involved. If theyre not involved in the process, they can blame city bureaucracy for the 13month delay infixing their Code Violations and say bureaucracy held up the legalization process and that they shouldnt have to pay the penalties that accrue for the Code Violations. While this d. R. Has been pending, wu and zu have made no progress to legalizing the profit and the tenant victims live in substandard, uninspected housing. Our office has personally met with tenants along with personnel from the planning department, building department, and the Mayors Office, and were going to continue to provide all the help we can to provide adequate housing in the event that they need to find new housing. Thank you. Thank you. And i believe ms. Cohen from the department of homelessness im emily cohen, department of homelessness and Supportive Housing, and im here to share with you our plan for serving any of the households that may be displaced during this process and what we have prepared in order to ensure that none of these veterans or households become unstable in their housing if they need to move. I will walk you through the process. The department of homelessness and Supportive Housing is committed to the housing stability and wellbeing of all the households in the affected units. Were committed to the 10 hud households that may need to move out and any that are affected. We are committed to providing the resources for these tenants. And were contracting with brilliant corners, local Nonprofit Organization to provide the services were working to assure that the units that we find are acceptable and comparable to the units that folks might need to move out of. As i mentioned, brilliant corners is a nonprofit that weve been working with for many years on our veterans initiatives and were committed to be able to work again with brilliant corners because of their excellent track record in finding housing for veterans in our community. And entering housing stability. Well be including a flexible landlord incentive up to 1,000 per unit. Weve been doing this over the last several months or at least a year and we found that this has helped us to engage new landlords in the program and make successful housing placements. Well be providing moving assistance. So each household that is impacted will meet with a brilliant corner staff member and develop an individualized placement plan. It will focus on their needs, preferences in terms of location, community amenities, needing to be close to a bus stop or other amenities. It will be taken into consideration as an individualized plan is developed. Then the housing search work begins. The staff will go out and use their landlord connections to find tenants. They will accompany the tenants to view apartments, it meet with landlord and assist with housing applications. In terms of Financial Assistance, housing search includes the following supports. Transportation to appointments, paying for background checks and credit checks, so when a household meets with a landlord, they have a package ready to give them and paying any application fees that may be associated. Landlord engagement is part of the work. They work to recruit new landlords, providing financial incentives, providing additional incentive upon the units and then providing ongoing availability and support to the landlords in case an issue arises. Housing placement is the next place. Brilliant corners helps to match the individual looking for housing with those looking for housing and trying to find the best match possible. Well support them through the lease signing and voucher process. It can be a cumbersome process with housing authorities and well make sure that the tenants are well supported. And tenants will receive flexible moving assistance to cover any costs associated. Once tenants are placed, stabilization is critical. Well work to make sure that they integrate to the new units, know where the Grocery Store is and bus stop is, or even if its a few blocks away from where they live. Want to be sure that folks know the way around their home and neighborhood. Brilliant corners will conduct wellness checks they will coordinate with social workers to provide the Ongoing Supportive Services and will remain available to landlords in case any issues come up. I assume that folks know, this is a Housing Voucher Program run through h. U. D. And administered through the Housing Authority matched with social workers from the v. A. Social service work is incredibly important. So brilliant corners will ensure warm handoffs to the social worker that works with the tenants. Another important point is that many of the tenants impacted have been in their housing for several years. And their vouchers are more valuable than they were four, five, six years ago when they were initially placed in these units. Beginning in january, 2017, there were new payment standards for vouchers in San Francisco. You can see on the grid the values and the payment standards they go up to. For a 1bedroom unit, 3,100 a month. Its got significant purchase power and were confident that well be able to find veterans adequate Housing Units in San Francisco. And thank you and im happy to take any questions. I want to acknowledge that nicole mccraydickerson from Program Staff is here and barry benda from brilliant corners if you have specific questions about the housing search process. Thank you. We may. Ms. Kittler is here, did you want to make a remark . Briefly. Legislative aide in supervisor cohens office. Thank you for your patients. I know that this has been on the agenda for several months now. Supervisor cohen urges you to take action. As you heard, the Property Owner, what they did is unacceptable and put her tenants, many of whom weve heard from in a difficult situation for all of us. Supervisor cohen, along with the Mayors Office and this commission, dont want to see anyone displaced. That is nobodys intention here. After further discussion, our office has confidence that we have a solid relocation plan for all tenants that may find themselves in an illegal unit after the action today. What is critical to the supervisor is that all of the tenants are matched and placed in comparable units, not in the tenderloin, preferably in the neighborhood and on a timeline that will ensure that theyre stably housed. Were confident the plan laid out achieves these goals. This is not behavior that can be corrected or solved with simple legislative action. We must treat this situation seriously and i believe with your action today we can move forward to address the bad behavior and ensure that the residents be properly houses. Thank you. So we will start with d. R. Requester, mr. Bryant. Good evening, commissioners. Welcome. Thank you. Ive been listening to the comments from the City Attorney and others that represent the interests of the city. My mission is that veterans that are currently housed in units that can come and go as they need and all the veterans that im familiar with that i talked to, not representing them directly, but through hud and the va, contacts that i had, and ive had numerous meetings, and in unison, its our contention that we dont want to be relocated to dwelling units that may have to be shared. If you consolidate these units to multiple tenants, that means there could be more than one veteran in some of these units. In my particular case at 1290 shafter, we have very nice Apartment Units that are outfitted with full kitchens. When have a laundry area downstairs. I have an electric motorscooter that i have in the garage in that building with the consent of the wus. My hope is there be a consideration for the 40someodd veterans and recipients of the h. U. D. Vouchers not to dislocate them at all, if possible, or at least not prematurely. Theres an old saying that comes to mind, the best laid plans of mice and men and ive heard them. There are no guarantees that some of the veterans that are in these units now will find comparable housing. You know what the Housing Market is in San Francisco and its a tough one. The city has offered to find comparable units, which may or may not be readily available. The timeline is 6 months. Within 6 months, there has to be remediation done and relocations done into an unknown void. The veterans are deeply concerned that they maintain their residences, understand circumstances that they find favorable. And so my hope is that there will be a resolution that allows the veterans to stay in their domiciles that they occupy with the exception that may have to be made such as laundry rooms or maybe some of the units would not have stoves necessarily. The contention among the group that ive talked to is that if they dont have a stove, they have alternatives. They can get microwaves. They can get a cooktop, heating equipment, and so on. So theyre not worried about necessarily having a stove. There are two dwelling units that have been approved at 1187 palou and my building at 1290 shafter avenue. I can only tell you that my experiences with mr. And mrs. Wu has been very positive. Every time ive had any kind of a minor problem like the batteries running out in the smoke detectors or coins not being put correctly in the laundry room, things of that kind, theyve responded very quickly to take care of whatever issues we have. Inju your kind attendance is appreciated. We hope that you allow the veterans to remain where they are with some possible alterations but not to put them into multiple dwelling units. Thank you very kindly. Great. Thank you very much. Well open it up to Public Comment in support of the d. R. Request. I have a couple of speaker cards. Tommy avacolamecca, tony robles and michelle muton, and anyone else that would like to speak can line up on the screen side of the room and come forward in any order. We are in support because we are deeply concerned about the tenants and the tenants only. We would like to see the units legalized and judy wu forced to bring them up to code. Replace any materials that are not safe or appropriate. We feel these units could be legalized if the city really wanted to do it. It would be the easiest solution and the one that would have the least effect on the tenants health. A legislative fix is possible. That should not prevent this commission from recommending that. Im not clear what your powers are here, but it seems that there could be a resolution from this commission recommending legalization, especially since you are on record asking there be no cap in the john avalos bill two years ago and thats keeping units from being legalized. Being realistic, if displacement is going to happen, then we want more than verbal assurances from the city that no permits will ever be issued until all of the tenants are housed. Need i remind you that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and i believe the city has good intensions. But wear only hearing this verbally. I would like to see something in writing from the city, something in writing to the tenants, that states exactly what the city is going to do and what the timeline is here and the fact that no one will be displaced until there is a suitable and comparable replacement unit. Thats vital. I would hope that you as commissioners would demand that of the city, that there be something in writing or something that we can, you know, take, count on, that we can use, if the city doesnt come through. My organization does plan to keep to make sure that the city is accountable and that the city does come through with what theyre saying that theyre going to do. So i would hope that this Commission Also will be making that same demand of the city. I think the main point is to reiterate, if there will be displacements, we want a solid, written assurance that no permit will ever be issued until there is comparable replacement housing found for every single tenant. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening. I stay in one of the units, but im not a veteran. I came from a different program. Its like, if you take these housing away from us, what happens to people in programs like me . Where do i get place ed . Where do i get housed . I came from a program where i was on probation and i got housing probation. When i got in the program, i had no on. I have two jobs now. I stay in a nice unit. When i had a problem, she always fixed it. I never had a problem with the unit i stayed in. And this seems to me like instead of just trying to replace us, they should invest in her fixing it. Its more than just veterans that are suffering. You have other people that are suffering. If i get put out my place, where do i go . Im not a veteran. What options do i have . So im in support if you can just give her time to try to fix the units or come up with a better solution. Thats all i wanted to say. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please . Commissioners. Im tony robles. I represent senior and disability action. Wed like to see the units legalized. We dont want to see any of the tenants have their homes in jeopardy. Very much concerned because many of them are veterans, not all, but many are veterans, who have been through a lot and have fought for a lot and, you know, this is one thing they shouldnt have to be fighting tooth and nail for. This should be a right. They should have a home. Theyre entitled to that. Theyve earned that. We want to see the units legalized. The way things are in the city. The way things are run, its goofy. What assurances, if tenants have to move, are there . We know that in the current housing landscape, people are on patienting lists for a very long, long time. We would like to see some assurances if they do have to move and there is displacement that they will be moving and we would like to see the plans specific the specifics of those plans, again, like other people have stated, in writing. I think the gentleman who spoke earlier i dont think theres anything we could add. He spoke very, very eloquently about the needs of the tenants there and how we dont want to see tenants move to a part of town that will put them at risk. They can come and go as please. They can thrive. They have community and we would like to see that maintained and remain undisturbed. Thank you. [please sta times a week and i think this could be solved without i mean, if they want to punish judy woo, they can do it without putting housing at risk. Thank you. How is everybody doing up there today . Great. How are you . Im hanging in there. Im john talbot, im a navy veteran, i live at 1290 shafter, along with fred over there. And im hearing some bad things about judy i dont like, not only do i not like it, im very worried about what judys going to do. The reason im saying that, most of the veterans that saying good things about judy, me also. If you look up the word compassion in the dictionary, i wouldnt be surprised if you see judys picture in it. Shes always around and helps everybody who has a problem in their place. Thats not why were here today. Were here today because some veterans have to have to move. The reason they have to move is because judy has a Shopping List of violations she has to take care of and she cant take care of it while the veterans are living there, for example, i stay in a three unit house on the bottom floor, franks up stairs in a single unit in the back and joes up stairs in a single unit in the front. Judy wants to turn these two single units into one two bedrooms so joes kitchen and his bathroom have to go. So how is joe going to live down there while they tear down the kitchen and bathroom. Judy wants to take care of the violations. Shes good woman. She doesnt have a problem taking care of the violations but shes stuck between a rock and a hard place because she cant fix any of the violations until the People Living there move. Im hearing these thrones thrown at judy thank you sir. Thats your time. I didnt know i had a time. You have three minutes. Theres some things you dont know about. Hud inspects all the units before we move in. Why let veterans move into a place before we may have questions about that. People dont want to talk about that. Okay. Weve got to move on. Everybody has equal time. We appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you sir. We appreciate it. Put Homeless Veterans in. Sir, if everybody did this, well be very long sir, everybody has three minutes. We want to keep it fair. Next speaker please. Im michelle and i live on the 1700 block of newcomb avenue and im a part of the member of the Model Block Program and were supporting illegal units be terminated, to whatever extent needs to happen, my dad is a veteran. He lives in the providence senior housing, a legal unit. And i think it is wrong that veterans would be in a unit that is not properly staffed, thats not safe. That theres possibility of fire from electrical things and also to the neighbors that live in the vicinity of the apartments. While the apartment im speaking about is not currently on the list, its owned by judy woo and we have had a steady stream of problems as tenants. And you say walls go up in the middle of the living room to the wiring thats possibly there. In San Francisco, the houses are very close together and short or fire could ruin a whole block. No landlord should collect 3,100 for a property and not provide basic services. Thats whats happening. I think its right that homeless vets and everybody who is homeless should find a place and people currently residing in the apartments that are referred to in this discretionary review hearing should be kept up to code and perhaps the people who dont have residence as a result of the stuff being illegally manufactured and deceitfully put forth through the Planning Committee by the landlord are not the big honest people. Theyre making quite a profit. In one case in the examiner, there was 11,000 a month for one particular property. Thats not being helpful. Thats a problem. Thats a crime. I feel maybe judy should be on the hook, judy and her husband be on the hook for helping to place these people monetarily. Getting back to the property at 1750 newcomb avenue, which is not included in the things but owned by judy woo and i guess her husband, is that this theres ongoing problems for us as residents here. Were taxpayers and we have guns shot thank you maam. When you hear the chime you have 30 seconds left and theres a clock there. How you doing . Im a veteran. I just come off being on the street sir if you can speak there you go. For seven years i was on the street until i found judys apartment. Ive been there four and a half years, the place is beautiful. I never had a complaint, if i did, she was on it when i said something about it. I dont see after four and a half years, the place is inspected. It was inspected by people and now all of a sudden now its not up to code. Where does that come from . I dont understand. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good evening commissioners, i also stay in one of the units of judy woos, from what i understand, mainly the reason its illegal, theres too many of them. These are not slum units, theyre not falling down, theyre not infested or any of those things. Judy is a very receptive landlord. You call, she answers. Now, apparently something went on because all of us are on some kind of subsidy. All those places get inspected every year. Now yeah, we cant even move in without an inspection. They cant be that bad. And i excuse me, youre out of order and disrupting the hearing. Im sorry . Im speaking to the gentleman interrupting you. I dont understand. Were being put in a position where we may all end up on the street because basically because she tried to give more People Housing than she was a lotted to do. You know, i understand laws were broken and fines will be levied and what have you, thats fine. But that shouldnt affect us. And i know you have the power to let this to legalize the units without them becoming you have to take someones one bedroom take two one bedrooms for two peoples housing and make it bigger so the few of us can stay there. I dont understand. Im just i dont get it. I know i have more time but im not a public speaker but i felt the need to Say Something and thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker please. My name is tya, i have been renting from judy woo for six years. I came off a hood bash program on treasure island. I stayed there 14 months, i was homeless. I completed the program. I met judy woo. She showed me a unit, but it wasnt ready. It was currently being constructed and she told me it would be available in two weeks. After two weeks went by, i came back, i met with her and saw the place, it was a new place essentially. Im still there. Im still happy. Now, Housing Authority, they come by and certify the place annually. They all tell me its a great place, you know. Mr. Boris from the District Attorney office, he came by and saw my place. He thought it was great. He couldnt believe i was homeless before. I needed a break, i got a break thanks to judy woo. I greatly appreciate her and her efforts. I only have one thing that i would call a complaint and i didnt make it, the housing made it. One of my owls was not working on the stove. She went out and bought a new one the same day, had a Maintenance Man put it in. I havent had a problem since. One day i actually created a problem for her by stopping up the toilet. She replaced it, a brand new toilet. As far as i know, judy has been outstanding. Out here helping people and she told me i would have a place to live as long as i pay my rent. I do it. Im currently my rent is due is on this coming first of the month, i have a zero balance due and i like it like that. I pay my rent on time and as far as delapidated apartments, i dont know anything about it. I have a picture here, a short video if you care to look at it, of my place. We may call you up sir but your time is up. I appreciate it. Next speaker please. Good evening. Im mardina graham, i live about five doors from one of judys apartments. And im sorry about the veterans but i feel that San Francisco has a responsibility to all residents. When we allow someone to do Something Like that, it affects the neighbors in the neighborhood. What i feel the problem is is that its money. Its all about money. Hopefully the veterans, hopefully you can find places for them. I dont want anybody to be misplaced. Im not looking at anybody as being better than them, but i pay taxes, i pay my house note and i dont like living next to a place where the people and the trash because, well, actually we have been contacting judy woo. We talk to her by email and weve asked her to come out so we could show her some of the problems were having, she hasnt showed up yet. So i know shes taking care of those people paying her, shes getting a check from every month, but when it comes to the People Living in the area that she has places, shes not responding to us. So i think the city of San Francisco or the commission should respond to her. Thank you. Thank you. Any additional Public Comment . Weve kind of taken those both in support and against the dr. The project sponsor, do you want to make comment . You have five minutes. Thank you. Ryan patterson, the attorney for the Property Owner. Commissioners, this is a hard case. This saturday was veterans day and i think were all in agreement today that if there is a way to legally save these units, that that should happen. No matter what we think of what judy woo did. Were effectively dring staffs request along side with the tenants. Were on the same page as the tenants. Were trying to save the Housing Units. As it turns out, there is a way to save these homes. Legally. If you remove the extra stoves, the only issue, the reason staff says it cant be done is because of the rooms down matrix, places cant be independently accessible and have sinks. Its a policy interpretation. Its not law, its not code. You have the authority not to apply it. Its just the guideline for staff and the commission is not bound by it. I want to thank you forgiving time for our experts to do the property by property analysis. They have developed a list of code upgrades for each property to ensure safe quality housing. Jeremy shaw, ill go over one of the subject properties right now. If i can get the overhead. This is 1083 hollister. Right now were using the plans that the department has requested that we submit. So existing on the left, proposed on the right. The main idea at least on the ground floor for the planning proposal, there are two legal units combined into one. We want them to remain separate, and the way we do that is by removing the stove in one. We would go through convert a portion of the garage into living space so it could have appropriate egress. We would go through all the Electrical Systems and upgrade all the fire separations and sound proving between the units. In this particular case, we would be looking at lowering the rear grade in the backyard to have appropriate space for each unit. We can add mailboxes for all the units. And then fully repaint the interior, exterior. As pat i think wants to talk about, its a good value. We can do it together. Im not here for judy woo. Im here for vets. These units can be saved for 40,000 per unit. Its up to you to decide if you want to deal with no kitchen, you get to stay. I hope the city is good enough to say that. I hope were big enough to say that. Go ahead. Anyway, these are decent units. I have gone through every one of them. Theres two issues, exiting through the garage, easily addressed with sprinklers, administrative bolt and that can be solved and one building in the back that needs to be torn down. It is being torn down. Everything else is solvable. Ill save comments for rebuttal. I dont think were doing rebuttal. I think we have given ample time to both on this. Given that youre not this is not really rebutting anything. May i have 30 seconds to finish . Sure. Thank you. I just want to make clear that there are two options before the commission today. One is to deny them, or remove the extra stoves and the tenants can stay. I thank you for your time today. We do believe a cu is required for the process under ordinance 3316. I want to tell you we are in early stages of discussions with the City Attorneys office to reach a settlement. Thank you mr. Patterson. We will close this portion of the hearing and open it to commissioner comments and questions. Why do i have such a bad feeling about all this. Quotes from a city and county deputy City Attorney, illegal construction, litigation, intentionally deceiving, substandard building materials, manipulation of dr process and uninspected housing. Those are a lot of red flags to me. I havent heard from the actual owner to dispute these. My thoughts are leaning toward staff recommendation, none of us up here are trying to displace anybody. Thats probably one of the most important thing every one of us up here every thursday. If anybody thinks were trying to displace people, thats not the case. Commissioner melgar. So like commissioner kroppel, i feel theres no good options in this situation. I heard from the owners representative a new suggestion that i hadnt heard from anyone before, which is to remove the stoves, which is creative. And that also makes me think that very valuable vouchers will buy even less for the tenants because they wont have a stove. And that just kills me. This landlord, to me, has taken advantage of the tenants, the city, our code and the folks most impacted are the tenants. So i did have a question for mr. Buckley, we did have, you know, one of the commenters who mentioned he was not a veteran. He does not have a voucher. I want to hear from you he said he wasnt the only one. We heard from miss cowen, but the flash vouchers are pretty valuable and feels confident we can find comparable housing and it can be the case, but what about the folks without vouchers, are they included in the relocation plan and what are we going to do about that . So commissioner melgar, im going to defer to staff on some of the questions. Im going to let matt take most of it and then finish on the other issues. Thank you. Ill just comment on the speaker, i went out and talked to him in the hall before he left. Hes occupying a unit that we were under the belief was vacant. So when this whole process started, we worked with the Property Owner and a handful of tenants moved to different cities and found something they wanted to do. We had come to an understanding we thought with the Property Owner to not fill those units when they became vacant, we knew what we were facing. So ive got his information to talk to him in further detail. He had to go to work. Thats the explanation i have at the moment. Sorry. So, the question was about the value of the vouchers, the section 8 vouchers compared to the does he have a section 8 voucher . He didnt say that. My question is what about folks who dont have a voucher . Are we extending the plan to them . Do we have assurance that the housing and theyre going to work with those folks to help them find a new unit . So its my understanding theres basically 10 households that need to move as a result of the decision if the Commission Takes it. Those residents are all vash voucher holders. Thats the scope of work we have given to brilliant corners and the Homeless Department to work with the households. The other households, as far as i understand, there are no other households that will be impacted besides the temporary, if theres construction to get the existing units up to code, there may require temporary relocation. It is our contention that its the Property Owners requirement to deal with and their responsibility. Were focused on the 10 people who have to move. I think thats the scope of work we put forward. I want to speak to the difference in the vouchers that are being provided. So a one bedroom under huds standards is basically 2,610. If you look up the average median rent, its 2,600. And i would contend that judy woo has done a good job of inflating the rent rates out in bayview as a result of what she has done in the units. Right now, thats the average rental amount, which leads me to believe those residents have a Good Opportunity to find units on the market with their vouchers. Follow up on the voucher versus non voucher holder. I would say at least from the planning departments point of view, our statement about approving permits, making sure people were offered comparable housing rings true regardless of if theyre a voucher holder. They can make sure the city has worked with them, whether we have Financial Assistance to offer, i cant say. Thats more jeff and emilys expertise. But we can make sure were working with them and were not going to throw them on the street cold. So the promise we made to ensure that people are getting comparable housing prior to approval rings true whether or not they have a voucher. So what youre saying is we will not issue a permit for legalization unless there is a plan in place for the tenant to go to another unit. The department of building inspection is the primary one, planning goes first, ill let the Zoning Administrator talk more about issuing from dbi. Thank you. One important clarification first. We are committed to through this process with what we have termed as sequencing. We would allow the permit to be routed to other agencies, as matt noted, the permit holder hasnt been good at getting back to us. It would come back to us before final issuance and at that point there would not be an issuance without comparable housing for the tenants. One clarification on that, that is for tenants who have been in place as of the start of this. We will not accept judy woo stuffing the units that may have been vacated with new tenants. Well be in close communication with them, dont know if mr. Patterson has anything to add, but they cannot repopulate the units once people have been moved out. They cannot move someone in hoping to delay the enforcement effort. But for the tenants who have been in there since the process started, since informing judy woo of the violations which is more than two years now, we would work to have the tenants, options for relocation before issuing the permits and of course upon permit issuance, theres 15 days to appeal that to the board of appeals. Just on that point, mr. Buckley and miss cowen, can you give us the assurances that people wont be displaced until we have somewhere for the tenants who have to move, there will be somewhere for them to go before the unit is merged or moved or shifted . Yeah, i can state we are the tenants will not be relocated until we find a comparable unit for them to move into. There are two important components to this, i know are nuances but i think Everybody Needs to know. There is the period kind of before this before judy woo and the city go to trial, theyre scheduled on february 5th i believe. And so theres that period and then the period post trial and i dont want to speak for nick or the City Attorney, but the trial date also allows for a potential settlement period, which would generally start after the Commission Takes action and you can get closer to the date. It is highly unlikely based on the information da and staff have presented to you that the permits will be issued prior to the date of february 5th. Highly unlikely. If they are, then we will have brilliant corners ready to go to work with the residents to make sure theres ample amount of time for them to search. You have our commitment on that both now and in the future to make sure that works. Great, thank you. I think we have always stated in this case and this has been hard for us to deal with, our concerns with the people, the tenants in the units and making sure theyre not displaced and i mean, its a little disheartening to see miss woos representatives give i think its more manipulation of the process. Its the city who has tried to figure out how to maximize how many legal units are in these and i appreciate the work that the city has done and kind of come up and give some hope that somehow more units can be legalized when they cant and we know theres no path to legalization beyond the 37 units, whether you want to call them no stoves or what not, we can legalize 37 units. And its kind of the department and staff that have come up with that route to try to maximize legalization. I think you all have done a good job at stalling and kind of muddying that process but i think were trying to help people who live there and maximize the number of units. It would be great if you could all participate in that also. I think if youre true to your word that you want to help the tenants, thats what you would be doing. So, again, i appreciate what staff has done to try to maximize and commit to tenants will be either allowed to stay in the buildings or placed somewhere else and maximize the number of units. Im very supportive of the recommendation made by the commissioner richards. What is your understanding of how many people have on their own accord since this started . I dont have the chart in front of me. I believe five. Five units, i can count, i have the units and what should be vacant. We have one, two, three, four, five. There is one not under dr that had a vacant unit. Does that jive with your numbers . Yes. Okay, thank you. So, you know, i sit up here and my heart goes out to everybody here who spoke. My father was a veteran from world war ii. Hes no longer with us. I know what he went through and he gave to the country and it affected him for the rest of his life, too. I know judy woo helped you and gave you hope and kept her word and thats what youre telling us. Two things though, im looking through the lens of she did all this with the goal of financial gain. So she was making 100,000 a month doing these

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