Has release applications that we all do in our own mental housing when we move in somewhere. So, theres several levels of making sure that people are prepared to move into housing at that point in their lives. And is there a process and plan that goes to some kind of incident would take place, what would happen with the second step to do, second, third, fourth,etc. Yeah. Of course there are house [inaudible] and i imagine they would be very similar to the other house lords that these organizations have and that im used to from c. H. P. We already have sites with them that i manage. So those are the usual households that we have in experience if you live in rental housing. Additionally in terms of subsidis that we provide, there are additional rules that are specific in order to keep those subsidies and that includes, for example, to be part of Certain Services such as third party rent payment. If there are incidents, the Property Management will address those and there is a due process again, im very repetitive here, the way that you would all have it in our own housing. Since there are support services on side, they will always be informed if there is any kind of incident, no matter what it is. And they will then from the Supportive Services side, they will then work with Property Management to address the issue, you know, from more of a social work point of view. So Property Management does their job but understands supportive housing. They understand it is happening in housing. So, does that yes. Ok. Anything else . No, i have some more questions but they may not be for you. Thank you. I really want to thank you for the presentation and i really want to thank David Elliott for what he said. Really highlighting a case study of someone who has gone through community partnership, whos gone back and mentored people. People with disabilities, i have a special place for them. When i was in grad school, i was alienated because i have a disabilities. When i went to israel, i asked why they didnt have a homeless situation and they said it is because they took care of their people and i feel like this project has an opportunity to take care of people. You know, these people are part of our community and they need help and they need resources and as it was said by one of other speakers, this could be a model that could be replicated throughout San Francisco. It was recently highlighted that we are the most expensive city to live in. I see families and people leaving every day. More Homeless People on the street. And also i have a cousin who has mental illness. He never got the Supportive Services. If he was to live in one of these developments and have the services and be able to be someone like David Elliott, it makes such an impact in his life. As well. And really making sure that were taking care of the people. They need some extra benefits. They need some support. They need help gettinging back on their feet and we cant turn our back on our homeless population. It is increasing every day and i think david is a great example of showing really what this Affordable Housing and these partnerships do for people. How they bring them back. How theyre able to give back to the development and also show people entering this development that are homeless and have mental needs, David Elliott, he is a case study to show this is what this partnership did. You can excel to be like him with these Supportive Services and think it is a great example. Id also like to recommend increasing the outreach and engagement with the community, making sure that you are going to all the developments, and meeting with all the communitybased organizations. Tabling at events, having partnerships at spark. Its right there. It would also be great, as these homeless families are moving in, to have some partnership with restaurants to maybe give something, a gift card or something to these families as theyre coming in to the community. Great. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. I think a lot has been said about the project and, you know, whats been high lighted in terms of the concerns of the community. I think what ms. Woods talked about in terms of a Good Neighbor policy is definitely an important thing to do. And to continually communicate with neighbors. Mission bay has grown since i was a little kid and now there is a lot of folks there. And, you know, this has back theme, i think with some of the projects that have come before us a about folks not wanting certain people next to them. Were a big city in a little town and seven by seven square miles. People have to get used to having neighbors and there are some neighbors you may have that arent homeless or dont have issues of mental illness. You know . We have to live with each other. Where i live in the mission, we have a Navigation Center not too far from where i live. So we need to at least try providing services for folks because not doing anything and keep pushing them out is not going to work and it doesnt fly with many of us. So thank you in advance for making sure that the Development Partners create a Good Neighbor policy, communicate with the neighbors and communicate with your new neighbors. You know, the first neighbors were once new neighbors to others. So lets we have to be very aware of that. And we have to live as a community in the city. That is what makes us unique. So with that, may i have a motion so moved. Second. Madame secretary, please take role. Commission members, please announce your vote. Commissioner pimient, el. Yes. Commissioner rosales is absent. Commissioner singh . Vice chair bustos. Yes. Mr. Vice chair, the vote is 3 ayes, two absent. Great, thank you. Motion carries. Madame secretary, please call the next item. The next order of business, agenda item 5c, 5d, 5e and 5f. Will be presented together and acted on separately. 5c. Approving the report to the board of supervisors on the amendments to the redevelopment plan for the mission bays redevelopment project to remove an approximately. 3 acre portion of sea wall lot 337 known as p20 from the redevelopment plan area and authorizing the transmittal of the report to the board of supervisors, Mission Bay South redevelopment project area. Discussion and action, resolution number 392017. 5d, approvinging the amendments to the redevelopment plan for the Mission Bay South redevelopment project. To remove a. 3 acre portion of sea wall lot 337 known as p20, and adopting Environmental Review findings pursuant to the California Environmental quality act. Recommending adoption of the redevelopment plan amendments, by the board of supervise source and submitting the recommendation, including the redevelopment plan amendments to the board of supervisors. Mission bay south discussion and action resolution number 402017, 5e, approving the sixth amendment to the Mission Bay South owner participation agreement to remove a. 3 acre portion of sea wall lot 337. Known as p20. Mission bay south project area, discussion and action resolution number 412017. 5f, approving amendments to the Mission Bay South design for development to remove a. 3 acre portion of sea wall lot 337 known as p20, the Mission Bay South project area, discussion and action resolution number 422017. Madame director . Thank you. Commissioners, this is an item before you, the four items really approving ago report to the board of supervisor as well as amendments to related documents with an action to remove the. 3 acre of land within mission bay. Actions were taken previously at the Planning Commission with the promise and we also have representatives from the port of San Francisco from economic workforce development. And with that, ill have mark luskin, the project manager, do an overview of the subject matter. Good afternoon, vice chair, commissioners. Im project manager for mission bay. As we said, the item before you is an amendment to remove the 20 from the Mission Bay South redevelopment plan. The requested items to discuss will be approving a report to the board of supervisors on the amendment to the redevelopment plan, adopting review plans and approving amendment to the redevelopment plan. Proving the sixth amendment to the Mission Bay South o. P. A. And approving amendments to the Mission Bay South design for development. My presentation we will go through the site information and talk about the p20. The Mission Bay South open space. The Mission Project and the mission bay c. A. C. And then the general plan consistency. See here not too well on this map, but up on the chart is a small little red line and that is what the. 3 of an acre p20 is on the edge of Mission Bay South line. It is. 30 of an acre site that is currently owned by the support if you remove it from the plan area. It was originally planned as a buffer between the mission Bay Developments and the industrial uses going on so now that there are no longer industrial uses we dont think that there is a need for the buffer area. Mission bay opens space, there is a requirement in the plan that there is approximately 41 acres of open space, which includes eight acres of open space within the ucsp campus by removing p20 and we have 33 acres within Mission Bay South plus the eight acres that are still in the ucsf campus. A quick overview of the Mission Project. That will be a 28acre mixed use project. That will bring eight acres of new parks and open space. 1500 homes of which 40 will be affordable to families with 45 to 150 a. M. I. , 1. 3 million square feet of office space and 250,000 of neighborhoods serving retail and restaurants. To discuss with me today is adam vandewater and the port of San Francisco is Phil Williamson and from the San Francisco giants is franwell and rosco maps. Last month on september 14, the plan amendments were presented to the mission bay c. A. C. And it was unanimously recommended that the Commission Approved plan amendments in related documents. And adoption a motion 2007and 20019, approving findings that the plan amendments are consistent with the general plan policy. Also findings that seqa was in accordance and no further Environmental Review is required. The next steps if adopted and approved by the commission, will go before the board of services and consider the adoption of the amendments on december 12 and then it will go the o. P. A. Amendment will go before the Oversight Board on january 22. That is the presentation. If you have any questions, myself and our team are available. Thank you. Madame secretary, do we have speaker cards on this item . Yes. I have three speaker cards. Ok. Call them. Corinne woods. I am the chair of the c. A. C. And incidentally member of the port Central Waterfront Advisory Group so ive not only worked on mission bay for many years but ive been working on the sea wall project for the port for many years. And i just dont get why its taken this long. As does everything in mission bay. To move this forward. It has been in the plans for a long time. Both the mission bay side and the port side knew it made sense. To not have this stupid little skinny park on the north side of the street and separated from the rest of mission bay. I urge you to approve these. Thank you. Next speaker. Ace washington. I was a little frustrated with bridge, but that is over with so im back down to level. My Blood Pressure is down. All right. Thats good. But im still around. And were here talking about mission bay so im calming down so you can can make it loud and clear. Even to the mission bay c. A. C. And they talking about the ive been around 21 years and the creation, when you say i was a little boy when they got mission bay together. Again, i reiterate, we think african americans, black, negroes, whatever you want to call us, there should be something at mission bay to illustrate there was a black man was involved, that was hired as a consultant that can tell us before all these other billionaires took over. Ok . So what im saying, im a historian. They call me everything, but dont call me late for dinner. Ive been here before all yall was here except for singh, but i was here before he was here. I came when there was hell hell was here. He gave us black folks hell. Here we are 2017 and im 63 years old. I got kids and kids and my grandson got kids so im paw paw. You may look like ace just flew in from space. I got a structure. I got family. My family my daughter, when you have a daughter who married a rich white man were talking about dont mess with me. Im on the floor. Mission bay. Yall must stop. If i have to file a lawsuit on everything to stop it all thats developed will be mad at yall. Whats his name, Governor Brown came in and dropped all that money in bayview. Housing. Millions but i dont hear nobody talk about no blacks. You talk about homeless. You talk about latinos with the immigration. Nobody talking about our migration and you wonder why im all sad and mad and got a surgery in my damn head. 25 years i been coming to this agency along with housing authority. But god had to do it. He broke down housing authority. He broke down yall you call ocii and the mayor has to pay 25 million a year for yall to exist so you can have a mission bay, so you can have all these other developments. They dont know. I know. Because my name is ace. Ha ha. And im on the case. But im gettinging sick and tired of coming up here. When i had yall come to the philmore, which we we wiped off the map theres no mention about the philmore. You did us and kick us like they do at Hunters Point. Same way. You got people coming up hooer and asking for for your support. The same thing that happened in the philmore . I call it phil no more. Its going to ham over there in the southeast. Where yall people think you have peace. Thank you, mr. My name is ace and i aint through. Thank you. Oscar james. Exciting when i come up here. Thank you again. My name is oscar james and im in support of this particular project. But i have a serious problem and i dont know if it is going to relate to this. If i have to go to item six on it. But a young man named edward jones tried to open a full court down on 4th street and i think mr. James we have to talk about this particular item. Oh, item six . No, this is item 5a through 5f. I support this particular item. But i do want to speak on when we get to that, absolutely. And the director of the c. A. C. Pac. I would like her to stay so she can hear what i have to say. Thank you very much. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Mr. Vice chair, i have no more speaker cards. Any others wishing to speak on this item that have not filled out a card . Hearing none and seeing none, im closing Public Comment and now turning to my fellow commissioners for any questions or comments. Mr. Singh . No. I move it. Ok. We have a motion. Do we have a second . We have a second. Madame chair, please take roll. Do these individually correct. For item c, 5c, commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. Commissioner pimientel. Yes. Commissioner row salless is absen. Commissioner singh . Yes. Vice chair busto . Yes. Madame chair is absent. Mr. Vice chair, the vote is three ayes, two absent. Thank you. Motion carries. Item 5d, commission members, announce your vote when i call your name. The motion carries. For item e. Announce your name. Commissioner pimientel. Yes. Commissioner singh . Yes. Vice chair bustos. Yes. Mr. Vice chair t vote is three ayes, two absent. Motion carries. For family 5f, commissioner pimientel. And a continuing disclosure certificate and approval of docs ments and actions theres project areas and. Good afternoon commissioners, this item you see in the various versions of this item this is the final action of the commission for the approval of the sureance and sale of bonds for the 2007 series d and e and. Good afternoon vicechair, commissioners, director. My name is john daigle im senior financial analist for the ocii. So Commission Item 5g our resolution 43, 2017 is the final action necessary to allow the issueance of two series of refunding bonds and series 2017 and d and taxable bonds and 201s and stepping back for a minute there are two entries involved in this technically theres the commission and then theres the commission basically as the Financing Authority and the reason the Financing Authority is involved is the issueer of the bonds that are being refund ed and prior to dis solution we needed the Financing Authority in order to combine various project areas in to a single bond issue and so now that were refunding the bonds we need the Financing Authority to take action as well as the commission the d bonds are taxable and thats the refunding of five outstanding bonds, the 2017e bonds are tax exempt and its refunding two outstanding bonds and for 2017d the par amount of the ponds will be 118 million and noted before refunds five outstanding bonds and the credit is what we call the rpttf credit which is the one that allows us to refinance multiple project areas with a single bond and this credit was created by the commission in 2014 and these bonds are issued on a parity with the 2014b and c bonds and the rating im happy to say is double a minus for these bonds and its an upgrade that was just received and broadcast today i believe, yesterday or today, it was a plus before and now its double a minus which is very strong and the reasons for this are continued growth and assessed value primarily as well as the fact that these credits and the credit senior to this are closed except for refunding so no new bonds can be issued against it in the meantime the revenues are greg that makes it stronger and stronger. Double a again this is a rpttf credit is sub or din at to the old loan agreements but its a technical sub or dination and theyre on the same pool or revenue and we can only, when we issue a new bond on the rpttf were just refunding things that are already outstanding on the ones before it. And the total center interest cost is 3. 5 on the bonds. This is just very quick summary of the sources and uses of the bonds which are Pretty Simple in this case where users of prior cash reserve funds to fund the he is co he is crow and other than that were covering costs of issueance including under writers discount and purchasing assureity bond that takes the place of a cash funded Debt Service Reserve if we had a cashfunded Debt Service Reserve we would have to issue 13 million worth of bonds to fund that so this allows us to avoid that. 2017e, again, is really the same type of transaction and its a tax exempt bond refunding tax exempt bonds and 20. 3 million same rating because its the same credit and final maturity again is 2041 and one and a half million and the rate on this one is a little bit higher and the reason for that is that the average maturity is quite a bit longer on those bonds the sources of uses are simple and all the sources of being used to fund the he is crow and pay for issueance cost and the cost of sure tee. Both the 2017d and e refunding bonds with debt policy guideline its 3 in this case were looking at 20 the commission is the governing body that is issuing the refunding bonds the role is to confirm the debt policy and the staff actions necessary to complete the transactions. And the resolution also importantly a proves the official statement in substantial form with nonmaterial changes delegated to the executive director. The official statement, this is a summary of what is included in the official statements rather than read that out ill just say disclose this all the relevant information that an investors need and theres nothing else material and this is the sole document the investors are entitled to or relion in making this investment decision. Theres a preliminary official statement that goes out which is included in your package and these goes out to investors and thats what they base their decision with a final os or official statement after the sale when all the details of the bond are known and theyre filled in. Its an important document as we said, its the sole document the investors can row lion row lion and its mandated with material facts and all described by a body of law and regulatory history. Material facts are really facts that have an impact or potential ly have an impact and again its meant to cover all material facts and there are things that can effect the repayment, the tax exempt status or disclose conflicts of interest and you should point out if a member of the commission had any knowledge of any material facts or circumstances that arent included, we should know about that as soon as possible. So in conclusion staff recommend we a prove resolution 2017 with the statement and other document s and actions required to complete the issueance of the 2017d and 2017e bonds. Thank you. Thank you. Madam secretary, do we have any speaker items with regards on this item . I have one, ace washington. Mr. Washington. Well, yes, i know yall bad but when i get a chance to speak at city hall, im going to take that advantage. So you have that same advantage to get up here too, if youve been around as long as i have you want to Say Something too. Now, finances, i dont know too much about it because i dont speak about it and i dont know about these bonds but i do know one thing this is happening every year, so i do know this is about some money. So im going to speak about some money. About ocii, hi commissioner, good seeing you. So, its obvious that yall are trying to get if i had money i would invest in yall, you know why, because you have a shot and whatever yall do yall going to ok it and city going to make money whether we the community thats impacted by it is going to get no revenue from it but if i had money, and if i could talk to my son and law i would invest in buying lands and giving them to my Great Grandkids because i know what yall are doing is going to impact them. Now, what im saying here, can i get some quiet over there, can you close the door. I just have to have something here because this stuff is so serious were going to talk about some serious stuff. So i got to, yall dont want me to sing so i aint going to do that but what im saying is, i want yall to be very Crystal Clear on what im saying about mission bay and you know if it takes years and years were going to try to get something up here and were going to reverse it because right now you are trying to take down Justin Herman and we need to bring up jim jefferson, if you want to bring him out there, put a statue of me out there. I dont give a damn. Any other speaker cards. No more speaker cards. Are there anyone in the public that would like to speak on this item . Hearing none seen and we are closing Public Comments. And now i will turn to my fellow commissioners for any questions and answers that they may have or comments. Thank you. John . What is the interesting there nowadays . Todays rate is actually quite close to the numbers that are in here and we had on the 2017d taxable bonds about 3. 5, that blended rate for whole bond and on the tax exempt it was about 3. 6. The reason the tax exempt is higher is the bonds are much longer maturity and the 2017d is only about eight years average and the 2017e is about 14, 15 years. Ok, thank you. Any other questions or comments by the commission . No. Seeing none, madam secretary . Please take roll. Motion. Motion. Motion moves. Commissioner seconds. Commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name commission yes. Commissioner row. Yes. Singh. Bust the vote is four ayes, one absent. Motion carries. The commission and Community Investment and infrastructure will recess to consider items on the Financing Authority agenda and after which the commission and Community Investment and infrastructure will reconvene to consider the remaining agenda. May i have a motion to recess i move that. Moved by commissioner singh. Second by commissioner pimentel. The time is 2 48. What this means for members of the public is that while you can remain seated, the Financing Authority of the redevelopment Financing Authority which is a different Public Agency even though it looks the same, its conducting this part of the meeting and when this meeting is adjourned well go right back in to the commission on Community Investment and infrastructure meeting. So now that i am still the chair , madam secretary, can we please call the first item. The first order of business is item 1, roll call. Board members, please respond when i call your names. [ roll call ] all other members of the board are present. Madam chair. Yes. Please call the next item. The board may want to consider holding this election for officers at this point so that you can elect new officers for the year for the authority. Without commissioner mondahar present . Yes. You can certainly do that. So we can nominate Commission Er mondahar as chair of the Financing Authority even though she hasnt accepted it. Absolutely. They can proceed with the election first would be the chair. Ok. Nominations would be open. Yes, so we can take item 5a out of order. Madam secretary, can you please call that item. The next order of business, item 5, items of regular business election of chair and vicechair discuss and action, madam chair. I will now entertain nominations for the office of chair for the redevelopment Financing Authority. Is any member of the board wish to make a nomination of her chair . Id like to nomination commissioner har. Are there any other nominations . Hearing none of the nominations for chair, the office of chair is closed. Madam secretary do we have any speaker cards for this specific item . No speaker cards, madam chair very well. We will close Public Comments do we have a motion . Commissioner board member has made a motion and seconded by board member bustos. Please call the roll. For chair Board Members announce your vote when i call your name. Yes. Bustos. Yes. Singh. Yes. Voice chair is absent. Rosales. Yes. Madam chair the vote is four ayes one absent. The motion carries and the elected chair of the Financing Authority is mondahar. I will nominate vicechair for the Financing Authority. Theres a nomination of board member bustos for the office of vicechair, any other nomination s . Hearing none. Madam secretary do we have any speaker cards . No, speaker cards madam chair ok. And this item for Public Comment is closed. Would you like to make a motion . Board members. Yes, so there is a motion to select for vicechair board member bustos, its been moved by board member singh, different a second. Seconds by board member. Can you please call the roll. For vicechair announce your vote when i call your name, board member pimentel. Yes. Bustos. Yes. Singh. Yes. Vicechair is absent. Board member rosales. Yes. Madam chair the vote is four aye s, one absent. The motion carries. The vicechair of the Financing Authority is board member bustos and in the absence of chair mond ahar i will relinquish the gavel back and thank you for your service. Thank you. All right. The next order of business is item 2, approval of minutes. Twoa regular meeting of february 21st, 2017. Interim chair. Do we have any speaker cards on this item. No speaker yards. Anyone from the public wishing to speak on this . Hearing none, seeing none. Public comment is closed and madam secretary. Will you take roll . Can we get a motion. Oh, im sorry. Moved. By commissioner rosales. Second. Board members, please announce your vote when i call your name. Board member yes. Vicechair bustos. Yes. Singh. Yes. Chair is absent and board member rosales. Yes. Interim chair the vote is four ayes and one absent. Motion carries, madam secretary call the next item. The next order of business is item 3 report on action taken at a previous closed session meeting there are no report able actions. The next order of business is item 4, matters of Unfinished Business and there are no matters of Unfinished Business. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of Consent Agenda. And regular agenda. First Consent Agenda no Consent Agenda items and the next is regular agenda items 5b. Approvaling the refunding of certain bonds of the Re Development agency of the city and county of San Francisco and authorizing the execution and delivery of redemption agreements row lateing to bonds issued by the city and county of San Francisco Financing Authority. And authorizing and approving other matters properly related there to. There is project areas. Discussion and action resolution number 32017. Madam director. Thank you, john will give a brief presentation on the action before the Financing Authority. Thank you, my name is john daigle senior financial analist for ocii, as a sketched out earlier, the Financing Authority was created basically to allow the pooling of financing for smaller project areas. Its still existing because the bonds and issues are still outstanding. And when we do a refunding of those bonds we have to have consent of the Financing Authority and most critically the Financing Authority has to a prove the redemption agreements which are the agreements which call the old bonds in and direct the actions necessary to complete the refunding. So in brief, thats it. We recommend that the Financing Authority a prove resolution 3 2017. A proving the refunding of the existing bonds and the execution of the related redemption agreements pursue ant to the 2017d and 2017e refunding bonds. This concludes our presentation. Thank you. Thank you. Madam secretary, do we have any speaker cards for this item . No speaker cards interim chair. Are there any here from the audience that would like to speak on this item. Hearing none and seeing none im closing Public Comment and id like to turn to my fellow commissioners for any questions or comments. No. All right. Move. So theres a motion by commissioner rosales, is there a second. By commissioner singh. Madam secretary. Board members, please announce your vote when i call your name, board member. Yes. Vicechair bustos. Yes. Singh. Yes. Chair is absent and board member rosales. Yes. Interim chair the vote is four ayes one absent. Motion carries. Madam secretary please call the next item. The next order of business is item 6, Public Comment on non agenda items. Madam chair. Excuse me. Interim chair. Do we have any speaker cards. No speaker cards. Is there anybody from the public wishing to speak on this item . Seeing none hearing none im closing Public Comments. Madam asking call the next item. The next order of business is item 7 closed session matters there are no closed session matters the next order of business is item 8, adjournment. Interim chair. Do we have a motion to adjourn . I move. So moved by madam chair and second by commissioner sing. Ok we will now be we will reconveneing at 2 58 p. M. To our commissioner Committee Investment and infrastructure to consider the remaining agenda items. Madam secretary call the next item. The next order of business is agenda item 5h presentation by five point the master developer on candle stick point and phase 1 and phase 2 of the Hunters Point shipyard on their compliance with the Community Benefits program for april through june of 2017 and Hunters Point shipyard and bay view Hunters Point redevelopment project areas. Madam director this is for discussion. Thank you madam secretary. This is of presentation by five point on status of the compliance with the Community Benefits program. Theyve provided this quarterly and at the last meeting the commission expressed interest in having the five point representative present on the item. Im tashik has worked with five point and has provided an overview of the informational memo as well as a report from the five point on the status is also in your package. So with that ill turn it over to leshawn. Thank you. Thank you to the commission and my name is Leshawn Walker and im the director of Community Affairs for five point. So i am here excited at 3 00 to talk with you and to give the commission and the community an update on our Community Benefits for the active programs and we are doing very well and ms. Some chases the commission asked us to do even better and so were here to give you an update on those active programs. And let me say as i get started, i am very proud to do the work that i do and as i look out in the gallery that is full with Community Members, thank you all for being here and i am just grateful to be doing the work that i do with you and next to you and for you, thank you. The presentation that you have commissioners in your packet is exactly the same as what is on the screen, it presents a little bit differently but the data is the same. For those who are not familiar with the project, the governing documents for the projects are divided by phase so we have disposition and Development Agreements on both phase 1 and phase 2 of the Hunters Point shipyard project and then on phase 2, we have a core Community Benefits agreement. The core Community Benefits agreement is not under the jurisdiction of ocii but obvious will he when we look at this project holisticly i know that you all as commissioners have had questions about how those funds are distributed and ive included that information in your packets but i will speak to it in greater dough tail detail today. Just as a overview, i have provided a list of both the Community Benefits for both phase 1 and phase 2 and just so that members of the public and you all as commissioners can see the depth of the Community Benefits offered as part of this project. Some of those Community Benefits are phase 1 only and some of those Community Benefits carry over as denoteed by the as as phase 2. Im going to go in to depth in to some of these projects today, obviously. I wanted to start the presentation this afternoon just giving and kind of an overview of the kinds of things that weve done just to give a snapshot. So to date, nearly 16 million in expenditures to benefit the community have been made. Those expenditures include the active programs, contractor assistance, Job Training Programs, out reach and home buy era assistance as the fiscal agent for other programs thats the Community Benefits fund which is the legacy fund, Community Health and wellness, Education Improvement Fund and our Scholarship Fund. In those payments to the agency, some of those are phase 1 obligations and some are payments ahead for phase 2 obligations. But Community Benefits fund that Million Dollar payment was a payment for phase 1 and the commissioners are well familiar, the Strategic Plan for the phase 1 the legacy fund dollars there have you a prove that Strategic Plan in february and we are now in the process with the legacy fund of beginning the r. S. P. Process for all of those commitments. The health and wellness contribution of 350,000 was for the Southeast Health facility. And majority of that is for infrastructure work. The Education Improvement Fund will be over the life of the project, 10 million approximately and we have made a 500,000 payment on that and also the Scholarship Fund which is the phase 2 obligation theres a 500,000 payment to date on that. Our direct expenditures also include funds that are held instead at the San Francisco foundation as part of that core Community Benefits program and core Community Benefits obligation. The amount of money that was to date been given to San Francisco to hold instead is just over 8 million as you see there and again i will talk in detail about some of those expenditures so as i said, this presentation will speak to the highlights of active program. As you saw in the previous page, the amount of money spent for support to contractors to date is over 1. 4 million and as part of that, that includes our mentor ship program which is a program administered by the Renaissance Entrepreneur Center which is districted to relationships between subcontractors and either larger subcontractors from the area or prime contractors. And during just quarter 2 of 2017, contractors were able who are in that program secured over 1. 4 million in new work and as ive already indicated in that Community Benefits fund, the legacy fund, payment of 1 million, there were some bullets there and information that just highlights what ive shared. Which is the Strategic Plan has been approved and in that rsp process that is going on, to secure vendors and some of that obligation for that Million Dollars includes matching funds for our small contract or Mobilization Program which were very proud of. Under our home buyer and out reach program, as you can see, we have spent over a Million Dollars for those activities through q2 and the obligation for the first time home buyer work shops that we have with our vender which is San Francisco Housing Development corporation are obligation is one per quarter and weve exceeded that to date for this year and 75 of the work shop a tennessees have a ten des are from San Francisco. I thought it would be interesting to add information to what you have there related to the home buy era assistance and you visited the site and you know we have homeowners there and i wanted to give information in terms of how our out reach is manifested. So on blocks 50 and 51, we have one buyer who had a rent burden on who was a rent burden preference holding on blocks 53 and 54 we have five homeowners who were also rent burdened and on blocks 56 and 57 we have two homeowners who were displaced tenants. One of the areas where the commission has asked us to really do better, work harder and weve made a commitment to do that was around some of our translation and to add some in to the translation documents asper the document of phase 1 so not only have we been doing that but weve also been doing it for our phase 2 communications, even though its not required to do so and weve been doing that and we also have some Community Members who are helping us reach the community in a greater way. I know that you, the commission, gets regular updates from the Compliance Division of ocii ray and his team, but we also of course include information in our quarterly reports so through quarter 2, minorities com prize 50 of the workforce on the project from the inception of the project, there are 2 million hours of labor generated and 7600 jobs created and nearly 33 of the workforce hours have been contributed by local San Francisco residents. For the benefit of the audience, i will say that we have an annual spend requirement for our Job Training Program and this is too an area where the commission has asked us to put a real plan together for a short fall that we had and the obligation goes back to the beginning of the project, 2005, and so because there were years where the project where there was no work on the project that contributed to our short fall, its not the totality of the reason why we missed that annual spend but its a significant contributing factor. So the total obligation from inception to 2018, 2017 is 2. 7 million the total expenditure through q2 are 2. 1 approximately. The current contracts and invoices are expected to exceed our annual obligation so i want to just stop here for just a moment. In the quarterly reporting that i supplied to the commission it includes things that have been paid to date, expenditures to date so at the time that i submit reports to you, i dont always have all the of the current invoice interests our vendors but the dollars we are committed to and have adjusted our job training spending so that all of our dollars that are committed for 2017 will exceed the annual obligation. The last time i was before the commission and again we talked about the shortage, we shared with you that we had some plans and were doing some thinking how we would catch up. I am pleased to tell the commission that we have actually got tangible plans and were doing something really exciting and something new with y. C. D. , a barrier mitigation project and actually have mr. Tim waters from y. C. B. Is here going to do the big reveal. Ta dah moments are very important. Were also providing additional funding for the garden project and if some folks are not familiar with the garden project , the fabulous c

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