Struck, no language namecalling nothing, in fact, one bystander is saying please stop resisting when in control 14 no more than 4 once controlled the ambulance arrived i was sent to general for a psychiatric theres no control for a mentally ill person if you watch the video and know what the officers knew in trying to control him youll agree the force used from at least what we see in the video not the other 19 minutes it appears reasonable. Chief that is why it will be helpful when we have cantonese video i read in the media no complaints is that true obviously it could potentially come before us we cant say itch. President loftus and chief suhr forwarding the emails complaining about the construct to the occ weve received information from the captain and the station yes, yes a complaint will be opened at the occ once the members of the Public Contact Police Department about Police Officers conduct pursuant to the order the department provide the information in the open complaint and thats important for the public to understand theres not you dont have to follow a exact procedure the chief forwards it and for people we have a process for handling accomplice misconduct to the not saying anything at this point it could come before this body were reading what everyone else is reading. Obviously director hicks and i spoke of this in the meeting i too have been actively involved in the investigation in order to know what i know. Got it thank you. On a lighter note the 248 Academy Class started on august 3rd, 55 recruits 50 for the San Francisco Police Department and 5 from the oakland Police Department we continue to build that it is the returning in oakland you might have seen the press conferences we got a driver of a vehicle in custody because of the relationship back and forth with oakland in short order that class we congratulated the 2 hundred and 44 friday night thank you commissioner turman for making comments 32 recruits graduated a good story on two of the recruits are dental twins the truman brothers and pretty good interplay the video starts off with one of the officers meeting one the twins wishing he had more like him and the next frame the dental twin walks up cadet im happy to report two of the cadets from the month magic presentation like last week on wednesday were excited about that when you think about the statistics that sheryl davis spoke of only 20 percent of the kids would think about it now two of them are in the Cadet Program those kids were on the radio show sunday night one street soldiers with a local celebrity host those kids did well and marsh will speak it that our back to school is underway two weeks ago at hunch and this past weekend as bayview and very, very crowded lots of kids all upside we have a perspire with the Mayors Office mta and Traffic Enforcement to do awareness around several schools now that school is back underway and officer Jason Johnson graduated his first class of 7 young people in the Career Academy that expressed an interest when the adverse things about the criminal Justice System they especially\, how it works they got together with the Public Defenders Office and the adult juvenile probation and the Police Department 7 kids got to visit and see the Sheriffs Department coast to coast and the hall of justice and put together a celebration hopefully, a program that continues to grow and finally the Police Department lost a good friend mr. Ben passed away hes a lengthened in the Bayview District if not the founder certainly one of the key people that supported us huge late night Job Development one of the original founder of the scholarships for kids the first kid jackie will be graduating from new orleans in may and on and on just a terrific guy passed away at 93 hell be missed that concludes my report. Questions for the chief comprehensive do you know where we are homicide number year to date. We have thirty year to date this year we were at 24 last year and we were plus or minus around thirty pretty much 3 of the last 4 years before that so through more than anyone would have were still hoover around the new normal half in 07 and 08 thats the same for nonfacility shootings in terms of property crime i the read that not only property crime is up but arrests are down i was wondering if that has nothing to do with for misdemeanors and if thats the case that leads to any staffing question. So as we transition away from the old account things the 40 years old back to the crime day warehouse a question as to whether or not what the accuracy of those obviously ear down 3 hundred officers as to what less arrests the question not less aggregate arrests but more misdemeanors arrests since proposition was reclassified in the first 6 months of 2015 over one thousand clarifying as prop 47 misdemeanors and last year those would have been felons when you add those thousand arrests. Thousands. To the felons felonies the numbers are not down as a and appear the short answer in the next two weeks ill be able to have a better handle that was something that jumped on us. Is it fair to say the rest is clarified. Thats what i believe i cant confirm that the only way to confirm what is prop 47 misdemeanor you have to go into the body of the report and find out the threshold on the dollars amount of the goods taken and officer david is terrific doing all that work but more work left to do. No, thats good it goes back to the graduation of the Academy Classes but were 3 hundred officers down are we still 3 hundred officers down i want to hear progress. After those officers came in were closer to 2 hundred and 75 officers. Right direction. Were retiring 60 to 90 offers a year but the drop we were retiring 3 hundred plus when we were hire 3 hundred classes a year we were holding water; right . Now hiring 5 classes of we have 90 we should be plus 50 well be closer to 2 hundred and only hundred officers down. No, no. How many started in the 244 i know were graduating 32. 50. Okay so commissioner hwang has been patiently waiting. Of the new recruits do you know the rational ethic breaks down. Out of the 244 that graduated i would be comfortable comfortable saying it reflects the city were still having a difficult time recruiting asian so if youre watching asian women we had an asian woman police chief we were wellrepresented by women the two biggest star in the iron man expedition were asian women set records one was particularly unbelievable and both were i know that commander and deputy chief are actively trying to recruit men and women and underrepresented asian men. That is the title to the iron woman. Yeah. Why iron man. We brought that up and the women wanted to change it so we do what they say laughter . Smart so other questions for the chief okay and sergeant please. The directors report destruction presentation of the occ First Quarter 2015 statistical report, presentation of the occ statistical report, summary of cases in june and july of 2015 emotion of complaint in june of 2015 and adjudicator of the containments in 2015 and companion report. Good evening, commissioners and members of the public and chief suhr last saturday investigator participated in the back to School Preparation she staffed a table and ran out of goodies talked to over 3 hundred youth i too attended the recruit graduation last friday and what an nerve class a lot of energy from that class to date the occ has opposed 4 hundred plus and closed 4 hundred plus last year the occ opened 4 hundred and 62 cases and closed 4 hundred and 42 to date the occ mediated 36 cases the same number that was mediated between january 1st and august 31st last year we have the occ are these First Quarter report for filing purposes i wont give you an oral presentation the data is through mark 31st of this year in september ill provide the second Quarterly Report that is more current through june 30th and however i ill be happy to answer any questions about the data that is in the First Quarter report now ill present the june and statistical report the emotion of containments in june, i told you where we are as of june 30th we had mediated 29 cases 4 were mediated between january 1st, 2014, and june 30th, 2014, august was a big month for emotion and the emotion coordinator has been were not through august and 6 cases have been mediated in august but moving back to june and the chiefs discipline on occ sustained report 7 cases were reviewed by the chief that the occ sustained first thing will talk about the neglect of duty a officers failed to investigate a bike and failed to process the property the constraint indicated it was his bike a dispute the officer didnt believe the dispute and the officers instead detained the complainant and failed to issue a certificate of release this officer got a reprimand in the next neglect of duty an officer failed to produce an incident report when failed to take the person in custody that officer received a ralph reprimand and retraining the third case was unwanted action, an officer caused a car to be towed wrong and entered an incorrect license plate number another car crashed into a car the complainants car was pushed the car out into the street and the complainant contended that if the officer had not transposed the car for someone in sacramento the officer was admonished and retrained another case neglect of duty two officers failed to meet with the complainant and prepare an incident report when the complainant called 911 a man threatened to shoot him the officers get retraining another cases for a request for a private information not enough evidence to take the person in custody, however, the officer was sfoept to write an incident report and didnt that officer get a reprimand and retraining another case that involved several allegations the neglect of duty and the detention for failing to properly supervisor the plain clothes officers made a traffic stop of a bicyclist riding on the sidewalk the bicyclist did not meet the expectation for the plain clothes officers making traffic stops the expectations include the officer engaging in different that is related to Ongoing Investigation or a regulated vehicle like taxicabs or shuttle buses or when an officer seize immediate action to protect public property like drunk driving of the traffic signal stop meets the regulation the officer must call a back up unit officers didnt call for a back up unit and the officers failed to collect traffic stop they get a reprimand and retraining chief suhr said unlawful detention d failure to properly supervisor an officer used pro of an and abusive language the sergeant didnt intervene or correct the officer the officer get a reprimand and didnt occur that the officer engaged in misconduct that president s report on june generations thirty complainants between january 31st and jill 31st 3 were meetsdz between january 1st, 2014, and july 31st, 2014, ive given you the august interrupted e updated mediation were at 436 now and looking at the chiefs proposed discipline on occs sustained complains in july one complaint this involved the plain clothes officers and marked vehicles didnt meet the objections to the plain clothes officers macro traffic stops ive talked about even if the officers met the expectations the officers failed to call for a back up unit and engaged in pursuit when the complainant drove away from the stop the officers received astonishments and failure to notify dispatch and others failure to collect data. Thank you director hicks commissioner turman. I have well, i think it is not necessarily a question but director hicks but like the chief the opportunity to respond im looking at the neglect of duty regarding the bicyclist and woornd if there is anything to add. The detention themselves were laugh it was for a plain clothes officer to make a stop outside of policy they had reasonable pay any attention to make the stop since we reclassified and began collecting traffic stop data on bikes i believe had inu unintended consequence every time a police stops a bicyclist it is collecting data for a traffic stop. Well, i think the offices are wellversed theyre not supposed to make traffic stops on vehicles we dont want plain clothes officers to have a prudent where we say i did not know the danger to the public is when the bicyclist by definition it is a violation since now stopping a bike is a traffic stop you get a plain clothes officer with good reasonable suspicion to make a detention but theyre not supposed to make a traffic stop on a bike get a traffic officer to do this we spoke at length yesterday the stop is not unlawful but outside of policy. Director hicks so it seems as though your team found it was not an unlawful detention the chief feels there was reasonable suspicion but you guys didnt find that. We didnt find that we found that the stop in the first place was out of policy and the plain clothes officers dont make traffic stops and so it ends up being a policy with no teeth if Nolo Contendere sequence thats the position weve taken with the prior case that was adjudicated where the plain clothes officers unmarked vehicle saw an individual didnt have a seat belt on thats the violation they saw but suspected the individual was up to no good the individual was in a late model car that doesnt have in state license plates and so they choose to make a traffic stop even though didnt fit the standards of an emergency situation of the danger to an articulateable danger to life or property it was explained to me that the officers were justified in making this stop thats how i explain to you and so we dont concur with the interpretation the officers were very clear in their interviews building they were justified in stopping an individual who didnt have his seat belt on they had belief it was a suspicious character thats not standard our concern at the occ is about training how our training on this department of general public. So one of the things i do like about the system you get to see the cases theyre not serious enough to come to us but potentially training recommendations or policy recommendations because what i hear you saying my question is reasonable suspicion under the Fourth Amendment following our particular policy you you know well have to follow the constitution every day i see what youre saying in the beginning you found that i upstairs the chiefs prospective if youre violating the vehicle code an officer stops you with Constitutional Authority if this is a theme plain clothes officers in particular need attention or reminderers thats a way to get the information. Thank you commissioner president loftus and chief greg suhr and i had a discussion i understand the prospective of but i dont agree similar to from the poison us tree an officer engages in violation of the Fourth Amendment then it boo would be our position, of course, that whatever flees from that. Right. The officers violation. I have a need for a policy clarification both of the perspectives but we need to have a policy that fits and theres no constitutional challenge to it so we need to refer this to i think we need meeting the minds and discussion so we retrained all the astonishments involved retraining we retrained to the policy so if for instance, if this circumstance had of happened exactly as it did but the same officers having suspicion having a marked car make the stop were good the officers violated the policy that didnt negate but we trained them to know you may make a great case but end up getting an oracle complaint youre not supposed to make that stop we talked about this they didnt even call they just the it they clearly making a traffic stop in plain clothes officers their collecting traffic stop data that said they had reasonable suspicion to laughly make the stop. Commissioner hwang. Actually, i said want to add commissioner turman is right there should be a discussion about the policy but the occ director spdz those with an unlawful detention for us attorneys theres a definition of an unlawful detention the chief said a reasonable it is a lawful detention it becomes a problem for the occ and Police Department we need to be careful about the word there recent are still violation where here in constitutional violation a violation of a policy that the commission Police Department and the occ feels is new to protect people from characterize of an unmarked car the chief can be we have to be careful about the wording. Anything commissioner turman or director hicks. In our president your point is thats true commissioner your point is welltaken but i would further urge that if those officers violated the policy in the way that it was described i would question why in this stance those officers received astonishments and retraining in the other instance of the complainants on the bike those officers received written reprimand and retraining an interesting case because it didnt end with again ends with those officers went on to more and the complainant, in fact, had much more of a problem than not wearing a seat belt and but i would just say that i would hope there would be real consequences of violation for this policy theres a reason why the policy exists and real consequence would be greater discipline so i think the other just to keep it simple make sure that officers in plain clothes officers the chief is making sure that is not happening not good for anyone loud and clear director hicks it is noted anything further on this thank you director hicks and sergeant please call latinamerican. Commission report and discussions and commissioners report. Yes. Mine will be fairly brief colleagues 90 days ago we asked the chief and the departments to do something ambitious it was aggressive to see if the department can come up with a draft el Camino Del Mar for the commission to review in 90 days depending on when you start the 90 days sliktd a week or so behind but in the ball park an incredible work by the working go up ive observed those meeting on august 11th the group met were any of you at that meeting i wasnt the chief said they voted to bring the policy to us we didnt ask them to agree but i wanted to let you know im going to be working with commander moss you are you have a sense all the minutes sergeant skill shaw did a great job minutes all will be available on the website and to the commission there will be some reading material on september 2nd meeting well get you the binder all the policies that the group considered and include all the version and minutes youll know exactly where everyone was i canned stress that will be as interested in this members of the public and commissioners youll see it alu the sausage making and then it will be presented to us i think what is extraordinary members of the working group want it moved to september 2nd to their their thoughts when is generous of their time it is coming our way it is our responsibility to understand you you know some of the issues in greater detail a lot of Reading Materials and the plan as we talked about 90 days ago we will have our September Community meeting on september 16th in the northern and that will be well devote that meeting to the issue of cameras so people that are interested mark those dates well make sure in the on the website that concludes my report. Director hicks. I was part of working group and attend all of the but one meeting i was at the last meeting there were areas where we didnt concur particularly around whether officers should be able to review the cameras and whether subsequent to that officers should be able to review the body camera forgotten for the administrative or criminal investigation i did provide to the working group a comprehensive report by the Inspector General of the new york city Police Department which evaluates the political body Cameras Program in place for n y pd and has comprehensive recommendations on the various aspects of a body camera policy including the officer review of the footage. Will that provide an working go up. Yes. It did. Chief suhr. The ods of that coin we want the officers to see the video it was not intended to be be a got you video there are things that support our position from other models policies around the city that are in place i want to reassure the working Group Recommendations are now at commission and requested that the officer will be working with the procurement of the cameras they wanted to policy to go to the commission before they got started a lot of things in the policy are they know that are part of scope so to that end director is put a group together of all the experts within the department that with all the mini pieces of the procurement well work with that and ready to proceed for the funds to be released from board so were on parallel tracks so when the policy is done were ready to go. Thats great thats great commissioner turman. The chief mentioned other part of information that went the opposite direction has that been submitted aid director hicks and i i think that is the two positions and there is position papers in there that are have a seated h seat in different policies. For you to look at. Working group analysis. No, no, no that was probably the longest debate in the policy. Thats why the minutes are helpful youll see where folks came down from my objection helpful commissioner dejesus. Something simple september 2nd that is the time well get our binders its a lot of information to read. Yeah. You can see the policy as is on the website im talking about the minutes. No, i dont have all of that. It is august 19th well work like i said were confirming tomorrow and i want to remind i were doing things differently with this policy the department does things this is a reminder this policy has the potential to effect so many quarters of the city after we do our piece well meet and the working group and we deliberate and that and go out with two meeting with the public in september and be october hopefully and have a conversation about the main issues and the department of Human Resources has to take it to the bargaining process that normally happens outside of us so were all clear were taking a little bit of a different approach and piece that are are required by the human rights no Human Resources. Other commissioners have any more reports commissioner marshall. This has been imaginations mentioned we want to thank the chief and sheryl davis if month magic and the Radio Program think sundays to talk about we feel a Great Program our csi Community Safety program ive heard from a lot of people that was really great the kids were fantastic the adults were great i really have an reward they were excited about being on the radio for the participating in the program but also for everyone that at least in any Radio Audience to hear about you know how they spent their summer and this initiative and internship particularly how they felt about the police going in and ive heard from oakland people saying what a Great Program and how unique i said to other jurisdictions we have a model you need to organize that and richmond are you listening so a great thing and you know the kids really hope that we take hair recommendations to heart so again, i cannot is enough the only thing i regret i ran out of time. I was linking and i was thinking everybody went great commissioner turman. Thank you, president loftus i want to join director hickss comments how enthusiastic the 2 hundred and 44 Police Academy was at the graduation summer ceremony whatever our plan were doing it right were definitely moving in the right direction not only in the enthusiastic class but visually you can see the diversities has been the work of diverseing classes binging the folks into the department the chiefs speech was inspiration all starting off on a stronger foot i was honored to be part of the ceremony and hear and meet so many of the classroom africanamerican women and latino i know we have some events today in fact targeted towards the recruitments of asians in the Department Im not suggesting our work is finished but were on the right track and the graduation was tremendous so congratulations to the department for great work i think as commissioner said i like to hear the statistics on the 244 and the recent class were doing something right replicate and ramp up. Next line item and item 4 d commissioner announcement and items for future action. A couple of updates commissioner melara has been asking about scheduling the update on the referrals to cps as a result of our d go updates im having a meeting and well get that agendized were cross on that we talked about body cameras september 9th we have the quarterly updates if the Bike Coalition and the walk sf for safe streets is on september 9th were moving that if the second to the 9 i had a productive and the statistics are good despite the bumps in the road anything else commissioner turman. I dont have any dates but i wanted to brought to your attention about a month ago i attended a program by the coalition of homelessness director freed bash theyve done a study and case studies on criminalizing homelessness and they want to presents present that and recommendations to the commission i have suggested it first, we forward anything they like to brought to your attention and first to the chief and for the active folks ill work with the folks and have them your office to come and speak to you first and then after that we can discuss the scheduling the dates. The commission but i think that is an important and interesting take how were looking at legislation a our enforcement has been aimed towards homeless persons and certainly worth listening put that on the list and get it thank you for attending that screening on behalf of the commission so, now call for Public Comment. A reminder no meeting next week august 26th so the next meeting as weve discussed september 2nd at 530 city hall. Because of the issues going remote were not doing our neighborhoods meeting on the second wednesday but for third wednesday. So okay. Now ill call for Public Comment on items 4a there d. Ms. Brown. Hi. My name is Paulette Brown thank you for mothers to coming up for my sons anniversary i also want to thank l. B. At the Media Relations for putting this out i think im saying his name right they gave me some new flyers i want to use the overheads for my son he still has inspector pull and another inspector john miller they came out and were not able to stay long they came out im glad they did my concern i always bring the names of the my son the people that murdered my son theyre still walking the street i know that paris moving even though is with the feds i hear hes getting out soon in a couple of years if hes going to kill again but hes going to be getting out and something should be done about that someone elses kid is going to get shot or killed i dont know if he ever watches television we want to remind him what he the to any son. I want to remind thomas han bull what they the to any son im still hurting august 14th has passed iangry after all thoe years its easier but it doesnt get easier i can deal with that but it doesnt get easier i want to remind you what i had to go through i know that the oakland crime have a new thing their implementing out in oakland to put the pictures up on the bus stops and everything why cant they do that here so i wouldnt have to climb up on a pole for any sons picture to someone put e take down they continue to hurt me all the time i think this guy needs for watched when he gets out of jail paris moving even though and especially thomas han buthomas. Chief do you want to give an update. Anyone has information we yesterday spoke about the murder of a lady in the bloif any information on any of those cases please call our anonymous 415 5754444 tipline and also one of the things the kids spoke to well soon be having an app on the feign any people that are phone call friendly and feel protected hopefully in the next several weeks maybe that will help us catch a break in this case. Okay good evening and well. Good evening, everybody yeah. I came if india initial im jewel and my husbands names we live San Francisco on july 18th this year police broke in my kitchen window and got in to the kitchen and picked the lock to open my bedroom two Police Officers pointed guns to ask me and my husband and they said put your hands up and me and my husbands put our hands up and i said dont shoot i was having any breakfast at the time and my husband just woke up from the bed watching tv the police said the neighbor called the police the police said the neighbor called the police a big bang came from my address at the 94 it was july 17th yeah. On friday at this point, i was working peacefully annihilates night they didnt hear any bang for the tenants live upstairs we live in the garage units they said they didnt hear anything bang that shot or something going on and then my husband called the police asking for a report not on the report they pointed a gun to us today, im here i want to ask police chief why they didnt put the report on the Police Report they pointed gun to us so are you finished . Oh, yeah, he hope the police can have the body camera so we can have the evidence what they the to us passenger seat guns. I want to make sure we got our remarks it is not a q and a but i see sergeant standing here willing to answer questions on behalf of the department and Deputy Director bottle discharge. My husband made the complaint to occ about this going on. It takes time the Deputy Director is there. Im lucky im alive. Were apologizing for this, please to the occ commission. I forgot to ask you on the paper in sunday the City Attorney. Im sorry ms. Brown but the City Attorney is telling me. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes behave to treat all the public equally and they have the suspects im talking to someone. Im going to direct you to deputy chief he is unfortunately, the City Attorney is correct i have to treat everybody the say thank you ms. Brown any further Public Comment hearing Public Comment is closed. Sergeant please call the next item. The awards of the commission action. All right. Colleagues in packet a memo by chief suhr this is the followup on the Wards Committee meeting in june chief you want to talk about this. Again, i think weve vetted the names weve matches them up against open cases finding none the actions of the officers were axiliary and all well deserving as recommended. Ill say i attend the Wards Committee meeting i think commissioner mazzucco has explained to everyone in daily a beautiful antic box it is used with marbles a Different Group of captains they take their role sorrowful and determine when the level of awards they should get you was able to observe that and count the marbles so this is that was the process that i was able to obvious just to clarify weve had this issue up before has the occ signed off no open cases for any of those officers sergeant. Yeah. Thats an affirm and chief the department did theyre vetting sometimes were done with our piece and the occ and there are other agencies mainly the District Attorneys Office that allow us not to call it cross were not the realm. No open cases by any definition. Thats my problem, no da no department of justice regarding anything. No any other questions colleagues. Okay. Do i have another motion. So second. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Passes unanimously to congratulations to the recipients do we know when the ceremony is going to be done. In front of okay. Okay great is there any Public Comment on the vote that we just held hearing none Public Comment is closed. Public comment on all matters for closed session including Public Comment to hold item 8 in closed session and ladies and gentlemen, were going to go into closed session and vote whether or not to go into closed session hearing Public Comment is closed sergeant. Item 7 vote to hold item 8 in closed session to assert the trnt privilege with San Francisco administrative code action. Colleagues do i have a motion not to discolor relevant to the sections referenced all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes and so were b open session colleagues, i made an error i invited a motion not to discolor that is the motion after closed session i appreciate my colleagues and so i invite a motion to hold item 8 in closed session and assert the attorney compliant privilege all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes were now in. Do you have a question . Back in open session call the next line item arrest whether to discolor all matters in closed session administrative code 67. 1 a action not to disclose all in favor, say i. I. That item passes unanimously were okay im sorry sergeant next line item adjournment. Motion to adjourn. All in favor, say i. I. Nancy pelosis passes unanimously

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